
主要Part 1话题:
music sleep family howntown entertainment internet boat
主要Part 2话题:
an important plant in your country
a polite person
a language not english do you learn in the future
Section 3 =新题V Section 3(一级预测命中)
↘Passage 1—反刍动物(旧题)
↘Passage 2—新题
↘Passage 3—新题
↘Passage 1—新手和专家(旧题)
task2——教育——In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society?
trainning session
products that not satisfied
a film about real people or event
a garden you visited
person who has important job

2013年2⽉14⽇雅思写作真题task2解析Task2:Some people think young people should be free to choose their jobs,but other people think young people should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.⼀些⼈认为年轻⼈应该⾃由选择⼯作,但另外⼀些⼈认为年轻⼈选择⼯作时应该现实⼀些并且考虑他们的未来。
以下是Amy原创,供各位烤鸭参考:Young people tend to find themselves confused when they have to decide which job they should take after graduation. Some people believe they should be free to pursue what they like, with no regard for reality factors and future development, however, other people hold the opposite opinion, assuming that it is the right way to be realistic while carrying an unrelenting search for an ideal job.First, it is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment. As most of young people have to depend on themselves to survive in this society, where fierce competition and immense financial pressure can be felt everywhere, sometimes they are obliged to take jobs to earn a living. Once they become economically independent, they begin to think about their interest and dream. They work out specific schedules to achieve their short-term goals and then step by step there is great possibility that their long-term aims can also be obtained. Second, though it is difficult for young people to accept reality, many of them prove to be very adaptive to the new situation. Therefore they tend to become more responsible social or family members. By working diligently and overcoming setbacks and frustrations, they are rewarded not only in terms of material wealth which can bring them a harmonious family in a position of financial security, but also a positive attitude towards things and people around them. There is great evidence that those positive people with strong support from family are more likely to achieve freedom in their jobs.On the other hand, there are numerous risks for young men who decide to take any jobs they want at first. For one thing, many young people are hardly aware of their strengths and weaknesses; hence they are likely to select their first jobs according to their temporary interest impulsively. However, over the years when their enthusiasm wane, they end up knowing nothing about what to do next. For the other, some young people do have a clear sense of where their passion lies in, and they may choose their favorite jobs and obtain a sense of satisfaction at the beginning. However, these favorite jobs are not always highly-paid ones and even cannot enable them to make ends meet, thus they bring tremendous pressure on their family and conflicts might occur among family members.Overall, though it is ideal and fortunate for those young people who can start their career life with their favorite jobs, most of them have to face up to reality and having a long-term goal about the future development and owing a positive mindset to work hard toward the goal is the true way to ultimate freedom.。

Describe a coffe you have been to
an occasion when you were late
Describe a product you wanted to buy after you saw the advertisement
S1:V100320S1;10个填空(题目难度小于剑桥系列任何一套section 1)
Describe a café(新题)
Describe a website
Describe an occasion that you were late
Describe a team project/group activity you did.
A类大作文题目:childcare is an important task for nations. it is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare courses. to what extent do you agree or disagree?(旧题)

在这一年,柱图所占比例(接近三分之一) 明显高于别的图表。
1. 有时间变化的动态图才要求考生进行“增加”、“减少”、“翻倍”、“减半”等趋势性描述
2. 而静态图则是围绕相同时间不同的数据之间的大小比较。

A类小作文:小作文是柱状图,从四个方面对于三个不同病区的病人推荐评价的百分比A类大作文:In modern society, it is possible for people to go shopping, work or communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with each other. Do you think it is negative or positive?类似考题:2012-08-09 Mobile phones and the internet play an important part in the way which people relate to one another socially. What are the advantages and disadvantages?写作考题写作思路分析:开头段中可用例证或背景引入法:1. A significant three per cent of adults fall into a so-called ‘digitally dominant’ group which will mainly communicate via text, email or video calls.2. According to researchers for digital marketing agency dnx, adults in the digitally dominant group are four times less likely to go to a shop than average.3. They rarely go out without both a mobile phone and a tablet computer, buy their food via the internet and are four times less likely to go to a shop than average.4. Few people deny the important role the Internet now plays in everyday life. People of all ages use it to find information, communicate, be entertained, and care for financial matters.优势1. communicating online: more comfortable, be able to express one’s true self withou t the fear of people staring at them or seeing reactions to what they say。

2013年2⽉14⽇雅思写作⼩鹏哥解析以及语料库2013年2⽉14⽇雅思写作⼩鹏哥解析以及语料库2013年1⽉14⽇雅思⼩作⽂:地图题:2013年雅思写作⼤作⽂题⽬:择业类(新题出现)Some people think that people should be free to choose his or her jobs, while others believe that people should be realistic and think about their future? Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有⼈认为⼈们应该⾃由选择⾃⼰的⼯作,有⼈认为⼈们在选择⼯作的时候应该更加现实以及考虑职业的前景,讨论两种观点给出你的意见?雅思⼩鹏哥解析(新东⽅薛鹏原创;转载请注明)思路拓展:⾸段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家⽴场;⼀份完美的职业是⼈⼈渴望的,⼈们多年来⼀直在思考完美⼯作的内涵,是选择⾃⼰喜欢的⼯作还是有前途的⼯作,⼈们的观点不⼀。

2013年9月雅思写作考试题汇总+解析9月7日BY 上海环球雅思邹燕萍提示:首先分析题目,类似于地图题。
框架提示:开头段The two diagrams illustrate the structure in a typical Japanese office compared with that in an American office.中间第一段A careful analysis of the first diagram makes it clear that seats are generally arranged based on one’s title. Specifically, it is the general manager who holds the central as well as top position in the office. As to other employees, they are divided, horizontally, into different groups. Within each section, the white-collar workers are seated on either side of the table, with their section manager sitting in the front.中间第二段Different from what is organized in Japanese offices, the American tend to utilize the space by function. The office is separated, from left to right, into three parts. On the left side, there are four rooms for copying, storage as well as conference. Adjacent to these four rooms are a number of independent studios for employees who are seated in the middle of the office. On the right side are several rooms for section managers and the general manager. Most notably, the seat for the general manager is located in the lowest right corner, contrary to the top middle position for the manager in Japan.结尾段In summary, clear from these two pictures is the specific organization of a typical Japanese office versus that of an American. It is noticeable that the Japanese tend to arrange the space according to one’s position while the American prefer a function-based office.二雅思大作文部分题目:Nuclear energy is the best source of power in meeting ever-increasing energy needs,To what extent do you agree or disagree?提示:分析文章关键词是“nuclear energy”,题目类型是观点类别的,所以需要考生开头段提出自己明确的观点。

剑桥雅思写作13test1task1真题解析【题目+解题思路+范文】题目:WRITING TASK 1You should spend abo20 minutes on this task.The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.解题思路:1. 图表类型:地图题2. 主体段时态:一般过去时3. 题目要求:两幅地图分别展示了2007年和2010年去城市医院的通行道路。
4. 描述重点:1)2007年地图中的city hospital的东南风是staff and public car park,而在2010年这个地方变为了staff car park。
2)2007年Hospital Rd 两边的六个bus stops 没有了,在道路西边建造了较大的bus station,并有道路通往北边和南边两个环岛,分别与围绕医院的ring road 和city road相连。
范文:SAMPLE ANSWERThis is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band5.5 score. Here is the examiner’s comment:The candidate has identified all the key features (hospital, ring road, new public car park, staff car park and bus station in 2010) but the descriptions are not always accurate e.g. [two features that still remained. This two features are City Hospital and staff carpark] whereas the staff car park was formerly a car park for both staff and public, while the mention of the bus station is not developed. Organisation is clear, however, with some good use of cohesive devices [According to | Apart from | The further additional features], although there is an error in the use of reference pronouns [This/These two features]. The range of vocabulary is sufficient for the task [two different years | features | remained | additional], though [features] is over-used.A spelling error is noted in the second line [sourrounded] but this does not cause any difficulty for the reader; similarly, the use of [around-turn] can be easily understood as ‘roundabout’. There is a mix of simple and complex sentences, mainly used accurately.Two maps illustrate, the way to get to a city hospital of two different years (2007 and 2010).According to both maps, the main features which is city hospital is sourrounded by Ring Road. In these two maps, there have been two features that still remained. This two features are City Hospital and staff car park. Apart from these two features there are some features that shows on 2010 map but haven’t shown on 2007 map. The additional features that appear on the map of 2010 are public car parte which located on the east-side of the city hospital. The further additional features are two around-turn on the hospital Rd. which can lead to the bus station.Overall, there are two major features that never change on both 2007 and 2010 map. These features are city hospital andstaff car park. However, there are some additional features that appear on the map of 2010 but not on 2007. These features are public car park, bus station and two around-turns.剑桥雅思写作13test1task2真题解析【题目+解题思路+范文】题目:WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.解题思路:1. 话题和题型分类社会文化类单边讨论题型2. 题目分析居住在一个你不得不说外语的国家可能会导致严重的社交问题以及实际问题。
雅思写作2013 年总结与解析

雅思写作2013 年总结与解析宗鹏[ 新东方教育科技集团教学培训师]雅思考试写作部分考生普遍感觉难度很大,最终得分很不理想,使其成为众多考生心中“永远的痛”。
本文将对2013 年雅思写作考题做一个汇总分析,从而帮助考生把握考试动态,更加有针对性地备考。
总的来说,2013 年度的考试在题型上并无新意。
柱状图以15 次的高出现率领跑全年考试。
表格题以全年12 次的高出现率打败曲线图,而饼状图在全年考查了9 次,与历年的平均水平相当。
地图题全年出现5 次,流程图全年出现3 次,加在一起共考查8 次,高于年均6 次的历史水平。
老题重现仍是命题主旋律,重现范围基本为07 年至09 年的考题。
(一)数据型图表写作部分—柱状图领跑,图表信息量大幅提高在2013 年共48 场考试中,柱状图的地位依旧不容撼动,以15 次的高出现率领跑全年考试。
由于柱状图包含的信息量较大且在数据特点上可以兼有“数据动态变化”和“数据静态比较” 的双重特征,所以备受出题者青睐。
但值得注意的是,在历史考题中出现总数排名第二位的图表类型在这一年出现了变化,表格题以全年12 次的高出现率打败曲线图,在2013 年总数排名第二位。
而饼状图在全年考查了9 次,与历年的平均水平相当。
曲线图是以主要反映数据变化趋势为主要特征的图表,在历史上的出现总数为全年平均12 次,在2013 年的考场上,这种图表类型的考试频率有了显著下降,但难度有了不小的增长,主要体现在曲线条数的增加。

12月14日雅思写作真题2013年12月14日雅思写作回忆12月14日雅思A类:小作文:柱和饼混合图,bottled water consumption 比较;大作文:Young people are leaving their homes from rural areas to study or work in the cities. What’s are the reasons ? Do advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?新东方奚挺解析:2013年12月14日雅思大作文解析-农村年轻人移居城市Why are young people leaving their homes from rural areas to studyor work in the cities? Do advantages of this development outweigh itsdisadvantages?柏邱12.12和12.14缩小范围预测2 and 32题素材可以互换使用。
Developed cities are in a much better position to provideyoung people with good education and qualified teaching staff, whereas thosefrom rural areas which are inferior in this aspect cannot fully exploited theiryoung people’s potential.城市有更多的工作和发展机会。
Yong peoplefrom rural areas respond the need ofurban developmentin search of well paid jobs and better life quality.积极影响对于经济来说,满足城市发展的劳动力需求,促进产业升级,加速实现工业化,城市化和现代化。
2013年 雅思写作真题

Be better, Be stronger Get smarter, Get longre!雅思写作真题回顾2012.01.07Task 2: Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to grow their economies. Others think the developing countries should keep large companies out and develop local companies instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2012.01.12Task 2: Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others, however, believe that it is a waste of money since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.2012.01.14Task 1: the table shows the percentage of population over 60 in six regions and the whole world.Task 2: Nowadays it is widely accepted that social skills are as important as good qualifications. Do you agree or disagree?2012.02.04Task1: The bar charts show the information about the materials of making polystyrene cups and paper cups. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Task2: Some people think that young people should follow traditions of their society, while others think that young people should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion2012.02.09Task1:The line graph shows the changes in the number of people attending the top-level football matches in three different countries: Italy, German and England.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2: The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?2012.02.18Task1: The graph shows literacy rates in several regions and the average rate in the world. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2: Technology makes life complex, and to make it simple is to stop using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012.02.25Task1: The bar chart shows the information on the number and purpose of trips made by males and females in a certain European country.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2: Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time on study, but it is essential to get involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012.03.08Task 1: The line chart shows the differences of the time spent on three TV programs in UK from 1980 to 2022.Task 2: Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features.People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?2012.03.10Task 1: The table shows the number of mobile phones and personal computers per 1,000 people in 2003 in 6 different countries. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of old people than young people in the future in some countries. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?2012.03.17Task 1: The bar chart shows the working time of part-time and full-time workers in Greece, Netherland and UK. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: News media is important in our society. Why is it so important? Do you think its influence is generally positive or negative?2012.03.31Task 1: The line graph shows sales for books of three categories in the UK between 2002 and 2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: In some cultures the old age is more valued, while in some cultures the youth is more valued. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2012.04.14Task 1: The table shows the information about where coffee produced, consumed and the profits go.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: A tendency that the news reported in the media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than the positive developments is harmful to both the individual and the society. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?2012.04.21Task 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of adults in different age groups using the internet in UK during 2003 to 2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present. What is your opinion?2012.04.28Task 1: The bar charts show the changes in population size and the rates of birth and death in England and Wales from 1700 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2: In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Task1:The graphs show the results of a survey on the university library conducted by undergraduates and postgraduates.Task2:The increase in food production owes much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people think that it has a negative impact on human health and community. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012.5.26Task1:The maps below show the changes of an Australian park during several decades. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2:Some people think governments should spend their money on the arts. While others believe the money should be spent on the education and health. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2012.6.9Task1:The table illustrates the proportion of those aged 65 and older in three countries, Canada, the UK and Germany in 1980, 2000 and 2030. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2:Some people think news have no connection to people's lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012.6.16Task1:The table shows carbon dioxide (CO2) production in five countries in 2005 and 2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2:There is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbours, what causes this situation? How to solve?Task1:The flow chart below shows the changes in transportation system of a supermarket. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2:When visiting foreign countries, some people think it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions. How do you think people can learn other cultures and traditions? Why some people are interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others not?2012.7.7Task1:The table shows the change of proportion of drama, comedy, romance, and fantasy film released and total ticket sales in the UK in 2000 and 2010.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task2:Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2012.7.21Task 1: The line graphs below show the changes in the urban and rural population and age structure in the North Atlantic.Task 2: In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What are the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?2012.7. 28Task 1: The three pie charts below show the weekly working hours of employees, owners (managers) and the total workforce.Task 2: Many people think arts like painting and music can not directly improve people's quality of life, therefore government should spend money on other things. Do you agree or disagree?。

2013年雅思小作文新题分析2013.1.5The pie charts below show reasons why people left the UK to other countries and why people stayed in the UK. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Part One:Introduction改写介绍句Part Two: Main BodyMain Body 1:图1——总概括;重点突出,详略得当的介绍每个因素:注意如The most obvious contributing factors of people's leaving the UK is to join family or friends, which accounts for 39%; 比较级等结构的表达; Next comes ... ...。
Main Body 2: 图2——总概括,并指出Language和图1中weather的不同;写作中会用到表示不同点的对比词汇,如:while, however, in spite of, in stark contrast,by contrast 等连词。

2013 年雅思写作真题汇总
2013.01.05 Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV.The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree? 2013.01.10 It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the success of career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 2013.01.12 In some countries, the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society? 2013.01.19 In modern society, fatherhood should be emphasized as much as motherhood. Do you agree or disagree? 2013.02.02 Some people say watching television is bad for Children in all ways, others say it is good for children to get knowledge. 2013.02.14 Some people think young people should be free to choose his or her,jboubt other people think they should be realistic and think more about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2013.02.16 Some people think all lawbreakers should be taken in to prison, others believe that there are better alternatives, (for example, being work to do which is beneficial for local community). Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2013.02.23 Not enough students choosescience subjects in university in many countries. What's the reasons for this problem? What's the effects to the society? 2013.03.02 Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development overweight the disadvantages? 2013.03.09 Some think that people should go to college or university to prepare for a successfulcareer. Others believe that they should get a job immediately after they leave school to get more work experience. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 2013.03.14 It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful. Architects shouldn ’ t worry about producing dbiunigl as a work of art. Do you agree or disagree ?

12月21日雅思写作Task2真题解析附2013年12月21日雅思写作Task2真题解析附范文2013年12月21日雅思写作Task2真题解析附范文写作题目:2013年12月21日雅思写作Task2真题解析附范文Scientists advise people to lead a healthy lifestyle, but millions of people still continue with unhealthy activities.Why and what can we do to change this situation?题目讲解:题型类别:报告类(起因、影响及措施)题材类别:社会类话题(生活方式)考情分析及2014年1月份展望:继12月14号涉及原因分析的写作话题之后,本场考试依然为报告类题型。
与本场考试话题类似的`旧题有:Some people think it is the respoasibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think people should have a free for their own lifestyles decisions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ( 2008.03.29)参考思路(针对不同人群有不健康生方式进行分析)》不健康生活方式的原因:1.媒体过度渲染以瘦为美的观念导致女性饮食紊乱,比如盲目节食;2.工作量的增大使上班族长期久坐,没有闲暇时间参与体育锻炼;3-科技进步使人们与电脑如胶似漆,尤其是年轻人,很容易沉迷网络游戏。
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The bar chart shows average hours of housework done by women (unemployment, part time, full time) and full time working men. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Part One:Introduction改写介绍句
Part Two:Main Body(整个主体段落都用过去时态)
Main Body 1:首先使用最高级重点描述women no employment的趋势变化——先下降后recovered;之后用比较级描述women part-time employment的趋势,先小幅下降之后相对大幅上升与women no employment的差别narrowed。
women full-time employment一笔带过。
Main Body 2:重点描述与女性形成鲜明对比的men full-time employment的状况,是最小值,前10年保持不变后来增加。
Part Three:Conclusion 概括总结:女性无论何种employment,都比男性花在家务上的时间多;而出了women no employment以外,三个数值,20年时间都是呈现上升趋势。
The chart below gives some information about the growth of urban population in certain parts of the world including the prediction of the future.
Population of the towns and cities for the percentage of the total
Part One:Introduction改写介绍句
Part Two:Main Body主体段落注意时态的变化,前面1950和2000年都用过去时态,而写2030需要用将来时态,如主语+is going to/is predicted to/is expected to+动词原形。
Part Three:Conclusion 概括总结总体趋势
注意图中含有past, present, future的时间信息,必要时进行时态变化。
如there be句型;事物主语+ be located/situated in+方位词;地方+have+事物;方位+谓语+事物的倒装句型等等。
如“拆除demolish/destruct/level off;“新建”construct, establish, pave+道路, make, repair;“改建/重建/动迁”;以及“取代”类表达如:A is replaced by B,In A’s place, B was built或者B gave way to A等等。
part 1: Introduction 改写题目介绍句
part 2:main body(此处段落划分一般取决于图表的个数)
main body 1: 第一句总的来说日本办公室的布局(The layout of Japanese office is based on hierarchical levels.)。
接下来,分述每个方位的具体信息(注意只做客观描述,不做主观评价)main body 2: 第一句综述美国办公室的布局状况(In contrast, the American office is arranged according to department function)。
part 3: conclusion总结概括两个国家的办公室布局差异。