
少儿日常英语交流口语100句1.Hello, how are you?2.What is your name?3.My name is [Name].4.Nice to meet you!5.How old are you?6.I am [Age] years old.7.Where are you from?8.I am from [Country].9.What is your favorite color?10.My favorite color is blue.11.Do you like to play video games?12.Yes, I love playing video games.13.What is your favorite food?14.My favorite food is pizza.15.How do you go to school?16.I go to school by bus.17.What time do you wake up in the morning?18.I wake up at 7 o’clock.19.What sports do you like to play?20.I like to play soccer.21.Do you have any pets?22.Yes, I have a dog.23.What do you want to be when you grow up?24.I want to be a doctor.25.Let’s go play in the park!26.Can I have a cookie, please?27.What game do you want to play?28.Do you want to watch a movie?29.What is your favorite subject in school?30.My favorite subject is math.31.Can you help me with my homework?32.I need to go to the bathroom.33.Goodbye, see you later!34.I am hungry, can I have a snack?35.What time is it?36.It’s time to go to bed.37.Can you help me tie my shoes?38.Let’s go outside and play.39.Do you want to be friends?40.I have a new toy, do you want to see it?41.How was your day at school?42.I had a great day at school.43.What do you like to do for fun?44.I like to draw and color.45.Can you read me a story?46.It’s time for lunch.47.What do you want to eat for dinner?48.Let’s build a fort with blankets.49.I’m cold, can you get me a blanket?50.What is your favorite TV show?51.My favorite TV show is [TV Show Name].52.Let’s go for a walk in the park.53.Do you want to play hide and seek?54.I can count to 100, can you?55.What is your favorite book?56.My favorite book is [Book Title].57.Do you want to go swimming?58.I can ride my bike without training wheels.59.What do you want to be for Halloween?60.I want to be a superhero for Halloween.61.Can you help me clean up my room?62.Let’s have a tea party with stuffed animals.63.I can jump really high, can you?64.What is your favorite game to play at recess?65.My favorite game to play at recess is tag.66.I can do a cartwheel, can you?67.Let’s have a race to see who is faster.68.Can you sing a song for me?69.I can do a funny dance, want to see?70.What is your favorite holiday?71.My favorite holiday is Christmas.72.Let’s build a sandcastle at the beach.73.Do you want to have a sleepover?74.I can do a handstand, can you?75.What is your favorite type of ice cream?76.My favorite type of ice cream is chocolate.77.Can you help me tie my shoelaces?78.Let’s go to the zoo and see the animals.79.Do you want to go on a nature hike?80.I have a new bike, do you want to ride it?81.What do you want to do when you grow up?82.I want to be a teacher when I grow up.83.Let’s make a craft project together.84.Can you help me put together this puzzle?85.I can do a somersault, can you?86.What is your favorite season?87.My favorite season is summer.88.Do you want to bake cookies with me?89.Let’s have a picnic in the backyard.90.Can you help me water the plants?91.What do you want to do on your birthday?92.I want to have a birthday party with friends.93.Let’s go to the playground and play on the swings.94.Do you want to play a board game together?95.I can ride my scooter really fast, can you?96.What is your favorite fruit?97.My favorite fruit is strawberries.98.Can you help me pick out a movie to watch?99.Let’s have a dance party in the living room.100.What is your favorite thing to do before bed?Hope you find these sentences useful and engaging for practicing daily English communication with children!。

小编精心收集了跟宝宝交流的日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!跟宝宝交流的日常英语对话1Mummy:Take off your pajamas.脱掉睡衣。
Baby:What should I wear today?今天我穿什么衣服?Mummy:It's chilly outside.So don't forget to put on your jacket.外面冷,别忘了穿夹克。
Baby:How's the shirt? 这件衬衣我穿上怎么样?Mummy:Son,it looks great on you.儿子,你看上去帅极了。
跟宝宝交流的日常英语对话2打招呼和称赞对话:Baby:Good morning,Mum.Mummy:Good morning,sweety.You finally got up.你终于起床了。
Baby:I am still sleepy.我还想睡。
Mummy:Did you stay up late last night?你昨晚熬夜了吗?Baby:No,I couldn't fall asleep last night.不是,我昨晚睡不着。
跟宝宝交流的日常英语对话3Boy:Mum,my nose is bleeding.妈妈,我的鼻子流血了。
Mum:What happened?Did you have a fight?怎么了?你跟人打架了?Boy:No,Mum.I didn't.Mum:Did somebody hit you?Or did you just fall?有人打你吗?还是你自己摔跤了?Boy:Mum.I was just picking my nose and now it's bleeding.妈妈,我只是挖鼻孔挖得流血了。

英语日常口语交流100句儿童版1.Hello! 你好!2.My name is Tom. 我叫汤姆。
3.How are you? 你好吗?4.I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。
5.What’s your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?6.My favorite color is blue. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。
7.Can I play with you? 我可以和你一起玩吗?8.Sure! 当然可以!9.Let’s go to the park. 我们去公园吧。
10.Do you like ice cream? 你喜欢冰淇淋吗?11.Yes, I love ice cream! 是的,我喜欢冰淇淋!12.What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么?13.I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。
14.Let’s play tag! 我们来玩捉迷藏吧!15.I’m hungry. 我饿了。
16.Would you like to have lunch together? 你想一起吃午饭吗?17.What’s your favo rite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?18.I like dogs. 我喜欢狗。
19.Can you help me with my homework? 你可以帮我做作业吗?20.Of course! 当然可以!21.Let’s build a sandcastle. 我们一起堆沙堡吧。
22.It’s raining. 下雨了。
23.I like to dance in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中跳舞。
24.Do you want to go on a bike ride? 你想骑自行车吗?25.Yes, let’s go biking! 是的,一起去骑自行车吧!26.What’s your favorite subject in school? 你在学校最喜欢的科目是什么?27.I love art class. 我喜欢美术课。

1. 问候与介绍•Hello!你好!•Hi! What’s your name?嗨!你叫什么名字?•My name is Lily.我叫莉莉。
•Nice to meet you!很高兴认识你!2. 关于兴趣爱好•What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?•I like playing soccer.我喜欢踢足球。
•Do you like reading books?你喜欢读书吗?•Yes, I like reading storybooks.是的,我喜欢读故事书。
3. 家庭成员•How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人?•I have a mom, a dad, and a sister.我有一个妈妈,一个爸爸和一个姐姐。
•Do you have any pets?你养宠物吗?•Yes, I have a cat named Whiskers.是的,我养一只叫威克的猫。
4. 谈论学校生活•What grade are you in?你读几年级?•I am in Grade 3.我读三年级。
•What is your favorite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么?•I like Math the most.我最喜欢数学。
5. 日常活动•What do you usually do after school?放学后你通常做什么?•I do my homework and then play with my friends.我先做作业,然后和朋友玩。
•Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?•I like drawing and painting.我喜欢画画。

以下是一些儿童英语日常交流口语对话的例子:问候语1.A: Hello! How are you? B: I’m good, thank you. Howabout you? A: I’m great, thanks for asking.2.A: Hi, what’s up? B: Nothing much, just playing withmy toys. How about you?3.A: Good morning! Did you sleep well? B: Goodmorning! Yes, I had a great night’s sleep.介绍自己4.A: Hi, I’m Lily. What’s your name? B: Hi Lily, I’m Tom.Nice to meet you.5.A: Hello, I’m Sarah. How old are you? B: Hi Sarah, I’m7 years old. How about you?6.A: Hey, I’m Jack. What’s your favorite color? B: HiJack, my favorite color is blue. What’s yours?请求帮助7.A: Can you help me find my toy? B: Sure, I can helpyou look for it.8.A: I can’t reach that book on the shelf. Can you get itfor me? B: O f course, I’ll get it for you.9.A: Could you please teach me how to draw a cat? B:Yes, I can show you how to do it.表达喜好10.A: Do you like chocolate ice cream? B: Yes, I lovechocolate ice cream. It’s my favorite.11.A: What is your favorite game to play? B: I enjoyplaying hide and seek with my friends.12.A: Would you like to play with my toys? B: Yes, Iwould love to play with your toys.以上是一些儿童英语日常交流口语对话的例子,通过学习这些常用的口语表达,儿童们可以更好地与他人进行交流,提升他们的英语口语能力。

小儿英语对话日常聊天Hi, kiddo! What's up?Oh, you want to play with your toys? Sure, go ahead! But first, let's practice some English.How's your day been? Did you have fun at school?Yeah? That sounds great! What did you learn today?Ah, colors? Can you tell me what color is your favorite toy?Blue? Nice choice! My favorite color is green.What about your favorite food? Do you like pizza or hamburgers?Pizza? Awesome! I love pizza too. What's your favorite topping?Cheese and pepperoni? Delicious! Let's pretend we're at a pizza party, huh?Okay, now pretend I'm your friend and we're at the playground. What do you want to do first?Swing? Great idea! Swing as high as you can!Whoa! You're swinging so high! Are you having fun?Yes? That's awesome! Now, let's pretend we're going to the zoo. What animal do you want to see first?Elephants? Cool! I love watching elephants play in the mud.Okay, now pretend we're in outer space! What do you see?Stars? Wow, that's amazing! I bet you can count a lotof them, right?1, 2, 3... Good job!。

婴幼儿英语口语一百句1. "Hello, baby! How are you today?" 就像每天早上一睁眼,妈妈笑着对小宝贝说:“Hello, baby! How are you today?”这是最基础也最温暖的问候呢。
2. "Good morning, sunshine!" 当清晨的阳光洒进房间,爸爸可以对宝宝说:“Good morning, sunshine! You are as bright as the sun.” 用sunshine来形容宝宝,就像宝宝是家里最耀眼的小太阳。
3. "I love you, little cutie." 妈妈抱着宝宝的时候,轻轻在耳边说:“I love you, little cutie.” Cutie这个词充满了亲昵感,宝宝能感受到满满的爱。
4. "Are you hungry, sweetie?" 看到宝宝小嘴动来动去,奶奶可能会问:“Are you hungry, sweetie?” Sweetie这个称呼甜到心坎里了。
5. "Let's play, dear." 哥哥放学回家,对坐在地上的小弟弟说:“Let's play, dear.” 简单的一句就开启了欢乐的玩耍时光。
6. "You look so cute in this dress, princess." 给小女宝宝穿上漂亮裙子后,姐姐会说:“You look so cute in this dress, princess.” 把女宝宝比作公主,她肯定会很开心。
7. "Give me a hug, honey." 当家人出门或者回家的时候,可以对宝宝说:“Give me a hug, honey.” 这是多么温馨的互动啊。
8. "What a lovely smile, angel." 宝宝突然笑起来的时候,爷爷忍不住说:“What a lovely smile, angel.” 把宝宝当作天使,那笑容就像天使的馈赠。

少儿英语日常英语口语对话篇1Salesclerk: May I help you?Boy: Yes,please. I looking for a jacket.Salesclerk: Here is a jacket.Boy: But I do not like this green jacket.Salesclerk: How about this blue jacket?Boy: That is great.售货员:我可以帮你吗?男孩:是的,谢谢。
少儿英语日常英语口语对话篇2Mom: Let's make a cake.Tommy: Yeah! How can I help you?Mom: Stir up eggs.Tommy: Okay,I will.妈妈:我们来做一个蛋糕。
少儿英语日常英语口语对话篇3Jinny: Hey, Michael.Michael: Yes,Jinny.Jinny: What are you doing?Michael: Since I lost something,I'm looking for it.Jinny: What did you lost?Michael: I can't tell you.Jinny: What is it? T ell me about it.Michael: I'm searching for my artificial tooth.金尼:嘿,迈克尔。

场景一:起床场景一:作息起床宝宝起床的时候妈妈可以跟宝宝说一些简单的句子:Honey,it's time to get up.宝贝,该起床了。
Wake up,sleepyhead.起床,小懒鬼Time to get going.出发的时间到了。
We need to get moving.我们得赶快行动。
It's already late.已经迟了。
Are you still lazing around?你还在赖床啊?Rise and shine!快起床吧!It's time to get dressed.该穿衣服了。
Hurry up,we don't have much time left.快点吧,没有多少时间了。
Your school bus is coming.校车就要来了。
大一点的宝宝,妈妈可以教他对话,比如:Mummy:Sweety,it's time to get up.甜心,该起床了。
Baby:Ten more minutes,Mum.妈妈,再睡十分钟吧。
Mummy:What time is it now?现在几点了?Baby:It's already 8 o'clock.已经八点了Mummy:Well,honey,wake up or you will be late school.好了啦,宝贝,快起来吧否则你上学要迟到了。
场景二:更衣Now put on your sweater/coat. 现在穿上你的羊毛衫/外套Put your clothes on./Get dressed. 穿上衣服First put your arm through the sleeve,now put your head through. 先把你的胳膊伸进袖子,现在把你的脑袋钻出来Your sweater is on backwards./ You have your sweater on backwards.你的羊毛衫穿反了You have your sweater on inside你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one. 把你的手穿过袖子。

适合幼儿启蒙的英语日常对话《Let's Learn Together》Mom: Good morning, sweetie! How are you today?Child: I'm good, Mommy! What are we going to do today?Mom: Well, how about we learn some English together?Child: Yay! I love learning new things!Mom: Great! Let's start with some simple greetings. Can you say "hello"?Child: Hello!Mom: Good job! Now, can you say "goodbye"?Child: Goodbye!Mom: Wonderful! You're a fast learner. Now, let's practice counting. Can you count from 1 to 10? Child: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!Mom: That's perfect! Now let's learn some basic colors. Do you know what color this is? (holds up a red block)Child: Red!Mom: And how about this one? (holds up a yellow block)Child: Yellow!Mom: You're doing so well, sweetie! Learning English is so much fun, isn't it?Child: Yes, Mommy! I love it!Mom: I'm glad you're enjoying it. Learning a new language can be exciting and rewarding. We'll continue to learn more together every day.Child: Yay! I can't wait to learn more!Mom: Me too, sweetie. Let's learn together and have fun doing it!。

常用儿童日常英语对话 (A Collection of Common Everyday English Conversations for Children)这份文档旨在提供一系列常用的儿童日常英语对话,涵盖各种场景,帮助孩子们学习和运用英语。
I. Greetings and Introductions (问候和介绍)1. Meeting Someone New (初次见面):•A:Hello! My name is Tom. What’s your name?•B: Hi Tom! My name is Lily. Nice to meet you.•A: Nice to meet you too, Lily.(中文翻译):•A:你好!我叫汤姆。
2. Saying Goodbye (告别):•A: Goodbye, Lily! See you tomorrow!•B: Goodbye, Tom! See you tomorrow!(中文翻译):•A:再见,莉莉!明天见!•B:再见,汤姆!明天见!3. Saying Hello and How Are You? (问候和问好):•A: Hi, Mike! How are you today?•B:I’m fine, thank you. And you?•A:I’m great, thanks!(中文翻译):•A:你好,迈克!今天好吗?•B:我很好,谢谢。
你呢?•A:我很好,谢谢!II. At Home (在家)1. Asking for Help (寻求帮助):•Child: Mommy, can you help me with my homework?•Mother:Sure, honey. Let’s do it together.(中文翻译):•孩子:妈妈,你能帮我做作业吗?•妈妈:当然可以,宝贝。

小朋友A:Hey, how are you today?小朋友B:I’m good, how about you?小朋友A:I’m great! What do you want to play now?在操场上玩耍两个小朋友决定一起玩一场游戏。
小朋友B:Let’s play tag! I’ll be the seeker first.小朋友A:Okay, I’ll run and you catch me!小朋友B:Gotcha! Now it’s my turn to run.小朋友A:I’ll try to catch you this time!捡到了一本书小朋友A在操场上捡到了一本书。
小朋友A:Look what I found! It’s a book.小朋友B:Wow, it looks interesting. Let’s read it together.小朋友A:Sure, I’ll read the first page.下课后的计划下课铃声响了,小朋友们一起商量下课后要做什么。
小朋友B:Do you want to go to the playground after school?小朋友A:Yes, I would love to play on the swings!小朋友B:Great, let’s meet at the swings at 3 o’clock.在游乐场上两个小朋友在游乐场上玩得开心。
小朋友A:This is so much fun! I love going on the merry-go-round.小朋友B:I prefer the slides, they are really cool!小朋友A:Let’s take turns on each ride, I can’t wait!结束语下午在游乐场过得很愉快,两个小朋友一起边走回家边聊天。

少儿英语口语对话一Mom: Let's make a cake.Tommy: Yeah! How can I help you?Mom: Stir up eggs.Tommy: Okay,I will.妈妈:我们来做一个蛋糕。
少儿英语口语对话二Mom: It's time for bed. Turn off the TV.Tommy: But,mom! This is my favorite cartoon.Mom: No,go to sleep now,or you'll be late for school. Tommy: Okay,Mom. I'll listen to you.妈妈:上床睡觉的时间到了。
少儿英语口语对话三Mom: Wake up!Tommy. It's time to get up!Tommy: Oh,Mom. Please wone more minute.Mom: No,you have to get up now.Tommy: Okay,mom. I'll get up soon.妈妈:起床了!汤米。
儿童英语口语对话1Mimi: I love my family.Mimi: I love mommy and daddy.Mimi: I love my sister.ChinChin: I love grandma and grandpa. Buba: Hi.Buba: I love my brother.Buba: I like to play with my brother. Costa: I have a sister.Costa: I don't like her.Costa: I want a brother.Costa: I want to play with a brother! Coco: I have a brother.Coco: I don't like him.Coco: I want a sister.Coco: I want to play with a sister! 咪咪:我爱我的家人。

和宝宝交流的日常英语口语Hey, little one! How are you today? Look at that big smile on your face. Did you have a fun time playing with your toys?Oh, you're pointing at the window. Do you want to go outside and play? Let's put on your shoes and jacket, shall we?Ah, you're making a mess with your food. It's okay,we'll clean it up together. Try to eat with your spoon next time.Hey, buddy, look at that bird in the tree. Can you hear it singing? Listen carefully, it's so beautiful.Wow, you're walking so well now! I'm so proud of you. Do you want to try running? Let's go!Ah, you're tired and ready for a nap? Let's read astory together before you sleep. Close your eyes and listen.It's bath time! Do you want to play with your rubber ducky? I'll get your favorite bubble bath ready.Hey, sweetie, look what I found! A new book with lotsof fun stories. Do you want to read it together?You're so brave to try that new food. Even if you don't like it, it's okay. We can always try again next time.Time for bed now. Say goodnight to your toys and cuddly blanket. I'll be here with you all through the.。

儿童日常英语口语对话Morning.Parent: Good morning, my sunshine!Child: Good morning, Mommy! Did you sleep well?Parent: I did, thank you. How about you?Child: Me too! I had a good night's sleep.Breakfast.Parent: What would you like for breakfast, sweetheart? Child: I want cereal with milk and berries.Parent: Sounds yummy! Let's make it together.Preparing for School.Parent: It's time to get ready for school. Brush your teeth and wash your face.Child: Okay, I'm brushing my teeth now.Parent: Don't forget to pack your backpack.Child: I have it all packed!At School (Lunch Break)。
Child: Hi, Emily! What are you eating?Emily: I'm having a sandwich and an apple.Child: That looks delicious! I have pasta with meatballs today.Emily: It smells so good! Can I have a bite?Child: Sure, here you go.After School.Parent: Welcome home, my love! How was school today?Child: It was great! We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly.Parent: That sounds exciting. Show me what you drew.At the Park.Parent: Let's go for a walk in the park and play on the swings.Child: Yay! I love the park!Parent: Let's see how high we can go.Child: Look, Mommy! I'm flying like a bird!Bedtime.Parent: It's bedtime, my sweet pea.Child: I don't want to go to bed yet.Parent: You need to rest for tomorrow's adventures.Let's read a story first.Child: Okay, can we read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"? Parent: Of course, we can.Parent: Sweet dreams, my precious.Child: Good night, Mommy.。
亲子英语 日常对话

1. 早上起床 Morning RoutineA: Good morning, sweetie! Did you sleep well?B: Good morning, Mom/Dad! Yes, I did. How about you?A: I slept well too. Now let's get ready for the day. It's time to wake up.B: Alright, Mom/Dad. I'll get up right away.2. 早餐时间 Breakfast TimeA: What would you like for breakfast, dear?B: I want cereal with milk and some fresh fruits, please.A: Sure, I'll prepare it for you. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.B: Okay, Mom/Dad. I'll wash my hands first.3. 上学准备 Getting Ready for SchoolA: It's time to get dressed and get your school bag ready.B: Can I wear my blue shirt and jeans today?A: Of course, dear. That sounds like a good choice. Don't forget to brush your teeth as well.B: Okay, Mom/Dad. I'll do that right now.4. 乘车去学校 Taking the Bus to SchoolA: Look, the school bus is here. Let's go, honey.B: Do I have to sit alone on the bus again?A: No, dear. You can sit with your friend if you want. Just remember to be polite and follow the bus rules.B: Alright, Mom/Dad. I'll find my friend and sit with him/her.5. 下课回家 Coming Home after SchoolA: Welcome back, my little one. How was your day at school?B: It was great, Mom/Dad. We had PE class today and I played soccer with my friends.A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you finish your homework?B: Not yet, Mom/Dad. I'll do it after having a snack.6. 家庭作业时间 Homework TimeA: Sit down at the table and let's work on your homework together.B: I have math and English homework today. Can you help me, Mom/Dad? A: Of course, dear. Let's start with math first. Pay attention and try your best.B: Okay, Mom/Dad. I'll do my best.7. 晚餐时间 Dinner TimeA: It's time for dinner. What would you like to eat?B: I would like to have spaghetti and meatballs, please.A: Sounds delicious. I'll cook it for you. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.B: Okay, Mom/Dad. I'll wash my hands now.8. 临睡前 Before BedtimeA: It's getting late. It's time to get ready for bed.B: Can you read me a story, Mom/Dad?A: Of course, dear. Let's choose a book and I'll read it to you.B: Thank you, Mom/Dad. Goodnight!A: Goodnight, sweetie. Sweet dreams.以上是一篇关于亲子英语的日常对话,包括早上起床、早餐时间、上学准备、乘车去学校、下课回家、家庭作业时间、晚餐时间和临睡前的内容。

小编整理了宝宝日常英语对话,欢迎阅读!宝宝日常英语对话一What are you parents like?你的父母是什么样的?Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you something.Kerry: Yes. What’s that?Boy: You know,I ran into your parents on the street the other day.Boy: They made a good impression on me.Boy: What are you parents like?Kerry: Well. How can I say?Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted and considerate.Kerry: And my mother is always kind to me and praises me a lot.Boy: They are very nice people as I expected.Kerry: Thank you for saying so.男孩:嘿,凯丽。
宝宝日常英语对话二I’m in a hurry我很赶时间Tutti: Hey,Latty.Latty: Tutti.Tutti: Where are you going?Latty: Don’t ask me anything. I’m in a hurry.Tutti: Why are you in a hurry?Latty: Do you happen to know where the bathroom is around here?Tutti: It’s right behind the building, Hurry up.Latty: Thank you. See you.乌龟:嘿,拉蒂。

小编精心收集了和宝宝交流的日常英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!和宝宝交流的日常英语对话1Costa: So you're saying that if we eat vegetables,we'll be healthy?Coco: Yup! Can't wait to eat them.Mimi: Here. If you're hungry,have some oranges.Costa: oranges?Costa: They're not vegetables.Costa: I will only eat vegetables.Mimi: Fruits are very good,too.Costa: Have some oranges.Coco:Are you still cooking?Coco: I'm hungry. I'll eat this.Mimi: You shouldn't eat raw onions.Mimi: You should cook that first.Coco: I don't care.Coco: I'm so hungry right now!Mimi: See?Mimi: I told you that you should cook it first!Coco: Ahhh! Help me!!科斯达:所以你的意思是说,如果我们常吃蔬菜,我们将会很健康吗?可可:是啊!等不及吃它们了。
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What are you parents like?
Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you something.
Kerry: Yes. What’s that?
Boy: You know,I ran into your parents on the street the other day.
Boy: They made a good impression on me.
Boy: What are you parents like?
Kerry: Well. How can I say?
Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted and considerate.
Kerry: And my mother is always kind to me and praises me a lot.
Boy: They are very nice people as I expected.
Kerry: Thank you for saying so.
I’m in a hurry
Tutti: Hey,Latty.
Latty: Tutti.
Tutti: Where are you going?
Latty: Don’t ask me anything. I’m in a hurry.
Tutti: Why are you in a hurry?
Latty: Do you happen to know where the bathroom is around here?
Tutti: It’s right behind the building, Hurry up.
Latty: Thank you. See you.
Mummy:Sweety,it’s time to get up.甜心,该起床了。
Baby:Ten more minutes,Mum.妈妈,再睡十分钟吧。
Mummy:What time is it now?现在几点了?
Baby:It’s already 8 o’clock.已经八点了
Mummy:Well,honey,wake up or you will be late school.好了啦,宝贝,快起来吧否则你上学要迟到了。