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《life is beautiful》
Love is a n unknow n pla ce tha t no sa ying from a ll a round the world ca n e xpla in. D on’t sa y you love m e unle ss you re a lly m e a n it, be ca use I m ight do som e thing cra z y like be lie ve it.

The thoughts of
watching the film 《life is beautiful》
《life is beautiful》
《life is beautiful》
男主角:Guido OrHale Waihona Puke Baidufice 罗伯托·贝尼 尼/Roberto Benigni
女主角:Dora 尼可莱塔·布拉斯基 /Nicoletta Braschi
You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh.
O ne da y som e one wa lk into your life , the n you will re a liz e tha t love is Alw a ys worth wa iting for .
T he thoughts
from group m e m be rs
《life is beautiful》
H a ppine ss
is just on m y ha nds, a nd e ve n lost se nse of dire ction, but still not afra id.
《life is beautiful》
R a the r tha n sa ys G uido try T o le a ve , m ore tha n he e lim ina te s (消除) the child’s fe a r . Be ca use “T he ga m e ” is still on a nd we ha ve to be optim istic.
《life is beautiful》
Life in o not aa lwreysefight.r twe give be a utiful wha we wa nt W But isour lw a rts, m tim be ,lifestill full of to he ys a we m e know S a And som e cry.s, it's is up. it be . . love
男女主角的可爱儿子(也是主角哦): Giosué Orefice 乔治·坎塔里尼 /Giorgio Cantarini
《life is beautiful》
Plot Description
2 3 4
When:Film starts in the 1930s .
Where: Italy
Appreciation of The Movie
Less to do with the holocaust (大屠杀)and more to do with the human feelings .
The beautiful relationship of a father and his son.
Combined laughter and tears of sadness
Help audiences to a state of mind away from reality
Focusing on the feelings and forgetting the war.
Guido who is an ebullient(热情洋溢),playful man comes to town andhis wife Dora and son Giosué
What happened:
The family suffered a lot in WarⅡand the chiefactor made his son to believe all the nightmare was just a game and the winner would get a tank.
This portrayed(描绘) the nazi 'state of mind' as a sick mentally disturbed state.
Reflections on Movie
Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido‘s efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son.
《life is beautiful》
Thank you!