HP G7 系列阵列配置手册 系列 RAID5 1Hotspare 配置手册
Adapter Fault Torence “适配器容错” 在一台服务器中将二块网
卡设置为“AFT 组”,primary 和standy, 流量只在primary,如一个网卡或链接停止 ,则辅助网卡立即接管,从而保持服务 器网络链接连续性。
磁盘阵列:RAID1 RAID5 硬盘Hotspare
类型 冗余方式
按指令系统: CISC服务器 RISC服务器
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
基于Intel X86架构,PC服务器 XEON
Load ians frame=协议帧 name=XXX team=num Bind ians XXX team=1 primary(从网卡不必写primary参数)
Load ians commit mode=AFT/ALB
AFT:Adapter Fault Torence ALB:Adapter Load Balance ALA:Adapter Link Aggregation
CPU、阵列卡的类型。 HP DL580系列服务器的特点? DELL PowerEDGE所采用的阵列卡?
交换机技术: 1.Spanning-tree&portfast 2.GEC/FEC 3.VLAN
为网络提供路径冗余同时防止产生环路 两个工作站之间有两条路径,但有且只
总部:数据清算和集中交易 操作系统:Linux AS4、win2003 数据库:Oracle 服务器:HP DL580系列,IBM System
名称解释:Disk Group:磁盘组,这里相当于是阵列,例如配置了一个RAID5,就是一个磁盘组VD(Virtual Disk):虚拟磁盘,虚拟磁盘可以不使用阵列的全部容量,也就是说一个磁盘组可以分为多个VDPD(Physical Disk):物理磁盘HS:Hot Spare 热备Mgmt:管理【一】,创建逻辑磁盘1、按照屏幕下方的虚拟磁盘管理器提示,在VD Mgmt菜单(可以通过CTRL+P/CTRL+N切换菜单),按F2展开虚拟磁盘创建菜单2、在虚拟磁盘创建窗口,按回车键选择”Create New VD”创建新虚拟磁盘3、在RAID Level选项按回车,可以出现能够支持的RAID级别,RAID卡能够支持的级别有RAID0/1/5/10/50,根据具体配置的硬盘数量不同,这个位置可能出现的选项也会有所区别。
4、确认RAID级别以后,按向下方向键,将光标移至Physical Disks列表中,上下移动至需要选择的硬盘位置,按空格键来选择(移除)列表中的硬盘,当选择的硬盘数量达到这个RAID级别所需的要求时,Basic Settings的VD Size中可以显示这个RAID的默认容量信息。
选择完硬盘后按Tab键,可以将光标移至VD Size栏,VD Size可以手动设定大小,也就是说可以不用将所有的容量配置在一个虚拟磁盘中。
如果这个虚拟磁盘没有使用我们所配置的RAID5阵列所有的容量,剩余的空间可以配置为另外的一个虚拟磁盘,但是配置下一个虚拟磁盘时必须返回VD Mgmt创建(可以参考第13步,会有详细说明)。
VD Name根据需要设置,也可为空。
注:各RAID级别最少需要的硬盘数量,RAID0=1 RAID1=2 RAID5=3 RAID10=4 RAID50=65、修改高级设置,选择完VD Size后,可以按向下方向键,或者Tab键,将光标移至Advanced Settings 处,按空格键开启(禁用)高级设置。
名称解释:Disk Group:磁盘组,这里相当于是阵列,例如配置了一个RAID5,就是一个磁盘组VD(Virtual Disk):虚拟磁盘,虚拟磁盘可以不使用阵列的全部容量,也就是说一个磁盘组可以分为多个VDPD(Physical Disk):物理磁盘HS:Hot Spare 热备Mgmt:管理【一】,创建逻辑磁盘1、按照屏幕下方的虚拟磁盘管理器提示,在VD Mgmt菜单(可以通过CTRL+P/CTRL+N切换菜单),按F2展开虚拟磁盘创建菜单2、在虚拟磁盘创建窗口,按回车键选择”Create New VD”创建新虚拟磁盘3、在RAID Level选项按回车,可以出现能够支持的RAID级别,RAID卡能够支持的级别有RAID0/1/5/10/50,根据具体配置的硬盘数量不同,这个位置可能出现的选项也会有所区别。
4、确认RAID级别以后,按向下方向键,将光标移至Physical Disks列表中,上下移动至需要选择的硬盘位置,按空格键来选择(移除)列表中的硬盘,当选择的硬盘数量达到这个RAID级别所需的要求时,Basic Settings的VD Size中可以显示这个RAID的默认容量信息。
选择完硬盘后按Tab键,可以将光标移至VD Size栏,VD Size可以手动设定大小,也就是说可以不用将所有的容量配置在一个虚拟磁盘中。
如果这个虚拟磁盘没有使用我们所配置的RAID5阵列所有的容量,剩余的空间可以配置为另外的一个虚拟磁盘,但是配置下一个虚拟磁盘时必须返回VD Mgmt创建(可以参考第13步,会有详细说明)。
VD Name根据需要设置,也可为空。
注:各RAID级别最少需要的硬盘数量,RAID0=1 RAID1=2 RAID5=3 RAID10=4 RAID50=65、修改高级设置,选择完VD Size后,可以按向下方向键,或者Tab键,将光标移至Advanced Settings 处,按空格键开启(禁用)高级设置。
HP ProLiant DL380 G7 服务器-阵列卡管理界面各选项功能说明问题DL380 G7 如何配置阵列。
1、Hp logo的欢迎界面,这个界面设计会把做raid的F8提示遮盖,先关闭欢迎界面(1)开机提示,按F9进入bios界面;选择advanced options 回车。
(2)选择advanced system Rom options 回车(3)选择power-on logo 回车(进去之后选择disable关闭欢迎界面)再次开机就可以看见F8按键1. 开机画面2. 按任意键后看到自检信息:3. 自检到P410I时按F8进到配置画面4. 有五个选项:创建、显示、删除逻辑盘、管理认证和cache设置。
首先选择创建罗辑区5.识别到两块硬盘,可做raid0和raid1*Parity Group Count功能:有多块硬盘,可以做几组raid级别,但只针对raid几加0的模式。
这样就可以选择几组6. 按F8储存设置7. license管理,可以添加、显、删除license8.进入该界面后看到以下信息9.购买license在此输入后可以做RAID 610. 选择显示,就会把输入的license显示出来11. 显示license12. 删除license13. ESC 退出14. 最后一项是cache的设置15.预设情况下write cache是开启的状态16.按ENTER进行确认,弹出警示,按F8确认配置17.已经储存配置,按ENTER继续18. 此时write cache被关闭Hp logo的欢迎界面,这个界面设计会把做raid的F8提示遮盖2、开机提示,按F9进入bios界面;选择advanced options 回车。
3、选择advanced system Rom options 回车4、选择power-on logo 回车(进去之后选择disable关闭欢迎界面)。
HP G7 系列阵列配置手册 系列 RAID5+1Hotspare 配置手册
![HP G7 系列阵列配置手册 系列 RAID5+1Hotspare 配置手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/225575d880eb6294dd886c57.png)
5. 选择要删除的逻辑驱动器
6. 按 F3 删除当前阵列
7. 正在保存阵列配置
8. 配置结束,按回车继续
9. 查看当前阵列配置情况
1. 打开服务器电源
2. 硬件自检阶段一
3. 硬件自检阶段二,出现以下红色部分提示时立即按 F8 将进入阵列配置
4. 删除当前 RAID 配置 注:4-10 步骤为删除当前阵列和查看阵列配置,新服务器安装可忽略这一段
HP G7 系列 RAID5+1Hotspare 配置手册
编制: 审核: 批准:
2013 年 8 月
日期 文档版本 描述 2013/8/28 V 1.0 创建
编写人 杨烨
审核人 批准人
10. 确认当前没有配置阵列
11. 创建阵列
12. 以下是默认的阵列配置选项,不符合本手册要求,需要重新配置参数
13. 留下最后一块盘做热备(Hotspare)盘,使用“空格键”标记为非选中状态
17. 创建完毕后可通过“查看”确认 RAID 配置状况
18. 可以看到当前配置为 RAID 5 with Spare
19. 可以看到使用前 7 块盘做的 RAID 5,最后一块盘做的 hotspare 盘
14. 使用“TAB”键切换至 RAID 配置项,使用上下光标移动,选择 RADI 5,再切换至 Spare 配置项,使用空格键选中使用热备功能,最后按回车键创建 RAID 5 + 1 逻辑驱动器
15. 按 F8 保存配置
16. 配置保存完毕,按回车键继续
raid5 4
备份柜为8盘位,方案中拿出 个盘做 个盘做Raid1, 备份柜为 盘位,方案中拿出2个盘做 盘位 ,
备份柜为8盘位,方案中拿出5个盘做 备份柜为 盘位,方案中拿出 个盘做Raid5,留出一个做hotspare盘, hotspare盘 ,留出一个做 盘 盘 盘位 个盘做 会一直处于侦测状态, 中某个盘出现故障, 会一直处于侦测状态,当Raid5中某个盘出现故障, hotspare盘自动代替故障盘 中某个盘出现故障 盘自动代替故障盘 并将故障盘的数据复制到hotspare盘上面来继续工作,来保证 盘上面来继续工作, 的完整性。 并将故障盘的数据复制到 盘上面来继续工作 来保证Raid5的完整性。 的完整性
首先在服务器启动过程中,出现“Press to enter SETUP”提示时,按F2键进入SETUP,修改服务器的BIOS设置。
在服务器的BIOS设置界面中,选择“User Preferences”项,确认“Integrated HP NetRAID”所对应的内容为“Enabled”,并且把它的下一级选项“Included SCSI_A Channel”设为“Yes”,即把磁盘阵列控制器设为可用,并把服务器上的SCSI A通道包括在磁盘阵列控制器中。
接着在服务器重新启动过程中,出现“Option:Experienced users may press for HP NetRAID Express Tools Now.”时,按Ctrl+M组合键进入HP NetRAID快速配置工具。
在“Tools Management Menu”菜单下,选择“Configure → Clear Configuration”,清除原先的配置,如以前没有配置RAID,则会出现 “No Existing Configuration to Clear” 的提示;如系统配置了RAID,则提示“Clear Configuration?”,选择“Yes”清除配置。
按“Esc”键返回配置菜单,选择“New Configuration”,对 “Proceed?” 回答“Yes”,服务器会开始查找磁盘,查找结束后,所有找到的磁盘会在“New Configuration-ARRAY SELECTION MENU”菜单下显示为“READY”就绪状态此时依次按空格键选中要添加到阵列中的磁盘,显示为“ONLIN”在线状态,选中所有的磁盘后,按回车键结束阵列的选择;再按回车键进入“Logical Drives Configured”菜单,选择RAID的级别,阵列容量的大小,以及修改“Advanced Menu”高级菜单中的条带容量(Stripe Size),写入策略(Write Policy),读取策略(Read Policy)和高速缓存策略(Cache Policy)选项,它们的默认值为“Stripe Size=64KB”,“Write Policy=WRTHRU”,“Read Policy=ADAPTIVE”和“Cache Policy=CachedIO”,用户可以根据所使用服务器的具体情况进行设置。
我们以当下比较流行的HP DL380、DL580服务器为例使用ORCA配置Raid 5
选择第一项:Create Logical Drive进入阵列创建界面。
将三块物理硬盘都选中;选择Raid 5;由于只用了三块sas硬盘,故不选spare;Maximum Boot partition:选择8GB maximum.按回车创建Raid 5。
回到主界面,选择View Loagical Driver,按回车查看阵列信息。
显示有一个logical drive,级别为Raid 5,状态OK。
显示阵列中物理盘的参数和状态以及是否有Spare 盘。
那么哪些设备性能较低呢?现在,我们来分析一下一个网络服务器在运行过程中核心组件的性能参数,INTEL PⅢ CPU1000MB/SSDRAM 内存800MB/SAGP显卡532~1000MB/S硬盘80MB/S从上面的列表中可以看出,硬盘是网络服务器瓶颈所在,许多人也都有这种感觉,当我们使用鼠标点击某个应用程序时,屏幕上出现一个小沙漏,硬盘的红灯不停的闪烁,这是因为我们需要大量的从硬盘读取的相应的程序或数据,而今天硬盘读写速度限制了我们的程序的快速执行。
为什么会这样呢?因为今天我们无论使用IDE硬盘还是普通的SCSI 硬盘,在每一时刻只能对计算机内部的一块硬盘进行读或者写的操作,现在的硬盘理论上可以支持到每秒80MB的速率,但在实际运行时往往是达不到的,较好的情况下恒定读写速率可以达到每秒20MB左右,这已经是一个非常理想的指标了,但与CPU和内存的IO 速率相比是在是太低了。
XXXXXXX主机存储配置手册XXXXX2004年12月23日目录1 WINDOWS SERVER 2003系统配置 (3)1.1服务器分区配置 (3)1.2主机命名及IP地址配置 (4)1.3活动目录配置 (4)1.4W INDOWS SERVER 2003配置 (5)2 杀毒软件配置 (5)3 存储系统配置 (7)4 双机容错系统配置 (7)4.1D ATAWARE软件资源规划 (7)4.1.1 心跳线设置 (7)4.1.2 Ywzx-server1作为活动服务器配置 (8)4.1.3 Ywzx-server2作为活动服务器配置 (10)1Windows Server 2003系统配置1.1 服务器分区配置1.文件服务器硬盘分区在服务器上,各配有一块36G热插拔硬盘,分成两个分区,文件格式为NTFS,分区如下:●分区1(C盘):10GB,做系统盘使用;●分区2(D盘):24GB,用来安装应用程序和存储一些服务器自身数据用;D盘建立目录:D:\Program Files 用于安装应用软件;D:\backup\drivers and tools\ 用于存放服务器驱动和常用工具;D:\backup\system_bak 用于存放系统备份文件;2.病毒、网管服务器分区配置1.服务器硬盘分区在服务器上,配有一块80GB IDE硬盘,分成三个分区,文件格式为NTFS,分区如下:●分区1(C盘):10GB,做系统盘使用;●分区2(D盘):25GB,用来安装应用程序;●分区2(E盘):45GB,用来存储备份数据;2.建立目录:D:\Program Files 用于存放应用程序E:\backup\drivers and tools 用于备份各种驱动程序及常用工具E:\backup\tools\ 用于备份常用工具1.2 主机命名及IP地址配置1.3 活动目录配置基本域配置:1.4 Windows server 2003配置设置密码安全策略策略管理工具->域安全策略->安全设置->帐户策略->密码策略启用“密码必须符合复杂性要求”设置“密码最小长度值”:8位帐户密码设置将不用的帐户全部禁掉;将Win2003系统自建帐户“Administrator”设置复杂的密码,建议使用8位以上、各种字符组成的密码。
hp磁盘阵列配置Configuration and utilitiesConfiguration toolsSmartStart softwareSmartStart is a collection of software that optimizes single-server setup, providing a simple and consistent way to deploy server configuration. SmartStart has been tested on many ProLiant server products,resulting in proven, reliable configurations.SmartStart assists the deployment process by performing a wide range of configuration activities,including:Configuring hardware using embedded configuration utilities, such as RBSU and ORCAPreparing the system for installing "off-the-shelf" versions of leading operating system softwareInstalling optimized server drivers, management agents, and utilities automatically with every assisted installationTesting server hardware using the Insight Diagnostics Utility ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 69)Installing software drivers directly from the CD. With systems that have internet connection, the SmartStart Autorun Menu provides access to a complete list of ProLiant system software.Enabling access to the Array Configuration Utility (on page 65), Array Diagnostic Utility (on page70), and Erase Utility (on page 67)SmartStart is included in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack. For more information aboutSmartStart software, refer to the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/management/smartstart/index.html). SmartStart Scripting ToolkitThe SmartStart Scripting Toolkit is a server deployment product that delivers an unattended automatedinstallation for high-volume server deployments. The SmartStart Scripting Toolkit is designed to supportProLiant BL, ML, and DL servers. The toolkit includes a modular set of utilities and important documentation that describes how to apply these new tools to build an automated server deployment process.Using SmartStart technology, the Scripting Toolkit provides a flexible way to create standard serverconfiguration scripts. These scripts are used to automate many of the manual steps in the serverconfiguration process. This automated server configuration process cuts time from each server deployed,making it possible to scale server deployments to high volumes in a rapid manner.For more information, and to download the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit, refer to the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/sstoolkit).Configuration Replication UtilityCONREP is shipped in the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit and is a program that works with RBSU to replicate hardware configuration on ProLiant servers. This utility is run during State 0, Run Hardware Configuration Utility, when doing a scripted server deployment. CONREP reads the state of the system environmentvariables to determine the configuration and then writes the results to an editable script file. This file canthen be deployed across multiple servers with similar hardware and software components. For moreinformation, refer to the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit User Guide on the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/management/toolkit/documentation.html). HP ROM-Based Setup UtilityRBSU is a configuration utility embedded in ProLiant servers that performs a wide range of configurationactivities that can include the following:Configuring system devices and installed optionsEnabling and disabling system featuresDisplaying system informationSelecting the primary boot controllerConfiguring memory optionsLanguage selectionFor more information on RBSU, see the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support/smartstart/documentation).Using RBSUTo use RBSU, use the following keys:To access RBSU, press the F9 key during power-up when prompted.To navigate the menu system, use the arrow keys.To make selections, press the Enter key.To access Help for a highlighted configuration option, press the F1 key.IMPORTANT: RBSU automatically saves settings when you press the Enter key. The utility doesnot prompt you for confirmation of settings before you exit the utility. To change a selectedsetting, you must select a different setting and press the Enter key.Default configuration settings are applied to the server at one of the following times:Upon the first system power-upAfter defaults have been restoredDefault configuration settings are sufficient for proper typical server operation, but configuration settingscan be modified using RBSU. The system will prompt you for access to RBSU with each power-up.Auto-configuration processThe auto-configuration process automatically runs when you boot the server for the first time. During thepower-up sequence, the system ROM automatically configures the entire system without needing anyintervention. During this process, the ORCA utility, in most cases, automatically configures the array to adefault setting based on the number of drives connected to the server.NOTE: The server may not support all the following examples.NOTE: If the boot drive is not empty or has been written to in the past, ORCA does notautomatically configure the array. You must run ORCA to configure the array settings.Drives installed Drives used RAID level1 1 RAID12 2 RAID3, 4, 5, or 6 3, 4, 5, or 6 RAID 5More than 6 0 NoneTo change any ORCA default settings and override the auto-configuration process, press the F8 key when prompted.By default, the auto-configuration process configures the system for the English language. To change any default settings in the auto-configuration process (such as the settings for language, operating system, and primary boot controller), execute RBSU by pressing the F9 key when prompted. After the settings areselected, exit RBSU and allow the server to reboot automatically.For more information on RBSU, see the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support/smartstart/documentation).Boot optionsNear the end of the boot process, the boot options screen is displayed. This screen is visible for severalseconds before the system attempts to boot from a diskette, CD, or hard drive. During this time, you cando the following:Access RBSU by pressing the F9 keyAccess the System Maintenance Menu (which enables you to launch ROM-based Diagnostics or Inspect) by pressing the F10 keyForce a PXE Network boot by pressing the F12 keyBIOS Serial ConsoleBIOS Serial Console allows you to configure the serial port to view POST error messages and run RBSUremotely through a serial connection to the server COM port. The server that you are remotely configuring does not require a keyboard and mouse.For more information about BIOS Serial Console, see the BIOS Serial Console User Guide on theDocumentation CD or the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html/support/smartstart/documentation).Configuring online spare memoryTo configure online spare memory:1.Install the required FBDIMMs.2.Access RBSU by pressing the F9 key during power-up when the prompt is displayed in the upperright corner of the screen.3.Select System Options.4.Select Advanced Memory Protection.5.Select Online Spare with Advanced ECC Support.6.Press the Enter key.7.Press the Esc key to exit the current menu, or press the F10 key to exit RBSU.For more information on online spare memory, refer to the white paper on the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/technology/memoryprotection.html). Configuring mirrored memoryTo configure mirrored memory:1.Install the required FBDIMMs.2.Access RBSU by pressing the F9 key during power-up when the prompt is displayed in the upperright corner of the screen.3.Select System Options.4.Select Advanced Memory Protection.5.Select Mirrored Memory with Advanced ECC Support.6.Press the Enter key.7.Press the Esc key to exit the current menu or press the F10 key to exit RBSU.For more information on mirrored memory, refer to the white paper on the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/technology/memoryprotection.html). Array Configuration UtilityACU is a browser-based utility with the following features:Runs as a local application or remote serviceSupports online array capacity expansion, logical drive extension, assignment of online spares, and RAID or stripe size migrationSuggests the optimum configuration for an unconfigured systemProvides different operating modes, enabling faster configuration or greater control over the configuration options Remains available any time that the server is onDisplays on-screen tips for individual steps of a configuration procedureFor optimum performance, the minimum display settings are 800 × 600 resolution and 256 colors.Servers running Microsoft? operating systems require Internet Explorer 5.5 (with Service Pack 1) or later.For Linux servers, refer to the README.TXT file for additional browser and support information.For more information, refer to the Configuring Arrays on HP Smart Array Controllers Reference Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html ).Option ROM Configuration for ArraysBefore installing an operating system, you can use the ORCA utility to create the first logical drive, assign RAID levels, and establish online spare configurations.The utility also provides support for the following functions:Reconfiguring one or more logical drivesViewing the current logical drive configurationDeleting a logical drive configurationSetting the controller to be the boot controllerIf you do not use the utility, ORCA will default to the standard configuration.For more information regarding array controller configuration, refer to the controller user guide.For more information regarding the default configurations that ORCA uses, refer to the HP ROM-BasedSetup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD.HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment PackThe RDP software is the preferred method for rapid, high-volume server deployments. The RDP softwareintegrates two powerful products: Altiris Deployment Solution and the HP ProLiant Integration Module.The intuitive graphical user interface of the Altiris Deployment Solution console provides simplified point-and-click and drag-and-drop operations that enable you to deploy target servers, including server blades, remotely. It enables you to perform imaging or scripting functions and maintain software images.For more information about the RDP, refer to the HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack CD orrefer to the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/rdp).Re-entering the server serial number and product IDAfter you replace the system board, you must re-enter the server serial number and the product ID.1.During the server startup sequence, press the F9 key to access RBSU.2.Select the System Options menu.3.Select Serial Number. The following warning is displayed:WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The serial number is loaded into the systemduring the manufacturing process and should NOT be modified. This optionshould only be used by qualified service personnel. This value shouldalways match the serial number sticker located on the chassis.4.Press the Enter key to clear the warning.5.Enter the serial number and press the Enter key.6.Select Product ID.7.Enter the product ID and press the Enter key.8.Press the Esc key to close the menu.9.Press the Esc key to exit RBSU.10.Press the F10 key to confirm exiting RBSU. The server will automatically reboot.Management toolsAutomatic Server RecoveryASR is a feature that causes the system to restart when a catastrophic operating system error occurs, such as a blue screen, ABEND, or panic. A system fail-safe timer, the ASR timer, starts when the SystemManagement driver, also known as the Health Driver, is loaded. When the operating system isfunctioning properly, the system periodically resets the timer. However, when the operating system fails,the timer expires and restarts the server.ASR increases server availability by restarting the server within a specified time after a system hang orshutdown. At the same time, the HP SIM console notifies you by sending a message to a designatedpager number that ASR has restarted the system. You can disable ASR from the HP SIM console orthrough RBSU.ROMPaq utilityThe ROMPaq utility enables you to upgrade the system firmware (BIOS) or Lights-Out 100 firmware. Toupgrade the firmware, insert a ROMPaq diskette into the diskette drive or ROMPaq USB Key into anavailable USB port and boot the system.The ROMPaq utility checks the system and provides a choice (if more than one exists) of availablefirmware revisions.For more information about the ROMPaq utility, see the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /go/support).Integrated Lights-Out 2 technologyThe iLO 2 subsystem is a standard component of selected ProLiant servers that provides server health and remote server manageability. The iLO 2 subsystem includes an intelligent microprocessor, secure memory, and a dedicated network interface. This design makes iLO 2 independent of the host server and itsoperating system. The iLO 2 subsystem provides remote access to any authorized network client, sendsalerts, and provides other server management functions.Using iLO 2, you can:Remotely power up, power down, or reboot the host server.Send alerts from iLO 2 regardless of the state of the host server.Access advanced troubleshooting features through the iLO 2 interface.Diagnose iLO 2 using HP SIM through a web browser and SNMP alerting.For more information about iLO 2 features, refer to the iLO 2 documentation on the Documentation CD or on the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/lights-out).Erase UtilityCAUTION: Perform a backup before running the System Erase Utility. The utility sets the systemto its original factory state, deletes the current hardware configuration information, includingarray setup and disk partitioning, and erases all connected hard drives completely. Refer to theinstructions for using this utility.Run the Erase Utility if you must erase the system for the following reasons:You want to install a new operating system on a server with an existing operating system.You encounter an error when completing the steps of a factory-installed operating system installation.The Erase Utility can be accessed from the Maintenance Utilities menu of the SmartStart CD ("SmartStartsoftware" on page 62).StorageWorks library and tape toolsHP StorageWorks L&TT provides functionality for firmware downloads, verification of device operation,maintenance procedures, failure analysis, corrective service actions, and some utility functions. It alsoprovides seamless integration with HP hardware support by generating and emailing support tickets thatdeliver a snapshot of the storage system.For more information, and to download the utility, refer to the StorageWorks L&TT website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/storageworks/ltt).HP Systems Insight ManagerHP SIM is a web-based application that allows system administrators to accomplish normal administrative tasks from any remote location, using a web browser. HP SIM provides device management capabilitiesthat consolidate and integrate management data from HP and third-party devices.IMPORTANT: You must install and use HP SIM to benefit from the Pre-Failure Warranty forprocessors, SAS and SCSI hard drives, and memory modules.For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP SIM website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /go/hpsim).Management AgentsManagement Agents provide the information to enable fault, performance, and configurationmanagement. The agents allow easy manageability of the server through HP SIM software, and third-party SNMP management platforms. Management Agents are installed with every SmartStart assistedinstallation or can be installed through the HP PSP. The Systems Management homepage provides statusand direct access to in-depth subsystem information by accessing data reported through the Management Agents. For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/manage).Redundant ROM supportThe server enables you to upgrade or configure the ROM safely with redundant ROM support. The server has a 4-MB ROM that acts as two, separate 2-MB ROMs. In the standard implementation, one side of the ROM contains the current ROM program version, while the other side of the ROM contains a backupversion.NOTE: The server ships with the same version programmed on each side of the ROM.Safety and security benefitsWhen you flash the system ROM, ROMPaq writes over the backup ROM and saves the current ROM as a backup, enabling you to switch easily to the alternate ROM version if the new ROM becomes corruptedfor any reason. This feature protects the existing ROM version, even if you experience a power failurewhile flashing the ROM.USB supportHP provides both standard USB support and legacy USB support. Standard support is provided by theoperating system through the appropriate USB device drivers. HP provides support for USB devices prior to the operating system loading through legacy USB support, which is enabled by default in the systemROM. HP hardware supports USB version 2.0.Legacy USB support provides USB functionality in environments where USB support is normally notavailable. Specifically, HP provides legacy USB functionality at:POSTRBSUDiagnosticsDOSEnvironments which do not support USB nativelyFor more information on ProLiant USB support, refer to the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/platforms/usb-support.html). Internal USB functionalityAn internal USB connector is available for use with USB drive keys only. This solution provides for use ofa permanent boot drive from a USB drive key installed in the internal connector, avoiding issues ofclearance on the front of the rack and physical access to secure data.For additional security, you can disable the external USB connectors through RBSU. Disabling the rearUSB connectors in RBSU disables both rear USB ports.Diagnostic toolsHP Insight DiagnosticsHP Insight Diagnostics is a proactive server management tool, available in both offline and onlineversions, that provides diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities to assist IT administrators who verifyserver installations, troubleshoot problems, and perform repair validation.HP Insight Diagnostics Offline Edition performs various in-depth system and component testing while theOS is not running. To run this utility, launch the SmartStart CD.HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition is a web-based application that captures system configuration andother related data needed for effective server management. Available in Microsoft? Windows? andLinux versions, the utility helps to ensure proper system operation.For more information or to download the utility, refer to the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/diags).HP Insight Diagnostics survey functionalityHP Insight Diagnostics (on page 69) provides survey functionality that gathers critical hardware andsoftware information on ProLiant servers.This functionality supports operating systems that may not be supported by the server. For operatingsystems supported by the server, see the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /go/supportos).If a significant change occurs between data-gathering intervals, the survey function marks the previousinformation and overwrites the survey data files to reflect the latest changes in the configuration.Survey functionality is installed with every SmartStart-assisted HP Insight Diagnostics installation, or it can be installed through the HP PSP ("ProLiant Support Packs" on page 72).NOTE: The current version of SmartStart provides the memory spare part numbers for theserver. To download the latest version, see the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support).Integrated Management LogThe IML records hundreds of events and stores them in an easy-to-view form. The IML timestamps eachevent with 1-minute granularity.You can view recorded events in the IML in several ways, including the following:From within HP SIM ("HP Systems Insight Manager" on page 68)From within Survey UtilityFrom within operating system-specific IML viewerso For NetWare: IML Viewero For Windows?: IML Viewero For Linux: IML Viewer ApplicationFrom within the iLO 2 user interfaceFrom within HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 69)For more information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack.Array Diagnostic UtilityThe HP Array Diagnostics Utility is a web-based application that creates a report of all HP storagecontrollers and disk drives. This report provides vital information to assist in identifying faults or conditions that may require attention. ADU can be accessed from the SmartStart CD ("SmartStart software" on page62) or downloaded from the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html ).Remote support and analysis toolsHP Instant Support Enterprise EditionISEE is a proactive remote monitoring and diagnostic tool to help manage your systems and devices, afeature of HP support. ISEE provides continuous hardware event monitoring and automated notification to identify and prevent potential critical problems. Through remote diagnostic scripts and vital systemconfiguration information collected about your systems, ISEE enables fast restoration of your systems.Install ISEE on your systems to help mitigate risk and prevent potential critical problems.For more information on ISEE, refer to the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /hps/hardware/hw_enterprise.html).To download HP ISEE, visit the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html/hps/hardware/hw_downloads.html).For installation information, refer to the HP ISEE Client Installation and Upgrade Guide(ftp:///doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /pub/services/hardware/info/isee_client.pdf).Web-Based Enterprise ServiceWEBES enables administrators to manage hardware events proactively, either locally or online. Theservice provides real-time multiple event analysis, crash analysis, and notification, locally through SMTPand remotely through ISEE for OpenVMS, Tru64, and Microsoft? Windows? operating system binaryerror logs.For more information, refer to the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html/support/svctools/).Open Services Event ManagerOSEM is a standalone tool that performs real-time reactive and proactive service event filtering, analysis, and notification. The tool gathers event data from SNMP traps or information provided over an HTTPinterface and notifies an administrator or HP through SMTP and ISEE.For more information, refer to the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html/support/svctools/). Keeping the system currentDriversThe server includes new hardware that may not have driver support on all operating system installationmedia.If you are installing a SmartStart-supported operating system, use the SmartStart software (on page 62)and its Assisted Path feature to install the operating system and latest driver support.NOTE: If you are installing drivers from the SmartStart CD or the Software Maintenance CD,refer to the SmartStart website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /servers/smartstart) to be sure that you areusing the latest version of SmartStart. For more information, refer to the documentationprovided with the SmartStart CD.If you do not use the SmartStart CD to install an operating system, drivers for some of the new hardwareare required. These drivers, as well as other option drivers, ROM images, and value-add software can be downloaded from the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support).IMPORTANT: Always perform a backup before installing or updating device drivers.ProLiant Support PacksPSPs represent operating system-specific bundles of ProLiant optimized drivers, utilities, and management agents. Refer to the PSP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /products/servers/management/psp.html).Operating system version supportRefer to the operating system support matrix (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /go/supportos). System Online ROM flash component utilityThe Online ROM Flash Component Utility enables system administrators to efficiently upgrade system orcontroller ROM images across a wide range of servers and array controllers. This tool has the followingfeatures:Works offline and onlineSupports Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Novell Netware, and Linux operating systemsIMPORTANT: This utility supports operating systems that may not be supported by the server.For operating systems supported by the server, see the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support).Integrates with other software maintenance, deployment, and operating system toolsAutomatically checks for hardware, firmware, and operating system dependencies, and installs only the correct ROM upgrades required by each target serverTo download the tool and for more information, see the HP website(/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /support).Change control and proactive notificationHP offers Change Control and Proactive Notification to notify customers 30 to 60 days in advance ofupcoming hardware and software changes on HP commercial products.For more information, refer to the HP website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html /go/pcn). Care PackHP Care Pack Services offer upgraded service levels to extend and expand standard product warrantywith easy-to-buy, easy-to-use support packages that help you make the most of your server investments.Refer to the Care Pack website (/doc/8aa64b30b90d6c85ec3ac6bd.html/hps/carepack/servers/cp_proliant.html).。
Configuration and utilitiesConfiguration toolsSmartStart softwareSmartStart is a collection of software that optimizes single-server setup, providing a simple and consistent way to deploy server configuration. SmartStart has been tested on many ProLiant server products,resulting in proven, reliable configurations.SmartStart assists the deployment process by performing a wide range of configuration activities,including:•Configuring hardware using embedded configuration utilities, such as RBSU and ORCA•Preparing the system for installing "off-the-shelf" versions of leading operating system software•Installing optimized server drivers, management agents, and utilities automatically with every assisted installation•Testing server hardware using the Insight Diagnostics Utility ("HP Insight Diagnostics" on page 69)•Installing software drivers directly from the CD. With systems that have internet connection, the SmartStart Autorun Menu provides access to a complete list of ProLiant system software.•Enabling access to the Array Configuration Utility (on page 65), Array Diagnostic Utility (on page70), and Erase Utility (on page 67)SmartStart is included in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack. For more information aboutSmartStart software, refer to the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP website(/products/servers/management/smartstart/index.html). SmartStart Scripting ToolkitThe SmartStart Scripting Toolkit is a server deployment product that delivers an unattended automatedinstallation for high-volume server deployments. The SmartStart Scripting Toolkit is designed to supportProLiant BL, ML, and DL servers. The toolkit includes a modular set of utilities and important documentation that describes how to apply these new tools to build an automated server deployment process.Using SmartStart technology, the Scripting Toolkit provides a flexible way to create standard serverconfiguration scripts. These scripts are used to automate many of the manual steps in the serverconfiguration process. This automated server configuration process cuts time from each server deployed,making it possible to scale server deployments to high volumes in a rapid manner.For more information, and to download the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit, refer to the HP website(/servers/sstoolkit).Configuration Replication UtilityCONREP is shipped in the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit and is a program that works with RBSU to replicate hardware configuration on ProLiant servers. This utility is run during State 0, Run Hardware Configuration Utility, when doing a scripted server deployment. CONREP reads the state of the system environmentvariables to determine the configuration and then writes the results to an editable script file. This file canthen be deployed across multiple servers with similar hardware and software components. For moreinformation, refer to the SmartStart Scripting Toolkit User Guide on the HP website(/products/servers/management/toolkit/documentation.html).HP ROM-Based Setup UtilityRBSU is a configuration utility embedded in ProLiant servers that performs a wide range of configurationactivities that can include the following:•Configuring system devices and installed options•Enabling and disabling system features•Displaying system information•Selecting the primary boot controller•Configuring memory options•Language selectionFor more information on RBSU, see the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website (/support/smartstart/documentation).Using RBSUTo use RBSU, use the following keys:•To access RBSU, press the F9 key during power-up when prompted.•To navigate the menu system, use the arrow keys.•To make selections, press the Enter key.•To access Help for a highlighted configuration option, press the F1 key.IMPORTANT: RBSU automatically saves settings when you press the Enter key. The utility doesnot prompt you for confirmation of settings before you exit the utility. To change a selectedsetting, you must select a different setting and press the Enter key.Default configuration settings are applied to the server at one of the following times:•Upon the first system power-up•After defaults have been restoredDefault configuration settings are sufficient for proper typical server operation, but configuration settingscan be modified using RBSU. The system will prompt you for access to RBSU with each power-up.Auto-configuration processThe auto-configuration process automatically runs when you boot the server for the first time. During thepower-up sequence, the system ROM automatically configures the entire system without needing anyintervention. During this process, the ORCA utility, in most cases, automatically configures the array to adefault setting based on the number of drives connected to the server.NOTE: The server may not support all the following examples.NOTE: If the boot drive is not empty or has been written to in the past, ORCA does notautomatically configure the array. You must run ORCA to configure the array settings.Drives installed Drives used RAID level1 1 RAID12 2 RAID3, 4, 5, or 6 3, 4, 5, or 6 RAID 5More than 6 0 NoneTo change any ORCA default settings and override the auto-configuration process, press the F8 key when prompted.By default, the auto-configuration process configures the system for the English language. To change any default settings in the auto-configuration process (such as the settings for language, operating system, and primary boot controller), execute RBSU by pressing the F9 key when prompted. After the settings areselected, exit RBSU and allow the server to reboot automatically.For more information on RBSU, see the HP ROM-Based Setup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website (/support/smartstart/documentation).Boot optionsNear the end of the boot process, the boot options screen is displayed. This screen is visible for severalseconds before the system attempts to boot from a diskette, CD, or hard drive. During this time, you cando the following:•Access RBSU by pressing the F9 key•Access the System Maintenance Menu (which enables you to launch ROM-based Diagnostics or Inspect) by pressing the F10 key•Force a PXE Network boot by pressing the F12 keyBIOS Serial ConsoleBIOS Serial Console allows you to configure the serial port to view POST error messages and run RBSUremotely through a serial connection to the server COM port. The server that you are remotely configuring does not require a keyboard and mouse.For more information about BIOS Serial Console, see the BIOS Serial Console User Guide on theDocumentation CD or the HP website (/support/smartstart/documentation).Configuring online spare memoryTo configure online spare memory:1.Install the required FBDIMMs.2.Access RBSU by pressing the F9 key during power-up when the prompt is displayed in the upperright corner of the screen.3.Select System Options.4.Select Advanced Memory Protection.5.Select Online Spare with Advanced ECC Support.6.Press the Enter key.7.Press the Esc key to exit the current menu, or press the F10 key to exit RBSU.For more information on online spare memory, refer to the white paper on the HP website(/products/servers/technology/memoryprotection.html). Configuring mirrored memoryTo configure mirrored memory:1.Install the required FBDIMMs.2.Access RBSU by pressing the F9 key during power-up when the prompt is displayed in the upperright corner of the screen.3.Select System Options.4.Select Advanced Memory Protection.5.Select Mirrored Memory with Advanced ECC Support.6.Press the Enter key.7.Press the Esc key to exit the current menu or press the F10 key to exit RBSU.For more information on mirrored memory, refer to the white paper on the HP website(/products/servers/technology/memoryprotection.html).Array Configuration UtilityACU is a browser-based utility with the following features:•Runs as a local application or remote service•Supports online array capacity expansion, logical drive extension, assignment of online spares, and RAID or stripe size migration•Suggests the optimum configuration for an unconfigured system•Provides different operating modes, enabling faster configuration or greater control over the configuration options•Remains available any time that the server is on•Displays on-screen tips for individual steps of a configuration procedureFor optimum performance, the minimum display settings are 800 × 600 resolution and 256 colors.Servers running Microsoft® operating systems require Internet Explorer 5.5 (with Service Pack 1) or later.For Linux servers, refer to the README.TXT file for additional browser and support information.For more information, refer to the Configuring Arrays on HP Smart Array Controllers Reference Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website ().Option ROM Configuration for ArraysBefore installing an operating system, you can use the ORCA utility to create the first logical drive, assign RAID levels, and establish online spare configurations.The utility also provides support for the following functions:•Reconfiguring one or more logical drives•Viewing the current logical drive configuration•Deleting a logical drive configuration•Setting the controller to be the boot controllerIf you do not use the utility, ORCA will default to the standard configuration.For more information regarding array controller configuration, refer to the controller user guide.For more information regarding the default configurations that ORCA uses, refer to the HP ROM-BasedSetup Utility User Guide on the Documentation CD.HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment PackThe RDP software is the preferred method for rapid, high-volume server deployments. The RDP softwareintegrates two powerful products: Altiris Deployment Solution and the HP ProLiant Integration Module.The intuitive graphical user interface of the Altiris Deployment Solution console provides simplified point-and-click and drag-and-drop operations that enable you to deploy target servers, including server blades, remotely. It enables you to perform imaging or scripting functions and maintain software images.For more information about the RDP, refer to the HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack CD orrefer to the HP website (/servers/rdp).Re-entering the server serial number and product IDAfter you replace the system board, you must re-enter the server serial number and the product ID.1.During the server startup sequence, press the F9 key to access RBSU.2.Select the System Options menu.3.Select Serial Number. The following warning is displayed:WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The serial number is loaded into the systemduring the manufacturing process and should NOT be modified. This optionshould only be used by qualified service personnel. This value shouldalways match the serial number sticker located on the chassis.4.Press the Enter key to clear the warning.5.Enter the serial number and press the Enter key.6.Select Product ID.7.Enter the product ID and press the Enter key.8.Press the Esc key to close the menu.9.Press the Esc key to exit RBSU.10.Press the F10 key to confirm exiting RBSU. The server will automatically reboot.Management toolsAutomatic Server RecoveryASR is a feature that causes the system to restart when a catastrophic operating system error occurs, such as a blue screen, ABEND, or panic. A system fail-safe timer, the ASR timer, starts when the SystemManagement driver, also known as the Health Driver, is loaded. When the operating system isfunctioning properly, the system periodically resets the timer. However, when the operating system fails,the timer expires and restarts the server.ASR increases server availability by restarting the server within a specified time after a system hang orshutdown. At the same time, the HP SIM console notifies you by sending a message to a designatedpager number that ASR has restarted the system. You can disable ASR from the HP SIM console orthrough RBSU.ROMPaq utilityThe ROMPaq utility enables you to upgrade the system firmware (BIOS) or Lights-Out 100 firmware. Toupgrade the firmware, insert a ROMPaq diskette into the diskette drive or ROMPaq USB Key into anavailable USB port and boot the system.The ROMPaq utility checks the system and provides a choice (if more than one exists) of availablefirmware revisions.For more information about the ROMPaq utility, see the HP website (/go/support).Integrated Lights-Out 2 technologyThe iLO 2 subsystem is a standard component of selected ProLiant servers that provides server health and remote server manageability. The iLO 2 subsystem includes an intelligent microprocessor, secure memory, and a dedicated network interface. This design makes iLO 2 independent of the host server and itsoperating system. The iLO 2 subsystem provides remote access to any authorized network client, sendsalerts, and provides other server management functions.Using iLO 2, you can:•Remotely power up, power down, or reboot the host server.•Send alerts from iLO 2 regardless of the state of the host server.•Access advanced troubleshooting features through the iLO 2 interface.•Diagnose iLO 2 using HP SIM through a web browser and SNMP alerting.For more information about iLO 2 features, refer to the iLO 2 documentation on the Documentation CD or on the HP website (/servers/lights-out).Erase UtilityCAUTION: Perform a backup before running the System Erase Utility. The utility sets the systemto its original factory state, deletes the current hardware configuration information, includingarray setup and disk partitioning, and erases all connected hard drives completely. Refer to theinstructions for using this utility.Run the Erase Utility if you must erase the system for the following reasons:•You want to install a new operating system on a server with an existing operating system.•You encounter an error when completing the steps of a factory-installed operating system installation.The Erase Utility can be accessed from the Maintenance Utilities menu of the SmartStart CD ("SmartStartsoftware" on page 62).StorageWorks library and tape toolsHP StorageWorks L&TT provides functionality for firmware downloads, verification of device operation,maintenance procedures, failure analysis, corrective service actions, and some utility functions. It alsoprovides seamless integration with HP hardware support by generating and emailing support tickets thatdeliver a snapshot of the storage system.For more information, and to download the utility, refer to the StorageWorks L&TT website(/products/storageworks/ltt).HP Systems Insight ManagerHP SIM is a web-based application that allows system administrators to accomplish normal administrative tasks from any remote location, using a web browser. HP SIM provides device management capabilitiesthat consolidate and integrate management data from HP and third-party devices.IMPORTANT: You must install and use HP SIM to benefit from the Pre-Failure Warranty forprocessors, SAS and SCSI hard drives, and memory modules.For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP SIM website (/go/hpsim).Management AgentsManagement Agents provide the information to enable fault, performance, and configurationmanagement. The agents allow easy manageability of the server through HP SIM software, and third-party SNMP management platforms. Management Agents are installed with every SmartStart assistedinstallation or can be installed through the HP PSP. The Systems Management homepage provides statusand direct access to in-depth subsystem information by accessing data reported through the Management Agents. For additional information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack or the HP website (/servers/manage).Redundant ROM supportThe server enables you to upgrade or configure the ROM safely with redundant ROM support. The server has a 4-MB ROM that acts as two, separate 2-MB ROMs. In the standard implementation, one side of the ROM contains the current ROM program version, while the other side of the ROM contains a backupversion.NOTE: The server ships with the same version programmed on each side of the ROM.Safety and security benefitsWhen you flash the system ROM, ROMPaq writes over the backup ROM and saves the current ROM as a backup, enabling you to switch easily to the alternate ROM version if the new ROM becomes corruptedfor any reason. This feature protects the existing ROM version, even if you experience a power failurewhile flashing the ROM.USB supportHP provides both standard USB support and legacy USB support. Standard support is provided by theoperating system through the appropriate USB device drivers. HP provides support for USB devices prior to the operating system loading through legacy USB support, which is enabled by default in the systemROM. HP hardware supports USB version 2.0.Legacy USB support provides USB functionality in environments where USB support is normally notavailable. Specifically, HP provides legacy USB functionality at:•POST•RBSU•Diagnostics•DOS•Environments which do not support USB nativelyFor more information on ProLiant USB support, refer to the HP website(/products/servers/platforms/usb-support.html).Internal USB functionalityAn internal USB connector is available for use with USB drive keys only. This solution provides for use ofa permanent boot drive from a USB drive key installed in the internal connector, avoiding issues ofclearance on the front of the rack and physical access to secure data.For additional security, you can disable the external USB connectors through RBSU. Disabling the rearUSB connectors in RBSU disables both rear USB ports.Diagnostic toolsHP Insight DiagnosticsHP Insight Diagnostics is a proactive server management tool, available in both offline and onlineversions, that provides diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities to assist IT administrators who verifyserver installations, troubleshoot problems, and perform repair validation.HP Insight Diagnostics Offline Edition performs various in-depth system and component testing while theOS is not running. To run this utility, launch the SmartStart CD.HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition is a web-based application that captures system configuration andother related data needed for effective server management. Available in Microsoft® Windows® andLinux versions, the utility helps to ensure proper system operation.For more information or to download the utility, refer to the HP website(/servers/diags).HP Insight Diagnostics survey functionalityHP Insight Diagnostics (on page 69) provides survey functionality that gathers critical hardware andsoftware information on ProLiant servers.This functionality supports operating systems that may not be supported by the server. For operatingsystems supported by the server, see the HP website (/go/supportos).If a significant change occurs between data-gathering intervals, the survey function marks the previousinformation and overwrites the survey data files to reflect the latest changes in the configuration.Survey functionality is installed with every SmartStart-assisted HP Insight Diagnostics installation, or it can be installed through the HP PSP ("ProLiant Support Packs" on page 72).NOTE: The current version of SmartStart provides the memory spare part numbers for theserver. To download the latest version, see the HP website (/support).Integrated Management LogThe IML records hundreds of events and stores them in an easy-to-view form. The IML timestamps eachevent with 1-minute granularity.You can view recorded events in the IML in several ways, including the following:•From within HP SIM ("HP Systems Insight Manager" on page 68)•From within Survey Utility•From within operating system-specific IML viewerso For NetWare: IML Viewero For Windows®: IML Viewero For Linux: IML Viewer Application•From within the iLO 2 user interface•From within HP Insight Diagnostics (on page 69)For more information, refer to the Management CD in the HP ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack.Array Diagnostic UtilityThe HP Array Diagnostics Utility is a web-based application that creates a report of all HP storagecontrollers and disk drives. This report provides vital information to assist in identifying faults or conditions that may require attention. ADU can be accessed from the SmartStart CD ("SmartStart software" on page62) or downloaded from the HP website ().Remote support and analysis toolsHP Instant Support Enterprise EditionISEE is a proactive remote monitoring and diagnostic tool to help manage your systems and devices, afeature of HP support. ISEE provides continuous hardware event monitoring and automated notification to identify and prevent potential critical problems. Through remote diagnostic scripts and vital systemconfiguration information collected about your systems, ISEE enables fast restoration of your systems.Install ISEE on your systems to help mitigate risk and prevent potential critical problems.For more information on ISEE, refer to the HP website(/hps/hardware/hw_enterprise.html).To download HP ISEE, visit the HP website (/hps/hardware/hw_downloads.html).For installation information, refer to the HP ISEE Client Installation and Upgrade Guide(ftp:///pub/services/hardware/info/isee_client.pdf).Web-Based Enterprise ServiceWEBES enables administrators to manage hardware events proactively, either locally or online. Theservice provides real-time multiple event analysis, crash analysis, and notification, locally through SMTPand remotely through ISEE for OpenVMS, Tru64, and Microsoft® Windows® operating system binaryerror logs.For more information, refer to the HP website (/support/svctools/).Open Services Event ManagerOSEM is a standalone tool that performs real-time reactive and proactive service event filtering, analysis, and notification. The tool gathers event data from SNMP traps or information provided over an HTTPinterface and notifies an administrator or HP through SMTP and ISEE.For more information, refer to the HP website (/support/svctools/). Keeping the system currentDriversThe server includes new hardware that may not have driver support on all operating system installationmedia.If you are installing a SmartStart-supported operating system, use the SmartStart software (on page 62)and its Assisted Path feature to install the operating system and latest driver support.NOTE: If you are installing drivers from the SmartStart CD or the Software Maintenance CD,refer to the SmartStart website (/servers/smartstart) to be sure that you areusing the latest version of SmartStart. For more information, refer to the documentationprovided with the SmartStart CD.If you do not use the SmartStart CD to install an operating system, drivers for some of the new hardwareare required. These drivers, as well as other option drivers, ROM images, and value-add software can be downloaded from the HP website (/support).IMPORTANT: Always perform a backup before installing or updating device drivers.ProLiant Support PacksPSPs represent operating system-specific bundles of ProLiant optimized drivers, utilities, and management agents. Refer to the PSP website(/products/servers/management/psp.html).Operating system version supportRefer to the operating system support matrix (/go/supportos).System Online ROM flash component utilityThe Online ROM Flash Component Utility enables system administrators to efficiently upgrade system orcontroller ROM images across a wide range of servers and array controllers. This tool has the followingfeatures:•Works offline and online•Supports Microsoft® Windows NT®, Windows® 2000, Windows Server™ 2003, Novell Netware, and Linux operating systemsIMPORTANT: This utility supports operating systems that may not be supported by the server.For operating systems supported by the server, see the HP website(/support).•Integrates with other software maintenance, deployment, and operating system tools•Automatically checks for hardware, firmware, and operating system dependencies, and installs only the correct ROM upgrades required by each target serverTo download the tool and for more information, see the HP website (/support).Change control and proactive notificationHP offers Change Control and Proactive Notification to notify customers 30 to 60 days in advance ofupcoming hardware and software changes on HP commercial products.For more information, refer to the HP website (/go/pcn).Care PackHP Care Pack Services offer upgraded service levels to extend and expand standard product warrantywith easy-to-buy, easy-to-use support packages that help you make the most of your server investments.Refer to the Care Pack website (/hps/carepack/servers/cp_proliant.html).Configuration and utilities 72。
HP PC服务器主机阵列配置
![HP PC服务器主机阵列配置](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7850c3af3968011ca30091fa.png)
HP Proliant系列服务器阵列配置开机自检到阵列卡界面,在阵列卡初始化完之后,会出现配置阵列的快捷键,如图1 示:图1按F8 进入ORCA 配置界面(ORCA=Option Rom Configuration for Arrays):出现主菜单,界面如图 2 示:图2新硬盘配置新阵列的话,请选择Create Logical Drive, 进入后,如图 3 示:图3在配置界面的左侧,是阵列卡所连接的物理硬盘,右侧上面是阵列级别选项,右侧中间是HOTSPARE 盘的选项,下面是Maximum Boot partition 选项( 此选项用在Windows NT4.0 操作系统上,用来选择最大启动分区,可选择默认选项)现在用 2 块硬盘做raid1 ,加一块硬盘做HOTSPARE ,选择一块18.2gb ,一块36.4gb 作为raid1 ,一块36.4gb 做HOTSPARE (注:raid1 级别,两块硬盘容量必须一致,如果不一致,以最小容量的盘为准)按SPACE 键(空格键)选择 2 块硬盘, 选择成功后会在[ ] 前面有X 的提示,如图4:图4选择物理盘后,按TAB 键到右侧上面,来选择阵列级别,ORCA 自动识别为raid1 如图5 示:图5再按TAB 键到Spare 选项,来选择HOTSPARE 盘,依旧按Space 键来选定,选择后如图6 示:图6注:选择Spare 盘后会在[ ]Use one drive as spare 选项前多了一个S ,在没选择的物理盘前面也变成了[S]按Enter 创建逻辑盘,会出现如图7 提示:图7F8 保存配置,结果如图8-1 ,8-2 示:8-18-2配置完成后,回到主菜单,选择第 2 项查看阵列配置状态,如图9-1,9-2 示:9-1显示的是新配置的逻辑盘的状态(注意看有with online spare 的提示,HOTSPARE 盘在阵列中没有任何指示灯提示),再按Enter 后会出现各个物理盘的状态,如9-3 所示:至此,按F8 后进入的ORCA 配置阵列完成,如果要删除阵列,可以在主菜单选择第3 项Delete logical drive 来删除阵列(删除阵列会导致硬盘数据完全丢失)HP SMART ARRAY 系列的阵列卡除了字符界面配置阵列外,还提供了强大的图形化阵列配置工具Array Configuration Utility-XE(ACU-XE) ,此工具配送在随机所带Smart Start 光盘里,ACU 可以在Smart Star 引导服务器后启动(适合任何操作系统),或者在MicroSoft 系列的Windows 系列操作系统里启动,然后进行在线配置,配置过程与Smart Start 引导服务器后启动ACU 类似首先,将Smart Start 光盘放进光驱里,然后重新启动服务器,进入SmartStart 主界面,如图1-1 示1-1在横向选择页面选择Maintenance 选项,如1-2 示1-2选择第一项,array configuration utility, 进入acu 的配置界面,如1-3 示:1-3在acu 配置菜单的左侧是阵列的型号,如果服务器上有多块hp 阵列卡,在acu 里面会全部显示出来,可选择不同的阵列卡进行阵列配置,在中间所显示的是在此阵列卡下的逻辑盘信息,可看到配置了一个logical drive ,并且有hotspare 盘,在右侧是阵列配置的相关选项,右上角是阵列卡的相关选项,如图2-1 示2-1选择Controller Settings 后进入阵列卡配置界面,可对阵列卡进行相关配置,如图2-2 示2-2普通用户保持默认即可,如需更详细资料,请参阅acu 用户手册选择Logical Drive Array Accelerator Settings 可对Logical Drive 启动写缓存功能(需要额外安装阵列卡电池背板BBWC—BBWC= Battery Backed Write Cache ),某些型号的阵列卡本身不自带BBWC ,需要额外购买。
目前对RAID级别的定义可以获得业界广泛认同的有4种,RAID 0、RAID 1、RAID 0+1和RAID 5。
本文主要由以下几部分组成:I.选择磁盘配置方式,阵列或非阵列II.配置阵列(以四个硬盘做Raid 5为例)III.更改RAID 配置IV.RAID 10,30,50 配置V.手动RebuildVI.在线扩容I.选择磁盘配置方式,阵列或非阵列启动机器,当屏幕显示:”Press F2to enter setup”, 敲F2 键进入系统配置菜单。
屏幕显示主菜单:1)LH3/LH4用户可以在这里进行系统配置:包括系统日期时间、系统密码以及系统资源配置等等,配置完之后记着要按‟F10‟ 存盘退出,重新启动机器。
在…User Preferences‟菜单项下需如下设置:Integrated HP NetRaid [Enable]Include SCSI-A Channel [Yes]Include SCSI-B Channel [No](注:如果扩充安装了左侧的硬盘托架并希望把其中的硬盘也配置成磁盘阵列,则需要把SCSI-B也设置成[Yes]).如果不需要使用NetRaid卡,在…User Preferences‟菜单项下需如下设置:Integrated HP NetRaid [Disable]Include SCSI-A Channel [No]Include SCSI-B Channel [No]2)LH3000 LH6000在“Configuration “菜单菜单项下需如下设置:Embedded Lan and Scsi Settings ->Hp Netraid /LVD Scsi 有两个选项 Enable Hp NetraidEnable LVD Scsi如选择Enable Hp Netraid 则为阵列。
用IBM ServeRAID Manager配置RAID5 + Hotspare阵列-20041022-B1
![用IBM ServeRAID Manager配置RAID5 + Hotspare阵列-20041022-B1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b6a7987da26925c52cc5bf1c.png)
用IBM ServeRAID Manager配置RAID5+Hotspare阵列(说明:以下配置过程仅供参考)阵列硬件配置:1、阵列卡:IBM RAID-4Lx2、硬盘:5个36G SCSI热插拔硬盘阵列配置要求:4个(ID0~ID3)硬盘配置成RAID5,1个(ID4)硬盘配置Hotspare(可以根据实际配置需求,选择其它阵列盘ID和热备份盘的ID的组合)。
阵列配置过程:1、用IBM ServeRAID Support 5.1 CD或更高版本的IBM阵列卡管理光盘引导服务器。
2、成功引导服务器后,ServeRAID Manager管理程序将自动检测阵列卡RAID-4Lx的BIOS/FW版本。
否则进入阵列控制器的管理软件ServeRAID Manager界面。
3、查看阵列控制器及物理硬盘信息:⑴、进入ServeRAID Manager 管理介面,选中已接硬盘的控制器,例如controller 1;⑵、查看该阵列控制器的信息,如果有未知的阵列配置和Hot-spares配置,请删除;⑶、查看该控制器的物理硬盘配置,可能的显示如下:Controller 1Physical driversSCSI Channel 1ID0 Ready ( 35003MB )ID1 Ready ( 35003MB )…….ID4 Ready ( 35003MB )4、配置RAID5+Hotspare阵列⑴、选中“Controller 1 (not configured)”;⑵、从菜单选择“Actions”---- “Configured RAID”,或者通过鼠标右击控制器图标,选取所弹出的浮动对话框中的配置命令;⑶、运行“Configure RAID”命令后,在界面左边的“Configuration paths”功能框中选择单选框图“Custom Configuration for Controller 1”;(注:如果选择“Express Configuration for Controller 1,系统会自动按可能的配置组合进行阵列配置。
HP服务器RAID配置中文手册支持的RAID方式:1.RAID0(striping, 1到4块硬盘)——读写速度快2.RAID1(mirroring, 1到4块硬盘)——数据安全性高3.RAID1+spare(3块硬盘)——数据安全性高4.RAID0+1(只限4块硬盘)——数据安全性高,读写速度快5.JBOD(spanning, 1到4块硬盘)——数据空间大具体配置参考下面的操作步骤:1、物理上正确安装阵列卡后,开机硬件自检时有如下显示,按Ctrl+F进入配置界面2、进入主菜单后,显示如下:可以按菜单中对应的数字进行相应的配置。
下面是两块硬盘时可以选择的三种阵列:(1)performance: RAID0(striping, 1到4块硬盘)——读写速度快(2)Security: RAID1(mirroring, 1到4块硬盘)——数据安全性高(3)Capacity: JBOD(spanning, 1到4块硬盘)——数据空间大选择好要配置什么阵列后,可以按Ctrl+Y存储配置。
(如果做Performance和Capacity,按完Ctrl+Y就重新启动机器了)当做raid 1时,按完Ctrl+Y后,会要求选择原盘和目标盘,做两块硬盘数据同步。
以下是配置界面:提示“是否要配置raid 1”的界面在做两块硬盘数据同步之前,需要先选择原盘。
HP ACU创建阵列、阵列迁移、阵列扩容、Online_Spare、Array_Accelerator、RW_cache
![HP ACU创建阵列、阵列迁移、阵列扩容、Online_Spare、Array_Accelerator、RW_cache](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7e0d1a3d31126edb6f1a1011.png)
ACU创建阵列、阵列迁移、阵列扩容、Online Spare、Array Accelerator、RW cache实验步骤:1. ACU删除阵列2. ACU创建阵列3.添加热备盘4.创建Logical Drive5.阵列的迁移6. Logical Drive的扩容7. 阵列卡的详细信息8. 阵列的加速 array accelerater9. 阵列卡的写缓存开机加电装载SmartStart光盘引导使用iLo3自带的功能载入最新的SmartStart光盘,最新版本为SS870.2011_0310.54-x64.iso重新加电开机开机引导后显示“F11=Boot Menu”,点击F11选项启动设备在该界面输入“1”,选择从光驱启动光盘引导开始,默认选择第一项“SmartStart 8.70 x64”第二项为“SmartStart 8.70 x64 w FIBRE”有光纤环境时使用开始载入光盘内容选择界面语言和当前键盘格局,“英语、西班牙语、德语、意大利语、法语、日语”几个选项我们选择默认的英语即可选择相应语言后,程序等待一段时间进行相应的配置弹出提示“用户授权协议书”,选择“Agree”即可1. ACU删除阵列下面就来到了SmartStart光盘的主界面,点击“Maintenance”进入维护界面点击“ACU工具”即“HP Array Configuration and Diagnostics”在左上方的下拉菜单中选择相应的阵列卡,这里为“P410i”选择阵列卡之后,界面显示了相关阵列的信息;点击页面左侧的“More information”,右侧显示阵列的信息下图为“More information”中显示的阵列使用情况删除阵列:选择对应的阵列卡,点击右侧的“Delete”按钮,提示“删除所选阵列,将引起硬盘上所有数据丢失”确认点击“OK”取消点击“Cancel”点击“OK”后,正在进行删除阵列的操作删除完毕,返回ACU界面,显示有4块为分配的硬盘驱动器点击每一块硬盘后,在点击右侧的“More Information”显示出当前硬盘的详细信息2. ACU创建阵列选择相应的阵列卡之后,点击右侧“Create Array”,创建一个array创建array界面如下在这里,我们选择Bay1、Bay3、Bay4,三块硬盘做一个array,点击OK3.添加热备盘返回主界面,点击右侧“Spare Management”,增加一块hot spare盘选择相应的硬盘,点击“Save”,添加host spare盘完毕点击右侧的“More Information”,现在当前阵列信息可以看到Array A,有三块硬盘,另外一块硬盘为“Spare”状态4.创建Logical Drive返回主界面,点击“Create Logical Drive”,创建逻辑磁盘在Fault Telerance中,选择RAID 5在Strip Size中,保持默认在Sectors/Track中,保持默认在Size中,选择other,输入200,首先创建一个200GB的raid55. Logical drive的迁移返回主界面,右侧可以选择“Migrate RAID/Strip Size”的进行调整可以对raid级别和strip size进行调整,调整完,点击“Save”保存即可6. Logical Drive的扩容返回主界面,右侧可以选择“Extend Logical Drive”,对逻辑磁盘进行扩容“Max”为能扩容到的最大容量“other”可以手动调整这里将逻辑磁盘由200GB,调整到300GB,直接输入300,点击“Save”保存点击“Save”之后,警告提示“对于windows2000系统有特别的要求”点击“OK”继续点击“Cancel”取消点击“More Information”,显示logical drive的详细信息点击“Status Alerts”,显示logical drive状态信息7. 阵列卡的详细信息点击“Smart Array P410i in Embedded Slot”,在右侧有更多配置信息在“Controller Settings”中,可以调整阵列卡的相关配置调整读写比例等8. 阵列的加速 array accelerater点击“Array Accelerater Settings”,进行阵列加速器的设置选择相应的logical drive,可以启用或者禁用,默认为启用点击“Clear Configuration”,可以直接清除array信息提示如果清除配置信息,将删除所有array和logical drive信息点击“OK”清除点击“Cancel”取消9. 阵列卡的写缓存点击“Physical Drive Write Cache Settings”,启用或者禁用写缓存,默认为开启;启用或者禁用写缓存,默认为开启;点击“Manage License Keys”,管理阵列卡的授权信息管理阵列卡的授权信息。
HP服务器Raid配置1.配置过程我们以当下比较流行的HP DL38Q DL580月艮务器为例使用ORC配置Raid 5 开机自检到阵列卡时,有F8的提示。
按F8进入阵列配置工具 RBSU选择第一项:Create Logical Drive进入阵列创建界面。
Ciffdti? Ijir] icd [ DrDeleto Loyica L Driw使用Space键选中、Tab键切换选项。
将三块物理硬盘都选中;选择Raid 5;由于只用了三块 sas硬盘,故不选 spare ; Maximum Boot partition: 选择8GB maximum按回车创建Raid 5。
Q|dlun Kori Conf Igur^t ion for Arrays * wrsion 7.EMI <82.08 5pW>UH 赋 2BB5 Hmj Lett-Pdckaj'd Development Con.pant| … L.P.=^11«7旷 -------I J Use one <f 『i 如 准零 Hpere 1pHiftKimtni B IHJ I part it ioir —[]Di3诞(4GB Mkihim) <l!irter> to create « togic*I driue ; <lab> to n 曲uig«t©<UI>zlKMN RKKfM> tu sere 11 ; <E5C> to returnHutt?; Fn 「roire rzmif itju 「aitJcrn rjplinife “刍吧 the MF A FT 出# (Rid igw 「0tiian Util ityi按F8保存配置。
dipt inn Rurii Cnnf ggurat IDTI for Arrays . vers ion 7 _B4.02. Hfl Cupjjr i 日hl 2B0S H MI L&tt-Piicktiird Duw I upvib m t Qinpot 唱.L.P.Control Ur HPArT«y P48R , slat 1Oirect frttflithed You hdw selected ■ logical drwith 占 tot 由I i|<tA oF £7.8 GB «nd RAID 5 11 toPrHS's <Ffl> to 知* thu ctirnf i^Lirdi iun ;Pi-ass <ESC> to —ncel<FB> to &AW the coinrfion<ESC> to canceJHate : For rwre conf igurat ion options use the HP nrray Conf icmrA tian Uti lily提示设置已保存,按回车键继续。
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17. 创建完毕后可通过“查看”确认 RAID 配置状况
18. 可以看到当前配置为 RAID 5 with Spare
பைடு நூலகம்
19. 可以看到使用前 7 块盘做的 RAID 5,最后一块盘做的 hotspare 盘
HP G7 系列 RAID5+1Hotspare 配置手册
编制: 审核: 批准:
2013 年 8 月
日期 文档版本 描述 2013/8/28 V 1.0 创建
编写人 杨烨
审核人 批准人
5. 选择要删除的逻辑驱动器
6. 按 F3 删除当前阵列
7. 正在保存阵列配置
8. 配置结束,按回车继续
9. 查看当前阵列配置情况
10. 确认当前没有配置阵列
11. 创建阵列
12. 以下是默认的阵列配置选项,不符合本手册要求,需要重新配置参数
13. 留下最后一块盘做热备(Hotspare)盘,使用“空格键”标记为非选中状态
1. 打开服务器电源
2. 硬件自检阶段一
3. 硬件自检阶段二,出现以下红色部分提示时立即按 F8 将进入阵列配置
4. 删除当前 RAID 配置 注:4-10 步骤为删除当前阵列和查看阵列配置,新服务器安装可忽略这一段
14. 使用“TAB”键切换至 RAID 配置项,使用上下光标移动,选择 RADI 5,再切换至 Spare 配置项,使用空格键选中使用热备功能,最后按回车键创建 RAID 5 + 1 逻辑驱动器
15. 按 F8 保存配置
16. 配置保存完毕,按回车键继续