商务英语 谈判策略(英语)教学教材
《商务英语谈判》课程标准课程名称:《商务英语谈判》课号: 216217所属系部:外语系适用专业:商务英语课程类型:B类1、前言1.1课程性质与任务本课程是商务英语专业必修课程,也是商务英语专业的核心课程之一。
商务英语谈判与沟通技巧 - 教案
四、教学评估1.A-B 商务谈判学生群体分析问卷调查。
Stakes are the values that may be gained or lost, and costs that may be incurred or avoided.
Disputable interests No free lunch (one for one) Comparison of benefits Current interest vs. long-term interest
白远. 国际商务谈判---理论案例分析与实践. 北京:中国人民大 学出版社,2023. (参照教材)
1. 教材共七章,每章结束后布置书面作业一份。 2. 每章中小节后旳练习要求学生作为课后练习,自觉完毕。 3. 每位同学准备一种谈判案例并进行技巧分析,在每次上课时
So information is an essential element in the success of negotiation.
Case Two
Conflict occurs when two or more people compete over limited resources.
What is conflict? What are the features of conflict?
A Conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interest.
Chapter 7 Negotiating Power and Related Factors 谈判力及相关因素I.Motivation 动机II.Dependence 依赖III.Substitutes 替代munication Skills交际练习Interest gains are the fundamental incentives for negotiators to sit at negotiating table, however how much and by what means can negotiators gain the interests will largely on comparative of the two sides.Power is a phenomenon, which endows people with over other people or events or activities.Power requires a relationship and interaction, which means that if there is no____ between two parties, it would have no control over the other party no matter how____ and mighty one party is.Influential factors on power’s diminishing or amplifying in various contexts, but the following three factors of motivation, dependence and substitutes exert utmost influence in situations.Motivation is defined as desires and for gaining interests and stakes.Motivation can be provoked and stimulated by all sorts of means, but basically by:1.Offering inducements to the other or to the other’s supporters;2.Demonstrating attractiveness of options;3.Getting external third party to endorse your inducements; and4.Placing a time limit on the availability of your offer.Offering inducementsTo offer inducements to other’s supporters is to stimulate their desires and draw their attention by presenting something so as to persuade them into of having a talk on issues you intend to.For example, in sales promotion the inducements that often apply are price discount or “buying one and taking one ”.Smart promoters can always come up with ideas to attract buyers and stimulate their interests.Demonstrating attractivenessBy demonstrating attractiveness of your options, you other people of the appealing side of your options and possible interests.The step is an extending part of the first one, by which you others to accept your options and finally your goal.“The selling points” is an expression of demonstrating attractiveness.Getting external third parties’ backWhen there are external third parties backing your inducements, you your credibility through examples to cause others to .People will their friends, colleagues, persons they are familiar with and even if they belong to the same group.A repeatedly used persuasive method by advertisements is consumers acting as examples to others or a patient telling you how he has from the ailment after taking certain medicine.Public , famous singers and actors also play a part in this persuasive game.Placing a time limitLastly, it is important to let people know that those offers are not always there, i.e., they have their lines, which is the deadline for gaining. Otherwise common feeling of wait-and-see among people will make your efforts in nothing.A relatively time limit works better than a one because people make decisions often in a rush.Longer time limit sometimes retards people’s action and diminishes their .Conclusion:A party’s power is increasing with of its motivation.Dependence is a constant and regular need that someone has for something in order to be able to survive or operate properly.In negotiation, dependence is the need one party has from its for realizing its goals.If a party can successfully the other’s dependence on itself and meanwhile____ its own dependence on the other, then the party’s power will be strengthened significantly.The most effective and often explored methods to this end are:1.Reducing, delaying or withholding services or resources the other party____to attain;2.Blocking the other party’s to work on their own;3.Convincing the other party’s to block the other party’s operation’4.Convincing the other party of the hopelessness of trying to on theirown.Reducing, delaying or withholding services or resourcesThe other party’s dependence on you will if it is resourceful and endorsed by sufficient services that it needs.Being cut off the provision and sustenance, the other party will be forced to____to you for help, thus its dependence on you .In production, when the sources of material supply are limited, the producer’s power will be in negotiation with the unless he can find some replacement.Blocking the other party’s ability to work on their ownWhen a person, a company or a nation is self-sufficient and capable of working on their own, it is of any pressure and threat form the others.However in today’s world there is no absolute economic .Generally speaking, when a country exports heavily to another country, we say the exporting country depends on the importing country for sustainable production employment and development with the that the exported commodities are nonrenewable such as oil.When inflow of foreign investment into China is accumulating at a high speed, the foreign investors’ dependence on China simultaneously.Isolating the other partyIt is difficult to increase the other party’s dependence it is deprived of supporters.In military campaign against terrorism in Afghanistan after New Y ork and Washington were attacked on September 11, 2001, US government no efforts in winning supports from its aliens, compassionate countries, its foes, as well as the traditional friends of Afghanistan like Pakistan.By this way, American successfully Ben Ladan and Taliban and destroyed the terrorist bases in Afghanistan.Convincing the other party to give upHaving split the supporters of the other party, it is time for you to convince the other party that it is continuing with its own since it is fighting in .Conclusion:A party’s negotiating power is with increasing of its dependence on the other party.Substitutes are alternatives one party can explore to reduce its on the other party.A party’s chances of gaining substitutes increase in the context that:1. One party has alternatives which allow operating the other party;2. One party is able to absorb the escalating cost of conflict;3. One party can continue despite the other party’s discouraging effects on its supporters;4. One party has ability to use expert counsel, persuasion, communication and legal, historical or moral precedents to gain to alternatives.Conclusion:One party’s negotiating power is strengthened when there are more available for preference.Negotiating power analysis is crucial to negotiation strategy decision and to a degree of assertiveness and cooperativeness in negotiation.A party standing in stronger position tends to apply tactics in negotiation for the purpose of placing on the counterpart to make concession.Such tactics often explored include:1.Time pressure----setting a for acceptance of conditions putforward, otherwise punishment of either or military actions wouldbe taken;2.Appearing firm----keeping high assertiveness in expectation ofother’s ;3.Ridiculing other’s position----making others give up their stance by____or showing disrespect to their position;4.Building prominence of your offer----augmenting significance of youroffer to the other to make yielding; and5.Threatening the relationship----warning possibility of relationshipbreaking down, a pressure on the other who has a high degree of ____onyou.Conclusion:Consequences of power tactics depend on application of heavy or light tactics. The former often evokes counter power. The latter, light tactics often lead negotiation to collaboration and relation building, which may necessary compromises.1. To make a polite suggestion, use the word should. Make the sentence as a polite suggestion.1) We ought to negotiate the problem.2) He’d better know her n ame.3) I’d better finish the report.4) Mrs. Billings ought to call right now.5) The manager ought to write an agenda.2. Use opposite adjectives to soften the following remarks1)This is a very unproductive meeting.2)This is the worst food I’ve ever tast ed.3)Don’t be so late tomorrow.4)Y ou really are very inexperienced.5)Y our quotation is much too expensive.6)Y our financial position is insecure.3. How do you see yourself?Use the questionnaire below to find out. Tick one or the other of the following state ments. If you can’t decide, tick neither.a. I start the day with a list of things to do.b. I start the day by having a chat with my colleagues.a. I don’t let personal feelings influence decisions.b. When making decisions, I look at the human angle first.a. If colleagues do a good job, it does not matter if I like them or not.b. It’s important for me to like the people I work with.a. I see meetings only as a means to get business done.b. I see meetings partly as an opportunity to develop team relationships.a. At the end of the day, I am frustrated if I haven’t achieved what I set out to.b. At the end of the day, I feel “low” if I haven’t got on with my colleagues. Scoring: Score 2 points for every a sentence you ticked.Score 0 points for every b sentence you ticked.Score 1 point for every time you ticked neither.4. Read the following statements and tell which is True or false?1). We must always aspire high in our strategic thinking.2). For a quick deal, we don’t need to hav e very precise targets, and very clear views about the extent to which we could compromise.3). The first thing you need to do in dealing with a difficult person is to control thatperson’s behavior but not to control your own.4). It is imperative that good negotiators know how to both manage and express angerappropriately.5).Conflict can provide us with new information about a situation.6). In the middle of a negotiation it is sometimes ineffective to substitute a new team leader.7). In the strategy of reversal, you act in opposition to what may be considered to be the popular trend or goal.8). It is desirable that each negotiator should negotiate in a style foreign to him which reflects his strengths.9). Core values are powerful because they generate feelings, thoughts and behavior.They are deeply held values that govern how you behave across a great many situations.10) Effective negotiators accept that they are human----not perfect----and they turntheir mistakes into learning opportunities. Therefore, they have a longer recoverytime before returning to full effectiveness.5. Put the following situational dialogue into English.(支付方式Terms of payment) (two days later)Please see chapter 6。
商务英语 谈判策略(英语)
公司代表讲:“对外不能说,价格水平我会掌握。”公司代 表又向其主管领导汇报,分析价格形势;主管领导认为价格 不取最低,因为我们是大公司,讲质量,讲服务。谈判中可 以灵活,态度温和,但利益最重要,步子要小,若在400美元 以上拿下则可成交,拿不下时把价格定在405-410美元之间, 然后主管领导再出面谈,请工厂配合。中方公司代表将此意 见向工厂厂长转达,并达成共识和工厂厂长—起在谈判桌上 争取该条件,中方公司代表为主谈。经过交锋,价格仅降了 l0美元/吨,在400美元成交,比工厂厂长的成交价高了10美 元/吨。工厂代表十分满意,日方也满意。
2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. 第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此 必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。
• 《商务英语谈判》的课程性质:
•五、《商务英语谈判》纳入教学计划的重要 性
• •1. 英语教学改革的新课型; • 2. 有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力; • 3. 有助于学生综合素质的提高 •4. 有助于提高学生跨文化语境中的交际能力与素质修养
•六、 《商务英语谈判》教学中的素质培养
• 1. 语言素质(language competence ) • 2. 文化素质(cultural quality) • 3. 心理素质(psychological traits) • 4. 思辩能力(speculative thinking ability) • 5. 交际能力(communicative capability) • 6. 道德修养(moral integrity )
• 1.语言素质
• 1)说:培养学生使用较规范的英语、表达具有一定深度的思想 的能力,是口语课基础上的提高;
• 2)写:以说促写、以写促说,通过写作训练学生逻辑表达和分 析问题的能力;
• 3)读:阅读 + 审读 +评读;“审读 +评读”有利于培养学生批判性思
• 4)听:含“欣赏性倾听”、“同情性倾听”、“理解性倾听”、“批 评性倾听”。倾听的过程就是培养批判性思维的过程。
商业英语教程English For Business第⼗⼋课: 商业谈判Lesson 18: Negotiating各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听由澳⼤利亚澳洲⼴播电台和维多利亚州多元⽂化成⼈教育中⼼AMES联合为您编播制作的《商业英语教程》节⽬。
他说:Douglas: We would very much like to take on Silver Heaven as a partner, and to promote and distribute your tea throughout Australia and New Zealand.道格拉斯:我们⾮常乐于与“银⾊天堂”公司结成伙伴关系,将你们的茶叶产品⾏销于澳⼤利亚和新西兰。
Douglas: Our standard terms are the same for most of our suppliers and we see no reason why they can’t work for Silver Heaven. By this I mean we would agree to a price per kilo.道格拉斯:对于⼤多数我们的供货商来说,我们提出的条件都是⼀致的,我们认为这也应该适合于“银⾊天堂”公司。
Douglas: Transportation arrangements would be incorporated in the C.I.F. price. Packaging will happen offshore.道格拉斯:运输成本将计⼊到岸价格内,包装⼯作将在海外完成。
学校“商务英语谈判”课程教案任课教师:授课班级:16商务外语周学时数: 4授课时间:审阅:111111教案首页注:有课时变动、教学内容调整等在此说明。
2) What principle did the Department of Defense follow?
B. Principle of Trust in Negotiation
Personal Interests
-----interests of individuals who participate in negotiation.
Organizational Interests:
---interests of collective bodies such as private or state-owned enterprises, institutions and other kinds of entities.
to convey ideas.
Trust building in negotiation
2. Manage your reputation * Reputation spreads. * Make your reputation a tool in negotiation by providing references from mutually trusted third parties that speak for your character and competence or by offering other forms of evidence of past success such as media or trade reports.
商务英语谈判和会话培训课程(PPT 40页)
Business Negotiation & Dialogues
通过本课程的学习,能运用商务知识和基 本谈判技巧,担任商务活动中的谈判工作。
①能够为商务谈判做前期准备,如商务调查、 安排会晤、接待客户并能在交易会等场景 介绍公司、产品等。
②能够就具体交易进行谈判,如价格、数量、 包装、支付、保险、运输及合同一般条款。
③能就交易履行中出现的问题进行谈判,如 索赔或理赔。
• ①掌握商务英语谈判技巧。 • ②掌握相关的术语、词汇和套语。 • ③了解中英文化差异。 • ④了解并掌握相关礼仪。 • ⑤了解中国主要商务机构、世界主要银行
• ①沟通与团队协作能力。 • ②自主学习能力。 • ③创新能力。 • ④处理实际事务能力。 • ⑤诚实守信理念。 • ⑥自我管理的能力。
• 第二期:2011年10月23日-27日,展出餐厨用具,日用陶瓷,工艺陶瓷, 家居装饰品,玻璃工艺品,家具,编织及藤铁工艺品,园林产品,铁石制品 (户外),家居用品,个人护理用具,浴室用品,钟表眼镜,玩具,礼品及赠 品,节日用品等展区。
• Conform to • Comply with • Accord to • In conformity with • In compliance with • In accordance with
• 史密斯:我希望我们今后能合作成功。 Work together
• 王先生:我也希望如此。 • 史密斯:能给我介绍一些你们的新产品吗?
商务英语谈判课件(PPT 35页)
1. Introduce the students to the main principles of business negotiation.
2. The students get familiar with the types of negotiation.
*Separate the people from the problem.
Techniques: ---Establish an accurate perception. ---Cultivate appropriate emotions. ---Strive better communication.
Disadvantages :
Pressure an individual to compromise and accommodate in ways not in his interest.
Avoid confrontational strategies, which can be helpful at times.
11.Getting a child to go to bed.
12.Picking a successor for the CEO of a company where you are on the board.
3. Types of negotiation:
1. Competitive style 2. Accommodative style 3. Avoidance style 4. Compromising style 5. Collaborative style 6. Vengeful style 7. Self-inflicting style 8. Vengeful and self-inflicting style
商务英语谈判教材(PPT 54页)
If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。
We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. 我们希望你们报离岸价格。
3. 还盘(counteroffer)在这个环节中经常用的句 子有:
Your price sounds a bit too high. / Your price is much higher than we expected ./ Will you reduce your price by…%? / In order to conclude the transaction, I hope you will
Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F. Humburg for the chairs.
Offer and counter--offer
An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. It can be a firm offer which is a promise to sell goods at the stated price, usually within a stated period of time. It also can be a non—firm offer which is made without engagement and is subject to the seller’s confirmation.
Why is power important to negotiators?
• The negotiator believes he or she currently has less power than the other party. • The negotiator believes he or she needs more power than the other party to increase the probability of securing a deof power ?
• Informational sources of power • Personal sources of power • Power based on position in an organization • Relationship-based sources of power • Contextual sources of power
❖ The definition of negotiation ❖ The negotiation opportunity ❖ The selection of negotiators ❖ Protocol ❖ Communication ❖ Time sensitivity ❖ Risk propensity ❖ Groups versus individuals ❖ The nature of agreements ❖ Emotionalism
二、教学目标1. 了解商务英语谈判的基本概念和原则。
2. 掌握商务英语谈判的语言技巧和沟通策略。
3. 提高在商务场合中的英语口语表达能力和谈判技巧。
4. 增强在国际商务谈判中的自信心和竞争力。
三、教学内容第一章:商务英语谈判概述1.1 商务英语谈判的定义和特点1.2 商务英语谈判的原则和流程第二章:商务英语谈判的策略与技巧2.1 商务英语谈判的策略2.2 商务英语谈判的技巧第三章:商务英语谈判的语言沟通3.1 商务英语谈判的语言特点3.2 商务英语谈判的沟通技巧第四章:商务英语谈判中的文化差异4.1 东西方文化差异对商务谈判的影响4.2 跨文化商务谈判的策略与技巧第五章:商务英语谈判实战演练5.1 商务英语谈判场景模拟5.2 实战演练与反馈四、教学方法本课程采用讲授、案例分析、角色扮演、模拟谈判等多种教学方法,结合学员的实际情况进行互动式教学,使学员在实践中掌握商务英语谈判的技巧。
六、第六章:商务英语谈判中的听力技巧6.1 商务英语谈判中听力的的重要性6.2 提高商务英语谈判听力的技巧七、第七章:商务英语谈判中的表达技巧7.1 清晰、准确表达自己的观点7.2 商务英语谈判中的说服技巧八、第八章:商务英语谈判中的非语言沟通8.1 非语言沟通在商务英语谈判中的作用8.2 商务英语谈判中非语言沟通的技巧九、第九章:商务英语谈判中的风险管理9.1 识别和评估商务英语谈判中的风险9.2 商务英语谈判中的风险应对策略十、第十章:商务英语谈判的综合技巧与应用10.1 商务英语谈判的综合技巧10.2 商务英语谈判在实际中的应用六、教学方法在本章中,我们将通过听力练习、角色扮演和模拟谈判等方式,帮助学员提高商务英语谈判中的听力技巧和表达能力。
商务英语 谈判策略(英语)
1) separate the people from the problem; 2) focus on interests, not positions; 3) invent options for mutual gain; 4) insist on objective criteria.
1)Separate the people from the problem means separating relationship issues (or "people problems") from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and communication. 第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处理。
商务英语谈判 全套课件
Unit 1 Negotiation Preparations
Unit 1 Negotiation Preparations
III. Useful Sentences
1. Market research is actually an analysis of a specific market for a particular product.
2. 大家都知道,五年来我们的市场发生了一些重要变化。 Everyone knows that there've been some major changes in our market the last five years.
3. 我们的主要目的是调查消费者的消费潜力。 Our main objective is to investigate the consumption potential in customers.
8. 做资信调查很难么? Will making a status inquiry be difficult?
Unit 1 Negotiation Preparations
IV. Keys to Exercises
1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese
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By 梅高洁 许昊珺 骆炜雯
Principled Negotiation
Principled negotiation is the name given to the interest-based approach to negotiation set out in the best-known conflict resolution book, Getting to Yes, first published in 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury. The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation:
1) separate the people from the problem; 2) focus on interests, not positions; 3) invent options for mutual gain; 4) insist on objective criteria.
1)Separate the people from the problem means separating relationship issues (or "people problems") from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and communication. 第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处 理。
3)By focusing on interests, disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle--invent options for mutual gain. 第三,在决定如何实施方案前,先构思各种可能的选择,谈 判者应该安排一段特定的时间,构思各种可能的解决方案, 创造性地努力避免或削弱各方利益上的冲突,为对方谈判者 主动提供某些解决问题的建设性提案的机会; This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose.
第四,坚持客观的标准,谈判者应设法引入尽可能多的具有科 学优点的客观标准。客观标准具有较高的权威性,不容易受到 非难,通过对客观标准的引入及其应用来逐步达成协议,有利 于提高谈判效率,减少无谓的争执。
A typical case
There were two people who argued with each other.The reason why they argued was that one of them wanted to close the window while other wanted to open it.They have been quarrelling with each other for a long time without a satisfied solution. Then a librarian came and asked them why they wanted to open the window.The answer were that for getting fresh air and for avoiding the noise.After knew the reasons for them,the librarian dealed with the problem by opening the next room’s window.
2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. 第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此 必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。
People problems also often involve difficult emotions — fear, anger, distrust and anxiety for example. These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with. Fisher, Ury and Patton suggest five tactics for disentangling and defusing emotional problems in the negotiation process.
4)The fourth rule is to insist on objective criteria for decisions. While not always available, if some outside, objective criteria for irness can be found, this can greatly simplify the negotiation process. This gives both sides more guidance as to what is "fair," and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range.