搜索词关键词长度ADSS悬垂金具价格10 ADSS自承式光缆9 AHSS-24b1自承式光缆14 AMP 4芯单模光缆10 amp 4芯多模光纤型号12 AMP4芯室外多模光缆11 AMP多模光纤跳线9 APM室外多模光纤9 asfr 光纤 单模多模12 A-型光缆接头盒8 BFOC4 cisco 万兆 单模光纤 型号16 Corning 6芯单模 价格15 CYTA光缆6 E单模光缆5 FC,SC,ST,LC型适配器15 FC/SC适配器8 FC-FC跳线7 fc-sc光纤跳线9 FC单模单纤线缆的型号11 fc光纤适配器 法兰10 fc光纤跳线6 FTTH 4芯光缆9 FTTH光分路器8 ftth光缆6 FTTH光缆12芯价钱11 FTTH光缆厂家8 FTTH光缆价钱8 ftth光纤6 ftth光纤 价格9 ftth光纤到户8 ftth光纤好用吗9 ftth光纤价格8 FTTH光纤配件8 FTTH皮线6 FTTH皮线光缆8 FTTH皮线光缆GJXY12 FTTH皮线光缆的型号11 FTTH室内光缆8 FTTH用光缆型号9 FTTH用皮i线光缆型号12 FTTX网络用室内软光缆12 fttx有限公司8 G.655C单模1芯铠装光缆价格16 G.657 32芯单模光缆价格15 G.657皮线光缆9G652D单芯Φ0.9室内软光缆16 GJTA层绞式光纤9 gjxfh-1b69 GJXH-2B1 皮线光缆13 GJYXCH皮线光缆10 GTTS复合光缆 接头盒12 GTYS-8S室外单模预埋光缆价格17 GY*TW光缆为单模还是多模14 gybxtw6 GYFSTY B19 GYFTA53-48芯光缆价格15 GYFTY-12B1光缆单价?15 GYFTY53型 层绞式非金属光缆17 GYFTY83-12B1.3是什么光缆19 GYFTY-8光缆 技术12 GYFTY光缆7 GYFTZY层绞式非金属阻燃光缆16 GYGZA 光电复合缆11 GYSTA 24芯光缆11 GYSTA53型光缆的价格13 GYSTA-8b1光缆价格13 GYSTA代表什么光缆11 GYSTA复合光缆型号11 GYSTA型光缆是多模还是单模15 GYSTS-12B光缆11 GYSTS光缆7 GYSTS光缆价格9 GYTA4 GYTA 12B 1.3光缆14 GYTA 12B1 价格12 GYTA 24B1.3光缆是单模的吗?19 GYTA 24B1光缆直径13 GYTA 24芯单模 光缆 单价16 GYTA 6芯光缆9 GYTA 分歧光缆9 GYTA 是什么类型的光缆13 GYTA/S53-6B1 6芯单模直埋光缆21 GYTA/S53-8B1 8芯单模层绞式铠装直埋光缆26 GYTA-12B19 gyta-12b1.3光缆13 GYTA-12B12芯光缆型号15 gyta-12b1光缆多少钱一米16 GYTA-12B1光缆价格13 GYTA-12B1价格11 GYTA-12D光缆 24芯一进四出价格20 GYTA-24 光纤价格12 GYTA24D光缆价格11GYTA24芯单模电缆单价13 GYTA24芯光缆价格11 GYTA24芯光缆全称11 GYTA336 GYTA-48B1.3光缆13 GYTA48芯单模光缆价格13 GYTA-4B1 光缆11 GYTA536 GYTA53 48芯单模光缆 外径17 GYTA53 8芯报价11 GYTA53 8芯光缆11 GYTA53 8芯光缆价格13 GYTA53-12B1光缆多少钱16 GYTA53-24B光缆报价14 GYTA53-36B1光缆价格15 GYTA53-3水下光缆12 GYTA53-8B1是什么光缆15 GYTA53-8B光缆外径13 GYTA53光缆8 GYTA53光缆 16芯12 gyta53光缆图9 GYTA53直埋光缆的价格13 GYTA72 B19 GYTA-8B1 光缆 价格14 GYTA-8B1光纤电缆12 GYTA-96光缆大概多少钱一米16 GYTA电缆多少钱一米11 GYTA光缆6 GYTA光缆厂家8 GYTA光缆都分为哪几种12 gyta光缆价格8 GYTA光缆市场8 gyta光缆是单模光缆吗?13 GYTA光缆是什么意思11 GYTA光缆特征8 GYTA是铠装光缆吗10 GYTA是什么规格的光缆12 GYTS4 GYTS 12芯光缆价格12 GYTS 6芯单模光缆11 GYTS 8B1光纤10 GYTS 8B光纤型号11 GYTS 96B1.3光缆的直径16 GYTS 光缆7 gyts-24b1.3是什么光缆16 gyts-4b1光纤10 GYTS536gyts53光缆8 GYTS53光缆,24芯12 gyts53是什么类型的光纤14 gyts多模光纤8 GYTS光电复合缆价格11 GYTS光缆6 GYTS光缆 ITU-T G-652D19 GYTS光缆6b19 GYTS光缆多少钱一米11 gyts光缆价格8 GYTS光纤6 GYTS铠装光缆外径10 GYTS是什么光缆9 GYTS是什么光纤9 GYTS万兆光缆8 GYTS型光缆7 GYTY4 GYTY536 gytza 538 GYTZA-4B1室外光缆多少钱16 GYTZA537 GYXTPM光缆生产厂家12 gyxts 4芯光缆 价格13 GYXTS光缆7 GYXTW5 GYXTW 光纤11 GYXTW 4CORE光缆14 gyxtw 单模9 gyxtw 12b1价钱12 GYXTW 4a1b10 gyxtw 4b19 GYXTW 4芯单模光缆12 GYXTW 6B1光纤11 gyxtw B1.1单模光纤14 GYXTW 光纤8 GYXTW/6芯单模10 GYXTW-10B1单模光缆14 GYXTW-12B110 GYXTW-12-B1 光缆14 GYXTW-12B1]11 GYXTW-24B光缆11 GYXTW-4A1B 4芯多模16 GYXTW-4A1b室外多模光缆16 GYXTW-4B19 GYXTW-4B1是什么光缆14 GYXTW-4光纤9 GYXTW537GYXTW53 多模 GYXTW16 GYXTW-6A1B10 GYXTW-6A光缆10 GYXTW-6B19 GYXTW-6C光缆10 GYXTW-8B19 GYXTW----8B1光缆型号16 GYXTW多模光缆型号11 GYXTW光缆7 GYXTW光缆的价格10 gyxtw光缆生产商10 GYXTW光缆型号9 gyxtw光纤7 GYXTY5 GYXTY53 光缆10 GYXTY53直埋光缆11 gyxty光缆7 GYXTZA-100B1 矿用阻燃重铠单模光缆23 GY型室外光缆 芯公里 价格14 18 /19 23 HYXTW5 IBDN4芯室内单模光缆12 IBM24芯单模光纤价格12 i光缆接线盒XS-1411 KL5002矿用光缆10 l925bp光纤皮线10 lc5多模光纤 6芯10 LC-LC 多模 单模11 MDTSV矿用光缆9 MGTSV5 MGTSV-6B 光缆11 MGTSV-8B(单模)光纤14 MGTSV-8矿用光缆11 MGTSV光缆7 MGTSV光纤厂家9 MGTSV矿用光缆9 MGTSV是什么光缆型号12 MGTSV型煤矿用阻燃单模光纤15 Mgts矿用光缆8 MV矿用线缆6 ODF单元12芯8 ODF光纤熔接盒8 ODF箱36芯7 OFNR4 ogpw光缆厂家8OM3室内多模光缆9 OM3预制万兆光纤9 op gw 24 芯 光缆13 OPGW 24芯光缆一般多少钱每千米18 OPGW 电力光缆9 OPGW24蕊复合光缆哪有卖的15 opgw-80光缆单重24芯14 opgw光缆6 OPGW光缆 36芯F11 opgw光缆24芯大概多少钱14 opgw光缆24芯规格11 OPGW光缆36芯的型号12 opgw光缆生产厂家10 OPGW架空地线复合光缆12 OPLC光电复合电缆结构尺寸14 OPLC光电复合光缆10 OPLC光电复合缆9 OPLE光电复合电缆10 OPPC24芯光缆型号11 oppc复合光缆8 OPPC光电复合电缆10 oppc光纤复合导线10 potevio4芯单模室内光纤g652价格21 protel中跳线怎么处理13 R&M6芯室外多模铠装光缆13 RIO光纤电缆7 RRT4芯单模光缆9 RRT光纤5 SC-FC光纤跳线9 SC-SC多模双芯光纤跳线尾纤 规格要50/125um27 SC单模光纤6 si光纤電纜6 ST-LC多模光纤跳线11 st-st 光纤跳线10 st-st单模光跳线10 st-st双芯多模光纤跳线13 ST单模光纤耦合器9 st光纤耦合器7 SYV室外光缆型号9 TCL12芯室内单模光纤12 TCL6芯单模室外光缆11 tcl复合型光缆8 TEHALI电缆管道10 TP-Link单模光纤收发器报价16 TRIO 光纤电缆9 T通信光缆价格7 wt8110gm单模光纤的价格1511 YFC 室外轻铠装单模光缆13 yhc12芯通信光缆价格12安普4芯光缆多少钱一米11八口光纤熔接盒7八心光纤规格6八芯单模光缆6八芯单模光缆GYTA价格12八芯光缆4八芯光纤的规格7八芯室内万兆单模光纤10白孚光缆上海有限公司10白色皮线光纤多少钱一公里12百孚 RRT的7百孚(上海)介绍8百孚电缆4百孚光缆4百孚光缆 上海 有限公司12百孚光缆(上海)有限公司12百孚光缆(上海)有限公司12百孚光缆(上海)有限公司12百孚光缆(上海)有限公司网站14百孚光缆的型号7百孚光缆光通信7百孚光缆光纤6百孚光缆口碑怎么样9百孚光缆上海6百孚光缆上海公司8百孚光缆上海有限公司10百孚光缆有限公司8百孚光缆怎么样7百孚光纤4百孚和易蒙的光纤哪个好11百孚牌光纤5百孚上海4百孚投资集团有限公司10百孚一舟4百孚一舟电缆6百浮光缆4百福光缆上海有限公司10标准1060nm单模光纤12不锈钢铠装光纤7布光纤的价格6层绞式72芯室外单模光缆12层绞式A护套60芯光缆的单价14层绞式A护套60芯光缆的价格14层绞式A护套多模通信光缆12层绞式非非金属加强构件直埋光缆15层绞式管道光缆7层绞式光缆5层绞式光缆 GYTA 16芯架空每公里造价21层绞式光缆GYDTA10层绞式光缆GYTA-48B114层绞式光缆的绞缩率一般为多少14层绞式光缆的型号8层绞式光缆说明7层绞式光缆特点7层绞式光缆型号7层绞式铠装水下直埋光缆11层绞式矿用光缆MGTSV 50芯 价格19层绞式通信光缆7常用矿用光缆型号8成都单模光缆6成都皮线光缆6成都室内光缆6成都万兆光缆6成品皮线光缆6充气光缆接头盒7船用2芯光缆6带状光缆4单模 24芯,室外型光纤报价14单模 4 芯 轻铠9单模 6芯光纤GYXTW12单模 多模光纤7单模 万兆 光缆8单模,铠装耐火光缆9单模10芯光纤多少钱一米12单模12芯5单模12芯光缆7单模12芯光纤7单模12芯光纤 价格10单模12芯光纤多少钱10单模12芯光线价格9单模12芯室外光纤9单模24芯 光纤8单模24芯 室内光缆10单模24芯光缆7单模24芯光纤7单模24芯光纤 价格10单模24芯光纤多少钱10单模24芯通讯光纤9单模2芯室外光纤8单模4芯4单模4芯光缆6单模4芯光缆的型号9单模4芯光缆多少钱一米11单模4芯光缆价格8单模4芯光缆怎么表示10单模4芯光纤6单模4芯光纤多少钱一米11单模4芯光纤价格8单模4芯光纤型号规格10单模4芯凯装光纤8单模4芯室内光纤KZSND2-116单模4芯室内跳线8单模6芯 光缆 低烟无卤12单模6芯光缆6单模6芯光缆型号8单模6芯光纤6单模6芯光纤单价8单模6芯光纤多少钱9单模6芯室外用光纤的价格?13单模8芯4单模8芯 光纤7单模8芯光缆6单模8芯光纤6单模8芯光纤 单模4芯光纤价格15单模LC光纤收发器9单模八芯铠装光缆8单模保偏光纤6单模传输光纤规格8单模带铠光纤型号8单模单纤光纤6单模单芯光纤6单模单芯光纤收发器9单模多芯光纤GYXTW-04B116单模方园光纤6单模复合光钎6单模光电收发器 参数10单模光缆4单模光缆 12芯8单模光缆 GYFTY-4B114单模光缆 GYTA53 8芯每米价格19单模光缆 GYTA53 8芯每米价格18单模光缆 报价7单模光缆 的型号规格10单模光缆48芯的价格10单模光缆GYTA5310单模光缆厂家6单模光缆代号6单模光缆多少钱7单模光缆多少钱一米9单模光缆和多模光缆的型号12单模光缆价格6单模光缆可以当多模光缆吗12单模光缆类型6单模光缆型号6单模光缆有那些品牌9单模光模块5单模光钎4单模光钎报价6单模光收发器6单模光纤4单模光纤 6559单模光纤 价格8单模光纤 24芯8单模光纤 24芯 48芯12单模光纤 24芯多钱10单模光纤 2芯7单模光纤 4 芯9单模光纤 4 芯型号10单模光纤 6芯7单模光纤 8芯 参数10单模光纤 报价7单模光纤 多模光纤9单模光纤 规格7单模光纤 规格型号9单模光纤 价格7单模光纤 铠装 4芯10单模光纤 零售价8单模光纤 上海7单模光纤 型号7单模光纤 型号 4芯10单模光纤 种类7单模光纤(4芯)8单模光纤12芯价格9单模光纤4芯6单模光纤4芯 价格9单模光纤4芯 型号9单模光纤4芯光缆8单模光纤4芯价钱8单模光纤8芯6单模光纤F.0-49单模光纤GYTA-4811单模光纤GYTA53-8B114单模光纤GYXTW9单模光纤报价6单模光纤的参数7单模光纤的规格、单价10单模光纤的价格7单模光纤的型号7单模光纤的种类7单模光纤多少钱1米9单模光纤多少钱一米9单模光纤规格6单模光纤贵还是多模光纤贵12单模光纤和多模光纤 价格12单模光纤和多模光纤的价格12单模光纤和多模光纤的区别12单模光纤价格6单模光纤铠装6单模光纤熔接器说明书10单模光纤收发器7单模光纤收发器 参数10单模光纤收发器传8单模光纤收发器价格9单模光纤四芯6单模光纤跳线6单模光纤跳线ST-ST11单模光纤跳线价格8单模光纤跳线结构8单模光纤跳线连接器9单模光纤跳线型号8单模光纤跳线型号ST-ST13单模光纤图5单模光纤线低烟无卤9单模光纤型号6单模光纤型号GYXtw11单模光纤型号及参数9单模光纤有多少芯的9单模光纤种类6单模光线收发器7单模和多模光纤比较9单模和多模光纤区别9单模架空光缆6单模凯装8芯光纤8单模铠装36芯光纤9单模铠装8芯光缆8单模铠装光缆6单模铠装光缆价格8单模矿用铠装光缆8单模六芯光纤6单模轻铠装4芯光缆防水阻燃13单模室外6芯光纤8单模室外光纤6单模收发器5单模收发器常用型号9单模双芯皮线光缆8单模四蕊光缆6单模四芯4单模四芯光纤6单模四芯光纤规格8单模四芯光纤价格8单模四芯光纤那里有卖的11单模四芯光纤是一根还是4跟13单模四芯光纤线7单模四芯铠装6单模四芯室外光纤8单模通信光纤6单模重铠光缆6单膜4芯光缆价格8单膜8芯通信光纤价格10单膜光纤4单膜光纤型号6单膜四芯光缆6单芯单模光缆6单芯单膜光纤6单芯金属室内蝶形光缆10单芯皮线光缆6单芯皮线光缆 生产厂家11单芯皮线光纤6单芯室内光缆6单芯室内光纤价格8单芯室内软光缆型号9單模室外鎧裝12芯光纖11导引36芯光缆7低压复合光缆6低压矿用阻燃电缆型号10低压无线光缆接线盒9低烟无卤光缆6低烟无卤阻燃 同轴电缆11低烟无卤阻燃光缆产品描述12地埋光缆4地埋光缆4芯价格8地埋光缆的符号7地埋光缆价格6地埋光缆接续盒7地埋光缆型号6电缆光纤多少钱一米9电缆配线箱5电力 光缆5电力光缆4电力光缆 adss9电力光缆24芯7电力光缆的档距7电力光缆的钢管7电力光缆规格6电力光缆价格6电力光缆用U型卡子9电力光缆总类6电力光纤4电力光纤性能指标8电力缆价格5电力特种光缆 价格9电力通信管道光缆8电力通信光缆6电力系统 光缆监测9电线电缆(光缆),9电信皮线光缆进户线型号11电子产品通讯光缆8碟型皮线光缆6蝶形光缆(4芯)带中光纤色谱14蝶形光纤4蝶形皮线光缆6东莞低烟无卤PE光缆料11动力复合光缆6多模 4芯光纤7多模 SC-ST 光纤跳线62.5/125 L=3米26多模12芯光缆程式9多模4芯4多模4芯光缆6多模4芯光缆型号8多模4芯光纤6多模4芯光纤 多少钱一米?13多模8芯光缆6多模8芯光缆外径8多模8芯光钎6多模8芯光纤报价8多模8芯铠装光缆8多模BFOC6多模GYTA53-6芯11多模带铠四芯光纤8多模光缆4多模光缆 GYXTW 6芯15多模光缆 8芯7多模光缆 万兆7多模光缆4芯6多模光缆GYSTS9多模光缆和单模光缆的标示12多模光缆和单模光缆的区别12多模光纤4多模光纤 6芯7多模光纤 单模光纤9多模光纤 上海7多模光纤光纤型号8多模光纤规格6多模光纤贵还是单模贵10多模光纤和单模光纤的产品商标的区别17多模光纤和单模光纤的区别12多模光纤跳线6多模光纤跳线报价8多模黄护套4芯光缆结构11多模铠装光缆意思8多模铠装光纤6多模铠装六芯室外光缆10多模铠装六芯室外光缆报价12多模六芯光缆6多模室内光缆6多模室内光纤缆7多模室外光缆的型号9多模室外光缆的型号规格11多模室外光纤价格8多模四芯4多模万兆光缆型号8多模万兆光纤6多膜8芯光纤通常什么型号12多膜光缆 GYXTW-8A1b15多膜光纤GYXTW-8A1b14多膜光纤与单模光纤9多膜室内光纤价格8多膜室内光纤种类8多芯单模光纤6多芯单模室外光缆8多芯圆形室内光缆8二线光纤电缆6二线皮线光缆6二线皮线光缆型号8二芯多模光缆生产厂家10防爆矿用光缆6防火 阻燃 单模防鼠光纤12防鼠光缆生产厂家8防蚁式直埋光缆7非金属 16芯光缆 GYFTY-16B19非金属 光缆6非金属 铠装光缆8非金属24芯光缆价格10非金属地埋光缆7非金属多模阻燃光缆9非金属光缆5非金属光缆16芯参数10非金属光缆16芯参数GY12非金属光缆型号7非金属光缆需要接地吗10非金属光纤5非金属光纤的介绍8非金属加强光缆7非金属加强芯光缆8非金属铠装加强型室外预制光缆14非金属皮纤光缆7非金属皮线光缆7非金属阻燃管道光缆9非金属阻燃光缆7非金属阻燃增强型光缆价格12分歧光缆 (4芯)9烽火24芯单模光纤报价11敷设管道光缆6附挂架空光缆6复合地线光缆6复合光缆4复合光缆 4芯7复合光缆 选型7复合光缆SMPTE31112复合光缆的型号7复合光缆多少钱一米9复合光缆规格6复合光缆价格6复合光缆熔接方式8复合光缆如何拨开护套10复合光缆型号6复合光纤4复合光纤低压电缆8复合光纤缆5复合光纤型号6复合型光缆型号7富通皮线光缆6感温光纤4干式室外光缆6钢带层绞式室外光缆主要技术参数15钢带铠装光缆6钢丝凯装隧道光缆8供电光缆4管道光缆4管道光缆表格编号8管道光缆参数6管道光缆厚度6管道光缆是什么型号的?11管道光缆型号6管道光缆引导装置8管道皮线光缆6管道式光缆5管道室外光缆执行标准10。
Pipe & Hangers TechnicalIndustry Standards & Test MethodsPage 83Suitable for Oil-Free air handling to 25 psi, not for distribution of compressed air or gasSpears ® Manufacturing Company See Spears ® Product Sourcebook for product offerings Spears ® products are manufactured in strict compliance with applicable industry standards and specifications to ensure strength, durability and safety. Although not inclusive, the following list of internationally recognized standards, specifications, test methods and practices relate to PVC and CPVC thermoplastic piping products and related components.ASTM STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSASTM D 1784Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds ASTM D 1785Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe- Schedules 40- 80 and 120ASTM D 2241Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure Rated Pipe (SDR Series)ASTM D 2464Standard Specification for Threaded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 80ASTM D 2466Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 40ASTM D 2467Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 80ASTM D 2665Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain-Waste- and Vent Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 2672Standard Specification for Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement ASTM D 2846Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution Systems ASTM D 3139Standard Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTM D 3311Standard Specification for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns ASTM F 437Standard Specification for Threaded Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 80ASTM F 438Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 40ASTM F 439Standard Specification for Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings- Schedule 80ASTM F 441Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe- Schedules 40 and 80ASTM F 442Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)ASTM F 477Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F 493Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 656Standard Specification for Primers for Use in Solvent Cement Joints of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 913Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe ASTM F 1498Standard Specification for Taper Pipe Threads 60° for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 1866Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Schedule 40 Drainage and DWV Fabricated Fittings ASTM F 1970Standard Specification for Special Engineered Fittings, Appurtenances or Valves for use in Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Systems ASTM F 2618Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Fittings for Chemical Waste Drainage Systems ASTM STANDARD TEST METHODS ASTM D 1598Standard Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe Under Constant Internal Pressure ASTM D 1599Standard Test Method for Resistance to Short-Time Hydraulic Pressure of Plastic Pipe & Fittings ASTM D 2122Standard Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe & Fittings ASTM D 2152Standard Test Method for Adequacy of Fusion by Acetone Immersion ASTM D 2412Standard Test Method for Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading ASTM D 2444Standard Test Method for Determination of the Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight)ASTM D 2564Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems ASTM D 2837Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials ASTM F 610Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Quality of Molded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings by the Heat Reversion Technique ASTM STANDARD PRACTICES ASTM D 2321Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications ASTM D 2774Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping ASTM D 2855Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 402Standard Practice for Safe Handling of Solvent Cements- Primers- and Cleaners Used for Joining Thermoplastics Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 645Standard Guide for Selection- Design- and Installation of Thermoplastic Water Pressure Systems ASTM F 690Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping Irrigation System ASTM F 1057Standard Practice for Evaluating the Quality of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe by the Heat Reversion TechniqueCSA STANDARD CSA B137.3-99Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe for Pressure ApplicationsFIRE PERFORMANCEULC-S102.2-M88Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring- Floor Covering- and Miscellaneous Materials and AssembliesUL 94Test for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and AppliancesUL 723Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building MaterialsUL 1821Thermoplastic Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings for Fire Protection ServiceUL 1887Standard for Safety for Fire Test of Plastic Sprinkler Pipe for Flame and Smoke CharacteristicsFM 1635Plastic Pipe & Fittings for Automatic Sprinkler SystemsASTM D 635Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Manufacturing in a Horizontal PositionASTM D 2863Standard Test Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support Candle-Like Combustion of Manufacturing (Oxygen Index)ASTM E 84Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building MaterialsASTM E 162Standard Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source TOXICOLOGYNSF ® Standard 14Manufacturing Piping System Components and Related Materials NSF ® Standard 61Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects United States FDA Code of Federal Regulations Title 21。
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100伸缩节规格参数英文回答:100 Series Expansion Joints.Materials of Construction:Stainless steel (Types 304, 316, and 321)。
Carbon steel (Types A-106 Grade B and C)。
Nickel-copper alloy (Alloy 400)。
Design Features:Bellows: Single or multiple corrugations.Flanges: Raised face, flat face, or ring-type joint (RTJ)。
End connections: Screwed, welded, or flanged.Specifications:Pressure: Up to 100 psi (6.9 bar)。
Temperature: -40 to 500°F (-40 to 260°C)。
Movement: Axial, lateral, and angular.Diameter: 1/2 to 12 inches (12.7 to 304.8 mm)。
Applications:Piping systems subject to thermal expansion and contraction.Pumps and compressors.Vessels and tanks.Cryogenic applications.Use with corrosive fluids.Advantages:Excellent flexibility and fatigue resistance. High corrosion resistance.Low maintenance.Provides vibration isolation.Compact and lightweight design.中文回答:100系列伸缩节。
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![PLA 85 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d41d80715627a5e9856a561252d380eb629423f1.png)
50119511 G1 Valid from 2018 week 46PLA 85Pos. No. Varebetegnelse Description of goods WarenbezeichnungDésignation des pièces80690085 Plasmaslange med centraltilslutning, 6m Plasma torch with central adaptor plug, 6m Plasmaschlauch mit Zentralanschluss, 6m Torche plasma avec raccordement central, 6m 1 45050101 TastTrigger Taster Gâchette 2 71610194 Monteret print PCBPlatine Circuit imprimé montée 3 80600096 VippearmTipping device Kippvorrichtung Dispositif à bascule 4 80600092 Håndtag Handle HandgriffPoignée5 80600098 Skruer for håndtag (1 sæt = 5 stk)Screw for handle (1 set = 5 pcs) Schraube für Handgriff (1 Satz = 5 Stück) Vis pour poignée (1 jeu = 5 pièces) 6 80600097 Kontaktstift Contact pin Kontaktstift Fiche de contact 7 80650005 Brænderhoved Torch body Brennerkörper Corps de torche 7a 80600018 Gasrør Gas tube Gasrohr Tubeà gaz 8 80610005 Elektrode Electrode Elektrode Electrode9 80630009 Dyse 1,2 mm Nozzle 1.2 mm Düse 1,2 mm Buse 1,2 mm 9 80630010 Dyse 1,4 mm Nozzle 1.4 mm Düse 1,4 mmBuse 1,4 mm 10 80630011 Beskyttelseskappe Protective capSchutzkappe Bague de protection 11 80600088 Afstandsfjeder Distance spring AbstandsfederRessort de distance 12 80600101 Afstandsbøjle (2 ben)Distance ring (2 legs)Distanzbügel (2 Schenkel) Dispositif de distance (2 pied)12A 80600108 Afstandsbøjle Distance ringDistanzbügel Dispositif de distance 13 24510237 NøgleKey Universalschlüssel Clef14 82034014 GasflowmeterGas flowmeter GasdurchflußmesserDébitmètre de gaz15 80680085 Slangemodul PDX 85 m/ZA, 6mHose module PDX 85 with ZA, 6mSchlauchmodul PDX 85 with ZA, 6m Module de torche PDX 85 avec ZA, 6m 16 45070007 Slangeaflastning ø35 Hose protection ø35Schlauchentlastung ø35 Douille isolate de cable ø3517 40110406 CHJ skrue M4x6CHJ screw M4x6 Zylinderkopfschraube M4x6 Vis CHJ screw M4x618 25450047 Aflastningsring Relief-ringEntlastungsringBague d’allègement 19 80200335 Møtrik til ZA, plastik Nut for ZA, plasticMutter für ZA, Plastik Écrou pour ZA, plastique 20 80300601 Centraltilslutning Central adaptor plug ZentralsteckerFiche de contact 21 80300603 Hanstik kontaktdel Male contact partKontaktteil männlich Partie de contact, mâle 21a 80300602 Hanstik til ledningMale pin for wireKontaktteil für Leitung, männlich Connecteur mâle (câble)22 80600091 Cirkelslag kompletCircle cutting device completeKreisschneide-Einrichtung komplett Support pour coupe circulaire complet 22A 80600094 Stang for cirkelslagRadius arm for circle cutting device Führungsstang für Kreisschneide-Einrichtung Bras support pour coupe circulaire 22B 80600090 Brændervogn (drejebar) Torch carriage (revolving) Brennerwagen (drehbar) Support torche (pivotant)23 80600093 Brændervogn (fast) Torch carriage (fixed)Brennerwagen (fest)Support torche (fixe)。
原料涤纶:ployester锦纶:nylon/polyamide醋酸:acetate 棉cotton人棉:rayon人丝:viscose仿真丝:imitated silk fabric真丝:silk氨纶:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra长丝: filament短纤: spun 黑丝:black yarn阳离cation三角异形丝:triangle profile空气变形丝:air-jet texturing yarn超细纤维: micro –fibric 全拉伸丝: fdy full drawn yarn)预取向丝: poy(preoriented yarn)拉伸变形丝: dty(draw textured yarn)牵伸加捻丝: dt (drww twist)质量标准: quality standard(oeko-tex standard 100、iso9002、sgs、its、aatcc、m&s)客检: customer inspection台板检验:table inspection经向检验: lamp inspection色牢度: color fastness氯漂白色牢度: chlorine bleach color fastness尺寸稳定性: dimensional stability 外观持久性: appearance retention拉伸强度: tensile strength撕破强度: tear strength接缝滑裂: seam slippage抗起毛起球性: pilling resistance耐磨性: abrasion resistance拒水性: water repellency抗水性: water resistance织物密度: thread per inch/stich density纱支: yarn count 克重: weight wool 羊毛m mohair 马海毛rh、 rabbit hair 兔毛al alpaca 羊驼毛s silk 真丝j jute 黄麻l linen 亚麻ram ramie 苎麻hem hemp 大麻t polyester 涤纶ws cashmere 羊绒wa angora 安哥拉山羊毛la lambswool 羊羔毛ts tussah silk 柞蚕丝yh yark hair 牦牛毛md modal 莫代尔ch camel hair 驼绒cu cupro 铜 ms mulberry silk 桑蚕丝 ly lycra 莱卡 kender kender 罗布麻 silkool silkool 大豆蛋白纤维cvc cvc 涤棉倒比n nylon 锦纶r rayon 人棉v viscose 粘胶sp spendex 氨纶pp polypropylene 丙纶pv polyvinyl 维纶 a acrylic 腈纶tel tencel 天丝纱线纱线 yarns棉及其混纺纱线 cotton, cotton mixed & blended yarns棉纱 cotton yarns涤棉纱 t/c & cvc yarns粘棉纱 cotton/rayon yarns棉晴纱 cotton/acrylic yarns棉/氨纶包芯纱 cotton/spandex yarns棉与其他混纺纱 cotton/others blended yarns毛纺系列纱线 woollen yarn series羊绒纱 cashmere yarn series全羊毛纱 wool (100%) yarns毛晴纱 wool/acrylic yarns毛涤纱 wool/polyester yarns毛粘纱 wool/viscose yarns毛/丝纱wool/silk yarnss羊毛/其他 wool/other yarns兔毛纱 angora yarns雪兰毛线 shetland yarns牦牛毛纱 yak hair yarns羊仔毛纱 lambswool yarns真丝系列纱线 silk yarn series白厂丝 white steam filature yarns双宫丝 duppion silk yarns柞蚕丝 tussah silk yarns绢丝 spun silk yarns柞绢丝 tussah spun silk yarns柚丝 silk noil yarns真丝线 silk threads丝棉混纺纱 silk/cotton blended yarns麻纺系列纱线 halm yarn series***系列纱线 hemp yarn series亚麻系列纱线 linen yarn series苎麻系列纱线 ramie yarn series黄麻系列纱线 jute yarn series其他植物纤维纱线 other plant yarns剑麻系列纱线 sisal yarn series人造纤维和合成纱线 manmade & synthetic yarns 晴纶纱 acrylic yarns晴纶仿羊绒 cashmere-like acrylic yarns仿兔毛 sunday angora yarns锦纶丝 polyamide yarns涤纶纱/丝 polyester yarns人造棉纱 spun rayon yarns天丝纱 tencel yarns弹力纱线 elastane yarns涤粘纱 t/r (polyester/rayon) yarns人棉混纺纱 spun rayon blended yarns其他化纤纱线 other synthetic yarns人造长丝或线 viscose filament yarns or threads 花色纱线雪尼尔纱 chenille yarns大肚纱 big-belly yarns带子纱 tape yarns马海毛纱 mohair yarns羽毛纱 feather yarns蜈蚣纱 centipede like yarns项链纱 neckline yarns辫子纱 pigtail yarns梯子纱 ladder yarns圈圈纱 loop yarnstt 纱 tt yarns结子纱 knot yarns乒乓纱 ping-pong yarns其它花色纱线 other fancy yarns金属纱线 metal yarns绳、索及缆 twine, cordage, rope & cables面料靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒: nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c yarn dyed check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peach synthetic fibre 合成纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维 jute 黄麻gunny cloth (bag) 黄麻布(袋) mixture fabric, blend fabric 混纺织物woven fabric 机织织物spun silk 绢丝 linen 麻织物 woolen fabrics 毛织物(品) cotton textiles 棉纺织品 cotton velvet 棉绒 cotton fabrics 棉织物(品)non-crushable 耐绉的 viscose acetal fibre 黏胶纤维 matching, colour combinations 配色rayon fabrics 人造丝织物 artificial fibre 人造纤维 crewel work 绒线刺绣 mulberry silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝 silk fabrics 丝织物 silk spinning丝纺 linen cambric 手帕亚麻纱 plain 素色figured silk 提花丝织物 jacquard 提花织物applique embroidery 贴花刺绣discolourization 褪色mesh fabric 网眼织物bondedfibre fabric 无纺织物 embroidered fabric 绣花织物 flax 亚麻linen yarn 亚麻纱knitting 针织knitwear 针织品 hosiery 针织物 textile fabric 织物 ramee, ramie 苎麻tussah silk 柞蚕丝calico 白布;本布serge 哔叽camel hair cloth 长毛骆驼绒 plush 长毛绒tweed 粗(花)呢overcoating 大衣呢satin 缎子 flannel 法兰绒 worsted flannel 精纺法兰绒canvas 帆布valetin 立丁tartan 格子呢admiralty cloth 海军呢 cotton prints 花布gabardine 华达呢pongee 茧绸brocade 锦缎khaki drills 卡其布reversible khaki 双面卡cashmere 开司米anti-pressing standing velvet 抗拉力绒sheetings 阔幅平布;被单布faille, bengaline, tussore 罗缎 melton 麦尔登呢wool serge 毛哔叽cotton cloth, cotton piecegoods 棉布bleached cotton cloth 漂白棉布cotton serge 棉哔叽trueran 棉涤纶vinylon 维尼纶cotton sateen 棉缎cotton poplin 棉府绸cotton pongee 棉茧绸cotton plush 棉织长毛绒cotton gabardine 棉织华达呢palace 派力斯seersucker, blisger crepe, plisse crepe 泡泡纱georgette 乔其纱herringbone 人字呢;海力蒙flannelette 绒布taffeta 塔夫绸cotton venetians 泰西缎broche quilts 提花床单布mosquito netting 蚊帐纱grass cloth 夏布mackintosh cloth 橡胶防雨布drills 斜纹布embroidered gauze 绣花纱罗linen, linen cloth 亚麻布linen canvas 亚麻帆布linen checks 亚麻格子布iondanthren cloth 阴丹士林布camblet 羽纱tapestry satin 织锦缎crepe satin 绉(背)缎bobbin net 罗纱acrylic fibres 腈纶artificial cotton 人造棉artificial silk, rayon 人造丝artificial wool 人造毛capron, kapron 卡普纶dacron, terylene 的确良modelon 毛涤纶nylon 锦纶(耐纶)nylon chiffon 尼龙薄绸orlon 奥纶terylene 涤纶c cotton 棉关于面料的缩写c::cotton 棉w:wool 羊毛m:mohair 马海毛rh:rabbit hair 兔毛al:alpaca 羊驼毛s:silk真丝j:jute 黄麻l:linen 亚麻ts:tussah silk 柞蚕丝yh:yark hair 牦牛毛ly:lycra莱卡ram:ramine 苎麻hem:hemp ***t:polyester 涤纶ws:cashmere 羊绒n:nylon 锦纶(尼龙)a:acrylic 腈纶tel:tencel 天丝,是lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名la:lambswool 羊羔毛md:model 莫代尔ch:camel hair 驼毛cvc:chief value of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)ms:mulberry silk 桑蚕丝r:rayon 粘胶里料: lining面料:fabric平纹: taffeta斜纹: twill缎面: satin / charmeuse绡: lustrine提花: jacquard烂花: burnt-out春亚纺:pongee格子: check条子: stripe 双层: double – layer双色: two – tone花瑶: faille高士宝:koshibo雪纺:chiffon乔其:georgette弹力布:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra 牛仔布:jeanet牛津布: oxford帆布: cambric 涤棉p/c涤捻: t/r白条纺: white stripe黑条纺: black stripe 空齿纺:empty stripe水洗绒/桃皮绒: peach skin卡丹绒: peach twill绉绒: peach moss玻璃纱: organdy常用服装英语缩写a.h. armhole 夹圈abs area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布adl acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准aql acceptable quality level 验收合格标准attn. attention 注意aud. audit 稽查b. back 后b.h. button hole 钮门/扣眼b.l. back length 后长b.p. bust point 胸点bk. black 黑色bl bust line 胸围线bmt basic motion time 基本动作时间bnl back neckline 后领圈线bnp/bnpt back neck point 后领点br back rise 后浪bsp back shoulder point 后肩颈点btm. bottom 衫脚btn. button 钮扣c.v.c. chief value of cotton 棉为主的混纺物c/b (c.b.) center back 后中c/f (c.f.) center front 前中cad computer aided design 电脑辅助设计cae computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程cal computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料cam computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造cap computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样cbf center back fold 后中对折cbl center back line 后中线cbn-w center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰cfl center front fold 前中对折ci corporate identify 企业标识cif cost, insurance & freight 到岸价clr. color 颜色cmt cutting, making, trimming 来料加工col. color 颜色cord. corduroy 灯心绒cs commercial standards 商业标准ctn. cotton 棉ctn. no. carton no. 纸箱编号d. denier 旦d. & k. damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔d.b. double-breasted 双襟d/y delivery 出货, 交付dbl double 双dbl ndl double needle 双针dept. department 部门dk. dark 深色doz. dozen 打e.g. exampli gratia / for example 例如el elbow line 手肘线emb. embroidery 绣花, 车花etc. et cetera=and so forth 等等exp. export 出口f. front 前fab. fabric 布料faq fair average quality 中等品fb freight bill 装货清单fnp front neck point 前颈点fob free on board 离岸价fqc field quality control 现场质量控制fty. factory 工厂g. green 绿色g.w. gross weight 毛重gl grain line 布纹h. hips 坐围hl hips line 坐围线in. inch 英寸jkt. jacket 夹克k knit 针织l. large 大号l. line 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位)l. length 长度l. left 左l.g. length grain 经向, 直纹lb. pound 磅lbl label 唛头, 商标loa length over all 全长m medium 中码m/b must be 必须m/c machine 机械mat. material 物料meas. measurement 尺寸mhl middle hips line 中臀围线mkt. market 市场mmts. measurements 尺寸n. to w.(n.-w.) nape to waist 腰直n.p. neck point 肩颈点ndl. needle 针nil nothing 无nk. neck 颈圈o/n order no. 定单号ojt on-the-job training 在职培训os over size 超大号ovrlk. overlock 及骨, 包缝p. purple 紫色p.o. no. production order no. 生产制造单编号p.o.b. post office box 邮箱p.p. paper pattern 纸样p.s.i. per square inch 每平方英寸p/c polyester/cotton 涤棉混纺织物pa polyamide 聚酰胺pap posterior armpit point 腋窝后点pb private brand 个人商标pc. price 价格pcs. pieces 件, 个pkg. package 包装pkt. pocket 口袋pls. please 请pnt point 点p-o-r product-o-rial system 吊挂系统pos. position 位置pp poly propylene 聚丙烯pv polyvinyl fibre 聚乙烯纤维pvc polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯qc quality control 质量控制qly. quality 质量qpl qualified products list 合格产品目录qty. quantity 数量r. right 右r.s. right side 正面r.t.w. ready to wear 成衣ref. reference 参考, 参照rej. reject 拒绝rm. room 场所rn. rayon 人造丝s small 小码s.a. seam allowance 止口s.b. single breasted 单排纽扣, 单襟s.p. shoulder point 肩端点s.p.i. stitch per inch 每英寸线迹数s.p.m. stitch per minutes 每分钟线迹数s/b should be 应该sc shopping center 购物中心sgl ndl single needle 单针slv. sleeve 袖子smpl sample 样板snl single 单snp side neck point 颈侧点spec. specification 细则sq. ft. square feet 平方英尺sty. style 款式sz. size 尺码t/c terylence/cotton 涤棉织物t/s top stitches 间面线tqc total quality control 全面质量控制tqm total quality management 全面质量管理t-s t-shirt t恤衫ubl under bust line 下胸围线v. violet 紫色w woven 梭织w. waist 腰围w. width 宽度w.b. waistband 裤头w.i.p. work in process 半成品w.l. waist line 腰线w.s. wrong side 反面w/ withwmsp. workmanship 手工, 车工wt. weight 重量x king size 特大号xl extra large 特大号xxl extra extra large 超特大号y. yellow 黄色yd. yardage 码数gws garment wash sample 成衣洗水样板rn # reference number 参考号lcl less container loaded 拼柜?p/c polyester/cotton 涤纶/棉t/c terylene/cotton 涤纶/棉ext. extension number分机号cell. cellular phone 手机upc universal product code 通用产品码,通用货单代码cmpt cut/make/pack/trimiq including quotaeq excluding quotas/y sample yardagelsaw. 穿后左侧骨(left side as weared)sku stock keeping unit为储存单位。
褶皱率(Crimp Percentage)和褶皱倍数(Crimp Ratio)是纤维、纱线等纺织材料中常用的术语,用于描述纤维的弯曲和褶皱情况。
褶皱率(Crimp Percentage):褶皱率是指纤维或纱线长度中弯曲部分的百分比。
褶皱倍数(Crimp Ratio):褶皱倍数是指单位长度内的褶皱数量。
褶皱率= (弯曲部分的长度/ 总长度) * 100 褶皱率= (2厘米/ 10厘米) * 100 = 20%
褶皱倍数= 弯曲部分的数量/ 总长度褶皱倍数= 2厘米/ 10厘米= 0.2
Airmar TRIDUCER 产品说明书
![Airmar TRIDUCER 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c59886464a35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f3469311fd.png)
35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 122000#17-1205B744V , B744VL,SS544V , B66V , B66VL50 kHz,120 kHz, 120 kHz Dual Beam, 150 kHz, 170 kHz, 200 kHz, 235 kHz,50/200 kHz Dual Frequency,50 kHz & 200 kHz Dual FrequencyU.S. Patent No. 4,898,029U.S. Patent No. 5,186,050Canadian Patent No. 1,313,775Australian Patent No. 605,281Japanese Patent No. 1851014Airmar TRIDUCER ® multisensors incorpo-rate a revolutionary self-closing valve to min-imize water flow into the boat when thepaddlewheel insert is removed. “Gushers” are eliminated with this simple to maintain valve.Fins provide on either side of the paddlewheel for more accurate speed measurement in cross-flow conditions.Combined with our fairing, installation is made simple. Made of urethane, the fairing will never swell or rot, and the unique cutting guide allows safer, more accurate cutting with a band saw. High speed fairings are provided with a corrosion resistant bolt to secure the fairing and prevent rotation.Specifications• Hall-effect device senses paddlewheel rotation• Unitary paddlewheel bearing assures exact alignment and minimal rotational friction• Corrosion-proof shaft for long life in saltwater• Alignment key for easy speed/temperature assembly removal and insertion in difficult access locations • Replaceable valve assembly• Polished paddlewheel shaft for quick start up • Surge and reverse polarity protection• Shielded cable to minimize noise pick-up and emission • Designed to meet CE requirements • Dual O-rings for superior sealing• Retaining pin and safety chain secures paddlewheel and plug inserts • Installation requires a 51mm (2") diameter hole • Fairing is supplied standard with SS544V • Blanking plug included• Standard cable length: 10 m (33')• Weight:B744V 2.5 kg (5.5 lb.)B744VL 2.6 kg (6.4 lb.)SS544V 3.1 kg (6.8 lb..)B66V 2.7 kg (6.0 lb.)B66VL 3.1 kg (6.8 lb.) Options• Two wire speed sensor circuit• Thermistor or semiconductor temperature sensor • Urethane fairingB744V , B744VL: High speed #33-353-01B66V , B66VL: Standard #33-029• Pulse division circuitry or other pulse rates • CS4500 correlation speed/temperature insertSelf-closing valve ...checks water flow when paddlewheel insert is removedNew B744V and long stem B744VL offer flush mounting in streamlined fairings and accommodate ceramics up to 44 mm (1.75 " ) in diameter including the popular 50/200 kHz modelSS544 includes a streamlined fairing and is designed specifically for isolatedmounting to steel and aluminum hulls. It accommodates ceramics up to 44 mm (1.75 " ) in diameterNew streamlined fairings for B744V , B744VL, and SS544V provide much improved echosounding at speeds above 20 knots and greatly reduce dragVersatile B66V and long stem B66VL mounts frequencies varying from 50 kHz to 200 kHz including dual beam 120 kHz and dual element 50 kHz & 200 kHz Optional paddlewheel-less speed/temperature sensor uses echo correlation technologySS544VB66V B66VLB744VThe Latest Evolution in TRIDUCER ™ Multisensor TechnologyAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 132000#17-1205SpeedThe TRIDUCER ® multisensor provides accurate speed measurement over the widest boat speed range of any thru-hull paddlewheel transducer.The combination of a hydrodynamic paddlewheel and paddlewheel cav-ity, housing and fairing projection through the boundary layer and fins on either side of the paddlewheel gives an unmatched linearity.TemperatureVarious temperature sensing devices can be incorporated in the housing including ther-mistor and semiconductor types. See the “Temperature” section for more detailed information including thermal time constants.ShieldingInside the TRIDUCER ® multisensor housing, shielding is used to eliminate interference between the speed and depth sensors. A shielded cable and separately shielded speed and temperature conductors are used to pre-vent mutual interference. The bronze housing also functions as a shield. Refer to wiring dia-gram beginning on p 35 for shielding details.Applications • Fiberglass or wood hulls onlyNotes• Replaces B44, B50, B55, and B56 models• For Parts and Accessories see pages p2 through p4Single Connector/Dual Connector SystemsThe piezoceramic element, speed, and temperature cir-cuitry are all within the bronze housing. The removable paddlewheel insert contains no circuitry. The magnetic field sensor to measure speed is mounted in the housing in close proximity to the rotating paddlewheel. A single con-nector system is generally used when depth, speed, and temperature will be processed in a single instrument or when two instruments are within 1m (40") of each other. When depth and speed/temperature functions will be pro-cessed in separate instruments, our cable can be split and two connectors can be applied.All signals are transmitted via a multi-conductor cable with a high quality thermoplastic rubber jacket forimproved resistance to cutting, pinching, and degradation from petroleum distillates. C144 cable is used in single element TRIDUCER ® multisensors. Dual element multi-sensors use C145 cable.New Specifications 11. Refer to “Sensor Design Fundementals” for more detailed information.Speed range 22. Requires correction for non-linearity below 3 knots (3MPH).1–44 knots (1–50 MPH)LinearityRefer to Airmar Technical Data CatalogPulse rate (B744V ,B744VL,SS544V)19,000 ppnm 3 (5.7 Hz/knot) with high speed fairing 21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing 3. ppnm = pulses per natical mile.Pulse rate (B66V , B66VL)21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) with standard fairing 21,500 ppnm 3 (6.0 Hz/knot) without fairing Supply voltage 5–25 VDC Supply current: “OFF”“ON” 2.3 mA 8 mA at 5 VDC Circuitry: standardoptional 3 wire format 2 wire format Unicurve® type thermistor10,000 ohmsHull Thickness LimitsModelMinimumMaximumB744V with fairing —26 mm (1")without fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")72 mm (2 7⁄8")B744VL with fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")87 mm (3 3⁄4")without fairing 35 mm (1 3⁄8")133 mm (5 1⁄4")SS544V with fairing —14 mm (1⁄2")B66V with fairing —25 mm (1”)without fairing 6 mm (1⁄4")70 mm (2 3⁄4") B66VL with fairing 30 mm (1 1⁄8")87 mm (3 3⁄4")without fairing70 mm (2 3⁄4")133 mm (5 1⁄4")35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 142000#17-1205NewB744VSS544V High-speed SS544VFairingFairingB744V, B744VL High-speedAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 152000#17-1205insert and Paddlewheel plugblanking B66V, B66VLStandard Fairing35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 162000#17-1205TRIDUCER ® MultisensorfinsAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 172000#17-1205B744VExploded View35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comAIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONm 182000#17-1205Note: See page m 1 for footnotes.* Unbalanced ImpedanceP ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 250 kHz – C 120 kHz – B 120 kHz – C 120 kHz – M Dual Beam Element Material 3/ Diameter (mm)PZT/L / 51PZT/37PZT/51PZT/L /19PZT/L /55Beam Width at –3 dB 46°16°12°35°14°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4182121915Rated RMS Power (W)600300600100600Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)156/–175161/–181166/–174152/–188167/–180Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–27–25–18–37–16Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)28012260150615*150*08601,5102,200*4,100*S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)280 – j0250 – j40150 – j20300 – j310110 – j50Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneFREQUENCY AVAILABILITY by HOUSING TYPECeramic DesignationBeam Width @–3dBHousingB744VB744VLSS544VB66VB66VL50 kHz – C 46°••120 kHz – B 16°•••120 kHz – C 12°••120 kHz – M (dual beam)35° & 14°••150 kHz – A 19°•••170 kHz – A 12°••200 kHz – G 8°••200 kHz – Hlq 8°••200 kHz – U 11°•••235 kHz – B 11°•••235 kHz – D7°••50/200 kHz – A (dual frequency)45° & 12°•••50 kHz – C & 200 kHz – B(dual frequency)46° & 13°••AIRMARTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION35 Meadowbrook Drive, Milford, New Hampshire 03055-4613 USA Tel (603) 673-9570 • Fax (603) 673-4624 • e-mail: sales@airmar .comm 192000#17-1205Note: See page m1 for footnotes.P ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 2235 kHz – B 235 kHz – D 50/200kHz – A50 kHz – C & 200 kHz – B Element Material 3/Diameter (mm)PZT /36BT /51PZT/44PZT/ L / 51BT/28Beam Width at –3 dB 11°7°45°12°46°13°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4251628311822Rated RMS Power (W)350600600600600250Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)165/–186169/–185155/–174164/–184156/–175162/–187Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–21–16–31–21–27–26Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)350370190410280125104101,4407207200560S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)330 – j70220 – j180175 – j40360 – j130280 – j0450 – j160Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethane UrethaneUrethaneUrethaneNote: See page m 1 for footnotes.*Unbalanced ImpedanceP ERFORMANCE D ATAFrequency 1 – Airmar Piezoceramic Designator 2150 kHz – A 170 kHz – A 200 kHz – G 200 kHz – Hlq 11200 kHz – U Element Material 3/Diameter (mm)PZT/27PZT/51BT/51PZT/51BT/38Beam Width at –3 dB 19°12°8°8°11°Q (fr/∆ f @ –3 dB)4232529722Rated RMS Power (W)200500600600375Voltage Responses: Transmit/Receive 5 (dB)160/–185172/–184167/–182163/–182164/–185Figure of Merit (Insertion Loss)6 (dB)–27–17–16–19–22Balanced Impedance 7:Resistance, Rp (ohm)Capacitance, C p (pF)4007012370865510*55001,1201,2001,930*S eries Impedance [R – jX]8 (ohm)380 – j8070 – j0290 – j150325 – j420300 – j250Acoustic Window MaterialUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethaneUrethane。
INSTRUCTIONS: Wimberley MonoGimbal Head (MH -100)Page 1Wimberley, Inc. ©2019, All Rights Reserved Revised 190930Nylon WasherThrust WasherRadial RollerThrust BearingStainless Steel Captivating ScrewCover forBearing Assembly KnobStainless Steel Tilt ShaftSafety Stop ScrewQuick -Release ClampPage 4Quick -Release Knob Quick -ReleaseTilt KnobArca -We offer a convenient telephoto flash bracket that attaches directly to the lens plate and makes telephoto flash a breeze. down and folds for easy 6 Flash Bracket2Captivating ScrewTilt Mechanism: To disassemble the tilt mechanism, removethe captivating screw and unscrew the Tilt Knob. If you need to remove the grease in the mechanism, it is okay to use the tilt mechanism without grease until you have the opportunity to send it in for us to refurbish.Tilt Knob 2 3 1 out a QR clamp.Step 1: Install the safety stop screw compatibility warnings in included safety stop screw kit)Step 2: Open the QR clamp. The head has optional safety stop screws. These preventaccidental sliding out of the quick release. If you use these stops you must be usinga QR clamp that can be opened wide enough to load your head from the top (instead of sliding it in). See Fig 3 Step 3: Attaching the MonoGimbalPosition the flat side of the head ’s mounting base against the clamp face. Clamp it securely . Safety StopScrew InstallationFig. 3 - Attaching the MonoGimbal to a QR ClampThe monopod mountingplatform can typically beremoved if it interfereswith the full rotation of the clamp or knobs or if a lighter setup is desired.Moving JawLevel PlaneThe MonoGimbal is now ready to use. Simply loosen the tilt knob about a quarter turn and start shooting. The lens should be very easy to point, should stay pointed and should not tend to flop or creep. You can shoot with the knob loose for fluid mo-tion, or lock -in on a target by tightening the knob.If you have questions or need help setting it up, please contact us.Page 2Prerequisite: In order to attach your lens to the MonoGimbal Head, it must be fitted with an release clampwide enough so that the jaws clear therelease plate or replacementBALANCING YOUR LENS ON THE MONOPOD HEAD:STEP 1: Preparing to Balance:Tighten the Monopod Head ’s tilt knob. Mount your lens (with camera body attached). Stand behind the lens/camera setup and grab the camera body as if you are going to take a picture.If the front of the lens tilts downward you will need to slide the lens backward (toward you) in the clamp.If the front of the lens tilts upward, you will need to slide the lens forward (away from you.)PROPER HORIZONTAL BALANCE:Adjust the position of the lens in small increments until there is no tendency for it to tip.STEP 2: Balance the Horizontal Position of the Lens:Hold camera body with a relaxed grip and loosen the tilt knob of the MonoGimbal.Adjust the horizontal position of the lens forward or backwards depending on how the lens tips (see figures below). You will notice that the lens will want to tilt forward or backward. Don ’t forget to re -tighten the clamp after each adjustment.132Monopod Head on LeftSmaller lenses (e.g. the 300 f/4, 70-200 2.8) are shorter and lighter compared to most pro camera bodies. In order to balance a small lens, the quick release clamp may have to be so close to the camera body that there is not enough room for your fingers.Some solutions to this problem are using a lighter camera body or mounting the MonoGimbal to the left side of the lens (which allows much more room because of the shape of most cameras)USING SMALL LENSES (OR FOR VERTICAL SHOOTING)Monopod Head on Right Tripod Mounting foot Low -Profile Replacement Foot。
1综合服饰 apparel and accessories:衣着。
服装 apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳。
时装 fashion:在一定时间、地域内,为一大部分人所接受的新款流行服装。
成衣 ready-to-wear定制服装 tailor made中式服装 Chinese costume西式服装 Western costume民族服装 ethnic costume上装 tops下装 bottoms套装 suits连身装 cover all内衣 underwear外衣 outerwear男装 Young Men's wear:适合于成年男子穿着的服装。
女装 Misses' wear 适合于成年女子穿着的服装。
少男服装 boy's clothes少女服装 girl's clothes儿童服装 children's wear婴幼儿服装 infant's wear:适合于年龄在24个月及以内的婴幼儿穿着的服装。
功能性服装 functional garments职业服 work wear防护服 protective work wear运动服 sportswear:适合于运动时穿着的服装,又称为运动装,如登山服、滑雪服等。
休闲服 casual wear:人们在闲暇生活中从事各种活动所穿的服装。
礼服 formal wear舞台服 stage costume家居服 dressing gown孕妇装 maternity dress针织服装 knitted garments机织服装 woven garments:又称为梭织服装。
毛呢服装 woollen garments棉类服装 cotton garments麻类服装 bast garments丝绸服装 silk garments化纤类服装 synthetic-made garments毛皮服装 fur garments皮革服装 leather gamrnets人造毛皮服装 fake fur garments人造革服装 fake leather garments牛仔服装 jeans wear防寒服 cold protective clothing棉服装 padded garments羽绒服装 down wear2 服装成品西服 tailored suit中山装 Zhongshan Zhuang军便装 military jacket青年装 young men's jacket茄克衫 jacket猎装 safari jacket衬衫 shirt(男);blouses(女)中西式上衣 Chinese and Western-style coat中式上衣 Chinese style coat背心 vest:又称“马甲”,仅有前后衣身的无袖上衣。
0080 元 0081 无 0082 云 0083 专 0084 丐 0085 扎 0086 艺 0087 木 0088 五 0089 支 0090 厅 0091 不 0092 犬 0093 太 0094 区 0095 历 0096 歹 0097 友 0098 尤 0099 匹 0100 车 0101 巨 0102 牙 0103 屯 0104 戈 0105 比 0106 互 0107 切
0705 尬 0706 歼 0707 来 0708 连 0709 轩 0710 步 0711 卤 0712 坚 0713 肖 0714 旱 0715 盯 0716 呈 0717 时 0718 吴 0719 助 0720 县 0721 里 0722 呆 0723 吱 0724 吠 0725 呕 0726 园 0727 旷 0728 围 0729 呀 0730 吨 0731 足 0732 邮 0733 男
0303 冯 0304 玄 0305 闪 0306 兰 0307 半 0308 汁 0309 汇 0310 头 0311 汉 0312 宁 0313 穴 0314 它 0315 讨 0316 写 0317 让 0318 礼 0319 训 0320 议 0321 必 0322 讯 0323 记 0324 永 0325 司 0326 尼 0327 民 0328 弗 0329 弘 0330 出
0136 仅 0137 斤 0138 爪 0139 反 0140 介 0141 父 0142 从 0143 仑 0144 今 0145 凶 0146 分 0147 乏 0148 公 0149 仓 0150 月 0151 氏 0152 勿 0153 欠 0154 风 0155 丹 0156 匀 0157 乌 0158 勾 0159 凤 0160 六 0161 文 0162 亢 0163 方
InSinkErator WX-8 Waste Xpress垃圾处理机产品说明书
![InSinkErator WX-8 Waste Xpress垃圾处理机产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/02160b610640be1e650e52ea551810a6f524c82b.png)
F360-08H-45-10 Rev. 7/08Waste Xpress Parts List®1 Year Full WarrantyOrdering Parts• Order by part number, not by code number • Include information from nameplate specification (see figures at right)• Complete model number (ex: WX-8)• Complete serial number (ex: XM0000000 - thru September 2003)Order parts from:• (USA)InSinkErator 4700 - 21st St.Racine, WI 53406• (Within the USA)Foodservice and Tech Support 800.845.8345• (Outside the USA)Foodservice and Tech Support 262.554.5432Name Plate Spec. LocationUnit Specifications and IdentificationNote: Physical differences exist in the numerous service parts between the models in Series 1 and Series 2 – no substitutions between series should be carried out unless otherwise specified in the parts tables.MODEL # SPECIFICATIONSERIAL # RANGE WX-1115V / 1 PhaseWX-2 208-230V / 3 PhaseWX-3 200V 50/60 / 3 Phase WX-4 460V / 3 Phase WX-5208-230V / 1 Phase SERIES 1TD0000000 - XM00000000310XXXXXXX - 0704XXXXXXXMODEL # SPECIFICATIONSERIAL # RANGEWX-8 208-230V / 3 Phase WX-9460V / 3 PhaseSERIES 20705XXXXXXX - HigherPlumbingREPAIRS – WX-1 THRU WX-5CODE # DESCRIPTION QTY PART #1 Water Inlet Tube 1 142632 Solenoid Valve - WX 1 142643 Tubing Assembly - Water Transfer 1 142654 Tubing Assembly - Spray Nozzle 1 142665 Spray Nozzle 4 14071REPAIRS – WX-8 AND WX-9CODE # DESCRIPTION QTY PART #1 Tube Assembly (Includes 14683) 1 146822 Spray Nozzle 4 146831 Discharge Chute 1 14251 146782 Handle, Discharge Chute 2 14252 N/A3 Interlock Assembly 1 14258 146684 Inlet/Outlet Kit 1 14256 146795 Inlet/Outlet Gasket 1 14255 146816 Inlet/Outlet Cap 1 14254 146807 Bolt 1/4-20 x 1/2 SS 1 N/A 14698 8 Washer 1 N/A9 Belt, Cover WX 1 14260 14677 10 Foot - Adjustment 1 14259 14675 11 Motor Cover 1 14261 1467612Strain Relief11426214697CODE #DESCRIPTIONQTYWX-1 TO WX-5SERIES 1PART #WX-8 AND WX-9SERIES 2PART #1 Bearing Bracket 1 146552 Auger Brush 1 N/A14426 3 Auger 1 144014 Auger Screen 1 14359* 14665 5 Auger Drive Assembly 1 1424414671 6 Auger Belt 1 146727 Auger Pulley 1 14246 14674 8 Motor Pulley1 N/A 14673 9a Motor Bracket - 1 Phase 1 14249 N/A 9b Motor Bracket - 3 Phase 1 14249A N/A 10 Tension Screw1 14248 N/A 11a Motor – 115/208-230V / 1 Phase 1 14247 N/A11bMotor – 208-230/460V / 3 Phase114247A14666CODE #DESCRIPTIONQTYWX-1 TO WX-5SERIES 1PART #WX-8 AND WX-9SERIES 2PART #The primary difference between a Series 1 and a Series 2 WX is the location of the electrical controls specific to the pulper that operates the auger, controls the hot water spray cycle and protects the WX from becoming overloaded should the WX jam during its operation. In the original Series 1 design, a standard CC-101K control and later, the WX-101 were used to merely start and stop the system, and provide control for the cold water in the system. With the change to the Series 2 in May of 2007, the WX motor contactor, hot water spray timer and WX overload were relocated from inside the motor compartment on the back of the WX machine, to a more convenient location inside of the control center (WX-101A) itself. Servicing the controls should be referenced using the following tables (see separate spare parts sheet(s) for servicing CC-101K, WX-101 and WX-101A Series Control Centers).Electrical ControlsMODEL #SPECIFICATIONCONTROL CENTERWX-1 115V / 1 Phase CC-101K-1 or WX-101-1 WX-2 208-230V / 3 Phase CC-101K-3 or WX-101-3 WX-3 200V 50/60 / 3 Phase (Export) CC-101K-3 or WX-101-3WX-4 460V / 3 Phase CC-101K-4 or WX-101-4 WX-5208-230V / 1 PhaseCC-101K-2 or WX-101-2SERIES 1MODEL #SPECIFICATIONCONTROL CENTERWX-8 208-230V / 3 Phase WX-101A-3 WX-9460V / 3 PhaseWX-101A-4SERIES 2CODE # DESCRIPTIONQTY PART #1 Strain Relief 5 14262 2 Terminal Block 1 142673 Hot Water Spray Timer 1 142684 Contactor1 14113 5 Overload - Adj 208-230V 1 14106 Overload - Adj 460V 1 14106AOverload - Adj 115 V114106BNote: Items #3–5 for Series 2 machines are located in WX-101A Control Center. See WX-101A parts sheet #1 F350-07F-45-10 REV 06/07 for details.REPAIRS – WX-6 THRU WX-9CODE # DESCRIPTIONQTY PART #1 Terminal Block 1 146702 Terminal Block Cover 1 146693Terminal Cover Gasket114700The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co.InSinkErator may make improvements and/or changes in the specifications at any time, in its sole discretion, without notice or obligation and furtherreserves the right to change or discontinue models.© 2008 InSinkErator, a division of Emerson Electric Co. All Rights Reserved.1.800.845.8345/foodservice。
史海漫步 History Story木帆船舭龙骨是中国首创和研究价值。
接着,《人民日报》于1980年1月3日报道:“浙江省宁波市新近发现古代海运码船舶技术史 拾遗水线长13.00米总长15.50米型宽 4.80米甲板宽 5.00米吃水1.75米型深2.40米排水量53.00吨中国船检 CHINA SHIP SURVEY 2019.1104米,残长达7.10米,用两排间隔400~500毫米的参钉固定,真难看出它是什么构件,请见其照片(图1)。
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(图中GPS为检测工具,Careland cfg tools为修改工具)
“path = NaviOne\NaviOne.exe”表示主程序的启动路径;
“bmpiconpath = ui\navione.bmp”表示界面图像显示路径;
“showname = 凯立德导航”表示显示名字为“凯立德导航”。
1、如果GPS显示“no maplauch……”说明找不到地图文件: