
英语知识竞赛答案286. You're a lucky dog! A. 你真是个幸运儿!B. 真是个幸运的小狗287 black sheep A.害群之马B.黑马288 I'm beat. A.我非常疲乏。
289 a piece of cake A.一块蛋糕B.小菜一碟,易事一件290 birds of a feather flock together. 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)291put all of one’’s eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷)292 my old man A.我老伴 B.我老爸293 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林294英国的全称:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国295 美国的全称:the United States 美利坚合众国296 圣诞老人英语表达:father Christmas Santa Claus297.Who is the director of the Avatar? A 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格 B.卡梅隆298.最著名的英文交友网站A.facebook B. google299. 诺基亚是哪个国家的著名品牌?A Finland B.Germany300. NBA湖人对位于美国的哪个城市?A.New York B. Los Angeles301 how many states are there in America ? A.51 B 36302 Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai303 who died when he was very young A. Beethoven .B. Mozart304.Carnival 是什么节日?A.感恩节 B. 狂欢节305 Which one is the endangered animals ? A. dove B. antelope306.where is the Harvard University? A. The USA B. England307 where is the Cambridge University A. The USA B. England308 SpongeBob SquarePants(海绵宝宝) belongs to _____ . A. America B. Japan309.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。

2012----2013学年香莲乡中学第一届趣味英语知识竞赛题型比赛的题型:1.脑筋急转弯 2.抢答题 3.大家来PK 4.默契大考验第一环节:脑筋急转弯每组有5道题,参赛队首先抽签决定所答题的题号。
(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时间答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分)A1.What can't be used until it's broken?A.appleB.tofuC.eggD.tea2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)A.bookB.priceC.ageD. plane3.中号衣服的标志是?A. S C. MB. L D. Y4.我们每天上学,__放学。
A . am, pm, USAB . am, pm, PRCC . pm, am, UKD . pm, am, PRC5.He is a fat cat(引申义).A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他非常懒惰B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和——A. E, N B . F, IC . H, F D. F, X2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?A. Your bookB. Your nameC. Your penD. Your money3.what is the most hard(硬) part of the human body?A ToothB nailC skull4. She ___ a excellent girl.A. isB. areC.anD. not5. He is the black sheep of the family.a) 害群之马 b) 老黄牛c) 黑马 d) 领头羊C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day?A. March.1B. May. 12C. March.12D. May. 142.Dumplings are eaten at _______.A.Mid-Autumn FestivalB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Children’s DayD. Chinese New Year’s Day3、What is the largest living land animal?A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. leopard(豹子)4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词A. RedB. orangeC. PeachD. banana5.She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine.A 把珍珠丢掉B 明珠暗投C 买椟还珠D 对牛弹琴D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?A.her name B. her ageC. her homeD. her child2. UFO的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人民币D. 英国广播公司3. VIP的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人名币D. 英国广播公司4. China有中国的意思;而china有———的意思A. 中国人B. 汉族C. 瓷器D. 名族5.What’s Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.”A.一件无用而累赘的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱E.1. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如168@, pgbook@, hifriend998@等。

How many species of tree are there in the world?
• Answer: nearly 100,000.
Students’ presentation
Group 1 Some interesting stories about trees and how different countries protect the trees. Group 2 All kinds of strange trees and common trees around us. Group 3 The importance of the trees and how to protect the tree. Group 4 What do we do in our daily life about tree products? Group 5 What if we cut down all the trees?
Answer: B.
What is called “Lungs of the Planet”? Answer: Amazon Rainforest.
What is the tallest tree in the world? A. Coastal Redwood B. fir C. sycamore
How much carbon dioxide(CO2) can a tree absorb over the course of its life? A. A kilogram B. A gram C. A ton Answer: C.
Do you know a healthy tree equals how much money? A.$10,000 B. $1,000 C. $100,000

• 1.同学们不得破环课堂纪律,违者扣所在组 10分一次。 • 2.回答抢答题时必须在老师喊开始后才能抢 答,违者扣所在组10分。 • 3.在规定的时间内完成,超过时间0分。 • 4.答对加分,答错不扣分。
Are you ready?
必答题 Mutiple choice选择题
• 1. American people say elevator,English people say lift.
• 2. Moscow is the capital (首都)of Canada.
• 3.Disneyland is one of the most famous theme park (主题公园)in the world.
A. pork
B. beef
C. mutton
3.What does VI(罗马数字) mean?
A. seven B. six C. five
D. eight
B 4.Which date is American’s Independence Day (美国独立日)?
A. October 3rd B. July 4th
A. Rose(玫瑰) B. Sunflower(向日葵) C. Tulip(郁金香) D. Lily(百合花)
9.Which country send the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) to America as a present(礼物)?(哪国把自由女神像送 给美国政府庆祝美国独立100周年的礼物)
B(ee) 蜜蜂
谚语翻译 翻译正确加10分,翻错不扣分。 有一次求助队友的机会,答错其 余组可抢答。

英语知识竞赛题目及答案一.必答题(20秒每题)1.You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!2.美国的全称:the United States 美利坚合众国3.诺基亚是哪个国家的著名品牌?Germany4.NBA湖人队位于美国的哪个城市?Los Angeles5.Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai6.Which one is the endangered animals ? antelope7.Where is the Harvard University? The USA8.Where is the Cambridge University? England9.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。
白雪公主和七个小矮人10.My heart will go on comes from11.英国的标志性建筑物?大本钟(Big Ben)12.美国的标志性建筑物?.美国总统府白宫the white house ;或者:美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty13.日本的国花?樱花cherry14.中国的全称及简称?PRC =the People's Republic of China中国(中华人民共和国)15.一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.16.我们每天上学,放学。
am pm17.字母组合可表示长度单位厘米。
.cm18.No pain , no gain . 不劳无获。
19.Where there is a will , there is a way .有志者事竟成。
20.A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情。
21.“Love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意思是:爱屋及乌22.中号衣服的标志是M23.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ? her age24.2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是_______. One world, One dream25.Anything is possible. 此广告语是出自哪家中国著名品牌?李宁26.在西方被认为不吉利的数字是______。

新东方的创始人是谁? 答案:俞洪敏
Black and blue是什么 意思?
世界卫生组织简称什 么?
答案:WHO(World Health ) Organization
答案:GDP(Gross Domestic Product )
国际奥委会简称什么? 创始人是谁?
How often do the Olympic Games be held?
答案:four years
答案:faster, higher, stronger
What kind of dog can't
答案hot dog
Which month has 28 days ?
答案:Alaska(阿拉斯加 州)
答案:Hollywood(:On July13, 2001
答案:咖啡 car飞
什么办法,可以让冰以最快的速度变成 水???
在什么地方,先有下午,后有上 午??
答案:In a dictionary 在英语字典里,单词
结束,愿同学们开 心学习,快乐成长!
7. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

C,字母Y! (Why)
13.Who is closer to you, your mother or your father? • A. mother A, father父亲, • B. father 音似farther更远 • C. Both • D. Neither
14. 小偷最怕哪三个字母?
1. 中号衣服的标志是
• • • • A. B. C. D. S L M Y
C ?
2. 我们每天 上学, 放学。 我们热爱我们伟大的祖国 B 。
• • • • A B C D am, pm, USA am, pm, PRC pm, am, UK pm, am, PRC
3. 生活中,我们经常能用到一 些英文字母, 如在医院中有 检查,书店中 有《阿 正传》,在家中我们 看 C 节目。
big 变成一种动物
The Riddles 猜谜语
1. It has two legs, but can’t walk. 它有两条腿但不会走路
compass 圆规
2. I have cities , but there are not any houses in them .I have forests , but not any trees in them .I have rivers , but there is not any water in them .有城没有房, 有山树,有河没有水。
• Ask for more. • 渴望无限.
• Obey your thirst. • 服从你的渴望。
• Anything is possible. • 一切皆有可能。

• 6、英语字母中的大写形式由三笔完成,小 写形式由两笔完成的是______和______。 ()
• 7、China Rose是什么?( )
A、中国玫瑰 B、 荷花 C、 月季
• 8、India(印度)的国花是什么?
• 8.Which month has 28 days? Every month has at least(至少) 28 days!
• 9.If you throw a stone into the Red Sea, what will it become? • Wet!
• 10.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother. How could that be? • The police officer was a lady!
• 11.Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)? • They don’t know how to cook. 他们不知道如何烹饪!
• 12.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired(炒鱿鱼)? • Santa Claus 圣诞老人
• 13.What does everybody do at the same time? • Become older and older(变老)!
• 14. Where did the egg floating down (顺流漂下 )the Mississippi River come from? • From a hen! (母鸡)

英语趣味竞赛题1、中号衣服标志是()A、SB、LC、MD、Y2、既能表示水果,又能表示颜色的是()A、redB、orangeC、peachD、banana3、VIP的意思是()A、贵宾B、不明飞行物C、人名D、英国广播电视4、China Rose 是什么花?()A、中国玫瑰B、月季C、荷花D、向日葵5、哪个字母可以表示停车?()A、CB、PC、OD、K6、下面哪一个英语字母表示一种小动物?()A、BB、VC、TD、G7、小偷最怕哪三个字母?()A、ABCB、ICUC、VIP8、"Love me,love my dog"意思是:()A、爱屋及屋B、我爱我的小狗C、爱我,更爱我的小狗9、什么单词以 "T" 字母开头,以 "T" 字母结尾,中间夹着一个tea(茶)字母,这是一个什么单词?()A、teaB、teapotC、teacherD、T-shirt10、大家都知道,如果路上的小屋写有 WC 的字,是代表什么地方?()A、Washing RoomB、Water closetC、Washing closet11、李宁品牌的广告词 Anything is possible 是什么意思?()A、一切皆有可能B、世上无难事,只怕有心人12、联合国的简称是什么?()A、UKB、PRCC、USA问答题13、圣诞节是哪一天?平安夜又是哪一天?14、 "Wall have ears" means:()A、墙上有洞B、隔墙有耳C、震耳欲聋15、She's a green hand, "green hand" 的意思是()A、老手B、新手C、绿手D、热手16、"Like father,like son"的意思是()A、父子一样B、向父亲,又像儿子C、有其父必有其子17、"A Lucky dog"的意思是()A、幸运狗B、幸运儿C、可爱的狗18、He is a yes - man ,I don' t like hin 是什么意思()A、说一不二的人B、唯唯诺诺的人C、总有理的人D、坚强的人19、Look out !A car is coming,"Look out!"means : ()A、向外看B、看呀C、小心20、用于见面时的问候语:()A、HIB、Good byeC、I' m Amy21、你们班来了一位新朋友,你想知道他的名字,询问别人叫什么名字怎么说:()A、How are you?B、How many kits can you see?C、What' s your name?22、祝贺别人生日快乐怎么说?()A、Happy birthdayB、Happy new yearC、Happy teacher' s day23、新年快要来了,如果你想祝贺别人新年快乐,该怎么说?()A、Happy new year!B、Merry ChristmasC、See you24、早上去上学,见到老师怎么说呢?()A、Good morningB、Good afternoonC、Good evening25、放学后你想让 Amy 和你一起回家,你该怎么对她说呢?()A、Let' s go homeB、Let' s go to schoolC、Let' s go to the playground26、当你上课迟到了,你应该怎样喊报告呢?A、I come inB、Bye ByeC、May I come in?27、你想问同桌,今天晚上想吃些什么怎么说?()A、What day is it today?B、I' d like some beef and rice?C、What would you like?28、Alice @ pen pal . Com 代表什么呢?()A、网络电视B、电子邮箱C、QQ地址29、哪个国家的国旗上有一片枫叶?()A、AmericaB、ChinaC、Canada问答题 30、二十六个字母中哪一个排位最后?31、圣诞节快乐怎么说?()A、Happy new yearB、Happy birthday!C、Merry Christmas32、什么狗既不能叫也不会咬人?()A、breadB、chickenC、hot - dog。

(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时间答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分)2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)A.bookB.priceC.ageD. plane3.中号衣服的标志是?A. S C. MB. L D. Y4.我们每天上学,__放学。
A . am, pm, USAB . am, pm, PRCC . pm, am, UKD . pm, am, PRC5.He is a fat cat(引申义).A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他非常懒惰B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和——A. E, N B . F, IC . H, F D. F, X2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?A. Your bookB. Your nameC. Your penD. Your money3.what is the most hard(硬) part of the human body?A ToothB nailC skull4. She ___ a excellent girl.A. isB. areC.anD. not5. He is the black sheep of the family.a) 害群之马 b) 老黄牛c) 黑马 d) 领头羊C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day?A. March.1B. May. 12C. March.12D. May. 142.Dumplings are eaten at _______.A.Mid-Autumn FestivalB. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Children’s DayD. Chinese New Year’s Day3、What is the largest living land animal?A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. leopard(豹子)4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词A. RedB. orangeC. PeachD. banana5.She?read?them?Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine.A 把珍珠丢掉B 明珠暗投C 买椟还珠D 对牛弹琴D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?A.her name B. her ageC. her homeD. her child2. UFO的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人民币D. 英国广播公司3. VIP的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人名币D. 英国广播公司4. China有中国的意思;而china有———的意思A. 中国人B. 汉族C. 瓷器D. 名族5.What’s Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.”A.一件无用而累赘的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱等。

2012----2013学年香莲乡中学第一届趣味英语知识竞赛题型竞赛的题型:1.脑筋急转弯 2.抢答题 3.大伙儿来PK 4.默契大考验第一环节:脑筋急转弯每组有5道题,参赛队第一抽签决定所答题的题号。
(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时刻答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分)can't be used until it's broken?2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)D. plane3.中号衣服的标志是?A. S C. MB. L D. Y4.咱们天天上学,__下学。
A . am, pm, USAB . am, pm, PRCC . pm, am, UKD . pm, am, PRCis a fat cat(引申义).A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他超级懒惰B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和——A. E, N B . F, IC . H, F D. F, X2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?A. Your bookB. Your nameC. Your penD. Your moneyis the most hard(硬)part of the human body?A ToothB nailC skull4. She ___ a excellent girl.A. isB. are D. not5. He is the black sheep of the family.a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛c) 黑马d) 领头羊C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day?A. B. May. 12C. D. May. 14are eaten at _______.Festival B. Dragon Boat FestivalC. Children’s DayD. Chinese New Year’s Day3、What is the largest living land animal?A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. leopard(豹子)4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词A. RedB. orangeC. PeachD. bananaread them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine.A 把珍珠丢掉B 怀才不遇C 买椟还珠D 对牛抚琴D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?A.her name B. her ageC. her homeD. her child2. UFO的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人民币D. 英国广播公司3. VIP的意思是?A. 贵宾B. 不明飞行物C. 人名币D. 英国广播公司4. China有中国的意思;而china有———的意思A. 中国人B. 汉族C. 磁器D. 名族’s Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.”A.一件无用而累赘的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱. 许多同窗都有自己的电子邮箱,如,, 等。

抢答题25题 抢答题25题 25
请每个队的选手听主持人 说开始后各队才可以举手, 说开始后各队才可以举手, 答题请在15秒之内完成。 15秒之内完成 答题请在15秒之内完成。 答对加十分,答错扣十分。 答对加十分,答错扣十分。
选择题 看图 回答问题 迷语题 智力题
NO. 1
• We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it? A.一件无用而累的东西 一件无用而累的东西 C. 白给的东西 B.一头白象 一头白象 D. 白色陷阱
The right answer is A
NO. 6
• What’s the Chinese for “talk big”? A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C.骂人 骂人 D.很大 很大
The right answer is Map.
• What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?
The right answer is Your name.
• Mary is 12 years old.Two years ago,she was twice as her brother Jack.How old is Jack now?
• 22. John is a _______. C A. doctor B. farmer C. policeman D. cook • 23. Miller is a _______. A A. doctor B. policeman C. cook D. farmer • 24. Smith is a _______. A. farmer B. policeman C. cook D. doctor • 25. Carter is a _______. A. doctor B. policeman C. cook D. farmer

1. 考语序 宾语从句和表语从句 的语序都要用陈述句语序 即:主语在前,谓语在后。 B Could you tell me ___________? (2003年 北京) A. where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. whether are you a worker
凝视 stare at
用粗鲁的方式 in a rude manner
你将翻译几个句子, 根据难易程度, 有对应的分数。 请选出你们组要挑战的分数。 注:在前两轮比赛中分数多者,有优先选择权。
10分 15分 15分 18分 18分
翻译下列短语和句型 (必须用本单元的单词) 1. 允许某人做某事 允许做某事 2. 试图做某事 寻找某人或某事 3. 对…..加以考虑 由于 4. 发现某人正在做某事 发现某人或某物被…. 5. 偶然,意外地 反义词是______
s----- (4 words) 1. (戏剧)一场,现场 scene 2.凝视 stare 3. 发现,认出 spot 4. 尖叫 scream
m---,n---,w---,g--- (4 words) 1. 礼貌,举止 manner 2. 小说,新奇的 novel 3. 漫步,漫游 wander 4. 真的,真诚的 genuine
高考链接 (4):
D It was because her mother was ill _____she didn’t come to school yesterday. A. who B. when C. where D. that

英语趣味知识竞赛Are you ready to embark on a journey through the realm of English language trivia? Brace yourself for a delightful adventure filled with fascinating facts, quirky anecdotes, and mind-boggling tidbits. Let's dive right in!1. Did You Know?。
Ever wondered why "abbreviated" is such a long word? Well, the irony is real! But here's a fun twist: the longest word in English dictionaries is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." Say that ten times fast!2. Language Wonders。
English is a language full of surprises. For instance, did you know that the word "set" has the most definitions in the English language? From setting a table to setting a record, it's a versatile little word!3. Tongue Twisters Galore。
Tongue twisters are not only amusing but also great for honing your pronunciation skills. Can you conquer this classic: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"? Give it a try!4. Animal Antics。

英语知识竞赛题目及答案一.必答题(20 秒每题)1. You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!2. 美国的全称: the United States 美利坚合众国3. 诺基亚是哪个国家的著名品牌? Germany4. NBA 湖人队位于美国的哪个城市? Los Angeles5. Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai6. Which one is the endangered animals ? antelope7. Where is the Harvard University? The USA8. Where is theCambridge University? England9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。
白雪公主和七个小矮人10. My heart will go on comes from _______.Titanic11. 英国的标志性建筑物?大本钟 (Big Ben)12. 美国的标志性建筑物? .美国总统府白宫 the white house ;或者:美国自由女神像 The Statue of Liberty13. 日本的国花?樱花cherry14. 中国的全称及简称? PRC =the People's Republic of China 中国(中华人民共和国)15. 一寸光阴一寸金Time is money.16. 我们每天上学,放学。
am pm17. 字母组合可表示长度单位厘米。
.cm18. No pain , no gain . 不劳无获。
19. Where there is a will , there is a way . 有志者事竟成。
20. A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情。

has its 28th day. 12个月。每个月都有28天。
2. When I come down from the sky, I make everything wet. What am I ?
The key : rain 雨
3. when can you get water with a net?
第一关:单词大比拼 第二关:必答选择题 第三关:风险提速
下面有五套选择题,每组选择任 意一套,派选一名代表回答,组 内亲友团可以给建议。
答对一题加10分,答错扣10分 每题限时30秒
12 3 45
1. What three letters turn a girl into a woman?
4. “ Woof! Woof! ” It’s a sound of() a) cow b) dog c) duck d) cat
5.We have _____ in Spring Festival.
a) Lantern Festival b) Children’s Day c) Dragon Boat Festival d) Summer Holidays
1.hell cat指的是()
A 好发脾气的猫 B 泼妇,巫婆 C 冷酷的人 D 阴险的人
2.What letter can fly? It’s the letter . a) A b) B c) T d) U
3. What is the apple
of one’s eye(指的是)?
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2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)
D. plane
A. S C. M
B. L D. Y
A . am, pm, USA
B . am, pm, PRC
C . pm, am, UK
D . pm, am, PRC
5.He is a fat cat(引申义).
A 它是一只肥胖的猫
B 他是一个大亨
C 他爱说大话
D 他非常懒惰
A. E, N B . F, I
C . H, F D. F, X
2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?
A. Your book
B. Your name
C. Your pen
D. Your money
3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body?
A Tooth
B nail
C skull
4. She ___ a excellent girl.
A. is
B. are
D. not
5. He is the black sheep of the family.
a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛
c) 黑马d) 领头羊
C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day?
A. March.1
B. May. 12
C. March.12
D. May. 14
2.Dumplings are eaten at _______.
A.Mid-Autumn Festival
B. Dragon Boat Festival
C. Children’s Day
D. Chinese New Year’s Day
3、What is the largest living land animal?
A. tiger
B. lion
C. elephant
D. leopard(豹子)
4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词
A. Red
B. orange
C. Peach
D. banana
5.She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine.
A 把珍珠丢掉
B 明珠暗投
C 买椟还珠
D 对牛弹琴
D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?
A.her name B. her age
C. her home
D. her child
2. UFO的意思是?
A. 贵宾
B. 不明飞行物
C. 人民币
D. 英国广播公司
3. VIP的意思是?
A. 贵宾
B. 不明飞行物
C. 人名币
D. 英国广播公司
4. China有中国的意思;而china有———的意思
A. 中国人
B. 汉族
C. 瓷器
D. 名族
5.What’s Chinese meaning of “a white elephant.”
C. 白给的东西
D. 白色陷阱
E.1. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如************,**************, *******************等。
A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。
B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个a”。
C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词for相同。
D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词at 相同。
2.what letter is a drink?
A. B
B. V
C. T
D. G
3.What begins with T, ends with T and has tea in it?
A. tea
B. teapot
C. teacher
D. T-shirt
4. 生活中,我们经常能用到一些英文字母,如在医院中有检查,书店中有《阿正传》,在家中我们看节目。
B. X, R, S
C. CT, Q, TV
D. X, AQ, CD
A.China Central Television
B.Central CommunicationTelevision
C. China Control Television
D. Central Committee Television
1.ten变成一个饮料 .
2.cap变成一种交通工具 .
3.big 变成一种动物 .
4. bear变成一种水果
5.tea变成一个数字__ ____.
• 1. Cat cat cat catch the fat rat.
• 2. Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!
• 3. A good cook could cook good cookies.
• 4.If one doctor doctors anther doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctors the doctor the way the doctor is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors
dog laugh green foot noodle sleep
swim red head shoe write drink
boy mouth sing cat love pen
run write money sing desk door
table boy baby one eye wednesday。