上海牛津版英语 小学 一年级1B M3U2

精选文档3BM1--M4所有背诵笔录3BModule1Usingmyfivesenses 使用我的五官M1U1Seeingandhearing 看和听★背诵词汇:〔交通工具〕aeroplane 飞机,bus公共汽车,ship 轮船,car汽车,train 火车,bicycle 自行车,van面包车、货车,boat小船,motorbike 摩托车★背诵句型:1.Whatcanyousee? 你能看见什么?2.Icanseeanaeroplane. 我能看见一架飞机。
3.Whatcanyouhear? 你能听见什么?4.Icanhearaship. 我能听见一艘船的声音。
5.Whatelsecanyouhear? 你还可以听见其余什么呢?6.Whatcolourcanyousee? 你能看见什么颜色?7.Icanseewhite. 我能看见白色。
8.Thereisanaeroplane. 有一架飞机。
M1U2Touchingandfeeling 触摸和感觉★背诵词汇:touch触摸、碰,feel触摸、感觉,pineapple菠萝,cake蛋糕,bread面包〔不行数〕,glass玻璃杯、玻璃,bag包〔表示感觉的形容词〕soft柔嫩的,hard坚硬的,rough粗拙的,smooth圆滑的,hungry饿得,thirsty渴的★背诵句型:1、Ihavetwoglasses. 我有两个玻璃杯。
2、Pleasetouchthebag,Alice.Alice, 请摸一摸这只书包。
3、Howdoesitfeel? 它感觉上去怎么样?4.It’sroughandsoft.它是粗拙的和柔嫩的。
5.Howdotheyfeel? 它们感觉上去如何?6.They ’resmoothand soft. 它们是圆滑的和柔嫩的。
M1U3Tastingandsmelling 品味和闻★背诵词汇:taste 品味,smell 闻,lemon柠檬,salt 盐,coffee 咖啡〔表示味觉的形容词〕sweet甜的、糖,sour酸的,salty 咸的,bitter 苦的,nice 好吃的,美味的,yummy美味的★掌握句型:1、Howdoesitsmell? 它闻上去怎么样?2.It ’snice.它是美味。

一、Unit 1: My SchoolHello, everyone! Welcome to the first unit of the textbook "一年级英语沪教牛津版". In this unit, we will learn some basic expressions and vocabulary related to our school. Let's start!1. GreetingsWhen we meet someone, we can say "Hello" or "Hi." It's important togreet others politely.2. Classroom EnglishIn the classroom, we use certain expressions to communicate effectively. For example, when the teacher asks a question, we can raise our hand and say "I know!" or "I can answer that!"3. Introducing OurselvesWe should introduce ourselves to make new friends. We can say, "My name is [name]." It's nice to know each other's names.4. Numbers 1-10Learning numbers is essential. Let's practice counting from 1 to 10. Repeat after me: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.5. Classroom ObjectsThere are many objects in the classroom. For instance, we have desks, chairs, books, pens, and pencils. It's important to know the names of these objects.6. ColorsColors make our world beautiful. Let's learn some colors in English. We have red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, and black.7. Body PartsWe all have body parts. It's crucial to learn how to say them in English. For example, we have eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, and feet.Remember to practice these words and expressions every day to improve your English skills. Let's have a great time learning English in "一年级英语沪教牛津版"!二、Unit 2: My FamilyWelcome to the second unit of "一年级英语沪教牛津版"! In this unit, we will learn about our families, their members, and relationships. Let's begin!1. Family MembersIn a family, we have different members. We have a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandfather, and a grandmother. They are all part of our family.2. Family TreeA family tree helps us understand the relationships between family members. Let's draw a simple family tree and label each member.3. Describing Family MembersWe can describe our family members using adjectives. For example, we can say, "My father is tall and kind." It's interesting to talk about our family members' characteristics.4. Daily ActivitiesFamilies do many activities together. We can say, "In the morning, we eat breakfast together." Sharing our daily activities helps us learn more about each other.5. Talking about Likes and DislikesWe all have things we like and dislike. Let's learn how to express our preferences. For example, we can say, "I like playing football" or "I don't like broccoli."6. HobbiesHobbies are activities we enjoy doing. Some common hobbies include reading, drawing, dancing, and singing. Let's share our hobbies with each other.7. Family TimeSpending time with our families is important. We can have picnics, watch movies, or play games together. Let's cherish the time we have with our loved ones.I hope you enjoy learning about families in "一年级英语沪教牛津版". Keep practicing and expanding your English vocabulary. Good luck!。
上海牛津版英语一年级第二学期M1U2P1 On the farm

What do you hear? I hear a cat .
cat 猫
Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! What do you hear? Cat, cat, cat. I hear a cat.
Listen and guess
What do you hear ? I hear a ddpuoicgkg .
M1 U2 Period 1 On the farm
Zhenxin Primary School Zhang Shuting
WI sheeatawdh.o.a..ty.oduosyeoeu? see
Bingo It is a dog.
dog 狗
Woof! Woof! Woof! I hear a dog.
What do you hear ? I hear a hen .
hen 鸡
Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! What do you hear ?
I hear a .
It is white. It has two horns(角) on the head. You can hear 'Baa~' when it comes.
I hear a cat.
Miaow! Miaow! What do you hear ?
Act and say
Ben:....! ....! What do you hear ?
Alice:I hear a
Cluck!ຫໍສະໝຸດ Quack!Moo!Miaow!
小学英语上海牛津版(一起)《一年级上册(1A)》《Unit 2Numbers

小学英语上海牛津版(一起)《一年级上册(1A)》《Unit2Numbers小学英语上海牛津版(一起)《一年级上册(1a)》《unit2numbers小学英语上海牛津版(合)一年级第1卷(1a)和第2单元优秀课外特别练习[9](包括答案、测试分数和分析)班级:___________姓名:___________分数:___________1.howlongis学校?a、你b.yoursc.your【答案】【考点】小学英语知识点“形态学”代词“所有者代词”【分析】简介2.iwenttoaparkyesterday.it_______veryinteresting.a.areb、 Isc。

2A Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 2 In my room (P30)一、知识点1.介词是表示方位的词,本课介词为in在…里面,Put the book in the bag, please.请把书放进书包里。
on在…上面,Put the bag on the desk, please.请把书包放桌上。
under在…下面,Put the car under the chair.把汽车放在椅子下。
Stand up, please.请起立。
Give me a box, please.请给我一个盒子。
4.All right.“可以”,和OK一个意思。
5.pencil box是硬的那种铅笔盒,pencil case通常指笔袋。
6.love和like意思差不多,表示喜欢,但是like还有一个意思,表示“像”I love oranges. I like oranges.我喜欢我的房间。
I love my room like Kitty and Ben. 我像Kitty、Ben一样喜欢我的房间。
二、本课M3U2要求:1、单词要求:默写bag, box, desk, chair, orange, pig, put(放)2、正确抄写句子,尤其是please前要加个逗号。
3、背诵要求:P31,P32/Listen and enjoy。
熟读P334、会用Put …in/on/under …造句。

牛津小学英语一年级上册(上海版)book [buk]书ruler [ ru:l☜]尺子pencil [ pensl]铅笔rubber [ r✈b☜]橡皮pen [pen]钢笔bag [b✌g]书包one [w✈n]一two [tu:]二three [ ri:]三four [f :]四five [faiv]五six [siks]六dance [da:ns]跳舞read [ri:d]阅读jump [d✞✈mp]跳跃draw [dr :]拉sing [si☠]演唱write [rait]写eye [ai]眼睛mouth [mau ]嘴face [feis]脸nose [n☜uz]鼻ear [i☜]耳朵orange [ rind✞]柑;橙melon [ mel☜n]瓜peach [pi:t☞]桃子lemon [ lem☜n]柠檬apple [ ✌pl]苹果pear [p☪☜]梨taro [ t :☜u]芋头moon [mu:n]月球bean [bi:n]豆leaf [li:f]树叶mooncake [ mun keik]月饼autumn [ :t☜m]秋天sister [ sist☜]姐father [ fa:❆☜]父亲me [mi:, mi]我mother [ m✈❆☜]母亲bicycle [ baisikl]脚踏车;自行车balloon [b☜lu:n]气球doll [d l]洋娃娃ball [b :l]球slide [slaid]滑动swing [swi☠]摇摆牛津小学英语一年级下册(上海版)uncle [ ✈☠kl]伯父;叔叔aunt [a:nt]姑妈;伯母grandmother[ gr✌nd m✈❆☜]祖母grandfather[ gr✌nd fa:❆☜]祖父bird [b☜:d]鸟rabbit [ r✌bit]兔butterfly [ b✈t☜flai]蝴蝶frog [fr g]青蛙bee [bi:]蜜蜂red [red]红色blue [blu:]蓝色yellow [ jel☜u]黄色green [gri:n]绿色pink [pi☠k]粉红色purple [ p☜:pl]紫色brown [braun]褐色orange [ rind✞]橙色postman [ p☜ustm☜n]邮差policeman[p☜li:sm☜n]警察driver [ draiv☜]驾驶员fireman [ fai☜m☜n]消防队员milkman送奶工人;售奶工人tall [t :l]高的short [☞:t]矮的;短的doctor [ d kt☜]医生nurse [n☜:s]护士cook [kuk]厨师old [☜uld]年老的young [j✈☠]年轻的farmer [ fa:m☜]农夫;农民fisherman [ fi☞☜m☜n]渔民;渔夫teacher [ ti:t☞☜]教师fat [f✌t]胖的thin [ in]瘦的cake [keik]蛋糕ice-cream冰淇淋sweet [swi:t]糖果jelly [ d✞eli]果冻milk [milk]牛奶coke [k☜uk]可乐meat [mi:t]肉fish [fi☞]鱼chicken [ t☞ikin]鸡肉rice [rais]米饭noodles面条soup [su:p]汤牛津小学英语二年级上册(上海版)bin [bin]筒park [pa:k]公园road [r☜ud]道路building [ bildi☠]建筑物Shanghai 上海pizza [ pi:ts☜]比萨饼biscuit [ biskit]饼干hotdog热狗juice [d✞u:s](水果)汁或液water [ w :t☜]水play [plei]玩,玩耍run [r✈n]跑sleep [sli:p]睡觉swim [swim]游泳plane [plein]飞机ferry [ feri]摆渡;渡船train [trein]火车taxi [ t✌ksi]出租车car [ka:]汽车;小汽车bus [b✈s]公共汽车van [v✌n]有蓬货车stop [st p]停止go [g☜u]去;走light [lait]灯;光fast [fa:st]快速的slow [sl☜u]缓慢的ice-cream冰淇淋in [in]在……之内(里)on [ n]在……之上under [ ✈nd☜]在……之下bell [bel]铃;钟star [sta:]星;恒星present [ preznt]赠品;礼物tree [tri:]树hat [h✌t]帽子glove [gl✈v]手套scarf [ska:f]围巾winter [ wint☜]冬季cold [k☜uld]寒冷wind [wind]风snow [sn☜u]雪tie [tai]领带;带子belt [belt]腰带sock [s k]袜子shirt [☞☜:t]衬衫dress [dres]女服;童装coat [k☜ut]外套牛津小学英语二年级下册(上海版)hen [hen]母鸡chick [t☞ik]小鸡duck [d✈k]鸭子cow [kau]母牛sheep [☞i:p]羊pig [pig]猪horse [h :s]马bear [b☪☜]熊elephant [ elif☜nt]大象tiger [ taig☜]老虎monkey [ m✈☠ki]猴子panda [ p✌nd☜]熊猫window [ wind☜u]窗户door [d :]门bed [bed]窗room [ru:m, rum]房间sofa [ s☜uf☜]沙发table [ teibl]桌子lamp [l✌mp]灯walk [w :k]步行;散步skip [skip]跳跃swing [swi☠]秋千;摇摆climb [klaim]攀登;爬fly [flai]飞翔ride [raid]骑;乘water [ w :t☜]水dirty [ d☜:ti]脏的wash [w ☞]洗towel [ tau☜l]手巾;毛巾soap [s☜up]肥皂toothbrush [ tu: br✈☞]牙刷toothpaste [ tu: peist]牙膏bowl [b☜ul]碗plate [pleit]盘子glass [gla:s]玻璃;玻璃杯fork [f :k]叉knife [naif]刀spoon [spu:n]勺子;匙chopsticks [ t☞pstik]筷子summer [ s✈m☜]夏季sun [s✈n]太阳cloud [klaud]云hot [h t]热的beach [bi:t☞]海滩shell [☞el]贝壳sand [s✌nd]沙子watch [w t☞]手表clock [kl k]钟表day [dei]白天night [nait]夜晚breakfast [ brekf☜st]早餐lunch [l✈nt☞]午餐dinner [ din☜]晚餐牛津小学英语三年级上册(上海版)late [leit]adj.迟的very [ veri]adv.很again [☜gein, ☜gen]adv.再the [❆☜, ❆i]art.(定冠词, 指特定的事或物)a [ei, ☜]art.一(个)no [n☜u]interj.不please [pli:z]interj.请yes [jes]interj.是grandma [ gr✌nma:]n. (外) 祖母ruler [ ru:l☜]n.尺window [ wind☜u]n.窗kite [kait]n.风筝dog [d g]n.狗jam [d✞✌m]n.果酱box [b ks]n.盒子blackboard [ bl✌kb :d]n.黑板insect [ insekt]n.昆虫mouse [maus]n.老鼠cat [k✌t]n.猫door [d :]n.门name [ neim]n.名字girl [g☜:l]n.女孩apple [ ✌pl]n.苹果pencil [ pensl]n.铅笔lion [ lai☜n]n.狮子hand [h✌nd]n.手book [buk]n.书bag [b✌g]n.书包desk [desk]n.书桌elephant [ elif☜nt] n.象rubber [ r✈b☜] n.橡皮擦school [sku:l]n.学校clock [kl k]n.钟eight [eit]num.八two [tu:]num.二nine [nain]num.九six [siks]num.六seven [ seven] num.七three [ ri:]num.三ten [ten]num.十four [f :]num.四five [faiv]num.五one [w✈n]num.一you [ju:, ju]pron.你,你们your [j :]pron.你的,你们的what [w t]pron.什么Ipron.我come(in)v.(进)来see [si:]v.看见clean [kli:n]v.把……弄干净close [kl☜uz]v.关open [ ☜up☜n] v.开look(at)v.看(着)are [a:]v.是Mrs [ misiz]夫人Hi. [hai]嗨。
上海牛津版英语 小学 一年级1B M3U2(5)

上海牛津版英语小学一年级1B M3U2(5) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One12Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (1)Ⅰ. Look and circle (根据所给的单词,把正确的单词部分圈出来):1. weather2. rainy3. how4. the5. cloudy6. sunnyⅡ. Look and number (看图,将单词的编号写在相应的图片下):1. rainy2. cloudy3. sunny4. windy( )( )( ) ( )w e a w e a t h e r r a i n r a i n y y h o m n o w h o w w t h a t h e r t h u c l o u c l o u d y s u n n s u n n y yⅢ. Read and match(读句子,将下列句子与相应的图片连线):1. How is the weather? It’s sunny.●●A.2. How is the weatherIt’s cloudy. ●●B.3. How is the weatherIt’s windy. ●●C.4. How is the weatherIt’s rainy. ●●D.5. How is the weatherIt’s hot. ●●E.Ⅳ. Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合所给的情景,用☺或☹表示):31.想知道天气情况,你问:How is the weather2.今天是下雨天,你说:It ’s a sunny day.3.别人问你是否喜欢晴天,你说:Yes, I like rainy days.4.早晨,看见好朋友,你对好朋友说:Good afternoon..5.想邀请朋友去公园,你说:Let ’s go to the park.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (2)Ⅰ. Read and circle (读一读,圈出在意义上属于不同类的单词):Ⅱ. Read and tick (读句子,在相应的图片下打勾):1. It ’s summer. It ’s hot.A. howB. cowC. catA. sunnyB. weatherC. rainy A. is B. are C. can A. beach B. peach C. apple5A. ( )B. ( )2. Do you like windy days No.A. ( )B. ( )3. It ’s summer. It ’s hot.A. ( )B. ( )4. Let ’s go to the beach.A. ( )B. ( )5. Do you like cloudy days Yes.Ⅲ. Look and choose (看图,选出正确的单词,圈在字母代号上): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.A. rainy A. morning A. peach A. sunny A. AliceB. sunny B. afternoon B. beach B. cloudy B. KittyⅣ. Read and judge (判断下列句子是否符合图意,用√或╳表示): 1.2.It’s a rainy day. ( ) Do you like cloudy daysYes. ( )3. 4.Good afternoon. ( ) Do you like windy daysYes. ( )5. 6.It’s spring. It’s warm. ( ) Is it a cloudy dayYes. ( )Ⅴ. Read and judge(阅读对话,按顺序用“1—4”给下列图片编号):1. Alice: Mum, how is the weather? Mum: It’s windy.2. Alice: Mum, is it sunny? Mum: No, it’s cloudy.3. Alice: Do you like sunny days? Mum: Yes, It’s nice.4. Alice: How is the weather? Mum: It’s rainy. Take an umbrella, please.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (3)Ⅰ. Read and circle(读一读,圈出正确的图片):1. 2.sunny summer67A. B. A. B.3. 4.windy rainy A. B. A. B. 5. 6.warm cloudy A. B. A. B.Ⅱ. Read and number (读句子,在相应的图片下编号):1. --- How is the weather2. --- How is the weather --- It ’s sunny. --- It ’s cloudy.3. --- How is the weather4. --- How is the weather --- It ’s rainy. --- It ’s windy.Ⅲ. Look and circle (看图,圈出适当的单词完成句子,圈在字母代号上):1. Let’s go to the ____________.8A. peachB. beach2. How __________ the weather It’s ho t. A. is B. are3. It’s a __________ day. A. rainyB. sunny4. Do you like windy days ___________. A. Yes B. No5. Is it a __________ day Yes. A. cloudy B. windyⅣ. Read and choose (读一读,选择正确的问句或答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):A. It ’s summer. It ’s hot.B. Yes, I like sunny days.C. I see the red sun.D. It ’s sunny. It ’s hot.E. I like hot days.( ) 1. --- How is the weather? --- _____________________9( ) 2. --- Do you like sunny days? --- _____________________ ( ) 3. --- What do you like? --- _____________________ ( ) 4. --- What do you see? --- _____________________ ( ) 5. --- What season is it?---_____________________Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (4)Ⅰ. Look and circle (根据所给例词,在每行中找出一个,并把它圈出来):1. season2. weather3. how4. rain5. morningⅡ. Look and match (看图,将下列图片与相应的句子连线): 1.● ● A. Is it a rainy day Yes.2.r a i m r a r a i n w e w e a t h e r r m o r n i n g i n g h o m n o w h o w h s e e s e a s o n s● ● B. How is the weatherIt’s windy.3.● ● C. It’s summer, a hot day. ays.4.● ● D. Do you like sunny days Yes.5.● ● E.No, I like cloudy day.Ⅲ. Read and tick(看图,在符合要求的句子前打√):1. 2.( ) A. Do you like rainy daysYes. ( ) A. How is the weatherIt’s hot.( ) B. Do you like rainy daysNo. ( ) B. How is the weatherIt’s cold.3. 4.( ) A. It’s a cloudy day. ( ) A. How is the weather It’s sunny.( ) B. It’s a windy day. ( ) B. How is the weather It’s rainy.10Ⅳ. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):( ) 1. What do you see? A. It’s hot. It’s big. I like the sun.( ) 2. How is the sun? B. Yes, I eat ice cream. ( ) 3. How is the weather? C. It’s windy. I like windy days. ( ) 4. Do you like the sunny days? D. It’s yellow.( ) 5. What colour is the sun? E. I see the clouds in the sky. Ⅴ. Read and judge(阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话,用√或╳表示):A: Good morning. B: Good morning.A: How is the weather? B: It’s hot.A: Is it sunny? B: Yes, it is.A: Let’s go to the beach. B: OK.A: Look, the beach is nice. B: Yes, it’s very nice.( ) 1. It’s afternoon.( ) 2. It’s a hot day.( ) 3. We can see the sun.( ) 4. Is the beach nice No.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (5)Ⅰ. Read and number(读一读,将下列图片的编号写在相应的句子前):How is the weatherIt’s su nny. How is the weather It’s rainy.How is the weatherIt’s windy. How is the weatherIt’s cloudy.Ⅱ. Read and judge(判断下列图片是否符合所给的句子,用√或╳表示):1. 2.Good afternoon. How is the weatherIt’s hot.( ) ( )3. 4.Do you like sunny daysYes. Do you see the sunNo.( ) ( )Ⅲ. Read and choose (情景选择,在符合情景的句子前打勾): 1. 想要询问天气情况,你问: ( ) A. What season is it?( ) B. How is the weather?2. 告诉朋友,你喜欢有太阳的日子,你说: ( ) A. I like sunny days.( ) B. It ’s a sunny day.3. 下午看见方老师,你说: ( ) A. Good morning, Miss Fang. ( ) B. Good afternoon, Miss Fang.4. 想邀请同学一起去公园,你说: ( ) A. Let ’s go to the zoo.( ) B. Let ’s go to the park.5. 夏天真热啊,你说: ( ) A. Summer is hot.( ) B. Is summer hot?Ⅳ. Read and tick (阅读短文,在图片下的空格内打勾):1.2.A. ( )B. ( )A. ( )B. ( )Hello, I am Kitty. I am a girl. I am tall. But I am thin. I like spring. In spring, I smell the flower. The flowers are red and yellow. I like sunny days. I can see some bees in the park. But my brother (弟弟)likes windy days. He can fly the kites in the park.3. 4.A. ( )B. ( ) A. ( ) B. ( )Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (1)Ⅰ. 1. weather 2. rainy 3. how 4. the 5. cloudy 6. sunnyⅡ. 4213Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. DⅣ. 1. ☺ 2. ☹ 3. ☹ 4. ☹ 5. ☺Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (2)Ⅰ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. AⅡ. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. AⅢ. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. BⅣ. 1. ╳ 2.╳ 3. √ 4. ╳ 5. ╳ 6. √Ⅴ. 4132Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (3)Ⅰ. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. AⅡ. 3241Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. AⅣ. 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. AModule 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (4)Ⅰ. 1. rain 2. weather 3. morning 4. how 5. seasonⅡ. 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. CⅢ. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. AⅣ. 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DⅤ. 1. ╳ 2. √ 3. √ 4. ╳Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (5)Ⅰ. 3124Ⅱ. 1. √ 2. ╳ 3. ╳ 4. √Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. AⅣ. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A。
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Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (1)Ⅰ. Look and circle(根据所给的单词,把正确的单词部分圈出来):1. weather2. rainy3. how4. the5. cloudy6. sunnyⅡ. Look and number(看图,将单词的编号写在相应的图片下):1. rainy2. cloudy3. sunny4. windy ( )( )( )( ) w e a w e a t h e rr a i n r a i n y yh o m n o w h o w wt h a t h e r t h uc l o u c l o ud ys u n n s u n n y yⅢ. Read and match1. How is the weather It’s sunny.●●A.2. How is the weather It’s cloudy. ●●B.3. How is the weather It’s windy. ●●C.4. How is the weather It’s rainy. ●●D.5. How is the weather It’s hot. ●●E.Ⅳ. Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合所给的情景,用或表示):1.想知道天气情况,你问:How is the weather2.今天是下雨天,你说:It’s a sunny day.3.别人问你是否喜欢晴天,你说:Yes, I like rainy days.4.早晨,看见好朋友,你对好朋友说:Good afternoon..5.想邀请朋友去公园,你说:Let’s go to the park.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (2)Ⅰ. Read and circle (读一读,圈出在意义上属于不同类的单词): 1. 2. 3. 4.Ⅱ. Read and tick (读句子,在相应的图片下打勾):1. It ’s summer. It ’s hot.A. ( )B. ( )2. Do you like windy days No.A. ( )B. ( )3. It ’s summer. It ’s hot.A. ( )B. ( )4. Let ’s go to the beach.A. ( )B. ( )5. Do you like cloudy days Yes.A. ( )B. ( ) A. how B. cowC. cat A. sunny B. weather C. rainy A. is B. are C. can A. beach B. peach C. appleⅢ. Look and choose(看图,选出正确的单词,圈在字母代号上):1. 2. 3. 4. 5.A. rainy A. morning A. peach A. sunny A. AliceB. sunny B. afternoon B. beach B. cloudy B. Kitty Ⅳ. Read and judge(判断下列句子是否符合图意,用√或╳表示):1. 2.It’s a rainy day. ( ) Do you like cloudy days Yes. ( ) 3. 4.Good afternoon. ( ) Do you like windy days Yes. ( ) 5. 6.It’s spring. It’s warm. ( ) Is it a cloudy day Yes. ( )Ⅴ. Read and judge(阅读对话,按顺序用“1—4”给下列图片编号):1. Alice: Mum, how is the weather Mum: It’s windy.2. Alice: Mum, is it sunny Mum: No, it’s cloudy.3. Alice: Do you like sunny days Mum: Yes, It’s nice.4. Alice: How is the weather Mum: It’s rainy. Take an umbrella, please.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (3)Ⅰ. Read and circle(读一读,圈出正确的图片):1. 2.sunny summerA. B. A. B.3. 4.windy rainyA. B. A. B.5. 6.warm cloudyA. B. A. B.Ⅱ. Read and number(读句子,在相应的图片下编号):1. --- How is the weather2. --- How is the weather--- It’s sunny. --- It’s cloudy.3. --- How is the weather4. --- How is the weather--- It’s rainy. --- It’s windy.Ⅲ. Look and circle(看图,圈出适当的单词完成句子,圈在字母代号上):1. Let’s go to the ____________.A. peachB. beach2. How __________ the weather It’s ho t.A. isB. are3. It’s a __________ day.A. rainyB. sunny4. Do you like windy days ___________.A. YesB. No5. Is it a __________ day Yes.A. cloudyB. windyⅣ. Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的问句或答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):A. It’s summer. It’s hot.B. Yes, I like sunny days.C. I see the red sun.D. It’s sunny. It’s hot.E. I like hot days.( ) 1. --- How is the weather --- _____________________( ) 2. --- Do you like sunny days --- _____________________( ) 3. --- What do you like --- _____________________( ) 4. --- What do you see --- _____________________( ) 5. --- What season is it --- _____________________Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (4)Ⅰ. Look and circle(根据所给例词,在每行中找出一个,并把它圈出来):1. season2. weather3. how4. rain5. morningr a i m r a r a i nw e w e a t h e r rm o r n i n g i n gh o m n o w h o w hs e e s e a s o n sⅡ. Look and match(看图,将下列图片与相应的句子连线):1.● ● A. Is it a rainy day Yes.2.● ● B. How is the weather It’s windy. 3.● ● C. It’s summer, a hot day. ays.4.● ● D. Do you like sunny days Yes. 5.● ● E. No, I like cloudy day.Ⅲ. Read and tick(看图,在符合要求的句子前打√):1. 2.( ) A. Do you like rainy days Yes. ( ) A. How is the weather It’s hot.( ) B. Do you like rainy days No. ( ) B. How is the weather It’s cold.3. 4.( ) A. It’s a cloudy day. ( ) A. How is the weather It’s sunny.( ) B. It’s a windy day. ( ) B. How is the weather It’s rainy.Ⅳ. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):( ) 1. What do you see A. It’s hot. It’s big. I like the sun.( ) 2. How is the sun B. Yes, I eat ice cream.( ) 3. How is the weather C. It’s windy. I like windy days.( ) 4. Do you like the sunny days D. It’s yellow.( ) 5. What colour is the sun E. I see the clouds in the sky.Ⅴ. Read and judge(阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话,用√或╳表示):A: Good morning. B: Good morning.A: How is the weather B: It’s hot.A: Is it sunny B: Yes, it is.A: Let’s go to the beach. B: OK.A: Look, the beach is nice. B: Yes, it’s very nice.( ) 1. It’s afternoon.( ) 2. It’s a hot day.( ) 3. We can see the sun.( ) 4. Is the beach nice No.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (5)Ⅰ. Read and number(读一读,将下列图片的编号写在相应的句子前):How is the weath er It’s su nny. How is the weather It’s rainy.How is the weather It’s windy. How is the weather It’s cloudy. Ⅱ. Read and judge(判断下列图片是否符合所给的句子,用√或╳表示):1. 2.Good afternoon. How is the weath er It’s hot.( ) ( )3. 4.Do you like sunny days Yes. Do you see the sun No.( ) ( )Ⅲ. Read and choose(情景选择,在符合情景的句子前打勾):1. 想要询问天气情况,你问:( ) A. What season is it ( ) B. How is the weather2. 告诉朋友,你喜欢有太阳的日子,你说:( ) A. I like sunny days. ( ) B. It’s a sunny day.3. 下午看见方老师,你说:( ) A. Good morning, Miss Fang. ( ) B. Good afternoon, Miss Fang.4. 想邀请同学一起去公园,你说:( ) A. Let’s go to the zoo. ( ) B. Let’s go to the park.5. 夏天真热啊,你说:( ) A. Summer is hot. ( ) B. Is summer hotⅣ. Read and tick(阅读短文,在图片下的空格内打勾):Hello, I am Kitty. I am a girl. I am tall. But I amthin. I like spring. In spring, I smell the flower. Theflowers are red and yellow. I like sunny days. I cansee some bees in the park. But my brother(弟弟)likes windy days. He can fly the kites in the park. 1. 2.A. ( )B. ( ) A. ( ) B. ( )3. 4.A. ( )B. ( ) A. ( ) B. ( )Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (1)Ⅰ. 1. weather 2. rainy 3. how 4. the 5. cloudy 6. sunny Ⅱ. 4213Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. DⅣ. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (2)Ⅰ. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. AⅡ. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. AⅢ. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. BⅣ. 1. ╳ 2.╳ 3. √ 4. ╳ 5. ╳ 6. √Ⅴ. 4132Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (3)Ⅰ. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. AⅡ. 3241Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. AⅣ. 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. AModule 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (4)Ⅰ. 1. rain 2. weather 3. morning 4. how 5. season Ⅱ. 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. CⅢ. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. AⅣ. 1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DⅤ. 1. ╳ 2. √ 3. √ 4. ╳Module 3 Things around usUnit 2 Weather (5)Ⅰ. 3124Ⅱ. 1. √ 2. ╳ 3. ╳ 4. √Ⅲ. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. AⅣ. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A。