Windows 7 官方用户手册(英文版)第五部分





启用这项功能后,当您的朋友进行问题操作时,该记录器将会逐一记录您的操作步骤,并将它们压缩在一个MHTML 文件中。



而Windows 7就不同了,右击电脑,选择属性,系统保护,系统还原,然后选择您想要的还原点,点击“扫描受影响的应用程序”,Windows就会告知您哪些应用程序受到影响,通过选择还原点进行删除或者是修复。

3、桌面幻灯片Windows 7中有许多吸引人的新的墙纸,因此您很难决定是使用哪一张,那么为什么不使用桌面幻灯片功能呢?右击桌面的空白位置,选择个性化,桌面背景,然后在选择喜欢的图片的时候按住Ctrl键,接着再选择您想要的图片的变换周期,选择Shuffle使得图片随机显示,自此,桌面幻灯片的功能就设置完成了。

4、自动排列您的桌面如果您的Windows 7桌面上的图标分散得到处都是,那么您只需右击桌面,选择“查看”——自动排列即可。


快捷键的使用Windows 7比Vista要好用而且有很多新功能。





把当前窗口停靠在屏幕右侧按WIN+右键可以把窗口靠到右侧显示或隐藏浏览预览面板按 ALT+P 隐藏或者显示浏览的预览窗口锁定屏幕Windows 7的开始菜单里不再有锁定按钮,所以现在用户要按WIN+L去锁定它。

Windows 7 官方用户手册(英文版)第二部分

Windows 7 官方用户手册(英文版)第二部分

Windows PowerShell 2.0™
Automate repetitive tasks with this graphical scripting editor that helps you write scripts that access underlying technologies.
Top Features for IT Professionals
From networking to security and search to user management, Windows 7 offers IT professionals a wide range of new and improved features. These include the following:
What;’s New in Windows 7
Application and Device Compatibility
We recognize that your PC experience involves programs and devices from many different providers, so we’ve made a significant effort to ensure that the applications and devices you use and love are compatible with Windows 7 and work the way you’d expect them to. Windows 7 helps address application compatibility in several ways. Perhaps most importantly, we worked to minimize changes in the way applications and devices interact with Windows. As a result, the work done by third-party software and hardware developers to make their products work on Windows Vista generally carries forward for Windows 7. In most cases, the same software and hardware that works with Windows Vista will also work with Windows 7. In addition, we created a comprehensive list of the most widely used consumer and business applications, which were tested throughout the development cycle. We also created new and improved tools such as the Windows Upgrade Advisor, Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT), Windows Compatibility Center, Quality Cookbook, Application Verifier, and ISV Developer Portal to help customers and software developers assess application compatibility. For untested programs or applications developed in-house, Windows 7 offers a number of in-the-box compatibility aids. For example, if a program fails to install because of a hard-coded version check, the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter can automatically fix the problem (with the user’s consent) and rerun the installer. Windows 7 also includes an expanded application shim infrastructure and a Problem Steps Recorder that people can use to capture application compatibility issues for evaluation by technical experts. Furthermore, we continually monitor application compatibility issues throughout the Windows ecosystem. We designed Windows 7 to monitor application health and, with the user’s permission, provide feedback to Microsoft so that we can work quickly with application developers to resolve compatibility problems and issue a fix if necessary. Microsoft has also invested in partner outreach efforts so that software developers have the resources required to ensure application compatibility. As with applications, we are also working to ensure that devices compatible with Windows Vista will work just as well with Windows 7. As a part of this effort, we have greatly expanded the list of devices and peripherals being tracked for compatibility with Windows 7. We have identified thousands of devices through data collected via the Customer Experience Improvement Program and through outreach efforts to device and PC manufacturers, and we have tested those devices for compatibility with Windows 7. When updated device drivers are required, we are working to ensure that you can get them directly from Windows Update or through links to driver downloads on device manufacturer Web sites.



Section 5: Subroutines & Subprograms Subroutines Subroutines are used for contours, hole patterns, or any actions that repeat orare used in many locations. Typically subroutines will contain only positionalmoves. Feed rates, tool changes, spindle speeds, rotation, and other codes arereserved for the main program. However, most codes can be in a subroutine.All user defined subroutines must be at the beginning of the program beforethe main section of the program. Only the O word and comments may be usedprior to the first subroutine. Subroutines cannot be defined in asubprogram. However, if the START macro command is used, subroutines canbe defined in subprograms (see Section Eighteen, Macros).The format of the L word for a subroutine definition is LNNKK.Beginning aSubroutineNN is the subroutine number (01-89).KK will always be 00 (zero, zero).EXAMPLE:L0100 (or L100) This would define the beginning of subroutine number 1L2300 This would define the beginning of subroutine number 23The maximum number allowed for NN is 89. Subprograms 90 - 99 are used bythe control for Fixed subroutines (see Section Six, Fixed Subroutines). The linewith the L word that defines the subroutine can only have a parenthesis or anasterisk for a comment. No other codes are permitted.Calling a Subroutine The format for the subroutine call is LNNKK. NN is the subroutine number (01-99). KK is the number of repetitions (01-99).EXAMPLE:L101 This would call, or use, subroutine number 1, one timeL2315 This would call, or use, subroutine number 23, fifteen timesThe LNNKK word must be the only word in the block in which it appears withthe exception of R parameter definitions, G66, and a parenthesis or an asteriskfor a comment. After a subroutine has been executed, it will return to the linewhere it was called and the program will continue from that line.Ending a Subroutine A subroutine ends with the L word that starts the next subroutine or with anM17. The M17 must be the only word in the block in which it appears.The last subroutine in the program MUST have an M17 coded at the end. Main Program An M30 marks the end of the subroutine section and the start of the mainprogram. An M17 marks the end of the last subprogram, which must be on aline before an M30. The M30 must be the only word in the block in which itappears.When the operator presses the auto button the control will process theprogram. The control will recognize the existence of subroutines by the L #00 atthe beginning of the program. The control will then recognize the beginning ofthe main program by the M30 code. When the control is ready to run, the linejust after the M30 will be the first line to appear on the screen of the pendent.When the M30 is used to end the subroutine section, an M2 is used to end theprogram. At the end of the program, the M2 will cause the program to beginagain at the line after the M30 code.EXAMPLE:N10 M17 This marks the end a subN11 M30N12 G0 G90 S2000 M3 E1 X0 Y0 End of subroutine sectionN13 H1 M7 Z.1 Beginning of the Main programN14 L201 Sub #2 one time. When sub #2 is complete it will return hereN15 M5 M9 G80Nesting A subroutine may be called for execution from another subroutine. This iscalled subroutine “nesting.”Subroutines may be nested as many as seven deep. This means that at somepoint in a subroutine another subroutine can be called, and then from thatsubroutine another can be called and so forth up to seven times.Subroutines cannot be defined in a subprogram. However if the STARTmarco command is used, subroutines can be defined in subprograms (seeSection Eighteen, Macros).EXAMPLE:N1 O1234 (SUBROUTINE EXAMPLE PROGRAMN2 L100 This marks the beginning of sub #1N3 X.5 Y.5N4 X-.5N5 G80N6 M17 This marks the end a subN7 L200 This marks the beginning of sub #2N8 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.1 F35.N9 L101 Sub#1 is being called from sub #2. Sub #1 is nested inside sub#2N10 M17 This marks the end a subroutineN11 M30 End of subroutine sectionN12 G0 G90 S2000 M3 E1 X0 Y0 Beginning of the Main programN13 H1 M7 Z.1N14 L201 Sub #2 one time. When sub #2 is complete it will return hereN15 M5 M9 G80N16 G0 G49 G90 Z0N17 M2 End of the Main program. In the auto mode the program will rerunfrom line N12EXAMPLE:Drill and Tap 2 holes using subroutine to define positions.N1 O1 (SAMPLE PROGRAMN2 L100 Define Subroutine 1N3 X.5 Y.5N4 X-.5N5 G80N6 M17 End SubroutineN7 M30 End of Subroutine definitionN8 M6 T1N9 Tool #1 drillN10 G0 G90 S3500 M3 E1 X0 Y0N11 H1 M7 Z.25 Start main programDrill cycleN12 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.475 F20.N13 L101 Call Subroutine 1N14 N15 M6 T2 Tool #2 tapN16 G0 G90 S600 M3 E1 X0 Y0N17 H2 M7 Z.25N18 G84 G98 R0+.1 Z-.5 F600. Q.05 Tap CycleN19 L101 Call SubroutineN20 M5 M9N21 G0 G49 G90 Z0N22 E0 X0 Y0N23 M6 T1N24 M2•Block N2 uses the L word to identify the beginning of the subroutine.•Block N3 through N4 identify the X and Y locations.•Block N6 uses M17 to define the end of the subroutine.•Block N7 uses M30 to define the end of subroutine definition and the beginning of the main program.Upon execution of the program, the CNC always begins processing from the first block. When the first block contains the L word, the CNC examines each following block, until the M17, M30 codes are encountered. The execution begins with the block following the M30.The example program begins execution from block N8. Block N13 causes program execution from block N2 until the M17 is encountered at block N6. After completing the subroutine call, the program execution is returned to the next block following the subroutine call (N14).Parametric Programming Generalized subroutines can be written with the use of subroutine parameters. In a generalized subroutine, the numerical value of the A, B, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, P, Q, R, S, T, X, Y, Z words need not be specified directly. Values that are to be determined at the time of the subroutine call are specified indirectly by the use of the parametric reference "R". There are ten parameters, R0 through R9.X+R1 directs the CNC to take the current value of parameter R1 as the value for the X word. X-R1 directs the CNC to take the negative of the current value of parameter R1 as the value for the X word.The values of the parameters are modal. They are modified by programming an R word in a line of code. For example:R0+.137 defines the value of parameter R0 to +.137. This value is used by any R0 in the program until it is redefined.In the example below, subroutine L100 is a generalized subroutine to create a “D” pattern. Block N7 of the example calls the subroutine with the parameters R0 and R1 set to 2.0 and 1.0 respectively.EXAMPLE:N1 L100 (DEFINE SUBROUTINE 1N2 G1 Y+R0 (FIRST LEG OF “D” PATTERNN3 G2 X+R1 Y-R1 J-R1N4 G2 X-R1 Y-R1 I-R1 (BACK TO BEGINNINGN5 M17N6 M30 (END OF SUBROUTINE DEFINITIONN7 L101 R0+2. R1+1. (CALL SUBROUTINE 1, (EXECUTE 1 TIMEAll R values are modal, and are not cleared at the beginning of a program. Thevalues are cleared at power on and are zero until they are defined.Indefinite Subroutine Repetitions In some cases a subroutine needs to be repeated an indefinite number of times. This is accomplished by using a .1 extension at the end of a subroutine call.N1 L100N2 E1 X.45 Y-1.05N3 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.75 F80. X.5 Y-1.N4 X2.5N5 G80N6 Z1.N7 E0 X0 Y0N8 G4 P66000 The machine is in the Waiting state, spindle & coolant onN9 M17N10 M30N11 G90 G0 S10000 E1 X.45 Y-1.05N12 H1 Z1. M7N13 L101.1 The .1 extension repeats sub #1 an indefinite number of timesN14 M2Subprograms Subprograms function for the same purpose as a subroutine. They can beused instead of subroutines. For program editing purposes a program thatuses subroutines is easier to edit. The operator can edit both the main andsubroutine section of the program without switching to another program.Editing a subprogram requires that the operator first switch to the subprogram,edit, then switch back to the main program. The main program must becurrently active to execute the program.Subprograms are generally used in Format 2 style programs. A main programis identified by the use of the M30 code at the end, which functions like the M2would in a Format 1 style program. The subprogram is identified by using theM99 code at the end. The M99 functions as the point to either return to thebeginning of the subprogram for a repeat, or to return to the line where thesubprogram was called.Subprograms cannot contain subroutines. However a subprogram can becalled from a subroutine. If START macro command is used, subroutines canbe defined in subprograms (see Section Eighteen, Macros).EXAMPLE:O1 (MAIN PROGRAMG90 G0 G17 G80 G40 G49 Z0M6 T1 (TOOL #1S2000 M3 G54 X0 Y0H1 D1 Z1. M8G82 G99 R0+.1 Z-.25 F45.M98 P2 L1 Call subprogram #2 one time. This is where the sub returns after executionM5 M9G80G90 G0 G49 Z0M6 T2 (TOOL #2G90 G0 S2000 M3 G54 X0 Y0H2 D2 Z1. M8G83 G99 R0+.1 Z-2.1 F37. Q.3143M98 P2 L1 Call subprogram #2 one time. This is where the sub returns to after executionM5 M9G80G0 G90 G49 Z0G59 X0 Y0M30O2 (SUBPROGRAM FOR HOLE LOCATIONSX2. Y1.X3. Y1.M99 End of subprogram and return to main programThis page intentionally left blank.。

WES7 定制手册

WES7 定制手册

Windows Embedded Standard 2011 CTP2 Lab ManualWindows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab ManualTable of Contents1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ...................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5 Related Windows 7 Documentation .......................................................................................... 5 Minimum Device Hardware Requirements ................................................................................ 5 Release Notes ........................................................................................................................... 5 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit .................................................................... 6 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 2 2.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help .................................................. 6 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable ..................................................................................... 7 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility Disk ................................................................ 7 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration Editor ................................. 8 Create a Custom Windows PE Image .............................................................................. 8 Create a Utility Drive ................................................................................................................. 7Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional) ..................................... 8Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images ............................................................................ 9 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder Wizard .......................... 9 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features .......................................... 9 Build an Image with Embedded Core Only .................................................................... 11 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings ............................................................ 11 Add Update Packages to a Distribution Share (Optional) .............................................. 14 Add Third-Party Software (Optional) ............................................................................ 15 Run a Custom Script (Optional) .................................................................................... 16 Add Third-Party Drivers (Optional) ............................................................................... 17 Make Your Install Fully Unattended (Optional) ............................................................. 17 Create Image Builder Wizard Disk from Answer File (optional) ..................................... 24Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor ............. 113Deploy an Image ............................................................................................................................ 25 3.1 Prepare and Capture an Image for Deployment ...................................................................... 25 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Sysprep the Image........................................................................................................ 25 Capture the Image Into a Windows Image (.wim) File................................................... 25 Prepare your Destination Device .................................................................................. 26 Apply an Image to Your Device’s Hard Drive ................................................................. 27Page 2Deploy an Image Using ImageX ............................................................................................... 26©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4 4.1Shut Down the Destination Device ............................................................................... 27 Start Image Builder Wizard with your Image ................................................................ 28 Customize a Captured Image ........................................................................................ 29Deploy an Image Using Image Builder Wizard.......................................................................... 27Service an Image ............................................................................................................................ 31 Service an Image with Image Configuration Editor and DISM................................................... 31 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.4 Create a Configuration Set using Image Configuration Editor........................................ 31 Install using your Configuration Set .............................................................................. 32 Test your image ........................................................................................................... 34 Mount your image ....................................................................................................... 34 Add sample packages ................................................................................................... 34 Adding a Package Using DISM ...................................................................................... 35 Unmount and Commit Changes .................................................................................... 35 Redeploy and Verify ..................................................................................................... 35 Add a Language Pack (optional).................................................................................... 35Service an Image with DISM .................................................................................................... 34Install Updates with WUSA...................................................................................................... 36 Service an Image with Package Scanner .................................................................................. 36 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Package Enumeration................................................................................................... 37 Find Applicable Updates ............................................................................................... 37 Scavenging ................................................................................................................... 375Additional Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Labs ...................................................................... 39 5.1 Suppress OOBE ....................................................................................................................... 39 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 Create an Answer File .................................................................................................. 39 Using your answer file with Image Builder Wizard ........................................................ 39 Hide boot screens ........................................................................................................ 40 Use Shell Launcher ....................................................................................................... 40 Remove Windows branding ......................................................................................... 41 Replace the startup screen background image ............................................................. 41 Add Message Blockers.................................................................................................. 42 Install from Image Builder Wizard directly to UFD : ...................................................... 44 Install from Image Builder Wizard to Hard Drive, ImageX to UFD: ................................. 44Using a Custom Shell and Custom Branding............................................................................. 40Build a USB bootable Windows Embedded 2011 image ........................................................... 44Create Custom Templates for IBW .......................................................................................... 46©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 3Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual5.4.1 5.4.2Creating Templates ...................................................................................................... 46 Using Custom Templates in IBW ................................................................................... 46©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 4Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 20111.1 IntroductionWelcome to Windows Embedded Standard 2011. This lab manual is a guide to help you use and evaluate Windows Embedded Standard 2011. In addition to preparation steps, such as toolkit installation, this manual includes labs for key scenarios such as building an image, deploying an image and servicing an image. The labs are most easily followed in the order presented. You can also chose labs individually based on your interests and previous experience with Windows Embedded, but please note that several lab scenarios assume you have the output of an earlier lab scenario.1.2 Related Windows 7 DocumentationWindows Embedded Standard 2011 is based on Windows 7; therefore much of the Windows 7 documentation can be used as reference material. • Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) online documentation /downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=f1bae135-4190-4d7c-b19319123141edaa&displaylang=en Windows 7 Technical Library on Microsoft TechNet /enus/library/dd349342.aspx Windows Developer Center for Windows 7 /enus/windows/dd433113.aspx• •1.3 Minimum Device Hardware RequirementsYou must have the following minimum hardware to be able to build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device: • • • • • 1 GHz x86 or amd64 processor 1 GB of flash or hard drive space (4 GB recommended) 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended for amd64 devices) 900 MHz CPU or equivalent At least one of the following bootable media types: • • • • Bootable DVD-ROM drive Bootable USB 2.0 port and a USB Flash Drive (UFD) with 4 GB free space, or access to a local networkBIOS supporting Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 Minimum hardware requirements, particularly RAM requirements, may be greater depending on the size and type of feature packages selected.1.4 Release NotesAlthough every attempt has been made to provide workarounds and additional usage notes for scenarios that are affected by known issues in the pre-release versions of Windows Embedded Standard 2011, we strongly recommend that you refer to the release notes provided with this release before beginning any of the labs described in this manual. ©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 5Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.5 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ToolkitYou can install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit on your development computer from a DVD or from setup files downloaded from Microsoft Connect. 1. Run Setup.exe • If you have the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit DVD, installation should begin when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. If it doesn’t start automatically, the Setup.exe file can be found at: <DVD Drive>:\WindowsEmbeddedStudio.msi. 2. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following: • To install the tools and distribution share to the default location, select Complete. The default locations are: • • • 3. 32-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011 64-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011To install the tools and distribution share to a different location, select Custom.Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation process.1.5.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit HelpThe Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help contains more detailed information on many of the topics and steps contained in this manual. To access the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help: 1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 2. From the Start menu, click Programs, click Windows Embedded Standard 2011, and then click Image Configuration Editor.On the toolbar, click the Help icon to launch Help.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 6Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.6 Create a Utility DriveIf your device is able to boot from a DVD, you can use the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD appropriate to your device’s architecture to install the OS image directly to your device. Otherwise you can create a bootable USB drive by using the DiskPart tool and then loading the USB Drive with Image Builder Wizard (IBW) or WindowsPreinstallation Environment (WinPE). Diskpart supports the partitioning and formatting of a USB Flash Device (UFD) as a bootable device. A USB drive with a minimum of 4 GB is recommended for a utility drive loaded with Image Builder Wizard.1.6.1 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable1. 2. Attach your USB drive to your development computer. From a Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Preinstallation (Windows PE) 3.0 environment, run the DiskPart tool by typing the following at a command prompt: diskpart Note: The version of the DiskPart tool provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows PE 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 supports the partitioning and formatting of a UFD as a bootable device. Previous versions of the DiskPart tool, including the version provided by Windows XP, do not fully support partitioning and formatting a UFD to be bootable and should not be used. 3. Use the DiskPart tool to determine the disk number and device size to be used for the next step by typing the following at the DiskPart prompt: list disk 4. Use the DiskPart tool to partition and format the drive and make it bootable. At the DiskPart prompt, type the following, replacing <disk_number> with the disk number of the USB drive: select clean create select active format assign exit disk <disk_number> part pri part 1 fs=ntfs quickYour USB drive is now bootable.1.6.2 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility DiskThe Image Builder Wizard disks provide the ability to quickly generate a new IBW disk in the event IBW has been serviced or new packages have been added to the distribution share. To generate an Image Builder Wizard Disk:©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 7Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.On the Tools menu, select Media Creation, then select Create IBW Disk Enter the desired distribution share to be copied. Select your USB drive as the target folder. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK.1.7 Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional)In some instances, you may want to create a utility disk that includes the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). Windows PE is a lightweight version of Windows used mainly for deployment. You may prefer to use Windows PE instead of Image Builder Wizard if your USB drive is smaller than 2 GB, if you have space limitations on your device or if your device requires custom drivers that you will install on a custom version of Windows PE.1.7.1 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration EditorThe Windows PE Utility Disk feature of the Media Creation tool in Image Configuration Editor provides the ability to quickly generate a Windows PE disk for gathering information about your target device or for deploying an image using Image Builder Wizard. The generated disk includes TAP.exe, ImageX and Package Scanner. To generate a Windows PE utility disk: 1. 2. Create a bootable utility disk (section 1.6.1 above). Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.On the Toolsmenu, selectMedia Creation, then selectCreate PE Image. Enter a target folder on your development computer to which the binaries will be copied. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK. Copy the contents of the ISO sub-folder from the target folder on your development computer to the root directory of your bootable utility disk.1.7.2 Create a Custom Windows PE ImageSee the topic “Create a Custom Windows PE Image” in the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help for more information about creating a custom Windows PE Image and gathering other files to add to the bootable USB drive you created in section 1.6.1.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 8Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual2 Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images2.1 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder WizardImage Builder Wizard (IBW) is a tool you can use to create, configure and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 on your device. The wizard runs directly on your device and guides you through a set of configuration choices. After you make your selections, the wizard creates and installs Windows Embedded Standard 2011 onto the device. You can further customize the installation or you can capture it to an image file and deploy it to other devices. In this lab, you will use IBW on your device to create different Windows Embedded Standard 2011 images. You can follow the steps provided in this lab to create the following variations: • • An image that can be used for a thin client device. A “minboot” image that contains only the base packages (referred to as Embedded Core).2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling FeaturesTo build a thin client image using IBW: 1. Start Image Builder Wizard on your device by either: • • Start the wizard from your Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD, your ISO image, or the USB drive prepared in section 1.6 Boot your device into Windows PE and run setup.exe from another location (USB drive, network share, etc.). Note: Image Builder Wizard will setup and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011. It’s important to make sure you are running the wizard on your device itself and not on your development computer. 2. On the first page, select Build an Image This option starts IBW and allows you to choose packages, drivers and languages to include in your image. You can optionally start from a template. 3. 4. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). The Choose the way you want to build your image page allows you to start from a template or from a blank configuration. In this exercise, select the Thin Client template and click Next. Select a language, time and currency format and keyboard or input method to install on the final image. These selections are for the primary language of your image. You can add additional languages later. Click Next to continue. The Summary of Drivers and Features page shows a summary of the drivers to be installed, detected devices and feature packages in your template. Check the Modify Drivers and Modify Features checkboxes and click Next.5.6.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 9Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 7. On the Find and Select Drivers page, choose one of the following options and click Next to continue: • • The Automatically detect devices option detects the drivers on your device and attempts to find drivers for them. The Choose a PMQ option makes it possible for you to import a device list from a previously generated PMQ file. As with Windows Embedded XP, TAP.exe is used to generate this PMQ file. The Do not select additional drivers option includes only the drivers in Embedded Core. Your image will still be bootable but drivers for non-boot-critical devices may not be installed.•8.The Confirm drivers to be installed page shows drivers that will be installed as well as the devices that were detected on your computer for which we do not have drivers. Click Browse if you want to add custom drivers. Click Next to continue. On the Please select Feature Packagesto include in your image page you can add additional features to your configuration. Because you started from the Thin Client template, several packages have been preselected for you. Choose any additional packages you wish to include.9.10. Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client and select the appropriate feature packages. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select: • • OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: • • • Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 11. Click the Resolve Dependencies button. If a pop-up window asks you to choose between multiple packages, make the following selections: a. If you are installing HORM, select Embedded Windows 7 Boot Environment, otherwise select the Windows 7 Boot Environment. • • • Select Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens. Select Windows Explorer. Select Standard Windows USB Stack. Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 10Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual b. Resolve all other dependencies, then click Done. Click Next to continue.12. The Summary of Drivers and Features page gives you a final overview of packages and drivers to be installed. If you are satisfied with your selections, click Next. 13. Select the disk or partition where you would like to install the image, then click Next to begin installation and set up of the customized Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device. 14. To enable Embedded Enabling Features after installation is complete, open a command prompt on your device and run the following commands: • For FBWF and Registry Filter: fbwfmgr /enable fbwfmrg /addvolume c: • For EWF, HORM and Registry Filter: ewfmgr c: -enable ewfmgr c: -activatehorm 15. Once HORM has been activated, it should be tested: a. b. c. d. e. f. Reboot so that EWF is enabled. Start Internet Explorer Enable hibernation by typing the following at a command prompt: powercfg –h on Reboot and device should resume from hibernation. Make changes and reboot your device again Verify your device state returns to that of step d above and that the changes made in step e were not retained.2.1.2 Build an Image with Embedded Core OnlyA Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image that contains just the Embedded Core package is described as a “minboot” image. To build an Embedded Core (eCore) image using Image Builder Wizard, follow the steps in section 2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features with the following changes: 1. 2. At step 4, choose the Minimum Configuration template Complete steps 10 and 15 only if you want to enable write filters.2.2 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor2.2.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer. • From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 11Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 2. On the File menu, select Distribution Share, then navigate to the desired distribution share. The default distribution share locations are: • On a development computer running a 32-bit operating system: • • • x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS64On a development computer running a 64-bit operating system: • • x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS643. 4.On the File menu, click New Answer File. By default, the Embedded Edition package is added to this new answer file. This is the Embedded Core package. Add Driver Packages a. On the File menu, click Import then select Import PMQ to add device drivers using a PMQ file. In the Messages pane, in the Import PMQ tab, you can review the results of mapping the devices in a PMQ file to driver packages. • • Successfully mapped devices will be listed. To view the package in the answer file that the device was mapped to, double-click the device name. The warning icons denote devices that were not mapped to driver packages. If you need support for these devices, see section 2.2.3 Note: For more information on how to generate a PMQ file, refer to the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Help topic “How to Generate a .PMQFile Using Target Analyzer”. b. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/Driver, you can add additional driver packages. Double-click any driver package (leaf node in the tree) to add it to your answer file. In the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/FeaturePack node. Expand the Browsers/Internet Explorer 8 node, right-click on Internet Explorer 8 Browser and select Add to Answer File. Expand the Graphics and Multimedia node, right-click on Windows Media Player 12 and selectAdd to Answer File. Expand the Remote Connections node, right-click on Remote Desktop Connectionand select Add to Answer File.5.Add Feature Packages a. b. c. d.6.Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/FeaturesPack, right-click on the appropriate feature packages and select Add to Answer File. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select:©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 12Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual • • OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: • • • Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 7. To add language packs, in the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/LanguagePack/en-US node. Right-click the English (US) Language Pack package and select Add to Answer File. Add additional language packs the same way. To change Internet Explorer 8 settings: a. b. c. d. e. f. In theAnswer File pane, click on theInternet Explorer 8 Browser package. In the Settings pane, change Filter View to “4 Specialize”. In the Settings pane, click on the Value column to update the value for each of the following settings: Set Home_Page to /embedded SetIEWelcomeMsg to false Save your answer file. Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter8.You have now changed the way Internet Explorer behaves by using Image Configuration Editor’s settings UI. You can change additional settings in your answer file the same way. 9. To resolve dependencies, from the Validate menu, select Add Required Packages. a. If there are any errors listed in the Validation tab of the Messages pane that state “Dependencies of the source package are not satisfied,” double-click the error message and use the Resolve Dependencies dialogue box to satisfy all required package dependencies. • If you are asked to choose between two USB stacks, choose “Bootable Windows USB Stack” only if you are using the USB Boot Embedded Enabling Feature and enabling a USB bootable image (see section 5.3). Otherwise choose “Standard Windows USB Stack.” If you are asked to choose between two boot environment packages, choose “Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment” if you are installing HORM with EWF. Otherwise choose “Windows Boot Environment”.•b.Warnings that state “Optional Dependencies exist for the source package” are acceptable and may be ignored. Page 13©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.。

操作手册 (中英文)

操作手册 (中英文)

操作手册Operation Manual一、监控电脑的开启按电脑上的电源键,电脑会自动启动直至出现登陆的对话框,在对话框的用户名内填入“operator”直接敲击回车键就会自动进入操作员权限的主画面,如下图:1. The opening of the monitoring computerPress the power button on the computer, and the computer will automatically start to login dialog box, then enter the user name of “operator” in dialog box and directly hit Enter key, and then the computer will automatically enter the main screen of operator authority, as shown in the following figure:(图-1)(Figure-1)如果在对话框的用户名内填入“Administrator”进入工程师权限操作的时候是需要密码的,这个密码会随资料一起交付给相关人员。

If the dialog box is filled in the user name of “Administrator” to enter engineer authority s need a password, the password will be with the data delivery to the relevant personnel.二、监控画面的说明2. Note for monitor screen1、点击图-1中的“HP BOILER”,就会进入20T HP boiler的监控界面,如图-2所示,在画面上可以之间看到锅炉的所有的温度、压力、流量、阀门开度、变频器频率等数据的检测值,在图-2所示的红色字体的闪烁代表的是报警,有相应的英文所显示。



目录•Windows7系统概述•Windows7基本操作•Windows7系统设置与优化•Windows7常用软件安装与使用•Windows7安全与防护•Windows7维护与故障排除Windows7系统概述Windows7的发展历程01Windows7的起源作为Windows Vista的继任者,Windows7在设计和功能上进行了诸多改进。







内存1GB(32位)或2GB (64位)RAM。

硬盘空间16GB(32位)或20GB (64位)可用硬盘空间。









SERIAL NUMBER (located on top of product):Phone: 800-669-1303 or 801-561-0303 Fax: 801-255-2312e-mail:**************************PC7 PUMP CONTROLLEROperation / MaintenanceManualCONTENTS1INSTALLATION (3)1.1UNPACKING (3)1.2UTILITIES / HOOK-UP (3)2OPTIONS (5)2.1UNIT IS AVAILABLE IN BOTH PFA AND PP CONSTRUCTION (5)3START-UP (6)3.1PERFORMANCE CHARTS (7)4MAINTENANCE (8)4.1PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (8)4.1.a Preventive Maintenance Record (9)4.2RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS (10)4.3TOOLS (10)4.4PARTS ILLUSTRATION – PC7 (10)4.5PARTS LIST – PC7F (11)4.6PARTS LIST – PC7P (11)4.7CLEAN-UP (12)4.8DISASSEMBLY (12)4.9ASSEMBLY (12)5156161 INSTALLATION1.1 UNPACKINGAfter unpacking, the components should be checked for damage that may haveoccurred during shipment. Damage should be reported to the carrierimmediately.The following items should be included within the shipping container:Qty Item Description1 PC7F or PC7P PC7 PUMP CONTROLLER1 PC7-Manual Manual, PC7 Pump Controller1.2 UTILITIES / HOOK-UPThe controller can be mounted by any of three methods. It can be bolted to a wall or deck using the snap on base slots as shown below using four ¼”(6mm) boltsin the pattern shown below.MTD0616CONTROLLER - BOTTOM VIEWMTD0617MTD0618 PUMP INSTALLATION - BACK PUMP INSTALLATION - TOP1HEAD2MTD0619ADJUSTMENT SCREWAir Inlet:3/8” Flaretek (3/8” OD TUBING)Air Supply: 20-80 PSIG (1.4 – 5.4 BAR), CLEAN DRY AIR OR NITROGEN. Head Ports: 3/8” Flaretek (3/8” OD PFA TUBING)Recommended Maximum Operating Levels: 80 psig (5.4 bar)ATTENTION: The controller should be operated with clean, dry air or nitrogen. Particulate, water and oils in the air supply can damage the controller.2 OPTIONS2.1 UNIT IS AVAILABLE IN BOTH PFA AND PPCONSTRUCTIONThe PFA unit exterior parts are molded using PFA (Fluoroplastic) and the shuttle assembly is constructed of PEEK & PPS. The PFA unit is intended for severeapplications and for compliance with FM4910.The PP unit exterior parts are molded using Polypropylene (Polyolefin) and theshuttle assembly is constructed of PEEK & PPS. This unit is intended as a lower cost option with similar service life where exposure to oxidizing acids is limited.3 START-UP∙Controller air supply pressure must be regulated to a maximum of 80 psig.∙Open the fluid suction (IN) line valve, if necessary.∙Open the fluid discharge (OUT) line valve, if necessary.∙Adjust the speed control screw fully Clockwise (CW) until fully retracted.Warning! Do not apply too much torque to screw or damage may result.CONTROL SCREWCAUTION: When handling potentially dangerous fluids under pressure, the pump and its fittings should be placed in an enclosure away from operators.3.1 PERFORMANCE CHARTSPumping capacity is a function of air supply pressure and volume, suction head, suction line restrictions, discharge head, discharge line restriction, and fluidspecific gravity and viscosity.20 0 8020 1/2 3040 0 13540 2 7060 0 19060 2 8080 0 24080 2 110NOTE: Test information is based on specific conditions and limited sampling.Use for general reference only. This information is preliminary and may bechanged at a future date.4 MAINTENANCE4.1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEThe following maintenance schedule is recommended to optimize pump performance and minimize failures.Adhering to the recommended preventative maintenance schedule along with periodic inspection of the pump will ensure continued efficient operation and overall reliable pump performance.It is recommended that the Preventive Maintenance Record (Section 4.1.a) be copied, maintained and kept with this unit for future reference.PC7 MaintenanceReplacement InspectionComponent / Comments1 Y e a r2 Y e a r6 m o n t h s1 Y e a r2 Y e a rX Fitting Nuts (Connections) P/N (9002914) X X Detent Legs P/N (305-PD) X X Shuttle Spool P/N (305-PJ) X X Spring Bar P/N (305-QA)XMuffler Media (PC7 Controller) P/N (305-FR)4.1.a Preventive Maintenance RecordCompany Name: _____________________________________________________Company Address:_____________________________________________________Number:________________SerialProduct: _________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________Date: ________ Tech: _____ Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________4.2 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSThere are no recommended spare parts for the Purus 20 pump due to it’s welded and sealed construction. However there are spare parts available for rebuild ofthe PC7 pump controller.PC7 Pump Controller305-PD 4 EA LEG, DETENT305-QA 2 EA SPRING BAR, DETENT305-P016 2 EA SEAL, PTFE, 1.75 X 1.33 X .02 (PC7F ONLY!)305-P015 2 EA SEAL, PTFE, 1.82 X 1.33 X .02 (PC7P ONLY!)305-PJ 1 EA SPOOL, SHUTTLE305-P040 1 EA SCREW, SPEED ADJUSTMENT305-P048 1 EA FERRULE, PTFE305-FR 5 EA PAD, MUFFLER4.3 TOOLSThe only tool requirements are a Phillips #2 and Straight screwdriver.4.4 PARTS ILLUSTRATION – PC74.5 PARTS LIST – PC7FILLNOPART NO QTY DESCRIPTION PM YEAR #MATERIAL1 305-P049 1 NUT, COMPRESSION,PVDF, 3/8 PVDF2 305-P048 1 FERRULE, PTFE, PC7 PTFE3 305-P047 1 CAP,PFA,ADJUST,PC7 PFA4 305-040 1 SCR,ADJUST,PC7 PVDF5 305-PD 4 LEG,DETENT,PC7 DELRIN6 305-QA 2 SPRINGBAR,DETENT,OSCILLATOR PEEK7 305-QB 1 PLATE,SUPPORT,PC7 PVDF8 305-P007 2 SCR,NYLON,#8-32x.31,SLOVHD NYLON9 305-PJ 1 SPOOL,SHUTTLE,OSCILLATOR PEEK10 305-P016 2 SEAL,PTFE,GORTEX,1.75x1.33x.02 PTFE11 305-P050 1 RING,SPLIT,SINGLE TURN,PTFE,-016PTFE12 305-P014 2 FTG,PVDF,3/8"ME PVDF13 AK058 1 ASSY,SHUTTLESLEEVE CERAMIC14 305-P013 2 TUBE,TRANSFER,PFA PFA15 305-P009 3 NUT,PVDF,FLR,3/8T PVDF16 305-PA 1 BODY,OSCILLATOR,PFA,PC7 PFA17 AW036-01 2 ORIFICE, PRESS-IN .024 PEEK18 305-P011 1 CAP,PFA,PC7 PFA19 305-FR 4 PAD,MUFFLER,PP,25MICRON PP20 305-QF 1 BASE,PFA,PC7 PFA4.6 PARTS LIST – PC7PILLNOPART NO QTY DESCRIPTION PM YEAR #MATERIAL1 305-P052 1 NUT, COMPRESSION, PP, 3/8 PP2 305-P048 1 FERRULE, PTFE, PC7 PTFE3 305-P046 1 CAP,PP,ADJUST,PC7 PP4 305-P040 1 SCR,ADJUST,PC7 PVDF5 305-PD 4 LEG,DETENT,PC7 DELRIN6 305-QA 2 SPRINGBAR,DETENT,OSCILLATOR PEEK7 305-QB 1 PLATE,SUPPORT,PC7 PVDF8 305-P007 2 SCR,NYLON,#8-32x.31,SLOVHD NYLON9 305-PJ 1 SPOOL,SHUTTLE,OSCILLATOR PEEK10 305-P016 2 SEAL,PTFE,GORTEX,1.75x1.33x.02 PTFE11 305-P050 1 RING,SPLIT,SINGLE TURN,PTFE,-016PTFE12 305-P045 2 FTG,PP,3/8"ME PP13 AK058 1 ASSY,SHUTTLESLEEVE CERAMIC14 305-P013 2 TUBE,TRANSFER,PFA PFA15 305-P009 3 NUT,PVDF,FLR,3/8T PVDF16 305-P006 1 BODY,OSCILLATOR,PPPC7 PP17 AW036-01 2 ORIFICE, PRESS-IN .024 PEEK18 305-P002 1 CAP,PFA,PC7 PFA19 305-FR 4 PAD,MUFFLER,PP,25MICRON PP20 305-P005 1 BASE,PP,PC7 PP4.7 CLEAN-UPDue to possible contamination all components must be flushed clean andneutralized before disassembly to prevent fluid contact with personnel.4.8 DISASSEMBLYTo disassemble PC7 pump controller for service, remove controller from pump by disconnecting the flare fittings on the PC7 from the transfer tubes connecting it to the pump.Caution: For safety make sure air supply to PC7 has been shut off prior toremoval of supply line.∙Unscrew Adjustment Cap from controller body and carefully twist shuttle spool from sleeve by rotating cap assembly.∙Gently remove the cap seal from the seat inside the cap to prevent any damage or possible scratches to sealing surface. Replacement of seal isrecommended after service.∙Use a straight blade screwdriver to remove the two retaining screws from the support plate. Next loosen compression nut and ferrule from adjustmentscrew and gently push the adjustment screw out of the cap by pressing onthe end. This assembly contains the only serviceable items. See explodedassembly for part numbers and part locations.∙Inspect parts for wear and replace if necessary.4.9 ASSEMBLY∙To reassemble detent, twist the adjustment screw into the support plate and then insert 2 each spring bars into slots as per figure 1.MTD0630Figure 1∙Next insert 2 each detent legs as shown in Figure 1 and open spring bars to lock assembly as shown in Figure 2.MTD0631Figure 2∙Lastly insert 2 ea. detent legs into slots on shuttle spool as shown in Figure 3 and insert into previous assembly.MTD0632Figure 3∙ See completed detent assembly illustrated in Figure 4.MTD0633Figure 4∙Insert detent assembly into adjustable cap as shown here and install 2 each retaining screws.MTD0634Figure 5Note: Do not over tighten screws. Cap threads are easily stripped.∙Install ferrule onto adjustment screw with the longest taper toward the adjustment cap. Then install compression nut onto cap per figure 6.MTD0635Figure 6∙Tighten nut finger tight to engage compression seal.∙Insert Gortex seal into thread end of adjustable cap assembly onto sealing land as shown.MT D0636Figure 7∙Screw cap assembly with seal onto the open end of body assembly carefully inserting shuttle spool into valve body and engage air seal completely.∙Cap requires only moderate installation torque to activate seal. Over tightening can dislocate seal gasket preventing oscillation of the controller valve.5 TROUBLESHOOTINGController Will Not Operate or Cycles ErraticallyCause: Solution:∙PC7 cap seal failure ∙Remove caps from PC7 and replace PTFE cap seal.∙Debris in shuttle valve ∙Isopropyl alcohol clean the shuttle sleeve and spool assy.∙Insuffisant air pressure ∙Increase regulated supply pressure or check control valvesfor proper operation.∙Rotate PC7 speed control screw CW until it stops. Thenreadjust for correct speed.∙Adjustment Screw Seal failure ∙Replace adjustment screw assy.∙Spring bar failure ∙Spring bar needs replacement if not flat.6 WARRANTYPC7F OR PC7P CONTROLLERTREBOR International, Inc. warrants to the purchaser of new equipmentmanufactured by TREBOR to be free from defects in material and workmanshipwhen used for its intended purpose under normal operating conditions, andmaintained according to the Operation/Maintenance Manual.TREBOR’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, atTREBOR’s option and at the TREBOR factory, any part or parts thereof whichshall, within 1 year after delivery thereof to the original purchaser, bedemonstrated to TREBOR’s satisfaction to have been defective. This warrantymay be transferred to subsequent owners. The warranty period is based on the original ship date from the factory. All warranty related freight costs shall beborne by the customer.Excessive wear to pump components caused by pumping abrasive solutions orchemicals, as well as damage caused by ingesting foreign objects shall not becovered by this warranty.This warranty shall not apply to any equipment which, in the judgment ofTREBOR, shall have been repaired or altered outside TREBOR’s factory in anyway, so as to affect its performance or reliability; subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; or used other than in accordance with TREBOR’s printedinstructions.There are no terms, conditions or warranties, expressed, implied orstatutory, of merchantability, fitness, capacity, or otherwise, of the goodsordered, other than, or different from, the warranty set forth above. Thiswarranty takes precedence over any other warranty, expressed or implied.TREBOR neither assumes, nor authorizes any other party to assume for it, anyliability in connection with said equipment except as set forth above.。


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Windows 7的高级功能
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安装Windows 7的步骤与注意事项
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Windows 7---安全性
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Windows 7 AIK 的使用

首先,在以下地址下载Windows 7 AIK:/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=696dd665-9f76-4177-a811-39c26d3b3b34,可以点击语言下拉框下载中文版本,但是最好使用英文版本。

文件名叫KB3AIK_EN.iso 或者KB3AIK_CN.iso。

用UltraISO 9.3.5 版本打开KB3AIK_CN.iso 文件,执行工具-〉加载到虚拟光驱,提示“已加载”后,在资源管理器中就可以看到这个虚拟的DVD 光驱。


在“欢迎使用Windows 自动安装工具包”窗口的右边有很多功能,建议大家点击“发行说明”到微软网站浏览Windows 自动安装工具包(AIK)的具体说明。


我们执行“ Windows AIK 安装程序”。



并且在“欢迎使用Windows 自动安装工具包”点击“退出”以关闭“欢迎使用Windows 自动安装工具包”。


这时,在“开始菜单”的“所有程序”里就出现了“Microsoft Windows AIK”的菜单组。

Microsoft Windows AIK 对于我们普通用户来说并无用处,而对于喜欢鼓捣Windows 系统的用户就有大作用了。

但它的主要功能是给OEM 厂商和单位系统管理员使用的,以方便OEM 厂商在他们生产的电脑上安装Windows 系统和单位系统管理员部署局域网内各工作站系统的安装、维护。

而我们主要用它来抽取Windows 预安装系统PE,再集成一些常用的维护、检测软件作成能启动的优盘来对自己的系统进行维护以及购买主机与配件的检测工具。

由于我早已退休,没有大型网络环境供我使用,所以我并未掌握Microsoft Windows AIK 的主要功能。
























第1章手机基本信息 (4)1.1外观与配件 (4)1.2使用者入门 (8)1.3首页界面 (10)1.4手机状态与通知面板 (12)状态栏 (12)通知面板 (13)1.5应用程序 (13)1.6设置 (14)1.7调整音量 (14)1.8使用手机储存卡做为U盘 (15)第2章使用手机功能及管理联系人 (16)2.1拨打电话 (16)使用拨号 (16)2.2接听来电或拒接来电 (16)通话选项 (16)2.3使用通话记录 (18)2.4调整手机设置 (19)2.5开启和关闭手机功能 (19)2.6建立及管理联系人 (19)添加联系人 (19)导出联系人 (20)搜索联系人 (20)查看联系人 (20)新增好友联系人 (20)编辑及自定义联系人 (21)与联系人进行通讯 (21)拨打联系人 (21)第3章输入文字 (22)3.1使用屏幕键盘 (22)3.2 输入法切换 (22)3.2.1中文输入法文字录入 (23)3.2.2 Android键盘文字录入 (23)3.3 设置 (23)第4章时间管理 (24)设置闹钟 (24)自定义闹钟 (25)删除闹钟 (25)第5章信息 (25)5.1传送文本信息和多媒体信息 (25)开启信息 (25)建立及传送文本信息 (25)建立及发送多媒体(MMS)信息 (26)5.2接收文本信息和多媒体信息 (27)信息设置 (28)5.3使用电子邮件 (29)撰写及发送电子邮件 (30)接收电子邮件 (30)第6章设置连接 (32)6.1连接到网络 (32)GPRS (32)Wi-Fi (32)3G (33)6.2使用浏览器 (34)管理链接、记录和下载 (35)管理书签 (36)6.3使用蓝牙功能 (36)第7章相机、多媒体和文件 (38)7.1使用相机和摄影机 (38)拍摄相片 (38)拍摄影片 (39)浏览界面 (39)相机菜单面板 (39)7.2文件浏览器 (40)查看图片 (40)查看影片 (42)7.3 音乐 (42)音乐媒体库 (43)使用播放列表 (44)将歌曲设成来电铃声 (45)删除储存卡上的音乐 (45)第8章更多应用 (45)8.1 管理应用程序 (45)8.2计算器 (46)8.3记事本 (46)第9章管理手机 (47)9.1管理基本设定 (47)显示设置 (47)来电铃声设定 (48)手机服务 (48)语言设定 (49)9.2保护手机 (49)以PIN码保护SIM卡 (49)以屏幕锁定保护手机 (50)9.3管理记忆体 (51)9.4重设手机 (51)第10章电池信息 (52)10.1使用信息 (52)10.2注意事项 (52)第11章重要的安全信息 (52)11.1使用环境 (52)11.2电子设备 (52)11.2.1起搏器 (52)11.2.2助听器 (53)11.2.3其它医疗设备 (53)11.2.4车辆 (53)11.3有可能发生危险的环境 (53)第12章维护和保养 (53)第1章 手机基本信息1.1外观与配件前视图1. 听筒此处接听来电。



∙windows7操作系统∙能够使用windows7操作系统成为了许多电脑用户的一大喜悦之事,相比之前的Vista系统,windows7系统真的是好看了,快了,好用了,但你是否担心自己的windows7系统就像新安装其他Windows系统一样仅仅是刚开始运行飞快,随着使用时间的增加就会导致效率越来越低呢?想要保持自己的windows7系统一直运行如飞并非是难事,下面将介绍十个有效的小方法帮助你保持windows7的高速度,放心非常简单,老少皆宜!1. 加快windows7系统启动速度正在使用windows7操作系统的用户也许已经有明显感受,windows7的启动速度的确比Vista快了很多,但你想不想让它更快一些呢?来吧按照我说的做。








2. 加快windows7系统关机速度上面教大家加速windows7系统的开机,那自然关机也是可以加快速度的。

虽然windows7的关机速度已经比之前的Windows XP和Vista系统快了不少,但稍微修改一下注册表你会发现关机会更迅速。



(4)右击任务栏的空白区域,从快捷菜单中选择“显示桌面”命令,将所有打开的窗口 最小化以显示桌面。如果要还原最小化的窗口,请再次右击任务栏的空白区域,从快 捷菜单中选择“显示打开的窗口”命令。
(5)单击任务栏通知区域最右侧的“显示桌面”按钮 ,将所有打开的窗口最小化以显 示桌面。如果要还原窗口,请再次单击该按钮。
– 将鼠标移至任务栏窗口的图标上,右击出现的窗口缩略图,从快捷菜单
2.1.1 Windows 7简介
(1)单击窗口右上角的按钮 。
– 单击窗口的“关闭”按钮。
– 按〈Alt+F4〉组合键。 – 按〈Ctrl+W〉组合键。
– 打开的窗口都会在任务栏上分组显示,如果要关闭任务栏的单个窗口, 可以在任务栏的项目上右击,选择其中的“关闭窗口”命令。
– 如果多个窗口以组的形式显示在任务栏上,可以在一组的项目上右击, 选择“关闭所有窗口”命令。
数据处理工作完成后,需要关闭Windows 7系统,并切断计算机的电源。关闭计 算机的操作步骤如下:
(1)保存数据或文件,然后关闭所有打开的应用程序。 (2)单击“开始”按钮 (或按〈Ctrl+Esc〉组合键),在打开的“开始”菜单中单击“ 关机”按钮。 (3)关闭显示器的电源。
2.1.2 Windows窗口基本操作
②单击级联菜单中的“BMP图像”命令,新建一个名为“新建位图图像”的图像文 件。



Windows 7 Developer GuidePublished October 2008Updated June 2009; May 2009; February 2009; December 2008; November, 2008;For more information, press only:Rapid Response TeamWaggener Edstrom Worldwide(503) 443-7070rrt@The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corp. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This guide is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.© 2009 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.CONTENTSABSTRACT (1)INTRODUCTION (2)Solid Foundation 2Richer Application Experiences 2The Best of Windows and the Web 3SOLID FOUNDATION (4)Compatibility and Reliability 4Applications 4Drivers 4Devices 5Reliability Access Monitor 5Management and Deployment 5Windows PowerShell 2.0 6Windows Installer 7Security 7Windows Filtering Platform 8User Account Control 8Performance 9Building Power-Efficient Applications 9Service Control Manager 10Windows Troubleshooting Platform 10Documents and Document Peripherals 11Open Packaging Conventions 12XPS Documents 12Accessibility and Global Support 13Windows Automation 14Accessibility Support Tools 14Improved Multi-Language User Interface Support and Linguistic Services14RICHER APPLICATION EXPERIENCES (16)Intuitive User Experience 16Multi-Touch Gestures, and Manipulation and Inertia APIs 16Single-Finger Panning 17 Raw Touch Input Data 17 Handwriting and Ink 18 Math Recognition 18 Handwriting with Personalized Custom Dictionary 19 The Desktop Experience 20 Jump Lists—Getting Users into Your Application Quickly 21 Enhanced Taskbar 22 Gadgets Platform 23 Windows Ribbon 23 Animation 24 Managing Files and Data 25 Libraries 25 File Formats and Data Stores 26 High DPI 27 High-Fidelity Graphics with DirectX 28 Direct2D 29 DirectWrite 29 Windows Imaging Component 30 Direct3D 11 30 Direct3D 10 improvements 31 DirectX/GDI Interoperability 32 Media Platform 32 Format Support 32 Hardware Devices 32 Simplified Programming Model 33 Platform Improvements 33 Devices 34 Device Experience Platform 34 Windows Biometric Framework 35THE BEST OF WINDOWS AND THE WEB (36)Services 36 Windows Web Services 36 Distributed Routing Table 37 Windows BranchCache™37 Federated Search 37 Sensor Platform 39 Internet Explorer 8 40ABSTRACTBuilding applications that are easy to use, visually appealing, and offer highperformance is a challenge that developers face every day. Innovativeapplications can greatly improve the user experience, empoweringcompanies to differentiate their services and solutions. However, developersare increasingly asked to do more in less time, while also optimizing thepower and performance requirements of their applications.The Windows 7 platform makes it easy for developers to create engaging,user-friendly applications by providing familiar tools and rich developmentfeatures that allow them to take advantage of the latest PC capabilities.INTRODUCTIONDeveloping software has never been more exciting. The world has neverbeen more connected, interactive and mobile. User experiences and contenthave never had higher fidelity. Advances in connectivity, mobility, naturalinterfaces, graphics and media are enabling new scenarios and opportunitiesfor developers. At the same time, expectations have never been higher forperformance, flexibility and interoperability. A world-class developer platformmust provide a flexible and complete foundation for developers and theirsolutions, empowering them to build applications that set them apart from thecompetition while maximizing their investments.The Windows® 7 operating system is the essential platform for developers.Listening to our customers, looking ahead to the scenarios of tomorrow, andbuilding on the capabilities of Windows Vista®, Microsoft offers developers awide variety of choices and capabilities within the Windows developerplatform, while empowering developers to deliver creative solutions that aremobile-aware, connected, high-fidelity, and provide a highly intuitive userexperience. Most importantly, developer platform fundamentals such assecurity, performance, and compatibility are top priorities in Window 7.This guide summarizes the key developer advances in each of the followingthree areas:Solid FoundationGreat user experiences start with a solid foundation. Windows 7 delivers asolid development platform and innovative tools that give you more options,increased application compatibility, better performance, and sophisticateddocument support. This results in a simple, more reliable environment foryour applications and a familiar, intuitive one for your users.We’ve kept the user interface consistent, predictabl e and easy to use, whileadding multi-touch support, scrolling, and other intuitive interaction featuresthat take advantage of the latest PC and mobile device capabilities. WithWindows 7, developers have the power to build the right user experiences fortheir applications. For more information see Windows User ExperienceInteraction Guidelines (/?linkid=9669659).Richer Application ExperiencesWindows 7 enables developers to build applications today that will run on thePCs of tomorrow. Service-enabled software and devices, such as mobilephones, portable media players, and digital cameras, demand constantconnectivity and advanced applications. Windows 7 delivers a platform forboth, making it easy for developers to take advantage of the functionality andfeatures of next generation hardware, while ensuring that users are alwayson, and always connected. For more information see Windows Hardware Developer Central (/?linkid=9669663)The Best of Windows and the WebWith Windows 7, it’s easy to get connected and stay connected. Windows networking offers developers options for better caching and sharing of data to improve network performance. Network diagnostics in Windows 7 give developers relevant information for monitoring network issues. Internet Explorer™ 8 is the essential platform for building fast, rich Web experiences. Whether the goal is to connect devices, connect to a network, or connect to the Internet, Windows 7 provides an enhanced platform. For more information see Web Development in the MSDN Library (/?linkid=9669664)SOLID FOUNDATIONWindows 7 provides a highly productive developer platform and tools thatdeliver on core operating system fundamentals. Windows 7 builds upon theWindows Vista platform, giving developers the power to build applicationsthat are compatible with both platforms while limiting application compatibilityissues. Windows 7 dramatically improves performance and powermanagement so that you can create applications that optimize the mobileexperience. As a result, your applications will be more visually appealing,easier to create, and support a wider range of international standards.Advances have also been made in global support, accessibility, andapplication deployment.Compatibility and ReliabilityWindows 7 is designed to run on the same hardware as Windows Vista, andto be compatible with applications and device drivers that work withWindows Vista.Windows 7 is the most reliable version of Windows yet. Designed on animproved technology foundation, Windows 7 allows users to reliably start up,shut down, or hibernate their computers without having to worry about losingvaluable work. Furthermore, Windows 7 makes it easier than ever to back upand restore data to network drives or DVDs. Windows 7 also improves uponprint reliability and performance. For more information see Windows 7Application Quality Cookbook (/?linkid=9669662).ApplicationsTo help ensure compatibility, Windows 7 has been designed in closepartnership with software vendors and PC manufacturers. Early engagementhas enabled Microsoft to build a comprehensive list of the most widely usedapplications. Automated testing cycles ensure that compatibility issues aredetected and fixed early in the development cycle. For more information seeWindows Application Compatibility (/?linkid=9669665).DriversThe Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 3.0 provides the build environment,tools, documentation, and samples that developers need to create qualitydrivers for Windows. The WDK 3.0 supports static source code analysis,using PREfast to detect certain classes of C and C++ coding errors. PREfastincludes a specialized driver component, known as PREfast for Drivers(PFD), which detects errors in kernel-mode driver code. In addition, the WDKhas been enhanced by annotating all kernel header files for PFD support.New sample drivers have been added that demonstrate new technologies,and the documentation has been expanded.Windows 7 supports a large variety of software and hardware products designed to integrate seamlessly with the platform. Drivers that were created for Windows Vista should not require updating to run correctly in Windows 7. For more information see the Windows Driver Kit (/?linkid=9669667).DevicesWindows 7 provides flexible, robust support for a wide variety of applications and devices, including music players, storage devices, mobile phones, and other types of connected devices. Automatic testing of these devices is used to ensure that compatibility issues are fixed early in the development cycle. For more information see Windows Device Class Fundamentals (/?linkid=9669666).Reliability Access MonitorReliability Analysis Component is an in-box agent that provides detailed customer experience information on system usage and reliability. This information is exposed through a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface, making it available for consumption by Portable Readers Systems. By exposing Reliability Analysis Component through a WMI interface, developers can monitor and analyze their applications, increasing reliability and performance,Windows 7 uses the built-in Reliability Analysis Component to calculate a reliability index which provides information about your overall system usage and stability over time. Reliability Analysis Component also keeps track of any important changes to the system that are likely to have an impact on stability, such as Windows updates and application installations. You can use the Reliability Monitor snap-in to see trends in your system's reliability index correlated with these potentially destabilizing events, making it easy to trace a reliability change directly to a particular event. For more information see MountVHD Function (/?linkid=9669668).Management and DeploymentIT professionals or developers preparing to deploy Windows 7 will have increased confidence and experience a shorter evaluation cycle due to improvements in imaging features and tools. These include support for managing applications, drivers, and operating systems in offline image files. Additionally, image creation and management will be easier and will be available to a broader range of IT organizations. Deploying Windows 7 to business PCs will also be easier and faster because of new IT migration tools and automated deployment technologies.Windows PowerShell 2.0Windo ws PowerShell™ is a complete .NET managed scripting language with both an interactive command line shell and a graphical Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). It supports branching, looping, functions, debugging, exception handling, and internationalization. PowerShell 2.0 is part of Windows 7 and delivers many enhancements and a growing set of cmdlets for Windows Diagnostics, Active Directory®, Internet Information Services (IIS) and more.The PowerShell 2.0 remoting feature now allows users to run commands on one or more remote computers from a single computer running Windows PowerShell. Developers can also host Windows PowerShell on Internet Information Services to access and manage their servers.PowerShell 2.0 supports partitioning and organizing PowerShell scripts using modules that can be distributed and deployed as self-contained, reusable units. It also includes transactions support in the PowerShell engine and APIs, which means that developers can start, commit, and rollback transactions using built-in transaction cmdlets. Further, the PowerShellengine includes eventing support for listening, forwarding, and acting on management and system events. PowerShell applications can be written to subscribe to certain events for synchronous or asynchronous processing. For more information see Windows PowerShell (/?linkid=9669669).Windows InstallerWindows Installer has been updated to increase developer efficiency by reducing the amount of custom code required to create an installation package and create true per-user software installations.Multiple Package Transaction allows developers to create a single transaction from multiple packages, using a ―chainer‖ to dynamically include packages in the transaction. If one or more of the packages do not install as expected, simply roll back the installation.Embedded UI Handler makes custom UIs easier to integrate by embedding a custom user interface handler in the Windows Installer package.Embedded Multiple Package Chainer allows developers to enable installation events across multiple packages. For example, they can enable install-on-demand events, repair events, and uninstall events across multiple packages.New features also enable the creation of true per-user installations, including support for per-user program files and "elevate now" functionality, and provide support for offline software inventory and patch applicability checks through Deployment Image Servicing and Management. For more information see What's New in Windows Installer 5.0 (/?linkid=9669677).SecurityWindows 7 includes new and improved security features that make it easier for developers to improve, use, and manage the security of their applications. It comes with a variety of new security features that not only help protect against threats but also limit the damage that attackers can do if they gain access to a computer.Enhancements to the Windows Filtering Platform allow developers to create applications that interact with the packet processing in the networking stack of the operating system. Network data can be filtered and also modified before it reaches its destination.Also, due to changes to the Windows privilege model, system security is more manageable by both developers and their end users. New improvements make it easy to identify critical prompts to ensure that users can access the applications and features they need without compromisingtheir systems. For more information see the MSDN Security Developer Center (/?linkid=9669672).Windows Filtering PlatformIn Windows 7, the Windows Filtering Platform has been enhanced to give developers more control over firewall functionality. The level of filtering has been increased and ISVs can now plug in custom protection and detection at lower levels. In addition, firewall developers can selectively turn parts of the Windows Firewall on or off.Using Windows Filtering Platform, developers can build firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs, network monitoring tools, and parental controls into their applications. Windows Filtering Platform integrates with and provides support for a wide variety of firewall features, including authenticated communication and dynamic firewall configuration based on applications' use of sockets API (application-based policy). Windows Filtering Platform also provides infrastructure for policy management, change notifications, network diagnostics, and stateful filtering.The initial architecture of Windows Filtering Platform in Windows Vista®provided capabilities for IP-based traffic. Other non-IP protocols—such as such as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and media access control (MAC)-layer protocols for network management and authentication—also require filtering, inspection, or logging. In Windows 7, an NDIS inspection layer that supports MAC and ETHERNET filtering has been provided to satisfy this need. For more information see Windows Filtering Platform (/?linkid=9669676).User Account ControlUser Account Control is a security component in Windows 7 that allows developers to build applications that enable users to perform common tasks as non-administrators. Developers can reduce security risks by running applications under a standard user token, reducing the risks of mistakes or attacks.User accounts that are members of the local Administrators group will run most applications as a standard user. By separating user and administrator functions while enabling productivity, User Account Control gives developers greater control over the level of access that users have over protected areas of an application. User Account Control requests credentials in a Secure Desktop mode, where the entire screen is protected to prevent spoofing of the user interface or the mouse. For more information see User Account Control Dialog Updates (/?linkid=9669674) and User Account Control and WMI (/?linkid=9669675).PerformanceWindows 7 maximizes hardware energy efficiency and scalability while maintaining high performance. Energy efficiency is improved through reduced background activity and new support for the trigger starting of system services. Windows 7 also offers improvements in the Windows kernel that enable applications and services to scale efficiently between platforms.Performance of many features and APIs is improved in Windows 7 versus Windows Vista. For example, driver performance on servers is optimized by new user-mode and kernel-mode topology APIs. Graphics rendering is considerably smoother and faster. Accessibility performance is also significantly faster than before.Building Power-Efficient ApplicationsBuilding energy efficient applications that take advantage of the latest power management technologies is a significant challenge developers are facing today.Typically, processor and device manufacturers get all of the attention as their latest offerings are measured and benchmarked. However, a single application can easily prevent the latest generation of hardware from realizing its energy-efficiency potential. For example, a single application that increases the platform timer resolution can decrease battery life by 10 percent.Extended operation on battery power and the use of energy efficient technologies are key requirements for today’s developers. Windows 7 greatly reduces the number of activities that the operating system performs that prevent use of power-saving modes. It also supports the trigger-starting of system services to enable processors to become idle more often and stay idle longer, which decreases power consumption. In addition, Windows 7 takes advantage of the latest energy-efficient hardware, including network adapters, storage devices, and graphics cards.Windows 7 provides the infrastructure and tools that make it easy for developers to determine the energy impact of their applications. A set of event callbacks enable applications to reduce their activity when the system is on battery power and automatically scale up when the system is on AC power. For applications that involve a background process or service, Windows 7 features new infrastructure to automatically enable background tasks when most appropriate in order to maximize energy efficiency. For more information see WHDC Performance Central (/?linkid=9669670) and Power Management in Windows 7 Overview (/?linkid=9669671).Service Control ManagerThe Windows 7 Service Control Manager has been extended so that a service can be automatically started and stopped when a specific system event, or trigger, occurs on the system. Trigger-start capabilities remove the need for services to start up automatically at computer startup and then poll or wait for an event to occur, such as device arrival. Common trigger events for services include:▪Device-class interface arrival:Start a service only when a certain type of device is present or attached on the system.▪Domain join:Start a service only if the system is joined to a Windows domain.▪Group policy change:Start a service automatically when group policies are refreshed on the system.▪IP address arrival: Start a service only when the system is connected to the network.Software developers can use the predefined trigger types for Windows 7 and the configuration options to enable trigger-start capability. The Windows 7 Service Control Manager exposes a new set of APIs that enable a service to register for specific custom trigger events. For more information see Service Control Manager (/?linkid=9669673).Windows Troubleshooting PlatformWindows 7 delivers a comprehensive and extensible Troubleshooting Platform that uses a PowerShell-based mechanism to troubleshoot and resolve problems. The key components of the Troubleshooting Platform include a troubleshooting package, troubleshooting engine, and troubleshooting wizard. The troubleshooting pack is a collection of PowerShell scripts and relevant metadata. The troubleshooting engine launches a PowerShell runtime to execute a troubleshooting pack, and exposes a set of interfaces to control troubleshooting pack execution.The troubleshooting wizard provides a consistent experience across troubleshooting packs, communicating with the troubleshooting engine to troubleshoot and resolve problems that are specified in a troubleshooting pack. Execution of a troubleshooting pack can also be controlled through a set of PowerShell commandlets.The Troubleshooting Platform seamlessly integrates with the Windows 7 PC Solution Center, enabling other applications to execute diagnostics in a similar manner as part of their PC management regimen. The Troubleshooting Platform is configurable by IT professionals through GroupPolicy for use within the enterprise, and a Windows Troubleshooting Toolkit that allows developers to author troubleshooting packs is also available. For more information see Windows Troubleshooting Platform (/?linkid=9669687).Documents and Document PeripheralsWindows 7 provides developers with a robust platform for working with documents and integrating document peripherals. Two new document and storage technologies were introduced in Windows Vista: the XML Paper Specification (XPS) and Open Packaging Conventions (OPC). These technologies, which were available in Windows Vista only to developers of managed-code applications through the .NET Framework, are now available in the Windows 7 SDK for use by developers of unmanaged code.Open Packaging ConventionsWindows 7 supports all Open Packaging Conventions file formats, including those from Microsoft as well as those from third parties. OPC is a component of the Office Open XML (OOXML) international specification defined through ISO/IEC DIS 29500 and ECMA-376. Based on the ZIP file format, OPC enables applications to store a combination of data items within a single package file. Application developers can use the Packaging APIs in Windows 7 to create, read, and manipulate multiple data elements in OPC-based files.Using the Packaging APIs in Windows 7, developers can create new package formats to accommodate application-specific data storage requirements.X509 digital signatures are also supported by the Packaging APIs. Developers can use the digital signature features to sign and validate selected parts of an OPC package or the entire package. Applications can give their documents an added level of security by using digital signatures to detect when the content of an OPC-based file has been altered after the file was signed.For more information see Open Packaging Conventions Overview (/?linkid=9669685).XPS DocumentsWindows application developers can create applications that produce XML Paper Specification documents with Windows 7. This enables them to integrate tightly with the document peripheral ecosystem (devices like scanners and printers) and to work with secure electronic paper to support publication and archiving.In previous versions of Windows, XPS was not supported for Win32 developers. XPS was introduced in Windows Vista but the API surface was limited to .NET developers working with managed code. With Windows 7, Win32 developers can use the new XPS Document APIs to reduce the amount of work required when working with XPS. Since XPS is the foundation for the new Windows print platform, that’s a significant benefit.In previous versions of Windows, access to the XPS Print Path from Win32 applications was limited to driver escapes. This significantly reduced the utility of the print path for developers not using managed codeFor Win32 developers, the new XPS Print API reduces significantly the amount of work required to benefit from the advantages of the XPS Print Path and eliminates the need for parallel print code.Application developers can use XPS documents to share and archive content as electronic paper in a high-fidelity, efficient, and trustworthy format. Just like Windows Vista, the print path in Windows 7 is built on the XPS format to provide enhanced printing capabilities. The XPS document APIs in Windows 7 give developers the power to create, access, and manipulate XPS documents easily. For more information see XPS Document Programming Guide (/?linkid=9669688).Accessibility and Global SupportThe Windows 7 platform makes it easier to build solutions that are accessible to more users and that meet or exceed accessibility compliance standards. The Assistive Technology Vendor (ATV) community can now build solutions for a broader variety of client applications, and application developers will find it easier to build and validate accessible user interfaces.Windows 7 also makes supporting multiple global languages easier than in previous versions of Windows. From the time a user selects a language and location, Windows 7 presents dates, numbers, calendars, collations, and other information using the cultural conventions that customers expect.。

Winbond Preliminary W78C51D 说明书

Winbond Preliminary W78C51D 说明书

Preliminary W78C51D8-BIT MICROCONTROLLERPublication Release Date: January 1999GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe W78C51D microcontroller supplies a wider frequency and supply voltage range than most 8-bit microcontrollers on the market. It is compatible with the industry standard 80C51 microcontroller series.The W78C51D contains four 8-bit bidirectional parallel ports, one extra 4-bit bit-addressable I/O port (Port 4) and two additional external interrupts (INT2, INT3), two 16-bit timer/counters, one watchdog timer and a serial port. These peripherals are supported by a seven-source, two-level interrupt capability. There are 128 bytes of RAM and an 4K byte mask ROM for application programs.The W78C51D microcontroller has two power reduction modes, idle mode and power-down mode,both of which are software selectable. The idle mode turns off the processor clock but allows for continued peripheral operation. The power-down mode stops the crystal oscillator for minimum power consumption. The external clock can be stopped at any time and in any state without affecting the processor.FEATURES•Fully static design• Supply voltage of 4.5V to 5.5V •DC-40 MHz operation•128 bytes of on-chip scratchpad RAM •4K bytes of on-chip mask ROM•64K bytes program memory address space •64K bytes data memory address space •Four 8-bit bidirectional ports •Two 16-bit timer/counters •One full duplex serial port•Seven -source, two-level interrupt capability •One extra 4-bit bit-addressable I/O port •Two additional external interrupts INT2/ INT3• Watchdog timer • EMI reduction mode•Built-in power management •Code protection •Packages:− DIP 40: W78C51D-24/40− PLCC 44: W78C51DP-24/40− QFP 44: W78C51DF-24/40查询W78C51D供应商PIN CONFIGURATIONSPublication Release Date: January 1999PIN DESCRIPTIONP0.0−P0.7Port 0, Bits 0 through 7. Port 0 is a bidirectional I/O port. This port also provides a multiplexed low order address/data bus during accesses to external memory.P1.0−P1.7Port 1, Bits 0 through 7. Port 1 is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups.P2.0−P2.7Port 2, Bits 0 through 7. Port 2 is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. This port also provides the upper address bits for accesses to external memory.P3.0−P3.7Port 3, Bits 0 through 7. Port 3 is a bidirectional I/O port with internal pull-ups. All bits have alternate functions, which are described below:P4.0−P4.3Another bit-addressable bidirectional I/O port P4. P4.3 and P4.2 are alternative function pins. It can be used as general I/O pins or external interrupt input sources (INT2/ INT3).EAExternal Address Input, active low. This pin forces the processor to execute out of external ROM.This pin should be kept low for all W78C31 operations.RSTReset Input, active high. This pin resets the processor. It must be kept high for at least two machine cycles in order to be recognized by the processor.ALEAddress Latch Enable Output, active high. ALE is used to enable the address latch that separates the address from the data on Port 0. ALE runs at 1/6th of the oscillator frequency. A single ALE pulse is skipped during external data memory accesses. ALE goes to a high impedance state during reset with a weak pull-up.PSENProgram Store Enable Output, active low. PSEN enables the external ROM onto the Port 0address/data bus during fetch and MOVC operations. PSEN goes to a high impedance state during reset with a weak pull-up.XTAL1Crystal 1. This is the crystal oscillator input. This pin may be driven by an external clock.XTAL2Crystal 2. This is the crystal oscillator output. It is the inversion of XTAL1.V SS , V DDPower Supplies. These are the chip ground and positive supplies.BLOCK DIAGRAMPublication Release Date: January 1999FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe W78C51D architecture consists of a core controller surrounded by various registers, five general purpose I/O ports, 128 bytes of RAM, two timer/counters, one watchdog timer and a serial port. The processor supports 111 different opcodes and references both a 64K program address space and a 64 K data storage space.Timers 0, 1Timers 0, 1 each consist of two 8-bit data registers. These are called TL0 and TH0 for Timer 0, TL1and TH1 for Timer 1. The TCON and TMOD registers provide control functions for timers 0, 1.ClockThe W78C51D is designed to be used with either a crystal oscillator or an external clock. Internally,the clock is divided by two before it is used. This makes the W78C51D relatively insensitive to duty cycle variations in the clock.Crystal OscillatorThe W78C51D incorporates a built-in crystal oscillator. To make the oscillator work, a crystal must be connected across pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. In addition, a load capacitor must be connected from each pin to ground, and a resistor must also be connected from XTAL1 to XTAL2 to provide a DC bias when the crystal frequency is above 24 MHz.External ClockAn external clock should be connected to pin XTAL1. Pin XTAL2 should be left unconnected. The XTAL1 input is a CMOS-type input, as required by the crystal oscillator. As a result, the external clock signal should have an input high level of greater than 3.5 volts when V DD = 5 volts.Power ManagementIdle ModeThe idle mode is entered by setting the IDL bit in the PCON register. In the idle mode, the internal clock to the processor is stopped. The peripherals and the interrupt logic continue to be clocked. The processor will exit idle mode when either an interrupt or a reset occurs.Power-down ModeWhen the PD bit of the PCON register is set, the processor enters the power-down mode. In this mode all of the clocks, including the oscillator are stopped. The only way to exit power-down mode is by a reset.ResetThe external RESET signal is sampled at S5P2. To take effect, it must be held high for at least two machine cycles while the oscillator is running.An internal trigger circuit in the reset line is used to deglitch the reset line when the W78C51D is used with an external RC network. The reset logic also has a special glitch removal circuit that ignores glitches on the reset line.During reset, the ports are initialized to FFH, the stack pointer to 07H, PCON (with the exception of bit 4) to 00H, and all of the other SFR registers except SBUF to 00H. SBUF is not reset.New Defined PeripheralIn order to be more suitable for I/O, an extra 4-bit bit-addressable port P4 and two external interrupts INT2, INT3 have been added to either the PLCC or QFP package. And description follows:1. INT2/ INT3Two additional external interrupts, INT2 and INT3, whose functions are similar to those of external interrupt 0 and 1 in the standard 80C52. The functions/status of these interrupts are determined/shown by the bits in the XICON (External Interrupt Control) register. The XICON register is bit-addressable but is not a standard register in the standard 80C52. Its address is at 0C0H. To set/clear bits in the XICON register, one can use the "SETB (/CLR) bit" instruction. For example,"SETB 0C2H" sets the EX2 bit of XICON.***XICON - external interrupt control (C0H)PX3EX3IE3IT3PX2EX2IE2IT2PX3: External interrupt 3 priority high if set EX3: External interrupt 3 enable if setIE3:If IT3 = 1, IE3 is set/cleared automatically by hardware when interrupt is detected/serviced IT3:External interrupt 3 is falling-edge/low-level triggered when this bit is set/cleared by software PX2: External interrupt 2 priority high if set EX2: External interrupt 2 enable if setIE2:If IT2 = 1, IE2 is set/cleared automatically by hardware when interrupt is detected/serviced IT2: External interrupt 2 is falling-edge/low-level triggered when this bit is set/cleared by software Eight-source interrupt informations:INTERRUPT SOURCE VECTOR ADDRESSPOLLINGSEQUENCE WITHIN PRIORITY LEVEL ENABLE REQUIRED SETTINGS INTERRUPTTYPE EDGE/LEVEL External Interrupt 003H 0 (highest)IE.0TCON.0Timer/Counter 00BH 1IE.1-External Interrupt 113H 2IE.2TCON.2Timer/Counter 11BH 3IE.3-Serial Port 23H 4IE.4-Timer/Counter 22BH 5IE.5-External Interrupt 233H 6XICON.2XICON.0External Interrupt 33BH7 (lowest)XICON.6XICON.32. PORT4Another bit-addressable port P4 is also available and only 4 bits (P4<3:0>) can be used. This port address is located at 0D8H with the same function as that of port P1, except the P4.3 and P4.2 arePublication Release Date: January 1999alternative function pins. It can be used as general I/O pins or external interrupt input sources (INT2/INT3).Example:P4REG 0D8H MOV P4, #0AH ; Output data "A" through P4.0−P4.3.MOV A, P4; Read P4 status to Accumulator.SETB P4.0; Set bit P4.0CLR P4.1; Clear bit P4.1Watchdog TimerThe Watchdog timer is a free-running timer which can be programmed by the user to serve as asystem monitor, a time-base generator or an event timer. It is basically a set of dividers that divide the system clock. The divider output is selectable and determines the time-out interval. When the time-out occurs a system reset can also be caused if it is enabled. The main use of the Watchdog timer is as a system monitor. This is important in real-time control applications. In case of power glitches or electro-magnetic interference, the processor may begin to execute errant code. If this is left unchecked the entire system may crash. The watchdog time-out selection will result in different time-out values depending on the clock speed. The Watchdog timer will de disabled on reset. In general, software should restart the Watchdog timer to put it into a known state. The control bits that support the Watchdog timer are discussed below.Watchdog Timer Control RegisterBit:76543210ENWCLRWWIDL--PS2PS1PS0Mnemonic: WDTCAddress: 8FHENW : Enable watch-dog if set.CLRW : Clear watch-dog timer and prescaler if set. This flag will be cleared automatically WIDL : If this bit is set, watch-dog is enabled under IDLE mode. If cleared, watch-dog is disabledunder IDLE mode. Default is cleared.PS2, PS1, PS0 : Watch-dog prescaler timer select. Prescaler is selected when set PS2~0 as follows:PS2 PS1 PS0 PRESCALER SELECT0 0 02 0 1 04 0 0 18 0 1 116 1 0 032 1 0 164 1 1 0128 1 1 1256The time-out period is obtained using the following formula:1OSC2PRESCALER 100012 mS 14××××Before Watchdog time-out occurs, the program must clear the 14-bit timer by writing 1 to WDTC.6(CLRW). After 1 is written to this bit, the 14-bit timer , prescaler and this bit will be reset on the next instruction cycle. The Watchdog timer is cleared on reset.Typical Watchdog time-out period when OSC = 20 MHzPS2 PS1 PS0WATCHDOG TIME-OUT PERIOD0 0 019.66 mS 0 1 039.32 mS 0 0 178.64 mS 0 1 1157.28 mS 1 0 0314.57 mS 1 0 1629.14 mS 1 1 0 1.25 S 1 1 12.50 SReduce EMI EmissionBecause of the on-chip ROM, when a program is running in internal ROM space, the ALE will be unused. The transition of ALE will cause noise, so it can be turned off to reduce the EMI emission if it is not needed. Turning off the ALE signal transition only requires setting the bit 0 of the AUXR SFR,which is located at 08Eh. When ALE is turned off, it will be reactivated when the program accesses external ROM/RAM data or jumps to execute an external ROM code. The ALE signal will turn off again after it has been completely accessed or the program returns to internal ROM code space.AUXR - Auxiliary RegisterBit:76543210-- -----AOMnemonic: AUXR Address: 8EhAO:Turn off ALE signal.Publication Release Date: January 1999ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETERSYMBOL MIN.MAX.UNIT DC Power Supply V CC −V SS-0.3+7.0V Input VoltageV IN V SS -0.3V CC +0.3V Operating Temperature T A 070°C Storage TemperatureT ST-55+150°CNote: Exposure to conditions beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may adversely affect the life and reliability of thedevice.DC CHARACTERISTICSDD SS ANotes:*1. RST pin has an internal pull-down.*2. Pins of P1 and P3 can source a transition current when they are being externally driven from 1 to 0. *3. RST is a Schmitt trigger input and XTAL1 is a CMOS input.*4. P0, P2, ALE and PSEN are tested in the external access mode.Publication Release Date: January 1999AC CHARACTERISTICSThe AC specifications are a function of the particular process used to manufacture the part, the ratings of the I/O buffers, the capacitive load, and the internal routing capacitance. Most of the specifications can be expressed in terms of multiple input clock periods (T CP ), and actual parts will usually experience less than a ±20 nS variation. The numbers below represent the performance expected from a 0.5 micron CMOS process when using 2 and 4 mA output buffers.Clock Input WaveformPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT NOTES Operating Speed F OP 0-40MHz 1Clock Period T CP 25--nS 2Clock High T CH 10--nS 3Clock LowT CL10--nS3Notes:1. The clock may be stopped indefinitely in either state.2. The T CP specification is used as a reference in other specifications.3. There are no duty cycle requirements on the XTAL1 input.1. P0.0−P0.7, P2.0−P2.7 remain stable throughout entire memory cycle.2. Memory access time is 3 T CP .3. Data have been latched internally prior to PSEN going high.4. "∆" (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 nS.Notes:1. Data memory access time is 8 T CP.2. "∆" (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 nS.Data Write CycleNote: "∆" (due to buffer driving delay and wire loading) is 20 nS.Port Access CyclePARAMETER SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITPort Input Setup to ALE Low T PDS 1 T CP--nSPort Input Hold from ALE Low T PDH0--nSPort Output to ALE T PDA 1 T CP--nSNote: Ports are read during S5P2, and output data becomes available at the end of S6P2. The timing data are referenced to ALE, since it provides a convenient reference.Publication Release Date: January 1999TIMING WAVEFORMSProgram Fetch CycleData Read CycleTiming Waveforms, continuedData Write CyclePort Access CyclePublication Release Date: January 1999APPLICATION CIRCUITSExpanded External Program Memory and CrystalFigure ACRYSTAL C1C2R 16 MHz 30P 30P −24 MHz 15P 15P −33 MHz 10P 10P 6.8K 40 MHz5P5P4.7KAbove table shows the reference values for crystal applications.Note: C1, C2, R components refer to Figure A.Application Circuits, continuedExpanded External Data Memory and OscillatorFigure BPublication Release Date: January 1999PACKAGE DIMENSIONS40-pin DIP44-pin PLCCPackage Dimensions, continued44-pin QFPHeadquarters No. 4, Creation Rd. III,Science-Based Industrial Park,Hsinchu, TaiwanTEL: 886-3-5770066FAX: 886-3-5792766/Voice & Fax-on-demand: 886-2-27197006Taipei Office11F, No. 115, Sec. 3, Min-Sheng East Rd.,Taipei, TaiwanTEL: 886-2-27190505FAX: 886-2-27197502Winbond Electronics (H.K.) Ltd.Rm. 803, World Trade Square, Tower II,123 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong,Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: 852-********FAX: 852-********Winbond Electronics North America Corp.Winbond Memory Lab.Winbond Microelectronics Corp.Winbond Systems Lab.2727 N. First Street, San Jose,CA 95134, U.S.A.TEL: 408-9436666FAX: 408-5441798Note: All data and specifications are subject to change without notice.。

RT 7 Lite Windows7系统精简说明资料

RT 7 Lite Windows7系统精简说明资料

Vsax Windows7系统精简说明这里是精简Win7的重中之重。


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