泛读教程第二版第三册unit 13

英语泛读教程2第三版课文翻译unit13The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively.The impressiveness was habitualand not for show, for spectators were few.The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilygusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh depeopled the streets.一个执勤的警察正沿街巡逻,很认真,他一直都这样认真,并不是做给谁看的。
Trying doors as he went,twirling his club with many intricate and artful movements,turningnow and then to cast his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with hisstalwart form and slight swagger,made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.The vicinitywas one that kept early hours.Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of anall-night lunch counter; but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had longsince been closed.他灵巧地来回转着手里的警棍,每家每户都仔细查看,警觉的目光不时地投向安静的街道,这个警察,身材强壮,昂首阔步,俨然一个和平守护者。

《泛读教程》第三册王守仁(Unit1~Unit10) 参考答案Unit 1Section AWord PretestBCBBBAACCBReading SkillCBCABBAAVocabulary Building1 practicable practice practices practical practiced2worthless worthy worthwhile worth worth3vary variety variation various various4absorbing absorbed absorb absorption absorbent21effective efficient effective2technology technique3middle medium mediumClozegoing expectations questions answers predictions tell know end develop worthSection BTFTT CBCC TFF CAACCASection CFFTFFTTTUnit 2Section AWord PretestABACCABABCCReading SkillCBB FTFFTTVocabulary Building11mess 2preference 3aimlessly 4remarkable 5decisive 6shipment 7fiery 8physically 9action 10housing21aptitude attitude2account counted counted3talent intelligenceClozeother just has some than refuse see that without if ready wrongSection BACCCCCCCACBABASection CCCDDACUnit 3Section AWord PretestABCCBDCDCReading SkillBABCAACBCVocabulary Building1Admission admit admissible admissiblyReliance rely reliable reliablyDefinition define definite definitelyAssumption assume assumed assumedlyBehavior behave behavioral behaviorallyVariety vary various variouslyPart part partial partiallyManager manage managerial manageriallyCorrelation correlate correlative correlativelyAdaptation adapt adaptive adaptively21inspired aspired inspired2token badges token3contemporaries temporary contemporaryClozeCommunicate ways using in of message meet causes meaning to eyesSection BBABBAC FFTTTF CCBSection CBBDDBCCA FFTFFTUnit 4Section AWord PretestCACAABBBCCReading SkillBBACBCCAAVocabulary Building11moist 2betrayal 3exclusively 4inhumane 5amazed 6endangered 7marvels 8deadly21dessert deserted2favourite favorable favorable3awarded reward awardedClozeParents idea at seen landmarks instance migrate guide pole effect it if experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCACCBACCSection CFFTFFFTTFTUnit 5Section AWord PretestCAABCACCCReading SkillCABCB FFTFTTVocabulary Building1Assumption assume assumed assumedly Acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledgedly Reflection reflect reflective reflectively Domination dominate dominant dominantly Category categorize categorical categoricallyImplication imply implicative implicativelyReassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlyDefinition define definite definitely21historical historic2rejected resist3test analyzedClozeExisted over head body found language use single passed ahead survival handlingSection BCABCBB TTTFTT CACSection CBBAAACBCUnit 6Section AWord PretestC ACBABACABABReading SkillCAACACCAVocabulary BuildingAvailability avail available availablyConquest conquer conquering conqueringlyLuxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyOrgin orginate original originallyOccurrence occur occurrentSystem systematize systematical systematicallyPhonology (这个是没有动词形式的)phonological phonologicallyDecision decide decided decidedlyVariety vary various variouslySuperiority (这个是没有动词形式的)superior superiorlyPeculiar particular particularAssess access accessResources source sourcesClozeSex men differs compliment complimenting causes makes languages have outside understood have use circleSection BCBBBACBCCCCBACCBASection CBBCABBACCBUnit 7Section AWord PretestABABCBACReading SkillBBBCCBCBVocabulary BuildingDeduced behavior adhere replacement option delicacy enormous pursuitInquired required inquire requiredCompatible comparable compatible comparableClozeSatellite some space asked life sort orbiting have living were believe own solar where likely living throughSection BFTFFTTTTTFFFBBCACCSection CBCBCCAEDEBAFDCUnit 8Section AWord PretestBCABCBBCCAReading SkillCBABCBCCCCVocabulary BuildingOccupation occupy occupational occupationallySegregation segregate segregated(这个没有副词)Discrimination discriminate discriminating discriminatingly Enforcement enforce enforceable enforceablyExclusion exclude exclusive exclusivelyPerseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyConviction convict convictive convectivelyAmendment amend amendable(这个没有副词)Superficiality superficialize superficial superficially Spectator spectate spectatorial (这个没有副词)Job career jobs careerPrincipal principles principal principleFeminine female feminineClozeAcceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section BBACCCCACCCAABBACTTFSection CCCAACBUnit 9Section AWord PretestBAABCACBBABCReading SkillCACCBBBBBACBVocabulary BuildingTypifies dominant familial competitive vibrate descended departure boom countless symbolizesRecreation recreates recreationRhythm rhyme rhymes rhythmClozeSea within of divides built celebrated inside attract together whenSection BFTFTTCCBBCBAACCACSection CBAACABCCCCUnit 10Section AWord PretestCABCBBBBABReading SkillCBCACCCABBVocabulary BuildingConsequence(这个没有动词形式)consequent consequently Sophistication sophisticate sophisticated sophisticatedly Reference refer referable referablyConversation converse conversational conversationally Space space spatial spatiallyDetachment detach detachable detachablyIntervention intervene intervening(这个没有副词)Type typify typical typicallyAssure ensure assured ensureArises raised rise raised arisenClue cues clue cueClozeWell separating is own close need look order respect follow prior sign help was elseSection BBBCTTFBCACACTFFSection CTFFTFFFF。
泛读教程(三)课后题答案(Unit 1-15)

《泛读教程》第三册课后题答案Unit1Section AVocabulary Building:I.1.practical,practice,practices,practical,practiced2.worthless,worthy,worthwhile,worth,worth3.vary,variety,variation,various,Various4.absorbing,absorbed,absorb,absorption,absorbentII.1.effective,efficient,effective2.technology,technique3.middle,medium,mediumClozeGoing/about/trying,expectations/predictions,questions,answers,predictions/expectations,tell, know/foretell,end,develop/present,worthSection BTFTT,CBCC,TFF,CAA,CCAUnit2Section AVocabulary Building:I.mess,preference,aimlessly,remarkable,decisive,shipment,fiery,physically,action,housing II.1.aptitude,attitude2.account,counted,counted3.talent,intelligenceClozeOther,just/only,has,some/many,than,refuse,see/know/understand,that,without,If, ready/willing/educated/taught,wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection BACC,CC,CCC,ACB,ABASection CCCDDACUnit3Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbadmission admit admissible Admissiblyreliance rely reliable Reliablydefinition define definite Definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming Assumedly/assumingly behavior Behave behavioral Behaviorallyvariety Vary Various/varied Variously/variedly Part/partiality Part partial Partiallymanager manage managerial Managerially correlation correlate correlative Correlatively Adaptation adapt adaptive adaptivelyII.1.inspired,aspired,inspired2.token,badges,token3.contemporaries,temporary,contemporaryClozeCommunicate,ways/means/ones,using/saying,in,of,message,meet/have/encounter/experience, causes,meaning,to,eyesSection BBAB,BAC,FFT,TTF,CCBSection CBBDDBCCAFFTFFTUnit4Section AReading Skill:Skimming2-10BBAC BCCAAVocabulary Building:I.moist,betrayal,exclusively,inhumane,amazed/amazing,endangered,marvels,deadlyII.1.dessert,deserted2.favorite,favorable,favorable3.awarded,reward,awardedClozeParents,idea,at/by,seen,landmarks,instance/example,migrate,guide/direct,pole,effect/ influence,It/This,if/whether,experimentsSection BCCB FTF BCA CCB ACCSection CFFTFF FTTFFUnit5Section AVocabulary Building:I.Noun Verb Adjective Adverbassumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedly reflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantlycategory categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitelyII.1.Historical,historic2.rejected,resist3.test/analyze,analyzedClozeExisted/appeared,ever,head/brain,body,found,language,use/value/significance/importance, single,passed,ahead,survival/existence,handling/overcomingSection BCAB CBB TTT FTT CACSection CBBAA ACBCUnit6Section AWord Pretest:CACBA BACAB ABVocabulary Building:I.availability avail available Availablyconquest conquer Conquering/Conqueringlyconqueredluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriouslyorigin originate original Originally occurrence occur Occurrentsystem systematize Systematical/Systematicallysystematicphonology phonological Phonologicallydecision decide Decided/decisive Decidedly/decisively variety vary various Variously superiority superior SuperiorlyII.1.peculiar,particular,particular2.assess,access,access3.resources,source,sourcesClozeSex,Men,differs,compliment/words,complimenting,causes,makes,languages,have,outside, understood,have,use,circle/world/fieldSection BCBBBA CBCCC CBACC BASection CBBCAB BACCBUnit7Section AWord PretestABABC BACVocabulary Building:I.deduced,behavior,adhere,replacement,option,delicacy,enormous,pursuitII.1.inquired,required,inquire,requiredpatible,comparable,compatible,comparableClozeSatellite,some,space,asked/wondered,life,sort/kind,orbiting/going/circling,have,living, were,believe,own,solar,where,likely,living,throughSection BFTFFT TTTTF FFBBC ACCSection CBCBCC AEDEBAFDCUnit8Section AVocabulary Building:1.occupataion,occupy,occupational,occupationallysegregation,segregate,segregateddiscrimination,discriminate,discriminating/discriminatory,discriminatingly/discriminatorily enforcement,enforce,enforceable,enforceablyexclusion,exclude,exclusive,exclusivelyperseverance,persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction,convict,convictive,convictivelyamendment,amend,amendablesuperficiality,superficialize,superficial,superficiallyspectator,spectate,spectatorial2.1.a.job b.career c.jobs d.career2.a..principal b.principles c.principal d.principle3.a.feminien b.female c.feminineClozeAcceptable,domestic,property,wages,husband,divorce,claims,legal,suit,permitted,make, excluded,lacked,belonged,determinedSection BBACCB CACCC AABBA C TTFSection CCCAACBUnit9Section AVocabulary Building:1.1.typifies2.dominant3.familialpetitive5.vibrate6.descended7.departure8.boom9.countless10.symbolizes2.1.a.recreative b.recreates c.recreation2.a.rhythm b.rhyme c.rhymes d.rhythmClozeSea,within,of,divides,built/constructed/completed,celebrated,inside/in,attract,together,whenSection BFTFTT CCBBC BAACC ACSection CBAACA BCCCCUnit10Section AVocabulary Building:1.consequence,,consequent/consequential,consequently/consequentially sophisticatiion,sophisticate,sophisticated,sophisticatedlyreference,refer,referable,referablyconversation,converse,conversational,conversationallyspace,space,spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment,detach,detachable/detached,detachably/detachedlyintervention,intervene,interveningtype,typify,typical,typically2.1.assure,ensure,assured,ensure2.arises,raised,rise,raised,arisen3.clue,cues,clue,cueClozeWell,separating/isolating,is,own,close,need,look,order,respect,follow,prior,sign/cue,help, was/were,elseSection BBBC TTF BCA CAC TFFSection CTFFTF FFFUnit11Section AVocabulary Building:1.information,inform,informative,informativelyspecification,specify,specific,specificallyaddition,add,additional/additive,additionally/additivelyspecialty,specialize,special,speciallynarration,narrate,narrative,narrativelyextension,extend,exxtensive,extensivelyorigin,originate,original,originallyexplosion,explode,explosive,explosivelyambiguity,,ambiguous,ambiguouslyestablishment,establish,established1.extension2.mabiguity3.orignal4.specified5.additional6.unambiguously7.explosionrmation9.specialized10.narrative11.establishment2.1.transform,transferred,transferred,transformed2.lonely,alone,lonely,aloneClozeLibrary,amounted,own,burned/destroyed,countries’,send,suggestion/proposal,librarySection BACBCB ACCAC ABABB ABSection CBCACC CBCCCUnit12Section AVocabulary Building:1.reaction,mass,polluting,planetary,suspicious,alarming,emitted,emerged2.1.warned,threatened2.spread,spread,sprayed3.emergency,emergenceClozeSolve,communities,creative,prevention,disposal,resources,recycloing,waste,increase,place, measures,amountSection BFFTT BCAC FTFF ABC CBCSection CBCAAC CBCUnit13Section AVocabulary Building:1.symptom,symptomize,symptomatic,symptomaticallylonging,long,longing,longinglyaddition,add,additional additive,additionally/additivelymanifestation,manifest,manifest,manifestlydepression,depress,depressed/depressing,depressedly/depressinglyinvariability,,invariable,invariablyseparation,separate,separate,separatelycondemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnablyimagination,imagine,imaginary,imaginarilyaffection,affect,affecting,afeectingly2.1.remedies,recipe,remedy,recipe2.alternate,altered,alternate,alter3.acknowledged,knowledge,acknowledgedClozeStep,acknowledge,prevent,essential,physician,due,physical,psychosomatic,disease, confidence,symptoms,thorough,emotional,upsettingSection BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit14Section AVocabulary Building:1.reluctant,evolution,atrributed,catastrophic,assoicate,indifferent,emerged,stir2.1.evolved,revolved,evolved2.dismay,dismal,dismal,dismay3.contribute,attributed,contributed,attributedClozeCharacteristic/trait/nature,changed/had,to,long,get/eat,possessed/developed/had,stretched /lengthened,longer,passed,After,have,theory,effect/influence,notion/idea,changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection CTFTFT FTFUnit15Section AVocabulary Building:1.Prevention,prevent,preventive,preventivelyFederation,federate,federal,federallyInadequacy,,inadequate,inadequatelyDeception,deceive,deceptive,deceptivelyProsperity,prosper,prosperous,prosperouslyLife,live,live/living/aliveEffect,effect,effective,effectivelyEvaluation,evaluate,evaluable/evaluativeResident,reside,residential,residentiallyVision,vision,visional/visionary,visionally/visionarity1.evaluabtion,2.federal3.prosperity4.residential5.effect6.are living7.deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.simile,metaphor2.ultimate,unanimous,ultimate,unanimousClozeTransportation,distance/away,ground,Steam,trains,electric,station/stop,name,train,three, trains,stairs/steps,passengers/peopleSection BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。
unit 13 文档 (2) 英语泛读教程第三册

Unit 13 Morals, Apes and Us2.Mastery of some language points3. Learning the ways of nonverbal communication4. Learning the importance of the nonverbal communication5. Learning how to improve the effect of the speech-giving2. Mastery of some difficult language points3. Learning the ways of nonverbal communicationcommunication2. Students might have difficulty in some of the words and phrases.3.Students need a lot of practice to improve the effect of the speech-givingAbout two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself.Total class hours: three periodsAbout the author:MARC D. HAUSER is an evolutionary psychologist, and a professor at Harvard University where he is a fellow of the Mind, Brain, and Behavior Program. He is a professor in the departments of Anthropology and Psychology, as well as the Program in Neurosciences. He is the author of The Evolution of Communication , and Wild Minds: What Animals ThinkHauser argues that to understand what animals think and what they feel, we must ask about the kinds of selection pressures which shaped their minds and see the creature for what it is, no more, no less. Using the tools of evolutionary biology, linguistics, neuroscience, and cognitive science, he asks questions such as: Why can't animals be taught to speak? How do animals find their way home in the dark? Do animals lie or feel guilty? Do they enjoy sex? Why were emotions designed into animal systems?Why are certain emotions universal and others highly specialized?Hauser works on both captive and wild monkeys and apes as well as collaborative work on human infants. His research focuses on problems of acoustic perception, the generation of beliefs, the neurobiology of acoustic and visual signal processing, and the evolution of communication.Along with Irv Devore, he teaches the Evolution of Human Behavior class, a Core Course at Harvard with 500 undergraduate students. The interdisciplinary course, “Science B29” (nickname: “The Sex Course”), has been runn ing for 30 years, was started by Devore and Robert Trivers, and is the second most popular course on campus, behind “Econ 10”.Section teachers over the years comprise a who's who of leading thinkers and include people such as John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, and Sarah B. Hardy. In 1997-98, he sponsored a trial run of “Edge University” in which the students in Science B29 received Edge mailing as part of required reading in the course.2. Text analysis1) Warm-up question:What significance do you think the scientific experiments on animals have?2)Language notes:1. The event captured the nation's heart as newspaper headlines blared:“Gorilla Saves Boy.”(这件事打动了全国人的心,各大报纸的标题都赫然标着?“大猩猩救男孩”。
泛读教程 第三册 cloze 答案 原文

Unit1. The ability to predict what the writer is going/ about/ trying to say next is both an aid to understanding and a sign of it.A prediction begins from the moment you read the title and from expectations of what he book is likely to contain. Even if the expectations/predictions are contradicted, they are useful because they have started you thinking about the topic and made you actively involved.If you formulate your predictions as questions which you think the text may answer,you are preparing yourself to read for a purpose: to see which of your questions are in fact dealt with and what answers are offered。
If your reading is more purposeful you are likely to understand better。
Naturally your predictions/expectations will not always be correct. This does not matter at all as long as you recognize when they are wrong,and why。

泛读教程3第二版答案泛读教程3第二版答案Unit 1 Reading Rtrategies Section AWord Pretest1----5 B C B B B6----10 A A C C BReading Skill2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building11.a.practicable/practical b. practice c. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiced2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worthe.worth3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/variede.Various4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorptione.absorbent21. a.effective b.efficient c.effective2. a.technology b.technique3. a.middle b.medium c.mediumClozeGoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answersPredictions/expectations tell know/foretell endDevelop/present worthSection B1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCASection C1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCCReading Skill4----6 CBB1----6 FTFFTTVocabulary Building11. mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5.decisive6.shipment7. fiery8.physically9.action 10.housing21. a.aptitude b.attitude2. a.account b.counted c. counted3. a.talent b.intelligenceClozeOther just/only has some/many than refuse ready/willing/educated/taughtwrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1----5 ACCCC 6----10 CCCAC11----14 BABASection C1----6 CCDDACUnit 3 Body LanguageSection AWord Pretest1----5 ABCCB 6----9 DCDCReading Skill2----5 BABC 6----10 AACBCVocabulary Building1admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliablydefinition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager manage managerial managerially correlation correlate correlative correlativelyadaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively 21.a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2.a. token b. badges c. token3.a. contemporaries b.temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means/ones using/saying in ofmessage meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyesSection B1----6 BABBAC 7----12 FFTTTF 13---15 CCB Section C1----4 BBDD 5----8 BCCA1----6 FFTFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1----5 CACAA 6----10 BBBCCReading Skill2----5 BBAC 6----10 BCCAAVocabulary Building11. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6. endangered7. marvels8. deadly21.a. dessert b. deserted2.a. favourite b. favourable c. favourable3.a. awarded b.reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarks instance/example migrate guide/direct pole effect/influence It/This if/whether experiments Section B1----3 CCB 4----6 FTF 7----10 BCAC 11----15 CBACCSection C1----5 FFTFF 6----10 FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1----5 CAABC 6----9 ACCCReading Skill2----6 CABCB1----6 FFTFTTVocabulary Building1assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglyacknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectively domination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categorically implication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringly definition define definite definitely21.a. Historical b. historic2.a. rejected b. resist3.a. test/analyze b. analyzedClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found language use/value/significance/importance single passed ahead survival/existence handling/overcoming Section B1----6 CABCBB 7----12TTTFTT 13----15 CAC Section C1----4 BBAA 5----8 ACBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-----5 CACBA 6----10 BACAB 11----12 AB Reading Skill3----6 CAAC 7----10 ACCAVocabulary Building1availability avail available availably conquest conquer conquering/conquered conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious luxuriouslyorigin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrent 无副词形式system systematize systematical/systematic systematicallyphonology 无动词形式phonological phonologicallydecision decide decided/decisive decidedly/decisivelyvariety vary various variouslysuperiority 无动词形式superior superiorly21.a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2.a. assess b. access c. access3.a. resources b. sources c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/words complimentingcauses makes languages have outside understood have use circle/world/field Section B1----5 CBBBA 6----10 CBCCB 11----15 CBACC 16----17 BA Section C1----5 BBCAB 6----10 BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1----4 ABAB 5----8 CBACReading Skill1----4 BBBC 5----8 CBCBVocabulary Building11. deduced2. behaviour3. adhere4.replacement5. option6.delicacy7. enormous8. pursuit21.a. inquired b. required c. inquire d.required2.a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d. comparable Clozesatellite some space asked/wondered life sort/kind orbiting/going/circling have living were believe ownsolar where likely living throughSection B1----5 FTFFT 6----10 TTTTF 11----12 FF13----18 BBCACCSection C1----5 BCBCC 6----8 AED1----6 EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1----5 BCABC 6----10 BBCCAReading Skill1----5 CBABC 6----10 BCCCCVocabulary Building1occupation occupy occupational occupationally segregation segregate segregated discrimination discriminate discriminating/discriminatorydiscriminatingly/discriminatorilyenforcement enforce enforceable enforceably exclusion exclude exclusive exclusively perseverance persevere persevering perseveringlyconviction convict convictive convictively amendment amend amendablesuperficiality superficialize superficial superficiallyspectator spectate spectatorial2 1.a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2.a. principal b. principles c. principal d. principle3.a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legal suit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determined Section B1----5 BACCC 6----10 CACCC 11----16 AABBAC 17----19 TTF Section C1----6 CCAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1----5 BAABC 6----10ACBBA 11----12 BC Reading Skill1----5 CACCB 6----10 BBBBA 11----12 CB Vocabulary Building11.typifies2. dominant3. familial4.competitive 5. vibrate6. descended7. departure8.boom9. countless 10. symbolizes21.a. recreation b. recreates c. recreation2.a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm ClozeSea within of divides built/constructed/completedCelebrated inside/in attract together when Section B1----5 FTFTT 6----10 CCBBC11----15 BAACC 16----17 ACSection C1----5 BAACA 6----10 BCCCCUnit10 Cross-Cultural CommunicationWord Pretest1----5 CABCB 6---10 BBBABReading Skill1---5 CBCAC 6---10 CCABBVocabulary Building1consequence consequent/consequential consequently/consequentiallysophistication sophisticate sophisticatedsophisticatedlyreference refer referable referably conversation converse conversational conversationallyspace space spatial/spacious spatially/spaciouslydetachment detach detachable/detached detachably/detachedlyintervention intervene interveningtype typify typical typically21.a.assure b.ensure c.assured d.ensure2.arises b.raised c.rise d.raisede.arisen3.clue b.cues c.clue d.cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respect followprior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1---5 BBCTT 6---10 FBCAC 11---15 ACTFFSection C1---5 TFFTF 6---8 FFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1---5 ACBCB 6---8 ABBReading Skill1---5 BCBAC 6---10 CCCCC Vocabulary Building1.information inform informative informatively specification specify specific specifically addition add additional/additive additionally/additivelyspecialty specialize special specially narration narrate narrative narratively extension extend extensive extensively origin originate original originally explosion explode explosive explosively ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously establishment establish established1.extension2. ambiguity3.original4.specified5. additional6.unambiguously7.explosion/doc/d517714482.htmlrmation9.specialized 10.narrative 11.establishment2.1.a.transform b.transferred c.transferred d.transformed2.a.lonely b.alone c.lonely d.alone Clozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by counties’ send suggestion/proposal librarySection B1---5 ACBCB 6---10 ACCAC 11---17 ABABBABSection C1---5 BCACC 6---10 CBCCCUnit 12 EnvironmentSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCBBC 6---12 AACCCBAReading Skill1---5 CABBC 6---8 CBBVocabulary Building1.1.reaction2.mass3. polluting4.planetary5.suspicious6.alarming7.emitted8.emerged 2.1.a.warned b.threatened2.a.spread b.spread c.sprayed3.a.emergency b.emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recycling waste increase place measures amountSection B1---5 FFTTB 6----10 CACFT11---15 FFABC 16---18 CBCSection C1---5 BCAAC 6---8 CBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AWord Pretest1---5 ABAAC 6---10ABCBAReading Skill1---6 CCBABB 1---5 FTFTTVocabulary Building1.symptom symptomize symptomatic symptomaticallylonging long longing longinglyaddition add additional/additive additionally/additivelymanifestation manifest manifest manifestly depression depress depressed/depressing depressedly/depressing invariability invariable invariablyseparation separate separate separately condemnation condemn condemnable condemnablyimagination imagine imaginary imaginarily affection affect affecting affectingly2.1.a.remedies b.recipe c.remedy d.recipe2.a.alternate b.altered c.alternate d.alter3.a.acknowledged b.knowledge c.acknowledged Clozestep acknowledge prevent essential physician due physical psychosomatic disease confidence symptoms thorough emotional upsettingSection B1---5 CBCAB 6---10 CBBCB 11---15 ABCAC Section C1---5 TFFFT 6----10 FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AWord pretest1---5 BCABA 6---8 CBAReading Skill1---4 CACC 1---4 TTFTVocabulary Building1.1.reluctant2.evolution3.attributed4.catastrophic5.associate6.indifferent7.emerged8.stir 2.1.a.evolved b.revolves c.evolved2.a.dismay b.dismal c.dismal d.dismay3.a.contribute b.attributed c.contributedd.attributedClozecharacteristic/trait/nature changed/had to longget/eat possessed/developed/had stretched/lengthened longerpassed After have theoryeffect/influence notion/idea changeSection B 1---5 DABFT 6---10 FTFDA 11---17 DBACFTFSection C1---8 TFTFTFTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AWord Pretest1---5 BBADA 6---11 DBBDCCReading Skill1---5: A A C C C 6—10: B B A B BVocabulary Building1.prevention prevent preventive preventively federation federate federal federally inadequacy / inadequate inadequately deception deceive deceptive deceptively prosperity prosper prosperous prosperously life live live/living/alive /effect effect effective effectively evaluation evaluate evaluable/evaluative / resident reside residential residentially vision vision visional/visionary visionally/visionarily1. evaluation2. federal3.prospertiy4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive/effective2.1.a.simile b.,metaphor2. a.ultimate b.unanimous c.ultimated.unanimousClozetransportation distance/away ground Stem trains electric station/stop name train threetrains stairs/steps passengers/people Section B1---6 D C D C C C 7---12 C C A B C B Section C1--- 8 C C A C C C C CUnit 16 TimeSection AWord pretest1-8: C C B B B B B CReading skill1-6: B A C C B CVocabulary building1.1. identification2. arbitrary3. practical4. foundation5. logic6. dictatorial7.occurence8. revise 2.1. a. presentation b. representation c. presentationd. representation2. a. base b. base c. basis d. basisClozeclocks wall pendulum ground/floor wood makers names clocks/timepieces invented/created/madefake/false/imitatedSection B1.A2.A3.C4.F5.T6.F7.T8.T9.T 10.T 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.ASection C1-8: A B A D D D C AUnit 17 TelevisionSection AWord Pretest1---5 CCACA 6---10 BCCBCReading Skill1---3 CCC 1---7 TFTFFFTVocabulary Building1.contradiction contradict contradictory contradictorilycenter center central centrallyseduction seduce seductive seductively necessity necessitate necessary necessarily visibility visualize visible visibly mobilization mobilize mobilizable mobilizably function function functional functionally dominance dominate dominant dominantly selection select selective selectively vocality vocalize vocal vocally1.visibility2.necessities3.seductive4.mobilize5.central6.functioning7.vocal8.dominant9.contradictory 10.selected2. 1.a.immersed b.emerged c.immersed d.emerged2.a.dormant b.dominant c.Dormantd.dominantClozenumber happening house saidgraduates viewing TV schoolcases children reaches/draws imitate watching practice face backSection B1---1 CBBCB 6---10 FFFTC 11---15 ACBBC Section C1---5 TTFTF 6---10 FFFTTUnit 18 PoetryQuestions on “If”1---5 AAABCQuestions on “The Rose Family”1---3 ABBQuestion on “My Candle Burns at Both Its Ends”1—3 BBC Questions on “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”1---3 CBBQuestions on “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1---5 ACCBC 6---7 BCQuestions on “Sonnet 29”1---5 ABBCBQuestions on “In School Days”1---4 ABBC。

英语专业泛读教程第三册单词汇unit13remedy ['remidi] vt. 补救;治疗;纠正∙n. 补救;治疗;赔偿remedy for补救,解决;对…治疗法sovereign remedy◎灵药;特效药, ◎防止各种坏事的万灵方;灵丹妙药legal remedy法律补偿folk remedy偏方adj. remedial 治疗的;补救的;矫正的remediable 可治疗的;可矫正的;可补救的n. remediation 补救;矫正;补习subconsciously [,sʌb'kɔnʃəsli] adv. 潜意识地Whether Consciously Or Subconsciously不论有意识还无意识adj. subconscious 潜意识的;下意识的n. subconscious 潜在意识;下意识心理活动subconsciousness 潜意识;下意识状态deliberately [di'libərətli] adv. 故意地;谨慎地;慎重地Deliberately lovely独立流行Deliberately Innovation刻意创新adj. deliberate 故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的deliberative 审议的;慎重的n. deliberateness 审慎;故意;深思熟虑vt. deliberate 仔细考虑;商议optimism ['ɔptimizəm] n. 乐观;乐观主义convert [kən'və:t] vt. 使转变;转换…;使…改变信仰∙vi. 转变,变换;皈依;改变信仰∙n. 皈依者;改变宗教信仰者convert into使转变;把…转化成;折合adj. convertible 可改变的;同意义的;可交换的converted 修改的;改变信仰的n. conversion 转换;变换;[金融] 兑换;改变信仰converter [电] 变流器,整流器;转化器convertible 有活动折篷的汽车convertibility 可变换,可兑换;可改变性conceal [kən'si:l] vt. 隐藏;隐瞒n. concealment 隐藏,隐蔽;隐匿处concealer 遮瑕膏/遮瑕霜snap [snæp] vt. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上∙vi. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上∙n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断∙adj. 突然的in a snap马上,立刻snap up抢购,匆匆吃下,抢先弄到手;锁键调节式cold snap寒流,寒潮snap at v. 咬;抓;厉声说snap out快速脱离;流出snap out of 从…中摆脱出来snap out of it振作起来; 突然改变情绪; 行动起来; 摆脱adj. snappy 厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的snappish 厉声说话的;暴躁的n. snapper 鲷鱼;揿钮;咬人的狗;暴燥的人elaborate [i'læbərət, i'læbəreit] adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的∙vt. 精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物)∙vi. 详细描述;变复杂abstract elaborate简洁的Please Elaborate请详细解释一下; 请详细介绍; 请详细阐述elaborate on详细说明adv. elaborately 精巧地;苦心经营地n. elaboration 苦心经营,精巧;详细阐述elaborateness 尽心竭力persist [pə'sist, -'zist] vi. 存留,坚持;持续,固执∙vt. 坚持说,反复说Problems Persist问题依然存在; 问题仍然存在persist:持续persist in坚持; 固执; 坚持不懈; 持续adj. persistent 固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的adv. persistently 坚持地;固执地n. perseverance 坚持不懈;不屈不挠persistence 持续;固执;存留perseveration 持续言语(指言语反复不止的病态);持续重复的行为;执拗vi. perseverate 患持续言语症;表现固执urinary ['juərinəri] n. 尿壶;小便池(等于urinal)∙adj. 尿的;泌尿的n. urinal 尿壶;小便处vi. urinate 小便,撒尿urinary frequency 尿频diarrhea [,daiə'riə] n. 腹泻,痢疾adj.diarrheal 腹泻的diarrheic 腹泻的(等于diarrheal)diarrhoeal 腹泻的peptic ['peptik] adj. 有助消化的∙n. 消化器官ulcer ['ʌlsə] n. [病理] 溃疡;腐烂物;道德败坏adj. ulcerative 溃疡性的;引起溃疡的ulcerated 得溃疡的;溃烂的ulcerous 溃疡性的;患溃疡的n. ulceration 溃疡;[病理] 溃疡形成v. ulcerated 溃烂(ulcerate的过去式和过去分词)vi. ulcerate 形成溃疡,溃烂vt. ulcerate 使溃疡;使腐败peptic ulcer [内科] 消化性溃疡vaccine ['væksi:n] n. 疫苗;牛痘苗∙adj. 疫苗的;牛痘的n. vaccination 接种疫苗;种痘vaccinate 被接种牛痘者vaccinator 牛痘接种员;种痘刀vi. vaccinate 接种疫苗vt. vaccinate 给…注射疫苗eczema ['eksimə] n. [皮肤] 湿疹colitis [kɔ'laitis] n. [内科] 结肠炎ulcerative colitis溃疡性结肠炎asthma ['æsmə, 'æz-] n. [内科][中医] 哮喘,气喘adj. asthmatic 气喘的;似患气喘的n. asthmatic 气喘患者palpitation [,pælpi'teiʃən] n. [内科] 心悸;跳动;颤动stirring palpitation悸动Palpitations palpitation心悸Know Palpitation认识心悸adj. palpitant 颤抖的;悸动的vi. palpitate 发抖;(心脏)悸动;跳动vt. palpitate 使发抖disturbance [di'stə:bəns] n. 干扰;骚乱;忧虑external disturbance外扰,外部干扰emotional disturbance情绪困扰metabolic disturbance [生理]代谢紊乱adj. disturbing 令人不安的;烦扰的disturbed 扰乱的;为心理失常者而设的n. disturber 打扰者;干扰发射机v. disturbing 干扰;打断(disturb的ing形式)disturbed 干扰(disturb的过去分词)vi. disturb 打扰;妨碍vt. disturb 打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;使恼怒disturbance of sleep 失眠hive [haiv] vi. 群居;入蜂房;生活在蜂房中∙n. 蜂房,蜂巢;热闹的场所;熙攘喧闹的人群∙vt. 入蜂箱;贮备hive off脱离编制;分出bed hive蜂箱; 蜂房hives [haivz] n. 蜂巢,蜂房(hive的复数);[皮肤] 荨麻疹;假膜性喉头炎∙v. 使(蜜蜂)入蜂箱(hive的第三人称单数)malinger [mə'liŋɡə] vi. 装病以逃避职责malingery [mə'liŋgəri] n. 装病malingerer [mə'liŋgərə] n. 装病逃差者Malingerer [conscious simulation假装有病的人manifest ['mænifest] vt. 证明,表明;显示∙vi. 显示,出现∙n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单∙adj. 显然的,明显的;明白manifest need显性需求manifest destiny天定命运adv. manifestly 显然地;明白地n. manifestation 表现;显示;示威运动recipe ['resipi] n. 食谱;[临床] 处方;秘诀standard recipe标准配方; 标准食谱secret recipe[医]秘方; 食之秘; 秘密配方Folk Recipe土方; [医]民间验方recipe for disaster造成灾难的因素formulating of recipe配方设计recipe book配方书;食谱书alter ['ɔ:ltə] vt. 改变,更改∙vi. 改变;修改alter ego n. 密友;个性的另一面;至交adj. altered 改变了的;蚀变的alterative (趋于)改变的;变质的;使体质逐渐康复的;有改变体质作用的alterable 可改变的n. alteration 修改,改变;变更altered 为参加短程高速汽车赛而改装的赛车alterative 变质剂;体质改善疗法alterability 可更改性,可变更性influenza [,influ'enzə] n. [内科] 流行性感冒(简写flu);家畜流行性感冒influenza a virus甲型流感病毒influenza virus流感病毒pneumonia [nju:'məunjə] n. 肺炎atypical pneumonia [医]非典型性肺bacterial pneumonia细菌性肺炎adj. pneumonic 肺的;肺炎的chronic ['krɔnik] adj. 慢性的;长期的;习惯性的adv. chronically 长期地;慢性地;习惯性地acute [ə'kju:t] adj. 严重的,[医] 急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的adv. acutely 尖锐地;剧烈地n. acuteness 剧烈;敏锐;锐利bronchitis [brɔŋ'kaitis] n. [内科] 支气管炎chronic bronchitis慢性支气管炎acute bronchitis急性支气管炎adj. bronchial 支气管的bronchitic 支气管炎的bronchoscopic 支气管镜的n. bronchodilator [内科][药] 支气管扩张剂;支气管扩张器tuberculosis [tju:,bə:kju'ləusis] n. 肺结核;结核病pulmonary tuberculosis [医]肺结核renal tuberculosis n. 肾结核adj. tubercular 结核的;[医] 结节的;瘤状的tuberculate 结核性的;长有小瘤的tuberculoid 类似结节的;结核样的tuberculous 结节状的;有结节的;患结核病的n. tuberculin [免疫] 结核菌素cholera ['kɔlərə] n. [内科] 霍乱adj. choleraic 霍乱的;霍乱性的;类似霍乱scarlet ['skɑ:lət] n. 猩红色;红衣;绯红色;鲜红色布adj. 深红的;鲜红色的;罪孽深重的;淫荡的scarlet fever [内科] 猩红热syphilis ['sifəlis] n. [性病] 梅毒allergy ['ælədʒi] n. 过敏症;反感;厌恶food allergy食物过敏,食品过敏;食物变态反应adj. allergic 对…过敏的;对…极讨厌的allergenic 引起过敏症的n. allergen [医] 过敏原allergist 过敏症专科医师insomnia [in'sɔmniə] n. 失眠症,失眠dyspepsia [dis'pepsiə] n. [内科] 消化不良;胃弱adj. dyspeptic 消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的dysgenic 非优生学的;对人类有不良影响的dysplastic 发育不良的;发育异常的;[基医] 混合体型n. dyspeptic 消化不良者rabies ['reibi:z] n. [内科] 狂犬病,恐水病rabies vaccine狂犬病疫苗rabies virus狂犬病病毒jaundice ['dʒɔ:ndis] n. 黄疸;偏见;乖僻∙vt. 使怀偏见;使患黄疸adj. jaundiced 有偏见的;患黄疸病的migraine ['mi:ɡrein, 'mai-] n. [内科] 偏头痛leprosy ['leprəsi] n. 麻疯病;腐败adj. leprous 不洁的;麻疯病的;患麻疯病的;鳞状的anemia [ə'ni:miə] n. 贫血;贫血症adj. anemic 患贫血症的,贫血的hemorrhage ['heməridʒ] n. [病理] 出血(等于haemorrhage);番茄汁∙vt. [病理] 出血∙vi. [病理] 出血external hemorrhage外出血adj. hemorrhagic 出血的apoplexy ['æpəupleksi] n. [医] 中风adj. apoplectic 中风的;易怒的n. apoplectic 中风患者coma ['kəumə] n. [医] 昏迷;[天] 彗形像差in a coma陷于昏迷ricket ['rikit] n. 大错;失风;佝偻病arthritis [ɑ:'θraitis] n. [外科] 关节炎adj. arthritic 关节炎的n. arthritic [外科] 关节炎患者rheumatism ['ru:mətizəm, 'ru-] n. [内科] 风湿病。

6-8:cdd 6-10: dadca 6-10: cbbcd
6-8: bac
Book 2-Unit 2
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: bddbd 6-10: dbdad
▪ C. 1-5: abadd
10: caacc
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: bbcad 11-15: cddda
11-12: db
▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: acdbd
11-15: dddba
▪ Home Reading: ▪ 1-5: dccdb
6-8: aad 6-10: bdaca
6-10: baacd
6-10: bcdab
Book 2-Unit 14
▪ Text:
▪ A. d
▪ B. 1-5: ddcda
6-10: ddcaa 6-10: bbcda
6-10: abdcb
6-9: ddad
Book 2-Unit 4
▪ Text:
▪ A. c
▪ B. 1-6: bdcaab
▪ C. 1-5: dbadb 11-12: cb
6-10: ccdcd
▪ Fast Reading:
▪ 1-5: cdabd 6-10: cdcdd 11-15: dccbb
6-10: cdddb 6-7: cb 6-10: bacbd
6-9: cdad
Book 2-Unit 10
▪ Text: ▪ A. d ▪ B. 1-5: cdabc ▪ C. 1-5: accac
11-12: dd
▪ Fast Reading: ▪ 1-5: cdbcd

Warming up
Check-on Preview
2. Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint; to be satisfied with how others have treated us for a week would seem like an eternity. (para. 7)
The Needs That Drive Us All
William Glasser
Warming up
1. Do you believe human actions are driven by human needs? 2. What do you think are these basic human needs? 3. Are these needs exclusively human?
6. What is the author’s attitude toward politics and politicians?
Warming up
Check-on Preview
1. …in many cultures the mores of the culture condemn those who openly strive for it. (para. 3)
Human Needs Theories
Reality Therapy
• People need to meet the basic need of love (giving and receiving) and the need of finding self-worth. • Success comes with giving and receiving love throughout one’s life. • Schools are responsible for helping students to fill these needs.

泛读第三册Unit 1 创造性思维的艺术A : CB : bdab bddcD : adda dcdbF : dbdda abaad cbbdcH : dacd daabUnit 2 英国人的保守和礼貌A : BB : ddbc dccaD : badda caacF : dbbdc bdbdb cddbdH : cbdcc dbbdUnit 3 魔术揭密A : DB : badab bdddcD : bddba cbcaaF : cbbba ccdda ccdadH : dbcbd dbdbUnit 4 寻找可以依靠的坚实手臂A : CB : ddbc ddcD : abdbb addad bcF : dbccd bdadd badcdH : dada cbcdUnit 5 艰难登顶A : CB : abdaa dcbdD : dbabb dabcb daF : caabd cbddc cdbabH : bccd bdcUnit 6 药对了,病人错了A : BB : cbcab ddadD : badaa cbaac abF : cabcd aadcb ccdabH : ccdc dabcUnit 7 自己的房间A : DB : acbda dcaacD : abaac daccd adF : daada cddbc bdcdbH : cbadb cddbcUnit 8 假如我有三天光阴A : CB : cddcc dccbD : abda caaaF : ccacd bbdad babddH : dbdbc cbcdUnit 9 梦与睡眠一样重要吗A : CB : bccbc dbbaD : dcbab dacbacF : dcbca bccbc bcdddH : dcdc abdUnit 10 诚信原则A : CB : cdccd bacacD : dcdbc acadc bdF : dbdcc dccdb bddcaH : cadcb acbbUnit 11 非语言交际A : DB : adac cdcbD : abacb dcaab adcF : dcdab ccbda ccbcaH : bcadb bcdddUnit 12 你为何如此聪明A : BB : bbbd dcccD : cdccd acdba dcaF : bbddc dbdbc cdcddH : bcdcc badbbcUnit 13 道德,猿和我们A : AB : cdca dbabD : cbada cabdbF : cdacc caccd bdbdbH : bdbc cbddUnit 14 你怎么知道艺术品的优劣A : CB : ddca ddabD : dacad babadbF : ddabb bddca dcccbH : cdcd addUnit 15 热爱生命A : CB : abbac bccdbbD :babcc aaacd bbF : caccb accdc ddadaH : cdac dddc。
泛读教程Unit 13 Happiness

泛读教程Unit 13 HappinessWhat is happiness?1.以个人发财主义为幸福主义者,是不知幸福之为何物也。
(xx)2.We choose always for happiness and never for the sake of something else。
(Aristotle)3.Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; It lies in the joy of achievement ,in the thrill of creative effort .(Franklin Roosevelt ,American president )幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。
(美国总统罗斯福. F.)xxxx的演变传统儒家xx:一是主张德福一致;二是主张仁爱幸福(自我独乐不如与民同乐).新xx到改革开放之前:政治挂帅主导下的幸福.服从组织安排就是幸福。
80 90戏说的xx我的青春谁做主》中,钱小样说幸福是猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽In the film My youth who call the shots ,Qianxiao-yang said"Happiness is the cat to eat fish,dogto eat meat, Altman to play little monster".伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant,1724年4月22日—1804年2月12日)德国哲学家、天文学家、星云说的创立者之一、德国古典哲学的创始人,唯心主义,不可知论者,德国古典美学的奠定者。
英语泛读教程3Unit 13

Spoil for a fight: to want to fight with sb very much按 捺不住要打架 Listen up: used to tell people to listen carefully because you are going to say sth important .Now, listen up! This is important.专心听,这一点很重 要。 Passage 2 Topic: dolphin’s communication Main idea: Although dolphins can communicate with a variety of signal, they can not communicate with language. Structure: Researchers are particular interested in how well they communicate.
Introduction: Topic: morals Main Idea: Without such awareness, there can be no ethical judgment. Structure:
Language Points 1. blare (p 240): to produce (sounds) loudly and unpleasantly The radio blared out (the news). 收音机高声响着[广 播新闻]。 blare out a warning高声发出警告 a blare of publicity过分的宣传 2. empathy: the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience It is important to develop empathy between dogs and their handlers. 培养狗和养护者之间的心灵相 同是很重要的。

Book 2-Unit 2
A. d
B. 1-5: bddbd
6-10: dbdad
C. 1-5: abadd
6-10: caacc
Fast Reading:
1-5: bbcad 6-10: bbbdd 11-15: cddda
Home Reading:
1-5: abadc 6-10: adbcd
Book 2-Unit 3
Text: A. c B. 1-5: bccad 6-10: ddcaa C. 1-5: badcd 6-10: bbcda 11-12: cb Fast Reading: 1-5: dbacc 6-10: abdcb 11-15: bdabc Home Reading: 1-5: cadcc 6-9: ddad
Book 2-Unit 8
Text: A. b B. 1-5: badda 6-8: baa C. 1-5: dacdc 6-10: abbda Fast Reading: 1-5: cdbbd 6-10: dcacb Home Reading: 1-5: accbd 6-10: bacdb
(绝对真实)英语泛读教程刘乃银第三版第二册 全册所有单元答案_图文.ppt
Book 2-Unit 1
Text: A. d B. 1-5: baccd 6-8:cdd C. 1-5: daaba 6-10: dadca Fast Reading: 1-5: dbcc a 6-10: cbbcd 11-15: dcdcd Home Reading: 1-5: abccc 6-8: bac
11-15: cdccd

Keys to Reading Course 3 Unit 1 Reading StrategiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCBBB 6-10.AACCBReading Skill2-5. CBCA 6-9. BBAAVocabulary Building1.a. practicable/practicalb. practicec. practicesd. practicable/practicale. practiceda. worthlessb. worthyc. worthwhiled. worthe. wortha. varyb. varietyc. variationd. various/variede. Variousa. absorbingb. absorbedc. absorbd. absorptione. absorbent2.1. a. effective b. efficient c. effective2. a. technology b. technique3. a. middle b. medium c. mediumClozegoing/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answerspredictions/expectations tell know/foretell end develop/present worthSection B1-5. TFTTC 6-10. BCCTF 11-14: FCAAC 16-17: CA Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-8. TTTUnit 2 EducationSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABACC 6-8. ABAReading Skill4-6. CBB 1-6. FTFFTTVocabulary Building1.mess2. preference3. aimlessly4. remarkable/marked5. decisive6.shipment7. fiery8. physically9. action10. housing2.1. a. aptitude b. attitude2. a. account b. counted c. counted3. a. talent b. intelligenceClozeother just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understandthat without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneousSection B1-5. ACCCC 6-10. CCCAC 11-14: BABASection C1-6. CCDDACUnit 3 Body Language Section AWord Pretest1-5. ABCCB 6-9. DCDCReading Skill2-5. BABC 6-10. ACCBCVocabulary BuildingUse of English1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb admission admit admissible admissiblyreliance rely reliable reliably definition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assuminglybehavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/variedvariously/variedlypart/partiality part partial partially manager/management manage managerial manageriallycorrelation correlate correlative correlatively adaption/adaptation adapt adaptive adaptively2.1. a. inspired b. aspired c. inspired2. a. token b. badges c. token3. a. contemporaries b. temporary c. contemporaryClozecommunicate ways/means//ones using/saying in of messagemeet/have/encounter/experience causes meaningtoSection B1-5. BABBA 6-10. CFFTT 11-15: TFCCB Section C1-5. BBDDB 6-10. CCAFF 11-14. TFFTUnit 4 AnimalsSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACAA 6-10. BBBCCReading Skill2-5.BBAC 6-10. BCCAAVocabulary Building1.1. moist2. betrayal3. exclusively4. inhumane5. amazed/amazing6.endangered 7. marvels 8. deadly2.1. a. dessert b. deserted2. a. favorite b. favorable c. favorable3. a. awarded b. reward c. awardedClozeparents idea at/by seen landmarksinstance/example migrateguide/direct pole effect/influence It/Thisif/whether experimentsSection B1-5. CCBFT 6-10. FBCAC 11-15: CBACC Section C1-5. FFTFF 6-10. FTTFTUnit 5 HistorySection AWord Pretest1-5. CAABC 6-9. ACCCReading Skill2-6.CABCB 1-6. FFTFTTVocabulary Building1.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb assumption assume assumed / assuming assumedly / assumingly acknowledgement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgedlyreflection reflect reflective reflectivelydomination dominate dominant dominantly category categorize categorical categoricallyimplication imply implicative implicatively reassurance reassure reassuring reassuringlydefinition define definite definitely 2.1. a. Historical b. history2. a. rejected b. resist3. a. test/analyze b. analyzeClozeexisted/appeared over head/brain body found languageuse/value/significance/important single passed ahead survival/existenceSection B1-5. CABCB 6-10. BTTTF 11-15: TTCAC Section C1-5. BBAAA 6-8. CBCUnit 6 LanguageSection AWord Pretest1-5. CACBA 6-12. BACABABReading Skill3-5.CAA 6-10. CACCAVocabulary Buildingavailability avail available availably conquest conquer Conquering / conquered Conqueringlyluxury luxuriate luxurious Luxuriously origin originate original originally occurrence occur occurrentsystem systematizeSystematical / systematic systematically phonology phonological Phonologically decision decide decided/decisive decidedly / decisivelyvariety vary various variously superiority superior Superiorly2.1. a. peculiar b. particular c. particular2. a. assess b. access c. access3. a. resources b. source c. sourcesClozesex Men differs compliment/word complimenting causes makeslanguages have outside understood have use circle/world/fieldSection B1-5. CABBA 6-10. CBCCC 11-17: CBACCBA Section C1-5. BBCAB 6-8. BACCBUnit 7 SpaceSection AWord Pretest1-5. ABABC 6-8. BACReading Skill1-5.BBBCC 6-8. BCBVocabulary Building1. deduced2. behavior3. adhere4. replacement5. option6. delicacy7.enormous 8. pursuit2.1. a. inquired b. required c. inquire d. required2. a. compatible b. comparable c. compatible d.comparableClozesatellite some space asked/wondered lifesort/kind orbiting/going/circlinghave living were believe own solar where likely livingthroughSection B1-5. FTFFT 6-10. TTTTF 11-15: FFBBC 16-18. ACC Section C1-5. BCBCC 6-8. AED1-6. EBAFDCUnit 8 WomenSection AWord Pretest1-5. BCABC 6-10. BBCCAReading Skill1-5. CBABC 6-10. BCCCCVocabulary Buildingoccupataion, occupy, occupational, occupationally segregation, segregate, segregated discrimination, discriminate,discriminating / discriminatory, discriminatingly / discriminatorily enforcement, enforce, enforceable, enforceably exclusion, exclude, exclusive, exclusively perseverance, persevere,persevering,perseveringlyconviction, convict, convictive, convictively amendment, amend, amendable superficiality, superficialize, superficial, superficiallyspectator, spectate, spectatorial2.1. a. job b. career c. jobs d. career2. a. principal b. principles c. principle d. principle3. a. feminine b. female c. feminineClozeacceptable domestic property wages husband divorce claims legalsuit permitted make excluded lacked belonged determinedSection B1-5. BACCC 6-10. CACCC 11-15. AABBA 16-19.CTTFSection CAACBUnit 9 CitiesSection AWord Pretest1-5. BAABC 6-10. ACBBAReading Skill1-5. CACCB 6-12. BBBBACBVocabulary Building1.1. typifies2. dominant3. familial4. competitive5. vibrate6. descended7. departure 8. boom 9. countless 10. symbolizes 2.1. a. recreation b. recreate c. recreation2. a. rhythm b. rhyme c. rhymes d. rhythm Clozesea within of dividesbuilt/constructed/completed celebrated inside/inattract together whenSection B1-5. FTFTT 6-10. CCBBC 11-17. BAACCAC Section C1-5. BAACA 6-10. BCCCCUnit 10 Cross-cultural Communication Section AWord Pretest1-5. CABCB 6-10. BBBABReading Skill1-5. CBCAC 6-10. CCABBVocabulary Buildingconsequence, consequent / consequential, consequently / consequentially sophisticatiion, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophisticatedlyreference, refer, referable, referably conversation, converse, conversational, conversationallyspace, space, spatial/spacious,spatially/spaciouslydetachment, detach,detachable/detached, detachably/detachedlyintervention, intervene, interveningtype, typify, typical, typicall2.1. a. assure b. ensure c. assured d. ensure2. a. arises b. raised c. rise d. raised e. arisen3. a. clue b. cues c. clue d. cueClozewell separating/isolating is own close need look order respectfpllow prior sign/cue help was/were else Section B1-5. BBCTT 6-10FBCAC 11-15. ACTFF Section C1-8. TFFTFFFFUnit 11 Information Retrieval Section AWord Pretest1-5. ACBCB 6-8. ABBReading Skill1-5. BCBAC 6-10. CCCCCVocabulary Buildinginformation, inform, informative, informativelyspecification, specify, specific, specifically addition, add, additional /additive, additionally / additivelyspecialty, specialize, special, specially narration, narrate, narrative, narratively extension, extend, exxtensive, extensively origin, originate, original, originally explosion, explode, explosive, explosively ambiguity, , ambiguous, ambiguously establishment, establish, established1. extension2. ambiguity3. original4. specified5. additional6.unambiguously7. explosion8. information 9. specialized 10. narrative11.established2.1. a. transform b. transferred c. transferred d. transformed2. a. lonely b. alone c. lonely d. aloneClozelibrary amounted own burned/destroyed by countries sendsuggestion/proposal librarySection B1-5. ACBCB 6-10. ACCAC 11-17. ABABBAB Section C1-5. BCACC 6-10. CBCCCUnit 12 Environment Section AWord Pretest1-5. CCBBC 6-12. AACCCBAReading Skill1-5. CABBC 6-10. CBBVocabulary Building1.1. reaction2. mass3. polluting4. planetary5. suspicious6. alarming7.emitted 8. emerged2.1. a. warned b. threatened2. a. spread b. spread c. sprayed3. a. emergency b. emergenceClozesolve communities creative prevention disposal resources recyclingwaste increase place measures amount Section B1-5. FFTTB 6-10. CACFT 11-18. FFABCCBC Section C1-8. BCAACCBCUnit 13 MedicineSection AVocabulary Building:1.symptom,symptomize,symptomatic, symptomaticallylonging, long, longing, longinglyaddition, add, additional/additive, additionally / additivelymanifestation, manifest, manifest, manifestly depression, depress, depressed / depressing, depressedly / depressinglyinvariability, , invariable, invariably separation, separate, separate, separately condemnation,condemn,condemnable,condemnably imagination, imagine, imaginary, imaginarily affection, affect, affecting, afeectingly2.1. remedies, recipe, remedy, recipe2. alternate, altered, alternate, alter3. acknowledged, knowledge, acknowledged ClozeStep, acknowledge, prevent, essential, physician, due, physical, psychosomatic, disease, confidence, symptoms, thorough, emotional, upsetting Section BCBCAB CBBCB ABCACSection CTFFFT FTFFFUnit 14 EvolutionSection AVocabulary Building:1. reluctant, evolution, atrributed, catastrophic, assoicate, indifferent, emerged, stir2.1. evolved, revolved, evolved2. dismay, dismal, dismal, dismay3. contribute, attributed, contributed, attributed ClozeCharacteristic / trait / nature, changed / had, to,long, get/eat, possessed / developed /had, stretched /lengthened, longer, passed, After, have, theory, effect/influence, notion/idea, changeSection BDAB FTFTF DAD BAC FTFSection C TFTFT FTFUnit 15 TransportationSection AVocabulary Building:1. Prevention, prevent, preventive, preventively Federation, federate, federal, federally Inadequacy, , inadequate, inadequately Deception, deceive, deceptive, deceptively Prosperity, prosper, prosperous, prosperously Life, live, live/living/aliveEffect, effect, effective, effectively Evaluation, evaluate, evaluable /evaluative Resident, reside, residential, residentially Vision, vision, visional /visionary,visionally / visionarity1. evaluabtion,2. federal3. prosperity4. residential5. effect6. are living7. deceptively8. preventive /effective2.1. simile, metaphor2. ultimate, unanimous, ultimate, unanimous ClozeTransportation, distance / away, ground, Steam, trains, electric, station /stop, name, train, three, trains, stairs/steps, passengers/people Section BDCDCC CCCAB CBSection CCCACC CCC。

高等教育出版社刘乃银主编《英语泛读教程(第二版)》第三册课后练习答案Unit 1Text: Invented WordsA. dB. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.bFast Reading:1.d2.a3.d4.c5.b6.b7.a8.c9.b 10.d11.d 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.aHome Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.dUnit 2Text: The English Reserve and PolitenessA. bB. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.aD. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.cFast Reading:1.d2.b3.b4.d5.c6.b7.d8.b9.d 10.b11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.dUnit 3Text: Bursting the Magic BubbleA. dB. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.cD. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.aFast Reading:1.c2.b3.b4.b5.a6.c7.c8.d9.d 10.a11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.dHome Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.bUnit 4Text: Seeking Steady Arm to Lean OnA. cB. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.d 7.cD. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.c1.d2.b3.c4.c5.d6.b7.d8.a9.d 10.d11.b 12.a 13.d 14.c 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.bUnit 5Text: It's Tough at the TopA. cB. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.b 9.dD. 1.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.bFast Reading:1.c2.a3.a4.b5.d6.c7.b8.d9.d 10.c11.c 12.d 13.b 14.a 15.bHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.cUnit 6Text: Right Drug, Wrong PatientA. bB. 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.d 7.d 8.a 9.dD. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.c 11.a 12.b Fast Reading:1.c2.a3.b4.c5.d6.a7.a8.d9.c 10.b11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.bHome Reading: 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.cUnit 7Text: A Room of One's OwnA. dB. 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.a 9.a 10.cD. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.d 11.a 12.d Fast Reading:1.d2.b3.d4.d5.a6.c7.d8.d9.b 10.c11.c 12.c 13.a 14.c 15.dHome Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.cUnit 8Text: Anti-Smoking Role PlayingA. bB. 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.aD. 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d1.a2.d3.b4.c5.b6.d7.a8.c9.c 10.d11.c 12.a 13.c 14.d 15.bHome Reading: 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.aUnit 9Text: Are Dreams as Vital as Sleep?A. cB. 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.aD. 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.a 11.cFast Reading:1.d2.c3.b4.c5.a6.b7.c8.c9.b 10.c11.b 12.c 13.d 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.dUnit 10Text: The Credibility PrincipleA. cB. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.a 10.cD. 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.d 10.c 11.b 12.dFast Reading:1.d2.b3.d4.c5.c6.d7.c8.c9.d 10.b11.b 12.d 13.d 14.c 15.aHome Reading: 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.bUnit 11Text: Nonverbal CommunicationA. dB. 1.a 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.d 7.c 8.a 9.a 10.b 11.a 12.d 13.c Fast Reading:1.d2.c3.d4.a5.b6.c7.c8.b9.d 10.a11.c 12.c 13.b 14.c 15.aHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.b 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.dUnit 12Text: Why Are You So Smart?A. bB. 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.d 6.c 7.b 8.cD. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.b 10.a 11.d 12.c 13.a1.b2.b3.d4.d5.c6.d7.b8.d9.b 10.c11.c 12.d 13.c 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.d 9.b 10.b 11.cUnit 13Text: Morals, Apes and UsA. aB. 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bD. 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bFast Reading:1.c2.d3.a4.c5.c6.c7.a8.c9.c 10.d11.b 12.d 13.b 14.d 15.bHome Reading: 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.dUnit 14Text: Three Days to SeeA. cB. 1.c 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.c 9.bD. 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.a 8.aFast Reading:1.c2.c3.a4.c5.d6.b7.b8.d9.a 10.d11.b 12.a 13.b 14.d 15.dHome Reading: 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.a 8.bUnit 15Text: How Do You Know It's Good?A. cB. 1.d 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.bD. 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.dFast Reading:1.d2.d3.a4.b5.b6.b7.d8.d9.c 10.a11.d 12.c 13.c 14.c 15.bHome Reading: 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.d 5.a 6.d 7.d。

大学英语泛读第二版课后习题标准答案大学英语泛读第二册答案目录一、Key to Lesson1------------------------------------ 2二、Key to Lesson 2----------------------------------- 4三、Key to lesson 3----------------------------------- 6四、Key to Lesson 4----------------------------------- 7五、Key to Lesson 5----------------------------------- 9六、Key to Lesson 6 -----------------------------------11一、Key to Lesson1Comprehension of the text1. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10) F2. 1) C 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) D3. 1)带硬币去银行存钱总是一件大事,父亲会把这些硬币整齐地放进一个小硬纸盒,然后放在他的旧货车里我们俩之间的座位上。
Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1. 1) merrier 2) cashier 3)copper 4) textile 5)counter6) lump 7) squatted 8) virtue 9) stacked 10)grinned2. 1) The poverty of the family didn’t frustrate him; to the contrary, he became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate.2) While Mr. Wang was in hospital, his two daughters took turns looking after him. However, to my amazement, his beloved son never turned up.3) You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back.4) A recent study shows that parents in almost all the families studied make great efforts to control their children and keep them out of trouble and danger, but many of them fail to see to the ways in which they talk to their children.5) Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nursery.二、Key to Lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1. 1) F 2) T 3) T 4)F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) T2. 1) B 2) D 3) A 4)C 5) B3. 1)而且,最好不要伸手到餐桌的另一端,而是让别人把盐瓶等递给你。

英语泛读教程3第三册课文翻译UNIT13 UNIT13道德、猿和我们马克D·豪泽有人看见一只雌性的大猩猩救助一个不省人事的3岁男童。