

技嘉 Triton系列 Triton + Triton 180 简体中文说明书

技嘉 Triton系列 Triton + Triton 180 简体中文说明书

IEEE 1394接头C
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 定义 MIC2_L GND MIC2_R -ACZ_DET LINE2_R Pin 6 7 8 9 10 定义 FSENSE1 FAUDIO_JD LINE2_L FSENSE2 定义 NC NC Line Out(L) NC
4-6 5.25” 前置装置槽的安装
本机箱可容纳最大5 x 5.25” 的前置装置。
需要零件: 无
4-6. 1 4-6.2 4-6.3 4-6.4
拆下前面板(请参见第4页的步骤1-3.2), 并将网状磁盘挡板从前面板上 拆下。 拆下前方EMI板, 并将前面板装在机箱上。 将5.25” 装置从机箱前方滑入磁盘槽。 用内部卡榫将5.25” 装置固定。
3. 规格
Triton 型号 机箱型式 尺寸(宽x高x深) 前面板材质 颜色 侧板 本体材质 净重 5.25吋磁盘槽(外部) 3.5吋磁盘槽(外部) 3.5吋磁盘槽(内部) PCI插槽 主板兼容 系统风扇(前) 系统风扇(后) 多媒体I/O端口 GZ-XX1CA-SNS/SNB 中型机塔 200 x 440x 480 mm 铝 银/黑 Intel CAG1. 1 0. mm SECC 7 8.4kg 5 2 3 7 ATX / Micro ATX / Flex ATX 12cm静音风扇x 1 12cm静音风扇x 1 USB2.0 x 2、 IEEE 1394 x 1、 音源接头x 1 (HD & AC’ 97) Triton 180 GZ-AX1CA-SDS/SDB GZ-AX1CA-SD1/SD2



ICT518FR⼿册(1)第⼀章系統安裝1. 配備表2. 使⽤環境2.1. 使⽤電源2.2. 氣壓2.3. 最⼩⼯作空間2.4. 操作溫度2.5. ⼯作照明2.6. 不斷電系統或穩壓器2.7. ⼀般性注意事項3. 設備安裝3.1. 機械部分組裝3.2. 細部連接3.3. 壓床安裝3.4. 治具安裝3.5. 軟體安裝3.6. 軟體移除3.7. 開機3.8. 關機3.9. 軟體安裝問題排除4. 注意事項4.1. 印表機操作注意事項4.2. 待測電路板注意事項4.3. ⾃動放電功能使⽤環境4.4. ⽇常保養事項5. 系統規格5.1. 測試點數5.2. 測試步驟5.3. 測試時間5.4. 量測範圍5.5. 隔離點電路5.6. IC 開路測試5.7. 可測電路板尺⼨5.8. 主控制電腦5.9. 監視器5.10. 週邊配備5.11. 印表機5.12. 治具型式5.13. 氣壓零件5.14. ⼯作氣壓5.15. 供應電壓5.16. 尺⼨重量5.17. 溫度及溼度5.18. 其他選購配備1. 配備表TR-518FR的標準配備包括下列各項,如因貴客⼾在採購時另有需求,則以送貨單為準。

項⽬品名數量1.使⽤⼿冊 12.TR-518FR Windows95 版軟體 113.電腦主機附 TR-518FR DIGITAL I/O Card(for Windows95)4.14" 彩⾊監視器 15.TR-518FR 測試主機附測試桌 16.壓床 17.40-COLUMN 印表機 18.旋轉臂 19.64-Pin 排線 410.34-Pin 排線 111.D-Type 15-Pin 信號線 112.探棒 113壓棒 6014.內六⾓板⼿ 115. 5 × 20 mm 螺絲 616.印表機⾊帶 117.印表機紙捲 218.PVC 桌墊 119.防塵套 120.壓縮空氣管 12. 使⽤環境適宜的⼯作環境可確保 TR-518FR 之使⽤壽命及⼯作效率。



訊號頻率愈高,肌膚效應(Skin effect)愈明顯,因此訊 號傳輸導體表面愈平坦愈好
εeff : 介質常數 (effective dielectric constant) tanδ : 散逸因子 (dissipation factor) f : 頻率 (frequency) c : 光速 (light speed)
2013/7/17 BoardTek 15
無鉛組裝的影響 – 熱衝擊加大
爆板率由 100 ppm 拉高至 10,000 ppm 以上
溫度提高, Z 軸的膨漲程度加大,孔銅承受的應力加大, 孔銅斷裂的風險提高 成品板厚愈厚者,風險愈高
無鹵耐燃劑雖可達 94V-0 等級,但表現仍不如 TPPBA 添加 Fillers 以補強 Fillers 一般以 SiO2、Mg(OH)3、Al(OH)3為主
Td 高 Z 軸 CTE 低 樹脂 Df 低 耐熱性佳 CAF 佳 Dk 較高低 Dk 需求時調整 Fillers
散逸因子 : Df
對交流電在功能上損失的一種度量 絕緣材料 (樹脂) 的一種特性 與所見到的電功損失成正比 與週期頻率(f),電位梯度的平方(E2),及單 位體積成反比 其數學關係為
Dissipation Factor=
Power loss (E2)*(f)*(Volume × Constant)



IT8500 用户手册
IT8500 系列电子负载完全达到手册中所标称的各项技术指标。
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艾伦塔斯电气绝缘漆型号说明产品分类浸渍绝缘漆和树脂混合物漆包线漆产品浸渍绝缘漆和树脂混合物浸渍&滴浸不饱和聚酯树脂品牌产品应用Pedigree50VT-170变压器, VPI/浸渍Pedigree4000SW12,?ü·aμ??úoí?£òyμ??ú,VPI/?t×?Pedigree600 HI Bondμ??ú,VPI/1??tPedigree70VT Pre-Cat电机和线圈,VPI/浸渍Pedigree6183 SW电枢, 滴浸/滚浸Pedigree8183 SW电枢, 滴浸/滚浸RanVar2003AK共聚物,大电机,VPI/浸渍Sterling075-0015电枢和定子, 滴浸/滚浸/浸渍Sterling075-1775高压无规绕制线圈和模绕线圈,VPI/浸渍Sterling075-3489定子/变压器/线圈,浸渍,可提供红色产品. Sterling075-3798电枢和定子, 滴浸/滚浸/浸渍,高弹性Sterling075-2715包封胶,电枢,刚性的,快速固化Sterling075-3715包封胶,电枢,刚性的,较长的凝胶时间Sterling075-4715包封胶,电枢,柔软的Pedigree6180μ??ú,VPI/1??t水性树脂&绝缘漆品牌产品应用Guardian GRC 59-10密封电机,浸渍, 高粘结力,低挥发性有机化合物含量Guardian GRC 59-42密封电机,浸渍, 高粘结力,低挥发性有机化合物含量Guardian GRC 59-50密封电机,浸渍, 高粘结力,低挥发性有机化合物含量Pedigree1000-70电机定子,浸渍Pedigree2500-30M电机定子,浸渍,低挥发性有机化合物含量Pedigree2500-25MUV电机定子,浸渍,低挥发性有机化合物含量Isonel ISOPOXY 771B浸渍,高粘结力,耐冷冻剂,定子/高速转子.Isonel ISOPOXY 800P浸渍,高粘结力,耐冷冻剂,定子/高速转子.浸渍&滴浸环氧树脂&绝缘漆品牌产品应用Ripley E 468-2FXT变压器, VPI/浸渍Ripley E 468-2变压器, VPI/浸渍Ripley E 468-2FC变压器, VPI/浸渍Ripley E 468-2-7FC变压器, VPI/浸渍Sterling006-0841高达13.8KV的电机和变压器, VPI, 单组分环氧树脂Sterling006-3222牵引电机, VPI, 单组分环氧树脂Sterling E 300发电机,湿法绕线Sterling E 300-20发电机,湿法绕线Ripley E 478 THIXO VPI电机,VPI/浸渍Guardian GRC20-32.5 REV 3变压器, VPI/浸渍浇注&灌封树脂品牌产品应用Pedigree200 & 65 hardener浇注/浸渍,电气和电子部件Pedigree E 57 Red & 226 hardener浇注/灌封,应用于机械或电气方面.. Pedigree E88&C89浇注/灌封高压线圈或回扫线圈Pedigree300 series,浇注/灌封变压器表面漆&浸渍绝缘漆品牌产品应用Sterling009-0008气干漆,线圈/变压器, 浸/喷/刷Sterling003-1980电机/线圈/变压器,浸渍&烘烤,醇酸树脂漆Isonel885电机/线圈/变压器,浸渍&烘烤,醇酸树脂漆Pedigree434-66气干漆,线圈/变压器, 浸/喷/刷Sterling003-1981电机/线圈/变压器,浸渍&烘烤,醇酸树脂漆, 快速固化Sterling003-1010浸渍&烘烤,醇酸树脂漆, 电机修补Sterling77X-010气干漆,浸/喷/刷Viking V1630 FS Clear气干漆,浸/喷/刷,不含苯系溶剂.Sterling Y-210浸渍&烘烤,工业标准,优异的槽稳定性其它产品品牌产品应用漆包线漆产品聚氨酯漆产品注释Tongsold 215/24??? ? ? ? ??,? ? ? ????? , UL ? ? ? ?¤Tongsold 215/30高速漆,无针孔, UL 认证Tongsold 215/35高速漆,无针孔, UL 认证Tongsold 215/28S高速漆,无针孔, UL 认证赛克改性聚酯亚胺漆产品注释Tongvar 355/19表面和柔性好,UL认证Tongvar 355/27表面和柔性好,UL认证Tongvar 355/30表面和柔性好,UL认证Tongvar 355/33表面和柔性好,UL认证T ongvar 355/38表面和柔性好,UL认证Tongvar 355/41表面和柔性好,UL认证Tongvar 355/40G更适合高速机TerebecR MT 533-39通用赛克改性聚酯漆产品注释TeresterC 966-27HVS通用,高速,极好的卷绕性TeresterC 966-36HVS通用,高速,极好的卷绕性TeresterC 966-40HVS通用,高速,极好的卷绕性TeresterC 966-45HVS通用,高速,极好的卷绕性聚酰胺酰亚胺漆产品注释Tongmid 595/20MB通用型T ongmid 595/25MB通用型Tongmid 595/28MB通用型Tongmid 595/34MB通用型Tongmid595/36MB通用型尼龙漆产品注释Tongslip 602/05自润滑,高熔点T ongslip 602/05自润滑,高熔点聚酰胺自粘漆产品注释Tongbond 6304/07在140-170oC粘结,可焊,抗湿,高粘结力Tongbond 6304/12在140-170oC粘结,可焊,抗湿,高粘结力Tongbond 6304/14在140-170oC粘结,可焊,抗湿,高粘结力Tongbond 6304/18M在140-170oC粘结,可焊,抗湿,高粘结力漆包线漆稀释剂产品注释Thinner 100聚氨酯漆稀释剂, 供应线表面润滑剂Thinner 300聚酯漆和聚酯亚胺漆稀释剂, 供应线表面润滑剂Thinner 500聚酰胺酰亚胺漆稀释剂, 供应线表面润滑剂Washing Solvent 500清洗漆包模和其它工具, 供应线表面润滑剂。



T180 控 制 箱使 用 说 明 书小原(南京)机电有限公司为了安全地使用本产品,使用前,务必熟读安全注意事项,并在充分理解的基础上使用本产品。


目录Ⅱ.控制箱部分1.使用注意事项------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.主要特点------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43.主要技术规格------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54.安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65.操作------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116.维护------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 237.参考资料------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 288.附录----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 441.安全注意事项为避免人身伤害、防止本产品及与本产品相连接的其它产品受到损坏,使用前请阅读以下安全注意事项。

IT-180A Process Guideline rev 06-11 联茂 板材 报告

IT-180A Process Guideline rev 06-11 联茂 板材  报告

IT-180ABS/IT-180ATCHigh Tg, Low CTE, Multifunctional Filled Epoxy Resin and Phenolic-Cured Laminate & Prepreg---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process GuidelineThese process guidelines are the ITEQ interior test experience. We believed that should have helps for the PCB manufacturer. Especially, for those print circuit board manufacturers who first time apply this material. But these experiences will be unable to cover all rank of designs and applications, as well as print circuit board fabrication equipments, chemicals and technologies. The suggestions must pass through initial trial run to set up the process, and then the basis actual test results carried on the working condition and the revision.1. Material Handling & Storage(1) Shelf life is at least three months when prepreg stored in a cool dry environment (Temperatureless than 20℃and Humidity less than 50%RH). Six months shelf life under 5℃.(2) Prepreg should exposed to well humidity and temperature controlled environment.(3) Prepreg should be stored in controlled environment for 12 hours before to use.(4) Prepreg supplied in rolls or panels should be stored horizontally. To avoid damage, no stacking isrecommended.(5) Laminates should be stored in a dry environment.(6) Laminate should always be stored flat.2. Inner Layer & Copper Treatment(1)Scaling factors may performer differently by laminate thickness, as well as the ration of remnantcopper. First article must be run before mass production to determine suitable compensation factor.(2) The inner layers should be put in a temperature and humidity controlled room for 8 hours beforepunching guide hole and AOI. That attribute to better dimension stability and registrationpurpose.(3) Inner layers should be baked for 40 minutes at 120℃at least after black or brown oxidestreatment.(4) We strongly suggest to re-new fresh rinse water of DES lines and brown/black oxide lines, thatwould help to against CAF(Conductive Anode Filament) problem. An abundant of metallic ions and other pollution remain in the tanks, that maybe cause CAF failure.3. Lamination Overview(1)Stacks must be prepared in a temperature and humidity controlled lay-up room to avoid moistureabsorption.(2) It is recommended to apply vacuum for 10-30 minutes before temperature ramping up. Vacuumhydraulic machine is recommended for lamination process. The heating raise by thermal couple is 1.5~2.0℃/min from 80℃ to 140℃ and keep the temperature at 185℃ above for more than 60 minutes is necessary. Full pressure is 300-400 psi. Cooling rate below 3℃/min is recommended as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Recommended press cycle(3) For those PCB manufacturers who use hot start (more than 180℃), lowering 25-50 psi is proper.However, for some of PCB manufactures may be proper to get pressure drop for 100 psi that is also workable. Provide full pressure at 90-120℃ by product temperature (not platen temperature) is recommended.(4) The resin flow properties of this material would help to filled resin for heavy copper application,thus we suggest setup even higher level than above recommended press cycle, and please making cross section to check if the glass fiber sticks on the inner layer copper, especially for more than 2oz inner layer. 5um butter core at least or more is recommended and it will enhance thermal reliability.(5) For the construction of multi-plies ultra heavy glass (7628) and with ultra high resin content, weestimate that have more resin flow of the board edge, but doesn’t influence the reliability,however, we suggest to use bigger copper foil or to move the full pressure down, that could be avoid resin to stick steel platen.(6) The dynamic viscosity at 1.5-3℃/min (Figure 2.) are shown as below for user’s reference.(7) Each single press will possibly have different temperature rise curve. Therefore, to trace heat riseand Tg in middle and outer laminates with thermal couple as well as cross section which can confirm the results are reliable.Figure 2. Dynamic viscosity at 1.5-3℃/min4. Drill Process(1) We suggest to use undercut drill bit for the hole size less than 1.2mm hole size. The hit countsfor hole size less than 0.5mm (20mil) would be around 500-1000 hits. Hole size larger than0.5mm can be up to 800-1500 hits.(2) Standard Aluminum entry board and backup board work well.(3) Heavy copper (inner layer copper thickness > =3oz), higher layer boards, thick boards ormulti-plies ultra heavy glass fiber (7628), we suggest to use lubricate Aluminum entry board would help for reduce heat in the hole. The parameters that are with lower speed and lower infeed and retract would be helpful for hole wall quality.(4) Please make sure the dirt and dust are drawn into a vacuum suction. It would be helpful toagainst gouging in the holes.(5) Baking at 120~140°C for 2 hours after drilling process to soften the smear maybe helpful forsmear removal. (Some one bake the boards before plasma or desmear that looks good for higher layer and thick boards)(6) Stack height is according to the board construction and overall thickness and aspect ratio.(7) Below table lists the series parameters are just for user’s reference, we assume the boardthickness is around 0.080 inch. It needs to be fine tune for different tools, board constructions, board thickness, layers and copper weights.(8) After drilling process, using air guns blow the boards to avoid hole plug.(9) According to internal tests, if occurs the perpendicular resin crack happened after thermal stress,use higher chiploads for this material maybe can improve resin crack issue.(10) For higher layers, thick or heavy copper boards, peak drilling (two to three steps) maybenecessary to drive to high quality drilling performance, including roughness, nail head, smear, even attribute to IP/ICD problem.Table 1. Drill parameter for reference.Drill Size Spindle Surface Speed Infeed Chipload Retract inch mm KRPM SFPM SMPM in/min m/min mil/rev um/rev in/min m/min 0.0098 0.25 100 258 79 63 1.6 0.63 16 591 15 0.0118 0.3 95 294 90 63 1.6 0.66 17 787 20 0.0138 0.35 85 307 93 63 1.6 0.74 19 984 25 0.0157 0.4 85 350 107 63 1.6 0.74 19 984 25 0.0177 0.45 80 371 113 63 1.6 0.79 20 984 25 0.0197 0.5 80 412 126 79 2.0 0.98 25 984 25 0.0217 0.55 80 454 138 79 2.0 0.98 25 984 25 0.0236 0.6 80 495 151 79 2.0 0.98 25 984 25 0.0256 0.65 80 536 163 79 2.0 0.98 25 984 25 0.0276 0.7 68 491 150 79 2.0 1.16 29 984 25 0.0295 0.75 68 526 160 71 1.8 1.04 26 984 25 0.0315 0.8 68 561 171 71 1.8 1.04 26 984 25 0.0335 0.85 58 508 155 71 1.8 1.22 31 984 25 0.0354 0.9 58 538 164 63 1.6 1.09 28 984 25 0.0374 0.95 58 568 173 63 1.6 1.09 28 984 25 0.0394 1 58 598 182 63 1.6 1.09 28 984 25 0.0413 1.05 47 509 155 63 1.6 1.34 34 984 25 0.0433 1.1 47 533 162 51 1.3 1.09 28 984 25 0.0453 1.15 47 557 170 51 1.3 1.09 28 984 25 0.0472 1.2 47 581 177 51 1.3 1.09 28 984 25 0.0492 1.25 47 606 185 39 1.0 0.84 21 984 255. Desmear Process(1) The desmear condition is very close to conventional high Tg phenoic cured materials. RegularVertical or horizontal permanganate desmear equipment and chemical all work well for this material. But please pay attention to the throwing power capability of your machine andchemical. To do cross sections and SEM to check glass fiber and resin clean before/afterdesmear in the drilled through holes is necessary. Etching back of 0.1-0.3mil with three point interconnect would be helpful for reliability.(2) Plasma for this material is not necessary, except for higher layer, thick and heavy copper boards.When users use plasma to enhance the throwing power, please adjust the dwell time ofpermanganate desmear (if necessary) to prevent too much roughness though it maybe not affects the reliability.(3) Baking at 120~140°C for 2 hours after drill or de-burr process (before permanganate desmear )would be helpful for cleaning the smear at hole wall and inner layer coppers.(4) The following vertical desmear parameter as shown in (Table 2.) is for reference only. Users canconsult with the chemical supplier for more information.Table 2. Permanganate desmear for referenceComposition Concentration Temperature Dwell TimeSweller 20-30% 75-80℃7-10 minutesMn+7100g/L 75-80℃10-12 minutesOH-0.9-1.1N -- --6. Safety and HealthAs the edges of laminates may be sharp, be careful handling prepregs and laminates. Prepregs and laminate may create the dusts in the mechanical processes. If there is any unexpected affair, please refer to MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). When the mouse, nose and eyes are stained with pollution, please use a great deal of water to clean. Anyway, it is recommended that operators wearing glove, mask and goggles during operating.The data shown above, are based on our interior test results that offer print circuit board manufacturers and designers initial period information. ITEQ believed that these experiences are useful and cover most of major PCB processes. However, ITEQ retains the right to update and renew the information for user’s needs.。


10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Resistance change(%)
IT-140 IT-180
Thermal cycles Test condition: IPC-TM-650 Test Condition D (FR-4) - 55℃*15min.←→125℃*15min.,transfer time ≤2 minutes Test samples: PCB 6 layers, thickness 2.0mm, hole diameter: 0.4mm,pitch:1.2mm.
▲以TMA法將基材加熱至特定溫度,能抵抗Z軸熱脹不致裂開的時間,亦為基材能否通 過無鉛焊接的重要指標。
Picture Source: TPCA Forum Innovation, Teamwork, Excellence, Quality
3、Td(裂解溫度):乃以「熱重分析法」(Thermal Gravity Analysis)將樹脂加熱中失 重 5%(Weight Loss)之溫度點定義為Td。Td可判斷板材之耐熱性,作為是否可能 產生爆板的間接指標。IPC新規範建議因應無鉛焊接,一般Tg之Td >310℃,Mid Tg 之Td>325℃,High Tg之Td>340℃。
I (回流焊測試)
4層 2 層, H/H 25mil, L/L 8mil
J (絕緣電阻)
Pass 1000 hours
Pass 1000 hours






或主板设置内关闭接口,完成安装后,按F 12或是出现按F1进系统F5进主板设置(出现此情况说明接口至少有一个未接开路),F12进入后如有系统,则由第三横进入主板设置,进入主板后找电源管理,选择第一项第二条进入自动开机。










以下为中文对照表Settings(设置)General (常规)System Board(系统板)l、系统信息:显示BIOS Info(BIOS信息)、System Info(系统信息)、Service Tag(服务标签)、Express Service Code(快速服务代码)、Asset Tag(资产标签)、Manufacture Date(生产日期)和Ownership Date(所有权日期)。

3Z Telecom AMP1801 Evaluation Kit 产品说明书

3Z Telecom AMP1801 Evaluation Kit 产品说明书

AMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue FEATURESReady to use with existing AISG controlboards via RS-485Wide range of input voltagesReusable wire-to-board connectors Allows various circuit configurationsKIT CONTENTS3Z-AMP-EVL-PCBA – Evaluation board 3z-AMP-USB-R485 – RS-485 cableEQUIPMENT NEEDEDComputer running Windows 7 or newerONLINE RESOURCESAMP1800 / 1801 DatasheetAMP1800 / 1801 Application Notes AMP1800 / 1801 Companion SoftwareGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 3Z-AMP-EVLK is an all-in-one interface evaluation module used to explore the various communication protocols found on the AMP1800 / 1801. The boardfeatures SPI, I2C, USART*, and RS-485 interfaces for use with existing customer devices.Besides the available communication protocols, the 3Z-AMP-EVLK provides a regulated power source for the AMP giving users more flexibility during the implementation stage. Additionally, the on-board RS-485 communications allow for even quicker implementation into an AISG control development cycle.Ambient temperature and humidity are available only on the AMP1801 package.*USART is available via the TX/RX pads on the Evaluation board.Figure 1 - Evaluation Board SampleAMP1801 Evaluation Kit 3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the3Z Telecom, Inc.Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueTable of ContentsFEATURES (1)KIT CONTENTS (1)EQUIPMENT NEEDED (1)ONLINE RESOURCES (1)GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1)HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – BOARD (3)HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – USB to RS-485 CABLE (4)GETTING STARTED (4)THEORY OF OPERATION (5)HOW TO – POSITION THE AMP (6)RELEVANT TEST POINTS (7)SOFTWARE SETUP PROCEDURE (8)SOFTWARE OVERVIEW (10)SOFTWARE PARAMETER DEFINITION (11)INTERPRETING THE DATA SCREEN (13)ORDERING & CONTACT INFORMATION (14)Figure 1 - Evaluation Board Sample (1)Figure 2 - Evaluation Board Overview for AMP1800 / 1801 (3)Figure 3 - USB to RS-485 Wire Diagram (4)Figure 4 - AMP1801 Line Drawing (5)Figure 5 - AMP Orientation Diagram (6)Figure 6 - Relevant Test Points (7)Figure 7 - AMP-Eval-Visualization Setup Wizard (8)Figure 8 - AMP Eval Visualization Icon (8)Figure 9 - Main screen of Eval. Software (9)Figure 10 - Refresh COM Ports (9)Figure 11 - Main screen of Eval. Software with Connected AMP1801 (10)Figure 12 - Commissioned AMP Screen (13)Figure 13 - AMP Eval. Software Dashboard (13)AMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue HARDWARE DESCRIPTION – BOARDFigure 2 - Evaluation Board Overview for AMP1800 / 1801Table 1 - Board reference guideConnectorType DescriptionP1 ResetBringing this port low for at least 1 second will reset the AMP module on the evaluation board.P2 I2CSDA and SCL lines to communicate with AMP I2C interface. Please referto the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information.P3RS-485RS-485 lines for use with the AMP USART interface. *U3 IC will need to be removed from the board to use the 3.3V USARTdirectly. Please exercise caution while removing IC as excess heat may damage other components.P4 &P5 SPI MOSI, MISO, SCLK, and CS lines for use with the SPI interface of theAMP. Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for moreinformation.P6Power Input Power input for the evaluation board. Accepts 4.4 – 36V.AMP1801 Evaluation Kit 3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the3Z Telecom, Inc.Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueHARDWARE DESCRIPTION – USB to RS-485 CABLEFigure 3 - USB to RS-485 Wire DiagramThe appropriate drivers must be installed to use the included USB to RS-485 cable. Click on the following link and chose the appropriate drivers for your system./Drivers/VCP.htmGETTING STARTED✓Position the evaluation board on a steady, flat surface. Make sure that the surface is clear of any obstacles so that nothing interferes during motion experimentation.✓Connect the Orange and Yellow Data line cables to the A and B ports, respectively, on the P3connection in the middle of the board. This will serve as the RS-485 communication for the device.✓Provide power (4.4V to 36V) to the evaluation board through the P6 connection at the top left of the board using the provided RS-485 cables. This will turn on the evaluation board*.✓Install and open the AMP1800 / 1801 companion software and begin to tweak the desired settings for the evaluation. Please see the software overview section for more information.*NOTE: Be mindful during installation as wires may short, damaging the evaluation board.AMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueTHEORY OF OPERATIONThe AMP1800 / 1801is a powerful motion processing unit capable of accurately determining the position of the host object or board in which it is mounted. The AMP is designed to interface with a device via UART, SPI, or I2C. In this configuration, the AMP can receive commands in addition to transmitting data to the host, all in real-time. Additionally, atmospheric temperature and humidity measurements are also available, depending on the AMP package type.The AMP1800 / 1801utilizes a target value for azimuth, tilt, and roll and monitors based on this condition. For instance, if the user sets the target azimuth to 80°, then the AMP will use 80° as the new reference point for all positioning calculations.Figure 4 - AMP1801 Line DrawingAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue HOW TO – POSITION THE AMPPhysical positioning of the AMP is critical in determining the correct tilt and roll of the system. The user must provide the direction of the front facing axis of the AMP based on the mechanical design of their device. In other words, the axis facing the front of the antenna. See Table 2, to see all possible values.Table 2 - AMP Front Facing Direction MappingDirectionValue X 0 - X 1 Y 2 - Y 3 Z 4 - Z5Figure 5 - AMP Orientation DiagramAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue RELEVANT TEST POINTSFigure 6 - Relevant Test PointsTable 3 - Relevant Test PointsTest PointDescriptionVREF This test point indicates the reference voltage set by the on-board regulator. This test point should read a value of ~3.3V with reference to ground when the board is connected to power. VDD This test point displays the voltage being supplied to the AMP. This test point should read a value of ~3.3V with reference to ground when the board is connected to power.GNDThis test point is connected to the system ground.Current Measurement To measure the current consumed by the AMP, one must remove the 0Ω resistance and place the leads for the test device between the “3V3” test point and then “U1_Vin” test point.AMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueSOFTWARE SETUP PROCEDURETo set up the software, one must first download the companion software from our website at: /antenna-motion-processor/Next, double-click on the installer and run through the set-up wizard, as shown in Figure 7.Figure 7 - AMP-Eval-Visualization Setup WizardOnce installed, the AMP Eval Visualization icon will show up on the desktop, Figure 8.Figure 8 - AMP Eval Visualization IconAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueDouble click on the icon to open the application. You will be greeted by the main screen where all the parameters for the AMP can be configured.Figure 9 - Main screen of Eval. SoftwareNow, connect the evaluation board to the computer via the supplied RS-485 cable and go to File -> Refresh COM ports, Figure 10. This will search for any connected evaluation boards in the system and populate the correct COM port in the software. Once the COM port has been identified click “Connect.” The next sections will go over the operation of the Visualization software.Figure 10 - Refresh COM PortsAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc.Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue SOFTWARE OVERVIEWOnce connected, the Evaluation software will look like Figure 11. Here, we see that the software is waiting for user input for specific parameters to set up the AMP present on COM8.Figure 11 - Main screen of Eval. Software with Connected AMP1801AMP1801 Evaluation Kit 3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the3Z Telecom, Inc.Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueSOFTWARE PARAMETER DEFINITIONForward DirectionUser must provide the direction of the front facing axis of the AMP based on the mechanical position of the Evaluation board. Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information.Target AzimuthSets the target value for the Azimuth. Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information on the use of targets on the AMP.Target TiltSets the target value for the Tilt.Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information on the use of targets on the AMP.Target RollSets the target value for the Roll.Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information on the use of targets on the AMP.Azimuth Alarm LimitSets threshold that will trigger an alarm based on the azimuth of the device. When the difference between the reading and the target is larger than this parameter, the AMP will raise an azimuth alarm.Tilt Alarm LimitSets threshold that will trigger an alarm based on the tilt of the device. When the difference between the reading and the target is larger than this parameter, the AMP will raise a tilt alarm. Roll Alarm LimitSets threshold that will trigger an alarm based on the Roll of the device. When the difference between the reading and the target is larger than this parameter, the AMP will raise a roll alarm. Alarm Update IntervalThis value determines the update frequency of the alarm status register. Alarms are triggered if readings differ from target.Running Average LengthSets running average filter length. This filter length determines how many data points from the previous reading will be used to determine the average reading.AMP1801 Evaluation Kit 3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the3Z Telecom, Inc.Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueSampling IntervalSets the sampling period of the AMP. Lowest sampling period is 10ms and highest sampling period is 30 minutes.Do not store data permanentlyCheck this box to tell the AMP not to store all the configuration values permanently.Save ChangesThis sends all the parameters to the AMP1801 for its configuration. Once the changes are saved, one can calibrate and then commission the AMP.Calibrate AMPThis sends the calibration and commissioning command to the AMP. Depending on the selected settings, the calibration may take up to 30 min. Please refer to the AMP1800 / 1801 datasheet for more information.AMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th AvenueINTERPRETING THE DATA SCREENOnce the AMP1801 has been calibrated and commissioned, the AMP Evaluation software will show an image as displayed in Figure 12. Here, it is possible to see the 3D representation of the AMP’s direction within a virtual antenna.Figure 12 - Commissioned AMP Screen.At the bottom of the window, one will find the variable dashboard. Here, all of the relvant infromation from the AMP1801 as well as the user set targets are displayed in real time. Additionally, the ambient temperature and humidty will be displayed if the AMP1801 is used. Finally, moving the device around will cause the antenna to move in real time and trigger an Alarm whenever thresholds are passed.Figure 13 - AMP Eval. Software DashboardAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-EVLKRev. 1 - 2018Copyright © 2018 3Z Telecom, Inc. All rights reserved. 3Z Telecom, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this manual. Furthermore, 3Z Telecom, Inc. reserves the right to alter the 3Z Telecom, Inc. Part# 3Z-AMP-EVLK 3150 SW 145th Avenue ORDERING & CONTACT INFORMATIONOrdering Code Description3Z-AMP-EVLKAMP1801 Evaluation Kit3Z-AMP-1800 Module without Humidity and Temperaturesensor3Z-AMP-1801Module with Humidity and Temperature sensorBuy this product online at:/antenna-motion-processorContact technical Support at: *********************For further information and requests: /contactFor sales, distributors and representatives, email us at: *******************Headquarters3150 SW 145th Avenue Miramar, Florida, 33027 United States of America。


低频(30Hz)扭矩补偿电流波形图 Low Frq.(30Hz) With T.C.
Different Compressor Parameter Adaptive Capability
测试方法:用同一控制系统,无需更改任何参数,分别启动和运行美芝压缩机: Test method: Use the same control system and control parameter to boot and
压缩机在使用了一段时间以后,其部分参数会发生较大的变化,在这种情况 下,RSA技术可以保证控制系统稳定运行,并且保持良好的性能; The compressor’s parameter will be changed when it is used for some time, but RSA technology can make the system stable and acquire good performance. 针对不同的压缩机,控制参数的调整非常简单方便,对大多压缩机而言,甚 至无需调整控制参数即可获得良好的控制性能,大大缩短开发调试周期。 For different compressor, control parameter is easy to be regulated, shorten the developing-time.
低频(20Hz)扭矩补偿电流波形图 Low Frq.(20Hz) With T.C.
Torque Compensation 本控制系统包含扭矩控制技术,可有效补偿单转子压缩机旋转过程中的周期性扭矩 波动,使得压缩机在低频运行时更加平稳、安静。 The high efficient torque control (torque compensation) technology can reduce the speed fluctuation in low frequency, so the compressor run more stable and quiet.




层压测试100%残铜率时PP厚度; 介电常数通过阻抗值反推获得(部分板材直接采用供应商提供值)。 常用FR4板材介电常数
芯板(mm) 英制(mil) 介 电 常 数 普通TG (S1141) 高TG (IT180A) 0.051 2 3.6 3.9 0.075 3.0 3.65 3.95 0.102 4 3.95 4.25 0.13 5.1 3.95 4.25 0.15 5.9 3.65 3.95 0.18 7.0 4.2 4.5 0.21 8.27 3.95 4.25 0.25 10 3.95 4.25 0.36 14.5 4.2 4.5 0.51 20 4.1 4.4 0.71 28 4.2 4.5 ≥0.8 ≥31.5 4.2 4.5
在设计混压时,应先遵循客户设计要求,但顾客要求必须要满足以下条 件:同一次层压中不允许出现两种型号半固化片,尤其是不同Tg材料; 多次压合可以使用2种半固化片,但需满足第一次压合材料的温度≥第二 次压合温度。(例如:第一次压合只使用Ro4450B,第二次只使用S0401)


因高频PP片含胶量低,结合力差容易分层,因此不可采用铜箔 +PP+CORE+PP+铜箔的结构。 需采用CORE+PP+CORE的类型,另外关于单张高频PP片的使用还需谨慎考 虑是否会存在填胶不足、微短和分层等问题和隐患,建议至少使用2张; 板材混压: 混压板是指不同型号材料压合在一起,常见的混压类型为高频材料材料 与常规FR-4材料混压,起到节约高频材料成本的目的;

ITEQ Corporation IT-180A BS 安全数据表说明书

ITEQ Corporation IT-180A BS 安全数据表说明书

ITEQ CorporationSAFETY DATA SHEET1.CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME: IT-180A BSOTHER / GENERIC NAME: Epoxy / glass composite, PREPREG , copper clad laminate,Printed circuit boards, base material.CHEMICAL FAMILY : Epoxy resin, glass fabric.MANUFACTURER:Area Address Contact Window Tel Fax E-mailEast ChinaChun Hui Rd.,Xishan Economic DevelopmentZone,Wuxi City,Jiangsu Province,ChinaJimmy Peng 86-510-2235888 86-510-8223-5889 *********************Japan AreaNo.2, Huafang Rd, Yonghe Economic Zone,Economic and Technological Development Zone,Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, ChinaStephen Wang 86-020-6286-8088 86-020-6286-8066 ****************.cnSouth China168,dongfang Road,Nanfang IndustrialPark,Beice VillageHumen Town,DongguanCity,Guangdong Province,ChinaJack Chow 86--769-5700426 86-769-8623268 ******************.cnOverseasNo.17, Daluge Rd., Xinpu Township, HsinchuCounty305, Taiwan,R.O.C.Allen Shen 886-3-588-7888 886-3-5892558 *******************.tw TaiwanNo.17, Daluge Rd., Xinpu Township, HsinchuCounty305, Taiwan,R.O.C.Allen Shen 886-3-588-7888 886-3-5892558 *******************.tw CONTACT INFORMATION : For more information: Emergency / CHEMTREC+886-3-588-7888 +886-3-589-25582.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Non-flammable sheet materialDust caused by machining may irritate eyes, nose, or throat.POTENTIAL HEALTH HAZARDS:SKIN: Dust may cause minor irritation.EYES: Dust may cause minor irritation. Fumes may cause irritationINHALATION: Dust may cause respiratory irritationINGESTION: None known, none anticipated with normal handing.ITEQ CorporationSAFETY DATA SHEETClassifiable or probably non-carcinogenic (Group 3 ).Ingredients found on any of OSHA’s carcinogen lists are listed below.INGREDIENT NAME: NTP STATUS: IARC STATUS: OSHA LISTNone N/A N/A N/APOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSINGREDIENT NAME: CAS# % w/wGlass cloth 65997-17-3 40~70%B-Stage semi-cured epoxy of Multi-function resin 026265-08-7 40~70%Fillers type SiO2 powder 14808-60-7 10~20%We don’t have PFOSFor local ”Right to Know” compliance and other reasons, trace ingredients not listed above may appear in Section 15, Regulatory Information.4.FIRST AID MEASURESSKIN: Wash promptly with soap and running water. Do not rub or scratch.If irritation persists, consult physician.Remove contaminated clothing and wash thoroughly before reuseEYES: Flush immediately with plenty of low-pressure water for at least 20Minutes.Do not rub or scratch.If irritation persists, consult physician.INHALATION: Move to fresh air.Consult physician.INGESTION: If large amounts are ingested, consult physician.ADVICE TO PHYSICIAN:Treat symptomatically5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESFLASH POINT: N/AFLASH POINT METHOD: N /AAUTOIGNITION TEMP: Not determined.UPPER FLAME LIMIT: N/ALOWER FLAME LIMIT: N/AFLAME PROPAGATION RATE: UL 94 V-0ITEQ CorporationSAFETY DATA SHEETEXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water, CO2, foam, dry chemical, Halon.UNUSUAL FIRE ANDEXPLOSION HAZARDS:May give off toxic hydrogen bromide fumes when thermallyDecomposed.SPECIAL FIRE-FIGHTINGPROCEDURES:Wear proper protective equipment and self-contained breathingApparatus.6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESRESPONSE TO RELEASE: If material is not contaminated, return to container for use.If material is contaminated, pick up and place in container for disposal.Material is an article. Spill or release to the environment is unlikely. 7.HANDLING AND STORAGENORMAL HANDLING: Always wear recommended personal protective equipment. STORAGE: Store in a cool dry place.8.ENGINEERING CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONENGINEERING CONTROLS:VENTILATION: Adequate ventilation should be provided to keep dust concentrationswithin acceptable exposure limits. Discharge from the ventilationsystem should comply with applicable air pollution control regulation GENERAL: Eyewash fountains and safety showers should be easily accessible. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT:SKIN PROTECTION: Impervious gloves and clothing should be worn for prolonged orRepeated contact.EYE PROTECTION: Safety glassesRESPIRATORY PROTECTION:Atmospheric levels of fibrous glass, copper, and other dusts should bemaintained below recommended exposure guidelines.If airborne contaminant is likely to exceed acceptable limits, use aNIOSH-approved respirator.ADDITIONAL: N/ARECOMMENDATIONS: N/AEXPOSURE GUIDELINES:INGREDIENT NAME: CAS# ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL OTHER LIMITSITEQ CorporationSAFETY DATA SHEET9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICSAPPEARANCE: Amber, gold, or yellow sheets which may have copper cladding on oneor both sides.PHYSICAL STATE: Solid.ODOR: None unless heated.BOILING POINT: N/AMELTING POINT: N/AMOLECULAR WEIGHT:N/ACHEMICAL FORMULA:N/APH: N/ASOLUBILITY IN WATER:InsolubleVAPOR PRESSURE: N/AVAPOR DENSITY: N/ASPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.6-1.9EVAPORATION RATE: N/A%VOLATILES: <1.5%10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYNORMALLY STABLE: YES.INCOMPATIBILITIES: Not determinedHAZARDOUS: CO, CO2, HBr, aromatic or aliphatic hydrocarbons. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Laser processing may result in copper fumes.HAZARDOUSPOLYMERIZATION: None11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONIMMEDIATE ( ACUTE )EFFECTS:Dust may cause eye, skin, and respiratory irritation. DELAYED ( SUBCHRONIC ANDCHRONIC ) EFFECTS:NTP and IARC consider respirable glass wool a possible humanCarcinogen.IARC consider continuous glass filaments unclassifiable orNon-carcinogenic ( Group 3 ).ITEQ CorporationSAFETY DATA SHEET12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONNot biodegradable.13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSRCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE: No.WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Landfill.Do not incinerate.Recycle copper.Disposal must comply with all local, regional, and national regulations. Information supplied here is for the material as shipped. Use or alteration of the product such as mixingwith other materials such as lead solder during the printed circuit boards fabrications process maychange the RCRA classification of the mixture and require alternative disposal procedures.14.TRANSPORTATION INFORATIONUS DOT HAZARD CLASS : Not regulated.US DOT ID NUMBER: N/A15.REGULATORY INFORMATIONTSCA INVENTORY STATUS : Resin system components used in this product are on the TSCAInventory list.OTHER TSCA ISSUES: None.16. Other materialSAFETY DATA SHEETRemark : This MSDS , described as satisfactorily as possible, does not cover every case of danger . Hazard information on paint product is estimated as a mixturebased on that of individual raw materials . Additionally , your use of thisinformation is beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge.Therefore, the information is provided without any representation orWarranty express or implied.。

伊士特克 IT-180ABS IT-180ATC 高Tg、低CTE、多功能填充环氧树脂和酚醛固化层压

伊士特克 IT-180ABS IT-180ATC 高Tg、低CTE、多功能填充环氧树脂和酚醛固化层压

IT-180ABS/IT-180ATCHigh Tg, Low CTE, Multifunctional Filled Epoxy Resin and Phenolic-Cured Laminate & PrepregIT-180A is an advanced high Tg (175℃ by DSC) multifunctional filled epoxy with low CTE, high thermal reliability and CAF resistance. It’s design for high layer PCB and can pass 260℃ Lead free assembly and sequential lamination process.Key Features =============================== Advanced High Tg Resin TechnologyIndustrial standard material with high Tg (175℃ by DSC) multifunctional filled epoxy resin and excellent thermal reliability. Lead-Free Assembly CompatibleRoHS compliant and suitable for high thermal reliability needs, and Lead free assemblies with a maximum reflow temperature of 260℃. Friendly Processing and CAF ResistanceFriendly PCB process like high Tg FR4. Users can short the learning curve when using this material.CAF ResistanceLow thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) helps to excellent thermal reliability and CAF resistance providing long-term reliability for industrial boards and automobile application.Available in Variety of ConstructionsAvailable in a various of constructions, copper weights and glass styles, including standard(HTE), RTF and VLP copper foil. ApplicationsMultilayer and High Layer PCB AutomobileBackplanesServers and Networking TelecommunicationsData StorageHeavy Copper ApplicationIndustrial ApprovalUL 94 V-0IPC-4101C Spec / 99/ 101/ 126 RoHS CompliantGlobal AvailabilityITEQ Laminate/ Prepreg : IT-180ATC / IT-180ABS IPC-4101C Spec / 99 / 101 / 126LAMINATE( IT-180ATC)Thickness<0.50 mm[0.0197 in] Thickness≧0.50 mm[0.0197 in] Units Test MethodPropertyTypical Value Spec Typical Value Spec Metric(English) IPC-TM-650 (or as noted)Peel Strength, minimumA. Low profile copper foil and very low profilecopper foil - all copper weights > 17µm[0.669 mil]B. Standard profile copper foil1.After Thermal Stress2.At 125°C [257 F]3.After Process Solutions 0.88 (5.0)1.23 (7.0)1.05 (6.0)1.05 (6.0)0.70 (4.00)0.80 (4.57)0.70 (4.00)0.55 (3.14)0.88 (5.0)1.40 (8.0)1.23 (7.0)1.23 (7.0)0.70 (4.00)1.05 (6.00)0.70 (4.00)0.80 (4.57)N/mm(lb/inch) Resistivity, minimumA. C-96/35/90B. After moisture resistanceC. At elevated temperature E-24/125 3.0x1010--5.0x1010106--103--3.0x10101.0x1010--104103MΩ-cm Resistivity, minimumA. C-96/35/90B. After moisture resistanceC. At elevated temperature E-24/125 3.0x1010--4.0x1010104--103--3.0x10104.0x1010--104103MΩ Absorption, maximum - 0.12 0.8 % Dielectric Breakdown, minimum - - 60 40 kV 2.5.6 Permittivity (Dk, 50% resin content)(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg)A. 1MHzB. 1GHzC. 2GHzD. 5GHzE. 10GHz -- Tangent (Df, 50% resin content)(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg)A. 1MHzB. 1GHzC. 2GHzD. 5GHzE. 10GHz 0.0150.0150.0150.0160.0170.0350.0140.0150.0150.0160.0160.035 -- Strength, minimumA. Length directionB. Cross direction --------580(84,300)450(65,400)415 (60,190)345 (50,140)N/mm2(lb/in2) 2.4.4Arc Resistance, minimum 125 60 125 60 s 2.5.1Thermal Stress 10 s at 288°C [550.4F],minimumA. UnetchedB. Etched PassPassPass VisualPass VisualPassPassPass VisualPass VisualRating Strength, minimum(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg) 45 30 -- -- kV/mm Flammability,(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg) V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 Rating UL94 Glass Transition Temperature(DSC) 175 170 minimum 175 170 minimum ˚C 2.4.25 Decomposition Temperature -- -- 345 340 minimum ˚C wt loss) X/Y Axis CTE (40℃ to 125℃) -- -- 10-13 -- PPM/˚C 2.4.24Z-Axis CTEA. Alpha 1B. Alpha 2C. 50 to 260 Degrees C ------------452102.760 maximum300 maximum3.0 maximumPPM/˚CPPM/˚C%2.4.24Thermal ResistanceA. T260B. T288 -------->60>3030 minimum15 minimumMinutesMinutes2.4.24.1CAF Resistance -- -- Pass AABUS Pass/Fail 2.6.25 Comparative Tracking Index(CTI) -- -- 175~250V -- V UL-746 The above data and fabrication guide provide designers and PCB shop for their reference. We believe that these information are accurate, however, the data may vary depend on the test methods and specification used. The actual sales of the product should be according to specification in the agreement between ITEQ and its customer. ITEQ reserves the right to revise its data at any time without notice and maintain the bestinformation available to users.IT-180ABS/IT-180ATCHigh Tg, Low CTE, Multifunctional Filled Epoxy Resin and Phenolic-Cured Laminate & Prepreg---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process Guideline1. Prepreg Handling & Storage(1) Shelf life is at least 3 months when prepreg stored in a cool dry environment (Temperature: <20 ℃ and Humidity: <50%).(2) Prepreg exposed to humidity should be resealed to minimize moisture absorption.(3)Prepreg should be stored in controlled environment for 12 hours prior to use.(4)Prepreg supplied in rolls or panels should be stored horizontally. To avoid damage, no stacking is recommended.2. Laminate Handling & Storage(1) Laminates should be stored in a dry environment(2) Laminate should always be stored flat3. Inner Layer Process(1)First around must be taken to determine suitable parameters (such as dimensional compensation, etc) before mass production.(2) Inner layers should be baked for at least 40 min at 120 ℃ after black or brown oxides treatment.Note: The material temperature is not allowed to >195 ℃ in lamination process if brown oxide treatment is used.4. Lamination Overview(1)Stacks must be prepared in lay-up room to avoid moisture absorption.(2) Recommended pressure ranges should be as follows:Hydraulic/350~400psiVacuum Hydraulic/300~400psi(3) For Lien Chieh press, heating rate is 1.3~1.8℃/min from 80℃ to 140℃, and for Burkle press, the heating rate is 1.5~3.0℃/min from 80℃to 140℃. Cooling rate below 3℃/min is recommended.(4) When the board temperature reaches 180℃ during the pressing process, the lamination process should be kept for at least 60 minutes.5. DrillingDrilling parameters are mainly dependent on the hole size, layer thickness, layer number, copper thickness, and stack height. The following drilling parameters are for reference only. Typical drilling parameters for 0.4~1.0 mm drills are as follows:Spindle speed: 45~105 KRPM Feed rate: 50~150 IPMRetract rate: 500~1000 IPM Max. hit count: <1000 HITSStack height: ≤2pnls(2~6layers), 1pnl(≥8layers) Entry Material: 0.2mm AluminumBack-up Material: 1.5mm Phenolic laminate Drilling Machine: Hitachi ND-6L210EBaking condition: After Drilling: 170 °C /2 hours6. DesmearThe following desmear parameters are for reference only:Horizontal (JETCHEM)Swell : 75℃ for 100 s Mn+7 : 55-65 g/ l at 85℃ for 180sVertical (ROHMHAAS)Swell : 65℃ for 365 s Mn+7 : 65-75 g/ l at 75℃ for 750sNormally, the typical parameters used to desmear FR-4 product may not produce optimum hole topography for IT-180A. One should consult with your chemical supplier to optimize your desmear condition, e.g. desmear two times or adjust other parameters, etc.。



FIRE RATED PRODUCTSF I R E R A T E D P R O D U C T SFIRE RATED ARCHITECTURAL CEILING DIFFUSERSThese Nailor models are a fire rated version of the popular UNI series.Designed with the ar chitect in mind, the diffuser s in this ser ies ar e fashioned to blend in with most ceiling types to cr eate the ultimate aesthetic look. Nailor has made available the standard UNI with a fixed 360° air diffusion pattern.Flat Panel – Round Neck Full Face Models 4410-UNI, 4420-UNI Page E25Panel Type Models 4430-UNI, 4440-UNI Page E25Surface Mount Models 4410-UNI Type S (ULC only) Page E28FIRE RATED PATTERN CEILING DIFFUSERSNailor patter n ceiling diffuser s ar e a high capacity louver ed face directional diffuser that can supply large volumes of air at relatively low sound levels and pressure drops. Available in a variety of core styles and neck sizes: a combination can be selected to suit a specified air pattern and deliver the desired volume of air to suit particular requirements.Square Neck – Fixed Pattern Model 6500FRD Page E7Adjustable Pattern Model 6550FRD Page E7Induction Vanes Model 6500IVFRD Page E7Round Neck – Fixed Pattern Model 6505FRD Page E10Adjustable Pattern Model 6555FRD Page E10Induction Vanes Model 6505IVFRD Page E10Models 4010, 4010-1, 4420FIRE RATED STAMPED SQUARE CEILING DIFFUSERSNailor 4000 and 4400 ser ies models ar e a fir e r ated ver sion of thepopular RNS series. They have been specially designed to provide an extr emely cost effective, value engineer ed pr oduct. They offer both the unobtrusive appearance required for architectural excellence and the 360° diffusion pattern at minimum NC levels required for high engineering performance.Fixed Air Pattern – Round NeckFull Face Models 4010, 4020 Page E13Panel Type Models 4030, 4040 Page E13Surface Mount Model 4010 Type S (ULC only) Page E16Adjustable Pattern – Round NeckFull FaceModels 4010-1, 4020-1 Page E19Panel Type Models 4030-1, 4040-1 Page E19Fixed Pattern 2-Cone – Round Neck Full Face Models 4410, 4420 Page E22Panel Type Models 4430, 4440 Page E22Model 6500FRDGENERAL PRODUCT OVERVIEWFire Rated ProductsNailor offers a wide variety of fire rated products that are designed to provide the unobtrusive appearance required for architectural excellence and the high engineering performance required for use in heating and cooling applications. Ceiling diffusers, plenum slot diffusers and even ductless return air grilles are some of the many styles that are available.Nailor's selection of fire rated products are classified for use in UL/ULC restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate an exposed grid suspended ceiling (lay-in T-Bar) with up to a 3 hour rating. For details of fire rated assemblies, see the current UL or ULC Fire Resistance Directory.M d l 4010401014420Model 4410-UNIFIRE RATED PRODUCTSESTANDARD FEATURES:• Factory assembled, 'packaged' product ensu es compliance with fi e code, simplifies specification and minimizes field labor.• Tested in accor dance with ANSI/UL Standar d 263, "Fir e Tests of Building Construction and Materials" and CAN/ULC Standard S101 "Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials."• Appr oved for use with flexible duct. Eliminates steel br anch duct and dr op. No costly independent hange s and supports are required.• Spring-loaded core is securely held in position and is removable without the use of tools.• Engineered air diffusion pattern.• Steel stamped cones for uniformity.• All 12 x 12 (300 x 300) and 24 x 24 (600 x 600) modules feature four cones in all neck sizes, pr oviding a unifor m appear ance wher e differ ent sizes ar e installed in the same area.• The fixed ceiling r adiation damper is standar d. An adjustable ver sion for balancing is optional (see page E14).• Quick, easy access to the AV balancing option is achieved from the face of the diffuser by removing the center plug. It is not necessary to remove the inner cone assembly.• 212°F (100°C) fusible link is standard (165°F [74°C] is optional).• All models must be installed in accordance with the installation instructions for UL /ULC Classification.CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL:• Heavy gauge corrosion-resistant steel.FINISH OPTIONS:• AW Appliance White finish is standard. • Other finishes are available.PERFORMANCE DATA:• See non-fire rated Model RNS.Full Face Models:4010, 4020Panel Type Models:4030, 4040Model Series 4000 are UL /ULC Classified fire rated Ceiling Diffuser/Air Terminal Unit assemblies listed in Underwriters Laboratories Fire Resistance Directory. This design meets UL time-vs-temperature test criteria and NFPA 90A requirements.All diffusers are classified for use in UL /ULC restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate an exposed grid suspended ceiling (lay-in T-Bar) with up to a 3 hour rating. For details of fire rated assemblies, see the current UL or ULC Fire Resistance Directory.These models are a fire rated version of the popular RNS Series. They have been specially designed to provide an extremely cost effective, value engineered product. They offer both the unobtrusive appearance required for architectural excellence and the 360° diffusion pattern at minimum NC levels required for high engineering performance. For these reasons the RNS Series diffuser is the most popular choice for general applications.The stamped one-piece cones eliminate mitered corners and the die-formed curves provide consistent quality and performance. The stepped down core design increases capacity and minimizes streaking and smudging of the ceiling.The diffusers provide stable diffusion and mixing patterns under constant and changing load conditions, and are particularly suitable for variable air volume systems.Model 4020&$7(*25<%==8&$7(*25<%=*8&F I R E R A T E D P R O D U C T SDIMENSIONAL DATA:MODELS 4010 AND 4020 • FULL FACEFIRE RATED PRODUCTSFIRE RATED STAMPED SQUARE CEILING DIFFUSERS – FIXED PATTERN MODELS 4010, 4020, 4030, 4040EXAMPLE: 4020 - 08 - 24" x 24" - L - AW - 212 - AV1. Models4010 12" x 12" or 300 mm x 300 mm, Full Face 4020 24" x 24" or 600 mm x 600 mm, Full Face 4030 24" x 12" or 600 mm x 300 mm, Panel Type4040 24" x 24" or 600 mm x 600 mm, Panel Type2. Neck SizeImperial 06 6" (152) Round 08 8" (203) Round 10 10" (254) Round 12 12" (305) Round 14 14" (356) Round3. Ceiling Module Size Imperial 12" x 12" (Model 4010) 24" x 12" (Model 4030) 24" x 24" (Models 4020 and 4040)Metric 300 mm x 300 mm (Model 4010) 600 mm x 300 mm (Model 4030) 600 mm x 600 mm (Models 4020 and 4040)4. Frame Type L Lay-in T-Bar (Models 4010 and 4020) PL Panel Lay-in T-Bar (Models 4030 and 4040)5. Finish AW Appliance White (default) AL Aluminum BK Black BW B r itish White PC P r ime Coat SP Special Custom Color6. Fusible Link Temperature 212 212°F (100°C) (default) 165 165°F (74°C)7. Volume Control — None (default) AV Adjustable Volume ControlNote:1. Consult individual model as to limitations of module and necksize combination.SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION:Furnish and install Nailor Model (select one or more)4010, 4020 (Full Face) or 4030, 4040 (Panel Type) Fixed Pattern Steel Fire Rated Stamped Square Ceiling Diffusers of the sizes and capacities as shown on the plans and air distribution schedules. The diffuser shall be manufactured from corrosion-resistant steel and have four die-formed concentric cones in all sizes. The inner core assembly is removable by using a spring clip arrangement that permits quick, easy installation and removal. Diffusers shall include a factory mounted ceiling damper and thermal blanket. (Optional: ceiling damper shall be supplied with AV adjustable volume control option for field balancing). The finish shall be AW Appliance White (optional finishes are available). Diffusers shall be UL /ULC Classified fire rated ceiling diffuser assemblies as listed in the UL /ULC Certifications Directory. Diffusers shall be tested in accordance with UL Standard 263 (field assembled diffusers with ceiling dampers tested to UL Standard 555C are not acceptable) and meet all of the requirements of NFPA 90A. Diffusers shall be classified for use in restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate an exposed grid suspended ceiling with up to a 3 hour rating.Only available onModel 4020F I R E R A T E D P R O D U C T SModel 4010Model:4010 12 x 12 (300 x 300) Type S Surface MountSTANDARD FEATURES:• Tested in accor dance with CAN/ULC Standard S101 "Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials."• AV Adjustable Volume cont r ol. Permits adjustment to damper blades for balancing.• Non-standar d temper atur e UL Listed fusible link (165°F [74°C]).CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL:• Co osion-esistant steel.FINISH OPTIONS:• AW Appliance White finish is standard. • Other finishes are available.PERFORMANCE DATA:• See non-fire rated Model RNS.The only fire rated diffuser assembly of its kind for surface mount applications. Popular applications are fire rated ceiling designs which incorporate wooden joists on less than 24" (610) centers and 'Type X' gypsum wallboard ceiling membrane protection.This model is a fire rated version of the popular RNS Louvered Face Series.Classified by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) for use in ULC restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate air ducts and a hard (gypsum board) ceiling membrane with up to a 3 hour rating. For details of fire rated assemblies, see the current ULC Fire Resistance Directory. The use of this product in fire rated ceilings with ceiling membrane protection and/or UL Classified assemblies in the U.S.A. requires local approval by the authority having jurisdiction.&$7(*25<%=*8&DIMENSIONAL DATA:MODEL 4010 • FULL FACE12 x 12 or 300 x 300 TYPE S SURFACE MOUNT MODULE FOR HARD CEILINGSFIRE RATED PRODUCTS EF I R E R A T E D P R O D U C T SFIRE RATED STAMPED SQUARE CEILING DIFFUSER – 4 CONE FIXED PATTERN MODEL 4010EXAMPLE: 4010 - 08 - 12" x 12" - S - AW - 212 - AV1. Model 4010 12" x 12" or 300 mm x 300 mm, Full Face Module2. Neck Size Imperial 06 6" (152) Round 08 8" (203) Round3. Ceiling Module Size Imperial 12" x 12" Metric 300 mm x 300 mm4. Frame Type S Su r face Mount (default)5. FinishAW Appliance White (default) AL Aluminum BK Black BW B r itish White PC P r ime Coat SP Special Custom Color 6. Fusible Link Temperature 212 212°F (100°C) (default) 165 165°F (74°C)7. Volume Control — None (default) AV Adjustable Volume ControlNote:1. Consult individual model as to limitations of module and neck size combination.SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION:Furnish and install Nailor Model 4010 Type S Surface Mount (round neck) Steel Fire Rated Stamped Square Ceiling Diffusers of the sizes and capacities as shown on the plans and air distribution schedules. The diffusers shall be manufactured from corrosion-resistant steel and have four die-formed concentric cones in all sizes. The inner core assembly is removable by using a spring clip arrangement that permits quick, easy installation and removal. The diffuser shall have a removable plug for screwdriver adjustment of the optional adjustable volume controller without removing the inner core. The finish shall be AW Appliance White (optional finishes are available). Diffusers shall be ULC Classified fire rated ceiling diffuser assemblies as listed in the ULC Certifications Directory. Diffusers shall be tested in accordance with CAN/ULC Standard S101 (field assembled diffusers with ceiling dampers tested to UL Standard 555C are not acceptable) and meet all of the requirements of NFPA 90A. Diffusers shall be classified for use in restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate air ducts and a hard gypsum board ceiling membrane with up to a 3 hour rating. The use of this product in UL Classified Ceiling Assemblies requires approval from the local authority having jurisdiction.FIRE RATED PRODUCTSEFull Face Models:4010-1, 4020-1Panel Type Models:4030-1, 4040-1&$7(*25<%==8&$7(*25<%=*8&STANDARD FEATURES:• Factory assembled, 'packaged' product ensu es compliance with fi e code, simplifies specification and minimizes field labor.• Tested in accor dance with ANSI/UL Standar d 263, "Fir e Tests of Building Construction and Materials" and CAN/ULC Standard S101 "Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials."• Appr oved for use with flexible duct. Eliminates steel br anch duct and dr op. No costly independent hange s and supports are required.Adjustment: Quick and simple unique sc r ew-type a r r angement f r om the face of the diffuser . Per mits gr adual adjustment of the air dischar ge patter n fr om hor izontal to ver tical by r otating the center cone and so moving the inner cone assembly up or down.• Spring-loaded core is securely held in position and is removable without the use of tools.• Engineered air diffusion pattern.• Steel stamped cones for uniformity.• All 12 x 12 (300 x 300) and 24 x 24 (600 x 600) modules feature four cones in all neck sizes, pr oviding a unifor m appear ance wher e differ ent sizes ar e installed in the same area.• The fixed ceiling r adiation damper is standar d. An adjustable ver sion for balancing is optional (see page E20).• Quick, easy access to the AV balancing option is achieved from the face of the diffuser by removing the center plug. It is not necessary to remove the inner cone assembly.• 212°F (100°C) fusible link is standard (165°F [74°C] is optional).• All models must be installed in accordance with the installation instructions for UL /ULC Classification.CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL:• Heavy gauge corrosion-resistant steel.FINISH OPTIONS:• AW Appliance White finish is standard. • Other finishes are available.PERFORMANCE DATA:• See non-fire rated Model RNSA.Model Series 4000 are UL /ULC Classified Fire Rated Ceiling Diffuser/Air Terminal Unit assemblies listed in Underwriters Laboratories Fire Resistance Directory and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada List of Equipment and Materials. This design meets UL time-vs-temperature test criteria and NFPA 90A requirements.All diffusers are classified for use in UL /ULC restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate an exposed grid suspended ceiling (lay-in T-Bar) with up to a 3 hour rating. For details of fire rated assemblies, see the current UL or ULC Fire Resistance Directory.These models are a fire rated version of the popular RNSA Series. They have been specially designed to provide an extremely cost effective, value engineered product. They offer both the unobtrusive appearance required for architectural excellence and the 360° diffusion pattern at minimum NC levels required for high engineering performance. They provide the flexibility of a standard horizontal discharge or near vertical discharge pattern, useful in high ceiling applications where better air penetration or spot heating may be desired.The stamped one-piece cones eliminate mitered corners and the die-formed curves provide consistent quality and performance. The diffusers provide stable diffusion and mixing patterns under constant and changing load conditions, and are particularly suitable for variable air volume systems.Model 4020-1F I R E R A T E D P R O D U C T SDIMENSIONAL DATA:MODELS 4010-1 AND 4020-1 • FULL FACEFIRE RATED PRODUCTSFIRE RATED STAMPED SQUARE CEILING DIFFUSERS – 4 CONE ADJUSTABLE PATTERN MODELS 4010-1, 4020-1, 4030-1, 4040-1EXAMPLE: 4020-1 - 10 - 24" x 24" - L - AW - 212 - AV1. Models 4010-1 12" x 12" or 300 mm x 300 mm, Full Face4020-1 24" x 24" or 600 mm x 600 mm, Full Face 4030-1 24" x 12" or 600 mm x 300 mm, Panel Type4040-124" x 24" or 600 mm x 600 mm, Panel Type2. Round Neck Size Imperial 06 6" (152) Round 08 8" (203) Round 10 10" (254) Round 12 12" (305) Round 14 14" (356) Round3. Ceiling Module SizeImperial 12" x 12" (Model 4010-1) 24" x 12" (Model 4030-1) 24" x 24" (Models 4020-1 and 4040-1)Metric 300 mm x 300 mm (Model 4010-1) 600 mm x 300 mm (Model 4030-1) 600 mm x 600 mm (Models 4020-1 and 4040-1)4. Frame Type L Lay-in T-Bar (Models 4010-1 and 4020-1)PL Panel Lay-in T-Bar (Models 4030-1 and 4040-1)S Surface Mount (Model 4010-1)5. Finish AW Appliance White (default) AL Aluminum BK Black BW B r itish White PC P r ime Coat SP Special Custom Color6. Fusible Link Temperature 212 212°F (100°C) (default) 165 165°F (74°C)7. Volume Control — None (default) AV Adjustable Volume ControlNotes:1. Consult individual model as to limitations of module and necksize combination.2. Model 4010-1 (Frame Type S) is ULC Classified only.SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION:Furnish and install Nailor Model (select one or more)4010-1, 4020-1, 4030-1, 4040-1 Adjustable Pattern Steel Fire Rated Stamped Square Ceiling Diffusers of the sizes and capacities as shown on the plans and air distribution schedules. The diffusers shall be manufactured from corrosion-resistant steel and have four die-formed concentric cones in all sizes. The inner core assembly is to be removable by using a spring clip arrangement that permits quick, easy installation and removal. The diffuser shall have a removable plug for screwdriver adjustment of the optional adjustable volume controller without removing the inner core. (Optional: ceiling damper shall be supplied with AV adjustable volume control option for field balancing). The finish shall be AW Appliance White (optional finishes are available). Diffusers shall be UL /ULC Classified fire rated ceiling diffuser assemblies as listed in the UL /ULC Fire Resistance (Certifications) Directory. Diffusers shall be tested in accordance with UL Standard 263 (field assembled diffusers with ceiling dampers tested to UL Standard 555C are not acceptable) and meet all of the requirements of NFPA 90A. Diffusers shall be classified for use in restrained or unrestrained floor/ceiling and or roof/ceiling assemblies which incorporate an exposed grid suspended ceiling with up to a 3 hour rating.Only available onModel 4020-1CEILING DIFFUSERS Models RNS and ARNS • 20 x 20 (500 x 500) Face SizePerformance Notes:1. Throws are given at 150, 100 and 50 fpm terminal velocities, under isothermal conditions.2. All pressures are in inches w.g..3. The addition of quad r ant blanks educes the effective ar ea and for a given air volume, increases the discharge velocity. This will result in an increase in throw, pressure drop and sound level. To determine throw, select the diffuser as if it were supplying a larger volume of air. The table shows the percentage increase required to determine selection of diffuser size and throw. To correct pressure drop and Noise Criteria, use correction factors as shown for 4-way blow values.4. Noise Cr iter ia (NC) ar e based on a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Dash (—) in space denotes an Noise Criteria level less than 10.5. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accor dance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.Nominal Neck Size Neck Velocity, FPM4005006007008009001000120014001600 Velocity Pressure." Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM35445261707987105122140 Throw1-2-42-2-52-3-52-3-62-4-73-4-73-5-74-5-84-6-95-7-9 Noise Criteria—————11192530355" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM55688295109123136164191218 Throw2-2-52-3-62-4-62-4-72-5-83-6-94-6-95-7-105-8-116-8-11 Noise Criteria—————14222833386" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM80100120140160180200235275315 Throw1-2-41-2-51-3-62-3-62-4-83-4-83-4-104-5-104-6-145-8-14 Noise Criteria——11162022243138417" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM107134160187214241267321374428 Throw2-4-83-5-94-6-104-7-115-8-125-9-136-10-147-10-149-11-1510-12-16 Noise Criteria——12172024273339428" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM140175210245280315350420490560 Throw3-5-94-5-115-7-135-8-146-9-146-10-157-11-168-12-1710-13-1811-14-18 Noise Criteria——1318222629354044Nominal Neck Size Neck Velocity, FPM4005006007008009001000120014001600 Velocity Pressure." Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM80100120140160180200235275315 Throw1-1-31-2-41-2-41-3-52-3-62-3-62-4-73-5-83-5-84-6-9 Noise Criteria——14182126293438418" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM140175210245280315350420490560 Throw1-2-52-3-62-4-63-4-73-5-74-5-84-6-85-6-96-7-106-8-11 Noise Criteria—11162023283136404310" Dia.Total Pressure. Airflow, CFM220270330380435490545655765870 Throw2-4-63-4-74-5-84-6-95-6-95-7-106-7-106-8-117-9-128-9-13 Noise Criteria—131822253033384245C E I L I N GD I F F U SE R SNominal Neck SizeNeck Velocity, FPM 4005006007008009001000120014001600Velocity Pressure ."Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 80100120140160180200235275315Throw1-1-41-2-51-2-61-3-72-4-92-5-93-6-113-6-124-7-146-8-15Noise Criteria ———131721242732368"Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 140175210245280315350420490560Throw1-1-51-2-61-3-82-4-83-5-103-6-104-6-135-8-136-8-167-10-17Noise Criteria ——131720252833374010"Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 220270330380435490545655765870Throw1-3-62-4-83-5-94-6-125-6-125-7-146-9-156-10-158-13-179-13-18Noise Criteria —11162023283136404312"Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 31539047055063070578599011001255Throw2-3-73-4-93-5-104-6-135-7-135-8-155-8-167-9-189-11-1810-12-19Noise Criteria —13182124293237414414"Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 4255306357458509551060127014901695Throw3-4-94-5-114-7-135-7-166-9-167-11-167-11-199-13-1911-16-1911-16-27Noise Criteria —14192225293237424515"Dia.Total Pressure ., CFM 49061573586098511101230147017201970Throw5-7-106-8-117-9-148-10-178-13-1810-15-1911-16-2212-18-2713-20-3215-22-34Noise Criteria—152023263033384346Performance Notes:1. Throws are given at 150, 100 and 50 fpm terminal velocities, under isothermal conditions.2. All pressures are in inches w.g..3. The addition of quad r ant blanks educes the effective ar ea and for a given air volume, increases the discharge velocity. This will result in an increase in throw, pressure drop and sound level. To determine throw, select the diffuser as if it were supplying a larger volume of air. The table shows the percentage increase required to determine selection of diffuser size and throw. To correct pressure drop and Noise Criteria, use correction factors as shown for 4-way blow values.4. Noise Cr iter ia (NC) ar e based on a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Dash (—) in space denotes an Noise Criteria level less than 10.5. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accor dance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.CEILING DIFFUSERSPerformance Notes:1. Throws are given at 150, 100 and 50 fpm terminal velocities under isothermal conditions.2. All pressures are in inches w.g..3. Hor izontal thr ows ar e with ceiling coanda effect. For exposed duct mounting, multiply table values by x 0.7. Ver tical throw is a free jet.4. Noise Cr iter ia (NC) ar e based on a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Dash (—) in space denotes an Noise Criteria level less than 10.5. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accor dance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.Models RNSA and ARNSA • 20 x 20 (500 x 500) Face SizeNominal Neck SizeNeck Velocity, FPM 4005006007008009001000120014001600Velocity Pressure ."Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 80100120140160180200235275315Throw Horizontal 1-2-42-3-62-3-63-4-73-5-74-5-84-6-106-7-116-8-116-9-12Vertical 1-1-22-2-52-2-62-3-52-3-53-5-63-4-74-5-85-6-95-7-10Noise Criteria Horizontal ——1217212324323841Vertical ——16212527283642458"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 140175210245280315350420490560Throw Horizontal 2-3-63-5-84-5-84-7-105-7-126-9-148-9-158-10-1610-12-1811-14-20Vertical 2-2-33-4-73-5-64-6-94-6-95-7-106-8-117-9-128-9-139-10-14Noise CriteriaHorizontal —111722252729364447Vertical——2126293133404851Nominal Neck SizeNeck Velocity, FPM 4005006007008009001000120014001600Velocity Pressure ."Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 80100120140160180200235275315Throw Horizontal 1-2-42-2-52-3-62-4-63-5-64-5-74-5-74-6-85-6-85-7-9Vertical 1-1-22-2-32-2-42-3-52-4-53-5-63-5-74-5-84-6-95-7-10Noise Criteria Horizontal —121722252932374145Vertical —1722262932354044488"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 140175210245280315350420490560Throw Horizontal 2-3-52-3-73-4-83-5-83-5-94-6-94-7-105-8-116-8-127-9-12Vertical 1-1-41-2-52-3-63-4-63-4-84-5-84-6-94-7-105-7-106-8-12Noise Criteria Horizontal ——1520242831384347Vertical 1419242932353844485210"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 220270330380435490545655765875Throws Horizontal 2-4-73-5-84-6-94-7-105-7-106-8-116-8-127-9-138-10-149-11-15Vertical 1-2-41-3-63-5-73-5-84-5-94-6-105-6-105-7-116-8-127-9-12Noise CriteriaHorizontal ——1621263033394549Vertical—202529333639444852C E I L I N GD I F F U SE R SPerformance Notes:1. Throws are given at 150, 100 and 50 fpm terminal velocities under isothermal conditions.2. All pressures are in inches w.g..3. Hor izontal thr ows ar e with ceiling coanda effect. For exposed duct mounting, multiply table values by x 0.7. Ver tical throw is a free jet.4. Noise Cr iter ia (NC) ar e based on a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Dash (—) in space denotes an Noise Criteria level less than 10.5. Data derived from independent tests conducted in accor dance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006.Nominal Neck SizeNeck Velocity, FPM 4005006007008009001000120014001600Velocity Pressure ."Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 80100120140160180200235275315Throw Horizontal 1-2-52-3-52-3-63-4-73-5-84-5-84-6-96-8-106-10-117-10-12Vertical 1-1-22-2-32-2-42-3-52-4-53-5-63-5-74-5-84-6-95-7-10Noise Criteria Horizontal ———13172022283236Vertical ———151922243034388"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 140175210245280315350420490560Throw Horizontal 1-2-52-4-63-5-73-5-84-6-94-7-104-7-115-8-126-9-137-10-14Vertical 1-1-41-2-52-3-63-4-63-4-84-5-84-6-95-7-105-7-116-8-12Noise CriteriaHorizontal ——1318212226323842Vertical ——172025263036424610"Dia.Total Pressure Horizontal . ., CFM 220270330380435490545655765870Throw Horizontal 1-4-63-5-93-6-94-7-105-7-115-9-136-10-147-11-158-11-169-12-17Vertical 1-2-41-3-63-5-73-5-84-5-94-6-105-6-105-7-116-8-127-9-12Noise Criteria Horizontal —101521263033384345Vertical —14192531343742474912"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 31539047055063070578595011001255Throw Horizontal 2-3-73-6-94-7-105-8-126-9-146-10-157-10-168-11-179-12-1810-14-19Vertical 2-3-52-4-63-6-75-6-95-7-105-7-106-7-127-8-128-10-148-9-15Noise Criteria Horizontal —152225303336434548Vertical 1218252833363946485114"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 4255306357458559601070128515001710Throw Horizontal 2-4-84-5-85-6-106-8-127-10-148-10-169-11-1710-11-1811-12-2012-14-21Vertical 2-3-54-4-64-5-95-7-106-9-127-9-138-9-149-10-1510-11-1610-13-18Noise Criteria Horizontal —162225293336404248Vertical 1119252832363943455115"Dia.Total PressureHorizontal . ., CFM 49061573586098511101230147017201965Throw Horizontal 5-6-85-8-98-9-119-10-1210-10-1311-12-1512-12-1612-14-1814-15-2015-17-23Vertical 3-4-63-4-75-6-86-7-96-8-108-9-1110-11-1211-12-1411-14-1612-16-18Noise CriteriaHorizontal 10182430343740424851Vertical13212733374043455154。

LT180 高性能高固氟碳涂料 - 产品说明书

LT180 高性能高固氟碳涂料 - 产品说明书

Product Datasheet 产品说明书Product name 产品名称LT180 High Performance HS Fluorocarbon CoatingLT180高性能高固氟碳涂料Product description 产品描述LT180 is the two components, air drying, high solid fluorocarbon finishcoating with excellent weather resistance and color retention. It provides thesuper smoothness and protection without additional thicker film build. LT 180system is versatile and excellent in application performances which aredesigned for spray or roll application, and are compatible with a wide array ofequipment, including robotic. High solid specific characteristics could save thepainting cycles in labor cost and paint material cost. Finally it could minimizethe maintenance cost of the owner and extend the maximum service life of anyinvestment. LT 180 system produces an excellent balance of performanceproperties that deliver long term, low maintenance asset protection in anyoperating environment including desert, on shore and offshore.LT180是双组分空气自干型高固态氟碳涂料,具有非常优异的耐老化性能以及保色性。

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