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Materials Chemistry A
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Aneeya K. Samantara,ab Subash Chandra Sahu,ab Arnab Ghoshc and Bikash Kumar Jena*ab
Here, a hybrid material composed of sandwiched reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and N,S co-doped carbon quantum dots (N,S-CQDs) was prepared following a facile synthetic route. This metal-free composite has demonstrated their dual performance as an electrode material for supercapacitors and fuel cell catalysts. It shows robust cyclic stability with high energy and power density without any binders. The enhanced activity of the composite can be ascribed to the CQDs present within the interlayer of the rGO which enhance the accessibility of the charged ions and increase the capacitance of the composite. In addition, the electrocatalytic activity of the composite has been assessed as a metal-free cathode catalyst towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) for fuel cell applications. It shows better performance in terms of high reduction potential and high reduction current as compared to rGO. This can be ascribed to the

碳量子点(Carbon Dots,简称CQDs)是一类尺寸小于10纳米的碳纳米材料,具有许多独特的特性,如荧光、电化学和光电性能等。
CDS碳量子点是由硫化碳(Carbon Disulfide)合成的碳量子点,其在荧光材料、生物成像、光电子器件等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
特性与应用CDS碳量子点具有以下几个重要的特性和应用潜力:1. 荧光性能CDS碳量子点具有宽波长荧光发射特性,其发射峰位于可见光区域。
2. 生物兼容性CDS碳量子点具有优异的生物兼容性,可以在生物体内进行成像和治疗。
3. 光电子器件CDS碳量子点在光电子器件中可以作为荧光材料、光电转换材料等。

Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of the Carbon Quantum Dot-Modified BiOI MicrosphereYuan Chen 1,2,Qiuju Lu 1,Xuelian Yan 1,2,Qionghua Mo 1,3,Yun Chen 1,Bitao Liu 1*,Liumei Teng 1,Wei Xiao 1,Liangsheng Ge 1and Qinyi Wang 4BackgroundThe exploration and construction of new photocatalysts with high catalytic efficiency in sunlight is a core issue in photocatalysis all the time and is also significant in solv-ing current environment and energy problems [1–3].Recently,bismuth oxyhalides (BiOX,X =Cl,Br,and I)as a novel ternary oxide semiconductor have drawn much attention because of their potential application in photo-catalysis.Among them,BiOI is photochemically stable and has the smallest band gap (about 1.7–1.9eV),which can be activated by visible light irradiation [4–6].How-ever,the narrow band gap could also lead to a quick re-combination of the photogenerated electron –hole pairs.Hence,inhibiting the recombination of the photogener-ated electron –hole pairs was the key point to enhance the photocatalytic property.Carbon quantum dot (CQD),as a novel issue of re-cently found nanocarbons,exhibits excellent photophysi-cal properties.Especially,the strong size and excitation wavelength-dependent photoluminescence (PL)behav-iors would enhance the photocatalytic properties of theCQD-based composites [7,8].Previous studies have shown that the electron-accepting and transport properties of car-bon nanomaterials provide a convenient way to separate photogenerated electrons;thus,enhanced photocatalytic performance can be achieved through the construction of semiconductor/carbon composites [9,10].Notably,the design of complex photocatalysts (TiO 2/CQDs,Ag 3PO 4/CQDs,Bi 2MoO 6/CQDs)to utilize more sun-light has been reported [11–13].Considering such re-markable properties of CQDs and the limitations of the BiOI photocatalytic system,the combination of CQDs and BiOI may be regarded as an ideal strategy to con-struct highly efficient complex photocatalytic systems.In this work,we prepared a CQD/BiOI nanocomposite photocatalyst via a facile hydrothermal process.The re-sults indicated that the CQDs were successfully com-bined with the BiOI microsphere and the introduction of CQDs could efficiently increase the concentration and the migration ratio of the photogenerated carrier,which was the key for the increased photocatalytic property.MethodsReagentsAll chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade (ChengDu Kelong Chemical Co.)and were used without*Correspondence:liubitao007@ 1Research Institute for New Materials Technology,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,Yongchuan,Chongqing 402160,ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article©2016Chen et al.Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (/licenses/by/4.0/),which permits unrestricted use,distribution,andreproduction in any medium,provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license,and indicate if changes were made.Chen et al.Nanoscale Research Letters (2016) 11:60 DOI 10.1186/s11671-016-1262-7further purification.Citric acid(C6H8O7·H2O,99.5%), ethylenediamine(C2H8N2,99%),Bi(NO3)3·5H2O(99%), KI(99%),ethylene glycol(C2H6O2,99.5%),ethanol (C2H6O,99.7%),and distilled water were used in all experiments.Synthesis of CQD-Modified BiOICQD powder was synthesized according to the literature followed by freeze drying[14].BiOI microspheres were synthesized by a facile solvothermal method.Typically, 0.4g KI and1.16g Bi(NO3)3·5H2O were dissolved in 40mL of ethylene glycol.Then,a certain content of CQD powder was added into the solution.Subsequently, the mixture was transferred to a50-mL Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave and the reaction was kept at 160°C for12h.Finally,the resulting precipitate was col-lected,washed thoroughly with deionized water and ethanol,and dried at60°C in vacuum.Pure BiOI and CQD-modified BiOI samples with different mass ratios (0.5,1,1.5,and2wt.%)were synthesized using a similar route by tuning the content of CQDs.InstrumentsThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns of the samples were recorded on a Danton TD-3500X-ray diffractometer using Cu Kαradiation(λ=1.54Å).The field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM)measurements were carried out with a field-emission scanning electron microscope(Hitachi,SU-8020).Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)micrographs were taken with a JEOL-JEM-2010(JEOL,Japan)operated at200kV. Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR)spectra(KBr pellets) were recorded on Nicolet model Nexus470FT-IR equip-ment.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)analysis was performed on an ESCA Lab MKII X-ray photoelec-tron spectrometer using the Mg Kαradiation.UV-vis ab-sorption spectra of the samples were obtained on a UV-vis spectrophotometer(Hitachi,U-3900),and BaSO4powder was used as the substrate.The PL spectra were measured using a customized single-photon counting system (Beijing Zolix),A He-Ga laser(λ=325nm)was used as the excitation source.The photoelectric performance was measured using an electrochemical system(CHI-660B, China).BiOI and CQD/BiOI electrodes served as the working electrode;the counter and the reference elec-trodes were a platinum wire and a saturated Ag/AgCl electrode,respectively.A solution of0.1M NaSO4 was used as an electrolyte solution for the measure-ment,and a150-W Xe arc lamp was utilized as the light source for the photoelectrochemical(PEC)meas-urement.The photoresponse of the photocatalysts in the presence and absence of visible light was mea-sured at0.0V.Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS)were recorded in the open circuit potential mode,and the frequency was ranged from100kHz to0.01Hz.Trapping ExperimentPotassium iodide(KI),tertbutyl alcohol(TBA),and po-tassium dichromate(K2Cr2O7)were used to trap hole,·OH,and photogenerated electrons,respectively.Photo-catalyst(0.1g)with different trapping agents was added into MO(100mL,50mg/L)aqueous solution.The scav-engers used in this research are tertbutyl alcohol(TBA, 1%)for·OH,potassium dichromate(K2Cr2O7,1%)for e−,and potassium iodide(KI,1%)for h+,respectively. Photocatalytic Activity MeasurementThe photocatalytic activities of the as-prepared samples were evaluated by the degradation of methyl orange(MO) under visible light irradiation at ambient temperature using a150-W Xe lamp with a420-nm cutoff filter as the light source.In each experiment,100mg of photocatalyst was dispersed in an MO(100mL,50mg L−1)aqueous so-lution.Prior to irradiation,the solution was continuously stirred in the dark for1h to ensure the establishment of adsorption–desorption equilibrium between the photo-catalysts and the degrading pollutants.During the pho-toreactions,the MO solutions with photocatalysts were continuously stirred with magnetometric stirrer,and a 3-mL sample solution was taken out at every10-min interval during the experiment,followed by centrifuga-tion and filtration to remove the photocatalysts.The concentrations of MO were determined by monitoring the change of optical density at465nm,with a Varian UV-vis spectrophotometer(Cary-50,Varian Co.). Results and DiscussionThe morphology of the as-prepared CQD/BiOI compos-ites was shown in Fig.1a,b.As seen,the sample was composed of uniform layered structure nanoplates and presented microsphere morphology.The diameter was about1to2μm and the thickness of the nanoplates was less than50nm.The SEM images of the other series samples were also given in Additional file1:Figure S1, and it can be seen that the adding of CQDs would not change the original morphologies of BiOI.The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms and the corresponding pore size distributions of the as-obtained samples were shown in Fig.1c.According to the result,the calculated specific surface area was42m2/g.Obviously,this large specific surface area could have a positive effect on photocatalytic property[15,16].The XRD patterns of the series of CQD/BiOI compos-ites were shown in Fig.1d.It can be clearly seen that these photocatalysts were crystallized in a single phase.All the samples can be indexed to the tetragonal structure BiOI (JCPDS10-0445).However,for the CQD-modified BiOIsamples,no characteristic peak of CQDs(about26°) can be found,which should be attributed to the low CQD content in the samples.Actually,if the content was lower than5%,which was hardly characterized by XRD,similar work was also demonstrated in the previous report[12,17].For a further investigation,the TEM and HRTEM were shown in Fig.2a, b.Obviously,the nanoplates and microsphere morphology can be found in Fig.2a, which was in agreement with the SEM result before. The high-resolution image was shown in Fig.2b. Clearly,many uniformed particles were distributed on the surface of the BiOI;and in the corresponding HRTEM image,it can be seen that these particles have distinct lattice spacing.An atomic spacing (0.332nm)could be distinguished,which could be ascribed to the(002)lattice fringes of CQD.The TEM and HRTEM results were directly indicated that the CQDs were successfully modified on the BiOI microsphere.FT-IR spectra were also carried out to further characterization of CQD/BiOI(Fig.2c).The absorption band at1624cm−1should assign to the stretching modes of BiOI[12].The absorption band was located at 1384cm−1which should be attributed to the stretching modes of NO3−groups and C=C[18],and the band at 1046and880cm−1was associated with the skeletal vi-bration of sp2and sp3C–H and C–OH[12].Obviously, due to the existence of CQDs,the bond was largely enhanced,which further demonstrated the existence of CQDs in these composites.XPS spectrum was also used to study the surface properties of the CQD-modified BiOI sample as shown in Fig.2d.It can be seen that C peaks were at 284.7,286,and288.3eV,which could be assigned to the C–C bond with the sp2orbital,C–O–C bond, and C=O bond,respectively[19].As for the O1s (Additional file1:Figure S2a shown),two peaks lo-cated at530.8and531.4eV also should be ascribed to the C–O–C and C=O bond in CQDs,respectively. The Bi4f and I3d also were shown in Additional file1: Figure S2b,c,both of which were consistent with the re-ported[18,20].Before the photodegradation process,the adsorption–desorption property was tested during60min and the result was given in Additional file1:Figure S3.It can be seen that all the samples shown excellent adsorption ability,which should be attributed to the huge specific surface areas of BiOI.This adsorption ability was en-hanced with the CQD content increased,which should ascribe to the surface electron accumulated in CQDs [21].The photocatalytic activities were evaluated as shown in Fig.3a.Clearly,all the CQD-modified BiOI samples exhibited higher photocatalytic activity than pure BiOI,and the photocatalytic efficiency was 1.5wt.%>2wt.%>1wt.%>0.5wt.%>pure BiOI.For the1.5wt.%sample,it can degrade98%of MO in 50min while there is only40%of the pure BiOIimages(a,b)and nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms.Insert:the corresponding pore size distributions XRD patterns of the series of CQD/BiOI composites(d)images of CQD/BiOI1.5wt.%sample(a,b).FT-IR spectra of pure BiOI and CQD/BiOI1.5wt.%samples(c).thewt.%samples(d)Photocatalytic degradation of MO in the presence of pure BiOI and CQDs/BiOI materials under visible light(λ>420) reflectance spectroscopy of the pure BiOI and the series of CQD/BiOI samples(b).Transient photocurrent electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)Nyquist plot(d)of the series samplessample.The CQDs would act as an electron-accepting and transport center,which would result in a lower re-combination rate of photoinduced electron–hole pairs. The light absorption and the charge transportation and separation were the key properties of the high per-formance of CQD/BiOI photocatalyst.UV-vis spectros-copy has been proved for understanding the electronic structure of semiconductors.As can be seen in Fig.3b, the pure BiOI sample could absorb the wavelength less than750nm which indicate a strong light absorption and the result was in accordance with the previous report[4,5].Meanwhile,for the CQD-modified samples, the absorption intensity increased with the CQD content increase.The increased light absorption may generate more electron–hole pairs during the photocatalytic process.As well known,the charge separation is the most com-plex and key factor essentially determining the efficiency of photocatalysis[22].For a deep investigation,the PEC system was accompanied to investigate the photophysi-cal behaviors of photogenerated electron–hole pairs as shown in Fig.3c.It was found that the photocurrent re-sponse of all CQD/BiOI samples were higher than the pure BiOI sample,especially.As shown,the CQD/BiOI 1.5wt.%sample was nearly seven times higher than the pure BiOI.The result suggested a more efficient separ-ation and longer lifetimes of photoexcited electron–hole pairs.The EIS result(shown in Fig.3d)reflected that the impedance arc radius of CQD/BiOI was smaller than the pure BiOI under visible light,indicating an enhanced separation efficiency of the photoexcited charge carriers in CQD/BiOI.In this regard,the transient photocurrent response and EIS results revealed an analogous trend with respect to the photocatalytic activity of the sam-ples.Furthermore,the PL result also indicated that the CQD-modified BiOI could effectively decrease the recombination of the photoinduced electrons and holes (as seen in Additional file1:Figure S4).To determine the involvement of active radical species during photocatalysis,we performed a trapping experi-ment(Fig.4a)for the detection of the hydroxyl radical (·OH),hole(h+),and electron(e−)in the photocatalytic process,taking the CQD/BiOI1.5wt.%sample as an example.The degradation behavior of MO is decreased upon the addition of TBA,K2Cr2O7,and KI,respectively, validating that·OH radicals,photoexcited electrons, and h+are the main active species for MO removal. Based on the above results,the reaction mechanism diagram of CQD/BiOI photocatalysts was proposed as shown in Fig.4b.The band gap of BiOI was about 1.8eV,which can be easily excited by visible light. However,the E CB and E VB of BiOI were0.6and 2.4eV,respectively.Hence,·OH could not be pro-duced via an e−→·O2−→H2O2→·OH route.For thePhotocatalytic activity comparison of the CQD/BiOI1.5wt.%sample in different photocatalysis systems under visible light the separation and transfer of photogenerated charges in the CQD/BiOI combined with the possible reaction procedure(b).Stability tests of CQD/BiOI1.5wt.%sample(c)and the XRD pattern of the sample before and afterVB holes in BiOI,it can oxidize OH −or H 2O into ·OH due to their high potential energy;thus,it can be concluded that ·OH should be generated only via an h +→OH −/H 2O →·OH route [18].Furthermore,the photogenerated electrons would transfer to the CQDs due to their excellent electronic conductivity,which resulted in effective separation process for the photogenerated electron –hole pairs.The transferred electrons will accumulate on the CQDs and then in-hibit the recombination of the electron –hole pairs.Obviously,the enhanced photocatalytic activity can be achieved,and the CQDs would play a crucial role in this process.The photochemical and structural stability of a catalyst is important for practical applications.The stability of CQD/BiOI was tested by carrying out the photocatalytic reaction for multiple runs.The results were presented in Fig.4c.The photocatalytic activity during the sixth runs can be observed.This result demonstrated that the CQD/BiOI composites have a stable photochem-ical property.Moreover,the almost unchanged XRD spectra of CQD/BiOI before and after the stability test (Fig.4d)further indicated the phase stability of the CQD-modified BiOI photocatalysts.ConclusionsIn conclusion,CQD-modified BiOI photocatalysts were synthesized using a facile hydrothermal treatment process.After being modified by CQDs,the photocatalytic activ-ities of degradation of MO under visible light irradiation were increased greatly.The significant improvement in photocatalytic performance was attributed to the crucial role of CQDs in the samples.The CQD modification has several advantages,including enhanced light harvesting,improvement of interfacial charge transfer,and suppres-sion of charge recombination.This work provides useful information on the design and fabrication of other CQD-modified semiconductor materials.Additional FileCompeting InterestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.Authors ’ContributionsYC designed the experiment and wrote the paper.QL,YC,and XYcompleted the synthesis of the samples.MQ and LT carried out the series characterization of the nanocomposites.BL and WX did the analysis of the data.GL and WQ gave some revision for the grammar of the manuscript.All authors read and approved the final manuscript.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported financially by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (21401015),the Basic and Frontier Research Program ofChongqing Municipality (cstc2014jcyjA50012and cstc2013jcyjA20023),Scientific and Technological Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (KJ1401111and KJ1501104),Yongchuan NaturalScience Foundation (Ycstc2014nc3001and Ycstc2014nc4001),Local Colleges and Universities National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (201410642001),and Foundation of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (Y2014CJ27and R2013CJ05).Author details 1Research Institute for New Materials Technology,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,Yongchuan,Chongqing 402160,China.2School of Materials Science and Engineering,Chongqing University of Technology,Banan,Chongqing 400054,China.3Faculty of Materials and Energy,Southwest University,Beibei,Chongqing 400715,China.4Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Missouri,Columbia,MO 65211-2200,USA.Received:29October 2015Accepted:14January2016References1.Fujishima A,Honda K (1972)Electrochemical photolysis of water at asemiconductor electrode.Nature 238:37–382.Wen Y,Liu BT,Zeng W,Wang YH 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碳量子点综述胡东旭 2014级环境工程卓越班 201475050112摘要:碳量子点(CQDs, C-dots or CDs)是一种新型的碳纳米材料,尺寸在10 nm以下,具有良好的水溶性、化学惰性、低毒性、易于功能化和抗光漂白性、光稳定性等优异性能,是碳纳米家族中的一颗闪亮的明星。
1 引言在过去的20年间,鉴于量子点特殊的性质,尤其是量子点相对于有机染料而言,容易调节的光学性质和抗光降解性质,使量子点得到了广泛的关注。
2 碳量子点的合成大多数的碳量子点主要是由无定形的碳到晶化的碳核组成的以sp2杂化为主的碳,碳量子点的晶格间距和石墨碳或者无定形层状碳的结构一致。

Supporting Information Scalable synthesis of TiO2/graphene nanostructured composite with high rate performance for lithium ion batteriesXing Xin, Xufeng Zhou*, Jinghua Wu, Xiayin Yao and Zhaoping Liu*Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201, P. R. China E-mail: liuzp@ & zhouxf@Experimental details of GO preparation 6.0 g of KNO3 and 6.0 g of natural graphite (300 mesh) were added to 270 cm3 of concentrated H2SO4 (98wt.%) at room temperature, and stirred for 10 minutes before slowly adding 36 g of KMnO4 into the mixture. The above mixture was then heatedto 40°C and stirred for 6 hrs. Subsequently, under vigorous stirring, 480 cm3 of water was rapidly added, causing a quick rise in temperature to ~60°C. After, the slurry was continuously stirred at this temperature for another 30 minutes before 1200 cm3 of water and 36 cm3 of H2O2 solution (30wt.%) were added sequentially to dissolve insoluble manganese species. Finally, the resulting graphite oxide suspension was washed repeatedly in water until the solution pH reached a constant value of ~5.0. The graphite oxide became partially delaminated during washing. We assured the complete delamination of graphite oxide into GO by more mechanical stirring and ultrasonic treatment.1Figure S1. XRD pattern of HTO.Figure S2. TEM images of the intermediate products sampled every 5 minutes (a-g) during the dropwise addition of TBT in the synthesis of f-HTO/GO, and TEM image of the sample after aging for 3 hours (h).2Figure S3. SEM and TEM images of f-HTO/GO samples with different weight ratios of GO/TBT=1/50 (a and f), 1.5/50 (b and g), 2/50 (c and h), 2.5/50 (d and i) and 3/50 (e and j).Figure S4. XRD patterns of p-TiO2, f-TiO2 and f-TiO2-G, which can all be indexed to the diffraction of pure anatase phase.3Figure S5. SEM images of (a) p-TiO2, (b) f-TiO2, and (c-g) f-TiO2/G synthesized with different weight ratios of GO/TBT=1/50 (c), 1.5/50 (d), 2/50 (e), 2.5/50 (f) and 3/50 (g). (h) TGA curves of f-TiO2/G nanocomposites synthesized with different weight ratios of GO/TBT.4Figure S6. Cyclic voltammetry profiles of the f-TiO2/G nanocomposites measured at different scan rates.Figure S7. Rate performance of f-TiO2/G nanocomposites with different graphene contents.5。
碳量子点(cqds) 石墨炔量子点

研究方向 碳量子点 催化和生物医学

其结构特征包括:1. 大小均一:碳量子点的直径一般在1纳米左右,具有较高的大小均一性;2. 量子尺寸效应:由于其尺寸小于激子束缚半径,因此呈现出量子尺寸效应,表现出特殊的光电性能;3. 表面官能团:碳量子点表面富含羟基、羰基等官能团,使其具有良好的分散性和生物相容性。
二、碳量子点在催化应用中的研究进展碳量子点在催化领域具有广泛的应用前景,主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 电催化剂:碳量子点通过调控其能带结构和表面官能团,可用作氧还原、析氢和二氧化碳还原等电催化反应的催化剂;2. 光催化剂:利用碳量子点的光电性能,可构建光催化体系,实现光解水、光催化CO2还原等反应;3. 催化剂载体:碳量子点表面富含官能团,具有良好的活性位点,可用作金属纳米粒子的载体,提高其在催化反应中的稳定性和活性。
三、碳量子点在生物医学应用中的研究进展碳量子点在生物医学领域具有诸多应用,包括:1. 生物成像:碳量子点由于其较好的荧光性能和生物相容性,可用于细胞成像、组织成像等生物成像领域;2. 肿瘤治疗:碳量子点可通过光热和光动力等方式对肿瘤进行治疗,具有较好的治疗效果和生物安全性;3. 药物传输:利用碳量子点的荧光特性和载药功能,可实现药物的靶向输送和释放,提高药物的疗效和减轻副作用。
(扩写部分)四、碳量子点在催化应用中的新进展除了上文提及的催化应用,碳量子点在催化领域还有一些新的应用和研究进展:1. 电催化剂:近年来,研究人员不断探索碳量子点在氧气电还原反应(ORR)中的应用。

碳量子点综述胡东旭 2014级环境工程卓越班 201475050112摘要:碳量子点(CQDs, C-dots or CDs)是一种新型的碳纳米材料,尺寸在10 nm以下,具有良好的水溶性、化学惰性、低毒性、易于功能化和抗光漂白性、光稳定性等优异性能,是碳纳米家族中的一颗闪亮的明星。
1 引言在过去的20年间,鉴于量子点特殊的性质,尤其是量子点相对于有机染料而言,容易调节的光学性质和抗光降解性质,使量子点得到了广泛的关注。
2 碳量子点的合成大多数的碳量子点主要是由无定形的碳到晶化的碳核组成的以sp2杂化为主的碳,碳量子点的晶格间距和石墨碳或者无定形层状碳的结构一致。



其基本原理可以概括为以下几个方面:1. 光激发:当光照射到量子点表面时,量子点会吸收光子能量并激发电子。
2. 电子传输:经过光激发后,量子点内的电子被激发到导带中,形成电子空穴对。
3. 反应催化:激发后的电子和空穴在量子点表面发生一系列的化学反应,如光解水、CO2还原等。
其中,溶剂热法是最常用的方法之一,其基本步骤如下:1. 选择适当的前驱体:常用的前驱体包括金属盐和硫化物等,选择不同的前驱体可以得到具有不同性质的量子点。
2. 反应溶剂的选择:溶剂的选择对于控制量子点的尺寸和形貌具有重要影响,常用的溶剂包括有机溶剂和无机溶剂。
3. 反应条件的控制:反应温度、反应时间和反应物的摩尔比等条件对于控制量子点的尺寸和形貌有重要影响,需要进行精确的控制。
1. 能源转化:量子点光催化在太阳能电池、光电催化水裂解等领域具有重要应用。
2. 环境净化:量子点光催化在水处理、空气净化等领域也具有广泛的应用。

碳量子点-半导体复合光催化剂研究进展张国英;魏雪敏;巴依吉丽;王冰玉【摘要】碳量子点(CQDs)作为碳纳米家族的新成员,具有独特的结构和物理化学性质,如较宽的吸光范围、上转换发光行为和良好的电子传输性能等,因而作为半导体光催化剂的复合材料,可用于拓宽半导体的光响应区间,增加光生电子-空穴对的数量,促进光生载流子的分离和转移,并增加对污染物的吸附量.本文综述了近年来CQDs 与各种半导体光催化剂的复合,主要介绍了不同的制备方法及优缺点,尤其使光催化活性得以提高的机理,从各个角度进行了详细分类和深入剖析.【期刊名称】《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(039)004【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】碳量子点;半导体;复合;光催化;机理【作者】张国英;魏雪敏;巴依吉丽;王冰玉【作者单位】天津师范大学化学学院,天津300387;天津师范大学无机-有机杂化功能材料化学教育部重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学天津市功能分子结构与性能重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学化学学院,天津300387;天津师范大学无机-有机杂化功能材料化学教育部重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学天津市功能分子结构与性能重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学化学学院,天津300387;天津师范大学无机-有机杂化功能材料化学教育部重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学天津市功能分子结构与性能重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学化学学院,天津300387;天津师范大学无机-有机杂化功能材料化学教育部重点实验室,天津300387;天津师范大学天津市功能分子结构与性能重点实验室,天津300387【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.36环境污染问题是当今人类亟待解决的重大问题之一.光催化氧化法[1-3]对环境污染的治理具有能耗低、净化条件温和、无二次污染等优势,因而作为一种绿色化学工艺倍受关注.传统的半导体光催化剂如TiO2[4-5]和ZnO[6-7],具有较宽的禁带宽度,只能吸收3%~5%的太阳光能量.Bi 系[8]及Ag 系[9]半导体则分别存在可见光吸收范围窄、光腐蚀性强等问题,而且大多数半导体的光生载流子复合率较高,限制了半导体光催化剂的潜在应用.因此,越来越多的研究致力于拓宽光催化剂的可见光吸收范围并促进载流子的分离效率,以提高其光催化活性和稳定性.碳量子点(Carbon quantum dots,CQDs)[10]是最近发现的一类具有突出荧光性的新型碳纳米材料,由尺寸小于10 nm 的准离散球形碳纳米粒子组成,是一种兼具优异水溶性、高生物相容性和低毒性的环境友好材料.研究表明,由于CQDs 独特的结构和物理化学性质,使得它能与半导体光催化剂复合后大大改善半导体的光催化性能.CQDs 表面的羟基和羧基可以作为反应的成核位点,通过较强的界面键合作用与光催化剂形成复合体系[11],并表现出诸多优势:①CQDs 具有近红外光吸收特性,可拓宽催化剂对太阳光的吸收范围[12];②CQDs 具有上转换光致发光特性[13],可激发半导体形成更多光生电子-空穴对;③CQDs 具有较强的电子传输性能[13],可有效转移和存储催化剂中的光生电子[14],达到改善电荷分离效率的效果,而且光生电子与其表面的吸附O2 结合,可形成超氧自由基(·O2-)[13],实现多位点催化;④π-π 共轭结构有利于有机污染物在光催化剂表面的吸附[12];⑤对Ag 系等不稳定的光催化剂,CQDs 层与其形成核壳结构后,不但可以阻止催化剂溶解,还可有效防止光腐蚀[15].因而将CQDs 与半导体复合,是改善光催化剂性能的重要途径.本文综述了近年来CQDs-半导体复合光催化剂的研究进展,重点介绍该类催化剂的合成方法、在光催化降解中的应用以及光催化性能得以提高的机理.1 CQDs-半导体复合光催化剂的制备CQDs-半导体复合光催化剂的制备方法多样,目前采用较多的是液相法,主要包括浸渍法、超声波法、水热/溶剂热法以及溶液沉淀法等.浸渍法是指分别合成CQDs 和半导体光催化剂,按照一定的负载质量分数或物质的量之比将光催化剂浸入CQDs 的分散液中,通过控制浸渍时间合成不同复合比例的样品.该方法合成步骤较多且繁琐.如Sun 等[16]首先由电化学蚀刻技术和电化学腐蚀法分别合成了CQDs 和TiO2 纳米管,然后在CQDs 溶液中浸渍TiO2 纳米管,成功组装制备了CQDs/TiO2 纳米管复合光催化剂,它具有比纯TiO2 纳米管更高的可见光催化活性.Kaur 等[17]采用共沉淀法和水热法分别合成了ZnS 和CQDs 后,通过浸渍法合成了CQDs/ZnS 光催化剂,在催化剂用量为0.5 g/L、降解液pH 值为4的条件下,该复合光催化剂对茜红素的可见光降解率达到89%,而纯ZnS 的降解率仅为69%.超声波法[18]作为一种外部能量附加法,是指将传统的磁力搅拌替换为超声波处理,使介质混合更加均匀,提高反应速率,刺激新相形成,并抑制产物团聚.如Li 等[19]通过一步超声波法合成了直径为1~3 μm、具有表面突起结构的球形CQDs/Cu2O 复合光催化剂,如图1 所示.性能研究表明,近红外灯辐照250 min 内,CQDs 对亚甲基蓝几乎没有任何降解作用,纯Cu2O 的降解率仅有3%,而CQDs/Cu2O 复合光催化剂的降解率可高达90%.图1 CQDs/Cu2O 复合材料的SEM 图Fig.1 SEM image of CQDs/Cu2Ocomposite水热/溶剂热法因具有反应活性高、可控性好、生长速率快、产物纯度高且晶型好等特点而得到广泛应用.如Di 等[11]利用CQDs 表面的羟基和羧基作为反应的成核位点,水热合成了具有较强界面键合作用的CQDs/Bi2MoO6.Zhang 等[12]和Huang 等[14]同样由水热法制得的CQDs/Fe2O3 和CQDs/ZnFe2O4 纳米粒子均表现出良好的光催化活性.Yu 等[20]利用乙醇溶剂热法合成了粒径20~30 nm的CQDs/ZnO 复合材料.Di 等[21]通过甘露醇溶剂热法将CQDs 组装在BiOCl 超薄纳米片的表面,合成了具有紧密界面的CQDs/BiOCl 复合光催化剂.大多数复合光催化剂中,CQDs 沉积在半导体表面,而Yu 等[22]由乙二醇溶剂热法合成的CQDs/α-Fe2O3,因α-Fe2O3 具有独特的孔道结构,CQDs 则是嵌入到孔道中,如图2 所示.图2 CQDs/α-Fe2O3 复合材料的SEM 图Fig.2 SEM image of CQDs/α-Fe2O3 composite溶液沉淀法是指在CQDs 分散液中,按化学计量比加入合成半导体催化剂的各个组分,经充分反应得到复合体系.该方法操作简便、反应温和,多用于在室温溶液状态下即可合成的各种半导体光催化剂的复合.如在CQDs 分散液中,通过硝酸银和磷酸盐的离子交换反应,可以制得活性明显提高的CQDs/Ag3PO4[15]复合光催化剂.通过溶液沉淀法所合成的CQDs/BiOCl[23]、CQDs/Ag/Ag2O[24]等也均表现出比复合前更优异的光催化活性.2 CQDs-半导体复合光催化剂性能提高的机理2.1 拓宽光吸收范围传统光催化剂TiO2 因仅能吸收太阳光中3%~5%的紫外光,限制了它在工业上的广泛应用.虽然通过对其进行金属、非金属离子掺杂或构筑异质半导体等,性能得到一定改善,但效果仍不太理想.CQDs 则具有近红外光吸收特征,通过将其与半导体光催化剂复合,可有效拓宽半导体对太阳光的吸收范围,提高自然光能利用率.如Sun 等[16]制备的CQDs/TiO2 复合光催化剂,吸收带边发生大幅度红移,如图3(a)所示,对太阳光的利用率显著提高.图3 传统与复合光催化剂的Uv-vis 漫反射光谱图Fig.3 UV-vis diffuse reflectance absorption spectra of traditioional and composite photocatalystsLi 等[19]合成了具有高效近红外活性的CQDs/Cu2O复合体系,相比于Cu2O约650nm 的吸收带边,该复合光催化剂在700~2 500 nm 的整个近红外区域都表现出广泛吸收,如图3(b)所示,在近红外灯辐照下,复合光催化剂的降解率相比于Cu2O 提高了近30 倍.另外,CQDs 对ZnO[20,25]、m-BiVO4[13]、Ag3PO4[15]、Ag2O[24]等半导体的复合均显著拓宽了催化剂对太阳光的吸收范围.2.2 上转换发光作用CQDs 具有独特的上转换光致发光性能,即能够在吸收波长较长的近红外光或可见光后,激发出波长较短的可见光或紫外光,这是一种反斯托克斯位移现象.大多数半导体的光响应范围为紫外光或有限波长的可见光,如ZnO 和Cu2O 的吸收阈值分别为370 nm 和564 nm,并不能充分利用太阳光中的紫外可见光.将半导体光催化剂与CQDs 复合后,利用CQDs 的上转换发光性质所辐射出的较短波长光激发半导体,可产生更多的光生载流子.如Ding 等[26]合成了泡沫状的CQDs/ZnO 复合催化剂,该催化剂在降解罗丹明B(RhB)、甲基橙(MO)和MB 等染料的过程中表现出优异的催化活性.CQDs/ZnO 复合催化剂的光催化原理如图4 所示.图4 CQDs/ZnO 复合材料的光催化原理Fig.4 Schematic diagram of the photocatalytic process of CQDs/ZnO compositeZnO 泡沫状的微纳米分级孔状结构可以实现光的多级反射,从而提高光的吸收率.CQDs 的上转换光致发光特性对于拓宽ZnO/CQDs 的吸光范围,激发产生更多的光生载流子起到了重要作用.图4(b)展示了CQDs 在波长范围为600~850 nm内的上转换发光性能.随着激发波长的降低,发射波长的中心逐渐移向短波长,当激发波长低于650 nm 时,就可以发射出能被ZnO 吸收的紫外光.如图4(c)所示,在初级辐射光源为可见光的条件下,通过CQDs 的这种上转换发光作用,同样可以激发ZnO 紫外吸光特性,使其产生光生电子-空穴对.如Li 等[19]合成的CQDs/Cu2O复合光催化剂中,利用CQDs 优异的上转换发光性能,可将波长大于700 nm 的光转化为波长小于564nm 的光,从而激发Cu2O产生光生电子-空穴对.此外,在CQDs/Fe2O3[12]、CQDs/BiOCl[21]和CQDs/m-BiVO4[15]等复合体系中,也体现CQDs的上转换发光性能均对光催化活性具有增强作用.2.3 促进光生载流子分离和迁移光生电子-空穴对的快速复合是影响光催化活性的重要因素,因而如何提高半导体中光生载流子的分离效率,已经成为改善光催化性能的主要努力目标.CQDs 作为碳材料之一,因其表面共轭大π 键的存在而具有良好的导电能力,它与半导体光催化剂形成良好的界面效应后,可以作为光生电子的有效储存器和传导体,加速电子转移,抑制光生载流子的复合,延长光生载流子寿命,最终提高光量子效率和催化性能.如Zhang 等[12]合成了CQD/Fe2O3 复合光催化剂,在可见光照射24 h 内,它对气相苯和甲醇的降解效率分别为80%和70%.而同等条件下,纯Fe2O3 对两种物质的降解效率较低,分别为37%和50%.Zhang 等[12]认为在降解过程中,CQDs 纳米结构所起到的电子传导作用至关重要.如图5(a)所示,CQDs/Fe2O3 中碳量子点对Fe2O3 纳米片进行了表面修饰,在可见光照下,Fe2O3受激产生光生电子-空穴对,因CQDs 良好的界面附着作用,光生电子快速转移至CQDs 的网状结构中,并在大π键作用下自由传导,被表面的吸附O2 捕获而产生活性物质·O2-,从而有效抑制了它与光生空穴的复合.Huang 等[14]制备了CQDs/ZnFe2O4 纳米粒子,在λ>420 nm 的可见光照射下,对纳克级NOx 的去除率达到38%,明显高于ZnFe2O4(29%)和P25(23%)的去除率,CQDs/ZnFe2O4 中CQDs 的电子转移作用如图5(b)所示.Chen 等[24]合成了CQDs/Ag/Ag2O 三元等离子体光催化剂,相比于Ag2O 和Ag/Ag2O,同等条件下复合光催化剂对MB 的降解效率分别提高了48%和28%,并表现出优异的循环稳定性.这是因为CQDs 和Ag 的电子转移效应在该三元体系中形成了矢量电子转移(Ag2O→CQDs→Ag),从而产生了电子磁场,促进了光生电子-空穴对的有效分离.另外,CQDs/Cu2O[19]、CQDs/m-BiVO4[13]、CQDs/Ag3PO4[15]和CQDs/ZnS[17]等复合体系中,CQDs 作为电子储存器和电子传输体,均能够快速捕获和转移半导体中的光生电子,从而延长载流子寿命并改善光催化活性.图5 CQDs/Fe2O3和CQDs/ZnFe2O4 复合材料的光生载流子分离和转移图Fig.5 Schematic of the separation and transfer of photo-generated charges in CQDs/Fe2O3 and CQDs/ZnFe2O4 composites2.4 CQDs 结构有利于增大吸附作用CQDs 由数层石墨烯片层堆积而成,为粒径小于10 nm 的微小纳米粒子,具有较大的比表面积.同时,待降解有机污染物所含有的芳香环可以作为π 电子受体,而CQDs 上垂直于表面的各原子所形成的π 轨道作为电子供体,有利于二者形成π-π 电子供体-受体作用,如图6 所示.CQDs 的这两个物理结构因素使其与半导体复合后,有利于增大污染物在光催化剂表面的吸附[27].如Yu 等[20]合成的CQDs/ZnO 光催化剂,在24 h内可见光降解有毒气体苯和甲醇的效率均超过80%,明显高于纯的ZnO 纳米颗粒和N-TiO2.CQDs/ZnO 性能的大幅度提高,除了归因于CQDs 的上转换光致发光及优异的电子传导特性外,也因为在光催化降解苯的过程中,CQDs 与苯之间所形成的π-π 共轭作用提高了苯在CQDs/ZnO 表面的吸附量.由于光催化反应发生在催化剂表面,因而较强的表面吸附和π-π 作用必将有助于产生更多的催化位点,从而提高光催化活性.Zhang 等[12]对CQDs/Fe2O3 体系的研究也从π-π 共轭结构的角度解释了光催化活性提高的原因.CQDs/ZnFe2O4 纳米粒子[14]对气体NOx 表现出良好的光催化去除率,也部分源于CQDs 良好的吸附性增加了对NO和NO2 的吸附量,使它们更容易被氧化为无毒的NO3-离子.图6 π-π 电子供体-受体作用机理Fig.6 Schematic illustration of π-π electron donor-acceptor3 总结及展望CQDs 作为一种特殊的碳材料,因其结构及物理化学性质的一系列特点,在与半导体光催化剂复合后提高了光催化降解有机污染物的能力,使其在该领域表现出良好的应用潜力.CQDs 的优点包括:①尺寸小于10 nm,因此容易与其他半导体光催化剂形成紧密连接的界面;②宽阔的吸光范围可有效拓宽半导体的光响应区间,从而更加有效地利用太阳能;③独特的上转换光致发光特性可将低能量长波光转换为高能量短波光,从而激发半导体产生更多的光生电子-空穴对;④具有优异的电子储存与传输特点,可作为电子转移中心快速转移光生电子,从而改善界面电荷转移,延长光生载流子的寿命,抑制载流子复合;⑤与有机污染物分子的共轭大π键效应可增加吸附,从而增多光催化反应中心的数量.正是由于CQDs 具有这些特殊的物理化学性质,使得众多CQDs/半导体复合光催化剂表现出优异的活性.相信未来将有更多CQDs/半导体复合光催化剂得到设计研发,以推动当前环境污染治理和能源开发等相关领域的发展.【相关文献】[1]CHEN X B,SHEN S H,GUO L J,et al.Semiconductor-based photocatalytic hydrogen generation[J].Chemical Reviews,2010,110(11):6503-6570.[2]CHEN H H,NANAYAKKARA C 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研究内容如下:1)分别采用水热法和燃烧法,以十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱和D-果糖合成的DES 作为碳源,硅酸四乙酯作为硅源,制备Si@CQDs。
关键词低共熔溶剂;水热法;燃烧法;掺杂性碳量子点;光催化;罗丹明-BIAbstractAs a new type of nano carbon material, carbon quantum dots (CQDs) show excellent photoluminescence, good water solubility, low biological toxicity, and photoinduced charge transfer. These properties have attracted extensive attention in the fields of photocatalysis, biosensor, heavy metal ion detection, and lithium ion battery. Based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs), two sorts of metal/non-metal doped CQDs were prepared by using hydrothermal method and combustion method. The photocatalytic performance ********************************************************:1)The silicon doped carbon quantum dots (Si@CQDs) were compound by hydrothermal method and combustion method respectively. The DES was used as carbon source which was synthesized by lauryl betaine and D-fructose. And tetraethyl silicate was used as silicon source. The preparation effect of Si@CQDs was better with the molar ratio of 1:1. The corresponding hydrothermal temperature and time were 200℃ and 12h. It was found that the as-prepared Si@CQDs showed uniform size and good dispersion with average particle size of 5nm. The surface of Si@CQDs contained C-N and C=O functional groups. Then the Si@CQDs was synthesized by the combustion method. The average particle size of as-prepared Si@CQDs was 2.5nm, which aggregated nanoclusters in aqueous solution.2)Three kinds of metal doped carbon quantum dots (M-CQDs) were prepared by hydrothermal method and combustion method. They were Cu@CQDs, Co@CQDs, and Zn@CQDs, respectively. To prepare Cu@CQDs, the metal ligand DES was synthesized by glycerol, choline chloride and copper dichloride as precursors. The molar ratio of raw materials was 5:1:1. When the hydrothermal temperature and time were set as 220℃ and 24h, the Cu@CQDs exhibited better fluorescence performance, anti-Stokes effect, and emit blue-green photoluminescence under UV excitation. The Cu@CQDs prepared by the combustion method possessed higher copper doping rate when the preparation temperature and time were 300°C and 3h, respectively. The range of particle size distribution was from2 to 5nm with good electron transport function.3)The as-prepared Cu@CQDs by combustion method were used as photocatalysis. The surface of Cu@CQDs contained hydrophilic functional groups and nano-copper compounds, which showed excellent photocatalytic properties. Rhodamine-B (RhB) aqueous solution was irradiated under visible light, and photocatalytic performance ofIIICu@CQDsⅡ~Ⅳwas studied. The results revealed that Cu@CQDs performed excellent photocatalytic performance with the RhB degradation rate of 95%.Key words Deep eutectic solvents;Hydrothermal method;Combustion method;Doped carbon quantum dots;Photocatalysis;Rhodamine BIV目录摘要 (I)Abstract ............................................................................................... I II 第1章绪论. (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 碳纳米材料 (1)1.2.1 碳纳米材料概要 (1)1.2.2 碳纳米材料表征手段 (1)1.3 碳量子点简介 (2)1.3.1 碳量子点概要 (2)1.3.2 碳量子点性质 (2)1.3.3 碳量子点的制备方法 (3)1.4 碳量子点的应用 (3)1.5 掺杂性碳量子点的合成及应用 (4)1.6 研究内容 (5)第2章硅掺杂碳量子点的研究 (7)2.1 实验材料与方法 (7)2.1.1 试剂与仪器 (7)2.1.2 低共熔溶剂的合成 (8)2.1.3 硅掺杂碳量子点的制备 (8)2.1.4 表征方法 (9)2.2 实验结果与讨论 (10)2.2.1 低共熔溶剂的性能表征 (10)2.2.2 水热法制备硅掺杂碳量子点 (14)2.2.3 燃烧法制备硅掺杂碳量子点 (19)2.3 本章小结 (19)第3章金属掺杂碳量子点的研究 (21)3.1 实验材料与方法 (21)3.1.1 试剂与仪器 (21)3.1.2 金属配体低共熔溶剂的合成 (22)3.1.3 水热法制备金属掺杂碳量子点 (22)3.1.4 燃烧法制备金属掺杂碳量子点 (22)V3.2 实验结果与讨论 (23)3.2.1 金属配体低共熔溶剂性能表征 (23)3.2.2 金属掺杂碳量子点的结构表征 (25)3.2.3 铜掺杂碳量子点的光学性能表征 (27)3.2.4 制备方法对比 (32)3.3 本章小结 (32)第4章铜掺杂碳量子点的光催化性能研究 (33)4.1 实验材料与方法 (33)4.1.1 试剂与仪器 (33)4.1.2 吸附性能实验 (34)4.1.3 光催化实验 (34)4.2 实验结果与讨论 (34)4.2.1 铜掺杂碳量子点的吸附性能研究 (34)4.2.2 铜掺杂碳量子点的光催化性能研究 (36)4.3 本章小结 (41)结论 (43)参考文献 (45)攻读硕士学位期间所发表的论文和专利 (51)致谢 (53)VI第1章绪论1.1引言随着工业迅速发展以及生活物质水平的提高,环境问题已逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

天然气或者蜡烛的燃烧残渣可以用来制备碳 纳米量子点。Mao等人将玻璃片至于燃烧的蜡烛 火焰上方收集蜡烛灰,将蜡烛灰在硝酸中氧化回 流12小时,在通过离心,透析,凝胶电泳等手段 进行分离,可以得到具有不同发光性质的碳纳米 量子点。 Gianneilis等还建立了通过热分解低熔点分 子一步合成表面秀水?的亲水或亲油的碳量子点 的方法。
碳量子点具有传统量子点不具有的优点,他既具有纳米粒子的小尺寸特点,又具有量 子点的荧光性质,还有非常好的生物相容性。由于量子点尺寸小, 其载流子的能量呈 量子化,使量子点有优异的光学、电学性能。当碳量子点被一定波长的光激发时,电 子跃迁到高能级上,然后在回到基态发射荧光,这是碳量子点的荧光物质,当有对碳 量子点有反应的物质和量子点集合后,碳量子点的荧光峰的强度会减弱,进而断定溶 液中存在削弱碳量子点荧光的物质,碳量子点也就是通过这种荧光能力可以进行大量 物质的痕量检测。
碳量子点在细胞成像上的应用 Cao等最先报道了碳量 子点在细胞成像方面的应用 ,选择人体乳腺癌细胞作为 载体细胞,用聚N-丙酰基乙 基酰亚胺-乙烯亚胺钝化合成 碳量子点标记人体乳腺癌细 胞。细胞在荧光显微镜下表 现出强的发光性质。
,且灵敏度高,通过对碳量子点的尺寸 ,表面修饰集团等的变化获得选择性更 好的碳纳米荧光材料。
碳量子点由于具有相对较高的量子产率以及更小的尺寸被认为是最有前途的材料。可以通过激光销蚀石墨,羧 化作用的碳纳米管或蜡烛灰烬的羧化作用,和质子束照射纳米金刚石来制备。尽管纳米金刚石具有低的细胞毒性 和不易光褪色的优良性质,但它的粒子太大,直径100纳米,并且成本高昂,这些原因限制了碳纳米金刚石的 使用。具有良好的结构的碳量子点具有非常好的性质,合成碳量子点的方法有如下几种:
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