













一.笔试(一)时间:8:45-10:45 共两小时。





(其实我考试最担心就是时间和题型,分值,但感觉经验帖都不多提到T.T)(三)真题回忆1. 单项选择。


还有印象的题目是:(1)Emily Dickson 的作品的主题(如无记错书上有类似原文);(2)英国的father ofpoetry是谁;(3)以下哪个不是Faulkner的作品。

2. 判断题。



3. 诗歌鉴赏。







Part I.Phrase Translation(30points,1point for each) Section1Directions:Translate the following phrases into Chinese:1.Daily ExpressN3.The Times4.New York Stock Exchange5.Simultaneous interpreting6.Confucius7.Roman law8.Civil punishment9.The civil affairs departmentmercial law11.Interest rate12.Utopia13.dollar depreciation14.blue chip15.bonus shareSection2Directions:Translate the following phrases into English:16.最高人民法院17.海关总署18.全国人民代表大会19.无罪推定20.新华通讯社21.卫生部22.网上书店23.目标客户24.中小企业25.带薪产假26.待业27.农业部28.董事会29.中国保监会30.《西厢记》Part II.Passage Translation(120points)31.Translate the following passage into Chinese:(60points)SleeplessnessEver daydreaming during a meeting,jerk(突扭)awake while at your computer,or snooze(打盹)through part of a TV show?Millions of Americans do,and that‟s cause for concern.A recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation,a nonprofit research group in Washington,found that two-thirds of the US population gets less than the recommended hours of sleep at night.That means sleeplessness is of“epidemic proportions in this country,‟says Dr.William Dement,director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Stanford University School of Medicine.Whether it‟the result of insomnia(失眠)or today‟s bum-the-midnight-oil lifestyle, not getting enough sleep leads to poor judgment,lack of creativity,impaired memory, even depression.It also can make you more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.Researchers at the University of Chicago have found that inadequate sleep over just six nights impairs metabolic and hormonal functions.Over time,this can provoke the onset or increase the severity of hypertension and Type II diabetes,the more common form of that disease.For some people,however,the problem is not so much setting aside time to sleep as falling asleep.Wakefulness is often the result of bad sleep h abits.Sleeping in for hours on weekends,for example,confuses the body‟s internal clock and leads to wide-eyed nights and groggy(不稳的;蹒跚摇晃的)mornings.So will long naps, although short ones(20minutes or so)to pay back sleep lost the night before or in anticipation of a late night are OKTo train your body to get to sleep more easily,try these tips:1.Stick to a regular bedtime schedule.bedtime.Instead,consider deep breathing,yoga,or light stretching to alleviate the day…s stress.Experts also advise keeping a notepad on your nightstand to jot down worries to be dealt with the next day.Following the same routine night after night before bedtime seems to help prepare both the mind and the body for sleep.3.Give yourself a physical environment,drown out disturbing noise and create a soothing background.Keep it cool people usually sleep best in rooms that are between 65and69F.And make sure your bed is comfortable and has plenty of room.Sleep experts urge couples to consider a king so they won‟t disturb each other at night.32.Translate the following passage into English:(60points)广州是广东省省会,广东省政治、经济、科技、教育和文化中心。








二、211翻译硕士英语1、选择题:好像没几个语法题,考的都很简单,有个either or和neither nor的区别。

其他题目就记得几个词组了:gear up to, set off to, carve up。








2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研参考书目真题 英语图标作文

2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研参考书目真题 英语图标作文
对于报考综合类院校的 MTI 专业的考生来说,可能就需要从文学和时政的角度进行准 备。文学类翻译的文章一般不会太专业,也不会太难,但对学生的语言功底要求会相对高一 些。时政类文章通常与社会热点与国际国内形势关系比较密切的文章。这就需要学生平时多 关注主流外媒网站的新闻,积累知识。
汉译英比较有难度,可能有些词翻译起来比较不顺手,而英译汉相对来说比较简单一些。 其实,专业笔试考察的就是笔头翻译水平,也即英汉互译。有的学校通常比较喜欢考文学方 面的翻译,所以大家在准备的时候着重以文学翻译为主,当然其它体裁形式的翻译也不能忽 视,以备不时之需吧。
但对于有些院校而言,还有一块针对英语或翻译能力的考察,相对会难一些。例如,某 些院校会在面试之前,发给大家一篇英语文章,要求在 15 分钟内阅读理解,然后面试时会 就文章内容进行提问。可能会让你用中文翻译某些段落,或者用英文进行释义。这时翻译的 功底和临场反应能力都会显得十分重要。即便是不会,也不要立刻就慌了神,按自己的理解 直接说出来即可。面试老师一般不会故意刁难学生。甚至有的老师会很善意地提示学生,解 释某些词的含义,帮助你进行翻译。最后,给大家些许建议仅供参考:
4.做惯了笔译要尝试口头翻译一些文章。关键要做到翻译流畅,因为口头翻译不像笔头 翻译那样可以打草稿。
2017 年对外经济贸易大学考研专业课解析
表格分类: 曲线图,柱状图,饼状图和表格
A.表格(Table) 市场调查结果表(含本公司和 Shikei 的产品)
Value for money


二、对外经贸翻译硕士英语考研参考书、招生信息、复试信息、就业信息、考研难度 解析
1.2017 年英语学院招生目录:
1.英语笔译(全日制):1.商务笔译 2.商务法律翻译 35 人 2.英语口译(全日制):1.商务口译 2.国际会议口译(需加试中欧联合面试)55 人 3.(非全日制)英语口笔译 30 人 ★★★★★注:2017 年拟招生人数(包括推免和少数民族骨干计划招生人数) 英语口译(专业学位)考生可以选报全日制和非全日制方式攻读,报考专业研究方向时进行选择,非 全日制攻读拟安排周末上课
101 思想政治理论 211 翻译硕士英语 357 英语翻译基础 448 汉语写作与百科知识
1-《英美散文选读》(一)、(二),对外经贸大学出版社 2008 年,蒋显璟 2-《新编汉英翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社 2004 年 4 月,陈宏薇 3-《大学英汉翻译教程(第三版)》,对外经贸大学出版社 2009 年 8 月,王恩冕 4-《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南,东南大学出版社 2005 年版, 、林青松 5-《公文写作》,对外经贸大学出版社 2004 年 4 月,白延庆 6-《西方文化史》,高等教育出版社, 庄锡昌 7-《翻译硕士英语真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社

5.2014 年—2016 年分数线:

广外翻译学硕士 英语专业水平考试 样题

广外翻译学硕士 英语专业水平考试 样题

2009年广东外语外贸大学硕士研究生入学考试初试笔试样题科目代码:601科目名称:英语专业水平考试英语专业水平考试试题I.Cloze (30 points, 1 point for each)Read the following passage and choose a proper word from the Word List to fill in each of the blanks in the passage. Each word can be used only once. Write thewords you choose for each blank on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way:ExampleI. Cloze1. paper2. continuously3. …Now, do the Cloze.WORD LISTstay form fictional there Begun classicsnovel whose published of One relatedaway In After When with mostdisliked until hide aboard destroying againstBut then finished who Rebellion onMost of Mark Twain’s books bubbled out 1 him like water out of a fountain. 2 of his gifts was the capacity to take a scene and fill it 3 every sparkling detail of nature and of human action, to put in every spoken word and accompanying gesture, and to slowly exaggerate the successive moments 4 the whole episode reached a climax of joyous, sidesplitting laughter. 5 he had trouble weaving his incidents into meaningful plot patterns. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain’s masterpiece, came into __6 slowly. 7 in 1876, immediately after he had dashed off The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he wrote 400 manuscript pages quickly and 8 stalled; in disgust he meditated 9 the work. __10 the winter of 1879-1880 he penned further sections; again the spark of enthusiasm died. __11 taking a journey down the Mississippi River in April, 1882, he quickly completed Lift on the Mississippi (1883) and with unabated zest 12 the novel. The trip had reawakened his boyhood memories and suggested new episodes; the two books became 13 , the weaker travel account serving as scaffolding for the great edifice.__14 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was 15 in 1884, it met a mixed reception. A Brooklyn lady protested 16 its pres ence in the children’s room of the public library; the librarian reshelved the volume in the adult area to 17 Huck’s and Tom’s “mischievous and deceitful practices which made them poor examples foryouth.” Today the novel is among the world’s 18 and vies with Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter(1850) for the position of American’s _19 artistic work of fiction.The reader is reminded at the outset that in 1850 Huck Finn had been a playmate of Tom Sawyer in St. Petersburg, Missouri, the 20 name o f Mark Twain’s native village of Hannibal. For three months Huck had lived with the lady 21 life he had saved, the Widow Douglas, “fair, smart, and forty”; her hill mansion was “the only palace in the town, and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of festivities” that the town could boast. The lad 22 had run away from elegance was again a candidate for the major role in a rags-to-riches tale. Huck wanted it otherwise. Like Tom, whose name turns up throughout the __23 . Huck wanted adventure. For six months Huck endured starched clothes and virtual imprisonment within the mansion. When Pap returned on April 1 and took Huck 24 from the Widow, Huck came to prefer his slovenly island home. 25 against Pap’s cruelty led Huck to plan his own “murder” and to decamp about two months later. He discovered Jim 26 June 4 and started the rafting trip down the river on June 22. On July 7 he reached the Grangerfords and stayed __27 about a month. On August 10 the Duke and Dauphin came 28 the raft; their shenanigans ended at Pikeville on September 18. The 29 at Aunt Sally’s lasted twenty-six days, until October 15. Then Huck decided to light out for Indian Territory and forever depart from a “civilization” that he 30 .II. Proofreading and Error Correction (30 points, 2 points for each)The following passage contains fifteen errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. Correct the errors and write the answers on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way:For a wrong word, write the correct one on Your Answer Sheet.For a missing word, write the missing word with a “∧” sign before it on Your AnswerSheet.For an unnecessary word, write the unnecessary word with a deleting line on it on Your AnswerSheet.ExampleWhen ∧art museum wants a new exhibit, it 31. _____never buys things in finished form and hangs 32. _____them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. 33. _____Write on your Answer Sheet:II. Proofreading and Error Correction31. ∧an 32. never 33. exhibitNow, do the Proofreading and Error Correction.Scientists claim that air pollution causes a decline in theworld average air temperature. In order to prove that theory, [31] ___ecologists have turned to historical datum in relation to [32] ___especially huge volcanic eruptions. They suspect that volcanoesaffect weather changes that are similar to air pollution. [33]___One source of informations is the effect of the eruption [34]__of Tambora, a volcano in Sumbawa, the Dutch East Indies, inApril 1815. The largest recorded volcano eruption, Tambora [35]___threw 150 million tons of fine ash into the stratosphere. Theash from a volcano spreads around worldwide in a few days [36] ___or remains in the air for years. Its effect is to turn incoming [37] ___solar radiation into the space and thus cool the earth. For [38]___example, records of weather in England shows that between [39] ___April and November 1815, the average temperature had fallen4.5 F. During the next twenty-four months, England sufferedone of the coldest periods of their history. Farmers’ records [40]___from April 1815 to December 1818 indicate frost throughoutthe spring and summer and sharp decreases at crop and [41]___livestock markets. Since there was a time lag of several yearsbetween cause and effect, by the time the world agriculturalcommodity community had deteriorated, no one realizes the [42]___cause.Ecologists today warn that we face a twofold menace. Theever-present possibility of volcanic eruptions, such as those [43]___of Mt. St. Helens in Washington, added man’s pollution of [44]___the atmosphere with oil, gas, coal, and other pollutingsubstances, may bring us increasingly colder weather. [45]___III. Gap-filling (30points, 2 points for each)Fill in the following banks with the correct words and the correct forms of the words given according the meanings of the sentences. Write the answers on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way:Example46. prolong, refuse, delay, postpone, lengthenI hope the __________ of the appointment will not cause you much inconvenience. Write on your Answer Sheet:III. Gap-filling46. postponement 47. … 48. …Now, do the Gap-filling.46. affect, influence, effect, impactWe have tried our best to ________ a reconciliation between the two parties. 47. attain, acquire, obtain, gain, secure, procureChrysler, including sales of newly ________ American Motors, delivered 1.01 million cars, down 17.7 percent and amounting to 9.6 percent of the market.48. ensure, assure, guaranteeThe Labor Department issued guidelines to_________ equal job opportunities for women on work paid for by federal funds.49. ability, capability, competence, capacity, aptitudeResearchers using the new measuring technique found the skull to have a ________ of only about 515 cubic centimeters (about 31 cubic inches).50. take part in, attend, participate in, enter for, joinTo the amazement of the organizing committee, so many professional singers ________ the singing competition to be held next month.51. insist on, persist in, stick/adhere to, persevere inDue to the bankruptcy of the company, they failed to ________ the original agreement.52. stable, secure, steady, firm, durablePolitical ________ and wars in many sub-Saharan countries have also contributed to poverty. As a result of such factors, the number of people living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa grew from 217 million in 1987 to more than 300 million in 1998.53. manager, director, headmaster, proprietor, governorAs one of the four ________ of the company, he often had to attend Board meetings.54. permit, allow, approve, accept, consent, endorseEligible paper, as defined in 1951, is a negotiable note, draft, or bill bearing the ________ of the member bank, the proceeds of which have been or are to be used in producing, purchasing, carrying, or marketing goods in one or more steps of the process of production, manufacture, or distribution55. income, wages, dividend, salary, earnings, pensionNow that he has retired, he lived partly on his ________ and partly on the interest on his post office savings account.56. complain, grieve, reclaim, grumbleThe peasants’ many ________ resulting from ill-treatment by their landlords led finally to rebellion.57. renew, renovate, refresh, recreateHe had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ________ after a meal and a good rest.58. view, scene, scenery, sight, natureSwitzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous ________.59. nevertheless, accordingly, however, yet, eventuallyHe has impressed his employer considerably and ________ he is soon to be promoted.60. gap, pause, space, interruption, intervalDuring the ________, the audience strolled and chatted in the foyer.IV. Reading Comprehension (60 points, 2 points for each)In this section, there are six reading passages followed by a total of thirty multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then write your answers on YOUR ANSWER SHEET.ExampleWrite on your Answer Sheet:IV. Reading Comprehension61. A 62. B 63. …Now, do the Reading Comprehension.Text ATommy Albelin, a Devils defenseman, was the team’s most effective performer the night the Stanley Cup champions played their best game of the young season. Playing left wing instead of defense against the Detroit Red Wings last Thursday night, Albelin scored the second goal of the game and made the pass that set up the fourth one.Albelin played so well in the 4-2 victory that Coach Jacques Lemaire said, “Tommy, you lost your job.”“I was kind of surprised,” Albelin said today. “When he sa w the look on my face, he said very quickly ‘as a defenseman’ and I knew then he was joking.”Lemaire had Albelin right back on defense in the next game, last Saturday’s 4-1 triumph over the Ottawa Senators. Albelin responded just as well, making the pass for the winning goal.With Brian Rolston leaving today’s practice because of a foot problem and ready to join Bobby Holik and Bob Carpenter as injured Devils, look for Albelin to return to left wing when New Jersey plays the Vancouver Canucks Wednesday night at the Meadowlands.This season, the 31-year-old Albelin has played left wing three times and defenseman four. In addition, because Albelin is so adept at skating and puck-handling, Lemaire has been using him for penalty killing and the power play.“It’s a big advantage to have a player like him,” Lemaire said after today’s practice. “When you don’t have the necessary player to play against a player, you can use Abbey because he adjusts very well. He listens to all the things I tell the defensemen and al l the things I tell the forwards. “Lemaire’s decision to shuttle Albelin is not prompted by a desire to find the best position for him. Rather, it is testimony to Albelin’s versatility.Albelin was used as a left wing for the first time by Herb Brooks, the man whom Lemaire replaced after Brooks resigned three summers ago, but he played only a handful of games in that position.The Devils changed coaches frequently in Albelin’s early years with the team. As a result, Albelin contemplated returning home to Sweden several times. But he said today he was glad he never did.Albelin came to the Devils from Quebec in 1988 and has been a solid player. Year after year, despite coaching changes, injuries and the presence of marquee names like Scott Stevens, Slava Fetisov, Stephane Richer and Claude Lemeiux, Albelin’s dedication and consummate professionalism have made him an integral part of the team.“My philosophy has always been to play where the team needs me,” Albelin said. “I don’t question the decisions by the coaches. As long as I’m out there on the ice, I don’t care what position I play.”Albelin has performed effectively at wing and on defense despite the different responsibilities. Judging by the way Albelin described them, it is clear he prefers to play defense.“There are a lot of adjustments you have to make as a forward,” Albelin said, “You have to be a little more creative, do more things with the puck. Improvise somewhat, but to a point. As a defenseman, you can get by most of the time by giving the puc k to your forwards and support the play.”Albelin said today that the uncertainty over whether he will play defense or offense on any given night was not much of a concern in terms of preparing himself.“I don’t mind as long as I know before the warm-ups,” he said.61. Tommy Albelin is _______ defenseman.A. Red WingsB. CanucksC. DevilsD. Brooks62. Albelin has played defenseman _______ this season.A. three timesB. four timesC. two timesD. five times63. Coach Lemaire shuttles Albelin because he _______.A. is versatileB. is a solid playerC. is very dedicatedD. is docile64. The Devils changed coaches frequently ________.A. in the late 1980sB. in Albelin’s years with the teamC. as many of them resignedD. during Albelin’s stay in the team65. Albelin prefers to play _________.A. forwardB. left wingC. defenseD. offense66. Among the following titles, ________ is suitable for the article.A. The Defenseman Albelin in Red WingsB. The Best Player in DevilsC. The Versatile Albelin in CanucksD. Versatile Albelin Brings Devil VictoriesText BThe effect of any writing on the public mind is mathematically measurable by its depth of thought. How much water does it draw? If it awaken you to think, if it lift you from your feet with the great voice of eloquence, then the effect is to be wide, slow, permanent, over the minds of men; if the pages instruct you not, they will die like flies in the hour. The way to speak and write what shall not go out of fashion is, to speak and write sincerely. The argument which has not power to reach my own practice, I may well doubt, will fail to reach yours. But take Sidney’s maxim: —“Look in thy heart, and write.” He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. That statement only is fit to be made public, which you have come at in attempting to satisfy your own curiosity. The writer who takes his subject from his ear, and notfrom his heart, should know that he has lost as much as he seems to have gained, and when the empty book has gathered al l its praise, and half the people say, “What poetry! What genius!” it still needs fuel to make fire. That only profits which is profitable. Life alone can impart life; and though we should burst, we can only be valued as we make ourselves valuable. There is no luck in literary reputation. They who make up the final verdict upon every book are not the partial and noisy readers of the hour when it appears; but a court as of angels, a public not to be bribed, not to be entreated, and not to be overawed, decide s upon every man’s title to fame. Only those books come down which deserve to last. Gilt edges, vellum, and morocco, and presentation-copies to all the libraries, will not preserve a book in circulation beyond its intrinsic date. It must go with all Walpol e’s Noble and Royal Authors to its fate. Blackmore, Kotzebue, or Pollok may endure for a night, but Moses and Homer stand forever. There are not in the world at any one time more than a dozen persons who read and understand Plato: — never enough to pay for an edition of his works; yet to every generation these come duly down, for the sake of those few persons, as if God brought them in his hand. “No book,” said Bentley, “was ever written down by any but itself.” The permanence of all books is fixed by no ef fort friendly or hostile, but by their own specific gravity, or the intrinsic importance of their contents to the constant mind of man. “Do not trouble yourself too much about the light on your statue,” said Michelangelo to the young sculptor; “the light o f the public square will test its value.”In like manner the effect of every action is measured by the depth of the sentiment from which it proceeds. The great man knew not that he was great. It took a century or two for that fact to appear. What he did, he did because he must; it was the most natural thing in the world, and grew out of the circumstances of the moment. But now, every thing he did, even to the lifting of his finger or the eating of bread, looks large, all-related, and is called an institution.67. T he following statements are wrong EXCEPT _________.A. Only the thing that is profitable profits.B. If the pages do not instruct you, they will not die like flies in the hour.C. Only the statement, which you have come at in attempting to sa tisfy your reader’scuriosity, is fit to be made public.D. He that writes by himself writes to an eternal public.68.“How much water does it draw?” means__________.A. How much content does it have?B. How much influence does it exert?C. How much value does it have?D. How important is it?69. A writer’s fame is decided upon by __________.A. partial and noisy readersB. a court of angelsC. an angel-like public not to be bribedD. a public to be bribed70. At any time in the world Plat o’s work are read and understood by__________.A. less than a dozen personsB. more than a dozen personsC. many peopleD. no one71. The permanence of all books is fixed by__________.A. no effortB. friendly effortC. hostile effortD. their own specific gravityText CPsychologists study memory and learning with both animal and human subjects. The two experiments reviewed here show how short-term memory has been studied.Hunter studied short-term memory in rats. He used a special apparatus which had a cage for the rat and three doors. There was a light in each door. First the rat was placed in the closed cage. Next one of the lights was turned on and then off. There was food for the rat only at this door. After the light was turned off, the rat had to wait a short time before it was released from its cage. Then, if it went to the correct door, it was rewarded with the food that was there. Hunters did this experiment many times. He always turned on the lights in a random order. The rat had to wait different intervals before it was released from the cage. Hunter found that if the rat had to wait more than ten seconds, it could not remember the correct door. Hunter’s results show that rats have a short-term memory of about ten seconds.Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 students at the University of California in Los Angeles. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, advanced, and native-speaking students.To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questions had four choices that sound alike. For example, weather, whether, wither, and wetter are four words that sound alike. Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Some of them had four unrelated choices. For instance, weather, method, love, result could be used as four unrelated words. Finally the subjects took a language proficiency test.Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on words that sound alike; students with a higher proficiency mademore of their mistakes on words that have the same meaning. Henning’s results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, and advanced students hold the meaning of words in their shot-term memory.72. In hunter’s experiment, the rat had to remember_________.A. where the food wasB. how to leave the cageC. how big the cage wasD. which light was turned on73. Hunter found that rats_________.A. can remember only where their food isB. cannot learn to go to the correct doorC. have no short-term memoryD. have a short-term memory of one-sixth a minute74. Henning tested the students’ memory of _________.A. words copied several timesB. words explainedC. words heardD. words seen75. Henning concluded that beginning and advanced students________.A. have no difficulty holding words in their short-term memoryB. differ in the way they retain wordsC. have much difficulty holding words in their short-term memoryD. hold words in their short-term memory in the same way76. The following statements are wrong EXCEPT_________.A. The rat could find the correct door when the light of the next door was turned offB. The rat could find the correct door to get the food whenever it was released fromits cageC. Each of the three doors had a light that was turned onD. The rat could remember where to find the food if it waited for less than tensecondsText DA Frenchman, the psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905. But it was an American, Lewis Terman, a psychology professor at Stanford, who thought to divide a test taker’s “mental age”, as revealed by that score, by his or her chronological age to derive a number that he called the “intelligence quotient”, or IQ. It would be hard to think of a pop-scientific coinage that has had a greater impact on the way people think about themselves and others.No country embraced the IQ –and the application of IQ testing to restructure society – more thoroughly than the U.S. Every year millions of Americans have their IQ measured, ma ny with a direct descendant of Binet’s original test, the Standford-Binet, although not necessarily for the purpose Binet intended. Hedeveloped his test as a way of identifying public school students who needed extra help in learning, and that is still one of its leading uses.But the broader and more controversial use of IQ testing has its roots in a theory of intelligence – part science, part sociology – that developed in the late 19th century, before Binet’s work and entirely separate from it. Ch ampioned first by Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, it held that intelligence was the most valuable human attribute, and that if people who had a lot of it could be identified and put in leadership positions, all of society would benefit.Terman believed IQ tests should be used to conduct a great sorting out of the population, so that young people would be assigned on the basis of their scores to particular levels in the school system, which would lead to corresponding socioeconomic destinations in adult life. The beginning of the IQ-testing movement overlapped with the eugenics movement –hugely popular in America and Europeamong the “better sort” before Hitler gave it a bad name –which held that intelligence was mostly inherited and that people-deficient in it should be discouraged from reproducing. The state sterilization that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes notoriously endorsed in a 1927 Supreme Court decision was done with an IQ score as justification.The American IQ promoters scored a great coup during World War I when they persuaded the Army to give IQ tests to 1.7 million inductees. It was the world’s first mass administration of an intelligence test, and many of the standardized tests in use today can be traced back to it: the now ubiquitous and obsessed-over SAT (Study Ability Test); the Wechler, taken by several million people a year, according to its publisher; and Terman’s own National Intelligence Test, originally used in tracking elementary school children. All these tests took from the Army the basic technique of measuring intelligence mainly by asking vocabulary questions (synonyms, antonyms, analogies, reading comprehension).77. According to Terman’s theory, a twelve-year-old boy’s mental age is 10, then hisIQ number is about __________.A. 0.8B. 0.9C. 1.0D. 1.278. IQ test is originally used to ___________.A. find out the students who need extra help in learningB. assign young people to different majorsC. select the acceptable recruits for armyD. select the leaders for society79. The viewpoint that intelligence was mostly inherited and people deficient inintelligence should be discouraged from reproducing was held by ___________.A.IQ-testing movementB. Eugenic movementC.HitlerD.both IQ-testing and Eugenic movements80. What does the author probably mean by “scored a great coup” (see Para. 5)?A. FailedB. SucceededC. CriticizedD. AdvocatedText EHistorical developments of the past half century and the invention of modern telecommunication and transportation technologies have created a world economy. Effectively the American economy has died and been replaced by a world economy. In the future, there is no such thing as being an American manager. Even someone who spends an entire management career in Kansas City is in international management. He or she will compete with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms, sell to foreign films, or acquire financing from foreign banks.The globalization of the world’s capital markets that has occurred in the past 10 years will be replicated right across the economy in the next decade. An international perspective has become central to management. Without it managers are operating in ignorance and cannot understand what is happening to them and their firms.Partly because of globalization and partly because of demography, the work forces of the next century are going to be very different from those of the last century. Most firms will be employing more foreign nationals. More likely than not, you and your boss will not be of the same nationality. Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a small fraction of the work force as women and minorities grow in importance. All of these factors will require changes in the traditional methods of managing the work force.In addition, the need to produce goods and services at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills. Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control; production workers must be able to do just in-time inventories. Managers are increasingly shifting from a “don’t think, do what you are told” to a “think, I am not going to tell you what to do” style of management.This shift is occurring not because today’s managers are more enlightened than yesterday’s managers but because the evidence is rapidly mounting that the se cond style of management is more productive than the first style of management. But this means that problems of training and motivating the work force both become more central and require different modes of behaviour.In the word of tomorrow managers cannot be technologically illiterate regardless of their functional tasks within the firm. They don’t have to be scientists or engineers inventing new technologies, but they have to be managers who understand when to bet and when not to bet on new technol ogies. If they don’t understand what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they will fail to make the changes that those who do understand what is going on inside the black box make. They will be losers, not winners.Today’s CE Os are those who solved the central problems facing their companies 20 years ago. Tomorrow’s CEOs will be those who solve central problems facing their companies today. Sloan hopes to produce a generation of managers who will be。



课 成绩 复试 口语辅 复试笔 模拟 联系 调剂指
时 分析 听力 导
试 面试 导师 导
Fs1 复试辅导 15 √ √

辅导费用 4800 元
Fs2 复试保录 20 √ √

9800 元,不过全退
Fs3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ复试保录 20 √ √


Fs4 复试保录 20 √ √

三、名词解释(10 个,每个 3 分) 1、延安文艺座谈会 2、文学研究会 3、屈宋 4、赋比兴(命中,育明教育第三套模拟题原题押中) 5、连绵词 6、三纲五常 7、和平共处五项原则 8、20 国集团(命中,育明教育第二套模拟题原题押中) 四、应用文(1 篇,20 分) 一个恒温游泳馆,写一则广告,不少于 500 字。 五、大作文(一篇,50 分) 材料作文,材料是杨绛的《一百岁感言》
育明教育辅导成效: 育明教育,成立于 2006 年,到现在已经有十年的时间,在我们
育明教育,每年都有成功学员积累的一些经验可供各位考生参考。 育明教育整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一 位学员构建考研成功的基础保障。
我们的辅导包括前期的报考指导,中期的核心参考书的讲解、专 题(真题、出题老师论文专著、最新时事)讲解、模拟考(答题技巧 框架、创新点的讲解)。后期还会有教务老师时事根据上课情况,在 我们育明教育,前期咨询师、后期教务与辅导老师三方对您的上课负 责,所以每年我们的通过率一直都是有保证的。如此三效合一的管理 模式,是你成功的保障!



2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter.In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold, and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 .“Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling that others are there to help 16 difficulty.”Some experts 17 the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone”18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it 19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology.拥抱可以使医生远离我们吗?答案也许是响亮的“是的”。




今年单选大方向是词汇搭配,和语义理解,逻辑衔接这一块,从政府工作报告中摘取了许多原句,选项比较相近,像:with face to,in the face of,in the front of,in the ground of,on the basis of。




第二问从文中抽了一句话,教你paraphrase it。








回忆一下开头好像是:people want and expect their leader stolead,and good leaders have the skill and talent to do just that : lead.中译英是讲的海上丝绸之路,古代形成,发展,繁荣,转折。



中间一段海上贸易线开始于广州XX,XX 港口,远达印度洋斯里兰卡。









2017年对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真题、答题攻略及复习经验指导357英语翻译基础考研真题第一部分短语翻译加解释七个选五个翻译加解释E-C barriestoentrycarpooling specialdrawingrightscurrentaccountquotaexportcredittertiaryindustry C-E全面二孩灵猫六国跨太平洋伙伴合作协定一带一路首次公开募股国际收支平衡表投资组合理论第二部分E-C世界银行集团的风险管理C-E第一部分三个古文句子翻译1.百川汇海阔风正好扬帆(后半句不大确定了)2.同心合意,庶几有成3.急人之急,雪中送炭,是中国所推崇的处世之道第二部分,篇章翻译是关于RCEP的,貌似是李克强的一个讲话。








2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士MTI考研参考书,历年考研真题,考研真题题源分析 考研复试辅导

2017年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士MTI考研参考书,历年考研真题,考研真题题源分析 考研复试辅导

2016年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研真题,考研参考书,考研经验,资料笔记2016年357英语翻译基础考研真题第一部分短语翻译加解释七个选五个翻译加解释E-Cbarries to entrycar poolingspecial drawing rightscurrent accountquotaexport credittertiary industryC-E全面二孩灵猫六国跨太平洋伙伴合作协定一带一路首次公开募股国际收支平衡表投资组合理论第二部分E-C世界银行集团的风险管理C-E第一部分三个古文句子翻译1.百川汇海阔风正好扬帆(后半句不大确定了)2.同心合意,庶几有成3.急人之急,雪中送炭,是中国所推崇的处世之道第二部分,篇章翻译是关于RCEP的,貌似是李克强的一个讲话。

211翻译硕士英语单选20题考的基本上都是词义辨析改错10题不是很难阅读四篇第一篇用机器鸟赶鸽子T/F/NG第二篇关于学习英语的(FT中文网原文)四选一第三篇关于Creation的选headings的题目第四篇关于Uber的文章(没记错的话也是FT中文网的文章)选句子填空写作图表作文给了两个图,第一个是FDI的图,第二个China's trade with Georfia (记不清是不是这个国家了)通过这两个图标分析说明中国在这个地区建立自由贸易区的可行性。





3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。




题1 .T r a n s l a t et h ef o l l o w i n gp a r a g r a p hf r o mE n g l i s hi n t oC h i n e s e . ( 广东外语外贸大学 2 0 0 3研, 考试科目: 英语写作与翻译) A n ds p e a k i n go f f r e e d o m , i s n o t t h e a u t h o r f r e e , a s f e wm e na r e f r e e ?I s h e n o t s e c u r e ,a s f e wm e na r e s e c u r e ? T h e t o o l s o f h i s i n d u s t r ya r es oc o m m o na n ds oc h e a pt h a t t h e yh a v ea l m o s t c e a s e dt oh a v ec o m m e r c i a l v a l u e .H e n e e d s n ob u l k yp i l e o f r a wm a t e r i a l ,n oe l a b o r a t ea p p a r a t u s ,n os e r v i c eo f m e no r a n i m a l s .H e i s d e p e n d e n t f o r h i s ,a n dn o t h i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t h i s o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f ,a n dn o t h o c c u p a t i o nu p o nn o o n e b u t h i m s e l f i n g o u t s i d e h i mt h a t m a t e r s . H e i s t h e s o v e r e i g no f a ne m p i r e , s e l f s u p p o r t i n g ,s e l f - c o n t a i n e d 爥N o o n e c a nd e p r i v e h i mo f h i s s t o c k i n t r a d e ; n o o n e c a n f o r c e h i mt o e x e r c i s e h i s f a c u l t y a g a i n s t h i s w i l l ; n o o n e c a n p r e v e n t h i me x e r c i s i n gi t a s h e c h o o s e s .T h e p e ni s t h e g r e a t l i b e r a t o r o f m e na n dn a t i o n s .N o c h a i n s c a nb i n d ,n o p o v e r t y c a nc h o k e , n o t a r i f f c a nr e s t r i c t t h ef r e ep l a y o f h i s m i n d 爥













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外交学院翻硕真题(2017)外交学院翻硕真题(2017英语翻译基础)词条翻译一、短语互译(30个,每个1分)UNDOCGNPIMFMOUPMIFIFACECCEBRDASEANBRICStax certaintyFinancial Stability Boardcross-border resolution regimesexclusive economic zone边缘群体人文交流网络诈骗可持续发展20国集团峰会一带一路倡议全面战略伙伴关系市场化融资段落翻译二、翻译(120分)英译汉和汉译英都是6小段,共12段。



1. Margaret Thatcher saw herself, and was seen, as an essential partner of two American presidents. She stoutly defended nuclear deterrence when she thought her friend and ideological soulmate, Ronald Reagan, was getting carried away in talks with the Russians.Tony Blair pushed NATO and Bill Clinton into military action in Kosovo. Ill-fated though the later invasion of Iraq proved, Mr. Blair was never an American poodle. He believed that Britainshould be in the first rank of countries prepared to counter the threat of Saddam Hussein’s supposed weapons of mass destruction. Even the maligned Gordon Brown co-ordinated theinter national response to the financial crash of 2008.2. The history of economics has been, among other things,a story of learning to care less about land. The physiocrats of 18th-century France saw it as the primary guarantor of wealth. Adam Smith included it alongside labour and capital as one of the three factors of production that combined to generate output. A little later Thomas Malthus saw its innate scarcity as ensuring eventual catastrophe in the face of exponential population growth. Instead of succumbing to catastrophe Western countries found ways to work around land’s scarcity, some of them ingenious —skyscrapers, artificial fertiliser, railways, suburbs —and some nefarious —dispossessing the oppressed and colonised. Improved transport allowed land farther off to do the work that land close at hand had done before, whether by producing crops half way round the world or housing workers out in the suburbs.3. In a surprise televised address on Tuesday night, Modi said the demonetisation of India’s highest-value banknotes, worth about £6 and £12,would start from midnight. The move is an effort to close down the booming economy of untaxed cashtransactions, which allows corruption, the funding of terrorist groups, and keeps counterfeit notes in circulation. Addressing the nation, Modi said: “The exchange of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes being tendered as currency will bestopped from today. Black marketeers and traitors who use black money will notbe able to move large amounts of money and 500 and 1,000 rupee notes will become worthless pieces of paper. Those citizens earning honestly and with hardwork, their interests will be protected.”4.The decision to delay the leadership election nearly two weeks and possibly put up a challenger to Pelosi is a sign of how deeply Democrats are soul-searching after last week’s election that saw Republicans win control of the White House and retain its majority in the Senate and House. While Pelosi became the first female speaker of the House in 2006 and had a huge hand in winning passage of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats havenever fully recovered under her leadership from losing 63 seats in the 2010 midterm election. They have remained in the minority ever since.5. Trump galvanized white voters without college degrees, particularly in the Rust Belt; Clinton’s team calculated that this bloc was a lost cause and could be ignored in favor of focusing on her base and trying topersuade white-collar voters she was the less risky choice. Bill Clinton reportedly agitated for the campaign to pay more attention to the “bubbas”that had oncebeen his base, only to be rebuffed by a campaign staff that believed his worldview was out of date.汉译英主要是政治类题材,领导人讲话之类的(主题有官德、安全、对当前局势的表述、一带一路,还有另外一个啥)。



广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士考研真题广东外语外贸大学(原题)翻译硕士英语Part I.Vocabulary and Grammar(30points,1point for each)Directions:After each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Write your answers on your answer sheet.1.Although she gives badly_______titles to her musical compositions,they_______ unusual combinations of materials including classical music patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds,and bird songs.A.conventional…incorporateB.eccentric…deployC.traditional…excludeD.imaginative…disguise2.Even though the folktales Perroult collected and retold were not solely Frenchin origin,his versions of them were so decidedly French in style that lateranthologies of French folktales have never_______them.A.excludedB.admiredC.collectedprehended3.In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent,her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been_________.A.exaggeratedB.ignoredC.scrutinizedD.derided4.There seems to be no________the reading public’s thirst for books about the 1960’s:indeed,the normal level of interest has______recently because of a spate of popular television documentaries.A.quenching…moderatedB.whetting…mushroomedC.slaking…increasedD.ignoring…transformed5.Despite a tendency to be overtly_______,the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment,as well as pious sentiments.A.divertingB.emotionalC.didacticD.romantic6.One of the first______of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry:smoke tends to drive out the insect that,by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.A.reformersB.discoveriesC.casualtiesD.beneficiaries7.The research committee urged the archaeologist to_______her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great,since her initial report has been based only on______.A.disseminate…suppositionB.withdraw…evidenceC.undercut…capriceD.document…conjecture8.Although Heron is well known for the broad comedy in the movies she has directed previously,her new film is less inclined to__________:the gags are fewer and subtler.A.understatementB.preciosityC.symbolismD.melodrama9.Bebop’s legacy is______one:bebop may have won jazz the right to be taken seriously as an art form,but it_______jazz’s mass audience,which turned to other forms of music such as rock and pop.A.a mixed……alienatedB.a troubled……seducedC.an ambiguous……aggrandizedD.a valuable……refined10.The exhibition’s importance lies in its___________:curators have gathered a diverse array of significant works from many different museums.A.homogeneityB.sophistryC.scopeD.farsightedness11.Despite the fact that the commission’s report treats a vitally important topic, the report will be______read because its prose is so_________that understanding it requires an enormous effort.A.seldom…….transparentB.carefully……..pellucidC.little……….turgidD.eagerly……..digressive12.Carleton would still rank among the great________of nineteenth century American art even if the circumstance of her life and career were less_____than they are.A.celebrities……….obscureB.failures……..illustriousC.charlatans……impeccableD.enigmas……mysterious13.Although based on an actual event,the film lacks______________:the director shuffles events,simplifies the tangle of relationships,and _____________documentary truth for dramatic power.A.conviction……..embracesB.expressiveness…..exaggeratesC.verisimilitude…….sacrificesD.realism……….substitutes14.When Adolph Ochs became the publisher of The New York Times,he endowed the paper with a uniquely_________tone,avoiding the________editorials that characterized other major papers of the time.A.abstruse….scholarlyB.dispassionate…shrillC.argumentative…tendentiousD.cosmopolitan…timely15.There are as good fish in the sea_____ever came out of it.A.thanB.likeC.asD.so16.All the President’s Men______one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.A.remainB.remainsC.remainedD.is remaining17.“You______borrow my notes provided you take care of them”,I told my friend.A.couldB.shouldC.mustD.can18.If only the patient______a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A.had receivedB.receivedC.should receiveD.were receiving19.Linda was_____the experiment a month ago,but she changed her mind at the last minute.A.to startB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting20.She_____fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.A.must beB.had beenC.could beD.must have been21.It is not______much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.A.thatB.asC.soD.very22.The committee has anticipated the problems that________in the road construction project.A.ariseB.will ariseC.aroseD.have arisen23.The student said there were a few points in the essay he_______impossible to comprehend.A.had foundB.findsC.has foundD.would find24.He would have finished his college education,but he_______to quit and finda job to support his family.A.had hadB.hasC.hadD.would have25.The research requires more money than________.A.have been put inB.has been put inC.being put inD.to be put in26.Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race.Yet it is probably ________a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.A.no moreB.not moreC.even moreD.much more27.It is not uncommon for there_______problems of communication between the old and the young.A.beingB.would beC.beD.to be28.________at in his way,the situation does not seem so desperate.A.LookingB.LookedC.Being lookedD.To look29.It is absolutely essential that William______his study in spite of some learning difficulties.A.will continueB.continuedC.continueD.continues30.The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a_____forgery.A.man-madeB.naturalC.crudeD.realPart II.Reading Comprehension(40points)Section1Multiple choice questions(20points,2points for each)Directions:In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage1On New Year’s Day,50,000inmates in Kenyan jails went without lunch.This was not some mass hunger strike to highlight poor living conditions.It was an extraordinary humanitarian gesture:the money that would have been spent on their lunches went to the charity Food Aid to help feed an estimated3.5million Kenyans who,because of a severe drought,are threatened with starvation.The drought is big news in Africa, affecting huge areas of east Africa and the Horn.If you are reading this in thewest,however,you may not be aware of it—the media is not interested in old stories. Even if you do know about the drought,you may not be aware that it is devastating one group of people disproportionately:the pastoralists.There are20million nomadic or semi-nomadic herders in this region,and they are fast becoming some of the poorest people in the continent.Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.How so?It comes down to the reluctance of governments,aid agencies and foreign lenders to support the herders’traditional way of life.Instead they have tended to try to turn them into commercial ranchers or agriculturalists,even though it has been demonstrated time and again that pastoralists are well adapted to their harsh environments,and that moving livestock according to the seasons or climatic changes makes their methods far more viable than agriculture in sub-Saharan drylands.Furthermore,African pastoralist systems are often more productive,in terms of protein and cash per hectare,than Australian,American and other African ranches in similar climatic conditions.They make a substantial contribution to their countries’national economies.In Kenya,for example,the turnover of the pastoralist sector is worth$800million per year.In countries such as Burkina Faso, Eritrea and Ethiopia,hides from pastoralists’herds make up over10per cent of export earnings.Despite this productivity,pastoralists still starve and their animals perish when drought hits.One reason is that only a trickle of the profits goes to the herders themselves;the lion’s share is pocketed by traders.This is partly because the herders only sell much of their stock during times of drought and famine,when they need the cash to buy food,and the terms of trade in this situation never work in their favour.Another reason is the lack of investment in herding areas.Funding bodies such as the World Bank and-USAID tried to address some of the problems in the1960s,investing millions of dollars in commercial beef and dairy production.It didn’t work.Firstly,no one bothered to consult the pastoralists about what they wanted.Secondly,rearing livestock took precedence over human progress.The policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors.They were based on two false assumptions: that pastoralism is primitive and inefficient,which led to numerous failed schemes aimed at converting herders to modern ranching models;and that Africa’s drylands can support commercial ranching.They cannot.Most of Africa’s herders live in areas with unpredictable weather systems that are totally unsuited to commercial ranching. What the pastoralists need is support for their traditional lifestyle.Over the past few years,funders and policy-makers have been starting to get the message.One example is intervention by governments to ensure that pastoralists get fair prices for their cattle when they sell them in times of drought,so that they can afford to buy fodder for their remaining livestock and cereals to keep themselves and their families alive(the problem in African famines is not so much a lack of food as a lack of money to buy it).Another example is a drought early-warning system run by the Kenyan government and the World Bank that has helped avert livestock deaths. This is all promising,but more needs to be done.Some African governments still favour forcing pastoralists to settle.They should heed the latest scientific research demonstrating the productivity of traditional cattle-herding.Ultimately, sustainable rural development in pastoralist areas will depend on increasing trade, so one thing going for them is the growing demand for livestock products:there will likely be an additional2billion consumers worldwide by2020,the vast majority in developing countries.To ensure that pastoralists benefit,it will be crucial to give them a greater say in local policies.Other key tasks include giving a greater say to women,who play critical roles in livestock production.The rich world should pay proper attention to the plight of the pastoralists.Leaving them dependent on foreign food aid is unsustainable and will lead to more resentment,conflict, environmental degradation and malnutrition.It is in the rich world’s intereststo help out.31.Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?(A)Forcing Africa’s nomadic herders to become ranchers will save them from drought.(B)The difference between pastoralist and agriculturalist is vital to the African people.(C)The rich world should give more support to the African people to overcome drought.(D)Environmental degradation should be the major concern in developing Africa’s pastoralism.32.The word“encapsulates”in the sentence“Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.”(para.l)can be replaced by________.(A)concludes.(B)involves.(C)represents.(D)aggravates.33.What is the author’s attitude toward African drought and traditional lifestyle of pastoralism?(A)Neutral and indifferent.(B)Sympathetic and understanding.(C)Critical and vehement.(D)Subjective and fatalistic.34.When the author writes“the policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonialpredecessors.”(para.4),he implies all the following EXCEPT that the aid agencies did not__________.(A)have an objective view of the situation in Africa(B)understand the unpredictable weather systems there(C)feel themselves superior in decision making(D)care about the development of the local people35.The author’s main purpose in writing this article is_________.(A)to evaluate the living conditions of Kenyan pastoralists(B)to give suggestions on the support of the traditional pastoralism in Africa(C)to illustrate the difference between commercial ranching and pastoralism(D)to criticize the colonial thinking of western aid agenciesPassage2Civil-Liberties advocates reeling from the recent revelations on surveillance had something else to worry about last week:the privacy of the billions of search queries made on sites like Google,AOL,Yahoo and Microsoft.As part of a long-running court case,the government has asked those companies to turn over information on its users’search behavior.All but Google have handed over data,and now the Department of Justice(DOJ)has moved to compel the search giant to turn over the goods. What makes this case different is that the intended use of the information is not related to national security,but the government’s continuing attempt to police Internet pornography.In1998,Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA),but courts have blocked its implementation due to First Amendment concerns. In its appeal,the DOJ wants to prove how easy it is to inadvertently stumble upon pore.In order to conduct a controlled experiment—to be performed by a UC Berkeley professor of statistics—the DOJ wants to use a large sample of actual search termsfrom the different search engines.It would then use those terms to do its own searches,employing the different kinds of filters each search engine offers,in an attempt to quantify how often“material that is harmful to minors”might appear. Google contends that since it is not a party to the case,the government has not right to demand its proprietary information to perform its test.“We intend to resist their motion vigorously,”said Google attorney Nicole Wong.DOJ spokesperson Charles Miller says that the government is requesting only the actual search terms,and not anything that would link the queries to those who made them.(The DOJ is also demanding a list of a million Web sites that Google indexes to determine the degree to which objectionable sites are searched.)Originally,the government asked for a treasure trove of all searches made in June and July2005; the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries.One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.If the built-in filters that each search engine provides are effective in blocking porn sites,the government will have wound up proving what the opposition has said all along—you don’t need to suppress speech to protect minors on the Net.“We think that our filtering technology does a good job protecting minors from inadvertently seeing adult content,”says Ramez Naam,group program manager of MSN Search.Though the government intends to use these data specifically for its COPA-related test,it’s possible that the information could lead to further investigations and, perhaps,subpoenas to find out who was doing the searching.“What if certain search terms indicated that people were contemplating terrorist actions or other criminal activities?”Says the DOJ’s Miller,“I’m assuming that if something raised alarms,we would hand it over to the proper authorities.”Privacy advocates fear that if the government request is upheld,it will open the door to further government examination of search behavior.One solution would be for Google to stop storing the information,but the company hopes to eventually use the personal informationof consenting customers to improve search performance.“Search is a window into people’s personalities,”says Kurt Opsahl,an Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney.“They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.”36.When the American government asked Google,AOL,Yahoo and Microsoft to turn over information on its users’search behavior,the major intention is_________.(A)to protect national security(B)to help protect personal freedom(C)to monitor Internet pornography(D)to implement the Child Online Protection Act37.Google refused to turn over“its proprietary information”(para.2)required by DOJ as it believes that________.(A)it is not involved in the court case(B)users’privacy is most important(C)the government has violated the First Amendment(D)search terms is the company’s business secret38.The phrase“scaled back to”in the sentence“the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries”(para.3)can be replaced by_________.(A)maximized to(B)minimized to(C)returned to(D)reduced to39.In the sentence“One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.”(para.4),the expression“sink its own case”most probably means that_________.(A)counterattack the opposition(B)lead to blocking of porn sites(C)provide evidence to disprove the case(D)give full ground to support the case40.When Kurt Opsahl says that“They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.”(para.5),the expression“Big Brother”is used to refer to_________.(A)a friend or relative showing much concern(B)a colleague who is much more experienced(C)a dominating and all-powerful ruling power(D)a benevolent and democratic organizationSection2Answering questions(20points,4points for each)Directions:Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions following each e only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER SHEET.Passage3Millions of elderly Germans received a notice from the Health&Social Security Ministry earlier this month that struck a damaging blow to the welfare state.The statement informed them that their pensions were being cut.The reductions come as a stop-gap measure to control Germany’s ballooning pension crisis.Not surprisingly, it was an unwelcome change for senior citizens such as Sabine Wetzel,a67-year-old retired bank teller,who was told her state pension would be cut by$12.30,or1% to$1,156.20a month.“It was a real shock,”she says.“My pension had alwaysgone up in the past.”There’s more bad news on the way.On Mar.11,Germany’s lower house of Parliament passed a bill gradually cutting state pensions--which have been rising steadily since World War II--from53%of average wages now to46%by2020.And Germany is not ernments across Western Europe are racing to curb pension benefits. In Italy,the government plans to raise the minimum retirement age from57to60, while France will require that civil servants put in40years rather than37.5to qualify for a full pension.The reforms are coming despite tough opposition from unions,leftist politicians,and pensioners’groups.The explanation is simple:Europeans are living longer and having fewer children. By2030there will only be two workers per pensioner,compared with four in2000. With fewer young workers paying into the system,cuts are being made to cover a growing shortfall.The gap between money coming in and payments going out could top $10billion this year in Germany alone.“In the future,a state pension alone will no longer be enough to maintain the living standards employees had before they retired,”says German Health&Social Security Minister Ulla Schmidt.Says Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti:“The welfare state is producing too few cradles and too few graves.”Of course,those population trends have been forecast for years.Some countries, such as Britain and the Netherlands,have responded by making individuals and their employers assume more of the responsibility for pensions.But many Continental governments dragged their feet.Now,the rapid runup in costs is finally forcing them to act.State-funded pension payments make up around12%of gross domestic product in Germany and France and15%in Italy——two percentage points more than 20years ago.Pensions account for an average21%of government spending across the European Union.The U.S.Social Security system,by contrast,consumes just4.8% of GDP.The rising cost is having serious repercussions on key European nations’commitments to fiscal restraint.“Governments have no choice but to make pensionreform a priority,”says Antonio Cabral,deputy director of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Economic&Financial Affairs.Just as worrisome is the toll being exacted on the private sector.Corporate contributions to state pension systems--which make up19.5%of total gross pay in Germany--add to Europe’s already bloated labor costs.That,in turn,blunts manufacturers’competitiveness and keeps unemployment rates high.According to the Institute of German Economics in Cologne,benefit costs reached a record41.7%of gross wages in Germany last year,compared with37.4%a decade before.French cement manufacturer Lafarge says pension cost of$121million contributed to a9%fall in operating profits last year.To cope,Germany and most of its EU partners are using tax breaks to encourage employees to put money into private pensions schemes.But even if private pensions become more popular,European governments will have to increase minimum retirement ages and reduce public pensions.While today’s seniors complain about reduced benefits,the next generation of retirees may look back on their parents’pension checks with envy.41.Paraphrase Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti’s statement“The welfare state is producing too few cradles and too few graves.”(para.3)42.What is implied by the last sentence of the passage“While today’s seniors complain about reduced benefits,the next generation of retirees may look back on their parents’pension checks with envy.”?Passage4In the old days,it was all done with cakes.For Marcel Proust,it was a visit to Mother’s for tea and madeleines that provided the access to“the vast structure of recollection”that was to become his masterpiece on memory and nostalgia,“Remembrance of Past Things.”These days,it’s not necessary to evoke the past: you can’t move without tripping over it.In an age zooming forward technologically,why all the backward glances?The Oxford English Dictionary’s first definition of nostalgia reads:“acute longing for familiar surroundings;severe homesickness.”With the speed of computers doubling every18months,and the net doubling in size in about half that,no wonder we’re aching for familiar surroundings.Since the cornerstone of the Information Age is change,anything enduring becomes precious.“People are looking for something authentic,”says McLaren.Trouble is,nostalgia has succumbed to trends in marketing,demographics and technology.“Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be,”says Michael J.Wolf,senior partner at Booz-Allen&Hamilton in New York.“These are the new good old days.”Baby boomers form the core of the nostalgia market.The boomers,defined by American demographers as those born between1946and1964,are living long and prosperous lives.In both Europe and America,they remain the Holy Grail for admen,and their past has become everyone’s present.In a study on“entertainment imprinting,”two American marketing professors,Robert Schindler and Morris Holbrook,asked people ranging in age from16to86which popular music from the past they liked best.People’s favorite songs,they found,tended to be those that were popular when they were about24,with their affection for pop songs diminishing on either side of that age.Doubtless Microsoft knows about entertainment imprinting,or at least nostalgia.The company hawks its latest Explorer to the strains of Simon and Garfunkel’s“Homeward Bound,”just as it launched Windows98to the tune of “Start Me up”by the Rolling Stones.Boomers remember both tunes from their20s. If boomers are one market that values memories,exiles are another.According to the International Organization of Migration,more than150million people live today in a country other than the one where they were born—double the number that did so in1965.This mass movement has sources as dire as tyranny and as luxurious asthe freedoms of an EU passport.But exiles and refugees share one thing:homes left behind.Type in“nostalgia”on the search engine Google,and one of the first sites that pop up is the nostalgia page of The Iranian,an online site for Iran’s exiles, most of whom fled after1978’s Islamic revolution.Perhaps the savviest exploitation of nostalgia has been the secondhand-book site ,which features stories of clients’rediscovering long-lost books on it.One John Mason Mings writes of the glories of finding a book with information on“Kickapoo Joy Juice,”ad dreaded medicine of his youth.A Pennsylvanian waxes over alibris’s recovery of his first-grade primer”Down cherry Street.”The Net doesn’t merely facilitate nostalgia—it promotes it.Web-based auction houses have helped jump-start markets for vintage items,form marbles to Apple Macintoshes.Cutting-edge technology,designed to be transient,has even bred its own st year a$666Apple I went for$18,000to a British collector at a San Francisco auction.“Historic!Microsoft Multiplan for Macintosh”crows one item on eBay’s vintage Apple section.Surf to The Net Nostalgia Quiz to puzzle over questions like“In the old days,Altavista used to have which one of these URLs?”Those who don’t remember their history are condemned to repeat it.Or so entertainment moguls hope,as they market‘70s TV hits like“Charlie’s Angels”and“Scooby Doo,”out next year,to a generation that can’t remember them the first time round.If you’ve missed a Puff Daddy track or a“Sopranos”episode, panic not.The megahits of today are destined to be the golden oldies of2020,says Christopher Nurko of the branding consultant FutureBrand.“I guarantee you, Madonna’s music will be used to sell everything,”he says.“God help me,I hope it’s not selling insurance.”It could be.When we traffic in the past,nothing’s sacred.43.Explain the beginning sentence“In the old days,it was all done with cakes.”44.What is the other big group besides baby boomers which values memories?What do these people share?45.What is“nostalgia market”?What do they sell in the nostalgia market? Part III.Writing(30points)46.Please reflect on the following opinion and write an essay of about400words elaborating your view with a well-defined title.Some people believe the key of the reform in the education system is a well-shared awareness that educations is there,instead of simply offering the knowledge important to the students,to improve the students in an all-round way,and especially to guide them to a careful pondering over such fundamental issues as life itself and social responsibility.An undue emphasis on knowledge-education and the resultant ignorance over the guidance to the students to a proper understanding of life will bring us nothing but a large number of“memorizing machines”.We can never expect a group of young people well prepared for the real social life.英语翻译基础Part I.Phrase Translation(30points,1point for each)Section1Directions:Translate the following phrases into Chinese:。



2016年外交学院翻译硕士考研真题今年的题总体比较简单英语翻译基础缩略语有30个,政治、经济、科技都有涉及,但是今年出的比较简单,感觉还是跟时政,热词联系较多,每个缩略语后还有提示,就像QM(学科名词)这样的QM BBA AIIB UNSC HSBC CCTV(不是中央电视台)EFTA(国际组织)影子银行三严三实hedge fund英译汉有6小段,每段4-6行吧,内容是一个《卫报》的编辑写给《卫报》成立100周年的文章,开头第一句话是A hundred years is a long time; It’s a long time even……..汉译英是时文翻译,内容跟外交关系有关:(育明教育押中原题)翻译硕士英语第一题是20个单选题,主要考词汇辨析,但是今年没有很长很偏的词,最后两个单选就是给出一句话,让选择选项中与所给句子中标黑的单词的同义词。

第二题是改错,有10个,考试形式跟专八改错一样,但是比专八稍简单第三题是阅读,共6篇,总体比较简单,但是问题形式多样,有一般的选择,还有判断对错(Yes or No or Not Given),多选,填文章主旨句,总之就是题型很多最后一题是作文,400词左右,写一下技术是怎样改变人们的交流方式和人际关系的。







广东外语外贸大学全国硕士研究生入学考试专业课试题册Part I. Phrase Translation (30 points, 1 point for each)Section 1Directions: Translate the following phrases into Chinese:1. CPPCC2. UNESCO3. ASEM4. China-ASEAN Expo5. SWOT analysis6. Global Sourcing7. Information Asymmetry8. Shanghai World Expo9. Innocent Presumption10. The Civil Law System11. The Book of Rites12. Mencius13. Consecutive Interpreting14. The House of Commons15. A Farewell To ArmsSection 2Directions: Translate the following phrases into English:16. 全国人民代表大会17. 外交部18. 会展经济19. 注册会计师20. 次贷危机21. 董事会22. 中国证监会23. 廉政公署24. 暂行规定25. 有罪推定26. 佛经翻译27. 百年老店28. 论语29. 三国演义30. 南方都市报Part II. Passage Translation (120 points)31. Translate the following passage into Chinese: (60 points)Population ageing has become a world-wide phenomenon. Moreover, it has not only come to stay but, especially in the developing countries, it will become more felt and acute with the passage of time. Its repercussions are so wide-ranging and manifold that they can only be ignored at a tremendous cost to society.The growing rate of population ageing poses many challenges which have to be faced realistically. A number of decisions have to be taken with the cooperation of every social institution, be it the State, Non-Governmental Organizations, the community, the family members and last but not least, the older persons themselves. Each has a very important role to play in ensuring a sustainable development for the elderly population.Governments and civil society including organisations of older persons, academia, community-based organisations and the private sector need to help in capacity building on ageing issues. As the Shanghai Implementation Strategy points out, “A life-course andinter-sectoral approach to health and well-being is the best approach to ensure that both current and future generations of older persons remain healthy and active”.The gap between the projected increases of the older population and the consequently required services, combined with the parallel development of the personnel needed to carry out these services, creates a pressing and urgent need to train appropriate staff. Training programmes have to be tailored to the nature of the participants, the work they are doing and the needs entailed. Though the basic issues dealt with might often be the same, the approach differs. It will be important in the not too distant future to explore innovative ways of providing education and training in rural and remote areas and to apply, as much as possible, the new and emerging communication technologies to facilitate and enhance these programmes.Every member of society should realize that aging is a process. Consequently, older persons are to be seen as equal citizens of any society, sharing the same rights like other citizens. Any form of discrimination is to be eradicated.32. Translate the following passage into English: (60 points)韶关市地处粤北山区,与湖南、江西交界,素有“三省通衢”之誉,是古代岭南通往中原的最重要关口,今天更是广东通往内地的交通枢纽——京广铁路、京珠高速公路、国道105线、106线、107线、323线、在建的武广铁路、规划中的韶赣铁路、广乐高速公路和韶赣高速公路均经过韶关。



2013广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士MTI考研试题(回忆版)缩略语1、United Nations Development Program(UNDP)2、Eurobond Market3、The Guardian4、Reuters5、Christian Science Monitor6、zero-sum game7、savings portfolio8、CSR9、intentional homicide10、criminal jurisprudence11、bring an indictment12、global sourcing13、the first-mover advantage14、healthcare interpreting15、the Sound and the Fury16、民政部17、水利部18、对外贸易仲裁委员会19、国务院办公厅20、中华全国工商联21、广外高级翻译学院22、开场白23、企业并购24、农民工25、产学合作26、居安思危27、生产销售假冒伪劣产品罪28、公诉人29、《楚辞》30、字幕翻译名词解释1、国际贸易2、储蓄率3、经济结构4、出口导向5、货币政策6、创业板市场7、退市机制8、借壳9、垃圾股10、“寻租”行为11、西方中心论12、斯宾格勒13、汤因比14、玛雅人15、中央集权16、封建社会17、成文法典18、判例法19、主观能动性20、董仲舒中译英中国烹饪艺术世界中有一种食品,兼具牛肉、家禽和鱼类三种风味,它不仅价廉,而且营养,在代复一代的中国烹饪占有重要的一席。






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今年单选大方向是词汇搭配,和语义理解,逻辑衔接这一块,从政府工作报告中摘取了许多原句,选项比较相近,像:with face to ,in the face of ,in the front of , in the ground of ,on the basis of 。



两篇选择题的阅读,两篇阅读是问答,第一篇问答文章讲的是Corot(一种星际探测器) 问发送Corot的目的是什么。

第二问从文中抽了一句话,教你paraphrase it。








回忆一下开头好像是: people want and expect their leaders to lead,and good leaders have the skill and talent to do just that : lead.
中译英是讲的海上丝绸之路, 古代形成,发展,繁荣,转折。

第一段大概是; 海上丝绸之路因大量输出中国丝绸而闻名,又称“陶瓷之路”“茶叶之路”“香料之路”。
















要求有四点,1公文文种自选 2 格式正确 3 语言符合公文写作 4 可适当增添内容。

大作文, 3段材料。




