我们走过的路 中英文逐句翻译 奥巴马

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The road we’ve travelled (election speech of Obama)


What do we remember in November of 2008? 还记得2008年11月那一刻吗?Was it this moment?是这个时刻?Or this? 还是这个?

This is an economy right now that can find the bottom of bad news.


Ten years of saving completely gone, vanished, poof.


Watching the Dow Industrial Average has been like watching the heart monitor on a critically ill patient.


How do we understand this president and his time in office.


Do we look at the day’s headlines? 是该看看那些新闻头条?

Or do we remember what we, as a country, have been through?


The president-elect is here in Chicage and he named the member of the economic team and they all fly in for the first big briefing on the economy.


Many of the leading financial figures of the world are taking the subway from the airport and traipsing through the snow to get to the transition office.


There was a screen set up for sliders, but we might as well have been showing a horror movie because what was described in that meeting was an economic crisis beyond anything anybody had imagined.


You had people telling you that auto industry was literally days from collapse.


The financial sector of the heart that pumps blood into the economy was frozen up and cardiac arrest.


The six months surrounding Lanuary 2009 is the worst six months that we ever had in the data.


It was the biggest crash of household wealth that we’ve ever had in the United States. 是有史以来,美国公民个人资产面临的最大的一次灾难。

Christian Romer, the incoming head of the Council of Economic Advisors, said “Mr President, this will be as deep as anything we’ve experienced since The Great Depression, and millions of people are going to lose their jobs.”

Christian Romer ,即将上任的经济顾问委员会主席,她说“总统先生,这将是大萧条以来最大的一次经济危机,将有数百万民众失去工作”

Tim Geithner, the incoming Treasury Secretary said “the Financial system is locked up and Mr President, it could collapse.”

Tim Geithner ,即将上任的财政部长,他说“金融体系已经停滞,总统先生,而且很可能崩溃”

And then Peter Orszag, the Budget Director, was the cleanup hitter, and said this is gonna add trillions of dollars to our debt.

Peter Orszag ,预算主管,曾经是棒球手,他说我们会因此欠下数万亿的债务。All I was thinking at that moment was, “Could we get a recount?”


Not since the days of Franklin Roosevelt, had so much fallen on the shoulders of one President.


And when he faced his country, who looked him for the answers, he would not del in blame or dreamy idealism.


Our time of standing pat of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions, that time has surely passed.

我们曾经辉煌的时代,守着点点利益而逃避艰难决定的时代,已经一去不复返了。Starting today, we must begin again the work of remaking America.


As president, the tough decisions that he would make would not only determine the course of the nation, they’d reveal the character of the man.


The first decision, “Where to begin?”第一个决定,“从哪开始”?

Which is one, which is two, which is three, which is four, which is five?


Where do you start? 你要从哪开始?

What I love about the guy, he says, “We’re gonna do the all.”


Because we gotta do them all, we don’t have a choice to pick.


He acted quickly with the Recovery Act, giving help where is was most urgently needed.


The country had been hemorrhaging jobs more than 3.5 million lost in the six months before he took office.


Middle class jobs and economy security were vanishing.


The funding would keep teachers in the classroom, cops on the streets, and first
