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中文题目:小学识字教学的现状分析及对策研究英文题目:Analysis of the current situation of

literacy teaching in primary schools and




专业: 小学教育


指导教师: 柴忠华







Chinese characters are the origin of Chinese culture and have played a role in cultural transmission for thousands of years. Chinese characters not only have communicative function, but also have rich cultural connotation. The teaching of literacy in primary schools should not only let students know the structure of glyphs, but also give them a certain understanding of the cultural connotation of Chinese characters. Literacy education is particularly important in elementary schools, where students master the writing skills of Chinese characters and can use simple Chinese characters to convey meaning. The teaching of literacy in senior grades should emphasize the cultivation of students' writing and reading ability. The key of literacy teaching is to cultivate students' initiative in learning Chinese characters, so that they are willing to learn to read. Teachers should recognize the existence of differences and protect students' enthusiasm for learning from the reality of all kinds of students. Constantly cultivate students' interest and desire to learn, inspire them to learn consciously and think positively; Guide them to discover problems, ask questions, guide them to master the

correct learning methods, and enhance their learning drive.

However, in many years of Chinese teaching, many teachers only use literacy as the basis for reading and writing, which leads to the poor implementation of primary school literacy goals. For the research of this topic, its purpose is to find out the problems existing in the primary school literacy teaching, and the reason analysis, proposed the corresponding solution strategy, provide certain direction for the primary school Chinese teaching and train of thought, promote the development of national culture.

Key words: primary school; Literacy education; The status quo. Countermeasures


摘要...................................................................................................................................................................... I Abstract................................................................................................................................................................... I I 绪论.. (1)

一、小学识字教学的重要性 (3)

二、小学识字教学中存在的问题 (4)

(一)传统文化识字教学缺失 (4)
