





相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(The Qing Dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美。


【参考译文】As for the dinning people, ”Tea or Coffee?” is a question frequently asked. Coffee is usually the Westerns’ first choice, while tea is the preferment of Chinese. Tradition has it that tea is found by one Chinese Emperor, who lived in 5000 years ago. At that time, tea is used to heal sickness. During Ming-Qing dynasties, teahouses are across the country. Tea drinking spread into Japanese as early as in the 6th century, yet it did not spread into Europe and America until the 18th century. Nowadays, tea is one of the most popular beverages all over the world. Tea is the treasure of China and the important component of Chinese tradition and culture.2013年12月大学英语四级考试翻译题参考译文及点评之二【原文】信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速的发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷291(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. TranslationPart I Writing1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on The Importance of Reliability. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.正确答案:The Importance of Reliability As is depicted in the picture above, a teacher dressed in ancient clothes is teaching his student that reliability, a nation’s treasure, is what makes a man. From the picture we can see that reliability is a Chinese traditional virtue and should be treasured today. Reliability is the basic requirement of a man. No one is willing to have unreliable friends. The same is true of enterprises. If an enterprise isn’t reliable, it will lose more and more customers, no matter how excellent it claims to be in its advertisements. But nowadays there are some Chinese companies that exaggerate their products’quality and functions to attract customers. Eventually, Chinese people have completely lost confidence in some Chinese brands such as “Sanlu Milk Pow-der”and so on. Reliability is the basis on which friendship is built and an enterprise develops. It usually takes much time and effort to gain reliability, however, it can be gone overnight. So only by treasuring reliability can people maintain friendship, enterprises gain profit and a nation have a bright future.解析:首先描述图片的信息,其次阐述诚信在人们日常生活中的重要性,最后表明“我”对诚信的观点。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. 4. Reading Comprehension 5. TranslationPart I Writing1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on generation gap. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.正确答案:Let’s Get to Know and Accept Each Other Generation gaps exist in various times. In the illustration, the boy says to his father that he will allow his father watching cartoons with him only when his father doesn’t ask him to explain the cartoons. The generation gaps seem to be pulled widely apart with the advancement of the times. Therefore, both the seniors and the juniors should take some measures to bridge the gaps. Parents should learn to keep their mind open to the new things around them. In this way, they will keep their ideas fresh, know what their children are experiencing and will have new topics to talk with their children. And patience and tolerance always smooth the communication between parents and children. As to children, they should learn to show their respect and understanding to their parents, for example, explaining the new things patiently to their parents. In conclusion, only by the efforts of both parents and children can we narrow the generation gaps. So let’s start to know and accept each other so that better communications can be promoted.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A听力原文:W: Tom, you really must take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you’ll have to go out and work. M: I don’t see that it makes much difference. If I have a job, I have to do boring work every day; but if I’m in school, I must listen to boring teachers every day. Q: What does Tom mean?2.A.Work is preferable.B.He hopes to get a job soon.C.Studying at school is no more interesting than work.D.Studying is more interesting so he’ll study hard.正确答案:C解析:男士的话I don’t see that it makes much difference为听音重点。



中山大学历年真题及答案2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题科目代码:840科目名称:传播实务及研究方法考试时间:12月28日下午一,名词解释(任选4题,每题10分,共}o分) 1,系统抽样又称其为等距抽样、机械抽样,是一种将总体各个单位按照某一标志顺序排列,按一定间隔距离抽取样本的随机抽样形式。



】随着信息时代的到来和传播手段的进步,媒介整合(media convergence)与信息传播逐渐成为人类传播行为的重要发展方向。















A.每一台设备B.各工业企业全部设备C.每一个工业企业D.全部工业企业2. 人均GDP属于()。


A.组内差异性,组间同质性 B.组内同质性,组间同质性C.组内同质性,组间差异性 D.组内差异性,组间差异性4.某商店2006年完成商品销售额200万元,2007年计划增长10%,实际完成231万元,超额完成计划()。


A.权数所在组标志值的大小B. 权数绝对数值的大小C.各组单位数占总体单位数比重的大小D. 总体单位数的大小6.某连续变量数列,其末组组中值为520,又知其相邻组组中值为480,则末组的下限为( )。



A.时点数列B. 时期数列C.平均数数列D.相对数时间数列9.平均指标的基本计算形式是( )。

A.算术平均数B.调和平均数C.几何平均数D.加权算术平均数10. 国有工业企业设备普查中,每个国有工业企业是()。

A.调查单位B. 既是调查单位也是填报单位C. 既不是调查单位也不是填报单位D.填报单位11.三名学生的英语成绩分别为95、87和68分,这三个数值是()。


A、利润总额B、人口数C、国民生产总值D、产量13. X与Y的相关系数r值为-0.98,P与Q的r值为0.95,说明()。



一、单项选择题(50 题,每题 1.0 分,每题的备选答案中,只有一个最符合题意)
1、()又叫潜抑,是指个人将不为社会所接收的本能冲动、欲望、情感、过失、痛苦、 经验等不知不觉地从意识中予以排除,或抑制到潜意识中去,使之不侵犯自我或使自我逃避 痛苦。
A 合理化 B 投射 C 压抑 C 抵消 2、有了板书,教师在教学中省时、省力。科学的板书既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又利 于教师主动地控制教学活动的过程,这说明板书() A 有助于教师阐述和讲解教学内容,使学生容易接受 B 有利于发挥教师的主导作用,调动学生学习积极性 C 可以突出课堂教学重点,有利于学生理解和掌握知识 D 是课堂教学内容的逻辑生成,是学生记学习笔记的主要依据 3、《深圳市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2011-2020 年)》提出要加快发展中职教 育,积极推进学历证书与职业资格证书“双证书”制度,到 2015 年,中职毕业生“双证书” 达到() A80%以上 B85%以上 C90%以上 D95%以上 4、人们对社会思想道德规范及其意义的理解和掌握,对是非、善恶、美丑的认识、判 断和评价,以及在此基础上形成的道德辨识能力,属于() A 道德认识 B 道德情感 C 道德意志 D 道德行为 5、教学语言的构成要素对于词汇也有基本要求,下列要求中错误的是() A 快捷 B 准确 C 生动 D 规范 6、观察评分法是行动观察法、调查法、谈话法、轶事记录法等评价根据的综合运用, 是各级各类学校教学工作评价中应用很广的一种方法,下列不能用观察评分法进行评价的是 () A 教师的业务水平 B 教师的工作能力 C 教师备课态度、上课情况 D 学生的智力
霍姆林斯基说:“尽可能深入了解每个学生的精神世界——这是教师和校长的首条金科玉律。” 上面两端论述说明()







A.20B.25C.30答案:1、B 2、C 3、C1.1月5日美国公布的新军事战略报告暗示,美国将缩减陆军规模,并减少在欧洲的军事存在,转而加强在____军事存在。



A.20B.23C.24答案:1、B 2、A 3、C1、国家统计局日前发布数据显示,按可比价格计算,2011年中国经济比上年增长____。




A、8B、9C、10答案:1、B 2、C 3、B1、联合国理会2月4日就叙利亚问题决议草案进行表决,____和中国对决议草案投了反对票。



2024年税务师-财务与会计考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点押密题库(共100题)1.(多项选择题)(每题2.00 分)下列科目中,属于破产企业设置的清算损益类科目的有()。

A. 其他收益B. 破产费用C. 共益债务支出D. 债务清偿净损益E. 清算净值2.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 甲公司将其一栋写字楼租赁给乙公司使用,并一直采用成本模式进行后续计量。


2011 年初取得的该写字楼原价3000万元,已计提折旧1500万元,计提减值准备250万元,当日该大楼的公允价值为3500万元。



A. 2025B. 22503.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 若企业采用售后回购的方式融入的资金全部用于自建生产厂房,则其所售商品回购价与售价之间的差额,应在售后回购期间内计入()。

A. 在建工程B. 管理费用C. 固定资产D. 财务费用4.(多项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)下列各项成本中,属于企业信用政策决策应予考虑的有()。

A. 管理成本B. 收账成本C. 坏账成本D. 采购成本E. 生产成本5.(不定项选择题)(每题 2.00 分)长城公司系上市公司,为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为 13%、企业所得税税率为25%,所得税采用资产负债表债务法核算。

2019 年 1 月 1 日,“递延所得税资产”和“递延所得税负债”科目余额均为零。

长城公司 2019 年度会计利润总额为 600 万元,相关的交易或事项如下:(1)2018 年 12 月 30 日,长城公司取得一项固定资产并立即投入使用。

该固定资产原值 800万元,预计使用年限为 10 年,预计净残值为零,会计上采用双倍余额递减法计提折旧,与税法规定一致。




A精神面貌B素质C业务水平D 品德2.达尔文50多岁才开始有研究成果,写出著名的《物种起源》一书,这属于()A聪明早慧B中年成才C大器晚成D拔苗助长3.高中生因为学习不好而受了老师或家长的批评,常常会整天都不开心,而小孩子受批评时痛哭流涕,转身后可能就忘了,这说明高中生的情绪和情感具有()的特征A稳定性B冲动性C内向性D表现性4.李老师告诉刚参加工作的小王老师,高中教学应开展多元评价,但他关于多元评价的下列说法中,有误的是()A多元评价应体现评价主体的多元化B多元评价应体现评价内容的多元化C多元评价可以促进学生的学习,从而从根本上促进教学D多元评价更多的注重形式的多元化5.下列行为中,()属于倾向于内部归因教师的表现。

















2013年12月大学英语四级考试真题(一)Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)Directions; For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why education doesn’t simply mean learning to obtain information. You should write at least IW words hut no more than 180 words."Once I learn how to use Google, isn’t that all the education I really need?"注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear H short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will he asked about what ms said. Both the conversation and the questions^^11 be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, You must read the choices marked A),B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。



2013年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第3套)答案解析Part I Writing【作文审题】这是一篇图画类命题作文。

首先,抓住图画下方文字的主题词computer 和seeing you again,其中computer 对应题目要求中的Internet ,seeing you again 是题目中的communication 和face-to-face contact 的同义转述,避免跑题。




写作思路: 第一段:以“总——分——总”的形式描述图画内容,指出图画寓意。



【精彩范文】The Impact of the Internet on the Way People Communicate[1] The ironic picture is about a father and a mother [2] writing a letter to their son who is upstairs. The father and mother greet the son, Andy, and tell him they are fine and miss him and look forward to seeing him again when his computer crashes and he comes downstairs to eat. [3] The child is overusing the Internet. [4] From the ironic picture we can see the impact of Internet on the way people communicate.Can electronic communication replace face-to-face contact? [5] The answer is “No”. [6] Forone thing, electronic communication makes people feel strange although it does help people communicate, especially for those who are far away or inconvenient to talk, [7] where as face-to-face contact makes people feel psychologically [8] intimate and affectionate. [6] For another, people cannot express themselves fully through the Internet. Thus, misunderstandings may be aroused.[9] In my opinion, I do not object to electronic communication, but it cannot replaceface-to-face communication.【名师点评】[1] 总述图画内容[2] 现在分词短语作后置定语,表达更简洁[3] 指出现象:过度使用网络[4] 点明寓意:网络对人们的日常交流方式产生了影响[5] 用设问句提出观点:电子通讯不能取代面对面的交流[6] 阐述两点原因:一方面,电子通讯疏远人们的关系;另一方面,电子通讯使表达不充分,容易造成误解。



大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)-试卷199(总分:118.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Writing(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on Mark Twain's remark "I can live for two months on a good compliment. " You can cite examples to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: The Importance of Compliments Mark Twain once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment. " What he was trying to convey is the importance of compliments. In fact, all human beings have a need to be seen, acknowledged and encouraged, and a great compliment is certainly one of the best ways to meet that need. There are many positive effects of good genuine compliments. For one thing, exchanging compliments with strangers can keep you off guard and warm your heart. Saying things like " You look wonderful today" might seem ordinary, but these few words can turn a grey day into a sunny one. For another, to give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort. It is such a small investment, and yet consider the results it may produce. Last but not the least, recognition and praise are positive ways of motivating people. Praising the good behavior and complimenting the person can bring out his best. In short, let's be alert to the small excellences around us and commend them. We will not only bring joy into other people's lives, but also, very often, add happiness into our own's.) 解析:二、 Listening Comprehension(总题数:11,分数:50.00)3.Part II Listening Comprehension__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:4.Section A__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:(分数:8.00)A.Australia. √B.America.C.Britain.D.Austria.解析:A.Approving.B.Disapproving.C.Cautious. √D.Uncertain.解析:A.Give up his right to vote.B.Vote randomly. √C.Support one party firmly.D.Take politics seriously.解析:A.When they are in a hurry.B.When they are forced to vote.C.When they dislike all the listed parties. √D.When they don't want to waste their votes.解析:(分数:8.00)A.To attend the orientation.B.To meet his professor.C.To find some books. √D.To use the computer.解析:A.The name of the author.B.His student ID. √C.The title of the book.D.His whereabouts.解析:A.On the second floor of the west wing.B.On the second floor of the east wing. √C.On the first floor of the west wing.D.On the first floor of the east wing.解析:A.Because the professor may need them from time to time.B.Because they are very precious and valuable.C.Because the professor hopes they are available to all the students. √D.Because they are already reserved by some students.解析:5.Section B__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:(分数:6.00)A.She performed acting roles for TV shows. √B.She sang for a local music group.C.She released her first music album.D.She joined a music tour of America.解析:A.Best-selling Female Artist.B.Queen of Pop.C.MTV Video Music Awards. √D.The Star of Hollywood.解析:A.She divorced her husband.B.She won a Grammy Award.C.She was engaged and married. √D.She released her comeback album.解析:(分数:8.00)A.It has the highest water cleanliness standard in Europe. √B.It has the best natural swimming pool in Europe.C.It has the best purification specialist in Europe.D.It has the cleanest river in Europe.解析:A.Whether the water is clean enough. √B.If it can be used in various weather conditions.C.If it will lead to less visitors.D.Whether the river traffic will be affected.解析:A.To separate the changing rooms from the pool.B.To provide a path to the swimming area.C.To make the pool shallow enough for children.D.To protect people from waves caused by river traffic. √解析:A.Environment agencies.B.The city of London.C.The state government.D.Public donation. √解析:6.Section C__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:(分数:6.00)A.The US government's monthly employment report. √B.The US government's monthly tax report.C.The US government's monthly budget report.D.The US government's monthly deficit report.解析:A.It's entirely the fault of Europe's leaders.B.It's entirely the fault of the US politicians.C.It's not entirely the fault of Europe's leaders. √D.It's not entirely the fault of the US politicians.解析:A.Introducing tax incentives for businesses.B.Cutting budgets on medicare.C.Pumping more dollars into the economy. √ing to an agreement on a deficit cutting plan.解析:(分数:8.00)A.Living in areas with noise pollution.B.Living in areas with light pollution.C.Living in areas with water pollution.D.Living in areas with air pollution. √解析:A.Heart disease caused by high blood pressure.B.Health problems associated with pollution. √C.Leading risk factors for heart disease.D.Blood-pressure lowering drugs.解析:A.It usually happens in urban areas.B.It is known as a deadly disease for humans.C.It could be prevented in many cases. √D.It can be cured in five to eight years.解析:A.Slightly polluted areas. √B.Heavily polluted areas.C.Urban areas.D.Rural areas.解析:(分数:6.00)A.The impact of smoking lasts less than 30 years.B.Smoking has a long-term impact on our molecular machinery. √C.Damages caused by smoking can never be cured.D.Ailments are mainly caused by damage to the DNA.解析:A.They checked the lungs of 16,000 people.B.They examined the heartbeats of 16,000 smokers.C.They measured the blood pressure of 16,000 smokers.D.They looked at blood samples from 16,000 people. √解析:A.The effects of smoking on their DNA still exists. √B.The damage to their DNA will be cured one year later.C.The function of their DNA has been changed.D.The chance of having cancer is still high.解析:三、 Reading Comprehension(总题数:8,分数:60.00)7.Part III Reading Comprehension__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:8.Section A__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:When the job market worsens, many students figure they can't indulge(沉溺于)in an English or a history major. They have to study something that will lead 1to a job. So it is almost inevitable that over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will continue their long 2. The labs are more glamorous(迷人的)than the libraries. However, let me stand up for the history, English and art classes, even in the face of today's economic realities. Studying the humanities improves your ability to read and write. You will have 3power if you are the person in the office who can write a clear and concise memo. Studying the humanities will give you a familiarity with the language of emotion. In an information economy, many people have the ability to 4a technical innovation: a new MP3 player. Very few people have the ability to create a great brand: the iPod. Branding involves the location and arousal(觉醒,激励)of 5, and you can't do it unless you are conversant(精通的)in the language of romance. Finally, and most importantly, studying the humanities helps you 6"The Big Shaggy". Over the past century or so, people have built 7systems to help them understand human behavior: economics, political science, game theory and evolutionary psychology. But none completely explain behavior because deep down people have passions and 8that don't lend themselves to systemic modeling. They have yearnings and fears that 9in an inner beast you could call " The Big Shaggy". If you're 10about " The Big Shaggy" , you'll probably get eaten by it.A)affection I)enormousB)aware J)murderC)befriend K)observeD)blindly L)produceE)directlyM)senseF)drives N)slideG)dumb O)various H)dwell(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:E)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:N)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:I)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:L)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:A)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:O)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:F)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:H)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:G)解析:解析:根据句子结构可知,空格处需要填入一个形容词作表语。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷310(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. TranslationPart I Writing1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On College Students’Self-care Ability following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.1.目前不少高校学生的自理能力很差2.产生此种现象的原因是……3.为了提高学生的自理能力,应该……On College Students’ Self-care Ability 正确答案:On College Students’ Self-care Ability Nowadays in China, a problem that is quite prevalent a-mong college students is that many of them lack the ability to take care of themselves. For example, it is not uncommon that a college student takes a week’s dirty clothes back home and let the mother do the washing simply because he/she doesn’t know how to do it. Why is it so? In my opinion, the doting parents should first take the blame. As it is, many parents love their kids so much that they go to extremes to manage every little detail of their kids’lives, without realizing that they are depriving their kids of the opportunity to learn self-dependence. In addition, the students are also to be blame. Even though the family provides an important support and all the care, they should not take everything in their life for granted or even do not bother to learn some basic living skills. In short, to train students to be independent, we need parents to loosen their grip and students to take some responsibilities.解析:这是一篇论说文,要求就“高校学生的自理能力”这个话题进行论述。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)-试卷190(总分:118.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Writing(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on people's seeking(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: The More Lustful, the Unhappier In the picture, a patient is complaining to the doctor that the lust for endless happiness makes him only miserable. This picture demonstrates the widespread phenomenon that people nowadays are seeking happiness and fortune with an insatiable aim. In my opinion, the more lustful we are, the unhappier we will be. Happiness is a state of mind. When we are truly happy, our deep minds give us such psychological hints as we should enjoy the moment, seize the day and live to the fullest. That is to say, satisfaction is at the core of happiness. Instead of grumbling about the imperfect family, struggling for a promotion or even squabbling over life trifles, we should be content with what we are blessed with at the moment. Satisfaction means we can always perceive things from a favorable perspective and move forward with full gratitude. Only when the essence of happiness is fully understood can we truly enjoy an air of freedom, choosing to live the way we like. The endless lust for happiness, however, can only bring us a dreary commitment to meaningless ambitions.)解析:解析:题目要求考生对图片信息进行描述并对人们无休无止追求幸福的现象进行评价。

2013 12月形势与政策两份试题题

2013 12月形势与政策两份试题题

一、填空题(此次考试没有判断题)二、判断题(共12 道,每题3 分)1. 弘扬中国精神就是弘扬以爱国主义为核心的时代精神和以改革创新为核心的民族精神。

╳(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:R)0分2. 社会和谐是中华民族伟大复兴的重要保证。

√(正确答案:R)(您提交的答案:R)3分3. 中国梦,仅仅造福中国人民。

√(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:W)3分4. 中国梦具有多个维度,其价值维度就是要让人民过上高水平的物质文化生活。

√(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:W)3分5. 社会主义道路构成了中国梦的主导性路径选择。

√(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:W)3分6. 梦想连接道路,道路不能决定命运,理论才决定命运。




√(正确答案:R)(您提交的答案:R)3分9. 反腐败不是一个系统工程,只需实施法治即可。


√(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:W)3分11. 计划经济实际上是一种审批经济,但过多过滥的审批手续是导致审批权腐败的制度根源。

√(正确答案:W)(您提交的答案:W)3分12. 强化责任约束是保证政府对公民的要求作出快速反应并负有责任感的基本手段。

√(正确答案:R)(您提交的答案:R)3分判断题:30 分三、单项选择题(共12 道,每题3 分)1. 中国梦创造性阐发的(),既体现着社会主义核心价值观,又强化了国家和民族发展的凝结性,更增添了发奋图强、共享荣光的民族情。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)-试卷217(总分:118.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Writing(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words following the outline given below. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.1.近年来越来越多的公共场所禁烟2.这项举措在受到拥护的同时也引发了争议3.我的看法Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? (分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:In recent years, smoking has been banned in many public places such as shops, restaurants, and even bus stops. This regulation has triggered much dispute. On the one hand, many welcome the ban since lots of illnesses and deaths are smoking-related, and this is a very sensible step to improve people's health and living condition. On the other hand, however, smokers consider it is unfair to ban smoking. It is their right to smoke, and they are not committing any crime, so the government should not ban that. In my view, to ban smoking is a long term process, during which education rather than enforcement is more likely to be the key to the success. Banning smoking in the public areas is a policy that should be implemented step by step.)解析:解析:这篇作文要求考生结合社会现象论述自己的观点。



1.以下关于计算机软件著作权的叙述正确的是(B.《..保护条例..》 D....软件盗版者)2. 公有云和私有云基础架构的基础不包括(A.虚拟化和分布式C.并行和分布式)3.(A.服务器集群)为了提供虚拟服务器提供并发量的用户请求处理、大运算处理,用户Web应用服务,云….4.2008年(A.IBM)先后在无锡和北京建立了两个云计算中心5.将平台作为拂去的云计算服务类型是(B.PasS)6.将基础设施作为服务的云计算服务类型是(A.IaaS)7.通过在Iaas计算机制中,系统管理模块的核心功能是(A.负载均衡)8.云计算体系结构中(C.管理中间件层)负责资源管理、任务管理用户管理按安全管理等工作。

9.云计算按照服务类型大致可以分为(A.IaaS B.Paas C.SaaS)10.下列不属于Google云计算平台技术架构的是(D.弹性云计算EC2)11.在目前GFS集群中,每个集群包含(B.几千个)个存储节点12.下列选项中,那条不是GFS选择在用户态下实现的原因(D.容易扩展)13.GFS中主服务器节点存储的元数据包含这些信息(BCD)14.单一主服务器(Master)解决性能呢个瓶颈的方法是(ABCD)15.(B.MapReduce)书Google提出的用于处理海量数据的并行编程模式…16. MapReduce通常把输入文件按(C.64)MB来划分17. MapReduce适用于(D.可以并行处理的应用程序)18.与传统的分布式程序设计相比,MapReduce封装了(ABCD)等细节,还提供了一个简单而强大的接口。


20.在Bigtable中(A.GFS)主要用于存储子表数据以及一些日志文件21. Google App Engine使用的数据库是(C.Date store)22. Google App Engine目前支持的编程语言有(A.Python D.Java)23.亚马逊AWS采用(A.未使用)虚拟化技术24. 亚马逊将区域分为(A.地理区域 C.可用区域)25.下面选项属于Amazon提供的云计算服务是(ABC)26.不属于弹性云EC2包含的IP地址的是(C.隧道IP地址)27.在EC2的安全与容错机制中,一个用户目前最多可以创建(B.100)安全组28.EC2常用的API包含下列哪些类型的操作(ABCD)29.S3的基本存储单元是(B.对象)30.S3采用的专门安全措施是(A.身份认证B.访问控制列表)31.在云计算系统中,提供云端服务模式是(D.微软)公司的云计算服务平台。



大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷305(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. TranslationPart I Writing1.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of setting goals in life. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.正确答案:The Importance of Setting Goals in Life Setting goals in our life is like having a map that tells us the direction. When goals are set, we won’t waste our time going around in circles or arriving nowhere on the road of our life. Firstly, goals provide us with directions. Having a goal, we can know what we want, focus our mind on the target, and we won’t waste our time and energy on irrelevant things. Secondly, goals keep us motivated and give us an immense incentive to move forward. In addition, setting goals is the first step to success. It helps to formulate action plans and implement the steps we need to take. We need to set short-term goals at different stages in order to achieve our lifelong ambition. To conclude, with a firm goal, we will have a better chance to get what we want, and our life can really become meaningful.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A听力原文:The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) and Agriculture and Food Organization (FAO) celebrated World Food Day today, October 16. The goal of the organizations is to fight world hunger. Ertharin Cousin is an executive director of the WFP. She appealed to the global community to take action to achieve a world without hunger. Ms. Cousin said, Working together, we can all press for the changes that the world needs, including ending extreme poverty, supporting small-holder farmers and ensuring access to nutritious food all year round for the most vulnerable people by investing in social protection programs.”[2]WFP invited everyone to mark World Food Day by posting Zero Hunger on social media. The UN Zero Hunger Challenge represents the goal we all share and the world we want. The organization also held fund-raising events in the U.S. cities of New York, Washington and Chicago.1 What is the main goal of WFP and FAO?2 What did WFP do to mark the World Food Day?2.A.To hold some celebrations on World Food Day.B.To take action and cope with world hunger.C.To launch fund-raising events for poor countries.D.To advertise a world without hunger online.正确答案:B解析:题目询问WFP“世界粮食计划署”和FAO“粮农组织”的宗旨是什么。

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A 30
B 40
C 35
A 油泵电机功率
B 截割电机功率
C 电压等级
A ±10 °
B ±18 °
C ±20 °
4、EBZ-100E掘进机液压系统中油泵工作压力为(C)Mpa A 20Mpa B 16Mpa C 18Mpa

A 60 20°
B 80 40°
C 70 40°

A 液压泵
B 高压胶管
C 工作液体
A 进一步得到紧固
B 达到规定扭矩
C 便于紧固
A 停止截割
B 通知人离开
C 按动急停开关
A 70 °
B 90 °
C 75 °

A 导爆管
B 瞬发电雷管
C 毫秒延期电雷管
A 套间式
B 壁槽式
C 躲避间式
A 正确调动风流
B 高强度灾火
C 封闭巷道
A 防止二次爆炸
B 防止火灾事故
C 防止引起瓦斯爆炸

A 40
B 50
C 60
A 可预见性
B 临时性
C 继发性
A 局部通风机
B 风量
C 风速








