



品牌授权书中英文版本授权书英文版:Brand Authorization LetterDate: [Date]To whom it may concern,This is to certify that [Company Name], a legally registered company under the laws of [Country], is the authorized distributor and licensee of [Brand Name] products in [Country/Region].We hereby grant [Company Name] the exclusive rights to distribute, market, and sell [Brand Name] products in [Country/Region]. This authorization includes the use of the [Brand Name] trademark, logo, and any other intellectual property associated with the brand.[Company Name] has demonstrated the necessary capabilities, resources, and commitment to effectively promote and represent the [Brand Name] products. They have a well-established distribution network, experienced sales team, and a strong track record in the industry.As the authorized distributor, [Company Name] is responsible for maintaining the quality standards and brand image of [Brand Name]. They are authorized to enter into agreements with retailers, wholesalers, and other distribution channels on behalf of [Brand Name]. They have the right to advertise, promote, and market the products using approved marketing materials and strategies.This authorization is valid from [Date] and will remain in effect until terminated by either party with a written notice of 30 days. In case of termination, [Company Name] shall cease all activities related to the distribution and sale of [Brand Name] products.We trust that [Company Name] will uphold the reputation and integrity of the [Brand Name] and ensure that all products are sold in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.For any inquiries or further information regarding this authorization, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Email Address] or [Phone Number].Thank you for your attention to this matter.Sincerely,[Authorized Representative][Position][Brand Name]授权书中文版:品牌授权书日期:[日期]致有关方面:本函证明,根据[国家]法律注册的[公司名称]是[品牌名称]产品在[国家/地区]的授权经销商和许可证持有人。




一、授权范围1.1 授权人授权被授权人以其品牌名称在指定地区销售、推广和宣传相关产品,并使用授权人的商标、标识和其他相关知识产权。

1.2 被授权人有权使用授权人提供的宣传材料、广告素材和其他营销工具,以提高品牌知名度和产品销售。

1.3 被授权人有权与第三方签订合同,代表授权人进行产品销售和推广活动。

二、授权期限2.1 本授权书的有效期为自签署之日起,至双方书面解除或终止合作关系之日止。

2.2 双方可在授权期限届满前90天内协商续签或终止合作关系。

三、授权义务3.1 被授权人应按照授权人的要求,保持品牌形象和声誉,确保产品质量和服务水平。

3.2 被授权人应及时向授权人提供销售和推广的相关数据和报告,包括但不限于销售额、市场反馈、竞争情报等。

3.3 被授权人应遵守相关法律法规,不得从事任何违法、不道德或有损品牌形象的活动。

3.4 被授权人应保护授权人的商标、标识和其他知识产权,不得擅自使用或转让给第三方。

四、费用和报酬4.1 被授权人应按照双方协商达成的费用和报酬标准支付相关费用,包括但不限于品牌使用费、销售提成等。

4.2 被授权人应按照授权人的要求提供相关财务报表和支付凭证,确保费用和报酬的透明度和准确性。

五、违约责任5.1 若一方违反本授权书的任何条款和条件,另一方有权解除合同并要求违约方承担相应的法律责任。

5.2 若因一方的违约行为给对方造成损失,违约方应承担赔偿责任,包括但不限于经济损失、名誉损害等。



中英文品牌授权书AUTHORIZATION 中英文品牌授权书授权书编号:2021-XXXX甲方:ABC有限公司地址:XXXXX统一社会信用代码:XXXXXXXXXXXXX乙方:XYZ国际有限公司地址:XXXXX统一社会信用代码:XXXXXXXXXXXXX鉴于甲方是一家在中国合法注册并经营的公司,拥有自主研发和生产的品牌产品,并希望将其品牌推广至国际市场;鉴于乙方是一家在国际上享有良好声誉和影响力的公司,具备丰富的市场推广经验和销售网络;双方经友好协商,达成以下品牌授权事项:一、授权范围1. 甲方授权乙方在全球范围内使用甲方的品牌名称、标志和相关知识产权,以及与甲方品牌相关的宣传资料、图片和视频等;2. 乙方有权使用甲方品牌进行市场推广、销售和宣传活动,并享有与此相关的一切权益;3. 乙方有权将甲方品牌推广至国际市场,并在合法授权范围内进行品牌代理、销售和分销活动;二、授权期限本授权书有效期为三年,自双方签署之日起生效,到期后如双方继续合作,可协商续签。

三、授权义务1. 甲方保证自身拥有所授权品牌的合法知识产权,并保证其品牌在授权期限内不会因任何原因受到侵权和争议;2. 甲方应提供乙方所需的品牌资料、宣传材料和市场支持,并积极配合乙方的市场推广活动;3. 乙方应按照甲方的品牌形象和市场定位进行推广和销售,不得损害甲方品牌的声誉和形象;4. 乙方应按时支付由甲方确定的授权费用,并提供相关销售数据和报告。

四、违约责任1. 若甲方未能按照授权范围和期限履行其授权义务,乙方有权解除本授权书,并保留追究甲方违约责任的权利;2. 若乙方未能按照授权范围和期限履行其授权义务,甲方有权解除本授权书,并保留追究乙方违约责任的权利;3. 双方应在解除授权书后的合理时间内停止使用对方品牌,并互相销毁未使用的宣传资料和相关文件。





品牌授权书中英文版本中文版授权书甲方:XXX有限公司地址:XXX市XXX区XXX街道XXX号统一社会信用代码:XXXXXXXXXXXXX乙方:XXX国际贸易有限公司地址:XXX市XXX区XXX街道XXX号统一社会信用代码:XXXXXXXXXXXXX鉴于甲方是一家在中国注册并合法经营的公司,具有良好的商誉和知名度,拥有自主品牌,并拥有相关的知识产权;鉴于乙方在国际贸易领域具有丰富的经验和资源,并故意向在中国市场销售甲方的产品;经甲、乙双方友好商议,达成以下协议:第一条授权范围1.1 甲方授权乙方在中国境内经营、销售、推广甲方自主品牌的产品,包括但不限于服装、鞋帽、箱包等。

1.2 乙方有权使用甲方的商标、商号、标识等相关知识产权,以及甲方提供的相关宣传材料和形象照片等。

第二条义务和责任2.1 甲方保证其所授权的产品具有合法的知识产权,不存在侵权行为,并负责解决因产品侵权引起的一切纠纷和赔偿责任。

2.2 乙方承诺按照甲方的品牌形象和质量标准进行销售和推广,确保产品的质量和售后服务,并承担因销售产品引起的一切纠纷和赔偿责任。

2.3 双方应互相配合,共同维护甲方品牌的声誉和形象,不得采取任何伤害甲方利益的行为。

第三条期限和终止3.1 本授权书自甲、乙双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为三年。

3.2 双方可商议续签或者终止本授权书,如未提前终止或者续签,则自动延长三年。

3.3 若一方违反本授权书的规定,严重伤害了对方的利益,对方有权单方面终止本授权书。

第四条保密条款4.1 双方应对本授权书内容及相关商业机密保密,不得向第三方透露或者泄露。

4.2 未经对方书面允许,任何一方不得将本授权书转让给第三方。

第五条争议解决5.1 本授权书的解释和执行均适合中华人民共和国法律。

5.2 如发生争议,双方应友好商议解决;商议不成的,任何一方可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

第六条其他6.1 本授权书一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。



品牌授权书中英文版本授权书鉴于甲方(品牌所有人)是全球知名品牌的合法所有人,拥有该品牌的商标权和其他相关权益;乙方(被授权方)希望获得甲方品牌的授权,并承诺遵守以下条款和条件:第一条甲方授权内容1. 甲方授权乙方在指定地区和时间内使用甲方品牌的商标,并以此开展相关业务。

2. 乙方有权使用甲方的商标、标识和其他相关知识产权,以推广和销售甲方的产品。

3. 乙方有权使用甲方提供的品牌材料和宣传资料,以提升甲方品牌在市场上的知名度和形象。

第二条乙方义务1. 乙方必须遵守甲方的品牌形象和市场定位要求,确保甲方品牌的声誉和形象不受损害。

2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,推广和销售甲方的产品,并提供相关市场数据和销售报告。

3. 乙方不得将甲方的商标、标识和其他相关知识产权用于与甲方无关的产品或服务。

4. 乙方应保护甲方的商业机密和商标权益,不得泄露或滥用甲方的商业信息。

第三条甲方义务1. 甲方应向乙方提供必要的品牌材料和宣传资料,以支持乙方的市场推广和销售活动。

2. 甲方应提供培训和指导,确保乙方了解甲方品牌的特点和市场需求,并能够正确使用甲方的商标和标识。

3. 甲方应定期与乙方沟通,了解乙方的市场情况和销售进展,并提供必要的支持和帮助。

第四条保密条款1. 双方应对本授权书所涉及的商业机密和商标权益保密,并不得向任何第三方透露或泄露。

2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得将本授权书的内容用于其他目的。





第七条其他1. 本授权书一式两份,甲方和乙方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。

2. 本授权书的任何修改或补充须经双方书面协议,并由双方签署。




为了进一步推动该品牌的发展,双方达成以下协议:第一条:授权内容1. 授权方授权被授权方在指定的地区内使用授权方的品牌名称、商标、标识、包装等相关知识产权,并在其产品、广告、宣传材料等上使用该品牌的形象。

2. 被授权方有权使用授权方提供的相关品牌资料,包括但不限于产品图片、产品描述、标志设计等,用于宣传和销售。

第二条:地区限制1. 授权方授权被授权方在中国大陆地区内使用品牌名称、商标、标识等相关知识产权。

2. 被授权方在其他地区的使用需经授权方书面同意。

第三条:品牌保护1. 被授权方承诺保护授权方的品牌声誉和知识产权,不得擅自修改、篡改、仿制或侵犯授权方的知识产权。

2. 被授权方应对授权方的品牌进行有效的市场推广和销售,以维护品牌形象和市场份额。



第五条:违约责任1. 若一方违反本授权书的任何条款,守约方有权要求违约方承担相应的法律责任,并有权终止本授权书。

2. 终止本授权书后,被授权方应立即停止使用授权方的品牌名称、商标、标识等相关知识产权,并销毁相关宣传材料。



第七条:其他事项1. 本授权书未尽事宜,双方可协商补充或签订补充协议。

2. 本授权书一式两份,授权方和被授权方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

授权方:XXX公司签署日期:XXXX年XX月XX日被授权方:XXX公司签署日期:XXXX年XX月XX日英文版:Brand Authorization LetterGrantor: XXX CompanyGrantee: XXX CompanyWhereas the grantor is a company with extensive experience in brand management and marketing, and the grantee has a strong interest in and the ability to effectively promote and sell the brand in the market. In order to further promote the development of the brand, the parties have reached the following agreement:Article 1: Authorization1. The grantor authorizes the grantee to use the grantor's brand name, trademarks, logos, packaging, and other related intellectual property within the designated area, and to use the brand image on its products, advertisements, and promotional materials.2. The grantee has the right to use the brand materials provided by the grantor, including but not limited to product images, product descriptions, logo designs, etc., for the purpose of promotion and sales.Article 2: Geographic Restriction1. The grantor authorizes the grantee to use the brand name, trademarks, logos, and other related intellectual property within mainland China.2. The grantee's use in other regions requires written consent from the grantor.Article 3: Brand Protection1. The grantee undertakes to protect the grantor's brand reputation and intellectual property rights and shall not modify, tamper with, counterfeit, or infringe upon the grantor's intellectual property rights without authorization.2. The grantee shall effectively promote and sell the grantor's brand to maintain brand image and market share.Article 4: Term of AuthorizationThis authorization letter shall come into effect upon the signing by both parties and shall be valid for a period of three years. Prior to the expiration, if both parties wish to continue the cooperation, they may negotiate for renewal.Article 5: Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party violates any provision of this authorization letter, the other party has the right to demand legal liability and terminate this authorization letter.2. After the termination of this authorization letter, the grantee shall immediately cease using the grantor's brand name, trademarks, logos, and other related intellectual property, and destroy relevant promotional materials.Article 6: Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis authorization letter shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the event of any dispute between the parties in the performance of this authorization letter, they shall resolve it through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the people's court at the location of the grantor for resolution.Article 7: Miscellaneous1. For matters not covered in this authorization letter, the parties may negotiate and supplement or sign a supplementary agreement.2. This authorization letter is made in duplicate, with one copy held by the grantor and one copy held by the grantee, both having equal legal effect.Grantor: XXX CompanyDate of Signature: XX Month, XXXXGrantee: XXX CompanyDate of Signature: XX Month, XXXX。



中英文品牌授权书AUTHORIZATION 授权书授权人:ABC公司(以下简称“甲方”)被授权人:XYZ公司(以下简称“乙方”)一、授权范围甲方特此向乙方授权,允许乙方在中华人民共和国境内合法使用甲方的品牌名称、商标、标识等相关知识产权,并在相关产品、服务、宣传材料等方面进行宣传、推广和销售。




四、授权义务1. 乙方应确保在使用甲方品牌时,遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规,不得进行任何违法、违规行为。

2. 乙方应积极保护甲方的品牌声誉和知识产权,不得进行虚假宣传、侵犯他人知识产权等行为。

3. 乙方需按照甲方的要求,提供相关宣传材料、销售数据等信息,并配合甲方进行品牌推广活动。

4. 乙方应按时向甲方支付相关授权费用,并提供相关财务报表作为证明。



六、违约责任1. 若乙方在授权期限内违反本授权书的约定,甲方有权解除本授权书,并要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。

2. 若乙方未按时支付授权费用,甲方有权暂停或终止本授权书,并要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。







十、其他事项1. 本授权书未尽事宜,双方可另行协商并签订补充协议,补充协议与本授权书具有同等法律效力。



中英文品牌授权书AUTHORIZATION 中英文品牌授权书授权方:ABC公司(以下简称“授权方”)被授权方:XYZ公司(以下简称“被授权方”)一、授权内容授权方特此授权被授权方在中华人民共和国境内合法经营并使用授权方的品牌名称、商标、标识、设计、图案等(以下统称“品牌”)。


三、授权范围1. 被授权方有权在其经营范围内合法使用授权方的品牌,并以该品牌进行产品的生产、销售、推广和宣传等相关活动。

2. 被授权方可以使用授权方的品牌在其产品包装、广告、宣传材料、营销活动以及相关线上线下渠道进行展示和推广。

3. 被授权方可以将授权方的品牌用于其产品的商标注册和商标权保护。

四、品牌保护1. 被授权方应尽力保护授权方的品牌权益,不得擅自修改、篡改、仿冒或侵犯授权方的品牌。

2. 被授权方应妥善保管授权方提供的品牌资料和授权文件,不得将其提供给第三方或用于其他未经授权的用途。

3. 如发现有第三方侵犯授权方的品牌权益,被授权方应立即通知授权方,并协助授权方采取必要的法律措施进行维权。

五、授权费用1. 被授权方应按照双方约定的方式和时间支付授权费用给授权方。

2. 授权费用的支付方式、金额和时间等细节由双方另行商定。

六、违约责任1. 若任何一方违反本授权书的任何条款,未经违约方书面通知和限期纠正的情况下,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。

2. 如因违约方的违约行为给守约方造成损失,违约方应承担相应的赔偿责任。



八、其他约定1. 本授权书不得转让给任何第三方,除非经过双方书面同意。

2. 本授权书的附件包括授权方的品牌资料和授权文件,具有与本授权书同等法律效力。







具体授权范围如下:1. 乙方有权在指定地区开展与甲方品牌相关的业务活动,包括但不限于销售、分销、推广、展示和宣传等。

2. 乙方有权使用甲方的商标、标识和相关知识产权,以确保产品和服务的合法性和品质。

3. 乙方有权在指定地区内开设甲方品牌的实体店面或线上商店,并提供与甲方品牌相关的售后服务。

4. 乙方有权使用甲方提供的品牌推广资料、广告宣传素材和市场营销策略,以提升甲方品牌在指定地区的知名度和市场份额。

5. 乙方有权与甲方合作的第三方进行品牌授权和合作,但须经甲方事先书面同意。

四、权益和义务1. 甲方权益:a. 甲方享有其品牌名称、商标、标识和相关知识产权的所有权,并保留对其品牌的最终决策权。

b. 甲方有权监督乙方使用其品牌的方式和范围,确保乙方的行为符合品牌形象和市场需求。

c. 甲方有权随时终止或暂停对乙方的授权,如乙方违反本授权书的约定或损害甲方品牌形象。

2. 乙方权益:a. 乙方有权合法使用甲方的品牌名称、商标、标识和相关知识产权,以推广和销售甲方的产品和服务。

b. 乙方有权享受甲方提供的品牌推广资料、广告宣传素材和市场营销策略的支持。

c. 乙方有权在指定地区内经营甲方品牌的实体店面或线上商店,并提供与甲方品牌相关的售后服务。



品牌授权书(中英文版)Title: Brand Authorization Letter (Chinese and English Version)Introduction:Brand authorization letter is a legal document that grants permission to another party to use a brand's name, logo, or other intellectual property. It is an important tool for protecting a brand's identity and ensuring that its products are not counterfeited or misrepresented. In this article, we will discuss the key points of a brand authorization letter in both Chinese and English versions.1. Chinese Version1.1 Purpose of the Authorization: The brand authorization letter in Chinese should clearly state the purpose of the authorization, whether it is for the use of the brand's name, logo, or other intellectual property.1.2 Duration of the Authorization: The letter should specify the duration of the authorization, whether it is for a specific period of time or for a specific project.1.3 Restrictions and Limitations: It is important to outline any restrictions or limitations on the use of the brand's name or logo in the authorization letter.2. English Version2.1 Identification of the Parties: The brand authorization letter in English should clearly identify the parties involved, including the brand owner and the authorized party.2.2 Scope of Authorization: The letter should clearly define the scope of the authorization, including what specific rights are being granted to the authorized party.2.3 Termination Clause: It is important to include a termination clause in the authorization letter, outlining the circumstances under which the authorization may be terminated.3. Legal Considerations3.1 Intellectual Property Rights: The brand authorization letter should address intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents.3.2 Indemnification: The letter should include an indemnification clause, protecting the brand owner from any legal claims arising from the authorized party's use of the brand's name or logo.3.3 Governing Law: It is important to specify the governing law of the authorization letter, in case of any legal disputes.4. Compliance and Enforcement4.1 Monitoring and Compliance: The brand owner should outline how they will monitor the authorized party's use of the brand's name or logo to ensure compliance with the authorization letter.4.2 Enforcement Mechanisms: The letter should include enforcement mechanisms in case of any violations of the authorization, such as cease and desist letters or legal action.4.3 Renewal and Amendment: The brand authorization letter should address the process for renewal or amendment of the authorization, in case there are changes in the terms or conditions.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, a brand authorization letter is a crucial document for protecting a brand's identity and intellectual property rights. By clearly outlining the rights and obligations of both parties in both Chinese and English versions, the brand owner can ensure that their brand is used in a manner that is consistent with their values and standards. It is important to consult with legal professionals when drafting a brand authorization letter to ensure that it is legally binding and enforceable.。



品牌授权书中英文版本Brand Authorization Letter (English Version)[Your Company's Letterhead][Date][Authorized Brand Owner's Name and Address]Dear [Authorized Brand Owner's Name],RE: BRAND AUTHORIZATION LETTERWe, [Your Company's Name], a reputable and legally registered company incorporated under the laws of [Country], hereby confirm our intention to become an authorized distributor of your brand products in the territory of [Territory/Country]. We understand the importance of maintaining the integrity and reputation of your brand and assure you that we will comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in this brand authorization letter.1. Term of Authorization:This brand authorization shall be effective from the date of signing this letter and shall remain in force for a period of [Number of years] years, unless terminated earlier by either party in accordance with the terms mentioned herein.2. Territory:We are authorized to distribute your brand products exclusively in the territory of [Territory/Country]. We shall not engage in any activities outside this territory without obtaining prior written consent from you.3. Product Range:We shall distribute the following products under your brand name:- [Product Category 1]- [Product Category 2]- [Product Category 3]- [and so on]4. Minimum Order Quantity:We agree to meet the minimum order quantity (MOQ) requirements as specified by you for each product category. We understand that failure to meet the MOQ may result in the termination of this brand authorization.5. Pricing and Payment Terms:We shall sell your brand products at the prices set by you or as mutually agreed upon. Payment for the products shall be made within [Number of days] days from the date of receipt of the invoice.6. Marketing and Promotion:We shall actively promote and market your brand products within the territory through various channels, including but not limited to advertising, social media, and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions. We shall seek your prior approval for any marketing materials that bear your brand name or logo.7. Intellectual Property Rights:We acknowledge that all intellectual property rights, including trademarks, copyrights, and patents, associated with your brand products belong exclusively to you. We shall not use your brand name, logo, or any other intellectual property without your prior written consent.8. Reporting and Sales Performance:We shall provide you with regular reports on sales performance, including the quantity of products sold, revenue generated, and any relevant market feedback. These reports shall be submitted on a [monthly/quarterly/annual] basis, as mutually agreed upon.9. Product Warranty and After-sales Service:We shall provide necessary warranty support and after-sales service to customers who purchase your brand products through us. We shall handle all customer queries, complaints, and returns promptly and efficiently.10. Termination:Either party may terminate this brand authorization letter by giving [Number of days/months] written notice to the other party. In case of termination, we shall cease all distribution activities related to your brand products and return any unsold inventory to you.11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:This brand authorization letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this letter shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country].Please acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned in this brand authorization letter by signing and returning a copy to us. We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership and the successful distribution of your brand products in the territory.Thank you for considering our request. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.Yours sincerely,[Your Name][Your Designation][Your Company's Name][Your Company's Address][Your Contact Information]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------品牌授权书 (中文版)[您公司的信头]日期:[授权品牌所有者的姓名和地址]恭敬的[授权品牌所有者姓名]:致:品牌授权书我们,[您公司的名称],一家在[国家]法律注册的知名公司,特此确认我们故意成为贵公司品牌产品在[地区/国家]的授权经销商。



品牌(商标)授权书(中英文模板)品牌授权书兹证明 xxx,在俄罗斯注册法人代表为xxx, 在俄罗斯注册商标xxx,拥有这个商标的所有权。

该公司xxx正式把商标xxx 的使用权(商标图案见附件NO.1) 授权给xxx 使用。

其中的一款产品xxx印刷有品牌xxx 的纸箱设计已经在附件NO.2. xxx公司和xxx公司都拥有这个纸箱设计的使用权。

此授权书有效期为xxx到xxx___ .授权方:公司名称:(公司盖章)负责人签字:日期:被授权方:公司名称(公司盖章)负责人签字:日期:Brand Authorization CertificationThis is to certify that xxx,registered in accordance with xxx represented by the General Director xxx, have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this brand xxx (The design of this brand was in the attachment No.1) on products. One of the products xxx carton design with this brand was in the attachment NO.2. Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this carton design .This certification is valid from xxx to _xxx .Authorizer PartyXxx(company name ) Responsible Person Signature : Date :Authorized PartyXxxResponsible Person Signature : Date :。



品牌授权书中英文版本Brand Authorization Letter尊敬的合作伙伴,非常感谢您对我们品牌的关注和支持。


一、授权范围我们特此授权您在以下范围内使用我们的品牌名称和标识:1. 在您的官方网站上展示我们的品牌名称和标识,并提供相关产品的介绍和销售信息;2. 在您的实体店铺中使用我们的品牌名称和标识,并展示相关产品;3. 在您的广告宣传材料中使用我们的品牌名称和标识,包括但不限于海报、传单、电视广告等。

二、使用规范为了保护品牌形象和品牌价值,我们要求您在使用我们的品牌名称和标识时遵守以下规范:1. 不得对我们的品牌名称和标识进行任何形式的篡改、修改或变形;2. 不得在未经授权的情况下将我们的品牌名称和标识用于其他产品或品牌;3. 不得以任何方式损害我们品牌的声誉和形象;4. 不得以任何形式进行虚假宣传或误导消费者。






五、其他条款1. 本授权书的任何修改或补充须经双方书面同意;2. 本授权书的解释和执行均适用中华人民共和国法律;3. 本授权书一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。



谢谢!英文版:Dear Partner,Thank you for your interest and support in our brand. In order to ensure the legal use and protection of our brand, we hereby issue this brand authorization letter, authorizing you to use our brand name and logo.I. Scope of AuthorizationWe hereby authorize you to use our brand name and logo within the following scope:1. Display our brand name and logo on your official website, providing information and sales details of our related products;2. Use our brand name and logo in your physical stores, displaying our related products;3. Use our brand name and logo in your advertising materials, including but not limited to posters, flyers, television commercials, etc.II. Usage GuidelinesTo protect the brand image and value, we require you to comply with the following guidelines when using our brand name and logo:1. Do not alter, modify, or distort our brand name and logo in any form;2. Do not use our brand name and logo for other products or brands without authorization;3. Do not engage in any activities that may damage the reputation and image of our brand;4. Do not engage in any form of false advertising or misleading consumers.III. Intellectual Property ProtectionWe hold complete intellectual property rights over our brand name and logo. When using our brand name and logo, you must not infringe upon our intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademark rights, copyrights, etc. If any infringement is discovered, we will take legal action to protect our rights.IV. Term and TerminationThis authorization letter is valid for one year, starting from the date of signing by both parties. Renewal or termination of this authorization letter can be negotiated by both parties.V. Other Terms1. Any amendments or supplements to this authorization letter must be agreed upon in writing by both parties;2. This authorization letter shall be interpreted and executed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China;3. This authorization letter is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.Please carefully read the above content and sign and stamp to confirm your agreement and acceptance of this authorization letter. If you have any questions or need further negotiation, please feel free to contact us.Thank you!。



中英文品牌授权书AUTHORIZATION 中英文品牌授权书授权书编号:ABC123456授权人:ABC有限公司地址:XX市XX区XX街道XX号电话:XXX-XXXXXXX邮箱:***********受权人:XYZ有限公司地址:XX市XX区XX街道XX号电话:XXX-XXXXXXX邮箱:***********鉴于授权人拥有ABC品牌的商标权和知识产权,并希望将该品牌授权给受权人在特定区域内使用和销售,授权人与受权人达成以下协议:一、授权范围1. 授权人特此授权受权人在以下区域内使用ABC品牌进行销售和推广:XX省/州/市。

2. 受权人有权使用ABC品牌商标、标志、商誉和知识产权,包括但不限于商标注册号ABC123456,以及与ABC品牌相关的所有宣传资料和图片。

二、授权期限1. 本授权书自签署之日起生效,有效期为三年。

2. 双方可以协商并在授权期满前提前终止或续签本授权书。

三、权利义务1. 授权人保证自己是ABC品牌的合法拥有者,并拥有该品牌的商标权和知识产权。

2. 受权人有权使用ABC品牌进行销售和推广,但不得超出授权范围。

3. 受权人应积极维护和提升ABC品牌的声誉和形象,并遵守相关法律法规。

4. 受权人应按照授权人的要求提供销售数据和市场反馈,并定期向授权人提交销售报告。

四、保密条款1. 双方应对本授权书内容严格保密,不得向任何第三方透露或披露。

2. 受权人不得将本授权书转让给任何第三方。

五、违约责任1. 如一方违反本授权书的任何条款,另一方有权解除本授权书并要求赔偿损失。

2. 双方应友好协商解决任何争议,如协商不成,应提交至授权人所在地的仲裁机构进行仲裁。

六、其他条款1. 本授权书的修改、补充或变更应经双方书面协议。

2. 本授权书一式两份,授权人和受权人各持一份,具有同等法律效力。




品牌授权书(中英文版)Brand Authorization LetterDate: [Date]To whom it may concern,This letter serves as authorization for [Company Name] to distribute and sell products under the brand name [Brand Name]. [Company Name] has been granted the exclusive rights to represent and market our brand in [Location/Country].We hereby authorize [Company Name] to use our brand name, trademarks, and logos in connection with the promotion and sale of our products. [Company Name] is also authorized to advertise and market our products through various channels, including but not limited to online platforms, retail stores, and promotional events.Please be advised that any unauthorized use of our brand name, trademarks, or logos by any other party is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that our brand is represented and marketed in accordance with our standards and guidelines.Sincerely,[Brand Owner/Authorized Representative]授权书日期:[日期]致有关方:本函为[公司名称]在品牌[品牌名称]下销售产品的授权书。


授权商标:明确授权商标 的名称、图案和注册号
授权权限:明确授权的权限, 如使用、复制、修改、转让等
授权条件:明确授权的条件, 如支付授权费、遵守商标使用
违约责任:明确违反授权协 议的违约责任和赔偿措施
生效日期:授权书自签署之 日起生效,具体日期需明确
授权期限:明确授权的起止时 间,一般为一年或更长时间
诉讼管辖:双 方共同选定的 法院,如合同 签订地、被告
中英文品牌商标授权书的签 署和执行
0 2 确定授 权费用:协商授 权费用、 支付方式等 0 4 确 定 授 权 文件:准备 授权书、 合同等法律文件 0 6 确 定 授 权 效果:评估 授权对品 牌和市场的影响
中英文品牌商标 授权书
01 单 击 添 加 目 录 项 标 题 02 授 权 书 概 述
03 04 中 英 文 品 牌 商 标 授 权 书的内容
中英文品牌商标授权 书的签署和执行
05 中 英 文 品 牌 商 标 授 权 书的注意事项
授权书是一种法律文件,授予他人在一定时间内使用特定商标的权利。 授权书通常包括授权范围、授权期限、授权费用等信息。 授权书可以保护商标持有人的权益,防止商标被滥用或侵权。 授权书可以促进商标的传播和使用,提高商标的知名度和市场价值。



品牌授权书(中文版本)兹授权通过互联网在全球范围内销售*********** 系列产品,以本公司品牌授权经销商的名义从事合法的商业活动。

所有由本公司直接提供的************* 系列产品,均保证为合格正品。


授权方:盖章与签名:日期:Certificate of Authorization(for English)We hereby authorizeto carry out online sales / distribution of******* products all over the world,as the brand authorized distributor. We assure that all the products provided by us are authentic without quality problems. The abovementioned trademarks are:The authorized products are (optional):This authorization is valid from month-day-year to month-day-year .Unless otherwise terminated, authorizations are automatically extended in perpetuity.Authorizedby:__________________Signature:_______________ _______Date:___________________ ______。



品牌授权书中英文版本中文版本:品牌授权书授权人:[公司名称]受权人:[授权方名称]日期:[日期]一、授权范围1. [授权方名称]授权[公司名称]在中国及其他国家和地区使用并销售[授权方名称]的品牌和商标。

2. [公司名称]有权使用[授权方名称]的品牌和商标在产品包装、广告宣传、市场推广等方面进行宣传和推广。

3. [公司名称]有权使用[授权方名称]的品牌和商标在线销售平台上展示和销售产品。

4. [公司名称]有权使用[授权方名称]的品牌和商标制作和销售与品牌相关的衍生产品。

二、权利义务1. [授权方名称]保证其对品牌和商标享有完全的所有权,并有权授权[公司名称]使用。

2. [授权方名称]保证其品牌和商标在中国及其他国家和地区的注册和使用不会侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。

3. [公司名称]在使用[授权方名称]的品牌和商标时,应确保产品的质量和服务的标准符合[授权方名称]的要求。

4. [公司名称]应保护[授权方名称]的品牌和商标不受侵犯,并及时向[授权方名称]报告任何可能侵犯品牌和商标权益的行为。

三、期限与终止1. 本授权书自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为[有效期限]。

2. 若双方协商一致,本授权书可提前终止。

3. 如有一方违反本授权书的约定,守约方有权单方面终止本授权书。

四、其他条款1. 本授权书的任何修改或补充应以书面形式经双方协商一致后生效。

2. 本授权书的效力受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。

3. 如双方发生争议,应通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交至[仲裁机构]仲裁解决。

中英文版本:品牌授权书Brand Authorization Letter授权人:[公司名称] (授权方)Authorized Party: [授权方名称] (Authorized Party)日期:[日期] (Date)一、授权范围 (Scope of Authorization)1. [授权方名称]授权[公司名称]在中国及其他国家和地区使用并销售[授权方名称]的品牌和商标。



中英文品牌授权书AUTHORIZATION 中英文品牌授权书(AUTHORIZATION)引言概述:品牌授权是一种商业合作方式,通过正式授权,授权方将自己的品牌授权给另一方在特定区域或特定领域内使用。



一、授权方信息1.1 公司名称和注册地址授权方的公司名称和注册地址是品牌授权书中的重要信息,需要准确填写。


1.2 品牌介绍授权方需要提供品牌的详细介绍,包括品牌的起源、发展历程、核心价值观等。


1.3 商标注册证书授权方需要提供商标注册证书的复印件作为品牌授权书的附件。


二、被授权方信息2.1 公司名称和注册地址被授权方的公司名称和注册地址同样需要准确填写。


2.2 经营范围被授权方需要明确自己的经营范围,确保在授权期限内只在授权范围内使用授权品牌。


2.3 质量管理体系被授权方需要提供自己的质量管理体系,包括质量控制流程、产品检测标准等。


三、授权范围3.1 区域限制授权方需要明确授权的区域范围,确保被授权方只在授权区域内使用品牌。


3.2 使用方式授权方需要明确授权品牌的使用方式,包括使用在产品包装上的位置、使用的字体和颜色等。


3.3 授权期限授权方和被授权方需要约定授权的时间期限,确保双方在授权期限内遵守合同约定。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Brand Authorization Certification
This is to certify that xxx , registered in accordanee with xxx represented by the General Director xxx L have registered the brand of xxx in xxx and have the right of this brand . The company xxx officially authorizes xxx to use this bra nd xxx (The desig n of this brand was in the attachme nt No.1) on products. One of the products xxx cart on desig n with this brand was in the attachment NO.2. Company :xxx and company xxx both have the right of using this cart on desig n .
This certificatio n is valid from xxx to _xxx .
Authorizer Party
Xxx(compa ny n ame )
Resp on sible Person Sign ature :
Date :
Authorized Party
Resp on sible Person Sign ature :
Date :
兹证明xxx,在俄罗斯注册法人代表为xxx,在俄罗斯注册商标xxx, 拥有这个商标的所有权。


N0.2. xxx公司和xxx公司都拥有这个纸箱设计的使用权。

此授权书有效期为xxx到xxx .
