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1What Color is Kiki?

Kiki is a little chameleon. Kiki is walking in the field. Coco is a little gecko. Coco is walking in the field, too.

C =Coco, K=Kiki, F=Coco’s friend

C: My name’s Coco, I’m brown, this is my friend, Kiki.

K: My name’s Kiki.

C: Look! What color is Kiki?

K: Ha-ha,I am green.( Kiki is on the leaves.)

C: Look! What color is Kiki?

K: Ha-ha, I’m pink.( Kiki is on the peach.)

C: Look! What color is Kiki?

K: Ha-ha, I’m orange.(Kiki is on the orange.)

C: Look! What color is Kiki?

K: Ha-ha, I’m purple.( Kiki is on the grapes.)

C: Look! What color is Kiki?

K: Ha-ha, I’m brown, too.(Kiki is on the groud.)

F: Coco, let’s go to school!

K: Oh, no! I’m not Coco! I’m Kiki.


Little/ 'litl/ adj.小的chameleon/ kə'mi:ljən / n.变色蜥蜴

gecko/ 'gekəu / n. 壁虎leaves/ li:vz / n.树叶

2I Want Balloons!

B=Boy C=Clown

B: I like the balloons, I want a yellow one.

OK. Here’s a yellow one.

I want a green one.

OK. Here is a green one.

I want a red one, a pink one, a purple one and a blue one! OK. Here you are.

I also want the big orange one.

OK. Here you are.

Oh, no. I’m flying!


balloon/ bə'lu:n /n. 气球

clown/ klaun /n.小丑

I want…… 我想要……

Here is a yellow one. 给你一只黄色的气球。

Here you are.给你。

I’m flying! 我飞起来了!

3 What’s the Baby’s Name?

In the colour world, there’s a baby. She has no name. She wants to find her daddy and mommy.

One day, she meets Mr. Y ellow and Miss Red. “Nice to meet you, are you my daddy and mommy?” “Nice to meet you , too. But you are not our baby. Our baby is cute. His name is orange.”

She meets Mr. Yellow and Miss Blue. “How are you? Are you daddy and mommy?” “Fine, thank you .But you are not our baby. Our baby is quiet. Her name is Green.”

She meets Mr. Blue and Miss Red. “oh, my dear baby!” “Daddy, mommy!” She finds her daddy and mommy, and get a lovely name: purple.


Wold/ wəuld/n.世界want/ wɔnt /v.想要,希望

meet/ mi:t /v.遇见our/ 'auə /pron.我们的

cute/ kju:t] /adj.可爱的find/ faind /v.找到

get/ get /v.得到

In the colour world, ther e’s a baby.在彩色世界里有一个宝宝。

4 Black or Pink?

In the morning, Sarah is going to school in her new yellow dress. “I’m so happy, I feel pink,” Sarah says to her mom.

On the way to school, a white car is driving past her, the dirty drops on her new dress. “Oh, I’m so angry ,I feel red.”

In the afternoon, Mr. Green let them have a test, but Sarah has a low score. “Oh! I’m so sad, I feel blue.”

In the evening, Sarah is in the bed. She feels very bored. “A ghost story will be fun!” Then she reads. “Ah! It’s nice. I’m so excited, I feel orange.” One hour later, she feels so scared. “Mom, help!”Sarah shouts. “What’s the matter?” Mom asks. “I feel there is a ghost in my bedroom. I’m so scared. I feel black,” Sarah says. “It’s a black day for me! I’m so tired!” “Don’t worry. I’ll sleep with you,” her mother says. “Thank you, mother! I’m happy, I feel pink now!”


pink/piŋk/adj.开心的,健康的past/ pɑ:st /prep.经过

red/ red /adj.气愤的score/ skɔ:/n.分数

blue/ blu:/adj.忧伤的,郁闷的ghost/ gəust /n.鬼

orange/ 'ɔ:rindʒ /adj.兴奋地scared/ skɛəd /adj.恐惧的

shout/ʃaut /v.喊叫black/ blæk /adj.倒霉的

drop on溅到on the way to...在去……的路上Mr. Green let them have a test.格林先生对他们进行了一次考试

I’ll sleep with you .我和你一起睡。
