

实验十五 USB 摄像头驱动和应用实验

实验十五 USB 摄像头驱动和应用实验

2.3 视频捕获函数与其捕获线程
int CCameraCode::StartStreaming (HDC hdc, RECT *prect, WORD wFormat, WORD wFrame, DWORD dwInterval) { PTHREADSTRUCT pThd = (PTHREADSTRUCT)LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof (THREADSTRUCT)); if (!pThd) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // Load parameter passing struct pThd->wFormat = wFormat; pThd->wFrame = wFrame; pThd->rect = *prect; pThd->dwInterval = dwInterval; pThd->hdc = hdc; pThd->pCamercode =this;
USB 设备的识别过程,包括 USB 总线枚举过程、设备类配置过程等。而 USB 的通信过 程,则按层次依次分为信号层、协议层和数据传输层进行。下面分别对上述过程进行描述。 数据传输层 接 协议层 USB 主机 信号层 USB 总线接口 端 点 口
图 2 USB 通信的逻辑结构
a) USB 设备的识别过程: 总线枚举过程: 当一个新的 USB 设备接入集线器(HUB)的某个端口上,集线器就会通过“状态改变管 道”向 USB 主机(USB Host)报告新的设备的接入。主机询问集线器确认新设备的接入后, 等待一段时间后,向端口发出复位命令并使能该端口。 在端口复位完毕后,该端口就有效了,此时 USB 设备出于默认状态,地址为 0。接着主 机给设备分别一个唯一的地址,设备进入有地址状态。 主机从设备中读取所有配置描述符,并且根据读取的配置描述符为设备指定一个配置。 这样设备就可以得到所需要的电量和其他资源,设备已经准备就绪。 设备类配置: 总线枚举完毕后,从设备的角度讲,它已经可以正常工作了,但是主机尚未为该设备的 不同接口分配具体的客户端驱动程序。 因此此时主机端协议软件找到设备中每个接口所需要 的驱动程序,然后驱动程序从接口的选择设置中选出最合适的,为接口中端点创建管道。 如此完成所有接口的配置,设备的配置过程就彻底完成了。USB 设备就像非 USB 设备一 样传输数据了。 USB 通信原理 USB 的通信就是指 USB 设备与 USB 主机之间的通信。物理上,总线上的设备通过一条物 理连线和主机通信,所有的设备共享这个物理链路。逻辑上,主机给每个设备提供了一条逻 辑的连接,每个设备都有这样一条点对点的连接。 为了细化 USB 的通信机制,协议开发者采用了分层的概念。USB 通信逻辑上分成三层: 信号层、协议层和数据传输层。 信号层用来传输位信息流的信息,在这里传输的数据称为包(Packet) ;协议层用来实 现包字节流的信息,它们在信号层被编码成 NRZI 位信息传送出去,这里的包信息流称为事 务处理(Transaction) ;数据传输层用来实现在功能接口间传输有一定意义的信息, 这些信 息在协议层被打包为包格式,这里的信息流称为传输(Transfer) 。下面分析各个层次进行 数据传输I CCameraCode::ReadFrameThread (PVOID pArg) { int rc = 0; BOOL f; DWORD dwBytes; THREADSTRUCT Thd; FORMATPROPS fmtData; int nFrameCnt = 0; DWORD dwTick = 0; DWORD dwErr = 0; if (!pArg) return -1; // Copy over params Thd = *(PTHREADSTRUCT)pArg; CCameraCode *pCameracode=(CCameraCode*)Thd.pCamercode; LocalFree (pArg); rc = pCameracode->GetFormatInformation (Thd.wFormat, Thd.wFrame, &fmtData); if (rc) return rc; // Initialize the conversion library rc =pCameracode->pMjpe2bmp-> InitDisplayFrame (NULL); RECT rect; if ((Thd.rect.right == 0) && (Thd.rect.bottom == 0)) SetRect (&rect, Thd.rect.left,, Thd.rect.left + fmtData.dwWidth, + fmtData.dwHeight); else rect = Thd.rect; // Parameters needed to start a stream STARTVIDSTRUCT svStruct; dwBytes = 0; svStruct.cbSize = sizeof (STARTVIDSTRUCT); svStruct.wFormatIndex = Thd.wFormat; svStruct.wFrameIndex = Thd.wFrame; svStruct.dwInterval = Thd.dwInterval; svStruct.dwNumBuffs = NUMBUFFS; svStruct.dwPreBuffSize = PREBUFFSIZE; svStruct.dwPostBuffSize = 0; // Start the video stream f = DeviceIoControl ( pCameracode->hCam, IOCTL_CAMERA_DEVICE_STARTVIDEOSTREAM, (LPVOID)&svStruct, sizeof (STARTVIDSTRUCT), 0, 0, &dwBytes, NULL); if (f) { GETFRAMESTRUCT gfsIn;





2.2 USB摄像头通过WIFI与机顶盒连接:


独立模式:独立使用USB 摄像头和远程手机(或机顶盒)进行通话或监控,机顶盒只提供网络接入功能。





数字信号处理芯片DSP(DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING)功能:主要是通过一系列复杂的数学算法运算,对数字图像信号参数进行优化处理,并把处理后的信号通过USB等接口传到PC等设备。

DSP结构框架:1. ISP(image signal processor)(镜像信号处理器)2. JPEG encoder(JPEG图像解码器)3. USB device controller(USB设备控制器)常见的摄像头传感器类型主要有两种,一种是CCD传感器(Chagre Couled Device),即电荷耦合器。

一种是CMOS传感器(Complementary Metal­Oxide Semiconductor)即互补性金属氧化物半导体。




手机摄像头的简单结构滤光片有两大功用: 1.滤除红外线。



感光芯片由感光体(CELL)构成,最好的光线是直射进来,但为了怕干扰到邻近感光体,就需要对光线加以修整,因此那片滤光片不是玻璃,而是石英片,利用石英的物理偏光特性,把进来的光线,保留直射部份,反射掉斜射部份,避免去影响旁边的感光点.二、相关参数和名词1、常见图像格式1.1 RGB格式:传统的红绿蓝格式,比如RGB565,RGB888,其16­bit数据格式为5­bit R + 6­bit G + 5­bit B。



【摘要】@@ 目前,市场上的USB摄像头,一般采用CCD或CMOS感光板,然后将图像信息转换为数字信号并通过USB通用串行口送入电脑中.所以USB摄像头要受到两方面的限制,一是感光板的分辨率、灵敏度,一是USB口的传输率.USB口的数字信号传输率号称可以达到12MB,实际上USB摄像头所能使用的带宽也就
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USB3.0Behavior Tracking CameraUser ManualVersion1.2.0Contents1Overview31.1System Overview (3)2Operations Guide72.1Getting Started (7)2.2Installing the camera driver (7)3Doric Neuroscience Studio Software83.1Behavior Tracking Camera (8)3.2Behavioral Tracking Analyser (11)4Specifications134.1Specifications (13)5Support145.1Maintenance (14)5.2Warranty (14)5.3Contact us (14)1Overview1.1System OverviewThe camera system is comprised of the camera itself,the objective lens,and a Trig cable.The system is shown with the microscope system (Fig.1.1)and with the electrophysiology console (Fig.1.2).1.1.1USB3.0Behavior CameraThe behavior camera is used to observe experimental subject.It has the following elements.•One USB3.0Micro-B port (Fig.1.3b ).•One 12-pin Hirose port (Fig.1.3b ).•One Assembly Base with 2M6screw-holes and one 1/4-20screw-hole (Fig.1.3c ).These can be used to secure the camera on a tripod,or inside an optical setup.•One Objective ,with a Focus Adjustment Ring and Iris Adjustment Ring (Fig 1.3a ).•The CLCS Mount connects the Camera and the Objective Lens .(a)Camera Side(b)Camera Back (c)Camera UndersideFigure 1.3:USB3.0Behavior Camera LayoutFigure1.1:USB3.0Behavior Tracking Camera+Miniature Fluorescence MicroscopeFigure1.2:USB3.0Behavior Tracking Camera+Electrophysiology Console1.1.2Trig CableThe Trig Cable assembly allows the use of external triggers.The cable connects to the12-pin Hirose output of the camera.On the opposite side of the cable there is a BNC Input which allows digital signals to be sent to the camera.Figure1.4:Trig Cable2Operations Guide2.1Getting StartedThe USB key contains2pieces of software:1)the Doric Neuroscience Studio to control Doric hardware,and2)theCam33U setup software.Instructions to install and maintain the Doric Neuroscience Studio can be found in the appro-priate manual.2.2Installing the camera driver•Select the Cam33U setup4.2.0.1262.exefile.This will open the Installation Wizard.Figure2.1:Installation Wizard,Installation Window•In the Installation Wizard,select Install.Once complete,select Finish.Figure2.2:Installation Wizard,Installation End Window•Connect the USB-A/USB Micro-B cable to the computer and camera.The camera MUST BE CONNECTED TO AUSB3.0PORT.•When connected,open the Doric Neuroscience Studio.The camera should be detected immediately,and the Cam-era T abs will open.See section3for more information.3Doric Neuroscience Studio Software3.1Behavior Tracking CameraOur Behavior Tracking Camera is a great addition to any experiment.Thefilming of the animal is complementary infor-mation needed to establish a correlation between the neuronal activity of a specific brain region and animal behavior.The interface from the software(Fig.3.1)provides a framework for streaming high-speed video and related control dataover computer networks.Figure3.1:Camera ModuleThe constant live feed allows the status of the camera to be followed.On the bottom left are shown Resolution(in X byY pixels),FPS(in Frames Per Second)and Zoom(in%).In addition to the constant live feed,the module contains fourtabs allowing the the configuration and control of the camera.1.The Capture tab(Fig.3.2)contains the controls related to image and movie capture,and saving.Figure 3.2:Camera Module -Capture Tab•The Live button acquires images and displays them.These images are for display only and cannot be saved.•The Snap button saves one image to a user-de fined file.Live mode must be active to acquire images.•The Record button acquires a continuous image stream,and saves it to a user-de fined file as one.AVI file.•The target file for recording is de fined by the Saving Options window and shown in the T arget File label.(a)Saving Options Window-General (b)Saving Options Window-EncodingFigure 3.3:Saving Options Windowa)The General tab is used to de fine basic file setting.–The Filename box is used to de fine the name of the recorded video file.Currently,all videos are saved in .avi format.–The ...button is used to de fine the target directory where the video will be saved.–The File Index box is used to choose the index that follows the Filename .b)The Encoding tab is used to choose video encoding quality.Most elements can be changed either using the appropriate Text Box or Slider .–The Bitrate sets the number of bits recorded per rger,and larger-resolution images re-quire a higher Bitrate .–The Best Quality Factor and Worst Quality Factor are used to de fine the compression of saved video,with a factor of 1implying no compression,and a factor of 31for maximal compression.The Best Quality Factor indicates the lowest-compression frames accepted,while the Worst Quality Factor indicated the highest-compression frames accepted.–The Max Quality Difference box indicated the maximal compression difference between two sub-sequent video frames.–The Thread Count de fines the number of processing threads (real and virtual)used on the CPU.There is a maximum of ing more threads can provide better resolution and FPS though is more demanding on the CPU.2.The Synchronization tab (Fig.3.4)contains the controls related to synchronization with other Doric devices.The software will allow for the synchronized triggering of the experiment.To synchronize the frame acquisition be-tween the camera and the microscope,it is important to set the same frame rate in both devices (e.g.Camera FPS:20and Microscope exposure:50ms).Figure3.4:Camera Module-Synchronization Tab•The Trigger Mode drop-down list allows the Manual,Internal or External modes to be chosen.In Manual mode,the camera controls are used to acquire the images.In Internal mode,the camera follows a signal com-ing from the program.In External mode,the camera follows an outside signal,with each pulse corresponding to a frame taken.•Trigger Source is used to select the master device when the Internal trigger mode is selected.•While using Autosave,every video started by the acquisition of the master device will be automatically saved to the targetfile determined in the Capture tab.3.The View tab(Fig.3.5)allows the zoom of the video to be modified.Figure3.5:Camera Module-View Tab•The Zoom In button increases the zoom factor for the image display.•The Zoom Out button decreases the zoom factor for the image display.•The Reset Zoom button resets the zoom factor to100%.•The Zoom factor button selects the zoom factor directly.4.The Settings tab(Fig.3.6)contains the controls related to the camera functions.Figure3.6:Camera Module-Settings Tab•The Device box displays the camera serial number.•The Resolution drop-down list selects the resolution of the camera.•The FPS drop-down list selects the frame per second value of the camera.The FPS is dependent on the resolution.•The Exposure(in ms)slider adjusts the exposure time of the pixels.If Auto is checked,the exposure time is calculated automatically.•The Gain(in dB)slider adjusts the gain of the pixels.If Auto is checked,the gain is calculated automatically.•The White balance button automatically adjusts the white balance for5seconds.•The Save Configuration button is used to save the setting configuration in.doric format for future use.•The Load Configuration button is used to load setting configurations in.doric format.3.2Behavioral Tracking AnalyserThis module allows the observation of behavior video with traces from experimental measurements.Video data is taken in.avi format,while trace data is received in.csv format.Figure3.7:Behavioral Tracking Analysis Module InterfaceThe interface can be separated into4major sections(Fig3.7).1.The T abs are used to access the functions of the module.2.The Time counters show the timestamp of a given frame in the video.As video is taken at a low frequency(50Hz),while photometry data can be taken at very high frequency(>10kHz),the timestamp displayed is that of the data point nearest to that of the frame.3.The Video box is used to show video and control the frames displayed.The Play button on the bottom left runsthe video.The scrollbar beside it can be used to choose a frame while the video is paused.4.The Traces box shows the various traces associated with the video.The red bar over the traces corresponds to thetimestamp of the associated frame of the video.3.2.1T absTwo tabs are found in this module.1.The File tab(Fig.3.8a)is used to load and remove data.The Load Video buttons allows the loading of.avi videofiles.The Load Traces button allows you to choose a.csvfile and then opens the trace selection window(Fig.3.8b).From this window,the desired traces can be selected.The Clear All button clear all experimental data from the module.2.The View tab(Fig.3.9)allows the modification of the video display.The Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons zoom thevideo display in and out.The Reset Zoom button resets the zoom to100%.The Zoom Factor drop-down list allows the choice of a specific zoom factor,from10%to500%.(a)Behavioral Tracking Analysis Module,File Tab View(b)Behavioral Tracking Analysis Module,TraceImport WindowFigure3.8:Behavioral Tracking Analysis Module,File TabFigure3.9:Behavioral Tracking Analysis Module,View Tab4Specifications4.1SpecificationsT able4.1:USB3.0Behavior Tracking Camera SpecificationsSPECIFICATION VALUEVideo formats B&W1920x1080Y800Color1920x1080RGB32Frame rate@full resolution60Resolution H:1920,V:1080Format1/2.8”Pixel size 2.9µm x2.9µmLens mount C/CSInterface USB3.0Supply voltage 4.5to5.5VDCExposure20µs to30sGain0to72dBDimension H:29mm,W:29mm,L:43mmMass(camera)61gMass(objective lens)106gT able4.2:Behavior Tracking Camera Lens SpecificationsFocal Length(mm)Aperture(F)MOD1(m)FOV@1m5 1.4-16C20.10 1.0x1.0T able4.3:Environmental SpecificationsDESCRIPTION OPERATION STORAGEUse Indoor-Temperature-5-45◦C-20-60◦CHumidity20-80%RH,non condensing20-95%RH,non condensing1Minimum object distance2Circular Iris5Support5.1MaintenanceThe product does not require any maintenance.Do not open the enclosure.Contact Doric Lenses for return instructionsif the unit does not work properly and needs to be repaired.5.2WarrantyThis product is under warranty for a period of12months.Contact Doric Lenses for return instructions.This warrantywill not be applicable if the unit is damaged or needs to be repaired as a result of improper use or operation outside the conditions stated in this manual.For more information,see our Website.5.3Contact usFor any questions or comments,do not hesitate to contact us by:Phone1-418-877-5600Email*********************©2019DORIC LENSES INC357rue Franquet-Quebec,(Quebec)G1P4N7,CanadaPhone:1-418-877-5600-Fax:1-418-877-1008。






























1. 设备描述符(Device Descriptor):设备描述符用于描述USB设备的基本信息。



2. 配置描述符(Config Descriptor):配置描述符用于描述USB设备的配置信息。



3. 接口描述符(Interface Descriptor):接口描述符用于描述USB设备的接口信息。









8MP Sony IMX219 USB摄像头模块说明书

8MP Sony IMX219 USB摄像头模块说明书

8MP Sony IMX219(SKU:B0196)QUICK START GUIDEUSB Camera ModuleSPECSHow to use the program (Windows demo only)The Menu bar at the top of the shown image con-tains few menu items and the current preview resolution and the frame rate are displayed on the bottom bar when the application is running. The following sections describe each of the menu items•Menu>DevicesThis menu will show the available video devices to host PC. The B0196 named USB Camera .•Menu>OptionsThe options menu can be used to select the pre-view and image parameters supported by this camera.How to use the program (Windows demo only)-Video Capture PinINTRODUCTION•About ArducamArducam has been a professional designer and manufacturer of SPI, MIPI, DVP and USB cameras since 2012. We also offer customized turnkey design and manufacturing solution services for customers who want their products to be unique.•About this USB CameraThe B0196 is a new member of the Arducam ’s USB camera family. It ’s an 8MP, UVC compliant, USB 2.0 camera. This USB camera is based on 1/4” Sony IMX219 image sensor, and you can learn more about its specs in the next chapter. Arducam also provides the sample application that demonstrates some features of this camera.•About UVCThe B0196 is a UVC -compliant camera. The native UVC drivers of Windows, Linux and Mac shall be compatible with this camera so that it does not require extra drivers to be installed.•About Customer ServiceIf you need our help or want to customize other models of USB cameras, feel free to contact us at *******************QUICK START•How to download the program1.Download the APP Amcap from the following link https:///downloads/app/AMCap.exe2.NOTE:If used with the Android device, USB Camera APP and connect adapter are needed.For Mac OS, please open the native software facetime and select the video camera “USB Camera” .•How to connect the cameraConnect the one end of the USB 2.0 cable to the USB 2.0 connector provided on the back of B0196, and connect the other end to the USB 2.0 host controller on the computer.How to use the program (Windows demo only)-Video Capture Filter -> Video Proc Amp/Camera ControlHow to use the program (Windows demo only)•Menu> CaptureThe capture menu is used to capture the still image and video by using this application. You can also select the related parameters.。



2.0SIMULANT CAMERA模拟式 模拟摄像头是将视频采集设备产生的模拟视频信号转换成数字信号,进
而将其存储到SYSTEM MEMORY里.模拟摄像头捕捉到的视频信号必须 经过特定的视频捕捉卡将模拟信号转换成数字模式,并加以压缩后才可以 转换到HOST SYSTEM上运用,经过HOST SYSTEM 的编辑,通过 DISPLAY显示和输出.
USB 摄像头的工作原理
1、简介 2、分类 3、工作原理 4、结构和组件 5、技术指标 6、发展趋势
1.0常规介绍 2.0技术介绍
1.0常规介绍 摄像头<CAMERA>又称为电脑像机、电脑眼等,它作为一
种视频入设备,在过去广泛地应用于视频会议、远程医疗、实 时监控等方面. 近年以来,随着互联网技术的发展,网络速度的不断提高,再加上 感光成像器件技术的日渐成熟并大量用于摄像头的产品制造 上,使得它们的价格低到可以令普通老百姓可以接受消费水平. 同时这两年CAMERA被广泛应用于MOBILE PHONE,这样一 来,更加促进了感光成像技术的进一步提高,如:30万像素,130 万像素,200万像素,300万像素等.
Proprietary sensor technology utilizes advanced algorithms to cancel
Fixed Pattern
Noise <FPN>,
eliminate smearing, and drastically reduce
blooming. All required camera
四、组件与结构 CMOS传感器





常见的摄像头协议有以下几种:B(Universal Serial Bus)协议:USB是一种通用的串行总线接口协议,被广泛用于连接计算机和外部设备。


2.RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol)协议:RTSP是一种用于实时媒体流传输的协议,常用于视频监控领域。


3.ONVIF(Open Network Video Interface Forum)协议:ONVIF是一个行业标准,旨在促进IP网络摄像头和其他设备之间的互操作性。

基于ONVIF 协议的摄像头可以与支持ONVIF协议的设备进行互联,并实现统一的管理和控制。

4.RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol)协议:RTP是一种用于实时媒体数据传输的协议,常用于视频会议、流媒体等场景。

摄像头可以通过RTP 协议将视频数据进行分片和传输,接收端可以根据RTP协议进行数据的解析和播放。

5.HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)协议:HTTP是一种用于在Web浏览器和服务器之间传输超文本的应用层协议。










2.传感器原理USB摄像头的传感器一般使用CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体)或CCD (电荷耦合器件)技术。
















Fanvil CM60 便携式高清 USB 摄像头说明书

Fanvil CM60 便携式高清 USB 摄像头说明书

Cámara USB HD portátil Fanvil CM60Funciones de video2 megapíxelesCódec de video: H.264Resolución de videollamada: 1080P a 30 fpsBalance de blancos automático / manualCompensación automática de exposiciónAjustable con vista de obturador deprivacidadDiagonal: 102 °Horizontal: 94 °Vertical: 62 °Ángulo de ajuste vertical: ± 20 °InterfacesPuerto USB x1: Micro USB 2.0Otras características físicasColor: gris oscuroLuz indicadora de estado x1 (con LED de dos colores)Alimentación: 5 V a <500 mA a través del puerto USBTemperatura de trabajo: -10 ~ 50Humedad de trabajo: 10 ~ 90%PaqueteCable USB x1Instalación:EscritorioMontado en un teléfono IP o monitor LCDDimensiones del dispositivo: 51x90,14x141,31 mmDimensiones de la caja de regalo: 155x115x55 mmDimensiones exteriores del CTN: 297x250x330 mm (20 piezas)Las especificaciones anteriores pueden actualizarse en el futuro sin previo aviso. Todas las características físicas / de hardware / software deben basarse en los productos finales enviados. Para obtener más información, visite: Lista de compatibilidad:CM60 es una cámara de video HD USB con 2 megapíxeles y resolución 1080P, adecuada parateléfonos Fanvil de gama alta. Es simple y fácil de instalar en un teléfono IP, un monitor LCD yun escritorio con plug and play. No es necesario instalar software de controlador adicional,ubicación flexible y ajuste de ángulo. Con un interruptor de obturador de privacidad, CM60proporciona a los usuarios comunicaciones de video seguras y de alta calidad.Reflejos□□□□□√ Conecta y reproduce√ Ángulo ajustable y colocación flexible√ Cámara HD de 2 megapíxeles√ 1080P a 30 fps√ Interruptor del obturador de privacidad√ Adecuado para teléfonos de gama alta FanvilAgregar: 4F, Block A, Building 1 #, GaoXinQi Hi-Tech Park (Phase-II), 67th District, Bao'An, Shenzhen, China Tel: +86-755-2640-2199 Envíe por fax: + 86-755-2640-2618 Correoelectrónico:****************。




数字信号处理芯⽚DSP(DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING)功能:主要是通过⼀系列复杂的数学算法运算,对数字图像信号参数进⾏优化处理,并把处理后的信号通过USB等接⼝传到PC等设备。

DSP结构框架: 1. ISP(image signal processor)(镜像信号处理器) 2. JPEG encoder(JPEG图像解码器) 3. USB device controller(USB设备控制器)常见的摄像头传感器类型主要有两种,⼀种是CCD传感器(Chagre Couled Device),即电荷耦合器。

⼀种是CMOS传感器(Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)即互补性⾦属氧化物半导体。




⼿机摄像头的简单结构滤光⽚有两⼤功⽤: 1.滤除红外线。



感光芯⽚由感光体(CELL)构成,最好的光线是直射进来,但为了怕⼲扰到邻近感光体,就需要对光线加以修整,因此那⽚滤光⽚不是玻璃,⽽是⽯英⽚,利⽤⽯英的物理偏光特性,把进来的光线,保留直射部份,反射掉斜射部份,避免去影响旁边的感光点.⼆、相关参数和名词1、常见图像格式1.1 RGB格式:传统的红绿蓝格式,⽐如RGB565,RGB888,其16-bit数据格式为5-bit R + 6-bit G + 5-bit B。

IPEVO V4K超高清USB摄像头快速上手指南说明书

IPEVO V4K超高清USB摄像头快速上手指南说明书

V4K Ultra High Definition USB Camera captures a variety of subjects — including standard letter-sized documents, three-dimensional objects, devices like smartphones and Apple's iPad, and even A3-sized documents and larger — and streams high-definition live video to your computer.The BasicsCustomer Service Email:************Quick Start Guide V4K Ultra High Definition USB CameraV4K is compatible with a variety of software as long as they recognize the video source coming from V4K, which is a standard UVC camera. You may wish to use it with our IPEVO Visualizer software. You may download IPEVO Visualizer at: /v4kSoftware CompatibilityGetting to Know Your V4KCopyright© 2018 IPEVO Corp. All rights reserved 1. Focus button: Focuses the subject.2. AutoFocus switch: Sets the focus to Single (S) for static subject, or Continuous (C) for moving subject.3. Exposure toggle: Provides exposure customization.4. LED indicator: Turns white if V4K is in use and providing an image.5. Microphone: Turns on when V4K is in use. You can select it as your audio device for video recording.• Camera: 8 Megapixel camera. Camera head can be swiveled for customizing orientation.• Multi-jointed stand:- Quickly and easily change the height and position to capture your material. - Tighten loose joints by turning bolts at connecting joints clockwise with a coin.• Weighted base: Provides a stable base for V4K.V4K consists of three parts — an 8 Megapixel camera, a versatile multi-jointed stand, and a weighted base.。










现在电脑市场上的摄像头基本以数字摄像头为主,而数字摄像头中又以使用新型数据传输接口的USB 数字摄像头为主,目前市场上可见的大部分都是这种产品。







注2:数字信号处理芯片DSP(DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING)功能:主要是通过一系列复杂的数学算法运算,对数字图像信号参数进行优化处理,并把处理后的信号通过USB等接口传到PC等设备。

天敏USB系列摄像头 10MOONS USB CAM 说明书

天敏USB系列摄像头 10MOONS USB CAM 说明书

在视频播放面板中单击“图像浏览” 可启动图像浏览窗口,对您抓取储存到 计算机中的快照进行浏览。
用 户 可 以 选 择 录 制 成AVI、Mpeg-1,Mpeg-4格式的文件,还可以自定义 录制MPEG-1格式的文件。
1 . 请 先 确 定 您 计 算 机 的 系 统 已 升 级 或 更 换 成 W i n d o ws98 SE、 Windows Me、Windows 2000或Windows Xp简体中文版本。并请在安装 之前卸载其他视频软件,否则有可能会由此引起设备不能正常运行的 后果。
2.本安装程序会同时把设备驱动程序和应用软件一并安装。 3.如果您的系统曾安装过其它摄像头,请删除其残余的驱动,具 体办法请参阅问题4.2。
* 静态图像捕捉最大分辨率为640X480,提供的存盘格式为: BMP、JPG * 帧速率:30帧/秒(CIF)、15帧/秒(VGA) * 视像解析度:最大640(H)X480(V)像素 * 动态捕获存储格式:MPEG-1(支持捕获音频),MEGE-4,AVI * 软件界面个性化装饰功能,可通过个性按钮将你的头像镶进软件界面中 * 可以通过按钮直接启动MSN、QQ、ICQ等视频会议软件 * 内置全功能播放软件,可以播放录下来的视频软件 * 内置照片浏览功能,可全屏幻灯式播放 * 影像视窗大小可调,可全屏显示,显示画面顺畅不间断
录像:点击录像按钮,会将当前的视频流以时间顺序存储为AVI、Mpeg -1或者Mpeg-4文件。再次点击录像按钮,停止录像。
浏览图像文件:点击浏览图像文件按钮,视频显示界面自动隐藏,弹 出浏览图像文件窗口,显示高级设置的快照存放目录中存放的所有图形文件。
全屏:点击全屏按钮,视频窗口覆盖整个屏幕。 帮助:弹出本帮助文件。 暂停:冻结当前视频图像。 退出:结束软件。 个性化界面按钮:软件界面个性化装饰功能,可通过此按钮将你的头像 镶进软件界面中。 声音:点击此按钮则会变成静音,再次点击恢复声音。

RS高清720P USB网络摄像头使用手册说明书

RS高清720P USB网络摄像头使用手册说明书

Instruction ManualRS Stock No: 2013517 Part No: WEB-V7-UBK 720P PC USB Webcam Features• HD720P high resolution• Built-in microphone for video calls• Snapshot button for taking still images• Multi-function bracket for any monitor or laptop • Compression format:YUY2 • Video range:60 degrees• Video resolution:720P; 1080*720 • Focus range:30cm to infinity• Supports Windows 7,8,10 and MacOS X 10.9 or higher .• Plug and Play driver installationInstructions1,Place the camera mount in the correct position in the centre of the top of the screen.2,Press down on the camera mount and clip the rear end of it on and over the back of your screen. The webcam will now be clipped to your screen, you can adjust the angle according to your preference.3,Connect the USB cable to your computer4,The Webcam ha s a ‘Plug and Play’ driver installation, once your computer is turned on, Microsoft Windows / Mac OS will automatically detect the webcam and install the drivers.Detailed Specifications• USB cable length:150cm; • Photo format: BMP,JPG • Interface: USB 2.0• Sensor: CMOS • Built-in sound-absorbing and noise-reducing microphone • Contrast Optimization engine: Contrast balance• VM engine: 180M / 8MP high speed processor• TWAINSafety and Health MessagesWarning:Failure to properly set up, use, and care for this product can increase the risk of serious injury or death, or damage to the device or devices. Read this guide and keep all printed guides for future reference.Health WarningUse of electronic input devices may be linked to serious injuries or disorders. When using a computer, as with many activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. However, if you experience symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or stiffness, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS. PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your computer. Symptoms like these can be associated with painful and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorders of the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other parts of the body. These musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions.While researchers are not yet able to answer many questions about MSDs, there is general agreement that many factors may be linked to their occurrence, including: overall health, stress and how one copes with it, medical and physical conditions, and how a person positions and uses their body during work and other activities (including use of a keyboard or mouse). The amount of time a person performs an activity may also be a factor. If you have questions about how your own lifestyle, activities, or medical, or physical condition may be related to MSDs, see a qualified health professional.All DevicesDo Not Attempt RepairsDo not attempt to take apart, open, service, or modify the hardware device or power supply. Doing so could present the risk of electric shock or other hazard. Any evidence of any attempt to open and/or modify the device, including any peeling, puncturing, or removal of any of the labels, will void the Warranty.Choking HazardThis device may contain small parts which may be a choking hazard to children under 3. Keep small parts away from children.Usage and CleaningUse in accordance with these instructions:● Do not use near any heat sources.● Only use attachments/accessories specified● Clean only with dry cloth.● Do not allow this product to become wet. To reduce the risk of fire or shock, do not expose this product to rain or other types of moisture.Statement of Compliance with EU DirectivesHereby, Ceratech Accuratus Limited declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and otherrelevant provisions of Directives, 2015/863, EN 50581:2012 and 2011/65/EU, as applicable.Company: Ceratech Accuratus LimitedAddress: Ceratech House, Unit 3 Grove Park, Mill Lane, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QG. UKTelephone number: +44 1420 85470Product Disposal InstructionsWEEE DirectiveThe symbol shown here and on the product means that the product is classed as Electrical or Electronic Equipment andshould not be disposed with other household or commercial water at the end of its working life.The waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC) has been put in place to recycle productsusing best available recovery and recycling methods to minimise the impact on the environment and to treat any hazardous substances and avoid the increasing landfill.Product disposal instructions for residential users:When you have no further use for it, please remove any batteries and dispose of them and the product as per your local authority’s recycling processes. For more information please contact your local authority or the retailer where the item was purchased.Product disposal instructions for business users:Business users should use their own contracted disposal agreements with regards to following WEEE procedures so that this product is not mixed with other commercial waste.Technical SupportThis product is ‘plug and play’, however if you do experience problems setting up and need support you can contact the technical team at Thankyou for purchasing our product.。

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USB 摄像头的工作原理目录1、简介2、分类3、工作原理4、结构和组件5、技术指标6、发展趋势一、简介1.0常规介绍2.0技术介绍一、简介1.0常规介绍摄像头(CAMERA)又称为电脑像机、电脑眼等,它作为一种视频入设备,在过去广泛地应用于视频会议、远程医疗、实时监控等方面。



一、简介2.0技术介绍ϒ 2.0 Technology of presentation技术介绍ϒGeneral Descriptionϒ简介The camera module is a sensors on board module designed for mobile applicationϒwhere low power consumption and small size are of utmost importance.Proprietary sensor technology utilizes advanced algorithms to cancelFixed PatternNoise (FPN),eliminate smearing, and drastically reduce blooming. All required camera functions are programmable through theSerial Camera Control Bus (SCCB )interface.The device can be programmed to provide image output in various fully processedϒand encoded formats.ApplicationϒPC Camera/ Dual Mode, and Cellular phonesϒVideo conference equipment, Machine vision, Security camera,ϒBiometrics, Digital Still Cameras二、分类1.0DIGITAL CAMERA数字式2.0DIGITAL STILL CAMERA模拟式二、分类1.0DIGITAL CAMERA数字式数字摄像头是直接将摄像单元和视频捕捉单元集成在一起,然后通过串、并口或USB接口连接到HOST SYSTEM上,现在CAMERA市场上的摄像头基本以数字式为主,而数字摄像头中又以新型数据传输接口的USB数字摄像头为主(独立),在手机和电脑上主要是直接通过IO(BTB/USB/MINI/ USB…)与HOST SYSTEM连接,经过SYSTEM的编辑后以数字信号输出到DISPLAY上显示。


二、分类2.0SIMULANT CAMERA模拟式模拟摄像头是将视频采集设备产生的模拟视频信号转换成数字信号,进而将其存储到SYSTEM MEMORY里。

模拟摄像头捕捉到的视频信号必须经过特定的视频捕捉卡将模拟信号转换成数字模式,并加以压缩后才可以转换到HOST SYSTEM上运用,经过HOST SYSTEM 的编辑,通过DISPLAY显示和输出。

1.0GENERAL DESCRIP原理2.0SYSTEM SHOW摄像头主要由镜头、影像传感器(主要是CCD/CMOS器件)、DSP等组成,被摄物体经过镜头聚焦至CCD 上,CCD由多个X-Y纵横排列的像素点组成,每个像素都由一个光电二极管及相关电路组成,光电二极管将光线转变成电荷,收集到的电荷总量与光线强度成比例,所积累的电荷在相关电路的控制下,逐点移出,经滤波、放大,再经过DSP处理后形成视频信号输出。

1.0工作原理摄像头的工作原理大致为:景物通过镜头(LENS)生成的光学图像投射到图像传感器(SENSOR)表面上,然后转为电信号,经过A/D(模/数)转换后变成数字图像信号,再送到数字处理芯片(DSP)中加工处理,再通过I/O 接口传输到电脑中进行处理后,再通过显示屏(DISPLAY)就可以看到图像了。

工作原理方框图景物(SCE)图像传感器(SENSOR)数字信号处理芯片(DSP)电脑(PC)图像(PIC) LENSA/D(COMS无)I/O DISPLAY主控的内部工作原理四、组件与结构3017镜头(LENS)四、组件与结构1.0 LENS(镜头)ϒ一般CAMERA的镜头结构是有几片透镜组成,分有塑胶透镜(PLASTIC)和玻璃透镜(GLASS),ϒ通常CAMERA用的镜头结构有:1P,2P,1G1P,1G3P,2G2P,4G等。


目前市场上针对ϒMOBILE PHONE配置的CAMERA以1G3P(1片玻璃透镜和3片塑胶透镜组成)为主,目的是降低成本。

四、组件与结构CMOS传感器四、组件与结构7670传感器(SENSOR)四、组件与结构ϒ2.0 SENSOR(图象传感器)ϒ图像传感器(SENSOR)是一种半导体芯片,其表面包含有几十万到几百万的光电二极管。


ϒ目前的SENSOR类型有两种:ϒCCD(Charge Couple Device),电荷耦合器件ϒCMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor),互补金属氧化物四、组件与结构CCD组件与结构结构ϒCCD结构一般分为三层:ϒ第一层“LENS”CAMERA的成像关键在于SENSOR,为了扩大CCD的采光率必须扩大单一象素的受光面积,在提高采光率的同时会导致画面质量下降。


ϒ第二层“分色滤色片”ϒ目前分色滤色片有两种分色方法:ϒ A. RGB原色分色法,就是三原色分色法,几乎所有的人类眼睛可以识别的颜色都可以通过R.G.B来组成,RGB就是通过这三个通道的颜色调节而成。

ϒ B. CMYK补色分色法,由四个通道的颜色配合而成,分别是青(C)、洋红(M)、黄(Y)、黑(K),但是调节出来的颜色不如RGB的颜色多。


ϒ四、组件与结构CCD与CMOS的差异ϒ A. 总体比较ϒCCD的优点是灵敏度高,噪音小,信噪比大。




ϒ B. 成像效果ϒ在相同像素下CCD的成像往往通透性、明锐度都很好,色彩还原、曝光可以保证基本准确。



ϒ C. 功耗比较ϒCCD功耗比较高,为使电荷传输顺畅,噪声降低,需要高压差改善传输效果;另外由于CCD无法ADC和讯号处理器,导致需要使用3~4组电源。


以GC0307传感器为例介绍四、组件与结构2.外围电路说明ϒGC0307芯片只需要单电源供电,DVDD28 = 2.8V,其余电源VDD18,AVDD25 及数字参考电源VREF 管脚在模组内部通过电容接地。


ϒ电源上加如图示C1、C2、C3,C4 滤波电容,容值均为0.1uF。

ϒ电容摆放时尽量靠近Pin 脚。

ϒRESET pin 没有引出,由芯片内部控制。

ϒSBCL/SBDA pin 内部已有上拉电阻,系统板可以不加上拉电阻。

四、组件与结构管脚说明:管脚号名称管脚类型功能/说明A1 AVDD25 电源模拟电路电压,内部产生,通过0.1µF或1uF 的电容接地A2 VREF 电源数字参考电源,通过0.1µF 的电容接地A3 SBDA 输入/出串行通讯口数据线A4 SBCL 输入串行通讯口时钟线A5 D7 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[7]B1 GND 电源模拟/数字地B2 PWDN 输入0:正常模式;1:省电模式B3 HSYNC 输出HREF 输出B4 D6 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[6]B5 D5 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[5]C1 VSYNC 输出VSYNC 输出C2 D0 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[0]C3 D3 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[3]C4 D4 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[4]C5 PCLK 输出Pixel 时钟输出D1 DVDD28 电源主供电电源2.8V,通过0.1µF 或1uF 的电容接地D2 D1 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[1]D3 D2 输出YUV/RGB 输出位[2]D4 DVDD18 电源数字电路电源,1.8V,内部产生,通过0.1µF或1uF 的电容接地D5 IN_CLK 输入系统时钟输入ϒ*D[7:0] 8 位YUV 或RGB 数据(D[7]MSB,D[0] LSB)ϒ**Reset 内部拉高,外部没有PIN 脚引出使用技巧使用摄像头,尤其是采用CMOS 芯片的产品时就更应该注重技巧:A.不要在逆光环境下使用(这点CCD 同),尤其不要直接指向太阳,否则“放大镜烧蚂蚁”的惨剧就会发生在您的摄像头上。


克服这种困难有两种办法,一是加强周围亮度,二是选择要求最小照明度小的产品,现在有些摄像头已经可以达到5lux 。


受市场情况及市场发展等情况的限制,摄像头采用CCD 图像传感器的厂商为数不多,主要原因是采用CCD 图像传感器成本高的影响。
