Nanoscale radiation heat transfer for silicon at different doping levels
Engineering thermophysists contribute to the development of advanced energy conversion technologies like thermal power plants and heat engines, as well as energy storage systems such as thermal energy storage
Combustion and Pollution Control
• Combustion Fundamentals: The courseware should cover the fundamentals of combustion, including chemical reactions, flame stability, and combustion efficiency Students should learn about different types of communicators and how to design them for optimal performance
Professional Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
Laws of Thermodynamics: The courseware should cover the three laws of thermodynamics, which are the foundation of power engineering and engineering thermophysics These laws explain the relationship between heat and work, and they govern the behavior of energy in all systems
第 12 卷第 12 期2023 年 12 月Vol.12 No.12Dec. 2023储能科学与技术Energy Storage Science and Technology基于分子动力学的熔盐热物性研究进展付殿威,张灿灿,娜荷芽,王国强,吴玉庭,鹿院卫(北京工业大学传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,传热与能源利用北京市重点实验室,北京100124)摘要:熔盐作为高温传热蓄热介质,在太阳能光热发电、火电厂灵活性改造等场景中广泛应用。
关键词:熔盐;分子动力学;势函数;热物性doi: 10.19799/ki.2095-4239.2023.0708中图分类号:TK 512 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4239(2023)12-3873-10 Review of the molecular dynamics of molten salt thermalphysical propertiesFU Dianwei, ZHANG Cancan, NA Heya, WANG Guoqiang, WU Yuting, LU Yuanwei(MOE Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, BeijingKey Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124, China)Abstract:As a high-temperature heat transfer and storage medium, molten salt is widely used for solar thermal power generation and the flexible transformation of thermal power plants.First, the potential functions of the molecular dynamics of molten salt were summarized and analyzed. This indicated that to reduce simulation errors, the Buckingham potential with coulomb force is more suitable for nitrate and the BMH potential is more suitable for carbonate and chloride salt. Second, an analysis of the thermal properties of molten salt indicated that the addition of Ca2+to solar salt decreased its melting point and increased its viscosity, and the specific heat capacity of nitrate decreased with increasing NO2- concentration. Increased收稿日期:2023-10-11;修改稿日期:2023-11-03。
25. Figure S15. IAST selectivities of CO2 over N2 in 1a at different mixture composition at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 26.Figure S16. IAST selectivites of CO2 over H2 in 1a at different mixture compositions as a function of total pressure at 273 K (a) and 298 K (b). 27. Figure S17. Gas cycling experiment for 1a under a mixed CO2–N2 (15:85 v/v) flow and a pure N2 flow at a constant temperature of 303 K for 35 cycles. 28. Figure S18. An enlargment of five cycles―TG-DSC curves from cycle 5th to cycle 9th. 29. Figure S19. The IR spectra of the as-synthesized sample (a) and acetoneexchanged one (b). 30. Table S10. The weight change for the special cycle in the gas cycling experiment. 31. Table S11. High-pressure excess sorption and total sorption data of 1a.
给出了非等温的纤维悬浮聚合物熔体领域的多尺度模型,该多尺度模型建立在聚合物大分子尺 度、增韧纤维尺度和宏观流场尺度的耦合上。 通过对4:1平板收缩流的数值模拟,验证了该多尺度 模型在纤维增韧聚合物复合材料加工过程中的有效性。 最后得到了各个尺度上的应力分布信息, 其中宏观流场的法向应力差和剪应力分别关于拐角平分线大致呈对称和反对称分布,而纤维产生的 法向应力差和剪应力则由于纤维的旋转取向运动而在下游产生逆序应力结构,聚合物哑铃大分子则 由于其黏性远小于基体溶液黏性,故而产生层状的法向应力差和剪应力分布。 对于对复合材料性 能影响很大的增韧纤维情况,也得到了其运动规律和取向分布,纤维大体沿流动方向取向,在壁面 处受到强剪切作用而沿壁面取向,在对称线上沿单轴拉伸,在下游区域,由于拐角效应纤维出现旋 转取向运动。 由温度影响聚合物熔体应力的数值结果可知,即使在流动阶段,较低的温度仍有助 于提升熔体的黏弹性。 关键词 纤维取向,黏弹性,多尺度
(天津城市建设学院基础学科部, 天津 300384)
(南开大学数学科学学院, 天津 300071)
(麦吉尔大学数学与统计学系, H3A2K6)
液态粒子的固化成型是自然界与工业生产领域普遍存在的重要现象。 本文在平均场的概念下 对雾化液粒的凝固过程提出了一个简化的液-固-气-雾(LSGF)数学模型,并在小过冷度的条件下,求 出了有关初值问题的一致有效渐近解。 结果表明:整个动力学过程可以分为两个相互联结的时间 阶段。 (1)液粒初始温度分布的瞬态过渡阶段。 在这个阶段,凝固尚未正式启动,只是系统内 的温度从任意给定的初始分布迅速调整到某一特定空间分布。 (2)液粒向固粒转变阶段。 在这一 阶段,液-固两相开始分离,相界面逐渐向液粒中心传播,直至液相完全消失。 进而以铜为例, 讨论了液态粒子在不同生长条件与一些重要物理参数下的凝固时间与凝固过程中的温度分布的演化 规律。 关键词 Gibbs-Thomson 公式, 过冷度, 无量纲化, 界面条件, 渐近展开, 零级近似解, 内解, 外 解, 一致有效渐近解
期刊全名对应缩写:Journal of Materials Science J. Mater. Sci.International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.Journal of Materials Chemistry C J. Mater. Chem. CJournal of Rare Earths J. Rare EarthsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C J. Phys. Chem. CChinese Journal of Catalysis Chin. J. Catal.Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics J.Mater.Sci.-Mater.Electron. Chemistry-an Asian Journal Chem. Asian. J.Chem Asian J Chem. Asian. J.Chemistry- A European Journal Chem. Eur. J.Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism J. Supercond. Novel Magn.Journal of Materials Chemistry A J. Mater. Chem. AEuropean Physical Journal Plus Eur. Phys. J. PlusInternational Journal of Photoenergy Int. J. PhotoenergyJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters J. Phys. Chem. Lett.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. Journal of Fluorescence J. Fluoresc.Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater.Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter J.Phys.:Condens.MatterMaterials Horizons Mater. Horiz.Journal of Physical Chemistry C J. Phys. Chem. CJournal of Co2 Utilization J. CO2 Util.Crystal Growth & Design Cryst. Growth Des.Journal of Sensors J. Sens.Journal of Energy Chemistry J. Energy Chem.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Spectrochim. Acta, Part ANature Physics Nat. Phys.Frontiers in Materials Front. Mater.Comptes Rendus Chimie C. R. Chim.Annual Review of Materials Research Annu. Rev. Mater. Res.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.Catalysis Science & Technology Catal. Sci. Technol.ACS Applied Electronic Materials ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.Physical Review B Phys. Rev. BEnergy & Environmental Science Energy Environ. Sci.Nanoscale Advances Nanoscale Adv.Dalton Transactions Dalton TransSensors and Actuators B: Chemical Sens. Actuators, BAdvanced Science Adv. Sci.ACS Catalysis ACS Catal.J Synchrotron Radiat J. Synchrotron Radiat.Apl Materials APL Mater.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. U. S. A.Angewandte Chemie-International Edition Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Advanced materials Adv. Mater.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ACS Appl.Mater.InterfacesInorganic Chemistry Frontiers Inorg. Chem. Front.Nature Materials Nat. Mater.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.Applied Catalysis B-Environmental Appl. Catal., BACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesAdvanced Energy Materials Adv. Energy Mater.ACS Applied Nano Materials ACS Appl. Nano Mater.Science Advances Sci. Adv.Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications Physica CRSC Advances RSC Adv.Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials Mater. Sci. Eng., BPhysica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics Phys. Status Solidi BAdvanced Optical Materials Adv. Opt. Mater.Physical Review Materials Phys. Rev. Mater.Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications Phys. CCatalysis Science & Technology Catal. Sci. Technol.Progress in Natural Science-Materials International Prog. Nat. Sci.: Mater. Int. Physica B-Condensed Matter Phys. BSensors and Actuators B-Chemical Sens. Actuators, BEnergy Technology Energy Technol.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. Nanoscale Research Letters Nanoscale Res. Lett.Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Spectrochim. Acta, Part A Optics and Laser Technology Opt. Laser Technol.Optics Communications Opt. Commun.ACS Energy Letters ACS Energy Lett.Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics AIP Conf. Proc.Dyes and Pigments Dyes Pigm.AIP Conference Proceedings AIP Conf. Proc.ACS Applied Energy Materials ACS Appl. Energy Mater.Materials Today-Proceedings Mater. Today: Proc.Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing Appl. Phys. ATransactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Trans. Indian Inst. Met.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Appl. Catal., BNature Reviews Materials Nat. Rev. Mater.Applied Catalysis a-General Appl. Catal., ARadiation Measurements Radiat. Meas.Materials Chemistry Frontiers Mater. Chem. Front.Chem Rec Chem.Rec.Chem Commun (Camb) Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.)The journal of physical chemistry letters J. Phys. Chem. Lett.Advanced Materials Interfaces Adv. Mater. InterfacesSuperconductor Science & Technology Supercond. Sci. Technol.Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science Phys. Status Solidi A Frontiers in Materials Front. Mater.Journal of Fluorescence J. Fluoresc.Scientific Reports Sci. Rep.Low Temperature Physics Low Temp. Phys.Nature Photonics Nat. Photonicsphysica status solidi (b) Phys. Status Solidi BApplied Physics Express Appl. Phys. ExpressInternational Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 20162016 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology。
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 15 (2003) R841–R896
I NSTITUTE OF P HYSICS P UBLISHING J OURNAL OF P HYSICS:C ONDENSED M ATTER J.Phys.:Condens.Matter15(2003)R841–R896PII:S0953-8984(03)35571-7TOPICAL REVIEWNanomagneticsR SkomskiDepartment of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Materials Research and Analysis,University of Nebraska,Lincoln,NE68588,USAReceived17January2003Published12May2003Online at /JPhysCM/15/R841AbstractMagnetic nanostructures,such as dots and dot arrays,nanowires,multilayersand nanojunctions,are reviewed and compared with bulk magnets.Theemphasis is on the involved physics,but some applications are also outlined,including permanent magnets,soft magnets,magnetic recording media,sensors,and structures and materials for spin electronics.The consideredstructural length scales range from a few interatomic distances to aboutone micrometre,bridging the gap between atomic-scale magnetism and themacroscopic magnetism of extended bulk and thin-film magnets.This leads toa rich variety of physical phenomena,differently affecting intrinsic and extrinsicmagnetic properties.Some specific phenomena discussed in this revieware exchange-spring magnetism,random-anisotropy scaling,narrow-wall andconstricted-wall phenomena,Curie temperature changes due to nanostructuringand nanoscale magnetization dynamics.Contents1.Introduction8422.Magnetic nanostructures8442.1.Particles and clusters8442.2.Thinfilms and multilayers8452.3.Particle arrays and functional components8462.4.Nanowires8472.5.Nanocomposites and other bulk materials8483.Atomic-scale effects8483.1.Magnetic moment8493.2.Magnetization and magnetic order8503.3.Anisotropy8534.Mesoscopic magnetism8554.1.Phenomenology of hysteresis8564.2.Micromagnetic background8574.3.Fundamental magnetization processes860 0953-8984/03/200841+56$30.00©2003IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK R841R842Topical Review4.4.Nucleation in nanocomposites and multilayers8634.5.Grain boundaries and nanojunctions8664.6.Textured magnets and random-anisotropy behaviour8694.7.Magnetic localization and cooperativity of magnetization reversal8715.Magnetization dynamics8745.1.Fundamental equations8755.2.Spin waves8765.3.Magnetic viscosity and sweep rate dependence of coercivity8785.4.Freezing behaviour8825.5.Conduction phenomena and spin electronics8836.Summary and conclusions884Acknowledgments886 Appendix.Magnetic materials886A.1.Permanent magnets886A.2.Magnetic recording media887A.3.Soft magnetic materials889References889 1.IntroductionThousands of years of human curiosity have led to the discovery of magnetism,and for many centuries magnetism has stimulated progress in science and technology.For a long time, the focus had been on macroscopic magnetism,as exemplified by the compass needle,by the geomagneticfield and by the ability of electromagnets and permanent magnets to do mechanical work.Atomic-scale magnetic phenomena,such as quantum-mechanical exchange[1–4], crystal–field interaction[5]and relativistic spin–orbit coupling[6,7],were discovered in thefirst half of the last century and are now exploited,for example,in advanced permanent–magnet intermetallics such as SmCo5and Nd2Fe14B[8].However,only in recent decades it became clear that solid-state magnetism is,to a large extent,a nanostructural phenomenon. The scientific and technological importance of magnetic nanostructures has three main reasons: (i)there is an overwhelming variety of structures with interesting physical properties,ranging from naturally occurring nanomagnets and comparatively easy-to-produce bulk nanocomposites to demanding artificial nanostructures,(ii)the involvement of nanoscale effects in the explanation and improvement of the properties of advanced magnetic materials,and(iii)nanomagnetism has opened the door for completely new technologies.A naturally occurring biomagnetic phenomenon is magnetite(Fe3O4)nanoparticles precipitated in bacteria,molluscs,insects and higher animals.Magnetostatic bacteria live in dark environments and contain chains of40–100nm magnetite particles used for vertical orientation[9].Similar magnetite particles have been found in the brains of bees,pigeons and tuna,and it is being investigated whether and how the particles serve asfield sensors for migration[10].Magnetite and other oxide particles are also responsible for rock magnetism, exploited for example in archaeomagnetic dating and for monitoring changes in the Earth’s magneticfield[11,12].Due to dilution and incomplete saturation,the thermoremanent magnetism of oxide particles in volcanic rocks is between0.0001and1µT,as compared to the geomagneticfield of the order of100µT.Typical particle sizes,varying between less than1and 100µm,are at the upper end of the structures of interest here,but the magnetization dynamics in these particles is a nanoscale phenomenon.Smaller oxide particle sizes,less than10nm,Topical Review R843Figure1.Two schematic bulk nanostructures:(a)sintered Sm–Co and(b)magnetic clusters(white)embedded in a matrix.The two structures are very different from the point of view ofsize,geometry,origin and functionality.The Sm–Co magnets,consisting of a rhombohedralSm2Co17-type main phase(grey),a Cu-rich SmCo5-type grain-boundary phase(black)and a Zr-rich hexagonal Sm2Co17-type platelet phase(white),are produced by a complicated annealingprocess and widely used in permanent magnets[8,26].Nanostructures such as that shown in(b)can be produced,for example,by mechanical alloying and are used as permanent magnets[27],soft magnets[24]and magnetoresistive materials[28,29].are observed in gels having the nominal composition FeO(OH)·n H2O[13].Fine particles are also encountered in superparamagnetic systems[14],ferrofluids[15]and meteorites[16].The further improvement of current magnetic materials heavily relies on nanostructuring. This refers not only to materials such as permanent magnets,soft magnets and recording media but also to emerging areas such as spin electronics.An example of improving the performance of magnetic materials by nanostructuring is hard–soft permanent-magnet composites[8,17–22].As analysed in[19],atomic-scale magnetism does not support substantial improvements of permanent magnets beyond existing intermetallics such as SmCo5,Sm2Co17and Nd2Fe14B, but adding a soft phase to a hard phase in a suitable nanostructure improves the permanent-magnet performance beyond that of the hard phase.This‘metamaterials’approach exemplifies the materials-by-design strategy and makes it possible to produce materials not encountered in nature.Other nanoscale effects are exploited in soft magnetic nanostructures,for example in Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3[23–25],where soft magnetic Fe3Si grains are embedded in an amorphous matrix.Figure1shows two structures of interest in this context.A fascinating approach is artificial nanostructuring to create completely new materials and technologies.One area is the ever-progressing miniaturization in computer technology,as epitomized by the use of nanostructured media for ultra-high density magnetic recording[30–39].A related area is spin electronics[40,41],and various types of nanostructures, such as multilayers and nanojunctions,are being investigated in this context.One problem of current interest is spin injection into nonferromagnetic materials[42,43] and magnetic semiconductors[44,45],whereas the use of spin degrees of freedom in quantum computing[46,47]remains a challenge to future research.Another area is magnetoresistive sensors exploiting magnetoresistance effects in metallic thinfilms[48–51],granular systems[28,29,52]and magnetic oxides[41,53–55].Some other present or future applications are nanoparticle ferrofluids for cancer treatment,guided by a magnet and delivering high local doses of drugs or radiation[56],micro-electromechanical systems(MEMS)and other nanodevices,and nanoscale magnetic-force nanotips made from PtCo[57,58].From a theoretical point of view,nanostructural phenomena are often described by differential equations of the type∇2φ−κ2φ=f(r),whereκ−1is an interaction length.ThisR844Topical Review must be contrasted to the inhomogeneous Laplace(or Poisson)equation∇2φ=f(r)which implies long-range interactions and describes,for example,electrostatic and magnetostatic phenomena.The interaction length reflects competition between different atomic energy contributions.When the competition is between the electrons’kinetic energy(hopping) and electrostatic energies(Coulomb interaction and exchange),thenκ−1scales as k F or a0. However,when the main competition involves relativistic interactions,then the interaction length increases to l0=a0/α,whereα=4πε0e2/¯h c≈1/137is Sommerfeld’sfine-structure constant[8,59].An example is the competition between magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange,because the spin–orbit coupling necessary to create anisotropy is a higher-order relativistic correction to the leading electrostatic contributions.Length scales of the order of l0=7.52nm are indeed encountered in many nanomagnetic problems[8,21,59],indicating that nanomagnetism goes beyond a‘mixture’of atomic and macroscopic physics.A related question concerns the transition from nanoscale to macroscopic behaviour.How many atoms are necessary to make a nanostructure indistinguishable from a bulk magnet?As we will analyse below,the answer to this reduced-dimensionality problem depends not only on the geometry of the structure but also on whether one considers intrinsic or extrinsic magnetic properties.Intrinsic properties,such as the spontaneous magnetization M s,thefirst uniaxial anisotropy constant K1and the exchange stiffness A,refer to the atomic origin of magnetism. As a rule,intrinsic properties are realized on length scales of at most a few interatomic distances and tend to approach their bulk values on a length scale of less than1nm,although there are exceptions to this rule[8,60].Extrinsic properties,such as the remanence M r and the coercivity H c,are nonequilibrium properties—related to magnetic hysteresis—and exhibit a pronounced real-structure dependence[8,61–63].For example,the coercivity of technical iron doubles by adding0.01wt%nitrogen[63].Such small concentrations have little effect on the intrinsic properties but lead to inhomogeneous lattice strains on a scale of many interatomic distances,affecting the propagation of magnetic domain walls and explaining the observed coercivity increase.Magnetic nanostructures exhibit a particularly rich extrinsic behaviour, including phenomena such as random-anisotropy scaling[64],remanence enhancement[17], micromagnetic localization[65],bulging-type nucleation modes[66]and a variety of grain-boundary[67]and exchange-coupling effects[68,69].This review deals with the physics of magnetic nanostructures.Section2is devoted to the geometrical aspect of nanomagnetism,introducing various types of nanostructures,section3 focuses on the relation between atomic physics and nanomagnetism and section4investigates nanoscale phenomena in a narrower sense.Section5discusses zero-andfinite-temperature dynamic effects,section6summarizes this work and draws some tentative conclusions.Finally, the appendix summarizes some information on materials of interest in nanomagnetism.2.Magnetic nanostructuresAdvanced magnetic nanostructures are characterized by a fascinating diversity of geometries, ranging from complex bulk structures(figure1)to a broad variety of low-dimensional systems. Figure2shows some examples.This section introduces typical geometries of interest in nanomagnetism and outlines their key features;the division into subsections is somewhat arbitrary,because many structuresfit into two or more categories.2.1.Particles and clustersVarious types of small magnetic particles exist in nature(section1)or are produced artificially. Fine-particle systems,such as Fe in Al2O3with particle diameters of the order of5nm, have been investigated over many decades[70].So-called‘elongated single-domain(ESD)Topical Review R845Figure2.Typical nanostructure geometries:(a)chain offine particles,(b)striped nanowire,(c)cylindrical nanowire,(d)nanojunction,(e)vicinal surface step,(f)nanodots,(g)antidots and(h)particulate medium.particles’[71]are used,for example,in magnetic recording.The properties of particles are also of interest for the investigation of nanowires(section2.4),dot arrays(section2.3)and thin-film(section2.2)and bulk(section2.5)composites.A crude criterion for the survival of the individuality of dots,particles and clusters in complex nanostructures is the strength of the exchange and magnetostatic interparticle interactions(section4.7).Interesting applications of small particles are stable colloidal suspensions known as ferrofluids[15,72].A variety of materials can be used,such as Fe3O4,BaFe12O19,Fe,Co and Ni,and a typical particle size is10nm.Most ferrofluids are based on hydrocarbons or other organic liquids,whereas water-based ferrofluids are more difficult to produce.They are used as liquids in bearings and to monitor magneticfields and domain configurations.Very small nanoparticles are also known as clusters.Their production by various techniques and typical structural properties have been reviewed by Sellmyer et al[39].In both free and embedded clusters,nanoparticle effects are particularly important.First,the large surface-to-volume ratio of clusters leads to a comparatively strong diameter dependence of the intrinsic properties such as anisotropy[73]and magnetization[74].Second,clusters tend to be superparamagnetic[14,75],particularly at high temperatures(section5.3).The ground-state domain configuration and the mechanism of magnetization reversal in small magnetic particles[75–80]depend on the particle size.At the macroscopic end of the range there are,e.g.,arrays of(110)Fe dots on sapphire,having a thickness of about 50nm and lateral dimensions of the order of1µm[78].Such dots are characterized byflux closure[78,81].In contrast,clusters are single-domain magnets(section4.2)and their reversal starts by coherent rotation(section4.3).2.2.Thinfilms and multilayersMany magnetic thinfilms and multilayers[51,82–87]can be considered as nanostructures, but since thin-film magnetism has developed into a separate branch of condensed matterR846Topical ReviewFigure3.An example of high resolution TEM from5.6nm Co clusters produced in our system.(Courtesy D J Sellmyer.)physics,a comprehensive introduction to these structures goes beyond the scope of this work. Nanostructured thinfilms with intermediate or high coercivities[20,21,88,89]have been studied in the context of permanent magnetism and magnetic recording.Thin-film structures exhibit a number of interesting properties.Examples are anisotropies of ideal and vicinal surfaces and of interfaces[84,90,91],moment modifications at surfaces and interfaces[92,93],thickness-dependentdomain-wall and coercive phenomena[59,82,86,94], interlayer exchange coupling[48–50]andfinite-temperature magnetic ordering[95].Two specific examples are the nanoscale exchange-coupling or‘exchange-spring’effects in multilayers[18,19,88,96–99]and the pinning of domain walls in sesquilayer iron–tungsten thinfilms[86].2.3.Particle arrays and functional componentsTwo-dimensional arrays of nanoparticles are interesting scientific model systems with many present or future applications.In particular,advanced magnetic recording media can be characterized as a complex array of magnetic particles,and interest in dot arrays[30,75,100–104]has been sparked by the search for ever-increasing storage densities in magnetic recording. In very small dots,quantum-mechanical effects are no longer negligible and there are phenomena such as quantum-well states.Quantum-dot effects are of interest in quantum computing and spin electronics[51,105].There are many methods for producing nanoparticle arrays[38,51,106].A traditional, though somewhat cumbersome,method to produce periodic arrays of nanoscale magnetic particles,dots and wires is nanolithography[107,108].Other examples are molecular-beam epitaxy[109],the use of STMs[110],chemical vapour deposition[101]and e-beam nanolithography[107,108].The call for well-characterized large-area arrays of nanoparticles has stimulated the search for advanced production methods such as laser-interference lithography(LIL),where laser-intensity maxima effect a local decomposition of a nonferromagnetic material into ferromagnetic islands[103].Another development is the use of ion beams[34,111],for example focused ion-beam(FIB)milling[111],to create small particles and particle arrays with well-defined properties.Most easily produced and investigated are submicron dots made from iron-series transition metals,such as Ni[101],but it is also possible to use intermetallics,such as permalloy[81,112], and to reduce the dot size to less than100nm.The arrays may be square or hexagonal,orTopical Review R847Figure4.Advanced MFM tips made by(a)ion milling,(b)electron beam deposition,(c)FIBmilling.(Courtesy S-H Liou.)the dots may form other structures such as corrals.Among the investigated phenomena are the properties of individual dots and interdot interactions[46,112,113].A related class of nanostructures is antidots,that is,holes in afilm rather than dots on afilm[109,114,115]. Antidots exhibit interesting resistive and magnetoresistive properties[114],but magnetic domains in antidots have been studied too[115].Potential applications include magnetic recording,sensors,magnetic and quantum computing,micron-and submicron-size mechanical devices,short-wavelength optics and spin electronics.In section4we will discuss some magnetic properties of dots and dot arrays.Other functional structures are,for example,nanojunctions[40,116],spin valves (section5.5)and tips for magnetic-force microscopy(MFM tips).Figure4shows three MFM tips made by various techniques[57].Some properties of nanojunctions and spin valves will be discussed in sections4.4and5.5.2.4.NanowiresThere is a smooth transition from elongated dots and thin-film patches[117,118]to nanowires[38,119–121].Magnetic nanowires are scientifically interesting and have potential applications in many areas of advanced nanotechnology,including patterned magnetic media, magnetic devices and materials for microwave applications.Thin-film nanowires,such as infigure2(b),are comparatively easily obtained by depositing magnetic materials on vicinal surfaces[51,117]and by exploiting structural anisotropies of the substrate[86].They can be produced with thicknesses down to one or two monolayers.Electrodeposition of magnetic materials into porous alumina may be used to produce regular wire arrays[38,119,121].Other ways of fabricating cylindrical nanowires include the deposition into molecular sieves[38,122–125],track-etched polymer membranes[126,127]and mica templates[128].By electrodeposition into porous anodic alumina[124,129,130]it is now possible to produce Fe,Co and Ni wires with diameters ranging from4to200nm,depending on the anodization conditions,and lengths of up to about1µm[38,106,119,121,131–135]. Typically,the nanowires form nearly hexagonal columnar arrays with variable centre-to-centre spacings of the order of50nm[38,121,131,135].The resulting materials are of interest as magnetic recording media[132,136],for optical and microwave applications[137,138]and as electroluminescent display devices[139].Aside from the above-mentioned iron-series transition-metal elements,there is interest in depositing alloys and multilayers,such as Fe/Pt, into porous templates[38,140,141].On the other hand,magnetoresistive effects have been investigated in electrodeposited Co–Cu alloy nanowires[142]and Co–Ni–Cu/Cu multilayered nanowires[143].R848Topical Review Much of the early work on magnetic nanowire arrays was concerned with exploratory issues,such as establishing an easy axis for typical preparation conditions,the essential involvement of shape anisotropy,as opposed to magnetocrystalline anisotropy,and the description of magnetostatic interactions between wires(see,e.g.,[38,127,135,144]and references therein).More recently,attention has shifted towards the understanding of magnetization processes[145–147].On a nanometre scale,interatomic exchange is no longer negligible compared to magnetostatic interactions.This leads to a transition from curling-type to quasi-coherent nucleation(section4.3).For Fe,Co and Ni,the corresponding diameters are about11,15and25nm,respectively,irrespective of the critical single-domain radius[8]. Furthermore,in section4.6we will see that the reversal behaviour is affected by the deposition-dependent polycrystallinity[38]of typical transition-metal nanowires[148].Some other interesting phenomena are magnetic-mode localization(section4.7),as evident,e.g.,from experimental activation volumes(section5.3),spin waves(section5.2)and current-induced magnetization reversal[149].2.5.Nanocomposites and other bulk materialsEmbedded clusters,granular materials and other bulk nanostructures are of great importance in nanoscience.The structural correlation lengths of typical nanocomposite materials range from about1nm in x-ray amorphous structures to several100nm in submicron structures and can be probed,for example,by small-angle neutron scattering(SANS)[150]and electron microscopy[21].Magnetic glasses[13,151]and atomic-scale defect structures are beyond the scope of nanomagnetics,but they are of indirect interest as limiting cases and because nanomagnetic phenomena have their quantum-mechanical origin in atomic-scale magnetism.Structures similar tofigure1(b)can be produced by methods such as mechanical alloying[152]and chemical reactions[27,153].Depending on grain size and microchemistry, they are used,for example,as permanent magnets(Nd–Fe–B),soft magnets(Fe–Cu–Nb–Si–B)and magnetoresistive materials(Co–Ag).There are two types of exchange-coupled permanent magnets:isotropic magnets[17,154–158],which exhibit random anisotropy and remanence enhancement(section4.6),and oriented hard–soft composites[19,21,88],which utilize exchange coupling of a soft phase with a high magnetization to a hard skeleton.Closely related systems with many potential applications are magnetic clusters deposited in a matrix. For example,the narrow size distribution of10–20%makes this material interesting as a granular media for magnetic recording[39].A well-known soft magnetic nanocomposite is the‘Yoshizawa’alloy Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3[23,159],which consists of iron–silicon grains embedded in an amorphous matrix.The Fe–Si nanocrystallites,which provide most of the magnetization,crystallize in the cubic DO3structure and have a composition close to Fe3Si.Nanoscale composites must be distinguished from amorphous metals(magnetic glasses) and spin glasses,whose exchange and anisotropy disorder is on an atomic scale[13,151,160–162].However,the boundary is smooth and spin glasses and amorphous materials exhibit various nanostructural phenomena.On the other hand,spin-glass-like phenomena are observed in some nanostructures.For example,interacting particles give rise to spin-glass-like(cluster-glass)dynamics[70,163]and isotropic nanostructures can be considered as random-anisotropy magnets[164].3.Atomic-scale effectsIntrinsic magnetic properties,such as magnetization and anisotropy,are determined on an atomic scale.For example,the magnetization ofα-Fe,µ0M s=2.15T,is associated with the body-centred cubic structure of elemental iron.However,some intrinsic effects are realizedTopical Review R849on a length scale of several interatomic distances.Examples are Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida(RKKY)interactions between localized moments embedded in a Pauli paramagnetic matrix and the disproportionally strong contribution of surface and interface atoms to the magnetic anisotropy of nanostructures.3.1.Magnetic momentThe magnetic moment m of solids nearly exclusively originates from the electrons in partly filled inner electron shells of transition-metal atoms.Of particular importance are the iron-series transition-metal or3d elements Fe,Co and Ni and the rare-earth or4f elements,such as Nd,Sm,Gd and Dy.Palladium series(4d),platinum series(5d)and actinide(5f)atoms have a magnetic moment in suitable crystalline environments.There are two sources of the atomic magnetic moment:currents associated with the orbital motion of the electrons and the electron spin.The magnetic moment of iron-series transition-metal atoms in metals(Fe,Co,Ni,YCo5) and nonmetals(Fe3O4,NiO)is largely given by the spin and the moment,measured inµB,is equal to the number of unpaired spins.For example,Fe2+(ferrous iron)has four unoccupied 3d↓orbitals,so that the moment per ion is4µB.The orbital moment is very small,typically of the order of0.1µB,because the orbital motion of the electrons is quenched by the crystal field[8,165,166].In contrast,rare-earth moments are given by Hund’s rules,which predict the spin and orbital moment as a function of the number of inner-shell electrons[165].The moment per atom is largely determined by intra-atomic exchange.Exchange is an electrostatic many-body effect,caused by1/|r−r |Coulomb interactions between electrons located at r and r .Physically,↓↑electron pairs in an atomic orbital are allowed by the Pauli principle but are unfavourable from the point of view of Coulomb repulsion.In the case of parallel spin alignment,↑↑,the two electrons are in different orbitals,which is electrostatically favourable,but the corresponding gain in Coulomb energy competes against an increase in one-electron energies.(Only one electron benefits from the low ground-state energy—the second electron must occupy an excited one-electron level.)The magnetic moments of insulating transition-metal oxides and rare-earth metals are located on well-defined atomic sites.However,in Fe,Co and Ni,as well as in many alloys,the moment is delocalized or itinerant.Itinerant ferromagnetism is characterized by non-integer moments and explained in terms of the metallic band structure[167–170].Nonmagnetic metals(Pauli paramagnets) have two equally populated↑and↓subbands;an applied magneticfield may transfer a few electrons from the↓band to the↑band,but the corresponding spin polarization is very small, of the order of0.1%.Itinerant ferromagnetism is realized by narrow bands,where the intra-atomic exchange is stronger than the bandwidth-related gain in single-electron hybridization (Stoner criterion).Atomic magnetic moments are affected by several nanoscale mechanisms.First, nonmagnetic atoms may become spin-polarized by neighbouring ferromagnetic atoms.A semiquantitative description of these effects is provided by the Landau–Ginzburg type[171] expression−A2∇2M+A0M=H ex(r).(3.1) Here M(r)is the induced magnetization(moment per unit volume),H ex is the intra-atomic exchangefield and A0and A2describe the electronic properties of the system.Essentially,χ(k,T)=1/(A0+k2A2)is the wavevector-dependent exchange-enhanced spin susceptibility, which is known for a variety of systems[172].Equation(3.1)predicts an exponential decay of the magnetization with a decay length of1/κ=(A2/A0)1/2.In simple metals,κscales as the Fermi wavevector(κ∼k F)and ferromagnetism is difficult to induce.However,exchange enhanced Pauli paramagnets,such as Pd and Pt,are very close to satisfying the Stoner criterion,R850Topical ReviewFigure5.Intrinsic properties of multilayered Pt–Fe structures(after[169]).so that A0andκare small[8,172].A similar A0reduction is encountered in semiconductors [44]and in semimetals such as Sb,where the decay length is of the order of1nm[173].Nanoscale moment modifications are important at surfaces and interfaces[173,174],but they do not extend very far into the bulk.By definition,Bloch wavefunctions extend to infinity, but nanoscalefinite-size effects yield only small corrections to the metallic moment.This can be seen,for example,from real-space approaches based on the moment’s theorem[8,175–178].When only nearest neighbours are taken into account,these methods yield the correct bandwidth but ignore details of the band structure,such as peaks in the density of states. Increasing the number of neighbours improves the resolution of the density of states and makes it possible to distinguish between bulk sites and sites close to surfaces.Figure5shows the modification of the moment and of the effective interatomic exchange in multilayered Fe–Pt magnets,as obtained fromfirst-principle electronic-structure calculations[169].As a rule,nanoscale intrinsic phenomena are caused by small differences between atomic interaction energies.In terms of(3.1),this occurs when A0≈0due to competing hopping and intra-atomic exchange energies.A loosely related phenomenon,observed for example in rare-earth elements and alloys,is noncollinear spin structures[13].Helimagnetic rare-earth noncollinearity is characterized by k vectors depending on the ratio of the nearest-and next-nearest-neighbour exchange(section3.2),and k may be,in principle,a very small fraction of k F.Even more complicated spin arrangements are possible in disordered magnets with competing interatomic exchange interactions(spin glasses)and at surfaces and interfaces. Furthermore,surface states[51,178]modify the magnetic moment of surface atoms[51,174]. Another type of noncollinearity is caused by spin–orbit coupling.The orbit of an electron, and therefore its crystal-field interaction,depend on the spin direction,so that electrons on sites without inversion symmetry can minimize the crystal-field energy by forming a slightly noncollinear spin structure.In spin glasses,this is known as Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction[151],but the same effect occurs in other low-symmetry structures[179].Noncollinear states must not be confused with micromagnetic structures,such as domains and domain walls(section4.2).For example,small particles may exhibit some noncollinearity due to competing exchange,particularly at the surface,but an applied magneticfield merely changes the direction of the net magnetization,leaving the atomic-scale noncollinear correlations M(r i)·M(r j) unchanged.By contrast,micromagnetic magnetization processes,such as domain-wall motion,change the relative magnetization directions of well-separated spins in comparatively small magneticfields.3.2.Magnetization and magnetic orderIn a strict sense,ferromagnetism is limited to infinite magnets,because thermal excitations infinite magnets cause the net moment tofluctuate between opposite directions.In。
Microscale heat transfer enhancement using thermal boundary layer redeveloping concept
Microscale heat transfer enhancement using thermal boundarylayer redeveloping conceptJ.L.Xua,*,Y.H.Gana,b,D.C.Zhang c ,X.H.LicaGuangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nengyuan Road,Wushan,Guangzhou 510640,PR ChinabDepartment of Thermal and Energy Engineering,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,Anhui Province,PR ChinacInstitute of Microelectronics,Peking University,Beijing,100871,PR ChinaReceived 18May 2004;received in revised form 6December 2004AbstractWe demonstrated a new silicon microchannel heat sink,composing of parallel longitudinal microchannels and sev-eral transverse microchannels,which separate the whole flow length into several independent zones,in which the ther-mal boundary layer is in developing.The redeveloping flow is repeated for all of the independent zones thus the overall heat transfer is greatly enhanced.Meanwhile,the pressure drops are decreased compared with the conventional micro-channel heat sink.Both benefits of enhanced heat transfer and decreased pressure drop ensure the possibility to use ‘‘larger’’hydraulic diameter of the microchannels so that less pumping power is needed,which are attractive for high heat flux chip cooling.The above idea fulfilled in microscale is verified by a set of experiments.The local chip temper-ature and Nusselt numbers are obtained using a high resolution Infrared Radiator Imaging system.Preliminary expla-nation is given on the decreased pressure drop while enhancing heat transfer.The dimensionless control parameter that guides the new heat sink design and the prospective of the new heat sink are discussed.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn macroscale heat transfer can be enhanced by inter-rupting the boundary layer formation and providing more surface area.Louvered fins are examples to fulfill such heat transfer enhancement in the compact heat exchanger designs,which are widely used in several industry applications [1,2].The available experimental/numerical studies show that the new boundary layer for-mation along the fin surface can have higher heat trans-fer coefficients [1].In this paper we use the thermal boundary layer redeveloping concept in microscale and propose a new design of the silicon-based microchannel array with transversal channels.As an example shown in Fig.1,the new microchan-nel heat sink consists of ten parallel longitudinal trian-gular microchannels and five transverse trapezoid microchannels,which separate the whole flow length into six independent zones.Once liquid enters the ten microchannels of each separated zone,the thermal boundary layer is in developing due to the short flow length,ensuring higher heat transfer coefficient.Such0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.12.008*Corresponding author.Tel./fax:+862087057656.E-mail address:xujl@ (J.L.Xu).International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)1662–1674/locate/ijhmtthermal boundary layer redeveloping process repeats for all of the six independent zones,thus the overall heat transfer is enhanced.A comparative conventional microchannel heat sink has all of the same sizes except that there are no transverse microchannels.2.Literature survey on microchannelflow and heat transferThe objective of this paper focuses on demonstration of the thermal boundary layer redeveloping mechanism that can be incorporated in the microchannel heat sink design.The detailed literature survey of theflow and heat transfer in microchannels is beyond the scope of the present paper,but can be found in some review papers such as[3–5]etc.The literature is becoming rich in microchannel studies.However,as shown,the results are often conflicting,especially considering their perfor-mance as compared to classicalflow and heat transfer relations.The conflicting results are generally coming from the microchannel fabrication and the measurement methods that are key to determine theflow and heat transfer characteristics[6].The benchmark data is scarce.Microscale effects are quite different for gas and liquidflow in microchannels.Rare gas effect occurs if the channel size is down to the same order of themean J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–16741663free path of the gas.The pressure drop may have a non-linear distribution along theflow direction due to the compressible effect[7].Liquids have the densities that may be one thousand times of gas.Liquid molecules are closely packed with each other.Small size down to nano or micron scale may induce the slip boundary con-dition due to the intermolecular force between solid and liquid particles[8].In additional to these,any clean li-quid may contain metal particles that may induce the electrical-double-layer(EDL)near the solid wall.Pres-sure-driven liquidflow in microchannels may include the electrical viscous effect[9].For the microchannel size typically applied in MEMS device between1l m and 1.0mm,the above microscale effects may partially,com-bined,or not influence theflow and heat transfer be-cause the channel size has so wide range.Up to now it is still difficult to identify the‘‘true’’microscale effect from the experiment due to the difficulties in instrumentation.Very high heatflux chip cooling requires smaller hydraulic diameter and largerflow rate,leading to very high pressure drop.Careful attention should be given to balance theflow and heat transfer for the microchannel heat sink.Fully developedflow and heat transfer assumption is valid for very small channel size.How-ever,when the hydraulic diameter of the microchannels are relative large,such as larger than100l m,they have longer‘‘thermal entrance length’’to reach the thermal1664J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–1674developedflow.Generally a high heatflux chip may have the length that is several times of the thermal devel-oping length.If we can separate the wholeflow length into several independent zones that ensure the thermal developingflow in each independent zone,the overall heat transfer can be enhanced,which can partially com-pensate the hydraulic diameter effect(generally larger channel size will deteriorate the heat transfer perfor-mance).Thus it is possible to use‘‘larger’’microchannel size,while the pressure drop is sharply decreased.As noted,most of the available studies were performed for the developedflow of the microchannel heat sinks, very little was conducted on the thermal developingflow in microscale[6].Moreover,much attention was paid on the improved chip temperature measurements using a high resolution Infrared Radiator Imaging System in this paper.3.Test section and experimental apparatus3.1.Description of the microchannel heat sinkTwo silicon microchannel heat sinks were fabricated in clean room environment.One is the heat sink incor-porating the thermal boundary layer redeveloping con-cept(Fig.1)and the other is the conventional one with the same size but without the transverse microchannels.Both silicon wafers are30mm in length,7mm in width,525l m in thickness.The pyrex glass plate that is bounded with the silicon wafer has the thickness of 410l m.The whole length of the parallel microchannels in longitudinal direction is21.45mm,and the total width coving the ten triangular microchannels is 4.35mm.The triangular microchannel has the hydraulic diameter of155l m A thin platinumfilm was deposited at the backside of the silicon wafer by‘‘chemical vapor deposition’’technique to provide a uniform heatflux. The thinfilm has the same length of the longitudinal microchannels,but has the total width of 4.20mm, which is narrower by half triangular microchannel width,to ensure the safe operation of the silicon wafer at extremely high heatflux.The silicon wafer has the effective heating length of16.0mm,symmetrical located about the wafer.The heater was connected to a precision ACpower supply unit and heat generated in the heater was transferred to the liquidflow from microchannels.In Fig.1five transverse trapezoid microchannels were uniformly arranged in theflow direction,forming six independent zones.The centerline distance between each transverse microchannel is 3.694mm.Such dis-tance is close to the thermal developing length for the velocity of1m/sflowing in triangular microchannels. This configuration design ensures the thermal develop-ingflow in each independent zone thus higher heat transfer performance is obtained covering all of the pres-ent experimental data range.3.2.Experimental setup and procedureFig.2shows the experimental setup and the corre-sponding apparatus.Water is pressed by the nitrogen gas andflows successively through a liquid valve,a 2l mfilter,the silicon wafer test section,a heat exchan-ger,andfinally returns to a collection container.The pressure of the water tank is well controlled by adjusting the high precision pressure regulator valve located be-tween the nitrogen gas tank and the water tank.The liquid temperature in the water tank is controlled by a constant temperature control unit(PID control unit) with the uncertainty of±0.5°C.In order to decrease the heat loss to the environment and keep the inlet tem-perature of the test section as the predetermined value, the high quality heat insulation material was wrapped on the outer surface of the connection tube between the outlet of the water tank and the inlet of the test sec-tion.The steady water massflow rate was determined by weighing the mass increment over a longer given period of time using a high precision electronic balance,which has the accuracy of0.02g.The inlet and outlet temper-atures were measured by the high precision jacket thermocouples with the diameter of1.0mm.These ther-mocouples have the measurement errors within±0.3°C. The inletfluid pressure was measured by a Setra pres-sure transducer(Model206),which was calibrated against a known standard and the uncertainty in the pressure measurements was less than1%.All of the pres-sure and temperature signals were collected by a HP data acquisition system.At the top of the silicon wafer, a microscope(Leica series,Germany)was installed to monitor theflow status through the microchannels.This is important to keep the single-phase liquidflow in microchannels at high heatfluxes.Boiling is never initiated.J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–167416653.3.Chip temperature measurementDistinct with other studies,the wafer temperatures of the backside thinfilm were measured by a high resolu-tion,high accuracy Infrared Radiator Imaging System (FLIR ThermaCAM SC3000IR).This system has a thermal sensitivity of0.02°Cat30°C,a spatial resolu-tion of1.1mrad,a typical resolution of320·240over the focused area,and an image frequency of50Hz, allowing precise determination of the temperature gradi-ents across the chip surface.Throughout all of the tests,the IR camera was situ-ated so that the heating area of the silicon wafer (16.0·4.2mm2)is in thefield of ing this tech-nique,the temperature gradient,the maximum tempera-ture and the transient response could be detected.The IR Imaging System was connected to a PC.For each run case,the PCstores the imagefile and the corre-sponding datafile which contains6080data points re-lated to the focused thinfilm heating area.The measurement of temperature by means of the radiation power emitted from a surface requires a care-ful calibration of the emissivity,which depends strongly on the surface topography and the wavelengths that are interrogated[10].The spatial resolution is limited to the working wavelength of the IR camera that is can-tered in one of the atmospheric windows8–9l m.The ThermaCAM SC3000has a GsAs,Quantum Well Infrared Photon FPA detector working in the spectral range of8–9l m.This is the physical limitation.We use an addition microlens over the IR camera,forming the real spatial resolution of17.5l m.A very thin ‘‘black lacquer’’was uniformly coated on the thinfilm surface of the silicon wafer.An emissivity of approxi-mately0.94resulted in good measurement accuracies. The temperature dependence of emissivity within the considered range can be neglected.Such procedure is similar to that of Hapke et al.[11].Using this technique, the IR Imaging System was calibrated against a set of known standard temperatures with the accuracy of 0.3°C.It is noted that the measured surface temperature is strongly depended on the emissivity.Other factors,such as the ambient temperature,the air humidity and the distance between the camera lens and the silicon wafer that are put into the software have little influences.Be-cause the black paint is only focused on the effecting heating area,there is a stiffemissivity change at the heat-ing element boundaries.The IR camera sees more area larger than that of the heating element thus poor read-ings are obtained with the area beyond the effective heat-ing surface due to that the‘‘bright’’thin Ptfilm with lower emissivity is directly exposed in the camera view. However,these poor readings are not used for the data process.We are only interested in the temperature read-ings within the painted heating area.The experiment covers the following ranges:inlet pressures of1–2bar,pressure drops of10–100kPa, inlet temperatures of30–70°C,massfluxes of534.79–4132.85kg/m2s,and the project heatfluxes of10–100W/cm2,which is defined as the total heating power that is received by the liquid divided by the effective heating area.Deionized water is used as the working fluid.4.Data reduction4.1.Dimensionless pressure dropThe data reduction procedure is similar to Wu and Chen[12].It is convenient to use the dimensionless pres-sure drop in this paper instead of the friction factor, while the later is usually defined for the fully developed and uninterruptedflow.They have the same form ex-pressed asf¼D pÁD hLÁ12q uð1Þwhere D p is the pressure drop measured by the pressure drop transducer across the microchannel heat sink,q is the liquid density in terms of the mean value of the inlet and outlet temperatures,D h and L are the hydraulic diameter and the whole length of the longitudinal micro-channels,and u is the average velocity of water.Using the measured massflow rate of water,M,the dimensionless pressure drop is rewritten asf¼D pDhq N2A2c2LMð2Þwhere A c is the cross-sectional area of each triangular microchannel,N is the number of the longitudinal microchannels.4.2.Overall heat transfer coefficientThe overall heat transfer coefficient for the deionized waterflowing through the longitudinal microchannels is defined ash¼QNA w D T mð3Þwhere A w is the total area of the side walls of longitudi-nal microchannels.The pyrex glass is assumed to have an adiabatic condition.Q is the heating power that is received by water,which is calculated by the energy conservation equation from the inlet to outlet liquid ing the powermeter readings as the power input results in uncertainties which maybe differ-ent from case to case.The heat extracting efficiency g is1666J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–1674defined as Q divided by the total heating power.Cover-ing the present data range g is in the range of90%to 96%.It acquires the lower range for the lower heating power and higher end for the higher heating power,con-sidering the total heat loss to the environment.The mean temperature difference D T m between the channel wall and the water is calculated byD T m¼T wÀ1ðT inþT outÞ¼P152i¼1P40j¼1T ij6080À12ðT inþT outÞð4Þwhere T w is the average wall temperature,T ij is the chip local temperature measured by the IR Imaging System at each point in the heating area(black painted area). The heating area totally forms6080data points,i is the longitudinal grid and j is the transverse grid.Totally there are152grids for i direction and40grids for j direc-tion.For simplicity,the temperature differences between the thinfilm and the side wall of the microchannels is ne-glected due to the very large thermal conductivity of the silicon wafer.T in and T out are the inlet and outlet bulk temperatures of water.The average Nusselt number in terms of various mea-surements is written asNu¼MC p D hðT outÀT inÞNkA w D T mð5Þwhere C p and k are the specific heat and the thermal con-ductivity of water.The mean temperature of water (T in+T out)/2was used to characterize the physical prop-erties of water,including q,m,k,and C p,which are assumed to be independent of pressure.In order to per-form the comparative analysis between the wafer heat sinks with and without the transverse microchannels, the data reduction follows the same procedures for the two heat sinks.4.3.Local heat transfer coefficientThe local heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt num-bers are obtained in terms of local temperatures in x–y coordinateshðx;yÞ¼QNA wðT wðx;yÞÀT fðxÞÞð6ÞNuðx;yÞ¼hðx;yÞD hkð7ÞIn Eq.(6),the local liquid temperature T f is assumed to have a linear distribution along theflow direction. The local Nusselt number in terms of various measure-mentsfinally yields:Nuðx;yÞ¼MC p D hðT outÀT inÞNA w kðT wðx;yÞÀT fðxÞÞð8Þ4.4.Error analysisIn terms of Eqs.(2),(5)and(8),the errors accountingfor f,Nu,and Nu(x,y)come from the measurementerrors of a set of parameters,that are listed in Table1.Performing the standard error analysis[13],the maxi-mum uncertainties in determining these parameters aregiven in Table1.It is seen that the maximum errorsdue to the measurements are less than3.33%,2.93%,2.93%for f,Nu and Nu(x,y)respectively.Even thoughall the temperatures measured by the thermocouplesand the IR camera are carefully calibrated,the maxi-mum errors of0.5°Care used for the error analysis.Normalizing such error with respect to the minimum in-let liquid temperature such as30°Cyields the maximumpossible error of1.67%for the temperatures.5.Experimental results and discussion5.1.Chip temperature and Nusselt number distributionfor the conventional heat sinkA typical run case for the project heatflux high up to104W/cm2is shown in Fig.4,in which Fig.4a–c are forTable1Measurement errorsParameters Maximum errors Parameters Maximum errorsD h 1.29%D p0.1%L0.01%T0.5°C(1.67%)L h0.01%D T m 1.67%A c 1.15%Re 2.96%A w0.77%f 3.33%M 1.02%Nu 2.93%J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–16741667the chip temperature distributions,Fig.4d for the Nus-selt number distributions.The fully developed hydraulic flow is maintained due to the Prandtl number much greater than unity.However,the thermaldevelopingFig.4.Chip temperatures and local Nusselt numbers for the conventional heat sink (T in =30.9°C,Q =69.7W,G =3705.8kg/m 2s,D p =99.8kPa,Re =871,q =104W/cm 2;(a)IR color image for the temperatures;(b)three-dimensional temperatures;(c)chip temperatures versus flow length and (d)Nusselt numbers versus flow length).1668J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)1662–1674flow is maintained because Lþh ¼0:0275which is onlyhalf of the transition value of Lþh ¼0:05at which thethermal developedflow is approached[14].The color IR image(Fig.4a)intuitionisticly illustrates the chip temperature and its gradient in x–y plane of the focused heating area.The temperatures in a three-dimen-sional form shown in Fig.4b behave the‘‘horseback’’shape with apparent positive gradient in x-direction but slight gradient in y-direction.It is seen that the chip tem-perature along theflow direction is not linear.The tem-perature difference between the chip and the liquid is increased with increasing x but reaches the maximum va-lue at x=14mm,close to the end of the heating area at x=16mm.A slight negative gradient is observed from x=14mm to x=16mm,attributed to the thermal con-duction in solid silicon near the end of the heating area in x-direction.The chip temperatures are slightly higher at the chip center region(little differences were identified between y/W=0.256and y/W=0.513).But they are slightly lower at y=0(the margin of the heating loca-tion),also attributed to the thermal conduction in solid silicon in y-direction.The temperature difference be-tween y/W=0and y/W=0.513is about4–5°C.As observed in Fig.4d the following phenomena could be identified:(1)The Nusselt numbers are much higher at the‘‘entrance region’’.The thermal developing region is longer than half of the total heating length.(2) The Nusselt numbers are higher at the margin of the heating area at y/W=0and y/W=1,corresponding to the lower temperatures at these locations due to the ther-mal conduction in solid silicon.(3)A very slight positive gradients of the Nusselt numbers occur at the end of the heating area(x/L h=1),also due to the thermal conduc-tion in the solid silicon.(4)The Nusselt Numbers approach uniform in the center of the heating sera in y-direction.For instance,they tend to collapse to a sin-gle curve at y/W=0.256and y/W=0.513.When x+>0.013,the local Nusselt numbers at the chip center region can match the theoretical solution for the circular tube at the constant heatflux condition in macroscale predicted by[14].It is noted that for theflow and heat transfer analysis at high heatflux conditions,careful attentions should be given on the liquid property variations.Under such con-ditions if the liquid temperatures increase20°C,the liquid Prandtl number decreases by35%from30°Cto 50°C,which affects the development of the thermal boundary layer.In terms of the present experimental observations,the future numerical modelings should in-clude the whole silicon wafer as the calculation domain, and account for the liquid physical property variations. Flow and heat transfer in all of the microchannels shall be coupled with the whole silicon wafer.For all of the case tested,the measured parameters are exactly symmetry about the centerline of y/W=0.5 This is also true for the new microchannel heat sink.5.2.Chip temperature and Nusselt number distribution for the heat sink with transverse microchannelsVerifying Figs.4and5a–d,the chip temperatures and Nusselt numbers have the following similar behaviors for both heat sinks with and without the transverse microchannels:(1)Non-linear distribution along the flow length.(2)Parameter gradients occur at the mar-gins of y/W=0,y/W=1,x/L h=0,and x/L h=1,due to the thermal conduction in solid silicon at the junction between the heated and the un-heated area.However, the chip temperatures and Nusselt numbers for the heat sink with the transverse microchannels display the cycle behavior along theflow length(see Fig.5a–d),support-ing the periodic thermal boundary layer redeveloping concept.Note in Fig.3b that there are four independent zones in the focused heating area.Thus four cycles of the chip temperatures and Nusselt numbers along theflow length occur.At the four transverse trapezoid micro-channel regions,four thin horizontal‘‘brighter line’’can be identified(see Fig.5a),resulted from the smaller flow velocity in the transverse microchannels.Narrow the width of the transverse trapezoid microchannel and increase the thickness of the silicon wafer can definitely reduce or release such local temperature gradient and the corresponding thermal stress.In Fig.5d,it is shown that thefirst zone has larger Nusselt numbers.The second,third and fourth zones repeat the very similar distributions.Each cycle of the Nusselt number corresponds to each independent zone. The smallerflow velocity in the trapezoid microchannel induces smaller Nusselt number.But they have a step in-crease once liquid reenters the parallel longitudinal microchannels,followed by a slow decrease until the liquid enters the next transverse microchannel.The relative short length of the thermal boundary layer Lþh;s for each independent zone provides higher Nusselt numbers.parisons between the two microchannel heat sinks5.3.1.Heat transfer enhancement of the new microchannel heat sinkIn order to further identify the benefits that we can obtain from the new microchannel heat sink,a pair of comparative run cases are given in Fig.6a–d,which are based on the similarflow conditions for both heat sinks,with same inlet liquid temperature of30°C,effec-tive heating power of70W and meanflow velocity of 3.2m/s.The color IR images(see Fig.6a–b)intuitionis-ticly illustrate that the new heat sink lowers the chip temperatures.The chip temperatures and the Nusselt Numbers show smaller differences between the two wafers in thefirst zone.However,the new heat sink can decrease the temperatures by14°Cmaximally inJ.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–16741669other regions.The Nusselt numbers,which are higher for the new heat sink,display the cycle behavior for the four independent zones.In each independent zone,the Nusselt numbers are lower in the transverse micro-channel regions,but will have a sharp increase followed by a slow decrease.The overall Nusselt number fortheFig. 5.Chip temperatures and local Nusselt numbers for the new heat sink (T in =29.8°C,Q =69.1W,G =1469.3kg/m 2s,D p =20.2kPa,Re =345,q =103W/cm 2;(a)IR color image for the temperatures;(b)three-dimensional temperatures;(c)chip temperatures versus flow length and (d)Nusselt numbers versus flow length).1670J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)1662–1674new heat sink is 7.954,which is increased by 26.4%com-pared with the conventional one.For all of the run cases tested,even though the chip temperatures are higher relative to the neighboring region in thetransverseFig. parisons between two heat sinks:(a)for conventional heat sink T in =29.5°C,Q =69.8W,G =3216.9kg/m 2s,D p =82.2kPa;(b)for new heat sink,T in =29.8°C,Q =69.8W,G =3238.9kg/m 2s,D p s =60.3kPa;(c)chip temperatures along the flow length for the two heat sinks;and (d)Nusselt numbers along the flow length for the two heat sinks.J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48(2005)1662–16741671microchannel regions,but they are still quite lower than those in the corresponding regions for the conventional heat sink.For a given geometry design of the new heat sink,the heat transfer enhancement is controlled by the dimen-sionless parameter,Lþh;s ¼L h;s=ðD h Re PrÞ,for each inde-pendent zone.Neglecting the total widths of the transverse microchannels,we haveLþh;s ¼Lþh=ðN sþ1Þð9ÞTheoretically the heat transfer enhancement ratio/ is defined as the overall Nusselt number for the new heat sink divided by that for the conventional one without the transverse microchannels:/¼Nu sNu¼ðN sþ1ÞR Lþh;sNu d xþRðN sþ1ÞLþh;s Nu d xþð10ÞFig.7demonstrates the higher overall Nusselt num-bers for the new heat sink than for the conventional one.The conventional triangular microchannels can match the theoretical solution of the circular tube in macroscale[14].Note that Fig.7is obtained using the non-dimen-sional parameters of Nusselt numbers and effective heating length.The curve for the conventional micro-channels can be extended to other microchannel arrays, providing that the hydraulic diameter of the microchan-nel is larger enough such as more than100l m thus the possible microscale effects can be neglected.The varied physical properties are considered because the curve is experimental determined.However,the curve of the Nusselt numbers versus the non-dimensional effective heating length is only for the new microchannel arrays with the heating length crossingfive transverse channels over four independent zones in which the thermal boundary layer is developing.Future numerical/experi-mental studies will be focused on the heat transfer per-formance for the microchannel arrays with different transverse channels.The experimental decided heat transfer enhancement ratio in terms of data illustrated in Fig.7is in the range of1.31–1.12within the non-dimensional heating length Lþhof0.02–1.10.It is noted that the net heat transfer enhancement ratio consists of two mechanisms,one is the thermal boundary layer redeveloping effect and the other is the wet heat transfer area increase effect.For the present microchannel array with transverse channels, the heat transfer area is increased by10.8%from the conventional microchannel heat sink of83.2mm2to the new microchannel heat sink of92.2mm2within the effective heating length of16.0mm.Therefore,the net heat transfer enhancement ratio for the new microchan-nel heat sink due to the thermal boundary layer redevel-oping effect is from1.202to1.01.At the lower end of the heat transfer enhancement ratio,the new heat sink is approaching the developed thermal boundary layer.5.3.2.Pressure drop reduction of the new microchannel heat sinkFor the comparative run cases shown in Fig.6,the new microchannel heat sink decreases the pressure drop by27%.The very smallflow velocity in the transverse microchannels leads to the neglected pressure drops across the width of the transverse trapezoid microchan-nels.Assuming the linear distribution of the pressure drop versus theflow length for the hydraulically devel-opedflow,the total pressure drops for the two heat sinks have the following relationshipD ps¼ðLÀN sÁwÞD p=Lð11ÞHere L is the wholeflow length of the longitudinal microchannel,N s and w are the number and the width of the transverse trapezoid microchannels,D p s and D p are the pressure drops for the new heat sink and the con-ventional one,respectively.In Eq.(11)LÀN sÆw is the ‘‘effectiveflow length’’for the new microchannel heat sink.In terms of the geometry parameters,the pressure drop for the new heat sink should be decreased by26% compared with the conventional one based on Eq.(11). Such simple estimation of the pressure drops related to the two microchannel heat sinks conforms the measured values well.Fig.8illustrates the decreased dimensionless pressure drops for the new heat sink than for the conventional one,as expected.At lower Reynolds numbers such as less than300,the dimensionless pressure drops for the conventional triangular microchannels are very close to those for the circular tube.However,at higher Reynolds numbers,the dimensionless pressure drops are larger than those of the circular tubes.Such differ-1672J.L.Xu et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer48(2005)1662–1674。
关于纳米技术在生活中的应用的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Applications of Nanotechnology in Our Daily LivesNanotechnology is a cutting-edge field that has captured the imagination of scientists and the general public alike. At its core, nanotechnology involves the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale, dealing with structures and devices with dimensions in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. While this may seem like an abstract concept, the truth is that nanotechnology has already found its way into our daily lives in numerous ways, impacting everything from the clothes we wear to the electronic devices we use.One of the most prevalent applications of nanotechnology can be found in the field of textiles and clothing. Nanoparticles and nanofibers are being used to create fabrics with enhanced properties, such as stain resistance, wrinkle resistance, and improved breathability. For example, nanoparticles of silver or zinc oxide can be incorporated into fabrics, making them antimicrobial and odor-resistant. This technology has beenparticularly beneficial for sportswear and activewear, allowing athletes to perform at their best without worrying about unpleasant odors or excessive sweat.Nanotechnology has also revolutionized the world of personal care products and cosmetics. Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are commonly used in sunscreens, providing effective UV protection while remaining transparent on the skin. Similarly, nanoparticles of silica and other materials are used in hair products, enhancing their conditioning and smoothing properties. Additionally, nanoencapsulation techniques allow for the controlled release of active ingredients in skincare products, ensuring better absorption and efficacy.In the realm of electronics and computing, nanotechnology has played a pivotal role in miniaturization and performance enhancement. The transistors in modern computer chips are now mere nanometers in size, allowing for higher processing power and energy efficiency. Nanostructured materials, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, are being explored for their potential use in next-generation electronic devices, promising faster data transfer speeds and improved energy storage capabilities.Perhaps one of the most exciting applications of nanotechnology lies in the field of medicine and healthcare.Nanoparticles are being investigated as vehicles for targeted drug delivery, allowing medications to be delivered directly to affected areas while minimizing side effects. Nanobiosensors are being developed for early disease detection and monitoring, enabling earlier intervention and more effective treatment. Additionally, nanostructured materials are being explored for use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, potentially revolutionizing the way we approach organ transplants and tissue repair.Beyond these applications, nanotechnology is also making its mark in the areas of environmental protection and energy production. Nanoparticles are being used in water purification systems, filtering out contaminants and pollutants with greater efficiency than traditional methods. In the field of energy, nanostructured materials are being explored for their potential use in solar cells, fuel cells, and hydrogen storage systems, paving the way for more sustainable and renewable energy sources.Despite these exciting developments, it is important to acknowledge the potential risks and challenges associated with nanotechnology. As with any emerging technology, there are concerns regarding the potential toxicity and environmentalimpact of nanoparticles. Additionally, there are ethical considerations surrounding the use of nanotechnology in certain applications, such as human enhancement or military applications.As a student, I am both fascinated and humbled by the rapid progress being made in the field of nanotechnology. It is truly remarkable to witness how something so small and seemingly insignificant can have such a profound impact on our daily lives. From the clothes we wear to the devices we use, nanotechnology is quietly revolutionizing the world around us, pushing the boundaries of what was once thought impossible.Looking to the future, it is clear that nanotechnology will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our world. As we continue to explore the vast potential of this field, it is crucial that we do so with a deep sense of responsibility and ethical consideration. We must strike a balance between harnessing the power of nanotechnology for the betterment of humanity and ensuring that its development and application are guided by principles of safety, sustainability, and respect for human rights.In conclusion, nanotechnology is more than just a scientific curiosity; it is a transformative force that is reshaping our world, one nanometer at a time. As students, it is our responsibility toeducate ourselves about this remarkable field and to embrace the opportunities it presents while remaining vigilant about its potential risks. By doing so, we can ensure that nanotechnology continues to enrich our lives in ways we never thought possible, while also safeguarding the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.篇2The Nanotech Revolution Changing Our LivesNanotechnology is an exciting field that is rapidly transforming many aspects of our daily lives, even though most people aren't yet fully aware of its widespread impact. By manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular scale, scientists and engineers are creating innovative new materials, devices, and products with novel properties and functions. As nanotechnology continues advancing, it will bring about revolutionary changes across diverse sectors like electronics, medicine, energy, and consumer goods. In this essay, I'll explore some current and potential applications of nanotech that are enhancing our modern lifestyle.One area where nanotechnology is making big waves is in the electronics and computing industries.Nanoscale transistorsand circuits are allowing the relentless miniaturization of microchips to continue according to Moore's Law. Using exotic nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes and graphene, researchers are developing ultra-dense memory chips, lightning-fast processors, flexible and wearable electronics, and more. Quantum dots and nanoparticles are enabling brighter and more energy-efficient displays and television screens. Nanotech is also fueling advancements in data storage, letting us pack more information into tinier spaces using novel nanostructured hard drives and flash memory.Our entertainment is being revolutionized too thanks to nanotechnology. Video games are becoming even more immersive with realistic 3D graphics rendered bynano-engineered graphics cards. The sound systems in theaters, homes, and headphones utilize nano-speakers andnano-amplifiers to produce clearer audio. Our video streaming gets faster over nanocoated fiber optic cables. And nanoparticle inks create vivid colors in high-definition TVs and monitors. Even the glass screens on our phones, tablets, and TVs are coated with nanothin anti-glare and anti-fingerprint layers. Nanotechnology is propelling the digital age forward at lightning speed.The ways nanotechnology could transform medicine and healthcare might be its most important application of all. Nanoparticles are already being used to deliver drugs and gene therapies directly to diseased cells in the body. Nanobiosensors can detect various illnesses like cancer or heart disease at their earliest stages through blood tests. Researchers are producing artificial nano-scaffolds that can regrow damaged bones, cartilage, and tissue. Nanorobots may one day roam our bodies, performing microsurgery and dispensing treatment dosages precisely where needed.Scientists are also developing treatments that use nanoparticles to eat away at arterial plaque, destroy tumors with localized heat, and deliver payloads of antibiotics directly to sites of infection. Prosthetic limbs and implantable devices like pacemakers or neural chips are being made safer and more compatible through nanocoatings and nanomaterials. In the future, nanotechnology could give us affordable portable diagnostic tools that people monitor their health from home. Overall, the nanobiotechnology sector promises great benefits for medicine.Another crucial role for nanotechnology lies in making our lives more environmentally sustainable through green energyand waste treatment solutions. Nanostructured solar cells are being manufactured that capture the sun's energy much more efficiently than current commercial photovoltaic panels. Nanocatalysts are lowering the cost of producing hydrogen fuel cells that emit only water vapor. And nanotech membranes can purify water supplies or desalinate seawater while using less energy.At the same time, nanoengineered filters and reactive nanoparticles can clean up toxic environmental spills or absorb greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Other applications reduce waste by creating stronger, lighter nanomaterials to replace conventional ones. Bioengineered nanocellulose from plants and nanocrystalline metals provide durable alternatives to existing materials used for construction, vehicles, food packaging, and more. With further nanotech innovations in recycling, remediation, and energy production, we could soon possess the tools for reversing environmental damage and achieving sustainability.Our homes and communities have plenty of room for improvement through nanotechnology too. Self-cleaning window coatings that repel dirt and germs are already commercially available. Nanotech fabrics and textiles resiststaining, block UV radiation, conduct energy for heated clothing, and maybe even change color or pattern on demand! Our kitchens and bathrooms will become easier to maintain with nanostructured surfaces that prevent microbes and mold from forming. Nanocomposite building materials make homes and offices more energy-efficient, stronger against natural disasters, and require less maintenance over their lifetime.And nanotech air purification systems can continually filter out pathogens, allergens, and pollutants circulating indoors. Our cities could implement nanotech solutions for remediating contaminated lands, sensing and neutralizing airborne toxins or microbes, and monitoring infrastructure like bridges or utility pipes to detect stress fractures before they become dangerous. With proper funding, nanotech research could give us cleaner, safer, "smart" living environments that would vastly improve daily life and public health.As exciting as all these applications sound, I've only scratched the surface of how nanotechnology may reshape our world in the coming decades. So many other fields like agriculture, transportation, robotics, communications, security, and space exploration stand to benefit immensely from continued nano-research and development. Almost every facetof our society could be fundamentally transformed through engineering at the molecular level.Of course, as with any powerful new technology, nanotechnology carries risks that need to be carefully managed too. Many nanoparticles are still poorly understood and could potentially have toxic effects on humans or the environment if exposures aren't properly controlled. The societal implications of advanced nanotech capabilities like molecular manufacturing may require new ethical, legal and security frameworks. But overall, I am optimistic that the immense benefits of nanotechnology will continue enhancing our lives tremendously in the years ahead as the Nanotech Revolution unfolds. This emerging field is a shining example of how scientific curiosity and ingenuity create incredible innovations to expand human potential.篇3The Omnipresence of Nanotechnology in Our Daily LivesNanotechnology is undoubtedly one of the most revolutionary and transformative fields of modern science. While the term itself may conjure up images of futuristic technologies and cutting-edge research, the reality is that nanotechnologyhas already permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, the devices we use, and even the air we breathe, nanotechnology plays an indispensable role in shaping our world. In this essay, I will explore the myriad applications of nanotechnology in our everyday existence, highlighting its profound impact on our lives.Let us begin with a common household item: sunscreen. Traditional sunscreens relied on chemical filters to absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation, but these filters could penetrate the skin and cause adverse effects. Enter nanotechnology, which has enabled the development of mineral-based sunscreens that use nanoparticles of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide to reflect and scatter UV rays, providing superior protection without the associated risks. These nanoparticles are so small that they remain on the surface of the skin, forming an invisible, lightweight barrier against the sun's damaging rays.Moving on to the realm of electronics, nanotechnology has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. The sleek and powerful devices we carry in our pockets, from smartphones to tablets, owe much of their functionality to nanoscale components. Transistors, the building blocks of integratedcircuits, have been shrinking in size thanks to advancements in nanotechnology, enabling the creation of faster, moreenergy-efficient, and more compact electronic devices. Additionally, nanomaterials like carbon nanotubes and graphene have opened up new possibilities for flexible and wearable electronics, paving the way for innovative applications in fields ranging from healthcare to entertainment.But nanotechnology's influence extends far beyond consumer products. In the realm of medicine, nanoparticles are being explored as targeted drug delivery systems, capable of transporting therapeutic agents directly to diseased cells while minimizing side effects on healthy tissues. Nanobiosensors, on the other hand, can detect the presence of specific molecules or pathogens with unprecedented sensitivity, enabling early diagnosis and more effective treatment of diseases. Moreover, nanomaterials are being used to create advanced wound dressings that promote faster healing and prevent infections, revolutionizing the field of wound care.The impact of nanotechnology is also felt in the realm of energy production and conservation. Nanostructured materials have enhanced the efficiency of solar cells, making them more cost-effective and increasing their adoption as a renewableenergy source. Nanocatalysts, meanwhile, have improved the efficiency of chemical reactions in processes such as hydrogen production and carbon capture, contributing to the development of cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions.Even in the realm of agriculture and food production, nanotechnology has made its mark. Nanoparticles are being used to develop smart pesticides that target specific pests while minimizing environmental impact. Nanomaterials are also being explored as vehicles for delivering nutrients and growth promoters to plants, potentially increasing crop yields and reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. Additionally, nanosensors can monitor soil conditions and detect contaminants, enabling more precise and environmentally friendly farming practices.As we delve deeper into the world of nanotechnology, we uncover even more applications that permeate our daily lives. Nanofibers and nanocomposites have revolutionized the textile industry, creating fabrics that are stain-resistant, wrinkle-free, and capable of regulating body temperature. Nanomaterials are also being used to develop self-cleaning surfaces, reducing the need for harsh chemicals and labor-intensive cleaning processes. In the realm of personal care, nanotechnology has enabled thecreation of cosmetics and skincare products that deliver active ingredients more effectively, while also enhancing their longevity and stability.One of the most exciting and promising applications of nanotechnology lies in the field of environmental remediation. Nanomaterials have demonstrated remarkable ability to remove pollutants from water and soil, offering hope for addressing pressing environmental challenges. Nanosorbents can selectively capture and remove heavy metals, dyes, and other contaminants from water sources, while nanomembranes can filter out even the smallest particles, providing access to clean drinking water in areas where it is scarce.As we look to the future, the potential applications of nanotechnology seem boundless. Researchers are exploring the use of nanorobots for targeted drug delivery, tissue repair, and even molecular manufacturing. Nanomaterials are being investigated for their potential to enhance energy storage in batteries and supercapacitors, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. And in the realm of computing, researchers are working on developing quantum computers that harness the principles of quantum mechanics at the nanoscale,promising to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, materials science, and artificial intelligence.Despite the numerous benefits and promises of nanotechnology, there are also valid concerns regarding its potential risks and ethical implications. The safety of nanomaterials, particularly their potential for environmental and human toxicity, is an ongoing area of research and debate. Additionally, the potential for nanotechnology to be used for nefarious purposes, such as the development of advanced weapons or surveillance technologies, raises important ethical questions that must be addressed.As we navigate these challenges, it is essential that nanotechnology research and development be guided by rigorous safety protocols, ethical principles, and public discourse. Only through responsible and transparent governance can we ensure that the transformative potential of nanotechnology is harnessed for the betterment of humanity while mitigating potential risks.In conclusion, nanotechnology has already deeply permeated our daily lives, impacting everything from the products we use to the way we produce and consume energy, grow our food, and address environmental challenges. Itsapplications span diverse fields, from electronics and medicine to textiles and environmental remediation. As this revolutionary field continues to evolve, it holds the promise of addressing some of humanity's most pressing challenges while also ushering in new frontiers of innovation. However, it is crucial that we approach nanotechnology with a mindful and responsible attitude, ensuring that its development is guided by ethical principles and a commitment to safety and sustainability. By embracing the vast potential of nanotechnology while navigating its challenges, we can shape a future where this transformative technology serves as a catalyst for progress and a better quality of life for all.。
Introduction很多文献已经讨论过了A. Solar energy conversion by photoelectrochemical cells has been intensively investigated. (Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740 )B.This was demonstrated in a number of studies that showed that composite plasmonic-metal/semiconductor photocatalysts achieved significantly higher rates in various photocatalytic reactions compared with their pure semiconductor counterparts.C. Several excellent reviews describing these applications are available, and we do not discuss these topicsD.Much work so far has focused on wide band gap semiconductors for water splitting for the sake of chemical stability.(DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151)E. Recent developments of Lewis acids and water-soluble organometallic catalysts have attracted much attention.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)F. An interesting approach in the use of zeolite as a water-tolerant solid acid was described by Ogawa et al(Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)G. Considerable research efforts have been devoted to the direct transition metal-catalyzed conversion of aryl halides toaryl nitriles. (J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 7984-7989)H. There are many excellent reviews in the literature dealing with the basic concepts of the photocatalytic processand the reader is referred in particular to those by Hoffmann and coworkers,Mills and coworkers, and Kamat.(Metal oxide catalysis,19,P755)I. Nishimiya and Tsutsumi have reported on(proposed)the influence of the Si/Al ratio of various zeolites on the acid strength, which were estimated by calorimetry using ammon ia. (Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)二、在results and discussion中经常会用到的:如图所示A. GIXRD patterns in Figure 1A show the bulk structural information on as-deposited films.B. As shown in Figure 7B, the steady-state current density decreases after cycling between 0.35 and 0.7 V, which is probably due to the dissolution of FeOx.C. As can be seen from parts a and b of Figure 7, the reaction cycles start with the thermodynamically most favorable VOx structures(J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 24950−24958)这与XX能够相互印证:A. This is supported by the appearance in the Ni-doped compounds of an ultraviolet–visible absorption band at 420–520nm (see Fig. 3 inset), corresponding to an energy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eV.B. This is consistent with the observation from SEM–EDS. (Z.Zou et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 332 (2000) 271–277)C. This indicates a good agreement between the observed and calculated intensities in monoclinic with space groupP2/c when the O atoms are included in the model.D. The results are in good consistent with the observed photocatalytic activity...E. Identical conclusions were obtained in studies where the SPR intensity and wavelength were modulated by manipulating the composition, shape,or size of plasmonic nanostructures.F. It was also found that areas of persistent divergent surface flow coincide with regions where convection appears to be consistently suppressed even when SSTs are above 27.5°C.1. 值得注意的是...A. It must also be mentioned that the recycling of aqueous organic solvent is less desirable than that of pure organic liquid.B. Another interesting finding is that zeolites with 10-membered ring pores showed high selectivities (>99%) to cyclohexanol, whereas those with 12-membered ring pores, such as mordenite, produced large amounts of dicyclohexyl ether. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)C. It should be pointed out that the nanometer-scale distribution of electrocatalyst centers on the electrode surface is also a predominant factor for high ORR electrocatalytic activity.D. Notably, the Ru II and Rh I complexes possessing the same BINAP chirality form antipodal amino acids as the predominant products. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41: 2008–2022)E. Given the multitude of various transformations published, it is noteworthy that only very few distinct activation methods have been identified. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 2178-2189)F. It is important to highlight that these two directing effects will lead to different enantiomers of the products even if both the “H-bond-catalyst” and the catalyst acting by steric shielding have the same absolute stereochemistry. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 2178-2189)G. It is worthwhile mentioning that these PPNDs can be very stable for several months without the observations of any floating or precipitated dots, which is attributed to the electrostatic repulsions between the positively charge PPNDs resulting in electrosteric stabilization.(Adv. Mater., 2012, 24: 2037–2041)2....仍然是个挑战A. There is thereby an urgent need but it is still a significant challenge to rationally design and delicately tail or the electroactive MTMOs for advanced LIBs, ECs, MOBs, and FCs. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2 014, 53, 1488 – 1504)B. However, systems that are sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use have not yet been realized.C. It remains challenging to develop highly active HER catalysts based on materials that are more abundant at lower costs. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 7296–7299)D. One of the great challenges in the twenty-first century is unquestionably energy storage. (Nature Materials 2005, 4, 366 - 377 )3. 众所周知A. It is well established (accepted) / It is known to all / It is commonly known that many characteristics of functional materials, such as composition,crystalline phase, structural and morphological features, and the sur-/interface properties between the electrode and electrolyte, would greatly influence the performance of these unique MTMOs in electrochemical energy storage/conversion applications.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)B. It is generally accepted (believed) that for a-Fe2O3-based sensors the change in resistance is mainly caused by the adsorption and desorption of gases on the surface of the sensor structure. (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 582)C. As we all know, soybean abounds with carbon, nitrogen and oxygen elements owing to the existence of sugar, proteins and lipids. (Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9367-9369)D. There is no denying that their presence may mediate spin moments to align parallel without acting alone to show d0-FM. (Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 3918-3930)1. 正如下文将提到的...A. As will be described below(也可以是As we shall see below), as the Si/Al ratio increases, the surface of the zeolite becomes more hydrophobic and possesses stronger affinity for ethyl acetate and the number of acid sites decreases.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)B. This behavior is to be expected and will be further discussed below. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1955, 77, 3701–3707)C. There are also some small deviations with respect to the flow direction, which we will discuss below.(Science, 2001, 291, 630-633)D. Below, we will see what this implies.E. Complete details of this case will be provided at a later time.E. 很多论文中,也经常直接用see below来表示,比如:The observation of nanocluster spheres at the ends of the nanowires is suggestive of a VLS growth process (see below). (Science, 1998, 279, 208-211)3. 我们的研究可能在哪些方面得到应用A. Our findings suggest that the use of solar energy for photocatalytic water splitting might provide a viable source for ‘clean’ hydrogen fuel, once the catalytic efficiency of the semiconductor system has been improved by increasing its surface area and suitable modifications of the surface sites.B. Along with this green and cost-effective protocol of synthesis, we expect that these novel carbon nanodots have potential applications in bioimaging and electrocatalysis.(Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9367-9369)C. This system could potentially be applied as the gain medium of solid-state organic-based lasers or as a component of high value photovoltaic (PV) materials, where destructive high energy UV radiation would be converted to useful low energy NIR radiation. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 29-43)D. Since the use of graphene may enhance the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 under UV and visible-light irradiation, graphene–TiO2 composites may potentially be used to enhance the bactericidal activity. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 782-796)E. It is the first report that CQDs are both amino-functionalized and highly fluorescent, which suggests their promising applications in chemical sensing.(Carbon, 2012, 50, 2810–2815)1.A. However,systems that are sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use have not yet been realized.B. Nevertheless,for conventional nanostructured MTMOs as mentioned above, some problematic disadvantages cannot be overlooked.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)C. There are relatively few studies devoted to determination of cmc values for block copolymer micelles. (Macromolecules 1991, 24, 1033-1040)D. This might be the reason why, despite of the great influence of the preparation on the catalytic activity of gold catalysts, no systematic study concerning the synthesis conditions has been published yet. (Applied Catalysis A: General2002, 226, 1–13)E. These possibilities remain to be explored.F. Further effort is required to understand and better control the parameters dominating the particle surface passivation and resulting properties for carbon dots of brighter photoluminescence. (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 , 7756–7757)2.A. Liquid ammonia is particularly attractive as an alternative to water due to its stability in the presence of strong reducing agents such as alkali metals that are used to access lower oxidation states.B. The unique nature of the cyanide ligand results from its ability to act both as a σ donor and a π acceptor combined with its negativecharge and ambidentate nature.C. Qdots are also excellent probes for two-photon confocal microscopy because they are characterized by a very large absorption cross section (Science 2005, 307, 538-544).D. As a result of the reductive strategy we used and of the strong bonding between the surface and the aryl groups, low residual currents (similar to those observed at a bare electrode) were obtained over a large window of potentials, the same as for the unmodified parent GC electrode. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 5883-5884)E. The small Tafel slope of the defect-rich MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets is advantageous for practical applications, since it will lead to a faster increment of HER rate with increasing overpotential.(Adv. Mater., 2013, 25: 5807–5813)F. Fluorescent carbon-based materials have drawn increasing attention in recent years owing to exceptional advantages such as high optical absorptivity, chemical stability, biocompatibility, and low toxicity.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52: 3953–3957)G. On the basis of measurements of the heat of immersion of water on zeolites, Tsutsumi etal. claimed that the surface consists of siloxane bondings and is hydrophobicin the region of low Al content. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641−3666)H.Nanoparticle spatial distributions might have a large significance for catalyst stability,given that metal particle growth is a relevant deactivation mechanism for commercial catalysts.A. The inhibition of additional nucleation during growth, in other words, the complete separation of nucleation and growth, is critical(essential, important) for the successful synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals. (Nature Materials 3, 891 - 895 (2004))B. In the current study, Cys, homocysteine (Hcy) and glutathione (GSH) were chosen as model thiol compounds since they play important (significant, vital, critical) roles in many biological processes and monitoring of these thiol compounds is of great importance for diagnosis of diseases.(Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 1147-1149)C. This is because according to nucleation theory, what really matters in addition to the change in temperature ΔT (or supersaturation) is the cooling rate.(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43, 2013-2026)1.A. On the contrary, mononuclear complexes, called single-ion magnets (SIM), have shown hysteresis loops of butterfly/phonon bottleneck type, with negligible coercivity, and therefore with much shorter relaxation times of magnetization. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)B. In contrast, the Dy compound has significantly larger value of the transversal magnetic moment already in the ground state (ca. 10−1μB), therefore allowing a fast QTM. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)C. In contrast to the structural similarity of these complexes, their magnetic behavior exhibits strong divergence. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)D. Contrary to other conducting polymer semiconductors, carbon nitride is chemically and thermally stable and does not rely on complicated device manufacturing. (Nature materials, 2009, 8(1): 76-80.)E. Unlike the spherical particles they are derived from that Rayleigh light-scatter in the blue, these nanoprisms exhibit scattering in the red, which could be useful in developing multicolor diagnostic labels on the basis not only of nanoparticle composition and size but also of shape. (Science 2001, 294, 1901-1903)2.可供选择的词包括:verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of举例:A. These stacks appear as nanorods in the two-dimensional TEM images, but tilting experiments confirm that they are nanoprisms. (Science 2001, 294, 1901-1903)B. Note that TEM shows that about 20% of the nanoprisms are truncated. (Science 2001, 294, 1901-1903)C. Therefore, these calculations not only allow us to identify the important features in the spectrum of the nanoprisms but also the subtle relation between particle shape and the frequency of the bands that make up their spectra. (Science 2001, 294, 1901-1903)D. We observed a decrease in intensity of the characteristic surface plasmon band in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy for the spherical particles at λmax = 400 nm with a concomitant growth of three new bands of λmax = 335 (weak), 470 (medium), and 670 nm (strong), respectively. (Science 2001, 294, 1901-1903)E. In this article, we present data demonstrating that opiate and nonopiate analgesia systems can be selectively activated by different environmental manipulations and describe the neural circuitry involved. (Science 1982, 216, 1185-1192)F. This suggests that the cobalt in CoP has a partial positive charge (δ+), while the phosphorus has a partial negative charge (δ−), implying a transfer of electron density from Co to P. (Angew. Chem., 2014, 126: 6828–6832)3.A. Although these inorganic substructures can exhibit a high density of functional groups, such as bridging OH groups, and the substructures contribute significantly to the adsorption properties of the material,surprisingly little attention has been devoted to the post-synthetic functionalization of the inorganic units within MOFs. (Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19: 5533–5536.)B. Little is known, however, about the microstructure of this material. (Nature Materials 2013,12, 554–561)C. So far, very little information is available, and only in the absorber film, not in the whole operational devices. (Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (2), pp 888–893)D. In fact it should be noted that very little optimisation work has been carried out on these devices. (Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 7893-7895)E. By far the most architectures have been prepared using a solution processed perovskite material, yet a few examples have been reported that have used an evaporated perovskite layer. (Adv. Mater., 2014, 27: 1837–1841.)F. Water balance issues have been effectively addressed in PEMFC technology through a large body of work encompassing imaging, detailed water content and water balance measurements, materials optimization and modeling, but very few of these activities have been undertaken for anion exchange membrane fuel cells, primarily due to limited materials availability and device lifetime. (J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 2013, 51: 1727–1735)G. However, none of these studies tested for Th17 memory, a recently identified T cell that specializes in controlling extracellular bacterial infections at mucosal surfaces. (PNAS, 2013, 111, 787–792)H. However, uncertainty still remains as to the mechanism by which Li salt addition results in an extension of the cathodic reduction limit. (Energy Environ. Sci., 2014, 7, 232-250)I. There have been a number of high profile cases where failure to identify the most stable crystal form of a drug has led to severe formulation problems in manufacture. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014, 43, 2080-2088)J. However, these measurements systematically underestimate the amount of ordered material. ( Nature Materials 2013, 12, 1038–1044)1. 取决于a. This is an important distinction, as the overall activity of a catalyst will depend on the material properties, synthesis method, and other possible species that can be formed during activation. (Nat. Mater. 2017,16,225–229)b. This quantitative partitioning was determined by growing crystals of the 1:1 host–guest complex between ExBox4+ and corannulene. (Nat. Chem. 2014, 6177–178)c. They suggested that the Au particle size may be the decisive factor for achieving highly active Au catalysts.(Acc. Chem. Res., 2014, 47, 740–749)d. Low-valent late transition-metal catalysis has become indispensable to chemical synthesis, but homogeneous high-valent transition-metal catalysis is underdeveloped, mainly owing to the reactivity of high-valent transition-metal complexes and the challenges associated with synthesizing them. (Nature2015, 517,449–454)e. The polar effect is a remarkable property that enables considerably endergonic C–H abstractions that would not be possible otherwise. (Nature 2015, 525, 87–90)f. Advances in heterogeneous catalysis must rely on the rational design of new catalysts. (Nat. Nanotechnol. 2017, 12, 100–101)g. Likely, the origin of the chemoselectivity may be also closely related to the H bonding with the N or O atom of the nitroso moiety, a similar H-bonding effect is known in enamine-based nitroso chemistry. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53: 4149–4153)2. 有很大潜力a. The quest for new methodologies to assemble complex organic molecules continues to be a great impetus to research efforts to discover or to optimize new catalytic transformations. (Nat. Chem. 2015,7, 477–482)b. Nanosized faujasite (FAU) crystals have great potential as catalysts or adsorbents to more efficiently process present and forthcoming synthetic and renewable feedstocks in oil refining, petrochemistry and fine chemistry. (Nat. Mater. 2015, 14, 447–451)c. For this purpose, vibrational spectroscopy has proved promising and very useful. (Acc Chem Res. 2015, 48, 407–413.)d. While a detailed mechanism remains to be elucidated and there is room for improvement in the yields and selectivities, it should be remarked that chirality transfer upon trifluoromethylation of enantioenriched allylsilanes was shown. (Top Catal. 2014, 57: 967. )e. The future looks bright for the use of PGMs as catalysts, both on laboratory and industrial scales, because the preparation of most kinds of single-atom metal catalyst is likely to be straightforward, and because characterization of such catalysts hasbecome easier with the advent of techniques that readily discriminate single atoms from small clusters and nanoparticles. (Nature 2015, 525, 325–326)f. The unique mesostructure of the 3D-dendritic MSNSs with mesopore channels of short length and large diameter is supposed to be the key role in immobilization of active and robust heterogeneous catalysts, and it would have more hopeful prospects in catalytic applications. (ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 17450–17459)g. Visible-light photoredox catalysis offers exciting opportunities to achieve challenging carbon–carbon bond formations under mild and ecologically benign conditions. (Acc. Chem. Res., 2016, 49, 1990–1996)3. 因此同义词:Therefore, thus, consequently, hence, accordingly, so, as a result这一条比较简单,这里主要讲一下这些词的副词词性和灵活运用。
NANO EXPRESSMicrowave-Assisted Synthesis of Titania Nanocubes,Nanospheres and Nanorods for Photocatalytic Dye DegradationT.Suprabha ÆHaizel G.Roy ÆJesty Thomas ÆK.Praveen Kumar ÆSuresh MathewReceived:4September 2008/Accepted:11November 2008/Published online:26November 2008Óto the authors 2008Abstract TiO 2nanostructures with fascinating morphol-ogies like cubes,spheres,and rods were synthesized by a simple microwave irradiation technique.Tuning of different morphologies was achieved by changing the pH and the nature of the medium or the precipitating agent.As-synthe-sized titania nanostructures were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),UV–visible spectroscopy,infrared spectroscopy (IR),BET surface area,photoluminescence (PL),scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM),and atomic force microscopy (AFM)techniques.Photocatalytic dye degradation studies were conducted using methylene blue under ultraviolet light irradiation.Dye degradation ability for nanocubes was found to be superior to the spheres and the rods and can be attrib-uted to the observed high surface area of nanocubes.As-synthesized titania nanostructures have shown higher pho-tocatalytic activity than the commercial photocatalyst Degussa P25TiO 2.Keywords Nanocubes ÁNanorods ÁNanospheres ÁPhotocatalytic activity ÁMicrowave irradiation ÁDye degradation IntroductionNanomaterials of transition metal oxides have attracted a great deal of attention from researchers in various fields due to their numerous technological applications [1–4].Among them,nanocrystalline titania has been attracting increasingattention due to its fascinating properties and potential applications.Titanium dioxide is a versatile material which is being investigated extensively due to its unique opto-electronic and photochemical properties such as high refractive index,high dielectric constant,excellent optical transmittance in the visible and near IR regions as well as its high performance as a photocatalyst for water splitting and degradation of organics [5].With a band gap of 3.0–3.3eV,titanium dioxide has been photocatalytically active only under ultraviolet light (wavelength k \400nm)[6].Tita-nium dioxide mainly exists in three crystalline phases:anatase,rutile,and brookite [7].Among the three crystalline forms,anatase titanium dioxide is attracting more attention for its vital use as pigments [8],gas sensors [9],catalysts [10,11],photocatalysts [12–14]in response to its application in environmentally related problems of pollution control and photovoltaics [15].The properties and catalytic activities of titania strongly depend upon the crystallinity,surface mor-phology,particle size,and preparation methods.The increased surface area of nanosized TiO 2particles may prove beneficial for the decomposition of dyes in aqueous media.Ohtani et al .[16]proposed that high photocatalytic activity of titania can be achieved by imparting large surface area to adsorb substrates and by making high crystallinity to minimize the photoexcited electron-hole recombination rate.In general anatase titania is observed to be more active compared to its rutile phase.This difference in activity can be due to the high electron-hole recombination rate observed in rutile titania.Many synthetic methods have been reported for the preparation of nanotitania,including sol–gel reac-tions [17–19],hydrothermal reactions [20,21],non-hydrolytic sol–gel reactions [22,23],template methods [24–26],reactions in reverse micelles [27],and microwave irradiation.Nanotitania with various morphologies and shapes such as nanorods [28],nanotubes [29,30],nanowiresT.Suprabha ÁH.G.Roy ÁJ.Thomas ÁK.Praveen Kumar ÁS.Mathew (&)School of Chemical Sciences,Mahatma Gandhi University,Kottayam 686560,Kerala, Nanoscale Res Lett (2009)4:144–152DOI 10.1007/s11671-008-9214-5[31,32],and nanospheres[33,34]can be produced depending upon the synthetic method used.These different morphologies have different photocatalytic activities.In the present work,we report a simple microwave method to synthesize phase pure anatase and rutile nanotitania with different morphologies viz.,cubes,spheres,and rods. Photocatalytic activity studies of the synthesized samples were carried out using the dye,methylene blue in aqueous solution under ultraviolet light irradiation.The photo-luminescence(PL)features of the synthesized titania nanostructures were also compared in the present study. ExperimentalMaterialsAll reagents were purchased from Merck,Germany.Tita-nium trichloride(15wt%TiCl3,10wt%HC1)was used as the titanium precursor.NH4OH(1.5M),NaCl(5.0M),and NH4Cl(5.0M)were employed for the synthesis.A typical microwave oven(Whirlpool,1200W)operating at a fre-quency of2,450MHz was used for the synthesis. Synthesis of TiO2NanostructuresA general synthetic strategy adopted for the synthesis of titania nanostructures was using TiCl3as Ti precursor by varying the precipitating agents under different pH condi-tions.The precipitated sol was irradiated in a microwave oven in on and off mode for different durations depending upon the precipitation rate in each case.The completion of the reaction is checked by noting the color change(blue to colorless)of the reaction mixture.The white precipitate formed in each case was aged for24h and washed thor-oughly with distilled water.The precipitated titania was then dried in an air oven at100°C and further calcined in a muffle furnace at400°C for4h.In the case of sample1(S1)TiCl3(20.0mL)was added drop by drop to200mL of1.5M NH3(pH=11)solution [35]and the irradiation was done for20min for complete precipitation.In sample2(S2),TiCl3(5.0mL)was added dropwise with continuous stirring to200mL of 5.0M NaCl solution(pH=7)[36]and the reaction mixture was irradiated for60min for complete precipitation.In sample 3(S3),TiCl3(5.0mL)was added dropwise to200mL of 5.0M NH4Cl solution(pH=5.9)and irradiated in a similar manner as in the previous case for60min. Characterization of Titania NanostructuresThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns of the titania were recorded on a Brucker D8advance diffractometer with Cu K a radiation.The crystallite size of TiO2was calculated using Debye Scherrer equation,L=k k/(b cos h),where L is the average crystallite size,k is the wavelength of the radiation,h is the Bragg’s angle of diffraction,b is the full width at half maximum intensity of the peak and k is a constant usually applied as*0.89.Scanning electron microscopic images were taken on a JEOL JSM-5600SEM equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX). High resolution transmission electron micrographs and electron diffraction patterns were recorded using a JEOL JEM-3010HRTEM microscope at an accelerating voltage of300kV.The TEM specimens were prepared by drop casting the sample on the surface of the carbon coated copper grid.The tapping mode AFM images of the samples deposited on a mica sheet were taken using Nanoscope-IV scanning probe microscope.The BET surface area,pore size distribution,and pore volume of the samples were measured on a Micromeritics ASAP2010analyzer based on N2adsorption at77K in the pressure range from0.1to 760mmHg.The pore size distribution was calculated by the Barrett Joyner Halenda(BJH)method.IR spectra was recorded using Shimadzu8400S FTIR spectrophotometer in the range of400–4,000cm-1.The ultraviolet–visible absorption(UV–vis)spectra were recorded using a UV-2450Shimadzu UV–visible spectrophotometer.The pho-toluminescence(PL)spectral measurements were made using Perkin Elmer LS-55luminescence spectrometer at an excitation wavelength of325nm.Photocatalytic Activity MeasurementsPhotocatalytic activity of TiO2was evaluated by the deg-radation of the dye,methylene blue(MB)in aqueous solution under ultraviolet light irradiation in the presence of as-synthesized TiO2and the commercial Degussa P25 TiO2.The changes in the concentrations of methylene blue in the aqueous solution were examined by absorption spectra measured on a UV-2450Shimadzu UV–visible spectrophotometer.Before examining the photocatalytic activity for degradation of aqueous methylene blue,TiO2 sol was prepared.About100mg of the synthesized TiO2 was dispersed ultrasonically in50mL of deionized water. For photodegradation experiments,50mL of4910-5M methylene blue solution was added to the as-synthesized titania sol in a quartz reactor.To maximize the adsorption of the dye onto the TiO2surface,the resulting mixture was kept in the dark for30min under stirring conditions[37]. The solution was then irradiated for180min using a mercury lamp(100W,Toshiba SHLS-1002A).The deg-radation of the dye was monitored by measuring the absorption maximum of methylene blue at661nm at 30min intervals of reaction.Results and DiscussionX-ray Diffraction StudiesThe X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns(Fig.1)of the TiO2 particles show that anatase phase is formed when NH4OH (S1)is used whereas the formation of rutile phase is observed when the medium is NaCl(S2)and NH4Cl(S3). The average crystallite size of the S1,S2,and S3are12, 10,and21nm,respectively.XRD powder pattern of S1 corresponds to anatase phase with lattice constants, a=3.777A˚and c=9.501A˚as reported in JCPDSfile no.89-4921.All the peaks in S2and S3can be readily indexed to rutile phase with lattice constants a=4.608A˚, c=2.973A˚and a=4.548A˚,c=2.946A˚,respectively, as reported in JCPDSfiles,no.76-0319and88-1173.The d-spacing from HRTEM is consistent with the d-spacing from XRD results.The absence of any other peak indicates the phase purity of the synthesized titania.BET Surface Area AnalysisFigure2shows the N2adsorption and desorption isotherms of the three titania samples with their corresponding pore size distribution(BJH method)(inset).Type IV isotherm observed with a clear hysteresis at relatively low pressure indicates the mesoporous nature of the sample S1[38]. Pore size distribution also confirms the mesoporous nature indicating an average pore size around4nm.For samples S2and S3the hysteresis moves to relatively high pressure indicating a still narrower pore size and is around2.5and 2nm,respectively,as observed from pore size distribution.The crystallite size,BET surface area,pore size,and pore volume values are summarized in Table 1.The surface area of S1,S2,and S3are 372,77,and 34m 2g -1,respectively.Electron Microscopic AnalysisSEM images of titania samples are given in Fig.3.S1(a),S2(b),and S3(c)show a cube-like morphology,spherical morphology,and rod-like morphology,respectively.Agglomerated particles are observed in the SEM images [39].The high resolution TEM images of the TiO 2nano-particles synthesized under various reaction conditions are shown in Fig.4.TEM image of S1(a)shows the formation of nanocubes with particle size around 25nm.The HRTEM image (b)shows lattice fringes of the anatase phase.The fringes with d =0.34nm match with that of the (101)crystallographic plane of anatase titania.The selected area electron diffraction pattern in the inset of the A confirms that the sample S1is a single crystalline anatase phase.The high surface area observed for the sample S1may be due to the highly porous nature of the cubes.Since the sample S1is not an ordered mesoporous system,mesopores cannot be viewed clearly from HRTEM images.Sample S2(c)shows the formation of nanospheres of average crystallite size around 8nm.Corresponding selected area electron diffraction pattern is shown in the inset.The pattern indicates the polycrystalline nature of the ttice image (d)of these nanospheres shows lattice fringes of the rutile phase with d =0.32nm,which matches well with that of (110)plane of rutile titania.Sample S3(e)shows the formation of nanorods with an average aspect ratio of around 4nm.Corresponding SAED pattern indicates a polycrystalline nature,which may be due to the diffraction in a bunch of nanorods.The HRTEMimage (f)of the rutile nanorods show clear lattice fringes of the rutile phase with d =0.32nm,which matches with that of the (110)plane of rutile titania.The TEM results reveal that nano TiO 2with different morphologies like cubes,spheres,and rods can be effectively synthesized by varying the pH in an appropriate media.Figure 5shows the tapping mode AFM images of the titania cubes (S1),spheres (S2),and rods (S3)which is in good agreement with that of the TEM results [40].Spectroscopic AnalysisThe FTIR spectra of S1,S2,and S3are shown in Fig.6.The FTIR spectra shows a broadband around 3,400cm -1,which is attributed to the O–H stretching mode of the surface adsorbed water molecule.Another band of around 1,600cm -1is attributed to the O–H bending mode.The bands around 400–900cm -1are due to the Ti–O bond stretching mode of the titania [41–45].Optical PropertiesUV–Visible Absorption StudiesFigure 7shows the UV-vis absorption spectra of titania nanostructures S1,S2,and S3.The onset of absorption for the three samples is 382,405,and 415nm for S1,S2,and S3,respectively.To determine the nature of the band gap,either an indirect or a direct transition,the following power expression for the variation of the absorption coefficient (a )with energy was examined [46,47].a h t ðÞn ¼k id h t ÀE gÀÁwhere k id is the absorption constant for an indirect (sub-script i)or direct (subscript d)transition,n is two for an indirect transition and for a direct transition,h t is the absorption energy,and E g is the band gap energy.The absorption coefficient (a )was determined from the equa-tion a =(2.3039103)(A)/l by using the measured absorbance (A)and optical path length (l)(1cm).The band gap (E g )of a semiconductor can be estimated from the plot of (a h m )2versus photon energy (h m ).The band gap energy is determined by extrapolating the curve to the x-axis,as shown in the Fig.8[48].Variation of (a h m )2withTable 1Textural analysis of mesoporous TiO 2Nanostructures Sample code Crystallite size from XRD (nm)BET surface area (m 2g -1)Poresize (nm)Pore volume (cm 3g -1)S1*******.37S21077 2.50.18S3213420.10Fig.3SEM images of samples S1(a ),S2(b )and S3(c )absorption energy (h m )for nanocubes (Fig.8)gives the extrapolated intercept corresponding to the band gap energy at 3.2eV,which is in agreement to the onset energy observed in the absorption spectrum,confirming that the band gap is attributed to the indirect transition.The band gap energy of nanocubes (S1)is significantly higher as compared to that of nanospheres (S2,3.17eV)and nano-rods (S3, 3.15eV).For pure anatase,the significant increase in the absorption wavelength (k )(lower than 380nm)can be assigned to the intrinsic band gap absorption [49].The band gap (E g )is estimated to be 3.2eV,which is in good agreement with the reported value for anatase (3.2–3.3eV).The absorption spectrum of rutile shows a lower absorption and the calculated band gap is around 3.17and 3.15eV,respectively,for the samples S2and S3.However,rutile nanostructures show a slightly higher band gap than the reported value (3.0–3.1eV).The higher band gap may be due to the smaller particle size.The band gap (E g )and absorption onset (k max)values are summarized in Table 2.Fig.4HRTEM images of:a S1(nanocubes)and b corresponding lattice;d S2(nanospheres)and ecorresponding lattice;g S3(nanorods)and h corresponding lattice image.The inset of the figure a ,d and g represents the selected area electrondiffraction pattern of the titaniananostructuresFig.5Tapping AFMmicrographs of S1(a ),S2(b ),and S3(c )Photoluminescence StudiesFigure 9shows the photoluminescence (PL)emission spectra of titania nanostructures measured at roomtemperature.The PL emission spectra are observed with an excitation wavelength around 325nm,exhibiting a strong structural emission band around 360nm with broad shoulders beyond 380nm.At a higher wavelength around 500nm emission due to the trapped or excess surface states is observed.The excited state of TiO 2can be considered as Ti 3?…O -and the subsequent emission may be due to the transfer of electron from the excited state (Ti 3?)to (O -)leading to the formation of Ti 4?O 22-.Therefore the strong emission in the region of 360–363nm is assigned to the exciton emission originating from the recombination of a hole with an electron,whereas the weak and broad emis-sion peaks in the region of 400–500nm is just a surface state emission originating from the trapped or excess sur-face states [50–52].Table 2Summary of band gap and absorption onset of the synthe-sized nanotitaniaSample code Band gap (E g )eV Absorption onset(k max )S13.20382S2 3.17405S33.15415Mechanistic AspectsThree different morphologies obtained under Microwave (MW)irradiation can be understood in different ways.It may be due to the fast nucleation of Ti(OH)2under three different pH(basic,neutral and acidic)and its subsequent condensation during reaction,dehydration and calcination. Morphology difference can be attributed to the ion assisted growth of the crystallites which may be different for OH-assisted growth in the case of S1and Cl-assisted growth in S2and Cl-and NH4?assisted growth in S3.The shape evolution originates from the different adsorption capabil-ities of theses ions in various planes during the growth of the particle[53].A schematic of shape tuning achieved during the synthesis under three different pH is shown in Scheme1.Photocatalytic Activity StudiesPhotocatalytic processes involve irradiation of a semicon-ductor such as TiO2with energy greater than or equal to the band gap of the semiconductor.This promotes electrons from the valence band to the conduction band,generating photoexcited electrons(e-)and holes(h?).The photoex-cited electrons and holes may diffuse to the surface of the semiconductor,followed by interfacial electron transfer to and from the adsorbed acceptor and donor molecules.The holes are involved in the oxidation reactions,typically the mineralization of organic substances present in the solution [54].In the present work,photocatalytic activity tests were conducted by the degradation of the dye,methylene blue in aqueous solution under ultraviolet light irradiation.Meth-ylene blue(MB)shows a maximum absorption at661nm. The absorption peak gradually diminishes upon the ultra-violet light irradiation,illustrating the methylene blue degradation.The concentrations of methylene blue with irradiation time for the three titania nanostructures, Degussa P25and methylene blue are shown in Fig.10.It is clear that the anatase titania nanocubes(S1)shows higher photocatalytic activity than the other two rutile nano-structures(S2and S3).From the degradation studies,it is observed that the photocatalytic activity varies in the order S1[S2[S3[Degussa P25.The three nanostructures synthesized in different media have different phase struc-ture,particle size,and surface area.It is reported that among the three crystalline phases of TiO2,the anatase phase has higher photocatalytic activity[55].The differ-ence in activity of the synthesized samples is related to their surface area,particle size,and phase.Small crystallite size and mesoporous texture produces high surface area TiO2and hence can provide more active sites and adsorb more reactive species.Since S1is purely anatase phase and has the highest surface area among the three samples,it exhibits the highest photocatalytic activity.The apprecia-ble activity observed for the nanorods(34m2/g)compared to Degussa P25(50m2/g)may be due to the preferentially grown110planes in the nanorodmorphology. Scheme1A schematic of shape tuning achieved by ion assistedgrowth for titania nanostructures in different pHConclusionsNanotitania with fascinating morphologies,particle size, and surface area can be effectively synthesized by a simple microwave irradiation technique.The morphology of the samples was effectively controlled by changing the pH of the media.The synthesized nano TiO2was structurally and physicochemically characterized.Structural and physico-chemical characterization revealed the dependence of photocatalytic activity of nanotitania on different mor-phologies.The TEM images clearly reveal that the samples have cubical,spherical and rod shaped morphologies.The surface area and porosity of the three titania nanostructures were determined by BET and BJH methods.Anatase nanocubes(S1)exhibit a much higher BET specific surface area than rutile nanospheres(S2)and nanorods(S3).The band gap energy for anatase nanocubes is blue shifted (3.2eV)compared to that of the rutile nanospheres(S2) and nanorods(S3).The UV–vis absorption and the pho-toluminescence emission spectral data demonstrated that the indirect transition is the exclusive route for the charge carrier recombination,indicating the strong coupling of wave functions of the trapped exciton pair with lattice phonons.The synthesized mesoporous anatase nanotitania with cubical morphology exhibit higher photocatalytic activity than spherical and rod shaped rutile titania nano-structures.Moreover,the synthesized mesoporous anatase TiO2with BET surface area372m2g-1exhibit much higher photocatalytic activity than the commercial Degussa P25TiO2photocatalyst in the degradation of the dye, methylene blue in aqueous solution under UV light irra-diation.The higher photocatalytic activity of the anatase nanocubes may be due to the higher surface area and the lesser electron-hole recombination rate compared to the rutile nanostructures.Acknowledgments We are grateful to Dr.K.George Thomas of Regional Research Laboratory,Trivandrum and Prof.T.Pradeep of Indian Institute of Technology,Chennai for the AFM and HRTEM imaging.References1.G.Schmid,Nanoparticles:From Theory to Application(Wiley-VCH,Weinheim,2004)2.K.J.Klabunde,Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry(Wiley Inter-science,New York,2001)3.J.Joo,T.Yu,Y.W.Kim,H.M.Park,F.Wu,J.Z.Zhang,T.Hyeon,J.Am.Chem.Soc.125,6553(2003).doi:10.1021/ja034 258b4.T.Hyeon,S.S.Lee,J.Park,Y.Chung,H.B.Na,J.Am.Chem.Soc.123,12798(2001).doi:10.1021/ja016812s5.U.Diebold,Surf.Sci.Rep.48,53(2003).doi:10.1016/S0167-5729(02)00100-06.H.Luo,T.Takata,Y.Lee,J.Zhao,K.Domen,Y.Yan,Chem.Mater.16,846(2004).doi:10.1021/cm035090w7.F.Sayilkan,M.Asilturk,S.Erdemoglu,M.Akarsu,H.Sayilkan,M.Erdemoglu, E.Arpac,Mater.Lett.60,230(2006).doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2005.08.0238.J.G.Balfour,Technological Applications of Dispersions(MarcelDekker,New 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期刊论文翻译一:一种纳米级的辐射加固CMOS锁存器设计和性能分析文章英文名称:Design and Performance Evaluation of Radiation Hardened Latches for Nanoscale CMOS作者:Sheng Lin, Yong-Bin Kim, and Fabrizio Lombardi第一作者单位:Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Northeastern University, Boston, United States原文出版出处:IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, v 19, n 7, p 1315-1319, July 2011摘要:深亚微米/纳米CMOS电路对外部辐射现象更敏感,有可能导致所谓的软错误的发生。
文章编号:1672-8785(2019)06-0027-08近场热辐射的最新研究进展张纪红 王 波(烟台大学机电汽车工程学院,山东烟台264005)摘 要:主要从理论数值模拟和近场辐射实验研究的角度介绍了近几年在近场热辐射传热方面的最新研究成果㊂理论研究的焦点主要集中在石墨烯复合材料㊁人工加工或合成超材料等方面的传热研究㊂实验研究的焦点是实验室基于纳米尺度近场热辐射测量的设备制造与方法创新㊂目前实验上已经实现了最小距离仅为2n m 的极近场热辐射测量㊂近场热辐射的进一步研究可为热光伏㊁辐射制冷以及高效能源收集应用提供理论基础㊂关键词:近场热辐射;理论研究;实验研究中图分类号:O 551.3 文献标志码:AD O I :10.3969/j.i s s n .1672-8785.2019.06.005收稿日期:2019-05-27基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11604285);山东省自然科学基金项目(Z R 2016F Q 11)作者简介:张纪红(1988-),女,山东日照人,博士,主要研究方向为微纳米尺度传热㊂E -m a i l :z jh @y t u .e d u .c n R e c e n t R e s e a r c hP r o gr e s s i nN e a r -f i e l dT h e r m a l R a d i a t i o n Z H A N GJ i -h o n g,W A N G B o (S c h o o l o f M e c h a n i c a l a n dA u t o m o t i v eE n g i n e e r i n g ,Y a n t a iU n i v e r s i t y ,Y a n t a i 264005,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :F r o mt h e p e r s p e c t i v e o f t h e o r e t i c a l n u m e r i c a l s i m u l a t i o na n dn e a r -f i e l d r a d i a t i o ne x pe r i m e n t a l r e -s e a r c h ,t h e l a t e s t r e s e a r c h r e s u l t s i nn e a r -f i e l d t h e r m a l r a d i a t i o nh e a t t r a n s f e r a r e i n t r o d u c e d .T h e f o c u so ft h e o r e t i c a l r e s e a r c h i sm a i n l y o n h e a t t r a n s f e r s t u d i e s i n g r a p h e n e c o m p o s i t e s ,a r t i f i c i a l p r o c e s s i n g a n d s yn t h e t -i cm e t a m a t e r i a l s .T h e f o c u s o f e x p e r i m e n t a l r e s e a r c h i s o n l a b o r a t o r y e q u i p m e n t m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n dm e t h o d i n -n o v a t i o nb a s e do nn a n o s c a l en e a r -f i e l dt h e r m a l r a d i a t i o n m e a s u r e m e n t s .V e r y n e a r -f i e l dt h e r m a l r a d i a t i o n m e a s u r e m e n t sw i t h am i n i m u md i s t a n c e o f o n l y 2n mh a v e b e e n e x p e r i m e n t a l l y i m pl e m e n t e d .F u r t h e r r e s e a r c h o n n e a r -f i e l d t h e r m a l r a d i a t i o n p r o v i d e s a t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s f o r t h e r m a l p h o t o v o l t a i c ,r a d i a n t c o o l i n ga n d e f f i c i e n t e n e r g y h a r v e s t i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s .K e y wo r d s :n e a r -f i e l d t h e r m a l r a d i a t i o n ;t h e o r e t i c a l r e s e a r c h ;e x p e r i m e n t a l r e s e a r c h 0引言从上世纪六七十年代开始,关于近场热辐射的研究逐渐被报道㊂受当时科学技术水平的限制,近场热辐射研究的进展比较缓慢,也没有得到重视㊂经过半个多世纪的研究,随着纳米技术㊁微加工技术的发展,近场热辐射的研究变得越来越重要㊂在已知宏观尺度时,辐射传热机理常用普朗克黑体辐射理论来解释㊂当辐射体间的换热间距跟辐射波长在同一数量级时,普朗克定律不再适用㊂此时近场热辐射会受到许多因素影响,比如表面极化激元的作用㊁倏逝波的产生以及光量子隧穿效应等㊂就研究方法而言,斯蒂芬--玻耳兹曼定律显然已不能准确地描述近场范围内的热辐射㊂1958年,R y t o vS M等人[1]建立了涨落耗散理论和涨落电动力学㊂研究表明,基于该理论成果采用格林函数方法可对处于热平衡状态下物体的近场热辐射进行有效研究㊂在研究的材料方面,自从2004年安德烈㊃海姆和康斯坦丁㊃诺沃肖洛夫发现了二维晶体的碳原子结构即石墨烯[2],由于石墨烯具有良好的光学和电子特性,石墨烯迅速成为纳米尺度传热领域的研究重点㊂2012年,康斯坦丁㊃诺沃肖洛夫在‘N a t u r e“上发文指出,石墨烯将被集中并广泛应用于电子㊁复合材料㊁能源再生与存储㊁传感器以及生物医药等领域[3]㊂从材料和结构的角度看,当前各类极化激元的出现使各种材料库更加丰富,新材料的发射谱与热辐射谱的重合有可能使得这些材料能用于近场热辐射增强,大大促进近场热辐射的研究㊂近年来,对近场热辐射传热的研究已经不局限于单一材料的研究,基于石墨烯的一些复合材料和以六方氮化硼为主的人工合成材料成为目前研究的主流㊂同时,近场热辐射的应用也成为近年来研究的热点㊂近场热辐射应用的研究对废热回收㊁再生能源发展㊁辐射制冷等技术起着至关重要的作用㊂本文主要是从近场热辐射理论数值模拟㊁近场辐射实验研究和一些基于近场辐射热传导的应用方面,综述了近场热辐射的最新研究进展㊂1近场热辐射理论数值模拟截止到2010年,对近场热辐射的理论数值模拟主要集中在将模拟模型进行简化方面㊂大致分为三类简化模型,一类是纳米粒子之间的模型,第二类是半无限大介质与纳米粒子之间的模型,第三类是两半无限大介质之间的模型[4]㊂近年来,研究的侧重点有所改变,主要集中在对已有的一些常规材料的深入研究以及对组合超材料(如六方氮化硼双曲材料)的研究㊂另外,基于石墨烯的表面等离激元耦合对近场热辐射的影响也成为研究热点㊂1.1几种常规材料的近场辐射研究华中科技大学的吴昊等人[5]将模拟模型简化为两个半无限大平板,研究了钨与掺杂硅平板之间的近场热辐射换热㊂该团队首先根据麦克斯韦方程和波动耗散理论求解并矢格林函数,得到两无限大平板之间的热流辐射密度计算公式㊂计算结果显示,当两平板之间的距离下降到纳米级别时,辐射热流得到极大增强㊂在以上计算结果的基础上又分析了薄膜对近场辐射热流的影响㊂通过分析半无限大平板和薄膜之间㊁钨薄膜与硅薄膜之间以及加了金属基底的钨薄膜与硅薄膜之间的近场热辐射发现,可以通过调节薄膜的厚度来调制近场热辐射热流㊂哈尔滨工业大学的宋志鑫等人[6]首先在涨落耗散定理基础上利用M A T L A B软件分析计算了二氧化钒的近场态密度,并详细研究了二氧化钒薄膜在倏逝波模式下近场热辐射的增强㊂研究表明,相对于黑体辐射来讲,在共振频率处表面极化声子的局域辐射态密度会产生非常明显的增强效应㊂哈尔滨工业大学的张宇鹏等人[7]在涨落电动力学基础上,结合格林函数方法,分析了碳化硅-真空多层膜的传热系数㊁态密度㊂研究了折射率㊁探测间距㊁介质层的厚度等结构参数在近场下对辐射场吸收功率的变化规律㊂研究表明:(1)在表面波激发频率处,减小探测间距会明显增强辐射场的吸收功率㊂(2)多层膜结构中,真空层和碳化硅层的厚度会对传热系数产生影响㊂(3)对半无限长的碳化硅结构,纳米粒子的吸收功率会出现两个极大值,分别出现在碳化硅表面波激发频率和纳米粒子强吸收频率处㊂1.2组合超材料以及基于石墨烯的表面等离子激元耦合的近场辐射研究研究表明,利用石墨烯表面等离激元相互耦合以及构建基于石墨烯的复合结构都可以达到增强近场热辐射的目的㊂众所周知,不同材料的共振频率不同,这就导致材料间的表面波不能相互耦合,所以不同材料之间近场辐射的换热强度很低㊂北京航空航天大学的吴会海等人[8]利用并矢格林函数方法和涨落耗散理论,对手性超材料和双曲超材料(碳化硅纳米线阵列)进行研究,得出可以通过调节手性参数和填充系数优化材料在近场热辐射中的性能㊂同时,该学校的朱克勇等人[9]也通过建立两半无限大平板双曲材料模型,研究了碳化硅纳米线阵列的双曲超材料的填充系数和不同双曲模式对近场热辐射以及穿透深度的影响㊂经过计算分析表明,填充系数越大,穿透深度越小㊂哈尔滨工业大学的白阳等人[10]首先在电磁超材料中引入磁电流元,采用格林函数方法结合涨落耗散理论,从理论上给出了半无限大电磁材料在真空中的热辐射局域态密度的解析表达式㊂接着研究了金属--电介质--金属渔网状电磁超材料㊂研究发现,这种电磁超材料在近红外波段开辟了新的近场热辐射和热传输增强频带㊂该作者提出了一种由金属--介质多层膜构成的双曲型电磁超材料结构,并通过优化设计在共振频率处获得了此种结构的传热系数,相对于S i C体块材料,其值增强了30%㊂北京航空航天大学的刘伟等人[11]把石墨烯覆盖到六方氮化硼双曲材料上,研究六方氮化硼的表面声子极化激元与石墨烯表面等离激元的耦合作用,并在此基础上计算了不同参数对辐射热流的影响㊂经计算得知,六方氮化硼的近场辐射热流会因为石墨烯覆盖而大幅度增强㊂同时浙江大学的尹格等人[12]也研究了石墨烯--六方氮化硼等3种复合结构(见图1)的特性㊂经分析得知,石墨烯表面的等离激元和双曲色散型极化晶体的双曲声子激元相耦合会产生出新激荡模式㊂作者对单层石墨烯之间的近场热辐射进行系统研究发现,石墨烯表面等离激元耦合可使近场热辐射得到增强㊂以此为基础,计算了石墨烯--六方氮化硼复合结构间的近场热辐射㊂计算表明,其传热特性有明显的提高㊂最后作者还证明了石墨烯表面等离激元对微球与平板之间的近场热辐射的增强效果明显提高㊂图1浙江大学的尹格在计算中采用的石墨烯--六方氮化硼复合结构的示意图已知在谐振模式下两个物体之间的近场辐射热传递会显著增强,南昌大学赵启梅等人[13]首先利用石墨烯和硅材料堆叠成的双曲超材料结构,基于石墨烯的表面等离激元和超材料的表面等离激元耦合,实现了近场热辐射的增强㊂然后利用有限元仿真,用两个单层共面石墨烯纳米带结构的石墨烯等离激元耦合,理论上实现了一系列光电太赫兹器件,证明了太赫兹波对近场热辐射的贡献,促进了纳米光学的发展㊂南昌大学周婷等人[14]利用涨落耗散理论㊁涨落电动力学㊁有效介质理论和并矢格林函数方法,着重研究了基于石墨烯多表面耦合多层结构的近场热辐射特性㊂在组合辛普森方法基础上,经理论计算发现,在石墨烯的化学势和真空距均比较小时,石墨烯对近场热辐射的调控有重要影响㊂例如在对石墨烯-碳化硅-超材料结构进行分析时,石墨烯的化学势取0.1e V时,当真空距设为10n m,碳化硅薄膜的厚度取为10n m,所得的结果约为黑体结果的103倍,这表明石墨烯对热辐射系数的增强有显著作用㊂2近场辐射实验研究根据近场热辐射发生的机理可知,对近场热辐射的实验研究需两个实验物体间的距离小于10m ㊂间距越小,越能揭示近场热辐射传热的机理㊂因此,众多科研工作者设计了不同方法使两辐射体之间的距离更小㊂早在十年前,法国国家科学研究院光学研究所G r e f f e t 教授所在的科研小组就已经通过研制一套系统使辐射物体之间的间距从2.5m 减小到30n m ㊂但在2013年前,大部分实验研究还是在微米级别㊂随着微纳米技术的进步,近年来实验研究的两辐射体之间的距离已经达到纳米级别㊂就实验方法的研究而言,大连理工大学电子科学与技术学院的冯冲等人在2013年发表的论文中将此类实验的主要方法总结为可变间隙法[15],此种方法到目前为止还是常用的实验研究方法㊂本文中,我们将实验研究材料分为常规材料与组合材料,对近几年的实验方法进行了总结㊂2.1 常规材料的近场辐射实验研究近场热辐射传热研究的主要目的之一是为了提高能源转换和热管理技术的潜在性能,但能够应用于工程应用的近场热辐射传热设备尚未实现㊂将近场热辐射传热从实验室转化为工程应用的过程中,最大的挑战是制造独立的㊁结构坚固的设备,同时最小化寄生传导对总热效率的相对贡献㊂犹他大学机械工程系辐射能量转移实验室的J o h nD e s u t t e r 团队[16]在能量转换和热测试方面建立了近场热辐射传热测试在实验室和工程应用上的桥梁㊂该团队使用标准的微/纳米制造技术方法成功地制备并表征了近场热辐射传热设备㊂该设备的发射器和接收器的厚度均为525m ,表面积为5.2ˑ5.2m m2㊂其特征是由硅谷微电子提供的表面粗糙度小于0.2n m 并在制造微柱的发射极基体中蚀刻了直径为215m ㊁深度为4.5m 的凹坑㊂该团队利用微米级深坑来制作直径相对较大的微柱(此处为20~30m )㊂这些凹坑使微柱明显长于发射端和接收端之间的公称间隙间距,从而使寄生传导对总热效率的贡献最小㊂这些微柱将发射器和接收器分开,在几微米深的凹坑内,将微柱高度扩展到几微米,同时保持间隙间距在100~1000n m 范围内,从而实现了在间隙小于110n m 的宏观平面上测量掺杂硅的近场热辐射传热㊂通过实验该团队测试得到的最大近场热辐射超过黑体极限约28.5倍㊂该实验装置是实现近场热辐射传热在能量转换和热管理方面潜在应用的关键,同时该实验首次实现了在横向尺寸均超过1m m 的宏观表面进行纳米级间隙间隔成像的测试㊂用深亚波长距离分离的物体之间的辐射传热可以超过传统的热辐射定律,因此一些理想的装置需要依赖于深亚波长区域(即距离小于150n m )的平行结构之间的辐射传热以及它们之间的高温梯度㊂而这些装置在此之前都没有在实验中得到呈现㊂美国康奈尔大学的R a ph -a e l S t -G e l a i s 团队[17]利用高精度微电子机械位移控制装置,采用数值模拟和实验测量相结合的方法研究了深亚波长平行纳米结构间的近场辐射传热㊂实验中,由于高拉伸应力下高机械稳定性结构使热屈曲效应最小,实现了在大热梯度下小距离的分离,并且保证了实验中两个表面完全平行,最终实现了在冷热表面之间距离仅为100n m 的高温梯度(260K )下对近场辐射传热的研究㊂得到的实验结果与前期模拟结果一致,误差在合理范围内㊂此实验首次证明了在深亚波长和高温梯度下平行物体之间的近场辐射传热㊂这种纳米尺度的实验方法为近场热辐射的应用如近场热光伏研究提供了一种新思路㊂美国密歇根大学机械工程系S o n g B 等人[18]为了对薄膜厚度范围内的近场辐射传热进行实验研究,开发了一个含有分辨率大约100p W 热流计的实验平台,该平台能够定量研究从球形热表面(发射器)到接收平面的间隙大小相关的热流,并且可以将球形发射器与接收平面之间的间隙尺寸精确控制在20n m~10m 范围内㊂发射装置由一个悬浮的硅基区域组成,在该区域上附着一个直径为53m 的二氧化硅球体㊂接收平面由氮化硅制成,平面悬浮区域覆盖不同厚度(50n m~3m )的层,沉积在100n m 厚的金膜上㊂该团队对发射器和接收器之间的接触进行光学监测,实验上证明了当热表面和冷表面间隔的厚度与薄膜介质材料的厚度(50~100n m )相当时,近场辐射传热会受到介质薄膜的显著影响,近场辐射会急剧增加㊂这些研究对于优化未来纳米尺度器件的热管理以及实现近场光刻和热光电是至关重要的㊂在过去的一些近场热辐射传热实验中,虽然实验的进展使人们能够在20~30n m 的间隙中阐明近场辐射传热[15],但是在极近场(小于10n m )的定量分析受到实验条件的极大限制㊂此外,开创性测量的结果与理论预测的数量级不同㊂美国密歇根大学K y e o n gt a eK i m 团队[19]创造性地利用具有嵌入金--铬热电偶的高灵敏度定制探针(装置如图2所示)即扫描热显微镜探针,在测量这些间隙上微小热流的同时,实现了稳定地保持这些间隙的存在,从而使在极近场(小于10n m )的间隙进行辐射传热实验成为可能㊂该团队结合能周期性调温的新型微纳器件,最终实现了间距仅为2n m 的辐射传热测量㊂实验中,该团队在扫描探针和微纳器件上沉积了合适的金属或介电层,从而能够直接研究硅--硅㊁氮化硅--氮化硅和金--金表面之间的近场辐射㊂研究发现,不同材料组合之间的极近场热辐射有差异,计算结果提供了明确的证据,波动电动力学准确地描述了极近场热辐射㊂该团队的结果建立在极近场热辐射和近场辐射传热建模中的光动力学的基础上,为电介质和金属表面之间的近场辐射换热的增强首次提供了实验证据㊂2.2 组合超材料的近场辐射实验研究石墨烯具有较大的平面导热系数,常被用作纳米器件的热管理材料㊂同时,石墨烯具有较强的将入射光转化为电热的能力,可用于产生光电流的热电子,在数据通信和光采集等领域有广泛的应用㊂因此,理解并最终控制石墨烯--范德瓦尔斯异质结构中的热场至关重要㊂图2密歇根大学K y e o n g t a eK i m 团队的实验装置示意图石墨烯由层状材料(如六方氮化硼)包裹得到的材料可能极大地改善电子和光电器件的性能㊂巴塞罗那科学与技术研究所的K l a a s -J a nT i e l r o o i j 团队[20]利用随时间变化的光电流测量方法,发现了一个有效的平面外能量传输通道㊂在这个通道中,石墨烯中的载流子与层状材料中的双曲线极化声子耦合,这种双曲形的冷却对于六方氮化硼非常有效,冷却时间可达到皮秒级㊂这是因为氮化硼中的高动量双曲极化声子促使近场能量发生了转移㊂该团队通过改变载流子密度和晶格温度研究了这种传热机理,发现在不需要调节任何参数的情况下,这种传热机理与理论非常吻合㊂这些研究解决了六方氮化硼器件体系结构中的平面外传热问题㊂此外,该团队预测使用其他分层介质(如M o S 2)也可以显著降低冷却速度㊂这项研究中的热石墨烯载流子与声子之间的近场耦合可能为纳米光子学㊁超高分辨率光镜和纳米热管理等领域的新方法铺平道路㊂对石墨烯和碳纳米管的显著热传输特性进行研究有利于解决集成电路的高性能冷却解决方案㊂共价键合石墨烯--碳纳米管(G --C N T )复合结构(见图3)是最近合成的一种结构,人们发现这种结构可以显著提高导热系数,同时增大表面接触面,能够更有效地传热㊂同济大学的C h e n J 团队[21]将G --C N T 浸入水中,通过固液相互作用建立额外的散热路径,从而在最高可达104W /c m -2的恒定功率下实现热表面的持续冷却,数据图如图4所示㊂图3同济大学C h e n J i e团队实验用的石墨烯--碳纳米管复合结构的示意图图4同济大学C h e n J i e 团队的实验数据图经研究可知,在该功率密度下持续加热可以使晶片的表面温度在1n s 内增加60K ,而当水中浸入G --C N T 结构时,在同样条件下,晶片表面的温度能保持不变㊂这些结果表明,G --C N T 混合浸入水中是一种解决高温高热流面的超快冷却方案㊂综上所述,该团队通过瞬态非平衡分子动力学模型模拟证明了G --C N T 混合材料是一种很有前途的高性能冷却应用㊂与单个碳纳米管相比,G --C N T 杂化具有独特的优势,通过碳纳米管阵列将散热能力并行化,同时提供一个平面接触面积,降低接触热阻,从而显著加快冷却过程㊂法国巴黎大学的W e iY 等人[22]利用复合输运和噪声测温,证明了在六方氮化硼晶体管上的双层石墨烯具有显著的热性能,以威德曼--弗朗兹定律传导和六方氮化硼双曲声子极化子发射为主㊂在高偏置条件下,通过降低补偿载流子的密度和Z e n e r -K l e i n 隧道效应,六方氮化硼晶体管上具有局部栅的双层石墨烯被驱动到几乎完美的电流饱和状态㊂该团队揭示了一种新的非平衡双曲声子极化子的发射过程,该过程屈服于在高掺杂下观察到的温度稳定状态㊂这种高迁移开辟了许多前景:在应用方面,它为射频功率放大和纳米器件冷却通路的设计等方面提供了一个有前途的平台;在基础科学方面,它开辟了隧道过程中产生的非平衡载流子的冷却通道研究,促进了石墨烯作为非平衡双曲声子极化子光学专用光源的发展㊂3基于近场辐射热传导应用的研究最近几年的研究已经可以证明各种复合材料对近场热辐射的影响㊂2016年,朱克勇等人[9]通过研究证明了在近场热辐射穿透深度方面双曲材料更有优势,这使双曲材料能够更广泛更深层次地应用于热光伏和辐射制冷等领域㊂斯坦福大学金兹顿实验室的Z h a oB 团队[23]分析了一种近场系统,该系统由等离子发射体(氧化铟锡)和窄带隙光伏电池(I n A s )组成,在深亚波长的范围有较高和较大的余热回收能量密度㊂该团队发现,该系统在900K 温度时的发电效率高达40%,功率密度为11W/c m2㊂随后,该团队利用薄膜中的热激等离子体共振,将铂层覆盖到窄带隙光伏电池表面,又将功率密度提高至31W /c m2㊂这项工作有利于深层次理解在小间隙距离(小于10n m )中表面等离子体极化声子在热传递中的主导作用,该研究还证明了使用近场热泵在废热回收应用的巨大潜力㊂该团队还基于近场热辐射研究了光子系统[24],此系统由热源侧的发光二极管(L i gh t -E m i t t i n g Di o d e ,L E D )和远离热源侧的光伏电池组成(见图5)㊂光伏电池产生的部分电能被图5斯坦福大学的Z h a oB o团队设计的光子系统示意图用来驱动L E D㊂该研究表明了利用光子方法进行废热回收的巨大潜力,在近场情况下,该系统的效率和功率密度显著超过现有的热固相方法㊂当间隙间距为10n m时,将热侧温度设置为600K,将冷侧温度设置为300K,所产生的电能密度和热电转换效率分别可以达到9.6%和9.8%㊂4结束语纳米技术的发展使当前各类电子器件的结构尺寸越来越小,各类集成电路体积也越来越小,基于近场热辐射的研究解决传热散热问题就显得越发重要㊂本文通过总结近几年关于近场热辐射传热的研究,展示了最新的关于近场热辐射的数值模拟和实验测量方法与成果㊂到目前为止,更小距离下的近场热辐射传热的数值模拟和实验测量依旧是该领域的重要研究课题㊂随着微机电系统与计算机技术的进步,探针的制造工艺得到巨大提升,众多科研工作者逐步实现了更小距离的近场热辐射测量,目前实验测量极近场距离(小于10n m)的热辐射已经实现㊂虽然近场热辐射的理论研究已被越来越多的实验证实,但由于实验设备设计制造困难,此类实验的实验成本较高而且实验条件难实现,以至于很多理论模拟结果没办法得到验证㊂另一方面,实验中测量间距不易控制,实验产生的信号微弱,不易接收,依旧是阻碍实验成功实现的重要因素㊂通过设计实验实现理论模拟所提出的结构,将实验得到的数据和理论结果相结合,是下一步要研究的重点㊂参考文献[1]R y t o vS M.T h e o r y o fE l e c t r i c a lF u c t u a t i o n s a n dT h e r m a lR a d i a t i o n[M].M o s c o w:A c a d e m y o fS c i e n c e sP r e s 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Unit 1property (材料的)性质heat treatment 热处理metal 金属glass 玻璃plastics 塑料fiber 纤维electronic devices 电子器件component 组元,组分semiconducting materials 半导体材料materials science and engineering 材料科学与工程materials science 材料科学materials engineering 材料工程materials scientist 材料科学家materials engineer 材料工程师synthesize 合成synthesissyntheticsubatomic structure 亚原子结构electron 电子atom 原子nuclei 原子核nucleusmolecule 分子microscopic 微观的microscope 显微镜naked eye 裸眼macroscopic 宏观的specimen 试样deformation 变形polished 抛光的reflect 反射magnitude 量级solid materials 固体材料mechanical properties 力学性质load 载荷force 力elastic modulus 弹性模量strength 强度electrical properties 电学性质electrical conductivity 导电性dielectric constant 介电常数electric field 电场thermal behavior 热学行为heat capacity 热容thermal conductivity 热传导(导热性)magnetic properties 磁学性质magnetic field 磁场optical properties 光学性质electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射light radiation 光辐射index of refraction 折射率reflectivity 反射率deteriorative characteristics 劣化特性processing 加工performance 性能linear 线性的integrated circuit chip 集成电路芯片strength 强度ductility 延展性deterioration 恶化,劣化mechanical strength 机械强度elevated temperature 高温corrosive 腐蚀性的fabrication 制造Unit 2chemical makeup 化学组成atomic structure 原子结构advanced materials 先进材料high-technology 高技术smart materials 智能材料nanoengineered materials 纳米工程材料metallic materials 金属材料nonlocalized electrons 游离电子conductor 导体electricity 电heat 热transparent 透明的visible light 可见光polished 抛光的surface 表面lustrous 有光泽的aluminum 铝silicon 硅alumina 氧化铝silica 二氧化硅oxide 氧化物carbide 碳化物nitride 氮化物dioxide 二氧化物clay minerals 黏土矿物porcelain 瓷器cement 水泥mechanical behavior 力学行为ceramic materials 陶瓷材料stiffness 劲度strength 强度hard 坚硬brittle 脆的fracture 破裂insulative 绝缘的resistant 耐……的resistance 耐力,阻力,电阻molecular structures 分子结构chain—like 链状backbone 骨架carbon atoms 碳原子low densities 低密度mechanical characteristics 力学特性inert 隋性synthetic (人工)合成的fiberglass 玻璃纤维polymeric 聚合物的epoxy 环氧树脂polyester 聚酯纤维carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite 碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料glass fiber-reinforced materials 玻璃纤维增强材料high—strength, low-density structural materials 高强度低密度结构材料solar cell 太阳能电池hydrogen fuel cell 氢燃料电池catalyst 催化剂nonrenewable resource 不可再生资源Unit 3periodic table (元素)周期表atomic structure 原子结构magnetic 磁学的optical 光学的microstructure 微观结构macrostructure 宏观结构positively charged nucleus 带正电的原子核atomic number 原子序数proton 质子atomic weight 原子量neutron 中子negatively charged electrons 带负电的电子shell 壳层magnesium 镁chemical bonds 化学键partially-filled electron shells 未满电子壳层bond 成键metallic bond 金属键nonmetal atoms 非金属原子covalent bond 共价键ionic bond 离子键Unit 4physical properties 物理性质chemical properties 化学性质flammability 易燃性corrosion 腐蚀oxidation 氧化oxidation resistance 抗氧化性vapor (vapour)蒸汽,蒸气,汽melt 熔化solidify 凝固vaporize 汽化,蒸发condense 凝聚sublime 升华state 态plasma 等离子体phase transformation temperatures 相变温度density 密度specific gravity 比重thermal conductivity 热导linear coefficient of thermal expansion 线性热膨胀系数electrical conductivity and resistivity 电导和电阻corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性magnetic permeability 磁导率phase transformations 相变phase transitions 相变crystal forms 晶型melting point 熔点boiling point 沸腾点vapor pressure 蒸气压atm 大气压glass transition temperature 玻璃化转变温度mass 质量volume 体积per unit of volume 每单位体积the acceleration of gravity 重力加速度temperature dependent 随温度而变的,与温度有关的grams/cubic centimeter 克每立方厘米kilograms/cubic meter 千克每立方米grams/milliliter 克每毫升grams/liter 克每升pounds per cubic inch 磅每立方英寸pounds per cubic foot 磅每立方英尺alcohol 酒精benzene 苯magnetize 磁化magnetic induction 磁感应强度magnetic field intensity 磁场强度constant 常数vacuum 真空magnetic flux density 磁通密度diamagnetic 反磁性的factor 因数paramagnetic 顺磁性的ferromagnetic 铁磁性的non—ferrous metals 非铁金属,有色金属brass 黄铜ferrous 含铁的ferrous metals 含铁金属,黑色金属relative permeability 相对磁导率transformer 变压器,变换器eddy current probe 涡流探针Unit 5hardness 硬度impact resistance 耐冲击性fracture toughness 断裂韧度,断裂韧性structural materials 结构材料anisotropic 各向异性orientation 取向texture 织构fiber reinforcement 纤维增强longitudinal 纵向transverse direction 横向short transverse direction 短横向a function of temperature 温度的函数,温度条件room temperature 室温elongation 伸长率tension 张力,拉力compression 压缩bending 弯曲shear 剪切torsion 扭转static loading 静负荷dynamic loading 动态载荷cyclic loading 循环载荷,周期载荷cross-sectional area 横截面stress 应力stress distribution 应力分布strain 应变engineering strain 工程应变perpendicular 垂直normal axis 垂直轴elastic deformation 弹性形变plastic deformation 塑性形变quality control 质量控制nondestructive tests 无损检测tensile property 抗张性能,拉伸性能Unit 6lattice 晶格positive ions 正离子a cloud of delocalized electrons 离域电子云ionization 电离,离子化metalloid 准金属,类金属nonmetal 非金属diagonal line 对角线polonium 钋semi-metal 半金属lower left 左下方upper right 右上方conduction band 导带valence band 价带electronic structure 电子结构synthetic materials (人工)合成材料oxygen 氧oxide 氧化物rust 生锈potassium 钾alkali metals 碱金属alkaline earth metals 碱土金属volatile 活泼的transition metals 过渡金属oxidize 氧化barrier layer 阻挡层basic 碱性的acidic 酸性的electrochemical series 电化序electrochemical cell 电化电池cleave 解理,劈开elemental 元素的,单质的metallic form 金属形态tightly-packed crystal lattice 密排晶格,密堆积晶格atomic radius 原子半径nuclear charge 核电荷number of bonding orbitals 成键轨道数overlap of orbital energies 轨道能重叠crystal form 晶型planes of atoms 原子面a gas of nearly free electrons 近自由电子气free electron model 自由电子模型an electron gas 电子气band structure 能带结构binding energy 键能positive potential 正势periodic potential 周期性势能band gap 能隙Brillouin zone 布里渊区nearly—free electron model 近自由电子模型solid solution 固溶体pure metals 纯金属duralumin 硬铝,杜拉铝Unit 9purification 提纯,净化raw materials 原材料discrete 离散的,分散的iodine 碘long—chain 长链alkane 烷烃,链烃oxide 氧化物nitride 氮化物carbide 碳化物diamond 金刚石graphite 石墨inorganic 无机的mixed ionic—covalent bonding 离子—共价混合键constituent atoms 组成原子conduction mechanism 传导机制phonon 声子photon 光子sapphire 蓝宝石visible light 可见光computer—assisted process control 计算机辅助过程控制solid—oxide fuel cell 固体氧化物燃料电池spark plug insulator 火花塞绝缘材料capacitor 电容electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electron microscope 电子显微镜surface analytical methods 表面分析方法Unit 12macromolecule 高分子repeating structural units 重复结构单元covalent bond 共价键polymer chemistry 高分子化学polymer physics 高分子物理polymer science 高分子科学molecular structure 分子结构molecular weights 分子量long chains 长链chain—like structure 链状结构monomer 单体plastics 塑料rubbers 橡胶thermoplastic 热塑性thermoset 热固性vulcanized rubbers 硫化橡胶thermoplastic elastomer 热塑弹性体natural rubbers 天然橡胶synthetic rubbers 合成橡胶thermoplastic 热塑性thermoset 热固性resin 树脂polyethylene 聚乙烯polypropylene 聚丙烯polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polyvinyl-chloride 聚氯乙烯polyvinyl 聚乙烯的chloride 氯化物polyester 聚酯polyurethane 聚氨酯polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯nylon 尼龙acrylics 丙烯酸树脂acrylonitrile—butadiene-styrene ABS树脂polymerization 聚合(作用)condensation polymerization 缩聚addition polymerization 加聚homopolymer 均聚物copolymer 共聚物chemical modification 化学改性terminology 术语nomenclature 命名法chemist 化学家the Noble Prize in Chemistry 诺贝尔化学奖catalyst 催化剂atomic force microscope 原子力显微镜(AFM)Unit 15composite 复合材料multiphase 多相bulk phase 体相matrix 基体matrix material 基质材料reinforcement 增强体reinforcing phase 增强相reinforcing material 加强材料metal-matrix composite 金属基复合材料ceramic-matrix composite 陶瓷基复合材料resin—matrix composite 树脂基复合材料strengthening mechanism 增强机理dispersion strengthened composite 弥散强化复合材料particle reinforced composites 颗粒增强复合材料fiber—reinforced composites 纤维增强复合材料Unit 18nanotechnology 纳米技术nanostructured materials 纳米结构材料nanometer 纳米nanoscale 纳米尺度nanoparticle 纳米颗粒nanotube 纳米管nanowire 纳米线nanorod 纳米棒nanoonion 纳米葱nanobulb 纳米泡fullerene 富勒烯size parameters 尺寸参数size effect 尺寸效应critical length 临界长度mesoscopic 介观的quantum mechanics 量子力学quantum effects 量子效应surface area per unit mass 单位质量的表面积surface physics and chemistry 表面物理化学substrate 衬底,基底graphene 石墨烯chemical analysis 化学分析chemical composition 化学成分analytical techniques 分析技术scanning tunneling microscope 扫描隧道显微镜spatial resolution 空间分辨率de Brogile wavelength 德布罗意波长mean free path of electrons (电子)平均自由程quantum dot 量子点band gap 带隙continuous density of states 连续态密度discrete energy level 离散能级absorption 吸收infrared 红外ultraviolet 紫外visible 可见quantum confinement (effect)量子限域效应quantum well 量子势阱optoelectronic device 光电子器件energy spectrum 能谱electron mean free path 电子平均自由程spin relaxation length 自旋弛豫长度Unit 21biomaterial 生物材料implant materials 植入材料biocompatibility 生物相容性in vivo 在活体内in vitro 在活体外organ transplant 器管移植calcium phosphate 磷酸钙hydroxyapatite 羟基磷灰石research and development 研发 R&D Preparation & Characterizationprocessing techniques 加工技术casting 铸造rolling 轧制,压延welding 焊接ion implantation 离子注入thin—film deposition 薄膜沉积crystal growth 晶体生长sintering 烧结glassblowing 玻璃吹制analytical techniques 分析技术characterization techniques 表征技术electron microscopy 电子显微术X—ray diffraction X射线衍射calorimetry 量热法Rutherford backscattering 卢瑟福背散射neutron diffraction 中子衍射nuclear microscopy 核子微探针。
Bong Jae LeeAssociate ProfessorThermal Radiation LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)291Daehak-ro,Yuseong-guDaejeon305-701,Republic of INTERESTS?Near-Field Thermal Radiation for Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion?Electric/Magnetic Metamaterials for Solar Energy Harvesting?Radiation Thermometry at Extreme Conditions2EDUCATION?Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,Georgia,USA–Ph.D.,Mechanical Engineering2007/12–M.S.,Mechanical Engineering2005/08 ?Seoul National University,Seoul,Republic of Korea–B.S.,Mechanical Engineering2001/083PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS?Associate Professor,KAIST2013/09–present ?Assistant Professor,KAIST2011/05–2013/08 ?Assistant Professor,University of Pittsburgh2008/09–2011/04 ?Postdoctoral Fellow&Lecturer,Georgia Institute of Technology2008/01–2008/084HONORS AND A W ARDS?Best Paper Award,Thermal Engineering Division,KSME2015 ?Excellence in Teaching Prize,KAIST2015 ?Outstanding Teaching Award(MAE311Heat Transfer),Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST Spring2014 ?Invited Professor Grant,`Ecole Centrale Paris July,2014 ?Young Investigator Award,Thermal Engineering Division,KSME2014 ?Outstanding Teaching Award(MAE810Special Topic:Nanoscale Heat Transfer),Department of Mechanical Engineering,KAIST Spring2012 ?Sigma Xi(Georgia Tech Chapter)Best Ph.D.Thesis Award2008 ?ASME-Hewlett Packard Best Paper Award(2nd place)2007 ?Haiam Scholarship from the SeAH Steel Corporation1996–20015PUBLICATIONS5.1INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL1.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Doped-Si Plates atNanoscale Gaps,”Physical Review B91,195136,2015(IF:3.664).2.M.Lim,S.M.Jin,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Graphene-Assisted Si-InSb Thermophotovoltaic DeviceOptics Express23,A240–A253,2015(IF:3.525).for Low Temperature Applications,”3.S.Han and B.J.Lee,“Control of Thermal Radiative Properties using Two-Dimensional ComplexGratings,”International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer83,713–721,2015(IF:2.522).4.J.Yeo,G.Kim,S.Hong,J.Lee,H.Park, B.J.Lee,C.P.Grigoropoulos,S.H.Ko,“Single NanowireResistive Nano-heater for Highly Localized Thermo-Chemical Reactions:Localized Hierarchical Heterojunction Nanowire Growth,”Small10,5015–5022,2014(IF:7.514).5.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Optical Property of Blended Plasmonic Nano?uid based on GoldNanorods,”Optics Express22,A1101–A1111,2014(IF:3.525).6. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,S.Han, F.-C.Chiu,and H.J.Lee,“Wavelength-Selective Solar ThermalAbsorber with Two-Dimensional Nickel Gratings,”Journal of Heat Transfer136,072702,2014 (IF:2.055).7.H.Park, B.J.Lee,and J.Lee,“Note:Simultaneous Determination of Local Temperature andThickness of Heated Cantilevers using Two-Wavelength Thermore?ectance,”Review of Scienti?c Instruments85,036106,2014(Selected for RSI Editor’sPicks2014;IF:1.367).8.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Near-FieldThermal Radiation between Graphene-Covered DopedSilicon Plates,”Optics Express21,22173–22185,2013(IF:3.525).9.J.S.Jin, B.J.Lee,and H.J.Lee,“Analysisof Phonon Transport in Silicon Nanowires IncludingOptical Phonons,”Journal of the Korean Physical Society63,1007–1013,2013(IF:0.506).10. B.Ding,M.Yang,B.J.Lee,and J.-K.Lee,“TunableSurface Plasmons of Dielectric Core-MetalShell Particles for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells,”RSC Advances3,9690–9697,2013(IF:2.562).11.J.Kim,S.Han,T.Walsh,K.Park, B.J.Lee,W.P.King,and J.Lee,“Temperature Measurementof Heated Microcantilever using Scanning Thermore?ectance Microscopy,”Review of Scienti?c Instruments84,034903,2013(IF:1.367).12.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Assessment o f Phonon Boundary Scattering from Light Scat-tering Standpoint,”Journal of Applied Physics112,063513,2012(IF:2.168).13.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and W.P.King,“De?ection Sensitivity Calibration of Heated MicrocantileversIEEE Sensors Journal12,2666–2667,2012(IF:1.520).Using Pseudo-gratings,”14. B.J.Lee,K.Park,T.Walsh,and L.Xu,“Radiative Heat Transfer Analysis in Plasmonic Nano?u-ids for Direct Solar Thermal Absorption,”Journal of Solar Energy Engineering134,021009,2012 (IF:0.846).15.L.Xu,Z.-J.Zhang,and B.J.Lee,“Magnetic Resonances on Core-Shell Nanowires with Notches,”Applied Physics Letters99,101907,2011(Selected for the September19,2011issue of Virtual Journal for Nanoscale Science&Technology;IF:3.844).16.Z.-J.Zhang,K.Park and B.J.Lee,“Surfaceand Magnetic Polaritons on Two-DimensionalNanoslab-Aligned Multilayer Structure,”Optics Express19,16375–16389,2011(IF:3.587).17. B.Ding, B.J.Lee,M.Yang,H.S.Jung,and J.-K.Lee,“Surface-Plasmon Assisted Energy Con-version in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,”Advanced Energy Materials1,415–421,2011(IF:10.043). 18.W.DiPippo, B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“DesignAnalysis of Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunosen-sors in Mid-Infrared Range,”Optics Express18,19396–19406,2010(Selected for the October 22,2010issue of Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics;IF:3.753).19.L.Xu, B.J.Lee,W.L.Hanson,and B.Han,“Brownian Motion Induced Dynamic Near-FieldInteraction between Quantum Dots and Plasmonic Nanoparticles in Aqueous Medium,”Applied Physics Letters96,174101,2010(IF:3.841).20. A.J.McNamara, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Quantum Size E?ects on the Lattice Speci?c Heat ofNanostructures,”N anoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering14,1–20,2010(Figure selected as the cover image for the January2010issue;IF:1.903).21.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Near-FieldRadiation Calculated with an Improved DielectricFunction Model for Doped Silicon,”J ournal of Heat Transfer132,021005,2010(IF:0.942).22.S.Basu, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Heavily Doped Silicon atRoom Temperature,”Journal of Heat Transfer132,021001,2010(IF:0.942).23. B.J.Lee and A.C.To,“EnhancedAbsorption in One-dimensional Phononic Crystals with Inter-facial Acoustic Waves,”Applied Physics Letters95,031911,2009(IF:3.554).24.X.J.Wang,J.D.Flicker, B.J.Lee,W.J.Ready,and Z.M.Zhang,“Visible and Near-InfraredRadiative Properties of Vertically Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,”Nanotechnology20, 215704,2009(IF:3.137).25.L.P.Wang, B.J.Lee,X.J.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“Spatialand Temporal Coherence of ThermalRadiation in Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavities,”I nternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer52,3024–3031,2009(IF:1.947).26. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Indirect Measurements of Coherent Thermal Emission from a Trun-cated Photonic Crystal Structure,”J ournal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer23,9–17,2009 (IF:0.687).27.Q.Li, B.J.Lee,Z.M.Zhang,and D.W.Allen,“Light Scattering of Semitransparent SinteredPolytetra?uoroethylene(PTFE)Films,”Journal of Biomedical Optics13,054064,2008(IF:2.970).28. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Lateral Shift in Near-Field Thermal Radiation with Surface PhononNanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering12,238–250,2008(IF:1.000).Polaritons,”29. B.J.Lee,L.P.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“CoherentThermal Emission by Excitation of MagneticPolaritons between Periodic Strips and a Metallic Film,”Optics Express16,11328–11336,2008 (IF:3.880).30.Y.-B.Chen,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“InfraredRadiative Properties of Submicron Metallic SlitArrays,”Journal of Heat Transfer130,082404,2008(IF:1.421).31. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“TransmissionEnhancement through Nanoscale MetallicJournal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Slit Arrays from the Visible to Mid-infrared,”5,201–213,2008(Invited paper;IF:1.256).32. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“SurfaceWaves between Metallic Films and TruncatedPhotonic Crystals Observed with Re?ectance Spectroscopy,”Optics Letters33,204–206,2008 (Featured in the Year End Review issue of Aerospace America2008;IF:3.772).33. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Con?nement of Infrared Radiation to Nanometer Scalesthrough Metallic Slit Arrays,”Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer109, 608–619,2008(IF:1.635).34. B.J.Lee,K.Park,and Z.M.Zhang,“EnergyPathways in Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”AppliedPhysics Letters91,153101,2007(Figure selected as the cover image for the October8, 2007issue;Introduced in the October30,2007issue of Nanomaterials News;IF:3.596).35. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“CoherentThermal Emission from Modi?ed Periodic Multilayer Struc-tures,”Journal of Heat Transfer129,17–26,2007(IF:1.202).36.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“Lateral Shift in Photon Tunneling Studied by the Energy StreamlineMethod,”Optics Express14,9963–9970,2006(IF:4.009).37. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Designand Fabrication of Planar Multilayer Structures with CoherentJournal of Applied Physics100,063529,2006(IF:2.316).Thermal Emission Characteristics,”38. B.J.Lee,C.J.Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“CoherentThermal Emission from One-dimensional PhotonicCrystals,”A pplied Physics Letters87,071904,2005(Selected for the August22,2005issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science&Technology;IF:4.127).39. B.J.Lee,Z.M.Zhang,E.A.Early,D.P.DeWitt,and B.K.Tsai,“Modeling Radiative Properties ofSilicon with Coatings and Comparison with Re?ectance Measurements,”Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer19,558–569,2005(IF:0.665).40. B.J.Lee,V.P.Khuu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Partially Coherent Spectral Radiative Properties ofDielectric Thin Films with Rough Surfaces,”Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer19, 360–366,2005(IF:0.665).41.K.Park, B.J.Lee,C.J.Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Study of the Surface and Bulk Polaritons with aNegative Index Metamaterial,”Journal of the Optical Society of America B22,1016–1023,2005 (IF:2.119).42.H.J.Lee, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Radiative Properties of SemitransparentWafers with Rough Surfaces and Thin-Film Coatings,”Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer93,185–194,2005(IF:1.685).5.2DOMESTIC JOURNAL1.S.Han, B.Choi,T.-H.Song,S.J.Kim,and B.J.Lee,“Experimental Investigation of VariableEmittance Material Based on(La,Sr)MnO3,”Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B37,583–590,2013.2. D.Kim,S.Kim,S.Choi, B.J.Lee,and J.Kim,“E?ect of Flame Radiative Heat Transfer inHorizontal-Type HRSG with Duct Burner,”Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical En-gineers B37,197–204,2013.5.3INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDING1.H.Han and B.J.Lee,“SpectralAbsorptance of Tandem Grating and Its Application for Solar En-ergy Harvesting,”A SME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Abstract No.IMECE2014-36694,Montreal,Canada,November14–20,2014.2.H.Han and B.J.Lee,“TailoringRadiative Property of Two-Dimensional Complex Grating Struc-tures,”15th International Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.IHTC15-9050,Kyoto,Japan,Au-gust10–15,2014.3.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Absorption Coe?cient of Plasmonic Nano?uids based on GoldNanorods,”2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation:Energy,Manufactur-ing,Materials,and Sensing,Shanghai,China,June6–9,2014.4.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“MEMS-based Parallel Plate with Sub-micron Gap for MeasuringNear-?eld Thermal Radiation,”2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy,Manufacturing,Materials,and Sensing,Shanghai,China,June6–9,2014(poster presen-tation).5.M.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Theoretical Investigation of the E?ect of Graphene on the Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Doped Silicon Plates,”ASME4th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2013-22033,Hong Kong,China, December11–14,2013.6.Y.-B.Chen,S.W.Han, F.-C.Chiu,H.J.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Designa Wavelength-SelectiveAbsorber for Solar Thermal Collectors with Two-Dimensional Nickel Gratings,”ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2013-17288,Minneapolis,MN,USA,July14–19,2013.7.J.Kim, B.J.Lee,W.P.King,and J.Lee,“Optical Heating and Temperature Sensing of Heated Mi-crocantilever using Two-Wavelength Thermore?ectance,”10th International Workshop on Nanome-chanical Sensing,Stanford University,CA,USA,May1–3,2013(poster presentation).8.J.Kim,S.Han,K.Park, B.J.Lee,W.P.King,J.Lee,“DCand AC Electrothermal Charac-terization of Heated Microcantilevers using Scanning Thermore?ectance Microscopy,”26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,Taipei,Taiwan,January20–24, 2013(poster presentation).9.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Theoretical Investigation of Phonon Boundary Scatteringfrom One-Dimensional Rough Surfaces,”3rd International Forum on Heat Transfer,Paper No.IFHT2012-149,Nagasaki,Japan,November13–15,2012.10. B.J.Lee,“Electricand Magnetic Resonances on Isolated Nanostructure,”A SME3rd Micro/NanoscaleHeat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2012-75078,Atlanta,GA, USA,March3–6,2012.11.K.Park,J.K.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Investigating Laser-Induced Heating of Plasmonic Nano?uidsfor a Fast,High Throughput Polymerase Chain Reaction,”ASME3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Abstract No.MNHMT2012-75127,Atlanta,GA,USA, March3–6,2012.12. B.J.Lee and K.Park,“Direct Solar Thermal Absorption using Blended Plasmonic Nano?uids,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Abstract No.IMECE2011-64067,Denver,CO,USA,November11–17,2011.13.Z.-J.Zhang, B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Modeling Radiative Properties of Nanowire-Aligned Multi-layer Structures,”p resented at Open Forum on Radiative Transfer and Properties for Renewable Energy Applications,14th International Heat Transfer Conference,Washington, D.C.,USA,Au-gust8–13,2010.14.W.DiPippo, B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Developmentof Surface Plasmon Resonance Immuno-Sensorsat Mid-Infrared Range,”14th International Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.IHTC14-22914, Washington, D.C.,USA,August8–13,2010.15. B.J.Lee,W.Hanson,and B.Han,“Plasmon-Enhanced Quantum Dot Fluorescence Induced byBrownian Motion,”ASME2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Confer-ence,Paper No.NMHMT2009-18185,Shanghai,China,December18–21,2009.16. B.J.Lee and Z.-J.Zhang,“Investigation of the E?ects of Nanostructures on Thermal Radiation inthe Near Field,”7th Asia-Paci?c Conference on Near-Field Optics,Jeju,Korea,November25–27, 2009(poster presentation).17. A.J.McNamara, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Reexamination of the Size E?ect on the LatticeSpeci?c Heat of Nanostructures,”A SME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Ex-position,Abstract No.IMECE2009-12388,Orlando,FL,USA,November13–19,2009(poster pre-sentation).18.W.DiPippo, B.J.Lee,and K.Park,“Theoretical Investigation of Tip-based Nanoscale InfraredASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2009-88538,San Francisco, Spectroscopy,”CA,USA,July19–23,2009.19. B.J.Lee and A.C.To“PeriodicNanostructure Patterning using Pulsed Laser Ablation in the NearField,”ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference,San Francisco,CA,USA,July19–23,2009.20. A.C.To and B.J.Lee,“Multifunctional One-dimensional Phononic Crystal Structures ExploitingInterfacial Acoustic Waves,”2009MRS Spring Meeting,San Francisco,CA,USA,April13–17, 2009.21.S.Basu,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Near-FieldRadiation Calculated with an Improved DielectricFunction Model for Doped Silicon,”A SME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2008-68314,Boston,MA,USA,October31–November6,2008.22.L.P.Wang, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Metamaterials Using Magnetic Resonance between Pe-riodic Strips and a Metallic Film,”OSA Fall Optics and Photonics Congress:Plasmonics and Metamaterials,Rochester,NY,USA,October20–23,2008.23. B.J.Lee,L.P.Wang,X.J.Wang,and Z.M.Zhang,“Spatialand Temporal Coherent Emission froma Fabry-Perot Resonance Cavity,”ASME3rd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference,Jacksonville,FL,USA,August10–14,2008.24. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Energy Streamlines in Near-Field Thermal Radiation,”ASME Mi-cro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer International Conference,Paper No.MNHT2008-52210,Tainan,Tai-wan,January6–9,2008.25.Y.-B.Chen, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Submicron MetallicSlit Arrays,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2007-41268,Seattle,WA,USA,November11–15,2007.26.S.Basu, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Infrared Radiative Properties of Heavily Doped Siliconat Room Temperature,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No.IMECE2007-41266,Seattle,WA,USA,November11–15,2007(2nd Place in ASME -Hewlett Packard Best Paper Award).27. B.J.Lee,K.Park,and Z.M.Zhang,“Visualization of Energy Streamlines in Near-Field ThermalRadiation,”in Photogallery Heat Transfer Visualization,ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Vancouver,Canada,July8–12,2007.28. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Indirect Measurements of Coherent Thermal Emissionfrom a Truncated Photonic Crystal Structure,”A SME-JSME Thermal Engineering and Summer Heat Transfer Conference,Paper No.HT2007-321303,Vancouver,Canada,July8–12,2007.29. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Can Infrared Energy Be Focused to Nanometeric LengthScale?”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Chicago,IL,USA, November5–10,2006.30. B.J.Lee,Y.-B.Chen,and Z.M.Zhang,“Measurementsof Coherent Thermal Emission from PlanarMultilayer Structures,”A SME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago,IL,USA,November5–10,2006(poster presentation).31.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“What is Photon Tunneling?”ASME International Mechanical Engi-neering Congress and Exposition,Chicago,IL,USA,November5–10,2006.32. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“CoherentThermal Emission from Modi?ed Periodic Multilayer Struc-tures,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Paper No.IMECE2005-82487,Orlando,FL,USA,November5–11,2005.33. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Temperature and Doping Dependence of the Radiative Properties ofProceedings of the13th IEEE Annual International Conference on Silicon:Drude Model Revisited,”Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.251–260,S anta Barbara,CA,USA,October 4–7,2005.34. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Rad-Pro:E?ective Software for Modeling Radiative Properties inRapid Thermal Processing,”Proceedings of the13th IEEE Annual International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.275–281,S anta Barbara,CA,USA,October 4–7,2005.35. B.J.Lee,V.P.Khuu,and Z.M.Zhang,“Partially Coherent Spectral Radiative Properties ofDielectric Thin Films with Rough Surfaces,”37th AIAA Thermophysics Conference,Paper AIAA-2004-2466,Portland,OR,USA,June28–July1,2004.36. B.K.Tsai,D.P.DeWitt, E.A.Early,L.M.Hanssen,S.N.Mekhontsev,M.Rink,K.G.Kreider, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Emittance Standards for Improved Radiation Thermometry during Ther-mal Processing of Silicon Materials,”9th International Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science,Cavtat-Dubrovnik,Croatia,June22–25,2004.37.H.J.Lee, B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Radiative Properties of SemitransparentWafers with Rough Surfaces and Thin-Film Coatings,”4th International Symposium on Radiation Transfer,Istanbul,Turkey,June20–25,2004.38.K.Park, B.J.Lee, C.J Fu,and Z.M.Zhang,“E?ect of Surface and Bulk Polaritons on theRadiative Properties of Multilayer Structures with a Left-Handed Medium,”ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Washington D.C.,USA,Paper No.IMECE2003-41972,November16–21,2003.39.Z.M.Zhang,B.J.Lee,and H.J.Lee,“Studyof the Radiative Properties of Silicon-Based Materialsfor Thermal Processing and Control,”Proceedings of the11th IEEE Annual International Con-ference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.107–115,C harleston,SC,USA, September23–26,2003.40. B.J.Lee and Z.M.Zhang,“Developmentof Experimentally Validated Optical Property Models forSilicon and Related Materials,”P roceedings of the11th IEEE Annual International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors,pp.143–150,C harleston,SC,USA,September 23–26,2003.41.H.J.Lee,B.J.Lee,and Z.M.Zhang,“Modeling the Directional Spectral Radiative Properties ofSemitransparent Wafers with Thin-Film Coatings,”15th Symposium on Thermophysical Proper-ties,Boulder,CO,USA,June22–27,2003.5.4DOMESTIC CONFERENCE PROCEEDING1.J.Jeon,S.Park,and B.J.Lee,“Enhancing Light Absorption Performance of Volumetric So-lar Collector using Plasmonic Nano?uid based on Gold Nanorod,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.2.M.Lim,S.M.Jin,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“DopedSi-Graphene-InSb Near-Field Thermophoto-voltaic System,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting,Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.3.J.B.Kim and B.J.Lee,“Thermal Properties of Dielectric Nano?uids,”KSME Annual Fall Meet-ing,Gwangju,Korea,November11–13,2014.4.M.K.Lim,S.S.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“The E?ect of Graphene on the Near-Field Radiation,”KSMEThermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Busan,Korea,May23–24,2013(poster presenta-tion).5.S.W.Kim and B.J.Lee,“Pool Boiling Characteristics of SiO2-Nanoparticle-Coated Surface,”KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Busan,Korea,May23–24,2013.6.S.Han,H.J.Lee,and B.J.Lee,“Designand Analysis of E?cient Solar Absorber Using Two-Dimensional Metallic Gratings,”KSME Annual Fall Meeting,Changwon,Korea,November7–9, 2012.7.H.J.Lee,J.S.Jin,and B.J.Lee,“Specularity Models to Account for Energy Scattering by Sur-face Roughness,”KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting,Yongpyung,Korea,May 23–25,2012.5.5BOOK CHAPTERChapter3,1.Z.M.Zhang and B.J.Lee,“Theoryof Thermal Radiation and Radiative Properties,”pp.74–132,i n Radiometric Temperature Measurements:I.Fundamentals,Z.M.Zhang, B.K.Tsai, and G.Machin(eds.),Academic Press(an Imprint of Elsevier),Amsterdam,2009.5.6PATENT1.J.Jeon and B.J.Lee,“PlasmonicNano?uid Having Broad-band Absorption Characteristic Madeby Blending Gold Nanorods of Di?erent Aspect Ratios and Its Design Method,”Korea Patent (Application Number:10-2015-0000500).2.J.B.Kim and B.J.Lee,“LowViscous Dielectric Nano?uid for Electric Device Cooling,”KoreaPatent(Application Number:10-2014-0173068).3.H.Lee,H.J.Choi,and B.J.Lee,“Metamaterial-based Absorber of Solar Radiation Energy andMethod of Manufacturing the Same,”Korea Patent(Patent Number:10-1497817).4.S.W.Han,B.S.Choi,T.H.Song,S.J.Kim,and B.J.Lee,“ThinFilm of Variable Emittance Ma-terial on Metal Layer and Method for Fabrication,”Korea Patent(Patent Number:10-1430222).6INVITED PRESENTATIONS1.“Application of Thermal Radiation to Energy Technology,”Department seminar,Department ofMechanical Engineering,Pohang University of Science and Technology,Korea,May8,2015.2.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Department seminar,School of Mechanical En-gineering,Yeungnam University,Korea,March27,2015.3.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Group seminar,Thermal&Fluid System R&BDGroup,Korea Institute of Industrial Technology(KITECH),Korea,March17,2015.4.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Department seminar,Department of MechanicalEngineering,Korea University,Korea,March6,2015.5.“Nanoscale Thermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”D ivision seminar,School of Energy Sci-ence and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,China,January19,2015.6.“NanoscaleThermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”Division seminar,Institute of FluidScience,Tohoku University,Sendai,Japan,January13,2015.7.“Design of Metamaterial-based Solar Thermal Absorber,”Invited presentation,Material ResearchSociety of Korea,Daejeon,Korea,November27,2014.8.“Tailoring Radiative Properties with Micro/Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting,”Departmentseminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Yonsei University,Korea,November7,2014.9.“Tailoring Radiative Properties with Micro/Nanostructures for Energy Harvesting,”Departmentseminar,School of Mechanical and Advanced Material Engineering,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology,Korea,October15,2014.10.“NanoscaleThermal Radiation:Theory and Application,”K CC open seminar,KAIST Institutefor Nanocentury,Korea,October14,2014.11.“Spectral and Directional Control of Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”Departmentseminar,EM2C Laboratory,`Ecole Centrale Paris,France,July10,2014.12.“Application of Nanostructures in Solar Energy Absorption,”Invited presentation,KSME ThermalEngineering Division Spring Meeting,Jeju,Korea,April25,2014.13.“DesigningNanostructures for Solar Thermal Absorption,”Department seminar,School of Mecha-tronics,Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology,Korea,April16,2014.14.“Introduction to Nanoscale Thermal Radiation,”Division seminar,Division of Future Vehicle,KAIST,Korea,April9,2014.15.“Harvesting Solar Thermal Energy using Nanoscale Engineering,”Department seminar,Depart-ment of Materials Science and Engineering,Korea University,Korea,May25,2013.16.“Measurementof Radiative Properties and Their Control using Nanostructures,”D ivision seminar,Environmental and Energy Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery&Materials (KIMM),Korea,February7,2013.17.“Metamaterials for Thermal Radiation and Their Counterpart for Acoustic Waves and Phonons,”Department seminar,Department of Nano Manufacturing Technology,Korea Institute of Machin-ery&Materials(KIMM),Korea,February5,2013.Department seminar,Department18.“PlasmonicNanoparticles for Energy and Sensing Applications,”of Mechanical Engineering,National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan,January25,2013.19.“ThermalRadiative Properties of Nanostructures,”I nvited presentation,KSME Annual Fall Meet-ing,Changwon,Korea,November8,2012.20.“Tailoring Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”Department seminar,Satellite Thermal/Propulsion Department,Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI),Korea,August29,2012.21.“Application of Gold Nanoshell for Biosensing and Direct Solar Thermal Absorption,”Invitedpresentation,Collaborative Conference on Materials Research,Seoul,Korea,June26,2012.22.“Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures,”D epartment seminar,Department of Mechan-ical Engineering,Tokyo Metropolitan University,Japan,March16,2012.23.“Thermal Radiative Properties of Nanostructures,”D epartment seminar,Department of Mechan-ical Engineering,Tokyo University of Science,Japan,March15,2012.24.“RecentDevelopment in Measurement Techniques of the Radius of Curvature of Re?ectors inSolar Thermal Power Plant,”Department seminar,Department of Solar Energy,Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER),Korea,February29,2012.25.“Theory of Thermal Radiation&Radiative Properties,”I nvited seminar,Home Appliance R&DLaboratory,LG Electronics,Korea,December16,2011.26.“Electric or Magnetic Metamaterials for Applications in Biosensing and Energy Harvesting,”Di-vision seminar,Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division,Korea Institute of Machinery&Ma-terials(KIMM),Korea,November25,2011.27.“Application of Plasmonic Nanostructures in Solar Energy Harvesting,”K AIST Institute Thursdayseminar,KAIST Institute for Eco-Energy,Korea,October6,2011.28.“LocalizedSurface Plasmon and Its Applications in Biosensing and Energy Harvesting,”Depart-ment seminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sogang University,Korea,May6,2011.29.“Tailoring Radiative Properties using Nanostructures,”D epartment seminar,Department of Me-chanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics,University of Pennsylvania,USA,November11, 2010.30.“EnhancedFluorescence of Quantum Dots by the Dynamic Near-Field Interaction with PlasmonicNanoparticles,”Invited presentation,Workshop on Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale,Telluride, CO,USA,June21-25,2010.31.“Engineering Nanostructures for Tailoring Energy Transport,”Department seminar,Departmentof Physics,Indiana University of Pennsylvania,USA,April2,2010.32.“Nanostructures for the Control of Thermal Radiative Properties,”I nvited presentation,ASMEMicro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference,Shanghai,China,December 18-21,2009.33.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Informationand Communication Engineering,Inha University,Korea,May21,2009.34.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering,Seoul National University,Korea,May19,2009.35.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,School of Mechanicaland Advanced Material Engineering,Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology,Korea, May15,2009.36.“Controlling Energy Transport using Surface Waves,”Department seminar,Department of Me-chanical Engineering,Kyung Hee University,Korea,May12,2009.37.“CoherentThermal Emission from Nanostructures and Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer,”De-partment seminar,Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA,November6,2008.38.“Multilayer Structures for Coherent Thermal Emission and Energy Pathways in Near-Field Ra-diative Transfer,”I nvited presentation,6th Japan-US Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phe-nomena-Science and Engineering,Boston,MA,USA,July13-16,2008.39.“Spectral and Directional Radiative Properties of Semitransparent Materials with Rough Sur-faces,”Division seminar,Optical Technology Division,Physics Department,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA,November10,2004.7PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES&AFFILIATIONS7.1DEPARTMENTAL SER VICE?Curriculum Committee(2013–present)?Coordinator,KAIST-ITB Joint Workshop on Research and Education(2012–present)?Student A?airs Committee(2011–present)?Mechanical Engineering Design Competition Committee(Ad Hoc;2013–present)?EAC Preparation Committee(Ad Hoc;2014)。
Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer
Microscale and Nanoscale Heat TransferHeat transfer can be defined as the movement of thermal energy from one system to another as a result of temperature difference. This process, which takes place in various natural and human-made systems, is an important area of study in engineering and physics. Over the years, heat transfer research has undergone significant transformation, especially in the areas of microscale and nanoscale heat transfer.Microscale heat transfer refers to the transfer of thermal energy in systems where the dimensions are on the order of micrometers (10^-6 meters). This field of research has gained significant attention recently, especially in the development of microelectronic devices and microprocessors. Heat transfer in these systems is influenced by a combination of thermal conduction, convection, and radiation. Some common examples of microscale heat transfer include heat transfer in microchannels, micro heat exchangers, and microcooling devices.Nanoscale heat transfer, on the other hand, refers to heat transfer in systems where the dimensions are on the order of nanometers (10^-9 meters). This field is a relatively new area of research that has emerged as a result of the development of nanotechnology. In nanoscale heat transfer, certain physical phenomena such as quantum confinement, surface scattering, and phonon resonance play critical roles in the transfer of thermal energy. Some common examples of nanoscale heat transfer include heat transfer in nanofluids, nanopores, and nanowires.One of the main challenges in microscale and nanoscale heat transfer is the accurate modeling of heat transfer mechanisms. The conventional heat transfer laws of conduction, convection, and radiation are no longer sufficient to completely explain the transfer of thermal energy at the microscale and nanoscale. Therefore, researchers have explored new approaches and developed new models to account for unique physical phenomena that influence heat transfer in these systems.One such new approach is the concept of thermal conductivity reduction, where the thermal conductivity of a material is reduced at the nanoscale. This concept has beenproven by researchers through experiments and theoretical analysis and has significant implications for the design of micro and nanoelectronic devices. Another approach is the use of nanofluids, which are colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles in a base fluid. These nanofluids have higher thermal conductivity than the base fluid, making them suitable as coolants for micro and nanoelectronic devices.Microscale and nanoscale heat transfer research offer immense opportunities for the development of new technologies and more efficient energy transfer systems. It has applications in a wide range of fields, including microelectronics, aerospace, and biomedical engineering. The constant advancement of these technologies is dependent on effective research in micro and nanoscale heat transfer.In conclusion, microscale and nanoscale heat transfer is a rapidly evolving field of research with significant applications in various industries. The accurate modeling and understanding of heat transfer mechanisms at the microscale and nanoscale provide opportunities for the development of energy-efficient systems, new materials, and innovative technologies. The exploration of new approaches and models in this field is critical for the advancement of various industrial and scientific applications.。
西安交通大学 2018各学院“高水平国际会议名录”
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专利名称:NANOMETER MOLTEN SALT HEAT-TRANSFER AND HEAT-STORAGE MEDIUM,PREPARATION METHOD AND USE THEREOF 发明人:ZENG, ZhiYong申请号:EP14742973.2申请日:20140121公开号:EP2949722B1公开日:20210714专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention provides a nano molten salt heat transfer and heat storage medium, the method of preparation and the application, which belongs to the technical sector of heat storage and transfer. The nano molten salt heat transfer and heat storage medium of the invention means that the metal oxide nano-particles and / or non-metal oxide nano particles are dispersed in the conventional molten salt system to form the nano molten salt heat transfer and heat storage medium by composition. The heat transfer and heat storage medium provided by the invention has the good thermal stability and high thermal conductivity, which is ideally suited for industrial energy storage, thermal storage and transfer system of solar thermal power generation.代理机构:Grünecker Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB更多信息请下载全文后查看。
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Nanoscale radiation heat transfer for silicon at different doping levelsC.J.Fua,b,Z.M.Zhanga,*aGeorge W.WoodruffSchool of Mechanical Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta,GA 30332,USAbDepartment of Mechanics and Engineering Science,Peking University,Beijing 100871,ChinaReceived 26April 2005;received in revised form 14August 2005Available online 20December 2005AbstractHeat transfer between surfaces at close vicinity has important applications in nanoscale energy conversion devices and near-field scan-ning thermal microscopy.The present paper describes a comprehensive investigation of the radiation energy transfer between two semi-infinite parallel plates at different temperatures,involving silicon with varying dopant concentrations,when the distance of separation is from 10l m down to 1nm.The net radiation heat flux is calculated by means of the fluctuational electrodynamics.The dielectric function of silicon is modeled using a Drude model,considering the effects of temperature and doping level on the carrier concentrations and scattering times.The calculated results show that the dopant concentration strongly affects the radiation heat flux when the two media are separated at nanometer distances.For heavily doped silicon plates separated at a distance of 1nm,the present study predicts a radi-ation energy flux of over five orders of magnitude greater than that between two blackbodies placed far apart.Furthermore,the radiation energy flux can be more than ten times larger than the conduction heat flux of air at the atmospheric pressure,and the radiation heat transfer coefficient may exceed 1MW m À2K À1.The theoretical understanding gained from the present research will facilitate the design of experiments that utilize near-field radiation to enhance heating or cooling at the nanoscale for applications such as thermal control in nanoelectronics,energy conversion,and nanothermal probing and manufacturing.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Microscale and nanoscale;Near-field thermal radiation;Fluctuational electrodynamics;Doped silicon1.IntroductionRadiation heat transfer between two thermally emitting objects at short distances,when the vacuum gap separating the two solids becomes smaller than the characteristic wavelength of thermal radiation,depends on the distance of separation [1,2].This is a distinct feature between near-field and far-field radiation heat transfer.The spacing effect is a combined result of wave interference and photon tunneling (due to evanescent waves).The effect of wave interference can be understood by plotting the spectral transmittance of a thin dielectric film versus the film thick-ness and observing the oscillations of transmittance due to constructive and destructive interferences [3,4].An evanes-cent wave can arise from total internal reflection when lightis incident from a prism to a vacuum at incidence angles greater than the critical angle.Although no energy is trans-ferred into the vacuum,there exists an electromagnetic field that decays exponentially away from the interface.When another prism is brought to close vicinity of the first one,a backward evanescent wave emerges due to reflection at the surface of the second prism.Part of the incident energy will transmit into the second prism via interaction of the two evanescent waves that decay in opposite directions.From the particle point of view,photons (i.e.,light corpus-cles)can tunnel through the vacuum spacing,and the prob-ability of tunneling increases as the spacing is reduced.For conducting or absorbing materials,there exist additional evanescent waves (or modes)that can transmit the energy of the thermally induced fluctuating electromagnetic fields from one object to another at very short distances [5].Therefore,at nanometer distances,the effect of photon tun-neling may dominate the energy transfer process so that the0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2005.09.037*Corresponding author.Tel.:+14043854225;fax:+14048948496.E-mail address:zhuomin.zhang@ (Z.M.Zhang)./locate/ijhmtnet heatflux will be much greater than that predicted by the Stefan–Boltzmann law between two blackbodies sepa-rated at large distances[5–10].Nanoscale thermal radiation has important applications in microscale energy conversion devices[11–13]and in near-field scanning thermal microscopy[14–17].Recent studies of negative index materials suggested some unique opportunities that could be used to enhance photon tunnel-ing through longer distances[18,19].The calculation of near-field radiation heat transfer between dielectric materi-als is rather straightforward[1,4,11].Most of the theoreti-cal works were performed on the prediction of the net heat flux between two parallel metallic plates using a Drude model for the dielectric function[5,7–10].Several studies also considered the nanoscale energy transfer between a sphere and a surface[5,10,20].Nanoscale radiation heat transfer between crystalline dielectrics can be significantly enhanced when absorption is considered[6,12,13,21,22]. This is particularly true when the dielectric materials sup-port low-frequency surface waves or surface phonon polar-itons.A surface wave is an electromagnetic wave that propagates along the interface but the amplitude decays exponentially into both media.The spectral heatflux can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude by resonance excitation of surface waves coupled with photon tunneling at the nanoscale[6,21].While many normal metals support surface waves through surface plasmon polaritons,the plasma frequencies are usually much higher than the char-acteristic frequencies of thermal sources.Consequently,the near-field enhancement is not so large for good conductors. On the other hand,semi-metals,which have lower electric conductivity,may greatly enhance radiation heatflux at nanometer scales[8,9].The interest in studying nanoscale radiation heat trans-fer with silicon emerges because silicon is the most exten-sively used material in MEMS/NEMS and many other microelectronic devices.Radiation heat transfer in these devices may be important when their characteristic dimen-sions are on the nanometer scales.More recently,atomic force microscope(AFM)cantilevers with integrated heat-ers and with nanoscale sharp tips made of doped silicon have been developed for thermal writing and reading[23].Nomenclaturec speed of light in vacuum,2.998·108m sÀ1D density of states,s radÀ1mÀ3d vacuum gap thickness,mE electricfield vector,V mÀ1e electron charge,1.602·10À19CG dyadic Green function,mÀ1H magneticfield vector,A mÀ1h r radiation heat transfer coefficient,W mÀ2KÀ1 h PlanckÕs constant over2p,1.055·10À34J sI unit dyadicjfluctuating electric current density,A mÀ2k wavevector,mÀ1k B BoltzmannÕs constant,1.381·10À23J KÀ1m*effective mass,kgm0electron rest mass,9.109·10À31kgN concentration(number density),mÀ3n refractive indexq00net net energyflux,W mÀ2q00 x spectral energyflux,W mÀ2s radÀ1r vector in the radial direction,mr reflection coefficientS Poynting vector,W mÀ2T temperature,Kt transmission coefficientu energy density,J mÀ3u x spectral energy density,J mÀ3s radÀ1 Z(b)exchange function defined in Eq.(11) Greek symbolsa absorption coefficient,a=4pj/k,mÀ1b parallel wavevector component,mÀ1c wavevector component in z-direction,mÀ1 e relative permittivity(i.e.,dielectric function) e0permittivity of vacuum,8.854·10À12F mÀ1 H mean energy of an oscillator,Jj extinction coefficientk wavelength in vacuum,ml mobility,cm2VÀ1sÀ1l0permeability of vacuum,4p·10À7H mÀ1q reflectivity at the interfaces carrier scattering time,sx angular frequency,rad sÀ1Subscripts0vacuum1medium12medium2A acceptorD donord defecte electronevan evanescent waveh holel latticeprop propagating waveSuperscripts0value at300Kp p polarizations s polarization1704 C.J.Fu,Z.M.Zhang/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)1703–1718These heated cantilever tips may provide local heating for the study of radiation energy transfer between two objects separated by a few nanometers.It is critical to quantita-tively predict the near-field radiation heatflux between doped silicon.For silicon,the infrared properties are strongly dependent on the temperature and dopant concen-tration.Nanoscale radiation heatflux depends largely on the optical properties of the materials.Therefore,it is imperative to study the dependence of the net heatflux on the carrier concentration and scattering time,which are functions of the dopant concentration and temperature. The only work on the near-field heat transfer between doped silicon to date was given by Marquier et al.[22], who showed that heat transfer can be significantly enhanced with heavily doped silicon.However,they assumed that all the impurities are ionized(that is,the dop-ant concentration is the same as the carrier concentration) and did not consider the effect of temperature on the scat-tering time and the carrier concentration.The present study focuses on the near-field radiation heat transfer between two closely spaced semi-infinite media with parallel and smooth surfaces,especially with doped silicon,as shown in Fig.1a.The two media,each at thermal equilibrium but at different temperatures T1and T2,are separated by a vacuum gap of width d ranging from several tens of micrometers down to1nm.The net radiation energyflux is calculated by means of thefluctua-tional electrodynamics to be discussed in the next section. For non-magnetic,homogeneous,and isotropic media, the complex dielectric function is the only property needed to fully characterize the optical behavior.However,the dielectric function is a comprehensive function of fre-quency and temperature for a given material.In the present study,the dielectric function of silicon is described by a Drude model,considering the effects of temperature and doping level on the concentrations and scattering times of electrons and holes.The theory of nanoscale radiation heat transfer is presented in Section2,followed by a description of the model of the dielectric function of doped silicon in Section3.Detailed results of radiation heat transfer for dif-ferent doping levels and source temperatures are provided in Section4,after a brief discussion on the validation of the dielectric function model.An effort is made to explain the mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement at the nano-scale and the dependence of near-field radiation on the optical properties of materials.2.Thefluctuational electrodynamicsConventional radiation heat transfer theories[2,3]break down in the nearfield.The foundation offluctuational electrodynamics is thefluctuation–dissipation theorem,in which thermal radiation is originated from the random movement of charges or dipoles inside the medium at tem-peratures exceeding zero kelvin.As shown in Fig.1b,the electromagneticfield at any location is a superposition of contributions from all point sources in the radiating region. The electromagnetic waves deep inside the medium will attenuate due to absorption(i.e.,dissipation)inside the medium.Thefluctuational electrodynamics was established by Rytov in the1950Õs(see Ref.[24]),and thereafter,has been applied by many researchers[6–10,12,13,25,26]to study near-field thermal radiation.Thefluctuation–dissipa-tion theorem has also been used to study the van der Waals forces and non-contact friction at the nanoscale[27–29]. Considering the majority of the heat transfer community may be unfamiliar with this approach,a brief derivation is provided in this section with key equations for calculat-ing the energy density near a surface and the net heat trans-fer between parallel plates at different temperatures.The integral formulation will help interpret the computational results for different doping levels of silicon and in both the far-field and near-field limits.The basic assumptions used in the present study as depicted in Fig.1are as fol-lows:(1)Each medium is semi-infinite and at a thermal equilibrium,presumably due to a sufficiently large thermal conductivity of the solid.(2)Both media are non-magnetic, isotropic,and homogeneous,so that the frequency-depen-dent complex dielectric function(relative permittivity)e1 or e2is the only material property that characterizes the electrodynamic response and thermally induced dipoleC.J.Fu,Z.M.Zhang/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)1703–17181705emission of medium 1or 2.(3)Each surface is perfectly smooth,and the two surfaces are parallel to each other.Because of axial symmetry,cylindrical coordinates can be used so that the space variable x ¼r þz ¼r ^r þz ^z .Con-sider a monochromatic electromagnetic wave originated from medium 1to 2,as shown in Fig.1a.The complex wavevectors in media 1and 2are k 1and k 2,respectively,with k 21¼e 1k 20and k 22¼e 2k 20,where k 0¼x =c ¼2p =k is the magnitude of the wavevector in vacuum.Here,x is the angular frequency,c is the speed of light in vacuum,and k is the wavelength in vacuum.The monochromatic plane wave can be expressed in terms of a time and fre-quency dependent field,e i k j Áx e Ài x t ,where j =0,1,or 2refers to vacuum,medium 1,or medium 2,respectively.The phase matching boundary condition requires that the parallel components of all three wavevectors be the same [4].In the present study,b is used for the parallel compo-nent of the wavevector and c j denotes the z -component of the wavevector k j .Thus k j ¼b ^r þc j ^z and c j ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik 2j Àb 2q .Because e 1and e 2are generally complex,k 1and k 2may be complex.Since only real and positive frequencies (x )are considered,k 0is always real and positive.The spatial dependence of the field in air can be expressed as e i b r e i c 0z .Because the amplitude must not change along the r -direc-tion,b must be real.Note that both r and b are positive in the cylindrical coordinates.Hence,c 0¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik 20Àb 2q will be real when 06b 6x /c and purely imaginary when b >x /c .An evanescent wave exists in vacuum if c 0is imag-inary,i.e.,when b >x /c .In this case,the field will decay exponentially in the z -direction.Understanding the nature of evanescent waves is essential to the interpretation of photon tunneling and near-field radiation.The random thermal fluctuations produce a space-time dependent electric current density j (x ,t )inside the medium whose time average is zero.It can be decomposed into the frequency domain using Fourier transform,which gives j (x ,x ).With the assistance of the dyadic Green function,x ;x 0;x Þ,the induced electric field in the frequency domain can be expressed as a volume integration [24]:E ðx ;x Þ¼i xl 0ZVG ðx ;x 0;x ÞÁj ðx 0;x Þd x 0ð1Þwhere l 0is the magnetic permeability of vacuum and the integral is over the region V that contains the fluctuating sources.The physical significance of the Green function is that it is a transfer function for a current source j at loca-tion x 0and the resultant electric field E at x .Mathemati-cally,the dyadic Green function satisfies the vector Helmholtz equation,r Âr ÂG ðx ;x 0;x ÞÀk 2G ðx ;x 0;x Þ¼I d ðx Àx 0Þð2Þwhere k is the amplitude of the wavevector at x ,and I is a unit dyadic.The corresponding magnetic field H (x ,x )can be obtained from the Maxwell equation,that is,H ðx ;x Þ¼1i xl 0r ÂE ðx ;x Þð3ÞThe spectral energy density of the thermally emittedelectromagnetic field in vacuum can be calculated from [30]u x ðx ;x Þ¼e 04E ðx ;x ÞÁE Ãðx ;x Þh i þl04H ðx ;x ÞÁH Ãðx ;x Þh i ð4Þwhere e 0is the electric permittivity of vacuum,h i denotes the ensemble average of the random currents,and *signi-fies complex conjugate.The emitted energy flux can be expressed by the ensemble average of the Poynting vector [30],hence,S ðx ;x Þh i ¼12Re ½E ðx ;x ÞÂH Ãðx ;x Þ h ið5ÞTo evaluate the ensemble average,the spatial correlation function between the fluctuating currents at two locations x 0and x 00inside the emitting medium is needed and is given in [24]asj m ðx 0;x Þj Ãnðx 00;x Þ ¼4xe 0Im ðe ÞH ðx ;T Þpd mn d ðx 0Àx 00Þð6Þwhere Im takes the imaginary part of the dielectric func-tion,d mn is the Kronecker delta function,d (x 0Àx 00)is the Dirac delta function,and H (x ,T )is the mean energy of a Planck oscillator at frequency x in thermal equilibrium and given by [31]H ðx ;T Þ¼hx exp ð h x =k B T ÞÀ1ð7Þwhere h =h /2p is Planck Õs constant over 2p and k B is the Boltzmann constant.In Eq.(7),the term h x /2that ac-counts for vacuum fluctuation is omitted since it does not affect the net radiation heat flux [31].The calculated energy density should be regarded as being relative to the vacuum ground energy density.A factor of four has been included in Eq.(6)to be consistent with the conventional definitions of the spectral energy density and Poynting vector expressed in Eqs.(4)and (5),respectively,since only posi-tive values of frequencies are considered here [30].The local density of states or density of modes is defined by the following relation [25,26]:u x ðz ;x Þ¼D ðz ;x ÞH ðx ;T Þð8ÞThe energy density and density of states are independent of r .The physical significance of D (z ,x )[m À3s rad À1]is the number of modes per unit frequency interval per unit volume.The Green function depends on the geometry of the physical system and for two parallel semi-infinite media shown in Fig.1,it takes the following form [32]:ðx ;x 0;x Þ¼i 4p Z 10b d b c 1^s t s 12^s þ^p 2t p 12^p 1ÀÁe i c 2z Ài c 1z 0e i b ^r Áðr Àr 0Þð9Þ1706 C.J.Fu,Z.M.Zhang /International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49(2006)1703–1718where x¼r^rþz^z and x0¼r0^rþz0^z,t s12and t p12are thetransmission coefficients from medium1to medium2for s and p polarization,respectively,and the unit vectors^s¼^rÂ^z,^p1¼ðb^zÀc1^rÞ=k1,and^p2¼ðb^zÀc2^rÞ=k2.Ifthe interest is to calculate the radiationfield from medium1to vacuum,t s12and t p12can be replaced by the Fresneltransmission coefficients between medium1and vacuum,i.e.,t s10and t p10.By using Eqs.(6)and(9),one can evaluateEqs.(1)and(3)to obtain the electric and magneticfields; consequently,the energy density,flux,and density of states can be calculated.For example,the local density of states in vacuum near the surface medium1can be expressed in two terms[26]:Dðz;xÞ¼D propðxÞþD evanðz;xÞð10ÞwhereD propðxÞ¼xp2c2Z x=cb d b2c0ð2Àq s01Àq p01Þð10aÞandD evanðz;xÞ¼12Z1x=ceÀ2z Imðc0Þb3d b½Imðr s01ÞþImðr p01Þð10bÞwhere r01is the Fresnel reflection coefficient and q01=j r01j2 is the(far-field)reflectivity at the interface between vacuum and medium1,superscripts s and p signify s-polarization (TE wave)and p-polarization(TM wave),respectively.Note that r s01¼ðc0Àc1Þ=ðc0þc1Þand r p01¼ðe1c0Àc1Þ=ðe1c0þc1Þ.It should be noted that,in deriving Eq.(10), the imaginary part of the permittivity(of medium1)in Eq.(6)has been combined with other terms containing the relative permittivity of medium1.It should be men-tioned that no matter how small Im(e1)may be,such as for a dielectric,it must not be zero for the semi-infinite assumption to hold.The contribution of propagating waves given by Eq.(10a)is independent of z and exists in both the near and farfields;whereas the contribution of evanescent waves decreases with increasing z.In the far-field limit,the contribution of the propagating waves is responsible to thermal emission and one can see the direc-tional-spectral emissivity term in Eq.(10a),i.e.,e0sx;1¼1Àq s01and e0px;1¼1Àq p01.As z becomes smaller andsmaller,the contribution of evanescent waves near thesurface may dominate when Imðr p01Þis large as in the caseof surface phonon polaritons[25],resulting in very large energy densities near the surface.The spectral energyflux from medium1to medium2 is calculated by projecting the time-averaging Poynting vector from Eq.(5)into the z-direction,and hence [6,9],q00x;1À2¼Hðx;T1Þp2Z1Z12ðbÞb d bð11ÞwhereZ12ðbÞ¼4Reðc1ÞReðc2Þc2e i2c0dðc0þc1Þðc0þc2Þð1Àr s01r s02e i2c0dÞþ4Reðe1cÃ1ÞReðe2cÃ2Þc2e i2c0dðe1c0þc1Þðe2c0þc2Þð1Àr p01r p02e i2c0dÞis called the exchange function in the present study.Notethat Re takes the real part of the complex variable.Eq.(11)includes the contributions from both propagatingwaves and evanescent waves(photon tunneling).Theexpression of q00x;2À1is readily obtained by replacingH(x,T1)in Eq.(11)with H(x,T2)since the exchangefunction is reciprocal:Z12(b)=Z21(b).The units of q00xisexpressed as[W mÀ2s radÀ1]rather than[J mÀ2radÀ1]tokeep the integrity of the frequency units[s radÀ1].This iscommonly done when wavelength[l m]is used such thatthe spectral radiation heatflux is expressed in[W mÀ2l mÀ1][2].The net total energyflux is the integration ofq00x;1À2Àq00x;2À1over all frequencies,viz.q00net¼Z1ðq00x;1À2Àq00x;2À1Þd x¼1p2Z1d x½Hðx;T1ÞÀHðx;T2ÞZ1Z12ðbÞb d bð12ÞEq.(12)provides an ab initio calculation of the thermalradiation that is applicable for both the near-and far-field heat transfer.The contribution of evanescent waveswith imaginary c0(for b>x/c)reduces as d increases andis negligible when d is on the order of the wavelength.The energy transfer can also be separated into contribu-tions of propagating waves and evanescent waves(photontunneling).The exchange function Z can be re-written using theFresnel coefficients and reflectivity for propagating wavesas[6,9]Z propðbÞ¼ð1Àq s01Þð1Àq s02Þ41Àr s01r s02eÀi2c0d2þð1Àq p01Þð1Àq p02Þ41Àr p01r p02eÀi2c0d2;b<x=cð13ÞSubstituting Eq.(13)into Eq.(10)and noting that b=x/c sin h,where h is the polar angle in vacuum,the integra-tion can be evaluated in the far-field limit from h=0top/2.Note that in the incoherent limit(d)k)when theoscillation terms are averaged,1j1Àr s01r s02eÀi2c0d j2!11Àq s01q s02[2,6]It can be shown that1Àq s01q s02ð1Àq01Þð1Àq02Þ¼1ex;1þ1ex;2À1C.J.Fu,Z.M.Zhang/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)1703–17181707Similar relations hold for p-polarization.From Eq.(12), the total energyflux in the far-field limit becomesq00 net;far ¼14p2c2Z1½Hðx;T1ÞÀHðx;T2Þ x2d xÂZ p=2cos h sin h d h1x;1x;2þ11=e0px;1þ1=e0px;2À1!ð14ÞEq.(14)is similar to the equation commonly found in radi-ation heat transfer texts[2,3],except that angular frequency is used here instead of wavelength.The wavelength integra-tion can be obtained by converting PlanckÕs blackbodyintensity from h x3d x4p3c2ðe h x=k B TÀ1Þto2hc2d kk5ðe hc=k B k TÀ1Þ.While the energyflux includes the contributions by both polarizations,one should not average the surface emissivity for the s and p-polarizations and then apply the integration.Rather,one should integrate the two polarizations separately based on Eq.(14).Rigorously speaking,KirchhoffÕs equality be-tween directional-spectral emissivity and absorptivity (1Àq)[2,3]is valid only for a single polarization because the absorptivity depends also on the polarization state of the incoming radiation.The expression of Z for the contribution of evanescent waves is[6,9]Z evanðbÞ¼Imðr s01ÞImðr s02ÞeÀ2Imðc0Þd1Àr s01r s02eÀ2Imðc0ÞdþImðr p01ÞImðr p02ÞeÀ2Imðc0Þd1Àr p01r p02eÀ2Imðc0Þd;b>x=cð15ÞThe exchange function decays exponentially as the distance of separation d increases.Mulet et al.[6]presented a de-tailed comparison of the conventional radiation heat trans-fer theory with thefluctuational electrodynamics approach. In the present study,the term emissivity is reserved for far-field limit only without using a generalization emissivity as suggested in[6].The introduction of the exchange function facilitates the interpretation of near-field radiation heat transfer as will be discussed later.3.The dielectric function of siliconThe temperature range considered in the present study is from room temperature(300K)up to1000K.Hence,the wavelength region of interest is from about1l m to the very far infrared.Silicon is an indirect semiconductor and the fundamental absorption(i.e.,interband absorption) occurs at wavelengths shorter than k g,which corresponds to the band-gap energy E g.For lightly doped silicon with a dopant concentration(number density)less than 1015cmÀ3or a room-temperature electrical resistivity greater than10X cm,k g varies from1.12l m at300K to 1.43l m at1000K[33,34].Because photons with energy greater than the band gap can excite the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band,the absorption coefficient(a)is large at k<k g and increases towards shorter wavelengths.For intrinsic silicon at low tempera-tures,the free carrier concentration is very low and thus sil-icon is transparent for k>k ttice absorption occurs in the mid infrared and introduces some absorption for 6l m<k<25l m.As the temperature increases,thermally excited free carriers dominate the absorption at longer wavelengths,and a0.5-mm thick silicon wafer is essentially opaque above1000K.The free carrier concentration for intrinsic silicon is about1010cmÀ3at300K and nearly 1018cmÀ3at1000K[34].Free carrier absorption can also be important for doped silicon,although not all the impu-rities may be ionized to become free carriers.While the Drude model has been used to study intraband absorption for doped silicon in a large number of publications [22,33,35–37],the spectral and temperature regions are rather limited.It is also desirable to model the dielectric function for different doping levels.Hebb[38]initiated an effort to model the dielectric function of silicon with wide ranges of dopant concentrations,wavelength,and temperature.While the calculated absorption coefficient is consistent with published data in the near infrared at intermediate temperatures,some of the parameters are inconsistent with the well-established theory or values. Hence,the present authors have re-visited the expressions of the carrier scattering times and concentrations,resulting in a self-contained model as described below.The complex dielectric function is related to the refrac-tive index(n)and the extinction coefficient(j)by e(x)= (n+i j)2,thus Re(e)=n2Àj2and Im(e)=2n j.The Drude model of the dielectric function for both intrinsic and doped silicon is given in the following[33,38]:eðxÞ¼e blÀN e e2=e0mÃex2þi x=s eÀN h e2=e0mÃhx2þi x=s hð16Þwhere thefirst term on the right e bl accounts for contribu-tions by transitions across the band gap and lattice vibra-tions,the second term is the Drude term for transitions in the conduction band(free electrons),and the last term is the Drude term for transitions in the valence band(freeholes).Here,N e and N h are the concentrations,mÃeand mÃh the effective masses,and s e and s h the scattering times of free electrons and holes,respectively,and e is the electron charge.In the present study,the effective masses are as-sumed to be independent of frequency,dopant concentra-tion,and temperature.Their values are taken from[35] as mÃe¼0:27m0and mÃh¼0:37m0,where m0is the electron mass in vacuum.Since e bl accounts for contributions other than the free carriers,it can be determined based on the refractive index and extinction coefficient for intrinsic silicon,i.e.,e bl¼ðn blþi j blÞ2.The modification of the band structure by impurities is neglected in the present work and this assump-tion should not cause significant error[38].The refractive index of intrinsic silicon changes from about 3.6at k=1l m to about 3.42for wavelengths longer than 10l m at room temperature and increases slightly as the temperature increases.The free carrier contribution to the refractive index of intrinsic silicon is negligibly small even1708 C.J.Fu,Z.M.Zhang/International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)1703–1718。