
用英语讲中国故事铁杵成针作文The story of the "Iron Pestle Becomes Needle" is a classic Chinese tale that has been passed down for generations, serving as a powerful metaphor for the transformative power of perseverance and hard work. At its core, this story encapsulates the unwavering determination and resilience of the human spirit, reminding us that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome through sheer willpower and unwavering commitment.The narrative begins with a poor farmer who possesses nothing more than an old iron pestle, a tool typically used for grinding grains and spices. Faced with the harsh realities of poverty, the farmer recognizes the need to find a way to supplement his meager income. Undeterred by his limited resources, he hatches a plan to transform the humble pestle into a valuable commodity.Day after day, the farmer tirelessly hammers and shapes the pestle, slowly but surely molding it into the delicate form of a sewing needle. The task is arduous, requiring immense physical strength and mental fortitude, as the farmer must meticulously file and polish the iron toachieve the desired result. Yet, he remains undaunted, driven by a steadfast belief in the power of his own determination.As the weeks turn into months, the farmer's dedication is put to the test. Blisters form on his calloused hands, and his muscles ache from the relentless pounding. Still, he perseveres, unwilling to surrender to the challenges that stand in his way. With each strike of the hammer, he inches closer to his goal, fueled by the knowledge that his efforts will ultimately pay off.Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the transformation is complete. The once-bulky pestle has been painstakingly transformed into a slender, sharp-pointed needle, ready to be used for the intricate work of sewing and embroidery. The farmer, his face etched with pride and accomplishment, holds the needle aloft, marveling at the fruits of his labor.The story of the "Iron Pestle Becomes Needle" is a testament to the power of human resilience and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through sheer determination and an unwavering commitment to his goal, the farmer has demonstrated that even the most daunting challenges can be conquered, one step at a time.This tale serves as a powerful metaphor for the broader Chineseexperience, where generations of people have faced adversity and hardship with unrelenting fortitude. Whether it is the construction of the Great Wall, the development of traditional Chinese medicine, or the rapid industrialization of the modern era, the Chinese people have consistently proven their ability to transform the most formidable obstacles into remarkable achievements.The story also reflects the deep-rooted cultural values of China, where hard work, perseverance, and a steadfast focus on long-term goals are highly revered. In a world that often prizes instant gratification and quick solutions, the "Iron Pestle Becomes Needle" story reminds us that true progress and success are often the result of painstaking, incremental efforts over an extended period.By sharing this captivating tale, we can gain valuable insights into the rich tapestry of Chinese history and culture. It serves as a powerful reminder that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome through unwavering determination, hard work, and a steadfast belief in one's own abilities. As we continue to explore and understand the diverse stories and experiences that shape the Chinese narrative, we can draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom embodied in the "Iron Pestle Becomes Needle" tale, and apply its lessons to our own personal and collective journeys.。

英文版中国成语故事 1In the Three Kingdoms Period, during a battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the latter ordered his generals Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to capture Cao Cao’s supplies.Cao Cao led a large force against Zhao Yun, who retreated as fas as the gates of his camp.There, he ordered that the banners be lowered and the war drums silenced, and that the camp gates be left wide open.Zhao Yun then stationed his troops in ambush nearly.When Cao Cao arrived and saw the situation, he immediately suspected a trap and withdrew his forces.This idiom is nowadays used to indicate metaphorically halting an attack or ceasing all activities.英文版中国成语故事 2in the northern and southern dynasties when the state of chen (a.d.557-58(9)was facing its demise(死亡,终止), Xu deyan,husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves.each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated.soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other,but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.this idiom is used to refer to the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up.英文版中国成语故事 3during the warring states period (475-221bc), the king of the state of qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles.he often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music.the king treated his musician very well.a man named nanguo heard about that and he managed to become a member of the band,even though he wan not good at playing the instrument at all.whenever the band played for the king, nanguo just stood in the line and pretended to play.nobody realized he was making no sound at all.as a result, he enjoyed his treatment just as the other musician did.when the king died, his son became the new ruler who also liked the music played on the yu.however,he preferred solos so that he ordered the musicians to play the yu one by one.therefore, nanguo had to run out of the palace.英文版中国成语故事 4At the end of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.)the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control for the country.Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged(包围) at a place called GaiXia by the Han army led by Liu Bang.Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation,with little food and only a few soliders.At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs.Xiang Yu was very surprised at this,and said:"Has Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu? How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army?" Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces.This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides.项羽和刘邦原来约定以鸿沟(在今河南荣县境贾鲁河)东西边作为界限,互不侵犯。

10篇中国成语故事英文版,经典收藏!英语口语·吉米老师说每一个成语背后都承载着先人的智慧和人生的哲理,这10个常用成语的典故你都知道吗?今天老师分享双语版,一起来学习~英语·成语故事内容来源网络,英语口语(kouyu8)编辑整理01 凿壁偷光Kuang Heng was born in a poor family. He liked reading books very much. He needed to work at daytime, so he had to read books during night. But he was too poor to buy a candle.One day, he found his neighbour had candles, but the light couldn’t go through his room. So he dug a small hole on the wall so that he could use the light to read books. From that day, he read books every night until the light went out.However, he finished reading all his books and there were nobooks for him to read. Then he went to a rich man’s house and worked for him with out payment. The rich man asked: “ Why don’t you want the money?” Kuang Heng said: “ Because I only want to borrow your books.” The rich man agreed. Kuang Heng read the books one by one.Finally, he became a great scholar.匡衡勤奋好学,但家中没有蜡烛。

as long as kung fu deep, iron pestle into a needle.2、耐⼼和恒⼼总会得到报酬的。
patience and perseverance will get paid.3、少壮不努⼒,⽼⼤徒伤悲。
a young don't work hard, idle young, needy old.4、所谓天才,就是努⼒的⼒量。
the so-called genius is to strive force.5、别再⾃⼰摸索,问路才不会迷路。
don't oneself fumble, to ask the way won't get lost.6、没关系,说得很好,再来⼀遍好吗?it doesn't matter, you're good, do it again, please?7、树欲静⽽风不⽌,⼦欲养⽽亲不在。
the trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, to raise and kiss the son is not here.8、不管⾬下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。
no matter how long the rain, rainbow will appear.9、每⼀件事都要⽤多⽅⾯的⾓度来看它。
every thing is to use various point of view it.10、只有登上⼭顶,才能看到远处的风光。
only on the top of the mountain, can see the distant scenery.11、耕耘者的汗⽔是哺育种⼦成长的乳汁。


Grinding an Iron Pestleinto a Needle Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. However, he was lazy and afraid of difficulties when he was a young boy. He did not like to study and always ran out to play without finishing his homework. Being would take many years!” “This doesn’t matter. As long as I am willing to put my effort and continue to work very hard, I will be able to turn it into a fine needle!” The old woman answered confidently.Deeply moved by what the old woman had said, Li Bai felt ashamed and made up his mind to study hardsince then. Finally, he made greatprogress in his studies, becoming one ofthe greatest poets in Chinese history.磨杵成针李白是唐代一位伟大的诗人。

关于中国成语故事英文版,喜欢就一起看看吧!英文版中国成语故事1:滥竽充数during the warring states period (475-221bc), the king of the state of qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles. he often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music.the king treated his musician very well. a man named nanguo heard about that and he managed to become a member of the band, even though he wan not good at playing the instrument at all.whenever the band played for the king, nanguo just stood in the line and pretended to play. nobody realized he was making no sound at all.as a result, he enjoyed his treatment just as the other musician did. when the king died, his son became the new ruler who also liked the music played on the yu.however, he preferred solos so that he ordered the musicians to play the yu one by one. therefore, nanguo had to run out of the palace.英文版中国成语故事2:偃旗息鼓In the Three Kingdoms Period, during a battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the latter ordered his generals Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to capture Cao Cao’s supplies.Cao Cao led a large force against Zhao Yun, who retreated as fas as the gates of his camp.There, he ordered that the banners be lowered and the war drums silenced, and that the camp gates be left wide open.Zhao Yun then stationed(安置,驻扎) his troops in ambush(埋伏) nearly. When Cao Cao arrived and saw the situation, he immediately suspected a trap and withdrew his forces.This idiom is nowadays used to indicate metaphorically(隐喻地) halting an attack or ceasing all activities.英文版中国成语故事3:破镜重圆in the northern and southern dynasties when the state of chen (a.d. 557-589) was facing its demise(死亡,终止) , xu deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves.each of them kept a half as tokens(代币,符号) in case they were separated. soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.this idiom is used to refer to the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up.成语故事是中国所特有的,总感觉翻译成英文的就变了味儿。

只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针英语作文Persistence and patience are keys to success. 坚持和耐心是成功的关键。
No matter how challenging a task may seem, as long as you put in the effort, you will eventually achieve your goal. 无论任务看起来多么艰巨,只要你付出努力,最终你都会实现目标。
This Chinese proverb, "只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针", emphasizes the importance of dedication and hard work in achieving long-term goals. 这句中国谚语“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针”,强调了在实现长期目标中奉献和努力的重要性。
The imagery of grinding an iron rod into a needle through consistent effort illustrates the gradual transformation that occurs through persistence. 通过持之以恒的努力将铁杵磨成针的意象展示了持久坚持所带来的渐进转变。
In our modern society, where instant gratification is often prioritized, the concept of patience and persistence can easily be overlooked. 在我们的现代社会中,往往优先考虑即时满足感,耐心和毅力的概念很容易被忽视。
However, success rarely comes overnight and requires dedication over a prolonged period of time. 然而,成功很少是一夜之间实现的,需要在长期内的奉献。
铁杵成针 (tiě chǔ chéng zhēn)-英文版成语典故

铁杵成针(tiě chǔ chéng zhēn)Li Needled into ActionThe verbatim translation of Tie Chu Cheng Zhen is "to grind an iron rod into a needle." This Chinese idiomhas a similar meaning as such phrases as "grinding away at one's studies" and "keeping one's nose to thegrindstone" in English.But behind this Chinese saying there is an interesting story about Li Bai, one of the greatest poets in Chinesehistory.Born into a rich merchant's family in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), Li was a prodigy when it came to writingChinese classic poetry.He began to write poems when he was only 10 but he wasn't a hardworking student and tended to while awaythe time outdoors.When Li was roaming through a small village one day, he noticed an old woman grinding an iron rod on a biggrindstone in front of a straw-thatched hut.Being curious, the teenager went forward and asked: "What are you doing, granny?"The old woman looked up and answered, "Making a needle.""What? Making a needle out of an iron rod?" Li burst into laughter, thinking the old woman must be joking.But the old woman responded seriously. "Don't laugh, young man. As long as I keep grinding, I will make afine needle out of this coarse rod someday."Li stopped laughing and began to ponder the meaning of the old woman's remark for quite a while.Then, with great respect, he bowed deeply to the needle grinder, turned around and went home.From that day onward, Li became a very diligent student and made Tie Chu Cheng Zhen his lifelong motto.Eventually, he established himself in Chinese literature as one of the greatest poets.Even today, Li's poems enjoy great popularity among Chinese-speaking people all across the world.And Tie Chu Cheng Zhen, a story which has been retold for generations, is now not only a household phrase inChina, but also a legend reflecting Chinese people's deep belief in being industrious.Today, this idiom is often quoted to encourage people, particularly the younger generations, to make unremitting efforts to achieve their goals. It is also a Chinese synonym of perseverance or unremittingendeavor.。

用英语讲中国故事铁杵成针二分钟作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Persevering BlacksmithOnce upon a time, there lived a hardworking blacksmith named Zhang in a small village in China. He was known for his skill in making all sorts of metal tools and objects. However, despite his talent, Zhang and his family remained very poor.One day, a traveling merchant came through the village selling needles. Zhang watched as the merchant quickly sold every single needle he had for a very high price. This gave Zhang an idea - if he could learn to make needles, he could become rich too!Zhang approached the merchant and asked him to teach the secret of needle-making. The merchant laughed at Zhang's request. "Needles are much too difficult for a simple blacksmith like you to make," he sneered. "The metal must be pounded thousands of times until it becomes thin and sturdy enough. You'll never have the patience for such tedious work."Zhang was disappointed but undeterred. He decided he would learn to make needles through his own perseverance. He gathered up some thin metal rods and began pounding them with his heaviest hammer. Poundhammerpoundhammerpound, he worked all day long. Yet after hours of tireless effort, the rods stayed as thick as before.Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Still, Zhang kept doggedly pounding away at the metal rods. His hands became blistered and calloused, but he never gave up. "I will make needles, no matter how long it takes!" he declared stubbornly.Finally, after nearly a year of ceaseless pounding, one of the rods began to slowly thin out. Zhang's face lit up with joy and renewed determination. He continued hammering with even greater vigor. Poundhammerpound! Poundhammerpound!Gradually, the once thick rod transformed into a long, thin, sturdy piece of metal - a needle! Zhang had done the impossible through sheer willpower and effort. He quickly made more needles and took them to sell at the market. The needles were of such fine quality that merchants came from miles around to purchase them. Before long, Zhang's reputation as the finest needle maker in the land grew.Thanks to his perseverance, Zhang was finally able to lift his family out of poverty. He built a large, prosperousneedle-making business that brought him great wealth and respect. Zhang's story became a beloved folktale in China, inspiring people to never give up on their goals no matter how difficult the task. Just like the tough metal that became a needle through persistent hammering, anything is possible with enough diligence and determination.The end!篇2The Indefatigable PestleDo you ever feel like giving up when something seems really, really hard? I know I do sometimes! But this cool old Chinese story taught me that if you keep trying and never quit, even the toughest things are possible.It's called "The Indefatigable Pestle" and it's all about this iron pestle that was used for grinding herbs and stuff in the kitchen. One day, the pestle got all mad because the stone mortar it was banging against every day was getting little nicks and dents, but the pestle itself stayed totally smooth and unmarked."How come that stupid mortar gets all beat up, but I stay perfect?" grumbled the pestle. "That's not fair at all! I work way harder than that lazy mortar, so I should be the one getting dented, not it!"So the pestle decided it was going to mark up that mortar, no matter how long it took. It started bashing itself against the mortar over and over and over again, not stopping for anything. The pestle bashed the mortar days, nights, months, even years without resting!The family who owned the kitchen tools thought the pestle was being totally crazy banging away like that non-stop. They tried to take it away, but the pestle just kept right on going, clang clang clang! They couldn't stop its wild determination.After like three full years of constant pounding, the pestle finally started making little marks and dents in the tough stone mortar's surface. It had succeeded through sheer persistence and effort! Seeing the first little nick it had made, the pestle was overjoyed. It felt like its hard work had really paid off.But then, the family took the mortar and pestle outside and examined them closely. When they saw that the once-smooth pestle was now the one totally beat up and covered in dentsfrom years of pounding, while the mortar looked almost the same as before, they just shook their heads in amazement."Well, that pestle put in an incredible effort," they said. "Too bad it didn't realize that the soft thing will always be the one that gets dented, not the hard thing it strikes against!"So yeah, even though the pestle didn't accomplish exactly what it wanted, it showed incredible stick-to-it-iveness and never-say-die spirit. If it had been a human instead of a kitchen tool, I bet it could have achieved anything it put its mind to through that kind of unbeatable perseverance and refusal to give up.Whenever I feel like throwing in the towel on something difficult, I remind myself of that iron pestle. If an ordinary tool had that much grit and determination, then I should be able to dig down and find my own inner strength too. All I have to do is never quit, keep working at it relentlessly, and I can turn any obstacle to dust through sheer perseverance – no matter how long it takes or how impossible it seems.Those are the inspiring words of wisdom I took from this classic Chinese tale. Hopefully it motivates you guys to never give up too, no matter how hard things get or how stuck you feel. Just keep chipping away and you can accomplish amazing things,one tiny effort at a time! An unwavering spirit like that iron pestle's can make the incredible become totally possible.篇3The Knitting Needle Becomes a NeedleHave you ever heard the ancient Chinese story about the knitting needle that became a real needle? It's one of my favorite folktales because it teaches such an important lesson about perseverance and never giving up. Let me tell it to you!A long, long time ago, there lived an old woman who spent her days knitting. She didn't have much money, so she had to be very careful with her supplies. One day, the old woman's knitting needle broke in half. She was really upset because knitting needles weren't cheap and she didn't have enough coins to buy a new one."What am I going to do?" the old woman cried. "I can't afford another knitting needle. Without it, I can't knit and I'll have no way to make warm clothes to sell at the market."The old woman looked down at the broken knitting needle halves in her hands. An idea sparked in her mind. "Well, if I can'tknit with this needle anymore, perhaps I can use it for something else," she thought.She picked up one of the narrow needle halves and started banging it against a rock. Back and forth, back and forth, she hammered the metal piece relentlessly. Her arms grew tired from swinging, but she didn't stop. Bang, bang, bang - the noise echoed through her little home.After hours and hours of pounding, the old woman finally looked down at the needle half. To her amazement, it had started to change shape! The constant hammering had thinned and flattened the metal into a sharp, pointy tip. It was starting to look just like a real needle used for sewing.The old woman was overjoyed at her creation. "If I keep working, I can make this into a proper needle!" she exclaimed excitedly. She dipped the needle into a bowl of oil to harden the metal, then went back to hammering away.Bang, bang, bang. Her arms ached, but she didn't feel the pain. Bang, bang, bang. Her fingers grew calloused and blistered, but she kept on swinging. Day and night, the relentless pounding continued. Sometimes the old woman would nod off from exhaustion, only to jolt awake and resume hammering with even more determination.Slowly but surely, the broken knitting needle took the shape of a real metal needle. When the old woman finally held up her work, she could hardly believe her eyes. What was once a dull knitting needle half had transformed into a slender, glistening sewing needle, perfectly sharpened to a point."I did it! After all that effort, I actually did it!" the old woman cheered. She couldn't wait to take her new needle to the market and use it to professionally mend clothes and earn an income.From that day on, the old woman diligently used her new sewing needle to work day and night. Whenever friends came to visit, she would proudly show off her skillful needlework and tell them the story of how the needle had begun as a broken knitting needle half."You see, with enough persistence and hard work, even an old knitting needle can become a sharp sewing needle," she would say. "No matter what obstacles you face, you can overcome them if you just persevere."Her friends admired her determination and resourcefulness. Pretty soon, the story of how the knitting needle became a needle spread far and wide, and everyone marveled at the old woman's ability to transform something useless into something valuable through sheer hard work and grit.And that's the ancient Chinese folktale of how an old woman turned a broken knitting needle into a brand new sewing needle, just by tapping away with a rock day and night. Whenever I feel like giving up on something difficult, I remind myself of that story. If an old woman could hammer a dull piece of metal into a sharp needle just through perseverance, then surely I can achieve my goals too if I refuse to give up.What's the moral of the story? Well, as the old woman always used to say: with enough persistence and determination, you can turn something useless into something wonderful, sort of like how a knitting needle can become a needle. All it takes is the willingness to work hard, even when the task seems impossible. So keep on hammering away at your dreams, and someday they just might come true!篇4The Persistent NeedlesmithHave you ever tried to do something really, really hard? Like super hard, where it seems totally impossible? That's what this awesome old Chinese story is all about!A long, long time ago, there lived a poor blacksmith named Ye Ying. He loved making things out of metal, like tools andweapons and stuff. But Ye Ying's favorite thing to try and make was needles. Back then, needles were super precious since they had to be made completely by hand.Can you imagine how tiny and detailed a needle is? And having to shape the metal into that perfect little point? With no machines to help at all? It must have been crazy difficult! But Ye Ying was determined to be the best needlesmith ever.For years and years, Ye Ying worked away, trying to craft the perfect needle. He would spend hours and hours each day, carefully pounding and shaping the hot metal. His hands were always covered in blisters and burns from working the red-hot iron. Sometimes he thought he had it, only for the needle to snap or end up bent and useless.Ye Ying's family started to get really worried about him. His wife begged him to give up and find an easier job. His friends all made fun of his "impossible dream." But Ye Ying refused to quit. He was stubborn as a mule! He just KNEW if he kept trying, one day he would succeed.Finally, after 18 long years of non-stop practice and failure, it happened. Ye Ying managed to perfectly shape a needle out of a single piece of metal! It was straight and smooth with the tiniest, sharpest point you've ever seen. When he held it up to the light,you could even see his smiling face reflected in the shiny surface. Success at last!Word quickly spread about Ye Ying's amazing skill. The emperor himself summoned the master needlesmith to the palace to show off his talents. Ye Ying was showered with riches and honor for his incredible dedication and hard work. All because he never, ever gave up on his dream.I think this story is so inspiring! It shows that if you really stick with something, even if it seems impossible at first, you can achieve great things. As long as you practice and practice, using perseverance and patience, you'll get there in the end.It makes me think about things I struggle with, like learning multiplication tables or playing an instrument. Instead of getting frustrated and quitting, I need to be more like Ye Ying. I need to chip away at it little by little, making tiny bits of progress every day. If I keep at it, pushing through the hard parts, maybe one day I'll be a master too!The story of the Persistent Needlesmith teaches us that nothing worth doing is easy. But if it's something you really care about, all the effort is worth it in the end. Just imagine how proud Ye Ying must have felt after finally crafting that perfect needle! I'll try to remember his example anytime I feel like givingup on a difficult goal. With enough time, practice, and perseverance, even the impossible can become reality.篇5The Persevering Monk and the Iron AwlHave you ever heard the ancient Chinese story about the monk who made a needle out of an iron awl? It's one of my favorites because it teaches a really important lesson about perseverance and never giving up.The story goes like this. A long, long time ago, there was a monk who lived by himself in a tiny temple on a remote mountain. One day, he needed to repair one of the Buddhist scrolls, but he didn't have a needle to use. So he took an old, thick iron awl that was used for punching holes in leather and decided he would try to shape it into a needle instead.Now an iron awl is really thick and chunky, not anything like the thin, delicate needle the monk needed. Most people probably would have just given up right away. But not this determined monk! He started tapping away at the awl, carefully sharpening and shaping the thick metal bit by bit.Tap, tap, tap...the monk worked at it day after day, week after week, hitting that iron awl over and over with a small hammer. His fingers probably got really sore and calloused from holding the awl all that time. And I bet his arms got super tired from all the tapping too! But he didn't let that stop him. He just kept on patiently hammering, shaping that stubborn awl little by little.Can you imagine how long that must have taken? Months went by, and still the awl was barely starting to look like a needle.A lot of people would have given up by then, thinking it was an impossible task. But the monk never lost faith. He stayed focused and kept on tapping patiently, paying no attention to how long it was taking.Finally, after what must have been years of steady effort, the awl started to take on the slender, pointy shape of a needle. The monk kept working and working until at last, the amazing happened - the heavy iron awl had been transformed into a delicate, perfect needle!Just picture how excited and proud the monk must have felt after all that hard work and perseverance had paid off. And from then on, he was able to use that needle that he had made himself to repair and take care of all the Buddhist scrolls and books in the temple.To me, this story sends such a powerful message - if you keep persisting patiently at something, even if it seems impossible at first, you can make amazing things happen through sheer determination and effort. The monk could have easily given up, but instead he stubbornly chipped away at that awl bit by bit until his goal was achieved.It makes me think about things in my own life that might seem really difficult or even impossible sometimes - like getting good grades, learning to play an instrument, or making it onto a sports team. This story inspires me to never give up, but to keep working at it little by little with lots of perseverance and tenacity. Just like that monk shaped a needle out of an iron awl through years of steady effort!So the next time you're feeling discouraged about something tough you're trying to accomplish, remember the inspiring story of the persevering monk. Keep chipping away persistently, and amazing things can happen if you don't lose faith. I know I'll keep that wise old tale in mind to motivate me whenever I feel like throwing in the towel. After all, if a monk can make a needle from an awl through sheer perseverance, then we can achieve amazing things too!篇6The Needle Threader: A Chinese Folk TaleHave you ever heard the story of the poor Chinese man who made a living by threading needles for people? It's an old folk tale that my grandma told me when I was little, and it has a really cool lesson about being patient and never giving up.The story takes place a long, long time ago in a small village in China. There lived a kind man named Zhang who was very good at threading needles. His eyes were sharp and his hands were steady, so he could easily slip a thread through even the tiniest needle-eye. Not many people back then could do that!Because Zhang was so skilled at needle-threading, he started a little business where people would come to him with their sewing needles and he would thread them for just a few coins. It wasn't a lot of money, but it was enough for Zhang to get by.One day, a wealthy young man came to Zhang's house. "Old man, I need you to thread a needle for me," the rich boy said in a rude voice. "But this isn't just any ordinary needle. This needle's eye is so tiny, it's almost impossible to thread!"Zhang smiled politely and said, "Do not worry, young sir. No needle is too small for my skilled hands. Please allow me to try."The arrogant young man laughed. "Ha! If you can thread this needle, I'll reward you with a thousand taels of silver. But if you cannot, you must pay me a thousand taels instead!"A thousand taels of silver was a fortune back then! Zhang was very poor, so he could never afford to pay that much. But he was confident in his abilities, so he accepted the challenge.The wealthy young man pulled out a tiny needle no bigger than a grain of rice. Its eye was just a speck, almost too small to see. Zhang squinted hard as he attempted to thread it, but try as he might, the thread would not go through. He worked at it patiently for hours until his eyes stung and his fingers were sore, but still the stubborn needle refused to accept the thread.As the sun began to set, despair crept into Zhang's heart. He had failed the task, and now he would be punished with a crushing debt he could never pay. Discouraged, he set down the needle and prepared to accept his fate.But just then, a small voice made him look up. It was a tiny cricket that had somehow found its way into his humble home."Why are you so sad, needle master?" asked the cricket.Zhang explained about the wealthy young man's challenge, and how he had been unable to thread the miniature needle despite his best efforts. He knew he would be ruined.The cricket listened patiently, and when Zhang had finished, it spoke again in its tiny voice. "Do not lose hope, needle master.I was watching you work all day, and I saw how hard you tried. You are one of the most diligent and patient people I have ever met. If anyone can complete this task, it is you."Zhang felt a spark of hope. "But how?" he asked. "The eye of that needle is far too small, even for my talented hands.""Then do not rely solely on your hands," advised the cricket wisely. "Use your wits as well. Look inside the needle's eye - what do you see?"Zhang peered closely at the eye of the needle. He gasped. Inside the tiny hole, he could just make out a piece of thread that was already poking through! During all his failed attempts, he must have inadvertently pushed a stray thread partway into the needle without realizing it."You are correct, little cricket!" he exclaimed joyfully. "There is a thread in the needle's eye already. All I need to do is pull it through the rest of the way."Regaining his confidence, Zhang grasped the tiny thread with his nimble fingers and gently tugged until the thread slipped fully through the eye of the needle. He had done it!When the smug young man returned the next morning, he was stunned to see the needle perfectly threaded. Grudgingly, he admitted defeat and handed over a huge sack containing one thousand precious taels of silver to the clever old needle-master.From that day on, Zhang never had to worry about money again. Thanks to his patience, persistence, and a little advice from a wise cricket, he had achieved the seemingly impossible task.The moral of the story? Never give up, even when things seem hopeless, because the solution may be closer than you think! If you stay patient and keep trying your best, you can overcome any challenge through diligence and creative thinking.So whenever I'm struggling with something difficult, I remind myself of the tale of the needle threader and his cricket friend. I take a deep breath, refuse to get discouraged, and look at the problem from a new angle. With enough persistence and an open mind, any obstacle can be conquered step-by-step.That's the power of an old folk tale - it reminds us to believe in ourselves and keep striving, no matter how tiny the needle's eye may seem. Just like poor Zhang achieved the impossible through hard work and patience, so can we!。

4.展示阅读技巧,并按姓名阅读要求(二)、学习成语“铁杵成针”1.享受这个故事2、小组讨论交流一旦你读完这个故事,请把它告诉我们的同学3、汇报① 这个故事是关于什么的?②李白在学习上遇到了什么困难?后来又是什么事情使他改变了对学习的态度?你对他了解吗?(指名背李白的诗,出示李白的资料的课件)③ 现在谁能用自己的话说出“铁杵成针”这个成语的意思呢?铁杵是什么意思?(学生说了之后,看课件,黑板成语意思是:把铁杵磨成细针,意思是只要你有毅力,努力工作,你就会有结果。

成语故事英文版简短The Story of the Chinese WordOnce upon a time, in a small village in China, there lived a young man named Li Qiao. Li Qiao was a brilliant student, but he was always surrounded by problems. He had a hard time making friends, and he struggled to find a place in the village community.One day, Li Qiao came across a word in a dictionary that he had never seen before. The word was a Chinese idiom, which meant “a word of wisdom.”Li Qiao was fascinated by the word and decided to learn more about it. As he studied the idiom, Li Qiao began to see the connections between the word and other aspects of life. He realized that the idiom was a way of saying that every person has a unique set of problems and challenges, and that everyone needs a word of wisdom to help them navigate these challenges.Li Qiao became so impressed by the idiom that he decided to use it in his own life. He used the word “genius” to describe himself, and he felt that he was a unique and special person who could help others through their problems.From that day on, Li Qiao was different. He became a more confident and happy person, and he found friends and a place in the community. He also started to use the idiom he had learned years ago to help others in need.Li Qiao"s story is a classic example of how a word of wisdom can change a person"s life. The idiom he learned about “genius” has become a symbol of hope and inspiration for many people around the world. It shows us that even small words of advice can make a big difference in our lives, and that everyone has the potential to be a source of help and guidance to others.。

铁柱磨针英语作文带翻译Title: "Turning Iron Bars into Needles" A Metaphor for Perseverance。
Introduction:In Chinese culture, the phrase "turning iron bars into needles" is often used as a metaphor for perseverance and determination. It symbolizes the idea that with enough persistence, even the most difficult tasks can be accomplished. This concept has been passed down through generations and serves as an inspiration for people facing challenges. In this essay, we will explore the meaning behind this metaphor and its relevance in today's society.Body:1. Origin of the Metaphor:The phrase "turning iron bars into needles"originates from a well-known Chinese legend. According to the legend, there was once a man named Lin Xiyi who lived during the Han Dynasty. Lin was determined to find a way to make needles from iron bars, despite the skepticism ofthose around him. Through years of perseverance and hard work, Lin eventually succeeded in his task, demonstrating the power of determination and persistence.2. Symbolism of the Metaphor:The metaphor of "turning iron bars into needles" symbolizes the transformative power of perseverance. It illustrates the idea that with enough dedication and effort, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome. By comparing the process of turning iron bars into needles to the pursuit of a goal, the metaphor highlights the importance of persistence in achieving success.3. Relevance in Today's Society:In today's fast-paced world, the metaphor of"turning iron bars into needles" remains highly relevant.Many people face obstacles and setbacks in their personal and professional lives, and it can be easy to become discouraged. However, the story behind this metaphor serves as a reminder that perseverance is key to overcoming adversity.4. Examples of Perseverance:There are countless examples of perseverance in today's society. From successful entrepreneurs who faced numerous failures before achieving success, to athletes who train tirelessly for years to reach the pinnacle of their sport, perseverance is evident in many aspects of life. These examples serve as inspiration for others facing their own challenges, demonstrating that with enough determination, anything is possible.5. Cultivating Perseverance:While perseverance may come naturally to some, it is a skill that can be cultivated and developed over time. One way to cultivate perseverance is to set clear goals andcreate a plan for achieving them. Breaking large tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps can make them seem less daunting and help maintain motivation. Additionally, surrounding oneself with supportive friends and mentors can provide encouragement during difficult times.Conclusion:In conclusion, the metaphor of "turning iron bars into needles" serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance in achieving success. By remaining dedicated and determined in the face of adversity, individuals can overcome even the most daunting challenges. As we navigate through life's ups and downs, let us remember the lesson of this ancient metaphor and strive to turn our own "iron bars" into "needles" through perseverance and hard work.翻译:标题,“以铁柱磨针”-毅力的隐喻。

八下人教版英语铁杵磨针的作文The Parable of the Iron Pestle and the NeedleIn the vast expanse of the universe, there exists a profound truth that transcends the boundaries of time and space. This truth is embodied in the timeless parable of the iron pestle and the needle, a story that has captivated the hearts and minds of countless individuals throughout the ages.At the heart of this parable lies a simple, yet profound, lesson about the power of perseverance and the transformative nature of patience. The story goes as follows: a diligent and determined individual, armed with nothing more than an iron pestle, sets out on a quest to sharpen a delicate needle. Day after day, year after year, the person tirelessly grinds the pestle against the needle, seemingly making little progress. Yet, through sheer persistence and unwavering focus, the once-dull needle is gradually transformed, becoming a gleaming, razor-sharp instrument capable of the most intricate and delicate tasks.This parable serves as a powerful metaphor for the human experience, reminding us that the path to greatness and mastery is often paved with small, incremental steps rather than grand, sweeping gestures. In a world that often prizes quick fixes and instant gratification, the lesson of the iron pestle and the needle stands as a testament to the enduring value of patience, dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.One of the most profound insights offered by this parable is the recognition that true transformation and growth often occur in the most subtle and unassuming ways. Just as the needle is gradually sharpened through the relentless grinding of the pestle, so too do our own lives and aspirations evolve through the consistent and disciplined application of our efforts. It is not the grand, dramatic moments that define our progress, but rather the countless, seemingly insignificant actions we take each day that ultimately shape the trajectory of our lives.Moreover, the parable of the iron pestle and the needle serves as a powerful reminder that the path to success is not always linear or straightforward. There will inevitably be moments of frustration, doubt, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Yet, it is in these moments that the true strength of the individual is tested and forged. By embracing the challenges that arise and persevering through them with unwavering determination, we unlock the true potentialthat lies within us, transforming ourselves and the world around us in the process.Indeed, the lessons of the iron pestle and the needle extend far beyond the realm of personal growth and achievement. They speak to the very heart of the human experience, reminding us that the most profound and lasting change often arises from the most humble and unassuming of beginnings. Whether it is the creation of a masterpiece, the pursuit of a lifelong dream, or the betterment of our communities and societies, the parable reminds us that the key to success lies not in grand, sweeping gestures, but in the steady, disciplined application of our efforts over time.In a world that often values speed and efficiency above all else, the parable of the iron pestle and the needle stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. It reminds us that true mastery and fulfillment are not the result of a single, brilliant moment, but rather the culmination of countless small, incremental steps taken with unwavering determination and a deep commitment to the process. By embracing this lesson and applying it to our own lives, we unlock the true power of perseverance and the transformative potential that lies within us all.In conclusion, the parable of the iron pestle and the needle is a timeless and universal story that speaks to the very heart of thehuman experience. It is a testament to the enduring power of patience, dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence. By embracing the lessons of this parable and applying them to our own lives, we unlock the true potential that lies within us, and in doing so, we transform not only ourselves, but the world around us. For in the end, it is not the grand, sweeping gestures that define our legacy, but the countless small, seemingly insignificant actions that we take each day, each one a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul.。

The Chinese Story of Turning an Iron Rod into a NeedleIn ancient China, there was a story about a woman named Lao Tai Po. She was known for her determination and perseverance. One day, Lao Tai Po sat by the river with an iron rod in her hand. Her goal was to turn this large, heavy rod into a fine needle.People around her thought this was an impossible task. They laughed at her and mocked her efforts, believing that such a feat was beyond human capabilities. But Lao Tai Po was undeterred. She firmly believed that with enough patience and persistence, she could achieve her goal.Day after day, Lao Tai Po hammered the iron rod, chipping away at it bit by bit. She did not give up, even when the task seemed insurmountable. Her resolve was stronger than any doubts or criticisms that came her way.Months passed, and finally, after countless hours of hard work, Lao Tai Po succeeded. She had turned the iron rod into a needle, a symbol of her unwavering commitment and unending patience.This story teaches us a valuable lesson about the power of perseverance. Just like Lao Tai Po, we may encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. But with determination and hard work, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals. The iron rod, once thought to be unchangeable, was transformed into a needle, a reminder that with enough persistence, anything is possible.在古代中国,有一个关于名叫老太婆的女人的故事。

Title: The Tale of the Iron Rod Turned into a Needle: A Chinese Story Retold in EnglishOnce upon a time, in the ancient land of China, there lived a diligent boy named Li Bai. Li Bai had a profoundlove for poetry and desired to become a renowned poet. Day and night, he devoted himself to the craft of versifying, searching for inspiration in every corner of the world.However, despite his efforts, he often found himself struggling to express his thoughts and feelings in words. Frustrated, he sought advice from an elderly woman who was renowned for her wisdom. The woman, upon hearing his plight, smiled gently and invited him to sit beside her while she pounded clothes at a nearby stream.As the woman pounded, she held in her hand a heavy iron rod, seemingly unremarkable. Li Bai watched curiously, wondering what connection this simple task had to his aspirations. The woman noticed his curiosity and began to speak."See this iron rod in my hand?" she asked. "It is heavy and unyielding. Yet, with perseverance and time, it can be transformed into something useful and delicate."Intrigued, Li Bai inquired further. The woman explained that by constantly pounding and refining, the iron rod could eventually be turned into a fine needle, a tool used for delicate tasks. Li Bai was amazed by this revelation and asked how long such a transformation would take.The woman smiled and replied, "The journey is long and arduous, requiring patience and dedication. But remember, no matter how difficult the task may seem, with perseverance and time, even the hardest iron can be shaped into something beautiful."Inspired by these words, Li Bai returned to his studies with renewed vigor. He continued to write poetry, refining his craft with each passing day. His poems became more profound and expressive, and his reputation as a poet grew. The tale of the iron rod turned into a needle has become a symbol of perseverance and dedication in Chinese culture. It reminds us that with enough effort and time, even the most challenging tasks can be overcome. And so,the story of Li Bai and his journey to becoming a renowned poet serves as an inspiration to all who seek to achieve their dreams.**铁杵成针:用英语讲述的中国故事**在遥远的古代中国,有一位勤奋好学的少年名叫李白。
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Perseverance spells success
Born in the 8th century, Li Bai is probably one of the most prolific poets in Chinese history. This Tang Dynasty poet is so well-known in China that even today, a kindergarten child can recite one or two of his poems. But when the literature giant was a child, he was very naughty. One day, he played hookey and found himself at a nearby stream. He saw an old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone. Driven by curiosity, he asked: "What are you doing, granny?"
"Grinding an iron rod,"
said the old woman without stopping her work.
"But what for?"
"To make a sewing needle."
"What?! Did you say you're grinding a big iron rod into a small sewing needle?!"
"Why not? There's nothing in the world you can't achieve."
"But it'll take many years!"
"That doesn't matter. What's important is perseverance. If I put in a great deal of effort, I'm sure I can grind the iron rod into a needle."
The old woman ground on and on.
Li Bai was deeply moved by the old woman's words and actions. He felt ashamed of himself. He ran back to his study and since then worked very hard at his books. After years of hard work, he achieved great success as a poet. He traveled around the world and wrote poems to praise local beauty and as a result, his fame spread far and wide. When he came back to his hometown, Li Bai met that old lady again, still grinding the iron rod. But this time, the iron was almost a needle; the old lady's perseverance had brought her success.。