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一、the working of the AECS6 interface.The basic workflow of AECS6
二、 Exhibition of works

After Effects is a Adobe produced by a professional video integration of nonlinear 2 Dand 3D super synthesis of movie, animation and special effects editing software, it can provide the industry standard dynamic video and special effects production.

After Effects功能主要为: 影视特效设计(Visual Effects) 运动图形设计(Motion Graphics)
After Effects合成应用主要是以下方面: Special effects in movies, TV packaging, television effects, multimedia, network video, mobile video (or other handheld devices, video) and DVD creative industry and so on.
Then that is the synthesis of available AE, also is the material for editing. The imported material pull to the synthesis, the material into layer. 图层:又分为素材图层、文字层、形状图层、固态层等等,素材图层 就是由素材构成的。
一、After effects 工作界面、

A typical synthesis comprises a plurality of layers, layer is a collection of synthesis. 如在图层中再加入序列动画。 AE中的合成效果一般都是在时间面板中进行的。AE创作流 程: 1.创建项目和导入素材

After Effects电影特效实例--《阿凡达某后制作》

After Effects电视剧特效实例 --《cctv相信品牌的力量》
The title bar
The menu bar
Time control window
The project window
Synthesis is the framework of a film (framework), regardless of the length of the film, must have a frame, and then to add material. Each frame is a synthetic. 每一个合成都有自己的时间线面板。有时间线面板,就可以对素 材进行任何的操作,制作动画或添加特效等等。 当没有建立合成时,下面的时间面板不可操作。 建立合成后,时间面板就会被激活,即可操作。
5.Render output

二、Exhibition of works
Synthesis of windows
The timeline window

the timeline window
The synthesis time axis (Timeline) window is the most basic windows used to edit the material, the main function of the management of the order, set key frames. Most of the key frame animation done here. In this window material length of time, the film position and so on, are displayed in the window, specific application of the effect will be controlled in this window, so that the time axis is the work window window organization of each synthetic image or scene the most important elements for After in Effects.

时间控制(Time Controls)视窗的主要功能是控制播 放素材的方式,用户可以用RAM方式预览,使画面变得更 加流畅,但一定要保证有很大的内存作为支持。

信息(Info)视窗主要用来显示色彩信息和鼠标所在 Leabharlann Baidu置的坐标。
一、After effects 工作界面、
