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Events listed here are open to everyone. Whether you want to listen to a lecture, learn a new skill, take in a concert or an exhibition, see a play staged by Oxford University students or attend one of our sporting events, there’s always something going on. Events are subject to change; please contact the organizer for full details.

Qu Leilei: A Chinese Artist in Britain

30 November 2017 to 15 April 2018

Contemporary Chinese artist Qu Leilei (born in 1951), now based in London, was a founding member of the creative ‘Stars Group’ in the late 1970s, and immigrated to England in 1985. This exhibition shows his progression from calligraphic (书法的) art to an exploration of a new vocabulary of ink language mixing lively brushwork with western technique.

The Brexit (脱欧) sword hanging over our universities

29 November 2017

Lord Bilimoria CBE,the Founder and Chairman of Cobra Beer and President of the University of Birmingham, will talk about Brexit, its influence on our universities, their academics and students as well as the future of international students in the UK. Oxford Botanic Garden Christmas Fair

2-3 December 2017

Escape the crowds and step inside a wonderland of hand-picked gifts, tasty food and family entertainment. Look through for extra-special Christmas presents at over 30 stands in the heated large tent. Pause for a glass of sweet hot wine and some delicious food, then follow the Alice in Wonderland path around the walled garden before stopping for tea with the Mad Hatter.

The Art of Partying: A Feast for the Eyes!

13 December 2017

From Greek designs and Biblical weddings to Renaissance works and the celebratory styles of the twentieth-century painters, this lecture will examine the popular description of parties in the history of Western Art at the Ashmolean Museum.

1. When can you experience Chinese culture?

A. From 30 November 2017 to 15 April 2018.

B. On 29 November 2017.

C. During 2-3 December 2017.

D. On 13 December 2017.

2. What is special about Lord Bilimoria CBE?

A. He has found Cobra Beer.

B. He will talk about botanic skills.

C. He hangs a sword in Oxford University

D. He is President of the University of Birmingham

3. What can you do on the botanic garden Christmas fair?

A. Surf the Internet for Christmas gifts.

B. Appreciate famous art works in the history.

C. Lead Alice into wonderful land.

D. Drink sweet wine and try pleasant food.

