The boy in the striped pyjamas穿条纹睡衣的男孩

• 近些年来反映二战纳粹题材的电影有这样一种倾向,从单 纯的反映德国纳粹的残暴与兽性转而谴责战争对人性的伤
害。主题也从单纯地同情被纳粹蹂躏的人们,转而反映这 样的病态专权对所有善良人民的残害——对德国人也是如 此!在《钢琴师》结尾,那位救助过主角和很多犹太人的
《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》这部影 片改编自爱尔兰新锐作家约 翰·伯恩2006年出版的同名小 说《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》。
• 2008年 Chicago International Film Festival(Audience Choice Award) Mark Herman
样的儿童角色在尊重原著的同时更显张皇与世故,但很遗 憾,影像没有能够如文字般营造更多无因的想象,所以如 果仅限于小说中的情节,纵使长达
• 80分钟的铺垫也略显平淡,并不能让观众完全认同布鲁诺在 片尾进而想要同铁丝网内犹太朋友的转变,为了令故事更加 合理,编剧添设了一场关于布鲁诺的军官父亲捏造集中营纪 录片的戏,纪录片中饶有生活情趣的假象给了布鲁诺接下来 令观众无比绝望与揪心的冒险以充分动因,布鲁诺也因自己 在之前关键时刻的背叛而心存愧疚,但这一切在他隐约察觉 到自己可能走进一个并不如自己想象的陌生世界时灰飞烟灭, 他开始慌乱、惊惧、惶然不知所措,并试图搪塞离开,但承 诺终于令他走向毁灭。 影片重要场景甚至不超过五处,成本更低廉得如同电视
• 如前文所提,《有你我不怕》和《穿条纹衣服的男孩》两本 小说的故事结构几乎一样,相似的儿童视角与发展流程,只 不过前者单纯地讲述了作为社会问题的绑架,而后者却精彩 地将套路应用于纳粹集中营,仅仅使用和前者相似的笔触, 完成了更具人性震慑与商业前景的主题叙事,这两本小说先 后被搬上大银幕,经过再创作呈现出各自迥异的光辉,又殊 途同归以打动观众为收效。相似的例子还有很多,如笔者之 前对比过的《查理》与《返老还童》,同样的逻辑,从起点 上略加调整,包装成不一样的作品,这便接近于广告创意萌 生阶段的基础构想了。 对于国内的剧作者而言,《疯狂的石头》《银牌车手》 的出现绝非偶然,盖·里奇是具有里程碑式的影人,宁浩亦 标志着框架套用本土化的新高,相信学院会朝着这个方向贯 彻方法派的作风

Berlin, that’s what we’ll do. And I’ll introduce you to… Oh, what were
their names again?”he asked himself, frustrated because they were
supposed to be his three best friends for life but they had all vanished
高中作文 2019-3 内文 第60页 2019 年 01 月 18 日 14:21:00
语 写
◎施勤敏 浙江省德清县高级中学
《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》(The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas)是爱尔兰
作家约翰·伯恩(John Boyne)的第四部作品,作品出版后很快成为
高中作文 2019-3 内文 第61页 2019 年 01 月 18 日 14:21:00
as he marched on he found there was no more rain coming down any
more because they were all piling into a long room that was
surprisingly warm and must have been very securely built because no
The boy in the striped pyjamas穿条纹睡衣的男孩之欧阳学创编

The Boy in the Striped PyjamasWei The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a novel by Irish novelist John Boyne. The story happened in German in 1942, during the World War II. Bruno, a nine-year-old boy, and his family have to leave their home in Berlin and move to a far and strange place where there is no other children to play with him. He then takes an exploration near the fence and meets a little boy who is on the other side of the fence, Shmuel. They become good friends and Bruno decides to help Shmuel to find his father, while he never comes out from the camp.Different from other war novels, this novel indirectly reveals the coldness and mercilessness of the war through two innocent little boys’talks, instead of describing the bloody and horrible scenes, evoking stronger feelings among readers and heartbreaking readers extremely. The innocence of children is in stark contrast with the cruelness and brutality of the war. When Bruno found the camp with the fence near their house, he simply regarded it as an uglybuilding. Hundreds of, even thousands of people in the same-look clothes, the striped clothes, lived in the camp and suffered great pains every day, but little Bruno did not know the truth and only felt happy when he found a lot of children were there. He told Shmuel he did not like striped clothes but in fact he liked it, of course he did not know what the clothes meant. He even felt unfair and admired Shmuel for Shmuel had a lot of friends to play with on the other side of the fence while he did not have. The war is so ridiculous and absurd in front of children’s innocent words, while children are poor and helpless in front of the war’s mercilessness.The war distorts people’s mind and makes adults’world full of deception and lies. Maria, the family’s maid, told Bruno his father was a very good man. He offered Maria a job and took care of Maria’s mother when she was very sick even though he was not obliged to. However, all these happened before the war. When Bruno’s father became an officer and got promoted, he changed. He told Bruno people in the striped clothes were not human beings and not allowed Bruno to look that camp from the window. He cheated that the terrible smell from the smokestack inthe camp was the result of rubbish incineration. He looked for a teacher to teach Gretel and Bruno history and sociology, or exactly to implant Nazi concepts in them, which really worked, Gretel became tossed her doll aside and became interested in the Nazi concepts. People lost their nature during the war and became apathetic and cold. Even though people’s souls have been distorted and their personalities damaged, there are still people who are sane and rational. Bruno’s mother knew what her husband had done was inhuman and hoped to come back home in Berlin with their children. She argued with her husband, but she had no choice but to compromise with the reality because if she said something improper, the whole family would be in danger. Bruno’s grandmother was very clear with his father’s job and felt shameful for what his father had done. It is grateful that not everyone has lost their mind during the war. Although these people are also helpless in face of the war and can do nothing against the war, they bring us the hope of human nature.Regardless of the nationalities and races, we are all the same. In the end of the novel, Bruno put on the striped pyjamas and rolled under the fence, then they were on thesame side of the fence. However, when Bruno wanted to went out and came back home, the soldiers called all the people in striped pyjamas be together and then he came into the gas chamber with Shmuel, but soldiers did not recognize him because they only knew the striped pyjamas. Even if you are the son of a Nazi officer, no one will know you if you wear the striped clothes - the symbol of Jewish. Thus, it is ridiculous to divide races, which Bruno’s death has proved.There is no winner in a war, especially the inhumane racial cleansing. The two little boys, Bruno and Shmuel, who have different destinies and fates were killed together in the gas chamber. Jewish suffered a lot from the second world war, while many innocent people also experienced a great pains, just like Bruno, a innocent and lovely little boy, becoming the victim of the war.。

没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^在黑暗的理性到来之前用以丈量童年的是听觉嗅觉以及视觉约翰·贝哲曼穿条纹睡衣的男孩Move! Move it!快! 快!Move!快!Move!快!Now!快!It's me home.我到家了Bye, Bruno! Bye, Bruno!再见布鲁诺! 再见布鲁诺!Hello, sweetheart. Mum, what's going on?你好亲爱的妈妈怎么回事?We're celebrating. Celebrating?我们要庆祝一下庆祝?Your father's been given a promotion.你父亲升官了That means a better job. I know what promotion is.就是说工作更好了我知道升官什么意思So we're having a little party to celebrate.所以我们要办个小聚会庆祝一下He's still going to be a soldier though, isn't he?可他还是一名士兵对吗?Yes, my lamb. Yes, just a more important one now.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^是的小羔羊不过现在地位更高了There's some even more exciting news,还有更让人兴奋的好消息but I think Dad wanted to tell you about that himself.我想爸爸会亲自告诉你Moving? Where to? To the countryside.搬家? 去哪里? 乡下That's miles away. What about Karl and Leon and Martin?离这儿很远卡尔里昂和马丁他们怎么办?Sweetheart, I know it's hard,亲爱的我知道你舍不得but we're all having to say goodbye但我们暂时to our friends for the time being.得和这里说再见了Anyway, we'll make new ones where we're going. Won't we?反正会交到新朋友不是吗?Of course you are. You'll make lots of new friends.那当然了你们会有很多新朋友Bruno, you can have your friends around布鲁诺明早走之前in the morning before we go.你可以邀请伙伴们来玩玩Think of it as an adventure, like in one of your books.就当作是一次探险像你有本书里讲的那样But this is the best house ever.可这是我们住过最好的房子没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Well, you never know.你怎么知道The house we're going to might be even better.我们要搬去的那座房子也许更好Dad says it's got a garden.你爸爸说那里有个花园Look, the thing is, Bruno, the thing about being a soldier,听着问题是布鲁诺作为一名士兵is that life is not so much about choice, it's more about duty,你的人生便不是关乎选择而是关乎责任so if your country needs you to go somewhere, you go.如果你的国家派你去某个地方你就得去Now, of course, going somewhere else is much easier当然了如果有家人陪伴同行的话when you know that your family are so delighted to go with you.去另一个地方也会轻松很多的Bruno! You're getting bigger every time I see you.布鲁诺! 每次见到你你都长高了It's only been a week, Nathalie.才过了一个礼拜娜塔丽Well, perhaps it's me that's getting smaller.也许是我变矮了So, you two,你们俩well, what do you think of all this? Moving out of Berlin?觉得怎么样? 要离开柏林了?Well, Mummy and Daddy say it's a good thing,爸妈说这是件好事没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^so I suppose it must be.所以我觉得错不了Children, be angels, will you? Pass some food around.孩子们去帮帮忙好么? 递些吃的给大家Heil Hitler!希特勒万岁!Congratulations.恭喜Doesn't he look wonderful? Absolutely.他看上去很棒吧? 当然I'm so proud of you, my boy.我真为你感到自豪孩子Oh, dear. I sometimes wonder if this is all down to me,哦亲爱的我有时想这是不是我一手造成的making you those costumes打小我就给你做for your little plays when you were tiny.各式各样的戏服You used to adore all that dressing up. Nathalie...你那时就很喜欢盛装登场娜塔丽...Does it still make you feel special, Ralf dear?现在还觉得高人一等吧亲爱的拉尔夫?The uniform and what it stands for?穿着这硬挺的衣服想着它的涵义?Mother, it's a party. Let's not spoil things.母亲今天是聚会别坏了大家的心情Me, spoil things?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^我坏大家心情?You should be careful.您该小心点Airing your views so publicly could land you in trouble.在公众场合这样口无遮拦会惹上麻烦的You know that.您也知道So, how long are we losing you for, my boy?那么你们要离开多久孩子?Until the war is won, I would think.直到我们赢得战争Well, not so long then.那不会太久了* You've got to smile when you say goodbye ** 道别之际请点亮笑容 ** You've got to smile as the days go by ** 扬起嘴角看岁月峥嵘 ** And all the time that gone away I'm thinking of you ** 光阴一去不返你却难以忘怀 ** I'll write and say from day to day how much I love you ** 我将夜夜书写对你的依赖 ** You've got to smile when you say goodbye ** 道别之际请点亮笑容 ** You've got to smile when the clouds roll by ** 云卷云舒也不要伤痛 ** So till we meet again, it takes here we all and then ** 在说再见之前记住我的侧脸 *没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^* Yet you'll smile when you say goodbye ** 在道别之前就用笑容纪念 *Bruno!布鲁诺!All right, Bruno. Time to say goodbye.好了布鲁诺该说再见了Bye-bye. Bye-bye!再见再见!"Time has come for me to sleep"安睡时分即将来临"Lord, I thank Thee for Thy keep"感谢吾主庇护生灵"Watch this night well over me"令此夜晚风平浪静"And teach me, Lord, to trust in Thee"祈祷吾主教吾虔信"Care for children, sick and poor"汝爱惠及老弱病幼"Grant them, Lord, Thy blessing more"恳请吾主赐福护佑"And this I pray in Jesus' name"以父之名声声祷告"Care for my family just the same""愿主降福举家安好"Amen.阿门Children, look. Look! Our new home.孩子们看看! 我们的新家没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^I have some business to take care of. I'll see you shortly.我有些事要办待会儿再见Well, what do we think?大家觉得怎么样?Come on. It's lovely.别这样这里多好啊You two choose your rooms. I'll have Maria come你们俩去挑自己的房间我叫玛丽娅上来and help you unpack.帮你们安置行李What do you think of it, Maria? The new house.你觉得怎么样玛丽娅? 新房子It's not for me to say.我不该说什么But it won't feel like home但是要布置得像个家until we make it feel like home, will it?才会有那种温馨不是吗?Who was that?那人是谁?One of your father's soldiers, I suppose.可能是你爸爸的士兵He looked very serious. Well, they are, aren't they?他看上去真凶这些人都这样不是吗?Why are we whispering? I don't know.我们干嘛要小声说话? 我不知道And play with who? The children over on the farm.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^和谁玩? 农场里的孩子Farm? I didn't see a farm. And that one, too.农场? 我怎么没看见那个也给我You can only see it from my room.只有从我房里才看得到And there are some children there?那里有些小孩?Yes, quite a few. That's good.是的不少呢很好So, I'll be able to play with them. I don't see why not.那么我可以和他们一起玩了我看没啥问题I'll wait a little bit, just to see what they're like,我还是再等等先弄清楚他们是什么人because they look a bit strange. The children do?因为他们看上有点怪那些小孩?Well, and the farmers. What sort of strange?还有那些农民怪在哪里?I'm sorry.对不起Vegetables.蔬菜There.那里Bruno, have you unpacked everything?布鲁诺你的东西都放好了吗?Because I think you should go back upstairs and finish off.我看你还是先上楼去整理一下没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Thank you, ma'am.谢谢夫人Bruno.布鲁诺I told you they were strange. Who?我说过他们很奇怪谁?The farmers. They wear pyjamas.那里的农民他们穿条纹睡衣Bruno, I was just coming to look for you.布鲁诺我刚要找你Well, thank you for that. That was extremely useful.谢谢你了很有帮助I'll be over to see you later. Of course, Herr Kommandant.我等下再去找你遵命司令官Come in.进来Sit down, sit down.坐下坐下Well, what do you think?你觉得怎么样?Oh, dear.嗯? 亲爱的I want to go home.我想回家You are home, Bruno. Home is where the family is.你就在家里布鲁诺家人在哪里家就在哪里Isn't that right?不是吗?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Bruno, you have to at least give the place a chance.布鲁诺你至少要给这个地方一个机会I promise you, it won't be long before you...我向你保证过不了多久你就会...Why do the farmers wear pyjamas?为什么那些农民都穿条纹睡衣?I can see them from my window.从我房里可以看到他们The thing is, Bruno, those people...事实是布鲁诺那些人...Well, you see, they're not really people at all.你瞧他们根本不算是人Bruno, who told you it was a farm?布鲁诺谁告诉你那是个农场?Was it Maria? No.是玛丽娅么? 不是It is a farm, isn't it?那就是个农场对吗?Yes.是的Is it to do with your new job?和您新工作有关吗?All you need to know about my work here, Bruno,关于我在这里的工作布鲁诺你要知道的就是is that it's very important to our country and to you.它对于我们的国家对于你们都很重要We're working very hard to make this world a better place没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^我们努力试图让这个世界变得更美好for you to grow up in.让你们能够健康成长But you're not a farmer. You're a soldier.可您不是农民您是军人Bruno, can you come and help me布鲁诺可以帮我finish sorting out in the kitchen?去厨房整理一下吗?I can still play with them, though? The children.那我还可以和他们一起玩是吗? 那些小孩I don't think so, Bruno. No.我想不行布鲁诺Like you say, they're a bit strange. A bit some...就像你说的那样他们有点奇怪有点...Well, they're different.他们和我们不一样Don't worry, my darling. We'll find you some new friends,别担心亲爱的会给你找一些新朋友but they won't be the ones from the farm.但不是那些农场里的孩子Ralf, you promised.拉尔夫你保证的You said it was miles away. It is.说那地方离这儿很远是这样How was I to know he could see it from the bedroom window?我怎么知道他能从卧室看到?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^There was one of them in our kitchen.厨房有个那样的仆人Master Bruno, how are you today? Fed up.布鲁诺少爷今天觉得怎么样? 无聊死了You said the same thing every day for two whole weeks.一连两个礼拜您都是这句话It's true. Well, you should be out playing.是真的您应该出去玩玩Playing with who? I don't know. Gretel?和谁玩? 我不知道格蕾特尔?Well, you can make your own fun.您可以自己找乐子That's what I'm trying to do.我正在找呢One thing's for sure,可以肯定的是sitting around being miserable won't make things any happier.愁眉苦脸地坐在这儿是不会找到乐子的Bruno, what are you doing? Exploring!布鲁诺你在干嘛? 探险!No! No, not in the back. I told you, it's out of bounds.不! 后院不行我告诉过你不准去那里Explore at the front. But I've explored it all.到屋前去探险我已经去过了Well, find something else to do. Like what?那找点别的事情做做什么?Come back in now, and we'll think of something.你进来会有事情做的没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^So, children, what are you doing today?孩子们今天你们都在干嘛?Same as yesterday. And what was that?和昨天一样在干嘛?Same as the day before. Except you went exploring.和前天一样你还去探险了I like exploring. Where did you go?我喜欢探险去哪儿探险了?I wanted to look in the back garden, but Mum wouldn't let me.我想去后花园看看妈妈不让我去The back garden?后花园?Well, God forbid.还好没有去I expect you'll be missing those friends of yours.我猜你该想念你的那些朋友了I even miss school.我甚至想上课了Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that.真没想到你会这么说Anyway, you won't be missing it for long.不管怎样你不会想念太久了Really? I've arranged a tutor for you both.真的? 我给你们俩安排了一个家教A Herr Liszt will be visiting twice a week.里兹先生每周会来两次So we're not going to school?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^那我们不用去上课了?School's coming here?有人过来上课?On an old bicycle, I gather.骑着辆旧自行车来我猜It's a bird without the...你瞧这只鸟...Good morning, little man. And how are you this morning?早上好小鬼早上感觉如何?Can I ask you a favour? Well, you can ask.能请你帮个忙么? 可以Are there any spare tyres around?有备用轮胎吗?An old one from one of the trucks or something?比如那些卡车上拆下来的旧轮胎?Well, the only spare tyre这里我见过唯一的I've seen around here一个备用胎(spare tyre亦指腰间肥肉)belongs to Lieutenant Meinberg.属于麦柏格中尉Well, is he using it? Yes, he's very attached to it.他在用吗? 是的难分难舍呢Stop it. He doesn't understand. He's only eight.算了他不懂他才8岁You're only 12, so stop pretending you're any older.你才12岁所以别装成熟没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^What do you want a tyre for, anyway?你要轮胎干嘛?I want to make a swing. A swing?我想做个秋千秋千?That does sound exciting.听起来很刺激You!你!Here, now.过来Move!快!Take this boy to the outhouse in the back garden.带这个孩子去后院的外屋There are some tyres in there. He will select one.那里有些轮胎让他挑一个You will carry it where he asks. Do you understand?他说拿到哪里你就拿到哪里明白么?Well, little man, what are you waiting for?好了小鬼愣着干什么?How about this one?这个怎么样?Where's my mum?我妈妈呢?She's out.她出去了When is she back? Soon, I expect.什么时候回来? 快了我想没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^But don't worry.你别担心But I might bleed to death. No, you won't.流血太多我会死掉的不不会的Will I need to go to hospital? No. It's only a small cut.我该去医院吗? 不只是小伤口Come on. It's not that bad.坚强点没那么疼吧There, all better.好了好些了吧What's your name? Pavel.你叫什么? 帕维尔Now, you've got to sit still for a few minutes你得安静地坐几分钟before you start walking around on that again.先别到处走动了Will you tell my mum what happened?你会告诉我妈妈发生了什么吗?I think she's going to see it for herself.我想她自己看得出来She'll probably take me to a doctor.她可能会带我去看医生I don't think so.我想不会It could be worse than it looks. It isn't.也许情况很糟糕不会的How would you know? You're not a doctor.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^你怎么知道? 你又不是医生Yes, I am. No, you're not.不我是你不是You peel potatoes.你是削土豆的I practised as a doctor.我曾经做过实习医生Before I...在我...Before I came here.在我来这儿之前You couldn't have been much good then, if you had to practise.那你当时技术肯定不怎么样还要实习Now, what are you going to be when you grow up?那么你长大了想干什么?I know. An explorer.我知道做探险家How do you know that?你怎么知道?Is it nice on the farm?农场里漂亮吗?Bruno. Bruno, what happened to you?布鲁诺布鲁诺你怎么了?I made a swing, but I fell off it and cut my knee.我做了个秋千掉下来弄伤了膝盖But Pavel here, he carried me in and put a bandage on it.是帕维尔带我进屋还给我包扎没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Go to your room. But Pavel says I...到你房间去可帕维尔说...Don't argue. Go to your room.别顶嘴去自己房间Thank you.谢谢It's not fair, you having this view.这不公平你这里的视野真好Well, I'm not swapping.我不会跟你换I think school's here.我想上课的来了No, I mean more recent history.不我是指再近一些的历史Are you interested in current affairs? Yes, very.你们对时事新闻感兴趣吗? 是的很感兴趣So, you'll be aware of the situation那么你们一定了解in which our great nation presently finds itself.我们伟大的国家现在的形势Yes. I read newspapers whenever I can and one of Father's men 是的我尽量多读报纸我爸爸的一名手下keeps me up to date on everything that's happening.也会随时告诉我当下的事态Good. And you, Bruno. Have you been reading newspapers?很好那你布鲁诺最近读过报纸么?Have you been reading anything? Books.最近读过什么? 书没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Good. What sort of books?很好什么样的书?Adventure books, mainly.探险书You know, knights in shining armour,你知道的身穿闪亮盔甲的骑士exploring strange lands and stuff,来到荒蛮之地探险and silly princesses always getting in the way.而傻傻的公主总是给他添麻烦Well, this is why I'm here to help.所以我才来这里教你们You're how old now, Bruno? Eight?你多大了布鲁诺? 8岁?Time to get your head out of those fiction books是时候脱离那些小说了and start learning about fact.要学些真实的东西Time, I think, to turn your mind to the real world,是时候把注意力转向真实的世界and I believe this would be the perfect start.我想这本书会是很好的开端《德国年鉴第三卷 1924-1937》Die, die!受死受死!Die, die.受死受死没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Hello.你好I'm exploring.我在探险What are you doing? We're... We're building a new hut.你们在干什么? 我们... 我们在造新房子Have you got lots of friends over there?那里有你很多朋友吧?A few. But we fight a lot.有几个但我们经常打架That's why I like being out here. I can be on my own.所以我才到这个角落来可以一个人呆着I'm Bruno. Shmuel.我叫布鲁诺希姆尔Sorry? I'm Shmuel.什么? 我叫希姆尔That's your name? Never heard of anyone called that before.这是你的名字? 从没听说有人叫这样的名字I've never heard of anyone called Bruno.我也没听说有人叫布鲁诺的But Shmuel. No one's called Shmuel.可是希姆尔没人叫希姆尔的I live in the house, back there.我住在那编边的房子里Have you got any food on you? No.你带了吃的吗? 没有Are you hungry?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^你很饿吗?How old are you?你几岁?Eight. Me, too!8岁我也是!It's not fair, me being stuck over here on my own,这不公平我一个人在家里无所事事while you're over there, playing with friends all day.而你却在这边整天都和朋友玩Playing? Well, that number.玩? 那个号码Isn't it a part of a game or something?不是游戏里玩的吗?It's just my number.只是个号码Everyone gets given a different number.每个人都有不一样的号码Right. Then what happens?是这样然后呢?I have to go back now! Really?我得回去了! 真的吗?Yeah.是的It was nice to meet you, Shmuel.很高兴见到你希姆尔And you, Bruno.你也是布鲁诺没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Bye.再见Mum, I can't find my football.妈妈我找不到足球了Well, it'll be in one of your cupboards, sweet.可能在你房间某个柜橱里亲爱的It isn't. I've looked.不在我找过了Can I have a piece of chocolate?我能要一块巧克力吗?A piece. Yes.一块好的Bruno?布鲁诺?Have you looked in the cellar? The cellar?去地下室找过了吗? 地下室?For your football.你的足球Damn.见鬼Gretel, I've just seen all your...格蕾特尔我看到你所有的...All my what?我所有的什么?All your dolls, down in the cellar.你所有玩偶在地下室Dolls are for little girls.玩偶是给小女孩的没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^It's not right to play with silly toys现在不是玩那些蠢玩具的时候while people are away risking their lives for the Fatherland.正有人在为我们的祖国牺牲生命"My people's density is my density." Destiny."人民的明云即我的明云'" 命运"Its struggles and its sorrows,""他们的挣扎与悲伤”"its joys and its miseries are mine.""快乐与痛苦我都感同身受""I must work and create for the resurrection of my Fatherland. "我必须为祖国的复兴而努力""The history of my people is great and glorious.""人民的历史是伟大而辉煌的"And it's 12:00.到12点了I'm sorry? Isn't that when we finish?你说什么? 我们不是该结束了吗?The termination of the lesson is for the tutor to decide, Bruno,课程何时结束由老师决定布鲁诺not the pupil. Now, will you please continue.而不是学生请你继续Bruno, there you are.布鲁诺你在这儿I'm just going into town for an hour. Do you want to come?我要去镇上一个小时要一起去吗?You be careful on that thing.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^坐在上面要小心Thank you.谢谢Can I ask you something?能问你些事吗?Why do you people wear pyjamas all day?你们为什么整天都穿着条纹睡衣?They're not pyjamas. Well, those.这不是条纹睡衣呃你自己看嘛We have to. They took all our other clothes away.我们不得不穿他们把我们的衣服收走了Who did? The soldiers.谁干的? 那些士兵The soldiers? Why?士兵? 为什么?I don't like soldiers. Do you?我不喜欢士兵你呢?I do, quite. My dad's a soldier,非常喜欢我爸爸就是一名士兵but not the sort that takes people's clothes away for no reason.但不是无缘无故收走别人衣服的士兵What sort, then?那是什么样的士兵?Well, he's the important sort.嗯... 他是那种重要的士兵He's in charge of making everything better for everyone.他的工作是让大家的生活更美好没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^So is your dad a farmer? No, he's a watchmaker.你爸爸是个农民? 不是个钟表匠Or was. Most of the time now, he just mends boots.以前是现在他基本上都在补靴子It's funny how grown-ups can't make their minds up我觉得很滑稽大人们不能下决心去做about what they want to do. It's like Pavel.他们想做的事就像帕维尔Do you know him? Lives over there.你认识他么? 他也住在那边He used to be a doctor, but gave it all up to peel potatoes.他以前是个医生结果却来削土豆Can I ask you another question?能再问你个问题吗?What do you burn in those chimneys?那些烟囱里烧的是什么?I saw them going the other day.前些天我看到有人进去了Is it just lots of hay and stuff?是烧干草吗?I don't know. We're not allowed over there.我不知道我们不能到那儿去Mama says it's old clothes.妈妈说烧的是些旧衣服Well, whatever it is, it smells horrid.不管是什么气味很难闻I wish you'd remembered the chocolate.还以为你会带巧克力来没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^Yes, I'm sorry.是啊对不起I know! Perhaps you can come and have supper with us sometime.有了! 也许什么时候你可以来和我们吃晚饭I can't, can I? Because of this.我不能不是吗? 有这个But that's to stop the animals getting out, isn't it?这是为了不让那些动物出来不是吗?Animals? No, it's to stop people getting out.动物? 不是为了防止人逃跑Are you not allowed out?你们不能出来?Why? What have you done? I'm a Jew.为什么? 你们做错了什么事吗? 我是犹太人I think I should go now.我想我得走了Will you be here tomorrow? I'll try.明天你会来么? 我尽量Goodbye, then! Bye.再见! 再见Little present, sweetheart.小礼物亲爱的Thank you, Mummy.谢谢妈妈Have you seen Bruno? Outside on his swing, I think.看到布鲁诺了吗? 在玩秋千吧Yes, Thursday's perfect.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^是的星期四没问题I'll have a car come to collect you both.我会派车来接你们Are Grandma and Grandpa coming?爷爷和奶奶要来么?Hey, did you smell that horrible smell the other day?嘿前些天你闻到难闻的气味了吗?Coming from the chimneys. What sort of ill?从那些烟囱冒出来的什么样的病?The day I fell off the swing.就是我从秋千摔下来的那天Did you smell it, Mum? Father.你闻到了吗妈妈? 爸爸Mum.妈妈Let me speak to her.让我跟她说话Yes, she is. I can hear her.是的我听到她讲话了Yes. We look forward to it. Goodbye.好的期待早日见到您再见Is Grandma not coming? No.奶奶不能来了吗? 不能She's poorly, apparently, but Grandpa's coming.她病得不轻但爷爷会来Did you smell it, Dad? What?你闻到了吗爸爸? 什么?没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^That horrid smell from the chimneys. What is it?从烟囱里冒出来的臭气在烧什么?I think they just burn rubbish there sometimes.我想是在烧些垃圾吧Look. What?瞧什么?Hey! Gretel.嘿! 格蕾特尔Hey, that's not fair!嘿这不公平!Gretel. What?格蕾特尔干嘛?It's only a game.只是游戏Ralf, this tutor you brought in,拉尔夫你介绍来的那个家教does he usually teach children as young as Gretel and Bruno?他教过格蕾特尔和布鲁诺这么小的孩子吗?I believe so. Why?我想是的怎么了?Well, do we know what he's teaching them?知道他在教些什么吗?Gretel seems to have become so...格蕾特尔好像变得很...They're being taught what all children眼下所有的孩子are being taught at the moment.都学这些东西没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^They mustn't get left behind.他们可不能落后Come on.来吧Let's get to bed.去睡觉"The Jew slandered us and incited our enemies."犹太人诋毁我们煽动我们的敌人"The Jew corrupted us through bad books."犹太人试图通过书籍使我们堕落"He mocked our literature and our music."嘲笑我们的文学和音乐"Everywhere, his influence was destructive,"无论何处他们的影响都是毁灭性的"the eventual result of which was our nation's collapse,"为的就是使我们的国家崩溃"and then..." Yes, Bruno."然后..." 好的布鲁诺I don't understand.我不明白A nation's collapse is all down to this one man?这一个人就造成了一个国家的崩溃?The Jew here means the entire Jewish race.犹太人指的是整个犹太民族If it had been just one man,如果只是一个人I'm sure something would've been done about him.没事来看看,说不定能帮到您,页眉推广内容下载后删除即可,谢谢理解^_^我肯定他会吃不了兜着走的There is such a thing as a nice Jew, though, isn't there?但肯定有好的犹太人不是吗?I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew,我觉得布鲁诺如果你找到了一个犹太人是好人you would be the best explorer in the world.那你就是这世界上最伟大的探险家Continue, Gretel.继续格蕾特尔"The aim of the Jew is to become the ruler of humanity."犹太人的目的是统治全人类"The Jew is not creative, but destructive."犹太人无法创造只会破坏"He is the enemy of culture."他们是我们文化的敌人"Thousands of Germans have been made poor by the Jew.""成千上万的德国人因他们而贫困Master Bruno.布鲁诺少爷What are you doing? You've just had your lunch, haven't you?您在干什么? 您刚吃过午饭不是吗?I was going for a walk, and I thought I might get peckish.我去散散步到时候可能会饿But don't make a mess of your satchel. Bring it here.可别把书包弄脏了拿过来I'll wrap it properly for you.我来给您包好。

穿条纹衣服的男孩读后感英语英文回答:The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas: A Profound Exploration of Injustice and Ignorance.John Boyne's "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into the horrors of the Holocaust through the innocent eyes of a young boy. Bruno, the nine-year-old son of a Nazi commandant, forms an unlikely friendship with Shmuel, a Jewish boy imprisoned in the concentration camp adjacent to their home.As Bruno visits Shmuel at the camp, he remainsoblivious to the true nature of his father's work and the atrocities being committed within those barbed-wire fences. Through his interactions with Shmuel, Bruno begins to question the injustices he sees around him, sparking a nascent understanding of the horrors unfolding before hiseyes.The novel's strength lies in its ability to portray the horrors of war without resorting to graphic violence. By focusing on the experiences of two young boys, Boyne exposes the insidious nature of propaganda and the devastating impact of ignorance. Bruno's innocence provides a stark contrast to the horrors of the camp, highlighting the profound moral failings of those who perpetrated such atrocities.Furthermore, the novel explores the themes offriendship and loyalty. Despite the vast differences in their circumstances, Bruno and Shmuel form a deep bond based on innocence and compassion. Their friendship transcends the barriers of age and social status, offering a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness.The tragic ending of the novel serves as a powerful reminder of the devastating consequences of prejudice and ignorance. Bruno's death alongside Shmuel in the gas chamber symbolizes the ultimate failure of humanity and theirreparable damage caused by hatred and intolerance.中文回答:《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》,对不公和无知的深刻思考。
the boy in the striped pyjamas

Everyone tells him that Jews are demons, even his sister who used to be kind , but for a 8 years old boy who just wants some friends, it’s hard to depart form Shmuel . On the contrary , they become more close.
His mother ,at the beginning , thinks the camp is just a place Jews are working in .
Her husband hides the truth that it is 杀 人工厂Auschwitz Concentration Camp( 奥斯维辛集中营).
At first , he feels boring there
Finds the“farm” which his parents forbid him to go , which, in fact ,a camp
There ,he meets Shmuel (希姆尔),
A Jew , who is also 8 years old
Their friendship is pure
Laugh with you Warm
Cry with you Move
Who want you to be better
Another thing the film shows is about peace and war.
Pour the poisonous substance into the chamber

穿条纹睡衣的男孩英文原版阅读中英双语穿条纹睡衣的男孩Chapter EighteenThinking Up the Final Adventure最后的探险The day after Father told Bruno that he would be returning to Berlin soon, Shmuel didn't arrive at the fence as usual. Nor did he show up the day after that. On the third day, when Bruno arrived there was no one sitting cross-legged on the ground and he waited for ten minutes and was about to turn back for home, extremely worried that he would have to leave Out-With without seeing his friend again, when a dot in the distance became a speck and that became a blob and that became a figure and that in turn became the boy in the striped pyjamas.爸爸告诉布鲁诺很快要回柏林的当天,什穆埃尔没有像往常一样来铁丝网这边,接下来的那天也没有来。
Bruno broke into a smile when he saw the figure coming towards him and he sat down on the ground, taking the piece of bread and the apple he had smuggled with him out of his pocket to give to Shmuel. But even from a distance he could see that his friend looked even more unhappy than usual, and when he got to the fence he didn't reach for the food with his usual eagerness.当布鲁诺看到那个身影朝自己走来时,他露出了笑容。

..;..The Review of The Boy in the Striped PajamasThe film talks about the friendship between two eight-year-old boys during WorldWar Ⅱ. One is Bruno, a Nazi commandant’s son.The other is a Jew,who is living in the Jewish concentration camp and always wearing a uniform like a striped pajama. On the one hand,the boys know nothing about the cruelty of the war. On the other hand,the Nazi attempt to destroy the Jewish people.The war is cruel. But the children are innocent. Though there is a barbed-wire fence between the two boys when they are chatting,there is no brutality or racial discrimination. I consider the excellent point is that the film is from a child’s perspective to view the war.Thus,it makes a tremendous contrast,which reveals the ugliness of the the Nazi’s atrocities. Besides,it engraves the cruelty of the war on people’s minds, calling for peace.Life is equal and each life should be respected.Doubtlessly the film is a tragedy. When seeing both of the lovely boys died in the end, I felt awfully depressed. However, the ending is quite reasonable for only when the Nazi commandant lost his son could he taste the agonies as the Jews did. Each life is precious and nobody has the right to deprive others’ lives. We need to respect each life and cherish peace and stability.。

98.《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》战争与纯真《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》战争与纯真"穿条纹睡衣的男孩(The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas)"这本小说,由爱尔兰作家约翰·博伊尼所创作,出版于2006年。

穿条纹睡衣的男孩The Boy in the Striped PyjamasThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in the United States) is a 2008 British film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne. Directed by Mark Herman and produced by David Heyman, it stars Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, and Vera Farmiga.A Holocaust drama, the film explores the horror of a World War II extermination camp through the eyes of two eight-year-old boys, one the son of the camp's Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate.SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) move from Berlin to the countryside with their children, twelve-year-old Gretel (Amber Beattie) and eight-year-old Bruno (Asa Butterfield), after Ralf is promoted to commandant of a Nazi concentration camp, of which Bruno refers to as "Out-With", although later in the movie his sister keeps protesting that his pronounciation is incorrect, which brings us to the conclusion that the camp is probably Auschwitz.Confined to the grounds of the family's new home, without friends, Bruno craves companionship and adventure. He eventually escapes through the window of an outhouse, treks through the woods, and emerges at an isolated, unguarded corner of the concentration camp, which he initially believes to be a farm. There, he befriends Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), a boy of the same age. Bruno returns frequently thereafter, bringing Shmuel food and playing games with him through the barbed wire fence. Shmuel gradually disabuses Bruno of the idea that the people in the camp are farmers; he tells Bruno that he and his family have been imprisoned, and forced to wear the "striped pajamas," because they are Jews.Bruno and Gretel's tutor, Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) feeds the children a diet of antisemitic bigotry and nationalist propaganda under the guise of teaching them history. In response, Gretel becomes increasingly fanatical in her support for the Third Reich. She covers her bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters, and flirts with Lieutenant Kurt Kotler (Rupert Friend), a mean and nasty Nazi unlike Ralf, as her budding sexuality becomes fixated on the ideal of the German soldier. In contrast, Bruno is skeptical of Liszt's teachings. The Jews Bruno knows, Shmuel and the family's kindly servant Pavel (David Hayman), do not resemble the tutor's antisemitic stereotypes. He also witnesses savage, senseless acts of Nazi brutality that conflict with the propaganda ideal of military heroism. One night, when Pavel accidentally overturns Kotler's wine glass at the table, the furious officer drags Pavel out of the room. Through the ajar door to the kitchen, we see Kotler's jackboot delivering vicious kicks, and are led to presume that the elderly man dies from the brutal beating.After Pavel's death, Shmuel is sent to the commandant's home in the role of a houseboy. When Bruno comes across the hungry boy cleaning glasses in the house, he gives him some cake. When Kotler sees crumbs on Shmuel's lips, and accuses him of stealing, Shmuel tells the officer the truth: Bruno is his friend, and Bruno gave him the cake. Terrified, Bruno betrays Shmuel, saying that he has never seen the boy before and that Shmuel stole the cake. Some days later, a remorseful Bruno finds Shmuel at the fence, with his eye badly beaten. Shmuel forgives Bruno, and the boys shake hands through the fence.From a comment of Kotler's about the stench from the crematoriums, Elsa learns that Ralf presides over an extermination camp, not a labor camp as she has been led to believe. Thereafter, the couple argue repeatedly about Ralf's role at the camp and the children's proximity to it. Eventually, they decide that Elsa will take the children to their Aunt Lotte's in Heidelberg. But the day before Bruno is due to leave, Shmuel reveals that his father has gone missing in the camp. Seeing an ideal opportunity for a final adventure, Bruno digs a hole beneath the barbed wire the following morning, changes into prison clothing that Shmuel has stolen for him, and enters the camp to help Shmuel find his father. Inside, Bruno is horrified by the dehumanization, starvation, and sickness; the camp is the very antithesis of the Theresienstadt-esque propaganda film that had shaped his prior impressions.As the boys search fruitlessly for Shmuel's father, they become intertwined with a group of prisoners who are being herded toward the gas chambers. Inside, everyone is instructed to undress for a "shower." A soldier wearing a gas mask pours Zyklon B granules into the chamber. Bruno and Shmuel grasp each other's hands tightly as the lights go out.Back at the house, Elsa discovers that Bruno is missing, and raises the alarm. Using tracking dogs, Ralf and other soldiers follow the boy's trail through the woods. When they discover his discarded clothing at the camp's perimeter, and see the hole dug beneath the fence, Ralf races inside, searching desperately for his son. Seeing the gas chamber doors locked, Ralf realizes what has happened and cries out in anguish; hearing him, Elsa and Gretel fall to their knees sobbing over Bruno's clothes. The family is left to face the tragic irony that Bruno has become a victim of the Nazi death camp run by his own father.。

• 片中谎言的成立是建立在一个不允许被谈及的话题上,当众所周知的 事情出于道德或者淫威而不适当广为议论乃至羞于提及,误区便应运 而生,这是国家机器与大独裁所造成的必然结果,当然也存在于普通 人生活的方方面面,即便历史环境下的禁忌可以避而不谈,也终难抹 杀私人个案中的污点,任何取证都会引发不曾预料的风波,对于剧作 而言,可谓宝藏,只要善于挖掘,勤做关联故事便不致陷于单调死板。 从始至终,都没有任何事情能够让布鲁诺意识到他正迈向危险, 成人世界的相互隔阂与自作聪明理应成为悲剧的导火索。影片中因为 妻子不便也不愿向孩子提及自己对于种族清洗的真实看法,情感爆发 均背对布鲁诺而直面身为指挥官的丈夫;布鲁诺与被家庭教师洗脑的 姐姐间的对话也未触及事情的实质;什穆埃尔出于顾虑和天真亦并未 给出更多劝诫。所有意向都是以引发布鲁诺的逆反与好奇心为导向, 感性材料的积累更加重他错误判断的筹码。
片名:The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 译名:穿条纹睡衣的男孩 导演:马克·赫曼 主演:维拉·法梅加 鲁伯特·弗兰德 阿沙·巴特菲尔德 大卫·休里斯 Jack Scanlon 类型:剧情 上映日期:2008年11月14日 国家/地区:英国/美国
• 2009年 青年艺术家奖 Best Performance in an
International Feature Film Leading Young Performers(提名) 阿沙·巴特 菲尔德

T h e R e v i e w o f T h e B o y i n t h e S t r i p e d P a j a m a sThe film talks about the friendship between two eight-year-old boys during World War Ⅱ. One is Bruno, a Nazi commandant’s son.The other is a Jew,who is living in the Jewish concentration camp and always wearing a uniform like a striped pajama. On the one hand,the boys know nothing about the cruelty of the war. On the other hand,the Nazi attempt to destroy the Jewish people.The war is cruel. But the children are innocent. Though there is a barbed-wire fence between the two boys when they are chatting,there is no brutality or racial discrimination. I consider the excellent point is that the film is from a child’s perspective to view the war.Thus,it makes a tremendous contrast,which reveals the ugliness of the the Nazi’s atrocities. Besides,it engraves the cruelty of the war on people’s minds, calling for peace.Life is equal and each life should be respected.Doubtlessly the film is a tragedy. When seeing both of the lovely boys died in the end, I felt awfully depressed. However, the ending is quite reasonable for only when the Nazi commandant lost his son could he taste the agonies as the Jews did. Each life is precious and nobody has the right to deprive others’ lives. We need to respect each life and cherish peace and stability.。
穿条纹睡衣的男孩 PPT课件

《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》这部影 片改编自爱尔兰新锐作家约 翰·伯恩2006年出版的同名小 说《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》。
• 2008年 Chicago International Film Festival(Audience Choice Award) Mark Herman
They die , with their hands firmly grasped.
• 尽管有些不切实际的幻想,这部电影依旧是一部感人肺腑的佳作!
• 然解读的异常“孩子气”,但反差之下现实的残酷才显得 更加惊心动魄。《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》同样透过一个孩子 的眼睛来讲述二战中德国集中营中的情景,以一个孩子的 视角来审视那个特殊的年代。那些杀戮和令人难以直视的 鲜血,在孩子的眼中被折射的是如此光陆怪离和有趣,但 越是如此现实的残酷就越是让人心血尤滴!
犹太人纪念碑前感天动地的一跪!殊不知他也是受害者! 德国人也是受害者!
• 谈及电影版本的改编,约翰·伯恩说:“我一直都在寻找能够按照 我的意愿来改编电影的制片公司,而近年来也有不少的电影公司

……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐…………………………………………………The Review of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The film talks about the friendship between two eight-year-old boys during World War Ⅱ. One is Bruno, a Nazi commandant’s son.The other is a Jew,who is living in the Jewish concentration camp and always wearing a uniform like a striped pajama. On the one hand,the boys know nothing about the cruelty of the war. On the other hand,the Nazi attempt to destroy the Jewish people.The war is cruel. But the children are innocent. Though there is a barbed-wire fence between the two boys when they are chatting,there is no brutality or racial discrimination. I consider the excellent point is that the film is from a child’s perspective to view the war.Thus,it makes a tremendous contrast,which reveals the ugliness of the the Nazi’s atrocities. Besides,it engraves the cruelty of the war on people’s minds, calling for peace.Life is equal and each life should be respected.Doubtlessly the film is a tragedy. When seeing both of the lovely boys died in the end, I felt awfully depressed. However, the ending is quite reasonable for only when the Nazi commandant lost his son could he taste the agonies as the Jews did. Each life is precious and nobody has the right to deprive others’ lives. We need to respect each life and cherish peace and stability.1。

……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐…………………………………………………The Review of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas The film talks about the friendship between two eight-year-old boys during World War Ⅱ. One is Bruno, a Nazi commandant’s son.The other is a Jew,who is living in the Jewish concentration camp and always wearing a uniform like a striped pajama. On the one hand,the boys know nothing about the cruelty of the war. On the other hand,the Nazi attempt to destroy the Jewish people.The war is cruel. But the children are innocent. Though there is a barbed-wire fence between the two boys when they are chatting,there is no brutality or racial discrimination. I consider the excellent point is that the film is from a child’s perspective to view the war.Thus,it makes a tremendous contrast,which reveals the ugliness of the the Nazi’s atrocities. Besides,it engraves the cruelty of the war on people’s minds, calling for peace.Life is equal and each life should be respected.Doubtlessly the film is a tragedy. When seeing both of the lovely boys died in the end, I felt awfully depressed. However, the ending is quite reasonable for only when the Nazi commandant lost his son could he taste the agonies as the Jews did. Each life is precious and nobody has the right to deprive others’ lives. We need to respect each life and cherish peace and stability.1。
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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a novel by Irish novelist John Boyne. The story happened in German in 1942, during the World War II. Bruno, a nine-year-old boy, and his family have to leave their home in Berlin and move to a far and strange place where there is no other children to play with him. He then takes an exploration near the fence and meets a little boy who is on the other side of the fence, Shmuel. They become good friends and Bruno decides to help Shmuel to find his father, while he never comes out from the camp.
Different from other war novels, this novel indirectly reveals the coldness and mercilessness of the war through two innocent little boys’talks, instead of describing the bloody and horrible scenes, evoking stronger feelings among readers and heartbreaking readers extremely. The innocence of children is in stark contrast with the cruelness and brutality of the war. When Bruno found the camp with the fence near their house, he simply regarded it as an ugly building. Hundreds of, even thousands of people in the same-look clothes, the striped clothes, lived in the camp and suffered great pains every day, but little Bruno did not know the truth and only felt happy when he found a lot of children were there. He told Shmuel he did not like striped clothes but in fact he liked it, of course he did not know what the clothes meant. He even felt unfair and admired Shmuel for Shmuel had a lot of friends to play with on the other side of the fence while he did not have. The war is so ridiculous and absurd in front of children’s innocent words, while children are poor and helpless in front of the war’s mercilessness.
The war distorts people’s mind and makes adults’world full of deception and lies. Maria, the family’s maid, told Bruno his father was a very good man. He offered Maria a job and took care of Maria’s mother when she was very sick even though he was not obliged to. However, all these happened before the war. When Bruno’s father became an officer and got promoted, he changed. He told Bruno people in the striped clothes were not human beings and not allowed Bruno to look that camp from the window. He cheated that the terrible smell from the smokestack in the camp was the result of rubbish incineration. He looked for a teacher to
teach Gretel and Bruno history and sociology, or exactly to implant Nazi concepts in them, which really worked, Gretel became tossed her doll aside and became interested in the Nazi concepts. People lost their nature during the war and became apathetic and cold.
Even though people’s souls have been distorted and their personalities damaged, there are still people who are sane and rational. Bruno’s mother knew what her husband had done was inhuman and hoped to come back home in Berlin with their children. She argued with her husband, but she had no choice but to compromise with the reality because if she said something improper, the whole family would be in danger. Bruno’s grandmother was very clear with his father’s job and felt shameful for what his father had done. It is grateful that not everyone has lost their mind during the war. Although these people are also helpless in face of the war and can do nothing against the war, they bring us the hope of human nature.
Regardless of the nationalities and races, we are all the same. In the end of the novel, Bruno put on the striped pyjamas and rolled under the fence, then they were on the same side of the fence. However, when Bruno wanted to went out and came back home, the soldiers called all the people in striped pyjamas be together and then he came into the gas chamber with Shmuel, but soldiers did not recognize him because they only knew the striped pyjamas. Even if you are the son of a Nazi officer, no one will know you if you wear the striped clothes - the symbol of Jewish. Thus, it is ridiculous to divide races, which Bruno’s death has proved.
There is no winner in a war, especially the inhumane racial cleansing. The two little boys, Bruno and Shmuel, who have different destinies and fates were killed together in the gas chamber. Jewish suffered a lot from the second world war, while many innocent people also experienced a great pains, just like Bruno, a innocent and lovely little boy, becoming the victim of the war.。