
























⽣活饮⽤⽔标准检验⽅法—吹扫捕集⽓相⾊谱质谱法测定挥发性有机物吹脱捕集/⽓相⾊谱-质谱法测定挥发性有机化合物1范围本⽅法适⽤于测定⽣活饮⽤⽔中的可吹脱有机化合物, 本⽅法测定挥发性有机化合物的种类(见表1)和检出限随仪器和操作条件⽽变,⽔样为25mL时的⽅法检出限见表2。

2 原理将被测⽔样⽤注射器注⼊吹脱捕集装置的吹脱管中,于室温下通以惰性⽓体(氦⽓),把⽔样中低⽔溶性的挥发性有机化合物及加⼊的内标和标记化合物吹脱出来,捕集在装有适当吸附剂的捕集管内。




3 ⼲扰及消除主要的污染源是吹脱⽓体及捕集管路中的挥发性有机化合物,不要使⽤⾮聚四氟⼄烯的塑料管和密封圈,吹脱装置中的流量计不应含橡胶元件;每天在操作条件下分析纯⽔空⽩,检查系统中是否有污染(不准从样品检测结果中扣除空⽩值);仪器实验室不应有溶剂污染,特别是⼆氯甲烷和甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)。








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《 资源 节约 与环保 》 2 0 1 3年 第 6期
5 . 1单 级 滤 池 法
厂 手册规 定水 力负荷 为 1 0 ~ 3 5 m3 / ( m ・ d ) ,B O D 5容 积 负 荷 为 0 .
由图 1 可知 , 该 实 验条 件 下 , 八个 组分 的峰 面积 在 1 8 0  ̄ C 后 均 呈稳
定趋势 , 与2 8 0 ℃相 比较均无 明显差异 , 因此 , 笔者选定 1 8 0 %作为
吹 扫 温度 进行 下 一 步 实 验 。
《 民用建筑工程 室内环境污染控制规范 ̄ G B 5 0 3 2 5 — 2 0 1 0[ 1 ] 规
面积 为纵 坐标 ,以浓度为横坐标 ,绘制标 准曲线 。l m g / mL ( 1 # )
柱温: 初 始温度 5 O ℃, 保持 1 0 m i n , 升温速 率 5  ̄ C / m i n , 温度升
至2 5 0 ℃, 保持 2 a r i n 。
T V O C混合标准溶液 1 I x L色谱图见图 2 , 各组分标准 曲线见 表 1 。
可以使用 2 8 0 %以下 的吹扫解析温度还没有文献报道 , 笔者通过不
同 吹扫 温度 下 T V O C解 析率 的研 究 , 全 面 论述 了 1 8 0 ℃解 析 温度 的
孽 ”
气相色谱法检测室内空气 T V O C浓度的可靠性 , 效果理想 。
1试 验 部 分
1 . 1 主 要 仪 器 及 试 剂 材料
定, 采样后的 T e n a x — T A经温度范 围为 2 8 0 — 3 0 0 ℃充分解 析后 , 使解 析气体直接 由进样 阀快速进入气相色谱仪进行色谱分析 ,关 于使 用2 8 0 — 3 0 0  ̄ C 解析温度 的实验方法 已有不少文献[ 2 — 4 ] 报道 , 但是否






















因此,通常称为吹‎扫--捕集(Purge‎ & Trap)进样技术。




此时,关闭吹扫气‎,由切换阀将‎捕集器接入‎G C的开气‎气路,同时快速加‎热捕集的样‎品组分解吸‎后随载气进‎入G C分离‎分析。























合成氨-低温甲醇洗(1222)吹扫方案编写:校核:审核:批准:2010-7-4目录1吹扫的目的2吹扫前应具备的条件3吹扫控制指标4 吹扫结束的合格标准5 吹扫注意事项6 吹扫范围7 吹扫方法及步骤一、吹扫的目的:为防止制作安装过程中残留在设备、管道内的棉纱、铁锈、铁屑、油泥、水份等异物在开车时堵塞设备、管道、阀门、污染系统液体介质,故要求对设备、管道内部进行吹扫、清洗,以确保系统投料试车时正常进行。






























因此,通常称为吹扫--捕集(Purge & Trap)进样技术。









































公称直径小于600mm液体管道易采用水冲洗,公称直径小于600mm 的气体管道易采用空气吹扫。






















吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法是一种常用的分析技术,它结合了气相色谱和质谱两种方法,能够对复杂样品中的化合物进行高效、灵敏和选择性的检测和定量分析。


1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法的概述,包括其原理、方法步骤以及应用领域。




1.3 目的本文旨在全面概述吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法,并深入解释其原理和关键技术,以便读者能够全面了解和掌握该分析方法的应用。




2. 吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法概述2.1 原理介绍吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法是一种结合了吹扫技术、气相色谱和质谱的分析方法。



2.2 方法步骤在吹扫捕集气相色谱质谱法中,通常包括以下步骤:1) 样品准备:样品需要被适当地预处理,如固体样品的溶解、液体样品的稀释等。

2) 吹扫过程:使用一种惰性气体(如氮气)作为载气,将其通过样品中,使得挥发性有机化合物随着载气被带入到捕集器中。

3) 捕集步骤:通过调整温度和压力等条件,在捕集器中使得化合物被吸附或解吸,并及时转移到色谱柱进行分离。



• 吹出物在吸附剂或冷阱中被捕集,捕集 效率对吹扫效率影响也较大,捕集效率 越高,吹扫效率越高。 • 冷阱温度直接影响捕集效率 • 选择合适的捕集温度
• 解吸温度是吹扫捕集气相色谱分析的关 键,它影响整个分析方法的准确性和重 复性. • 较高的解吸温度能够更好地将挥发物送 入气相色谱柱,得到窄的色谱峰 • 一般都选择较高的解吸温度. • 对于水中有机物,解吸温度通常采用200 oC。在解吸温度确定后,解吸时间越短 越好,从而得到好的对称的色谱峰。
膜对待测物浓度 高分子膜, 变化有滞后性, 中空纤维 待测物受膜限制 大 盘状膜, 过滤片及 固体吸附 剂
膜对待测物质 的吸附作用
固相吸附剂对 待测物的吸附 作用 待测物在样品 及萃取涂层之 间的分配平衡
先用吸附剂吸附, 各种气体、液 再用溶剂洗脱待 体即可溶的固 测物 体 将萃取纤维暴露 在样品或其顶空 中萃取 挥发及半挥发 性有机物
一、取一定量的样品计入到吹扫瓶中 二、将经过硅胶、分子筛和活性炭干燥净化的 吹扫气,以一定流量通入吹扫瓶,以吹脱出挥 发性组分 三、吹脱出的组分被保留在吸附剂或冷阱中 四、打开六通阀,把吸附管置于气相色谱的分 析流路 五、加热吸附管进行脱附,挥发性组分被吹出 并进入分析柱 六、进行色谱分析
在超临界状态下 萃取待测样品, 通过减压,降温 或吸附收集后分 析
由高分子膜萃取 样品中的待测物, 然后再用气体或 液体萃取出膜中 的待测物
烃类及非极性 化合物,以及 部分中等极性 化合物
挥发及半挥发 性物质,支载 液膜萃取在不 同pH值下能离 子化的化合物
CO2,氨, 乙烷,乙 装置昂贵,不适 合水样分析 烯,丙烯 及水等



一、取一定量的样品计入到吹扫瓶中 二、将经过硅胶、分子筛和活性炭干燥净化的吹扫
气,以一定流量通入吹扫瓶,以吹脱出挥发性组分 三、吹脱出的组分被保留在吸附剂或冷阱中 四、打开六通阀,把吸附管置于气相色谱分析流路 五、加热吸附管进行脱附,挥发性组分被吹出并进
入分析柱 六、进行色谱分析
常见的挥发性及半挥发性有机化合物的前处 理技术:吹扫捕集、顶空、固相微萃取、固 相萃取、超临界流体萃取、微波辅助萃取、 液液萃取、超声振荡、索氏萃取和凝胶渗透 色谱等技术
液液萃取、静态顶空和动态顶空技术都耗时 较长,固相微萃取技术和最近发展的膜萃取 技术富集速度较快,但由于富集倍数低,对 超痕量的挥发性有机化合物无法分析检测。
为什么要用吹扫捕集被测物特点 Nhomakorabea组分复杂、
浓度较低、干扰 物多、同种元素 以多相形式存在 和易受环境影响 而变化等特点。
处理: 通常都要经过复
杂的前处理后才能 进行分析测定,经 典的前处理方法, 如沉淀、络合、衍 生、吸附、萃取、 蒸馏、干燥、过滤、 透析、离心和升华
传统方法的弊端: 靠人工操作,重复性
CO2,氨,乙烷, 装置昂贵,
乙烯,丙烯及水 不适合水

膜对待测 由高分子膜萃取样品中的待测 物质的吸 物,然后再用气体或液体萃取 附作用 出膜中的待测物
挥发及半挥发性 物质,支载液膜 萃取在不同pH值 下能离子化的化 合物
高分子膜,中空 纤维
膜对待测 物浓度变 化有滞后 性,待测 物受膜限
用氮气、氦气或其他惰性气体以一定的流量 通过液体或固体进行吹扫,吹出所要分析的 痕量挥发性组分后,被冷阱中的吸附剂所吸 附,然后加热脱附进入气相色谱系统进行分 析。





























EPA Method 5035吹扫和捕集 技术

EPA Method 5035吹扫和捕集 技术

METHOD 5035CLOSED-SYSTEM PURGE-AND-TRAP AND EXTRACTION FORVOLATILE ORGANICS IN SOIL AND WASTE SAMPLES1.0SCOPE AND APPLICATION1.1This method describes a closed-system purge-and-trap process for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in solid materials (e.g., soils, sediments, and solid waste). While the method is designed for use on samples containing low levels of VOCs, procedures are also provided for collecting and preparing solid samples containing high concentrations of VOCs and for oily wastes. For these high concentration and oily materials, sample collection and preparation are performed using the procedures described here, and sample introduction is performed using the aqueous purge-and-trap procedure in Method 5030. These procedures may be used in conjunction with any appropriate determinative gas chromatographic procedure, including, but not limited to, Methods 8015, 8021, and 8260.1.2The low soil method utilizes a hermetically-sealed sample vial, the seal of which is never broken from the time of sampling to the time of analysis. Since the sample is never exposed to the atmosphere after sampling, the losses of VOCs during sample transport, handling, and analysis are negligible. The applicable concentration range of the low soil method is dependent on the determinative method, matrix, and compound. However, it will generally fall in the 0.5 to 200 µg/kg range.1.3Procedures are included for preparing high concentration samples for purging by Method 5030. High concentration samples are those containing VOC levels of >200 µg/kg.1.4Procedures are also included for addressing oily wastes that are soluble in a water-miscible solvent. These samples are also purged using Method 5030..1.5Method 5035 can be used for most volatile organic compounds that have boiling points below 200E C and that are insoluble or slightly soluble in water. Volatile, water-soluble compounds can be included in this analytical technique. However, quantitation limits (by GC or GC/MS) are approximately ten times higher because of poor purging efficiency.1.6Method 5035, in conjunction with Method 8015 (GC/FID), may be used for the analysis of the aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction in the light ends of total petroleum hydrocarbons, e.g., gasoline. For the aromatic fraction (BTEX), use Method 5035 and Method 8021 (GC/PID). A total determinative analysis of gasoline fractions may be obtained using Method 8021 in series with Method 8015.1.7As with any preparative method for volatiles, samples should be screened to avoid contamination of the purge-and-trap system by samples that contain very high concentrations of purgeable material above the calibration range of the low concentration method. In addition, because the sealed sample container cannot be opened to remove a sample aliquot without compromising the integrity of the sample, multiple sample aliquots should be collected to allow for screening and reanalysis.1.8The closed-system purge-and-trap equipment employed for low concentration samples is not appropriate for soil samples preserved in the field with methanol. Such samples should be analyzed using Method 5030 (see the note in Sec. 6.2.2).CD-ROM5035 - 1Revision 0December 19961.9This method is restricted to use by or under the supervision of trained analysts. Each analyst must demonstrate the ability to generate acceptable results with this method.2.0SUMMARY OF METHOD2.1Low concentration soil method - generally applicable to and soils and other solid sampleswith VOC concentrations in the range of 0.5 to 200 µg/kg.Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are determined by collecting an approximately 5-g sample, weighed in the field at the time of collection, and placing it in a pre-weighed vial with a septum-sealed screw-cap (see Sec. 4) that already contains a stirring bar and a sodium bisulfate preservative solution. The vial is sealed and shipped to a laboratory or appropriate analysis site. The entire vial is then placed, unopened, into the instrument carousel. Immediately before analysis, organic-free reagent water, surrogates, and internal standards (if applicable) are automatically added without opening the sample vial. The vial containing the sample is heated to 40E C and the volatiles purged into an appropriate trap using an inert gas combined with agitation of the sample. Purged components travel via a transfer line to a trap. When purging is complete, the trap is heated and backflushed with helium to desorb the trapped sample components into a gas chromatograph for analysis by an appropriate determinative method.2.2High concentration soil method - generally applicable to soils and other solid sampleswith VOC concentrations greater than 200 µg/kg.The sample introduction technique in Sec. 2.1 is not applicable to all samples, particularly those containing high concentrations (generally greater than 200 µg/kg) of VOCs which may overload either the volatile trapping material or exceed the working range of the determinative instrument system (e.g., GC/MS, GC/FID, GC/EC, etc.). In such instances, this method describes two sample collection options and the corresponding sample purging procedures.2.2.1The first option is to collect a bulk sample in a vial or other suitable containerwithout the use of the preservative solution described in Sec. 2.1. A portion of that sample is removed from the container in the laboratory and is dispersed in a water-miscible solvent to dissolve the volatile organic constituents. An aliquot of the solution is added to 5 mL of reagent water in a purge tube. Surrogates and internal standards (if applicable) are added to the solution, then purged using Method 5030, and analyzed by an appropriate determinative method. Because the procedure involves opening the vial and removing a portion of the soil, some volatile constituents may be lost during handling.2.2.2The second option is to collect an approximately 5-g sample in a pre-weighed vialwith a septum-sealed screw-cap (see Sec 4) that contains 5 mL of a water-miscible organic solvent (e.g., methanol). At the time of analysis, surrogates are added to the vial, then an aliquot of the solvent is removed from the vial, purged using Method 5030 and analyzed by an appropriate determinative method.2.3High concentration oily waste method - generally applicable to oily samples with VOCconcentrations greater than 200 µg/kg that can be diluted in a water-miscible solvent.Samples that are comprised of oils or samples that contain significant amounts of oil present additional analytical challenges. This procedure is generally appropriate for such samples when they are soluble in a water-miscible solvent.CD-ROM5035 - 2Revision 0December 19962.3.1After demonstrating that a test aliquot of the sample is soluble in methanol orpolyethylene glycol (PEG), a separate aliquot of the sample is spiked with surrogates and diluted in the appropriate solvent. An aliquot of the solution is added to 5 mL of reagent water in a purge tube, taking care to ensure that a floating layer of oil is not present in the purge tube.Internal standards (if applicable) are added to the solution which is then purged using Method 5030 and analyzed by an appropriate determinative method.2.3.2Samples that contain oily materials that are not soluble in water-miscible solventsmust be prepared according to Method 3585.3.0INTERFERENCES3.1Impurities in the purge gas and from organic compounds out-gassing from the plumbing ahead of the trap account for the majority of contamination problems. The analytical system must be demonstrated to be free from contamination under the conditions of the analysis by running method blanks. The use of non-polytetrafluoroethylene (non-PTFE) plastic coating, non-PTFE thread sealants, or flow controllers with rubber components in the purging device must be avoided, since such materials out-gas organic compounds which will be concentrated in the trap during the purge operation. These compounds will result in interferences or false positives in the determinative step.3.2Samples can be contaminated by diffusion of volatile organics (particularly methylene chloride and fluorocarbons) through the septum seal of the sample vial during shipment and storage.A trip blank prepared from organic-free reagent water and carried through sampling and handling protocols serves as a check on such contamination.3.3Contamination by carryover can occur whenever high-concentration and low-concentration samples are analyzed in sequence. Where practical, samples with unusually high concentrations of analytes should be followed by an analysis of organic-free reagent water to check for cross-contamination. If the target compounds present in an unusually concentrated sample are also found to be present in the subsequent samples, the analyst must demonstrate that the compounds are not due to carryover. Conversely, if those target compounds are not present in the subsequent sample, then the analysis of organic-free reagent water is not necessary.3.4The laboratory where volatile analysis is performed should be completely free of solvents. Special precautions must be taken to determine methylene chloride. The analytical and sample storage area should be isolated from all atmospheric sources of methylene chloride, otherwise random background levels will result. Since methylene chloride will permeate through PTFE tubing, all GC carrier gas lines and purge gas plumbing should be constructed of stainless steel or copper tubing. Laboratory workers' clothing previously exposed to methylene chloride fumes during common liquid/liquid extraction procedures can contribute to sample contamination. The presence of other organic solvents in the laboratory where volatile organics are analyzed will also lead to random background levels and the same precautions must be taken.4.0APPARATUS AND MATERIALS4.1Sample ContainersThe specific sample containers required will depend on the purge-and-trap system to be employed (see Sec. 4.2). Several systems are commercially available. Some systems employ 40-mL clear vials with a special frit and equipped with two PTFE-faced silicone septa. Other CD-ROM5035 - 3Revision 0December 1996systems permit the use of any good quality glass vial that is large enough to contain at least 5 g of soil or solid material and at least 10 mL of water and that can be sealed with a screw-cap containing a PTFE-faced silicone septum. Consult the purge-and-trap system manufacturer's instructions regarding the suitable specific vials, septa, caps, and mechanical agitation devices.4.2Purge-and-Trap SystemThe purge-and-trap system consists of a unit that automatically adds water, surrogates, and internal standards (if applicable) to a vial containing the sample, purges the VOCs using an inert gas stream while agitating the contents of the vial, and also traps the released VOCs for subsequent desorption into the gas chromatograph. Such systems are commercially available from several sources and shall meet the following specifications.4.2.1The purging device should be capable of accepting a vial sufficiently large tocontain a 5-g soil sample plus a magnetic stirring bar and 10 mL of water. The device must be capable of heating a soil vial to 40E C and holding it at that temperature while the inert purge gas is allowed to pass through the sample. The device should also be capable of introducing at least 5 mL of organic-free reagent water into the sample vial while trapping the displaced headspace vapors. It must also be capable of agitating the sealed sample during purging,(e.g., using a magnetic stirring bar added to the vial prior to sample collection, sonication, orother means). The analytes being purged must be quantitatively transferred to an absorber trap. The trap must be capable of transferring the absorbed VOCs to the gas chromatograph (see 4.2.2).NOTE:The equipment used to develop this method was a Dynatech PTA-30 W/S Autosampler. This device was subsequently sold to Varian, and is now availableas the Archon Purge and Trap Autosampler. See the Disclaimer at the front ofthis manual for guidance on the use of alternative equipment.4.2.2 A variety of traps and trapping materials may be employed with this method. Thechoice of trapping material may depend on the analytes of interest. Whichever trap is employed, it must demonstrate sufficient adsorption and desorption characteristics to meet the quantitation limits of all the target analytes for a given project and the QC requirements in Method 8000 and the determinative method. The most difficult analytes are generally the gases, especially dichlorodifluoromethane. The trap must be capable of desorbing the late eluting target analytes.NOTE:Check the responses of the brominated compounds when using alternative charcoal traps (especially Vocarb 4000), as some degradation has been notedwhen higher desorption temperatures (especially above 240 - 250E C) areemployed. 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether is degraded on Vocarb 4000 but performsadequately when Vocarb 3000 is used. The primary criterion, as stated above,is that all target analytes meet the sensitivity requirements for a given project. trap used to develop this method was 25 cm long, with an insidediameter of 0.105 inches, and was packed with Carbopack/Carbosieve (Supelco, Inc.). standard trap used in other EPA purge-and-trap methods is alsoacceptable. That trap is 25 cm long and has an inside diameter of at least 0.105 in.Starting from the inlet, the trap contains the equal amounts of the adsorbents listedbelow. It is recommended that 1.0 cm of methyl silicone-coated packing (35/60 mesh,Davison, grade 15 or equivalent) be inserted at the inlet to extend the life of the trap. If CD-ROM5035 - 4Revision 0December 1996the analysis of dichlorodifluoromethane or other fluorocarbons of similar volatility is notrequired, then the charcoal can be eliminated and the polymer increased to fill 2/3 of thetrap. If only compounds boiling above 35E C are to be analyzed, both the silica gel andcharcoal can be eliminated and the polymer increased to fill the entire trap.,6-Diphenylene oxide polymer - 60/80 mesh,chromatographic grade (Tenax GC or equivalent). silicone packing - OV-1 (3%) on Chromosorb-W,60/80 mesh or equivalent. charcoal - Prepare from Barnebey Cheney,CA-580-26, or equivalent, by crushing through 26 mesh screen. materials other than those listed above also may be employed,provided that they meet the specifications in Sec. 4.2.3, below.4.2.3The desorber for the trap must be capable of rapidly heating the trap to thetemperature recommended by the trap material manufacturer, prior to the beginning of the flow of desorption gas. Several commercial desorbers (purge-and-trap units) are available.4.3Syringe and Syringe Valves4.3.125-mL glass hypodermic syringes with Luer-Lok (or equivalent) tip (other sizesare acceptable depending on sample volume used).4.3.22-way syringe valves with Luer ends.4.3.325-µL micro syringe with a 2 inch x 0.006 inch ID, 22E bevel needle (Hamilton#702N or equivalent).4.3.4Micro syringes - 10-, 100-µL.4.3.5Syringes - 0.5-, 1.0-, and 5-mL, gas-tight with shut-off valve.4.4Miscellaneous4.4.1Glass vials4.4.1.160-mL, septum-sealed, to collect samples for screening, dry weightdetermination., screw-cap, PTFE lined, septum-sealed. Examine each vial priorto use to ensure that the vial has a flat, uniform sealing surface.4.4.2Top-loading balance - Capable of accurately weighing to 0.01 g.4.4.3Glass scintillation vials - 20-mL, with screw-caps and PTFE liners, or glass culturetubes with screw-caps and PTFE liners, for dilution of oily waste samples.4.4.4Volumetric flasks - Class A, 10-mL and 100-mL, with ground-glass stoppers. CD-ROM5035 - 5Revision 0December 1996CD-ROM 5035 - 6Revision 0December 19964.4.52-mL glass vials, for GC autosampler - Used for oily waste samples extracted withmethanol or PEG.4.4.6Spatula, stainless steel - narrow enough to fit into a sample vial.4.4.7Disposable Pasteur pipettes.4.4.8Magnetic stirring bars - PTFE- or glass-coated, of the appropriate size to fit thesample vials. Consult manufacturer’s recommendation for specific stirring bars. Stirring bars may be reused, provided that they are thoroughly cleaned between uses. Consult the manufacturers of the purging device and the stirring bars for suggested cleaning procedures.4.5Field Sampling Equipment4.5.1Purge-and-Trap Soil Sampler - Model 3780PT (Associated Design andManufacturing Company, 814 North Henry Street, Alexandria, VA 22314), or equivalent.4.5.2EnCore sampler - (En Chem, Inc., 1795 Industrial Drive, Green Bay, WI 54302),TM or equivalent.4.5.3 Alternatively, disposable plastic syringes with a barrel smaller than the neck ofthe soil vial may be used to collect the sample. The syringe end of the barrel is cut off prior to sampling. One syringe is needed for each sample aliquot to be collected.4.5.4Portable balance - For field use, capable of weighing to 0.01 g.4.5.5Balance weights - Balances employed in the field should be checked against anappropriate reference weight at least once daily, prior to weighing any samples, or as described in the sampling plan. The specific weights used will depend on the total weight of the sample container, sample, stirring bar, reagent water added, cap, and septum.5.0 REAGENTS5.1Organic-free reagent water - All references to water in this method refer to organic-free reagent water, as defined in Chapter One.5.2Methanol, CH OH - purge-and-trap quality or equivalent. Store away from other solvents.35.3Polyethylene glycol (PEG), H(OCH CH )OH - free of interferences at the detection limit 22n of the target analytes.5.4Low concentration sample preservative5.4.1Sodium bisulfate, NaHSO - ACS reagent grade or equivalent.45.4.2The preservative should be added to the vial prior to shipment to the field, andmust be present in the vial prior to adding the sample.5.5See the determinative method and Method 5000 for guidance on internal standards and surrogates to be employed in this procedure.6.0SAMPLE COLLECTION, PRESERVATION, AND HANDLINGRefer to the introductory material in this chapter, Organic Analytes, Sec. 4.1, for general sample collection information. The low concentration portion of this method employs sample vials that are filled and weighed in the field and never opened during the analytical process. As a result, sampling personnel should be equipped with a portable balance capable of weighing to 0.01 g.6.1Preparation of sample vialsThe specific preparation procedures for sample vials depend on the expected concentration range of the sample, with separate preparation procedures for low concentration soil samples and high concentration soil and solid waste samples. Sample vials should be prepared in a fixed laboratory or other controlled environment, sealed, and shipped to the field location. Gloves should be worn during the preparation steps.6.1.1Low concentration soil samplesThe following steps apply to the preparation of vials used in the collection of low concentration soil samples to be analyzed by the closed-system purge-and-trapequipment described in Method 5035. a clean magnetic stirring bar to each clean vial. If the purge-and-trap device (Sec. 4.2) employs a means of stirring the sample other than a magneticstirrer (e.g., sonication or other mechanical means), then the stir bar is omitted. preservative to each vial. The preservative is added to each vialprior to shipping the vial to the field. Add approximately 1 g of sodium bisulfate to eachvial. If samples markedly smaller or larger than 5 g are to be collected, adjust theamount of preservative added to correspond to approximately 0.2 g of preservative foreach 1 g of sample. Enough sodium bisulfate should be present to ensure a sample pHof # 5 mL of organic-free reagent water to each vial. The water and thepreservative will form an acid solution that will reduce or eliminate the majority of thebiological activity in the sample, thereby preventing biodegradation of the volatile targetanalytes. the vial with the screw-cap and septum seal. If the double-ended,fritted, vials are used, seal both ends as recommended by the manufacturer. a label to each vial. This eliminates the need to label the vials inthe field and assures that the tare weight of the vial includes the label. (The weight ofany markings added to the label in the field is negligible). the prepared vial to the nearest 0.01 g, record the tare weight,and write it on the label. volatile organics will partition into the headspace of the vialfrom the aqueous solution and will be lost when the vial is opened, surrogates, matrixspikes, and internal standards (if applicable) should only be added to the vials after thesample has been added to the vial. These standards should be introduced back in the CD-ROM5035 - 7Revision 0December 1996CD-ROM 5035 - 8Revision 0December 1996laboratory, either manually by puncturing the septum with a small-gauge needle orautomatically by the sample introduction system, just prior to analysis.6.1.2High concentration soil samples collected without a preservativeWhen high concentration samples are collected without a preservative, a varietyof sample containers may be employed, including 60-mL glass vials with septum seals(see Sec. 4.4).6.1.3High concentration soil samples collected and preserved in the fieldThe following steps apply to the preparation of vials used in the collection of highconcentration soil samples to be preserved in the field with methanol and analyzed by the aqueous purge-and-trap equipment described in Method 5030. 10 mL of methanol to each vial. the vial with the screw-cap and septum seal. a label to each vial. This eliminates the need to label the vials inthe field and assures that the tare weight of the vial includes the label. (The weight ofany markings added to the label in the field is negligible). the prepared vial to the nearest 0.01 g, record the tare weight,and write it on the label.NOTE:Vials containing methanol should be weighed a second time on the day thatthey are to be used. Vials found to have lost methanol (reduction in weightof >0.01 g) should not be used for sample collection., internal standards and matrix spikes (if applicable) shouldbe added to the sample after it is returned to the laboratory and prior to analysis.6.1.4Oily waste samples When oily waste samples are known to be soluble in methanol or PEG, sample vials maybe prepared as described in Sec. 6.1.3, using the appropriate solvent. However, when the solubility of the waste is unknown, the sample should be collected without the use of a preservative, in a vial such as that described in Sec. collectionCollect the sample according to the procedures outlined in the sampling plan. As withany sampling procedure for volatiles, care must be taken to minimize the disturbance of the sample in order to minimize the loss of the volatile components. Several techniques may be used to transfer a sample to the relatively narrow opening of the low concentration soil vial.These include devices such as the EnCore sampler, the Purge-and-Trap Soil Sampler ,TM TM and a cut plastic syringe. Always wear gloves whenever handling the tared sample vials.6.2.1Low concentration soil samples6.2.1.1Using an appropriate sample collection device, collect approximately 5g of sample as soon as possible after the surface of the soil or other solid material hasbeen exposed to the atmosphere: generally within a few minutes at most. Carefully wipethe exterior of the sample collection device with a clean cloth or towel. the sample collection device, add about 5 g (2 - 3 cm) of soil tothe sample vial containing the preservative solution. Quickly brush any soil off the vialthreads and immediately seal the vial with the septum and screw-cap. Store sampleson ice at 4E C.NOTE:Soil samples that contain carbonate minerals (either from natural sources or applied as an amendment) may effervesce upon contact with the acidicpreservative solution in the low concentration sample vial. If the amount ofgas generated is very small (i.e., several mL), any loss of volatiles as a resultof such effervescence may be minimal if the vial is sealed quickly. However,if larger amounts of gas are generated, not only may the sample lose asignificant amount of analyte, but the gas pressure may shatter the vial if thesample vial is sealed. Therefore, when samples are known or suspected tocontain high levels of carbonates, a test sample should be collected, addedto a vial, and checked for effervescence. If a rapid or vigorous reactionoccurs, discard the sample and collect low concentration samples in vialsthat do not contain the preservative solution. practical, use a portable balance to weigh the sealed vialcontaining the sample to ensure that 5.0 ± 0.5 g of sample were added. The balanceshould be calibrated in the field using an appropriate weight for the sample containersemployed (Sec. 4.5.5). Record the weight of the sealed vial containing the sample to thenearest 0.01 g., collect several trial samples with plastic syringes. Weigheach trial sample and note the length of the soil column in the syringe. Use these datato determine the length of soil in the syringe that corresponds to 5.0 ± 0.5 g. Discardeach trial sample. with the collection of aqueous samples for volatiles, collect at leasttwo replicate samples. This will allow the laboratory an additional sample for reanalysis.The second sample should be taken from the same soil stratum or the same section ofthe solid waste being sampled, and within close proximity to the location from which theoriginal sample was collected. addition, since the soil vial cannot be opened without compromisingthe integrity of the sample, at least one additional aliquot of sample must be collected forscreening, dry weight determination, and high concentration analysis (if necessary). Thisthird aliquot may be collected in a 60-mL glass vial or a third 40-mL soil sample vial.However, this third vial must not contain the sample preservative solution, as an aliquotwill be used to determine dry weight. If high concentration samples are collected in vialscontaining methanol, then two additional aliquots should be collected, one for highconcentration analysis collected in a vial containing methanol, and another for the dryweight determination in a vial without either methanol or the low concentration aqueouspreservative solution.CD-ROM5035 - 9Revision 0December 1996CD-ROM 5035 - 10Revision 0December 19966.2.1.7If samples are known or expected to contain target analytes over a widerange of concentrations, thereby requiring the analyses of multiple sample aliquots, itmay be advisable and practical to take an additional sample aliquot in a lowconcentration soil vial containing the preservative, but collecting only 1-2 g instead of the5 g collected in Sec. This aliquot may be used for those analytes that exceedthe instrument calibration range in the 5-g analysis. EnCore sampler has not been thoroughly evaluated by EPA asTM a sample storage device. While preliminary results indicate that storage in the EnCore TMdevice may be appropriate for up to 48 hours, samples collected in this device should betransferred to the soil sample vials as soon as possible, or analyzed within 48 hours. collection of low concentration soil samples in vials that contain methanol is not appropriate for samples analyzed with the closed-system purge-and-trapequipment described in this method (see Sec. 6.2.2).6.2.2High concentration soil samples preserved in the fieldThe collection of soil samples in vials that contain methanol has been suggested by some as a combined preservation and extraction procedure. However, this procedure is not appropriate for use with the low concentration soil procedure described in this method. NOTE:The use of methanol preservation has not been formally evaluated by EPA andanalysts must be aware of two potential problems. First, the use of methanol asa preservative and extraction solvent introduces a significant dilution factor thatwill raise the method quantitation limit beyond the operating range of the lowconcentration direct purge-and-trap procedure (0.5-200 µg/kg). The exactdilution factor will depend on the masses of solvent and sample, but generallyexceeds 1000, and may make it difficult to demonstrate compliance withregulatory limits or action levels for some analytes. Because the analytes ofinterest are volatile, the methanol extract cannot be concentrated to overcomethe dilution problem. Thus, for samples of unknown composition, it may still benecessary to collect an aliquot for analysis by this closed-system procedure andanother aliquot preserved in methanol and analyzed by other procedures. Thesecond problem is that the addition of methanol to the sample is likely to causethe sample to fail the ignitability characteristic, thereby making the unusedsample volume a hazardous waste. samples are known to contain volatiles at concentrations highenough that the dilution factor will not preclude obtaining results within the calibrationrange of the appropriate determinative method, a sample may be collected andimmediately placed in a sample vial containing purge-and-trap grade methanol. an appropriate sample collection device, collect approximately 5g of sample as soon as possible after the surface of the soil or other solid material hasbeen exposed to the atmosphere: generally within a few minutes at most. Carefully wipethe exterior of the sample collection device with a clean cloth or towel. the sample collection device, add about 5 g (2 - 3 cm) of soil tothe vial containing 10 mL of methanol. Quickly brush any soil off the vial threads andimmediately seal the vial with the septum and screw-cap. Store samples on ice at 4E C.。



科学技术创新吹扫捕集/气相色谱-冷原子荧光光谱法测定土壤中的烷基汞D et erm i nat i on of al kyl m ercury i n s oi l by P urge and t rap /gaschrom at ography C ol d A t om i c Fl uores cence Spect rom et ry金秋红(英格尔检测技术服务(上海)有限公司,上海201109)至1971年爆发了全球历史上最大的一次甲基汞中毒事件后,引发了人们对汞毒性的高度关注。








1实验部分1.1仪器与试剂1.1.1主要仪器全自动烷基汞分析仪:仪真分析仪器有限公司,吹扫捕集/气相色谱-冷原子荧光光谱仪,型号M ER X 。

色谱柱:填充柱(填料:O V -3,340m m ×1.59m m )。

1.1.2仪器工作条件吹扫捕集装置工作条件:采用异位吹扫捕集,载气:氮气,吹扫气流速50m l /m i n ;干燥气流速40m l /m i n ;吹扫9m i n ,干燥:5m i n 。

色谱与裂解工作条件:载气:氩气,载气流速30m l /m i n ;柱温:42℃,裂解温度:900℃。

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• 一、水样品 • 1.海水 Huybrechts等利用吹扫捕集技术和高 分辨气相色谱-质谱联用分析了ng/L水平 下的海水样品中的27种挥发性有机化合 物。包括氯代烷烃和烯烃、单环芳烃和 氯代单环芳烃等。对所有的挥发性有机 化合物检测限范围为0.15-6.57ng/L.
第二节 工作原理及仪器介绍
• 一、吹扫捕集的原理及操作步骤 吹扫捕集技术与静态顶空技术的相同点: 用氮气、氦气或其他惰性气体将被测物从样品中 抽提出来。 不同点:吹扫捕集技术使气体连续通过样品,将 其中的挥发组分萃取后在吸附剂或冷阱中捕集, 再进行分析测定,是一种非平衡态的连续萃取。 因此又被称为动态顶空浓缩法。
• 吹出物在吸附剂或冷阱中被捕集,捕集 效率对吹扫效率影响也较大,捕集效率 越高,吹扫效率越高。 • 冷阱温度直接影响捕集效率 • 选择合适的捕集温度
• 解吸温度是吹扫捕集气相色谱分析的关 键,它影响整个分析方法的准确性和重 复性. • 较高的解吸温度能够更好地将挥发物送 入气相色谱柱,得到窄的色谱峰 • 一般都选择较高的解吸温度. • 对于水中有机物,解吸温度通常采用200 oC。在解吸温度确定后,解吸时间越短 越好,从而得到好的对称的色谱峰。
膜对待测物浓度 高分子膜, 变化有滞后性, 中空纤维 待测物受膜限制 大 盘状膜, 过滤片及 固体吸附 剂
膜对待测物质 的吸附作用
固相吸附剂对 待测物的吸附 作用 待测物在样品 及萃取涂层之 间的分配平衡
先用吸附剂吸附, 各种气体、液 再用溶剂洗脱待 体即可溶的固 测物 体 将萃取纤维暴露 在样品或其顶空 中萃取 挥发及半挥发 性有机物
• 由于有机化合物在大气和水体环境中挥发性有 机化合物的浓度非常低,一般在ng/L到ug/L水 平,所以在分析和检测之前对样品进行前处理 是非常必要的。 • 常见的挥发性及半挥发性有机化合物的前处理 技术:吹扫捕集、顶空、固相微萃取、固相萃 取、超临界流体萃取、微波辅助萃取、液液萃 取、超声振荡、索氏萃取和凝胶渗透色谱等技 术
• • • • • 准备阶段 预冷阶段 吹扫阶段 进样阶段 反吹扫阶段
• 吹扫气—氮气从热解吸管和冷阱毛细管 间进入。 • 无反吹时,吹扫气直接经冷阱毛细管进 入色谱住清洗 • 有反吹时,吹扫气分两路同时清扫管路, 一路经热解吸管和水冷凝器排出,一路 经冷阱毛细管进入色谱柱排出。打开液 氮阀,使冷阱预冷至捕集时所需温度。
• 过程: 用氮气、氦气或其他段星气体以一定的流量通过 液体或固体进行吹扫,吹出所要分析的痕量挥 发性组分后,被冷阱中的吸附剂所吸附,然后 加热脱附进入气相色谱系统进行分析。 在整个过程中,液相顶部的任何组分的分压为零, 可以使更多的挥发性组分逸出,可以测得更低 痕量的组分。 动态顶空与静态顶空的比较详见表5-2
在超临界状态下 萃取待测样品, 通过减压,降温 或吸附收集后分 析
由高分子膜萃取 样品中的待测物, 然后再用气体或 液体萃取出膜中 的待测物
烃类及非极性 化合物,以及 部分中等极性 化合物
挥发及半挥发 性物质,支载 液膜萃取在不 同pH值下能离 子化的化合物
CO2,氨, 乙烷,乙 装置昂贵,不适 合水样分析 烯,丙烯 及水等
• 1. Tekmar公司吹扫捕集仪器
整个过程分为样品吹扫和样品解吸两个阶段。在样品吹扫阶 段,将25ml样品(或5ml高浓度样品)放入吹扫瓶中,用氮 气或氦气作为吹扫气以40ml/min的流速吹扫11-12min。在样 品解吸阶段,捕集管在180oC热解吸4min,吹扫气以 15ml/min的流速将其吹入气相色谱分离。
2. Chrompack公司吹扫捕集仪器
装置由吹扫瓶、水冷凝器、热 解吸管、冷阱、毛细管、进样 口六部分组成。吹扫瓶1用于 盛放样品;水冷凝器2用于冷 却除去水蒸气,以防止水蒸气 冷凝在冷阱中堵塞官路;热解 吸管3保持在250oC,使吹出样 品全部气化;冷阱4通液氮控 制捕集温度;毛细管5放在冷 阱中,用于捕集吹出的挥发物; 吹扫结束后吹出物经进样口6 进入气相色谱
固体吸附剂容易 被堵塞
具有选择 萃取涂层易磨损, 吸附性涂 使用寿命有限 层
吹扫捕集技术与其他新样品前处理方法的比较 • 从上面几种方法可以得知,吹扫捕集技术具有 较高的富集效率,得到了较快的发展。 • 开发了联用技术 气相色谱-电子捕获检测器;气相色谱-氢火焰离 子化检测器等 • 可以测得ug/L级甚至ng/L级挥发性有机物 • 常用的顶空气相色谱法灵敏度较低,人为误差 较大,不利于较多项目的同时监测。
• 张立尖等利用吹扫捕集-色谱-质谱联用对 饮用水中的19种挥发性有机化合物同时进 行富集分离、定性和定量检测。不同化合 物的平均回收率大于90%,相对标准偏差 小于5%,方法检出限为0.1-0.4ug/L.
• Zuloaga等利用吹扫捕集技术测定了土壤样品 中的9种挥发性有机化合物。他们采用了两种 不同的吹扫捕集萃取方法和气相色谱-火焰离 子化检测器联用: • 第一种萃取方法是用甲醇超声处理,优化了加 热温度、加热时间、吹扫时间和NaCl浓度等条 件; • 第二种方法是直接放土壤样品于吹扫管中加热 和吹扫,除了NaCl浓度外,其他条件也进行了 优化。
第三节 在挥发性有机化合物分析中的应用 • 一、挥发性有机物的特点及其常用前处 理技术 • 二、吹扫捕集技术在挥发性有机化合物 分析中的应用
挥发性有机物的特点及其常用前处理技术 • 挥发性有机物与我们密切相关 • 主要用作溶剂、清洁剂、燃料以及工业 和商业用途的化学试剂, • 空气、水和食物中都存在 • 已经证实这些有机化合物会对生态和环 境系统产生广泛的影响。 • 可以通过饮食和吸入对人类健康产生不 利的影响。
• 液液萃取、静态顶空和动态顶空技术都耗时较 长,固相微萃取技术和最近发展的膜萃取技术 富集速度较快,但由于富集倍数低,对超痕量 的挥发性有机化合物无法分析检测。 • 吹扫捕集技术由于灵敏度高,一直最频繁地被 用作挥发性有机化合物的富集技术,和静态顶 空相比,吹扫气连续通过样品基体,使得检测 限比静态顶空低10-100倍。
• A.S.Alloniera等测定了海水样品中的三卤 代烷。其中,吹扫流速和吹扫时间对吹 扫效率影响不大;解吸时间在4min后对 吹扫效率不再有影响;冷阱解吸温度为 180-225oC时吹扫效率减低10%-20%;样 品温度能够轻微提高吹扫效率5%-10%; 方法的相对标准偏差小于10%;加标回 收率在80%-120%之间;方法的检测限 为0.02-0.07ug/L.
1. 概述
自l974年Bellar和Lichtcnherg首次发表有关吹扫捕 集色谱法测定水中挥发性有机物的论文以来,一直受 到环境科学与分析化学界的重视。吹扫捕集技术适用 于从液体或固体样品中萃取沸点低于200℃、溶解度小 于2%的挥发性或半挥发性有机物,广泛用于食品与环 境监测、临床化验等方面。吹扫捕集法在挥发性和半 挥发性有机化合物分析、有机金属化合物的形态分析 中起着越来越重要的作用。吹扫捕集法对样品的前处 理无需使用有机溶剂,对环境不造成二次污染,而且 具有取样量少、富集效率高、受基体干扰小及容易实 现在线检测等优点。但是吹扫捕集法易形成泡沫,使 仪器超载。此外伴随有水蒸气的吹出,不利于下一一 步的吸附,给非极性气相色谱分离柱的分离也带来困 难,并且水对火焰类检测器也具有淬火作用。
• 吹扫开始后,氮气作为吹扫气将挥发物 从吹扫瓶中吹出,经水冷凝器冷却和解 吸管气化后,进入冷阱中的毛细管,将 挥发物全部捕集在冷阱中。
• 吹扫结束后,冷阱快速升温至200 oC, 挥发物按沸点顺序进入气相色谱毛细管 中分离,最后用火焰光度检测器(FPD) 检测。
• 吹扫气从热解吸管和冷阱毛细管间进入, 一路经热解吸管和水冷凝器,一路经冷 阱毛细管进入色谱柱,直至整个分析过 程结束。
一、取一定量的样品计入到吹扫瓶中 二、将经过硅胶、分子筛和活性炭干燥净化的 吹扫气,以一定流量通入吹扫瓶,以吹脱出挥 发性组分 三、吹脱出的组分被保留在吸附剂或冷阱中 四、打开六通阀,把吸附管置于气相色谱的分 析流路 五、加热吸附管进行脱附,挥发性组分被吹出 并进入分析柱 六、进行色谱分析
2. 工作原理及仪器介绍
吹 扫 捕 集 原 理 及 操 作 步 骤 • 动态顶空是相对于静态顶空而言的。与静态顶空不同, 动态顶空不是分析平衡状态的顶空样品,而是用流动 的气体将样品中的挥发性成分“吹扫”出来,再用一 个捕集器将吹出来的物质吸附下来,然后经热解吸将 样品送入GC进行分析。因此,通常称为吹扫--捕集 (Purge & Trap)进样技术。 在绝大部分吹扫--捕集应用中都采用氦气作为吹扫气, 将其同通入样品溶液鼓泡。在持续的气流吹扫下,样 品中的挥发性组分随氦气逸出,并通过一个装有吸附 剂的捕集装置进行浓缩。在一定的吹扫时间之后,等 测组分全部或定量地进入捕集器。此时,关闭吹扫气, 由切换阀将捕集器接入GC的开气气路,同时快速加热 捕集的样品组分解吸后随载气进入GC分离分析。所以, 吹扫--捕集的原理就是:动态顶空萃取-吸附捕集热解 吸-GC分析。
前处理方 法
利用载气尽量吹 出样品中待测物 后,用低温捕集 或吸附剂捕集的 方法收集待测物
吹 扫 捕 集 技 术 与 其 它 新 样 品 前 处 理 方 法 的 比 较
待测物的挥发 性
易形成泡沫,一 起超载
超临界流体萃 取
超临界流体密 度高、粘度小 和对压力变化 敏感的特性