
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:专业:班级:姓名:学号:外文出处:附件: 1. 原文; 2. 译文2013年03月附件一:A Rapidly Deployable Manipulator SystemChristiaan J.J. Paredis, H. Benjamin Brown, Pradeep K. KhoslaAbstract:A rapidly deployable manipulator system combines the flexibility of reconfigurable modular hardware with modular programming tools, allowing the user to rapidly create a manipulator which is custom-tailored for a given task. This article describes two main aspects of such a system, namely, the Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System (RMMS)hardware and the corresponding control software.1 IntroductionRobot manipulators can be easily reprogrammed to perform different tasks, yet the range of tasks that can be performed by a manipulator is limited by mechanicalstructure.Forexample, a manipulator well-suited for precise movement across the top of a table would probably no be capable of lifting heavy objects in the vertical direction. Therefore, to perform a given task,one needs to choose a manipulator with an appropriate mechanical structure.We propose the concept of a rapidly deployable manipulator system to address the above mentioned shortcomings of fixed configuration manipulators. As is illustrated in Figure 1, a rapidly deployable manipulator system consists of software and hardware that allow the user to rapidly build and program a manipulator which is customtailored for a given task.The central building block of a rapidly deployable system is a Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System (RMMS). The RMMS utilizes a stock of interchangeable link and joint modules of various sizes and performance specifications. One such module is shown in Figure 2. By combining these general purpose modules, a wide range of special purpose manipulators can be assembled. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the idea of modular manipulators [2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14], for research applications as well as for industrial applications. However, most of these systems lack the property of reconfigurability, which is key to the concept of rapidly deployable systems. The RMMS is particularly easy toreconfigure thanks to its integrated quick-coupling connectors described in Section 3.Effective use of the RMMS requires, Task Based Design software. This software takes as input descriptions of the task and of the available manipulator modules; it generates as output a modular assembly configuration optimally suited to perform the given task. Several different approaches have been used successfully to solve simpli-fied instances of this complicated problem.A third important building block of a rapidly deployable manipulator system is a framework for the generation of control software. To reduce the complexity of softwaregeneration for real-time sensor-based control systems, a software paradigm called software assembly has been proposed in the Advanced Manipulators Laboratory at CMU.This paradigm combines the concept of reusable and reconfigurable software components, as is supported by the Chimera real-time operating system [15], with a graphical user interface and a visual programming language, implemented in OnikaA lthough the software assembly paradigm provides thesoftware infrastructure for rapidly programming manipulator systems, it does not solve the programming problem itself. Explicit programming of sensor-based manipulator systems is cumbersome due to the extensive amount of detail which must be specified for the robot to perform the task. The software synthesis problem for sensor-based robots can be simplified dramatically, by providing robust robotic skills, that is, encapsulated strategies for accomplishing common tasks in the robots task domain [11]. Such robotic skills can then be used at the task level planning stage without having to consider any of the low-level detailsAs an example of the use of a rapidly deployable system,consider a manipulator in a nuclear environment where it must inspect material and space for radioactive contamination, or assemble and repair equipment. In such an environment, widely varied kinematic (e.g., workspace) and dynamic (e.g., speed, payload) performance is required, and these requirements may not be known a priori. Instead of preparing a large set of different manipulators to accomplish these tasks—an expensive solution—one can use a rapidly deployable manipulator system. Consider the following scenario: as soon as a specific task is identified, the task based design software determinesthe task. This optimal configuration is thenassembled from the RMMS modules by a human or, in the future, possibly by anothermanipulator. The resulting manipulator is rapidly programmed by using the software assembly paradigm and our library of robotic skills. Finally,the manipulator is deployed to perform its task.Although such a scenario is still futuristic, the development of the reconfigurable modular manipulator system, described in this paper, is a major step forward towards our goal of a rapidly deployable manipulator system.Our approach could form the basis for the next generation of autonomous manipulators, in which the traditional notion of sensor-based autonomy is extended to configuration-based autonomy. Indeed, although a deployed system can have all the sensory and planning information it needs, it may still not be able to accomplish its task because the task is beyond the system’s physical capabilities. A rapidly deployable system, on the other hand, could adapt its physical capabilities based on task specifications and, with advanced sensing, control, and planning strategies, accomplish the task autonomously.2 Design of self-contained hardware modulesIn most industrial manipulators, the controller is a separate unit housing the sensor interfaces, power amplifiers, and control processors for all the joints of the manipulator.A large number of wires is necessary to connect this control unit with the sensors, actuators and brakes located in each of the joints of the manipulator. The large number of electrical connections and the non-extensible nature of such a system layout make it infeasible for modular manipulators. The solution we propose is to distribute the control hardware to each individual module of the manipulator. These modules then become self-contained units which include sensors, an actuator, a brake, a transmission, a sensor interface, a motor amplifier, and a communication interface, as is illustrated in Figure 3. As a result, only six wires are requiredfor power distribution and data communication.2.1 Mechanical designThe goal of the RMMS project is to have a wide variety of hardware modules available. So far, we have built four kinds of modules: the manipulator base, a link module, three pivot joint modules (one of which is shown in Figure 2), and one rotate joint module. The base module and the link module have no degrees-of-freedom; the joint modules have onedegree-of-freedom each. The mechanical design of the joint modules compactly fits aDC-motor, a fail-safe brake, a tachometer, a harmonic drive and a resolver.The pivot and rotate joint modules use different outside housings to provide the right-angle or in-line configuration respectively, but are identical internally. Figure 4 shows in cross-section the internal structure of a pivot joint. Each joint module includes a DC torque motor and 100:1 harmonic-drive speed reducer, and is rated at a maximum speed of 1.5rad/s and maximum torque of 270Nm. Each module has a mass of approximately 10.7kg. A single, compact, X-type bearing connects the two joint halves and provides the needed overturning rigidity. A hollow motor shaft passes through all the rotary components, and provides achannel for passage of cabling with minimal flexing.2.2 Electronic designThe custom-designed on-board electronics are also designed according to the principle of modularity. Each RMMS module contains a motherboard which provides the basic functionality and onto which daughtercards can be stacked to add module specific functionality.The motherboard consists of a Siemens 80C166 microcontroller, 64K of ROM, 64K of RAM, an SMC COM20020 universal local area network controller with an RS-485 driver, and an RS-232 driver. The function of the motherboard is to establish communication with the host interface via an RS-485 bus and to perform the lowlevel control of the module, as is explained in more detail in Section 4. The RS-232 serial bus driver allows for simple diagnostics and software prototyping.A stacking connector permits the addition of an indefinite number of daughtercards with various functions, such as sensor interfaces, motor controllers, RAM expansion etc. In our current implementation, only modules with actuators include a daughtercard. This card contains a 16 bit resolver to digital converter, a 12 bit A/D converter to interface with the tachometer, and a 12 bit D/A converter to control the motor amplifier; we have used an ofthe-shelf motor amplifier (Galil Motion Control model SSA-8/80) to drive the DC-motor. For modules with more than one degree-of-freedom, for instance a wrist module, more than one such daughtercard can be stacked onto the same motherboard.3 Integrated quick-coupling connectorsTo make a modular manipulator be reconfigurable, it is necessary that the modules can be easily connected with each other. We have developed a quick-coupling mechanism with which a secure mechanical connection between modules can be achieved by simply turning a ring handtight; no tools are required. As shown in Figure 5, keyed flanges provide precise registration of the two modules. Turning of the locking collar on the male end produces two distinct motions: first the fingers of the locking ring rotate (with the collar) about 22.5 degrees and capture the fingers on the flanges; second, the collar rotates relative to the locking ring, while a cam mechanism forces the fingers inward to securely grip the mating flanges. A ball- transfer mechanism between the collar and locking ring automatically produces this sequence of motions.At the same time the mechanical connection is made,pneumatic and electronic connections are also established. Inside the locking ring is a modular connector that has 30 male electrical pins plus a pneumatic coupler in the middle. These correspond to matching female components on the mating connector. Sets of pins are wired in parallel to carry the 72V-25A power for motors and brakes, and 48V–6A power for the electronics. Additional pins carry signals for two RS-485 serial communication busses and four video busses. A plastic guide collar plus six alignment pins prevent damage to the connector pins and assure proper alignment. The plastic block holding the female pins can rotate in the housing to accommodate the eight different possible connection orientations (8@45 degrees). The relative orientation is automatically registered by means of an infrared LED in the female connector and eight photodetectors in the male connector.4 ARMbus communication systemEach of the modules of the RMMS communicates with a VME-based host interface over a local area network called the ARMbus; each module is a node of the network. The communication is done in a serial fashion over an RS-485 bus which runs through the length of the manipulator. We use the ARCNET protocol [1] implemented on a dedicated IC (SMC COM20020). ARCNET is a deterministic token-passing network scheme which avoids network collisions and guarantees each node its time to access the network. Blocks ofinformation called packets may be sent from any node on the network to any one of the other nodes, or to all nodes simultaneously (broadcast). Each node may send one packet each time it gets the token. The maximum network throughput is 5Mb/s.The first node of the network resides on the host interface card, as is depicted in Figure 6. In addition to a VME address decoder, this card contains essentially the same hardware one can find on a module motherboard. The communication between the VME side of the card and the ARCNET side occurs through dual-port RAM.There are two kinds of data passed over the local area network. During the manipulator initialization phase, the modules connect to the network one by one, starting at the base and ending at the end-effector. On joining the network, each module sends a data-packet to the host interface containing its serial number and its relative orientation with respect to the previous module. This information allows us to automatically determine the current manipulator configuration.During the operation phase, the host interface communicates with each of the nodes at 400Hz. The data that is exchanged depends on the control mode—centralized or distributed. In centralized control mode, the torques for all the joints are computed on the VME-based real-time processing unit (RTPU), assembled into a data-packet by the microcontroller on the host interface card and broadcast over the ARMbus to all the nodes of the network. Each node extracts its torque value from the packet and replies by sending a data-packet containing the resolver and tachometer readings. In distributed control mode, on the other hand, the host computer broadcasts the desired joint values and feed-forward torques. Locally, in each module, the control loop can then be closed at a frequency much higher than 400Hz. The modules still send sensor readings back to the host interface to be used in the computation of the subsequent feed-forward torque.5 Modular and reconfigurable control softwareThe control software for the RMMS has been developed using the Chimera real-time operating system, which supports reconfigurable and reusable software components [15]. The software components used to control the RMMS are listed in Table 1. The trjjline, dls, and grav_comp components require the knowledge of certain configuration dependent parametersof the RMMS, such as the number of degrees-of-freedom, the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters etc. During the initialization phase, the RMMS interface establishes contact with each of the hardware modules to determine automatically which modules are being used and in which order and orientation they have been assembled. For each module, a data file with a parametric model is read. By combining this information for all the modules, kinematic and dynamic models of the entire manipulator are built.After the initialization, the rmms software component operates in a distributed control mode in which the microcontrollers of each of the RMMS modules perform PID control locally at 1900Hz. The communication between the modules and the host interface is at 400Hz, which can differ from the cycle frequency of the rmms software component. Since we use a triple buffer mechanism [16] for the communication through the dual-port RAM on the ARMbus host interface, no synchronization or handshaking is necessary.Because closed form inverse kinematics do not exist for all possible RMMS configurations, we use a damped least-squares kinematic controller to do the inverse kinematics computation numerically..6 Seamless integration of simulationTo assist the user in evaluating whether an RMMS con- figuration can successfully complete a given task, we have built a simulator. The simulator is based on the TeleGrip robot simulation software from Deneb Inc., and runs on an SGI Crimson which is connected with the real-time processing unit through a Bit3 VME-to-VME adaptor, as is shown in Figure 6.A graphical user interface allows the user to assemble simulated RMMS configurations very much like assembling the real hardware. Completed configurations can be tested and programmed using the TeleGrip functions for robot devices. The configurations can also be interfaced with the Chimera real-time softwarerunning on the same RTPUs used to control the actual hardware. As a result, it is possible to evaluate not only the movements of the manipulator but also the realtime CPU usage and load balancing. Figure 7 shows an RMMS simulation compared with the actual task execution.7 SummaryWe have developed a Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System which currently consists of six hardware modules, with a total of four degrees-of-freedom. These modules can be assembled in a large number of different configurations to tailor the kinematic and dynamic properties of the manipulator to the task at hand. The control software for the RMMS automatically adapts to the assembly configuration by building kinematic and dynamic models of the manipulator; this is totally transparent to the user. To assist the user in evaluating whether a manipulator configuration is well suited for a given task, we have also built a simulator.AcknowledgmentThis research was funded in part by DOE under grant DE-F902-89ER14042, by Sandia National Laboratories under contract AL-3020, by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and by The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.The authors would also like to thank Randy Casciola, Mark DeLouis, Eric Hoffman, and Jim Moody for their valuable contributions to the design of the RMMS system.附件二:可迅速布置的机械手系统作者:Christiaan J.J. Paredis, H. Benjamin Brown, Pradeep K. Khosla摘要:一个迅速可部署的机械手系统,可以使再组合的标准化的硬件的灵活性用标准化的编程工具结合,允许用户迅速建立为一项规定的任务来通常地控制机械手。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译(本科学生用)题目:低成本激光距离传感器学生姓名:任铎学号:130112021126 学部(系): 光电信息科学与工程专业年级: 13光信(2)班指导教师:张静职称或学位:讲师20 17 年 02 月 25 日结构化线路设备。
像Revo设备一样,存在可能被旋转以实现大Sharp IR传感器[9],它使用位置敏感器件(PSDq = fs. (1)∑ I (i) i/ ∑ I (i) .i i6m. I. Iat 6 m, angularthe most common tasks for mobile robots is to 6. 4000readings per second (scans up to 10 Hz) make a mapand navigate in an environment. To do so, 7. Small size,low power (< 2W) the robot needs to sense itsenvironment in an efficient 8. Standard, commercially-available components. way, looking out to somedistance to find obstacles and 9. Low cost: $30 cost tobuild. build a map that is useful for performing taskssuch asvacuuming or delivery. These characteristics make theRevo suitable for consumer While there are manysensors that could be used, laser products, and open the way for high-performance, low-distance sensors are currently the standard sensor in cost mobile robots. Although all of the Revo technologies indoor and outdoor mobile robots. The main reason is the have been used in other devices, to date no-one has utility of the data: an LDS returns distance to objects in its realized that they could be combined to make a low-cost, field of view, unlike (for example) vision sensors, which high-performance sensor. Achieving the above criteria need complicated and error-prone processing before required innovations in design, algorithms, and distances are measured. And unlike other distance sensors integration. The key elements of the Revolenscurve.Figure II-6 Maximum pulse power and Maximum Permissiblebased outer drive has been tested in continuous use over。

毕业论文外文翻译要求The requirements for the translation of the foreign language section of the graduation thesis are as follows:1. Word Count: The translated foreign language section should be around 700 words.2. Accuracy: Ensure the translated text accurately reflects the original meaning and intent of the foreign language source. It should be free from any substantial errors or omissions.3. Language Style: Maintain a professional and academic tone throughout the translation. Use appropriate terminology and vocabulary to convey the subject matter effectively.4. Grammar and Syntax: Follow the rules of grammar and syntax in the target language. Pay attention to sentence structure, verb agreement, and correct word order.5. Consistency: Ensure consistency throughout the translation. Use the same terminology and style for recurring words, phrases, and concepts.6. Flow and Cohesion: Maintain the flow and cohesion of the translated text. Use appropriate transition words and phrases to connect ideas and ensure a smooth reading experience.7. Cultural Sensitivity: Take into account any cultural nuances or references that might require adaptation or explanation in the translated text. Consider the target audience's cultural backgroundand adapt the language accordingly.8. Formatting: Format the translated text to match the formatting requirements of the graduation thesis. Ensure proper indentation, paragraph spacing, and font style.9. Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread the translated text to identify and correct any typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes.10. Delivery: Submit the translated foreign language section within the specified deadline. Provide the translated text in a compatible format, such as a Word document or PDF file.By adhering to these requirements, the translated foreign language section of the graduation thesis will meet the desired standards of quality and accuracy.。

气动热流从Mach 3 - 6马赫航班在15公里的高度在标准大气通过流场分析。
关键词:化学气相沉积(CVD)的硫化锌,红外窗口材料,热应激反应,高超音速车辆doi:10.1631 / jzus.A1300341 文档代码:A CLC数量:V211简介飞机和航天器结构设计超音速和高超音速飞行是接受在发射和严重的气动加热再入阶段的操作,这是所致的空气边界层逐渐减慢(阮et al .,2010)。
另一个问题信号折射穿过震惊吗热气体层在汽车前面的头(萨拉瓦南et al .,2009)。
高超音速飞行开始1949年2月,当一个女军团(WAC)下士从我们捕获的v - 2火箭点燃火箭(太阳和吴,2003)。
后来,广泛的数值分析(Jain和海斯,2004;Di Clemente et al .,2009;Gerdroodbary Hosseinalipour,2010)压力、传热和表面温度定或不稳定传热边界层高超音速流。
尽管一些飞行实验也进行了(Di Clemente等,2007;马里尼et al .,2007)收购空气动力学加热在飞行条来评估这些数据预测方法,飞行数据并不适合完成验证。

Interior Design Supports Art Education: A Case StudyInterior design, as a field of study, is a rapidly growing area of interest – particularly for teenagers in the United States. Part of this interest stems from the proliferation ofdesign-related reality shows available through television media. Some art educators and curriculum specialists in the nation perceive the study of interior spaces as a ‘practical application’ of the arts.This article discusses an experiential design problem, originally used in higher education interior design studio courses that was modified and shared with students in third grade to address national academic standards. Later, this same project was modified for use with high school students in the educator’s community a nd with international design students in South Korea.Lastly, the project was presented in a workshop to art education students at a higher education institution. The project was modified to address (1) the age group level and (2) a topic relevant to the audience. Goals of the design project were: (1) to explore creative problem-solving, (2) to explore the application of design elements and principles, and (3) to increase student understanding of spatial relationships within an interior environment. Findings indicate that the project supported several visual art standards, including perception and community. This project may be of interest to current and future art educators and others interested in the potential of interior design content supporting art education.IntroductionThe design of interior spaces is a growing area of interest in the United States. Studies indicate that people spend 90 per cent of their time indoors, thereby making the quality design of interiors critical to the health and welfare of the population. Youth have been unconsciously encouraged since their childhood to develop awareness of their personal interior spaces and furnishings through popular storybooks they read that introduce the awareness of scale, proportion and ergonomics at a very young age (e.g. Three Little Bears and Alice in Wonderland). More recently, teens in the United States have become unexpectedly ‘hooked’ on design related reality shows such as Trading Spaces, Changing Rooms and Design on a Dime. Although Trading Spaces was originally intended for adults, according to the Wall Street Journal article titled ‘The Teen-Room Makeover’ (18 October 2002) the audience has more than 125,000 viewers aged 12 to 17 [1]. In support of that finding, a survey conducted in 2003 for a national chain of hardware stores discovered 65 per cent of teens said they have watched home improvement-related television shows [2].Teens seemingly have a growing interest in the design of interior spaces.In the United States in 2002, a qualitative study was developed to determine if interior design subject-matter could support national academic standards in elementary and secondary schools (kindergarten – twelfth grade) [3]. Findings of the study indicated that art educators and curriculum specialists perceived interior design to be supportive in meeting their standards as a type of ‘practical application’ of the arts. Perceptions of the curriculum specialists indicated they were looking for new ways to interpret fine art standards in their existing curriculum and that interior design offered one solution. As a result, the researcher, who was an interior design educator, was encouraged to identify and develop a project or lesson plan that could introduce children and youth to the importance of well-designed interior spaces yet support an art education standard in the nation.This article discusses an experiential interior design project that was modified from an exercise used in the freshman and sophomore college studio classes and shared with students in third grade, high school, and with international students in South Korea by this interior design educator. The educator was later invited to present this project to art education teachers at her university. The project supported several school district visual art standards, including perception and community. It was modified to address (1) the age group level and (2) a topic relevant to the audience. Goals of the design project were: (1) to explore creative problem solving, (2) to explore the application of design elements and principles, and (3) to increase student understanding of spatial relationships within an interior environment. This project may be of interest to current and future art educators and others interested in the potential of interior design content supporting visual art standards.Review of literatureThe review of literature briefly discusses (1) experiential learning theory, (2) findings from a qualitative study involving art educators, and (3) the interior design link with art education. The interior design project description and process of application will follow.Experiential learningExperiential learning theory, as an application of cognitive/perceptual models, is a tool toenhance the cognitive process of students. Specifically, the experiential learning cycleinvolves a concrete experience that leads to observations and reflections then to formation of abstract concepts and generalisations, before finally testing implications from concepts in new situations [4].The Association for Experiential Education defines experiential education astheprocess by which a learner constructs knowledge, skill and value from direct experience [5]. Drengson [6] defines experiential education as the process of practical engagement withconcepts and skills applied in a practical setting and delivered through physical and practical mental activity.One of the key components to enhance student learning is reflection. Dewey [7] suggests that to have meaning, an experience must be combined with thought. Kolb [8] suggests that reflections can offer a potential source of powerful data to link theory to practice. The mental engagement of an experiential learner can involve questioning, investigation, experimentation, curiosity, problem-solving, assuming responsibility, creativity and the construction of meaning [9].Experiential learning offers the spontaneous opportunity for learning, whether from unplanned moments, natural consequences, mistakes or successes [10]. Holistically, it involves not only the cognitive but also any combination of the senses, the emotions, and the physical [11].Qualitative study involving art educatorsIn 2001, a study was conducted to determine if interior design may be supportive tokindergarten – twelfth grade (K–12) teachers in meeting national academic standards,including the arts [12]. To understand perceptions of experts in interior design and elementary and secondary education, five focus group session sand six personal interviews were conducted with interior design educators, practitioners,K–12 teachers (elementary, junior high, and high school levels), national standards curriculum specialists (local and state level), and school-to-career curriculum specialists from June 2001 to April 2002[13].Focus group findings indicated that K–12teachers, at both elementary and secondary levels, felt that interior design could be supportive in meeting visual art standards because youth are frequently analysing their personal and public spaces. Participants described specific examples of interior design materials they currently needed in their course work to include: examples of good and bad interior spaces, information about elements and principles of design as they relate to interior spaces, and hands-on col our wheels of sturdy materials. In addition they requested that the materials be low cost, stimulating,‘touchable’,recyclable, self-contained, and fun. Lesson plans the visual art teachers suggested included:• reinvention of the ‘shoe box’ projec t;• development of well-known stories (The Three Pigs, Three Little Bears, and Alice in Wonderland) into space models to teach proportion and scale. In addition, it was suggestedthe following lesson plan: use of Goldilocks story to analyse ‘client or consumer needs’;• use of a Dr Seuss story (literary passage) to generate a conceptual model that enhances creativity;• study of cultural spaces at the junior high level that would enhance study of personal expression of identity in interiors [14].The visual arts curriculum specialists indicated hat interior design –as a ‘practical application’ should be introduced in elementary levels where there is a ‘small window of opportunity’ to give good information about the visual arts. See Table 1 fo r an example of the visual art standards in kindergarten – third grade levels. One visual art specialist advocated that the design process was more important to teach than a particular design method. He suggested moving students from designing personal spaces – and the study of elements and principles of design – in elementary levels to the analysis of private and public spaces in the junior high level. Then the high school levels could be reserved for additional indepth Exploration.Today, junior high and high school students are quite attracted to design-related reality shows. Over the last five years, the number of designrelated television shows has increased dramatically [15]. Why are these shows so attractive to teens and young adults? Rodriguez [16]has suggested that this interest is linked to the teens need for expression of self andself-identity.An individual’s unique identity is established through personalisation of space, which is critical to overall development of self [17]. Developing a sense of self involves the use of symbols to communicate to others one’s personal underlying identity.Interior design link with art educationIt is not common for interior design to be linked with art education in K–12 grade levels in the United States. However, the Foundation for Interior Design EducationResearch[18]standards and guidelines – the accreditation organization for higher education interior design programmes in the nation – reveal that there are many shared areas between visual arts and interior design (e.g.elements and principles of design).Rasmussen and Wright [19]advocate the need for a new model for art education. The new model should offer youth an aesthetic education that does more than just serve the traditional concerns of established arts curriculum. Experiences indicate that young people try to make sense of their own lives by creating contextual understanding through actively, and intentionally, making connections to signs, perceptions and experiences. This is a challenge to develop a new art education model that creates a balance between social andcontextual needs, knowledge of young people, and theaesthetic medium itself.The study of interior spaces offers one such context for learning in the physical environment.People spend 90 per cent of their time in interior spaces [20]. Youth consciously or unconsciously, analyse and respond to their near environment. They also learn best if they understand why they are learning what they are learning. Application of design and art to everyday life can assist in making connections in student learning, and develop more awareness of good design as well as an appreciation of the arts. Youth need theopportunity to learn more about design and human behavior so they can learn they have choices about how supportive their environments can be. Children can [determine] how design influences their behaviors; howdesign can be used to manipulate behavior; how design can encourage or discourage conversation, establish status, put people in power positions, increase or decrease anxiety [21].Therefore, based on (1) the experiential learning theoretical underpinnings, (2) recommendations made by art educators and curriculum specialists, and (3) a call for a new ways of teaching art education, an interior design educator at a higher education institution modified an experiential design project that involved the use of elements and principles of design and an opportunity for self-expression of personal spaces. The designproblem of the personal space was changed based on the grade level.Case study project descriptionAlthough art educators and curriculum specialists perceived that interior design content could be supportive to visual art standards, it was determined that a case study project needed to be developed and presented to various grade levels. It was also determined that a conceptual model of interior spaces should be used toenhance student creativity and exploration rather than a finite model that would offer too many rules and boundaries. Project descriptionThe experiential interior design project involved the construction of athree-dimensional concept model using 44 triangular and rectangular pieces of cardstock (stiff) paper in a neutral colour [22]. The objective was to discover, manipulate and create interior spaces based on a given design problem (e.g. design your space station on a planet of your choice or design your home in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado). The purpose ofthe project was to encourage students to design a conceptual structure from the interior out, keep-ing in mind the function of the building. The student’s model had to incorporate a minimum of six spaces and three levels to encourage vertical as well as horizontal volumes. All 44 pieces of cardstock had to be used in the finished model, which sometimes posed achallenge to the youth. The cardstock pieces could not be ripped, torn, or pierced. However, they could be bent and shapedaccording to the whim of the student.Flow from one space to another and one level to another was emphasized. The decision-making design process was explained and encouraged.Outcomes consisted of a three-dimensional abstract model which, if successfully executed, demonstrated the break-down of traditional spatial paradigms. Design problemsEach student grade level was given a different design problem based on the academic standards that were to be met in that class. In some cases, several academic standards were addressed at the same time. Two national standards for visual arts in the United States were selected to be supported with this project: communication and perception. The communication standard indicates that students in kindergarten – third grade should recognise the use of the visual arts as a means of communication (e.g. select and use visual images, themes and ideas in their own work). The perception standard indicates that students know, understand and apply elements of visual arts and principles of design (e.g. Identify elements and principles of design).Third grade studentsAfter procuring appropriate permission, the design educator brought volunteer college-age interior design students to the elementary school to help administer the project. Three third grade classes (twenty students in each class) had just finished a science unit on space and orbits and were studying specific visual art standards. The children were asked to design a personal space station on a planet of their choice. The goal was to help students relate the newly learned science information to something in real life (e.g. Their home), yet encourage exploration of visual arts (see Figs. 2–4).Each team of students was given the same 44 pieces of cardstock (all cut out) in a plastic bag, a cardboard base (15” x 15” square) on which to build the model, and cellophane tape to use in constructing the model. To enhance reflection of this experiential project, each team of three students was asked to give a two-minute verbal presentation in front of the class on their finished model. In this manner, they could discuss their design solution and the design educator could assess their use of creativity through design elements and principles.The college students and design educator rotated through the three classrooms of students to answer questions, encourage use of design elements and principles, and applaud their creative exploration. The third grade teachers assisted in supporting the structure of the class and encouraging shy students who were reluctant to begin.It was interesting to observe that the children rarely built the models on their provided classroom tables. Instead,they moved to the floor space, located the base for the model in between team members, and began construction. Each team member assumed a role in the process. One team member seemed t o act as the ‘designer’, one as the ‘builder/construction crew’ and the last as the ‘supplier’ of materials. Students excitedlydiscussed the positioning of the triangular pieces of cardstock in their model, their rooms in their space stations, and the different ways to turn the model to create different vantage points.The teams of third graders had one hour to complete the models. Then their verbal presentations began, interspersed with questions and comments from the design educator and third grade teachers. Informal observations indicatedthat application of design elements and principles was strong – perhaps due to the consistent rectangular and triangular shapes that had been provided – thereby supporting the visual arts perception standard. Manipulation of shapes was innovative. Line, shape and form were used to provide movement through adjoining spaces and offered a sense of verticality. Interior volumes were created that supported human behaveour in interior spaces. For example, one team’s presentation discussed how their space station boasted an exercise room with trampolines to strengthen human muscles that weakened as a result of zero gravity in outer space. The communication standard was supported in their finished models in a couple ways. First there was a theme of design as it relates to protection from foreign objects. For example, one team’s space station on Saturn incorporated a force field to protect it from flying rocks. Other visual themes of security and safety evoked the implementation of security cameras, alien detectors, missile launchers, telescope laboratories, control stations and transport rooms. Another visual theme related to circulation. Circulation within the structure was depicted by the third graders through the use of escalators, stairs, elevators and poles. A third visual theme was unique human needs as they relate to interior spaces. Almost every team’s space station incorporated a room for their mothers! In addition, depending on the students’ personal interests, unique space station features ranged from chemical rooms to sandboxes. It was obvious in their multiple unique design solutions their use of creativity had been explored and enhanced.Evaluation and assessment that took place, after the classes were dismissed, indicated that the third grade teachers perceived that this experiential design project supported the visual arts standards in both the communication and perception components as well as the third grade science academic standard concerning space and orbits. In addition, the experiential component of the project had unexpected results when certain quiet, unassuming students in the class became animated and highly engaged in learning. One teacher shared her excitement with the design educator about a new connection that wasformed with one of students that she had not been able to connect with before the design exercise.High school studentsAfter the case study with the third grade students, it was determined to offer this project to high school students. Diversity students in a nearby community were invited to attend a complimentary design workshop at a local library. The interior design educator was asked to present a design problem that would relate to arteducation (see Figs. 6–8).Their problem was to use the same experiential project and shapes to design and construct a conceptual model of their new home or cabin in the Rocky Mountain region. The same project constraints existed. Due to the students’ ages, discussions took place prior to the exercise about innovative problem-solving, the exploration of creativity and the elements and principles of design used within the design process. Some of these elements and principles included:Scale. Awareness of human scale was addressed to develop understanding of proportion and scale of the structure and interior spaces. Shape. Triangular shapes were deliberately selected to encourage students to break paradigms of rectangular interior spaces.Colour. The cardstock pieces were of a neutral colour to enhance spatial composition rather than draw attention to colour usage or juxtaposition. Volume/Mass. The mass of thethree-dimensional model was important in communicating the use of common elements and principles of design (e.g. line, rhythm). Line. A variety of different lines (e.g. diagonal, horizontal) were investigated in the manipulation of the shapes. Space. Space was created through the manipulation of shapes. Theories of complexity, mystery and refuge within interior spaces were discussed. Informal assessment of the finished design models indicated that the design solutions werevery creative.Later that semester, by invitation, the same design project was taken to college students training to be art educators in a mini-workshop format. The art education students found the exercise effective in enhancing creativity and understanding how interior design can enhance understanding of visual arts.International studentsAlthough there was no intention to meet a national visual arts academic standard at a specific grade level, this same experiential design project was presented in Seoul, South Korea to college-aged international students. The design problem was to use the same 44 pieces to develop a design concept model for acommercial building in Seoul. Language translators were used to help the design educatorintroduce the project, guide the students through the process, and understand their verbal presentations at the end of the workshop.Students commented during and after the workshop how the model enhanced their visual literacy skills (they used different words) and creativity within the context of everyday life. The experiential nature of the workshop was seemingly a pleasure to them (see Figs.9–11).Discussion and conclusionThis interior design case study project was designed to be experiential in nature to enhance student learning of the visual arts. Student and teacher assessment of the various groups indicated enthusiasm for the design project because it enhanced creativity, explored multiple design solutions, related to real life, and increased their understanding of human behaviour within the context of the physical environment. Teacherassessment of the age groups indicated that the project did support visual art standards at the appropriate grade level. In addition, their assessment indicated satisfaction with the manner in which the interior design project encouraged student usage of the design elements and principles and the application of design to everyday living. Several instructors indicated that quiet and shy students in their class became engaged in the learning process, which had not been previously observed. Perception of art educators and art education students was that this project supported a variety of visual art standards such as perception and communication. This interior design case study project can be modified for various age and cultural groups and may be of interest to educators who are interested in working collaboratively with colleagues from other disciplines.Visual art programmes in the United States are being cut from the K–12 curriculum. By linking visual arts to an up-and-coming aesthetic field, such as interior design, there may be new ways to sustain and grow visual art programmes in the nation.References1. Orndoff, K. (2003) ASID American Society of Interior Designers 2003 Strategic Environment Report. Future Impact Education, p. 9.2. Levitz, S. (2004) Teens Hooked on Home Décor, London Free Press (Ontario, CA), 24 June, p. D2.3. Clemons, S. (2002) Collaborative Links with K–12: A Proposed Model Integrating Interior Design with National Education Standards, Journal of Interior Design, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.40–8.4. Rubin, S. G. (1983) Overcoming Obstacles to Institutionalization of Experiential Learning Programs, New Directions for Experiential Learning, Vol. 20, pp. 43–54.5. Luckman, C. (1996) Defining Experiential Education, Journal of Experiential Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 6–7.6. Drengson, A. R. (1995) What Means this Experience? in Kraft, R. J. & Sokofs, M. [Eds] The Theory of Experiential Education. Boulder, CO: Association for Experiential Education, pp. 87–93.7. Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and Education. New York: Macmillan.8. Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Sources of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.9. Luckmann, C. op. cit.10. Ibid.11. Carver, R. (1996) Theory for Practice: A Framework for Thinking about Experiential Education, Journal of Experiential Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 8–13.12. Clemons, S. op. cit.13. Ibid.14. Ibid.15. Bien, L. (2003) Renovating how-to TV Shows in a Race to Duplicate Success of ‘Trading Spaces’. The Post Standard (Syracuse, NY), 31 October, p. E1.16. Rodriguez, E. M. (2003) Starting Young, Miami Herald, 28 December, p. H–1.17. Baillie S. & Goeters, P. (1997) Home as a Developmental Environment. Proceedings of the American Association of Housing Educators, New Orleans, LA, pp. 32–6.18. Foundation of Interior Design Education Research (FIDER) home page. Available from URL: / (Accessed 4th January 2005).19. Rasmussen, B & Wright, P. (2001) The theatre workshop as educational space: How imagined reality is voiced and conceived, International Journal of Education & the Arts, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.1–13.20. Environmental Protection Agency (2006) An Introduction to Indoor Air Quality (online). Available from URL: /iaq/ ia-intro.html (Accessed 26th September 2006).21. InformeDesign (n.d.) Implications, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 2 (online). Available from URL: /# (Accessed 4th January 2005).22. Curfman, J. & Clemons, S. (1992) From Forty-Four Pieces to a New Spatial Paradigm, in Birdsong, C. [Ed.] Proceedings of the Interior Design Educators Council Southwest Regional Meeting, New Orleans, pp. 2–4./detail/refdetail?tablename=SJWD_U&filename=SJWD00000744102&uid=WEEvR EcwSlJHSldSdnQ0SWZDdUlMV1dWZi9tOGkyYTBaTzBVQjVYeENXYVp4MVRJQjI3cmZRYS9YRmhvdnlxazJRPT 0=$9A4hF_YAuvQ5obgVAqNKPCYcEjKensW4IQMovwHtwkF4VYPoHbKxJw!!Interior Design in Augmented Reality EnvironmentABSTRACTThis article presents an application of Augmented Realitytechnology for interior design. Plus, an Educational InteriorDesign Project is reviewed. Along with the dramatic progress ofdigital technology, virtual information techniques are alsorequired for architectural projects. Thus, the new technology ofAugmented Reality offers many advantages for digitalarchitectural design and construction fields. AR is also beingconsidered as a new design approach for interior design. In an ARenvironment, the virtual furniture can be displayed and modifiedin real-time on the screen, allowing the user to have an interactiveexperience with the virtual furniture in a real-world environment.Here, AR environment is exploited as the new workingenvironment for architects in architectural design works, and thenthey can do their work conveniently as such collaborativediscussion through AR environment. Finally, this study proposesa newmethod for applying AR technology to interior designwork, where a user can view virtual furniture and communicatewith 3D virtual furniture data using a dynamic and flexible userinterface. Plus, all the properties of the virtual furniture can beadjusted using occlusion- based interaction method for a TangibleAugmented Reality. General TermsApplications of computer science in modeling, visualization andmultimedia, graphics and imaging, computer vision, human-computerinteraction, et al.KeywordsAugmented Reality, Tangible AR, CAAD, ARToolKit, Interiordesign.1. INTRODUCTIONVisualizing how a particular table or chair will look in a roombefore it is decorated is a difficult challenge for anyone. Hence,Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been proposed forinterior design applications by few previous authors, for example,Koller, C. Wooward, A. Petrovski; K. Hirokazu, et al. The relateddevices typically include data glassesconnected to a。

毕业设计论文中英文翻译要求Graduation Thesis Translation RequirementsEnglish translation of Graduation Thesis:1. Accuracy: The English translation of the Graduation Thesis should accurately reflect the content and meaning of the original Chinese text. It should convey the same ideas and arguments as presented in the original text.2. Clarity: The translation should be clear and easy to understand. The language used should be appropriate and the sentences should be well-structured.3. Grammar and Syntax: The translation should follow the rules of English grammar and syntax. There should be no grammatical errors or awkward sentence constructions.4. Vocabulary: The translation should make use of appropriate vocabulary that is relevant to the topic of the Graduation Thesis. Technical terms and concepts should be accurately translated.5. Style: The translation should maintain the academic style and tone of the original Chinese text. It should use formal language and avoid colloquial or informal expressions.6. References: If the Graduation Thesis includes citations or references, the English translation should accurately reflectthese citations and references. The formatting of citations and references should follow the appropriate style guide.7. Proofreading: The English translation should be thoroughly proofread to ensure there are no spelling or punctuation errors. It should also be reviewed for any inconsistencies or inaccuracies.Minimum word count: The English translation of the Graduation Thesis should be at least 1200 words. This requirement ensures that the translation adequately captures the main points and arguments of the original text.It is important to note that there may be specific guidelines or requirements provided by your academic institution or supervisor for the translation of your Graduation Thesis. Please consult these guidelines and follow them accordingly.。

毕业设计外文文献翻译专业学生姓名班级学号指导教师优集学院外文资料名称:Knowledge-Based Engineeri--ng Design Methodology外文资料出处:Int.J.Engng Ed.Vol.16.No.1附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文2.外文原文基于知识工程(KBE)设计方法D. E. CALKINS1.背景复杂系统的发展需要很多工程和管理方面的知识、决策,它要满足很多竞争性的要求。

毕业论文的外文译文Due to the increasing importance of communication and cooperation in today's globalized world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. One area where these skills are crucial is in the internationalization of companies, where firms require a deep understanding of the cultural differences in order to be successful. This requires a comprehensive understanding of not only language, but also the cultural norms and values of the target market. In this thesis, we will explore the importance of cross-cultural communication in international businesses and how it can be improved.The primary challenge in cross-cultural communication is the language barrier. While English is the dominant language in international business, many firms find that it's not enough to communicate effectively with their target market. There are cultural differences in the way people use language, as well as differences in nonverbal communication such as body language and facial expressions. For instance, in Japan, it's common to nod and smile even if one does not agree with astatement, whereas in the United States, a lack of disagreement often means agreement. These differences can lead to misunderstandings in business conversations, which can ultimately harm business relationships.In order to overcome these language barriers, companies need to invest in language training for their employees. This training should focus not only on the language itself, but also on the cultural norms and values associated with the language. For example, a Japanese training program might teach students about the concepts of harmony and respect in Japanese culture, and how these values influence the way people communicate with each other. By understanding these cultural norms, employees will be able to communicate more effectively with their Japanese counterparts.Another challenge in cross-cultural communication is understanding the cultural context of business interactions. In some cultures, business is conducted in a more formal manner, with a strong emphasis on hierarchy and protocol. In other cultures, business is more informal and relaxed. Companies need to understand these differences in order to work effectively in international markets.To overcome these context challenges, companies should incorporate cultural training into their employee training programs. Cultural training should focus on the history, customs, and traditions of the target market. It should also address the specific business practices and protocol required for success in that market.In conclusion, cross-cultural communication is a key determinant of success in international businesses. In order to succeed in foreign markets, companies must have a deep understanding of the language, cultural norms, and values of their target market. This requires a comprehensive training program that not only focuses on language skills, but also on the cultural context of business interactions. With the right training and support, companies can improve their cross-cultural communication skills and achieve success in global markets.。

毕业设计(论文)外文原文及译文一、外文原文MCUA microcontroller (or MCU) is a computer-on-a-chip. It is a type of microcontroller emphasizing self-sufficiency and cost-effectiveness, in contrast to a general-purpose microprocessor (the kind used in a PC).With the development of technology and control systems in a wide range of applications, as well as equipment to small and intelligent development, as one of the single-chip high-tech for its small size, powerful, low cost, and other advantages of the use of flexible, show a strong vitality. It is generally better compared to the integrated circuit of anti-interference ability, the environmental temperature and humidity have better adaptability, can be stable under the conditions in the industrial. And single-chip widely used in a variety of instruments and meters, so that intelligent instrumentation and improves their measurement speed and measurement accuracy, to strengthen control functions. In short,with the advent of the information age, traditional single- chip inherent structural weaknesses, so that it show a lot of drawbacks. The speed, scale, performance indicators, such as users increasingly difficult to meet the needs of the development of single-chip chipset, upgrades are faced with new challenges.The Description of AT89S52The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel's high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications.The AT89S52 provides the following standard features: 8K bytes ofFlash, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, Watchdog timer, two data pointers, three 16-bit timer/counters, a six-vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator, and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89S52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt or hardware reset.Features• Compatible with MCS-51® Products• 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory– Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles• 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range• Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz• Three-level Program Memory Lock• 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM• 32 Programmable I/O Lines• Three 16-bit Timer/Counters• Eight Interrupt Sources• Full Duplex UART Serial Channel• Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes• Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode• Watchdog Timer• Dual Data Pointer• Power-off FlagPin DescriptionVCCSupply voltage.GNDGround.Port 0Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as high-impedance inputs.Port 0 can also be configured to be the multiplexed low-order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode, P0 has internal pullups.Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming and outputs the code bytes during program verification. External pullups are required during program verification.Port 1Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.In addition, P1.0 and P1.1 can be configured to be the timer/counter 2 external count input (P1.0/T2) and the timer/counter 2 trigger input (P1.1/T2EX), respectively.Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2Port 2 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 2 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses (MOVX @ DPTR). In this application, Port 2 uses strong internal pull-ups when emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses (MOVX @ RI), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register.Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification.Port 3Port 3 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port with internal pullups. The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs. When 1s are written to Port 3 pins, they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89S52, as shown in the following table.Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification.RSTReset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. This pin drives High for 96 oscillator periods after the Watchdog times out. The DISRTO bit in SFR AUXR (address 8EH) can be used to disable this feature. In the default state of bit DISRTO, the RESET HIGH out feature is enabled.ALE/PROGAddress Latch Enable (ALE) is an output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming.In normal operation, ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external data memory.If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSENProgram Store Enable (PSEN) is the read strobe to external program memory. When the AT89S52 is executing code from external program memory, PSENis activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPPExternal Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched on reset. EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions.This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage (VPP) during Flash programming.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Special Function RegistersNote that not all of the addresses are occupied, and unoccupied addresses may not be implemented on the chip. Read accesses to these addresses will in general return random data, and write accesses will have an indeterminate effect.User software should not write 1s to these unlisted locations, since they may be used in future products to invoke new features. In that case, the reset or inactive values of the new bits will always be 0.Timer 2 Registers:Control and status bits are contained in registers T2CON and T2MOD for Timer 2. The register pair (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) are the Capture/Reload registers for Timer 2 in 16-bit capture mode or 16-bit auto-reload mode.Interrupt Registers:The individual interrupt enable bits are in the IE register. Two priorities can be set for each of the six interrupt sources in the IP register.Dual Data Pointer Registers: To facilitate accessing both internal and external data memory, two banks of 16-bit Data Pointer Registers areprovided: DP0 at SFR address locations 82H-83H and DP1 at 84H-85H. Bit DPS = 0 in SFR AUXR1 selects DP0 and DPS = 1 selects DP1. The user should always initialize the DPS bit to the appropriate value before accessing the respective Data Pointer Register.Power Off Flag:The Power Off Flag (POF) is located at bit 4 (PCON.4) in the PCON SFR. POF is set to “1” during power up. It can be set and rest under software control and is not affected by reset.Memory OrganizationMCS-51 devices have a separate address space for Program and Data Memory. Up to 64K bytes each of external Program and Data Memory can be addressed.Program MemoryIf the EA pin is connected to GND, all program fetches are directed to external memory. On the AT89S52, if EA is connected to VCC, program fetches to addresses 0000H through 1FFFH are directed to internal memory and fetches to addresses 2000H through FFFFH are to external memory.Data MemoryThe AT89S52 implements 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. The upper 128 bytes occupy a parallel address space to the Special Function Registers. This means that the upper 128 bytes have the same addresses as the SFR space but are physically separate from SFR space.When an instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the address mode used in the instruction specifies whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes of RAM or the SFR space. Instructions which use direct addressing access of the SFR space. For example, the following direct addressing instruction accesses the SFR at location 0A0H (which is P2).MOV 0A0H, #dataInstructions that use indirect addressing access the upper 128 bytes of RAM. For example, the following indirect addressing instruction, where R0 contains 0A0H, accesses the data byte at address 0A0H, rather than P2 (whose address is 0A0H).MOV @R0, #dataNote that stack operations are examples of indirect addressing, so the upper 128 bytes of data RAM are available as stack space.Timer 0 and 1Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the AT89S52 operate the same way as Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the AT89C51 and AT89C52.Timer 2Timer 2 is a 16-bit Timer/Counter that can operate as either a timer or an event counter. The type of operation is selected by bit C/T2 in the SFR T2CON (shown in Table 2). Timer 2 has three operating modes: capture, auto-reload (up or down counting), and baud rate generator. The modes are selected by bits in T2CON.Timer 2 consists of two 8-bit registers, TH2 and TL2. In the Timer function, the TL2 register is incremented every machine cycle. Since a machine cycle consists of 12 oscillator periods, the count rate is 1/12 of the oscillator frequency.In the Counter function, the register is incremented in response to a1-to-0 transition at its corresponding external input pin, T2. In this function, the external input is sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the samples show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the count is incremented. The new count value appears in the register during S3P1 of the cycle following the one in which the transition was detected. Since two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) are required to recognize a 1-to-0 transition, the maximum count rate is 1/24 of the oscillator frequency. To ensure that a given level is sampled at least once before it changes, the level should be held for at least one full machine cycle.InterruptsThe AT89S52 has a total of six interrupt vectors: two external interrupts (INT0 and INT1), three timer interrupts (Timers 0, 1, and 2), and the serial port interrupt. These interrupts are all shown in Figure 10.Each of these interrupt sources can be individually enabled or disabledby setting or clearing a bit in Special Function Register IE. IE also contains a global disable bit, EA, which disables all interrupts at once.Note that Table 5 shows that bit position IE.6 is unimplemented. In the AT89S52, bit position IE.5 is also unimplemented. User software should not write 1s to these bit positions, since they may be used in future AT89 products. Timer 2 interrupt is generated by the logical OR of bits TF2 and EXF2 in register T2CON. Neither of these flags is cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to. In fact, the service routine may have to determine whether it was TF2 or EXF2 that generated the interrupt, and that bit will have to be cleared in software.The Timer 0 and Timer 1 flags, TF0 and TF1, are set at S5P2 of the cycle in which the timers overflow. The values are then polled by the circuitry in the next cycle. However, the Timer 2 flag, TF2, is set at S2P2 and is polled in the same cycle in which the timer overflows.二、译文单片机单片机即微型计算机,是把中央处理器、存储器、定时/计数器、输入输出接口都集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。


毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。
IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。

毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓学专级:名:院:业:10210A02 1021010633梁卓越软件学院软件工程(软件开发与测试)指导教师:韩涛常旭青2014 年 6月学号:英文文献出自《IBM System Journal,2006,44(2):33-37》作者:Malcolm DavisS truts——An Open-source MVC Implementation This article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology.Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future servlets and JSP page implementationIntroductionKids in grade school put HTML pages on the Internet. However,there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. The page designer(or HTML developer)must understand colors, the customer,product flow, page layout, browser compatibility, image creation, JavaScript, and more. Putting a great looking site together takes a lot of work, and most Java developers are more interested in creating a great looking object interface than a user interface. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides the glue between the page designer and the Java developer.If you have worked on a large-scale Web application, you understand the term change.Model-View-Controller(MVC) is a design pattern put together to help control change.MVC decouples interface from business logic and data. Struts is an MVC implementation that uses Servlets 2.2 and JSP 1.1 tags, from the J2EE specifications, as part of the implementation.You may never implement a system with Struts, but looking at Struts may give you some ideas on your future Servlets and JSP implementations.Model-View-Controller(MVC)JSP tags solved only part of our problem.We still have issues with validation, flow control, and updating the state of the application. This is where MVC comes to the rescue. MVC helps resolve some of the issues with the single module approach by dividing the problem into three categories:ModelThe model contains the core of the application's functionality.The modelencapsulates the state of the application. Sometimes the only functionality itcontains is state. It knows nothing about the view or controller.ViewThe view provides the presentation of the model. It is the look of theapplication.The view can access the model getters,but it has no knowledge ofthe setters.In addition,it knows nothing about the controller.The view shouldbe notified when changes to the model occur.ControllerThe controller reacts to the user input. It creates and sets the model.MVC Model 2The Web brought some unique challenges to software developers,mostnotably the stateless connection between the client and the server.Thisstateless behavior made it difficult for the model to notify the view of changes.On the Web, the browser has to re-query the server to discover modification to the state of the application.Another noticeable change is that the view uses different technology forimplementation than the model or controller.Of course,we could use Java(or PERL,C/C++or what ever) code to generate HTML. There are severaldisadvantages to that approach:Java programmers should develop services,not HTML.Changes to layout would require changes to code.Customers of the service should be able to create pages to meet their specificneeds.The page designer isn't able to have direct involvement in page development.HTML embedded into code is ugly.For the Web, the classical form of MVC needed to change. Figure4displaysthe Web adaptation of MVC,also commonly known as MVC Model 2 orMVC2.Struts detailsDisplayed in Figure 6 is a stripped-down UML diagram of theorg.apache.struts.action package.Figure6 shows the minimal relationshipsamong ActionServlet(Controller),ActionForm (Form State),and Action(Model Wrapper).The ActionServlet classDo you remember the days of function mappings? You would map some input event to a pointer to a function.If you where slick, you would place the configuration information into a file and load the file at run time.Function pointer arrays were the good old days of structured programming in C.Life is better now that we have Java technology,XML,J2EE,and all that.The Struts Controller is a servlet that maps events(an event generally being anHTTP post)to classes.And guess what -- the Controller uses a configurationfile so you don_t have to hard-code the values.Life changes, but stays thesame.ActionServlet is the Command part of the MVC implementation and is thecore of the Framework.ActionServlet (Command) creates and uses Action,an ActionForm, and ActionForward. As mentioned earlier, the struts-config.xmlfile configures the Command.During the creation of the Web project, Actionand ActionForm are extended to solve the specific problem space. The filestruts-config.xml instructs ActionServlet on how to use the extended classes.There are several advantages to this approach:The entire logical flow of the application is in a hierarchical text file. Thismakes it easier to view and understand, especially with large applications.The page designer does not have to wade through Java code to understand the flow of the application.The Java developer does not need to recompile code when making flowchanges.Command functionality can be added by extending ActionServlet.The ActionForm classActionForm maintains the session state for the Web application.ActionForm is an abstract class that is sub-classed for each input form model. When I sayinput form model, I am saying ActionForm represents a general concept ofdata that is set or updated by a HTML form.For instance,you may have aUserActionForm that is set by an HTML Form.The Struts framework will:Check to see if a UserActionForm exists;if not, it will create an instance ofthe class.Struts will set the state of the UserActionForm using corresponding fieldsfrom the HttpServletRequest.No more dreadful request.getParameter()calls.For instance,the Struts framework will take fname from request stream andcall UserActionForm.setFname().The Struts framework updates the state of the UserActionForm before passing it to the business wrapper UserAction.Before passing it to the Action class,Struts will also conduct form statevalidation by calling the validation()method on UserActionForm.Note: This is not always wise to do. There might be ways of using UserActionForm inother pages or business objects, where the validation might be different.Validation of the state might be better in the UserAction class.The UserActionForm can be maintained at a session level.Notes:The struts-config.xml file controls which HTML form request maps to whichActionForm.Multiple requests can be mapped UserActionForm.UserActionForm can be mapped over multiple pages for things such aswizards.The Action classThe Action class is a wrapper around the business logic.The purpose of Action class is to translate the HttpServletRequest to the business logic. To use Action, subclass and overwrite the process()method.The ActionServlet(Command)passes the parameterized classes to ActionForm using the perform()method.Again, no more dreadful request.getParameter()calls.By thetime the event gets here,the input form data (or HTML form data)has already been translated out of the request stream and into an ActionForm class.Struts,an MVC2 implementationStruts is a set of cooperating classes, servlets,and JSP tags that make up a reusable MVC2design.This definition implies that Struts is a framework, rather than a library, but Struts also contains an extensive tag library and utility classes that work independently of the framework. Figure5 displays an overview of Struts.Struts overviewClient browserAn HTTP request from the client browser creates an event.The Web container will respond with an HTTP response.ControllerThe Controller receives the request from the browser,and makes the decisionwhere to send the request.With Struts,the Controller is a command designpattern implemented as a servlet.The struts-config.xml file configures theController.Business logicThe business logic updates the state of the model and helps control the flow of the application.With Struts this is done with an Action class as a thin wrapper to the actual business logic.Model stateThe model represents the state of the application.The business objects updatethe application state. ActionForm bean represents the Model state at a sessionor request level,and not at a persistent level. The JSP file reads informationfrom the ActionForm bean using JSP tags.ViewThe view is simply a JSP file. There is no flow logic,no business logic, and no model information-- just tags. Tags are one of the things that make Strutsunique compared to other frameworks like Velocity.Note:"Think thin"when extending the Action class. The Action class should control the flow and not the logic of the application.By placing the business logic in a separate package or EJB,we allow flexibility and reuse.Another way of thinking about Action class is as the Adapter design pattern. The purpose of the Action is to "Convert the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect.Adapter lets classes work together that couldn_t otherwise because of incompatibility interface"(from Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable OO Software by Gof).The client in this instance is the ActionServlet that knows nothing about our specific business class interface. Therefore, Struts provides a business interface it does understand,Action. By extending the Action, we make our business interface compatible with Struts business interface. (An interesting observation is that Action isa class and not an interface.Action started as an interface and changed into a class over time.Nothing's perfect.)The Error classesThe UML diagram (Figure6)also included ActionError and ActionErrors. ActionError encapsulates an individual error message.ActionErrors is a container of ActionError classes that the View can access using tags.ActionErrors is Struts way of keeping up with a list of errors.The ActionMapping classAn incoming event is normally in the form of an HTTP request, which the servlet Container turns into an HttpServletRequest.The Controller looks at the incoming event and dispatches the request to an Action class. The struts-config.xml determines what Action class the Controller calls. The struts-config.xml configuration information is translated into a set of ActionMapping, which are put into container of ActionMappings. (If you have not noticed it,classes that end with s are containers) The ActionMapping contains the knowledge of how a specific event maps to specific Actions.The ActionServlet(Command) passes the ActionMapping to the Action class via the perform()method. This allows Action to access the information to control flow. ActionMappingsActionMappings is a collection of ActionMapping objects.Struts prosUse of JSP tag mechanismThe tag feature promotes reusable code and abstracts Java code from the JSPfile.This feature allows nice integration into JSP-based development tools that allow authoring with tags.Tag libraryWhy re-invent the wheel,or a tag library?If you cannot find something youneed in the library, contribute.In addition,Struts provides a starting point ifyou are learning JSP tag technology.Open sourceYou have all the advantages of open source,such as being able to see the codeand having everyone else using the library reviewing the code. Many eyesmake for great code review.Sample MVC implementationStruts offers some insight if you want to create your own MVCimplementation.Manage the problem spaceDivide and conquer is a nice way of solving the problem and making theproblem manageable. Of course,the sword cuts both ways. The problem ismore complex and needs more management.Struts consYouthStruts development is still in preliminary form. They are working towardreleasing a version 1.0,but as with any 1.0version,it does not provide all thebells and whistles.ChangeThe framework is undergoing a rapid amount of change.A great deal ofchange has occurred between Struts0.5 and1.0. You may want to downloadthe most current Struts nightly distributions,to avoid deprecated methods.Inthe last 6 months,I have seen the Struts library grow from90K to over270K.I had to modify my examples several times because of changes in Struts,and Iam not going to guarantee my examples will work with the version of Strutsyou download.C orrect level of abstractionDoes Struts provide the correct level of abstraction? What is the proper level of abstraction for the page designer?That is the $64K question.Should we allowa page designer access to Java code in page development? Some frameworkslike Velocity say no, and provide yet another language to learn for Webdevelopment. There is some validity to limiting Java code access in UIdevelopment.Most importantly,give a page designer a little bit of Java,andhe will use a lot of Java.I saw this happen all the time in Microsoft ASPdevelopment.In ASP development,you were supposed to create COM objectsand then write a little ASP script to glue it all together. Instead,the ASPdevelopers would go crazy with ASP script.I would hear"Why wait for aCOM developer to create it when I can program it directly with VBScript?"Struts helps limit the amount of Java code required in a JSP file via taglibraries.One such library is the Logic Tag,which manages conditionalgeneration of output,but this does not prevent the UI developer from goingnuts with Java code.Whatever type of framework you decide to use, youshould understand the environment in which you are deploying andmaintaining the framework.Of course,this task is easier said than done.Limited scopeStruts is a Web-based MVC solution that is meant be implemented withHTML, JSP files, and servlets.J2EE application supportStruts requires a servlet container that supports JSP1.1 and Servlet 2.2specifications.This alone will not solve all your install issues,unless you areusing Tomcat3.2.I have had a great deal of problems installing the librarywith Netscape iPlanet 6.0, which is supposedly the first J2EE-compliantapplication server. I recommend visiting the Struts User Mailing List archive(see Resources) when you run into problems.ComplexitySeparating the problem into parts introduces complexity.There is no questionthat some education will have to go on to understand Struts. With the constantchanges occurring, this can be frustrating at times.Welcome to the Web.Where is...I could point out other issues,for instance, where are the client side validations,adaptable workflow, and dynamic strategy pattern for the controller? However,at this point, it is too easy to be a critic, and some of the issues are insignificant, or are reasonable for a1.0release.The way the Struts team goes at it, Strutsmight have these features by the time you read this article, or soon after. Future of StrutsThings change rapidly in this new age of software development.In less than 5 years, I have seen things go from cgi/perl, to ISAPI/NSAPI, to ASP with VB, and now Java and J2EE. Sun is working hard to adapt changes to the JSP/servlet architecture, just as they have in the past with the Java language and API. You can obtain drafts of the new JSP 1.2 and Servlet 2.3 specifications from the Sun Web site. Additionally,a standard tag library for JSP files is appearing.中文翻译Struts——一种开源MVC的实现这篇文章介绍 Struts,一个使用servlet 和JavaServer Pages 技术的一种 Model-View-Controller 的实现。

Anti-Aircraft Fire Control and the Development of IntegratedSystems at SperryT he dawn of the electrical age brought new types of control systems. Able to transmit data between distributed components and effect action at a distance, these systems employed feedback devices as well as human beings to close control loops at every level. By the time theories of feedback and stability began to become practical for engineers in the 1930s a tradition of remote and automatic control engineering had developed that built distributed control systems with centralized information processors. These two strands of technology, control theory and control systems, came together to produce the large-scale integrated systems typical of World War II and after.Elmer Ambrose Sperry (I860-1930) and the company he founded, the Sperry Gyroscope Company, led the engineering of control systems between 1910 and 1940. Sperry and his engineers built distributed data transmission systems that laid the foundations of today‟s command and control systems. Sperry‟s fire control systems included more than governors or stabilizers; they consisted of distributed sensors, data transmitters, central processors, and outputs that drove machinery. This article tells the story of Sperry‟s involvement in anti-aircraft fire control between the world wars and shows how an industrial firm conceived of control systems before the common use of control theory. In the 1930s the task of fire control became progressively more automated, as Sperry engineers gradually replaced human operators with automatic devices. Feedback, human interface, and system integration posed challenging problems for fire control engineers during this period. By the end of the decade these problems would become critical as the country struggled to build up its technology to meet the demands of an impending war.Anti-Aircraft Artillery Fire ControlBefore World War I, developments in ship design, guns, and armor drove the need for improved fire control on Navy ships. By 1920, similar forces were at work in the air: wartime experiences and postwar developments in aerial bombing created the need for sophisticated fire control for anti-aircraft artillery. Shooting an airplane out of the sky is essentially a problem of “leading” the target. As aircraft developed rapidly in the twenties, their increased speed and altitude rapidly pushed the task of computing the lead out of the range of human reaction and calculation. Fire control equipment for anti-aircraft guns was a means of technologically aiding human operators to accomplish a task beyond their natural capabilities.During the first world war, anti-aircraft fire control had undergone some preliminary development. Elmer Sperry, as chairman of the Aviation Committee of the Naval Consulting Board, developed two instruments for this problem: a goniometer,a range-finder, and a pretelemeter, a fire director or calculator. Neither, however, was widely used in the field.When the war ended in I918 the Army undertook virtually no new development in anti-aircraft fire control for five to seven years. In the mid-1920s however, the Army began to develop individual components for anti-aircraft equipment including stereoscopic height-finders, searchlights, and sound location equipment. The Sperry Company was involved in the latter two efforts. About this time Maj. Thomas Wilson, at the Frankford Arsenal in Philadelphia, began developing a central computer for firecontrol data, loosely based on the system of “director firing” that had developed in naval gunn ery. Wilson‟s device resembled earlier fire control calculators, accepting data as input from sensing components, performing calculations to predict the future location of the target, and producing direction information to the guns.Integration and Data TransmissionStill, the components of an anti-aircraft battery remained independent, tied together only by telephone. As Preston R. Bassett, chief engineer and later president of the Sperry Company, recalled, “no sooner, however, did the components get to the point of functioning satisfactorily within themselves, than the problem of properly transmitting the information from one to the other came to be of prime importance.”Tactical and terrain considerations often required that different fire control elements be separated by up to several hundred feet. Observers telephoned their data to an officer, who manually entered it into the central computer, read off the results, and telephoned them to the gun installations. This communication system introduced both a time delay and the opportunity for error. The components needed tighter integration, and such a system required automatic data communications.In the 1920s the Sperry Gyroscope Company led the field in data communications. Its experience came from Elmer Spe rry‟s most successful invention, a true-north seeking gyro for ships. A significant feature of the Sperry Gyrocompass was its ability to transmit heading data from a single central gyro to repeaters located at a number of locations around the ship. The repeaters, essentially follow-up servos, connected to another follow-up, which tracked the motion of the gyro without interference. These data transmitters had attracted the interest of the Navy, which needed a stable heading reference and a system of data communication for its own fire control problems. In 1916, Sperry built a fire control system for the Navy which, although it placed minimal emphasis on automatic computing, was a sophisticated distributed data system. By 1920 Sperry had installed these systems on a number of US. battleships.Because of the Sperry Company‟s experience with fire control in the Navy, as well as Elmer Sperry‟s earlier work with the goniometer and the pretelemeter, the Army approached the company for help with data transmission for anti-aircraft fire control. To Elmer Sperry, it looked like an easy problem: the calculations resembled those in a naval application, but the physical platform, unlike a ship at sea, anchored to the ground. Sperry engineers visited Wilson at the Frankford Arsenal in 1925, and Elmer Sperry followed up with a letter expressing his interest in working on the problem. He stressed his company‟s experience with naval problems, as well as its recent developments in bombsights, “work from the other end of the pro position.” Bombsights had to incorporate numerous parameters of wind, groundspeed, airspeed, and ballistics, so an anti-aircraft gun director was in some ways a reciprocal bombsight . In fact, part of the reason anti-aircraft fire control equipment worked at all was that it assumed attacking bombers had to fly straight and level to line up their bombsights. Elmer Sperry‟s interests were warmly received, and in I925 and 1926 the Sperry Company built two data transmission systems for the Army‟s gun directors.The original director built at Frankford was designated T-1, or the “Wilson Director.” The Army had purchased a Vickers director manufactured in England, but encouraged Wilson to design one thatcould be manufactured in this country Sperry‟s two data tran smission projects were to add automatic communications between the elements of both the Wilson and the Vickers systems (Vickers would eventually incorporate the Sperry system into its product). Wilson died in 1927, and the Sperry Company took over the entire director development from the Frankford Arsenal with a contract to build and deliver a director incorporating the best features of both the Wilson and Vickers systems. From 1927 to 193.5, Sperry undertook a small but intensive development program in anti-aircraft systems. The company financed its engineering internally, selling directors in small quantities to the Army, mostly for evaluation, for only the actual cost of production [S]. Of the nearly 10 models Sperry developed during this period, it never sold more than 12 of any model; the average order was five. The Sperry Company offset some development costs by sales to foreign govemments, especially Russia, with the Army‟s approval 191.The T-6 DirectorSperry‟s modified version of Wilson‟s director was designated T-4 in development. This model incorporated corrections for air density, super-elevation, and wind. Assembled and tested at Frankford in the fall of 1928, it had problems with backlash and reliability in its predicting mechanisms. Still, the Army found the T-4 promising and after testing returned it to Sperry for modification. The company changed the design for simpler manufacture, eliminated two operators, and improved reliability. In 1930 Sperry returned with the T-6, which tested successfully. By the end of 1931, the Army had ordered 12 of the units. The T-6 was standardized by the Army as the M-2 director.Since the T-6 was the first anti-aircraft director to be put into production, as well as the first one the Army formally procured, it is instructive to examine its operation in detail. A technical memorandum dated 1930 explained the theory behind the T-6 calculations and how the equations were solved by the system. Although this publication lists no author, it probably was written by Earl W. Chafee, Sperry‟s director of fire control engineering. The director was a complex mechanical analog computer that connected four three-inch anti-aircraft guns and an altitude finder into an integratedsystem (see Fig. 1). Just as with Sperry‟s naval fire control system, the primary means of connection were “data transmitters,” similar to those that connected gyrocompasses to repeaters aboard ship.The director takes three primary inputs. Target altitude comes from a stereoscopic range finder. This device has two telescopes separated by a baseline of 12 feet; a single operator adjusts the angle between them to bring the two images into coincidence. Slant range, or the raw target distance, is then corrected to derive its altitude component. Two additional operators, each with a separate telescope, track the target, one for azimuth and one for elevation. Each sighting device has a data transmitter that measures angle or range and sends it to the computer. The computer receives these data and incorporates manual adjustments for wind velocity, wind direction, muzzle velocity, air density, and other factors. The computer calculates three variables: azimuth, elevation, and a setting for the fuze. The latter, manually set before loading, determines the time after firing at which the shell will explode. Shells are not intended to hit the target plane directly but rather to explode near it, scattering fragments to destroy it.The director performs two major calculations. First, pvediction models the motion of the target and extrapolates its position to some time in the future. Prediction corresponds to “leading” the target. Second, the ballistic calculation figures how to make the shell arrive at the desired point in space at the future time and explode, solving for the azimuth and elevation of the gun and the setting on the fuze. This calculation corresponds to the traditional artillery man‟s task of looking up data in a precalculated “firing table” and setting gun parameters accordingly. Ballistic calculation is simpler than prediction, so we will examine it first.The T-6 director solves the ballistic problem by directly mechanizing the traditional method, employing a “mechanical firing table.” Traditional firing tables printed on paper show solutions for a given angular height of the target, for a given horizontal range, and a number of other variables. The T-6 replaces the firing table with a Sperry ballistic cam.” A three-dimensionally machined cone shaped device, the ballistic cam or “pin follower” solves a pre-determined function. Two independent variables are input by the angular rotation of the cam and the longitudinal position of a pin that rests on top of the cam. As the pin moves up and down the length of the cam, and as the cam rotates, the height of the pin traces a function of two variables: the solution to the ballistics problem (or part of it). The T-6 director incorporates eight ballistic cams, each solving for a different component of the computation including superelevation, time of flight, wind correction, muzzle velocity. air density correction. Ballistic cams represented, in essence, the stored data of the mechanical computer. Later directors could be adapted to different guns simply by replacing the ballistic cams with a new set, machined according to different firing tables. The ballistic cams comprised a central component of Sperry‟s mechanical computing technology. The difficulty of their manufacture would prove a major limitation on the usefulness of Sperry directors.The T-6 director performed its other computational function, prediction, in an innovative way as well. Though the target came into the system in polar coordinates (azimuth, elevation, and range), targets usually flew a constant trajectory (it was assumed) in rectangular coordinates-i.e. straight andlevel. Thus, it was simpler to extrapolate to the future in rectangular coordinates than in the polar system. So the Sperry director projected the movement of the target onto a horizontal plane, derived the velocity from changes in position, added a fixed time multiplied by the velocity to determine a future position, and then converted the solution back into polar coordinates. This method became known as the “plan prediction method”because of the representation of the data on a flat “plan” as viewed from above; it was commonly used through World War II. In the plan prediction method, “the actual movement of the target is mechanically reproduced on a small scale within the Computer and the desired angles or speeds can be measured directly from the movements of these elements.”Together, the ballistic and prediction calculations form a feedback loop. Operators enter an estimated “time of flight” for the shell when they first begin tracking. The predictor uses this estimate to perform its initial calculation, which feeds into the ballistic stage. The output of the ballistics calculation then feeds back an updated time-of-flight estimate, which the predictor uses to refine the initial estimate. Thus “a cumulative cycle of correction brings the predicted future position of the target up to the point indicated by the actual future time of flight.”A square box about four feet on each side (see Fig. 2) the T-6 director was mounted on a pedestal on which it could rotate. Three crew would sit on seats and one or two would stand on a step mounted to the machine. The remainder of the crew stood on a fixed platform; they would have had to shuffle around as the unit rotated. This was probably not a problem, as the rotation angles were small. The direc tor‟s pedestal mounted on a trailer, on which data transmission cables and the range finder could be packed for transportation.We have seen that the T-6 computer took only three inputs, elevation, azimuth, and altitude (range), and yet it required nine operators. These nine did not include the operation of the range finder, which was considered a separate instrument, but only those operating the director itself. What did these nine men do?Human ServomechanismsTo the designers of the director, the operato rs functioned as “manual servomechanisms.”One specification for the machine required “minimum dependence on …human element.‟ The Sperry Company explained, “All operations must be made as mechanical and foolproof as possible; training requirements must visualize the conditions existent under rapid mobilization.” The lessons of World War I ring in this statement; even at the height of isolationism, with the country sliding into depression, design engineers understood the difficulty of raising large numbers of trained personnel in a national emergency. The designers not only thought the system should account for minimal training and high personnel turnover, they also considered the ability of operators to perform their duties under the stress of battle. Thus, nearly all the work for the crew was in a “follow-the-pointer”mode: each man concentrated on an instrument with two indicating dials, one the actual and one the desired value for a particular parameter. With a hand crank, he adjusted the parameter to match the two dials.Still, it seems curious that the T-6 director required so many men to perform this follow-the-pointer input. When the external rangefinder transmitted its data to the computer, it appeared on a dial and an operator had to follow the pointer to actually input the data into the computing mechanism. The machine did not explicitly calculate velocities. Rather, two operators (one for X and one for Y) adjusted variable-speed drives until their rate dials matched that of a constant-speed motor. When the prediction computation was complete, an operator had to feed the result into the ballistic calculation mechanism. Finally, when the entire calculation cycle was completed, another operator had to follow the pointer to transmit azimuth to the gun crew, who in turn had to match the train and elevation of the gun to the pointer indications.Human operators were the means of connecting “individual elements” into an integrated system. In one sense the men were impedance amplifiers, and hence quite similar to servomechanisms in other mechanical calculators of the time, especially Vannevar Bush‟s differential analyzer .The term “manual servomechanism”itself is an oxymoron: by the conventional definition, all servomechanisms are automatic. The very use of the term acknowledges the existence of an automatic technology that will eventually replace the manual method. With the T-6, this process was already underway. Though the director required nine operators, it had already eliminated two from the previous generation T-4. Servos replaced the operator who fed back superelevation data and the one who transmitted the fuze setting. Furthermore, in this early machine one man corresponded to one variable, and the machine‟s requirement for operators corresponded directly to the data flow of its computation. Thus the crew that operated the T-6 director was an exact reflection of the algorithm inside it.Why, then, were only two of the variables automated? This partial, almost hesitating automation indicates there was more to the human servo-motors than Sperry wanted to acknowledge. As much as the company touted “their duties are purely mechanical and little skill or judgment is required on the part of the operators,” men were still required to exercise some judgment, even if unconsciously. The data were noisy, and even an unskilled human eye could eliminate complications due to erroneous or corrupted data. The mechanisms themselves were rather delicate and erroneous input data, especially if it indicated conditions that were not physically possible, could lock up or damage the mechanisms. Theoperators performed as integrators in both senses of the term: they integrated different elements into a system.Later Sperry DirectorsWhen Elmer Sperry died in 1930, his engineers were at work on a newer generation director, the T-8. This machine was intended to be lighter and more portable than earlier models, as well as less expensive and “procurable in quantities in case of emergency.” The company still emphasized the need for unskilled men to operate the system in wartime, and their role as system integrators. The operators were “mechanical links in the apparatus, thereby making it possible to avoid mechanical complication which would be involved by the use of electrical or mechanical servo motors.” Still, army field experience with the T-6 had shown that servo-motors were a viable way to reduce the number of operators and improve reliability, so the requirements for the T-8 specified that wherever possible “electrical shall be used to reduce the number of operators to a minimum.” Thus the T-8 continued the process of automating fire control, and reduced the number of operators to four. Two men followed the target with telescopes, and only two were required for follow-the-pointer functions. The other follow-the-pointers had been replaced by follow-up servos fitted with magnetic brakes to eliminate hunting. Several experimental versions of the T-8 were built, and it was standardized by the Army as the M3 in 1934.Throughout the remain der of the …30s Sperry and the army fine-tuned the director system in the M3. Succeeding M3 models automated further, replacing the follow-the-pointers for target velocity with a velocity follow-up which employed a ball-and-disc integrator. The M4 series, standardized in 1939, was similar to the M3 but abandoned the constant altitude assumption and added an altitude predictor for gliding targets. The M7, standardized in 1941, was essentially similar to the M4 but added full power control to the guns for automatic pointing in elevation and azimuth. These later systems had eliminated errors. Automatic setters and loaders did not improve the situation because of reliability problems. At the start of World War II, the M7 was the primary anti-aircraft director available to the army.The M7 was a highly developed and integrated system, optimized for reliability and ease of operation and maintenance. As a mechanical computer, it was an elegant, if intricate, device, weighing 850 pounds and including about 11,000 parts. The design of the M7 capitalized on the strength of the Sperry Company: manufacturing of precision mechanisms, especially ballistic cams. By the time the U.S. entered the second world war, however, these capabilities were a scarce resource, especially for high volumes. Production of the M7 by Sperry and Ford Motor Company as subcontractor was a “real choke” and could not keep up with production of the 90mm guns, well into 1942. The army had also adopted an English system, known as the “Kerrison Director” or M5, which was less accurate than the M7 but easier to manufacture. Sperry redesigned the M5 for high-volume production in 1940, but passed in 1941.Conclusion: Human Beings as System IntegratorsThe Sperry directors we have examined here were transitional, experimental systems. Exactly for that reason, however, they allow us to peer inside the process of automation, to examine the displacement of human operators by servomechanisms while the process was still underway. Skilled asthe Sperry Company was at data transmission, it only gradually became comfortable with the automatic communication of data between subsystems. Sperry could brag about the low skill levels required of the operators of the machine, but in 1930 it was unwilling to remove them completely from the process. Men were the glue that held integrated systems together.As products, the Sperry Company‟s anti-aircraft gun directors were only partially successful. Still, we should judge a technological development program not only by the machines it produces but also by the knowledge it creates, and by how that knowledge contributes to future advances. Sperry‟s anti-aircraft directors of the 1930s were early examples of distributed control systems, technology that would assume critical importance in the following decades with the development of radar and digital computers. When building the more complex systems of later years, engineers at Bell Labs, MIT, and elsewhere would incorporate and build on the Sperry Company‟s experience,grappling with the engineering difficulties of feedback, control, and the augmentation of human capabilities by technological systems.在斯佩里防空炮火控和集成系统的发展电气时代的到来带来了新类型的控制系统。

毕业设计外文文献翻译Graduation design of foreign literature translation 700 words Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market Abstract:With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), concerns arise about its impact on the job market. This paper explores the potential effects of AI on various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, and the implications for employment. The findings suggest that while AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity, it may also lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. The paper concludes with a discussion on the importance of upskilling and retraining for workers to adapt to the changing job market.1. IntroductionArtificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has made significant advancements in recent years, with applications in various industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. As AI technology continues to evolve, concerns arise about its impact on the job market. This paper aims to explore the potential effects of AI on employment and discuss the implications for workers.2. Potential Effects of AI on the Job Market2.1 Automation of Repetitive TasksOne of the major impacts of AI on the job market is the automation of repetitive tasks. AI systems can perform tasks faster and moreaccurately than humans, particularly in industries that involve routine and predictable tasks, such as manufacturing and data entry. This automation has the potential to increase productivity and efficiency, but also poses a risk to jobs that can be easily replicated by AI.2.2 Job DisplacementAnother potential effect of AI on the job market is job displacement. As AI systems become more sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks, there is a possibility that workers may be replaced by machines. This is particularly evident in industries such as transportation, where autonomous vehicles may replace human drivers, and customer service, where chatbots can handle customer inquiries. While job displacement may lead to short-term unemployment, it also creates opportunities for new jobs in industries related to AI.2.3 Shifting Job RequirementsWith the introduction of AI, job requirements are expected to shift. While AI may automate certain tasks, it also creates a demand for workers with the knowledge and skills to develop and maintain AI systems. This shift in job requirements may require workers to adapt and learn new skills to remain competitive in the job market.3. Implications for EmploymentThe impact of AI on employment is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, AI has the potential to increase productivity, create new jobs, and improve overall economic growth. On the other hand, it may lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. To mitigate the negative effects of AI on employment, it is essentialfor workers to upskill and retrain themselves to meet the changing demands of the job market.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, the rapid development of AI has significant implications for the job market. While AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity, it may also lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. To adapt to the changing job market, workers should focus on upskilling and continuous learning to remain competitive. Overall, the impact of AI on employment will depend on how it is integrated into various industries and how workers and policymakers respond to these changes.。

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。
这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。
Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。
图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。
该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。

Basic Concepts PrimerTOPIC P.1: Bridge MechanicsBasic Equations of Bridge Mechanicswhere: A =area; cross-sectional areaA w = areaof web c = distance from neutral axisto extreme fiber (or surface) of beamE = modulus of elasticityF = force; axial force f a= axial stress f b= bending stress f v = shear stress I = moment of inertia L = original length M = applied moment S = stressV = vertical shear force due toexternal loadsD L = change in length e = strainBasic Concepts Primer Topic P.1 Bridge MechanicsP.1.1Introduction Mechanics is the branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces andtheir relation to the equilibrium, deformation, or motion of bodies. The bridgeinspector will primarily be concerned with statics, or the branch of mechanicsdealing with solid bodies at rest and with forces in equilibrium.The two most important reasons for a bridge inspector to study bridge mechanicsare:Ø To understand how bridge members functionØ To recognize the impact a defect may have on the load-carrying capacityof a bridge component or elementWhile this section presents the basic principles of bridge mechanics, the referenceslisted in the bibliography should be referred to for a more complete presentation ofthis subject.P.1.2Bridge Design Loadings Bridge design loadings are loads that a bridge is designed to carry or resist and which determine the size and configuration of its members. Bridge members are designed to withstand the loads acting on them in a safe and economical manner. Loads may be concentrated or distributed depending on the way in which they are applied to the structure.A concentrated load, or point load, is applied at a single location or over a very small area. Vehicle loads are considered concentrated loads.A distributed load is applied to all or part of the member, and the amount of load per unit of length is generally constant. The weight of superstructures, bridge decks, wearing surfaces, and bridge parapets produce distributed loads. Secondary loads, such as wind, stream flow, earth cover and ice, are also usually distributed loads.Highway bridge design loads are established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). For many decades, the primary bridge design code in the United States was the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (Specifications), as supplemented by agency criteria as applicable.During the 1990’s AASHTO developed and approved a new bridge design code, entitled AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. It is based upon the principles of Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), as described in Topic P.1.7.P.1.1SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.2Bridge design loadings can be divided into three principal categories:Ø Dead loadsØ Primary live loads Ø Secondary loadsDead LoadsDead loads do not change as a function of time and are considered full-time, permanent loads acting on the structure. They consist of the weight of the materials used to build the bridge (see Figure P.1.1). Dead load includes both the self-weight of structural members and other permanent external loads. They can be broken down into two groups, initial and superimposed.Initial dead loads are loads which are applied before the concrete deck is hardened, including the beam itself and the concrete deck. Initial deck loads must be resisted by the non-composite action of the beam alone. Superimposed dead loads are loads which are applied after the concrete deck has hardened (on a composite bridge), including parapets and any anticipated future deck pavement. Superimposed dead loads are resisted by the beam and the concrete deck acting compositely. Non-composite and composite action are described in Topic P.1.10.Dead load includes both the self-weight of the structural members and other permanent external loads.Example of self-weight: A 6.1 m (20-foot) long beam weighs 0.73 kN per m (50 pounds per linear foot). The total weight of the beam is 4.45 kN (1000 pounds). This weight is called the self-weight of the beam.Example of an external dead load: If a utility such as a water line is permanently attached to the beam in the previous example, then the weight of the water line is an external dead load. The weight of the water line plus the self weight of the beam comprises the total dead load.Total dead load on a structure may change during the life of the bridge due to additions such as deck overlays, parapets, utility lines, and inspection catwalks.Figure P.1.1 Dead Load on a BridgePrimary Live LoadsLive loads are considered part-time or temporary loads, mostly of short-term duration, acting on the structure. In bridge applications, the primary live loads are moving vehicular loads (see Figure P.1.2).To account for the affects of speed, vibration, and momentum, highway live loads are typically increased for impact. Impact is expressed as a fraction of the liveSECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.3load, and its value is a function of the span length.Standard vehicle live loads have been established by AASHTO for use in bridge design and rating. It is important to note that these standard vehicles do not represent actual vehicles. Rather, they were developed to allow a relatively simple method of analysis based on an approximation of the actual live load.Figure P.1.2 Vehicle Live Load on a BridgeAASHTO Truck LoadingsThere are two basic types of standard truck loadings described in the current AASHTO Specifications . The first type is a single unit vehicle with two axles spaced at 14 feet (4.3 m) and designated as a highway truck or "H" truck (see Figure P.1.3). The weight of the front axle is 20% of the gross vehicle weight, while the weight of the rear axle is 80% of the gross vehicle weight. The "H" designation is followed by the gross tonnage of the particular design vehicle.Example of an H truck loading: H20-35 indicates a 20 ton vehicle with a front axle weighing 4 tons, a rear axle weighing 16 tons, and the two axles spaced 14 feet apart. This standard truck loading was first published in 1935.The second type of standard truck loading is a two unit, three axle vehicle comprised of a highway tractor with a semi-trailer. It is designated as a highway semi-trailer truck or "HS" truck (see Figure P.1.4).The tractor weight and wheel spacing is identical to the H truck loading. The semi-trailer axle weight is equal to the weight of the rear tractor axle, and its spacing from the rear tractor axle can vary from 4.3 to 9.1 m (14 to 30 feet). The "HS" designation is followed by a number indicating the gross weight in tons of the tractor only.SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.414’-0”(4.3 m)8,000 lbs (35 kN) 32,000 lbs (145 kN)(3.0 m)10’-0”CLEARANCE AND LOAD LANE WIDTH6’-0” (1.8 m)2’-0” (0.6 m)Figure P.1.3 AASHTO H20 Truck14’-0”(4.3 m)8,000 lbs (35 kN) 32,000 lbs (145 kN)(3.0 m)10’-0”CLEARANCE AND LOAD LANE WIDTH6’-0”(1.8 m)2’-0” (0.6 m)32,000 lbs (145 kN)VFigure P.1.4 AASHTO HS20 TruckExample of an HS truck loading: HS20-44 indicates a vehicle with a front tractor axle weighing 4 tons, a rear tractor axle weighing 16 tons, and a semi-trailer axle weighing 16 tons. The tractor portion alone weighs 20 tons, but the gross vehicle weight is 36 tons. This standard truck loading was first published in 1944.In specifications prior to 1944, a standard loading of H15 was used. In 1944, theSECTION P: Basic Concepts Primer Topic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.5H20-44 Loading HS20-44 Loadingpolicy of affixing the publication year of design loadings was adopted. In specifications prior to 1965, the HS20-44 loading was designated as H20-S16-44, with the S16 identifying the gross axle weight of the semi-trailer in tons.The H and HS vehicles do not represent actual vehicles, but can be considered as "umbrella" loads. The wheel spacings, weight distributions, and clearance of the Standard Design Vehicles were developed to give a simpler method of analysis, based on a good approximation of actual live loads.The H and HS vehicle loads are the most common loadings for design, analysis, and rating, but other loading types are used in special cases.AASHTO Lane LoadingsIn addition to the standard truck loadings, a system of equivalent lane loadings was developed in order to provide a simple method of calculating bridge response to a series, or “train”, of trucks. Lane loading consists of a uniform load per linear foot of traffic lane combined with a concentrated load located on the span to produce the most critical situation (see Figure P.1.5).For design and load capacity rating analysis, an investigation of both a truck loading and a lane loading must be made to determine which produces the greatest stress for each particular member. Lane loading will generally govern over truck loading for longer spans. Both the H and HS loadings have corresponding lane loads.* Use two concentrated loads for negative moment in continuous spans (Refer to AASHTO Page 23)Figure P.1.5 AASHTO Lane Loadings.Alternate Military LoadingThe Alternate Military Loading is a single unit vehicle with two axles spaced at 1.2 m (4 feet) and weighing 110 kN (12 tons)each. It has been part of the AASHTO Specifications since 1977. Bridges on interstate highways or other highways which are potential defense routes are designed for either an HS20 loading or an Alternate Military Loading (see Figure P.1.6).SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.6110 kN (24 k)110 kN (24 k)Figure P.1.6 Alternate Military LoadingLRFD Live LoadsThe AASHTO LRFD design vehicular live load, designated HL-93, is a modified version of the HS-20 highway loadings from the AASHTO StandardSpecifications. Under HS-20 loading as described earlier, the truck or lane load is applied to each loaded lane. Under HL-93 loading, the design truck or tandem, in combination with the lane load, is applied to each loaded lane.The LRFD design truck is exactly the same as the AASHTO HS-20 design truck. The LRFD design tandem, on the other hand, consists of a pair of 110 kN axials spread at 1.2 m (25 kip axles spaced 4 feet) apart. The transverse wheel spacing of all of the trucks is 6 feet.The magnitude of the HL-93 lane load is equal to that of the HS-20 lane load. The lane load is 9 kN per meter (0.64 kips per linear foot) longitudinally and it is distributed uniformly over a 3 m (10 foot) width in the transverse direction. The difference between the HL-93 lane load and the HS-20 lane load is that the HL-93 lane load does not include a point load.Finally, for LRFD live loading, the dynamic load allowance, or impact, is applied to the design truck or tandem but is not applied to the design lane load. It is typically 33 percent of the design vehicle.Permit VehiclesPermit vehicles are overweight vehicles which, in order to travel a state’s highways, must apply for a permit from that state. They are usually heavy trucks (e.g., combination trucks, construction vehicles,or cranes) that have varying axle spacings depending upon the design of the individual truck. To ensure that these vehicles can safely operate on existing highways and bridges, most states require that bridges be designed for a permit vehicle or that the bridge be checked to determine if it can carry a specific type of vehicle. For safe and legal operation, agencies issue permits upon request that identify the required gross weight, number of axles, axle spacing, and maximum axle weights for a designated route (see Figure P.1.7).SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.7Figure P.1.7 910 kN (204 kip) Permit Vehicle (for Pennsylvania)Secondary LoadsIn addition to dead loads and primary live loads, bridge components are designed to resist secondary loads, which include the following:Ø Earth pressure - a horizontal force acting on earth-retaining substructureunits, such as abutments and retaining wallsØ Buoyancy -the force created due to the tendency of an object to rise whensubmerged in waterØ Wind load on structure - wind pressure on the exposed area of a bridge Ø Wind load on live load -wind effects transferred through the live loadvehicles crossing the bridgeØ Longitudinal force -a force in the direction of the bridge caused bybraking and accelerating of live load vehiclesØ Centrifugal force -an outward force that a live load vehicle exerts on acurved bridgeØ Rib shortening -a force in arches and frames created by a change in thegeometrical configuration due to dead loadØ Shrinkage - applied primarily to concrete structures, this is a multi-directional force due to dimensional changes resulting from the curing processØ Temperature -since materials expand as temperature increases andcontract as temperature decreases, the force caused by these dimensional changes must be consideredØ Earthquake -bridge structures must be built so that motion during anearthquake will not cause a collapseØ Stream flow pressure -a horizontal force acting on bridge componentsconstructed in flowing waterØ Ice pressure - a horizontal force created by static or floating ice jammedagainst bridge componentsØ Impact loading - the dynamic effect of suddenly receiving a live load;this additional force can be up to 30% of the applied primary live load forceØ Sidewalk loading - sidewalk floors and their immediate supports aredesigned for a pedestrian live load not exceeding 4.1 kN per square meter (85 pounds per square foot)Ø Curb loading -curbs are designed to resist a lateral force of not less than7.3 kN per linear meter (500 pounds per linear foot)Ø Railing loading -railings are provided along the edges of structures forprotection of traffic and pedestrians; the maximum transverse load appliedto any one element need not exceed 44.5 kN (10 kips)SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.8A bridge may be subjected to several of these loads simultaneously. The AASHTO Specifications have established a table of loading groups. For each group, a set of loads is considered with a coefficient to be applied for each particular load. The coefficients used were developed based on the probability of various loads acting simultaneously.P.1.3Material Response to LoadingsEach member of a bridge has a unique purpose and function, which directly affects the selection of material, shape, and size for that member. Certain terms are used to describe the response of a bridge material to loads. A working knowledge of these terms is essential for the bridge inspector.ForceA force is the action that one body exerts on another body. Force has two components: magnitude and direction (see Figure P.1.8). The basic English unit of force is called pound (abbreviated as lb.). The basic metric unit of force is called Newton (N). A common unit of force used among engineers is a kip (K), which is 1000 pounds. In the metric system, the kilonewton (kN), which is 1000 Newtons, is used. Note: 1 kip = 4.4 kilonewton.FyFigure P.1.8 Basic Force ComponentsStressStress is a basic unit of measure used to denote the intensity of an internal force. When a force is applied to a material, an internal stress is developed. Stress is defined as a force per unit of cross-sectional area.The basic English unit of stress is pounds per square inch (abbreviated as psi). However, stress can also be expressed in kips per square inch (ksi) or in any other units of force per unit area. The basic metric unit of stress is Newton per square meter, or Pascal (Pa). An allowable unit stress is generally established for a given material. Note: 1 ksi = 6.9 Pa.)A (Area )F (Force )S (Stress =毕业设计外文译文桥梁力学基本概论《美国桥梁检测手册》译文:桥梁结构的基础方程S=F/A(见1.8节)fa=P/A(见1.14节)ε=△L/L(见1.9节)fb=Mc/I(见1.16节)E=S/ε(见1.11节)fv=V/Aw(见1.18节)桥梁额定承载率=(允许荷载–固定荷载)*车辆总重量/车辆活荷载冲击力式中:A=面积;横截面面积Aw=腹板面积c=中性轴与横梁边缘纤维或外表面之间的距离E=弹性模量F=轴心力;轴向力fa=轴向应力fb=弯曲应力fv=剪切应力I=惯性距L=原长M=作用力距S=应力V=由外荷载引起的垂直剪应力△L=长度变量ε=应变1桥梁主要的基本概论第一章桥梁力学1.1引言结构力学是研究物体的能量、力、能量和力的平衡关系、变形及运动的物理科学的分支。

ESPRIT 技术是基于几何形状转移不变性和传播算子的方法是基于分区的互相关矩阵。
爱思唯尔B.V. 2011 保留所有权利。
关键词:来波方向角估计互相关相干信号声学矢量传感器阵列1 介绍近年来,声学矢量传感器阵列信号处理在水下信号处理的领域已经引起了越来越多的关注。
自那时以来,许多先进的压力传感器阵列技术适应声学矢量传感器阵列[2 - 4]。
要克服这种不利的方面,去相关技术,如Kozickand Kassam[13]研发的空间平滑(SS)[10-12]技术,特征向量平滑(ES)[14、15],而且没有特征分解(SUMWE) [16]的计算效率方法已经被认可,然而,这些技术只适合某些阵列配置,例如,均匀间隔的线性阵列。

(本科毕业设计外文文献翻译学校代码: 10128学 号:题 目:Shear wall structural design of high-level framework 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程专业(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-(5)班 指导教师: (副教授)Shear wall structural design of high-level frameworkWu JichengAbstract: In this paper the basic concepts of manpower from the frame shear wall structure, analysis of the structural design of the content of the frame shear wall, including the seismic wall shear span ratio design, and a concrete structure in the most commonly used frame shear wall structure the design of points to note.Keywords: concrete; frame shear wall structure; high-rise buildings The wall is a modern high-rise buildings is an important building content, the size of the frame shear wall must comply with building regulations. The principle is that the larger size but the thickness must be smaller geometric features should be presented to the plate, the force is close to cylindrical. The wall shear wall structure is a flat component. Its exposure to the force along the plane level of the role of shear and moment, must also take into account the vertical pressure. Operate under the combined action of bending moments and axial force and shear force by the cantilever deep beam under the action of the force level to look into the bottom mounted on the basis of. Shear wall is divided into a whole wall and the associated shear wall in the actual project, a whole wall for example, such as general housing construction in the gable or fish bone structure film walls and small openings wall. Coupled Shear walls are connected by the coupling beam shear wall. But because thegeneral coupling beam stiffness is less than the wall stiffness of the limbs, so. Wall limb alone is obvious. The central beam of the inflection point to pay attention to the wall pressure than the limits of the limb axis. Will form a short wide beams, wide column wall limb shear wall openings too large component at both ends with just the domain of variable cross-section rod in the internal forces under the action of many Wall limb inflection point Therefore, the calculations and construction shouldAccording to approximate the frame structure to consider. The design of shear walls should be based on the characteristics of a variety of wall itself, and different mechanical characteristics and requirements, wall of the internal force distribution and failure modes of specific and comprehensive consideration of the design reinforcement and structural measures. Frame shear wall structure design is to consider the structure of the overall analysis for both directions of the horizontal and vertical effects. Obtain the internal force is required in accordance with the bias or partial pull normal section force calculation. The wall structure of the frame shear wall structural design of the content frame high-rise buildings, in the actual project in the use of the most seismic walls have sufficient quantities to meet the limits of the layer displacement, the location is relatively flexible. Seismic wall for continuous layout, full-length through. Should be designed to avoid the wall mutations in limb length and alignment is not up and down the hole. The same time. The inside of thehole margins column should not be less than 300mm in order to guarantee the length of the column as the edge of the component and constraint edge components. The bi-directional lateral force resisting structural form of vertical and horizontal wall connected. Each other as the affinity of the shear wall. For one, two seismic frame shear walls, even beam high ratio should not greater than 5 and a height of not less than 400mm. Midline column and beams, wall midline should not be greater than the column width of 1/4, in order to reduce the torsional effect of the seismic action on the column. Otherwise can be taken to strengthen the stirrup ratio in the column to make up. If the shear wall shear span than the big two. Even the beam cross-height ratio greater than 2.5, then the design pressure of the cut should not make a big 0.2. However, if the shear wall shear span ratio of less than two coupling beams span of less than 2.5, then the shear compression ratio is not greater than 0.15. The other hand, the bottom of the frame shear wall structure to enhance the design should not be less than 200mm and not less than storey 1/16, other parts should not be less than 160mm and not less than storey 1/20. Around the wall of the frame shear wall structure should be set to the beam or dark beam and the side column to form a border. Horizontal distribution of shear walls can from the shear effect, this design when building higher longer or frame structure reinforcement should be appropriately increased, especially in the sensitive parts of the beam position or temperature,stiffness change is best appropriately increased, then consideration should be given to the wall vertical reinforcement, because it is mainly from the bending effect, and take in some multi-storey shear wall structure reinforced reinforcement rate - like less constrained edge of the component or components reinforcement of the edge component. References: [1 sad Hayashi, He Yaming. On the short shear wall high-rise building design [J].Keyuan, 2008, (O2).高层框架剪力墙结构设计吴继成摘要: 本文从框架剪力墙结构设计的基本概念人手,分析了框架剪力墙的构造设计内容,包括抗震墙、剪跨比等的设计,并出混凝土结构中最常用的框架剪力墙结构设计的注意要点。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献原文及译文Chapter 11. Cipher Techniques11.1 ProblemsThe use of a cipher without consideration of the environment in which it is to be used may not provide the security that the user expects. Three examples will make this point clear.11.1.1 Precomputing the Possible MessagesSimmons discusses the use of a "forward search" to decipher messages enciphered for confidentiality using a public key cryptosystem [923]. His approach is to focus on the entropy (uncertainty) in the message. To use an example from Section 10.1(page 246), Cathy knows that Alice will send one of two messages—BUY or SELL—to Bob. The uncertainty is which one Alice will send. So Cathy enciphers both messages with Bob's public key. When Alice sends the message, Bob intercepts it and compares the ciphertext with the two he computed. From this, he knows which message Alice sent.Simmons' point is that if the plaintext corresponding to intercepted ciphertext is drawn from a (relatively) small set of possible plaintexts, the cryptanalyst can encipher the set of possible plaintexts and simply search that set for the intercepted ciphertext. Simmons demonstrates that the size of the set of possible plaintexts may not be obvious. As an example, he uses digitized sound. The initial calculations suggest that the number of possible plaintexts for each block is 232. Using forward search on such a set is clearly impractical, but after some analysis of the redundancy in human speech, Simmons reduces the number of potential plaintexts to about 100,000. This number is small enough so that forward searches become a threat.This attack is similar to attacks to derive the cryptographic key of symmetric ciphers based on chosen plaintext (see, for example, Hellman's time-memory tradeoff attack [465]). However, Simmons' attack is for public key cryptosystems and does not reveal the private key. It only reveals the plaintext message.11.1.2 Misordered BlocksDenning [269] points out that in certain cases, parts of a ciphertext message can be deleted, replayed, or reordered.11.1.3 Statistical RegularitiesThe independence of parts of ciphertext can give information relating to the structure of the enciphered message, even if the message itself is unintelligible. The regularity arises because each part is enciphered separately, so the same plaintext always produces the same ciphertext. This type of encipherment is called code book mode, because each part is effectively looked up in a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs.11.1.4 SummaryDespite the use of sophisticated cryptosystems and random keys, cipher systems may provide inadequate security if not used carefully. The protocols directing how these cipher systems are used, and the ancillary information that the protocols add to messages and sessions, overcome these problems. This emphasizes that ciphers and codes are not enough. The methods, or protocols, for their use also affect the security of systems.11.2 Stream and Block CiphersSome ciphers divide a message into a sequence of parts, or blocks, and encipher each block with the same key.Definition 11–1. Let E be an encipherment algorithm, and let Ek(b) bethe encipherment of message b with key k. Let a message m = b1b2…, whereeach biis of a fixed length. Then a block cipher is a cipher for whichE k (m) = Ek(b1)Ek(b2) ….Other ciphers use a nonrepeating stream of key elements to encipher characters of a message.Definition 11–2. Let E be an encipherment algorithm, and let Ek(b) bethe encipherment of message b with key k. Let a message m = b1b2…, whereeach bi is of a fixed length, and let k = k1k2…. Then a stream cipheris a cipher for which Ek (m) = Ek1(b1)Ek2(b2) ….If the key stream k of a stream cipher repeats itself, it is a periodic cipher.11.2.1 Stream CiphersThe one-time pad is a cipher that can be proven secure (see Section, "One-Time Pad"). Bit-oriented ciphers implement the one-time pad by exclusive-oring each bit of the key with one bit of the message. For example, if the message is 00101 and the key is 10010, the ciphertext is01||00||10||01||10 or 10111. But how can one generate a random, infinitely long key? Synchronous Stream CiphersTo simulate a random, infinitely long key, synchronous stream ciphers generate bits from a source other than the message itself. The simplest such cipher extracts bits from a register to use as the key. The contents of the register change on the basis of the current contents of the register.Definition 11–3. An n-stage linear feedback shift register (LFSR)consists of an n-bit register r = r0…rn–1and an n-bit tap sequence t =t 0…tn–1. To obtain a key bit, ris used, the register is shifted one bitto the right, and the new bit r0t0⊕…⊕r n–1t n–1 is inserted.The LFSR method is an attempt to simulate a one-time pad by generating a long key sequence from a little information. As with any such attempt, if the key is shorter than the message, breaking part of the ciphertext gives the cryptanalyst information about other parts of the ciphertext. For an LFSR, a known plaintext attack can reveal parts of the key sequence. If the known plaintext is of length 2n, the tap sequence for an n-stage LFSR can be determined completely.Nonlinear feedback shift registers do not use tap sequences; instead, the new bit is any function of the current register bits.Definition 11–4. An n-stage nonlinear feedback shift register (NLFSR)consists of an n-bit register r = r0…rn–1. Whenever a key bit is required,ris used, the register is shifted one bit to the right, and the new bitis set to f(r0…rn–1), where f is any function of n inputs.NLFSRs are not common because there is no body of theory about how to build NLFSRs with long periods. By contrast, it is known how to design n-stage LFSRs with a period of 2n– 1, and that period is maximal.A second technique for eliminating linearity is called output feedback mode. Let E be an encipherment function. Define k as a cryptographic key,(r) and define r as a register. To obtain a bit for the key, compute Ekand put that value into the register. The rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the message. The process is repeated until the message is enciphered. The key k and the initial value in r are the keys for this method. This method differs from the NLFSR in that the register is never shifted. It is repeatedly enciphered.A variant of output feedback mode is called the counter method. Instead of using a register r, simply use a counter that is incremented for every encipherment. The initial value of the counter replaces r as part of the key. This method enables one to generate the ith bit of the key without generating the bits 0…i – 1. If the initial counter value is i, set. In output feedback mode, one must generate all the register to i + ithe preceding key bits. Self-Synchronous Stream CiphersSelf-synchronous ciphers obtain the key from the message itself. The simplest self-synchronous cipher is called an autokey cipher and uses the message itself for the key.The problem with this cipher is the selection of the key. Unlike a one-time pad, any statistical regularities in the plaintext show up in the key. For example, the last two letters of the ciphertext associated with the plaintext word THE are always AL, because H is enciphered with the key letter T and E is enciphered with the key letter H. Furthermore, if theanalyst can guess any letter of the plaintext, she can determine all successive plaintext letters.An alternative is to use the ciphertext as the key stream. A good cipher will produce pseudorandom ciphertext, which approximates a randomone-time pad better than a message with nonrandom characteristics (such as a meaningful English sentence).This type of autokey cipher is weak, because plaintext can be deduced from the ciphertext. For example, consider the first two characters of the ciphertext, QX. The X is the ciphertext resulting from enciphering some letter with the key Q. Deciphering, the unknown letter is H. Continuing in this fashion, the analyst can reconstruct all of the plaintext except for the first letter.A variant of the autokey method, cipher feedback mode, uses a shift register. Let E be an encipherment function. Define k as a cryptographic(r). The key and r as a register. To obtain a bit for the key, compute Ek rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the message, and the other bits of the result are discarded. The resulting ciphertext is fed back into the leftmost bit of the register, which is right shifted one bit. (See Figure 11-1.)Figure 11-1. Diagram of cipher feedback mode. The register r is enciphered with key k and algorithm E. The rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the plaintext m i to produce the ciphertext bit c i. The register r is right shifted one bit, and c i is fed back into the leftmost bit of r.Cipher feedback mode has a self-healing property. If a bit is corrupted in transmission of the ciphertext, the next n bits will be deciphered incorrectly. But after n uncorrupted bits have been received, the shift register will be reinitialized to the value used for encipherment and the ciphertext will decipher properly from that point on.As in the counter method, one can decipher parts of messages enciphered in cipher feedback mode without deciphering the entire message. Let the shift register contain n bits. The analyst obtains the previous n bits of ciphertext. This is the value in the shift register before the bit under consideration was enciphered. The decipherment can then continue from that bit on.11.2.2 Block CiphersBlock ciphers encipher and decipher multiple bits at once, rather than one bit at a time. For this reason, software implementations of block ciphers run faster than software implementations of stream ciphers. Errors in transmitting one block generally do not affect other blocks, but as each block is enciphered independently, using the same key, identical plaintext blocks produce identical ciphertext blocks. This allows the analyst to search for data by determining what the encipherment of a specific plaintext block is. For example, if the word INCOME is enciphered as one block, all occurrences of the word produce the same ciphertext.To prevent this type of attack, some information related to the block's position is inserted into the plaintext block before it is enciphered. The information can be bits from the preceding ciphertext block [343] or a sequence number [561]. The disadvantage is that the effective block size is reduced, because fewer message bits are present in a block.Cipher block chaining does not require the extra information to occupy bit spaces, so every bit in the block is part of the message. Before a plaintext block is enciphered, that block is exclusive-or'ed with the preceding ciphertext block. In addition to the key, this technique requires an initialization vector with which to exclusive-or the initial plaintext block. Taking Ekto be the encipherment algorithm with key k, and I to be the initialization vector, the cipher block chaining technique isc 0 = Ek(m⊕I)c i = Ek(mi⊕ci–1) for i > Multiple EncryptionOther approaches involve multiple encryption. Using two keys k and k' toencipher a message as c = Ek' (Ek(m)) looks attractive because it has aneffective key length of 2n, whereas the keys to E are of length n. However, Merkle and Hellman [700] have shown that this encryption technique can be broken using 2n+1encryptions, rather than the expected 22n(see Exercise 3).Using three encipherments improves the strength of the cipher. There are several ways to do this. Tuchman [1006] suggested using two keys k and k':c = Ek (Dk'(Ek(m)))This mode, called Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt (EDE) mode, collapses to a single encipherment when k = k'. The DES in EDE mode is widely used in the financial community and is a standard (ANSI X9.17 and ISO 8732). It is not vulnerable to the attack outlined earlier. However, it is vulnerable to a chosen plaintext and a known plaintext attack. If b is the block size in bits, and n is the key length, the chosen plaintext attacktakes O(2n) time, O(2n) space, and requires 2n chosen plaintexts. The known plaintext attack requires p known plaintexts, and takes O(2n+b/p) time and O(p) memory.A second version of triple encipherment is the triple encryption mode [700]. In this mode, three keys are used in a chain of encipherments.c = Ek (Ek'(Ek''(m)))The best attack against this scheme is similar to the attack on double encipherment, but requires O(22n) time and O(2n) memory. If the key length is 56 bits, this attack is computationally infeasible.11.3 Networks and CryptographyBefore we discuss Internet protocols, a review of the relevant properties of networks is in order. The ISO/OSI model [990] provides an abstract representation of networks suitable for our purposes. Recall that the ISO/OSI model is composed of a series of layers (see Figure 11-2). Each host, conceptually, has a principal at each layer that communicates with a peer on other hosts. These principals communicate with principals at the same layer on other hosts. Layer 1, 2, and 3 principals interact only with similar principals at neighboring (directly connected) hosts. Principals at layers 4, 5, 6, and 7 interact only with similar principals at the other end of the communication. (For convenience, "host" refers to the appropriate principal in the following discussion.)Figure 11-2. The ISO/OSI model. The dashed arrows indicate peer-to-peer communication. For example, the transport layers are communicating with each other. The solid arrows indicate the actual flow of bits. For example, the transport layer invokes network layer routines on the local host, which invoke data link layer routines, which put the bits onto the network. The physical layer passes the bits to the next "hop," or host, on the path. When the message reaches the destination, it is passed up to the appropriatelevel.Each host in the network is connected to some set of other hosts. They exchange messages with those hosts. If host nob wants to send a message to host windsor, nob determines which of its immediate neighbors is closest to windsor (using an appropriate routing protocol) and forwards the message to it. That host, baton, determines which of its neighbors is closest to windsor and forwards the message to it. This process continues until a host, sunapee, receives the message and determines that windsor is an immediate neighbor. The message is forwarded to windsor, its endpoint.Definition 11–5. Let hosts C0, …, Cnbe such that Ciand Ci+1are directlyconnected, for 0 i < n. A communications protocol that has C0 and Cnasits endpoints is called an end-to-end protocol. A communications protocolthat has Cj and Cj+1as its endpoints is called a link protocol.The difference between an end-to-end protocol and a link protocol is that the intermediate hosts play no part in an end-to-end protocol other than forwarding messages. On the other hand, a link protocol describes how each pair of intermediate hosts processes each message.The protocols involved can be cryptographic protocols. If the cryptographic processing is done only at the source and at the destination, the protocol is an end-to-end protocol. If cryptographic processing occurs at each host along the path from source to destination, the protocolis a link protocol. When encryption is used with either protocol, we use the terms end-to-end encryption and link encryption, respectively.In link encryption, each host shares a cryptographic key with its neighbor. (If public key cryptography is used, each host has its neighbor's public key. Link encryption based on public keys is rare.) The keys may be set on a per-host basis or a per-host-pair basis. Consider a network with four hosts called windsor, stripe, facer, and seaview. Each host is directly connected to the other three. With keys distributed on a per-host basis, each host has its own key, making four keys in all. Each host has the keys for the other three neighbors, as well as its own. All hosts use the same key to communicate with windsor. With keys distributed on a per-host-pair basis, each host has one key per possible connection, making six keys in all. Unlike the per-host situation, in the per-host-pair case, each host uses a different key to communicate with windsor. The message is deciphered at each intermediate host, reenciphered for the next hop, and forwarded. Attackers monitoring the network medium will not be able to read the messages, but attackers at the intermediate hosts will be able to do so.In end-to-end encryption, each host shares a cryptographic key with each destination. (Again, if the encryption is based on public key cryptography, each host has—or can obtain—the public key of each destination.) As with link encryption, the keys may be selected on a per-host or per-host-pair basis. The sending host enciphers the message and forwards it to the first intermediate host. The intermediate host forwards it to the next host, and the process continues until the message reaches its destination. The destination host then deciphers it. The message is enciphered throughout its journey. Neither attackers monitoring the network nor attackers on the intermediate hosts can read the message. However, attackers can read the routing information used to forward the message.These differences affect a form of cryptanalysis known as traffic analysis.A cryptanalyst can sometimes deduce information not from the content ofthe message but from the sender and recipient. For example, during the Allied invasion of Normandy in World War II, the Germans deduced which vessels were the command ships by observing which ships were sending and receiving the most signals. The content of the signals was not relevant; their source and destination were. Similar deductions can reveal information in the electronic world.第十一章密码技术11.1问题在没有考虑加密所要运行的环境时,加密的使用可能不能提供用户所期待的安全。
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WEN Jialing NIU Quanfeng XU Yanmin
1 前言
2 实验
2.1 设计目的
2.2 样品和尺寸
2.3 激光技术参数
2.4 合金系列,因素和建议
B(1. 5%, 3%, 4. 5%), Si (2.5%,3.5%,4.5%), Cr(13%, 16.5%,20%),Re (1%,3%,5%),Ni(9%),C(约0.7%),其余是铁。
3 结果与讨论
3.1 表面质量分析
3.2 样品分析
3.3 硬度分析
运用公式 2.1和公式 2.2,微硬度可转换为洛氏硬度:
表1 洛氏硬度
3.4 显微结构分析
图1 样品8的熔覆层组织
图2 样品9的熔覆层组织
4 结论
c)最佳配比:B 4.5%,Si 3.5%,Cr 13%,RE5%,Ni9%,剩余的是铁。