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Since time immemorial, via techniques and tools mankind has been endlessly morphing the natural environment into what can fit its lifestyles, and due to which great changes have taken place on earth’s landscapes. In 20 century, rapid development of industrial economy brought about a highly-developed material civilization, while at the same time——environmental problems too which amid countless crises, developed from the local to the regional and even global level. Now let’s acquaint ourselves with the top ten global environmental problems, which together with the rest of the problems are posing great threats to human beings. It’s a matter of whether we can continue our living on earth and a matter of sustained development which we can neither dodge nor let go unchecked or deal with hastily. Lumbering is facing increasingly significant restrictions and fishermen are getting more concerned with local environment while fishing. More and more eco-communities spring up; thermal power generation is becoming more and more advanced, energy technologies more and more environmental-friendly; solar power is getting ubiquitous. Mankind and mankind only can find its own way out.





Taking on a sour-sweet flavour, candied haws are a traditional Chinese snack

which, using haws as its main ingredient by skewering them on a bamboo stick,

syrup-coated, embodies happiness and reunion. Compared to the traditional

ones which only take haws as the raw material, today’s ‘candied haws’ are

not only novel but diverse as any kind of fruits and even vegetables, such

as strawberries、tangerines、grapes、 kiwi fruits、 yams and tomatoes, can

be produced into them. Today’s workshop will teach you how to make candied

haws—the ‘Cuisine of Winter’. If you have any other fruits and vegetables

at hand, you can repeat the same procedure. So let’s do it!











3. In Quanzhou circulates such a story that a scholar on an occasional visit to Quanzhou,

walked into a public toilet built out of stone, and suddenly found while looking down

his right foot on a piece of the millennium monument, the left on a site engraved with

Sanskrit. Surprised, he ran out - all the way to the Kaiyuan Temple Buddhist shrine

where he looked up and saw the Hindu gods carved on the wood-like temples which

constituted 99 dragon-entwining stone pillars exclusive to emperors. Such a description

is not mythology in Quanzhou. On the left of short Tumen Street is a Taoist temple –

the Temple of Guan Yu; next to it is a Muslim mosque while diagonally across the street

lie the relics of Hinduism. Overseas Transport Museum in Quanzhou displays plenty of

similar carvings - Buddhist monks whose feet on Taoism clouds, with a long Christian

angel wings, holding Orthodox cross, and the dome taking on Hinduism patterns. We

can say that the remains of the world's major religious denominations including even

the long-gone mysterious religion - Manichaeism are well preserved in Quanzhou,

which is a unique cultural phenomenon. Famous thinker of Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu

Xi, after travelling Quanzhou, cannot help feeling "here since ancient times has been

known to be Buddhist country, and all over the place are saints."







These two days, I was badly battered by that my mother was ill in hospital and to make things worse, I failed the eligibility appraisal of First-level Teachers while my colleague Chen should have passed it. Those nuisances at school and home upset me devastatingly and my job morale was impacted also, which plunged me into the thirst for venting my spleen on someone.

Today, during morning reading class, the minute I walked into the classroom, a mischievous student pissed me off. While holding my temper, I demanded to check his homework. As I had expected, he didn’t finish it. I was just about to lose my cool while I heard the dean calling me from outside through the window.

I, on grounds of bad mood, asked for three days off, during which time, besides staying in
