老外最想聊的100个英语口语话题100 English Conversation Topics that Foreigners Love to DiscussWhen engaging in conversations with foreigners, it can be challenging to find common ground. However, there are certain topics that are universally preferred among foreigners. Here are 100 English conversation topics that foreigners love to discuss:1. Travel experiences2. Cultural differences3. Food and cuisine4. Sightseeing and tourist attractions5. Language learning6. Famous landmarks7. Hobbies and interests8. Music and favorite bands9. Movies and TV shows10. Sports and favorite teams11. Technology and gadgets12. Environmental issues13. Books and authors14. Education and studying abroad15. Fashion and style16. Health and fitness17. Career and aspirations18. Traditional celebrations and festivals19. Politics and current events20. Personal experiences21. Social media and online interactions22. Creativity and artistic pursuits23. Personal goals and dreams24. Business and entrepreneurship25. Volunteering and charity work26. Family and relationships27. Pets and animals28. Science and discoveries29. Childhood memories30. Traditional sports and games31. Shopping and consumer culture32. National parks and natural wonders33. Philosophy and deep questions34. Photography and capturing moments35. Music festivals and live concerts36. Cuisine from different regions37. Sustainable living38. Fashion trends and influencers39. Mental health and well-being40. Cultural etiquette41. Challenges and overcoming obstacles42. Different education systems43. Weather and climate44. Technology advancements45. Start-up ideas46. Adventures and adrenaline activities47. Cultural superstitions48. Community involvement49. Art galleries and exhibitions50. Future aspirations51. Different modes of transportation52. Humanitarian causes53. Social justice and inequality54. Historical events and figures55. Innovative inventions56. Personal growth and self-improvement57. Game nights and board games58. Sustainable tourism59. City sightseeing vs. countryside exploration60. Philosophy and spirituality61. Summer vacation plans62. Online shopping and e-commerce63. National traditions and customs64. Wildlife conservation65. Famous athletes66. Multiculturalism and diversity67. DIY projects and crafts68. Fitness trends and workouts69. Healthy eating habits70. Famous art masterpieces71. Travel bucket lists72. Global warming and climate change73. Adventure travel experiences74. Work-life balance75. Public transportation systems76. Personal achievements77. Pop culture references78. Mindfulness and meditation79. Sustainable fashion brands80. Extreme sports and extreme tourism81. Cultural heritage preservation82. Natural disasters and their impact83. Fashion icons and designers84. Artistic expression through music, dance, and theater85. Social media influencers and their impact86. Famous historical sites87. Volunteer travel experiences88. Health and wellness trends89. Famous musicians and bands90. Different communication styles91. Renewable energy sources92. Solo traveling experiences93. Urban gardening and green spaces94. Social responsibility in business95. Time management techniques96. Iconic movie quotes97. Wildlife safaris and animal conservation98. Ethical fashion choices99. Personal finance and investment tips100. Dreams and aspirations for the futureThese 100 English conversation topics are guaranteed to ignite interesting discussions with foreigners. Whether you are engaging in small talk or building long-lasting friendships, these topics will help you connect with people from different countries and cultures.。
雅思口语part1新题预测及范文分享我今日给大家整理了雅思口语part1新题猜测及参考范文,盼望能关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧雅思口语part1新题猜测及参考范文:高中1. What was your favourite subject in secondary school (=high school)?In my secondary school, English was my favourite subject because I found it very easy to remember the new word, and the sentences I learned were not hard at all. Besides, thanks to my English teacher, he taught me and corrected my pronunciation so that I could speak quite influent English.在我的中学里,英语是我最喜爱的科目,由于我发觉它很简单记住新单词,而我所学到的句子一点也不难。
2. And which subject did you like the least? (Why?)As my unfavourable subject, I guess the politics was the most disgusting subject because I had to remember endless and meaningless essays in order to pass the exams by rote. It was really a waste of my time.作为我最不喜爱的课,我想政治课是最令人厌恶的,由于我必需记住那些长篇大论文章,以便通过死记硬背来通过考试。
当我们回首往事, 也许是花相似,但人不同了 , 转眼间,我们真的已经长大, 八、九十年代的人,也许你上了新颖的大学,也许你找到了属于自己的工作, 或许, 你已经找到了人生中的另一半 但是,我们有一个同样纯真难忘的童年。
When we look back on the past events, perhaps is the flower is similar, but the human has been different, in a moment, we really already grew up, Perhaps the 90s's person, on you the novel university, perhaps you had found belonged to your work, you already had found perhaps in the life other half, but, we have a similarly pure unforgettable childhood 。
Is printed with smiling face's ice cream, is not only attractive, but is also very delicious.
一毛钱的冰棍,不但便宜,还很好吃。 ……Biblioteka 棉花糖最不可思议的小吃。
一勺勺的糖进去,一团团棉花出来。 棉花能吃,还是甜的!
扔沙包 玩的时候人越多越好,分成两 组, 一组站中间, 一组分成两队分别站两边, 朝中间这组人身上扔沙包。
Plays time person more better, divides into two groups, among group of stations, a component becomes two teams to stand separately nearby two, among the dynasty on this group of person body throws the sandbag.
1.Raising the son2.Love wife3.wait on and support parents4.Hard work5.Return to our childhood, and remember how our teachers teach us6.Listen to the sounds of nature into the forest.7.Visiting our all Teacher8.Looking for the reason of Loulan’s disappearance9.Write biography for our parents10.To Tibet pilgrimage11.Investigation of xishuangbanna humanities12.Hiking qinling13.Read zhu rongji record speech14.Go to bed before midnight15.Adhere to a half-hour a day reading with with parents one hour every17.To tiananmen square to watch a flag-raising ceremony18.look at you in the eyes of others19.Do a with neighbors every day21.Do a "daydreaming22.make a plan every a investment24.camping trip with son25.become a computer programmer26.Do once In most difficult career27.establish a business, whether success or not28.Keep pleasant smile everyday29.Imagine the end of the life30.Look at myself behavior every week31.A toast for the past32.Looking for old friend1.·第24件事培养某种个人爱好·第25件事学会一种乐器·第26件事观察众生百态,品味生之乐趣·第27件事常回家看看父母·第28件事为往事干杯·第29件事到你所心仪的地方去旅行·第30件事在陌生环境中,用自己的谋生技艺生存一段时间·第31件事保持美满婚姻·第32件事为父母按摩、擦身·第35件事尊重你的对手·第36件事偷得浮生半日闲·第37件事倾听婴儿的第一声啼哭·第38件事寻找久已失去联系的旧日朋友·第39件事从心底宽恕那个曾有负于你的人·第40件事给孩子做出榜样·第41件事为自己录个像,看看在别人眼中的你·第45件事将心中的感激之情表达出来·第47件事用一生的时间铭记一个教训或一个有益的忠告·第48件事亲手卖一件商品·第50件事在大庭广众之下表演或演讲·第51件事给亲人或朋友送件体贴的礼物·第52件事购买令人赏心悦目的衣服·第53件事精心地守护好你的尊严·第54件事做动物的朋友,真心地爱护它们·第55件事信守一个诺言·第57件事接受并珍惜生活赐予你的一切·第58件事制怒;并向自己所伤害过的人致歉·第59件事试着做一次:把自己的荣誉让给别人·第60件事重整人生的行囊·第62件事给予他人切裨帮助·第63件事看一次日出日落的壮丽景观·第64件事到站台上送别·第65件事尝尽美食·第66件事交一个异地或异国的朋友·第67件事衷心赞美你的朋友和家人·第68件事把你所能想到的一件浪漫的事变为现实·第69件事给足他人"面子"·第70件事给自己颁发一个"奖"·第71件事接纳困境,并试着与之周旋·第72件事做一名志愿者或无偿为弱者服务·第73件事为灾区及慈善福利机构募捐·第74件事学会在各种压力下生活·第75件事以难以忘怀的方式迎接新年的到来·第76件事按照自己设计的样式装饰你的家·第77件事为自己许一个愿,并为实现愿望孜孜以求·第78件事把你的猜疑藏起来·第79件事体验一次失败的经历,学习承受失败·第80件事认真聆听别人的谈话·第81件事与他人合作完成一项工作·第82件事买几张彩票·第83件事对最难以拒绝的人说"不"·第84件事全力以赴做好手边的事·第85件事为健康投资·第86件事到少数民族同胞或外国人家中做客·第87件事体验一次军旅生活·第88件事利用一切机会汲取知识的营养·第89件事至少换一次工作·第90件事参加一次体能或智力竞赛·第91件事投稿,并在自己最喜欢的报刊上发表一篇文章·第92件事换个角度看世界·第93件事学会做几样拿手菜·第94件事寻找适合你的娱乐及健身方式·第95件事保持宜人的微笑·第98件事到每年的岁末,检视自己一年来的行为·第99件事写下遗嘱,死后捐献有用的器官·第100件事看完帖子后记得回帖。
雅思口语Part2范文:你很了解的童话故事In my childhood I have heard lots of fables, stories and true stories which I still recall. Some of them were so exciting that they thrilled me in my childhood. One such stories that I still remember is a fable of a king and a giant ghost.I heard this story from my grandmother for the first time and it was so exciting that I requested my grandma over and over again to tell this very story.I liked the excitement and twist of this story. As a kid I was interested to know about ghost, the kingdom and the kings and this story told the power of a king, about his kingdom, his queen, a ferocious ghost and the fighting between the human and ghosts. This was a story taken from the fables written by one of the famous fable writer in our country almost 200 years ago. Thus people have read this story ad have told or heard this from others. Over the time this has become a story that passed from generation to generation. Thus it has become a widely popular story in our country.The story starts with a wise king who was a kind and helpful king of the country. But he had no child who would lead the country after his departure. Thus the king become unhappy and thus the people of thecountry became greatly sad for their future. One dervish was passing the country and he was deeply touched by the kindness and people’s love for the king while most other kings in the world were feared by the people. He had some divine power a very great dervish and he blessed the king to have a child. But there would be test for the king in a time of his life. The king was blessed by a beautiful and intelligent baby boy and the people of the kingdom became happy.The boy became 7 years old when there was a great fight among the ghosts of the other world and a large portion of them were cast away from their world. They choose the world and particularly the kingdom of this kind king to have their living land. They came and started frightening and harming people of the kingdom. The king declared an war against those evil spirit and won the fight with the bravery of the people of the country as well as the soldiers. But to everyone’ surprise the son of the king was missing and the ghost after their defeat left a message that they have captured the boy and would give him back only if the people and the king abandon the kingdom and let them rein there. That was a very difficult test for the king as well as the people of the country. The king then vowed to defeat the ghosts without harming the people of the kingdom. He left the country and the story went on. He had to face lots of tests and thus he gained powers of e truly divine person. Thus he start his tour to the place the ghost captured his son. The story has lot more other interesting parts and twists and finally the kind had been able to rescue his son after 10 years.As a kid, the story was so appealing to me and I enjoyed the story telling every time I heard it from my grandma.Similar Cue Card TopicsYour ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:1. Describe a story you heard in your childhood2. Describe a story you remember well3. Describe a bed time story you remember4. Describe a story you read in your childhood5. Describe a story that you heard from one of your family members雅思口语part2——描述童话,素材实例Describe a fairy tale 素材也可用于描述书,最难忘的童年故事,最想成为的文学角色,等开场第一句,我是什么人I am a book worm into different books and sometimes I will run into/come across some fairy tales especially the adult fairy tales, which could bring me back to the old days when I was still a kid .The book : Llittle Prince is the one which impressed me most and I would like to share.书的背景The book was written by a French writer who used to drive planes.He is such a wild and explorative person that he ended up disappearing nowhere.我相遇书The first time I read this book was when I arrived 乌斯怀亚,阿根廷,the end of the world 3 years ago .It took me a couple of hours to finish.书的情节The plot of this book is about a real little prince who is from another planet arrives in earth, what the experiences he goes through and the various people he deals with during his journey.Though I could not remember clearly about the detail , the heart beating feeling is still there.In general ,the book is prestigious and spreading is due to the truth it reveals ,that is always being true to yourself.Living in contemporary world, We could not deny that the older we grow, the more tired and complicated we become.The reason for it partly lies in the fact that we get used to wear masks when we get along with others and try to pretend to be the person as others expect us to be without realizing that we are the people that we should pay attention to .We strive so hard to be the Mr Right or Miss Right that we forget to be ourselves.Not until coming to the Little Prince could we feel that it comes to the time for us to take off our disguise and return the original ourselves again.It is suggested that whenever you feel exhausted and lost yourselves , read this fairy tale, you will feel some enlightenment in it.雅思口语避开盲目使用大词1. 想方设法用大词在任何语言里,词汇量始终是特别重要的。
英语口语话题100个1. Where are you from?2. What do you do for a living?3. What are your hobbies?4. Do you have any siblings?5. What is your favorite food?6. Have you ever traveled abroad?7. What is your favorite movie?8. What is your favorite book?9. Do you have any pets?10. What is your favorite sports team?11. How do you relax after a long day?12. What is your favorite holiday?13. Do you prefer mountains or beaches?14. Are you a morning person or a night owl?15. What is your favorite season?16. Do you enjoy cooking?17. Have you ever been skydiving or bungee jumping?18. What is your favorite type of music?19. What is your dream vacation destination?20. Are you a cat person or a dog person?21. What is your favorite type of exercise?22. Do you have any hidden talents?23. What is your favorite outdoor activity?24. Have you ever attended a live concert?25. What is your favorite TV show?26. Do you have any phobias?27. Can you play any musical instruments?28. What is your favorite childhood memory?29. Do you prefer city life or country life?30. Have you ever met a celebrity?31. What is your favorite type of dessert?32. Do you enjoy gardening?33. What is your favorite type of art?34. Have you ever tried any extreme sports?35. What is your favorite type of wine?36. Do you enjoy going to museums?37. What is your favorite type of dance?38. Have you ever volunteered for a charity?39. What is your favorite type of cuisine?40. Do you enjoy camping?41. Have you ever been scuba diving or snorkeling?42. What is your favorite type of coffee?43. Do you enjoy going to the theater?44. Have you ever been on a road trip?45. What is your favorite type of tea?46. Do you enjoy going to amusement parks?47. What is your favorite type of beer?48. Have you ever visited a foreign country?49. What is your favorite type of cocktail?50. Do you enjoy hiking?51. Have you ever ridden a horse?52. What is your favorite type of soda?53. Do you enjoy going to the beach?54. What is your favorite type of chocolate?55. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?56. What is your favorite type of fruit?57. Do you enjoy going to the gym?58. What is your favorite type of vegetable?59. Have you ever gone skiing or snowboarding?61. Do you enjoy going to the spa?62. What is your favorite type of pasta?63. Have you ever gone fishing?64. What is your favorite type of ice cream?65. Do you enjoy going to the zoo?66. What is your favorite type of pizza?67. Have you ever gone rock climbing?68. What is your favorite type of sushi?69. Do you enjoy going to the cinema?70. What is your favorite type of burger?71. Have you ever gone kayaking or canoeing?72. What is your favorite type of sandwich?73. Do you enjoy going to theme parks?74. What is your favorite type of salad?75. Have you ever gone paintballing?76. What is your favorite type of soup?77. Do you enjoy going to art galleries?78. What is your favorite type of bread?79. Have you ever gone zip-lining?80. What is your favorite type of curry?81. Do you enjoy going to music festivals?82. What is your favorite type of rice dish?83. Have you ever gone horseback riding?84. What is your favorite type of noodle dish?85. Do you enjoy going to comedy shows?86. What is your favorite type of sandwich filling?87. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?88. What is your favorite type of seafood?89. Do you enjoy going to sporting events?91. Have you ever gone hot air ballooning?92. What is your favorite type of Mexican food?93. Do you enjoy going to the circus?94. What is your favorite type of Indian food?95. Have you ever gone snorkeling or diving?96. What is your favorite type of Chinese food?97. Do you enjoy going to live concerts?98. What is your favorite type of Italian food?99. Have you ever gone skydiving or paragliding? 100. What is your favorite type of Japanese food?。
我爱童年i enjoy my childhood英语口语对话
2.Really enjoy my childhood——hi Wendy ,happy birthday .this is the gift for you . ——thank you——it’s your 20’s birthday, isn’t it.——yeah, now we all have grown up. And study far from our hometown and parents, but i really miss the day i living with my parents during my childhood.——i agree with you. The time when we were children is funny and unforgettable .——what impressed you most in your childhood?——i still remember when i was a child. I always run in my grandma’s yard , pluck the fruit ,caught the butterfly with my brother and sister. What a wonderful time. What about your childhood.——i also had an unforgettable childhood, i always reading novel indoors such as Green children’s stories and played the doll with my cousin.we also play household game. We played the different role and i pretended to cook for us .——i also liked watching cartoons when i was a young girl , my favorite cartoon was MickeyMouse and Donald Duck. What about you? Do you like cartoons in your childhood?——of course i like .what my favorite cartoon is Shuke & Betta . This cartoon give a lot of happiness to me .ou..... I remember i was always looking forward to the new year’s day.——yeah. In that day ,we can wear new and beautiful clothes, get money from relatives. And the most happy thing is that we can eat delicious food.——Wow, it is wonderful. we everyone’s childhood is a precious memory.but now the fact is that we have already grown up .though the childhood is good .we must look ahead.____ yes,the person buried in the past doesn’t have a future .we must work hard for a better life.____o. It’s time for us to start the party. Let’s go.____ok!。
雅思口语问题综合(一)By CreammePART 1Test number : Repeat your Candidate Number事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利Name:告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name<1> JOB or Major>>Are you working or studying?>>what major?Do you like it?why?plan after graduate?>>Can you describe your daily work(study)?>>Are you satisfied with your current job?>>Do you want to change your job?>>What do you think of your future job?<2> SHOPPING>>What places do you often go shopping?>>What things do you often buy?>>Do the Chinese like to buy something through the internet?>>Who are more tend to do shopping? Man or Woman? Why?>>Describe a shopping center where you often go.>>在中国什么样的商店在年轻人中受欢迎?<3> HOUSEWORK>>Who do major housework in your family?>>Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do?>>What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families?>>What kind of housework do you think it is the most important?>>What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?<4> FOOD>>What foods do you like or dislike?>>What food can you cook?>>describe a healthy food you like most. Are people pay more attention to the health food?>> What do you think about eating habits? How to change your eating habits?>> Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past?>>What are the differences between having meals at home and going to restaurant?>>What is your favorite restaurant? Why?>>what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays?>>fast food, why choose ;why chinese people prefer western fast food to chinese one? Which brand of production is as famous as coke cola & McDonal's and so on in China?...<5> INDUSTRY>>Can you outline the industries in China?>>What is major industry of China?>>What technologies is China lack of?<6> ANIMAL>>Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why?>>How to preserve the animals?>>What animals can people see in China?>>What is the most famous animal in China?>>What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as?<<<7> SPARE TIME>>Which period of whole day you like most? why?>>What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do?>>Do you think the spare time you have currently is enough? Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?>>如何平衡你的工作和娱乐时间<8> MOVIE>>在哪发生,内容,结局是悲是喜。
FashionB: Can I help you ?A: I want to buy a coat? Do you think it suits me?B: Sure. Why don’t you try it on? The fitting room is over there.A:Yes. Do you think I am fashionable in this coat?B: I think so. Blue is still fashionable at the moment.This style came out A: What about this sweater. I’m thinking about buying one. Iknow its October now, but it will be perfect for winter.A: It looks too large for me, do you have a smaller one onsale?B: Yes, it’s half price.A: I might get one too, but in a different color. I prefer blue to white. B: There. It looks great, don’t you think so?A: I’m going to get these jeans as well. I need a new pair. Doyou have any recommend?B:Yes, there are some new jeans for you!A:Although I’d like to geta jeans too, I don’t have enough cash on me.B: Don’t worry.You can pay me back later.A: Thanks! But I don’t wantto come back to the shop a second time.B: You’re welcome.A: bye-bye.B: bye-bye.My dreamA: I believe that everyone in the world has his own dreams. so do I .B:What is your dream?A: In my childhood. My dream was to be a policeman.B:Why?A: Because I always watch police So cool on the TV.B: Are you a policeman now?A: No. But When I grow up.I have another dream.B: What is your another dream?A: I want to be a writer.B: Why do you change your dream when you grow up?A: Because writing can help me describe many kinds of lives and also can help me remember some important memories in my life .B:OK,Do you like writing?A: I guess I like it. Because I want to read books.I think reading books is an interesting thing. Sometimes . I like writing some articles .B: What are you going to do now?A: I am thinking of being a writer in the future.That's all my dream and plan.B;Thank you for sharing your dream with me !Someone I admireA: The person I admire the most is our Premier Wen Jiabao B:Why?A: I think he is one of the most hard-working premiers in Chinese history. We can tell from his white hair. He looks a lot older after election. It's not easy to be the premier of China. He needs to deal with lots of troubling issues. But I think that he handles everything so well that nearly most people I have seen praise him. Mr Wen Jiabao, I admire you and I will do my best to support you.A:Who impresses you most?Why?B:A person that I admire is my dad.He has one of the best personalities ever. He is kind and very understanding. He treats me like an adult. He is funny and has a lot of charisma. He has an inviting smile and a laugh to die for. His eyes are the most beautiful and when they light up it makes me really happy where I can’t help but smile. He can be defensive, but he is always protective. He is a risk-taker, and it makes him fun, even though some of the risks are not worth the possible consequences. His taste in music is very similar to mine. He is a good friend and is always there for any and everyone in time s of need.StressA:Hey ,you look depressed.B:My spirit has been down for many days.A: What's the matter?B: You know the final exams is drawing near.I am worried about itA : Do your parents put stress on you?B:yes ,they hope I can get A at this termA: it is no wonder that you get so depressed.we should know how to deal with stress,especially when we are under the great stress.Dealing with stress well makes we succeed.B:yes,you're right.But how should I deal with it well.Do you have any suggestion?A:First of all,I think we should be confident.Believe we can do the best.And then we should combine study with rest.B:That's great,If you can do it well,you can study it more effectively. I think so,thank you very much.It's very nice to talk with you.A:It’s my pleasure.InternetA:Well, My mom won’t let me get on line. She said that there are so many traps on the internet.She is afraid that I might get bad effect.B: She only looks at the negative side of the internet. Actually there are far more positive impacts.A: Give me some examples, please.B: Clicking internet button,you can get information about all kinds of topics. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time.A: Tell me some more, pleaseB: You can communicate with people. I could find better friends on net than in the real world.A: Really? Sounds interesting.B: There are social communities on the internet, like English Corners. It can practice your oral and written English.A: That’s great. I have been looking for a place to practice my English. I think I will persuade my mom to let me get on line.A: Thank you for your advise.B: I’m glad to help you.DisasterA:Have you ever heard of earthquake? So terrifying!B:Yeah, I knowA:Do you know why it happens all the time?B:With the world climate change, natural disasters are excessively common nowadays,especially the earthquake.A:As a result, what should we do when earthquake has become a heated topic people are discussing.B:Though I haven't experienced the disaster, however, I think I will take the following ways to survive according to different situations.A:So what will you probably do when it happens unexpectedly?B: If it happens when I am sleeping, I will move under the bed to avoid the wall hit and stay quietly to wait for rescue. If it happens in the daytime, I will run to a clearing space if time is enough. Or to find a desk or something similar to protect myself from hits to some degree. In addition, I will take some snacks by hand in case that I be trapped in the ruins without the possibility to get out on my own.A:Right.The thing you told me is reasonable.Thank you for your descriptionB:It’s my pleasureHuman virtuesB:Have you ever heard an old sayinggoes:good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil?A:Yes, of course. I think it tells the essence of the social principles. But w B:In my opinion good qualities include honesty, integrity, goodness and A:So what kind of virtue do you value most?C:The integrity. I think people with integrity can distinct the right from A:Honesty is the best value, you know. And honesty is recognized by th beings will be worse how can we believe theworld is true while the humans are dishonest?B:Both of you are wise. Anyway, good will be rewarded with good!cultureA: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: I heard you are from USA. Are you an international student?B:Yeah, I am studying here for my PhD.This is my second year in China A: Are you getting used to your life in China, some time it is a little bit B: Yeah, you're right, it is hard, because of the culture difference. I was it.A:what is the most difficult thing for you to live here? Perhaps I can he B:Oh, really? That's good. I guess the most difficult thing is the custom. B:for example?A:In western culture ,close friends and even family members thank eac B:That’s true .In china,There is no need to thanks.A:I’m afraid to do something wrongto my Chinese classmates just because of custom difference.B:I think you can read books about or search the internet to know mor each otherA:Umm. Good idea!Thank you for your advise.B:It’s my pleasureMy parentsA: Do you think parents influence children a lot?B:Yes, of course. Parents' behavior and words will have influence on children.A:It is true, parents are the best teacher for children.B:Of course. But only when parents set good examples on children.A:That's right. Since children spend much time with their parents, they can easily learn from what their parents do. Ifparents behave in good manners, their children will thinkthat's the right way to behave.B:Yes. On the contrary, if parents often curse, their childrenwill say that to others too.A:So parents should not behave rudely in front of children.B:That's not enough. They should be polite and gentle to lettheir children know what is good behavior.A:Yes. Parents should also use their influence to teach thechildren to love other people and help others if they are inneed.B: That's right. Anyway, Parents should play their role well.Be a good teacher for their children.A:It is not easy to be a good teacher.B:So parents have great responsibility.Protect environmentA:Protecting environment, everybody has a responsibility!B:sure.A; Is the environment a big problem in your country? It is in mine. B: it is in mine too. The biggest issue is water. The climate is dry and so A: what methods do you use to conserve water?B: water is limited.We can only use a certain amount each month. It means that we cannot use some modern household items, like washing machines. They A: I see. I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air p B: yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country A: we have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars B: the problem now is a truly global scale.A: I think you’re right.There needs to be an international response to this problem.。
地道英语口语100句含翻译1. How are you? 你好吗?2. I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
3. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?4. My name is John. 我叫约翰。
5. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
6. Nice to meet you too. 也很高兴认识你。
7. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?8. I'm from the United States. 我来自美国。
9. What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作?10. I'm a teacher. 我是一名教师。
11. How old are you? 你多大了?12. I'm 25 years old. 我25岁了。
13. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?14. Yes, I have a brother and a sister. 是的,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。
15. What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?16. My favorite food is pizza. 我最喜欢的食物是披萨。
17. What's your favorite hobby? 你最喜欢的爱好是什么?18. My favorite hobby is playing basketball. 我最喜欢的爱好是打篮球。
19. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜欢的电影是什么?20. My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. 我最喜欢的电影是《肖申克的救赎》。
21. What's your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?22. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. 我最喜欢的书是《杀死一只知更鸟》。
X:Hey,Ludwika, you look in a daze, what are you thinking about?L:You know Roza, I always dream about returning to the past.X:The past? When?L:My childhood.X:It seems that you have an unforgettable childhood.L:Yes,I did have a joyful childhood .When I was a child ,I grew up with my grandparents .Before I went to primary school ,my grandpa always sang a piece of nursery rhyme for me everyday .And he also told me a lot of interesting stories .Though I can’t remember exactly contents now ,I still feel joyful every time I recall it. Besides ,he also asked me to recited some writing in classical Chinese ,like <<Swift horse>>.I think it is a good interaction with my grandparents.X:Sounds so sweet.L:Yep, and apart from this ,I have a lot of fun with my friends in childhood .The most exciting thing for us was to play in the park after school .We would talk everything ,such as our true feeling and the handsome boy in school.And you, what about your childhood?X:My childhood is also the most precious memories in my life. I was surrounded by my parents’love when I was a kid. At that time my parents werenot so busy like today and they spent lots of time on me like taking me out and teaching me everything patiently.I still remember clearly we went traveling and took pictures under the waterfall, went on picnic on sunny day, played with mud together in the garden and cooked feast on weekends , it feels like everything just happened yesterday. What’s more, my parents cared a lot about my characters, they always told me to be kind and strong, helped me to form right values.L:Wow, it’s so cozy.X:Yes,And I think it’s them that makes me so positive and brave now. I also believe that Childhood build the foundation of an individual development.L:I agree.I think I get a lot form my childhood ,like love ,true friends ,freedom , independence and the interest of literatures .All of them cultivate my characters .I feel warm form the love form my grandparents .And I have been keeping in touch with my friends for about ten years and it makes me believe that we may be friend in the whole life .I get to know how to dealing with friendship and how to love my friends .So I am thankful for my childhood because it bring me so much love.X:In my perspective, a happy childhood will definitely effect a child in turning into a psychologically healthy person. And in a similar way, emotional, sexual and physical abuse, along with neglect, can scar a child. Unfortunately, many times these childhood scars lead to a variety of negative adult behaviors. Every child deserves to have a care-free childhood that produces happy, safe and loving memories. But, when a child is severely mistreated, it often leads to psychologicaland mental disturbances. What’s more, when a person is taught, early in life, that he or she is worthless, stupid, unwanted and unloved, “bad”or evil, he or she will grow up to believe those descriptions are true.L:I can’t agree more. And I think all the experience in childhood may cultivate your character,which may decide our destinies .Your learn how to love by being love ;You may become brave and decisive in childhood by participating games or competitions You may have a lot of hobbies in childhood ,which will surely cultivate your charisma.X:You are right. I really hope parents can take their responsibility to give their children a happy childhood which can support them to enjoy life and love life.。
1.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境2.childhood issues:童年的问题 a natural at sth.:擅长做某事4.roll the dice:滚筛子 pedantic:迂腐的6.look on the bright side:从积极的一面看问题7.choke on sth:吃。
噎到8.have a little spat:口水战(sheldon一直乐此不疲的)9.take your mind off those things:不要再想这些问题10.back off:让开 itching to do sth:渴望做某事12.have the guts to do:有勇气做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.)13.pick up on all her little hints:领会她的某些暗示 a little peeved:耍脾气 an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家16.It's a sign:这是注定的17.drift out:开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑=half-listening/half-minded)18.blend in:融入圈子19.put your self down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride)20.I‘m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦(貌似是sheldon说的)21.It baffles me:。
让我不解(sheldon常说)22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严(Haward说Penny 和Leonard)23.obnoxious and insufferable:又讨厌又难以忍受(好像是Leonard说Sheldon)24.expel sb from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去(Raj)25.Be deported:被驱逐26.on trial:在实验中或者受审27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(这么觉得这能Sheldon 能说出来) into a dead end:死路一条 adept at reading facial cues:擅长察言观色(from Sheldon )30.conjugal visit:夫妻之间的访问31.I'm the third wheel:我是电灯泡32.make a pact:约法三章33.pull strings:套近乎34.maternity leave:产假35.buckle down:认真做事或者扣紧36.homunculus:雏形人(Sheldon讽刺Leonard)37.future appears to be bleak:前途惨淡38.What stakes do you propose:你和我赌神马? have a wager:你有赌注了40.ironic doesn't agree with me:我不喜欢讽刺41.shack up with sb:与某人同居42.first come, first serve:先到先得43.take the pressure off:卸下压力44.fix on the trivial:为小事纠结(Leonard 形容Sheldon) a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌顶46.self-criticism and repentance:自我批评和后悔47.catch a break:休息一下48.buoy my spirit:振奋精神49.lessen your discomfort:减轻你的不适50.ground-breaking strikes:极大的打击 trajectory has taken a minor detour:职业道路有点偏差52.with a docterate:获得博士学位(eg.Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.) a godsend:及时雨54.I am engineered:我是试管婴儿's life revolve around:某人的生活以。
下面我给大家带来雅思口语库话题Part2范文之:童年趣事(a happy time in your childhood)。
雅思口语库话题Part2范文之:童年趣事(a happy time in your childhood)You should say:What is itWhen did it happenWhy you remember it1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:学骑自行车3.(故事)线:我童年时最甜美的回忆之一是我第一次学会骑自行车,我特别兴奋能有这样的经受。
One of the sweetest memories of my childhood was the first time I learned to ride a bicycle and I was tremendously glad to have the experience. My elder brother helped me ride a bicycle and he was very careful about it. Honestly, without his help, I would not have learned it. This candidate task cardlooks very interesting and I will explain the event now. I would also like to thank you to let me the opportunity to talk about it.I was about six or seven, I cannot exactly remember the age. But it was not the age for a girl to learn to ride a bicycle.I just crossed my elementary grades when I learned to ride a bicycle. My older brother shared everything with me and I was his passenger on the newly received bicycle from his birthday. He was a teen but rode on bicycles like an adult.After riding for a couple of days behind my brother, I wanted to learn to ride it myself. My brother, Jim, did not hesitate to teach me the riding. Initially, he explained how bicycle worked and took me to take the rider seat. I fell on the ground several times and Jim instructed me to keep the balance. In the first phase, Jim used to control the bicycle from behind so that I do not fall on the ground and graduallyI improved in riding the bicycle. Later, Jim allowed me to ride the bicycle alone.It was a nice experience to me. I know how to ride a bicycle and even I can drive a car now. Jim is my instructor in this case too. In fact, as an older brother, Jim cared for me too much and helped me greatly in learning the riding and driving. So, I am grateful to him. If he would not take the initiativesin my childhood, I would not have become a driver in a true sense.4.口语高分语料地道用词:tremendouslycross gradesa couple of days高分句型:My older brother shared everything with me and I was his passenger on the newly received bicycle from his birthday.One of the sweetest memories of my childhood was the first time I learned to ride a bicycle and I was tremendously glad to have the experience.If he would not take the initiatives in my childhood, I would not have become a driver in a true sense.In the first phase, Jim used to control the bicycle from behind so that I do not fall on the ground and gradually I improved in riding the bicycle.雅思口语p2范文答案:童年趣事 a happy family event from your childhoodTopic:Describe a happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.You should say:what the event was;when and where it happened ;what you saw or did;and explain why you remember this event so well.sample answer:There are numerous happy events in my life that I can recall and among them I would like to talk about the day that I was blessed with a little sister. This was an event that I still recall vividly. I was then only 7-8 years old and when I saw a little angel was crying on my mothers lap, I became the happiest man in the world. I was the only son of my parents and when I heard that I will have another sibling, I got very excited and I was counting days when this brother/ sister of mine will come. I speculated and imagined lots of things I would do with my sibling. The day that my sister came in to the world was one of the happiest days of my life.For the first time I felt a strong urge to kiss this little fairy child. She was so beautiful and adorable that I thanked God for the gift. My mother asked me to hold her and kiss her but I was afraid to touch her as I thought that might hurt her.I felt like I was flying on that day. My mother gave birth of the baby in a hospital and I was so happy and attached by the event that I denied returning home at night. I stayed in the hospital cabin for about 4-5 days till my mother and sister came home. I came back home with the most precious gift of the world.提高雅思口语成果肯定要找外国人对话?这次我们来解决一位雅思索生的求助:特意找了外国人练口语,雅思口语成果却连0.5分都没有提高。
英语口语中常用的100个话题(英语狂人郑小四出品)1、talking about myself2、my family3、my father4、My mother5、My grandfather6、My grandmother7、My uncle8、My aunt9、my teacher10、my English teacher11、my foreign teacher12、my best friend13、my foreign friend14、my favorite star15、my school16、my hometown17、my summer and winter holiday18、my motherland19、the spring festival20、on middle autumn day21、Christmas day22、Teachers’ day23、Chinese festival and western festival24、how to lose weight25、compute in our life26、on the internet27、my favorite sports28、my favorite sports star29、smoking and health30、how to keep healthy31、women in china32、pollution33、my favorite country34、my favorite Chinese city35、my favorite foreign city36、my favorite pet37、my favorite leader in china38、my favorite leader in the world39、my favorite book40、my favorite writer41、my favorite movie42、my favorite movie star43、my favorite movie director44、my favorite Chinese song45、my favorite English song46、my favorite Chinese singer47、my favorite English singer48、my favorite color49、my favorite park50、my favorite food51、my wish52、my dream53、my goal in life54、how to speak English well55、my favorite animal56、my favorite fruit57、Australia58、Exercise59、My hobbies60、My classmate61、My childhood62、My school life63、My country life64、My city life65、Our English corner66、My daily life67、My idol68、what do you think of Kunming69、the united states70、Canada71、My free time72、my favorite TV station73、my favorite TV program74、my favorite TV host75、the most important things in our life76、the most important people in our life77、how to be a knowledgeable person78、mark and ability79、Chinese education80、how to be a popular person81、family cars82、my favorite newspapers83、my favorite magazines84、my favorite website85、Chinese names and English names86、Chinese family and western family87、my favorite scenic spot in Kunming88、my favorite scenic spot in Yunnan89、my favorite scenic spot in china。
1.Personal Present Situation:Are you a student or do you have a job?a) studyWhat do you like most about your studies? What is your major?Which is the best university in China?Do you think your present subjects are relevant?b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation? What are your job prospects?What do you do for a living?Describe your job in detail.Is your job important to you?If you could, would you change jobs?Are their possible changes that could affect your job in any way?Describe an ideal job/ Describe a job you think you would be good at (新增)What do you think of your major/job? Why do you choose it?2. Hometown/city Where are you from? What’s the most interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years? Describe your hometown.Describe a city that you like bestWhere it isWhat are the general featuresWhat you can do thereExplain why it is your favorite city3.Family members/ a person you live withHow many people are there in your family? Who are they? What do they do?Describe a family member who has influenced you greatly.Who this person is.What this person is like.How you are like and unlike this person.And Explain why he/she has influenced you greatly.(新增) Describe an old man4.Introduction Hello. Could you show me your identification card please? Could you tell me your full name please?What shall I call you? How are you?How old are you? Does your name have any special meaning? Is your name important to you?5.Live in a flat or houseDo you live in a flat or a house? What kind of flat? What is outside the windows? what is there on the walls? what can you see when you look out the window? hometown Describe your living place.6. Shopping Do you like / enjoy shopping? When was the last time you went shopping? Where do you go shopping? What kind of shopping do you dislike? What’s the worst part about shopping? What do you think about online shopping? Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small shops? Describe a shop/shopping center.7. Television What kind of programs do you watch? What kind of programs did you like watching when you were a child? What are the effects of watching too much television? Describe your favorite TV program.8. Sports Do you like sports? What sport facilities do you have near your home? Are there any sports you would like to try?Describe your favorite sportDescribe an exciting sport that you would like to do in the futureYou should say:What it is?Whether it is popular?Who likes it?9. PartyDo you like to go to parties? Is there anything you dislike about parties? When you go to a party, what do you usually do? What do you think are the benefits of parties?Do you prefer family parties or parties with friends?Describe a party that you enjoyedYou should say:Whose party it was and what it was celebratingWhere the party was held and who went to itWhat people did during the partyAnd explain what you enjoyed about this party10. Film/movieDo you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema? Why do you like to watch films?Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?What kind of films do you like?Who is your favorite movie star?What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films? Describe a film/your favorite film.11. Gift Describe a gift you gave to another personwhat the gift waswho you gave it towhy you chose this particular giftand explain whether this person liked this present or not.Part 3On what occasions do people give gifts to others?When (at what times of the year) do children receive presents in China? What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get?Do you think toys have any educational value?版本2:Describe the best present/gift you have received :Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?When did you receive it?Detail information about the present.12. Bicycle Do you ever ride a bicycle? What do you use a bicycle for? Would you say it's difficult to learn to ride a bicycle? Why do children enjoy riding bicycles? Are bicycles popular in China or in your hometown?Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years?How old were you when you first learned to ride a bicycle?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycles compared to cars?Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?13. Flowers do you think flowers are important to our lives?Do Chinese people like growing flowers?Do you like growing flowers?Describe one favorite flower14.ClothesWhat do you think of clothes? What clothes do you like?What clothes do you wear when you are working/in school?what is the different between the older and younger people on clothes?what are the differences between cloths worn in the past and at present?What are advantages/disadvantages of wearing uniform? Describe the clothes you wear on special occasions?15.Reading / Magazine / Newspapers Did you read a lot in your childhood? What kind of books do you love reading? Why do you think people now read less? How do you get your news? What kind of news do you like?Describe a book you read in your childhoodDescribe your favorite newspaper or magazineYou should sayWhat is it?What does it contain?How often do you read it?And explain why it is your favorite newspaper or magazine.16.Emails (and Letters)Do you like writing to people?How often do you write an email or a letter?Who do you write to?Do you often write letters?Who do you write to? (by letter)Which do you prefer, to write a letter or write an email? (Why? Compare them.)17. Describe your future plan/what should you do in the future.You should say:What do you plan to learn in the future?Why do you want to learn it?Where and how will you learn it?18. Do you like music?Do you think music is important?What kind of music do you enjoy most? How long do you listen to music everyday? Have you learned to play any musical instrument? Can you play any musical instrument? And what’s it?19. FRIENDSWhat does friendship mean to you?Do you have a lot of friends?Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?What do you usually do with your friends?20. DrivingDo you often drive?Is it necessary to learn driving?Is it important to drive well?When would you allow your children to drive?Describe a skill- driving.21.Holiday Do you like holidays? What did you do last holiday? Which country would you like to go to?22. What do you do in your leisure time?What relaxation do people around you like?What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?Why do people need leisure? Describe a leisure activity23. An intelligent/smart person/man who? When did u meet? where? why do you think he/she is intelligent?24.Food What kinds of food are popular in your country? What is your favorite food ? What’s your favorite food when you were a child? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? Who cooks in your family? Have there been any changes to Chinese food these years? Would you like to try a new food that you have never tried before? 新增:Describe a person who is good at cooking/Describe a cooking skillPart 2-31. Describe a school that you went toWhere it is or wasWhen you study or studied thereWhat you remember about it (briefly)And explain why you remember it more than other schools.2.Describe your apartment or houseWhere it isHow long you have lived thereWhat rooms and furniture it hasAnd explain how you feel about your home.3.Describe a wild animal/your favorite animalWhat the animal isHow you know about itWhat special features it hasAnd explain why you like such an animal so much.4.Describe a modern buildingWhat is it?What is it like?What is the function of it?How did you get to know it?5.Describe your favourite way to relaxWhat it is and where you like to relaxWhen is the best time for you to relaxHow you like to relax (i.e. activity)And explain why you like this type of relaxation so much.6.Describe a foreign celebrity/famoous person that you would like to meet who this person ishow you first learned about him or herhow/why this person is famousand explain what you would say to this person.7.Describe a person who influenced youWhen and how did you get to knoe him/her?What is his/her appearance and personality ?And explain what effect he/she had on you.8. Describe your favorite park/garden.Where it isWhat can be seen thereHow often you go thereAnd explain why you like it.9.FestivalWhat are some important festivals in your country?How do people celebrate them? What role does the media play in festivals, do you think? How may globalization affect different festivals around the world? Describe a traditional Chinese festival.10.Describe a recent event that made you feel happy.You should say:what the event waswhen and where it happenedwho participated in this eventwhat you saw or didand explain why this event was so enjoyable.Or explain why you remember this event so well.11.Describe a science class(新调整) you have attended(Describe your favorite science subject)12.Describe An Interesting Lecture or SpeechDescribe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.You should say:when you heard itwhere you heard itwhat the lecture or speech was aboutand explain what influence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.13.Describe a course you want to learn if you had time.(新增)Why do you want to learn the course? How will helpful will the course?15. Describe a practical skill you have learned recently.Or Describe a skill or language you would like to learn.You should say:What the skill or language would beWhere you would like the lessonsWhat style you would like the teacher to haveAnd explain why such a skill would be so important in your life.Why do you want to learn the course? How will helpful will the course?16. Clothing What kind of clothes do you like? What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes? Do you like buyingclothes? Do you often wear formal or informal clothes? Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?17. Describe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood. You should say:what it looked likehow you got this toywhat you did with this toyand explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.18. Describe your future plan/what should you do in the future.You should say:What do you plan to learn in the future?Why do you want to learn it?Where and how will you learn it?19. Describe a historical placewhere it was ,what you saw at this site (or, what it looked like), what role it played in history,how you first learned about this place and explain what interested you about that place.20. A Traffic Jam Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam. -`when it happenedwhere it happened, how you passed the time while waitingand explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam. When do traffic jams usually happen? What are the causes of traffic jams?Compare traveling by car and traveling by bus.Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse? What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?21.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.You should say:What kind of advertisement it wasWhen and where you saw (or heard) this advertisementWhat product you boughtExplain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product22.Describe a famous person that you admire.You should say:Who the person is and where he/she livesWhat the person doesThe things you admire about this personAnd explain what you think people can learn from this person.23. Describe a librarywhere it iswhen you went therewhat books and facilities this library hasand explain what you like(d) or dislike(d) about this library.Part3:What can people read in a library that they can't read in other places?Even though it might cost a lot to maintain a library, do you think every university should have its own library?Do you think public libraries should be free of charge?What are the qualities of a good library?24. Keep fit/ Health(Part 1-3)Describe a good thing that can improve your heath.what it is, when did you have it. whether you like it,and explain what do you think this thing is.children should improve their health?-what do you think should help children to improve their health.-How people improve their health in their life?--Do you think advertisement should play role in improving public health?25. A Childhood Song(新增)Describe a song that you remember from your childhood.You should say:how you learned this songwhen and where you learned itwhat the song is aboutand explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.26. Describe a perfect trip / holiday/ trip planned not so well27.Describe a successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work /Describe a group activity (新增)29.Describe a person you helped/who helped you30.Healthy foodhow government promote itPart 1-2 Fruit/VegetablesDo you like fruit/vegetables?How often do you eat fruit/vegetables?What kind of fruit/vegetables do you like best? Why?What are the benefits of eating more fruit/vegetables?31.Travel/journeyDo you like traveling?How do you usually travel?Where have you traveled to lately?Describe a journey/ long travel32. Weather ,Climate ,seasonDescribe your favorite season or time of the year.You should say:what season it iswhat the weather is like at this timewhat people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do)and explain what is special about that season.part2:最喜欢的season or time in a year(when?why like?do what?)part3:人们喜欢冷天还是热天?why?你怎么知道天气变得cold or hot?冷的地方与热的地方都有什么好处和坏处?(总之p3都是围绕冷热谈的)33. Describe a life change/ Describe an important stage of your life/ a successyou would like to make to your job or studies.What would you choose to changeWhy you choose itHow would you go about changing itAnd describe what problems you might have changing it.34. Art Do you think the art is important to life?Can you give an example of arts you learn?What kind of art do you like?What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?What kind of art are you good at?二级重点1.Describe a conversation that was important to you: where is it made , who do you make the conversation with, what is the content of the conversation? Why it was important to you ?In our society,what do people usually talk about in their conversations? what are the different content between different genders? (新调整)2.InternetWhen did you first meet internet?What do you do with internet?What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?When did you begin to use the internet?what is in the wall? through the windows what can you see.3. Describe an advanced technology industry.(新而高难度话题) /Science and technology/Describe an electrical appliance/a machine or something electronic you want to buy.What modern appliances do you have in your home?What do you think of these appliances? Why?Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?Do you think it is important to develop science and technology?How does scientific research benefit our life, education and soon? What do you think is the most significant/important scientific achievement in recent 50 years? What scientific research should be made in future?4.Describe a place near water/(near where you live) where people go to swim.You should say:where this place iswhat this place looks likewhat kinds of people go there and explain why people choose to go to this place (instead of other places)SwimmingDo you like swimming?Where do (or can) people go swimming in your hometown (or, near your home)?Why do many people like swimming?What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?5.Describe an important success in your lifeWhen /where/what about itHow do you make it?Why it is important for you6.Describe a successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work /Describe a group activity7. Competition What is the advantages and disadvantages of competition? Describe a Competition You Took Part InDescribe a person who won a competition.who this person waswhat competition it waswhen and it where it happenedand explain how you felt when you heard about this competition.8. PhotographyDo you like taking photos?On what kind of situations do you take photos?Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?Describe one of your favorite photopraph.9.Describe an important success in your lifeWhen /where/what about itHow do you make it?Why it is important for you10.Describe a conversation that was important to you: where is it made , who do you make the conversation with, what is the content of the conversation? Why it was important to you11.Describe a theatre or music hall that you have seen or been towhere it iswhat kind of music is performed therewhy people go thereand explain your impressions of this place12. Happinesswhat is happiness do you think?do you think having a large sum of money can bring people happiness?so what do you think is the real happiness?Can Money Buy Happiness?13. Birthdays/Food/visits How do Chinese usually celebrate birthday? How do you usually celebrate your birthday? Do you love partying? how often do you usually party? What kind of food do you love? what kind of food is popular in china? do you love to try some new food that you have never tried before? Who cooks in your family? Are there any changes in Chinese food these years? how often do you usually get visits? how do you usually prepare for the visitors who go to your place?14. Gardens Do people in your country have private gardens? What kind of vegetables or flowers do people usually grow in their gardens? Have you planted any vegetables before? How much time do you spend in gardens or parks? Why do you think people like gardens and parks?15. Museum / Art Gallery Do you go to museums or art galleries? What kind of museums are there in your country? Do you think children should go to museums?16. Outdoor Activities Do you prefer going out with 1 or 2 friends or with a large group of people? What do you do when you hang out with your friends?17.housework cookingdo you like cooking ? how do you learn cooking ?HouseworkDo you do housework?Who does the housework in your family?What housework is there?What kind of housework is most important?What housework do you like and dislike?What changes are brought by modern technology into housework?18. Weather/Environment / Global Warming What is global Warming and how do deal with it?19.Describe about a vehicle(car or motorbike) that you have or would like to have in the futureyou should say:- What car / motorbike is it- Why you would like to have it- Will you be able to buy it or not.Describe a form of transport that is important to you.What it isHow often you use itWhat you use it forAnd explain why you prefer it to others.20. Describe something you can’t do currently, but you want todo in the future. Something you would Like to LearnDescribe something you would like to learn. Do you anyone who has learned this? Do your friends also want to learn this?21.Education What changes took place in education in your country over the past decade? What change do you foresee in the next 50 years? Describe an educational trip.22. Describe a good Law. What is it? where did you know it?why you think it is good? Part 3: Who do you think are qualified to be a police officer?Why do some people work as lawyers while some work as police officers?Is there any people breaking the law in your country?Do you think it is ok if some people break the law sometimesPART3 why we need International LAW?How an international law be made?is policeman a good job in china?what kind of quality do a policeman need?etc。
新标准大学生英语三口语试题Unit 1 Discovering yourselfPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1.How would you sum up yourself in six words?2.What are your strengths and weaknesses?3. Do you think the major you chose suits your personality? Why?4. What is your greatest achievement so far?5. How do you see yourself in ten year’s time?6. How do you understand the message “life is shor t; act now” in Active Reading Two?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: How to get a balance between enjoying life now and preparing for the future?Unit 2 Childhood memoriesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1. Would you please talk about what you were like as a child?2. Please talk about an important person from your childhood.3. What do you think are the advantages of being a child today, in contrast with when you were a child?4. What do you think the disadvantages are?5. what do children do today which you wish you could have done? What do they do which you disapprove of?6. What important events in childhood can affect peoplewhen they’re older?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What are the responsibilities of the following in bringing up children? The family school society the government Unit 3 Art for art’s sakePart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1.Do you like listening to music? Why or why not?2. Would you pay a lot of money for a piece of art? Why or why not?3. Do you agree that one picture can be worth a thousand words?4. How are paintings different from photographs?5. Can young artists make a living from their art in China?6. Do you think traditional Chinese art forms like Peking Opera have to be modernized to remain popular?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Which do you think is the greatest form of art? Any why?Unit 4 Changing TimesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.2.New technologies have made some jobs disappear. Give examplesto illustrate.3.Which recent technological changes have made your life easier?4.New technologies must have brought some changes to your life orstudy. Do you think the changes have positive or negative effects?5.What are the advantages of a more traditional way of life?6.Do you think the times we live in today in China is exciting or boring?Explain your viewpoint.7.Is globalization a good thing? Why or why not?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Discuss whether or not you think modern technology makes our lives better.Unit 5 A Place In SocietyPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.8.How important is cultural awareness in an international businessdeal?9.Do you think it’s i mportant for people to put something back intosociety? Why/Why not?10.What is Individualism?11.How do you understand the term of Collectivism?12.Which kind of society is stronger: an “individualist” or a“collectivist” one? Why?6. Have you ever volunteered for any kind of charity work? /Have youever done any voluntary work? What did you do? How did you feel afterwards?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What forms of prejudice are you aware of in society?Whichdo you think are the most harmful, and why?What can be done to overcome them?Unit 6 Streets full of heroesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.13.How much do you know about 9/11? (when, where, and what)14.Under what circumstances can ordinary people become heroes?15.What are the qualities that make a hero? List them in sequence ofimportance and explain why.16.Would you like to name some Chinese and Western heroes? Why arethey heroes in your eyes?17.Which one fascinates you more, the unsung hero in life orlarger-than-life hero in films? Please give your supporting opinions.18.Which kinds of qualities would you like to develop yourself in orderto make you a hero one day?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Heroes are everywhere. They are in literature. They are in films and video games. They are in real life. What are the differences of them? Which type of hero is easier for people to identify with? Who is your ideal hero?Unit 7 The Secret Life of SciencePart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.19.Do you have bad lucks in your life? Do you ever get the expressionthat you are born unlucky?20.Is bad luck an acceptable explanation for when things go wrong?21.Are there any non-scientific ways people use to avoid bad luck? Whatare they if yes?22.How do you explain that bad things come in twos?23.Why do people everywhere sing? Do you think music can be moreexpressive than words?24.Do you think music can literally change the way you think?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:Do you think some people are luckier than others? Please make full use of examples and stories or scientific theories to support your viewpoint.。
我了解爸爸的童年口语交际英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Dad's Childhood: A Look Back in TimeHey there! It's me again, coming at you with another one of my epic essays. This time, I want to share with you all something pretty personal - my father's childhood story. You see, lately I've been really curious about understanding where my dad came from and the experiences that shaped him into the person he is today.So, I decided to sit down with the old man and have a real heart-to-heart chat. At first, he was a bit hesitant to open up, probably thinking I just wanted to hear some boring tales about "the good old days." But once I convinced him I was genuinely interested, he started reminiscing and didn't hold anything back. What he told me blew my mind!Dad grew up in a tiny village way out in the countryside. We're talking fields and farms as far as the eye could see. His family wasn't well off by any means - they lived a pretty simple, no-frills lifestyle. But despite not having many materialpossessions, dad said he had an amazingly joyful childhood filled with imagination and adventure.One of his favorite pastimes was exploring the rural landscapes with his buddies. He vividly recalled trekking for miles, climbing trees, building forts out of sticks and leaves, and catching critters down by the creek. Just picturing a little version of my pops romping around outdoors with his ragtag crew of pals makes me grin.Dad also reminisced a lot about the tight-knit community he was raised in. He said everyone in the village felt like one big extended family. The grownups looked out for all the kids, and the kids all played together no matter their background. Whenever someone was struggling, neighbors were always there to lend a hand without hesitation.Though cash was scarce, dad never wanted for love, acceptance or happy childhood memories. His parents showered him with unconditional love and raised him to be a kind, honest and hardworking guy. Some of dad's most cherished recollections were simple things like reading bedtime stories by the fire, family singalongs and backyard camping under the stars.Of course, growing up in those times wasn't all butterflies and rainbows. Dad admitted there were plenty of struggles too.Sometimes they didn't have enough nutritious food on the table. Harsh winters made daily life extremely tough. And as a kid, he faced a bunch of hardships most of us can't even fathom today.One story that really struck me was when dad came down with a nasty case of pneumonia at age 8. There were no modern hospitals nearby, and his family lacked money for a doctor's visit. With no antibiotics available, all his parents could do was keep him warm, try homemade remedies and pray he'd pull through. After a terrifying few weeks of being deathly ill, dad eventually recovered. But he said that harrowing ordeal taught him how precious and fragile life is.Despite the difficulties, Dad looks back on his rustic early years with a heart brimming with fondness and appreciation. He's grateful to have been raised with strong values centered around family, community and respect for nature. Dad says his childhood adventures sparked his lifelong curiosity about the world. And he credits the resilience and optimism he developed back then for giving him the drive to eventually create a better life for our family.Listening to my dad's stories was honestly pretty overwhelming at times. It's mindblowing to imagine him living through conditions that seem so foreign and distant comparedto the comfortable reality I've always known. Our generations are worlds apart, yet hearing about his humble roots made me appreciate him so much more.All the sacrifices he made, all the adversity he overcame, his unwavering work ethic and zest for life - it all stemmed from the legacy of those formative years. In that tiny, forgotten village filled with simple joys and complex hardships, the core of who my father is today was forged.After our talk, I couldn't stop thinking about how my dad's childhood gave him the determination to go out and build a wonderful life for himself and eventually for our family. Without that rock-solid foundation, ethical compass and taste for adventure instilled during those early days, he may have taken a completely different path.It's amazing how our origins and the challenges we face when we're young can shape our identities in such profound ways. My dad's tales of perseverance and appreciation for the little things will always stick with me. They've deepened my admiration for his strength of character and all the work he's put in to give me opportunities he never had.I know this walk down memory lane meant a lot to my pops too. You could see the spark in his eyes as he relived all thosevivid snippets of life in that tiny, simple village. He seemed proud to share that part of himself with me and ensure those experiences aren't forgotten.For the first time ever, I feel like I really understand where my dad came from and why he sees the world the way he does. Our candid conversation bridged the generational gap between us in a powerful way. It's funny - on the surface, my life is dramatically different from his early years. But at the core, we're both just products of our respective upbringings striving to make the most of the hand we've been dealt.So yeah, that's the tale of my dear old dad's childhood. It was eye-opening, heartwarming and at times heartbreaking to hear it all directly from him. More than anything, it filled me with immense gratitude for his sacrifices and unconditional love that gave me such amazing opportunities in life.I'll never be able to truly recreate his experiences myself. But thanks to his stories, I have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for the remarkable person he is today. I feel closer to my roots and where I came from, even if it's a world away from the one I know. That's a gift more precious than anything money could buy.篇2My Dad's Childhood: A Story of Resilience and JoyYo, what's up fam? Today, I want to share with y'all a little bit about my dad's childhood. Now, I know what you're thinking –"Ugh, another boring story about the good ol' days." But trust me, this one's a doozy. My dad didn't have an easy go of it, but he still managed to find joy and laughter in the simplest of things. That's just the kind of guy he is – tough as nails but with a heart of gold.So, let me set the scene for you. My dad grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, where the only entertainment was counting the stars in the night sky. His family didn't have much, but they had each other, and that was enough. At least, that's what he always tells me.From a young age, my dad had to pitch in and help out however he could. Whether it was working in the fields, taking care of his younger siblings, or running errands for his parents, he did it all without complaint. He never had time for the kinds of things kids these days take for granted, like video games or hanging out with friends.But you know what? He didn't seem to mind all that much. In fact, he always talks about those days with a certain fondness, like he wouldn't trade them for the world. I guess when you grow up with so little, you learn to appreciate the smallest things in life.One of my dad's favorite memories from his childhood was going fishing with his grandpa. They'd wake up before the crack of dawn, pack up their gear, and head down to the creek that ran through their town. Now, my dad wasn't much of a fisherman –he could never sit still long enough to actually catch anything. But that wasn't really the point.For those few hours each week, it was just him and his grandpa, shooting the breeze and soaking up the peace and quiet of nature. Those were some of the happiest times of his life, he says. And you know what? I believe him.Of course, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. My dad's family struggled to make ends meet, and there were times when they didn't have enough to eat. But even in those dark moments, my dad found reasons to smile.He'd tell me stories about how he and his siblings would make up games to play in their tiny backyard, using nothing but their imagination and a few sticks or rocks. Or how they'd spendhours just talking and telling jokes, laughing until their sides hurt.It's those little moments of joy that really stuck with my dad, even as he grew older and life got harder. He always says that no matter how tough things got, he never lost that spark of happiness that he'd learned to cultivate as a kid.And you know what? I think that's one of the most valuable lessons he's ever taught me. It's not about how much money you have or what kind of fancy toys you play with. True happiness comes from within, and it's something you have to work at every single day.So, even though my dad's childhood might sound like a drag to some people, I think it was pretty darn amazing. He learned to find joy in the simplest of things, and to never take anything for granted. And that's a lesson that has stuck with him his entire life.These days, my dad is a successful businessman with a beautiful family and all the comforts that money can buy. But you know what? He's still the same guy at heart – the one who can find happiness in a quiet moment by the creek or a silly game played with rocks and sticks.And that's why I'll always admire him. Sure, he might not have had much growing up, but he had something that money can't buy: a spirit that can't be broken and a heart that's full of love and laughter.So, there you have it, fam. That's the story of my dad's childhood, straight from the horse's mouth. It might not be the most exciting tale in the world, but to me, it's a reminder of what's really important in life. And that's something worth holding onto, no matter how old you get or how much money you make.Peace out, y'all. And remember to always find joy in the little things, just like my pops did.篇3My Dad's Childhood: A Time of Simple Joys and Tough LessonsWhen I think about my dad's childhood, it's like peeking into a whole different world – one without the latest tech gadgets, constant connectivity, or modern conveniences we take for granted today. His stories transport me back to a time when life moved at a slower pace, and kids found joy in the simplest of pleasures.My dad was raised in a small town in the countryside, where neighbors knew each other by name, and kids spent their days running wild and free. He fondly recalls long summer days spent exploring the great outdoors with his siblings and friends, building forts in the woods, swimming in the creek, and catching fireflies at dusk."We didn't have fancy toys or video games back then," he often reminds me with a nostalgic grin. "Our imagination was our greatest plaything. We'd spend hours crafting makeshift slingshots from sturdy branches and rubber bands, fashioning toy cars out of discarded cans and bottle caps."While their playthings were simple, the adventures they embarked upon were anything but ordinary. My dad regales me with tales of daring escapades, like the time he and his best friend, Johnny, decided to build a treehouse in the massive oak that stood guard over their backyard. Armed with nothing but a rusty hammer, a few nails, and an abundance of childlike determination, they spent weeks painstakingly assembling their lofty hideaway, one plank at a time."We thought we were the kings of the world up there," he chuckles, his eyes twinkling with the memory. "That treehouse was our castle, our sanctuary – a place where we could let ourimaginations run wild and escape the watchful eye of our parents for a few blissful hours."Of course, not every childhood recollection is filled with whimsy and carefree delight. My dad's upbringing was also shaped by hardship and the harsh realities of growing up in a working-class family during tough economic times."Money was tight back then," he explains solemnly. "My parents worked long hours at the textile mill to put food on the table, so my siblings and I had to pitch in around the house and look after each other."From an early age, my dad learned the value of hard work and self-reliance. He recalls spending countless hours alongside his father in their modest vegetable garden, tilling the soil, planting seeds, and harvesting the fruits of their labor. It was backbreaking work, but it instilled in him a deep appreciation for the simple things in life and taught him the importance of providing for one's family."Those long days in the garden weren't just about growing food," he reflects. "They were lessons in perseverance, responsibility, and the rewards that come from putting in an honest day's work."Despite the challenges, my dad's childhood was also defined by the tight-knit community that rallied around one another in times of need. He fondly remembers the annual town picnics, where neighbors would gather to share potluck dishes, swap stories, and let their children run amok in a joyous celebration of camaraderie and small-town living."Those were the days when folks looked out for each other," he says wistfully. "If someone's roof needed patching or their crops needed tending, the whole community would pitch in without a second thought. That's just how things were back then."As I listen to these stories, I'm struck by how vastly different my own childhood experiences were from my dad's. While he reveled in the simplicities of nature and forged unbreakable bonds with his tight-knit community, I grew up in a world of digital distractions and constantly shifting social circles.Yet, despite the generational divide, I can't help but feel a pang of envy for the richness of his upbringing. There's something profoundly beautiful and grounding about the way he describes those carefree days of boundless imagination and the deep-rooted sense of belonging that came from being part of a close-knit community.In many ways, my dad's childhood stories serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring values that transcend time and technological progress – values like resilience, resourcefulness, and the importance of forging meaningful connections with those around us.As our fast-paced, perpetually-connected world continues to hurtle forward, I find myself clinging to these tales of a simpler era, hoping to instill in my own children a similar appreciation for the small wonders that can be found in nature's embrace and the unbreakable bonds of community.For in the end, perhaps the greatest gift my dad's childhood bestowed upon him – and, by extension, upon me – was the ability to find joy and wonder in the seemingly ordinary moments that make up the fabric of our lives. It's a lesson that has stood the test of time and one that I hope to pass down to future generations, keeping the spirit of his childhood alive for years to come.。
Dialogue 1:A: You know Ryan, I don’t know much about you. Where were you born?B: I was born in London, but I spent most of my childhood in Hong Kong.A: What was your childhood like?B: I had a pretty strict up-bring, and my parents and I were always fighting about it .A: Do you get along with your parents now?B: Oh, sure. Once they reached middle age, they became a lot less uptight.A: Where did you go to university?B: My parents wanted me to stay in Hong Kong, but I decided to go back to England, I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English literature.A: What’s your current occupation?B: I’m a freelance writer. i write magazine articl es and fiction booksA: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?B: No, I didn’t. I was an English teacher for about five years, but by the time I was thirty, I decided I want a fresh challenge.A: How did you start writing?B: I started writing magazine articles for fun, and eventually was asked to write a book, soI was pretty lucky.A: Are you writing a book now?B: Yes, it’s about a group of friends living in a foreign country, and all the strange experiences they have.A: Ahh… Sounds interesting!Dialogue 2:A : What was the biggest turning point in your life?B : I guess I would say that would be moving out of my parents’ house for the first time.A : Really? Why is that?B : Till I moved out of my parents’ home, I became a lot more independent.A : What would you say was the lowest point in your life?B : That would definitely be getting a divorce.A : What went wrong?B : We just weren't right for each other.A : How long were you married?B : The marriage only lasted about a year.A : Have you remarried since then ?B : Yes, I got married to a man that I met shortly after I divorced my first husband.A : Do you think you'll ever get a divorce again?B : Oh I hope not, my first marriage was a mistake, but this one isn’t.A : How long have you been married?B : About 15 years now.A : Do you think you'll still love him when he is old and gray?B : I think so ,hopefully we’ll have a long and a happy life together.A : I’m sure you will.Dialogue 3:M: Jacob, are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine?J: That depends. What does she look like?M: Well, she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair.J: How tall is she?M: She's fairly tall, maybe 2 inches taller than me.J: Is she chubby?M: Not at all. She's actually very athletic.J: It sounds like she's pretty good-looking. Does she wear glasses?M: No, but she does wear contact lenses.J: How's her skin?M: She's got a gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.J: Does she have any piercings or tattoos?M: I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos: one on her lower back, one on her left foot.J: What's the tattoo on her foot like?M: It's a butterfly- everyone in her family has one.J: What's her personality like?M: She's a lot like me.J: So there is something wrong with her! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true!Dialogue 4:A: Are you alright, Ethan? You don't seem to be as cheerful as you normally are.B: To be honest, Eva, I've just had a really bad day.A: What happened?B: First, I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work.A: What did your boss say?B: He told me that if I showed up late one more, he'd fire me. He's so mean!A: That's horrible. Was that the first time you'd shown up late to work?B: That was my second time. The first time, I was in a car accident.A: Is your boss Chinese?B: No, he's from Australia. Before I met him, I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed and easy-going. I had no idea he'd be so fussy about things.A: What are you going to do?B: I think I'm going to look for another job. I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and optimistic than my current boss.A: That sounds like a sensible plan. Do you want me to help you with your job search? B: That's very generous of you. Thanks for the offer.A: Don't mention it. That's what friends are for!E: I don't know what to do about the people who live in the flat above me!A: Why? What are they like?E: They're incredibly selfish. They’re always up until the wee hours of the night playing their music so loudly that I have to wear earplugs in order to fall asleep!A: Have you ever talked to them about it?E: I tried to introduce myself to them when they moved in, but they were so arrogant that I didn’t want to ever talk to them again!A: What did they say?E: They both just talk about how great they are all the time.A: They sound like the neighbors from hell!E: They are! Besides being loud and arrogant, they're also terrible gossips. They're always talking about everybody else in the apartment.A: I thought you didn't talk to them much.E: I don't, but they talk so loudly that I can hear what they're talking about from my bedroom - and it's not very nice.A: What do the other people in your apartment think about them?E: Most of my other neighbors are scared of them.A: Maybe you should think about moving.E: I can't afford to move right now.A: Well, perhaps you should have a party and try to get to know them better. Maybe once you get to know them, they'll turn out to be more sensitive.E: I think you're being a bit optimistic. If you met them, you'd understand.A: Well, I don't know what else you could do then. Do you think bribing them with chocolate would work?E: I don't know about you, but I'm famished. Are you interested in getting a bite to eat? R: That sounds great. I'm absolutely starving! What kind of food are you in the mood for? E: I'd love something spicy. Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot.R: You're a woman after my own heart. I don't know many people who can handle spicy food. Are you sure you are up for hotpot.E: Sure. If I could, I would eat hotpot every day!R: Ok, you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food, aren't you?E: Well, let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner!R: Let me think about it for a minute. Let's see... oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue! Give me a second and it'll come to me.E: Well...? Have you thought of it yet?R: No...E: Never mind. There's an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street. Have you been there?R: That's it! That's the one I was thinking of! I told you I'd remember it!E: You really have a big head, don't you!A: How is everything going with your girlfriend?B: Didn't I tell you? It's over.A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know that you had split up. What happened?B: It was a few things. The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a romantic dinner for our one year anniversary, but she stood me up.A: Really? Did she tell you why she didn't show up?B: No, but I ended up finding out later that night when I saw her with another man at a club near my home.A: What was she thinking? Did you confront her about it when you saw her?B: I wanted to, but I knew that if I spoke to her, I'd just blow up at her, so I decided to just go home. I called her later that night, but she didn't answer her phone.A: I can't believe she would do that to you. It's so dishonest and rude.B: I know, I still haven't heard from her. The good thing is that I'm so angry with her that I don't feel sad about not having her around.A: I bet you that she’ll regret what she's done. You were such a good catch! She really lost out, didn't she?B: I guess so. It would be nice to know why she did this though.A: I know, It's always nice to have some closure, but I don't think you'll have a problem finding another girlfriend. There are plenty of fish in the sea!A: Have you heard the big news?J: What big news?A: Olivia and Nicholas are engaged! He proposed to her last night at a fancy restaurant. J: I didn't even know they were dating!A: After Nicholas' ex-girlfriend cheated on him, they realized that they had a great friendship and that maybe they were meant to be with each other.J: They really are perfect for each other. I can't think of a better-matched couple than them! A: I heard that they are planning to have an extravagant wedding ceremony in a church with a reception in an expensive restaurant on the lake.J: Have they asked anyone to be in the wedding party yet?A: I think Nicholas asked Jack to be his best man and Olivia asked Katelyn to be her maid of honor. They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids andgroomsmen.J: It sounds like they've done a lot of planning in a very short time. Have they decided where they are going to go for their honeymoon?A: I haven’t heard where they will go yet, but I bet you they will go to a beach somewhere; you know they both love surfing.J: You know, most people find it difficult to find their soul mate, but they've made it seem extremely easy!。
A: childhood, what a meaningful time that we had! Many happy things happened at that time, such as celebrating our birthday, playing games with friends, and so on. So how do you celebrate your birthday? You must be very happy at that time.B: Actually I like celebrating birthday more than spring festival. I think birthday is alike another spring festival, there were new dress, delicious foods, many gifts and all my best friends were gathering together. Oh! There must have a big cake! I think the moment my parents and my best friends sang birthday song for me it was so sweet! You know, my parents were very strict with my study, it’s the very time that I can play with my friends and didn’t need care about the homework. Let’s talk about you, do you often play with your friends?A: As for me, I always playing basketball with my friends, though we were not tall enough at that time but we were very happy. We built great relationships with each other. I think it just was my treasures. What about you? What you valued most in your childhood?B: Your story seems so sweet. Like other children, the beautiful dress and delicious food were important in my childhood, but what I valued most at that time is the friendship with my best friend. I am the only daughter in my family, so the friend is not just my friend, but my sister.A: I also think friendship in our childhood is purest. But, day by day, as we are growing up, we can hardly find the pure friendship like this and the person we meet like that.B: You are right, I am also miss the pure friendship. How about talking about the person you miss? A: Oh~ I remember that what great influence that my grandfather gave me. When I was very young he wrote some tips on some small paper to encourage myself to set my goals for my future. You know, I am just an obedient boy and listened to my grandfather. From then on, bright future was approaching to me. And this is the most unforgettable thing in my childhood. Do you have something unforgettable in your childhood?B: Yeah, I still remember the first time I stood at the stage and played the zither in front of lots of people. I was so nervous at that time, but to my surprise, at the end of the show, there was a big round of applause. That experience makes me more confident. I think it will benefit my life.A: Oh you are so excellent a girl, I think this experience will accompany you to do other things very well. Then your future will be brighter and brighter. I admire you! May lucky accompany you. May you succeed!B:…。
childhood 托福口语
childhood 托福口语Childhood is a very important and special time in everyone's life. It is a time of growth, learning, and exploration, as well as a time of innocence and joy.Childhood is a time when people are still learning how to be themselves. They are discovering their interests, talents, and dreams, and they are learning how to express themselves. This is a time when people are still free to explore and experiment without the constraints of adult responsibilities.Childhood is also a time when people are forming their values and beliefs. They are learning about right and wrong from their parents, teachers, and other influential figures in their lives. These values and beliefs will shape their actions and decisions throughout their lives.Finally, childhood is a time of innocence and joy. Children have a sense of wonder and curiosity that allows them to see the world in a new and exciting way. They are able to find joy in simple things like playing with toys or spending time with family, and they are not yet burdened by the cares andworries of adulthood.In conclusion, childhood is a special time in everyone's life that should be treasured and celebrated. It is a time of growth, learning, innocence, and joy that shapes who we are and who we will become.。
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A: childhood, what a meaningful time that we had! Many happy things happened at that time, such as celebrating our birthday, playing games with friends, and so on. So how do you celebrate your birthday? You must be very happy at that time.
B: Actually I like celebrating birthday more than spring festival. I think birthday is alike another spring festival, there were new dress, delicious foods, many gifts and all my best friends were gathering together. Oh! There must have a big cake! I think the moment my parents and my best friends sang birthday song for me it was so sweet! You know, my parents were very strict with my study, it’s the very time that I can play with my friends and didn’t need care about the homework. Let’s talk about you, do you often play with your friends?
A: As for me, I always playing basketball with my friends, though we were not tall enough at that time but we were very happy. We built great relationships with each other. I think it just was my treasures. What about you? What you valued most in your childhood?
B: Your story seems so sweet. Like other children, the beautiful dress and delicious food were important in my childhood, but what I valued most at that time is the friendship with my best friend. I am the only daughter in my family, so the friend is not just my friend, but my sister.
A: I also think friendship in our childhood is purest. But, day by day, as we are growing up, we can hardly find the pure friendship like this and the person we meet like that.
B: You are right, I am also miss the pure friendship. How about talking about the person you miss? A: Oh~ I remember that what great influence that my grandfather gave me. When I was very young he wrote some tips on some small paper to encourage myself to set my goals for my future. You know, I am just an obedient boy and listened to my grandfather. From then on, bright future was approaching to me. And this is the most unforgettable thing in my childhood. Do you have something unforgettable in your childhood?
B: Yeah, I still remember the first time I stood at the stage and played the zither in front of lots of people. I was so nervous at that time, but to my surprise, at the end of the show, there was a big round of applause. That experience makes me more confident. I think it will benefit my life.
A: Oh you are so excellent a girl, I think this experience will accompany you to do other things very well. Then your future will be brighter and brighter. I admire you! May lucky accompany you. May you succeed!