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atmospheric vent 放空阀

auto—drain valve 自动排放阀

backwash return pump 反冲洗循环泵

blind spectacle flange 双孔盲法兰

blow down vessel 排放罐

boiler make-up pump 锅炉提升泵

centrifugal pump 离心泵

chemical seal 化学密封

clean water surge tank 净化水缓冲罐

close drain tank 闭式排放罐

coalescer 聚集器

condensate drum 冷凝液罐

corrugated plate inclining separator(CPI separator) 波形斜板隔油器脱水预热器crude cooler 原油冷却器

crude heat exchanger原油热交换器

crude suction strainer 原油吸入滤器

drilling and production platform 钻采平台

deaeration tower 除氧塔

dehydration preheater 脱水预热器

diaphragm valve薄膜调节阀

diesel storage tank 柴油罐

differential pressure control valve 差压控制阀dispersed gas floater 力口气浮选器

displacement oil pump 置换油泵

drain pit 排放池

electric desalter 电脱盐器

electric hydraulic valve 电液控制阀

electric submergible pump 电潜泵

emergence shutdown valve 紧急关断阀

fine filtration scour细滤器洗刷风机

first stage separator 一级分离器

flare assembly火炬燃烧总成

flare pilot gas火炬点火气

floater controlled valve 浮球控制阀

FPSU-floating oil production and

store unit 浮式生产储油系统

free water knock-out自由水分离气

fresh water maker unit 淡水制造装置

fuel gas heater燃料气加热器

fuel gas system 燃料气加热系统

fusible plug 易熔塞

heat traced pipeline 伴热管线


heater treater feed pump热处理器供液泵

high pressure condensate drum 高压冷凝罐

high pressure gas knock-out drum 高压燃料气分离罐high-high pressure separator 高高压分离器

hose connection 软管接头

hydraulic lines 液压管线

hydraulic operated valve 液压控制阀

hydraulic piston pump 水力活塞泵

igniter 点火器

insulation flange 绝缘法兰

jet pump 射流泵

jump hose 跨越软管

LCP-local control panel 就地控制盘

low pressure flare 低压燃料火炬

main boiler 主锅炉

main process lines 主流程管线

normally open(close)valve 常开(关)阀

oily water tank含油污水舱

package equipment 组块设备

pig launcher 清管球发射器

plate attachment板间连接件

pneumatic operated valve 气动控制阀

sample connection 取样接头

sand filter 砂滤器

sans scrubber砂净化器

screw pump 螺杆泵

scum vessel 渣油罐

solenoid operated with manual reset valve 手动复位电磁阀solenoid valve 电磁阀pneumatic operated with manual 电磁阀

seawater coarse filter

reset valve 手动复位气动阀

position light 状态灯

pressure regulation valve 压力调节阀

pressure safety valve 压力安全阀

production manifold 生产管汇

production train shut-down panel 生产系列关断盘seawater coarse filter reset valve 海水提升泵self-contained pressure regulation valve 自给式压力调节阀service water supply system 服务水供给系统

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slop tank沉降罐,污油罐


SSSV-subsurface safety valve 井下安全阀

SSV-surface safety valve 井口安全阀

Steam distribution system 蒸汽分配系统

Steam radiator蒸汽散热器

Submarine(subsea) pipeline 海底管线

Swivel joint旋转接头

“Y” type strai型过滤器

test manifold 计量管汇

transfer pump 输送泵

tube side of exchanger 热交换器管程

vacuum pressure relief valve 呼吸阀

vacuum pump 真空泵

water injection coarse filtration package 注水粗滤撬块

water softener 水软化器

well space 井口区


Access hatch甲板长舱口

Access up/down甲板上/下走道
