初级法语教学 frenchmonths

Vous êtes combien?你们是多少人? Combien sont-ils dans leur famille?他们家有多少人?
Pouvez-vous faire cet exercice?
Oui, d’accord.
出租:louer qch. àqn.(有间接宾语)
Il loue cet appartement aux étudiants àpetit prix. Il ne veut pas louer cette chambre aux autres.
le loyer(租金); locataire(租户); propriétaire(出租人)
combien adv.多少
Combien de +名词(无冠词)多少个
Il y a combien de pommes ? Combien d’étudiants y a-t-il dans votre classe?
Être de combien多少钱
Ces pommes sont de combien ? 这些苹果多少钱? Le prix est de combien?价格是多少?
代替à+名词(一般只能指物)做间接宾语 Avez –vous oublier votre promesse? -Non, j’y pense toujours.( =je pense toujours à
ma promesse)
Grammaire: pronom adverbial : y 用于固定词组
Leçon 13

法语初级教程答案【篇一:新公共法语初级教程12课到19课汉译法翻译答案】chose? 2她看上去很安心。
elle a l’air tranquille.3你爸爸每月挣多少钱?ton pere gagne combien par mois?4 经理的妻子跳舞跳得好。
la femme du directeur danse bien5罗什太太带孩子们去看电影.madame roche emmene ses enfants au cine?ma6有人在牛奶里放了一点威士忌。
on met un peu de whisky dans le fait.1午餐有鱼有肉,有绿叶蔬菜和奶酪。
pour le de?jeuner ,il y du poisson, de la viande des le?gumes verts et du fromage.2孩子一天吃一个鸡蛋l’enfant mange un oeuf par jour.3每隔三分钟有一班地铁。
il y a un metro toutes les trois minutes4我的那些朋友都喜欢体育运动。
mes amis aiment tous le sport. 5要吃蔬菜和水果,这有益于健康。
il faut manger des legumeset des fruits,c’est bon pour la sante?6如果您想拥有健康,请不要喝白酒。
si vous volez avoir une bonne sante , ne buvez pas d’alcool1节假日人们不工作。
on ne travaille pas les jours de fe?te2 我对我的工作感到满意。
je suis content de mon travail.3 我们有两周的休假。
nous avons quinze jours de conge4工人们每月加一次班。
法语PPT教学课件 French D1 W1 M1

主题 : 日常用语和礼貌用语 + 法语字母表 Thème : Les usages et la politesse + l’alphabet.
在法国, 日常用语和礼貌用语是非常重要的。尤其问候是重 要的。本周将是一个介绍法语。我们会慢慢学习。
En France, les usages et la politesse sont trè s importants. Les salutations, en particulier sont importantes. Cette semaine sera une introduction au franç ais. Nous allons apprendre doucement.
一天 : 日常用语和礼貌用语 (问候)+ 法语字母表 (1) Jour 1 : Les usages et la politesse (les salutations) + l’alphabet (1)
Expressions essentielles [ɛkspʁesjɔ̃ esɑ̃sjɛl] 法国的基本表达 - Les salutations (问候) - Oui/Non (是/ 不是) 法语字母 Alphabet franç ais (1) : 学习字母和发音练习。(Apprentissage de l’alphabet et exercices de prononciation.
Expressions essentielles [ɛkspʁesjɔ̃ esɑ̃sjɛl] 法国的基本表达
Les salutations (问候) 你好 / 你们好 : Bonjour [bɔ̃ʒuːʁ.]

课时:2课时年级:法语初级班教学目标:1. 学生能够熟练运用法语进行日常问候。
2. 学生能够进行简单的自我介绍。
3. 培养学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。
教学重点:1. 法语日常问候的表达。
2. 自我介绍的句型结构。
教学难点:1. 正确发音和语调。
2. 在实际情境中运用所学句型。
教学准备:1. 教材《法语口语教程》。
2. PPT课件。
3. 录音设备。
4. 练习卡片。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师用简单的法语问候学生,引出本节课主题。
2. 学生用法语回应,感受法语日常问候的实用性。
二、新课讲解1. 介绍法语日常问候的常用句型,如“Bonjour, comment ça va?”、“Bonjour, je m'appelle...”等。
2. 播放录音,学生跟读,注意发音和语调。
3. 教师示范自我介绍,讲解句型结构。
三、课堂练习1. 学生两人一组,互相用法语问候,并交换自我介绍。
2. 教师巡视指导,纠正发音和语调。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生回顾所学,加深印象。
第二课时一、复习导入1. 教师用简单的法语问候学生,复习上节课所学内容。
2. 学生用法语回应,检验上节课学习效果。
二、新课讲解1. 介绍法语日常问候的其他表达方式,如“Comment ça va, mon ami(e)?”、“Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce soir?”等。
2. 播放录音,学生跟读,注意发音和语调。
3. 教师示范在情境中运用所学句型。
三、课堂练习1. 学生四人一组,模拟实际场景,运用所学句型进行对话。
2. 教师巡视指导,纠正发音和语调。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生回顾所学,加深印象。
五、课后作业1. 复习本节课所学句型,准备课后口语练习。
2. 尝试用所学句型进行日常问候和自我介绍。
初学者如何学法语(How do beginners learn French)

初学者如何学法语(How do beginners learn French)Beginners how to learn FrenchMany young people want to learn French, want to know what a shortcut.French and other languages, it is a science. To be proficient, is not easy. French and other languages, it is a tool for communication, so especially for beginners, the correct use of French is a skill, this skill can only get exercise and improve the repeated application of language in practice. This is what we often say in listening and speaking, reading and writing skills training. Learn French well, must take these basic language skills to lay a good solid, big.1. pronunciation and intonation must be accurate, to master the rules of spelling.How to learn French, first encountered the problems of how to take the pronunciation. The tone of voice is good, like to write a good hand, or clean clothing, give people a good impression. Therefore, not only to meet the people difficult to let people understand, to talk with you when happy, and even surprise. So, at this stage not self-study, must have the guidance of a teacher. Because their pronunciation is accurate can not identify themselves, pronunciation about pronunciation organs area also needs the guidance of teachers, not to mention some of the students will encounter voicing points not clear, [n], [l] such as the difficulties in pronunciation. In the premise of the teacher's guide, by listening to the tape imitate the pronunciation and intonation master.The spelling rules are very important. Mastering these rules, even if you do not know the words can be read out. What's more, many French dictionary words are not marked with international phonogram. Master the rules of spelling, it is natural to distinguish the names of letters and phonemes (vowels and consonants). For example, the letter E in different situations may [e], not even the pronunciation, read the letters y [igr k], not to be confused with the phone [y]. Alphabetical order will determine whether skilled grasp your future dictionary speed.2. "keep your hand, a" learning French must practice every day to practice again.First of all to yell. Some students shy, practicing the lips do not move much, the sound is very small. This method will enable you to say aloud pronunciation and intonation may have aliasing. The classroom to yell, outside the classroom should also yell.In addition to practice every day, even on weekends, it should take one or two hours to practice, when not for days without touch, it is taboo for beginners. To strengthen the teaching of French usually too fast. One day not to learn, one day does not have may adversely affect a long time and could not keep up, you may lose confidence. In addition to the repeated practice, the passage for reciting sentences should be able to blurt out. This should work hard, there is no shortcut.3. the "snowball" method to learn french.A good textbook should reflect the "snowball" principle, there is no relation between not every lesson, the teacher should also teach in each new class, should be combined with the language materials have been taught. The students have a sense of the things and learn new things have been combined with the. In other words, to learn things into a new situation as far as possible, with a new vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, repeated expansion and application.4. how to memorize the words?Some students said to remember the words, what way?First of all, the most stupid, but it is also the most effective way is to write out rote. For example, like avoir, the tre of these irregular and common verb, you should recite can recite fluently from memory.Of course, in the premise of rote learning, should also find some regularities. Learn more words, you will find many of the rules. We give some examples:1) the affix word to remember the words:The prefix re- said again "," new ", so commencer (start) recommencer (start), dire redire (say) (say).The prefix in-, im- said "no", "not", "no", so possible (possible) - impossible (impossible),Capacit - incapacit (capacity) (ability).Structure of the verb suffix "-ir" means "change, change" means, therefore, grand (large) - grandir (larger, taller); Rouge (red) - rougir (Bian Hong).Said the possibility of the adjective suffix -able end: aimer (love) - aimable (cute); manger (eat) mangeable (eat);2) many adjectives in a negative form after the addition of -ment can become an adverb:Doux - douce - doucement (gently);Naturel - Naturelle - naturellement (NATURAL)However, positive adjectives such as ending with a vowel, directly with -ment:Vrai - vraiment (really); R solu R solument (firm),Of course, such as adjectives of yin and Yang is the same, but also directly with -ment:Rapide - rapidement (quickly)3) many nouns from the positive form into a negative form is to follow the law, such as:-eur - euse UN vendeur - une vendeuse (Assistant)UN chanteur - une chanteuse (singer)-teur - trice UN instituteur - une institutrice (primary school)UN lecteur - une lectrice (Reader)5. some students feel that the term is difficult to remember, in fact, there are some rules to follow.1) to noun at the end of the letter to distinguish the Yin and yang.A) nouns ending in a consonant, the vowel is mostly positive; a, I, O, u at the end of the term most positive: Le Lac (Lake), Le Salon (living room), Le Temps (time), Le pied (foot), Le parti (party), Le Z ro (zero), l'Op RA (Opera), Le tissu (cloth)B) ends with -e, and E is a noun or double vowel consonant is mostly negative:L'ann e (year), La pluie (rain), La famille (home), La Roue (wheel)2) from the semantic point of view, in addition to Yin and Yang of human and animal according to their sex, there are some rules to follow, a few examples:A) where the tree name, season, month, week, weights and measures, the term is mostly positive metal:Le Pin, Le Pommier (pine) (Apple), l'automne (Autumn)Septembre (September), Le Mardi (Tuesday), Le m tre (m)Le gramme (g), Le fer (iron), l'argent (silver)B), fruit subject name was negative:La Pomme (Apple), La cerise (Ying Tao), La chimie (chemical), La grammaire (grammar)3) from the sound can also distinguish nouns of yin and yang.Generally speaking, a) at the end of the word with a vowel (note not vowels) at the end of the term is mostly positive:Le repas [-a], Le Bureau [-o] (food) (Office), Le nom[- (last name)]Le Restaurant [-] (restaurant), Le Bijou [-u] (jewelry)B) in a consonant (not consonant) at the end of the term is mostly a feminine noun:La chaise [-z] La Porte (chair), [-t], La table [-l] (door) (table),L'heure [-r], l'actrice [-s] s (H) (actress)6. words can also through the classification of synonyms, antonyms, words of the same or similar words such as inductivemethod of memory:1) synonym: vite = rapidement (fast)Joli = beau (beautiful)2) "grand (large) and Petit (small)Long (long) and court (short)3 words: diriger (v.t.), digigeant n. (Leadership) leader, directeur, trice) n. (Manager)Fleur n...... T. (flower), Fleurette N.F., fleurir V.I. (flowers), Fleuri adj. (flowering) (flowering), fleuriste n. (Florist)4) similar words such as famille (home), can put the following words summed up: grand-p re memory (grandfather, grandfather), grand-m re (grandmother, grandmother), p re (father), m re (mother), Mari, poux, femme (husband), pouse (wife), enfants (children), FR re (brother), Soeur (sister), beau-p re (father-in-law father-in-law; belle-m re (stepfather), mother-in-law, mother-in-law; stepmother), beau-fils, gendre, belle-fille, bru (son) (wife), oncle (uncle, uncle, uncle father (Tante), aunt, aunt, aunt), cousin, e (cousins, cousins; cousins, cousins)7. many people learn English, this is a very favorable condition for written French words.(French and English have the same shape synonyms, near synonyms shape, these words about the basic vocabulary of 60%.The number of the same shape synonyms is not small, accounting for nearly 20% of the basic vocabulary, such as dialogue (dialogue), facile (easy), large (wide), sport (Sports)In the near synonym also have a lot of rules:A) the first group of verbs in French is removed at the end of the word -r or -er, is a synonym of English words:French and English French and EnglishArriver arrive aider aid (arrive) (help)Changer change chanter chant (change) (singing)Excuser excuse passer passe (forgive) (through)B) to the end of the French e noun in English into many y:French and EnglishBeaut beauty (Mei Li)Difficult difficulty (difficulties)In a word, learning French must work hard to remember, back, reading aloud, reciting, listening, talking about every day, a lot of reading, can see different versions of the Frenchtextbook, written exercises. Learning to think, to find the regularity of things, while paying attention to many special exceptions. We still can't spread to all, just give some examples for beginners reference, everyone can find suitable ways of their own, but also more exchanges between the students.。
简明法语教程 第10课

➢ (tu) aie ➢ (nous) ayons ➢ (vous) ayez
& 你有点耐心吧! ➢ Aie de la patience! & 加油! ➢ Ayez du courage!
❖ Venir de 来自 ❖ Non, ce n’est pas ca 不是这样
Son pere 她的父亲 Venir a 来 Faire ses etudes 她学习 faire mes etudes 我学习 Faire tes etudes 你学习 Profiter de 利用 le temps de + le = du
III. 课文 Wang Ling est Chinoise. 王玲是中国人 Elle vient à Paris pour apprendre le français. 她来巴黎学 习法语。
Venir à +城市名称 表示来到某个城市 Elle fait ses études à la Sorbonne. 她在索邦大学读书 Faire ses études 学习 需要注意主有形容词ses要和动作 发出者做出配合,比如:我学习 faire mes études Elle a des cours du lundi au vendredi. 她从周一到周日都 有课。
Visiter + 人:探望(专指医生探望病人) & Le médecin visite des malades.
De... À... 从……到……
&De Beijing àGuangzhou 从北京到广州 &De lundi àjeudi 从周一到周四 &Du matin au soir 从早晨到晚上
时法国国王圣路易九世身旁的神父罗伯德·索 邦所创。包含四所大学(巴黎一大,三大, 四大,五大),两所学院和三个单位

一、法语的基本概况1. 法语是一种拉丁语系语言,是世界上使用人数最多的语言之一,除了在法国以外,还在加拿大、瑞士、比利时、卢森堡等国家和地区使用。
2. 法语是联合国、国际奥委会和国际刑事法院的官方语言之一,也是国际外交和商务的重要语言。
3. 法语是一种音调语言,发音清晰,语调优美,有着独特的韵味。
二、法语的发音1. 法语的元音有15个,包括a、e、i、o、u等,每个元音都有独特的发音特点。
2. 法语的辅音发音较多,重音部分需要注意清晰发音。
3. 法语的语调要求比较标准,需要多加练习。
三、法语的基本语法1. 名词和形容词的性、数和格的变化:法语的名词和形容词有性、数和格的变化,需要掌握它们的变化规律。
2. 动词的变位和时态:法语的动词有多种时态和变位形式,掌握不同时态的用法和变位规律是学习的重点。
3. 介词和连词的用法:介词和连词在法语中有着重要的连接作用,需要掌握它们的用法和搭配。
四、法语的词汇和常用表达1. 基本词汇:掌握一些基本的词汇是学习法语的基础,比如数字、时间、颜色、家庭成员等词汇。
2. 常用表达:学会一些常用的日常交流用语,比如问候语、感谢表达、问路指引等,可以帮助提高日常交流能力。
五、学习技巧和方法1. 多听多说:通过听力和口语练习,可以提高对法语的听力理解和口语表达能力。
2. 多读多写:通过阅读和写作练习,可以提高对法语词汇和语法的掌握能力。
3. 多练习多反思:通过大量的练习和反思,可以加深对法语知识点的理解和记忆。
六、学习资源和工具1. 语言学习网站和APP:可以利用一些在线学习资源和APP进行法语学习,例如Duolingo、Babbel等。
2. 口语交流平台:可以参加一些法语口语交流活动,提高口语表达能力。
3. 法语教材和词典:可以选用一些优质的法语教材和词典,辅助学习。

Master the rules of forming plurals in French and confidently use nouns in both singular and plural forms.
French Gender
Explore the concept of gender in French and learn how to identify and use masculine and feminine forms.
Lunch Gourmet sandwiches French onion soup Salade niçoise
Dinner Exquisite French cuisine Escargots Beef bourguignon
French Culture and Society
Art and Literature
Discover common French expressions related to family and relationships and add them to your repertoire of phrases.
Numbers and Counting in French
Useful Phrases and Expressions
Learn essential phrases and expressions in French to communicate in various situations and make your conversations more engaging.
Learn how to tell time in French and never be late for any rendezvous.
