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Pecola moves back in with her family,andher life is difficult. Her father drinks, hermother is distant, and the two of them oftenbeat one another. Her brother, Sammy,frequently runs away. Pecola believes that ifshe had blue eyes, she would be loved andher life would be transformed. Meanwhile,she continually receives confirmation of herown senseof ugliness—the grocer looks rightthrough her when she buys candy, boys make fun of her, and a light-skinned girl, Maureen, who temporarily befriends her makes fun ofher too. She is wrongly blamed for killing a boy'scat and is called a "nasty little blackbitch" by his mother.
Claudia and Frieda find out that Pecola hasbeen impregnated by her father, and unlikethe rest of the neighborhood, they want thebaby to live. They sacrifice the money theyhavebeen saving for a bicycle and plant marigold seeds. They believe that if the flowers live, so will Pecola’s baby. The flowers refuse to bloom, and Pecola’ baby dies when it is born prematurely. Cholly, who rapes Pecola a second time and then runs away, dies in a workhouse. Pecola goes mad, believing that her cherished wish has been fulfilled and that she has the bluest eyes.
Plot OverviewofThe Bluest Eye
Nine -year-old Claudia and ten-year-oldFrieda MacTeer live in Lorain, Ohio, with theirparents. It is the end of the Great Depression,and the girls' parents are more concernedwith makinБайду номын сангаас ends meet than with lavishingattention upon their daughters, but there isan undercurrent of love and stability in theirhome. The MacTeers take in a boarder, HenryWashington, and also a young girlnamedPecola. Pecola's father has tried to burn d ownhis family's house, and Claudiaand Friedafeel sorry for her. Pecola loves Shirley Temple,believing that whiteness is beautiful and thatshe is ugly.
We learn that Pecol a's parents have both haddifficult lives. Pauline, her mother, has a lamefoot and has always felt isolated. She losesherself in movies, which reaffirm her beliefthat she is ugly and that romantic love isreserved for the beautiful. She encouragesher husband's violent behavior in order toreinforce her own role as a martyr. She feelsmost alive when she is at work, cleaning awhite woman's home. She loves this homeand despises her own. Cholly, Pecola's father,was abandoned by his parents and raised byhis great aunt, who died when he was ayoung teenager. He was humiliated by twowhitemen who found him having sex for thefirst time and made him continue while theywatched. He ran away to find his father butwas rebuffed by him. By the time he metPauline, he was a wild and rootless man. Hefeels trapped in his marriage and has lostinterest in life.
Cholly returns home one day and findsPecola washing dishes. With mixed motivesof tenderness and hatred that are fueled byguilt, he rapes her. When Pecola's motherfinds her unconscious on the floor, shedisbelieves Pecola's story and beats her.Pecola goes to Soaphead Church, a shammystic, and asks him for blue eyes.Instead ofhelping her,he usesher to kill a dog hedislikes.