



+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is greater than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟angle 角≨semicircle 半圆≦circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi圆周率△triangle 三角形≧perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度′minute 分″second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket左方括号] close bracket右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment双斜线,注释符# pound 井号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks单引号"" double quotation marks双引号‖parallel双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash代字号§section; division分节号。



.period ['piəriəd] 句号,comma['kamə]逗号:colon ['kəulən]冒号;semicolon [.semi'kəulən]分号!exclamation [.ɛksklə'meʃən]惊叹号?question mark 问号 ̄hyphen ['haifən]连字符'apostrophe [ə'pɑstrəfi]撇号, 单引号;所有格符号—dash[dæʃ]破折号… ‟single quotation[kwəu'teiʃən]marks 单引号“ ”double quotation marks 双引号( )parentheses [pə'renθisi:z] 圆括号[ ]square brackets [brækəts]方括号《》French quotes[kwəuts]法文引号;书名号...ellipsis [i'lipsis]省略号¨tandem ['tændəm] colon ['kəulən] 双点号"ditto ['ditəu]同上‖parallel ['pærəlel]双线号/virgule ['və:gju:l]斜线号&ampersand ['æmpəsænd]= and~swung[swʌŋ] dash 代字号§section[' sɛkʃən]; division[də'vɪʒən]分节号→arrow['ærəu]箭号;参见号+plus[plʌs]加号;正号-minus['mainəs]减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied['multiplai] by 乘号÷is divided[di'vaidid] by 除号=is equal['i:kwəl] to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent[i'kwivələnt] to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately[ə'prɑksimitli] equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately[ə'prɑksimitli]equal to 约等于号<is less[les] than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号%percent[pə'sent]百分之…‰permil 千分之…∞infinity[in'finiti]无限大号∝varies['vɛəri] as 与…成比例vary√(square) root 平方根∵since[sins]; because 因为∴hence[hens]所以∷equals, as (proportion[prə'pɔ:ʃən]) 等于,成比例∠angle['æŋgl]角≲semicircle[.semi'sə:kl]半圆≰circle['sə:kl]圆○circumference[sə'kʌmfərəns]圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle['traiæŋgl]三角形≱perpendicular[.pə:pən'dikjulə] to 垂直于∪union['ju:njən] of 并,合集∩intersection[.intə'sekʃən]of 交,通集∫the integral['intigrəl]of …的积分∑(sigma['sigmə]) summation[sʌm'eʃən] of 总和°degree[di'gri:]度′minute['minit,mai'nju:t]分″second['sekənd]秒#number['nʌmbə]…号℃Celsius['selsiəs] system 摄氏度@at[æt]单价英语说明下面的问题及解决方法:士兵骑马从兵营A出发,到河边去给马喂水,然后返回兵营B,请问在河边的哪一点给马喂水返回的总路程最短?Question:departure from the barracks ['bærəks] A , soldiers riding to the river for watering[wɔ:t ɵrɪŋ] the horses, and then return to barracks B, I ask what point in the river to return to the horse watering the shortest total distance?Answer:The river as the central axis ['æksɪs]for the mirror point B barracks C, and then connect the barracks and the mirror point A C, a straight [stret]line intersecting the point of AC and river water is a horse's pointBecause any access point on the river, D, then to form a triangle ACD, AD and DC are two sides of the triangle['traɪ,æŋg!], while the AC is the one the other side of the triangle. For the triangle, the sides of, and is always greater than the third side, so the line is the intersection [,ɪntɚ'sɛkʃən]of AC and river water point to the horse soldiers, soldiers from the barracks A starting point of intersectionof the horse to water, and then return to barracks B, the distance is the shortest.A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.证明2是个无理数(Prove that root 2 is irrational number?)Let's suppose √2 were a rational number. Then we can write it √2 = a/b where a, b are whole numbers, b not zero. We additionally make it so that this a/b is simplified to the lowest terms, since that can obviously be done with any fraction.It follows that 2 = a2/b2, or a2 = 2 * b2. So the square of a is an even number since it is two times something. From this we can know that a itself is also an even number. Why? Because it can't be odd; if a itself was odd, then a * a would be odd too. Odd number times odd number is always odd. Check if you don't believe that!Okay, if a itself is an even number, then a is 2 times some other whole number, or a = 2k where k is this other number. We don't need to know exactly what k is; it won't matter. Soon is coming the contradiction:If we substitute a = 2k into the original equation 2 = a2/b2, this is what we get:2 = (2k)2/b22 = 4k2/b22*b2= 4k2b2= 2k2.This means b2 is even, from which follows again that b itself is an even number!!!WHY is that a contradiction? Because we started the whole process saying that a/b is simplified to the lowest terms, and now it turns out that a and b would both be even. So √2 cannot be rational.。





英语中共有14个标点符号( punctuation marks),分别是:the period (句号), question mark (问号), exclamation point (感叹号), comma(逗号), semicolon(分号), colon(冒号),dash(破折号),hyphen(连字符), parentheses(圆括号),brackets(括号), braces(括弧), apostrophe(撇号; 省略符号; 所有格符号), quotation marks(引号), and ellipses(省略号).Sentence EndingsThree of the fourteen punctuation marks are appropriate for use as sentence endings. They are the period, question mark, and exclamation point.The period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences, statements thought to be complete and after many abbreviations.For example:· As a sentence ender: Jane and Jack went to the market .· After an abbreviation: Her Mar . birthday came and went.Use a question mark (?) to indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence. For example: When did Jane leave for the market ?The exclamation point/mark (!) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis.· Within dialogue: “Holy cow!” screamed Jane.· To emphasize a point: My mother-in-law's rants make me furious !Comma, Semicolon and ColonThe comma, semicolon and colon are often misused because they all can indicate a pause in a series.The comma is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Additionally, it is used in letter writing after the salutation and closing.· Separating elements within sentences : Suzi wanted the black , green , and blue shoes.· Letter Salutations: Dear Uncle John ,·Separation of two complete sentences: We went to the movies , and we went to the beach.The semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses. It shows a closer relationship between the clauses than a period would show. For example: John was hurt ; he knew she only said it to upset him.A colon (:) has two main uses:1. The first is after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series. It is also often used after the salutation of a business letter.2. The second is within time expressions. Within time, it isused to separate out the hour and minute: 12 : 15 p.m.Dash and the HyphenTwo kinds of dashes are used throughout written communications. They are the endash (短破折号) and the emdash (长破折号). An endash is a symbol (-) that is used in writing or printing to connect numbers or to connect elements of a compound adjective, such as 1880 - 1945 or Princeton - New York trains.However, the emdash has more complicated grammatical use. The symbol of is used to:1. Indicate a break in thought or sentence structure2. Introduce a phrase added for emphasis, definition, or explanation3. Separate two clausesUse it in the following manner: We only wanted to get two birds - but the clerk talked us into four pregnant parakeets.A hyphen (-) is the same symbol as the endash. However, it has slightly different usage rules. A hyphen is used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word, especially when divided at the end of a line of text.Examples of this in use include:· Between a compound name: Mrs. Smith - Reynolds· Within a compound word: back - to - backBrackets, Braces and ParenthesesBrackets, braces and parentheses are symbols used to contain words that are a further explanation or are considered a group.Parentheses ( () ) are curved notations used to contain further thoughts or qualifying remarks. However, parentheses can be replaced by commas without changing the meaning inmost cases. For example: John and Jane ( who were actually half brother and sister ) both have red hair.Brackets are the squared off notations ([]) used for technical explanations. YourDictionary uses them when you look up word definitions. At the bottom of each definition page, brackets surround a technical description of where the word originated.Braces ({}) are used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items to show that they are considered as a unit. They are not commonplace in most writing, but can be seen in computer programming to show what should be contained within the same lines.Apostrophe, Quotation Marks and EllipsesThe final three punctuation forms in English grammar are the apostrophe, quotation marks and ellipses. Unlike previously mentioned grammatical marks, they are not related to one another in any form.An apostrophe (') is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, or the plurals of lowercase letters.Examples of the apostrophe in use include:·Omission of letters from a word: An issue of nat'l importance.· Possesive case: Sara's dog bites.· Plural for lowercase letters: Six people were told to mind their p's and q's. It should be noted that, according to Purdue University, some teachers and editors enlarge the scope of the use of apostrophe, and prefer their use on symbols (&'s), numbers (7's) and capitalized letters (Q&A's), even though they are not necessary.Quotations marks ( “” ) are a pair of punctuation marksused primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word. They are also used to indicate meanings and to indicate the unusual or dubious status of a word.Single quotation marks (') are used most frequently for quotes within quotes.The ellipses mark is generally represented by three periods (. . . ) although it is occasionally demonstrated with three asterisks (***). The ellipses are used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words. Ellipses are frequently used within quotations to jump from one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary words that do not interfere with the meaning. Students writing research papers or newspapers quoting parts of speeches will often employ ellipses to avoid copying lengthy text that is not needed.Differences in British vs. American EnglishThere are a few differences between punctuation in British and American English. The following charts details some of those differences:British EnglishAmerican English The “ . “ symbol is calleda full stop a period The “ ! “ symbol is called an exclamation mark an exclamationpointThe “ ( )“ symbols are calledbrackets parenthesesThe “ [ ]“ symbols are calledsquare brackets bracketsThe position of quotation marks Joy means “happiness”. Joy means“happiness.”The punctuation Dr, Mr, Mrs, Dr., Mr., Mrs.,for abbreviations St, Rd, Ct St., Rd., Ct.。



+plus加号;正号-minus减号;负号±plus or minus正负号×is multiplied by乘号÷is divided by除号=is equal to等于号≠is not equal to不等于号≡is equivalent to全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号<is less than小于号>is more than大于号≮is not less than不小于号≯is not more than不大于号≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号%per cent百分之…‰per mill千分之…∞infinity无限大号∝varies as与…成比例√(square) root平方根∵since; because因为∴hence所以∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例∠angle角≲semicircle半圆≰circle圆○circumference圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle三角形≱perpendicular to垂直于∪union of并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of总和°degree度′minute分″second秒1 / 2℃Celsius system摄氏度{open brace, open curly左花括号}close brace, close curly右花括号(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses括号[open bracket 左方括号]close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets方括号.period, dot句号,点|vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线&ampersand, and, reference, ref和,引用*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符#pound井号\backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符.full stop句号,comma逗号:colon冒号;semicolon分号?question mark问号!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe撇号-hyphen连字号-- dash 破折号...dots/ ellipsis省略号"single quotation marks 单引号""double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号2 / 2。



常见符号在英语中的表达(单词对照)各种符号在英语中如何表达+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号< is less than ⼩于号> is greater than ⼤于号is not less than 不⼩于号is not more than 不⼤于号is less than or equal to ⼩于或等于号is more than or equal to ⼤于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰ per mill 千分之…∞ infinity ⽆限⼤号∝ varies as 与…成⽐例√ (square) root 平⽅根∵ since; because 因为∴ hence 所以∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成⽐例∟ angle ⾓semicircle 半圆≦ circle 圆○ circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△ triangle三⾓形≧ perpendicular to垂直于∪ union of 并,合集∩ intersection of 交,通集∫ the integral of …的积分∑ (sigma) summation of 总和° degree 度′ minute 分″ second 秒℃ Celsius system 摄⽒度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左⽅括号] close bracket 右⽅括号[] square brackets ⽅括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引⽤* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针 / slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表⽰转义符或续⾏符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号question mark 问号! exclamation mark 感叹号(英式英语)exclamation point 感叹号(美式英语)' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号& ampersand and的英语符号~ swung dash 代字号§ section; division 分节号→ arrow 箭号;参见号。



+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之...‰ per mill 千分之...∞ infinity 无限大号∝ varies as 与...成比例√ (squa re root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion 等于,成比例∠angle 角⌒semicircle 半圆⊙circle 圆○circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△ triangle 三角形⊥perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫ the integral of ...的积分∑ (sigma summation of 总和°degree 度′ minute 分″ second 秒℃ Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号( brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语exclamation point (美式英语' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号& ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→ arrow 箭号;参见号& Ampersand (And 符號* Asterisk (星號@ At sign, at (At 符號,At \ Backslash (反斜線[ Open bracket (左開式方括弧^ Caret (插入號] Close bracket (右關式方括弧( Open parenthesis (左開式圓括號Close parenthesis (右關式圓括號: Colon (冒號, Comma (逗號$ Dollar sign (錢符號–Double dash (雙破折號…Ellipsis (省略符號‘Single quote (單引號“Quote (引號= Equals (等號+ Plus, plus sign (加,加號! Exclamation point (驚歎號> Greater than (大於< Less than (小於# Pound sign (井字號? Question mark (問號. Period, dot (句號,點; Semicolon (分號- Hyphen (連字號—Dash (破折號_ Underscore (底線| Vertical bar (垂直線{ Open brace (左開式大括號} Close brace (右關式大括號% Percent, percent sign (百分比,百分比符號/ Slash (斜線// Double slash (雙斜線~ Tilde (取代符號。



+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is greater than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√square root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as proportion 等于,成比例∠angle 角⌒semicircle 半圆⊙circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi圆周率△triangle 三角形⊥perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑sigma summation of 总和°degree 度′minute 分″second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号 brakets/ parentheses 括号open bracket左方括号close bracket右方括号square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique斜线,斜杠,除号full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号question mark 问号exclamation mark 英式英语 exclamation point 美式英语' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks单引号"" double quotation marks双引号‖parallel双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash代字号§section; division分节号。



标点符号的读法+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号ªplus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is greater than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‟per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵ since; because 因为∴ hence 所以∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟ angle 角⌒ semicircle 半圆≦ circle 圆○ circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△ triangle 三角形≧ perpendicular to 垂直于∪ union of 并,合集∩ intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑ (sigma) summation of 总和© degree 度† minute 分‡ second 秒℃ Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号{} curly brackets or braces 大括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号<> Angle brackets 尖括号《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号... ellipsis 省略号¨ tandem colon 双点号" ditto 同上‖ parallel 双线号/ slash or virgule or diagonal mark 斜线号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号 number …号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde or swung dash 代字号§ section; division 分节号→ arrow 箭号;参见号. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) 惊叹号- hyphen 连字符* asterisk 星号' apostrophe 所有格符号,单词内部的省略— dash 破折号_ underscore‘’ single quotation marks 单引号“” double quotation marks 双引号。



各种特殊符号的英文叫法+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‟per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟angle 角≨semicircle 半圆≦circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle 三角形≧perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度†minute 分‡second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)‘apostrophe 单引号- hyphen 连字号– dash 破折号…dots/ ellipsis 省略号“single quotation marks 单引号“”double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



各种符号的英⽂翻译各种符号的英⽂翻译+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号< is less than ⼩于号> is more than ⼤于号≮ is not less than 不⼩于号≯ is not more than 不⼤于号≤ is less than or equal to ⼩于或等于号≥ is more than or equal to ⼤于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰ per mill 千分之…∞ infinity ⽆限⼤号∝ varies as 与…成⽐例√ (square) root 平⽅根∵ since; because 因为∴ hence 所以∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成⽐例∠ angle ⾓⌒ semicircle 半圆⊙ circle 圆○ circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△ triangle 三⾓形⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于∪ union of 并,合集∩ intersection of 交,通集∫ the integral of …的积分∑ (sigma) summation of 总和° degree 度′ minute 分″ second 秒℃ Celsius system 摄⽒度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左⽅括号] close bracket 右⽅括号[] square brackets ⽅括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引⽤* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号 backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表⽰转义符或续⾏符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号 question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)‘ apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号& ampersand = and~ swung dash 代字号§ section; division 分节号→ arrow 箭号;参见号。



英语词典中的各种符号英语词典中使用的各种符号有很多,下面我将列举一些常见的符号及其含义:1. 词性标记:n.,名词(noun)。








2. 发音标记:[ ],方括号内的发音表示标准发音。

/ /,斜杠内的发音表示音标发音。

3. 词义标记:1.,第一个意义。



4. 用法标记:(C),可数名词(countable)。




(v.t.),及物动词(transitive verb)。

(v.i.),不及物动词(intransitive verb)。





5. 词汇来源标记:[L],拉丁语(Latin)。




[ME],中古英语(Middle English)。

[OE],古英语(Old English)。

6. 其他标记:,表示词汇、短语或句子是非正式用法或俚语。








+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is greater than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟angle 角≨semicircle 半圆≦circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi圆周率△triangle 三角形≧perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度′minute 分″second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket左方括号] close bracket右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment双斜线,注释符# pound 井号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks单引号"" double quotation marks双引号‖parallel双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash代字号§section; division分节号。



各种符号的英语说法it comes to me i can't pronounce the sign - when i give my emalil to a friend. then i relized that i even can't pronounce other signs such as ~,#,*,(,),{,}. yeah,it's useful since we use them frequently. we are more easily get into the habit of ignoring conventional stuff.and below,it's all the signs in chinese and englsh.句号 full stop逗号 comma引号 (double/single) quotation mark(s)叹号 exclamation问号 question mark冒号 colon分号 semicolon单引号双引号 see 引号连词号(中划线) hyphen百分号 (the)percentage (sign)加减乘除根号 (the) plus/minus/cross/division/square root (sign) 等于号 (the) equal (sign)大括号中括号 curly/square bracket(s)小括号 bracket(s)/parenthesis大于号小于号 (the) larger than/smaller than (sign)井号# number sign/hex星号* asterisk下划线_ underscore斜杠/ solidus(如年/月/日等分隔用)/slash反斜杠\ reverse solidus/slash波浪号~ tilde(专指欧洲语言用符号,也可指数学/逻辑学用波浪号)@ (commercial) at$ dollar sign^ (circumflex) accent (语言用)/ the conjunction sign(数学用)& ampersand+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‟per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟angle 角≨semicircle 半圆≦circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle 三角形≧perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度†minute 分‡second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& amp; ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号_ underdash 下划线" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号作者: 发布时间:2008-2-19 10:25:14 文章来源:+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号≢is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≣is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‟per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∟angle 角≨semicircle 半圆≦circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle 三角形≧perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度†minute 分‡second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)‘apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号– dash 破折号…dots/ ellipsis 省略号“single quotation marks 单引号“”double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



+plus 加号;正号-minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号%per cent 百分之...‰per mill 千分之...∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与...成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠angle 角⌒semicircle 半圆⊙circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle 三角形⊥perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of ...的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度′minute 分″second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{open brace, open curly 左花括号}close brace, close curly 右花括号(open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号)close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号()brakets/ parentheses 括号[open bracket 左方括号]close bracket 右方括号[]square brackets 方括号.period, dot 句号,点|vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线&ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符#pound 井号\backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符 ~tilde 波浪符.full stop 句号,comma 逗号:colon 冒号;semicolon 分号question mark 问号!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe 撇号-hyphen 连字号--dash 破折号…dots/ ellipsis 省略号"single quotation marks 单引号""double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之...‰ p er mill 千分之...∞ infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与...成比例√ (square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠angle 角⌒semicircle 半圆⊙circle 圆○ circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△triangle 三角形⊥perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫ the integral of ...的积分∑ (sigma) summation of 总和° degree 度′ minute 分″ second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号backslash, sometimesescape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) ' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§ section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号& Ampersand (And 符號)* Asterisk (星號)@ At sign, at (At 符號,At)\ Backslash (反斜線)[ Open bracket (左開式方括弧)^ Caret (插入號)] Close bracket (右關式方括弧)( Open parenthesis (左開式圓括號)) Close parenthesis (右關式圓括號): Colon (冒號), Comma (逗號)$ Dollar sign (錢符號)–Double dash (雙破折號)…Ellipsis (省略符號)‘Single quote (單引號)“Quote (引號)= Equals (等號)+ Plus, plus sign (加,加號)! Exclamation point (驚歎號)> Greater than (大於)< Less than (小於)# Pound sign (井字號)? Question mark (問號). Period, dot (句號,點); Semicolon (分號)- Hyphen (連字號)—Dash (破折號)_ Underscore (底線)| Vertical bar (垂直線){ Open brace (左開式大括號)} Close brace (右關式大括號)% Percent, percent sign (百分比,百分比符號) / Slash (斜線)// Double slash (雙斜線)~ Tilde (取代符號)。



\ backslash 反斜杠^ caret 补字号& ampersand.period 句号,comma 逗号:colon 冒号;semicolon 分号!exclamation 惊叹号?question mark 问号 ̄hyphen 连字符'apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号—dash 破折号…‟single quotation marks 单引号“”double quotation marks 双引号( )parentheses 圆括号[ ]square brackets 方括号《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号...ellipsis 省略号¨tandem colon 双点号"ditto 同上‖parallel 双线号/virgule 斜线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow箭号;参见号+plus 加号;正号-minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 恒等于号≌is identical to 全等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号%per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之…∞infinity无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠angle 角≲semicircle 半圆≰circle 圆○circumference圆周π pi 圆周率△triangle 三角形≱perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度′minute分〃second 秒#number …号℃Celsius system 摄氏度@at 单价下划线_ underscore横线- minus;hyphen以及手机键盘上的井号键# number sign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound, 星号键* asterisk,star(美语),数学公式中作multiply感叹号!exclamation mark冒号:colon双引号“” double quote以及斜杠/ slash。



+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equal to 不等于号≡ is equivalent to 全等于号≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号< is less than 小于号> is greater than 大于号≮ is not less than 不小于号≯ is not more than 不大于号≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰ per mill 千分之…∞ infinity 无限大号∝ varies as 与…成比例√ (square) root 平方根∵ since; because 因为∴ hence 所以∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠ angle 角≲ semicircle 半圆≰ circle 圆○ circumference 圆周π pi 圆周率△ triangle 三角形≱ perpendicular to 垂直于∪ union of 并,合集∩ intersection of 交,通集∫ the integral of …的积分∑ (sigma) summation of 总和° degree 度′ minute 分″ second 秒℃ Celsius system 摄氏度{open brace, open curly左花括号}close brace, close curly右花括号(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses括号[open bracket 左方括号]close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets方括号.period, dot句号,点|vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线&ampersand, and, reference, ref和,引用*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号//slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符#pound井号\backslash, sometimes escape反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符.full stop句号,comma逗号:colon冒号;semicolon分号?question mark问号!exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe撇号-hyphen连字号-- dash 破折号...dots/ ellipsis省略号"single quotation marks 单引号""double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



下面这些符号大家都很熟悉,但你能用英文说出来吗?+plus加号;正号-minus减号;负号±plus or minus正负号×is multiplied by乘号÷is divided by除号=is equal to等于号≠is not equal to不等于号≡is equivalent to全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号<is less than小于号>is greater than大于号≮is not less than不小于号≯is not more than不大于号≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号%per cent百分之……‰per mill 千分之……∞infinity无限大号∝varies as与……成比例√(square) root(平方)根∵since; because因为∴hence所以∷equals; as (proportion)等于;成比例∠angle角≲semicircle半圆≰circle圆○circumference圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle三角形≱perpendicular to垂直于∪union of并;合集∩intersection of 交;通集∫the integral of ……的积分∑(sigma) summation of总和°degree度′minute分″second秒℃Celsius system摄氏度{open brace; open curly左花括号}close brace; close curly右花括号(open parenthesis; open paren左圆括号)close parenthesis; close paren右圆括号() brakets; parentheses括号[open bracket 左方括号]close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets方括号.period; dot句号;点|vertical bar; vertical virgule竖线&ampersand; and; reference; ref和;引用*asterisk; multiply; star; pointer星号;乘号;星;指针/slash; divide; oblique 斜线;斜杠;除号//slash-slash; comment 双斜线;注释符#pound井号\backslash; sometimes escape反斜线转义符;有时表示转义符或续行符~tilde波浪符.full stop句号,comma逗号:colon冒号;semicolon分号?question mark问号!exclamation mark (英式英语);exclamation point (美式英语)'apostrophe撇号;省字符-hyphen连字号-- dash 破折号...dots/ellipsis省略号"single quotation marks 单引号""double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号&ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。



1. 逗号(,):用于分割列表项或者句子中的并列部分。

2. 句号(.):用于结束一个完整的句子。

3. 问号(?):用于表示疑问句。

4. 感叹号(!):用于表示感叹或强调。

5. 分号(;):用于分隔独立的句子成分。

6. 冒号(:):用于引出一个例子、解释、列表等。

7. 引号('' ""):用于引用别人的话或者表示特定含义的词语。

8. 斜杠(/):用于表示选择、或者表示分割线。

9. 连字符(-):用于连接两个词或者分割单词的部分。

10. 破折号(--):用于表示强调、解释等。

11. 重音符(`):用于表示重读音节,比如字母的音标。

12. 百分号(%):表示百分比。

13. 美元符号($):美元货币符号。

14. 井号(#):常用于标识话题、主题、标签等。

15. 与号(&):用于连接两个词或者名字。

16. 尖括号(< >):常用于标记标签、HTML代码等。

17. 方括号([ ]):常用于引用文献、标记注释等。

18. 大括号({ }):用于分组。

19. 非等号(≠):表示不等于。

20. 无穷大符号(∞):表示无限大。




英语可复制的漂亮特殊符号+ plus 加号;正号- minus 减号;负号±plus or minus 正负号×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号=is equal to 等于号≠is not equal to 不等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号<is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号≮is not less than 不小于号≯is not more than 不大于号≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号% per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之…∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例√(square) root 平方根∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠angle 角⌒semicircle 半圆⊙circle 圆○circumference 圆周πpi 圆周率△triangle 三角形⊥perpendicular to 垂直于∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集∫the integral of …的积分∑(sigma) summation of 总和°degree 度′minute 分″second 秒℃Celsius system 摄氏度{ open brace, open curly 左花括号} close brace, close curly 右花括号( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号() brakets/ parentheses 括号[ open bracket 左方括号] close bracket 右方括号[] square brackets 方括号. period, dot 句号,点| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符# pound 井号\ backslash, sometimes escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符~ tilde 波浪符. full stop 句号, comma 逗号: colon 冒号; semicolon 分号? question mark 问号! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语)' apostrophe 撇号- hyphen 连字号-- dash 破折号... dots/ ellipsis 省略号" single quotation marks 单引号"" double quotation marks 双引号‖parallel 双线号& ampersand = and~swung dash 代字号§section; division 分节号→arrow 箭号;参见号。

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+ plus 加号;正号
- minus 减号;负号
± plus or minus 正负号
× is multiplied by 乘号
÷ is divided by 除号
= is equal to 等于号
≠ is not equal to 不等于号
≡ is equivalent to 全等于号
≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
< is less than 小于号
> is more than 大于号
≮ is not less than 不小于号
≯ is not more than 不大于号
≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号
% per cent 百分之...
‰ per mill 千分之...
∞ infinity 无限大号
∝ varies as 与...成比例
√ (square) root 平方根
∵ since; because 因为
∴ hence 所以
∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠ angle 角
⌒ semicircle 半圆
⊙ circle 圆
○ circumference 圆周
π pi 圆周率
△ triangle 三角形
⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于
∪ union of 并,合集
∩ intersection of 交,通集
∫ the integral of ...的积分
∑ (sigma) summation of 总和
° degree 度
′ minute 分
〃 second 秒
℃ Celsius system 摄氏度
{ open brace, open curly 左花括号
} close brace, close curly 右花括号
( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号 () brakets/ parentheses 括号
[ open bracket 左方括号
] close bracket 右方括号
[] square brackets 方括号
. period, dot 句号,点
| vertical bar, vertical virgule 竖线
& ampersand, and, reference, ref 和,引用
* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer 星号,乘号,星,指针
/ slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号
// slash-slash, comment 双斜线,注释符
# pound 井号
\ backslash, sometimes
escape 反斜线转义符,有时表示转义符或续行符
~ tilde 波浪符
. full stop 句号
, comma 逗号
: colon 冒号
; semicolon 分号
question mark 问号
! exclamation mark (英式英语) exclamation point (美式英语) ' apostrophe 撇号
- hyphen 连字号
-- dash 破折号
... dots/ ellipsis 省略号
" single quotation marks 单引号 "" double quotation marks 双引号‖ parallel 双线号
& ampersand = and
~ swung dash 代字号
§ section; division 分节号
→ arrow 箭号;参见号。
