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1. Did you (买)a box of cake? No, I didn’t

2. The girl has a good .(主意)

3. He is (写)a letter.

4. My grandfather (居住)in that house.

5. John (得到)a bottle of shampoo yesterday.

6 . (穿上)your coat please.

7. I’m (寻找)my shoes.

8 Jenny usually her (骑车)to school.

9. (怎样)do they go to school.

10. Tom (乘公共汽车)to the mall yesterday.

11. (多久一次)do you (去跳舞)?

a (一个月两次)

12. How many (女孩)are there in your (班)?

There are (三十).

13. (颜色)is the (短裙)?. It’s (红色)

14. He (去游泳) a (一个星期一次)

15. We go (跑步)every morning.

16. I (寄)a letter to my friend yesterday.

17. My sister can (游泳).

18. Ben ________ ___________(去跳舞)yesterday.

19. Gogo _______ (乘)the plane _________ Beijing once a month.

20. My sister (通常)goes to school at 7:00.

21.I am going to ______________ (寄)a letter to my friend.

22. Jim ________________(居住)in Beijing.

23. She has a bag of _______________(薯条).

24. What did you buy yesterday? I ____________(买)a pen.

25. Give me a _____________(对)of socks.

26. She usually ______________(乘)a subway to work.

27. How often do you eat fish ? About________(两次)a week.

28. I am ___________ ____________(寻找) some water.

29. They ___________ ______________(去游泳)last Sunday.

30. My sister is ____________ ________(擅长于)singing.

31. I bought these__________(袜子)yesterday.

32. Tom ________ ________ (变魔术)at the party last night.

33. There are________(48个)students in our class.

34. They are ________ _______ (听……)the radio.

35. Kate ________(想)to be a nurse.

36. This watch is not cheap. It’s ____________(贵的).

37. My sister ______ ________ (喜欢小鸡)very much.

38. Let me _______ (试)your new bike.

39.My trousers are sixty ________(美元).

40. She has a ________(白色的)shirt.

41. This book is very_______ (thick, thicker)

42. His shirt is ________. But my shirt is_______.( cheap , cheaper)

43. Who is _________(tall, taller), Tom or Jim?

44. _______( Is, Are) the elephants big? Yes.

45. He _______(eats, ate) all my apples yesterday.

46. Which is _________( small, smaller), a baseball or a soccer?

47. Please _________( give, gave) a ruler to me.

48. I have many_________(gift, gifts).

49.Miss Li will _________( faster, be faster) in the race.

50. I will ________( get , got) a letter from my uncle.

51. My uncle isn’t _______( tall, taller). He is short.

52.Mary is too ________( young , younger) to go to school.

53. I_________ (收到)many_________ (礼物)last Sunday.

54. _______(谁的)room is _______(大), yours______(或者)hers?

55. The horse runs very ________(快). But the plane runs _______(快). 56They are (跑)to the school.
