《电子信息工程专业英语教程》课件Lesson 1 VLSI Technology#

Integrated circuits can be produced using either bipolar or unique polar transistors.
Hybrid IC contains more than a single substrate, the term hybrid is also applied to combinations of monolithic and thin or thick film IC.
而混合IC电路包括不止一种基底,这里“混合”一词 含义是也用于单晶片电路和薄膜或厚膜电路的组合。
Unit1 Microelectronics and electronic circuits
1-1 Introduction to Microelectronics Keywords Translation Exercises Notes
keywordsOperational amplifier 运算放大器 feedback amplifier反馈放大器
空间探索和地球卫星技术的发展越来越强调减小电路的 体积和重量。
Also, even though electricity flows quite rapidly in computers the time delay of the signal in the interconnections between electronic components is an important consideration.
between the individual components in IC.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Technology
1.1. Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 电子技术发展史
Notes to the Text
[9] Radar measures the distance and direction to an object:雷达测量一个物体的距离和方向. [10] Bell Laboratories:美国贝尔实验室,创建于1925年,负责改进电信设备和从事与军事有关 的研究工作, 有大量技术发明和科学发现,如有声电影系统、数字计算机、晶体管等. [11] Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖,是以瑞典著名化学家、炸药发明人诺贝尔的遗产作为基金创立的 。授予世界各国在物理、化学、生理或医学、文学、和平及经济奖领域对人类作出重大贡献的 学者。 [12] it is tiny by comparison:相比之下,它(晶体管)很小。 [13] Texas Instrument:美国德州仪器公司,简称TI,是全球领先的数字信号处理与模拟技术的 半导体集成电路公司,总部位于美国得克萨斯州。
[15] hundreds of thousands of:几十万,成千上万的 Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Technology
Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工学院
associate commit vision hectare equip state-of-the-art facility hall workshop supportive collaborate strategic partnership adj. 副的;联合的; vi. 交往 vt. 致力于,承诺,从事 n. 视力;幻象; vt. 想象 n. 公顷 vt. 装备,配备 adj. 最先进的;最高水准的 n. 设备,设施;灵巧;容易 n. 礼堂;大厅 n. 车间;工场;研讨会 adj. 支持的;支援的;赞助的 vi. 合作 adj. 战略上的,战略的 n. 合伙企业;合伙;合作关系

• Lesson 13 Overview of modern digital system design
• Lesson 14 Electronic design with FPGAs • Lesson 15 VHDL
Unit 6 Digital Signal Processing
• Lesson 25 Choosing the right core • Lesson 26 Design Languages for Embedded
Systems • Lesson 27 Choosing a Real-Time Operating
Unit 10 Electronic Instruments & Measurements
Unit 1 Electronic Devices
• Lesson 1 VLSI Technology • Lesson 2 Memory Devices • Lesson 3 Microprocessors
Unit 2 Electronic circuits
• Lesson 4 Operational Amplifiers • Lesson 5 Low-pass Filters • Lesson 6 Analog to Digital Converters
• Lesson 16 Basic Concepts of DSP • Lesson 17 Digital signal processors • Lesson 18 Comparison of DSP and ASP
Unit 7 Audio & Speech
• Lesson 19 High Fidelity Audio • Lesson 20 Audio Compression • Lesson 21 Third-Generation Mobile Phones:

第三课 晶体管及其基本电路
现在,晶体管是电子技术中最重要的器件。它们不仅作为独立元件, 而且在集成电路微薄的硅片上可包含成千上万个晶体管
晶体管由3层半导体材料构成:一种类型的薄层在中间,两边分别是另 两种类型。可以有两种排列方式:N型在中间,P型在两边(PNP); P型在 中间,N型在两边(NPN )。中间层称为基极,两边外层分别称为发射 极和集电极(如图1-17所示)
电子信息是当今国内外发展最迅速、技术更新最快的工程领域之一, 电子信息专业英语对学习电子信息新知识和新技术起着非常重要的作 用。
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本书是一本突出高等教育实用特点的电子信息专业英语教材,内容涉 及电工电子基础、仪器仪表使用、传感器技术、通信技术等方面,基 本覆盖了现代电子信息的各个领域,同时收录了一些电子信息新技术 领域发展前沿方面的文章(如太阳能、电子纸、蓝牙技术和3G等)。课 文内容丰富,题材广泛,通俗易懂,选择的文章实用性强并尽量保证 学生能利用已有专业知识理解课文内容。每课课后有词汇、注释、练 习及阅读等。在本书书后附有课文参考译文及部分练习参考答案,供 读者参考对照。另外,书后还附有电子专业词汇和科技英语阅读与翻 译技巧相关知识,供相关专业读者参考。
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本书由王菲、施亚齐担任主编,并编写了第四、第五篇,董小琼编写 了第一篇,王俊清编写了第二篇,邹淑云编写了第三篇。
由于编者水平有限,时间仓促,书中难免有纰漏和不足之处,请尊敬 的教师、同学和广大学者批评指正。

目标:提高英语的听、说、读、写、译水平,suggetion only 全面增强英语的综合实力
➢ 对于课文里没有答案的作业,尽量找到接近处,比如某个一 样的重要单词,某种语法结构等等。
➢ 对于某些书上压根儿没出现的概念,建议课外自己查资料 (可查出中文,然后翻译成英文;也可以直接查英文)
➢ 建议准备课文中相应的段落(如p36 例1可讲第二段(resistance) 否则题1可直接讲第一段,题3讲第三段。。。长段落可以按 三行大概分成小段)跟前后的同学沟通一下,不要都讲同一 个段落( team work!)
➢ 若和普通基础英语教学方式类似,按照专业 英语的教材按部就班的朗读、分析,就很难调 动学生的学习兴趣,取得好的学习效果。
学生在完成“任务”(作业题)的过程 中,与教材后的中文译文对照对课文进行学 习,主动学习、探索,使学习的目标更明确, 有效地提高专业英语课程的教学效果,更好 地实现我们的学习目标。
修正课本上给出的翻译,例:p34和p316.使之更中文 化、更流畅、更简洁!) 然后准备用英语回答相关 的问题。
Presentation:a good exercise for you !!!
国外大学必 做、常做!
1. 作业 10% 2. 课堂考勤 10% 3. 演讲表现 30% 4. 期末闭卷考试 50%
❖ 这使我想起孙云晓老师1993年写的引起教育界震撼的名篇 ――中日学生《夏令营中的较量》。孙老师16年前指出的中 国教育隐患,现在不仅没有消除,反而越来越厉害。我听说 有一对独生子女结婚后,两个人都不愿意洗碗,于是只好用 “锤子剪刀布”的方式来决定谁来洗。我觉得很震惊,我真 的很担心中国未来的孩子能否立于世界之林?

1.1. Lesson 1 电子技术发展史
New Words and Technical Terms
astronomically available device benefit radar adv. 天文数字地;天体地 adj. 可得到的;可利用的 n. 器件,设备;部件;组件 vt. 有益于,有助于 n. 雷达,电波探测器 n. 钥匙;解答;关键; 键
1.1. Lesson 1 电子技术发展史
Notes to the Text
Development of Electronics
[1] vacuum tube:真空管是一种电子元件,因为参与工作的电极被封装在一个真空的玻璃容器 内,所以被称为真空管。在中国大陆,真空管有时会被称为电子管。在香港和中国广东地区, 真空管有时又会被称作“胆”。 [2] a sealed glass in which electrons flow between electrodes separated by vacuum:in which关系 代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,由介词 + 关系代词引导定语从句。separated by vacuum过去 分词修饰electrodes。句子可以翻译为:在密封的玻璃管中,电子在由真空隔离的电极间流动。 [3] it became possible to amplify and transmit the electrical energy:it代替不定式to amplify and transmit the electrical energy在句中作形式主语。句子可以翻译为:放大和传送电能成为可能。 [4] radio communication:无线电通信。
[5] as more specialized tubes were made for many applications:as引导状语从句,句子可以翻译 为:随着越来越多的适用于各种用途的专门真空管制造出来。

labelled base (B), collector (C) and
emitter (E).
Transistors have three leads which must be connected the correct way round [4]: [4]: 晶体管的三级都必须在电路中正确连接。 这里which must be connected the correct way round……是一个定语从句,修饰three leads,which在从句里作主语,从句里是一个 被动语态。
Prior to the invention of transistors, digital circuits were composed of vacuum tubes, which had many disadvantages[5].
There are two types of standard transistors, NPN and PNP, with different circuit symbols [2]. [2].标准的晶体管有两种类型:NPN和PNP, 它们的电路标志不一样。 with different circuit symbols是介词短语作 非限定性的定语,故后置且用逗号与中心词分 开。
transistors, computing as we know it today
would n ot be po ssible ; w ithout the
invention of transistors 是 tha 从句中的条
件状语,后面的 computing是动名词作主语。 Exercises: Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ

Transistor vs. vacuum tube
• Solid state means that it doesn't change its physical form as it switches. There are no moving parts in a transistor.
Lesson 1 VLSI Technology
• Backgrounds • Text tour • Language in use
– Vocabulary – Structure – Reading/writing techniques
• Terminology
creation of integrated circuits that had previously been made from multiple discrete components. • VLSI:Very Large-scale Integration 超大规模集成(电路) • VLSI circuits can contain millions of transistors.
• 真空管是一种内部气 体全部或部分抽空的 电子管,从而使电子 在不受或少受气体分 子的干扰下运动。
Transistor vs. vacuum tube
• A transistor is a device that conducts a variable amount of electricity through it, depending on how much electricity is input to it. In other words, it is a digital switch. However, unlike the vacuum tube , it is solid state .

Text tour
• Outline
– – – – – – Brief introduction (para.1-4) Inside a microprocessor RAM and ROM Microprocessor Instructions Microprocessor Performance Microprocessor Trends
2019/1/19 《电子信息工程专业英语教程》 3
micron, data width, MIPS
• micron是“微米(百万分之一米)”的意思,和μm一样。Micron值 用于度量相应芯片中的最小线宽。Micron值越小,芯片中集成 的晶体管数量就越多。 data width是指算术逻辑单元ALU的字长。8-bit的ALU可以进行 两个8-bit 数的加、减、乘等运算,32-bit 的ALU可以对32-bit的 数进行操作。外部数据总线的宽度一般和ALU的数据宽度相同, 但也有例外。如8088 的ALU 是16-bit,而其外部数据总线为8bit;而Pentium处理器的ALU 是32-bit,而其外部数据总线为64bit. MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 每秒百万条指令。MIPS是 一个粗略表征微处理器性能的指标。因为现代微处理器的种类 繁多、结构各不相同,MIPS 指标所能反映的信息很有限。
• Terminology
– – – – micron, data width, MIPS reset tri-state buffer pipelining

作业一:翻译:Lesson1 Contents of Electronics Course要求:每个人必须做,写在纸上,注明姓名、班级、学号。
要求翻译:abstract (摘要),introduction(引言),conclusion(总结),其中引言和总结指的是每篇文章正文的第一部分和最后部分。
电子信息工程专业英语Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1)alternating current circuits (2)semiconductor diodes(3)passive component(4)the combinatory logic electric circuit(5)rectification(6)Laplace transform(7)inductor(8)Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontroller systems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operational amplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basic electric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types of filter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filtercharacteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。
电子信息类专业英语 第1章

Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance
We shall define voltage “across” an element as the work
done in moving a unit charge (+1C) through the element from one terminal to the other. The term voltage (represented by the letter symbol U) is commonly used to indicate both a potential difference and an electromotive force. The unit in which voltage is measured is the volt(V). One volt is defined as that magnitude of electromotive force required cause a current of one ampere to pass through a conductor having a resistance of one ohm. Besides the volt, smaller or larger magnitude of voltage are expressed in millivolts(mV), microvolts(μV) or kilovolts(kV).
Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance
Resistors restrict the flow of electric current, for example, a

In its early manifestations, African villagers used smoke signals to warn people to stay away from the village in case of serious disease. In the early 1900s, people living in remote areas in Australia used two-way radios, powered by a dynamo driven by a set of bicycle pedals, to communicate with the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia.
在20世纪初,生活在澳大利亚偏僻地区的 人们用由自行车踏板驱动的发电机提供能 源的双向无线电来与澳洲皇家飞行医生服 务进行通信
The terms e-health and telehealth are at times wrongly interchanged with telemedicine. Like the terms “medicine” and “health care”, telemedicine often refers only to the provision of clinical services while the term telehealth can refer to clinical and non-clinical services such as medical education, administration, and research.3

我主张一口气读下去,即便有个别单词挡道,只要不影响整 体内容的理解,就不必停下来查词典,因为那样会打断思路, 影响阅读速度,甚至扼杀阅读兴趣。 阅读主要目的在于语言吸收上的潜移默化,在于获得语感。 阅读需要“量”,没有大量语言“输入”难以学好英语。国内学 习者恰恰语言输入量太少,输出量就更少,往往事倍功半。 练习要做,但要适量;重要的是阅读,大量的阅读。 节引自:黄源深,英语阅读也轻松,文汇报,2004.8.2
each means, the designer is doomed to failure. The objective is
to be able to design a circuit from the basis of the published
data, and know that it will function as predicted when the
对于线性电路,它们与现在的复杂逻辑电路结构相比看起来 较为简单,(因而在设计中)太容易忽视具体的性能参数了, 这些(参数)可极大地削弱预期性能。
本句主要结构:It is easy … to ignore …
2 An example
Let us take a very simple but striking example. Consider a
not work because the device used is not typical?6 The above
statement thus poses a tricky question: when should typical
values and when should worst-case values be used in the

专业英语复习Lesson3Microprocessors (1)Lesson4Operational Amplifiers (2)Lesson8Clock Sources (3)Lesson12Personal Computer Systems (4)Lesson13Overview of Modern Digital Design (5)Lesson16Basic Concepts of DSP (6)Lesson19High Fidelity Audio (8)Lesson22Digital Image Fundamentals (9)Lesson25Choosing the right core (10)Lesson26Design Languages for Embedded Systems (11)Lesson27Choosing a Real-Time Operating System (12)Lesson28Signal Sources (13)Lesson3Microprocessors1.micron是“微米(百万分之一米)”2.data width是指算术逻辑单元ALU的字长3.MIPS Million Instructions Per Second每秒百万条指令4.Reset复位5.tri-state buffer三态缓冲器A tri-state buffer is a device that allows you to control when an output signal makes it to the bus.When the tri-state buffer's control bit is active,the input of the device makes it to the output.When it's not active,the output of the device is Z,which is high-impedance or,equivalently,nothing.There is no electrical signal is allowed to pass to the output.6.PipeliningA technique where the microprocessor fetches the next instruction before completing execution of the previous instruction,in order to increase processing speed.)流水线是一种在前一条指令全部执行完之前就开始取下一条指令,以提高处理速度的技术。
电子信息类专业英语(第二版) 课件李白萍

Unit 1 科技英语基础知识(一)
数词: naught,one,two,ten,twenty-eight,hundred, thousand,million,billion,trillion,first,second,third, one half,two third,a quarter,seven percent 连接词: and,as,as if,as well as,both ... and,either ... or,but,not only ... but also,for,if,even if,or,yet, while 名词: energy,form,material,line,process,time, result,unit,value,area,field,method,effect,distance, limit,period,direction 代词: other,such,that,this,their,these,which,it, its,itself 这些词汇在科技英语中的意义和用法与在普通英语中基 本上是一致的,因此读者一般不会有多大困难。
Unit 1 科技英语基础知识(一)
冠词: a(或an),the 动词: be,do,take,have,get,give,find,form, increase,obtain,show,work,operate, perform,carry, account 副词: all,more,ago,already,before,finally, immediately,nearly,usually,never,frequently,actually, so,slowly 形容词: all,great,high,large,more,small,good, big,round,square,hard,little, simple,complex,basic, common,internal,external,usual 介词: about,above,after,among,at,behind,beside, between,beyond,by,except, for,from,in,into,of,off, on,over,up,upon,to,by means of,toward
电子信息类专业英语unit 1课件

1.1 科技英语的特点 1.2 词汇 1.3 虚拟语气 1.4 翻译的技巧
1.1 科技英语的特点
科技英语是专指描述科技内容的英语。比起非科技英语, 科技英语有以下特点:
(1) 复杂长句(Long Sentences)多。 科技英语中常使用长句,一句话里经常包含三四个甚至 五六个分句。译成汉语时,长句可用两种方法使之简化,以 便正确理解。 ① 依据谓语动词把复合句分解为一组简单句。 ② 依据关键词简化各词组。
Speciality vocabularies
electron diode transistor field-effecradar radio ohm’s low cathode anode microprocessor amplifier varactor impedance modem
KVL -- Kilchoff’s law LTI -- linear time invariant FET -- field-effect transistor MOS -- metal-oxide-semiconductor IC -- integrated circuit AM -- amplitude modulation FM -- frequency modulation , Foreign Ministry DM -- delta modulation PCM -- pulse code modulation SSB -- single-side band
Long Sentences
★ 依据谓语动词把复合句分解成简单句。
★ 依据关键词简化词组。
(1) The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation, is called the electric constant of that particular matrial .
电信专业英语教学课件 电子工程与物理系 专业英语教案

2010~2011学年第二学期课程名称专业英语系(院、部) 电子工程与物理系教研室(实验室) 理论物理教研室授课班级物理0801主讲教师职称讲师湖南科技学院教务处制二○一一年二月教案(首页)节、实验课、公共选修课第一讲 Lesson 1 VLSI Technology一、授课时间:2课时二、授课类型:理论课三、授课题目:VLSI Technology四、教学目的与要求:1 掌握超大规模集成电路技术及晶体管的特点。
六、教学基本内容、教学方法与实施步骤:(一)教学基本内容1、TerminologyTransistor vs. vacuum tube,Conductivity & semiconductor,Miniaturization , IC, LSI, VLSI2、Text tourTransistor and vacuum tube (para.1, 2)Transistors and ICs (para.3)Semiconductors and ICs (para.4, 5)Miniaturization: from LSI to VLSI (para.6, 7, 8, 9)3、StructureIt takes (took, will take) … time to…4、Reading / writing techniques给事物下定义的方法(二)教学方法与实施步骤采用多媒体教学方法,“模块化”授课,包括总体介绍,重点段落理解(尽量采用英语,师生互动,要求学生课堂上阅读课文后回答问题或翻译课文段落),要点扩展和应用(词汇、结构等)。
七、讨论题、思考题、作业:1、What’s the deference between Transistor and vacuum tube ?2、What’s Semiconductors and ICs ?3、How to form LSI and VLSI ?4、Read the reading material passage 1 “flash memory”and ansewer thequestions after the text.八、课后小结:第二讲Lesson 2 Memory Devices一、授课时间:2课时二、授课类型:理论课三、授课题目:Memory Devices四、教学目的与要求:1、掌握存储装置的类型。