

PAC50压力传感器: 易于集成控制
• 可选含IO-Link接口的型号, 使其能够通过连接的控制器快速、 精确地设置PAC50压力传感器的参数 • 减少停机时间, 当需要改变和更换产品时, 可通过总线更改或拷贝参数, 使用更方便。
PAC50压力传感器: 可靠且坚固耐用
• 采用防尘和防水外壳设计 (IP 65和IP 67外壳防护等级) , 是各种工业应用, 甚至是严苛 环境应用的理想之选
8016724/2014-10-23 如有更改, 恕不另行通知
PAC50 压力传感器
为了更好地监测气压, 西克生产的PAC50 电子压力开关提供了一系列优势, 包括: 采用双色显示屏让您从远处就能判断压 力是否在设定范围内; 三个大的功能键 和直观的菜单导航使PAC50压力传感器 的操作更简单。 是什么让PAC50压力传感 器如此卓尔不群? 它在一个设备上就能 提供多达两个数字开关输出和一个可选 的模拟输出, 输出信号可根据控制系统的 要求轻松进行调节。 此外, 它还可以选配 IO-Link 接口, 在改变参数或更换传感器 时, 控制器或PLC能够快速且精确地将设 备参数拷贝至传感器, 从而显著降低故障 停机时间。 PAC50压力传感器的IP 65/IP 67级防水外壳使其成为各种工业应用的 理想之选。
防护等级: III级 过压保护: 32 V DC 短路保护: QA、 Q1、 Q2与M及L+之间有短路保护 极性反接保护: L+和M之间有极性反接保护 EMC指令: 2004/108/EC, EN 61326-2-3 约40 g 防护等级为IP 65 / IP 67, 符合标准IEC 60529 (注意采用合适的连接方式) l l

805PT Pressure TransmitterGeneral InstructionsThese instructions provide information for installation, process connection, electrical connection, operation and maintenance of 805PT Pressure Transmitters. The 805PT Pressure Transmitter consists of a field proven sputtered thin film stainless steelpressure transducer and a reliable electronic circuit. The housing features a stainless steel construction.The 805PT is capable of powering long cable lengths. See Formula on page 3 for maximum loop resistance.NOTE: If you suspect that an instrument is defective, contact the factory or the SOR ® representative in your area for a return authorization number (RMA). This product should only be installed by trained and competent personnel.Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, go toTable of ContentsInstallation .....2Maintenance .InstallationEnsure that wiring conforms to all applicable local and national electrical codes and install unit(s) according to relevant national and local safety codes.Normally, line mounting provides adequate support for the instrument.1st Step: Make the Process Connectionn The process connection is threaded onto a fitting within an adequately supported process piping system.o Use two open end wrenches when connecting the pressure port to a process piping system: one wrench to hold the process fitting, the other at the hex flat to tighten the pressure transmitter.p Process connection pipe or tubing may be rigid or flexible.NOTE: Do not use the 1/2” NPT(M) connection on pressures higher than 5000 psi.2nd Step: Make the Electrical Connectionn The electrical connection may be installed on an adequately supported rigid conduit system. Use suitable locknuts (not provided) when mounting the instrument to an unthreaded (knockout) hole.o Securely connect the conduit pipe or fitting by holding the flats on the electrical connection while tightening.p Electrical connection may be rigid or flexible area is declassified. Failure to do so could result in severe personal injuryor substantial property damage.“Dual Seal” instruments. An improper installation will voidthe warranty.Vertical Installationn The figure on the right depicts the verticalinstallation profile; with the electricalleads on top. The instrument may beinstalled with the electrical leads on thebottom.o The nameplate (tag) should cover the setscrew (annunciation path). Position thenameplate slot opposite the set screw;i.e., the nameplate slot should be located180° from the set screw.Formula for determiningmaximum loop resistanceR L (MAX) = V Supply - 8V 20mAHorizontal Installationn The following figure depicts the proper horizontal installation profile; with the externalground provision and set screw (annunciation path) oriented downward.o The nameplate (tag) should not cover the set screw.PROVISIONRed (+) Black (–) Blue Green White Brown Not Used (trimmed at factory) Bare Drain Wire - Connected toEarth Ground (trimmed at factory)NOTE: An external ground screw is included for additional earth ground connection.Drawing 0190315Once the transmitter is installed and wired into a control or display loop, it is ready for use. Before applying power, check that the polarity and excitation voltage are correct.Dimensions are for reference only.Contact the factoryfor certified drawingsfor a particular model number.(First Two Numbers Indicate Year of Manufacture)TrademarkInformationThread Form InformationIdentificationDrawing 0720524For ATEX/IECEx Certified ModelsThe 805PT contains no user serviceable parts and cannot be repaired on site. It must be returned to the factory. Disassembly of the instrument by unauthorized persons will invalidate the warranty. If there is a risk of debris accumulating in the pressure port, it should be cleaned. Care and caution must be taken when cleaning the pressure port to prevent damage to the diaphragm.Special Condition for Safe UseFlamepath joints are not intended to be repairedEU Declaration of Conformity14685 West 105th Street, Lenexa, KS 66215-2003913-888-2630 • 800-676-6794 USA • 913-888-0767 FAXEngineered to Order with Off-the-Shelf SpeedProduct Manufacturer Place of Issue800 Series Electronic Pressure Transmitters SOR Inc.14685 West 105th Street II 2 G Ex db IIC T5 Gb, Ta + -40°C to IP66FM 09 ATEX 0045 Michael J. Bequette14685 West 105th Street, Lenexa, KS 66215 913-888-2630 800-676-6794 USA 。
马特罗ン PT-0 系列压力传感器连接指南说明书

PT-0-3PSI-01, PT-0-5PSI-01, PT-0-10PSI-01, PT-0-50PSI-01, PT-0-100PSI-01, PT-0-300PSI-01, PT-0-500PSI-01, PT-0-1000PSI-01, PT-0-3000PSI-01, and PT-0-5000PSI-01 Pressure TransducersWARNING – Maretron pressure transducers are not approved for use with gasoline. If you wish to use the FPM100 to monitor pressures or levels of gasoline, you must obtain a pressure transducer that isapproved for use with gasoline.InstructionsPlease follow these instructions to connect any of the PT-0-3PSI-01, PT-0-5PSI-01, PT-0-10PSI-01, PT-0-50PSI-01, PT-0-100PSI-01, PT-0-300PSI-01, PT-0-500PSI-01, PT-0-1000PSI-01, PT-0-3000PSI-01, or PT-0-5000PSI-01 pressure transducers to the NMEA 2000® network via a Maretron FPM100 Fluid Pressure Module. The wiring diagram appears in Figure 1 below. The diagram shows a connection to channel #0, but connections to other channels are similar.1. Please refer to the FPM100 User’s Guide for detailed information on selecting a mounting location for thepressure transducer.2. All Maretron pressure transducer assemblies are equipped with a ¼” NPT male threaded fitting. Install thepressure transducer to a ¼” NPT female fitting on the system or tank to be monitored with a maximumtorque of 150 in-lbs (16.95 Nm). If you are monitoring a system where pressure spikes or transients will occur, or where the pressure will exceed the maximum pressure rating of the pressure transducer, installa Pressure Snubber (PT-SNUB-01) onto the system being monitored first, then install the pressuretransducer to the female port on the pressure snubber.3. Connect the two wires of the pressure transducer to a free pressure monitoring channel. Connect the redwire from the pressure transducer to the positive (+) terminal of the channel, and connect the white wire from the pressure transducer to the negative (-) terminal of the channel. The example in Figure 1 shows the pressure transducer connected to switch channel 0 with the red wire connected to “P0+”, and thewhite wire connected to “P0-”. Pressure transducers of “Gauge” type have a small plastic vent tube in the connecting cable. Care must be taken not to kink or block this tube or allow it to be exposed tomoisture, or pressure readings will be inaccurate.4. Use a Maretron DSM250 display (firmware 1.4.7 or higher), the DSM250 viewing function of the MaretronN2KAnalyzer software, or other Maretron display product capable of configuring the FPM100 to configure the connected channel. Please refer to the FPM100 User’s Manual for configuration details.5. Supply Power to the NMEA 2000 network and verify that the pressure channel indicates a valid pressurereading.P+P-P1-P1+P2+P2-P3+P3-P4+P4-P5+P5-Figure 1 – Pressure Transducer Connection DiagramPressure Transducer Mechanical DrawingPressure Transducer SpecificationsPart Number Range Accuracy TypePT-0-3PSI-01 0 to 3 PSI (0.21 bar) ±2% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-5PSI-01 0 to 5 PSI (0.34 bar) ±2% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-10PSI-01 0 to 10 PSI (0.69 bar) ±2% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-50PSI-01 0 to 50 PSI (3.45 bar) ±1% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-100PSI-01 0 to 100 PSI (6.89 bar) ±0.5% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-300PSI-01 0 to 300 PSI (20.68 bar) ±0.5% Full Scale Gauge (Vent Tube)PT-0-500PSI-01 0 to 500 PSI (34.47 bar) ±0.5% Full Scale Absolute (No Vent Tube) PT-0-1000PSI-01 0 to 1000 PSI (68.95 bar) ±0.5% Full Scale Absolute (No Vent Tube) PT-0-3000PSI-01 0 to 3000 PSI (206.84 bar)±0.5% Full Scale Absolute (No Vent Tube) PT-0-5000PSI-01 0 to 5000 PSI (344.74 bar)±0.5% Full Scale Absolute (No Vent Tube) Specification ValueCompatible Fluids / Gases Refrigerant, Motor Oil, Diesel, Hydraulic Fluid, Brake Fluid, Water, WasteWater, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, AirOperating Temperature -40°C to 105°CStorage Temperature -40°C to 105°CProof Pressure 2.4 × Full ScaleBurst Pressure 2.4 × Full ScaleReverse Voltage Protection ± 16V over 5 MinutessteelstainlessConstruction 304LCable Length 3 feet (0.91m)Pressure/Temperature Cycles 0 to FS @ 8Hz; and –40°C to 105°C for > 1.8x106 cyclesThermal Shock 105°C to –40°C, 0.5 hr soaks at Temp. (2s Transfer) for 300 cyclesVibration 100 to 2000 Hz, 20g Sinusoidal, 3 Axes for 144 hoursEMC Compatibility 10 Volts/meter per EN 61000-4-3Humidity 85°C and 90% to 95% R. H. for 250 hoursWeight 85gFor installation support, please contact:Maretron, LLP9014 N. 23rd Ave #10Phoenix, AZ 85021-7850Telephone: (+1) 866-550-9100E-mail:********************Web: 。

1. 设定参考输出状态:在量测模式下按
2. 颜色切换:在量测模式下按
注:「输出一 and 输出二」是当输出一以及输出二皆为 ON 时,才为 ON,否则皆为 OFF;「输出一 or 输出二」是当输出一以及输出二
皆为 OFF 时,才为 OFF,否则皆为 ON。
Code 代码
DPB 提供显示代码,供用户对照设定。在量测模式下按
下可看见显示代码(详见进阶设定模式方块图) 代码相关意义如下表:
2. 输出状态:DPB 可设定两种输出状态,N.O.(常开)和 N.C.(常闭)。用户可在简易设定模式下,按 出一、二的输出状态。
3. 反应时间设定:当压力达到输出状态时的反应时间。如设定为 50 代表当压力达到输出状态时必须维持 50ms,输出才会动作。用户可
6. 设定功能键 7. 向下调整键 8. 电源和输出信号端子 9. 压力输入气孔
DPB 1 2 量测压力范围 3 输出型式 4 压力气孔型式
台达 DPB 系列压力传感器 01: -100kPa ~ 100kPa, 10: -100kPa ~ 1,000kPa N: NPN output;P: PNP output P:外孔 PT 1/8、内孔 M5;N:外孔 NPT 1/8、内孔 M5;G:外孔 G 1/8、内孔 M5

PT5-07T 802 370 802 370M -0.8 ~ 7
PT5-18T PT5-30T
802 371 802 372
802 371M 802 372M
0 ~ 18 0 ~ 30
4 ~ 20 mA
-40 至 + 100
45 45
PT5-50T 802 373 802 373M 0 ~ 50
锈钢壳体保证了最佳的防腐蚀性能。预制的内埋式电气连接插座 与压力传感器之间完全密封。使PT5达到IP65的防护等级。
PT5压力传感器标定输出是一个相对的压力信号,假定周围 大气压是1 bar。当PT5处于明显高于海平面的位置时必须加以考 虑输出信号的偏移量。即每1000米海拔高度读数大约比实际值低 0.1 bar。
0 …. +40 °C -20 …. +60 °C -30 …. +80 °C
PT5-xxM (顶视图)
*) 总误差包括非线性误差、磁滞误差、重复读取误差以及温度变化所 造成的偏差和量程漂移。 注意: %FS 是传感器的全量程百分比。
PT4-Mxx 连接线只能在一个方向上与 PT5 压力传感器相连接。 图中(1)即定位键。 BN = 棕色 WH = 白色 (5) = 电子控制器;如 EC2 和 EC3 系 列控制器
各种压力范围适用于不同的制冷系统。PT5 符合欧洲 EMC 指令 并遵照 2004/108/EEC,EN61326 贴有 CE 认证标签。
输出电流 (mA)

CDA503系列产品使用说明-目录一、CDA503系列产品概述 (1)1.使用范围及条件 (1)2.特点 (1)3.外形尺寸 (1)4.运输、验收、存放、安装、维护 (1)二、CDA503电源单元 (1)1.主要功能及技术指标 (2)2.面板示意图 (2)1.主要功能及技术指标 (3)2.面板说明(面板功能按钮和指示灯的布置) (3)3.接线定义 (3)四、CDA503断路器控制单元 (4)1.主要功能及技术指标 (4)2.面板说明 (4)3.接线定义 (5)五、CDA503过流保护断路器控制单元 (5)1.主要技术指标 (5)2.主要功能 (5)3.面板说明 (5)4.LCD液晶显示及键盘操作 (6)5.接线定义7一、CDA503系列产品概述1.使用范围及条件海拔: 不大于2000m 环境温度: -25℃~+65℃相对湿度: 50%~95% 储存温度: -30℃~+85℃2、特点适用范围宽操作简便电机过流保护可远动控制合分闸操作抗震动、抗干扰能力强3.外形尺寸4.运输、验收、存放、安装、维护4.1 运输本产品必须包装运输, 不允许有强烈震动, 不允许倒置.4.2 验收(1)、开箱检查随机文件是否齐全....(2)、基本功能是否正常.注:随机文件..a.控制单元使用说明书一份.... b.合格证一份.4.3 存放产品应存放在室内清洁、干燥通风处, 存放时应小心, 谨防损坏.4.4 安全信息本产品为弱电设备, 但在现场安装、维护时, 附近有危险电压!本设备不能替代可见断开点, 工作时应遵循所在当地批准的安全规程;否则, 将因触高压导致严重人身伤亡.本手册并不能概括设备的安装、运行、维护等等的所有细节, 如有问题请与我公司联系.4.5安装步骤产品应安装在易操作的地方, 根据开关的位置的不同, 可安装在柱上的不同位置.安装步骤. (1)首先固定好控制单元.. (2)将外部接线接好.注: 本手册仅供参考, 如有更改, 恕不另行通知。
拓普电子旋转扭矩传感器 TQ 503 操作说明书

Strain gauge full bridge
Rotation angle pulses
100% calibration
causes 100% signal
not connected
Top view built-in plug
Version H (special design):
Label M for Mrings
drive side
View W:
Size Q/R
Size R
Sense of rotation
Operating Instructions no. 1333
Page 7 / 17
4. Electrical connections
Operating Instructions no. 1333
Page 3 / 17
3. Description
3.1 Mechanical design
Torquemeters type SD comprise a rotating shaft mounted on bearings inside a housing. The shaft has a necked section - called the torsion zone - to which strain gauges are attached and connected in a full bridge circuit. Sliprings and brushes provide the link between rotor and housing with two sliprings carrying the electric power supply to the strain gauges on the rotating shaft. Two other sliprings serve to transfer the measuring signals from the rotating shaft to the stationary housing. The full bridge circuit is connected directly through the sliprings and brushes to the lead connector which is mounted on the housing of the torquemeter. In version X torquemeters an optical rotation angle measurement system is integrated. It consists of a pulse disk on the rotating shaft with 360 light-dark stripes. Two light barriers are installed into the stator. Inside the torquemeter there is a small electronics for processing of the angle pulses.
IQAN-SP 压力传感器系列用户指南说明书

ApplicationThe IQAN-SP pressure transducers belong to the family of IQAN accessories developed to complement IQAN control systems. IQAN-SP is a range of 0-5V pressure transducers for mobile hydraulic applications. These transducers are available in two pressure ranges; 35 bar (507 psi) and 500 bar (7250 psi). To make the sensors suitable for mobile equipment, we have focused upon properties such as reliability, electromagnetic immunity and ease of installation. PropertiesReliabilityThe IQAN-SP has stainless steel construction for strength. The sensor cells use thin film technology with no internal o-rings or fluid. The high pressure capability makes the sensor very robust and able to withstand vibration.Electromagnetic immunityThe design of the IQAN-SP has an EMI cap that separates the sensor electronics from the connector. This ensures a high level of EMI protection. InstallationThe two interface types of the IQAN-SP are well designed for the mobile hydraulics industry.The first type, -B, has a G1/4 thread. The hex of the transducer has an integrated face seal to eliminate sealing washers. The integral 3 pin connector is a sealed AMP/Tyco Junior Timer type designed for automotive use.The second type, -D, has a SAE 6 (9/16”-18UNF) thread and an o-ring seal. The connector is a 4 pin Deutsch DT04 type and is attached via a short cable. Both connector types give the sensor IP65 protection for exposed outdoor applications. These features provide for easy installation and removal, even in field conditions.EN 13849-1MTTFd and failure mode distribution available on request.GeneralWeight 0.06 kgOperating temperature -40 °C to 125 °C Storage temperature -40 °C to 140 °C Pressure rangeSP035 0 - 35 barSP500 0 - 500 barOver pressureSP035 Max 100 barSP500 Max 1050 barBurst pressureSP035 Min 150 barSP500 Min 1500 barTotal error (-40°C to 105°C)1)Max 4.0 % FSTotal error ( 40°C to 80°C)1)Max 1.0 % FS Response time2) 5.0 msecEN 13849-1MTTFd, SP035 384 [y]MTTFd, SP500 402 [y]1) Total accuracy includes non- linearity, hysteresis,repeatability and temperature effects.2) Measured from initial value to output at 90%.Electrical specificationsOutput at FS 3) 4.5 VZero output 3)0.5 VSupply Voltage(Vs) 5.0+/-10%Vdc 4) Current supply Max 12.5 mALoad resistor Min 5 kΩLoad capacitor Max 0.1 µF3) The output is ratiometric to supply voltage (Vs)4) The max supply voltage with sensor operatingis 6 Volt. (switch off app. 6.2Volt)Threaded interface-B G1/4 BSP withintegral face seal-D 9/16”-18 UNF, SAE 6with nitrile o-ring Connector-B AMP/TycoIntegral to sensor-D Deutsch DT04-4P Ordering part numbersIQAN-SP035-B 5020026IQAN-SP500-B 5020027IQAN-SP035-D 2820008IQAN-SP500-D 28200092Parker HannifinMobile Systems Division EuropeMölnlycke, Sweden Electronic Control SystemsIQAN-SP SensorsCatalogue MSG17-8371/UK Technical InformationEnvironmental ProtectionEMIISO 11452-2 (immunity vs EM field) ISO 14982 (radiated emission) EN 55022 (conducted emission)ISO 11452-4 (immunity vs injected RF) ESDEN 61000-4-8 (external)Mechanical environment IEC 60068-2-64 Fh, 24-2000 Hz, 31 Grms, 3*8 h (vibration) IEC 60068-2-27 Es (shock)IEC 60068-2-29 Eb (bump)Climate environmentIEC 60068-2-18 Rb3 (water)IEC 60068-2-30 Db (var1, damp, cyclic)IEC 60068-2-3 Ca (damp, heat steady state) IEC 60068-2-2 Bb (heat) IEC 60068-2-1 Ab (cold)IEC 60068-2-14 Nb (change of temperature)Chemical environmentIEC 60068-2-52 Kb (salt mist, cyclic)unit = mmIQAN-SPxxx-DIQAN-SPxxx-Bunit = mm3Parker HannifinMobile Systems Division Europe Mölnlycke, SwedenElectronic Control Systems IQAN-SP SensorsCatalogue MSG17-8371/UKTechnical Information Offer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or sys-tem in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.WARNING!Parker WorldwideEMEA Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA) US Product Information CentreToll-free number: 1-800-272-7537 E d . 2 0 1 6 -0 4 -0 4Europe, Middle East, Africa AE – United Arab Emirates,DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900**************************** AZ – Azerbaijan, BakuTel: +994 50 22 33 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, NivellesTel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BG – Bulgaria, SofiaTel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, MinskTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************CH – Switzerland, EtoyTel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00***************************** CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111******************************* DE – Germany, KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, BallerupTel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, MadridTel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500*************************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, AthensTel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, BudaoersTel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, AlmatyTel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NL – The Netherlands, OldenzaalTel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, AskerTel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – PortugalTel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, BucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, SpångaTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská BystricaTel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, KievTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************UK – United Kingdom, WarwickTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************North AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, OntarioTel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland(industrial)Tel: +1 216 896 3000US – USA, Elk Grove Village(mobile)Tel: +1 847 258 6200Asia PacificAU – Australia, Castle HillTel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, ShanghaiTel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008ID – Indonesia, TangerangTel: +62 21 7588 1906IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, FujisawaTel: +81 (0)4 6635 3050KR – South Korea, SeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah AlamTel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, BangkokTel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, New Taipei CityTel: +886 2 2298 8987VN – Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh CityTel: +84 8 3999 1600South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Cachoeirinha RSTel: +55 51 3470 9144CL – Chile, SantiagoTel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, TolucaTel: +52 72 2275 4200Catalogue MSG18-8371/UK. 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郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司MP503空气质量气体传感器产品描述MP503空气质量气体传感器采用多层厚膜制造工艺,在 微型Al 2O 3陶瓷基片的两面分别制作加热器和金属氧化物半 导体气敏层,封装在金属壳体内。
当环境空气中有被检测气 体存在时传感器电导率发生变化,该气体的浓度越高,传感 器的电导率就越高。
采用简单的电路即可将这种电导率的变 化转换为与气体浓度对应的输出信号。
传感器特点本品对酒精、烟雾、异丁烷、甲醛灵敏度高;具有响应恢 复快、低功耗、检测电路简单、稳定性好、寿命长等优点。
主要应用用于家庭环境及办公室有害气体检测、自动排风装置、 空气清新机等。
技术指标表1产品型号 MP503产品类型 平面半导体气体传感器金属封装标准封装 检测气体 酒精、烟雾、异丁烷、甲醛10~1000ppm(酒精)≤24V DC 检测浓度 回路电压 V C 加热电压 V H 负载电阻 R L加热电阻 R H标准 电路 条件 5.0V ±0.1V AC or DC可调95Ω±10Ω(室温) ≤300mW 标准 测试 条件 下气 敏元 件特 性 加热功耗 P H敏感体R S 1K Ω~30K Ω(in 50ppm 酒精)电阻 Rs(in air)/Rs(in 50ppm 酒灵敏度 S精)≥5 浓度斜率 α ≤0.6(R 100ppm /R 30ppm 酒精) 温度、湿度 标准测试电路 预热时间20℃±2℃;65%±5%RHV C :5.0V ±0.1V ; V H :5.0V ±0.1V标准 测试 条件图1 :传感器结构图不少于48小时基本电路图2: MP503测试电路说明:上图为MP503传感器的基本测试电路。
BPS305A50400KA2HA1A 模拟绝对压力传感器用户手册说明书

信息有关技术、交货条款、条件和价格的更多信息,请联系无锡必创传感科技有限公司目录01.产品描述 (4)02. 功能描述 (5)03. 规范 (11)04. 命名图例 (12)05. 封装信息 (13)BPS305A50400KA2HA1A01. 产品描述BPS305A50400KA2HA1A 产品是一款集成扩散硅压阻式进气歧管压力传感器,其基于MEMS 芯片和ASIC 芯片的系统集成封装。
传感器通过MEMS 芯片将输入压力转换为电桥输出信号,再通过ASIC 芯片将电桥输出信号转换为模拟电压输出。
1.1特征支持以下功能: ●高精度±1%FS @ 0℃~130℃●宽工作温度范围(-40℃~150℃) ●符合车载使用标准 ●环保贴片式封装 ●输出电压钳位1.2应用目标应用目标:●发动机进气歧管压力测量●工业控制 ●医疗应用 ●气象站●高度计02. 功能描述压力传感器由硅微压阻式MEMS压力传感器芯片和专用调理集成电路(ASIC)组成。
压力传感器的传递函数由以下参数创建:●最小和最大额定压力●最小和最大额定压力下的电压值●钳位电压完整校准算法所需的所有参数(如偏移、增益、偏移和增益的温度系数以及线性化参数)在校准后确定并存储在ASIC 内部的E²PROM 中。

USER MANUALSALES OFFICE (301) 975-1000TECHNICAL SUPPORT (301) 975-1007Part# 07M503P-C Doc# 074201U Rev. D Revised 1/21/08An ISO-9001Certified Company1.0 WARRANTY INFORMATIONPatton Electronics warrants all Model 503P and 503PC components to be free from defects, and will—at our option—repair or replace the product should it fail within one year from the first date of shipment. This warranty is limited to defects in workmanship or materials, and does not cover customer damage, abuse or unauthorized modification. If this product fails or does not perform as warranted, your sole recourse shall be repair or replacement as described above. Under no condition shall Patton Electronics be liable for any damages incurred by the use of this product. These damages include, but are not limited to, the following: lost profits, lost savings and incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of or inability to use this product. Patton Electronics specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, and the installation or use of this product shall be deemed an acceptance of these terms by the user.2.0 SERVICE AND SUPPORT1.2 SERVICEAll warranty and nonwarranty repairs must be returned freight prepaid and insured to Patton Electronics. All returns must have a Return Materials Authorization number on the outside of the shipping container. This number may be obtained from Patton Electronics Technical Support: (301) 975-1007; ; or,******************.Notice: Packages received without an RMA number will not be accepted.Patton Electronics' technical staff is also available to answer any questions that might arise concerning the installation or use of your Patton Model 503P and 503C. Technical Service hours: 8AM to 5PM EST, Monday through Friday.1.3 CE NOTICEThe CE symbol on your Patton Electronics equipment indicates that it is in compliance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) of the Union European (EU). A Certificate of Compliance is available by contacting Technical Support.12.0 GENERAL INFORMATIONThank you for your purchase of this Patton Electronics product. This product has been thoroughly inspected and tested and is warranted for One Year parts and labor. If any questions arise during installation or use of the unit, contact Patton Electronics Technical Support: (301) 975-1007; ; or,******************.2.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe Patton Model 503P and 503PC guard PC parallel interfaces against data loss and damage due to transient surges. These units employ a solid state circuit using Silicon Avalanche Diodes, and can handle repeated surges up to 1500 Watts. The Model 503P connects directly between the DB-25 parallel port of a PC or workstation and the parallel printer cable. The Model 503PC connects to the parallel printer cable, and then plugs directly into the 36-pin Centronics®printer port. Both units divert surge energy to chassis ground through the metal connector shell. For complete protection of your parallel line, we recommend that a Model 503P and 503PC be used together, one at each end of the line.Warning:These products will not provide complete protection should your equipment be subject to a direct lightning hit.2.2SURGE PROTECTION BENEFITSThe method of surge protection used in the 503P and 503PC adds four benefits to your syste.1. High Surge Capability. The 503P and 503PCdissipate up to 1.5 kwatts for up to 1 mes.2.Quick Response. The 503P and 503PC feature a responsetime of 500 nsec, 503PC clamps at +8V and -3V the 503Pclamps to 6.8V3.Low Impedance. Connect the 503P directly to RS-232 portswith minimal load to your system — about the same as agender changer.4.“Fail Safe” Design. Unlike some other surge suppressors, the503P fails short to ground should your system experience anextreme transient or severe current overload. Therefore, Iifthe unit fails, data and surges are diverted to ground instead ofback into your equipment.23.0 INSTALLATIONPatton's Model 503P and 503PC units are simple to install, and require no user configuration. Follow these installation steps.1. Turn off your PC/printer’s power and disconnect the powercord(s) from the wall outlet(s).2. Unplug (disconnect) the existing connection between theparallel cable and your PC/printer’s parallel port(s).3. Install the Model 503P between the parallel cable and the DB-25 parallel port. Install the Model 503PC between the parallelcable and the Centronics®-36 connector of your parallelprinter. For best results, both protectors should be used–oneat each end of the cable.3APPENDIX APATTON MODEL 503P AND 503C SPECIFICATIONSLInes Protected: Model 503P protects 24 lines on the DB-25parallel interface; Model 503PC protects 34lines on the 36-pin Centronics®interface. Peak PowerDissipation: 1500 Watts for up to 1 msecClamp Voltage: 503P6.8 V; 503PC +8, -3VGrounding: Surge energy diverted to chassis groundthrough metal D-shell (or 36-pinCentronics®) connectors. Alternate groundconnection for Model 503P provided byexternal grounding wire.4NOTES__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________5NOTES__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________6Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for purchasing Patton Electronics products! We do appreciate your business. I trust that you find this user manual helpful.We manufacture one of the widest selections of data communications products in the world including CSU/DSU's, network termination units, powered and self-powered short range modems, fiber optic modems, interface converters, baluns, electronic data switches, data-line surge protectors, multiplexers, transceivers, hubs, print servers and much more. We producethese products at our Gaithersburg, MD, USA, facility, and can custom manufacture products for your unique needs.We would like to hear from you. Please contact us in any of the following ways to tell us how you like this product and how we can meet your product needs today and in the future.Web: Sales E-mail: ****************Support E-mail: ******************Phone - Sales (301) 975-1000Phone - Support (301) 975-1007Fax: (301) 869-9293Mail: Patton Electronics Company7622 Rickenbacker DriveGaithersburg, MD 20879 USAWe are committed to a quality product at a quality price. Patton Electronics is ISO 9001 certified. We meet and exceed the highest standards in the industry (CE, UL, etc.).Please contact us and let us know how we may provide you with the answers to your needs.Thank you.Burton A.PattonVice PresidentP.S. Please tell us where you purchased this product._________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________。

二.接线图电源报警2(-)AC90-260V (+)RS484报警3(-)通讯SSR 输出-(+)(D2)24V/20mA +电流互感器输入继电器AC5A 4-20mA 输出+报警1或热电偶PT100第二输出(带PD )安装尺寸(面板安装)1000/10011100/110150145+0.692+0.845+0.692+0.892+0.845+0.6深100mm深100mm深105mm注:为确保安装正确,请参阅英文版手册中的注意事项和警告。
三.功能说明1)输入种类热电偶:K、J、N、S、R、T热电阻:PT100电压:0-50mv,10-50mv电流:0-20mA,4-20mA,0-10mA(电流输入需在输入端并接2.5Ω或5Ω精密电阻)电流互感器输入2)输出输出1:继电器:端子额定电流5A/220VacSSR:24V/20mA电压脉冲DC输出:4-20mA输出2:用报警输出1,通过软件组态改为PD控制功能3)报警功能报警1可以带PD控制,触点电流5A报警2和3触点为常开,可以通过内部跳线改为常闭触点容量为3A/220Vac4)数字通讯(电流环/RS485)如果仪表有1200波特率无源电流环接口,接收二极管在端子8(RX+)和端子9(RX-)传输晶体管端子10(TX+)和(TX-)标准配置(并联到串行口)联接到二极管阻值为1千欧,集电极电阻为100Ω对串联连接,接到二极管阻值为100欧若配置为4线制RS485(1200波特率),输入端为8(RX+)和9(RX-)传输为10(TX+)和11(TX-)[参阅硬件组态]四.显示面板和按键说明A:显示测量值B:显示设定值1)显示过程设定值2)当AL1,AL2,AL3/HB灯闪烁时,设定报警值显示3)当字母“P”前面显示[0-99%]显示主输出功率4)可显示组态参数F:主输出灯,当第一输出动作时该灯亮G:报警输出指示C :功能键“F ”1)F 键用来选择设定值或报警值以便读取和修改设定值,如果未按住F 键,10秒钟后,修改值将自动存贮,同时返回显示过程设定值。
ifm PN5003 压力传感器与显示器说明书

18...36 DC; (according to EN 50178 SELV/PELV) < 50
100; (500 V DC) III yes
yes; (< 40 V) 0.3 yes
Number of digital outputs: 1
ifm electronic gmbh • Friedrichstraße 1 • 45128 Essen — We reserve the right to make technical alterations without prior notice. — EN-GB — PN5003-01 — 06.09.2010
Mechanical data Weight Materials Materials (wetted parts) Min. pressure cycles Process connection
stainless steel (1.4301 / 304); stainless steel (1.4404 / 316L); PC; PBT; PEI; FKM; PTFE
EN 61000-4-4 Burst EN 61000-4-5 Surge EN 61000-4-6 HF conducted
DIN IEC 68-2-27 DIN IEC 68-2-6
4 kV CD / 8 kV AD 10 V/m 2 kV 0,5/1 kV 10 V
50 g (11 ms) 20 g (10...2000 Hz)
Medium temperature
Pressure rating Min. bursting pressure

目录一.概述 (1)二.使用范围 (1)三.使用条件和产品功能 (1)四.工作状态及设置说明 (2)五.安装说明 (7)六.注意事项 (9)七.两种不同接地方式的剩余电流监控保护系统应用 (9)八.存贮和运输 (10)九.售后服务 (10)概述PDHD-503本产品是一种智能型剩余电流式火灾监控探测器,它采用32位微型控制器、可全天候有效地监控被保护电气线路中由于漏电可能发生的火灾隐患,实时处理当前剩余电流值,将监测到的异常参数通过CAN总线通讯网络发送到监控中心。
AVENTICS Pressure sensor, Series PE5 压力传感器说明书

Pressure sensor, Series PE5- Operating pressure -1 ... 0 -1 ... 1 0 ... 6 0 ... 10 0 ... 12 bar- electronic- Output signal analog 0 - 10 V DC, 4 - 20 mA- Output signal digital 2 x PNP, NPN, Push-pull PNP, NPN, Push-pull PNP, NPN, push-pull, 1xIO-Link- Electr. connection Plug M12x1 4-pin- Compressed air connection Internal thread G 1/4Type electronicCertificates CE declaration of conformity, cULus,RoHS, Conforms with REACH, Free ofsubstances that impair surface wetting inthe coating processCompressed air connection Internal thread G 1/4Ambient temperature min./max.0 ... 60 °CMedium temperature min./max.0 ... 60 °CMedium Compressed air (max. 40 μm)Max. oil content of compressed air40 mg/m³Measurement Relative pressureDisplay LCD display, 4 digits, Color setting: greenor redUnits displayed bar psi kPa MPa inHgSwitching logic NO/NC (adjustable)Shock resistance max.30 gVibration resistance 5 g (10 - 150 Hz)Precision (% of full scale value)±1.5% in temperature range of 10 - 30°C± 2 % including temperature driftRepeatability (% of full scale value)± 0,2 %Switching time 5 msSwitching point adjustable 0 ... 100%Resetting point adjustable 0 ... 100%Hysteresis adjustableDelayed hysteresis adjustableWindow function adjustableDC operating voltage min./max.17 ... 30 V DCAnalog output0 - 10 V DC, 4 - 20 mAQuiescent current consumption40 mAAnalog output linearity± 0.5% of the final valueMaximum load (analog current output)600 ΩShort circuit resistance Max. 600 ohms (current output) Min. 3Kohms (voltage output)Mounting types Directly on hat rail and wall mounting Forpanel installation using mounting kit viadouble nippleProtection class IP65 IP67 with connections assembledElectr. connection Plug M12x1 4-pinWeight0,04 kgOutput signal0 - 10 V DC-4 ... 20 mA1) The IO-Link device description (IODD) for the PE5 pressure sensor is available for download in the Media Centre.1) M12x1 electrical connection2) Mounting for hat rail and wall mounting3) Alternative pressure connection (G1/4) closed with plug4) Pressure connection G1/41) M12x1 electrical connection2) Mounting for hat rail and wall mounting3) Alternative pressure connection (G1/4) closed with plug4) Pressure connection, tubing Ø 4 mm1) LCD display2) Control panel with 3 buttonsH: HysteresisSP = switching pointRP = resetting pointOut (NC): switch output, break contact Out (NO): switch output, make contactH: HysteresisSP = switching pointRP = resetting pointOut (NC): switch output, break contactOut (NO): switch output, make contactdS: switching delaydR = reset delay1) period of pressure over the switching point dS: pressure sensor does not switch2) Period of pressure over the switching point > dS: pressure sensor switches3) Period of pressure under the resetting point > dR: pressure sensor switchesFH: pressure band, upper valueFL: pressure band, lower valueOut (NC): switch output, break contact Out (NO): switch output, make contact1) Internally stored parameter2) Adjustable parameter3) Output valueRL = storable postionRL = storable postionAllocation operational voltage + UBswitch output Out2, analog: A or V, digital: PNP, NPN, push-pull0 Vswitch output Out1, digital: PNP, NPN, push-pullAllocation Supply Voltage Switch output PNP/NPN/push-pull, switchable0 VSwitch output PNP/NPN/push-pull/leakage mode, digital switch input PNPAnalog output ( 0 to 10 V DC, 4 to 20 mA)Your local contact:/contactus/EmersonAutomationSolutions/company/Emerson-Automation-SolutionsAn example configuration is depicted on the title page. The delivered product may thus vary from that in the illustration. Subject to change. This Document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of AVENTICS GmbH. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. Only use the AVENTICS products shown in industrial applications. Read the product documentation completely and carefully before using the product. Observe the applicable regulations and laws of the respective country. When integrating the product into applications, note the system manufacturer's specifications for safe use of the product. The data specified only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information.The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that the products aresubject to a natural process of wear and aging.of the Emerson family of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2020 Emerson Electric Co.All rights reserved.2020-12。

| P500PRESSURE SENSOR DescriptionFeatures• Small Size (3/4” Hex)• External Hex for Easy Installation • Linear Amplified Output • Temperature Compensated • Superior Long-Term Stability • Low Power Consumption• Minimum Life Expectancy: Ten Million CyclesThe P500 incorporates Kavlico’s 4th generation ceramic capacitive sense element with the latest state of the art proprietary ASIC. Available in brass or stainless steel housings, this multi-purpose sensor is rugged by design. Highly reliable, the P500 is ideal for measuring a broad range of process media including hydrocarbon based fluids, air, and gases. The P500 package has a built-in Metri-Pack 150 series sealed electrical connector and is available with popular pressure connection thread options. The sensor is offered with seal materials suitable for diverse applications. Standard pressure ranges are available in PSI or Bar.Applications• Compressors • Process Controls• Instruments & Test Equipment • Sterilizers • Air Pressure• Oil & Fuel Pressure • Coolant Pressure• Agricultural Equipment• CNG & Natural Gas EnginesSPECIFICATIONSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPressure RangesPhysicalPerformanceElectricalPART NUMBER DESIGATION: P500-300-S-E 4 AVoutputN/CVsupplyGNDVENT HOLE (GAUGE)USE STANDARD OPENEND WRENCH OR SPECIALIZED SOCKET WRENCH ONLY19.1818.69.755.736HEXDATE CODE EXAMPLE: L0515UL LOGO (PRESSURE DEPENDENT)KAVLICO PART #(SEE EXAMPLE)PERMANENTLY IDENTIFY X X X X XDATE CODE11P500-XXX-X-X4XSHOWN19.09 1.575 MAX.752405.59.220Dimensions in mm [Inch]DIMENSIONSPressure Sensor with Electrical ConnectionPressure Connections and Recommended Installation Torque1/4 - 18 NPT 1/8 - 27 NPT Stud EndDIN 3852-B-G1/4External External External 25 Nm20 Nm20 NmTapped Hole DIN 3852-Y-G1/43/8-24 UNF-2A PER SAE J 1926/23/8-24 UNF-2B PER SAE J 1926/1Internal External Internal 15 Nm22 Nm22 NmPage 4CONTACT USAmericas+1 (800) 350 2727***************************************Europe, Middle East & Africa +359 (2) 809 1826****************************Asia Pacific*************************.com China +86 (21) 2306 1500Japan +81 (45) 277 7117Korea +82 (31) 601 2004India +91 (80) 67920890Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006 ext 2808Sensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATION ORDERING OPTIONSP500 Sensor, 0 - 16 Bar Absolute, Fluorosilicone Seal Material, 1/4 - 18 NPTA: With Mating Connector, w/12”, 18 AWG Leads C: Without Mating ConnectorAGENCY APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONSEN 61326-1, 2006IEC 61000-4-2, 2001IEC 61000-4-3, 2006IEC 61000-4-8, 20012002/95/EC RoHS Directive File # SA10552。

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