
2024年考研英语一高分作文范文分析与点评作文题目: 人工智能对就业的影响【导语】人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)是当前科技领域最具前景和潜力的发展方向之一。
1. 人工智能对就业的挑战在信息技术的快速发展下,人工智能已经在诸多领域展现出了强大的能力。
2. 人工智能对就业的机遇然而,与挑战同时而来的是人工智能给就业市场带来的巨大机遇。
3. 个人应对人工智能的策略面对人工智能给就业市场带来的变革,个人需要主动调整自己的就业策略。

2023考研英语:小作文精析范文点评2023考研英语:小作文精析范文点评Directions:Some international students are ing to your university. Write then an e-mail in the name of the Students' Union to2) provide some suggestions for their cus life here.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not write the address. (10 Points)一、参考范文Before you e here, I will try to make some useful suggestions for you. First of all, it is better to learn Chinese well as soon as possible. Perhaps it’s not easy to master a language in a short time, but it is very important in your daily life. Secondly, it is necessary to know some cultural differences betweentwo countries. Otherwise, you will meet some unnecessary troubles.At last, you should get to know the weather and prepare for the clothes in each season.We are looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well.Sincerely yours,Li Ming二、范文解析1、内容构造首段开门见山表达了自己对对方的欢送之情,明确表达了文章的主要意思和目的;接着根据题目要求,给对方提供了有关学校生活的建议。

英语一考研小作文(5篇)1:建议信Directions:supegse your friend Jane is going to participate in a speech contest on Chinese culture.Write her an e-mail to suggest a topic with your reasns, and arrrange a time to help her prepare.You should write about 100 words on theANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name. Use LiMing instead. (10 points)Dear Jane,So pleased to hear that you intend to participate in a speech contest on Chinese culture. Today, I am writing to give some suggestions.To begin with, during the past years, it was your hard work that has enabled you to accumulate adequate knowledge about Chinese culture. So, be confident and you will do a great job. Secondly, I know that you are keen on ancient Chinese architecture and we have visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace together. Thus, it is advisable for you to choose ancient Chinese architecture as your topic.I will be free next Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Pleasefeel free to call me when you need help.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2:道歉信Directions:Suppose your foreign friend James is coming to China this Saturday. You originally planned to pick him up at the airport, but could not go now. Write him an email to1) make an apology, and2)propose a solution.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use yourown e “Li Ming” instead.(10 points)Dear James,So pleased to hear that you are coming to China this Saturday. However, I am writing for the purpose of making an apology since Iam afraid that I won't be able to pick you up at the airport as I originally planned.You know that I have been exceedingly busy this half-year because I allocated nearly all my time and energy to preparing for the national entrance exams for postgraduate studies, which is of great significance to me. Then, owing to my carelessness, I did not notice the date of the test is just the day when you (will) come to China until this moment. So, I have no option but to cancel the pickup plan.I am deeply sorry and I plan to show you around Beijing to taste various tasty foods after the test.Yours sincerely,Li Ming预测3:申请Directions:You are to write an e-mail applying for a volunteer position at the Center of Cultural Interchange. Write a letter to the organization to1)express your intention, and2)show why you are qualified.adj.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEETDo not use your own name. Use Li Ming instead. (10 points)Dear Sir/Madam,As a senior student from Peking University who is exceedingly interested in cultural communication, I am writing to apply for the volunteer position in your center.I am convinced that I am qualified for the position because first, during my college years, I focused all my attention on my major, Cross-cultural Exchange. It was my hard work that enabled me to accumulate adequate knowledge of cultures around the world. Second, compared with student of other majors, I possess richer experience in communicating with foreigners, since I have served as a volunteer for several international conferences.If I have the opportunity to be a volunteer for your organization, I will do my utmost to fulfill my duties.Yours sincerely,Li Ming4:推荐Directions: Your foreign friend Jack is planning a trip to China. He is very interested in traditional Chinese festvals and intends to participate in relevant activities. Write an email to1) recommend aChinese festival, and2) give reasons for your recommendation.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEETDo not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. (10 points)Dear Jack,So pleased to hear that you want to travel in China and take part in certain festival celebration activities. Today, I am writing for the purpose of making a recommendation.China is characterized by its time-honored traditions and a series of festivals, including the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and so forth. I deem that it is advisable for you to come to Beijing during the Spring Festival, which is the most significant of Chinese holidays. Taking part in relevant activities can bring you opportunities to enjoy diverse traditional food, arouseyour passion for Chinese culture, and help you accumulate rich life experiences.I am convinced that you will enjoy a comfortable and fruitful trip ofChina's culture, if you come during the Spring Festival.Yours sincerely,Li Ming5:通知/告示Directions:Your university is going to host a welcome party for new international students. Write a notice (or an announcement) in the name of the Students’ Union to1) briefly introduce the party, and2) invite the international students to join it.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name. Use “The Students’ Union” instead.(10 points)Notice/AnnouncementFriday, June 10 It is so great to hear that new international students have arrived at our university.This notice/announcement is for the purpose of inviting you to a welcome party.The party is scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm on June 26th in the Center of Students Activities, which will last for approximately two hours. To begin with, this party will be characterized by its wide variety of activities, including singing and dancing performances, Chinese culture introduction and fun competitions. After these activities, some traditional Chinese snacks will be served and they are particularly worth trying. To conclude, this party will bring you opportunities to make new friends, arouse your passion for the upcoming campus life, and help you know China better.We are looking forward to your participation.The Students’ Union。

考研英语一小作文范文英文回答:As a graduate student, I believe that the decision to pursue a postgraduate degree is a significant one. There are various reasons why I have chosen to continue my education at the graduate level. Firstly, I am passionate about my field of study and I want to deepen my knowledge and expertise in this area. Secondly, I believe that a postgraduate degree will open up more opportunities for me in terms of career advancement and personal growth.In addition, I have always been fascinated by research and I am eager to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in my field. Pursuing a postgraduate degree will allow me to engage in in-depth research and make a meaningful contribution to my field. Furthermore, I am looking forward to the intellectual challenges and the opportunity to work closely with experts in my field.中文回答:作为一名研究生,我相信决定攻读研究生学位是一个重要的决定。

2023年英语一小作文范文分析(合集7篇) 2023年英语一小作文范文分析(合集7篇)DearSir/Madam,段落⼀(1)Iwriteintendingtobegyourpardonabout(某事).(2)Althoughwhatisdoneisdone,Imustexplainmyreasonsforthisa pology.段落⼀(3)Tobeginwith,(第⼀个原因).Ihavesincebeenrackingmybrainstotryandrectifythissituation.(4) Whatismore,(第⼀个原因).Thiswasunquestionablyaddinginsulttoinjury,makingmefeeldow nandsad.Yourssincerely,ZhangSan中文翻译DearSir/Madam,段落⼀(1)我写信的⼀的是请求你原谅(某事)。
Yourssincerely,ZhangSan(2)Iwouldliketoknowwhetheritisconvenientforyouto(做某事).段落⼀(3)Iamwillingtoprovideyouwiththefundamentalinformationabo utthisevent/meeting.(4)Tobeginwith,theevent/meetingwillkickoffat9 amsharp,onMonday,attheauditorium.(5)Inaddition,pleasefillinandsu bmitthepersonaldetails,attachedtothisemail,inadvance.(6)Finally,therewillbeaQuestion&Answersessionforaroundforty minutesintheend.段落三(7)Iamgratefulthatyouhavemadetimetoreadmyletter.(8)Yourattendancewill,withoutdoubt,elevatethisevent/meeting ,inouropinion.Yourssincerely,ZhangSan中文翻译DearSir/Madam,本文文档(1)我是⼀名北京⼀学历史学专业的学⼀。

2023年考研英语一作文范文(精选6篇)2023年考研英语一作文篇1一、不同体裁(一)图表类1.开头句:As is vividly shown/described/depicted inthe picture,______________(图表总内容).From the graph/chart/table/pie/bar, we knowthat______________(图表总内容).2.具体描述:In the first/second/left right cartoon,______________ (单个图表内容).As is shown in the second drawing,______________ (单个图表内容).On the one hand, the picture tells us that______________(单个图表内容); On the other hand, the other one informs us that______________(单个图表内容).3. 结尾句:It is safe to draw the conclusion that______________ (结论).It can easily be seen that______________ (结论).(二)说明类1. Some people are in favor of the ideathat______________ (话题). They point out the fact that______________ (正方观点1).They also argue that_________________ (正方观点2). There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. However, other people stand on a different ground since they consider it harmful to do so. They firmly point out that______________ (反方观点).2. Recently the issue of whether or not_________________(话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major arguments that can be made for. For one thing, the obvious advantage is that______________ (优点1). For another, it is widely hold that people usually when______________ (优点2). But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are still some drawbacks, one of which is that______________ (缺点1).二、不同题材1.保护环境Though being a little exaggerating, the picture illuminates a serious fact that ______________.And for that matter, a recent report also supported this viewby_____________. On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that _____________. Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against _____________, because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control _____________.2.人口增长The picture depicts a scene in which_____________. The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner. Crowds of people are crammed in_____________. Further examination reveals that_____________. Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources.Take_____________for example. Given the fact that _____________, we find that _____________. To make things worse,_____________. If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reasonto hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth. Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is,_____________. Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.3.身体健康The picture_____________. What is strikingly noticeable is _____________ , but it can be easily explainedby_____________shown in the picture. The unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China. One the one hand,_____________. On the other hand,_____________. As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to theirpoor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us. The situation is rather depressing because_____________, and it is largely owing to_____________. To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend_____________, and those who_____________should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.2023年考研英语一作文篇2一、正面话题模板:As is shown above, in the middle of the cartoon stands + 主题词,which symbolizes + 主题词的另一种表达,+ 同位语即主题词第三种表达 + 表示主题词动作的非谓语动词 (例如:in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot,which symbolizes culture,the one containing many Chinese culture symbol. The drawer"s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that + 主题词 + is momentous and fundamental to the mind what food is vital and significant to the body.)Not only I, but also the best philosophers and poets also praise that this concept should be a permanent universal values. Obviously, I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two. Initially, the millennia-long run of + 主题词+ left us with a lot of traditions that are extremely profoundly rooted. 加拓展句:主题词is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark around us becomes.(比如:爱心/自信/亲情/团结/坚持/诚信/友谊/乐观的态度/是一种情感的力量,无论我们周围有多么的黑暗,它都能支持我们。

考研英语一小作文分析I remember the first time I decided to take the GRE. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and I didn't really have a plan. I just thought, "Why not?" So I signed up for the test, bought a few study books, and dove in headfirst.Studying for the GRE was a rollercoaster of emotions. There were days when I felt like I was on top of the world, acing practice tests and feeling confident in my abilities. But then there were days when I couldn't even make sense of a single vocabulary word, and I wondered if I was cut out for this at all.The day of the test arrived, and I was a nervous wreck.I tried to calm my nerves by reminding myself that it was just a test, and no matter what happened, it wouldn't define me. But as I sat down in front of the computer, all those pep talks went out the window, and I was consumed by anxiety.After the test, I felt a strange mix of relief and uncertainty. I was relieved that it was over and that I could finally move on with my life, but I was also uncertain about how I had performed. Had I done well enough to get into the programs I wanted? Only time would tell.In the end, the GRE was just a small blip on the radar of my life. It was a challenging experience, but it taught me a lot about perseverance and resilience. And no matter what the results were, I was proud of myself for taking the leap and giving it my all.。

Section III WritingPart ADirections:Suppose you receive an email from your firend, and write him a reply。
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your own name in the email; use “Li Ming”instead. (10 points)Dear Li Ming.I've got a class assignment to make an orod report on an ancient Chinese Scienctist, but I don't know how to prepare for it. Can you give me some advice? Thank you foryour helpYours.Paul范文:Dear Paul,I am extremely delighted to receive your email. As far as I am concerned, you could report on Li Shizhen, a far-reaching figure in the history of Chinese medicine. His contributions to the field are truly remarkable and deserve to be recognized.I sincerely hope the suggestions above are conducive to your research and writing. If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.Yours sincerely,Li Ming。

2023年考研英语一小作文真题及范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12023年考研英语一小作文真题及范文In recent years, the issue of environmental pollution has become increasingly severe. While some people argue that economic growth should take priority over environmental protection, others believe that protecting the environment is crucial for our long-term survival. This issue has sparked heated debates and discussions around the world.As the global economy continues to grow, so does the level of pollution. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial activities have all contributed to the degradation of our environment. The consequences of this pollution arefar-reaching, from climate change and natural disasters to health problems and loss of biodiversity. In the face of these challenges, it is clear that we need to take action to protect our environment.Those who prioritize economic growth argue that it is necessary to sacrifice the environment in order to achieve prosperity. They believe that strict environmental regulations willhinder economic growth and development. However, this viewpoint fails to consider the long-term impact of environmental degradation on our planet. If we continue to prioritize economic growth over environmental protection, we will ultimately pay the price in terms of our health, our quality of life, and the sustainability of our planet.On the other hand, those who advocate for environmental protection argue that it is essential for our long-term survival. They believe that protecting the environment is not only a moral imperative, but also a practical necessity. By investing in renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and conserving natural resources, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. It is crucial that we strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, in order to ensure the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.In conclusion, the issue of environmental pollution is a complex and pressing problem. While economic growth is important, it should not come at the expense of our environment. By taking action to protect the environment, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Itis time for us to prioritize environmental protection and work towards a greener, cleaner planet.篇2Title: 2023 Postgraduate English Language Test (Module One) Writing Section – Prompt and Sample EssayPrompt:In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards remote work or telecommuting. Some people believe that this shift has brought about positive changes in terms of work-life balance, while others argue that it has negative consequences for productivity and social interaction. Write an essay discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, and give your opinion on whether this trend will continue in the future.Sample Essay:With the advancement of technology, remote work or telecommuting has become increasingly popular in recent years. While some view this trend as a positive development that enhances work-life balance, others are concerned about its impact on productivity and social interaction. In this essay, I willdiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of remote work and offer my opinion on its future prospects.One of the main advantages of remote work is the flexibility it offers. Employees can work from anywhere, whether it be from the comfort of their homes or while traveling. This flexibility allows individuals to better balance their work and personal lives, leading to higher job satisfaction and lower levels of stress. Additionally, remote work can result in cost savings for both employees and employers, as there is no need for commuting or maintaining physical office spaces.On the other hand, remote work has its disadvantages as well. One of the major concerns is the impact on productivity. Without direct supervision, some employees may struggle to stay motivated and focused on their tasks. Furthermore, the lack of face-to-face interaction can hinder collaboration and communication among team members. This could lead to feelings of isolation and disconnect from the company culture.In terms of social interaction, remote work can also have negative consequences. Working from home or other remote locations may limit opportunities for networking and building relationships with colleagues. Face-to-face interactions are important for fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderiewithin a team, and these interactions may be lacking in a remote work environment.As for the future of remote work, I believe that this trend will continue to grow in popularity. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work practices, and many companies have realized the benefits of allowing employees to work from home. In the coming years, we may see a hybrid model emerge, where employees have the option to work remotely part-time or full-time depending on their preferences and job requirements.In conclusion, remote work has both advantages and disadvantages. While it offers flexibility and cost savings, it may also lead to productivity challenges and limited social interaction. Despite these drawbacks, I believe that remote work will continue to be a prevalent trend in the future, as technology continues to advance and more companies embrace the benefits of remote work practices.Overall Word Count: 366 words篇32023年考研英语一小作文真题及范文Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: You should write in 200-300 words based on the following information.【写作题目】Will Online Shopping Replace Traditional Shopping?【写作内容】1. 目前网络购物的兴起;2. 你喜欢哪种购物方式,并陈述理由;3. 对将来的购物方式作出展望。

考研英语小作文(精彩10篇)考研英语小作文篇一Dear John:I am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. But for your assistance, I fear that the consequence might have been much more serious.The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well, and that I would be able to stand up again in a week’s time. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills.Anyway, everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergence that has led to this satisfactory outcome(满意的结果)。
I feel I owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks.Yours sincerely,Li Ming考研英语小作文篇二I’m writing this letter to inform you that we arescheduled to modifyour company’s existing chief promotional mode. The poor performance resultingfromnewspapers and magazines we previously employed to advertise our products, coupled with themounting competitive pressurefromour rivals in the market, has forced us to make some changes. Asfromnext Monday, the Internetwill serve as the main promotional channel to boost our items’ sales. Plus, a stringof advertising campaigns will be launched in a bid to lure consumers. If you need further information, please call me as soon as possible.考研英语小作文篇三Dear Editor:Im writing for the purpose of expressing my views on further prohibiting the use of plastic bags. China has officially enacted the law of plastic bag restriction, but it is observed in vain in several places, thus resulting in the continuing of white pollution.Having the largest population in the world, China is exposed to the most serious plastic pollution. With the quickening pace of life, various disposable products are closely related to our regular life, including unrecyclable lunch boxes and plastic shopping bags. As itis difficult for them to decompose, people find themselves surrounded by an expanding ocean of white rubbish.As a result, it is advisable to solve the problems by three means.Above all, importance should be attached to reinforcing the implementation of the law. In addition, people in those places should gradually enhance their environmental awareness. There is no denying that your magazine should play an important role in preaching the necessity of limiting the plastic bags.Thank you for your patience and concern in reading this letter. Yours sincerely,Li Ming考研英语小作文篇四Dear Lily:Good news travels fast. I heard thatyou wereaccepted(录取) by Tsinghua University.You may not imagine how excited I was when I got the news. Owing to yourindustriousness and intelligence(勤奋和聪明才智), your dream finally comes true 。

范文:下面是一篇关于互联网和手机使用情况的小作文范文:According to the bar chart provided, the usage rate of the Internet and mobile phones has been steadily increasing over the past decade. In 2010, only about 30% of the population had access to the Internet, while the usage rate of mobile phones was around 60%. However, by 2020, these figures had risen to approximately 80% and 90%, respectively.There are several factors that have contributed to this significant growth in Internet and mobile phone usage. Firstly, the rapid development of technology has made the Internet more accessible and affordable for people. In addition, the widespread availability of smartphones has also played a major role in increasing mobile phone usage. Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone, and they use it not only for communication but also for various other purposes, such as browsing the Internet, social networking, and shopping.Another important factor that has contributed to the growth in Internet and mobile phone usage is the increasing demand for online services. With the advancement of e-commerce, online banking, and online education, more and more people are relying on the Internet and mobile phones for daily activities. It is convenient and efficient to shop online, pay bills, and learn new skills through online platforms.In conclusion, the usage rate of the Internet and mobile phones has been steadily increasing over the past decade due to the development of technology, the availability of smartphones, and the increasing demand for online services. It is expected that this trend will continue in the future as technology continues to advance and the Internet becomes an even more integral part of our daily lives.以上范文对于2023考研英语一小作文的解析和范文提供了参考。

考生在解答时需要注意以下几点:1. 理解题目要求:首先要明确图表所代表的内容和要求,并确定图表的主题和类型。
2. 分析图表数据:具体分析图表中的数据特点,找出主要的变化和趋势。
3. 进行适当比较和描述:根据图表数据,进行适当的比较和描述,强调变化和趋势。
4. 注意表达方式:在写作过程中,要注意语言的准确性和流畅性,并且适当运用一些学术用语和表达方式。
1. 图表分析和描述能力:通过观察图表数据,对数据进行准确和恰当的分析和描述。
2. 数据比较和归纳总结能力:对图表中的数据进行比较和总结,找出数据之间的关系和差异。
3. 语言表达能力:运用准确、丰富的词汇和句型,进行清晰、流畅、连贯的表达。
题目:The Demand for Different Energy Sources in the UK (UK不同能源的需求)范文示例:The bar chart illustrates the demand for different energy sources in the UK from 1980 to 2020. It can be clearly seen that the demand for coal and nuclear power has declined over the past four decades, while the demand for oil, natural gas, and renewable energy has increased.In 1980, coal accounted for the largest share of energy demand in the UK, at approximately 40%. However, its share gradually decreased and fell to below 10% in 2020. The demand for nuclear power also experienced a decline, dropping from nearly 30% in 1980 to around 5% in 2020.On the other hand, the demand for oil and natural gas witnessed a steady rise during the same period. In 1980, oil accounted for around 30% of the total energy demand, while natural gas made up only about 20%. However, by 2020, the demand for oil surpassed natural gas, accounting for approximately 40%. At the same time, the demand for natural gas increased to around 30%.Meanwhile, the demand for renewable energy also showed a significant increase. In 1980, renewable energy accounted for less than 5% of the total energy demand, but it reached nearly 20% in 2020, making it the third-largest energy source in the UK.In conclusion, the demand for coal and nuclear power has declined in the UK, while the demand for oil, natural gas, and renewable energy has increased over the past four decades. This trend reflects the shift towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources.以上就是针对2023年考研英语一小作文解析及范文的介绍,希望对考生备考有所帮助。

考研英语一小作文真题与范文考研英语一小作文真题与范文考研英语一小作文是全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)SectionⅢ writingPart A 部分的考试内容。
Dear Bob,How is everything going with you? Congratulations on your graduation from university. I heard that you are planning to hunt for a job in China. Therefore, the main purpose of writing this email is to provide you with some practical advice.To begin with, it is recommended for you to choose the suitable city, since it really matters for your future career development. Meanwhile, you ought to lay emphasis on the selection ofvocation, which will determine your promotionprospects. Therefore, combining your major in university with interests should be taken into consideration seriously.I hope that my suggestions are useful. And I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerelyLi Ming【试题】The Student Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your name in the notice.你们学校的学生会要求你完成一篇通知,内容中包含通知告诉留学生即将到来的歌唱比赛。


考研英语一小作文深度解析与高质量仿写**英文内容:****Title:** The Evolution of Online Education and Its Impact on StudentsIn the rapidly evolving landscape of education, online learning has emerged as a significant trend, transformingthe traditional classroom setup into a virtual realm. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated this shift, necessitating the adaptation of digital platforms for teaching and learning. This shift, however, is not merely a reaction to a global crisis; it represents a fundamental change in the way we perceive and approach education.The rise of online education has brought about numerous benefits for students. Firstly, it offers flexibility and convenience, enabling learners to study at their own pace and from anywhere with an internet connection. Thisflexibility is particularly advantageous for those who have to juggle work, family, or other responsibilities. Secondly, online education often provides access to a more diverse range of courses and instructors, enabling students toexplore areas of interest that may not be available intheir local institutions.However, the transition to online learning is not without its challenges. One of the primary concerns is the lack of face-to-face interaction, which is integral to effective learning. The social aspect of education, including peer collaboration and classroom discussions, is significantly reduced in an online environment. Additionally, the self-discipline required for effective online learning can be daunting for some students.Despite these challenges, online education holds immense potential for the future. As technology continues to advance, so will the quality and accessibility of online courses. Virtual reality and augmented reality couldfurther enhance the online learning experience, making it more immersive and interactive. Furthermore, with the increasing availability of high-speed internet and mobile devices, online education is becoming more accessible to students from all backgrounds.In conclusion, the evolution of online education has brought about significant changes in the way we learn.While it presents unique challenges, it also offers unprecedented opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and skills. As we move forward, it is crucial to recognize the value of both traditional and onlineeducation and to harness their respective strengths to create a more inclusive and innovative educational system.**中文内容:****标题:** 在线教育的演变及其对学生的影响随着教育领域的快速发展,在线学习已成为一种显著的趋势,将传统的课堂设置转变为虚拟领域。

2024年考研英语一小作文真题及范文Title: 2024 Postgraduate Entrance Examination English Writing Test Questions and Sample AnswersIn the year 2024, the English Writing Test for the postgraduate entrance examination contains the following topics:1. The impact of artificial intelligence on society2. The importance of environmental protection3. The benefits of studying abroadAmong these topics, candidates can choose one to write an essay with a word limit of 300 words. Below are the sample answers for each topic:Topic 1: The impact of artificial intelligence on societyArtificial intelligence (AI) has brought about numerous changes to society, both positive and negative. On one hand, AI has revolutionized industries such as healthcare, transportation, and finance, making processes more efficient and improving people's lives. For example, AI-powered robots can perform surgeries with greater precision than human doctors, reducing the risk of errors and complications. On the other hand, AI alsoposes challenges, such as job displacement and data privacy concerns. As AI becomes more advanced, it is essential for society to regulate its use to ensure that it benefits everyone.Topic 2: The importance of environmental protectionEnvironmental protection is crucial for the sustainability of our planet and the well-being of future generations. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are all pressing issues that require immediate attention. To combat these problems, individuals, businesses, and governments must work together to reduce carbon emissions, conserve natural resources, and promote sustainable practices. By taking action to protect the environment, we can create a cleaner, healthier planet for ourselves and for future generations.Topic 3: The benefits of studying abroadStudying abroad offers numerous benefits, both academically and personally. By studying in a foreign country, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn a new language, and gain a global perspective. This experience not only enhances their academic knowledge but also helps them develop valuable skills such as adaptability, independence, and cultural awareness. Studying abroad can also open up new career opportunities, as employers often valuecandidates with international experience. Overall, studying abroad is a transformative experience that can enrich one's life in countless ways.。

问题解决型一、建议信suggest, suggestionadvise, advicepropose, proposal首段:自我介绍,表示相关中段:(表扬在先),建议在后尾段:具体建议,附加原因Dear President,I am a student in this university who is taking charge of Sports Association. Generally speaking, the ways that you offer to improve our physical condition are quite good; however, I have some better suggestions for you.Firstly, it would be greatly appreciated if you could set swimming and skating as students' regular exercises, because exercise is always making us more energetic. Moreover, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both necessary to our health. So it is advisable for you to put emphasis on developing students' good habits.I hope that you will find these suggestions helpful.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am …… who……. Generally speaking, …… are/is quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.Firstly, 建议一+原因; Moreover, 建议二+原因.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming二、投诉信complain, complaintdissatisfaction, disappointment首段:表示相关,表明目的中段:具体咨询,结合自身尾段:表示期待,(表示感谢)Dear Sir or Madam,I am a customer who bought a new electronic dictionary from your website a week ago. I am writing to make a complaint about the dictionary.I have found that it always indicates low battery. Although it is just recharged 20 minutes before, it only supports its operation for half an hour. To resolve the problem, it is advisable for you to give me a full refund, because I have already bought a new one at a local store.I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am …… who ……. I am writing to express my disappointment/complaint about …….具体事由. To resolve the problem, it is advisable for you to 方案一(+原因).I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration. (If necessary, please contact me by …….)Yours sincerely,Li Ming三、咨询信inquire, inquiryask for advice aboutask for information about首段:表示相关,表明目的中段:陈述事实,解决问题尾段:表示期待Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to pursue further study at your university. I am writing this letter to inquire some information concerning the following aspects.Firstly, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know about tuition fees, because I have planned to apply for the scholarship that can offered to international students. Secondly, as regards accommodations, I would like to have a single room. So I would be very grateful if you could send me relevant information.I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear Sir or Madam,I am …… who ……. I am writing this letter to inquire some information concerning the following aspects.First, 问题一+自身情况. Second, 问题二+自身情况.I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time.Yours sincerely,Li Ming情感表达型四、感谢信gratitudethanksappreciation首段:表达情感,简述事由中段:具体原因,自身感受尾段:再表情感,表示期待Dear President,I am writing this letter to express my sincerest gratitude to you for your recommendation.Last June, you wrote a recommendation letter for me to the university. And without your help, I would not have been a postgraduate of Yale University. What's more, you taught me how to take care of myself and get along with others in foreign countries. And this is of great value for me to live abroad happily.Once again, thank you for your kindness. I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charminghelp.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am writing this letter to express my hearty gratitude to you for ……. Without your help, I wouldn't have …….具体帮助细节,自己的感受Once again, thank you for your ……. I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality/help.Sincerely yours,Li Ming五、祝贺信congratulatecongratulation首段:表达情感,简述事由中段:具体原因(过去、现在、未来)尾段:再表情感,表达期待Dear Zhang Wei,I am writing this letter to express my sincerest congratulations on your admission to Peking University as a postgraduate.During the past four years, you have kept working hard and devoted yourself into your major study. I am delighted that now the four years' efforts are rewarded in this way. And it is obvious that you will have a promising development in the coming years.Once again, congratulations on your admission and I am really very proud of you. I wish that you will make greater achievements in your future study and life.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am writing this letter to send my sincerest congratulations on …….During the past ……, you …… (过去努力). I am delighted that your effort has been rewarded in this way(现在回报). It is obvious that ……(未来美好).Once again, congratulations (on …). I wish …….Yours sincerely,Li Ming六、道歉信apology, apologizeregret首段:表达情感,简述事由中段:具体原因,补偿方案(实虚结合)尾段:再表情感,表示期待Dear Bob,I am writing to express my apology to you, because I had forgotten to return your music CD before Icame back.Several days ago, I borrowed it when I lived in your house. Unfortunately, just now I found it in my luggage. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to return it to you. To make up for the problem, I will send it to you by post or express as soon as possible. If necessary, I will compensate for any troubles it may cause.Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please accept my sincere apologies.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am writing to express my apology to you for my failing to …….具体事由. To make up for the inconvenience caused, I will 补偿一(实). If necessary, I would like to compensate for any troubles it may cause(虚).Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please accept my apologies.Sincerely yours,Li Ming七、慰问信sympathycondolencepity, sorry首段:表达情感,简述事由中段:具体帮助尾段:表示期待Dear Bill,I am so sorry to hear that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. I wish that there is something I could say or do to soften your grief.A little package from me will reach you in the next day or so. I hope you will like it, and it could be useful at your present moment. What's more, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else that I can do.I hope that you will soon get well again and be able to come back.Sincerely yours,Li Ming资格呈现型八、申请信apply, application首段:表明目的中段:呈现资格,自身收获尾段:表示期待To Whom It May Concern,I am writing this letter to apply for the scholarship that your university may offer to international students.I believe that I would be well qualified for the scholarship. Firstly, I major in Chemical Engineering at Fudan University. And this lets me grasp the basic knowledge required by your university. What's more, I have spent several summers doing four researches at a local company. It has helped to fully put what Ihave learnt into practice.I hope that my application could get your kind consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming To Whom It May Concern,I am writing this letter to …….I am convinced that I would be well qualified for ……. 亮出资格(计划,安排,条件等).I hope that my application could get your favorable consideration. And I am looking forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming九、求职信apply for the position/job/postpersonnel department首段:信息来源,表明目的中段:呈现资格,自身收获尾段:附件材料,表示期待To Whom It May Concern,I have read your advertisement in China Daily for an assistant to accounting manager, so I am writing to apply for the position.I believe that I would be well qualified for the job. Firstly, I major in accounting during my college years. And this lets me grasp the basic knowledge required by the job. Furthermore, I have spent several summers interning in an accounting firm in Beijing. It has helped to fully put what I have learnt into practice.My resume and other documents are available upon request. I hope that my application could get your kind consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,With reference to your advertisement in ……(来源) for ……(职位), I am writing to apply for the position.I am convinced that I would be well qualified for the job. In the first place, ……(专业). Furthermore, ......(经历).My resume and list of references are available upon request. I hope my application could get your favorable consideration. And I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,Li Ming十、推荐信recommend, recommendation首段:表明目的,表示相关,简述理由中段:呈现资格尾段:表示期待Dear Friends,I am writing this letter to recommend you a fantastic movie, Pride and Prejudice. And I just watched ittwo days ago.The primary factors for my recommendation are as follows. For one thing, this movie is very touching. It tells a wonderful love story between an arrogant man and a prejudiced lady. For another, it also features brilliant English dialogue, because it has both a genius author and a talented screenwriter.I hope that you will find this movie worthy of attention.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,I am writing this letter to recommend you ……. 表示相关(I have just watched as we always share the same taste of movies) .The primary factors for my recommendation are as follows. For one thing, ……. For another, …….I hope that…….Yours sincerely,Li Ming辞职信与邀请信十一、辞职信quit, resign fromposition, job, post首段:表明目的,表达歉意中段:进行赞扬,自己问题尾段:再表歉意,表示期待Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing this letter to apologize that I plan to quit the position as an editor of your magazine for the reason of myself.During the time of working here, I have been deeply impressed by the kindness and diligence of all colleagues. But meanwhile I have come to realize that the job probably is not suitable for me because I want a more peaceful and slow life. I find that I am not able to devote all my efforts to a job which I do not really like.So I am awfully sorry to tell you my decision to quit. Please accept my sincere apologies.Sincerely yours,Li Ming十二、邀请信invite, invitationparticipate首段:发出邀请,简要介绍中段:进行赞扬,提出请求尾段:确认回复,表示期待Dear Professor Beason,It is my great honor to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony. And it will be held on June 30 at Shane Hall in our university.You have been a human resources manager for about 10 years and have rich experience in this field. So we would like to invite you to make a ten-minute speech at the ceremony. You may give our studentsencouragement and suggestions for their future work.We would be very grateful if you could inform us of your decision before June 25. And we sincerely hope that you would accept the invitation.Sincerely yours,Li Ming Dear XXX,It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend …… on …… in …….细节安排. In virtue of(由于) ……, we would like to invite you to …….Please inform me of your decision before ……. We would be particularly honored by your distinguished presence at …… and look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming告示类应用文十三、通知noticeannounce, announcement1.通知目的开门见山/So and so has the honor to announce that ……2.具体内容3.联系方式For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us/me by the following email address: ……NoticeJune 24,2014 We are very pleased to announce that the Postgraduates' Association is badly in need of volunteers for the international conference about globalization. It will be held from July 1 to 10 at Tsinghua University.In the first place, the applicants are requested to speak English fluently and are expected to be active and open-minded. In addition, the applicants who have the experience of being a part-time volunteer in similar events are preferred.If you are interested, please do not hesitate to send your resume to the following email address:**************************.cn before June 29.Postgraduates' Association十四、备忘录MemoTo: All EmployeesFrom: Berry Silver, PresidentDate: June 22, 2014Subject: Entertainments or Gifts during Spring Festival(空行)(空行)At around this time of year, many invitations are received from companies and clients to SpringFestival dinners. Gifts are also sometimes received. I am sure that such offers only result from a job being well done and it is certainly pleasing to know that level of service provided by staff is appreciated. (事件背景)However, the acceptance of any offers, entertainment or gifts, can lead to either a real or perceived conflict of interest. To ensure that this does not arise, all such offers should be declined and gifts returned. (具体内容)I should appreciate your understanding and cooperation.(表示期待)。

考研英语作文点评英文回答:As a native Chinese speaker, I have always found it challenging to write essays in English. The languagebarrier and cultural differences often make it difficultfor me to express my thoughts and ideas effectively. However, I have been working hard to improve my English writing skills, especially in preparation for the postgraduate entrance exam.One of the biggest challenges I face when writing in English is the use of idioms and colloquial expressions. In Chinese, we have our own set of idioms and expressions that are used in daily conversation and writing. However, whenit comes to English, I often struggle to find the right idioms and expressions to use in my essays. For example, when I was writing an essay about the impact of technology on modern society, I wanted to use the idiom "the elephant in the room" to describe a glaring issue that everyone isaware of but no one wants to address. However, I was not sure if it was the right context to use this idiom, so I ended up not using it at all.Another challenge I face is the structure and organization of my essays. In Chinese, we have a specific format for writing essays, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. However, in English, I find it difficult to organize my ideas in a coherent and logical manner. For example, when I was writing an essay about the importance of environmental conservation, I struggled to organize my arguments and ended up with a poorly structured essay.中文回答:作为一个以中文为母语的人,我一直觉得用英文写作文是一件挑战。
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具体题目要求是Write a letter to a friend of yours to1) recommend one of your favorite movies and;2) give reasons for your recommendation. 2015年考察的是you are going to hold a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club should state reasons for your recommendation. 而今年的作文题目要求给新来的澳大利亚国籍教授James Cook介绍你城市的tourist attraction。
那么今年的作文具体该如何来写呢今年考题的Direction要求向新来的James Cook教授推荐旅游景点。
称呼: Dear Prof. James Cook, 注意称呼中,Prof后面的句点不能丢,称呼最后的逗号号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。
当然如果称呼不写Prof. 写成Mr. James Cook 也是可以的。
第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:1:欢迎Cook 教授来中国;2:写信目的,表明推荐。
用到了这样的表达Welcome to China. I know you love traveling, so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scenic spot- Harbin, which is an old northern city of China.
用到了这样的表达:I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with, there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots, such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter, the Sun island, the Central Street and so on. In addition, you could taste a great number of snacks on theaverage street. Last but not least, the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic, which is famous all over China.
Owing to the reasons discussed above, I won’t hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. 最后,表达祝福 Best wishes for you!
落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;
签名: Li Ming特别注意 Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。
Dear Prof. James Cook,
Welcome to China. I know you love traveling, so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scenic spot—Harbin, which is an old northern city of China.
I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with, there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots, such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter, the Sun island, the Central Street and so on. In addition, you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street. Last but not least, the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic, which is famous all over China.
Owing to the reasons discussed above, I won’t hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you!
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming。