高中英语词汇随身记3500词 高频乱序版绿卡图书

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3500 乱序版考单核心词汇(一)

1. put 21. few 41. can 61. part 81. grow

2. last 22. own 42. however 62. ask 82. way

3. offer 23. feel 43. since 63. might 83. another

4. each 24. spend 44. business 64. enjoy 84. service

5. as 25. make 45. take 65. provide 85. back

6. set 26. never 46. away 66. want 86. mind

7. turn 27. between 47. pay 67. develop 87. meet

8. through 28. such 48. love 68. both 88. all

9. have 29. any 49. try 69. teach 89. care

10. still 30. begin 50. always 70. public 90. win

11. while 31. come 51. face 71. problem 91. call

12. possible 32. customer 52. think 72. hear 92. open

13. because 33. used 53. stop 73. seem 93. once

14. company 34. though 54. must 74. help 94. look

15. around 35. become 55. human 75. example 95. name

16. better 36. other 56. about 76. drive 96. bring

17. keep 37. move 57. programme 77. that 97. also

18. important 38. experience 58. lose 78. understand 98. wait

19. mean 39. talk 59. go 79. place 99. until

20. late 40. probably 60. course 80. free 100. speak


101. stay 121. large 141. an swer 161. n eed 181. like 102. get 122. light 142. save 162. sense 182. able 103. report 123. choose 143. dream 163. result 183. reach 104. receive 124. tech no logy 144. up 164. order 184. min ute 105. far 125. visit 145. together 165. just 185. do

106. nu mber 126. power 146. in clude 166. matter 186. Ian guage 107. poi nt 127. may 147. break 167. chanee 187. aga in 108. find 128. hold 148. live 168. sure 188. good 109. enough 129. special 149. right 169. and 189. return 110. end 130. decide 150. state 170. remember 190. purpose 111. cause 131. eve n 151. nothing 171. much 191. from

112. buy 132. stress 152. watch 172. questio n 192.

in terest ing

113. believe 133. n ext 153. change 173. likely 193. in terest 114. walk 134. a,a n 154. speed 174. wi nd 194. lear n 115. know 135. close 155. soon 175. success 195. improve 116.realise136. research 156.record176. ever 196.health 117. ki nd 137. study 157. reas on 177. whether 197. after 118. job 138. liste n 158. more 178. most 198. future 119. give 139. in crease 159. build 179. too 199. final 120. pla n 140. little 160. allow 180. desig n 200. fall

3500 乱序版考单核心词汇(三)

201. by 221. education 241. restaurant 261. leave 281. appear 202. lead 222. best 242. attract 262. remain 282. towards 203. let 223. suggest 243. family 263. create 283. local

204. only 224. present 244. arrive 264. although 284. reduce 205. heart 225. happen 245. social 265. catch 285. direction 206. cost 226. would 246. fact 266. view 286. cut

207. but 227. full 247. finish 267. drink 287. ride

208. second 228. wear 248. activity 268. sound 288. fun

209. main 229. share 249. write 269. satisfy 289. fill

210. show 230. start 250. follow 270. respect 290. anything 211. form 231. mark 251. quite 271. challenge 291. space 212. explain 232. forget 252. advertise 272. carry 292. hope

213. over 233. then 253. line 273. price 293. popular 214. expect 234. produce 254. touch 274. quality 294. already 215. choice 235. instead 255. well 275. require 295. conversation 216. one 236. or 256. encourage 276. discover 296. music 217. how 237. attention 257. continue 277. courage 297. control 218. swim 238. hand 258. within 278. rule 298. everything 219. material 239. notice 259. level 279. market 299. accept 220. use 240. across 260. surprise 280. benefit 300. several
