控制器触摸屏操作说明书操作说明书说明书编号:XXXXX-XXXXX版本号:V1.01. 引言本操作说明书旨在提供有关控制器触摸屏操作的详细说明。
2. 操作安全须知在使用控制器触摸屏之前,请务必遵守以下注意事项:2.1 请将手指干燥清洁,并确保触摸屏表面干净无污垢。
2.2 请勿使用锐利物体或过硬物体敲击触摸屏。
2.3 在触摸屏上绘画或书写时,请使用特制的触摸笔。
2.4 避免使用过大的力量按压触摸屏,以免损坏触摸屏。
2.5 请勿将化学性溶剂直接接触触摸屏表面,以免腐蚀触摸屏。
3. 控制器触摸屏操作方法控制器触摸屏的操作方法如下:3.1 打开控制器:首先确认电源已连接并处于正常工作状态。
3.2 导航功能:触摸屏上方配备有导航栏,用于切换不同的操作功能。
3.3 菜单操作:在每个功能模块中,触摸屏下方将显示相关菜单选项。
3.4 参数设置:在特定功能模块中,系统会提供参数设置选项,用户可根据具体需求调整相应参数。
3.5 保存和退出:完成所有操作后,请务必保存修改内容。
4. 常见问题解决4.1 触摸屏无法正常操作若出现触摸屏无法响应操作的情况,请检查以下几点:- 请确保触摸屏没有受到外部物体撞击或其他损坏。
- 检查触摸屏是否被污垢或水分覆盖,若有,请清洁并晾干触摸屏。
- 请重启控制器系统并重新尝试操作。
4.2 触摸屏显示异常或反应迟缓若出现触摸屏显示异常或反应迟缓的情况,请尝试以下方法:- 检查电源供应是否稳定,若电压过低或不稳定,请重新连接稳定的电源。
7"TFT 触控屏人机界面显示显示器7”TFT LCD 分辨率800x 480亮度350cd/㎡对比度500:1背光类型LED背光寿命>30,000小时显示色彩65536色触控面板类型四线电阻式触控精度动作区长度(X)±2%,宽度(Y)±2%存储器闪存(Flash)128MB 内存(RAM)64MB处理器32Bit RISC CPU 400MHzI/O 接口USB Host USB 1.1x 1USB Client USB 2.0x 1以太网接口无串行接口COM1RS-232COM2RS-4852W/4W万年历内置电源电源隔离内置输入电源24±20%VDC 功耗300mA@24VDC 耐电压500VAC (1分钟)绝缘阻抗超过50M at 500VDC耐震动10to 25Hz(X,Y,Z 轴向2G 30分钟)规格外壳材质工程塑料外形尺寸WxHxD 200.4x 146.5x 34mm开孔尺寸192x 138mm 重量约0.52kg (1.15lbs.)操作环境防护等级NEMA4/IP65储存环境温度-20~60°C (-4~140°F)操作环境温度0~50°C (32~122°F)相对环境湿度10%~90%RH (非冷凝)PCB 涂层无认证符合CE 认证标准软件EasyBuilder8000V4.65.12或更新版本◆特点●7"800x480TFT LCD,LED 背光●无风扇冷却系统●内置储存内存及万年历●IP65前面板防护等级●Com2RS485支援MPI 187.5K●内置电源隔离Software Features工程档案上限16MB 历史资料上限48MB (资料取样、事件记录、配方)使用USB下载工程档案Yes 使用以太网络下载工程档案N/A 图库内嵌工程档案N/A PLC TAG信息内嵌工程档案Yes配方数据库N/A 配方检视操作记录N/A 操作记录检视进阶安全模式N/A 工程档案保护功能Yes VNC N/A 邮件N/A SOE(事件序列记录)Yes 使用者自定义开机画面Yes 圆盘曲线图N/A 媒体播放器N/A◆Dimensions Drawing200.4mm [7.89"]146.5mm[5.77"]189.5mm [7.46"]135.6mm[5.34"]34mm[1.34"]a b c dMT6070iH5:192mm [7.559"] W x 138mm [5.433"] H192mm [7.56"]138mm[5.43"]7.4mm[.29"]"]Maximum W all Thickness : 4 mm [ 0.16"]脚位定义:COM1[RS-232],COM2[RS-485]9針D型公座PIN#Symbol C OM1[RS232]COM2[RS485]4W2W1Rx-Rx-Data-2Rx+Rx+Data+3Tx-Tx-4Tx+Tx+5GND GND6TxD TxD7RTS RTS8CTS CTS9RxD RxD订购信息❑MT6070iH5:7"800x480TFT LCD HMI,内置128MB闪存/64MBDDR2RAM on board.❑RZCMT6100:USB下载线/Mini USB to USB2.0100cm❑RZCT60700:分接线Com1[232]/Com2[485] a电源接口c USB HostbCom1RS232Com2RS4852W/4WdUSB Client中国统一热线4006-022-002**************提供威纶通触摸屏官网HMI说明书北京 上海 深圳 天津。
一、产品特点安普防爆触摸屏具有以下特点:1. 防爆安全:安普防爆触摸屏采用特殊的防爆材料制作,能够在爆炸环境下安全使用,有效避免了因静电、火花等引起的爆炸事故。
2. 高灵敏度:触摸屏采用先进的触控技术,具有高灵敏度和精准度,能够快速响应用户的操作指令。
3. 抗干扰性:触摸屏具有良好的抗干扰性能,能够有效抵抗外界噪声的干扰,保证触摸屏的正常使用。
4. 多功能:安普防爆触摸屏具有丰富的功能,包括触摸、点击、滑动等多种操作模式,可广泛应用于工业控制、化工装备等领域。
二、安装与维护1. 安装前应先检查产品外观是否完好,并确保所有配件齐全。
2. 在安装过程中,应注意避免触摸屏受到过大的冲击或压力,以免损坏触摸屏。
3. 安装完成后,应仔细检查触摸屏的连接是否牢固,确保触摸屏能够正常工作。
4. 定期对触摸屏进行维护保养,包括清洁触摸屏表面、检查触摸屏连接线路是否松动等。
三、使用注意事项1. 在使用安普防爆触摸屏前,应确保自身没有静电,以免触摸屏受到静电干扰。
2. 在使用过程中,应注意避免使用尖锐物体或过硬物体直接触摸屏,以免划伤或损坏屏幕。
3. 如果触摸屏表面出现污渍,可以使用柔软的干净布擦拭,但不可使用刺激性或腐蚀性的溶剂清洁。
4. 在使用过程中遇到异常情况,如触摸屏失灵或出现故障,请及时停止使用,并联系专业人员进行检修或维修。
Smart_700_IE 触摸屏说明书
![Smart_700_IE 触摸屏说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f1f90e3ac51f01dc281e53a580216fc700a53e2.png)
Smart_700_IE 触摸屏说明书一、产品概述采用 7 英寸 TFT LCD 显示屏,分辨率为 800x480 像素,支持16.7M 色采,显示效果清晰、明艳。
支持 Windows CE 6.0操作系统,提供丰富的软件资源和开辟工具,方便用户开辟和运行自定义的应用程序。
支持 OPC UA 协议,可以与 OPC UA服务器进行数据通信,实现跨平台、跨网络的数据集成和共享。
具有 IP65防护等级,可以防止灰尘、水滴等物质的侵入,适合在恶劣的工业环境中使用。
具有 CE、FCC、RoHS 等认证,符合国际标准和法规要求。
二、产品规格---参数名称 ---参数值 -------:------: ---:----: -------显示屏尺寸 ---7 英寸 -------显示屏类型 ---TFT LCD -------分辨率 ---800x480 像素 -------色采 ---16.7M -------触摸屏类型 ---电容式 -------触摸点数 ---10 点 -------处理器 ---ARM Cortex-A8 1GHz -------内存 ---DDR3 512MB -------存储 ---NAND Flash 4GB -------操作系统 ---Windows CE 6.0 -------以太网接口 ---RJ45 10/100Mbps -------RS232 接口 ---DB9 -------RS485 接口 ---DB9 -------USB 接口 ---USB-A x2, USB-B x1 -------SD 卡接口 ---Micro SD x1 -------音频接口 ---耳机孔 x1, 麦克风孔 x1 -------扬声器 ---内置 1W x2 -------电源输入 ---DC 12V/2A -------功耗 ---<24W -------工作温度----10℃ ~ +60℃ -------存储温度----20℃ ~ +70℃ -------相对湿度 ---10% ~ 90% (无凝露) -------防护等级 ---IP65 (前面板) -------外形尺寸 ---200x146x36 mm -------开孔尺寸 ---192x138 mm -------净重 ---0.8 kg ----三、产品安装1. 在安装位置上按照开孔尺寸切割一个矩形孔洞。
安装说明书适用WEB触摸屏型号:(1网4串:1个网口、3个RS485、1个RS232)型号:I10-1031一、硬件参数二、产品外观及尺寸图图一:产品外观图⚫图二产品尺寸:255mm*175mm*32.5mm (L×W×H)⚫图三开孔尺寸:242mm*163mm(L×W)三、安装示意图图四嵌入式卡扣安装如图所示四、接线说明电源:AC/DC 12~24V 注意:本产品供电请使用直流(DC)电源,部分交流(AC)电源产品可能对产品造成损坏,请谨慎使用。
网口:默认IP地址192.168.1.88全隔离RS232接口:(COM1)RXD(2) TXD(3) GND(5)全隔离RS485接口:(COM2, COM3,COM4)A接正(+)B接负(-)GND(接地线)五、登录触摸屏Web服务器网线接到Ethernet口下,在浏览器上输入URL:登陆用户名:admin 密码:admin123456注:进入web服务器后下载X2View配置软件,具体操作请参考Help文件夹下的PDF文档。
六、网关使用配置步骤(参考X2View组态软件操作说明书):⚫登录网关Web服务器网线接到网口,默认IP地址: 登录用户名:admin 密码:admin123456)⚫进入Web服务器后下载X2View组态软件或登陆迅饶官网/服务与支持/下载中心/WEB组态软件X2View,下载软件(该软件为绿色免安装)⚫使用X2View组态软件配置相应工程(具体操作请参考Help文件夹下的PDF文档)⚫工程文件上传到触摸屏七、采集端支持200多种协议(部分协议如下表)八、常见问题问1:如何修改网关的IP地址?答1:网关出厂默认的IP地址192.168.1.88,子网掩码255.255.255.0,默认网关192.168.1.1。
二、基本操作1. 点击:在触摸屏上轻触一下,表示点击操作。
2. 滑动:用手指在触摸屏上滑动,可以进行滚动、拖动或者翻页的操作。
3. 放大缩小:用两个手指并拢或张开,在触摸屏上进行放大或缩小的操作。
1. 双指缩放:用两个手指并拢或张开进行放大或缩小的操作,与基本操作中的放大缩小类似。
2. 旋转:用两个手指在触摸屏上进行旋转的操作,可以调整图片、地图等的旋转角度。
3. 拖拽:用两个手指并拖动可以移动物体或者改变物体的位置。
4. 其他:根据触摸屏设备的不同,还可以支持更多的多点触控操作,比如双击、按住移动等。
1. 上滑/下滑:用手指从屏幕底部向上或向下滑动,可以打开或关闭通知栏、展开或收起菜单等。
2. 左滑/右滑:用手指从屏幕左边向右或向左滑动,可以进行页面切换、查看上一张照片等操作。
3. 双击:用手指快速点击屏幕两次,可以进行快速放大或缩小、双击打开应用程序等操作。
4. 长按:用手指在屏幕上长时间按住不动,可以弹出操作菜单、选择文本等功能。
五、注意事项1. 确保手指干净和屏幕无油污,这可以增加触摸屏的灵敏度和精确度。
2. 避免用力按压触摸屏,轻触即可触发操作。
3. 不要使用尖锐物体或者过于粗糙的物体来触摸屏,以免刮伤或损坏屏幕。
4. 避免长时间不动触摸屏,以免屏幕长时间亮着造成能源消耗过多。
Control4 7寸移动式触摸屏产品说明书
![Control4 7寸移动式触摸屏产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/73d1dd10a2161479171128f4.png)
在 Composer 软件中将 Control4 7 英寸移动式触摸屏添加进项目: 1. 打开 Composer 并连接至本地 Director。 2. 将触摸屏图标拉至项目设备列表中。
a 在 System Design 界面左栏的项目结构图上,点中该触摸屏所在的房间名。 b 在 My Drivers 中,双击 Touch Screen-7” Portable。 3. 辨识该设备。 a 进入 Connections 选项,点击 Network。 b 在 IP Network Connections 列表中,点中 Touch Screen-7” Portable,并点击 Identify。 c 按弹出对话框中的指示在触摸屏上操作,使其被辨识进网络。 d 当网络地址显示于 Composer 上时,点击 Close。
7 寸移动式触摸屏产品说明书
型号 C4-TSM7-G-B
面板 7 英寸 XGA 彩色液晶屏 分辨率:800×480 亮度:230 cd/m2 对比度:500:1
无线 基于 IEEE802.11b/g 无线局域网协议 内置天线
尺寸 9.5×5×4(长宽高,单位英寸) 网络 WiFi 无线节点须已与 Control4 控制主机相通信
连接情况。 5. 请核实日期、默认房间名、时间等显示于屏幕顶端的信息,以确保所有连接项目均已建
DHCP。如果您需用静态 IP,请为此设备预先分配一个 IP 地址。 3. 在触摸屏上,选择 Info->Network->Wireless Settings 4. 在 Wireless Settings 选项中按如下步骤进行操作:
a 按下 Add b 点击输入框,弹出 SSID 输入框。输入 SSID 值(大小写敏感),点击 Done。 c 如果已启用 WEP/WPA,按下 WEP/WPA 按钮,选择对话框,使用弹出的的键盘输入 WEP/WPA 密码长度;若有要求,请输入密码值,并点击 Done。 d 请输入无线网络设置参数以使触摸屏能与网络连接。在连接上无线网络后,按下 OK 键返回无线网络设置页面。 e 再次按下 OK 键以返回网络设置页面。更新后的参数将显示于此页面。 5. IP 地址的默认设置为 DHCP。如果您需要设置静态 IP 地址,请按如下步骤进行设置: a 在网络设置界面中点击 IP 地址输入栏。 b 选择 Assigned 选项。 c 在输入框中输入 IP 地址。 d 按下 OK 键返回网络设置界面。 现在您可以通过该触摸屏来与 Control4 Director 进行通信了。
输入密码“110”然后按“ENT ”后点击“参数修改”进入如下画面,注意:“当前等级”必须大于零。
说明:”T” 表示压下触摸屏时数据头标志 “ R” 表示离开触摸屏时数据头标志 X Y 方向数据范围为 0-1023(10 进制)
触摸屏输出 约 24ms 约 12ms
输出频率:87pps( pps:point per second). 说明:上面数据是在下述通信条件下测得的 通信速率:9600bps 校验方式:无 数据位:8 位于 结束位:1`位 八、软件安装说明: (1)DOS 下的安装: 在软驱中插入随机软盘,运行 setup.bat 文件即可把所有的 DOS 调试程序安装到你的硬盘并 自动建立起 Touchscr 目录。 文件清单如下: DOS 下程序 ST.EXE 显示触摸屏坐标值 DM.cpp DM 的 C 源程序(COM1 口) DM.EXE 波特率为 2400 的可执行程序(COM1 口) DM4800.EXE 波特率为 4800 的可执行程序(COM1 口) DM9600.EXE 波特率为 9600 的可执行程序(COM1 口)
二、性能指标: 外形尺寸: 24cm×18cm
有效尺寸: 21.7cm×16.7cm 分辩率: 1024×1024 感应压力: 10g 以上,80g 以下 工作温度: 0 ̄50℃ 保存温度: -10 ̄60℃(湿度在 90%以下) 打点耐久性: 100 万次以上(荷重 250g) 输入方法: 铅笔(硬度小于 3H)或手指 通讯方法: 串行通讯 工作电压: DC 5V (Max:DC5.5V) 消耗电流: <40mA 三、接口卡电路板结构:
目录0.前言 (2)1.操作注意事项 (2)2.操作台触摸屏画面构成及说明 (3)2-1画面阶层及上下触摸屏画面分配 (3)2-2各画面说明 (3)各画面共同部分 (3)①运转监控画面 (8)①-1掘削条件未成立明细显示Window (12)①-2油脂充填运转设定Window (13)②计测监控画面 (14)③泵启动画面 (17)④推进油缸选择画面 (18)④-1同步设定Window (20)⑤辅助操作画面 (21)⑤-1盾尾油脂操作画面 (22)⑤-1-1自动注入周期设定Window (25)⑤-2超挖刀操作画面 (26)⑤-3铰接操作画面 (28)⑥其他设定画面 (31)⑥-1系统设定Window (32)⑥-2其他设定Window (33)⑥-3土压控制参数设定画面 (34)⑥-4PLC内部AD/DA监控画面 (35)⑥-5异常履历表示画面 (36)⑦异常数据表示画面 (37)⑦-1故障诊断提示Window (38)⑧系统出错表示画面 (39)3.推进油缸操作箱画面构成 (40)3-1画面阶层 (40)3-2各画面的说明 (41)各画面的共同部分 (41)①泵启动画面 (42)②推进油缸操作画面 (43)③其他设定画面 (46)③-1系统设定Window (47)④系统出错表示画面 (48)4.异常内容一览 (49)4-1触摸屏自我诊断异常情况及处理一览 (50)4-2系统出错内容及对应一览 (51)4-3运转关系异常及对应一览 (52)4-4掘削条件未成立导引内容及对应一览 (56)0.前言本说明书为φ6250mm泥土压式盾构操作台及推进油缸操作箱専用的操作説明書(別冊)。
1. 前言 (2)1.1 功能介绍 (2)1.2 技术指标 (3)1.3 注意事项 (3)2. 流水线操作指南 (4)2.1 启停控制 (4)2.2 故障复位操作 (6)2.2.1单工位故障复位 (6)2.2.2 断电故障复位 (7)2.3 屏蔽单工位操作 (9)2.4 单双线控制 (9)2.5 单独工位检测操作 (10)3. 触摸屏说明 (12)3.1 控制面板按钮说明 (12)3.2 触摸屏主页 (12)3.3辅助功能键 (14)3.3.1 辅助功能键F1 (14)3.3.2 辅助功能键F2 (15)3.3.3 辅助功能键F4 (16)3.3.4 辅助功能键F6 (18)4. 工控机说明 (19)4.1 打标机操作界面 (19)4.2 监控软件wincc (19)5.常见故障及处理 (19)5.1 单工位常见机械故障及处理 (19)5.2 报警处理 (20)5.3 电感式接近开关故障处理 (21)1. 前言1.1 功能介绍如上图所示为阀门检测流水线的平面视图,标有红色开始位置为阀门的手工上件处,也是整条流水线的起点。
1.2 技术指标1.主控制柜输入电源电压AC380V,最大电流20A;控制柜内部弱电电压DC24V。
混凝土搅拌站控制系统触摸屏使用说明书长沙中联重工科技发展股份有限公司第一章触摸屏简介1、电源额定电源电压:DC24V(容许范围DC21.6~27.6V);容量:12W 以上。
2、各部分的名称3、与PLC的连接(拨码开关设定)请根据连接触摸屏系列的端口将CPU 单元的拨动开关4或5 设定如下:第二章触摸屏启动、下载程序1、触摸屏启动●初次启动触摸屏时①确认背面的滑动开关SW1位于右侧(OFF)。
②接通触摸屏的电源,正面的LED 亮灯,触摸屏启动。
启动系统菜单时,请先关闭电源,将背面的滑动开关SW1 置于左侧(ON),然后再次接通电源。
②接通触摸屏的电源,正面的LED 亮灯,触摸屏启动。
2、通过USB 闪存下载程序①将HMI文件下载至USB闪存的根目录上。
③将触摸屏背面的滑动开关SW1 拨向左侧(ON),并关闭触摸屏的电源,然后再次接通电源。
通过“系统”菜单的“文件”菜单将USB 闪存中保存的画面数据传送至触摸屏。
感谢您购买 COOLMAY MT 系列触摸屏。
本手册主要说明MT 系列触摸屏的产品特性、一般规格、硬件接口和软件设置方法等。
详细编程请参见《COOLMAY 触摸屏使用手册》。
触摸屏的主要特点:1、提供大量的矢量图库及支持自建图库2、高精度/高可靠性的电阻式触摸面板3、支持各种格式静态图片及GIF 动画4、支持windows 所提供的所有字体5、6万TFT 真彩显示器6、支持配方功能和数据存储、U 盘导出数据7、自带一个RS232和一个RS485通讯口8、基本版可竖屏显示9、可选装网口或音频10、基本版(基于WINCE 5.0系统)和升级版(基于WINCE 7.0系统)可选11、MT6037H /MT6050H (A )灰色/金色/银色面板可选,黑色/白色底壳可选 12、MT6037H /MT6050H (A )可墙体安装,可应用于智能家居/工业等领域产品信息1、 公司产品系列 MT 系列触摸屏2、 HMI 尺寸 6037:3.5寸 6043: 4.3寸 6050: 5寸 6070: 7寸 6100: 10寸3、 版本 H : 基本版 HV : 基本版竖屏;HA /HAS : 升级版 HAV /HAVS : 升级版竖屏4、 网口 W : 网口(选装)5、 音频 Y : 音频(选装)命名规则MT 123456070图1 安装尺寸图MT6100HAMT6043HMT6070H(A/AS)电气设计参考产品构造COM :PLC 与触摸屏 通讯上时快闪安装尺寸机械设计参考规格参数触摸屏用户手册表三:安装尺寸型 号安装尺寸外形尺寸W*H*D(mm)A(mm)B(mm)MT6050H(A)MT6070H(A/AS)MT6100HA13719426172138180146*88*25212*148*40275*194*36电源用端子台 USB 口PWR :通电指示灯触摸屏编程口液晶屏RS232/RS485网口(选装) ◆◆◆◆YW H--6143257图2 产品构造※ 更多规格批量客户可定制MT6043H(A)MT6070H(A/AS)MT6100HAMT6037H背面图MT6050H背面图型号MT6037H 3.5"TFT 液晶屏 4.3"TFT 液晶屏7.0"TFT 液晶屏10.2"TFT 液晶屏MT6043H(A)MT6070H(A/AS)MT6100HA 320*240480*272800*480/1024*6001024*60088*88*25mm 134*102*30mm 212*148*40mm 275*194*36mm 72*72mm 119*93mm 194*138mm 261*180mm 73*56mm 97*56mm 154*87mm 222*133mm 300cd/m²300cd/m²300cd/m²300cd/m²LED LED LED LED 128MB Flash ROM 65536真彩4线电阻屏100mA/24V150mA/24V200mA/24V280mA/24VCOM1: RS232 COM2: RS485400:1H 系列: ARM9内核 640MHz HA(S)系列: Cortex A8 720MHz-1GHz20ms 以内有电源失效检测12-24VDC ±10%<150mA @24VDC 符合EN50081-2和EN50082-2标准符合FCC Class A电压1500Vp -p ,脉冲周期1μs ,持续1s 10-25Hz (X 、Y 、Z 方向2G 30分钟)超过10M Ω@500VDC工程塑料ABS +PC 500VAC 1分钟IP65(前面板)0~50℃20~90%RH -20~70℃显示屏分辨率外形尺寸安装开孔尺寸显示尺寸亮度背光类型存储器颜色触摸面板功耗通讯端口对比度CPU 容许掉电USB??系统诊断供电电源认证FCC 兼容性抗干扰测试防震测试绝缘电阻外壳材料耐压测试防护等级工作环境温度工作环境湿度存储温度65536真彩4线电阻屏65536真彩4线电阻屏65536真彩4线电阻屏0.3kg0.33kg0.54kg0.7kg重量MT6050H(A)5.0"TFT 液晶屏800*480146*88*25mm 137*72mm 108*65mm 300cd/m²LED 150mA/24V65536真彩4线电阻屏0.33kg128MB Flash ROM 128MB Flash ROM 128MB Flash ROM 128MB Flash ROMH 系列: 64MB HA(S)系列: 128M运行内存121264357643572264357673541234657侧面四个安装扣位孔888888MT6037H 727288*88*25MT6043H(A)11993134*102*30MT6037H硬件接口◆FG 0V 24V触摸屏232/485口触摸屏下载口USB口网口COM1/COM2MT6043H(A)/MT6043KH(A)/MT6050KH(A) COM口引脚定义管脚号信号描述23TXDRXD 发送接收5地线GNDRS232通讯口定义RS485通讯口定义16BA485-485+MT6043H(A)背光寿命60000小时60000小时60000小时60000小时60000小时以太网口可选装万年历输入电压有常规为DC24±10%VDC ,也可以特别做成DC12V /DC5V 电源输入墙体安装镶嵌安装墙体安装镶嵌安装MT6050H(A)型号MT6037H MT6043H(A)MT6070H(A/AS)MT6100HAMT6050H(A)自然风冷冷却方式接上表FG 0V 24V 触摸屏485口USB口触摸屏下载口触摸屏232/485口网口(选装)(同COM1中的485口)COM1/COM2MT6070H(A/AS ) COM口引脚定义管脚号信号描述23TXDRXD 发送接收5地线GNDCOM1 RS232通讯口定义COM1/COM2 RS485通讯口定义16BA 485-485+MT6070H(A/AS)FG 0V 24V USB口触摸屏下载口网口(选装)触摸屏232/485口COM1MT6100HACOM口引脚定义管脚号信号描述23TXDRXD 发送接收5地线GNDRS232通讯口定义RS485通讯口定义16BA 485-485+MT6100HA* 编程软件触摸屏:CoolMayHMI 触摸屏编程软件* 详细资料参考《CoolMayHMI 触摸屏使用手册》温馨提示.......................................................01产品特点.......................................................02产品信息.......................................................03 电气参数......................................................04 机械设计参考................................................05 产品构造.......................................................06 硬件接口.......................................................07软件参数设置................................................08 与个厂牌联机说明.........................................09 抗干扰处理...........................................10 编程参考.......................................................11资料参考. (12)深圳市顾美科技有限公司 86960332 26051858 26400661营销QQ:800053919邮箱:**************.com 网址:2018/02 版目 录1、请在确认了本产品的电源电压范围(常规产品电源仅限24V?DC!建议电源的 输出功率为18W及以上)和正确接线之后再通电,以避免损坏。
第四代嵌入式触摸屏收银机简易操作说明书主要特点:◆采用先进嵌入式技术,软硬件更加贴合◆全屏触控,操作简单,反应灵敏◆功能丰富,具有多种类型的接口(串口、USB接口、钱箱口)◆无需驱动,可安装多种外设(各类打印机、钱箱、客显、读卡器等)◆可自行添加/删除、导入/导出商品类目,存储容量大◆可统计并打印各种报表,利于买家把握全局基本技术参数:◆输入电压DC12V/3A◆功率8~15W◆液晶尺寸10.4/12.1/15.0 LED背光◆触摸屏10.4寸四线/12.1寸五线/15.0寸四线◆处理器400MHz ARM9◆内存512MB/1GB◆客显10.4寸、12.1寸自带液晶显示器/15寸外接8位数字显示◆接口2-USB、3-RS232、1钱箱口、1网口(12.1)、1客显口(15.0)◆外壳材质ABS◆商品数量99*99◆单据数量14万◆流水笔数110万◆报表20个,流水报表可以查询任意时段注意事项:◆本说明书为简易操作说明书,并未包括所有功能,如有疑问请及时与卖家联系◆触摸屏收银机供电必须要三相接地电源◆由于收款机属于精密仪器,使用前应检查周围工作环境是否符合收款机技术规格,如有不符请千万不要使用收款机◆为了保证电压稳定,触摸屏收银机的供电不要和其他大功率电器一路,例如冰柜,炸锅,电蒸锅。
如果情况特殊,则必须配一个500V A的稳压器,记住稳压器不是UPS◆连接串口设备时,一定要关闭设备电源◆主要技术规格:电源输入:AC220V±10% 频率:50/60Hz温度工作:0℃~45℃存储:-10℃~+60℃相对湿度5%~90%(无凝结)使用说明:一、登陆接通电源后按下开机键(power),POS机开始工作,并进入登陆界面,登界面如图1所示,输入用户名及密码后即可进入POS机后台进行参数设置,也可直接进入前台进行销售操作。
管理员初始用户名:8001 密码:6666。
威能 TFT 触摸屏 (型号:TFT) 用户手册说明书
![威能 TFT 触摸屏 (型号:TFT) 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2641c830f56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2a2.png)
Model: Touchpad (TFT)Model: Touchpad TFT12 34StatisticsThe statistics screen shows the communication rate to each of the thermostats on the system.This screen can help to identify problems on the network.Setting the ClockTo set the clock, follow these steps.Press the Options tab.Press the Clock icon ......................................................................................................................Here you can set the current time and date and select whether the Touchpad shouldobserve GMT Correction. GMT correction will automatically change the clock on the Touchpad and Thermostats in March and October as the clocks change for Winter/Summer time.Press Done to store and exit ......................................................................................................Initial SetupEntering a Room TitleA room title of 13 characters can be entered for each room on the system.To enter a room title follow these steps.Press the Communication number ing the alphanumeric keypad, enter a title.Press Done to store and return to the network screen ......................................................Repeat as necessary for the other rooms.When finished, press Done from the Network screen to store and exit ......................Note: You must perform a new network scan after adding additional thermostats to your system.678910Functions tabThe function tab gives access to the global functions such as Lock, Hold and Setback.The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program for a single or group of thermostats and set a different temperature for a desired period.• Press the Temperature Hold icon .................................................................................................• Enter the hold temperature and time period ....................................................................• Press next• Select one or more thermostats or press the functions tab to select all ...• Press the Done key to confirm and exit .....................................................................................To cancel temperatures hold on a SINGLE thermostat follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ................................................................................................................•Select a thermostat ..........................................................................................................•Press the Temp Hold icon ................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key .....................................................................................................To cancel a temperature hold on MULTIPLE thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...............................................................................................................•Press the Functions tab.• Press the Hold icon ............................................................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ....................................................................................................•Select the thermostats to apply the cancel to .....................................................My SystemTemperature HoldThe Set Back function allows you to place individual or multiple thermostats into Set Back Mode (also referred to as Frost Mode).In this mode, the thermostat will display the frost icon and will only turn the heating on should the room temperature drop below the set frost temperature. To apply Frost Mode to a single or group of thermostats follow these steps.• Press the My System icon ...................................................................................................• Press the Functions tab.• Press the Set Back icon ........................................................................................................•Select a zone or multiples zones to apply the set back, or alternatively press Functions tab a second time and Select All. .............................................Room buttons in green will be set back Room buttons in blue will not be set backRoom buttons in grey are time clocks and cannot be set back• Press the Done key ...............................................................................................................Editing the Set Back TempThe set back temperature range is 7-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.Pressing EDIT from the Set Back screen allows you to adjust this setting and then select which thermostats this should apply to.My SystemSet Back Mode (Frost Mode)CurrentTemperature Override KeyEdit IconTimer ZonesEditing the Switching TimesThe Edit icon enables you to program the switching times for the selected time clock.Time clocks provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the time clock shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the time clock, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad. Please consult the time clock manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a Timer ON and a Timer OFF time can be programmed.To program the switching times follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon .................................................................................................................• Select a day or period ..........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the Timer ON and Timer OFF times using the arrow keys .........................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ..........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different switching times.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed switching times to other time clocks that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply switching times follow these steps.•Press the Copy key .........................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ...................................................................Using the arrow keys set the override duration ....................................................Press the Done key ................................................................................................................Edit IconCurrentTemperatureHistoryProgrammable ZonesTemperature Hold (Individual Zone)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of a specific zone and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a hold a temperature for a group of thermostats, use the Hold function from the main screen.To set a hold time follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ....................................................................................................• Set the Hold temperature and Hold time using the arrow keys ......................•Press the Done key to confirm and exit .........................................................................The thermostat and zone screen will show the hold time remaining.To cancel a hold in operation, press Temp Hold icon and then the Cancel Hold key ..Programmable Zones HistoryThe history function on a programmable zone enables you to see the hours run as a and temperature profile for the last 4 weeks.This is displayed in a bar chart and line graph and provides an indication of which zones are using the most energy.The information can additionally be exported to your PC.There are two export methods:• Export All will export the temperature profile for all zones.• Zone Export will export just the selected zone.The exported data is saved to csv format and can be edited in Excel.The set temperature can be adjusted by using the Up/Down keys.• Use the Up/Down keys to select a temperature .................................................•Press the Apply key ............................................................................................................Note: This override will be maintained until the next programmed comfort level.The Edit icon enables you to program the comfort levels for the selected thermostat.Thermostats provide Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Programming options.If the thermostat shows Weekday/Weekend it is operating in 5/2 day mode, and if it shows each day of the week it is operating in 7 day mode.This mode can be changed on the thermostat, and will be updated automatically on the Touchpad.Please consult the thermostat manual for instructions on how to change this.There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting a start time and temperature can be programmed, this temperature will be maintained until the next comfort level.Programmable Zones Temperature ControlProgrammable Zones Editing the Comfort LevelsTo program the comfort levels follow these steps.• Press the Edit icon ...............................................................................................................• Select a day or period .........................................................................................• Select a setting to program ........................................................................................•Edit the time and temperature values using the Up/Down keys ....................Times should be entered in 24 hour format.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the thermostat will ignore the setting.• Repeat these steps for the remaining days/periods.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 comfort levels are the same for all weekdays but can be different for the weekends.For 7 Day programming, each day can have 4 different comfort levels.Copy SettingsThe Copy key enables you to copy the programmed comfort levels to other thermostats that are operating in the same mode (5/2 or 7 day).To Copy and apply comfort levels follow these steps.•Press the Copy key ...............................................................................................................Zones that can be selected will be blue and will turn green when selected.Zones in grey cannot be selected.•Press the Done key to confirm and exit ........................................................................Programmable Zones with Hot Water OutputEditing the Hot Water Switching TimesIn addition to editing the comfort levels, hot water switching times can be edited. There are 4 settings per day, these are called Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep.For each setting an ON time and an OFF time can be programmed.For unused periods set the time to -- : -- and the time clock will ignore the Note: For Weekday/Weekend programming, the 4 switching times are the same for allHolidayThe holiday function reduces the set temperature in selected zones to the frost protection temperature setting.Thermostats will maintain this frost protection temperature and time clocks will maintain TIMER OFF for the duration of the holiday.When the holiday is complete the specific zones will then automatically return tothe program mode.Up to 8 holidays can be scheduled using the Touchpad•To program a holiday follow these steps;•Press the Holiday icon ........................................................................................................•Press the Add key ................................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the START date and time of the holiday ......• Using the Up/Down keys, enter the FINISH date and time of the holiday ......• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to ...................................................• Zones in Green are selected, and those in blue are not.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a holiday title using the keypad. This title can be 13 characters in length.•Press Done to store and exit .............................................................................................Should you need to edit a scheduled holiday, follow these steps.• Press the Holiday icon ....................................................................................................• Select the holiday you wish to edit.• Press the Edit key .............................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down keys, adjust the holiday start/finish date and time .....• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones the holiday is applied to .............................................•Confirm the title and press Done the done key ....................................................Holiday StatusThe holiday screen indicates the scheduled holidays.Once the holiday starts, this screen will display that the holiday is active.Temperature Hold (Multiple Zones)The temperature hold function allows you to manually override the current operating program of multiple zones and set a different temperature for a desired period To set a temperature hold follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys, set the hold temperature and duration ...• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Select which zones to apply the hold to .......................................................• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................To cancel a hold in operation follow these steps.• Press the Temp Hold icon ..............................................................................................• Press the Cancel Hold key ...................................................................................• Select which zones should have the temperature hold function canceled.Zones in grey do not have a hold in operation.Zones in green will have the hold canceled and those in blue will remain active.• Press the Done key ...........................................................................................................Summer ModeQuick ViewThe Quick View screen gives an overview of all the zones on your system.The zone temperatures as well as the output status are displayed.You can use this screen to quickly access any zone on your system by first highlighting the zone and then pressing Detail.The Touchpad Summer mode offers a quick and easy way to place selected heating zones into set back without having to reprogram the comfort levels. The hot water times will not be effected during summer operation.The set back temperature can be set on each thermostat between 07-17°C or this can be done from the Touchpad (See page xx)As an indication, the heating zone screens will display the frost icon whilst the summer mode is active. As a default, all heating zones will follow the summer condition, but you can deselect certain zones if required. The setup should be as follows….• Press Summer• Zones buttons in green (selected by default) will follow the summer mode andzones in blue will not.• Press Zones to deselect any thermostat/s that you don’t want to apply summer to.• Press Done.To cancel summer mode....• Press Summer.• Select Functions tab.• Press Unselect All.• Select Done.Hot Water BoostHome / Away ModeIf you have thermostats with hot water function on your system, you can override the hot water output.During an override, the thermostat will flash TIMER ON / HW ON depending on the model of your thermostat.To use this function, follow these steps;• Press the HW Boost icon ...................................................................................................• Using the Up/Down arrow keys enter the boost period ......................................•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To cancel, repeat the steps reducing the boost time to 00 hours.Once the boost period has ended, the zone will revert back to its programmed setting.Away mode places selected zones into setback mode indefinitely for use when you are unsure when the building will next be occupied.The zones will control to the setback temperature during this time and the hot water will be turned off.Pressing Home will cancel the Away function, and the zones will revert back to their programmed level.As a default, all heating zones will follow the Away mode, but you can deselect certain zones if required.To place the system in away mode follow these steps.• Press the Away icon ......................................................................................................• Toggle the switch to the on position.• Press the Edit key ..........................................................................................................•Select zones to apply the Away mode to ..............................................Zones buttons in green will follow the Away mode and zones in blue will not•Press the Done key ........................................................................................................GroupsUsing the Group function, zones can be assigned into groups allowing them to be collectively controlled. Using the Profiles function (see page 35), predefined settings can be quickly applied to all zones within a group.Up to 8 groups can be setup in the Touchpad. To create a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Groups icon ........................................................................................................• Press the Add key ................................................................................................................•Select the zones to be added to the group ...............................................• The zone list is filtered based on the first selection and the following restrictions:Weekday/Weekend or 7 Day Mode: You can only group thermostat/time Clocks that are in the same mode.Heating Only Group: Programmable thermostat and programmable thermostats with hot water output can be grouped, allowing you to create a heating profile.HW Timer Group: Programmable Thermostats with Hot water output can be grouped with timers, allowing you to create a HW Timer Profile.• Press the Next key ...............................................................................................................• Enter a group title using the keypad.•Press the Done key .............................................................................................................To edit a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon .....................................• Select a Group to edit.• Press the Edit key ..............................................................................................................• Select zones to add/remove from the group .........................................• Press the Next key ............................................................................................................• Confirm the group title and press the Done key ...................................................To delete a group, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then the Groups icon ......................................• Select a Group to delete.•Press the Delete key ..........................................................................................................ProfilesAt least 1 Group must be created (see page 33) before the Profile can be accessed.Profiles are predefined comfort levels and switching time settings that can be applied to groups (see page 33). When a profile is run, the settings are sent immediately to the devices within the profile group overwriting their current settings.For example, a shift working with a varying schedule could create 2 profiles - Day Shift and Night Shift. By having two profiles stored it is easy to quickly switch the heating system between programs when shift patterns change.To create a profile, follow these steps.• Press the Profiles icon and then select the Profiles icon again ....................• Press the Add key .....................................................................................................................• Select a group the profile should apply to.See page 33 for information on how to create a group.•Press the Next key ....................................................................................................................The type of profile created is driven by the type of thermostats in the group.Heating Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for the Weekday/Weekend. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Heating Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program comfort levels for each day of the week. See pages 23-24 for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (5/2 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for the weekday/weekend. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.Hot Water/Timer Profile (7 Day Mode): This type of profile allows you to program switching times for each day of the week. See pages 17-18 (time clock) and 25-26 (hot water) for programming instructions.•Program the profile following the instructions on pages 17-18, 23-24 or 25-26.• Press the Next key ................................................................................................................•Enter a profile title using the keypad and press done ............................................Running a ProfileTo run a profile , follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to run.•Press the Run key .....................................................................................................The settings will be sent immediately to the zones in the group and their zone screen will show the profile is active.Notes:1. When you run a profile, all of the existing settings in the thermostat will beoverwritten with the profile settings.2. Only one heating profile per zone can be run at once.3. If the zone has a heating & hot water model thermostat, It is possible to run aheating and a hot water profile at the same time. The Touchpad will indicate that two profiles are in operation.Profiles ContinuedEditing a ProfileTo edit a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ..........................................• Select the Profile to edit.• Press the Edit key ........................................................................................................................• Edit the profile.•Press the Done key ....................................................................................................................Deleting a ProfileTo delete a profile, follow these steps.• Press Profiles icon and press the profile icon again ........................• Select the Profile to delete.•Press the Delete key ...............................................................................................Note: If you forget or misplace your user code, contact your equipment supplier for4241The set back temperature is used when a holiday, away or set back function is active. The set back temperature range is 07-17°C and is set to 12°C as default.The set back temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats.The max floor limit is used on thermostats with a floor limiting sensor and is used to protect the floor surface from overheating.The floor limit range is 20-45°C and is set to 28°C as default.The floor limit temperature function enables you to set this for individual or all thermostats with floor limiting function.The system reset function will delete all thermostats and history information in your system.After a system reset, you will need to perform a new network scan to add thermostats to your system.The Touchpad firmware can be updated as and when new features are introduced. Check the latest version by visiting the Support Section on To perform the update the Touchpad has to remain powered up.Connect the Touchpad to a laptop using the USB cable provided.Extract the TFT.BIN file from the download ZIP file.Copy and paste the TFT.BIN file onto the Touchpad drive on the PC.You now need to follow these steps.• Press Options TAB.• Press the Settings icon ........................................................................................• Press the System icon ..........................................................................................• Press the Firmware Update icon ......................................................................•Press the Done key ...............................................................................................The TFT will now update and the display will reset.To confirm the update was successful, check the version number in the Systems Info Tab.SystemSet Back TempSystemMax Floor LimitSystemSystem ResetSystemFirmware UpdateTOUCHPAD CONNECTIONS TO UH1This product must only be installed by a qualified electrician and comply with local installation regulations.TouchpadNotes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................Notes......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................................4645。
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触摸区控制是与按钮控件结合在一起的,根据用户在配套软件中的按钮控件设置,当用户点击在该按钮触摸区处时,可指定连接下一页面、发送控件ID 号或者发送坐标值。
发送控件ID号时,前2个字节为“FC FC”为数据帧头,表示发送的数据为触摸屏数据,后面2个字节为控件ID号,低字节在前,高字节在后。
发送坐标值时,前2个字节为“FE FE”为数据帧头,表示发送的数据为触摸屏数据;后面4个字节为触摸屏x、y坐标数据,x坐标在前,y坐标在后,同样低字节在前,高字节在后。
若多层显示时,触摸区控制操作页面默认的是最近一次进行调用操作的页面,此时如果想激活其它的页面,则使用1B 33指令进行操作页面更改。
触摸屏所点之处都有鼠标显示,如果不想显示,可用命令1B 30 00 FF FF EE FF 关掉显示。
格式∶十六进制码∶ 1B 20 MODE FF FF EE FF
FF FF EE FF为帧结束。
为:FC F0 ID;ID为一个WORD,低字节在前高字节在后。
值,断码为:FE F0 X Y ;X,Y均为一个WORD,低字节在前高
为:FC F0 ID;ID为一个WORD,低字节在前高字节在后。
值,断码为:FE F0 X Y ;X,Y均为一个WORD,低字节在前高
例:选择触摸屏模式为单点触发不发送断码值(初始化为这种模式):1B 20 00 FF FF EE FF
1B 20 01 FF FF EE FF
1B 20 02 FF FF EE FF
1B 20 03 FF FF EE FF
格式∶十六进制码∶ 1B 21 time FF FF EE FF
FF FF EE FF为帧结束。
1B 21 02 00 FF FF EE FF
格式∶十六进制码∶ 1B 37 X Y FF FF EE FF
FF FF EE FF为帧结束。
1B 37 64 00 64 00 FF FF EE FF
鼠标属性设置详见命令1B 30 。