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人教版Book 7 Unit 3 Under the sea 教学设计

〔教材解析〕本篇课文选自人教版新课标教材的选修模块7,为第一课时,阅读课,将Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending部分放在同一课时教学,设计成为一节阅读课。故事发生于20世纪初期,一个名叫“Old Tom”的虎鲸帮助捕鲸人捕鲸以及营救遇难者的事情。通过对文章的整体认知和把握,教师给学生创设情境,让学生和自己的搭档自主地学习、思考和讨论,从而激发学生对动物的关注,鼓励学生去了解动物,爱护动物。




1.Train the students’ reading ability, for example, skimming scanning.

2.Learn and master the following:

Words: anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, opposite, yell, pause, telescope, teamwork, diving, flee, drag, depth, urge, abandon Phrases: be about to do, ahead of, even though, stop…from…, help out,


1.Task- based teaching




1.The students’ confidence and interest can be stimulated.

2.Arouse the students to protect animals.


Improve the students’ reading ability


1.How to make the students understand the reading text better.

2.Make the students realize the importance of protecting animals.


Blackboard, multimedia, textbook, a tape recorder


Step 1 Greetings

Before class, the teacher prepared the mask of the whale. At the beginning of class, the teacher took it and greeted the students. Give the students a puzzle.

T: Hello, boys and girls!My names begin with W and end with E. I am the largest animal in the world and I live in the sea. I have beautiful blue skin. And no part of my body is thin.I''m not a fish but I breatheair.I don''t

have much hair . Men sometimes want to catch me for my body, I have huge fins I don''t have feet. What am I ?I am......?

Step 2 Warming-up

1.Brainstorm: Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? Where did you see them? Find out from your classmates where the saw them?

Suggested answers: on a snorkelling trip, at an aquarium, on a boat tour, in books, in films, on TV programs, on the Internet.

3.Appreciate the video about the whale

Step3 Pre-reading

Look at the picture on Page19 in your book and read the material on the left side of it. Then fill the blanks in the form.

Suggested answers:

Step 4 While-reading

1.Fast reading

Look through the text quickly, and put the events in the reading passage into the right order according to the timeline.

_____1.The killer whale guided the team to hunt.

_____2.He saw a huge animal in the water which was Old Tom, the killer whale.

_____3.The men returned for the baleen whale the next day.

_____4.Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killer.

_____5.The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale.

_____6.He heard a loud noise coming from the bay.

_____7.The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt.

_____8.Clancy arrived at the whaling station.

Suggested answer: 5,3,8,6,7,2,4,1
