DEVSITUATPETSIMPRDPROD常见环境英⽂缩写含义英⽂缩写英⽂中⽂DEV development 开发SIT System Integrate Test 系统整合测试(内测)UAT User Acceptance Test ⽤户验收测试PET Performance Evaluation Test 性能评估测试(压测)SIM simulation 仿真PRD/PROD production 产品/正式/⽣产今天给⼤家介绍⼀下开发过程中,四个环境以及各⾃的功能特点,四个环境分别是:pro、pre、test、dev环境,中⽂名字:⽣产环境、灰度环境、测试环境、开发环境,其实⼤家看英⽂应该就差不多可以看出来对应的是什么环境。
桥牌英语常用术语一、礼节用语类:hi all:问候语,大家好,开牌前用。
hi opps:oppenents 对手pd:pard 同伴,另外O代表对手,P代表拍档。
Glad to play with you。
brb:be right back 稍等,马上就回来(临时有点事) 。
cc:(What about )convention card 约定卡如SAYC 即标准美国黄卡glp:good luck, pard 祝你好运,搭档(一般是明手在摊牌时对庄家说)Very well,Are you sure you are a novice?诙谐语气用于称赞对方,你确定自己是个新手吗?np:no problem 没关系(一般是在同伴或对手道歉时说)nt:nice try 良好的尝试(一般用于安慰失败的一方,如对方防守或做庄失败时说nto,而在同伴出现类似不幸时说ntp)pls:please 请sys:system体制(通常用于首次搭档的两人间询问使用何种体制时,精确即Precision)thk:thinking 正在想(通常用于稍长时间的思考时)thanks 谢谢or tksty:thank you 谢谢你typ:thank you, pard 谢谢你,同伴wd:well done 打得好,可以用于夸奖同伴(wdp),也可用于称赞对手(wdo)wdp,wdo:well done, pard(opps)vwdp:very well done pard 打得非常好,强烈的称赞使用举例:来到桌上后先用Hi all表示问候,再用sys,pd?询问同伴用什么体制。
吸睛的英语pre主题Eye-catching English Pre-ThemesIntroduction:1. The Power of Words:This pre-theme focuses on the impact of language and the power of words. Begin your presentation with a thought-provoking quote or anecdote that highlights the ability of words to inspire, motivate, or influence. Incorporate words and phrases strategically throughout your presentation to emphasize key points and engage the audience. Display visually appealing images of various languages and alphabets to reinforce the theme and create a visually stimulating experience.2. Journey to Success:Take your audience on a journey with this pre-theme. Start by sharing a personal or fictional success story that relates to the topic of your presentation. Use metaphors and storytelling techniques to keep the audience engaged and curious about the path to achievement. Show a visual representation of a road or map, indicating the milestones or steps to success. Encourage audience participation by asking them to imagine themselves on a similar journey.3. Time Travel:4. Puzzle Pieces:5. Life's Tapestry:6. The Power of Nature:Harness the captivating elements of nature with this pre-theme. Begin by sharing awe-inspiring images or videos of natural phenomena related to your topic, such as a breathtaking sunset or a magnificent waterfall. Discuss the lessons we can learn from nature and how they apply to your presentation's subject matter. Incorporate natural metaphors and symbols to reinforce your message and create a calm and serene atmosphere.Conclusion:。
RUN运转灯,绿色表示机组在运转PRE LOW OIL PRES低油压预报警康明斯七灯机中出现,低油压保护分两级,先预报警,表示油压低了要处理,预报警不会停机(SHUT DOWN),但如不处理,油压继续低就会停机,处理后此黄灯就不亮了。
3、PRE HIGH ENG TEMP:高水温预报警道理和上边一样,将水温换过来,全新康明斯七灯机水温上升到100度就预报警,如不处理水温继续升到105度就停机。
5、LO OIL PRESS(LOW OIL PRESSURE):低油压康明期七灯机中此为停机灯,红色,表示油压过低。
6、HI ENG TEMP(HIGH WATER TEMPRETURE):发动机高水温康明斯七灯机中此为停机灯,红色,表示水温太高。
8、AMMETER:电流表(AC AMPERES)交流电流表康明斯机还有一个转换开关UPPER SCALE表示看上边的刻度,LOWER SCALE看下边的刻度,分大小机选择。
10、THREE PHESE:三相电流(电压)转换开关配合8、9两个表来看三相电流表或电压。
a——一个 ab(阿伯) ac(扑克牌ace) ad(阿弟) af(阿飞) ag(阿哥)ai(爱) am(是) ao(袄子) ak (AK47) an (按) all (所有)ar (啊—谐音) as (阿 sir) ap (阿婆)b—— 6 ba(爸爸) bi(笔) bl(保龄) bo(60) br(白人、病人)bu(不,布) be (是)c——月亮 ca(叉,擦) cai(菜) ce(册、厕) cha(茶) chan(铲) chang (常)che(车) chi(吃) ci (刺) cl (吃和拉) com (孔子) con (啃) co (cola) cr (超人) cu (醋) ck (内裤)站在古人的角度记单词d——大肚子 da(大) dan(蛋、但是) de(德国、的) del(剔除) di(第一)dis(的士) du(肚、堵) dy (大爷) dr /dir(敌人) do (做) dou (都)e——鹅 ed(一地) er(恶人,二,儿子,耳朵) es(饿死) ex(一休)fe(飞蛾、肥鹅) pe(胖鹅) te(天鹅)f——拐杖 fa(头发) fo(佛) fr(夫人、飞人) fu (福气) fl (服了……)fe (肥鹅)g——9 ge(哥) gl(格力) gr(工人) gu(鼓、骨头) gui(鬼) gen (跟)go (去、狗) gun(枪) gr (古人)h——椅子 ha(哈) ho(猴) hr(黑人) hu(虎) he (他)i——我 , 蜡烛 , 烟 ic(ic卡) im(我是) in (在里面) ing(鹰) iv(四)iq (智商) is (是)j——鸡 ja(家) jo(舟) ju(锯)k——机枪 ka (卡片) ke(客) ki(kiss) ko (扣子) ku (苦) kai (开) kan (看)l——1、棍子 lan(篮子、懒) lang(狼) le(乐) ll(筷子) lu(路)ly(老爷) la(拉) li (梨子) lo (10) long(龙) lai (来) m——麦当劳 ma(马) mo(魔鬼、摸) mou(某) mu(母) mi (米) mao (猫,毛) mai (买,卖) mb (抹布)n——门 na(拿、那) ni(你) ne(呢) nu (奴隶,努力) no (no的意思,没有) ng (电影暂停)o——太阳 ob(元宝) op(open) or(猿人) ou(海鸥,藕) oo(眼镜) p——旗 pa(爬) pi(皮、劈) pl(漂亮) po(婆婆、破) pt(葡萄)py(朋友) pu (瀑布) pai (派) pre (提前) pr (仆人、骗人、胖人)r——小草、人、海鸥 rn(人脑) ro/rou(肉) rt(人体) ru(乳,如果) re (热)ry (人妖、人员、人猿) cr(超人) fr(飞人) pr(胖人)s——蛇 su(叔叔) se(色) si(死) sc(蔬菜) sp(手帕、算盘)sw(食物) st(石头) str (石头人) sa(傻、沙子) ss(两条蛇)sh(水壶) so (如此)t——雨伞 ta(塔) ti(踢) te(天鹅) tu(兔) ting(艇) tr (铁人)th(天河) ty(汤圆、太阳) tan(毯) tang (汤) to /tou (头、偷) u——杯子、船 un(联合国) us(我们)v——胜利手势 ve(五只鹅) iv (四) vi (六,五支烟)w——钉耙 wa(蛙) wr(蛙人) wai(歪) wy(乌鸦)x——剪刀 xy(蜥蜴)y——叉子,树杈 ya(牙) ye(叶) yo(游泳,有)z——楼梯 zi(子) zu (猪) ze (责备) za (榨干)英语单词最新编码组合表及记忆规则顺序一、单个拼音字母编码:a:啊;一个b: 6;c:月亮d:弟;敌人e:鹅;姨f:拐杖g:哥;小蝌蚪h:喝;椅子i:烟;我j:鸡k:渴;肯德基l:棍子;冰棍;光棍m:双开门;麦当劳n:单开门;你o:泡泡;0;嗷嗷叫p:屁;皮;五星红旗q:9r:人;小草;s:蛇;S形美女t:伞;他u:U形管;你v:胜利(victory)w:无,没有;乌黑x:错误;未知数y:衣服z:之字形二、词组编码An:一个;俺Ant:俺和她;蚂蚁Ance:按死Ence:摁死Tant:向她坦白Sant:离开她Dant:单恋她Dent:等她Cent:蹭她Sent:送她Tent:疼她Ture:土很热Sure:当然可以Ment:男人帮(men+t(他))Nent:哄她Cious:蛇死了Ck: CK国际知名服饰Ed:医德Tr:铁人;Str:石头人Dr:大人;医生、博士Ap:阿婆For:为了;佛Fr:飞人Ce:厕所Ch:吃Sh:屎;狮子Th:天天哈哈笑;挺狠Thr:她忽然Gh:够狠Wh:我恨…Er:儿子San:三;散、离Ex:一休Te:特别;天鹅Se:好色;颜色Le:了;快乐De:的;Tion:神Sion:韧劲Nion:高高在上Um:幽默;呃Ty:汤圆;踢一下,踢你Ct:餐厅;CT片En:嗯Ly:离异;Tive:踢我Ing:鹰;进行中Et:外星人Vi:六To:去Re:阿姨Ie:IE浏览器;Ea:呀Ang:俺哥Ong:大哥Ism:是吗/么?Gui:鬼 Ne:呢三、记忆规则及顺序第一步:找拼音(全拼、近似拼音、拼音首字母);1,找全拼:1,change――改变分析:chang――“嫦”的拼音;e――“娥”的拼音。
希腊12神ppt 英文pre.
huge trident
3.Poseidon (波塞冬)
• emperor of the sea,rivers, floods, droughts, earthquakes and horses • brother to Zeus and Hades • It was said that he was half man and half fish • depicted as a mature man of sturdy build with a dark beard, and holding a trident(三叉戟) • violent and cruel,and could do what he wanted • 波塞冬是海洋的霸主,生性暴躁, 他的怒吼令人生畏。他虽然不得 不承认宙斯的主神地位,心里却 并不愉快,更不服气。经常利用 宙斯的家庭矛盾制造叛乱,但都 被宙斯镇压下去,并曾因此被宙 斯流放下界,劳动改造。跟雅典娜 竞争雅典城的保护神落败。
·雅典娜英明睿智,足智多谋而灵活善 战,她是雅典人们鞠躬尽瘁的守护者, 身兼天下重任,眸中闪烁智慧光芒, 是奥林帕斯最有思想的女神,庄重理 性的女强人形象。也是三位处女神之 一。
· the son of Zeus and Atlas´s daughter Maia(春天女神) · the god of travel, messengers, trade · the most clever and cunning god · the guide for the dead to go to the underworld · the gods equipped him with a pair of winged sandals(飞鞋) and winged cap(飞帽) to enable him to travel swifter(快捷) than sight. Hermes was also a patron(守护神) of travellers 个性机灵聪颖,活跃敏捷经常斡旋于众 神之间难免有点小滑头,相传他一出 生就会偷东西,爬出摇篮偷了哥哥阿 波罗的牛吃掉了,可见“盗神”之称 名不虚传。
Html 标签大全: Html Hypertext Markup Language 超文本标记语言 <a></a>超文本链接 <a href="URL"></a>创建超文本链接 ,其中的 url 为链接目标地址href:Hypertext Reference 的缩写。
意思是超文本引用<a>anchor 的缩写。
anchor ['æŋkə ] 基本解释 n. 锚, 铁锚的。
URL全球资源定位器(Uniform Resource Locator) <h1align="center">this is a heading</h1> HTML 标题(Heading)是通过<h1> - <h6>等标签进行定义的 W3C 指出 h1-h6 标签可定义标题。
h1 定义最大的标题。
h6 定义最小的标题。
h 标签是成对出现 的,以<h>开始,以</h>结束 align="center"中间对齐align:排列、对齐、对准<p>this is a Paragraph</P>Paragraph----段落的意思<imgsrc="w3school.jpg" width="104" height="142" />img:image 的缩写,图像, src,source,资源 <br>标签是空标签(意味着它没有结束标签,因此这是错误的:<br></br>)。
有换行的作用Barter rabbet 的缩写 barter:交易,rabbet 槽 <body bgcolor=”yellow”> </body> breakBgcolor 中的 bg 是 background 的缩写 bgcolor 意为:背景颜色<table border="1"> </table>table:表格, border:['bɔ :də ]边缘、边沿、边界表格边框的设置从这里开始是按照字母排序开始的,可以对照文本 HTML 属性(按字母排序)/tags/index.asp<!- ->定义注释 <! DOCTYPE>定义文档类型的缩写文档类型 doctype:document type <abbr>定义缩写 abbr : abbreviation,[ə ,bri:vi'eiʃ ə n]缩写,省略; <acronym>定义只取首字母的缩写 acronym:['ækrə nim],首母缩略字 <address>定义文档作者或拥有者的联系信息 address:地址根据例题解释标签<html> <body> <p>请点击图像上的星球,把它们放大。
学前教育英文缩写以下为您提供 20 个关于学前教育的相关内容:**英文缩写**:Pre-K (Pre-Kindergarten)**英语释义**:Pre-school education refers to the education and care provided to children before they enter formal kindergarten or primary school. It aims to develop children's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.**短语**:1. Pre-school education program 学前教育项目2. Pre-school education institution 学前教育机构3. Early childhood pre-school education 幼儿学前教育4. Quality pre-school education 优质学前教育5. Universal pre-school education 普及学前教育**单词**:1. Kindergarten 幼儿园2. Toddler 学步的儿童;幼童3. Nursery 托儿所;苗圃4. Preschooler 学前儿童5. Play-based learning 游戏式学习6. Cognitive development 认知发展7. Social skills 社交技能8. Emotional intelligence 情商9. Fine motor skills 精细动作技能10. Gross motor skills 大动作技能**用法**:1. “Pre-school education is crucial for a child's development.”(学前教育对孩子的发展至关重要。
集 装 箱 常 用 英 文 汇 总
集装箱常用英文汇总1)The pre-treatment blasting 4.0mm,1.6mm panels. The result of checking condition was acceptable. But during blasting found moving chains damaged shop-priming film on under side of thick plate. Asked the factory to cleaning the moving chain frequently.Then improved.4.0mm和1.6mm的钢板进行了预处理,检查结果可以接受。
2)Checking the press air random during the period of first blasting water or oil did not exit. The result was acceptable.在一次打砂过程中,检查压缩空气后没有发现水和油的现象,结果是可以接受的。
3)The pre-treatment is blasting BSR & 1.6mm panels. Asked factory to blast (bottom side rail) two times. The result of checking condition was acceptable.预处理是底侧梁和1.6mm的板。
4)The DFT of zinc primer was about 11~19um.车间底漆的膜厚大约在11~19之间。
5)We found a few TSR zinc primer holidays. It has been improved after our advice.我们发现一些顶侧梁的锌粉漆露底,经我们提出意见后,情况有所改善。
pre英文发言稿Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening! Today, I am here to discuss a topic that has become increasingly important in our society - the impact of technology on our lives. With the rapid advancement of technology, it has become an integral part of our daily routines. We use it for communication, entertainment, education, and various other purposes. However, it is crucial to examine closely the positive and negative effects of technology on our lives while we embrace these advancements.Firstly, let us discuss the positive aspects of technology. Undoubtedly, technology has revolutionized communication. With the invention of smartphones and social media platforms, we are now able to stay connected with our loved ones, no matter where they are in the world. We can video call, send instant messages, and share our lives through photos and videos. This connectivity has bridged the gap between people, fostered strong relationships, and even provided us with a sense of belonging.Furthermore, technology has transformed the way we approach education. The use of laptops, tablets, and e-books has made learning more accessible and interactive. Students can access a vast amount of information with just a few clicks, enhancing their understanding of various subjects. Additionally, educational applications and online courses have democratized learning, enabling people from all walks of life to acquire knowledge without the traditional constraints of time and location.Moreover, technology has greatly contributed to the field of medicine. Through sophisticated equipment and innovative techniques, medical professionals are now capable of accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Imaging technologies such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CT (Computed Tomography) scans have revolutionized medical imaging, providing doctors with detailed information about the human body. Furthermore, the advent of telemedicine has allowed individuals in remote areas to seek medical advice from experts, saving time and resources.However, alongside these positive impacts, technology has also brought about several negative consequences that we must not ignore. One of the most significant concerns is the impact of technology on mental health. With the rise of social media, individuals have become more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. Constant exposure to the perfectly curated lives of others can lead to feelings of comparison and dissatisfaction. Moreover, the addictive nature of technology, particularly smartphone usage, has been linked to sleep disorders and decreased productivity.Additionally, there are concerns about the ethical implications of technological advancements. For example, the development of artificial intelligence raises questions about its potential to replace human jobs and the moral responsibility associated with creating machines capable of autonomous decision-making. Furthermore, the increased reliance on technology has raised concerns about data privacy and security. Instances of hacking and data breaches have become more prevalent, causing individuals to question thesafety of their personal information.In conclusion, it is undeniable that technology has greatly influenced our lives, bringing about numerous positive changes. From enhanced communication to improved learning methods and advancements in the medical field, technology has had a transformative impact. However, it is essential to acknowledge and address the negative consequences that come with these advancements. We must find a balance and ensure that technology serves as a tool to enhance our lives rather than dominate them. Let us continue to embrace innovation while staying vigilant about the potential negative effects, and work towards a future that utilizes technology for the benefit of all. Thank you.。
(7)在W后面读[ɔː]或[ɒ],例如: water[ˈwɔːtə] watch[wɒt ] wander[ˈwɒndə] wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别 读做[weɪv]和[weɪk]。
(8)在l前面读[ɔː]。例如: chalk[tʃɔːk] tall[tɔːl] always[ˈɔːlweɪz] talk[tɔːk] 但是,shall[ʃæl] valley[ˈvælɪ] shallow[ˈʃæləu]中读做[æ ],wallet读做 [ˈwɒlɪt]。
五、字母G 1) 在元音字母a,o,u或辅音字母l,r之前,念[g],如: gas [g?s] (气体) god [g)d] (上帝) gun [g∧n] (枪) glad [gl?d] (高兴的) green [gri:n] (绿色的) 2) 在元音字母e,i之前,少数念[g],如: get [get] (得到) give [giv] (给) 3) 在元音字母e,i,y之前,一般念[d3],如: gentle ['d3entl] (文雅) giant ['d3aiεnt] (巨人) gypsy ['d3ipsi] (吉普赛人)
A的发音规则 A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况: (1)在重读开音节中读[eɪ]。例如: plane[pleɪn] radɪo[ˈreɪdɪəu] wake [weɪk] paper[ˈpeɪpə] 但要记住一个例外:have读做[hæ v]而不是[heɪv]。
介词的本质介词的英文单词是preposition,其中pre 是一个前缀,含义是“在......之前”,position 意为“位置”,所以“介词”preposition 在英文中的意思就是“在某个位置之前”,这也是介词最一般的用法:放在名词之前,表示位置关系。
后跟名词例如:at school 在上学,in person 亲自,on duty 值班,at work 在上班,by hand 用手,with pleasure 乐意等。
后跟代词:I'm on it. 我来办。
stand by him 站在他身边few of them 他们中的少数几个part of it 其中一部分depend on you 指望你后跟动名词:do well in dancing 擅长跳舞be good at swimming 擅长游泳how about going traveling 去旅行怎么样be fond of cycling 酷爱骑行介词的分类如果按照复杂程度分,介词可以分为单个的介词、复合介词、短语介词1. 单个的介词,如:in,on,with,by,for,at,about,under,of 等;2. 复合介词,例如:into,within,throughout,inside,outside,without 等;3. 短语介词,如:out of, because of, away from, on top of, ever since, next to, according to, in front of 等。
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Animals are our best friends in the world.
sad happy
The interesting birds
The female birds always lay the same number of the eggs. If they lose some of their eggs, they will lay more eggs to make complete. 50years ago, one scientist do an experiment about woodpecker. He steal the eggs of the woodpecker everyday, and woodpecker lay eggs in
Where is my eggs?
And the baby birds have an amazing capacity for eating. They usually eat even more than their own weight in 24 hours. An experiment shows that one wren eat
Bowerbird is a kind of bird which lives in the rainforest in Australia. And the male birds will choose a place to build their house. The house will be decorated by colorful flowers, feather and fruit.
1217 times a day.
这才是真正的 吃货啊。。。
How to decide which baby to feed first for a momry bird? It will feed one of the birds and observe whether it is hungry or not. If the baby bird didn’t eat it immediately, mom will take the food out of its mouth and give it to another bird.
When I got a house, I got a wife~
Both of animals and human are a part of earth, and we should live in harmony.
Thanks for your listening~
Why a bird didn’t fall down from a tree when it is sleeping? Birds have special structure of their claw. When they take a rest, their weight makes the claw winding and grasp the wood.
a chicken may eat sand somgtimes?
Birds don’t have teeth. Consequently, it is good for their digestion when the sand is combined with gastric acid.