
课外拓展阅读That’s Why I Keep the Bigger One写一写sweet糖果teeth 牙齿(tooth的复数)see看见读一读Mrs. Green says to her daughter, “Sweets are bad for your teeth. Take two apples instead, and give one to your brother.”One of the apples is much bigger than the other. The little girl keeps the bigger one for herself, and gives her brother the smaller one.When the brother sees that his sister’s apple is bigger than his, he says, “It’s selfish to take the bigger one for yourself. If our mother gives me two apples, I will give you the bigger one”.“I know you will,” answers the sister, “That’s why I keep the bigger one.”注解Green格林(green绿色的)instead(代替)selfish(自私的)想一想根据故事内容判断正(T)误(F)。
()1. Mrs. Green tells her son that sweets are bad for teeth.()2. Mrs. Green gives her daughter two apples.()3. The apples are the same size.()4. the sister takes the bigger apple.()5. The brother tells her sister it’s selfish to take the bigger one.译文那就是我为什么要留大些的格林夫人对她的女儿说:“糖果对牙齿不好,拿这两个苹果吧,给你弟弟一个。

小学英语拓展阅读六年级上册答案2022听力原文Text 1M:I’ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me?W:I’m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son’s education.Text 2M:How much are the tickets?W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price.M:OK.I’d like two adult tickets and two children’s tickets.Text 3M:Why didn’t you attend the class?W:I’m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital.Text 4M:Hi,Maria.I’ve heard there is an i nteresting film.Shall we see it tonight?W:I’d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type someimportant notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm.M:The job is the most important.Text 5W:Manhattan Square,please.M:All right,madam.When are we supposed to be there?W:I’d like to go around the city,if you don’t mind.Text 6M: Hello! This is City Police Station.W:I need help.My house has been broken into.M:Can you tell me some details?W:When I came home,I found my door broken,and my money,my jewelry,and my camera were gone.M:Was there anybody home?W:No.My son,husband,and I all happened to be out having our dinner after work.M:What is your address?W:No.13,Downing Street.Could you come over at once?M:OK.Don’t worry,madam.We’ll be there in 10 minutes.Text 7M:Hi.What can I do for you?W:I’m hunting for a part-time job.M:Then,you’ve come to the right place.Our office is aimed at helping those like you to find jobs.W:Glad to hear that.I really need to earn some money for my education.M:How many hours would you like to work?W:Ten to twenty hours a week.M:And when are you free to work?W:Every weekday since noon.And I wouldn’t mind working on weekends.M:Great.Now please fill out this form.W:When can I get to work?M:I will call you tomorrow.W:Thank you.Text 8M:This is Henry.I’d like to make sure when we can expect you for a get-together.W:Er...What party is it?M:Our former classmates are planning a get-together.W:Oh,that’s good.M:Are you free these days?W:A little busy somehow.M:Can you come this Saturday evening?W:I’m very sorry,I’ve promised to go to the movies with my daughter.M:Well,how about Sunday then?W:That sounds fine.M:Good.Shall we make it at a quarter to seven?W:I’m sure to be there.Shall we have a dance after that?M:It’s up to you.I’ve learned a new dance these days.Then we can share it.W:That’s great.Text 9W:I’ll take part in a very important party for my friend Amy.M:Really?W:Amy has just been awarded the first prize for her English speech.M:Great.W:Today is her 26th birthday.M:Then you must buy a gift for her.W:What do you think I should buy for her?M:A birthday cake.W:No,she has got one from her boy friend.M:Then,what else?W:I think an MP3 player will be OK.M:Hasn’t she had one already?W:But it is broken.She li kes music.I think it’s the best for her.M:You’re right.Then shall I drive you there?W:No.I’ll do it myself.You have to care for my pet dogs and cats.Text 10Hello,everyone.Welcome to our hospital.Now I’m going to tell you something about my hospital,Friendship Hospital.It looks very new and modern.But it has a history going back to three quarters of a century.It was designed to sleep 200 patients,and then 400.With the development of the new building blocks,it can now sleep 900 patients.It started its life as a general hospital.But now it has developed its new departments and become the teaching hospital that is famous all over the area.It has created new fields for treating heart diseases and eye diseases with a lot of experienced and famous doctors.During the teaching process,it includes a school of baby nursing.In 2001,the President along with the mayor visited the children from flooded areas,and on Christmas Day last year,the Prime Minister had lunch with thepatients,talking about their life after the AIDS disease.Ⅰ.听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。


1. 经典童话故事:小学生最熟悉的童话故事如《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》、《睡美人》等都有英语版本。
2. 儿童文学:儿童文学作品中有很多优秀的英语作品,如《小王子》、《安徒生童话》等。
3. 英语绘本:绘本是小学生喜欢的阅读形式之一,而英语绘本则更能调动他们的学习兴趣。
4. 漫画书:对于喜欢漫画的小学生来说,英语漫画书是一种很好的拓展阅读材料。
5. 英语杂志:适合小学生阅读的英语杂志有《上海英文报》、《知多少》、《英天使》等。
6. 国外经典童书:如英国作家罗尔德·达尔的《查理和巧克力工厂》、美国作家马克·吐温的《汤姆·索亚历险记》等。

小学阶段英语拓展阅读理解 life science stories20篇

AmQhibiansStory by Andrew FrinkleAmph心ans are a kind of animal. Amphibians are always found near water. Frogs, salamanders, newts, and toads are the most common amphibians.Amphibians are vertebrates, so they have backbones. They have slimy skins, not scales or fur. Amphibians usually breathe air, but some of them can breathe through their skinslAmphibians often come from eggs. Some, like frogs, can change a LOT af +er they are born. They can look very different when they grow up. This iscalled metamorphosis.(NAME:`AmehibiansI.Amphibians are a kind of __________.@habitat @p e op le @anima l @weather2.Which of these is an amphibian?@ salamander @ b ird @snake @fish3.What kind of skins do amph如ans have?@feather y @slim y @s c a ly @furr yLI.DEFINITION: an animal with a backbone@ v ertebrate @ h abitat @animal @weather5.Amphibians have scales.@Tr ue @因seANSWER KEY, `AmehibiansI.Amphibians are a kind of __________.@habitat @p e op le .anima l @weather2.Which of these is an amphibian?•salamander @ b ird@snake @fish3.What kind of skins do amph如ans have?@feather y .slim y @s c a ly @furr yLI.DEFINITION: an animal with a backbone•vertebrate @ h abitat@animal @weather5.Amphibians have scales.@Tr ue .因seArctic & TundraStory by Andrew FrinkleEarth has a few very cold habitats. It is veryfor plants and animals to live in these areas.The Arc+ i c and Antarctic areas are at the t�p and bottom of our world. These areas are called the North and South Poles. They are covered with ice and sn ow,but it doesn't rain or snow very often. It d oes not get warm en ough to melt all of the ice.Very few plants or animals can live here.Tundra and T aiga are near the poles. S n ow and ice melts for a month or two. Some plants and trees might grow here during those warmer months. Animals that live here have to adapt to live here. They might have extra fat to keep them warm. They might migrate or move when it gets to o cold.It is a hard life in these areas.(NAME:Arctic & TundraI.Earth has a few very cold __________.@houses @ h abitats © horses @humans 2.Which of these is a cold habitat?@arctic @j ungle © forest @ desert 3.Which word desc ribes arc+ i c & tundra habitats?@rain y @hot @humid @cold Li. DEFINITION: the top and bottom of our world@p oles @p osts @s p ots @houses 5.These cold habitats are very easy to live in.@True @因seANSWER KEY,Arctic & TundraI.Earth has a few very cold __________.@houses • habitats © horses @humans 2.Which of these is a cold habitat?.arctic @j ungle © forest @ d esert 3.Which word desc ribes arc+ i c & tundra habitats?@rain y @hot @humid .cold Li. DEFINITION: the top and bottom of our world.p oles @p osts @s p ots @houses 5.These cold habitats are very easy to live in.@True .因seBirdsStory by Andrew FrinkleBirds are a kind of animal. Birds can be found all over the world. Sparrows, doves, cardinals, owls, eagles, hawks, chickens, and hummingbirds are somecommon birds.Birds are vertebrates, so they have backbones. They are the only kind of animal with feathers. Birds lay eggs. Usually they have a nest for the eggs. Birds have two f eet and special arms. They don•t have hands or fingers. They have flippers or /42--T“-wings.Most birds can fly. Birds have feathers, wings, and very light bones to help them fly. They can>t be tooheavy! Only a few birds, like ostriches or pe!'guins,户~7 can>t fly.(NAME:BirdsI.Bi r ds can be found all over the __________.@house @p eo pl e © weather @world 2.Whi c h of these i s a bi r d?@rabb计@l a d y bu g @s nake @ow l 3.What ki n d of body cover i n g d o bi r ds have?@feathers @slime @scales @fur Li. DEFINITION: a body p art that helps an i m als fly@foot @w ing @beak @e y e 5.All bi r ds can fly.@True @因seANSWER KEY,BirdsI.Bi r ds can be found all over the __________.@house @p eo p le © weather .world 2.Whi c h of these i s a bi r d?@rabb计@l a d y bu g @s nake .ow l 3.What ki n d of body cover i n g d o bi r ds have?.feathers @sl i me @scales @fur Li. DEFINITION: a body p art that helps an i m als fly@foot .w ing @beak @e y e 5.All bi r ds can fly.@True .因seC|assifyinqStory by Andrew FrinkleClassifying is a way of sorting things. When you sort things by how they look, you are classifying. You are also classifying if you sort things into groups that are similar. You can classify anything.If we classify animals, we might sort them many ways. We can sort by how many legs they have. We can sort by size, shape, and color. We can sort them by if they have fur, scales, or feathers. We can sort by what kind of place they call home. There are so many ways to classify animalslIf we classify plants, we can sort them many ways, too. We can sort them by their sizes, shapes, and colors. We can sort by if they make flowers or fruits. We can sort by where they are found or what kinds of leaves they have. There are many ways to classify plants!(NAME:Classif业I.Classifying is a way of __________ things.@sort ing @ea ting @t aking @breaking2.Which of these is NOT a way to sort an imals?@colors @sizes @homes @ f lowers3.Which of these is NOT a way to sort plants?@flowers @rocks @lea v es @fruit s'-1. DEFINITIO N: to sort by how things look or what they are @classify @ r ound up @ g et @g i v e5.Plants can be sorted by the ir kinds of leaves.@True @因seANSWER KEY,Classif业I.Classifying is a way of __________ things..sor t ing @ea ting @taking @breaking2.Which of these is NOT a way to sort an imals?@colors @sizes @homes .flowers3.Which of these is NOT a way to sort plants?@flowers .rocks @lea v es @fruit sLt.DEFINITIO N: to sort by how things look or what they ar e .classify @ r ound up @ g e t @g i v e5.Plants can be sorted by the ir kinds of leaves..True @因seCrustaceansStory by Andrew FrinkleCrustaceans are a kind of animal. Crustaceans are usually found by the water. There are some crustaceans that live on land also, like pill bugs and some hermit crabs. Crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and lobsters are some common crustaceans.Crustaceans are invertebrates, so they do NOT have backbones. Instead, they have shells. That makes them very different from most o ther animals.Crustaceans of t en have a lot of legs. Lobsters, shrimp, and crabs all have ten legs! If they lose aclaw or a leg, they can grow it back!(NAME:`CrustaceansI.Crustaceans are usually found by the __________.@cit y @forest @water @clouds2.Which of these is a crustacean?@crab @lad y bu g @rabbit @bird3.What kind of body covering do crustaceans have?@feathers @ s hells @hair @furLi. DEFINITION: a type of animal without a backbone@habitat @animal @ v ertebrate @ i nvertebrate 5.Some crustaceans have as many as 10 legs!@True @因seANSWER KEY,CrustaceansI.Crustaceans are usually found by the __________.@cit y @forest .water @clouds2.Which of these is a crustacean?.crab @lad y bu g @rabbit @bird3.What kind of body covering do crustaceans have?@ f eathers. s hells @hair @furLi. DEFINITION: a type of animal without a backbone@habitat @animal @ v ertebrate. i nvertebrate 5.Some crustaceans have as many as 10 legs!.True @因seDesertsStory by Andrew FrinkleEarth has a lot of deserts. Deserts make up about one third of all land! There are deserts on all 7 continents. These places can be cold or hot, butthey are always dry.Hot deserts are sandy places, like the Sahara Desert in Africa. Some deserts don't get any rain for a whole year I Others get less than 10 inches per year. When it does rain, special desert plants drink the water up q,uickly. There can even be flowers. Animals have adapted to life in an area with very衄皇-卢勹little water.Usually, we think of deserts as sandy, hot places. There are cold deserts, too. Some cold deserts are high in the mountains. Others are near the ocean. The two largest deserts in the world are the north and south poles, and they are very cold!(NAME:DesertsI.Deserts make up about one __________ of all land.@half @fourth ©介f th@third 2.Which of these is NOT a desert?@ N orth Pole @ o cean @Sahara @ S outh Pole 3.What is the weather like in ALL deserts?@rain y @w ind y @humid @dr yLi. DEFINITIO N: one of Earth,s 7 large pieces of land @y ard @island © continents @ s pots5.All deserts are hot places.@True @因seANSWER KEY,DesertsI.Deserts make up about one __________ of all land.@half @fourth ©介f th.third 2.Which of these is NOT a desert?@ N orth Pole. ocean @Sahara @ South Pole 3.What is the weather like in ALL deserts?@rain y @w ind y @humid .dr yLi. DEFINITIO N: one of Earth,s 7 large pieces of land@y ard @island • continents @ spots5.All deserts are hot places.@True .因seFishStory by Andrew FrinkleFish are a kind of animal. Fish can be f ound飞rivers, lakes, swamps, seas, and oceans. Fish always need water to live. Perch, sunfish, bluegill, salmon, trout, and tuna are some common fish.Fish are vertebrates, so they have backbones. They have scales, just like reptiles. Like reptiles and amphibians, fish are cold-blooded. They get warm or cold depending on how hot or cold the water around them is.Fish have special body parts to help them live in water. Fish have gills to breathe air from the water. They do not have hands and f eet. Instead, they have lots of fins to help them swim. Many fish also have swim bladders so they do not sink.(NAME:FishI.Fish have ________ to breathe air fr om the water. @g ills @fins @scales @e y es 2.Which of these is NOT a place you would find fish? @s w amps @l akes @trees @rivers 3.What kind of body covering do fish have?@f eathers @slime @scales @fur Li. DEFINITIO N: a body part that helps fish swim@fo ot @w in g @l e g @fin 5.All fish need water to live.@True @因seANSWER KEY,FishI.They have _________ to help them get air from the water.•g ills@fins @scales @e y es2.Which of these is NOT a place you would find fish?@s w amps @l akes .trees @rivers3.What kind of body covering do fish have?@ f eathers @ s lime .scales @furLi. DEFINI TION: a body part that helps fish swim@fo ot @w in g @l e g .fin5.All fish need water to live..True @因seFood ChainsStory by Andrew FrinkleFood Chains show how energy moves. When something eats someth叩else,energy moves. We need food energy to play and learn. How do plants and animals get their energy? ,永. -- _. 1:{'�一卢丛必丛4.....`、::(l 4..� ... “一今All food chains start with the sun. The sun feeds plants. Plants make their own food using the sun, water, and soil. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores. They get their energy from the plants. Herbivores are animals like cows, grasshoppers, and e |e 气二a?ts .....$ ➔ 上皂一今Ani�als that eat other animals are ca l ied carnivores. They get their energy from the animals they eat. Carnivores are animals like tigers, owls, sharks, and dragonf lies. Some animals eat plants and animals. They are called omnivores. Are you an omnivores?(NAME:Food ChainsI.Food Chains show how __________ moves.@mud @water @ener gy @bu g s2.Where do all food chains start?@ t he moon @ the sun © the clouds @ t he dirt 3.Which of these words is not part of a food chain?@ c arnivores @ h erbivores © omnivores @ c ookies LI.DEFINITION: things that eat plants and animals@ c arnivores @ h erbivores @ o mnivores @ c ookievores 5.Plants get all of their energy from eating animals.@True @因seANSWER KEY,Food ChainsI.Food Chains show how __________ moves.@mud @water .ener gy @bu g s2.Where do all food chains start?@ t he moon. t he sun © the clouds @ t he dirt 3.Which of these words is not part of a food chain?@ c arnivores @ h erbivores © omnivores. c ookies LI.DEFINITION: things that eat plants and animals@ c arnivores @ h erbivores.omnivores @ c ookievores 5.Plants get all of their energy from eating animals. @True .因seEarth has many kinds of forests. These habitats are f illed with dif ferent kinds of treesl These trees give animals food, shelter, and oxygen.Near the North and South Poles, forests are almost all pine trees. These are cold for most of the year. There are some big animals, like snow leopards or caribou, but not too many.Many forests have leafy trees. These might · be more familiar to us. They are f illed with oak, maple, and other hardwood trees. Animals like sq,uirrels, wolves, bears, and owls might live in these forests.There are also rain forests and jungles. These are very humid places. It rains so much in these forests. There might be parrots, monkeys, gorillas, and tigers living in these rainy forests.(NAME:ForestsI.Earth has __________ kinds of forests.@m an y @a few ©no @two 2.Which of these animal s is not found in a forest?@whale @ti g er @bear @caribou 3.Which word describes ALL forest habitats?@trees @e mp t y @clouds @cold Li. DEFINITION: a habitat f il l e d with trees@desert @forest @m ountain @ocean 5.Rain forests are rainy places.@True @因seANSWER KEY,ForestsI.Earth has __________ kinds of forests..m an y @a few ©no@two 2.Which of these animal s is not found in a forest?.whale @ti g er @bear @caribou 3.Which word describes ALL forest habitats?.trees @e mp t y @clouds @cold Li. DEFINITION: a habitat f il l e d with trees@desert .forest @m ountain @ocean 5.Rain forests are rainy places..True @因seFunqusesStory by Andrew FrinkleFunguses are important living things. Funguses are not plants or animals. They are kind of in-bet ween. Common funguses include molds, mushrooms, and toadstools.Funguses are like plants for a few reasons. They don,t walk or move. They have something like roots, called mycelium. Some funguses look like vegetables, too. You can eat some funguses, like mushrooms, but many of them can make you sick.Funguses are like animals because they eat or consume their food. They usually live on dead things. They'eat, dead plants or animals. They are nature>s recyclers. They do not make their own一_food from sunlight like plants do. In fact, somemushrooms even grow in the dark.(NAME:FungusesI. F u nguses are not plants or __________.@ m ushrooms @ toadstools © animals @molds 2.Which of these is NOT an example of a fungus?@mold @ mushroom © toadstool @ c ookie 3.Funguses are like nature's what?@builders @ firefighters © doctors @ recyclers Li. DEFINITIO N: another word for eating@ m ycelium @ roots @cookie @consume 5.Mushrooms have a kind of roots called mycelium.@True @因seANSWER KEY,FungusesI. F u nguses are not plants or __________.@ m ushrooms @ toadstools. a nimals @molds2.Which of these is NOT an example of a fungus?@mold @ mushroom © toadstool. cookie3.Funguses are like nature's what?@builders @ firefighters © doctors • recyclers Li. DEFINITIO N: another word for eating@ m ycelium @ roots @cookie .consume5.Mushrooms have a kind of roots called mycelium..True @因seGrasslandsStory by Andrew FrinkleEarth has lots of grasslands. Grasslands usually have very few trees. Grasslands can have lots of animals. Many of them like to eat grass.A savanna is a warm or tropical grassland area. The grasses can be very tall. This is good for animals to hide in. Many animals eat the grass, too. Animals like elephants, zebras, and lions might live in a savanna.T emperate今sslands,like prairies and steppes, might seem like large grassy f ields, but the grasses get much taller. The animals that live in a grassland must use the grass. They eat the grass, hide in the grass, and make their homes in the grass. Buffalo, wolves, owls, and bugs might live in a grassland.(NAME:`GrasslandsI.Grasslands usually have very few __________.@trees @pl ants @anima ls @c l o u ds2.Which of these is a warm grassland?@arctic @j un gl e © savanna @ d esert3.What kind of plant covers most grasslands?@flowers @g rass @trees @rocksLi. DEFINITION: another name for temperate grasslands @oceans @p rairies © d eserts @j un gl es5.Grasslands have lots of trees.@Tr u e @因seANSWER KEY,GrasslandsI.Grasslands usually have very few __________..trees @pl ants @animals @c l o u ds 2.Which of these is a warm grassland?@arctic @j un gl e •savanna @ d esert 3.What kind of plant covers most grasslands?@flowers .g rass @trees @rocks Li. DEFINITION: another name for temperate grasslands @oceans .p rairies © deserts @j un gl es 5.Grasslands have lots of trees.@Tr u e .因seInsectsStory by Andrew Frinkle一占Insects are a kind of animal. Insects are also known as bugs. Insects can be found all over the world. Crickets, ants, grasshoppers, butterflies, ladybugs, and bees are some common insects. Insects are invertebrates, so they do not have backbones. They have exoskeletons. This means they have their bones on the outside, like a shell. That makes them similar to crustaceans. Some insects,--like butterflies, can change as they grow.1,Insects always have six legs. If something has eight legs, like a spider, it is not an insect. Insects usually have three body segments. The head is where the eyes, mouth, and brains are. The thorax is where the legs and wings connect. The abdomen is where the guts and organs are.(NAME:`InsectsI.Insects are also known as __________.@worms @泗s© monsters @fairies2.Which of these is an insect?@l ad ybug @rat @fish @s p ider3.How many legs do insects have?@2 @Li ©6 @8Li. DEFINITION: a skeleton (bones) outside the body@abdomen @ e xoske l eton @ h ead @thorax5.The thorax is where the wings and legs connect.@Tr u e @因seANSWER KEY, InsectsI.Insects are also known as __________.@worms .蚐s © monsters @ f airies2.Which of these is an insect?.l ad ybug @rat @fish @s p ider3.How many legs do insects have?@2@Li .6 @8 Li. DEFINITION: a skeleton (bones) outside the body @ a bdomen . e xoske l eton © head @thorax5.The thorax is where the wings and legs connect..True @因seLakes & SeasStory by Andrew FrinkleEarth is mostly covered by water. Water cover s about 70/ of our world. Many plants and animals live in the water.Lakes are small bodies of fresh water on land.h ey are freshwater. They fill in with river water, rain, springs, or runoff water that comes down hills and mountains. Water in lakes gets to the sea by rivers. In the sea it mixes with saltwater. In freshwater you might find trout, frogs t perch,Acarp, and seaweed.Seas and oceans are large bodies of water. They are saltwater. Different kinds of animals and plants live in saltwater and freshwater. Seas can also be very deep, sometimes miles deep! You can find whales, sharks, dolphins, stingrays, jellyf ish, lobsters, and seaweed in saltwater.(NAME:Lakes & Seas.Earth is mostly covered by __________.@trees @ m ounta i ns © a pples @water2.Which of these animals lives in a lake or sea?@p i g @fish ©cat @monkey3.About what percentage of our world is water?@50I @60Z ©70I. @80ILi. DEFINITION: the type of water in seas and oceans@ s altwater @ f reshwater @ dirty water@ b rown water kes are ONLY filled by rain.@True @因seANSWER KEY,Lakes & Seas.Earth is mostly covered by __________.@trees @ m ounta i ns © a pples .water2.Which of these animals lives in a lake or sea?@p i g .fish ©cat @monkey3.About what percentage of our world is water?@50I @60Z .701. @80ILi. DEFINITION: the type of water in seas and oceans •saltwater @ freshwater @ dirty water@ b rown water kes are ONLY filled by rain.@True .因seLifeCyc|esStory by Andrew FrinklePlants and animals don't always look the same. They go through different stages as they grow. These stages are called a life cycle. O O二威Some animals have a metamorphosis. This is achange that makes them like a different thing! A butterfly starts as an egg and hatches as a caterpillar. Then it goes into a chrysalis, a cocoon, and hatches as a butterfly. It sure does change!.a 乓§:(,::";:.飞3,'T`-Frogs change a lot, also. They go from an egg to a tadpole to an adult. T adpoles don't look that much like frogs, do they? ••Plants don't usually change as much as animals, but they change, too. Plants start as a seed and start to grow roots. Later, they flower or make fruit. Then they make more plants.(NAME:Life CyclesI.These stages are called a life __________.@c y c l e @cake @c oo kie @bike 2.Which of these animals has a metamorphosis?@p e opl e @dog s @fro g s @ho g s 3.What is a frog called before it grows legs?@ s wimmer @ e gg @d og @ta dpol e LI.DEFINITION: the cocoon a caterpillar goes into@cave @ho use © chrys a l is @ c a g e 5.ALL animals have a metamorphosis.@T rue @因seLife Science Reading Comprehension Stories。

小学英语课外拓展阅读例谈二、课外拓展阅读的意义1. 扩大词汇量通过课外拓展阅读,学生能够接触到更多的单词和短语,从而扩大自己的词汇量,提高语言表达能力。
2. 提高阅读能力阅读是学习语言的重要途径之一,通过大量阅读,学生可以提高自己的阅读理解能力,培养逻辑思维能力。
3. 培养学生的学习兴趣通过课外拓展阅读,学生可以接触到更多精彩的故事和知识,从而增加对英语学习的兴趣,激发学生学习的积极性。
4. 提高学生的自主学习能力课外拓展阅读可以培养学生的自主学习能力,让他们乐于通过阅读去探索、发现和学习,培养学生的学习兴趣和主动性。
三、如何进行课外拓展阅读1. 选择适合学生阅读水平的书籍在进行课外拓展阅读时,教师要根据学生的实际水平,选择适合学生阅读的书籍,书籍内容丰富,语言简洁易懂,能够吸引学生的兴趣。
2. 指导学生进行阅读在学生进行课外拓展阅读时,教师要及时指导学生,帮助他们解决在阅读中遇到的困难,激发学生对阅读的兴趣。
3. 设计相关的任务为了加深学生对书籍内容的理解,可以设计一些与书籍内容相关的任务,如阅读报告、口头报告等,帮助学生巩固所学内容。
4. 欣赏和分享阅读成果鼓励学生分享他们的阅读心得以及对书籍的感悟,欣赏学生的阅读成果,激发他们对书籍的热爱,增强学生对于课外拓展阅读的积极性。
四、推荐课外拓展阅读书目1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar(《饥饿的毛毛虫》)这本书适用于小学低年级学生,内容简单易懂,图文并茂,能够吸引学生的注意力。
2. Dr. Seuss's ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!(《苏斯博士的字母歌》)这本书适合小学中年级学生阅读,书中介绍了英语字母表中的每个字母,通过幽默有趣的方式进行词汇学习,能够提高学生的词汇学习兴趣。
3. Charlotte's Web(《夏洛特的网》)这本书适合小学高年级学生阅读,内容丰富有趣,适合学生进行阅读报告和讨论,通过阅读这本书,学生可以学习到一些有关友谊、勇气、责任等道德观念,并且能够拓展学生的词汇量和阅读能力。

沪版小学五年级英语阅读---任务型阅读拓展训练八篇XXX is XXX his outfit。
making him look smart.Amy looks cool in a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf while Daniel is XXX.Sandy looks modern in a black XXX.XXX.In the eyes of many。
XXX's cognitive abilities。
XXX way to save time。
Even for small tasks。
which XXX.One XXX is due to the fact that many live XXX maintenance are needed。
waiting for nal assistance can be time-consuming and inconvenient。
As a result。
XXX into their own hands and handle things on their own。
This has led to a widespread popularity of DIY projects in America。
with numerous books。
and XXX topic.XXX many Americans。
often done during their free time while watching TV or XXX DIY projects are numerous。
as they not only XXX and save time in the long run.Living far away from service centers is a common issue for many Americans。

小学英语课外拓展阅读例谈1. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss《猫咪在帽子里》(The Cat in the Hat)是美国儿童文学作家Dr. Seuss于1957年出版的一本著名儿童故事书,讲述了猫咪在两个孩子的家里闯了进来,把一切都变得混乱,但最后仍然能够帮助孩子们归位,是一本富有想象力和启发性的童话。
2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein《给树》(The Giving Tree)是美国诗人Shel Silverstein于1964年出版的一本童话故事书,主要讲述了树和孩子之间深厚的友情,让孩子们明白爱是无私的、乐于助人的,只有真正付出才能得到真正的回报。
《夏洛特的网》(Charlotte's Web)是美国作家E.B. White于1952年出版的一本儿童文学作品,主要讲述了一只小猪和一只聪明的蜘蛛之间的友谊,蜘蛛夏洛特通过自己的智慧和勇气拯救了小猪的性命。
《野兽派对》(Where the Wild Things Are) 是美国插画家Maurice Sendak于1963年出版的一本童话故事书,讲述了一个名叫Max的小男孩想象自己成为狂野动物王的冒险故事,启发了孩子们的想象力和探索冒险的精神。

1. 阅读能力的提高小学生在进行英语课外拓展阅读时,会接触到更多的英语文章、故事或者书籍,这些内容涵盖了各种各样的主题和话题。
2. 语言水平的提高通过阅读英语书籍、文章和故事,学生可以接触到更多真实的语言使用场景,这对于提高他们的英语语言水平非常有帮助。
4. 文化意识的提高在英语课外拓展阅读过程中,学生会接触到来自不同文化背景的故事和文章,这有助于拓宽学生的视野,提高他们的国际文化意识。
5. 教育价值的体现英语课外拓展阅读是一种积极的教育活动,它可以让学生在课外时间进行有意义的学习,培养他们的自主学习能力和自律意识。


精编资料II,同步阅读ABooks are my friendsAt Christmas I get many presents but one present that I especially特别;尤其)like to get is a book. It doesn't ・・・同步小学英语话题同步拓展阅读Unit 1 Personal information 个人情况I、背景导读Guided questi on:What does Jay like?He likes computer games, music, table tennis and basketball.My classmate---JayJay is my classmate. I know him very well.He always wears blue and white shirt and black trousers. He is tall and thin. He has big eyes and he wears a pair of glasses. He looks like Harry Porter.He likes computer games and music. He can play the pia no and draw pictures. He loves sports. His favorite sports are table tennis and basketball.He studies very hard. He can speak En glish very well. My En glish is not good, so he ofte n helps me. But he isn 'good at maths. So I help him with his maths. We can leann a lot from each other. Im lucky(幸运的)to be his friend.II、同步阅读AWhere Am I?It s a fine day. We are not at home. We're under a tree. Here and there are flowers, trees and birds. Two boats are in the river. Beside the river are banana trees, orange trees and apple trees. We have cakes, eggs, apples, oran ges and banan as. They are very delicious(美味的).Sudde nly突然地),an apple hits打,击中)me. Where am I? I find I'm not un der a tree. I'm in my home.Read the passage and writeT” for true or F” for false:1. I'm not at school today.2. Banana trees, apple trees and orange trees are in the river.3. Here and there are flowers, trees, birds and boats.4. Sudde nly, an orange hits me.5. The story means it is a dream.1-5 TFTFTBVicky 'familyIt 'half past five. School is over. Vicky comes back. His mother is not at home and the door is closed. His brother, Jim, is playing football in the school. His sister, Becky, is singing with her frie nds. He cannot go in.His mother comes back with a basket. There are three cakes in it. He wants to eat them.The other two are for Jim and Becky, says his mother. You each have ond'.But I am hungry now, Mum,” says Vicky. May I have two?”Yes, you can. Go and cut yours in half”Choose the best an swer from A,B or C accord ing to the passage:1. Vicky leaves school at ___ .A. 4.00B. 4.30C. 5.302. _____ is the sec ond to come to the house.A. Vicky s motherB. JimC. Becky3. Vicky ' mother comes home with a _____ .A. bagB. basketC. box4. Becky is si nging with ___ .A. Jim and VickyB. her friendsC. her pare nts5. There are _____ childre n in Vickysfamily.A. 3B. 4C. 51— 5 CABBA川、美文诵读How many people are there in Nicksfamily?Nick is an honest (诚实的)boy. His father drives him to school every day. So he is never late for school and his teachers like him very much.Today is Tuesday.His teacher teachesthem to count. Nick is working hard in class. Soon he can count. His teacher asks him, How many people are there in your family, Nick?” Nick stands up and says, Two, Miss Rose.”Who are they?'My father and my mother.'Oh?” Miss Rose is surprised and says,There are three people in your family.But now I am not at home. I am at school, you know”Read the passage aloud and un derli ne some useful senten ces:IV、交际阅读Meimei has a new bikeMeimei: Hello, Lily. How are you today?Lily: Fi ne, tha nks. How are you?Meimei: Fin e. I have a new bike. Do you like it?Lily: Yes, it 'very ni ce. Can I have a go?Meimei: Certainly. But excuse me, do you have a watch? Wh' the time?Lily: Let me have a look. Er, it '7:20. Oh, it's time for class.Meimei: Yes, that'sright. Let' have a ride after school, OK?Lily: OK. Let s go.Meimei: Yes, let's.Fill in each bla nk accord ing to the dialogue:1. Meimei _______ a new bike.2. Lily likes it and has a _ .3. It'7:20. It'time to have _____ .4. They have a ______ after school.1. has2. go/try3. class4. rideV、阅读与欣赏(拓展性阅读)A letter to JackDear Jack,How are you? I live in the USA now. I like the life here. I have some friends.I don 'have much homework to do every day. There are a lot of sports at my school, but I don 'like sports at all. I like the food here very much. I eat a lot of different kinds of food every day. I like Coke very much. I don't drink water. I drink Coke in stead 可是). I enjoy my life here. The sad thi ng is that I ofte n get ill. I don 'tk now why. My pare nts say I must cha nge my diet and do some exercise. Must I? Yours, DavidFill in each bla nk accordi ng to the passage:David lives in the USA now. He doesn't 1 much homework to 2 every day. There are 3 sports at his school. He likes Coke better 4 water, but he doesntk now 5______________ he ofte n gets ill. He must cha nge his diet and do some __ 6 , so he can keep fit.1. have2. do3. many4. than5. why6. exerciseVI、活动设计根据下列提示自己制作一张简历卡VII、文化观景英美人如何打招呼?英美人打招呼现在流行说“ How are you?'回答说“ Very well. ”,决不能用“How are you?'作答。

Mo’ne DavisLevel 8OLIVIA: Hello, Little Fox readers, and welcome to People in the News. Today Ben has a cool story about a baseball player named Mo’ne Davis. She’s the American girl who drew worldwide attention while pitching in the 2014 Little League World Series. What’s so unusual about Mo’ne, Ben?BEN: First of all, Olivia, most Little League players are boys. Mo’ne was the 18th girl to ever play in the World Series. But she was the first girl ever to pitch a shutout in the World Series. That means she pitched so well, the other team didn’t even score! This wassuch an incredible feat that her baseball jersey is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame.Mo’ne Ikea Davis was born on June 24, 2001, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her stepfather is a construction worker and her mother is a nurse’s aide, studying to be a nurse. Mo’ne is the second of four children.The first sport Mo’ne played wasn’t baseball;it was basketball. When she was seven years old, Mo’ne was tossing around a ball with some other kids, and a coach noticed her amazing throwing ability. So Coach Steve Bandura asked if she’d liketo join the Monarchs, a basketball team at a local recreation center.Mo’ne was eager to join the team, but her mother was unsure. This was a boys’ team! Mo’ne’s mother worried that Mo’ne would get hurt or that the boys would be mean to her.OLIVIA: Was it hard for Mo’ne to go to her first practice?BEN: She felt shy, but she was excited too. She joined right in, and was soon playing in games andscoring lots of points. In fact, many people think she’s better at basketball than baseball.Every Monarch player was required to play two other sports: baseball and soccer. Mo’ne quickly excelled at all three. Coach Bandura taught the basics of each sport as well as good sportsmanship.Monarchs were expected to be gracious whether they won or lost. Most of all, the coach encouraged the kids to have fun.Coach Bandura also took an interest in Mo’ne’s education. When he realized how smart she was, he encouraged her to apply to one of Philadelphia’s bestprivate schools. She became an honors student at the school, even though it was a very long bus ride every day and she was busy with sports. Some nights Mo’ne had to stay up until one in the morning to get her schoolwork done.When Mo’ne was ten, she almost quit baseball. She thought it was slow compared to basketball. She also hated the team’s demanding schedule. That summer her family visited five water parks; Mo’ne missed every outing!OLIVIA: What changed Mo’ne’s mind?BEN: Her teammates didn’t want her to quit, and the Monarchs were about to take a trip across the country to play other baseball teams. So Mo’ne kept playing.In her autobiography, Mo’ne Davis: Remember My Name, Mo’ne encourages other kids to stick with activities too: “Look at all the things I would have missed out on if I had quit baseball.”Mo’ne’s schedule got even busier when she started playing baseball for a team called the Taney Dragons. Unlike the Monarchs, the Dragons were an official Little League team. Mo’ne became theDragons’ best pitcher. She could throw a fastball that traveled about seventy miles per hour! In a playoff game in 2014, Mo’ne pitched so well, she shut out the other team. And the win advanced the Dragons to the Little League World Series!By the time the Dragons arrived at the World Series, everyone was talking about the Dragons and the girl with the fastball. Outside Philadelphia’s city hall, giant TVs were set up so people could watch the Dragons play.In the team’s first World Series game, Mo’ne pitched another shutout. The crowd watching her inthe stadium went wild! TV stations and newspapers wanted to interview her. Everybody wanted her autograph. Many famous people—sports stars, movie stars, even Mrs. Obama, the U.S. president’s wife—tweeted about her accomplishment! Mo’ne was the youngest athlete ever to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine, which was a huge honor.And the next time she pitched, more than five million people worldwide watched on TV.Some people worried that all this attention was too much for a 13-year-old. But Mo’ne stayed cool on the baseball field and in front of the cameras.Although Mo’ne liked being a role model for girls, she didn’t like the media focusing just on her. She insisted that baseball was a team sport, and she couldn’t have achieved her success without her teammates. Many people admired her even more because of this humble attitude.In the Dragons’ fourth game, they were defeated by a team from Chicago. This team went on to win the U.S. championship, but lost the world championship to South Korea. That year, among seven thousand Little League teams in the world, Mo’ne’s team came in third.By 2015 Mo’ne was too old to play Little League anymore, but she continued to play sports for her school. Her goal is to someday play women’s basketball for the University of Connecticut, a school that has won many national championships. Since the Little League World Series, Mo’ne has had many other opportunities. Disney began making a TV movie about her life, and since she loves sneakers she helped to design a line of them. Some of the profits from these sneakers go to a charity that helps impoverished girls around the world.Even though Mo’ne is famous now, everyone saysshe’s still the same Mo’ne—a girl who likes to have fun and is always ready to cheer up a friend.OLIVIA: Thanks, Ben. It sounds like Mo’ne will be a champion, no matter what she does next!See you soon, Little Fox readers!Copyright © 2015 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.。

. .. .English Comprehension〔For Primary〕小学英语拓展阅读四年级备课组Passage 1Poor man!Look at this man. What is he doing〞He's carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples.He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home.Can he do that〞No,I don't think so.Why not〞Because the box is too full and too heavy.Look! What’s wrong〞He drops the box. Poor man!New Words and Expressionswhy/wai/ conj.为什么because/bi'k╛z/ conj.因为drop/dr╛p/ v.落下poor/pu╓/ adj.可怜的Passage 2 KateKate is a new student. She is twelve.She is from America.She can speak English very welland she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing.Her parents are doctors.Kate is studying in a school near her home.She has classes from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays,she often plays games with her Chinese friends.She loves China and her Chinese friends.New Words and Expressionsparents /'p╔╓r╓nts/ n.父母亲work /w╓:k/v.工作doctor /'d╛kt╓/n.医生study /'st╘di/v.学习a little 一点儿Passage 3 My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk.I often do my homework at it.You can see some books,some flowers in a vase,a ruler and a pen.On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed.I usually put my football under my bed.Of course there is a chair in front of the desk.I sit there and I can see trees and roads outside.New Words and Expressionshomework /'h╓umw〞k/ n.回家作业vase/va:z/ n.花瓶end/end/ n.末端,终点of course 当然Passage 4 What Are They Doing〞The White family is at home. Mrs. White is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Mr. White is sitting in a chairand reading the newspaper.Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycleJane and her friend Mary are in Jane's bedroom.They are listening to a tape.New Words and Expressionskitchen /'kit╞in/ n.厨房cook/kuk/ v.烹调,煮bicycle/'baisik/ n.自行车tape/teip/ n.磁带Passage 5 My FamilyI am Tom. I'm eleven years old.I live near the school. I go to school every day.In my family there are three people.My father,my mother and I. My father is a bus-driver.He is friendly. He has a lot of friends.My mother is a teacher.She works at my school.She does housework every day. I love them.New Words and Expressionsbusdriver /'b╘s'draiv╓/ n.公共汽车驾驶员friendly /'frendli/ adj.友好的housework /'hausw╓:k/ n.家务活a lot of 许多Passage 6 Our ClassThis is a picture of our class.There are fifty students in our class.You can see twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class.Her name is Mary. Her English is very good We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes.She likes drinking milk and orange juice.We like eating rice and drinking tea.We are very happy together.New Words and Expressionsbread/bred/ n.面包like/laik/ v.喜欢together /t╓'ge╖╓/ adv.一起eat/i:t/ v.吃drink/dri╕k/ v.喝Passage 7 In the ClassroomThis is a classroom. You can see some girls,a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden hair and blue eyes.He is from America. He is a new pupil. The girls are Chinese. They can speak a little English.They are talking with Tom in English.Miss Li is writing something on the blackboard.New Words and Expressionsgolden /'g╓uld╓n/ adj.金的,金制的write/rait/ v.写,书写hair/h╔╓/ n.头发something /'s╘m╙i╕/ pron.某事,某物blackboard /'bl╗kb╛:d/ n.黑板Passage 8 A Football MatchIt's Sunday tomorrow.We are going to watch a football match.It's between a Japanese team and a Chinese team.The football match is going to be at four o'clock in the afternoon. Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wangare going to watch the football match with us.We are going there by bike.We think we can come back at about six in the evening.New Words and Expressionsmatch/m╗t╞/ n.比赛by bike 骑自行车come back 回来Passage 9 My ParentsMy parents work in a shoe factory.They get up at fivethirty.They first get breakfast ready.Then they go to work by bus.They work there from eight to five.They come home at about six and prepare supper for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening.Father often makes toys for us. They are busy all day. New Words and Expressionsprepare /pri'p╔╓/ v.准备supper/'s╘p╓/ n.晚餐toy/t╛i/ n.玩具busy/'bizi/ adj.繁忙的,忙碌的Passage 10 Jim's BedroomThis is Jim's bedroom. It's new and nice.A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the bookshelf.A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy〞Do you know〞New Words and Expressionsbookshelf /'buk╞elf/ n. 书架floor /fl╛:/ n. 地板flower /flau╓/ n.花Passage 11 DaydreamIt's a very nice day in October.The students are having a maths class.But Bob is looking out of the windowand watching the clouds move across the blue sky. "Boy,what a day to play football!" he thinks.Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream. He closes his notebook sadly, stands up,and walks slowly to his next class.New Words and Expressionsdaydream /'deidri:m/ n.白日梦,梦想cloud /klaud/ n.云sky/skai/ n.天空bell/bel/ n.钟,铃ring/ri╕/ v.(钟,铃等)鸣,响close/kl╓uz/ v.关,关闭notebook /'n╓utbuk/ n.笔记本sadly /'s╗dli/ adv.悲伤地,伤心的Passage 12 A Picture of a ParkLook, this is a picture of a park.It is not black and it is not white.It is red, yellow, blue, and green.Is there a lake in the park〞Yes.Are there any trees and flowers there〞Yes, there are many. They are so beautiful.And we can see some people, too.They are sitting near the lake. They are looking at some goldfish. New Words and Expressionspicture /pikt╞╓/ n. 图片,照片lake /leik/ n. 湖beautiful /'bju:t╓ful/ adj. 美丽的fish/fi╞/ n. 鱼goldfish /'g╓udfi╞/ n.金鱼Passage 13 Going to the ZooToday is Sunday.Bob is going to the zoo with his classmates.He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap.He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet his classmates there.The zoo is very far but a No. 57 bus will take them right there. The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zooand they are going to have a good time.New Words and Expressionszoo/zu:/ n. 动物园animal/'╗nim╓l/ n.动物have a good time 玩得很快乐the bus stop 公共汽车站Passage 14 Mike and TomMike and Tom are in the same school.They are in the same grade, too.Mike has English classes in the morning,but Tom has English classes in the afternoon.After school, they play games. They often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes.They can jump, swim, and sing, too.They are good students. They love their school.New Words and Expressionsjump/d╜╘mp/ v.跳,跃swim/swim/ v. 游泳play basketball 打篮球play football 踢足球fly kites 放风筝ride bikes 骑自行车Passage 15 At LunchtimeIt is eleven thirty.Deborah and her friends are not having lunch.They are having "morning coffee".They are talking about their husbands.One of them is wearing a very strange hat.Frank is Deborah's husband. He is eating in the factory now.He always eats there. A lot of men are standing in a queue.They are waiting for their lunch. It is raining outside.New Words and Expressionscoffee/'k╛fi/ n.咖啡husband /'h╘zb╓nd/ n.丈夫strange /streind╜/ adj.奇怪的,陌生的factory /'f╗kt╓ri/ n. 工厂queue /kju:/ n.队伍,行列Passage 16 Two PicturesCome here and look at these pictures.This is a picture of a man, Mr. Brown, and a boy, Richard.Mr. Brown is the father of Richard Brown.And Richard Brown is the son of Mr. Brown.That is a picture of a woman,Mrs. Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown.Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown and the mother of Mary Brown. Mary Brown is Richard's sister.New Words and Expressionsson/s╘n/ n. 儿子daughter/'d╛:t╓/ n.女儿sister/'sist╓/ n.姐,妹brother/br╘╖╓/ n. 兄,弟wife/waif/ n.妻子Passage 17 On SundayIt is Sunday today. The weather is fine.Mingming and Dongdong are in the park.It is a big park. They can see many people there.They come here to have a rest after a week's hard work and study. Some boys are playing football on the grass.Some girls are singing and dancing.An old man is reading a newspaper under a big tree.A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus. How happy they are!New Words and Expressionshard/ha:d/ adj. 辛苦的,艰辛的grass/gra:s/ n. 草,草地toy/t╛i/ n.玩具have a rest 休息Passage 18 Mr. BlackMr. Black teaches us English this term. He is a tall man.He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers.He speaks English very well. We like his lessons very much.His home is near the school. Sometimes Mr. Black walks to his home. He has two little sons. They look the same.They often wear the same clothes. He loves to see themand play with them. Mr. Black calls the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao. New Words and Expressionsteach/ti:t╞/ v. 教,教授term/t╓:m/ n. 学期shirt/╞╓:t/ n. 衬衫lesson/'lesn/ n.功课Passage 19 A Clock and a WatchWe can tell the time by a clock or by a watch.A clock is big; it is usually on the wall or on the table.A watch is small; we can put it in the pocket,or wear it on the wrist!A clock or a watch usually has a round face.It has two hands, a long one and a short one.Tom's clock can speak and call him to get up every day.His watch has a picture of a lovely dog on the face.He likes it very much.New Words and Expressionspocket/'p╛kit/ n. 衣袋wrist/rist/ n .手腕long/l╛╕/ adj. 长的short/╞╛:t/ adj.短的,矮的Passage 20 A Happy FamilyMike comes from America. He is twelve.His father Mr. Brown works in a big shop in Beijing.Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is only four.It is Saturday today.Mike's family is all at home.Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today's newspaper. Mrs. Brown is out of the house; she is watering the flowers.Is Mike with his mother〞No, he is cleaning his new bike. Where is Kate〞She is in her room. She is playing with her cat. What a happy family!New Words and Expressionsonly/'╓unli/ adv.仅仅,只有water/'w╛:t╓/ v. 浇水clean/kli:n/ v. 把...弄干净newspaper /nju:s' peip╓/ n.报纸Passage 21Tim:Where is my pen〞Jack:Is it on your desk〞Tim:No.Jack:Is it in your pencil-case〞Tim:No.Jack:Ha-ha. It’s in your hand.Where is Tim’s pen〞_____________.Passage 22Amy: Sam, Let’s go to school.Sam: OK. Let’s go. But where’s my pencil-box〞Amy: What colour is your pencil-box〞Sam: Blue and white.Amy: Look! It’s over there, on the desk.Sam: Thank you.根据短文判断对(√)错〔×)( ) 1. Sam and Tom go to school.( ) 2. Sam has a blue and white pencil-box. ( ) 3. The pencil-box is on the desk.Passage 23It’s a sunny(晴朗的) day. Li Yan and I go to the zoo. We see many animals〔动物〕. What is it〞Oh, a tiger. Look, the lions are under the tree. The birds are in the nest 〔窝〕. The zoo is very clean(干净的).We can not see mosquitoes〔蚊子〕.根据短文判断对〔T〕错〔F〕( )1. Li Yan and I go to the zoo.( )2. The monkeys are under the tree.( )3. We can see mosquitoes at the zoo.Passage 24The clouds〔云〕are white. The trees are green. The flowers〔花〕are yellow. The big lake(湖) is blue. There is a purple bike under a tree. Some children are rowing a boat〔划船〕on the lake.根据短文填词1. The trees are ________.2. The _______ is blue.3. There is a purple bike________ a tree.4. Some children are rowing a boat _______ the lake.Passage 25Dick’s bedroomThis is Dick’s bedroom. It’s a big and clean room.The desk is near the window. The light is on the desk. Some flowers are on the desk, too.A small table is near the bed. A TV is on it. Two pictures〔图画〕are on the wall. A littlecat is on the chair.A football is under the bed.答复下面的问题:1. Whose bedroom is this〞It is ___________.2. Can you see a desk near the window〞____________________3. Where’s the foot ball〞____________________4. Is the light on the bed〞____________________5. Is a little dog on the chair〞____________________Passage 26阅读,判断对错(10分)It’s a sunny and beautiful day. Some boys and girls are playing in the garden. In front of a big tree, there are some boys. They are playing soccer. Under the big tree, there are some girls listening to music. Wang Xin and Liu Ming are drawing. Some men and women are watching them.1 Some boys and girls are playing in the park.( )2 In front of a big house, there are some boys ( )3 Under the big tree, there are some girls. ( )4 Wang Xin and Liu Ming are drawing ( )Passage 27读短文,判断句子正误〔10分〕正确的画〔T〕,错误的画〔F〕This is our beautiful school. We have a building, a playground and a small garden in it. Look! The children are playing soccer on the playground. They are very happy.1.( )Our school is very beautiful.2.( )We have a big garden in our school.3.( )We have two buildings in our school.4.( )Some children are playing table tennis on the playground.5.( )They are very happy.Passage 28阅读并填空。



Ellen Johnson SirleafLevel 8OLIVIA: Hello, Little Fox readers, and welcome back to People in the News! Today Ben is going to tell you about an impressive woman—Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Ellen is the first female president of an African nation and a 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner.BEN: Thanks, Olivia. As you’re about to find out, “Liberia’s Iron Lady,” has led a really interesting life!She was born in 1938 in Monrovia, Liberia. According to a family story, an old man came to visit when Ellen was just a few days old. The man looked at her and then immediately declared that she wouldbe a great leader someday. Later, whenever Ellen made a mistake or got into trouble, her family would teasingly remind her about the “greatness” predicted by this early family visitor!Ellen’s father was a politician, the first indigenous man ever to be elected to the Liberian House of Representatives. So Ellen grew up knowing a lot about politics—and about the deep social tensions that divided her country. People known as “Americo-Liberians” held most of the country’s power and wealth while many natives struggled to get well-paying jobs. Ellen’s father made sure that his childrengrew up proud of their indigenous roots.Ellen remembers her childhood as a happy time until tragedy struck: her father suffered a massive stroke and was disabled. Soon Ellen’s mother was forced to sell baked goods to help support the family.Ellen was only 17 when she decided to marry an older man named James Sirleaf. Before long the couple had four sons, and Ellen was busy with the demanding job of being a mother. Ellen enjoyed raising her children, but she began to wish that she had gone to college. Her husband was drinking a lot and was often violent toward her. Ellen consideredleaving him, but it was a very difficult decision. Plus, she was aware that Liberia was a male-dominated society with few opportunities for women. Without more education, her options were very limited.When James had a chance to study in the United States, Ellen decided to enroll in college too. Eventually, she earned degrees in accounting and economics as well as a degree in public administration from Harvard University.After returning to Liberia, Ellen worked for the government in the Treasury Department, and later she was named finance minister. But as her careerflourished, her marriage continued to deteriorate, with James growing increasingly violent and possessive. When he pointed a gun at Ellen one day, forcing one of her young sons to protect her, she decided to leave him. Ellen later said her violent marriage was quite difficult, but it also made her stronger, and prepared her for challenges that lay ahead.The 1970s were a rough time in Liberia. As economic and racial tensions continued to rise, people began rioting and pressuring the government for reform. When Ellen was invited to give a graduation speech at the College of West Africa in1973, she spoke frankly about the conditions that were dividing Liberian society. Using sharp words, she stated that the wide gap between Liberia’s rich and poor posed a huge threat to its stability, and she challenged the government to do more to provide equal opportunities for all its citizens.OLIVIA: Wow, that must have been a brave thing to do.BEN: It was brave—incredibly brave, especially since she herself worked for the government. Shewrote later in her autobiography that this speech was a turning point in her life, the moment when she “set [her] feet upon a path from which there was no turning back.”In 1980 things reached a crisis when soldiers stormed the Executive Mansion and killed the president. This sparked a violent civil war, along with two more decades of political turmoil. At the request of the new military leader, Ellen ran one of the nation’s largest banks. But when she spoke out against the new government’s corruption, her life was threatened, and she was forced into exile. Ellen spentthe next 17 years working for the World Bank and the United Nations, and making valuable political contacts around the world.By 2003 Ellen was back in Liberia leading a movement to end government corruption. Two years later she was elected president, the first woman ever to lead an African nation.One of Ellen’s immediate priorities was to repair Liberia’s economy. She worked hard to create more jobs. And using her political connections from around the world, she made sure that Liberia would not have to pay back the billions of dollars it had borrowedfrom other countries and organizations.Ellen also instituted special reforms for women. She established job training programs, a police unit to help female victims of violent crimes, and she appointed many female ministers to her government. In addition, Ellen impressed people with her hard work and stern, decisive leadership style.OLIVIA: No wonder she was nicknamed “Liberia’s Iron Lady!”BEN: Yes, though some Liberians call her “MamaEllen” because she’s a symbol of hope and healing after years of turmoil and a violent civil war. But she also has critics who feel she could be doing more, especially to lower Liberia’s very high unemployment rate.Still, Ellen has won many fans around the world.She’s been the recipient of many awards, including the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, which she shared with two other women. They were all honored for their nonviolent struggle for the safety of women and women’s rights.In 2011 Ellen won a second term as president ofLiberia.OLIVIA: I guess the man who visited Ellen’s parents in 1938 was right—she was destined to be a great leader!Thanks for that fascinating story, Ben. And thanks, Little Fox readers, for tuning in to this week’s People in the News. We’ll be back soon to tell you about another person in the news.Copyright © 2014 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.。

Bill GatesLevel 8BEN: Hey there, Little Fox readers! This week on People in the News, Olivia is going to tell you about Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, a very successful computer software company. Bill is also one of the wealthiest people in the world and a passionate philanthropist—someone who believes in using his money to help others.OLIVIA: Bill was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. His father was a lawyer, and his mother worked with United Way, an organization aimed at improving education and fighting poverty.Bill was especially close to her, and she influenced him quite a bit.As a child Bill displayed many traits that would benefit him later, when he entered the business world.He was very competitive in sports and board games, and he loved to read. He particularly enjoyed reading reference books like the encyclopedia.Despite his good grades in school, Bill’s parents became worried because he often seemed quiet and withdrawn. They wondered if he was bored by school and needed a more challenging environment. When Bill was 13, he transferred to the Lakeside School,a prestigious school in Seattle where students had to work hard to get good grades. He did very well there, especially in math and science.At Lakeside School, Bill also discovered something that would shape the direction of his life: a computer lab. The year was 1968, and most schools and businesses didn’t own computers—the personal computer hadn’t even been invented yet. Bill was mesmerized by the computer, and he spent hours in the lab, experimenting and learning how to write computer programs.Bill was only 15 when he made his firstcomputer-related sale. He and his friend Paul Allen had written a computer program called “Traf-O-Data,” which kept track of traffic patterns in the city of Seattle. The city purchased this program from the boys, paying $20,000 for it. Not bad for two teenagers!After Bill graduated high school, he enrolled at Harvard University. One day he and Paul read about a new personal computer called the Altair.They contacted the company that made the computer and offered to write software for it. The company accepted their proposal, and the two friends spent acouple of months developing the program.BEN: That’s pretty impressive. But did their software actually work?OLIVIA: Yep, it worked perfectly. And soon after the project was completed, Bill dropped out of Harvard, and he and Paul formed their own company, Microsoft.In addition to being a brilliant computer programmer, Bill proved to be a very shrewd businessman. In 1980 the company IBM wasdeveloping a new personal computer, and they hired Microsoft to write the operating system for it. Bill and Paul called the software MS-DOS. Rather than sell MS-DOS only to IBM, Bill had the smart idea to charge the company a licensing fee for it. This way he could license the same software to other computer manufacturers—and make even more money! Within two years, thirty percent of all the computers in the world were running on MS-DOS.By 1986 Bill was a millionaire; a year later he was a billionaire. For many years Bill has been ranked as the wealthiest person in the world. Hiswealth peaked in 1999, when it reached $101 billion. Can you imagine having that much money, Ben?BEN: Yes, Olivia, and right now I’m imagining everything I would buy!OLIVIA: Well, luckily for the world, Bill was influenced by his mother’s generosity, and he turned to philanthropy. In 1999 he and his wife formed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on issues related to health, poverty, and education. The foundation provides money to scientists anddoctors working to fight malaria and other diseases that affect people in poor countries. Bill and Melinda also fund efforts to eradicate hunger and improve living conditions around the world. For instance, they work with researchers developing crops that are resistant to droughts or floods, and they’re exploring ways to improve sanitation and water supplies in poor villages. They’re also working in the U.S. to ensure that everyone gets a high-quality education.Being a computer guy, Bill is committed to making sure that every library in the U.S. has computers and high-speed Internet access.Bill doesn’t just write checks for these things; he is very involved in the whole process. He has researched how to be effective with philanthropy, and he makes sure the foundation’s money is being spent wisely. A few times a year, Bill and Melinda travel to some of the world’s poorest places so they can see firsthand just how awful poverty is and measure their foundation’s progress. I don’t know about you, Ben, but I find it amazing that a man who can afford to stay at any hotel in the world actually sleeps in a mud hut once in a while!Bill became so passionate about his philanthropythat he decided to stop working at Microsoft in 2008.Since then he has worked full-time at the foundation. In 2010 Bill and Melinda, along with billionaire Warren Buffett, began asking other billionaires to sign the Giving Pledge. Those who sign it promise to give away at least half of their wealth, either during their lifetimes or when they die. And that’s what Bill plans to do. Almost all of his fortune will eventually go toward helping people around the world. In fact, he’s no longer the richest person in the world simply because he’s already given so much away!BEN: Now that’s what I call generous. If I had billions of dollars, I’d sign the Giving Pledge too.We’ll see you soon, Little Fox readers, with another edition of People in the News.Copyright © 2014 by Little Fox Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.。
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English Comprehension (For Primary)小学英语拓展阅读四年级备课组Passage 1 Poor man!Look at this man. What is he doing? He's carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples.He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home.Can he do that? No, I don't think so.Why not? Because the box is too full and too heavy.Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man!New Words and Expressionswhy/wai/ conj.为什么because/bi'k╛z/ conj.因为drop/dr╛p/ v.落下poor/pu╓/ adj.可怜的Passage 2 KateKate is a new student. She is twelve.She is from America.She can speak English very welland she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing.Her parents are doctors.Kate is studying in a school near her home.She has classes from Monday to Friday.On Saturdays and Sundays,she often plays games with her Chinese friends.She loves China and her Chinese friends.New Words and Expressionsparents /'p╔╓r╓nts/ n.父母亲work /w╓:k/v.工作doctor /'d╛kt╓/n.医生study /'st╘di/v.学习a little 一点儿Passage 3 My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk.I often do my homework at it.You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat.There is a clock above the end of my bed.I usually put my football under my bed.Of course there is a chair in front of the desk.I sit there and I can see trees and roads outside.New Words and Expressionshomework /'h╓umw?k/ n.回家作业vase/va:z/ n.花瓶end/end/ n.末端,终点of course 当然Passage 4 What Are They Doing?The White family is at home. Mrs. White is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Mr. White is sitting in a chairand reading the newspaper.Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycleJane and her friend Mary are in Jane's bedroom.They are listening to a tape.New Words and Expressionskitchen /'kit╞in/ n.厨房cook/kuk/ v.烹调,煮bicycle/'baisik/ n.自行车tape/teip/ n.磁带Passage 5 My FamilyI am Tom. I'm eleven years old.I live near the school. I go to school every day.In my family there are three people.My father, my mother and I. My father is a bus-driver. He is friendly. He has a lot of friends.My mother is a teacher. She works at my school.She does housework every day. I love them.New Words and Expressionsbusdriver /'b╘s'draiv╓/ n.公共汽车驾驶员friendly /'frendli/ adj.友好的housework /'hausw╓:k/ n.家务活a lot of 许多Passage 6 Our ClassThis is a picture of our class.There are fifty students in our class.You can see twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls.There is an American student in our class.Her name is Mary. Her English is very good We all like her.She likes eating bread and cakes.She likes drinking milk and orange juice.We like eating rice and drinking tea.We are very happy together.New Words and Expressionsbread/bred/ n.面包like/laik/ v.喜欢together /t╓'ge╖╓/ adv.一起eat/i:t/ v.吃drink/dri╕k/ v.喝Passage 7 In the ClassroomThis is a classroom. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden hair and blue eyes.He is from America. He is a new pupil. The girls are Chinese.They can speak a little English.They are talking with Tom in English.Miss Li is writing something on the blackboard.New Words and Expressionsgolden /'g╓uld╓n/ adj.金的,金制的write/rait/ v.写,书写hair/h╔╓/ n.头发something /'s╘m╙i╕/ pron.某事,某物blackboard /'bl╗kb╛:d/ n.黑板Passage 8 A Football MatchIt's Sunday tomorrow.We are going to watch a football match.It's between a Japanese team and a Chinese team.The football match is going to be at four o'clock in the afternoon. Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wangare going to watch the football match with us.We are going there by bike.We think we can come back at about six in the evening.New Words and Expressionsmatch/m╗t╞/ n.比赛by bike 骑自行车come back 回来Passage 9 My ParentsMy parents work in a shoe factory.They get up at five thirty. They first get breakfast ready. Then they go to work by bus.They work there from eight to five.They come home at about six and prepare supper for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening.Father often makes toys for us. They are busy all day. New Words and Expressionsprepare /pri'p╔╓/ v.准备supper/'s╘p╓/ n.晚餐toy/t╛i/ n.玩具busy/'bizi/ adj.繁忙的,忙碌的Passage 10 Jim's BedroomThis is Jim's bedroom. It's new and nice.A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor.Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the bookshelf.A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother.Who is the boy? Do you know?New Words and Expressionsbookshelf /'buk╞elf/ n. 书架floor /fl╛:/ n. 地板flower /flau╓/ n.花Passage 11 DaydreamIt's a very nice day in October.The students are having a maths class.But Bob is looking out of the windowand watching the clouds move across the blue sky. "Boy, what a day to play football!" he thinks.Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream. He closes his notebook sadly, stands up,and walks slowly to his next class.New Words and Expressionsdaydream /'deidri:m/ n.白日梦,幻想cloud /klaud/ n.云sky/skai/ n.天空bell/bel/ n.钟,铃ring/ri╕/ v.(钟,铃等)鸣,响close/kl╓uz/ v.关,关闭notebook /'n╓utbuk/ n.笔记本sadly /'s╗dli/ adv.悲伤地,伤心的Passage 12 A Picture of a ParkLook, this is a picture of a park.It is not black and it is not white.It is red, yellow, blue, and green.Is there a lake in the park? Yes.Are there any trees and flowers there?Yes, there are many. They are so beautiful.And we can see some people, too.They are sitting near the lake. They are looking at some goldfish. New Words and Expressionspicture /pikt╞╓/ n. 图片,照片lake /leik/ n. 湖beautiful /'bju:t╓ful/ adj. 美丽的fish/fi╞/ n. 鱼goldfish /'g╓udfi╞/ n.金鱼Passage 13 Going to the ZooToday is Sunday.Bob is going to the zoo with his classmates.He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap.He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home.He is going to meet his classmates there.The zoo is very far but a No. 57 bus will take them right there. The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zooand they are going to have a good time.New Words and Expressionszoo/zu:/ n. 动物园animal/'╗nim╓l/ n.动物have a good time 玩得很高兴the bus stop 公共汽车站Passage 14 Mike and TomMike and Tom are in the same school.They are in the same grade, too.Mike has English classes in the morning,but Tom has English classes in the afternoon.After school, they play games. They often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride bikes.They can jump, swim, and sing, too.They are good students. They love their school.New Words and Expressionsjump/d╜╘mp/ v.跳,跃swim/swim/ v. 游泳play basketball 打篮球play football 踢足球fly kites 放风筝ride bikes 骑自行车Passage 15 At LunchtimeIt is eleven thirty.Deborah and her friends are not having lunch.They are having "morning coffee".They are talking about their husbands.One of them is wearing a very strange hat.Frank is Deborah's husband. He is eating in the factory now. He always eats there. A lot of men are standing in a queue. They are waiting for their lunch. It is raining outside.New Words and Expressionscoffee/'k╛fi/ n.咖啡husband /'h╘zb╓nd/ n.丈夫strange /streind╜/ adj.奇怪的,陌生的factory /'f╗kt╓ri/ n. 工厂queue /kju:/ n.队伍,行列Passage 16 Two PicturesCome here and look at these pictures.This is a picture of a man, Mr. Brown, and a boy, Richard.Mr. Brown is the father of Richard Brown.And Richard Brown is the son of Mr. Brown.That is a picture of a woman,Mrs. Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown.Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown and the mother of Mary Brown. Mary Brown is Richard's sister.New Words and Expressionsson/s╘n/ n. 儿子daughter/'d╛:t╓/ n.女儿sister/'sist╓/ n.姐,妹brother/br╘╖╓/ n. 兄,弟wife/waif/ n.妻子Passage 17 On SundayIt is Sunday today. The weather is fine.Mingming and Dongdong are in the park.It is a big park. They can see many people there.They come here to have a rest after a week's hard work and study. Some boys are playing football on the grass.Some girls are singing and dancing.An old man is reading a newspaper under a big tree.A young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus.How happy they are!New Words and Expressionshard/ha:d/ adj. 辛苦的,艰辛的grass/gra:s/ n. 草,草地toy/t╛i/ n.玩具have a rest 休息Passage 18 Mr. BlackMr. Black teaches us English this term. He is a tall man.He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers.He speaks English very well. We like his lessons very much.His home is near the school. Sometimes Mr. Black walks to his home. He has two little sons. They look the same.They often wear the same clothes. He loves to see themand play with them. Mr. Black calls the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao. New Words and Expressionsteach/ti:t╞/ v. 教,教授term/t╓:m/ n. 学期shirt/╞╓:t/ n. 衬衫lesson/'lesn/ n.功课Passage 19 A Clock and a WatchWe can tell the time by a clock or by a watch.A clock is big; it is usually on the wall or on the table.A watch is small; we can put it in the pocket,or wear it on the wrist!A clock or a watch usually has a round face.It has two hands, a long one and a short one.Tom's clock can speak and call him to get up every day.His watch has a picture of a lovely dog on the face.He likes it very much.New Words and Expressionspocket/'p╛kit/ n. 衣袋wrist/rist/ n .手腕long/l╛╕/ adj. 长的short/╞╛:t/ adj.短的,矮的Passage 20 A Happy FamilyMike comes from America. He is twelve.His father Mr. Brown works in a big shop in Beijing.Mike has a sister. Her name is Kate. She is only four.It is Saturday today. Mike's family is all at home.Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today's newspaper. Mrs. Brown is out of the house; she is watering the flowers.Is Mike with his mother? No, he is cleaning his new bike. Where is Kate? She is in her room. She is playing with her cat. What a happy family!New Words and Expressionsonly/'╓unli/ adv.仅仅,只有water/'w╛:t╓/ v. 浇水clean/kli:n/ v. 把...弄干净newspaper /nju:s' peip╓/ n.报纸Passage 21Tim:Where is my pen?Jack:Is it on your desk?Tim:No.Jack:Is it in your pencil-case?Tim:No.Jack:Ha-ha. It’s in your hand.Where is Tim’s pen? _____________.Passage 22Amy: Sam, Let’s go to school.Sam: OK. Let’s go. But where’s my pencil-box?Amy: What colour is your pencil-box?Sam: Blue and white.Amy: Look! It’s over there, on the desk.Sam: Thank you.根据短文判断对(√)错(×)( ) 1. Sam and Tom go to school.( ) 2. Sam has a blue and white pencil-box.( ) 3. The pencil-box is on the desk.Passage 23It’s a sunny(晴朗的) day. Li Yan and I go to the zoo. We see many animals(动物). What is it? Oh, a tiger. Look, the lions are under the tree. The birds are in the nest (窝). The zoo is very clean(干净的).We can not see mosquitoes(蚊子).根据短文判断对(T)错(F)( )1. Li Yan and I go to the zoo.( )2. The monkeys are under the tree.( )3. We can see mosquitoes at the zoo.Passage 24The clouds(云)are white. The trees are green. The flowers(花)are yellow. The big lake(湖) is blue. There is a purple bike under a tree. Some children are rowing a boat (划船)on the lake.根据短文填词1. The trees are ________.2. The _______ is blue.3. There is a purple bike________ a tree.4. Some children are rowing a boat _______ the lake.Passage 25Dick’s bedroomThis is Dick’s bedroom. It’s a big and clean room. The desk is near the window. The light is on the desk. Some flowers are on the desk, too. A small table is near the bed. A TV is on it. Two pictures(图画)are on the wall. A little cat is on the chair. A football is under the bed.回答下面的问题:1. Whose bedroom is this?It is ______ _____.2. Can you see a desk near the window?____________________3. Where’s the football?____________________4. Is the light on the bed?____________________5. Is a little dog on the chair?____________________Passage 26阅读,判断对错(10分)It’s a sunny and beautiful day. Some boys and girls are playing in the garden. In front of a big tree, there are some boys. They are playing soccer. Under the big tree, there are some girls listening to music. Wang Xin and Liu Ming are drawing. Some men and women are watching them.1 Some boys and girls are playing in the park.( )2 In front of a big house, there are some boys ( )3 Under the big tree, there are some girls. ( )4 Wang Xin and Liu Ming are drawing ( )Passage 27读短文,判断句子正误(10分)正确的画(T),错误的画(F)This is our beautiful school. We have a building, a playground and a small garden in it. Look! The children are playing soccer on the playground. They are very happy.1.( )Our school is very beautiful.2.( )We have a big garden in our school.3.( )We have two buildings in our school.4.( )Some children are playing table tennis on the playground.5.( )They are very happy.Passage 28阅读并填空。