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其连词有:when (当……的时候), while(当……的时候), as(当……的时候), once(一旦……)as soon as(一……就……), the time(当……的时刻), the moment(当……的时刻),

by the time(到……时候为止), next time(下次), the first time(第一次……的时候), the last time(上次……的时候),immediately(一……就……), instantly(一……就……),directly (一……就……)以下关联词引起的句子中,前面常用过去完成时,后面用一般过去时hardly /scarcely…when…(刚……就……), no sooner…than…(刚……就……)

Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

While I am washing the floor, you can be cleaning the windows.(while含有对比的意思)


As / When I came home, I met an old schoolmate of mine.我回家的时候遇到了我的一位老同学。

I’ll rin g you up as soon as I get an answer from him.我一有他的答复就给你打电话。

Once you see him, you will never forget him. 你一旦见过他,就不会忘了他的。

Hardly had we got into the country when it began to rain. 我们一到乡下就开始下雨了。

= We had hardly got into the country when it began to rain.

No sooner had he come home than she started complaining. 他一到家她就开始抱怨。

= He had no sooner come home than she started complaining.

He made for the door directly he heard the knock. 他一听到敲门声就向门口走去。

She rushed into the room immediately / the moment she heard the noise.她一听到声音就冲进房间

He left me a good impression the first time I met him.我第一次见他时,他给我留下了好印象。He had no sooner arrived there than he fell ill.他刚到达那里就生起病来。

He had hardly finished when someone rose to refute his points.他还没说完就有人起来反驳他的论点

She had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.她刚要睡着,忽然敲门的声音把她惊醒。



主要连词有:after(在……之后,before(在……之前), when(=after)等。如:

After / When the children had gone to bed, she began to prepare her lessons.


He had learned English for three years before he went to London. 他去伦敦之前已学了三年英语。


常用句型:It is/was/will be …before…要过多久才…

It will be another five days before we finish this task. 还要再过5天我们才能完成这个任务。It isn’t/ wasn’t/won’t be …before…没有过多久就…

It was not long before I forgot it all. 我没有过多久就全忘了。

He ran off before I could stop him.(主句和从句的动作几乎同时发生,时态一致)


(3)表示习惯性、经常性,即从句描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。主要连词有every time(每次), each time(每次), whenever(每当)等。

Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us.每当我们遇上困难的时候他们就来帮我们
