



#### IntroductionThis comprehensive English lesson aims to immerse students in the world of food, exploring various aspects such as food preparation, culinary traditions, and global food cultures. Through interactive activities, discussions, and multimedia resources, students will develop their English language skills while gaining knowledge about different cuisines and food-related practices.#### Lesson Objectives- To enhance students' vocabulary related to food and cooking.- To improve students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through food-related activities.- To foster an appreciation for diverse culinary traditions and cultures.- To encourage students to explore and share their own food habits and preferences.#### Materials- Projector or whiteboard- Computers or tablets with internet access- Food-related images, videos, and articles- Handouts with food-related vocabulary and phrases- Recipe cards- Cooking utensils (optional)#### Lesson Duration1 hour#### Part 1: Warm-Up (10 minutes)1. Icebreaker Activity: Start the lesson with a fun activity such as "Two Truths and a Lie" where students share something about theirfavorite food, two facts, and one lie. The class will guess which statement is the lie.2. Vocabulary Building: Introduce key food-related vocabulary using images or flashcards. Have students repeat the words and use them in simple sentences.#### Part 2: Food Preparation (15 minutes)1. Demonstration: Show a short video clip of a traditional dish being prepared. Encourage students to observe the steps and ingredients.2. Discussion: Discuss the video with the class, asking questions such as:- What ingredients are used?- What cooking techniques are demonstrated?- How does the dish look and taste?3. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a simple recipe to prepare. Provide recipe cards and cooking utensils.- Students will work together to follow the recipe, practicing their reading and following instructions in English.- After preparing their dish, each group will present their creation to the class, describing the steps and the final product.#### Part 3: Culinary Traditions (20 minutes)1. PowerPoint Presentation: Use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce different food cultures around the world, focusing on key dishes and cooking methods.2. Interactive Map: Have students work in pairs or small groups to research a specific country's cuisine. They can create a poster or a short presentation sharing their findings.3. Class Discussion: After the presentations, discuss the similarities and differences between the cuisines, and how food reflects cultural identity.#### Part 4: Food and Health (15 minutes)1. Healthy Eating: Discuss the importance of a balanced diet and healthy eating habits. Introduce vocabulary related to nutrition and health.2. Activity: Students will read a short article about healthy eating and complete a comprehension worksheet.3. Group Activity: In groups, students will brainstorm and discuss ways to incorporate more healthy foods into their diets.#### Part 5: Culinary Challenges (20 minutes)1. Cooking Contest: Organize a cooking contest where students can showcase their culinary skills. Provide a simple recipe or let them create their own dish.2. Judging Criteria: Establish a set of criteria for judging, such as taste, presentation, and adherence to the recipe.3. Tasting Session: After the contest, have a tasting session where students can sample the dishes and vote for their favorite.#### Part 6: Conclusion and Reflection (10 minutes)1. Feedback: Collect feedback from students on what they enjoyed about the lesson and what they found challenging.2. Reflection: Have students write a short reflection on what they learned about food and food cultures during the lesson.#### Assessment- Participation in class activities and discussions- Completion of the cooking contest- Handouts and worksheets- Reflection essays#### Extension Activities- Students can create a food diary, documenting their meals and healthy eating habits.- Organize a food festival where students can bring in traditional dishes from their families or countries.- Invite a guest speaker, such as a chef or a nutritionist, to discuss food-related topics.By the end of this lesson, students will have gained a deeper understanding of food practices and cultures, while also improving their English language skills.。


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• When you open it, all have some “xia mi wan gao”! The #1 meal includes compressed food, energy bar, egg rolls with pork, pickled mustard tuber, and instant solid beverage.打 开看看都有些“虾米碗糕”!#1餐包括压缩 食品,能量棒,猪肉蛋卷,榨菜,速溶固 体饮料
• The energy bar’s packaging reverse side, also printed with instructions and nutritional composition, calorie content. 303 kilocalories.能量棒包装的背面 ,也印有说明和营养成分,热 量含量303千卡。
• Let us take a look at the egg roll with pork, whose name sounds very attractive. However, after the experience of the previous two, this time I did not have any expectation of savoring something delicious. This time the nutritional composition and calorie content were all direcly printed on the front. 115 kilocalories of energy.让我们来看看猪肉蛋卷 ,名字听起来很诱人。然而,经过前两次 的经验,这一次俺没有任何品尝好吃的东

人教版一年级起点小学三年级上册英语《Unit 3 food》课件

人教版一年级起点小学三年级上册英语《Unit 3 food》课件

But his parents say, “No ice-cream and cola! They
are not good for you.”
Read and number
BilBl’es gfaomodilyfoirs swbr.i意tin为g“a 对sh某op人pi有ng好l处ist”. His mother wan要ts记so住mfeobr的re固ad定, e搭gg配s哦an!d juice. His father wants sicoem-思cerec考aamk:e,a黄引fnrd色用uict的别oala短人n.d语的m是话ilk什时. B么应il意注l w思意an呢什ts?么so呢m?e apples, But his parents say, “No ice-cream and cola! They are not good for you.”
are not good for you.”
1.这里意为“不能,不要”; Read and number 2.这句话是祈使句;
3.构成:no+名词。“不要做某事”。 Bill’sEfga:mniolyruisnwnirnitgi不ng要a 跑sh步opping list. His mother
wants some bread, eggs and juice. His father wants some思ca考ke:, f这ru里it a的ndnom怎ilk么. B翻il译l w呢an?ts句so子m中e apples, ice-cr没ea有m谓an语d 宾co语la.成分,如何解释呢?
Bill’s family is writing a shopping list. His mother wan但可ts是乐soB!mil他le的们b爸r对e爸a你d说,的e,g身g“体s a不不n能好d 吃j。u冰i”ce淇. H淋i和s father wants some cake, fruit and milk. Bill wants some apples, ice-cream and cola. But his parents say, “No ice-cream and cola! They are not good for you.”



Canadian specialty food
• 量足价廉可以说是加拿 大菜的特色。
• 两大海岸是鳕鱼、鲑鱼 的宝库,在这里可以品 尝到美味熏鲑鱼和鲑鱼 牛排。
Cheap and enough is the special Two Coast cod, salmon treasure trove, where you can taste the delicious smoked salmon and salmon steaks.
加拿大人的饮食以肉类、蔬菜为主,面食、米饭为辅。他们特别喜欢吃 沙丁鱼和野味。蔬菜偏好生吃,主要有西红柿、芹菜、菜花、洋葱、土豆、黄 瓜等。加拿大人口味清淡,偏甜酸,不喜欢太咸 的食物。
加拿大的快餐业发展很快,种类很多,如热狗、意大利馅饼、汉堡包、希腊肉 棍、美国炸鸡、墨西哥玉米面卷肉、中国份饭等。
餐饮礼仪Dining Etiquette
在加拿大,赴宴时最好到花店买一 束鲜花送给主人,以表达自己的谢意。在餐 桌上,男女主宾一般分别坐在男女主人的右 手边。饭前先用餐巾印一印嘴唇,以保持杯 口干净。进餐时,左手拿叉,右手拿刀,刀 用完后,放在盘子边上。吃东西时不要发出 声音,不宜说话,不要当众用牙签剔牙,切 忌把自己的餐具摆到他人的位置上。加拿大 人认为正确、优雅的吃相是绅士风度的体现。
The Theme:
杨1.Canadian food ● 2.American food ● 3.Mexican food
1. Canadian food:
Food categories
Canadians are eating the meat, vegetables, pasta, rice is supplement. They especially like to eat sardines and game. Preference for raw vegetables, mainly tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, cucumbers and so on. Canadians light taste, sweet and sour side, do not like salty food Canada's fast-food industry has developed rapidly, many types, such as hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, Greece Rougun, American fried chicken, Mexican cornmeal volumes of meat, rice and other parts of China. Canada also like to eat chinese vegetables, Jiangsu cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, Shandong cuisine.


中华民族的饮食状况又有了改善,皇帝作灶,始为灶神,集中火力 节省燃料,使食物速熟,而广泛使用在秦汉时期,当时是釜,高脚 灶具逐步退出历史舞台,"蒸谷为饮,烹谷为粥"首次因烹调方法区 别食品,蒸锅发明了,叫甑。蒸盐业是黄帝臣子宿沙氏发明,从此 不仅懂得了烹还懂得调,有益人的健康。
hot, then put the seeds in the fire.
钻木取火,从此熟食,进入石烹时代。主要烹调方法:①炮,即钻火使果肉而燔之; ②煲:用泥裹后烧; ③用石臼 盛水、食,用烧红的石子烫熟食物; ④焙炒:把石片烧热,再把植物种子放在上面炒。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
唐宋Diet culture peak, pay attention to too much.
饮食文化的高峰,过分讲究。“素蒸声音部、罔川图小样”,最具 代表性的是烧尾宴。
神农氏 "耕而陶",是中国农业的开创者,尝百草,开创古医药学,发明耒耜,教民稼穑。
"Plow and tao", is the pioneer of China's agricultural, taste for medicine, the invention LeiSi, grass bouquet of leisure farm. Tao has enable people to have the cooking utensils and containers for the first time, provides a possible, fermentation production food such as wine, Hai, ideal (vinegar), dairy, juice, feels ashamed, etc. Ding is one of the earliest cookers, PAWS because had no kitchen, and by its claw is hollow, Gui used for cooking wine.



• Egg tart / tart • 蛋挞
• Tira Misu
• 提拉米苏
• Mousse
• 慕思
• Pudding
• 布丁
• Oatmeal
• 麦片
• Milkshake
• 奶昔
• Muffin
• 松饼
• Sundae
• 圣代冰淇淋
Chinese food
❖烧饼 ❖油条 ❖水饺 ❖蒸饺 ❖蛋炒饭 ❖馒头 ❖刀削面 ❖馄饨面
❖shredded kelp with soy sauce
❖点心 ❖糖葫芦 ❖麻花 ❖臭豆腐
❖春卷 ❖火锅 ❖凉皮
❖Dim sum ❖Tomatoes on sticks ❖Hemp flowers ❖ Stinky tofu (Smelly
tofu) ❖Spring rolls ❖Hot pot ❖Cool skin
❖Clay oven rolls ❖Fried bread stick ❖Boiled dumplings ❖Steamed dumplings ❖Fried rice with egg ❖Steamed buns ❖Sliced noodles ❖Wonton & noodles
❖盐水鸭 ❖卤鸭 ❖酱牛肉
Yummy Food
Bread Sandwich Hamburger Potato chips Coca cola Pizza Fired chicken Hot dog
Smoked Salmon
Baguette Caesar Salad
croissant Tuna Fish doughnut Seafood Chowder soda cracker Minestrone Soup



Increase cultural awareness
The game provides insights into different cultures and cuisines, helping students to understand and appreciate different food and cultural traditions.
Customizable Content
The courseware allows for the addition of custom foods and corresponding English terms, enhancing the learning experience.
Progress Tracking
No Customization
The game lacks options for players to personalize their learning experience, such as choosing which foods to focus on or adjusting the difficulty level.
Learning through Entertainment
The mini game is designed to make learning English food vocabulary fun and engaging.


Pizza is another iconic American dish, with many different styles and toppings. It originates from Italy but has become so popular in the United States that it has been adapted and changed to suit American tastes.
European cuisine
Italian cuisine
Pizza, pasta, and Italian sauces are some of the most famous Italian dishes. Italians place a strong emphasis on fresh ingredients and simple yet delicious recipes, making their food both healthy and satisfying.
A source of protein and iron. Some common types of meat include beef, chicken, pork, lamb, and veal.
A white meat that is a popular choice for many dishes. It can be roasted, grilled, or cooked in a curry dish.
African cuisine
Ethiopian cuisine
Ethiopian food is known for its unique flavors and spices, often using berbere, a spice mix that gives many Ethiopian dishes their characteristic heat and flavor. Dishes such as injera (a spongy bread) and various stews are common in Ethiopian cuisine.

英语《My Favourite Food》My Favourites [2]PPT公开课件

英语《My Favourite Food》My Favourites [2]PPT公开课件

知识点 5
复数:hot dogs 热狗 例句:I like eating hot dogs for lunch.
午饭我喜欢吃热狗。 拓展 常见的食物名称:
sandwich 三明治 soup汤 hot dog 热狗 meat 肉 rice米饭 noodle面条 dumpling 饺子 bread 面包
1. —What time is it?
—It’s seven __A____.
A. o’clock
B. clock
2. I am ___A___. I want to have lunch.
A. hungry
B. full
C. time C. thirsty
二、情景交际。 当你想知道对方午餐最喜爱吃什么时,你应问____B____ A. What’s your favourite food for breakfast? B. What’s your favourite food for lunch? C. What’s your favourite food for dinner?


《My Favourite Food》My Favourites PPT教学课件

《My Favourite Food》My Favourites PPT教学课件
谢 谢 观 看 ! I like __b_r_e_a_d___ and ____m_i_lk____.
I have l unch at 12:30. I like __r_i_c_e____ and ____m_e_a_t____ .
I have d inner at 6:30 in the evening. I like ___f_is_h____ and _v_e_g_e_ta_b__le_s_.
I have d_i_n_n_er___at 6:30 in the evening. I like__v_e_g_e_ta_b_l_e_sand_n_o_o_d_l_e_s_.
河北教育出版社 四年级| 下册
What is your favourite food?
河北教育出版社 四年级| 下册
C. into
知识点 4
/'hæmbɜ:ɡə(r)/ n. (名词)
谢 谢 观汉看堡包!
例句:I like hamburgers very much. 我非常喜欢汉堡包。
知识点 5
谢 谢 观 看 ! 复数:hot dogs 热狗
例句:I like eating hot dogs for lunch. 午饭我喜欢吃热狗。
拓展 常见的食物名称: sandwich 三明治 soup汤 hot dog 热狗 meat 肉 rice米饭 noodle面条 dumpling 饺子 bread 面包
1. Look and say. Then write.
What’s your favourite food?
My favourite food is noodles.



what kind of dog doesn’t bite (咬)or bark(叫)?
hot- dog
Can you spell them?
fried chips hamburger chicken
nouns 名词
Countable Nouns
Do you ever drink beer?
I’m sure the right way to long life is
/l/ /l/
drinking less and less beer.
/l/ /iə/
I like… and…. I don’t like … or…. I prefer…for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Some other nouns
-f or fe +ves
a shelf →shelves, a knife →knives
man →men, woman →women, foot →feet, tooth →teeth, sheep →sheep, fish →fish, Chinese →Chinese
Our new menu for school canteen(食堂)
Name Breakfast Lunch
Fill the form, write a passage about your eating habit.
My Eating Habits

人教版高中英语必修三课件:Unit2 Healthy eating(共35张PPT)

人教版高中英语必修三课件:Unit2 Healthy eating(共35张PPT)

French fries
ice cream 7
Which food is rich in fat / fibre /calcium (钙) / sugar /vitamin / protein?
eggs 8
all the other+名词复数 the other+名词复数 (3)比较级+ than+any other+名词单数 any of the other+名词复数 anything/anyone else ①No other book has had a greater effect on my life. 再没有别的书对我的生活有更大的影响了。 ②What a wonderful novel! I have never read a more moving one. 多么好的一本小说啊!我从未读过比这更感人的了。
Look at the pictures and learn some new words about this food.
mutton nut
mutton kebabs
roast pork
5.get away with sth./ doing sth.
①被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 (鲜活例句)The headmaster won't permit students to get away with cheating in the exam. 校长决不容许学生们考试作弊却不受惩罚。


1.Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Put aside;
2.Break the eggs into a bowl and use chopsticks to beat the eggs until they break thoroughly. Put aside.
raw tomatoes have more
vitamin C.
Thank you
பைடு நூலகம்
4.Clean the wok and heat it up again with 1 tablespoon cooking oil. Drop the tomato pieces into the wok and do a few quick stirs. Add sugar and water into the tomatoes. Cover it with the lid and let it cook for about 30 seconds. Transfer the eggs and chopped scallions into the tomatoes, stir-fry for 30 seconds or so, dish out and serve immediately.
How to cook scrambled egg with tomato
What do we need to prepare?
3 tomatoes
3 eggs
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 teaspoon sugar
Some teaspoon salt
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