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( )1.A B.

( )2. A B.

( )3. A B.

( )4. A B.

( )5. A B.

二 .听录音,选出你所听到的选项,把字母编号填在括号里。

( ) 1. A. size 16 B. size 60 . size 66 ( ) 2. A. last Sunday B. next Sunday . last Saturday ( ) 3. A. visit B. visiting . visited ( )4. A. une 1st B. une 3rd . uly 1st ( )5. A. sunny day B. windy day . rainy day 三. 听录音, 选出你所听到句子的最佳应答 (本大题共7.5分,每题1.5分) ( )1. A. yes, he did. B. N, she didn’t. . yes, he des. ( )2. A. He’s angry. B. She’s tired. . He’s 150 tall. ( )3. A. She is 156 tall. B. She is

56 kg. . She is 15 years ld. ( )4. A. Srry, I dn’t knw.

B. Have a gd tie. . Thanks fr helping.. ( )5. A. Gd luk.

B. yu’re wele. . I’ srry t hear that. . 四、听录音,写出横线上所缺的单词,补全句子。(本大题共7.5分,每题1.5分) 1. ---hat did yu d in Harbin? ---I went ______________.

2. hih nkey is _____________, the yellw ne r the brwn ne?

3. I had a bad ld and a high _____________ last week.

4. any students are ______________ at the funny gal.

5. Liu yun _____________ a ftball ath yesterday.


()1. hat did hn d n his hliday?

A. He went shpping.

B. He ate gd fd. . He went swiing.

( ) 2. Hw des ike feel?

A. He feels sik.

B. He feels sad. . He feels happy.

( )3. hat’s wrng with ak?

A. He has a flu.

B. He fails the test. . His leg hurts.

( )4. Hw heavy is Zhang Peng?

A. 39 kg.

B. 43 kg. . 46 kg.

( )5. hat was the weather like yesterday?

A. Sunny.

B. indy. . Rainy.


()1. ________ yu _______ hiking last Sunday?

A. D, g

B. Des, ges . Did, g

()2. A sper whale is __________ than a killer whale.

A. big

B. biger . bigger

()3. __________ dg has tw tails.

A. A

B. An . The

()4. ---Is ike _______ than yu? --- yes, I’ 1 ______.

A. shrter, shrter

B. taller, taller . taller, shrter

()5. Hw ________ yu ________, Z?

A. d, feeling

B. are, feel . are, feeling

()6. Lk! The hildren _________ their lassr!

A. leaned

B. are leaning . are ging t lean

()7. y parents went t Zhngshan _______ bike.

A. by

B. n . with

()8.---________ did yu g hiking? --- last weekend.

A. hen

B. hat . here

()9. --- an she _______? --- yes, she an. She

______ every day.

A. dane, daned

B. daned, danes . dane, danes

()10. Lily es fr ___________.

A. hinese

B. England . Aerian


1. y parents bught any ________________(礼物)fr us n hildren’s Day.

2. e _____________(唱)an English sng last lass.

3. His leg ____________ (伤害), s he an’t run.

4. T had a _______________ (牙痛) last night.

5. Sarah feels unhappy, beause she’s _______________(重)than befre.


1. 你生气吗?

____________ yu feel ______________?

2. 她得了重感冒,不得不看医生。

She had a __________ ____________ and had t see

a dtr.

3. 我哥哥比我大四岁。

y brther is fur _________ __________than e.
