
英语水平考试焦虑的测量发表时间:2013-08-29T10:55:09.640Z 来源:《学术月刊》2013年7月供稿作者:董梅[导读] EPTA在认知方面的反应主要表现在受试者对于英语水平考试的担忧及失败预期。
董梅(西安石油大学外国语学院,陕西西安 710065)[摘要]元分析结果表明考试焦虑对考试成绩有负面影响(z=-.23, Hembree, 1988; r=-.21, Seipp,1991)。
正是基于此,考试焦虑一直被认为是决定众多考生考试成败的关键因素之一(McDonald, 2001)。
英语水平考试焦虑(English Proficiency Test Anxiety, 简称EPTA, Dong, 2010),即英语水平考试背景下的考试焦虑,也不例外。
本研究设计了一套英语水平考试焦虑量表(English Proficiency Test Anxiety Scale, 简称EPTAS),目的是量化考生的焦虑程度。
[关键词]考试焦虑英语水平考试焦虑英语水平考试焦虑量表可靠性有效性[作者简介] 董梅(1969-),女,汉族,河北人,博士,西安石油大学外语系讲师,研究方向:外语教育。
[中图分类号] G640 [文献标识码] A [文章编号]0439-8041(2013)07-0034-03全球化及互联网的发展使得英语水平考试业已演变成为一种文化和产业。
于是,与英语水平考试相关的焦虑,即英语水平考试焦虑(EPTA, Dong, 2010),不可避免地产生了。

统计分析表明该问卷具有良好的信效度,总量表的Chronbach 系数为0.89。

Frost多维完美主义心理量表(Mainland Chinese Version)1注:本问卷为Frost所编Frost’s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS),其信效度检验见:Frost, R., Marten, P., Lahart, C., & Rosenblate, R. The dimensions of perfectionism. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1990, 14: 449-468.2注:中文翻译由Cheng完成,其信效度检验见Cheng, K. S., Chong, G. H., & Wong, C. W. (1999). Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale: A validation and prediction of self-esteem and psychological distress. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55(9). 1051-1061。
(样本为香港中学生)訾非对Cheng的翻译略作修改,用大陆大学生样本进行信效度检验见:訾非, 周旭. 中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷的信效度检验. 中国临床心理学杂志 2007各维度如下:(注意:已有许多研究表明,条理性维度为适应性维度,其他维度则是非适应性维度,计算总分时建议不包括条理性维度,详细见訾非,2004)担心错误(concern over mistakes, CM):item 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, 25, 34行为的迟疑(doubts about actions, DA):17, 28, 32, 33个人标准(personal standards, PS):4, 6, 12, 16, 19, 24, 30父母期望(parental expectations, PE):1, 11, 15, 20, 26父母批评(parental criticism, PC): 3, 5, 22, 35条理性(organization, OR):2, 7, 8, 27, 29, 31英文版原文如下:Item in FMPSCM 9. If I fail at work/school, I am a failure as a person.10. I should be upset if I make a mistake.13. If someone does a task at work/school better than I, then I feel likeI failed the whole task.14. If I fail partly, it is as bad as being a complete failure.18. I hate being less than best at things.21. People will probably think less of me if I make a mistake.23. If I do not do as well as other people, it means I am an inferiorhuman being.25. If I do not do well all the time, people will not respect me.34. The fewer mistakes I make, the more people will like me.OR 2. Organization is very important to me.7. I am a neat person.8. I try to be an organized person.27. I try to be a neat person.29. Neatness is very important to me.31. I am an organized person.11.My parents wanted me to be the best at everything.15. Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family.20. My parents have expected excellence from me.26. My parents have always had higher expectations for my future thanI have.PS 4. If I do not set the highest standards for myself, I am likely to end upa second-rate person.6. It is important to me that I be thoroughly competent in everything Ido.12.I set higher goals than most people.16. I am very good at focusing my efforts on attaining a goal.19. I have extremely high goals.24. Other people seem to accept lower standards from themselves thanI do.30. I expect higher performance in my daily tasks than most people. DA 17. Even when I do something very carefully, I often feel that it is not quite right.28. I usually have doubts about the simple everyday things I do.32. I tend to get behind in my work because I repeat things over andover.33. It takes me a long time to do something “right”.PC 3.As a child, I was punished for doing things less than perfect.5. My parents never tried to understand my mistakes.22. I never felt like I could meet my parents’ expectations.35. I never felt like I could meet my parents’ standards.。

许多研究者从实证研究的角度验证了外语学习焦虑与外语学习之间的关系(Young 1992;Gardner 1985;Steinberg & Horwitz,1986),外语学习焦虑对个体英语学习效果会产生负面影响(Bailey,2000;Chen,2004;Horwitz,2001)。
美国心理学家Horwitz, E.K.于1986年最先提出外语学习焦虑的概念:外语学习焦虑是一种产生于外语学习过程和课堂外语学习相联系的有关自我知觉、信念、情感和行为的独特的综合体。

焦虑值 满意度 现有位置
2. 1 努力、 成绩与焦虑之间的关系 焦虑水平与学生的学习成绩呈高度相关, 相 关系数达到一 491;焦虑水平与学生的满意度也 存在相关, 相关系数达到一 275。努力的各因素 与焦虑水平的相关不显著。以下是一些因素之间 的皮尔逊相关。
第 6 卷第 3 期
2006 年 9 月
湖南冶金职业技术学院学报 Journal of Hunan M l urgical Professional Technology Col ege etal l
Vol . 6
Sep .
N o介 ZJ 为
外语学 习焦虑的研究
(湖南冶金职业技术学院, 湖南 株洲, 412000)
摘要:运用外语课堂焦虑量 表(FLCA S)从外语学习 努力、 动机等方面进行调查, 结果发现: (1) 努力与焦虑并没 有明显的相关。焦虑与学生的成绩以及满意感有显著的相关。成绩与满意感与努力又有显著的相关。(2)在 外语学习动机上, 趋动机高与低的学生在成绩与焦虑感上都没有显著的差异, 避动机高的学生比避动机低的 学生有更强的焦虑感, 但他们的成绩没有显著的差异。(3) 男 女生在外语成绩上有显著的差异但在外语焦虑 水平上没有显著的差异。(4) 大二学生与大一学生的焦虑感没有显著性差异。 关键词:外语学习 焦虑;外语课堂焦虑量表; 满意感 中图分类号:G 442 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 一 7142(2006)03 一 一 362 05

K ey W ords∀ ! educa tiona l psycho logy; Eng lish learn ing; psychom etrics study; co llege studen ts; re liab ility; valid ity
! ! 在 20世纪后三十年里, 国外许多学者针对语言 学习焦虑对语言学习成就的影响进行研究, 从不同层 面 获 得 了 有 价 值 的 经 典 性 成 果。 如 Jakobov its ( 1970) [ 1] 指出, 在影响学习者语言成 绩的各种因素 中, 情感因素 ( A ffect ive factors) 占 33% 。M acIntyre 等 ( 1994) [ 2] , 从心理学的角度指出, 语言焦虑是影 响外语学习个别差异的最重要因素之一 # # # 情感因素 中的主要构成成分。H o rw itz等 ( 1986) [ 3 ] 在分析语言 焦虑时, 将其称为外语焦虑 ( F oreign language anx ie

外语课堂焦虑量表(FLCAS)中文版01.在外语课说英语很没有信心1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对02。
我不担心外语课上会犯错1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对03。
外语课上老师叫我时会发抖1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对04。
外语课上没听懂老师用外语说什么会感到害怕1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对05。
即使上更多的外语课,我也不觉得受困扰1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对06.上外语课时在想一些和课堂内容无关的事1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对07。
我总觉得同学的英语能力比自己好1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对08。
对外语课上的一些小测验感到放松1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对09.外语课上做没有准备的发言时感到恐慌1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对10.我担心外语课不能通过1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对11。
我不懂为何有些人在外语课上会如此心烦不安1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对12.外语课上很紧张以致知道的东西都忘了1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对13。
在外语课上主动发言会使我感到尴尬1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对14。
和外国人说英语不感到紧张1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对15。
不理解外语老师纠错内容时会很不自在1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对16.对外语准备得很充分,还是感到焦虑1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对17。
经常感觉不想去上外语课1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对18。

大学生英语学习焦虑量表亲爱的同学:您好!非常感谢您在百忙之中填写该量表,该量表是由Horwitz 编制的外语课堂焦虑量表( Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale ,FLCAS)的中文版,这次调查的目的是想了解非英语专业大学生的英语学习焦虑状况。
谢谢您的合作!您的性别:___您的专业:___年级:___01. 在外语课外说英语很没有信心 1 2 3 4 502. 外语课上担心自己会犯错 1 2 3 4 503. 外语课上老师叫我时会发抖 1 2 3 4 504. 外语课上没听懂老师用外语说什么会感到害怕 1 2 3 4 505. 上外语课使我感到烦恼 1 2 3 4 506. 上外语课时在想一些和课堂内容无关的事 1 2 3 4 507. 一直在想其他同学的外语比自己好 1 2 3 4 508. 对外语课上的一些小测验感到紧张 1 2 3 4 509. 外语课上做没有准备的发言时感到恐慌 1 2 3 4 510. 担心因为外语不及格带来的后果 1 2 3 4 511. 不明白为什么有些人对外语课这么害怕 1 2 3 4 512. 外语课上很紧张以致知道的东西都忘了 1 2 3 4 513. 外语课上不愿自愿发言 1 2 3 4 514. 和同是学英语的人说英语使我感到紧张 1 2 3 4 515. 听不懂老师所讲时会很不自在 1 2 3 4 516. 对外语准备得很充分,还是感到焦虑 1 2 3 4 517. 希望最好不用去上外语课 1 2 3 4 518. 在外语课上发言很自信 1 2 3 4 519. 外语老师要纠正我错误时很害怕 1 2 3 4 520. 老师点到名字时感到心跳得很厉害 1 2 3 4 521. 外语考试准备得越多越觉得没底 1 2 3 4 522. 为外语课做好准备觉得有压力 1 2 3 4 523. 觉得其他同学的英语比自己好 1 2 3 4 524. 在其他同学面前说英语很自信 1 2 3 4 525. 外语课的进度很快,担心跟不上 1 2 3 4 526. 上外语课使我感到紧张和不安 1 2 3 4 527. 在外语课上发言时感到紧张不安 1 2 3 4 528. 去上外语课的路上感到很轻松 1 2 3 4 529. 听不懂外语老师说什么感到很不安 1 2 3 4 530. 学外语要学那么多规则使人害怕 1 2 3 4 531. 说外语时担心别的同学取笑 1 2 3 4 532. 和同是学英语的人说英语不那么紧张 1 2 3 4 533. 老师问事先没有准备的问题时感到紧张 1 2 3 4 5此量表分为四个维度,计分方式为5点记分制,反向计分题为2,5,8,11,14,18,22,28,32。

CM、PE、PS、DA≥77 消极完美主义者,可能为心理问题困扰。
FLCAS, Horwitz, 课堂焦虑交际焦虑量表

The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. TheModern Language Journal, 70(2), 125‐132.1 .I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my foreign language class.2. I don't worry about making mistakes in language class.3. I tremble when I know that I'm going to be called on in language class.4. It frightens me when I don't understand what the teacher is saying in the foreign language.5. It wouldn't bother me at all to take more foreign language classes.6. During language class, I find myself thinking about things that have nothing to do with the course.7. I keep thinking that the other students are better at languages thanI am.8. I am usually at ease during tests in my language class.9. I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in language class.10. I worry about the consequences of failing my foreign language class.11. I don't understand why some people get so upset over foreign language classes.12. In language class, I can get so nervous I forget things I know.13. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my language class.14. I would not be nervous speaking the foreign language with native speakers.15. I get upset when I don't understand what the teacher is correcting.16. Even if I am well prepared for language class, I feel anxious about it.17. I often feel like not going to my language class.18. I feel confident when I speak in foreign language class.19. I am afraid that my language teacher is ready to correct every mistake I make.20. I can feel my heart pounding when I'm going to be called on in language class.21. The more I study for a language test, the more confused I get.22. I don't feel pressure to prepare very well for language class.23. I always feel that the other students speak the foreign language better than I do.24. I feel very self-conscious about speaking the foreign language in front of other students.25. Language class moves so quickly I worry about getting left behind.26. I feel more tense and nervous in my language class than in my other classes.27. I get nervous and confused when I am speaking in my language class.28. When I'm on my way to language class, I feel very sure and relaxed.29. I get nervous when I don't understand every word the language teacher says.30. I feel overwhelmed by the number of rules you have to learn to speak a foreignlanguage.31 .I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me when I speak the foreign language.32. I would probably feel comfortable around native speakers of the foreign language.33. I get nervous when the language teacher asks questions which I haven't prepared in advance.FLCAS中文版---英语课堂学习焦虑量表:说明:本表共33个问题,每题有5个选项。

关键词:传统课堂模式;网络多媒体环境;英语学习焦虑;交际畏惧;考试焦虑;负评价恐惧中图分类号:g42文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-01-0-01一、引言外语学习焦虑是外语学习中的重要情感障碍,其对外语学习的影响受到广泛的关注。
该问卷采用horwitz(1986)的外语课堂焦虑量表 (flcas) 中文版,由33个问题组成,包括了外语课堂学习焦虑的三个主要方面:交际畏惧(第1,3,4,9,13,14,18,20,29,32,33题), 考试焦虑(第8,10,16,21,25,28,30,28)和负评价恐惧(2,7,15,19,23,24,27,31)。
The Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS)英语听力焦虑量表(FLLAS英文原版)

The Foreign Language Listening Anxiety ScaleEnglish VersionThe following statements apply to how various people feel about listeningto native speakers of English speak English. Indicate if these statementsapply to how you feel by writing number of the item that vest indicatesyour choice.Choices:1)Strongly disagree 2)Dissagree 3)Undecided 4)Agree 5) Strongagree1.When listening to English, I tend to get stuck on one or two unknownwords.2.I get nervous if a listening passage is read only once during Englishlistening tests.3.When someone pronounces words differently from the way Ipronounce them,I find it difficult to understand.4.When a person speaks English very fast, I worry that I might notunderstand all of it.5.I am nervous when I am listening to English if I am not familiar withthe topic.6.It’s easy to guess about the parts that I miss while listening to English.7.If I let my mind drift even a little bit while listening to English. Iworry that I will miss important ideas.8.When I’m listening to English, I am worried when I can’t watch thelips or facial expression of a person who is speaking.9.During English listening tests, I get nervous and confused when Idon’t understand every word.10.When listening to English, it is difficult to differentiate the wordsfrom one another.11.I fell uncomfortable in class when listening to English without thewritten text.12.I have difficulty understanding oral instructions given to me inEnglish.13.It is hard to concentrate on what English speakers are saying unless Iknow them well.14.I feel confident when I am listening in English.15.WhenI’m listening to English, I often get so confused I can’tremember what I have heard.16.I fear I have inadequate background knowledge of some topics whenlistening in English.17.My thoughts become jumbled and confused when listening toimportant information in English.18.I get worried when I have little time to think about what I hear inEnglish.19.Wh enI’m listening to English, I usually end up translating word byword without understanding the contents.20.I would rather not have to listen to people speak English at all.21.I get worried when I can’t listen to English at my own pace.22.I keep thinking that everyone else except me understands very wellwhat an English speaker is saying.23.I get upset whenI’m not sure whether I understand what I amlistening to in English.24.If a person speaks English very quietly, I am worried aboutunderstanding.25.I have no fear of listening in English as a member of an audience.26.I am nervous when listening to an English speaker on the phone orwhen imaging a situation where I listen to an English speaker on thephone.27.I feel tense when listening to English as a member of social gatheringor when imaging a situation where I listen to English as a member ofa social gathering.28.It’s difficult for me to listen to English when there is even a little bitof background noise.29.Listening to new information in English makes me uneasy.30.I get annoyed when I come across words that I understand whilelistening to English.31.English stress and intonation seem familiar to me.32.When listening to English, I often understand the words but still can’tquite understand what the speaker means.33.It frightens me when I cannot catch a word of an English listeningpassage.。

研究工具: Horwitz(1986)等人编制的外语课堂焦虑量表FLCAS(Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale,以下简称FLCAS)和Oxford学习策略量表。
关键词:学习焦虑;学习策略;英语学习成绩;oxford学习策略量表;FLCAS外语学习焦虑量表中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2016)03-0249-02Abstract: objective: In view of the correlation between the scores of CET4 or CET6 and English learning anxiety and learning strategy, this paper analyzes the various factors that affect learners' English achievement and proposes some methods of improving the academic performance of students in English. Methods:Questionnaire. Tools: FLCAS(Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, hereinafter referred to as FLCAS) and SILL(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, hereinafter referred to as SILL). Results:the average college students' foreign language learning anxiety has reached 98.17, male students and female students have no significant difference in the aspect of English learning anxiety; the use of learning strategies is not common among students, and the average number of learning strategies is no more than three.Keywords: learning anxiety; learning strategy; English academic record; Oxford learning strategy scale; FLCAS foreign language learning anxiety scale外语学习焦虑的概念最早是Horwitz在20世纪的60年代提出的,对外语学习焦虑的相关研究主要是包括以下的几个方面:焦虑的定义,焦虑的组成,焦虑的分类,引起焦虑的各个原因,焦虑个体差异,焦虑测量工具,焦虑与学生学习成绩的关系等方面。

外语课堂焦虑量表(FLCAS)中文版01.在外语课说英语很没有信心1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对02.我不担心外语课上会犯错1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对03.外语课上老师叫我时会发抖1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对04.外语课上没听懂老师用外语说什么会感到害怕1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对05.即使上更多的外语课,我也不觉得受困扰1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对06.上外语课时在想一些和课堂内容无关的事1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对07.我总觉得同学的英语能力比自己好1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对08.对外语课上的一些小测验感到放松1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对09.外语课上做没有准备的发言时感到恐慌1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对10.我担心外语课不能通过1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对11.我不懂为何有些人在外语课上会如此心烦不安1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对12.外语课上很紧张以致知道的东西都忘了13.在外语课上主动发言会使我感到尴尬1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对14.和外国人说英语不感到紧张1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对15.不理解外语老师纠错内容时会很不自在1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对16.对外语准备得很充分,还是感到焦虑1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对17.经常感觉不想去上外语课1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对18.在外语课上发言很自信1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对19.外语老师要纠正我错误时很害怕1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对20.快被叫到回答问题时我会感到心跳得很厉害1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对21.外语考试准备得越多越觉得没底1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对22.我不觉得课前做好准备会有压力1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对23.我觉得其他同学的英语讲得比我好1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对24.在其他同学面前说英语会很拘谨25.外语课的进度很快,我担心跟不上1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对26.我上外语课比上其它课更紧张和不安1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对27.在外语课上发言讲英语时会感到紧张和困惑1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对28.去上外语课的路上感到有信心1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对29.没听懂外语老师讲的每一个词我会感到很不安1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对30.学外语要学那么多规则使人头疼1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对31.说外语时担心别的同学取笑1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对32.和外国人在一起感到轻松自在1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对33.老师问事先没有准备的问题时感到紧张1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对。
The Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale (FLLAS)英语听力焦虑量表(FLLAS英文原版)

The Foreign Language Listening Anxiety ScaleEnglish VersionThe following statements apply to how various people feel about listening to native speakers of English speak English. Indicate if these statements apply to how you feel by writing number of the item that vest indicates your choice.Choices:1)Strongly disagree 2)Dissagree 3)Undecided 4)Agree 5) Strong agree1.When listening to English, I tend to get stuck on one or two unknownwords.2.I get nervous if a listening passage is read only once during Englishlistening tests.3.When someone pronounces words differently from the way Ipronounce them, I find it difficult to understand.4.When a person speaks English very fast, I worry that I might notunderstand all of it.5.I am nervous when I am listening to English if I am not familiar withthe topic.6.It’s easy to guess about the parts that I miss while listening to English.7.If I let my mind drift even a little bit while listening to English. Iworry that I will miss important ideas.8.When I’m listening to English, I am worried when I can’t watch thelips or facial expression of a person who is speaking.9.During English listening tests, I get nervous and confused when Idon’t understand every word.10.When listening to English, it is difficult to differentiate the wordsfrom one another.11.I fell uncomfortable in class when listening to English without thewritten text.12.I have difficulty understanding oral instructions given to me inEnglish.13.It is hard to concentrate on what English speakers are saying unless Iknow them well.14.I feel confident when I am listening in English.15.When I’m listening to English, I often get so confused I can’tremember what I have heard.16.I fear I have inadequate background knowledge of some topics whenlistening in English.17.My thoughts become jumbled and confused when listening toimportant information in English.18.I get worried when I have little time to think about what I hear inEnglish.19.When I’m listening to English, I usually end up translating word byword without understanding the contents.20.I would rather not have to listen to people speak English at all.21.I get worried when I can’t listen to English at my own pace.22.I keep thinking that everyone else except me understands very wellwhat an English speaker is saying.23.I get upset when I’m not sure whether I understand what I amlistening to in English.24.If a person speaks English very quietly, I am worried aboutunderstanding.25.I have no fear of listening in English as a member of an audience.26.I am nervous when listening to an English speaker on the phone orwhen imaging a situation where I listen to an English speaker on the phone.27.I feel tense when listening to English as a member of social gatheringor when imaging a situation where I listen to English as a member ofa social gathering.28.It’s difficult for me to listen to English when there is even a little bitof background noise.29.Listening to new information in English makes me uneasy.30.I get annoyed when I come across words that I understand whilelistening to English.31.English stress and intonation seem familiar to me.32.When listening to English, I often understand the words but still can’tquite understand what the speaker means.33.It frightens me when I cannot catch a word of an English listeningpassage.。

Appendix IThe Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., and Cope, j., 19861 .I never feel quite sure of myself when I am speaking in my foreign language class.2. I don't worry about making mistakes in language class.3. I tremble when I know that I'm going to be called on in language class.4. It frightens me when I don't understand what the teacher is saying in the foreign language.5. It wouldn't bother me at all to take more foreign language classes.6. During language class, I find myself thinking about things that have nothing to do with the course.7. I keep thinking that the other students are better at languages than I am.8. I am usually at ease during tests in my language class.9. I start to panic when I have to speak without preparation in language class.10. I worry about the consequences of failing my foreign language class.11. I don't understand why some people get so upset over foreign language classes.12. In language class, I can get so nervous I forget things I know.13. It embarrasses me to volunteer answers in my language class.14.I would not be nervous speaking the foreign language with native speakers.15. I get upset when I don't understand what the teacher is correcting.16. Even if I am well prepared for language class, I feel anxious about it.17. I often feel like not going to my language class.18. I feel confident when I speak in foreign language class.19. I am afraid that my language teacher is ready to correct every mistake I make.20. I can feel my heart pounding when I'm going to be called on in language class.21.The more I study for a language test, the more confused I get.22. I don't feel pressure to prepare very well for language class.23. I always feel that the other students speak the foreign language better than I do.24. I feel very self-conscious about speaking the foreign language in front of other students.25. Language class moves so quickly I worry about getting left behind.26. I feel more tense and nervous in my language class than in my other classes.27. I get nervous and confused when I am speaking in my language class.28. When I'm on my way to language class, I feel very sure and relaxed.29. I get nervous when I don't understand every word the language teacher says.30. I feel overwhelmed by the number of rules you have to learn to speak a foreign language.31 .I am afraid that the other students will laugh at me when I speak the foreign language.32. I would probably feel comfortable around native speakers of the foreign language.33. I get nervous when the language teacher asks questions which I haven't prepared in advance.。


高中生英语课堂学习焦虑原因的调查A Survey of High School Students? Anxiety in English Class Abstract: With the advent of humanistic psychology in the 1960s,more and more researchers andinstructors at home and abroad have paid their attention to learners’affective variables. A great deal of previous study has show that anxiety, which is considered to be affective factors that most pervasively obstructs the foreign language learning process,in an environment where learners feel anxiety or insecure, they are likely to be psychological barriers to communication, also, if anxiety rises above a certain level, it is an obstacle to the learning process. When anxiety is present in the classroom,there is a down-spiraling effect. Anxiety makes us nervous and afraid and thus contributes to poor performance;this in turn creates more anxiety and even worse connected to the cognitive side of anxiety, which is worry. Although it is a major obstacle to language learning,anxiety can be reduced. By the end of the 1980s,scholars have noticed the influence of anxiety on the foreign language learning, and have done some researches on it. Many of the scholars find the relation between the language learning anxiety and the learning achievement is negative correlation. Some researchers divide anxiety into three kinds:trait anxiety, state anxiety, situation-specific anxiety . The latter two kinds of anxiety are usually around by the special state or situation. They are temporary anxiety. They can be controlled. The factors that correlated are very complex. They may change with different learning environment and learners and other factors. The study investigated the causes of the anxiety in Senior One English classroom by using questionnaire. The aim of it is tomake teacher have a clear idea about the English learning anxiety in Senior One class. The anxiety in this period is only a state or situation-specific. It can be controlled by taking some measures, and to make the Senior English teaching more efficiently.The study consists of six parts. Part one is an introduction of the aim, the method and the significance of the research. Part two is the literature review.It shows the studies on anxiety home and abroad. Part three is about the definition, the kinds of the anxiety, and effects of anxiety on language learning. Part four is the research design. Part five is the results and discussion. The data analysis shows that there is an over anxiety in Senior One English classroom learning. From the analysis of the questionnaire,we find some causes of the learning anxiety.Part six is about some suggestions to reduce language learning anxiety .Part seven is the conclusion of the study.Key words: Learning Anxiety; Factors Affecting learning;Causes of anxiety;Questionnaire摘要:随着20世纪60年代人文心理学的出现,学习者的情感因素得到越来越多的国内外学者的关注。
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1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对02.我不担心外语课上会犯错
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对03.外语课上老师叫我时会发抖
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对04.外语课上没听懂老师用外语说什么会感到害怕
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对05.即使上更多的外语课,我也不觉得受困扰
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对06.上外语课时在想一些和课堂内容无关的事
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对07.我总觉得同学的英语能力比自己好
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对08.对外语课上的一些小测验感到放松
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对09.外语课上做没有准备的发言时感到恐慌
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对10.我担心外语课不能通过
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对11.我不懂为何有些人在外语课上会如此心烦不安
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对12.外语课上很紧张以致知道的东西都忘了
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对14.和外国人说英语不感到紧张
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对15.不理解外语老师纠错内容时会很不自在
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对16.对外语准备得很充分,还是感到焦虑
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对17.经常感觉不想去上外语课
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4反对 5非常反对18.在外语课上发言很自信
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对19.外语老师要纠正我错误时很害怕
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对20.快被叫到回答问题时我会感到心跳得很厉害
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对21.外语考试准备得越多越觉得没底
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对22.我不觉得课前做好准备会有压力
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对23.我觉得其他同学的英语讲得比我好
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对24.在其他同学面前说英语会很拘谨
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对26.我上外语课比上其它课更紧张和不安
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对27.在外语课上发言讲英语时会感到紧张和困惑
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对28.去上外语课的路上感到有信心
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对29.没听懂外语老师讲的每一个词我会感到很不安
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对30.学外语要学那么多规则使人头疼
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对31.说外语时担心别的同学取笑
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对32.和外国人在一起感到轻松自在
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对33.老师问事先没有准备的问题时感到紧张
1非常同意 2同意 3既不同意也不反对 4不同意 5非常反对。