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① Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 然而,说来痛心,显然有成百万从来没有想 过自己会违法——更不用说犯罪——的美 国人,对于遵守那些旨在保护和维持他们 的社会的法律条文,却愈来愈表现得放肆 起来。
vs. Active Static vs. Dynamic Abstract vs. Concrete Indirect vs. Direct Substitutive vs. Repetitive
―形合(parataxis)”和“意合(hypotaxis)‖ 是已故语言学家王力先生所译。 “形合与意合是语言组织法,是从意义到 具体语言形式的两个既有各自特点又不相 互排斥的途径,是汉英对比研究和翻译理 论研究的重要课题之一(邵志洪,2005: 11)”
English vs. Chinese: Ten Pairs of Features
vs. Analytic Rigid vs. Supple Hypotactic vs. Paratactic Complex vs. Simplex Impersonal vs. Personal

形合指句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采 用句法手段(syntactic devices)或词汇手 段(lexical devices)。 意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接 采用语义手段(semantic connection)” (方梦之,2004) 形合是组词造句的外在逻辑形式;意合是 遣词造句的内在认知事理。汉语以意驭形 而英语则以形制意。 汉语并非绝对意合,英语等西语也绝非纯 粹形合;意合与形合均见于两种语言,只 不过汉语以意合见长。
①近闻夫人健康如常,颇感欣慰。 译文:It is a supreme comfort to me when I am informed that you are as healthy as ever.
② 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 译文:It is not too late to mend the fold even after some sheep have been lost. ③那时舅舅抱着我,哄着我,我觉得很温暖。 译文:Sitting in my uncle’s lap, being humored all the way, I was feeling very good.

―英文句的结构是一串珠链,连在一起像九 连环。而中文却是大珠小珠放在盘子里或桌 上,各粒可以单独放开,要串起来可以,不 串也可以,不串更自然。” ---思果 2001:15
汉语 “言者所以在意,得意而忘言。” ---庄子

在翻译中,要考虑到两种语言的差异,根 据各自的语言表达方式,用地道的目的语 译出原语的信息。 英译汉时,要译出变化了的词形表示的意 义,如复数要加上量词、动词的时态要适 当加上表示时间的副词;对于有着从属或 修饰关系的英语复合句或长句,要把它们 分散为几个汉语的意义片段,有些连词、 代词可略去不译。

④ 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西 风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。(马 致远,《天净沙· 秋思》) ⑤ 王家的里外亲戚,人口不旺,正人也不 多,(于是,天狗)爹娘下世后,大半就 断绝了来往;(即便)小半的偶有走动, 也下眼看天狗不是个能成的人物,(因而, 他们对天狗)情义上也淡得如水。(贾平 凹《天狗》)
② The gloomy little study, with windows of stained glass to exclude the view, was full of dark green velvet and heavily-carved mahogany — a suite of which old Jolyon was wont to say:―Shouldn’t wonder if it made a big price some day!‖ 这是一间阴暗的小书房,书房窗子镶的全 是染色玻璃,挡着窗外的景色;房内全是 桃花心木的家具,上面满是雕花,背垫和 坐垫都是一色深绿的丝绒。老乔里恩时常 提起这套家具:“哪一天不卖上大价钱才 怪。”
在英译汉时,应先透彻分析原文的形合结 构特点,然后按照一定的逻辑关系,转化 为流畅的、以“意”为主的汉语。 汉译英时,应先领悟原文的“意”,然后 找到英文中合理的“主谓”主线,再将其 余的结构恰当地铺排为分句或其他附属结 构。这样做可以使译文自然流畅,摒弃生 硬的翻译腔,符合英语的行文和阅读规范。 “因此汉英翻译的过程就是一个从‘形散 神聚’的源语析出条理,然后用‘以形驭 意’的目的语使诸般条理各就其位的过 程。”

③It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Leabharlann Baidu
汉语并非绝对意合,英文并非绝对形合。 有时也有英语用意合,汉语用形合的情况, 例如:“Grasp all, lose all.‖(如果你样样 都抓,就会一样也抓不到。) 究竟如何翻译才恰当,关键还是要根据具 体的原文来决定。只不过是汉语以意合见 长,英语以形合见长罢了。

1、试分析下面两个例子,比较英汉互译中如何进行“形合” 与“意合”的转化。 ① Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking! (John Galsworthy, The Apple Tree). 译文:春花含苞待放,绿叶缓缓舒展,溪水潺潺流淌,欢乐的春 天涌动着无限的追求和希望,这一切难以用言语倾述表达。 ② 有一个老村子叫格兰骞斯德,有一个果子园,你可以躺在 累累的桃李树荫下吃茶,花果会掉入你的茶杯,小雀子会到 你桌上来啄食,那真是别有一番天地。(徐志摩,《我所知 道的康桥》) 译文:There is an old village called Grantchester, and an orchard where you can lie under clustering fruit-trees, sipping tea, as flowers or fruit hang down into your teacup, and little sparrows come to your table to feed – truly a paradise on earth.

英语重形合,意思是指英语语言符号之间有较强的逻辑关 系,语言信息的表达依靠符号按一定的语法逻辑关系排列 组合,通过各种有形的联结手段来传达一定的意义。 英语词汇中就有通过词的形式的变化,如派生词、名词的 复数形式、动词的各种时态形式和人称代词的格的形式, 来表示意义的变化。 在句子结构上,句子的各个成分要由各种连接词(and, but, or, because, so, however, as, if, since, while, unless, therefore, either…or…,etc.)、介词(of, with, in, for, about, between, at, on, etc.)、关系词(who, when, where, which, that, how, etc.)和状语功能的分词结构 (-ed及-ing)等连接起来,句子组织严密,层次紧密扣接, 呈现空间性树型结构。
汉语重意合,是指汉语句子主要通过字词 的意义连接起来,结构比较松散,看上去 概念、判断、推理不是很严密,其表现形 式主要受意念引导。 所以,汉语的字词在形式上不会出现像英 语中那样多的变化,主要是通过字词的增 加、减少或改变来引起意义上的变化,如: 男老师,女老师。在句子结构上,句子成 分之间的辅助词要少得多,句子简洁明快, 干净利落,句子结构呈流散铺排式。

因此,英译汉时一定要化“有形”为“无形”, 把英语表达的意思尽量化在汉语中,不要翻译腔 太重,写出“用方块字写的外国话”。傅雷先生 说得好,理想的外译中作品让读者感到作者仿佛 在用中文写作。 汉译英时,就要避免逐字对译,要“将全文神理, 融会于心,则下笔抒词,自善互备。”(严复 《天演论译例言》)在理解了汉语所表达的意义 以后,用各种关联词,把汉语的几个意义片段, 按照英语的语法逻辑关系,定下主语、谓语,将 它们连结为并列句或复合句。

① What is equally questionable is whether a college degree, as such, is proper evidence that those new skills that are truly needed will be delivered. ②. It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are so many marriages and decisive battles, and where we all, at certain hours of the day, and with great gusto and dispatch, stow a portion of victuals finally and irretrievably into the bag which contains us.

③ No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream. 译文:不,不,我们没有满足,我们也不 会满足,直到公平如大水滚滚,公义如江 河滔滔。