非谓语练习题 -语法填空版

非谓语练习题 -语法填空版
非谓语练习题 -语法填空版



1. Helen had to shout ______(make)herself______ (hear) above the sound of the music.

2. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures ________ (form) in your mind instead of before your eyes.

3. The man insisted on ________ (find) a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

4. The old man, ________( work) abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.

5. You were silly not ________( lock) your car.

6. Don’t leave the wate r ________( run) while you brush your teeth.

7. When flint ________( introduce) to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

8. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ________( look ) out of the window.

9. My advisor encouraged me ________( take) a summer course to improve my writing skills.

10. ________( wait ) in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

11. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ________ (know)as 3M.

12. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you can’t have time to get ________( change) before the party.

13. ________(attract) by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to stay another two days off the farm.

14. I don’t know whether you happen ________ (hear), but I’m going to study i n the U. S. A. this September.

15. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ________( tell ) the film stars had left.

16. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ________( pass) the exam.

17. ________(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.

18. ________( not, complete) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.

19. If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better ________( forget) it—you’ve got some big bills coming.

20. According to a recent U. S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week

________( watch) TV.

21. The flu is believed ________ (cause)by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

22. The flowers ________( smell) sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

23. The disc, digitally ________ (record)in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.

24. ________(attack) by terrorists, the tall building collapsed .

25. Robert is said ________( study) abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

26. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ________( carry) out the next year.

27. I’ve worked with ch ild before, so I know what ________ (expect)in my new job.

28. ______( suffer) such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

29. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ________(see) whether they will enjoy it.

30. The research is so designed that once ________(begin) nothing can be done to change it.

31. It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows what ________ (do)with it .

32. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ________( smoke) in the kitchen.

33. I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything ________( buy) ?

34. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ________ (seat )as the plane was making a landing.

35. Victor apologized for his ________( be, not) able to inform me of the change in the plan.

36. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage ________ (seize)the girl and took her away, ________( disappear) into the woods.


1.I found this plate on the floor. The plate was broken in pieces.

2. I saw a tall, dark and handsome man. His name is Xiao Ming.

3. Yesterday I got the answer to my question on the Internet. It was the one I expected.

4. I was frightened by the loud noise. I went to see what was happening.

5. He was hit by the lack of fresh air. He got a bad headache.

6. The museum was built in 1910. The museum is almost 100 years old.


1. I looked at that modern abstract painting, which was colored in yellow and green. (用过去分词改写)

2. On the doorstep I found a lot of bottles marked in green ink. (用定语从句改写)

3. Left to itself, the baby began to cry.(将划线部分改写成状语从句)

4. United, we stand; divided, we fall. (将划线部分改写成状语从句)

5. Beaten by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged and practiced even harder. (将划线部分改写成状语从句)



记叙文的概要, 一般包括记叙文的六个要素(who; when; where; what; how; why), 也就是考生应先通读阅读短文,找出这六个要素,然后用自己的话将这六个要素串成一两句话即可。

当然, 不一定每篇记叙文都包含这六个要素,但“某人做了某事, 结果如何”是应当包括的。因此, 要写好概要, 须找到以下两个问题的答案:

(1) 谁做了什么?(who did what)

(2) 结果如何?(what was the result)

如果是夹叙夹议的文章, 还要加上这个故事给人们的启示或教育。


(1) The passage/story is mainly about...本文/这个故事主要是关于……

(2) The author tells us a story about...作者告诉我们一个关于……的故事

(3) The passage is a story about...本文是一个关于……的故事

(4) According to the passage,we know...根据短文,我们知道……

二、说明文的概括:我们根据说明文的不同类型, 分别给出五种参考模板:

1. 描写某事物的性质功用。即“对象+性质功用+利好”:

(In the passage) the writer introduces... (对象)to us, especially its...(性质或功用), from which we know...(对象带来的利好).

2. 针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即“问题+解决方法”:

The passage tells us...(问题), including...(方法1), ...(方法2)and...(方法3).

3. 介绍某现象及其原因和结果。即“现象+原因+结果”:

(The author/writer said/talks about)...(现象)of..., because /but...(原因/本质1), and... (原因/本质2).

4. 说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句(多在首段), 写概要时要注意要找出中心句, 抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文, 要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。

5. 发言稿和书信:通常会很明确地表明观点或态度, 写概要时要从发言者的言语中明确作者的态度, 把握作者的写作目的。或先概括每段大意, 进而归纳全文主旨。

三、议论文的概括:议论文通常包括论点、论据和结论, 因此写议论文的概要主要是找出主题句(the topic sentences)、支撑句(supporting sentences)和结论句(conclusion sentences)。其中最主要的是找准主题句。概要模板:论点+论据(+结论)。



(1) I do agree with the author... 我非常赞同作者的观点……

(2) I quite /totally agree with the writer. 我非常赞同作者的观点。

(3) I’m for the writer’s idea that... 我赞成作者的观点……

(4) I fully agree with the statement that... because/ for... 我完全赞成这种说法……因为……

(5) I fully support the statement above because I am very sure...我完全支持上述这种观点, 因为我相信……

(6) I can’t agree more with what the writer said. 我完全同意作者的观点。

(7) I share the same idea with the writer. 我的观点与作者相同。


(1) I don’t agree with the writer. 我不赞同作者的观点。

(2) I’m strongly against the writer’s idea. 我强烈反对作者的看法。

(3)I partly agree with what the writer said. 我部分赞同作者的观点。

(4) In some way, I agree with..., but... 在某种程度上, 我赞成……但是……

(5) What the writer said sounds reasonable,but... (6) Some people argue as if it is a general truth that...But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. 有人认为……好像是一个普遍事实。但是坦率地说, 我并不赞成。


1. D. 因为Hellen要使自己讲的话被别人听到,所以要用过去分词作宾补,即:make herself heard;又因为make herself heard是shout的目的,所以用不定式。

2. C. form表示“出现、产生”,是不及物动词,又因为pictures与form是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。

3. C. 因为insist后要么接that从句,要么接on sth. 或on doing sth. ,没有别的接法,所以选C。insist on doing坚持要做某事。

4. D. 因work abroad for twenty years发生在谓语动作(返回祖国)之前,所以用现在分词的完成式。

5. B. 因为现在分词作状语只能修饰谓语,而不定式作状语,既可修饰谓语又可修修饰形容词或副词,此处修饰形容词silly,要用不定式。又因为“没有锁车”发生在谓语之前,所以用完成式。

6. B. 因句中的the water与run是主动关系,故选B。leave sth doing sth 意为“使某物一直在做某事”。

7. B. 因为flint与introduce(引入)是被动关系,所以用过去分词。

8. A. looking out of the window 为伴随状语。

9. D. 因为在encourage, persuade, tell, ask, want, order, force等后要用不定式作宾补。encourage sb. to do sth. 意为“鼓励某人做某事”。

10. C. 因“等了半个小时”发生在realized之前,故用现在分词的完成式。

11. B. 因为the…company与know是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作定语,known as 3M = which was known as 3M。

12. A. get changed 意为“换衣服”。比较:get paid(获得报酬),get dressed(穿衣服)等。

13. B. 因为句子主语the girl与attract是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作状语,表示原因。

14. D. 因为happen后接动词不定式是表示“碰巧做某事”;又hear发生在谓语don’t know之前,所以要用不定式的完成式。句意是:我不知道你是否已经听说过了,今年九月我要去美国学习。

15. B. 因为only是提醒我们要用不定式表示结果的一个重要标志词;不定式表示结果,不定式的动作发生在谓语之后;又因为the news reporters与tell是被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动式。

16. D. 因为have a hard time doing sth. 与have difficulty doing sth. 相当,意为“在做某事方面有困难”。

17. D. 因为the biggest ocean与compare是被动关系,所以要用过去分词。When compared with…=When the biggest ocean is compared with…=When we compare the biggest ocean with…

18. C. 首先,非谓语动词的否定式要将not, never等放在非谓语动词的前面,所


19. A. 因为口语中you had better常被说成you’d better,甚至说成better,本句就属这种情况,其后要接不带to的不定式,即:动词原形。

20. C. 此题考查spend...(in) doing sth 句型。

21. C. 因为be believed /thought /supposed /said /reported等后要接动词不定式,排除A和B;又因为the flu与cause是被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动式。The flu is believed to be caused by...=It is believed /People believe that the flu is caused by...

22. B. 一是因为“发出香味”与“吸引游客”是同时发生的,且smell 作为连系动词没有被动形式,所以答案选B。

23. A. 因为the disc(唱片)与record(录制)是被动关系,这又是已经发生了的事,所以要用过去分词短语作定语。

24. B. 非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致。根据句意,受到攻击的应是“高楼”,而不是其他,故选B。

25. A。此题考查不定式的完成时。“据说他曾到国外留过学”,由studied可知“留学”这个动作已结束并发生在谓语动作is said之前,所以要用完成式。

26. A。此句考查过去分词作宾语补足语。句子结构较复杂,句中的that引导一个定语从句,它替代先行词the plan在从句中作see的宾语,the plan与carry out 是被动关系,因此,用过去分词作宾补。即see the plan carried out the next year.

27. B。此题考查疑问词+不定式在句中作宾语。I know what to expect in my new job. 意为“我知道在新工作中期待什么”。

28. A。本句考查现在分词的完成时作状语。句意为“遭受如此严重的污染之后,现在净化这条河也许为时已晚了”。有already暗示可知suffer发生在clean up之前,因此要用现在分词的完成式作状语。

29. B。remain 作“尚待”解,要接不定式作表语,it是形式主语,指代whether they will enjoy it。see与it之间是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式。it remains to be seen是习惯用语,意为“还要看情况发展”。

30. D。“连词+分词”作状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语。句子主语与分词的之间是主动关系时用现在分词,被动关系用过去分词。the research与begin是被动关系,因此用过去分词begun。

31. C。此题的考查目标与NMET2000同。what to do with为常用搭配结构,意为“处置,利用”。句意为“据说澳大利亚有太多陆地,政府不知如何利用”。32. B。find后面可以接由“宾语+ 现在分词/过去分词/ 不带to的不定式”构成的复合宾语结构。现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动,不定式表示动作已经发生。根据句意“如果厨师被发现在厨房吸烟,立即就会被解雇”可知cook与smoke之间是主动关系,应用现在分词。find sb. doing sth意为“发现某人正在做某事”。

33. B。考查不定式作定语。不定式作后置定语,一般用主动形式表示被动意义。句意为“今下午我要去超级市场,你有东西要买吗?”

34. C。考查过去分词作表语。句意为“飞机登陆时,飞行员要求所有飞机上的乘客坐着不动”。remain是系动词,seated作表语,表示状态。

35. C。考查动名词的复合结构作宾语。动名词的复合结构的否定式由“名词所有格或物主代词+not+动名词”构成。句意为“Victor因没能通知我计划的改变向我道歉”。

36. D。由有句中的and可知第一空所填的动词与took是并列谓语,故用seized; 第二空是现在分词短语作伴随状语。句意住那个姑娘并把她带走了,消失在森林里”。


非谓语动词练习(一) 1. ____ (follow) some students, the teacher entered the hall. 2. ____, and he had to go back home. A. Day having broken B. Night had fallen C. The day had broken D. Night fallen 3. Hearing his father was seriously ill, ____. A. he burst into tears B. his eyes were filled with tears C. his face lost its color D. tears came to his eyes 4. He did all this to make her ____ (laugh at), so she was very angry with him. 5. Entering the house, I found Jane ____ (seat) at the desk and ____ (write) something. 6. ____ so many people in the hall, I had to push my way to the front. A. Being B. There were C. There being D. As being 7. -What would you like for breakfast? - I don’t feel like ____ (eat). 8. He got out of the car, ____ (walk) to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help. 9. It was on his way home ____ he ____ his wallet. The next morning he found it ____. A. that; lost; missing B. where; missing; lost C. which; missed; lost D. then; lost; missed 10. ____ (leave) some of the questions ____(answer) , the man said good-bye to us without making himself ____(understand). 11. I remember ____ (invite) to their party, but I ____ (forget/ leave) the invitation in the office. 12. -Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Lice? -Well, I forgot ____ I was supposed to go to. A. which the room B. which room C. what was the room D. what room was it 13. He lay on the bed with his ____. A. closed eyes and his mouth open B. eyes closed and his open mouth C. closed eyes and open his mouth D. eyes closed and his mouth open 14. Finally I got my ____. A. salary raised B. risen salary C. salary rise D. salary to rise 15. ____ (tell) many times, she still can’t remember it. 16. Mary thought it a great pity ____ (not invite) to the party. 17. Every Monday morning we will stand on the playground and watch the national flag ____ higher and higher. A. being raised B. raising C. rising D. being risen 18. ____ (consider) to be most difficult, Drill A is taken away from the lesson. 19. The palace Museum is ____ again and again. A. worth being visited B. worthy visiting C. worthy of being visited D. worth to visit 20. Just keep quiet when ____ (speak). 21. The old man kept his eyes ____ (fix) on the picture for quite some time.


语法填空中对非谓语动词的考查 实例剖析 [例1]…the proverb, “plucking up a crop 32 (help) it grow”, is based on the following story. (2008年广东) 思路分析:因句中已有谓语is based,而“plucking up a crop 32 (help) it grow”是the proverb的同位语,是一个名词短语而非同位语从句,因此,help应是谓语动词;“帮助禾苗长”是“将禾苗拨起来”的目的,作目的状语,用动词不定式,故填to help [例2]While she was getting me ___34___ (settle) into a tiny but clean room…(2007年广东) 思路分析:因句中已有谓语was getting,所以settle应是非谓语动词;又由settle sb. into/in/on…(使某人舒服地处于某处)可知,me与settle是被动关系,要用过去分词用宾补,故填settled。 考点突破 一、单句填空:用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. ___walking_________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国) 2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use __arguing________(argue) with him. (上海) 3. Please remain __seated_______(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁) remain在这里是一个系动词,后面要接形容词做表语,CD明显不对,可以排除,AB都是分词形式,可以充当形容词,但是主语是人,和seat应该是被动关系,所以用过去分词而不用现在分词.Please remain seated .请坐着不要动。Be seated请坐着不要动 4. — Can I smoke here? —Sorry. We don’t allow ___smoking________(smoke) here. (江苏) Sb allow sb to do sth 某人允许某人做某事 Sb allow doing sth某人被允许做某事 5.It is difficult to imagine his __accepting_____(accept) the decision without any consideration. (陕西) imagine one‘s doing sth 固定搭配 6.I can’t stand _working________(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ___to stop_____(stop) talking while she works. (北京) stand(sb.)doing,“忍受(某人)做什么”;refuse to do“拒绝做 7.As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need _repairing____________ (repair). (陕西) Need(需要) 的用法


非谓语动词高考真题语法填空专练 语法填空: 1.When asked by the police, he said that he remembered __________(arrive) at the party, but not __________(leave ). 2._______( dress ) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. 3.It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. __________(have) the answers ready will be of great help. 4.There were several new events ________( add) to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 5.The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses _________( pay) vacation to China. 6.I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise __________(go ) on. 7.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _____(reach) a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4. 8.In the dream Peter saw himself _______( chase) by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. 9.He glanced over at her, ______( note) that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together. 10.Tom sounds very much ________(interest ) in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. 11.He hurried to the station only ______(find) that the train had left. 12.The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well ______( spend). 13.I send you 100 dollars today, the rest ________( follow) in a year. 14.________( lose) in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police. 15.The manager, _______( make) it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room. 16.While watching television, we heard the doorbell __________( ring). 17.______( surprise) and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. 18.“You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, __________( run) away. 19.He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _______( lose) the good opportunity. 20.______( put) into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. 21.It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _______( have ) a look at the sports stars. 22._________ out more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789. ( find) 23.Daddy didn't mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, ________( have ) fun. 24.You should understand the traffic rule by now. You've had it_______( explain) often enough. 25.I don't want _______( sound) like I' m speak ing ill of anybody, but the manager's plan is unfair. to 26.I really can't understand you ______( treat) her like that. 27.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _______( think ) that all children like these things. 28.I can’t stand _______( work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _______( stop ) talking while she works. 29.The parents suggested ________( sleep) in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out


高中非谓语动词讲解+语法填空练习 在句中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式: to do, doing, done. 不定时to do 一、不定式的作用 1、作主语不定式作主语时,谓语用单数。往往用it 作形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。如: It took us two hours to finish the job. It is impossible for us to get there on time. It is very kind of you to help us. 注意:(1)其他系动词如look, appear等也可用于此句型。 (2)当不定式作主语的句子中又有一个不定式作表语时,不能用It is …to…的句型。试比较:It is to negate my own idea to believe him.(错) To believe him is to negate my own idea .(对) (3)It is+ adj. of / for sb. to do sth. 结构中,当不定式的逻辑主语和前面的形容词可以构成系表 构时,用of, 否则用for. 2、作宾语 (1)动词+不定式。如: He managed to escape from the fire. I find it hard to get along with him.(it 作形式宾语) 注:下列动词通常用不定式作宾语:want, try, hope, wish, need, forget, know, promise, refuse, help, decide, begin, start, learn, agree, choose, get等 (2)动词+疑问词+to , “特殊疑问句+不定式”相当于名词,作宾语。如: I don’t know what to do next/ how to do it next. I can’t decide when to go there. 注意:不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语,往往把不定式短语放在宾语补足语之后,用it 作形式宾语。如: I find it necessary to learn a foreign language. 3、作宾语补足语 (1)动词+宾语+不定式(to do )。如: He warned me to be careful. I want you to speak to Tom. What makes you think so?(不带to的不定式) 注:可以用动词不定式做宾补的动词有:ask, tell, order ,want ,get, would like, like, advise, invite, allow, help, wish,warn, expect, prefer, encourage (2)表见解、看法的动词结构可为:动词+宾语+ to be 的不定式结构。如: We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class. The book is believed to be useful.(被动语态) (3) There +不定式。如: We didn’t expect there to be so many people there.我们没料到会有那么多人在那里。 注意:(1)有些动词需用as 短语作补语,像regard, think, take, consider。如: We regard Tom as our best teacher. 我们认为汤姆是我们最好的老师。 Mary took him as her father. 玛丽把他当作自己的父亲。


非谓语动词语法填空 1.They knew her very well.They had seen her ___ _ up from childhood. (grow) 2. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable __ __.(sit) 3.She didn't remember __ __ him before.(meet) 4.— What do you think of the book? — Oh, excellent.It' s worth __ __ a second time.(read) 5. Do you know the boy __ __ under the big tree? (lie) 6. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see __ out the next year. (carry) 7.__ __ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.(sleep) 8.As we joined the big crowd I got __ __ from my friends.(separate) 9. There was a terrible noise __ __ the sudden burst of light.(fellow) 10 .The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself __ __.(hear) 11.__ __ more attention ,the tree could have grown better.(give) 12.Most of the artists _ ___ to the party were from South Africa.(invite) 13.She searched the top of the hill and stopped __ __ on a big rock by the side of the path. (rest) 14. The secretary worked late into the night, ___ _ a long speech for the president. (prepare) 15.She’s upstairs ____ letters.(write) 16.The murderer was brought in, with his hands __ __ behind his back.(tie) 17 .Jane was made _ ___ the truck for a week as a punishment.(wash) 18.Mr. Smith warned her daughter __ __ after drinking. (drive) 19.I can hardly imagine Peter __ __ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(sail ) 20. The salesman scolded the girl caught _ ___ and let her off.(steal) 21. The computer center, __ __ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. (open) 22. Rather than ___ _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers __ __ a bicycle.(ride) 23.Paul doesn't have to be made ___ _.He always works hard.( learn) 24.__ __ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him.(lose) 25 .European football is played in 80 countries, __ __ it the most popular sport in the world. (make) 26.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door " Will call later." (read) 27.Prices of daily goods ___ ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices. (buy) 28.The patient was warned __ __ oily food after the operation.(eat) 29. Charles Babbage is generally considered __ __ the first computer.(invent) 30.How about the two of us _ ___ a walk down the garden? (take) 31.The Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _ __ that he had enjoyed his stay here.(add) 32.The first text books _ ___ for teaching English came out in the 16th century.(write)


根据所给句子的意思用所给词的适当形式填空(每空最多填3词) 1. Knowing (know)basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. 2. Anyone, once tested (test) positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government. 3. Founded (found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art. 4. I got to the office earlier that day, having caught ( catch) the 7:30 train from Paddington 5. ----They might just have a place left (leave)on the writing course. -----why don't you give it a try? 6. The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing (throw) hard-edged shadows on the ground. 7. Lionel Messi, having set (set) the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe. 8. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and being reduced ( reduce ) to ruins, the city took on a new look. 9. Volunteering gives you a chance to change (change) lives, including your own. 10. Finding (find) the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level. 11. When we saw the road blocked (block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. 12. The sun began to rise in the sky, bathing (bathe ) the mountain in golden light. 13. You cannot accept an opinion offered (offer) to you unless it is based on facts. 14. Every day read (read) a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. 15. To stay (stay)warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it. 16. If asked (ask) to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once. 17. The room is empty except for a bookshelf standing (stand) in one corner. 18. I stopped the car to take (take) a short break as I was feeling tired. 19. Having eaten (eat) at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again. 20. Not knowing (know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice. 21. The airport to be completed (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area. 22. In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used (use) in daily conversations. 23. When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, telling (tell) me stories till I till asleep. 24. The engine just won't start. Something seems to have gone (go) wrong with it. 25. Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail waiting (wait) for her.


宜阳一高双主课堂导学案 年级:高一学科:英语编写人:刘小平审稿人:李社娟日期:2016.5. 非谓语动词语法填空专项练习(二) 1. According to a recent U. S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ____________ (watch) TV. 2. The flowers ____________ (smell) sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. 3. ____________ (Give) more time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player. 4. Time, ____________ (use) correctly, is money in the bank. 5. This machine is very easy___________(operate). Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. 6. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog____________ (follow) them. 7. Tom took a taxi to the airport, only____________ (find) his plane high up in the sky. 8. I looked up and noticed a snake____________ (wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. 9. Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ____ (wash). 10. ____________ (Stand) in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad . 11. One learns a language by making mistakes and____________ (correct) them. 12. ____________ (Use) with care, this kind of tool will last for six weeks. 13. The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happily____________ (watch) anything that happened. 14. Tony lent me the mo ney, ____________ (hope) that I’d do as much for him. 15. He got up late and hurried to his office, ____________ (leave) the breakfast untouched. 16. Film has a much shorter history, especially when____________ (compare) to such art forms as music and painting. 17. ____________ (Ask) to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. 18. ____________ (sleep) late in the afternoon, Bob turned off the alarm. 19. Don’t leave the water____________ (run) while you brush your teeth. 20. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ____________ (look) out of the window. 21. ____________ (Lose) in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. 22. She looks forward every spring to____________ (visit) the flower-lined garden. 23. ____________ (Lose) her new bike made Mary so upset. 24. ____________ (Found) in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. 25. ____________ (Give) the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.


1.They knew her very well.They had seen her ___ _ up from childhood. (grow) 2. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable __ __.(sit) 3.She didn't remember __ __ him before.(meet) 4.— What do you think of the book? — Oh, excellent.It' s worth __ __ a second time.(read) 5. Do you know the boy __ __ under the big tree? (lie) 6. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see __ out the next year. (carry) 7.__ __ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.(sleep) 8.As we joined the big crowd I got __ __ from my friends.(separate) 9. There was a terrible noise __ __ the sudden burst of light.(fellow) 10 .The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself __ __.(hear) 11.__ __ more attention ,the tree could have grown better.(give) 12.Most of the artists _ ___ to the party were from South Africa.(invite) 13.She searched the top of the hill and stopped __ __ on a big rock by the side of the path. (rest) 14. The secretary worked late into the night, ___ _ a long speech for the president. (prepare) 15.She’s upstairs ____ letters.(write) 16.The murderer was brought in, with his hands __ __ behind his back.(tie) 17 .Jane was made _ ___ the truck for a week as a punishment.(wash) 18.Mr. Smith warned her daughter __ __ after drinking. (drive) 19.I can hardly imagine Peter __ __ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(sail ) 20. The salesman scolded the girl caught _ ___ and let her off.(steal) 21. The computer center, __ __ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. (open) 22. Rather than ___ _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers __ __ a bicycle.(ride) 23.Paul doesn't have to be made ___ _.He always works hard.( learn) 24.__ __ in thought , he almost ran into the car in front of him.(lose) 25 .European football is played in 80 countries, __ __ it the most popular sport in the world. (make) 26.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door " Will call later." (read) 27.Prices of daily goods ___ ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices. (buy) 28.The patient was warned __ __ oily food after the operation.(eat) 29. Charles Babbage is generally considered __ __ the first computer.(invent) 30.How about the two of us _ ___ a walk down the garden? (take) 31.The Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _ __ that he had enjoyed his stay here.(add) 32.The first text books _ ___ for teaching English came out in the 16th century.(write)


语法填空—动词类提示词的解题技巧(II) 【真题感知】 1. 【动词类填空提分技法2】(针对非谓语动词): NO.1.解题步骤: 1.分析句子结构,明确空格处应是谓语还是非谓语。 2.按照非谓语动词在句中所充当的成分和特点,并结合语境来确定正确形式。NO2.解题技巧 1.提示词为动词,句子中已经有谓语且没有连词时应填非谓语。 2.根据非谓语动词在句中所作的成分,判断非谓语动词的逻辑主语与所给动 词的主、被动关系。 3.判断非谓语动词与主句谓语动词之间的先后关系,来确定正确形式。 【考点归纳】 考点1:不定式与分词作定语时的用法 1.不定式作定语时表将来;不定式常用来修饰由序数词、最高级或no, all, any 等限定的中心词;不定式作定语时用来修饰一些抽象名词,常见的有ability, chance, idea, fact, answer, belief, way, excuse等。 e.g. I have some homework to do .(由I来做) I have some homework to be done.(由他人来做) 2.现在分词作定语,被修饰的名词与动词在逻辑上是主动关系。 e.g. The girl singing on the stage is my younger sister. e.g. The house being built are for teachers.(表该动作的被动和进行) 3.过去分词作定语,与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上存在被动关系,表示改动作的

被动或完成。 注意:不定式to be done形式,过去分词done和现在分词being done形式作定语的区别 e.g. Have you read the novel written by Dickens?(表被动、完成) e.g. Listen! The song being sung is very popular with the students.(表被动、正在 进行) e.g. The question to be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting is a very important one.(表被动、将来) 考点2:不定式与分词作状语时的用法 1.(1)不定式作状语,一般表目的(注意其他非谓语动词没有此功能)。 e.g. To support his big family, he had to work overtime.(=In order to support…) (2) 表结果,此用法常表示主语没有预料到或不愿意看到的结果。 e.g. We ran all the way to the station, only to find that the train had already left. 2.现在分词作状语。现在分词(短语)作状语,表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随等。(注意其一般式和完成式) (1)一般式e.g. The children came in, talking and laughing. (2) 完成式 e.g. Having been shown around the campus, we were taken to the hall. 3.过去分词作状语。当分词与逻辑主语之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作状语。 e.g. Inspired by his speech, we took action at once. 注意:在when, while, if, as if, though, as, until, once, whether, unless, where等连词连接的状语从句中,常省略跟主句相同的主语和be动词,形成“连词+分词短语”结构。 e.g. When treated with kindness, he was very lovely. While crossing the street, you must be careful. 考点3:不定式与分词作宾语补足语时的用法 1.感官动词+宾语+宾补(see, watch, observe, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feel) doing sth.看见….正在做… see+宾语+ do sth. 看见…做了…(宾语与宾补为逻辑上的主动) done 看见…被做…(宾语与宾补之间为逻辑上被动关系) 2.使役动词+宾语+宾补 do sth.使…做某事 have +宾语+ doing sth 使…持续 done 使…被做/遭受 do sth.让…做某事 make+宾语+ done sth. 让…被做 to do sth. 使…做某事 get+宾语+ doing sth. 使…开始做 done 使…被做
