仲夏夜之梦 英文话剧 最终稿

”A5S1 THESEUSMore strange than true: I never may believeThese antique fables, nor these fairy toys.Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,Such shaping fantasies, that apprehendMore than cool reason ever comprehends.The lunatic, the lover and the poetAre of imagination all compact:One sees more devils than vast hell can hold,That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic,Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt:The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling,Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;And as imagination bodies forthThe forms of things unknown, the poet's penTurns them to shapes and gives to airy nothingA local habitation and a name.Such tricks hath strong imagination,That if it would but apprehend some joy,It comprehends some bringer of that joy;Or in the night, imagining some fear,How easy is a bush supposed a bear!第二幕第一场,提泰妮娅:“这些都是因为嫉妒而捏造出来的谎话。
midsummer night's dream现代英语

midsummer night's dream现代英语English: A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy written by William Shakespeare, depicting the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. The play also follows the complicated love lives of four young Athenians, Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius, as well as the mischief caused by the fairy king and queen, Oberon and Titania, and their mischievous servant Puck. These various plotlines intersect and intertwine in a magical forest, creating a whimsical and enchanting atmosphere that is a hallmark of Shakespeare's comedic works.中文翻译:《仲夏夜之梦》是威廉·莎士比亚创作的一部喜剧,描绘了雅典公爵忒修斯与亚马逊女王希波吕忒的婚礼周边发生的事件。
A Midsummer Night's Dream 莎翁喜剧

Writing techniques
Virtual manipulation
The use of the falseness-trueness techniques is seen in the following respects: the falseness and trueness of the plot, the scenes, psychological expression and the relations of characters.
一定是你已经把他杀死 了;因为只有杀人的凶 徒,脸上才会这样惨白 而可怖。”
a summary of the third act

第一幕(城中)旁白:There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。
Egeus: Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious, the best guy in the city.荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
Hermia: I’m sorry, Dad! I can’t be his wife.爸爸,抱歉。
Egeus: Why do you refused to marry Demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman!你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢?他是一个真正的绅士。
Hermia: But I don’t love him. I’ve fell in love with Lysander.但是我不爱他。
Egeus: Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No!莱赛德?他会比狄米崔斯好吗?不!Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demettrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply.喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友——海伦娜,而这一个甜美女孩也深爱狄米崔斯。

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAMWilliam Shakespeare1596DRAMATIS PERSONAETHESEUS, Duke of Athens EGEUS, father to Hermia LYSANDER, in love with Hermia DEMETRIUS, in love with Hermia PHILOSTRATE, Master of the Revels to Theseus QUINCE, a carpenter SNUG, a joiner BOTTOM, a weaver FLUTE, a bellows-mender SNOUT, a tinker STARVELING, a tailorHIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons, bethrothed to Theseus HERMIA, daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander HELENA, in love with DemetriusOBERON, King of the Fairies TITANIA, Queen of the Fairies PUCK, or ROBIN GOODFELLOW PEASEBLOSSOM, fairy COBWEB, fairy MOTH, fairy MUSTARDSEED, fairyPROLOGUE, PYRAMUS, THISBY, W ALL, MOONSHINE, LION are presented by: QUINCE, BOTTOM, FLUTE, SNOUT, STARVELING, AND SNUGOther Fairies attending their King and Queen Attendants on Theseus and HippolytaACT I.SCENE I. Athens. The palace of THESEUSEnter THESEUS, HIPPOLYTA, PHILOSTRATE, and ATTENDANTS THESEUS. Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour Draws on apace; four happy days bring in Another moon; but, O, methinks, how slow This old moon wanes! She lingers my desires, Like to a step-dame or a dowager, Long withering out a young man's revenue. HIPPOLYTA. Four days will quickly steep themselves in night; Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like to a silver bow New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night Of our solemnities. THESEUS. Go, Philostrate, Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments; Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth; Turn melancholy forth to funerals; The pale companion is not for our pomp. Exit PHILOSTRATE Hippolyta, I woo'd thee with my sword, And won thy love doing thee injuries; But I will wed thee in another key, With pomp, with triumph, and with revelling.Enter EGEUS, and his daughter HERMIA, LYSANDER, and DEMETRIUSEGEUS. Happy be Theseus, our renowned Duke! THESEUS. Thanks, good Egeus; what's the news with thee? EGEUS. Full of vexation come I, with complaint Against my child, my daughter Hermia. Stand forth, Demetrius. My noble lord, This man hath my consent to marry her. Stand forth, Lysander. And, my gracious Duke, This man hath bewitch'd the bosom of my child. Thou, thou, Lysander, thou hast given her rhymes, And interchang'd love-tokens with my child; Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung, With feigning voice, verses of feigning love, And stol'n the impression of her fantasy With bracelets of thy hair, rings, gawds, conceits, Knacks, trifles, nosegays, sweetmeats- messengers Of strong prevailment in unhardened youth; With cunning hast thou filch'd my daughter's heart; Turn'd her obedience, which is due to me, To stubborn harshness. And, my gracious Duke, Be it so she will not here before your Grace Consent to marry with Demetrius, I beg the ancient privilege of Athens: As she is mine I may dispose of her; Which shall be either to this gentleman Or to her death, according to our law Immediately provided in that case. THESEUS. What say you, Hermia? Be advis'd, fair maid. Toyou your father should be as a god; One that compos'd your beauties; yea, and one To whom you are but as a form in wax, By him imprinted, and within his power To leave the figure, or disfigure it. Demetrius is a worthy gentleman. HERMIA. So is Lysander. THESEUS. In himself he is; But, in this kind, wanting your father's voice, The other must be held the worthier. HERMIA. I would my father look'd but with my eyes. THESEUS. Rather your eyes must with his judgment look. HERMIA. I do entreat your Grace to pardon me. I know not by what power I am made bold, Nor how it may concern my modesty In such a presence here to plead my thoughts; But I beseech your Grace that I may know The worst that may befall me in this case, If I refuse to wed Demetrius. THESEUS. Either to die the death, or to abjure For ever the society of men. Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires, Know of your youth, examine well your blood, Whether, if you yield not to your father's choice, You can endure the livery of a nun, For aye to be shady cloister mew'd, To live a barren sister all your life, Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon. Thrice-blessed they that master so their blood To undergo such maiden pilgrimage; But earthlier happy is the rose distill'd Than that which withering on the virgin thorn Grows, lives, and dies, in single blessedness. HERMIA. So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, Ere I will yield my virgin patent up Unto his lordship, whose unwished yoke My soul consents not to give sovereignty. THESEUS. Take time to pause; and by the next new moon- The sealing-day betwixt my love and me For everlasting bond of fellowship- Upon that day either prepare to die For disobedience to your father's will, Or else to wed Demetrius, as he would, Or on Diana's altar to protest For aye austerity and single life. DEMETRIUS. Relent, sweet Hermia; and, Lysander, yield Thy crazed title to my certain right. LYSANDER. You have her father's love, Demetrius; Let me have Hermia's; do you marry him. EGEUS. Scornful Lysander, true, he hath my love; And what is mine my love shall render him; And she is mine; and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius. LYSANDER. I am, my lord, as well deriv'd as he, As well possess'd; my love is more than his; My fortunes every way as fairly rank'd, If not with vantage, as Demetrius'; And, which is more than all these boasts can be, I am belov'd of beauteous Hermia. Why should notI then prosecute my right? Demetrius, I'll avouch it to his head, Made love to Nedar's daughter, Helena, And won her soul; and she, sweet lady, dotes, Devoutly dotes, dotes in idolatry, Upon this spotted and inconstant man. THESEUS. I must confess that I have heard so much, And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof; But, being over-full of self-affairs, My mind did lose it. But, Demetrius, come; And come, Egeus; you shall go with me; I have some private schooling for you both. For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself To fit your fancies to your father's will, Or else the law of Athens yields you up- Which by no means we may extenuate- To death, or to a vow of single life. Come, my Hippolyta; what cheer, my love? Demetrius, and Egeus, go along; I must employ you in some business Against our nuptial, and confer with you Of something nearly that concerns yourselves. EGEUS. With duty and desire we follow you. Exeunt all but LYSANDER and HERMIA LYSANDER. How now, my love! Why is your cheek so pale? How chance the roses there do fade so fast? HERMIA. Belike for want of rain, which I could well Beteem them from the tempest of my eyes. LYSANDER. Ay me! for aught that I could ever read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth; But either it was different in blood- HERMIA. O cross! too high to be enthrall'd to low. LYSANDER. Or else misgraffed in respect of years- HERMIA. O spite! too old to be engag'd to young. LYSANDER. Or else it stood upon the choice of friends- HERMIA. O hell! to choose love by another's eyes. LYSANDER. Or, if there were a sympathy in choice, War, death, or sickness, did lay siege to it, Making it momentary as a sound, Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, Brief as the lightning in the collied night That, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth, And ere a man hath power to say 'Behold!' The jaws of darkness do devour it up; So quick bright things come to confusion. HERMIA. If then true lovers have ever cross'd, It stands as an edict in destiny. Then let us teach our trial patience, Because it is a customary cross, As due to love as thoughts and dreams and sighs, Wishes and tears, poor Fancy's followers. LYSANDER. A good persuasion; therefore, hear me, Hermia. I have a widow aunt, a dowager Of great revenue, and she hath no child- From Athens is her house remote seven leagues- And she respects me as heronly son. There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee; And to that place the sharp Athenian law Cannot pursue us. If thou lovest me then, Steal forth thy father's house to-morrow night; And in the wood, a league without the town, Where I did meet thee once with Helena To do observance to a morn of May, There will I stay for thee. HERMIA. My good Lysander! I swear to thee by Cupid's strongest bow, By his best arrow, with the golden head, By the simplicity of Venus' doves, By that which knitteth souls and prospers loves, And by that fire which burn'd the Carthage Queen, When the false Troyan under sail was seen, By all the vows that ever men have broke, In number more than ever women spoke, In that same place thou hast appointed me, To-morrow truly will I meet with thee. LYSANDER. Keep promise, love. Look, here comes Helena.Enter HELENAHERMIA. God speed fair Helena! Whither away? HELENA. Call you me fair? That fair again unsay. Demetrius loves your fair. O happy fair! Your eyes are lode-stars and your tongue's sweet air More tuneable than lark to shepherd's ear, When wheat is green, when hawthorn buds appear. Sickness is catching; O, were favour so, Yours would I catch, fair Hermia, ere I go! My ear should catch your voice, my eye your eye, My tongue should catch your tongue's sweet melody. Were the world mine, Demetrius being bated, The rest I'd give to be to you translated. O, teach me how you look, and with what art You sway the motion of Demetrius' heart! HERMIA. I frown upon him, yet he loves me still. HELENA. O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill! HERMIA. I give him curses, yet he gives me love. HELENA. O that my prayers could such affection move! HERMIA. The more I hate, the more he follows me. HELENA. The more I love, the more he hateth me. HERMIA. His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine. HELENA. None, but your beauty; would that fault were mine! HERMIA. Take comfort: he no more shall see my face; Lysander and myself will fly this place. Before the time I did Lysander see, Seem'd Athens as a paradise to me. O, then, what graces in my love do dwell, That he hath turn'd a heaven unto a hell! LYSANDER. Helen, to you our minds we will unfold: To-morrow night, when Phoebe doth behold Her silver visage in the wat'ry glass, Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass, Atime that lovers' flights doth still conceal, Through Athens' gates have we devis'd to steal. HERMIA. And in the wood where often you and I Upon faint primrose beds were wont to lie, Emptying our bosoms of their counsel sweet, There my Lysander and myself shall meet; And thence from Athens turn away our eyes, To seek new friends and stranger companies. Farewell, sweet playfellow; pray thou for us, And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius! Keep word, Lysander; we must starve our sight From lovers' food till morrow deep midnight. LYSANDER. I will, my Hermia. [Exit HERMIA] Helena, adieu; As you on him, Demetrius dote on you. Exit HELENA. How happy some o'er other some can be! Through Athens I am thought as fair as she. But what of that? Demetrius thinks not so; He will not know what all but he do know. And as he errs, doting on Hermia's eyes, So I, admiring of his qualities. Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind. Nor hath Love's mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste; And therefore is Love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguil'd. As waggish boys in game themselves forswear, So the boy Love is perjur'd everywhere; For ere Demetrius look'd on Hermia's eyne, He hail'd down oaths that he was only mine; And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt, So he dissolv'd, and show'rs of oaths did melt. I will go tell him of fair Hermia's flight; Then to the wood will he to-morrow night Pursue her; and for this intelligence If I have thanks, it is a dear expense. But herein mean I to enrich my pain, To have his sight thither and back again. ExitSCENE II. Athens. QUINCE'S houseEnter QUINCE, SNUG, BOTTOM FLUTE, SNOUT, and STARVELINGQUINCE. Is all our company here? BOTTOM. You were best to call them generally, man by man, according to the scrip. QUINCE. Here is the scroll of every man's name which is thought fit, through all Athens, to play in our interlude before the Duke and the Duchess on his wedding-day at night. BOTTOM. First, good Peter Quince, say what the play treats on; then read the names of the actors; and so grow to a point. QUINCE. Marry, our play is 'The most Lamentable Comedy and most Cruel Death of Pyramus and Thisby.' BOTTOM. A very good piece of work, I assure you, and a merry. Now, good Peter Quince, call forth your actors by the scroll. Masters, spread yourselves. QUINCE. Answer, as I call you. Nick Bottom, the weaver. BOTTOM. Ready. Name what part I am for, and proceed. QUINCE. You, Nick Bottom, are set down for Pyramus. BOTTOM. What is Pyramus? A lover, or a tyrant? QUINCE. A lover, that kills himself most gallant for love. BOTTOM. That will ask some tears in the true performing of it. If I do it, let the audience look to their eyes; I will move storms; I will condole in some measure. To the rest- yet my chief humour is for a tyrant. I could play Ercles rarely, or a part to tear a cat in, to make all split.'The raging rocks And shivering shocks Shall break the locks Of prison gates;And Phibbus' car Shall shine from far, And make and mar The foolish Fates.'This was lofty. Now name the rest of the players. This is Ercles' vein, a tyrant's vein: a lover is more condoling. QUINCE. Francis Flute, the bellows-mender. FLUTE. Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE. Flute, you must take Thisby on you. FLUTE. What is Thisby? A wand'ring knight? QUINCE. It is the lady that Pyramus must love. FLUTE. Nay, faith, let not me play a woman; I have a beard coming. QUINCE. That's all one; you shall play it in a mask, and you may speak as small as you will. BOTTOM. An I may hide my face, let me play Thisby too. I'll speak in a monstrouslittle voice: 'Thisne, Thisne!' [Then speaking small] 'Ah Pyramus, my lover dear! Thy Thisby dear, and lady dear!' QUINCE. No, no, you must play Pyramus; and, Flute, you Thisby. BOTTOM. Well, proceed. QUINCE. Robin Starveling, the tailor. STARVELING. Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE. Robin Starveling, you must play Thisby's mother. Tom Snout, the tinker. SNOUT. Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE. You, Pyramus' father; myself, Thisby's father; Snug, the joiner, you, the lion's part. And, I hope, here is a play fitted. SNUG. Have you the lion's part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me, for I am slow of study. QUINCE. You may do it extempore, for it is nothing but roaring. BOTTOM. Let me play the lion too. I will roar that I will do any man's heart good to hear me; I will roar that I will make the Duke say 'Let him roar again, let him roar again.' QUINCE. An you should do it too terribly, you would fright the Duchess and the ladies, that they would shriek; and that were enough to hang us all. ALL. That would hang us, every mother's son. BOTTOM. I grant you, friends, if you should fright the ladies out of their wits, they would have no more discretion but to hang us; but I will aggravate my voice so, that I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove; I will roar you an 'twere any nightingale. QUINCE. You can play no part but Pyramus; for Pyramus is a sweet-fac'd man; a proper man, as one shall see in a summer's day; a most lovely gentleman-like man; therefore you must needs play Pyramus. BOTTOM. Well, I will undertake it. What beard were I best to play it in? QUINCE. Why, what you will. BOTTOM. I will discharge it in either your straw-colour beard, your orange-tawny beard, your purple-in-grain beard, or your French-crown-colour beard, your perfect yellow. QUINCE. Some of your French crowns have no hair at all, and then you will play bare-fac'd. But, masters, here are your parts; and I am to entreat you, request you, and desire you, to con them by to-morrow night; and meet me in the palace wood, a mile without the town, by moonlight; there will we rehearse; for if we meet in the city, we shall be dogg'd with company, and our devices known. In the meantime I will draw a bill of properties, such as our play wants. I pray you, fail me not. BOTTOM. We will meet; and there we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously. Take pains; be perfect; adieu. QUINCE. At the Duke's oak we meet. BOTTOM. Enough; hold, or cut bow-strings.Exeunt<<THIS ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IS COPYRIGHT 1990-1993 BY WORLD LIBRARY, INC., AND IS PROVIDED BY PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXT OF CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY WITH PERMISSION. ELECTRONIC AND MACHINE READABLE COPIES MAY BE DISTRIBUTED SO LONG AS SUCH COPIES (1) ARE FOR YOUR OR OTHERS PERSONAL USE ONLY, AND (2) ARE NOT DISTRIBUTED OR USED COMMERCIALLY. PROHIBITED COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION INCLUDES BY ANY SERVICE THAT CHARGES FOR DOWNLOAD TIME OR FOR MEMBERSHIP.>>ACT II.SCENE I. A wood near AthensEnter a FAIRY at One door, and PUCK at anotherPUCK. How now, spirit! whither wander you? FAIRY. Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire, I do wander every where, Swifter than the moon's sphere; And I serve the Fairy Queen, To dew her orbs upon the green. The cowslips tall her pensioners be; In their gold coats spots you see; Those be rubies, fairy favours, In those freckles live their savours.I must go seek some dewdrops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. Farewell, thou lob of spirits; I'll be gone. Our Queen and all her elves come here anon. PUCK. The King doth keep his revels here to-night; Take heed the Queen come not within his sight; For Oberon is passing fell and wrath, Because that she as her attendant hath A lovely boy, stolen from an Indian king. She never had so sweet a changeling; And jealous Oberon would have the child Knight of his train, to trace the forests wild; But she perforce withholds the loved boy, Crowns him with flowers, and makes him all her joy. And now they never meet in grove or green, By fountain clear, or spangled starlight sheen, But they do square, that all their elves for fear Creep into acorn cups and hide them there. FAIRY. Either I mistake your shape and making quite, Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite Call'd Robin Goodfellow. Are not you he That frights the maidens of the villagery, Skim milk, and sometimes labour in the quern, And bootless make the breathless housewife churn, And sometime make the drink to bear no barm, Mislead night-wanderers, laughing at their harm? Those that Hobgoblin call you, and sweet Puck, You do their work, and they shall have good luck. Are not you he? PUCK. Thou speakest aright: I am that merry wanderer of the night. I jest to Oberon, and make him smile When I a fat and bean-fed horse beguile, Neighing in likeness of a filly foal; And sometime lurk I in a gossip's bowl In very likeness of a roasted crab, And, when she drinks, against her lips I bob, And on her withered dewlap pour the ale. The wisest aunt, telling the saddest tale, Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me; Then slip I from her bum, down topples she, And 'tailor' cries, and falls into a cough; Andthen the whole quire hold their hips and laugh, And waxen in their mirth, and neeze, and swear A merrier hour was never wasted there. But room, fairy, here comes Oberon. FAIRY. And here my mistress. Would that he were gone!Enter OBERON at one door, with his TRAIN, and TITANIA, at another, with hersOBERON. Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania. TITANIA. What, jealous Oberon! Fairies, skip hence; I have forsworn his bed and company. OBERON. Tarry, rash wanton; am not I thy lord? TITANIA. Then I must be thy lady; but I know When thou hast stolen away from fairy land, And in the shape of Corin sat all day, Playing on pipes of corn, and versing love To amorous Phillida. Why art thou here, Come from the farthest steep of India, But that, forsooth, the bouncing Amazon, Your buskin'd mistress and your warrior love, To Theseus must be wedded, and you come To give their bed joy and prosperity? OBERON. How canst thou thus, for shame, Titania, Glance at my credit with Hippolyta, Knowing I know thy love to Theseus? Didst not thou lead him through the glimmering night From Perigouna, whom he ravished? And make him with fair Aegles break his faith, With Ariadne and Antiopa? TITANIA. These are the forgeries of jealousy; And never, since the middle summer's spring, Met we on hill, in dale, forest, or mead, By paved fountain, or by rushy brook, Or in the beached margent of the sea, To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind, But with thy brawls thou hast disturb'd our sport. Therefore the winds, piping to us in vain, As in revenge, have suck'd up from the sea Contagious fogs; which, falling in the land, Hath every pelting river made so proud That they have overborne their continents. The ox hath therefore stretch'd his yoke in vain, The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard; The fold stands empty in the drowned field, And crows are fatted with the murrion flock; The nine men's morris is fill'd up with mud, And the quaint mazes in the wanton green, For lack of tread, are undistinguishable. The human mortals want their winter here; No night is now with hymn or carol blest; Therefore the moon, the governess of floods, Pale in her anger, washes all the air, That rheumatic diseases do abound. And thorough this distemperature we seeThe seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts Fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose; And on old Hiems' thin and icy crown An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds Is, as in mockery, set. The spring, the summer, The childing autumn, angry winter, change Their wonted liveries; and the mazed world, By their increase, now knows not which is which. And this same progeny of evils comes From our debate, from our dissension; We are their parents and original. OBERON. Do you amend it, then; it lies in you. Why should Titania cross her Oberon? I do but beg a little changeling boy To be my henchman. TITANIA. Set your heart at rest; The fairy land buys not the child of me. His mother was a vot'ress of my order; And, in the spiced Indian air, by night, Full often hath she gossip'd by my side; And sat with me on Neptune's yellow sands, Marking th' embarked traders on the flood; When we have laugh'd to see the sails conceive, And grow big-bellied with the wanton wind; Which she, with pretty and with swimming gait Following- her womb then rich with my young squire- Would imitate, and sail upon the land, To fetch me trifles, and return again, As from a voyage, rich with merchandise. But she, being mortal, of that boy did die; And for her sake do I rear up her boy; And for her sake I will not part with him. OBERON. How long within this wood intend you stay? TITANIA. Perchance till after Theseus' wedding-day. If you will patiently dance in our round, And see our moonlight revels, go with us; If not, shun me, and I will spare your haunts. OBERON. Give me that boy and I will go with thee. TITANIA. Not for thy fairy kingdom. Fairies, away. We shall chide downright if I longer stay. Exit TITANIA with her train OBERON. Well, go thy way; thou shalt not from this grove Till I torment thee for this injury. My gentle Puck, come hither. Thou rememb'rest Since once I sat upon a promontory, And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath That the rude sea grew civil at her song, And certain stars shot madly from their spheres To hear the sea-maid's music. PUCK. I remember. OBERON. That very time I saw, but thou couldst not, Flying between the cold moon and the earth Cupid, all arm'd;a certain aim he took At a fair vestal, throned by the west, And loos'd his love-shaft smartly from his bow, As it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts; But I might see young Cupid's fiery shaft Quench'd in the chastebeams of the wat'ry moon; And the imperial vot'ress passed on, In maiden meditation, fancy-free. Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little western flower, Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound, And maidens call it Love-in-idleness. Fetch me that flow'r, the herb I showed thee once. The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid Will make or man or woman madly dote Upon the next live creature that it sees. Fetch me this herb, and be thou here again Ere the leviathan can swim a league. PUCK. I'll put a girdle round about the earth In forty minutes. Exit PUCK OBERON. Having once this juice, I'll watch Titania when she is asleep, And drop the liquor of it in her eyes; The next thing then she waking looks upon, Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, On meddling monkey, or on busy ape, She shall pursue it with the soul of love. And ere I take this charm from off her sight, As I can take it with another herb, I'll make her render up her page to me. But who comes here? I am invisible; And I will overhear their conference.Enter DEMETRIUS, HELENA following himDEMETRIUS. I love thee not, therefore pursue me not. Where is Lysander and fair Hermia? The one I'll slay, the other slayeth me. Thou told'st me they were stol'n unto this wood, And here am I, and wood within this wood, Because I cannot meet my Hermia. Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more. HELENA. You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant; But yet you draw not iron, for my heart Is true as steel. Leave you your power to draw, And I shall have no power to follow you. DEMETRIUS. Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair? Or, rather, do I not in plainest truth Tell you I do not nor I cannot love you? HELENA. And even for that do I love you the more. I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you. Use me but as your spaniel, spurn me, strike me, Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave, Unworthy as I am, to follow you. What worser place can I beg in your love, And yet a place of high respect with me, Than to be used as you use your dog? DEMETRIUS. Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit; For I am sick when I do look on thee. HELENA. And I am sick when I look not on you. DEMETRIUS. You do impeach your modesty too much To leave the city and commit yourself Into the hands of one that loves you not; To trust theopportunity of night, And the ill counsel of a desert place, With the rich worth of your virginity. HELENA. Your virtue is my privilege for that: It is not night when I do see your face, Therefore I think I am not in the night; Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company, For you, in my respect, are all the world. Then how can it be said I am alone When all the world is here to look on me? DEMETRIUS. I'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes, And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts. HELENA. The wildest hath not such a heart as you. Run when you will; the story shall be chang'd: Apollo flies, and Daphne holds the chase; The dove pursues the griffin; the mild hind Makes speed to catch the tiger- bootless speed, When cowardice pursues and valour flies. DEMETRIUS. I will not stay thy questions; let me go; Or, if thou follow me, do not believe But I shall do thee mischief in the wood. HELENA. Ay, in the temple, in the town, the field, You do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius! Your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex. We cannot fight for love as men may do; We should be woo'd, and were not made to woo. Exit DEMETRIUS I'll follow thee, and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well. Exit HELENA OBERON. Fare thee well, nymph; ere he do leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love.Re-enter PUCKHast thou the flower there? Welcome, wanderer. PUCK. Ay, there it is. OBERON. I pray thee give it me. I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine; There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight; And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin, Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in; And with the juice of this I'll streak her eyes, And make her full of hateful fantasies. Take thou some of it, and seek through this grove: A sweet Athenian lady is in love With a disdainful youth; anoint his eyes; But do it when the next thing he espies May be the lady. Thou shalt know the man By the Athenian garments he hath on. Effect it with some care, that he may prove More fond on her than she upon her love. And look thou meet me ere the first cock crow. PUCK. Fear not, my lord; your servant shall do so. Exeunt。

莎士比亚十四行诗仲夏夜之梦英文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Shakespeare's sonnet 74, from his play A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a beautiful piece of writing that captures the essence of love and longing. Written in iambic pentameter, this sonnet is a reflection on the passage of time and the inevitability of change. In this article, we will explore the themes of love, time, and nature in Shakespeare's sonnet 74, and consider how they contribute to the overall meaning of the poem.第二篇示例:One of the most memorable scenes in the play is theplay-within-a-play, in which the amateur actors perform a hilariously bad rendition of the tragic love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The audience is treated to a mix of slapstick comedy, melodramatic acting, and absurd dialogue, all of which serve to highlight the play's overarching theme of the transformative power of love and the importance of perception.第三篇示例:Shakespeare's Sonnet of A Midsummer Night's DreamThe sonnet opens with the lines "If we shadows have offended, / Think but this, and all is mended," inviting the audience to suspend their disbelief and embrace the fantastical world of the play. Shakespeare goes on to describe the characters as "shadows," suggesting that they are not fully real but rather figments of the imagination.第四篇示例:The play opens with Theseus, the Duke of Athens, and his bride-to-be Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons, preparing for their wedding. At the same time, a group of commoners led by Bottom the weaver are rehearsing a play to perform at the wedding celebrations. Meanwhile, four young lovers - Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius - find themselves caught in a love quadrangle as they navigate their way through the forest.。

A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦Scripts:Aside:There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。
(灯不开,只有旁白)ACT I. SCENE IAthens. The corrider.Egeus急匆匆的大步往前走,Hermia在后面追,两人都从舞台左侧上,在中间停住HERMIA: Father, please, please don’t do that.Egeus: I’m sorry ,HERMIA, you have to marry Demetrious, the eligible young man in the city.荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
HERMIA: I can’t, Father! I can’t be his wife. 爸爸,抱歉。
Egeus: Why do you refused to marry Demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman!你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢?他是一个真正的绅士。
HERMIA: But I don’t love him. I've fell in love with Lysander.但是我不爱他。

仲夏夜之梦观后感英文A Midsummer Night's Dream is a popular comedy written by the renowned playwright William Shakespeare. The play has captivated audiences for centuries with its magical storyline and memorable characters. As a theater enthusiast, I recently had the opportunity to watch a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and it left me enchanted and introspective. In this article, I will share my thoughts and insights about the play, focusing on its themes, characters, and overall impact.One of the central themes of A Midsummer Night's Dream is the transformative power of love. Shakespeare portrays love as a force that can create strange and unpredictable circumstances, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. The play features multiple pairs of lovers who face various trials and tribulations before finding their happily ever after.The character of Hermia embodies the complex nature of love. She is caught between her true love, Lysander, and her father's choice, Demetrius. The conflict arises when Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius, leading to a desperate escape into the forest with Lysander. This love triangle adds an element of suspense and tension to the play, demonstrating the lengths individuals will go for love.In the enchanted forest, the fairy king Oberon and queen Titania also experience the transformative power of love. The couple's relationship deteriorates due to a disagreement over a changeling boy. However, their conflict is resolved through the intervention of the mischievous imp, Puck, and a love potion that causes them to fall in love with the first person theysee upon waking. This twist highlights the capricious nature of romantic love and its ability to bring reconciliation and harmony.The character of Puck, or Robin Goodfellow, serves as a catalyst for many of the play's events. Puck is mischievous and keen on playing tricks on humans. His actions often result in chaos, confusion, and comedic situations. Puck adds a touch of whimsy and lightness to the play, making it even more enjoyable and entertaining for the audience.Another significant aspect of A Midsummer Night's Dream is its exploration of the boundary between reality and illusion. The play blurs these lines as characters enter the dreamlike and enchanting forest. This otherworldly setting allows Shakespeare to delve into the subconscious desires and the fantastical possibilities of human imagination.In the forest, the lovers lose their way and become entangled in a web of mistaken identities. They fall under the spell of a magical flower that causes them to develop romantic feelings for the wrong person. These scenes add an element of farce and comedic confusion to the play, highlighting the fragile distinction between reality and illusion.The play's concluding scenes bring resolution and reinforce the idea that the events in the forest were merely a dream. The characters awaken from their enchantment and find themselves back in the rational world of Athens. This contrast between the two worlds emphasizes the transitory and illusory nature of the forest's magical realm.Moreover, A Midsummer Night's Dream explores the idea of performance and the transformative power of art. The play opens with a group of amateur actors rehearsing for a performance they plan to present atthe wedding celebration of Duke Theseus and his bride, Hippolyta. Theseus shows great support and appreciation for the actors' efforts, demonstrating how art can bring joy and entertainment to people's lives.Shakespeare cleverly intertwines the worlds of reality and imagination as the amateur actors present their play within the play. Their performance, known as "Pyramus and Thisbe," is intentionally exaggerated and comedic, mocking the conventions of tragedy. By including this play within the main play, Shakespeare reflects on the role of theater as a medium for self-expression, entertainment, and social commentary.In conclusion, watching a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream was a truly enchanting experience. The play's themes of love, illusion, and the power of art to transform captivated me from beginning to end. The complex characters, such as Hermia and Oberon, brought these themes to life, while the mischievous Puck added a touch of humor and chaos. Shakespeare's masterful storytelling and the play's exploration of dreams and reality continue to make A Midsummer Night's Dream a timeless and captivating piece of literature.。
A Midsummer Night's Dream仲夏夜之梦

D e m e tr iu s (狄米特律斯)----p la y b o y ,
s e lfis h , n o t a g e n tle m a n . H e o n ly w a n te d to h a v e H e rm ia a n d h e r b e a u ty . W h e n H e le n a fo llo w e d h im in th e w o o d , h e e v e n s a id r u d e w o r d s to h e r .
Thank you
பைடு நூலகம்
Hermia(赫米亚)told their plan to her good friend Helena(海丽娜). As the result of love for Demetrius(狄米特律斯), Helena(海丽 娜)told him what Hermia(赫米 亚)had told her . Demetrius(狄米特 律斯)wanted to stop Hermia(赫米 亚)in the wood , and Helena(海丽 娜)followed him .
Part 4
After realizing that they all did wrong, the king and Puck(迫克)decided to stop all things . Puck(迫克)used magic to let the four humans sleep ,and put love juice on their eyelids . When they opened their eyes , Lysander(拉山德)saw Hermia(赫米 亚)and Demetrius(狄米特律斯)saw Helena(海丽娜). They went back to the Athens . Because Demetrius(狄米特律 斯)loved Helena(海丽娜)at that time, Hermia‘s(赫米亚)father didn’t force her

雅典两三位贵人和小姐们同时大婚忒修斯忒修斯Theseus! Theseus!有请美丽的希波吕忒Now, fair Hippolyta.我们的婚期即将临近Our nuptial hour draws on apace.幸福的四天之后Four happy days bring in又是一弯新月升起可对我而言another moon, but, O, methinks,这轮旧月消逝得如此之慢how slow this old moon wanes.白天很快就会变成黑夜Four days will quickly steep themselves in night,黑夜很快会在梦中悄然虚度four nights will quickly dream away the time,到时新月就会宛如一张银弓and then the moon, like to a silver bow new-bent in heaven, 凌空照见你我的良宵美景shall behold the night of our solemnities.希波吕忒Hippolyta...我以我的剑立下婚誓I woo'd thee with my sword,以武力夺得你的芳心and won thy love, doing thee injuries...但婚礼我要以截然不同的方式But I will wed thee in another key,我们的婚礼要盛大热闹尽情欢宴with pomp, with triumph and with revelling.雅典法庭雅典法庭雅典法庭雅典法庭雅典法庭雅典法庭伊吉斯觐见伊吉斯觐见伊吉斯觐见伊吉斯觐见伊吉斯觐见伊吉斯觐见祝福您威名远播的忒修斯公爵Happy be Theseus, our renowned Duke!谢谢你善良的伊吉斯你有何贵干Thanks, good Egeus, What's the news with thee?我恼怒万分特来控诉我的孩子Full of vexation come I, with complaint against my child, 我女儿赫米娅my daughter Hermia.上前一步狄米特律斯Stand forth, Demetrius.殿下我已经把女儿许嫁给他My noble lord, this man hath my consent to marry her. 上前一步拉山德Stand forth, Lysander.然而尊敬的公爵And, my gracious Duke,这家伙勾引诱惑我女儿this man hath bewitch'd the bosom of my child.他趁月夜跑到她窗前He hath by moonlight at her window sung拿腔作调唱着他的虚情假意with feigning voice verses of feigning love.♪明日迎来情人节♪♪ Tomorrow is St Valentine's Day ♪♪清晨时分♪♪ All in the morning betime ♪♪我就在你闺窗之下等候♪♪ And I a maid at your window ♪♪让我成为你的情人♪♪ To be your valentine. ♪他花言巧语骗取了我女儿的芳心With cunning hast thou filch'd my daughter's heart,让原本对我百依百顺的女儿turn'd her obedience, which is due to me,变得桀骜不驯鉴于此尊敬的公爵to stubborn harshness. So, my gracious Duke,我要求行使古雅典特权I beg the ancient privilege of Athens.她是我的女儿就该任由我处置As she is mine, I may dispose of her,要么嫁给这位男士which shall be either to this gentleman要么处以死刑or to her death!你怎么说赫米娅What say you, Hermia?听我一言美丽的姑娘Be advised, fair maid,父亲于你而言就宛如神明to you your father should be as a god.-狄米特律斯值得托付终身 -拉山德也是- Demetrius is a worthy gentleman... - So is Lysander! 恳请殿下宽恕我I do entreat your grace to pardon me.我不知道是什么让我如此胆大妄为I know not by what power I am made bold,我斗胆问殿下一句but I beseech your grace that I may know如果我拒绝嫁给狄米特律斯the worst that may befall me in this case将会遭受怎样的极刑if I refuse to wed Demetrius.死刑难逃To die the death.悔悟吧亲爱的赫米娅Relent, sweet Hermia,至于你拉山德and, Lysander, yield不要再丧心病狂地挑战我thy crazed title to my certain right.你已经得到她父亲的爱狄米特律斯You have her father's love, Demetrius,让我拥有赫米娅的爱你去娶她父亲吧let me have Hermia's. Do you marry him!对你而言美丽的赫米娅For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself要顺从你父亲的意愿to fit your fancies to your father's will,否则将依雅典之律处置你or else the law of Athens yields you up判你死刑to death!在我所读过的书中Ay me! For aught that I could ever read,真爱之路从来都是崎岖不平的the course of true love never did run smooth.听我说赫米娅Hear me, Hermia!我有个姑姑是一位富孀I have a widow aunt, a dowager,她很有钱却膝下无子of great revenue, and she hath no child.约34公里从雅典到她家约7里格路程From Athens is her house remote seven leagues;而且她把我当亲生独子一样对待and she respects me as her only son.温柔的赫米娅我们可以在那里结婚There, gentle Hermia, may I marry thee;在那里就算雅典法律的利爪也奈何不了我们and to that place the sharp Athenian law cannot pursue us. 如果你爱我If thou lovest me,那明天晚上你就溜出你父亲的大宅then steal forth thy father's house later tonight,约10公里到郊外2里格处的森林and in the wood, two leagues without the town,我就在那里等你there will I stay for thee.我的好拉山德My good Lysander,午夜时分我一定与你在那里相会come midnight truly will I meet with thee.不要爽约亲爱的是海丽娜来了Keep promise, love. Oh, look, here comes Helena.上帝保佑美丽的海丽娜你要去哪God speed, fair Helena! Whither away?夸我美丽Call you me fair?还是把「美丽」收回去吧That "fair" again unsay.狄米特律斯爱你的美丽幸福的美人Demetrius loves your fair. O happy fair!疾病会传染Sickness is catching.如果美丽也能传染O, were favour so,美丽的赫米娅我愿意染上你的美丽yours would I catch, fair Hermia, ere I go.我要用耳朵捕获你的声音目光追随你的明眸My ear should catch your voice, my eye your eye,说话谈吐像你一样甜美动听my tongue should catch your tongue's sweet melody. 求你教我如何暗送秋波O, teach me how you look, and with what art还有施展什么魔力网获狄米特律斯的心you sway the motion of Demetrius' heart.我都横眉冷对了他还是爱我I frown upon him, yet he loves me still.要是我的笑容能和你的横眉冷对一样就好了O that your frowns would teach my smiles such skill! 我越讨厌他他越是追着我不放The more I hate, the more he follows me.我越是爱他他就越讨厌我The more I love, the more he hateth me.海丽娜他犯傻可不是我的错His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine.都是你美貌的错None but your beauty.如果这错误是我的就好了Would that fault were mine!别担心他再也看不到我这张脸了Take comfort. He no more shall see my face.我和拉山德要逃离这里Lysander and myself will fly this place.海丽娜不瞒你说Helen, to you our minds we will reveal.我们准备溜出雅典城门Through Athens' gates have we devised to steal.从此告别雅典And thence from Athens turn away our eyes去结交新朋友与异乡人为伴了to seek new friends and stranger companies.再见了亲爱的伙伴Farewell, sweet playfellow.为我们祈祷吧Pray thou for us,祝你得到狄米特律斯的爱and good luck grant thee thy Demetrius.不要失约拉山德Keep word, Lysander.我们必须暂时忍♥受一下离别之苦明晚见We must starve our sight from lovers' food till later, deep midnight. 我会的赫米娅I will, my Hermia.海丽娜再见Helena, adieu!愿狄米特律斯爱你一如你爱他As you on him, Demetrius dote on you.「愿狄米特律斯爱你一如你爱他」"As you on him, Demetrius dote on you."所有雅典人都认为我跟她一样美Through Athens I am thought as fair as she!但那又如何狄米特律斯不这么想But what of that? Demetrius thinks not so.爱情从不是用眼睛看而是一种感觉Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,丘比特只有翅膀没有眼睛所以长着翅膀的丘比特常被画成盲目And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.狄米特律斯在看到赫米娅之前For ere Demetrius looked on Hermia's eyne他也曾信誓旦旦说他只属于我he hailed down oaths that he was only mine.我得去告诉他美丽的赫米娅要私奔I will go tell him of fair Hermia's flight!那么他明晚一定会去树林追她Then to the wood will he this very night如果这次通风报信pursue her, and for this intelligence我能得到一些酬谢付出代价也会很大if I have thanks it is a dear expense.但我的目的是要补偿自己的痛楚But herein mean I to enrich my pain,让我能再一次欣赏到他的英俊面容to have his sight thither, and back again.老工匠老工匠老工匠爱人照我观察的Love, therefore, and tongue-tied simplicity无言的纯朴所表示的情感才是最丰富的in least speak most, to my capacity.波顿Bottom!晚上好Good evening!晚上好威廉God you good even, William!晚上好佩奇大人Good even and twenty, good Master Page!夫人近来可好Mistress, what cheer!把电视修好Fix thy resolution!响应雅典的呼救Help from Athens calls!现在相信我Trust me, now,我能从这种无言中领受到他们欢迎的诚意out of this silence yet I picked a welcome,在诚惶诚恐中and in the modesty...《错误的喜剧》大家都到了吗Is all our company here?你最好照着名单You were best to call them generally, man by man, 挨个点下名according to the script.每个人的名字都在这张名单上Here is the scroll of every man's name,整个雅典都承认which is thought fit, through all Athens,我们是最适合在公爵跟公爵夫人结婚那晚上to play in our interlude before the Duke and Duchess 在他们的面前演这一出戏的人了on his wedding day at night.咱们的戏名是《最可悲的喜剧Our play is the most lamentable comedy以及皮拉摩斯和提斯柏的最残酷的死》and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe.-我叫谁谁就应一声 -我不知道这个- Now! Answer as I call you. - I don't know that one. 尼克·波顿织布的Nick Bottom, the weaver?到Ready!你尼克·波顿负责扮演皮拉摩斯You, Nick Bottom, are set down for Pyramus.皮拉摩斯是谁一个情郎还是一个霸王What is Pyramus? A lover or a tyrant?是个情郎为了爱情他勇敢地毁了自己A lover that kills himself, most gallant, for love.要演得真实那还得哭几下That will ask some tears in the true performing of it. 要是让我来演那得让观众小心自己的眼睛If I do it, let the audience look to their eyes!我能让全场痛哭流涕Yeah, yeah - I shall move storms.风云失色I will condole, in some measure.继续点吧Oh, oh... To the rest.法兰西斯·弗鲁特你Francis Flute, you...但是我最适合扮霸王了Yet my chief humour is for a tyrant.我会把厄剌克勒斯什么的角色扮得非常好I could play Ercles rarely, or a part to tear a cat in,管保能吓破人的胆to make all split -山岳狂怒的震动"The raging rocks and shivering shocks裂开了牢狱的门"shall break the locks of prison gates."-我 -太阳- I-I... - "And Phibbus' car在远方高升"shall shine from far慑伏了神灵的魂"and make and mar the Foolish Fates."这真是了不得This was lofty!继续念其他人的名字吧Yeah, now name the rest of the players.法兰西斯·弗鲁特修风箱的Francis Flute, the bellows-mender?在昆斯夫人Here, Mistress Quince.弗鲁特你得扮提斯柏Flute, you must take Thisbe on you.提斯柏是谁一个游♥行♥的侠客吗What is Thisbe? A wandering knight?是皮拉摩斯注定要爱上的姑娘It is the lady that Pyramus must love.要忠于你自己To thine own self be true.你是个好人You're a good man.我可以把脸罩住让我也来演提斯柏吧Oh, oh, an I may hide my face, let me play Thisbe too. 我会细声细气地说话I'll speak in a monstrous little voice,皮拉摩斯我的爱人"Ah, Pyramus, my lover dear."我亲爱的提斯柏"My Thisbe dear!"我是个小姐亲爱的"I am a lady, dear."不行你必须扮皮拉摩斯No, you must play Pyramus,弗鲁特你演提斯柏and, Flute, you Thisbe.好吧叫下去Well, proceed.罗宾·斯塔佛林当裁缝的Robin Starveling, the tailor?汤姆·斯♥诺♥特补锅子的Tom Snout, the tinker?在昆斯夫人Here, Mistress Quince.罗宾·斯塔佛林你扮提斯柏的母亲Robin Starveling, you must play Thisbe's mother.汤姆·斯♥诺♥特你扮皮拉摩斯的爸爸Tom Snout, Pyramus' father.我是提斯柏的妈妈以及Myself, Pyramus' mother. And, er...斯纳格加入我们你扮一只狮子..Snug, you join us, you the lion's part.我想这本戏就这样分配好了And here I hope is a play fitted.你有没有把狮子的台词写下Have you the lion's part written?要是有的话请你给我Pray you, if it be, give it me.因为我记性不大好For I am slow of study.你不用准备你只要嗷嗷叫就可以了Oh, you may do it extempal for it is nothing but roaring. 让我也来扮狮子吧Let me play the lion too!我会嚎得让每个人听了都身心舒泰I will roar that I will do any man's heart good to hear me. 我会嚎得让公爵都传下谕旨来说I will roar that I will make the Duke say,让他再嚎下去吧让他再嚎下去吧"Let him roar again, let him roar again!"你要是嚎得太可怕An you should do it too terribly you would fright吓得公爵夫人和各位太太小姐们尖声叫起来the Duchess and the ladies that they would shriek!那咱们都得被处死An that were enough to slay us all.那一准会被处死That would slay us.每一个母亲的儿子都逃不了Yeah, every mother's son.不我可以把声音提得低一些No, I will aggravate my voice我会嚎得就像一只吃奶的小鸽子那么地温柔so that I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove.嚎得就像一只夜莺一样Yeah, yeah - I will roar you an 'twere any nightingale.听这个听这个Listen to this. Listen to this.嗷呜Roar.给你们说了吧See, told you!你只能扮皮拉摩斯You must play no part but Pyramus!行那我就扮皮拉摩斯Yeah, well, I will undertake it, yeah.那我该挂什么须呢Oh - what beard were I best to play it in?随你便吧Why, what you will.我可以挂你那稻草色的须I will discharge it in either your straw-colour beard,你那橙黄色的须你那紫红色的须your orange-tawny beard, your purple-in-grain beard, 或者你那法国金洋钱色的须纯黄色的须or your French-crown-colour beard, your perfect yellow. 你那金洋钱色的须上一点毛都没有Some of your French crowns have no hair at all.你就光着脸蛋演吧And then you will play it barefaced!诸位这是你们的台词But, masters, here are your parts,我请求你们恳求你们要求你们and I entreat you, request you, desire you,在明天夜里念熟趁着月光to con them and meet me in the palace wood咱们在郊外一英里远的禁林里碰头a mile without the town by moonlight.在那边咱们要排练排练There will we rehearse,因为如果在城里排练就会有人跟着咱们for if we meet in the city we will be dogged with company,咱们的玩意儿就要泄漏出去and our devices known.拜托你们不要误事I pray you, fail me not.我们在公爵的橡树底下再见At the Duke's oak we meet!一定我们可以排练得更像样点更胆大点We will, and there we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously. 辛苦一下要争取完美Take pains, be perfect.-再见 -再见- Adieu! - Adieu!-再见 -再见- Adieu. - Adieu.-再见 -再见- Adieu. - Adieu.-再见 -把门关上- Adieu. - Shut the door.蛛网Cobweb.一切伤害诅咒远走高扬不要行近她的身旁Never harm, nor spell, nor charm, Come our lovely lady nigh.一切伤害诅咒远走高扬不要行近她的身旁Never harm, nor spell, nor charm, Come our lovely lady nigh.不巧又在月光下碰见你骄傲的提泰妮娅I'll met by moonlight, proud Titania!嫉妒的奥布朗My jealous Oberon!仙灵们快快走开Fairies, skip hence.我已经发誓不和他同游同寝了I have forsworn his bed and company.等等坏脾气的女人我不是你的夫君吗Tarry, rash wanton! Am not I thy lord?那我也一定是尊夫人了Oh, then I must be thy lady!但就我所知你以前溜出仙境But I know when thou hast stolen away from Fairyland扮作牧人的样子and in the shape of Corin整天吹着麦笛唱着情歌♥sat all day playing on pipes of corn,向风♥骚♥的希波吕忒调情and versing love to amorous Phillida.你还好意思说提泰妮娅How canst thou thus, for shame, Titania,将我和希波吕忒扯在一起侮蔑我glance at my credit with fair Phillida,明知你和忒修斯的私情瞒不过我knowing I know thy love to Hippolyta?这些是因为嫉妒而捏造出的谎话These are the forgeries of jealousy!那位身材高大的亚马逊女王The bouncing Amazon!你那穿长统靴的挚爱情人与忒修斯Your buskinned mistress and your warrior love, to Theseus 必须要结姻must be wedded!你的争吵破坏了我们的兴致And now with thy brawls thou hast disturbed our sport.风因为我们不理会他的吹奏Therefore the winds, piping to us in vain,生了气从海中吸起了毒雾as in revenge have sucked up from the sea毒雾化成瘴雨下降地上contagious fogs which, falling on the land,倾盆大雨使每一条溪河hath every pelting river made so proud都耀武扬威地泛滥到岸上that they have overborne their continents.执掌潮汐的月亮Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,气得脸孔发白在空气中播满了湿气pale in her anger, washes all the air,人一沾染上就会得风湿that rheumatic diseases do abound.因为天时不正And through this distemperature,季候也反常了we see the seasons alter,春季夏季the spring, the summer,丰收的秋季暴怒的冬季the childing autumn, angry winter,都改换了平常的装束change their wonted liveries,世间无法再凭出产辨别出春夏秋冬and the mazed world by their increase now knows not which is which. 这一切的恶果And this same progeny of evils皆因我们的不和与冲突所致comes from our debate, from our dissension.我们是一切灾祸的根源We are their parents and original.今夜大王在这里大开欢宴The King doth keep his revels here tonight.不如您也一同赴宴Take heed, and you might join him in this sight.要是我没有把你认错Either I mistake your shape and making quite,你就是那个狡狯奸诈的精灵or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite名叫罗宾·好人吧called Robin Goodfellow.你不是吗Are not you he?正是在下Thou speakest aright.我就是那个快活的夜游者I am that merry wanderer of the night.专门为奥布朗讲笑话博他一乐I jest to Oberon and make him smile.奥布朗的脾气差得很Your Oberon is passing fell and wrath!那就设法补救Do you amend it, then.这全在于你It lies in you.为什么提泰妮娅要违拗她的奥布朗呢Why should Titania cross her Oberon?你准备在这林中待多久How long within this wood intend you stay?也许要到忒修斯的婚礼以后Perchance till after Theseus' wedding day.牵着我的手我就和你一起走Give me your hand and I will go with thee.拿你的仙国跟我换都休想Not for all thy fairy kingdom!精灵们走吧Fairies, away!再多留一刻我们就吵起来了We shall chide downright if I longer stay!那你就走吧Well, go thy way!为了这次的侮辱Thou shalt not from this grove我一定会在你走前惩罚你till I torment thee for this injury!我的好普克过来My gentle Puck, come hither.你还记得Thou rememberest有一次我坐在一个海岬上since once I sat upon a promontory望见一个美人鱼骑在海豚的背上and heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back她唱起了动人的歌♥uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath歌♥声如此婉转而优美吗that the rude sea grew civil at her song?我记得I remember.就在那个时候你没看见That very time I saw, but thou couldst not但我看见持弓的丘比特在冷月和地球间飞翔flying between the cold moon and the Earth Cupid all arm'd. 他瞄准了一个目标A certain aim he took,从弓箭上射出了爱情之箭and marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell.那支箭落在西方一朵小花上It fell upon a little western flower,那花本是乳白色因爱情的创伤而被染紫before, milk-white, now purple with love's wound.花的汁液滴在熟睡之人的眼皮上The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid无论男女醒来第一眼看见什么生物will make or man or woman madly dote都会发疯似地爱上upon the next live creature that it sees.我会等提泰妮娅入睡之后I'll watch Titania when she is asleep,把汁液滴在她的眼皮上and drop the liquor of it in her eyes.她一醒来第一眼看见的生物The next thing then she, waking, looks upon无论是狮子熊狼公牛be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull,还是好事的猴子忙碌的无尾猿on meddling monkey or on busy ape她都会带着最强烈的爱意去追求she shall pursue it with the soul of love.给我采来这种花Fetch me this herb,必须在鲸鱼游过四千公里之前回来复命and be thou here again ere the leviathan can swim a league. 我会环绕世界一周I'll put a girdle round about the Earth...四十分钟就够了in forty minutes!谁过来了But who comes here?我不爱你所以别跟着我I love thee not, therefore pursue me not.拉山德和美丽的赫米娅去哪了Where is Lysander and fair Hermia?我要杀死拉山德但赫米娅却握着我的命The one I'll slay, the other slayeth me.所以你快离开别再跟着我Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more!你吸引我跟着你的你这硬心肠的磁石You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant!可你吸的却不是铁因为我的心像钢一样坚贞But yet you draw not iron, for my heart is true as steel. 要是你去掉你的吸引力Leave you your power to draw,那我也就没有力量再跟着你了and I shall have no power to follow you.我引诱你了吗我向你说过好话吗Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair?我不是说得很清楚了Or rather do I not in plainest truth我不爱你也爱不上你吗tell you I do not nor I cannot love you?即使那样我却更加爱你And even for that do I love you the more!我一看见你就头痛But I am sick when I do look on thee!我不看见你就心痛And I am sick when I look not on you!不想再听你说了让我走I will not stay thy questions. Let me go.如果你再跟着我相信我Or if thou follow me, do not believe在这座林中我不会对你客气but I shall do thee mischief in the wood.在神庙中市镇上乡野间In the temple, in the town, the field,你处处欺负我you do me mischief.狄米特律斯Fie, Demetrius!我会跟随着你让地狱化为天堂I'll follow thee, and make a heaven of hell!抱歉Sorry.鸽子追逐着鹰隼The dove pursues the griffin!温柔的牝鹿追捕着猛虎The mild hind makes speed to catch the tiger!再会吧痴心女Fare thee well, nymph.请你把它给我I pray thee, give it me.我知道一处茴香盛开的水滩I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,长满着樱草和盈盈的紫罗丝where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,馥郁的金银花芗泽的野蔷薇quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,漫天张起了一幅芬芳的锦帷with sweet muskroses and with eglantine.有时提泰妮娅会在群花中酣醉There sleeps Titania some time of the night.柔舞清歌♥轻抚着她安睡Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight.小花蛇在那里丢下发亮的皮And there the snake throws her enamelled skin,小仙人拿来当做合身的外衣weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in.等你眼睛一睁开What thou seest when thou dost wake,就会看见你的真爱do it for thy true love take.你带着其余的花汁去林中访寻Take thou some of it, and seek thou through this grove.一个美丽的雅典少女爱上了一个薄情郎A sweet Athenian lady is in love with a disdainful youth,在他看到少女之前anoint his eyes,你将花的汁液点在他眼边but do it when the next thing he espies. May be the lady.他身上穿着雅典人的装束Thou shalt know the man by the Athenian garments he hath on. 认清楚了Effect it with some care,让他对她的爱远远超过她爱他that he may prove more fond on her than she upon her love.等第一声鸡鸣时我们再见And look thou meet me ere the first cock crow.放心吧主人一切如你所愿Fear not, my Lord, your servant shall do so.等你醒来你就看见你的爱When thou wakest, it is thy dear.会看见丑东西在身边Wake when some vile thing is near.吾爱我在林中奔走累得快要昏倒了Fair love, I faint with wandering in the wood,而且说实话我已经忘记路了and to speak truth, I have forgot our way.照你说的做吧拉山德你去找张床Be it so, Lysander! Find you out a bed,我就在这花坛上睡了for I upon this bank will rest my head.我们应该共枕一块草地One turf shall serve as pillow for us both,两个胸膛一条心同发一句誓共眠一张床one heart, one bed, two bosoms, and one troth. 两个胸膛彼此因盟誓连系Two bosoms interchained with an oath,共有着一片忠贞so then two bosoms and a single troth.拉山德真会说话Lysander riddles very prettily.再躺远一些Lie further off yet,不要挨得那么近do not lie so near!依着你那祈祷我应和着阿门Amen, amen, to that fair prayer say I,如果我失去忠贞我也会丧失性命and then end life when I end loyalty.静寂的深夜谁在这里Night and silence, who is here?他身上穿着雅典的衣裳Weeds of Athens he doth wear.这里就是我的床了愿睡眠给你充分的休养Here is my bed - sleep give thee all his rest.那愿望我愿意和你分享With half that wish, the wisher's eyes be pressed. 坏东西我已在你眼睛上Churl, upon thy eyes I throw施了神奇的魔法all the power this charm doth owe.求你停下哪怕你杀了我也好Stay, though thou kill me,亲爱的狄米特律斯sweet Demetrius!我命令你走开不要这样缠着我I charge thee, hence - and do not haunt me thus.留我孤单一人吗别这样O, wilt thou, darling, leave me? Do not so!站住否则就杀了你我要独自走我的路Stay, on thy peril. I alone will go.这痴心的追赶让我上气不接下气O, I am out of breath in this fond chase.我越是千求万告越是惹他憎恶The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace.赫米娅无论在什么地方都是那么幸福Happy is Hermia, wheresoe'er she lies,因为她有一双天赐的迷人的眼睛for she hath blessed and attractive eyes.她的眼睛怎么会这样明亮不是因为泪水How came her eyes so bright? Well, not with salt tears - 因为我眼中流过更多泪水if so, mine are oftener washed than hers.不No, no.我像头熊一样难看I am as ugly as a bear,连野兽看见我也会害怕地逃走for beasts that meet me run away for fear!谁在这里But who is here?拉山德躺在地上Lysander on the ground?死了还是睡着了Dead, or asleep?没有血也没有伤口I see no blood, no wound.拉山德要是你还活着就醒醒吧Lysander, if you live, good sir, awake!我愿为了你赴汤蹈火And run through fire I will for thy sweet sake!玲珑剔透的海丽娜上天在你身上显出本事Transparent Helena, nature shows her art让我能看透你的胸膛看见你的心that through thy bosom makes me see thy heart.狄米特律斯在哪里那个难听的名字Where is Demetrius? O, how fit a word让他死在我剑下吧is that vile name to perish on my sword!别这样说拉山德别这样说Do not say so, Lysander, say not so.即使他爱你的赫米娅又有什么关系What though he love your Hermia, lord, what though? 赫米娅仍旧是爱着你的知足吧Yet Hermia still loves you. Then be content.满足于赫米娅吗不我真后悔Content with Hermia? No, I do repent跟她在一起度过的那些可恶的时光the tedious minutes I with her have spent.我不爱赫米娅我爱的是海丽娜Not Hermia, but Helena I love.谁不愿意用乌鸦换白鸽呢Who will not change a raven for a dove?我怎能受得了这种尖刻的嘲笑呢Wherefore was I to this keen mockery born?我什么时候得罪过你你这么讥讽我When at your hands did I deserve this scorn?难道还不够难道那还不够小伙子Is't not enough, is't not enough, young man,我从来不曾得到过也永远不会得到that I did never - no, nor never can -狄米特律斯一瞥爱怜的眼光deserve a sweet look from Demetrius' eye你必须这样挖苦我的短处吗but you must flout my insufficiency?!再会吧我还以为Now fare you well! Perforce I must confess你是个有教养的上流人呢I thought you, lord, of more true gentleness.生长的东西不到季节便不会成熟Things growing are not ripe until their season.我过去由于年轻理性也不够成熟So I, being young, till now ripe not to reason!一个女子受到了某个男人的拒绝O, that a lady of one man refused还得忍♥受另一个男子的揶揄should of another therefore be abused!但是现在我的智慧已经充分成长And touching now the point of human skill,理性指挥着我的意志reason becomes the marshal to my will.救救我拉山德救救我Help me, Lysander, help me!天哪Ay me, for pity!我做了怎样的梦拉山德...What a dream was here. Lysander, look...拉山德走了吗Lysander - what, removed?拉山德天啊Lysander, lord!拉山德拉山德Lysander? Lysander?拉山德拉山德Lysander! Lysander!这儿真是太适合我们排练了Here's a marvellous convenient place for our rehearsal. 那一群村夫俗子What hempen homespuns have we swaggering here胆敢在仙后卧榻之旁鼓唇弄舌so near to the cradle of the Fairy Queen?昆斯夫人Now, Mistress Quince!在这部喜剧《皮拉摩斯和提斯柏》里There are things in this comedy of Pyramus and Thisbe 有几个地方难叫人满意that will never please.第一皮拉摩斯得拔出剑来结果自己的性命First, Pyramus must draw a sword to kill himself,这是太太小姐们受不了的你说对不对which you ladies cannot abide. How answer you that? 老天爷这可真不是闹着玩儿的By'r lakin, a parlous fear!我们把其他都演完后这一段就不用演。

仲夏之夜的话剧英语作文A Midsummer Night's Dream is a famous comedy written by William Shakespeare. It tells the story of four lovers, a group of amateur actors, and fairies who inhabit a magical forest. The play explores themes of love, dreams, and illusion. In this essay, I will discuss the plot and characters of A Midsummer Night's Dream, as well as its enduring popularity.The play begins with Hermia, who is in love with Lysander, but her father insists that she marries Demetrius. Hermia and Lysander decide to escape to the forest,followed by Demetrius and Helena, who is in love with him.In the forest, they encounter the fairy king and queen, Oberon and Titania, who are having their own marital troubles. Oberon orders Puck, a mischievous fairy, to use a magical flower to make Titania fall in love with the first creature she sees upon waking up. Meanwhile, Oberon also sees Helena being rejected by Demetrius and orders Puck to use the flower on him as well.As Puck carries out Oberon's orders, chaos ensues. Lysander falls in love with Helena, leaving Hermia heartbroken. Demetrius also falls in love with Helena, causing a love triangle between the four lovers. Oberon realizes the mistake and orders Puck to fix it. Puck useshis magic to make Lysander fall back in love with Hermia, and Demetrius to fall in love with Helena. Oberon andTitania reconcile, and all the lovers are united.In the meantime, a group of amateur actors, led by a man named Bottom, are rehearsing a play in the same forest. Puck, finding them amusing, decides to play a trick on them. He transforms Bottom's head into that of a donkey, causing the other actors to run away in fear. Titania, under the spell of the magical flower, wakes up and falls in lovewith Bottom. Eventually, Puck removes the spell, and everything returns to normal.A Midsummer Night's Dream is known for its complex and intertwined plotlines, as well as its colorful characters. The four lovers represent the confusion and irrationalityof love, while the fairies add a touch of magic and fantasy to the play. The amateur actors provide comic relief and highlight the theme of illusion and reality.The play's popularity can be attributed to its universal themes and timeless appeal. The themes of love, dreams, and illusion resonate with audiences across different cultures and time periods. The play's comedic elements, witty dialogue, and clever wordplay also contribute to its enduring popularity. Additionally, the play's exploration of the complexities of human relationships and the unpredictability of love make it relatable to audiences of all ages.In conclusion, A Midsummer Night's Dream is a classic comedy that continues to captivate audiences around the world. Its intricate plot, memorable characters, and universal themes have made it one of Shakespeare's most beloved plays. Whether it is performed on stage or read in a classroom, the play's magic and humor continue to enchant and entertain.。

仲夏夜之梦读后感英文A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy play written by William Shakespeare. It is one of his most popular works and has been widely performed and adapted in various forms throughout the centuries. The play is set in a forest and revolves around the adventures of four young lovers, a group of amateur actors, and a magical fairy kingdom.One of the most striking aspects of A Midsummer Night's Dream is its exploration of the theme of love. The play presents love in all its forms – romantic love, unrequited love, and even the absurdity of love. Through the interactions of the characters, Shakespeare portrays the complexities and irrationalities of human emotions, making the audience both laugh and reflect on the nature of love. The intertwining love stories and the chaotic events that unfold in the forest create a sense of whimsy and enchantment that is characteristic of Shakespeare's comedies.Another notable element of the play is the use of magic and the supernatural. The fairy world, ruled by the mischievous Oberon and Titania, adds an element of fantasy and wonder to the story. The magical interventions of the fairies, especially the use of the love potion, lead to hilarious misunderstandings and contribute to the overall sense of enchantment in the play. The juxtaposition of the mortal and immortal worlds further adds to the dreamlike quality of the narrative.In addition to its exploration of love and magic, A Midsummer Night's Dream also delves into themes of illusion and reality. The play blurs the lines between the real and the fantastical, challenging the audience to question what is true and what is merely a product of the characters' imaginations. This theme is reinforced through the play within a play, where the amateur actors attempt to stage a performance for the noble Athenian court. The comical ineptitude of the actors and the reactions of the onlookers serve as a commentary on the nature of art and the perception of reality.Overall, A Midsummer Night's Dream is a delightful and thought-provoking play that continues to captivate audiences with its timeless themes and enchanting storytelling. Shakespeare's masterful use of language and his ability to weave together multipleplotlines demonstrate why this play remains a beloved classic. Whether it is enjoyed on the stage or on the page, A Midsummer Night's Dream never fails to transport its audience to a world of magic, romance, and laughter.。
仲夏夜之梦 中英对照讲课稿

仲夏夜之梦中英对照A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦Scripts:Aside:There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marry whomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry the man her father had chosen to be her husband, the father might by thus law cause her to be put to death.在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们所喜欢的人,因此如果女儿拒绝父亲为她选的丈夫,依据这条法律,父亲可以自行判她死刑。
(灯不开,只有旁白)ACT I. SCENE IAthens. The corrider.Egeus急匆匆的大步往前走,Hermia在后面追,两人都从舞台左侧上,在中间停住HERMIA: Father, please, please don’t do that.Egeus: I’m sorry ,HERMIA, you have to marry Demetrious, the eligible young man in the city.荷米亚,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
HERMIA: I can’t, Father! I can’t be his wife. 爸爸,抱歉。
Egeus: Why do you refused to marry Demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman!你为什麼拒绝嫁给狄米崔斯呢?他是一个真正的绅士。
HERMIA: But I don’t love him. I've fell in love with Lysander.但是我不爱他。

仲夏夜之梦英文话剧剧本Title: A Midsummer Night's DreamAct 1: The World of FairiesScene 1: The Fairy Kingdom(Character List: King Oberon, Queen Titania, Puck, Fairy Attendants)- The play opens with King Oberon and Queen Titania arguing over a young Indian prince they both want to adopt.- Oberon decides to play a trick on Titania and sends Puck to find a magical flower called love-in-idleness, whose juice, when applied to the eyes, will make the person fall in love with the next creature they see.- Oberon instructs Puck to find a young Athenian man named Demetrius and make him fall in love with Helena, who is in love with him.Scene 2: The Forest(Character List: Hermia, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius)- Hermia and Lysander escape into the forest so they can elope, as Hermia's father wants her to marry Demetrius.- Demetrius chases after them, followed by Helena, who is desperately in love with him.- Helena confesses her love to Demetrius, but he rejects her.Scene 3: The Fairy Forest(Character List: Puck, Fairy Attendants)- Oberon and Puck overhear Helena and Demetrius arguing.- Puck mistakenly applies the love-in-idleness on Lysander's eyes instead of Demetrius.- Lysander wakes up and sees Helena, immediately falling in love with her.Act 2: The Chaos in the ForestScene 1: The Fairy Forest(Character List: Hermia, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius)- Hermia wakes up to find Lysander missing and goes to search for him.- Hermia stumbles upon Demetrius, who is now also in love with Helena due to Puck's mistake.Scene 2: The Fairy Forest(Character List: Puck, Fairy Attendants, Bottom, Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, Starveling)- Puck sees a group of amateur actors rehearsing a play in the forest.- Puck decides to play a trick on them and transforms one of the actors, Bottom, into a donkey.Scene 3: The Fairy Kingdom(Character List: King Oberon, Queen Titania, Puck, Bottom, Fairy Attendants)- Bottom, still transformed into a donkey, stumbles into Queen Titania's bedchamber.- Titania, under the spell of the love-in-idleness, falls in love with Bottom.- Oberon, satisfied with his trick, releases Titania and reverses the spells.Act 3: The ReunionScene 1: The Fairy Forest(Character List: Hermia, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius)- The four lovers, confused and bewildered, find each otherin the forest.- Puck intervenes and removes the spell from Lysander's eyes, thus restoring his love for Hermia.Scene 2: The Fairy Forest(Character List: Bottom, Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, Starveling, Fairy Attendants)- The amateur actors perform their play, "Pyramus and Thisbe," for the Fairy King and Queen.Act 4: The Morning AfterScene 1: Athens(Character List: Theseus, Hippolyta, Hermia, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius, Bottom, Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, Starveling)- The story shifts back to Athens, the mortal world.- Theseus and Hippolyta discover the lovers in the forest and try to understand what happened.- Theseus decides to overrule Hermia's father and allow her to marry Lysander.Scene 2: Athens(Character List: Theseus, Hippolyta, Bottom, Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, Starveling)- The amateur actors present their play to celebrate the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta.- The play is filled with bumbling mistakes and adds humor to the festive occasion.Act 5: The Wedding FeastScene: Athens(Character List: Theseus, Hippolyta, Oberon, Titania, Puck, Fairy Attendants, Hermia, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius, Bottom, Quince, Snug, Flute, Snout, Starveling)- The lovers are reunited, and their misunderstandings are resolved.- Puck addresses the audience, asking them to remember the play as nothing more than a dream.。

As You Like ItAct I Scene 1In the woods, two lovers, Theseus and Hippolyta, have fallen in love with each other, but are unable to express their feelings to each other. Meanwhile, the fairies of the forest, including Puck, are busy with their own activities.Act II Scene 1In the forest, the lovers are reunited and they decide to marry each other. However, they are interrupted by a group of fairies who are angry with Theseus for killing a man who had wronged them. They attempt to curse the lovers, but Puck intervenes and transforms them into animals.Act III Scene 1The lovers are now separated by their animal forms and must find a way to break the curse. They are helped by a group of fairies who teach them that true love is stronger than any curse. They also learn that they must be willing to give up their own desires and needs for the happiness of their partner.Act IV Scene 2The lovers are reunited and the curse is lifted. They are now able to express their true feelings for each other and they are happy to be together. The fairies also reveal that they will grant wishes to those who have been true to their love.Verse PrologueAs the curtain falls, we are left with a beautiful image of a fairy-tale world filled with magic and love. This is a world where true love conquers all and where people can find happiness and fulfillment through love and companionship.这就是《仲夏夜之梦》的全文,希望对您有所帮助。

仲夏夜之梦仿写作文A Midsummer Night's Dream is a delightful comedy written by William Shakespeare. It is one of his most popular and enduring works, and continues to be performed around the world. 仲夏夜之梦是威廉·莎士比亚创作的一部迷人的喜剧。
The play is set in a magical forest, where the lives of four young lovers become entwined with the mischievous fairy world. Love, mischief, and mistaken identity abound, leading to a series of humorous and enchanting situations. 这部戏设定在一个神奇的森林中,四个年轻人的生活与调皮的仙子世界交织在一起。
The characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream are both humorous and endearing. From the bumbling and overconfident Bottom to the mischievous and impulsive Puck, each character brings their own unique energy to the play. 仲夏夜之梦中的人物既滑稽又令人喜爱。

仲夏夜之梦读后感英文A Midsummer Night's Dream is a play written by William Shakespeare in the late 16th century. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works and is often performed and studied in schools and theaters around the world. It is a comedy that explores themes of love, magic, and the irrationality of human behavior. After reading the play, I was struck by its timeless relevance and the way it continues to resonate with audiences today.One of the things that struck me about A Midsummer Night's Dream is its exploration of the complexities of love. The play features multiple romantic entanglements, including the love triangle between Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius, as well as the tumultuous relationship between Oberon and Titania. Through these relationships, Shakespeare examines the irrational and unpredictable nature of love, as well as the ways in which it can cause both joy and heartache. The play's portrayal of love as a force that is beyond human control is something that I think many people can relate to, and it is part of what makes the play so enduringly popular.Another aspect of the play that I found intriguing is its use of magic and the supernatural. The character of Puck, in particular, is a source of mischief and mayhem, using his magical abilities to manipulate the other characters and create chaos. The presence of magic in the play adds an element of fantasy and whimsy, and it also serves as a reminder of the irrational and unpredictable nature of the world. The play's exploration of the supernatural serves as a contrast to the more rational and logical aspects of human behavior, and it adds depth and complexity to the story.Finally, I was struck by the play's exploration of the theme of appearance versus reality. Throughout the play, characters are deceived by their senses and are unable to distinguish between what is real and what is illusion. This theme is most clearly seen in the subplot involving the transformation of Bottom into a donkey, as well as in the confusion and misunderstandings that arise from the use of love potions. These instancesof mistaken identity and misperception serve as a reminder that things are not always as they seem, and that reality can be elusive and ever-changing.In conclusion, A Midsummer Night's Dream is a play that continues to captivate audiences with its exploration of love, magic, and the irrationality of human behavior. Its timeless themes and engaging characters make it a work that is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the play, and I look forward to exploring more of Shakespeare's works in the future.。

At first:
Lysander fall in love Hermia
Frienfs rivals in love
Lysander and Hermia elope(私奔) into the forest to escape the strict instructions from Hermia’s father that she must be betrothed(订婚)to Demetrius.
And therefore is winged Cupid
painted blind.
There are people who still celebrate midsummer. If you find yourself lost in a forest, lost in love, or lost in confusion on this day, perhaps midsummer fairies will come to set things right for you, too.
However Helena is aware of their plan.Then she tells Demetrius.
So Oberon seeks to punish Titania. He called for Puck (a hobgoblin) to help him find a magical juice from a flower called “love-in-idleness”(爱懒花).
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
----- William Shakespeare
仲夏夜之梦 英文话剧 最终稿

A Midsummer Night's Dream——《仲夏夜之梦》——by RSL and GAS Author: William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚)Director&Adaptor: 付楚桐Executive Producer(形同虚设): 陈婧瑜Characters:Lysander……刘紫沐Demetrious……袁崇瀚Hermia……陈婧瑜Helena……付楚桐Egeus……何岸晓Fairy King (Oberon)……刘安琪Fairy Queen (Titania)……朱瑷彤Puck……金宏翔Introducer 1……谢颖思Introducer 2……冯科龙Fairy……潘容与Bottom(Donkey)……王奕涵DJ(Disc Jockey):刘博瀚(附带管理道具)注:()为演员须知,演员务须注意;[ ]为道具要求,相关演员及道具组各自注意;{ }为音乐或PPT要求,DJ须特别注意全剧第一大要点:所有演员不许笑场不许笑场ACT 1 (In the city)第一幕(城中)[道具:一把椅子,一本书][椅子事先放在舞台正中书由Hermia上场时带上]{音乐起:《水边的阿狄丽娜》(Egeus开始说话时逐渐降低音量至“拂袖而去”时降至无声)}Introducer 1(开场时站在舞台一侧念白时走到台中说完缓慢走回):There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marrywhomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry theman her father had chosen to be her husband, the father hasrights to put her to death. (神情动作须自然且要十分熟悉台词语气不可平直也不可过于矫情)旁白:在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们自己所中意的人。
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A Midsummer Night's Dream ——《仲夏夜之梦》——by RSL and GASAuthor: William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚)Director&Adaptor: 付楚桐Executive Producer(形同虚设): 陈婧瑜Characters:Lysander……刘紫沐Demetrious……袁崇瀚Hermia……陈婧瑜Helena……付楚桐Egeus……何岸晓Fairy King (Oberon)……刘安琪Fairy Queen (Titania)……朱瑷彤Puck……金宏翔Introducer 1……谢颖思Introducer 2……冯科龙Fairy……潘容与Bottom(Donkey)……王奕涵DJ(Disc Jockey):刘博瀚(附带管理道具)注:()为演员须知,演员务须注意;为道具要求,相关演员及道具组各自注意;] [{ }为音乐或PPT要求,DJ须特别注意全剧第一大要点:所有演员不许笑场不许笑场ACT 1 (In the city)第一幕(城中)[道具:一把椅子,一本书][椅子事先放在舞台正中书由Hermia上场时带上]{音乐起:《水边的阿狄丽娜》(Egeus开始说话时逐渐降低音量至“拂袖而去”时降至无声)}Introducer 1(开场时站在舞台一侧念白时走到台中说完缓慢走回):There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of forcing their daughters to marrywhomever they pleased. For if a daughter refused to marry theman her father had chosen to be her husband, the father hasrights to put her to death. (神情动作须自然且要十分熟悉台词语气不可平直也不可过于矫情)旁白:在雅典有一条法律赋予市民权力,可以强迫他们的女儿嫁给他们自己所中意的人。
(Hermia(旁白念白时上)(坐在椅子上)正在读书,突然她的父亲Egeus走了过来)(Hermia放下书起立迎接)Egeus : Hermia, you have to marry Demetrious ,the best guy inthe city.伊吉斯:赫米娅,你必须嫁给狄米崔斯,这城中最好的年轻人。
(严肃)Hermia: But I don't love him. I‘ve fallen in love with Lysander.赫米娅:但是我不爱他。
(严肃)Egeus : Lysander? Is he better than Demetrious? No!伊吉斯:莱赛德?他会比狄米崔斯好吗?不!Hermia: Oh! Dad! Demetrious had ever said that he love my friend, Helena, and she, a sweet lady also love him deeply.赫米娅:喔!爸爸,狄米崔斯曾说过,他爱我的朋友——海伦娜,而这个甜美女孩也深爱着狄米崔斯。
Egeus : No matter what you say , I've decided to let you marryto Demetrious.伊吉斯:不管你怎么说!我已经决定让你嫁给狄米崔斯了。
Hermia: I won't give my heart to the person who I never like.赫米娅:我不愿把我的心交给一个我不曾喜欢的人。
Egeus: If you don't marry Demetrious, I'll use the rightsto put you to death according to our law!伊吉斯:如果你不嫁给狄米崔斯,根据我们的法律,我将要求判你死刑。
(Egeus拂袖而去(直到结尾幕才有戏份等候期间可协助DJ管理道具等))(Hermia哀求父亲无果,蹲在地上伤心地捂脸呜咽)Hermia: Oh! Please, please do not! My dear father! Don't you lovegive me up, please! Don'tme anymore?赫米娅:噢,不要,请不要这么做!亲爱的父亲,你不再爱我了吗?请不要放弃我……(Lysander走过来发现心爱的Hermia正在伤心……)Lysander : Sweet Hermia, my love! What's going wrong? Let mewipe your heart-breaking tears! (纸巾/毛巾/手任凭自选)莱赛德:亲爱的赫米娅,我的爱人,怎么回事?让我擦掉你那心碎的眼泪。
Hermia: My father said that unless I marry Demetrious, he'll put me to death! What can I do? (无奈加哀怨的眼神盯着Lysander)赫米娅:我爸爸说,除非我嫁给狄米崔斯,否则他将处死我,我该怎么办?Lysander: Fear not and hear me. Tomorrow night, I'll wait foryou in the wood a few miles outside the city. If you really love me going far away from this sad city with me. (每个单词念清楚语速尽量慢)莱赛德:不要害怕,听我说。
Hermia: I will ,because I love you so. (不许笑)赫米娅:我会的,因为我如此爱你。
(眼含泪花语带感激)Lysander: Keep promise, See you tomorrow night!莱赛德:一言为定,明晚见。
(二人依依不舍的分开了(分从两边下台))(依依不舍≠如释重负)(Hermia 的好友Helena 来找她,无意间听到了他们的对话)(台侧)s flight. ‘Helena: I will go to tell Demetrious of fair Hermia(自言自美丽的赫米娅即将要离开。
海伦娜(独白):我要去告诉狄米崔斯, (左上右下)语边走上台边说话,说完走下)Act 2 (In the forest))(森林中第二幕,一个眼药水瓶子][道具:两朵小花,一个魔法棒} 音乐起:《星星小夜曲》旁白开始念白后降低音量{Introducer 2:The wood was a favorite meeting-place of those little,beings known by the name of fairies. Between this little king and green of spirits there happened, at this time, a sad disagreement.旁白:这个树林是小精灵们最喜欢的聚会地点,可是仙王和仙后此时发生了严重的争吵。
(念白期间仙后上,念白结束后仙王另一侧上)Oberon: I'll meet by moonlight, proud Titania.仙王:真不巧又在月光下遇见你,傲慢的泰妲妮亚。
Titania: What, jealous Oberon! Run!I hate to see this fool !仙后:嘿,爱嫉妒的欧波隆。
快跑吧!我真不想看见这个傻子!Oberon: Wait, foolish fairy, why do you oppose me so? Give me that little boy to be my slave.仙王:等一等,傻精灵,你为什么要违抗我?让你身边那个小男孩来当我的奴隶。
.Titania: Set your heart at rest, your whole fairy kingdom will not buy the boy from me.仙后:别想,你就是用整个精灵王国也买不到这个小男孩。
(不许笑)Oberon: Well, go your way. Before the morning dawns, I will make you suffer for this injury. Come here, my gentle Puck.仙王:好,你走吧,在黎明之前,我一定要惩罚你。
Puck: I'm here, my lord.精灵帕克:我在这儿,我的主人。
Oberon: Fetch me the flower which maids call Love in Idleness; the juice of that little purple flower, laid on the eyelids of those who sleep, will make them, when they awake, love madly the first thing they see. 仙王:替我把少女们称之为``枉费之爱``的花拿来,一旦将那紫色小花的汁液滴在睡眠者的眼皮上,当他们醒来时,便会疯狂的爱上所看到的第一件东西。
Puck: I'll do that very well. Believe me.精灵帕克:我会办好这事的,相信我。
Oberon: But who comes here? I am invisible. And I will overhear their conference.(躲至台侧)仙王:可是谁到这儿来啦?他们看不见我,让我听一听他们说些什么。
{音乐以较快速度降低音量至无声(DJ注意:切忌戛然而止!)}(Demetrious和Helena 走了上来)(编导记住别笑)Demetrious: I don't love you at all, so you don't follow me.我不爱你,所以别跟着我。