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B what happened to him D how happened to him
3.Do you know _C__? A what the matter is with you B what you is the matter C what's the matter with you D what the matter with you is
2 What is the matter with Kate? →He asks what's the matter with Kate.
还有:What's wrong with you?
What's up?
What's the trouble with you?
What happened to him?
I want to know why you are late for school.
• 语序:陈述句语序
即: 主句+疑问词+主语+谓语+其他
Could you tell me where we should go next?
疑问词 主语 谓语
注意:主句中could提问表委婉语气,不是表示过去 时态。
5. I want to know _D_you will come back at 8:00 tomorrow. A that B when C where D whether
Biblioteka Baidu
Could you please tell me _w_he_re _to_ _b_uy_ some stamps? 3.I don't think he will come here in an hour.(完成反意疑问句)
I don't think he will come here in an hour,_w_il_l _h_e__?
4.The teacher asked the students__A__. A if they were interested in English B what they will do with the computers C when was Tom born D how many trees they have planted
• 当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,不需加引导词,特 殊疑问词就是引导词,意思也是疑问词的意思。
疑问代词:who谁(主格),whom谁(宾格),whose谁 的,what什么,which哪一个
Can you tell me what I should do?
疑问副词:when什么时候,where哪里,how如何、怎么 样,why为什么
1.How far is it from here to your home?Do you know?(合成 一句)
Do you know h_o_w__fa_r __it_ _i_s from here to your home?
2.Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps ? (变为简单句)
I don't know what I should say. = I don't know what to say.
Can you tell me where I should go next? =Can you tell me where to go next? 练习:
I want to know why I should buy this book.变同义句 →I want to know why to buy this book.
• 单选 1.Do you know _C_during the coming summer holiday? A what will Tom do B what did Tom do
C what Tom will do D what Tom did
2.I want to know _B__. A what him happened to C he happened to what
• 当疑问代词who,what在句中做主语,该特殊疑问 句本身就是陈述句语序,变为宾语从句时,语序 不必调整.
1 Who(主) can answer the question?The teacher asked.
→The teacher asked who can answer the question.
1、当主句是一般现在时,从句根据句意任何时态。 2、当主句是一般过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。 3、当从句说的是客观真理、自然现象或永恒不变的 规律时,不受主句时态影响,用一般现在时。
• 含有宾语从句的复合句在一定条件下可以 转化成简单句
当主句的主语或宾语与从句的主语一致时,则宾语从句可 变成“疑问词+to do(宾语从句中的谓语动词)"的结构。