高口 成语 翻译

高口 成语 翻译
高口 成语 翻译

高口里的成语(高口Lecture 8)

前程似锦/ bright future

言简意赅/ simple/ simply stated

突飞猛进/ advance rapidly

日新月异/ change quickly, change with each passing day

微不足道/ unimportant/ insignificant

停滞不前/ stopped/ be at a standstill

彷徨拖延/ delayed

默默无闻/ unknown/ un-honored

闭关锁国/ closed-door

恰当得体/ proper/ appropriate

任重道远/ there is a grand task to perform and a long way to go

一如既往/ as before/ as usual

扣人心弦/ exciting/ fabulous

身临其境/ personally on the scene/ action

身怀绝技/ excellent

无懈可击/ best/ terrific

价格从优/ favorable price

隔三差五/ frequently/ often

延年益寿/ prolong life

温厚儒雅/ tender-hearted and cultured

泾渭分明/ entirely different/ clear-cut

和睦共处/ live in harmony

谴词造句/ combine words to form phrases and sentences

推波助澜/ help promote/ add fuel to the fire

与日俱增/ growing/ increasing/ rising

急功近利/ eager for quick profits and success

声名显赫/ illustrious names/ eminent names

方兴未艾/ hasn’t run its full course/ to develop in full swing

自说自话/ act on one’s own

张弛有度/ loose and tight

为所欲为/ do as one wants/ abuse

放任自流/ hands-off (management)

独一无二/ unique

出师不捷/ fail

再接再厉/ make persistent efforts

司空见惯/ common/ not uncommon

一心一意/ single-minded/ undivided attention

不到黄河心不死/ ambition never dies

脱颖而出/ succeed

天资聪颖/ talented

自强不息/ constantly strive to become stronger/ persistent in self-development

前所未有/ unprecedented

与时俱进/ advance with the times

与众不同/ unique

微乎其微/ tiny/ small/ little

永无止境/ ever-improving/ no end/ no limit

错综复杂/ complex

同宗同源/ have the same root

形态各异/ different shapes and types

失之偏颇/ misleading/ not fair/ not quite right

命归黄泉/ be killed/ died

不尽一致/ varied from … to…/ not the same

自始自终/ all along

虎视眈眈/ menacing/ aggressive

百花齐放varied from…/ different from…


彬彬有礼/ polite/ courtesy

不可或缺/ indispensable

日新月异/ change quickly/ change with each passing day

坚定不移/ firmly/ unswervingly/ steadily

趣味盎然/ interesting

油然而生/ come in one’s mind

丰富多彩/ colorful

宾至如归/ make the guests feel at home

流连忘返/ 乐不思蜀/ too delighted to feel homesick/ have no thought of leaving for home 见仁见智/ different people have different opinions

相貌平平/ not good-looking / plain

学无止境,活到老,学到老/ life-long learning/ live to learn/ never stop learning till the end of our

Days/ till we die.

各司其职/ specialize in handling their own tasks

八方来客/ guests from all parts of the world

极负盛名/ world famous

美不胜收/ lovely/ attractive/ appealing/ inviting (scenery)

趋之若鹜/ flood /swarm/ pour in…

水乳交融/ blend well

蜂拥而至/ flood /swarm/ pour in…

热情洋溢/ warm/ gracious

雄心勃勃/ ambitious

资金雄厚/ financially-strong

别有用心/ have ulterior motives

独占鳌头/ be the best/ the first

崭露头角/ appear

沧海桑田(experienced a lot of changes, ups and downs of the times)

From Analects of Confucius

1. An army may be deprived of its commanding officer, yet a man cannot be deprived of his will. 三军可以夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也

2. Only when the weather turns cold can we see that the leaves of pines and cypresses are the last to wither and fall. 岁寒,而后知松柏之后凋也。

3. A man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of brave death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence. 志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀生以成仁。

4. If one learns the truth in the morning, one wouldn’t regret dying the same evening.朝闻道,夕死可矣。

5. Isn’t it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? Isn’t a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? Isn’t it a gentleman after all who will not take offence when others fail to appreciate him? 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不韵,不亦君子乎?

6. Study hard and never feel contented, and never be tired of teaching others. 学而不厌,诲人不倦。

7. When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from. I shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome.


8. The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.


9. He who always has a full stomach but does nothing meaningful is simply a good-for-nothing. 饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!

10. Men are similar to one another by nature. They diverge gradually as a result of different customs. 性相近,习相远。

11. A gentleman sets strict demands on himself while a petty man sets strict demands on others. 君子求诸己,小人求诸人。

12. The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.


13. Going too far and not going far enough are equally bad. 过犹不及

14. A gentleman is always broad-minded while a petty man is always full of anxiety. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。

15. A man of virtue can never be isolated. He is sure to have like-minded companions.


16. Don’t worry about being misunderstood but about failing to understand others.不患人之不知,患不知人也。

17. Don’t worry that your a bilities are not appreciated, just make sure that you possess them.


18. Worries will soon appear if one gives no thought to a long-term plan.


19. A craftsman must prepare his tools beforehand in order to do his work well.


20. A gentleman should be careful in speech and quick to act. 君子呐于言而敏于行。

21. Preparedness ensures success; unpreparedness spells failure.


22. What you do not wish upon yourself, extend not to others. 己所不欲,勿施于人。

23. I want to see what people do before I trust what they say. 听其言而观其行。

24. Do not get involved in the government affairs that are not your responsibility.


25. The principle of kings Wen and Wu was to alternate tension with relaxation.


26. Tyranny is more cruel than a tiger. 苛政猛于虎也。

27. If the ruler acts properly, the common people will obey him without being ordered to; if the ruler does not act properly, the common people will not obey him even after repeated injunctions. 其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。

28. Zi Xia said, “all men under heaven are brothers” 四海之内,皆兄弟也。

29. People who follow different goals and paths do not take counsel with one another.


30. If you understand what y ou learn, say you do; if not, say you don’t. Only then are you an intelligent man. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。

31. If one is able to acquire new knowledge by reviewing old knowledge, he is qualified to be a tutor. 温故而知新,可以为师矣。

32. Ill-gotten wealth and rank are just like fleeting clouds to me.


33. When one’s parents are alive, one should not go far away. If one has to, one should tell them where one is going. 父母在,不远游,游必有方。

34. Lack of patience in small matters will bring destruction to overall plans. 小不忍则乱大谋。

35. No fish can survive if the water is too clean. For the same reason, no company can bear one whose requirements are too critical.


From Mencius:

36. The trouble with people is that they are too eager to assume the role of teacher. 人之患在好为人师。

37. When Confucius ascended the Eastern Mountain, he realized how small the State of Lu was. When he ascended Mount Tai, he saw how small the empire was. Anyone who has seen the see will not be impressed by other waters and anyone who has learned from a sage will not be attracted by other doctrines.孔子登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下,故观于海者难为水,游于圣人之门者难为言。

38. To believe unconditionally what the Book of History says is worse than if there were no Book of History in existence. 尽信书,则不如无书。

39. Wealth and power can’t corrupt him, poverty can’t sway his principles and threats can’t not make him bend. Only such a person can be called a gentleman.


40. When heaven intends to bestow a great mission to a person, it makes him suffer in mind and body. It makes him endure starvation, and subjects him to poverty, difficulties and all kinds of tests so as to harden his will power, toughen his nature and increase his capabilities.

41. A person can make some achievements only when there is something that he doesn’t do. 人有不为也,而后可以有为。

42. Those who follow Heaven’s will survive and those who disobey heaven’s will perish. 顺天者存,逆天者亡。

43. Worry and trouble enable one to survive, while complacency and pleasure will bring one’s downfall. 生于忧患,死于安乐。

44. To a state, the people are the most important elements, the gods of earth and grain come second, and the ruler himself is the least important. 民为贵,君为轻,社稷次之。

45. Favorable weather is less important than advantageous terrain, and advantageous terrain is less important than unity among the people.


46. Practicing a policy of benevolence wins support from the people; otherwise the support of the people will be lost.


47. Though life is what I treasure, there is something that is more precious to me, and that is righteousness. So I will not draw on an ignoble existence. Death is what I detest, but there is something that I detest more than death, and that is unrighteousness. So I’ll not adopt the attitude of avoiding disasters.


48. Fish is what I want and bear’s paw is also what I want. If I can’t have both, I prefer bear’s paw to fish. Life is what I treasure and righteousness is also what I treasure. If I can’t have both, I prefer righteousness to life.

49. A benevolent person loves others and a polite man respects others. The ones who love others will always be loved by others and the one who respect others will always be respected by others. 仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。

50. Extend your respect for your aged parents to all the aged and extend your love for your own children to all children. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。

51. A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizen of the community;

A good citizen of the world will befriend the other citizen of the world.


52. Quick-minded and eager to learn, he is never ashamed to consult his inferiors. 敏而好学,不耻下问。

53. One must stand by one’s words and must not hesitate to put them into action.



英语成语是英语词汇中的重要精华部分。社会生活的各个方面是英语成语取之不尽的源泉,当代英语中最常用的成语有4000余条。许多常用的英语成语来自《圣经》(Bible)和莎士比亚(Shakespeare)等文学名著。英语成语主要是口语,而汉语成语主要是书面语;English idiom 字数不固定,而汉语成语多为四字词组。下面分广义和狭义来论述英语成语。 一、英语成语的理解 (一)广义的英语成语的理解 从文体学来说,广义的英语成语(idiom)包括谚语(proverb)、俚语(slang)、俗语(colloquial)、成对词(twin words)、三词词组(trinomials)、熟语(catchphrase, lexical phrase )和习惯搭配(habitual collocation, restricted collocation)等。现举例如下: 1. 谚语、格言(proverb),警句(sentence idiom)。 英语谚语常有缩写形式,类似汉语的歇后语。例如: 1) Proverbs are children of experience.谚语是经验的产物。 2) It' s no use crying over spilt milk.倒翻牛奶,哭也没用。缩写形式:Cry over spilt milk. 含义:覆水难收。 2. 俚语(slang)。 俚语为某些人群和地区所特有,适用范围有严格限制,使用时要注意其使用的得体性和意义的准确性。例如: 1)screw up 弄糟、一塌胡涂He screwed the whole thing up from start to finish. 他自始至终一塌胡涂。 2)Pay off 贿赂 chat up 与异性搭讪 3. 口语(colloquial)。例如: snake in the grass 暗箭 hit below the belt \ stab in the back 暗箭伤人 cut the ground from under sb. 在某人背后搞鬼 4. 成对词(twin words, irreversible binomials 或 words in pairs)。英国学者福勒(H.W.Fowler) 把它比作“连体双胞胎”(Siamese twins),称为重言法(hendiadys)。例如: beer and skittles 吃喝玩乐,wax and wane 盛衰,weal and woe祸福。 5. 三词词组(trinomials)。有些固定的三词词组也被归为成语,因为它们大都也是一些固定的讲法。例如:


》 中考常见成语 【安然无恙】恙:疾病,亦借代灾祸。很平安,没有灾祸、疾病之类忧愁事。形容平安无事,没有受到损害。 【拔苗助长】把苗拔起,帮助它长高。比喻违反事物的发展规律,急于求成,反而坏事。 【跋山涉水】跋山:翻山越岭。涉水:徒步过水。形容走远路的艰苦。百看不厌:厌:厌倦。看很多遍也不会感到厌倦。形容诗文或物景非常好,不论看多少遍也不感到厌倦。 《 【班门弄斧】班:鲁班,古代巧匠。在鲁班门前耍弄斧头。比喻在行家面前卖弄本领。 【搬弄是非】搬弄:挑拔。把别人的话传来传去,有意从中挑拨是非。变本加厉:本:原来。厉:猛烈。指比原来更加发展。现多形容比原来的情况更严重。多含贬义。 【变幻莫测】变化很多,令人无法捉摸。 【别具匠心】匠心:巧妙的心思。具有与众不同的巧妙构思。 [ 【不耻下问】不耻:不认为耻辱。不把向学问或职位比自己低的人请教看成耻辱。 【不可救药】药:用药治疗。病已重到无法用药医治的程度。比喻已经到了无法挽救的地步。 【不可思议】形容事物无法想象或难以理解。 【不能自已】已:停止。指无法控制自己,使激动的情绪平静下来。 { 【不屈不挠】屈:屈服;挠:弯曲。指在困难或恶势力前不屈服、不低头。 【不速之客】速:邀请。指没有邀请而自来的客人。 【不屑置辩】屑:认为值得;置辩:辩论,申辩。认为不值得辩论。【不言而喻】言:解释,说明。喻:明白,知道。不用说话就能明白。形容道理很明显。不用说就能明白。 【不约而同】约:相约。没有商量,彼此的看法或行动却一致。 ]

【不折不扣】一点不打折扣。表示完全、十足的意思。 【层峦叠嶂】重叠的山峰。峦:连着的山。嶂:直立像屏障的山峰。 【畅所欲言】畅:尽情,痛快。畅快地把要说的话都说出来。 车水马龙:车络绎不绝,有如流水;马首尾相接,好像游龙。形容来往车马很多,连续不断的热闹情景。 > 称心如意:称:符合。形容心满意足,事情的发展完全符合心意。 承前启后:承:承接;启:开创。承接前面的,开创后来的。指继承前人事业,为后人开辟道路。 诚心诚意:形容十分真挚诚恳。 触景生情:触:看到。因看到眼前的景物而产生某种感情。 【 唇亡齿寒:嘴唇没有了,牙齿就会感到寒冷。比喻关系密切,利害相关。 春和景明:春风和煦,阳光明媚(的时候)。 春华秋实:华:同“花。”春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。也比喻事物的因果关系。多喻因学识渊博,而明于修身律己,品行高洁。 当之无愧:无愧:毫无愧色。当得起某种称号或荣誉,无须感到惭愧。 道听途说:道、途:路。路上听来的、路上传播的话。泛指没有根据的传闻。 — 得不偿失:偿:抵得上。所得的利益抵偿不了所受的损失。 滴水穿石:水不断下滴,可以滴穿石头。比喻只要有恒心,不断努力,事情一定成功。 断壁残垣:垣:墙壁。倒塌了的墙壁。形容残破的景象。 风调雨顺:调:调和;顺:和谐。风雨及时适宜。形容风雨适合农时。、 峰回路转:峰峦重叠环绕,山路蜿蜒曲折。形容山水名胜路径曲折复杂。 赴汤蹈火:赴:走往;汤:热水;蹈:踩。沸水敢蹚,烈火敢踏。比喻不避艰险,奋勇向前。


成语的英文翻译 成语的英文翻译 不动声色 拼音: bùdòngshēngsè 解释: 声:言谈;色:脸色。在紧急情况下,说话、神态仍跟平时一样没有变化。形容非常镇静。 出处: 宋·欧阳修《相州昼锦堂记》:“垂绅正笏,不动声色,而措天下于泰山之安。” 翻译: 不动声色指的是说话、神态都保持镇定,没有变化。 保持可以用keep,maintain等表示,镇定可以是composure,组合起来就是keep/maintainone’scomposure 要不动声色,不要让对方看到任何你生气或是不安的迹象。Don'tshowanysignsofangerorupset.Youmustkeepyourcomposure. 还有一个词组也表示不动声色:notturnahair。 notturnahair:tonotshowanyemotionwhenyouaretoldsomethingb adorwhensomethingbadhappens 连一根头发丝都没有动,是不是十分镇定呢?

我还期待着他听到这笔开销时大惊失色,不料他却不动声色。Iwasexpectinghimtobehorrifiedwhenheheardthecostbuthedidn'tt urnahair. 不负众望 拼音: bùfùzhòngwàng 解释: 负:辜负;众:众人;望:期望。不辜负大家的.期望。 出处:《诗经·大雅·下武》:“永言配命,成王之孚。”(这句话是说周成王顺应天命,令众人信服。) 翻译: liveuptoone’sexpectation liveupto表示“不辜负”,不辜负期望(expectation)也就等于不负众望。 我努力活出自己的样子,不辜负众望。Itriedtoliveuptomyideallifeandpeople’sexpectation. 如果是辜负了众望,即不孚众望呢?又该如何翻译? 只要在liveupto前面加上fail就可以了。 fail是动词,意思是失败,failtodosomething的意思是“未能做成某事”。 因此,不孚众望可以翻译成: failtoliveuptoone’sexpectation.


岸谷之变岸:喻指高位。比喻政治上的重大变化。 白衣苍狗苍:苍白。浮云像白衣,瞬间变得像苍狗。比喻世事变化无常。 变化不测测:测量,估计。变化无常,无法预料。 变化如神神:神奇。形容变化迅速而神奇。 变幻莫测幻:变化;变幻:不规则地改变;测:捉摸;莫测:无法推测。变化又多又快,使人不可捉摸。 变幻无常变幻:不规则的变化;常:常规。指事物经常变化,无常规可寻。 波谲云诡谲:变化多端。比喻文章如波云变化多致。也比喻事物变化多端,难以预料 渤澥桑田渤澥:渤海的古称。大海变成桑田,桑田变成大海。比喻世事变化巨大。 苍狗白衣同白衣苍狗,比喻世事变化无常。 苍黄翻覆苍:青色;苍黄:青色和黄色;反覆:反复无常。比喻变化不定,反复无常。 此一时,彼一时此:这;彼:那。时间不同,情况有了变化,不能相提并论大起大落大幅度地起落。形容变化大。 反复无常反复:颠过来倒过去;无常:没有常态。经常变化没有稳定状态,形容情况变来变去没有定准。

风云变幻风云:比喻变化动荡的局势;变幻:变化不定。像风云那样变化不定。比喻局势复杂,变化迅速,难以预料。 恍如隔世恍:仿佛;世:三十年为一世。仿佛隔了一世。指因人事、景物变化很大而生的感触。 加减乘除算术的四则运算,借指事物的消长变化。 九变十化指变化多端。 冷血动物体温随环境温度的改变而变化的动物。比喻缺乏感情、对人对事冷漠的人。 连锁反应连锁:像锁链似的一环扣一环。比喻相关的事物发生相应的变化。 落叶知秋看到地上的黄叶就知道秋天来临。比喻通过某一迹象便可预测形势的发展变化。 白虹贯日白色的长虹穿日而过。古人认为人间有不平凡的事,就会引起这种天象的变化。实际上这不是虹而是晕,是一种大气光学现象。 白往黑来比喻变化极大。 白云苍狗苍:灰白色。浮云象白衣裳,顷刻又变得象苍狗。比喻事物变化不定。 饱经沧桑饱:充分。沧桑:沧海变桑田的简缩。泛指世事的变化。经历过多次的世事变化,生活经历极为丰富。


常见成语翻译 1. Never say die.永不言败。 2.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。 4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 5.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。 6.No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。 7.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。 8.No man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。 9.No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。 10.No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时。 11.None are so blind as those who won't see.视而不见。 12.None are so deaf as those who won't hear.充耳不闻。 13.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。 14.No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。 15.No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 16.No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。 17.No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。 18.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。 19.No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。 20.Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 21.Nothing dries sooner than a tear.眼泪干得最快。 22.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 23.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。24.Nothing seek, nothing find.没有追求就没有收获。 25.Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行,语言最要紧。 26.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。 27.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。 28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚 可笑。 29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。 30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。 31.Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。 32.Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。 33.Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。 34.Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。 35.Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。 36.Once a thief, always a thief.偷盗一次,做贼一世。 37.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 38.One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水 喝,三个和尚没水喝。 39.One cannot put back the clock.时钟不能倒转。 40.One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见。 41.One false move may lose the game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。


一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳 Once bitten, twice shy. 一言既出,驷马难追 A word spoken is past recalling. 一见钟情 to fall in love at first sight 一箭双雕/一举两得 Kill two birds with one stone. 一寸光阴一寸金 Time is money. 一失足成千古恨 The error committed on impulse may turn out to be the sorrow of a whole life. 一将功名万古枯 What millions died that Caesar might be great. 一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨 Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn. 一人难称百人意 You cannot please everyone. 一气呵成 Never make two bites of a cherry. 九死一生 to have a hair-breadth escape 九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket 人生如梦 Life is but a dream. 人生自古谁无死 Death comes to all men. 人不可貌相 Appearances are often deceptive./ Never judge a book by its cover. 人山人海 a sea of faces:How many people are there in the stadium? Believe it or not, a sea of faces. 人云亦云 echo others' words 人面兽心 a wolf in sheep's clothing 人言可畏 Opinion rules the world 十年风水轮流转 Every dog has its day. 十全十美 leave nothing to be desired 十拿九稳 win something in the bag. 十万火急? in hot haste 力不从心? my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak 力挽狂澜 try to stem the tide 入乡随俗 Do in Rome as the Romans do. 七上八下 to be sixes and sevens 八面玲珑 smooth and able to win favour on all sides


成语妙翻 繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous 爱不释手fondle admiringly ['f?ndl] vt.爱抚,抚弄 爱财如命skin a flea 跳蚤for its hide . 爱屋及乌love me,love my dog ;; He that loves the tree loves the branch 安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment 白手起家build up from nothing 百里挑一one in hundred 百折不挠be indomitable 半途而废give up halfway ,leave sth. Unfinished 包罗万象all-embracing,all-inclusive

饱经风霜weather-beaten 卑躬屈膝bow 鞠躬,俯首and scrape,cringe [skreip] vt. & 刮, 擦 vi. vt. 擦伤;设法得到 n. 刮, 擦, 刮擦声;擦痕, 擦伤;困境, 麻烦 [kr?nd?] vi. 畏缩, 退缩;卑躬屈膝, 阿谀奉承;憎恶 悲欢离合vicissitudes of life 背道而驰run counter to run in the opposite direction 本末倒置put the cart before the horse 笨鸟先飞the slow need to start early 必由之路the only way 闭关自守close the country to international intercourse 变本加厉be further intensified 变化无常chop剁,砍and change,fantasticality |fantesti’keleiti|


常用成语解释 200个常用成语的解释 1、和蔼可亲:性情温和,态度亲切。 2、唉声叹气:因伤感、烦恼或痛苦而发出叹息的声音。 3、按兵不动:使军队暂不行动(以等待时机)。 4、黯然失色:阴暗,失去光泽。多指相形之下显得暗淡无光。 5、慷慨激昂:形容满怀正气,情绪激动,精神振奋。 6、飞扬跋扈:形容意气举动骄横放肆,不受约束。 7、纵横捭阖:指运用政治或外交手段进行联合或分化。 8、略见一斑:大致地看到事物的某一方面。 9、有口皆碑:所有人都讲述他的功德。形容到处为人所称颂。

10、并行不悖:同时实行,不相抵触。悖:违反。 11、白璧微瑕:洁白的玉上面有些小斑点。比喻很好的人或事物有些小缺点。 12、筚路蓝缕:驾着柴车,穿着破衣服。形容创业艰难。 13、刚愎自用:指为人傲慢固执,自信专断。 14、鞭长莫及:马鞭子虽长,但打不到马肚子上。借指力量达不到。 15、明辨是非:明确地分辨出正确和错误。 16、按部就班:按照一定的条理和程序。形容做事有一定的步骤和规矩。 17、别出心裁:独创一格,与众不同。心裁:心中的设计、筹划(指诗文、美术、建筑等)。 18、层出不穷:接连不断地出现。 19、为虎作伥:比喻做恶人的帮凶,帮助恶人做坏事。

20、得不偿失:得到的抵不上失去的。 21、瞠目结舌:瞪着眼睛说不出话来。形容受窘或惊呆了的样子。 22、纵横驰骋:形容转战各地所向无敌。 23、相形见绌:相比之下显得不好。 24、川流不息:象河水那样流个不停。 25、穷奢极侈:极端奢侈,尽量享受。 26、鞠躬尽瘁:兢兢业业,竭尽劳苦。 27、措手不及:因没有准备,来不及应付。 28、披星戴月:身披星光,头顶月亮。形容早出完归或昼夜赶路,辛苦奔波。 29、虎视眈眈:象老虎要扑食那样注视着(猎物)。


成语大全四字成语及翻译 有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,在用词方面往往不同于现代汉语,它代表了一个或者典故,下面是为大家搜集的成语大全,供大家参考,欢迎大家借鉴。 毫无疑义一点也没有可以怀疑的地方。表示完全明确肯定。 横七竖八有的横,有的竖,杂乱无章。形容纵横杂乱。 花团锦簇锦:有文彩的丝织品;簇:丛聚。形容五彩缤纷,十分鲜艳多彩的景象。也 形容文章辞藻华丽。 红杏出墙形容春色正浓,情趣盎然。 浩浩荡荡原形容水势广大的样子。后形容事物的广阔壮大,或前进的人流声势浩大。 和睦相处彼此和好地相处。 诲人不倦诲:教导。教导人特别耐心,从不厌倦。 恍然大悟恍然:猛然清醒的样子;悟:心里明白。形容一下子明白过来。 焕然一新焕然:鲜明光亮的样子。改变旧面貌,出现崭新的气象。 欢蹦乱跳形容青少年健康活泼、生命力旺盛的样子。 荒无人烟人烟:指住户、居民,因有炊烟的地方就有人居住。形容地方偏僻荒凉, 见不到人家。 灰心丧气形容因失败或不顺利而失去信心,意志消沉。 号啕大哭号啕:大哭声。放声大哭。 高楼大厦指高大豪华的房屋建筑 古往今来指从古到今 改天换地彻底改变原来的面貌。指改造社会,改造自然。 各有所短短:不足。各有各的不足。 古今中外指从古代到现代,从国内到国外。泛指时间久远,空间广阔。

瓜熟蒂落蒂:花或瓜果跟枝茎相连的部分。瓜熟了,瓜蒂自然脱落。指时机一旦成熟,事情自然成功。 攻无不克克:攻下。没有攻占不下来的。形容力量无比强大。 光彩夺目夺目:耀眼。形容鲜艳耀眼。也用来形容某些艺术作品和艺术形象的极高成就。 光阴似箭光阴:时间。时间如箭,迅速流逝。形容时间过得极快。 骨瘦如柴形容消瘦到极点。 管中窥豹从竹管的小孔里看豹,只看到豹身上的一块斑纹。比喻只看到事物的一部分,指所见不全面或略有所得。 滚瓜烂熟形容读书或背书流利纯熟。 感激不尽感激的心情没有穷尽。形容非常感激。 高头大马指体形高大的马。也比喻人的体形高大。 各色各样犹言各式各样。 各式各样谓多种不同的式样、种类或方式。 各有所长长:长处、优点。各有各的长处、优点。一般多指人才而言。 攻无不克,战无不胜攻:攻打;克:攻克。没有攻占不下来的。形容力量无比强大。 干干净净没有污垢、尘土、杂质。 返朴归真返:反回,回复;朴:未加工的木料,引申为质朴;归:返回,回归;真:天然。回复事物初始的自然状态 翻来覆去形容一次又一次。也形容来回翻动身体。 翻天覆地覆:翻过来。形容变化巨大而彻底。也指闹得很凶。 繁花似锦繁:多而且茂盛。锦:织有彩色花纹的锦缎。许多色彩纷繁的鲜花,好象富丽多彩的锦缎。形容美好的景色和美好的事物。 废寝忘食废:停止。顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容专心努力。 分外妖娆分外:格外;妖娆:妖媚艳丽。形容景色异常艳丽。


(一)并列关系 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益 draw on collective wisdon and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安 the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和 the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返 linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation


爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog. 百闻不如一见Seeing is believing. 比上不足,比下有余"worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start. 不眠之夜white night 不以物喜,不以己悲not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 不遗余力spare no effort; go all out; do one‘s best 不打不成交"No discord, no concord. 拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 大事化小,小事化了try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 大开眼界open one‘s eyes; broaden one‘s horizon; be an eye-opener 国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace 过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits. 好了伤疤忘了疼once on shore, one prays no more 好事不出门,恶事传千里Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 和气生财Harmony brings wealth 活到老,学到老One is never too old to learn. 既往不咎let bygones be bygones 金无足赤,人无完人Gold can‘t be pure and man can‘t be perfect.

一 常用成语大全及解释

常用成语大全及解释 洞若观火:形容看得清楚明白。 对簿公堂:在公堂受审。 耳濡目染:形容见得多听得多之后,无形之中受到影响。 耳熟能详:听得次数多了,熟悉得能详尽地说出来。 耳提面命:表示长辈的谆谆教导.不用于同辈之间和贬义. 罚不当罪:处罚和所犯的罪行不相当,多指处罚过重。 翻云覆雨:比喻反复无常或玩弄手段。 繁文缛节:比喻其他烦琐多余的事项,也说繁文缛礼。比喻疑神疑鬼,妄自惊慌。方枘圆凿:形容格格不入 方兴未艾:事物正在发展,一时不会终止。 沸反盈天:形容喧哗吵闹,乱成一团。 焚膏继晷:形容夜以继日地用功读书或努工作。 粉墨登场:化装上台演戏。今多比喻登上政治舞台。(含讥讽意) 风驰电掣:形容像刮风和闪电那样迅速。 奉为圭臬:把某些言论或事物当作准则 否极泰来:坏的到了尽头,好的就来了。 浮光掠影:比喻印象不深刻,好像水面的光和掠过的影子一样,一晃就消失了。高谈阔论:大发议论,多含贬义。 隔靴搔痒:比喻说话作文等不中肯,没有抓住问题的关键 各行其是:各自按照自己以为对的去做。 耿耿于怀:对某些事总记在心里,形容心存怨恨。(一般指自己对某些事不满)功败垂成:在快要成功的时候遭到失败。(多含惋惜意)

狗尾续貂:泛指以坏续好,前后不相称,多指文艺作品。 孤注一掷:把所有的钱一下子投做赌注,企图最后得胜。比喻在危急时把全部力量拿出来冒一次险。 瓜田李下:经过瓜田,不弯下身来提鞋,免得人家怀疑摘瓜;走过李树下面,不举起手来整理帽子,免得人家怀疑摘李子。比喻容易引起嫌疑的地方。 刮目相看:用新的眼光来看待。 挂一漏万:形容列举不全,遗漏很多。 管窥蠡测:从竹管里看天,用瓢来量海水,比喻眼光狭窄,见识短浅。 光天化日:比喻大家看得很清楚的地方。 鬼斧神工:形容技艺的精巧,似非人工之能为。(形容人工技艺的精巧) 含英咀华:比喻琢磨和领会诗文的要点和精神。 汗牛充栋:形容书籍极多。汗牛,牛累得出了汗。充栋,堆满了屋子 皓首穷经:皓首,白头,钻研经典到老 厚积薄发:长期积累,突然暴发。 虎视眈眈:形容贪婪而凶狠地注视。 怙恶不悛:一贯作恶,不肯悔改。 涣然冰释:嫌隙、误会消除。 荒诞不经:不经,不正常的。虚妄离奇,不合正理。 黄粱一梦:比喻想要实现的好事落得一场空。也说黄粱美梦,一枕黄粱 讳莫如深:紧紧隐瞒 火中取栗:比喻冒危险给别人出力自己上了大当,一无所得。 祸起萧墙:祸乱发生在家里,比喻内部发生祸乱。 积重难返:指长期形成的不良风俗、习惯不易改变


成语英语翻译大全 爱屋及乌Love me,love my dog. 百闻不如一见Seeing is believing. 比上不足,比下有余"worse off than some,better off than many;tofall short of the best,but be better than the worst 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start. 不眠之夜white night 不以物喜,不以己悲not pleased by external gains,not saddenedby personnal losses 不遗余力spare no effort;go all out;do one‘s best 不打不成交"No discord,no concord. 拆东墙补西墙rob Peter to pay Paul 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old and usher in the new;ring out theold year and ring in the new 大事化小,小事化了try first to make their mistake sound lessserious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 大开眼界open one‘s eyes;broaden one‘s horizon;be a neye-opener 国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace 过犹不及going too far is as bad as not going far enough;beyond is as wrong as falling short;too much is as bad as too little 功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits. 好了伤疤忘了疼once on shore,one prays no more 好事不出门,恶事传千里Good news never goes beyond the gate,while bad news spread far and wide. 和气生财Harmony brings wealth 活到老,学到老One is never too old to learn. 既往不咎let bygones be bygones 金无足赤,人无完人Gold can‘t be pure and man can‘t be perfect. 金玉满堂Treasures fill the home 脚踏实地be down-to-earth 脚踩两只船sit on the fence 君子之交淡如水the friendship between gentlemen is as pure ascrystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green 老生常谈,陈词滥调cut and dried,cliché 礼尚往来Courtesy calls for reciprocity. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧"Where there is life,there is hope." 马到成功achieve immediate victory;win instant success 名利双收gain in both fame and wealth 茅塞顿开be suddenly enlightened 没有规矩不成方圆Nothing can be accomplished without norms orstandards. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one‘s dear onesfar away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dearmost. 谋事在人,成事在天"The planning lies with man,the outcome withHeaven./Man proposes,God disposes." 弄巧成拙be too smart by half;Cunning outwits itself. 拿手好戏masterpiece


小升初复习------四字词语解释 1.安然无恙:ān rán wú yàng恙:病。原指人平安没有疾病。现泛指事物平安未遭损害。 2.拔苗助长:bá miáo zhù zhǎng比喻违反事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而坏事。 3.跋山涉水:bá shān sha shuǐ跋山:翻过山岭;涉水:用脚趟着水渡过大河。翻山越岭, 趟水过河。形容走远路的艰苦。 4.百看不厌:bǎi kàn bú yàn看了多遍,不感厌倦。 5.班门弄斧:bān m?n n?ng fǔ在鲁班门前舞弄斧子。比喻在行家面前卖弄本领,不自量力。 6.搬弄是非bān n?ng shì fēi:搬弄:挑拔。把别人的话传来传去,有意挑拔,或在背后 乱加议论,引起纠纷。 7.变本加厉biàn běn jiā lì:变得比原来更加严重。 8.变幻莫测:biàn huàn m? ca变幻:变化不可测度。变化很多,不能预料。 9.别具匠心:bi? jù jiàng xīn匠心:巧妙的心思。指在技巧和艺术方面具有与众不同的 巧妙构思。 10.不耻下问bù chǐ xià wan:乐于向学问或地位比自己低的人学习,而不觉得不好意思。 11.不可救药:bù kě jiù yào药:治疗。病已重到无法用药医治的程度。比喻已经到了无法 挽救的地步。 12.不可思议:bù kě sī yì原有神秘奥妙的意思。现多指无法想象,难以理解。 13.不期而遇:bù qī?r yù。事先没有约定而意外相遇。(“期”字在词中的解释为约定) 14.不屈不挠:bù qū bù náo屈:屈服;挠:弯曲。比喻在压力和面前不屈服,表现十分顽 强。 15.不速之客:bù sù zhī ka没有约请而自到的客人。 16.不屑置辩:bù xia zhì biàn认为不值得争辩。屑:认为值得;置辩:辩论,申辩。 认为 17.不言而喻:bù yán ?r yù喻:了解,明白。不用说话就能明白。形容道理很明显。 18.不约而同:bù yuē?r t?ng约:相约。事先没有约定而相互一致。 19.不折不扣:bù zh? bù k?u折、扣:出售商品时,按定价减去的成数。没有折扣,表示完 全、十足的意思。 20.层峦叠嶂:c?ng luán di? zhàng峦:连着的山。嶂:直立像屏障的山峰;重叠的山 峰。形容山峰多而险峻。 21.畅所欲言:chàng suǒ yù yán 畅:尽情,痛快;所:表示被动;欲:想要。痛痛快 快地把心里要说的话都说出来。 22.车水马龙:chē shuǐ mǎ l?ng车象流水,马象游龙。形容来往车马很多,连续不断的热 闹情景。 23.称心如意:chan xīn rú yì形容心满意足,事情的发展完全符合心意。 24.承前启后:ch?ng qián qǐ h?u承:承接;启:开创。承接前面的,开创后来的。指继承 前人事业,为后人开辟道路。 25. 惩恶扬善:ch?ng a yáng shàn。惩治邪恶,鼓励从善。(注:“惩”的读音为ch?ng) 26.触景生情:chù jǐng shēng qíng受到眼前景物的触动,引起联想,产生某种感情。 27.触类旁通:chù lai páng tōng比喻掌握了某一事物的知识后,在接触同类事物时也能从 中推知其他知识。 28.春华秋实:chūn huá qiū shí华:花。春天开花,秋天结果。比喻人的文采和德行。现也 比喻学习有成果。 29.唇亡齿寒:chún wáng chǐ hán嘴唇没有了,牙齿就会感到寒冷。比喻利害密要相关。 30.当之无愧:dāng zhī wú kuì无愧:毫无愧色。当得起某种称号或荣誉,无须感到惭愧。 31.道听途说:dào tīng tú shuō道、途:路。路上听来的、路上传播的话。泛指没有根据的 传闻。 32.得陇望蜀:d? lǒng wàng shǔ比喻贪心不足。


一)并列关系 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites 湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水green hills and clear waters 奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations 平等互利equality and mutual benefit 扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses 反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government 简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization 集思广益draw on collective wisdon and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony 政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well 国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood 辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new 徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud 流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home 国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation 开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead 求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences


01 原意是引而不显,所以没有人能给予他帮助。后指虽然同情,但限于力量或条件而无法帮助。(中偏贬) 02 以从容的步行代替乘车。 03 安然相处,和往常一样,不觉得有什么不合适。 04 形容时间过得极快。 05 比喻彼此不相上下,实力相当。 06 指任意残害各种生物,也指不爱惜物品,任意挥霍浪费。 07 形容思想保守,不求改进。 08 彼此的方向和目的完全相反或背离正确的目标,朝相反方向走。 09 形容创业的艰苦。 10 形容做学问切实。也形容分析透彻,切中要害。 11 指提出新的主张、见解或创造出新奇的样式。也指为了显示自己,故意显出自己的与众不同。 12 原指生活俭朴。现形容贫穷。 13 形容未经战斗就轻易取得了胜利。 14 形容局面危急或声音、气息等低沉微弱、时断时续。也比喻技艺等濒临失传。现在也形容声音细微而连绵不断。 15 形容蛮横或固执,不讲道理。 16 本指禾苗中无野草。后比喻人不成才,没出息。 17 比喻文章或艺术等有独创风格,不落伍。 18 值得作为效法的准则。 19 常用以形容文章内容悲惨动人。 20 形容人谦虚好学。泛指长辈问晚辈或学识渊博的人请教没有自己学识高的人。 21 预料事情会发展到令人难以预料的地步。

22 消息无需推行宣传,就已迅速地传播开去,传布迅速。 23 比喻不能改动或不可磨灭的言论,用来形容文章或言辞的精准得当,无懈可击。 24 不认为是对的。多用来表示不同意或轻视。 25 比喻说话做事丝毫没有事实根据。 26 形容憎恨或畏惧而又愤恨;形容拘谨畏惧的样子。 27 原指还能振奋人的意志,现在表示大体上能让人满意。 28 指在敌方兵临城下时被迫签订的屈服的和约。 29 存着某种想法,早已有了打算。亦形容用尽心思地谋划(贬义)。 30 形容春天就要过去了。 31 形容声音高亢嘹亮。 32 大饱口福,痛快淋漓地大吃一通。也可用来形容食物鲜美。 33 形容军队受到群众热烈拥护和欢迎的情况。 34 形容读书人安于贫穷的清高生活。 35 原指为了仁,不谦让。现指遇到应该做的事,就勇敢地承担起来,决不推让。 36 当前急切应办的要事。 37 比喻贪得无厌。 38 形容文章、乐曲十分婉转动人。 39 比喻学问或技能从浅到深,达到很高的水平。 40 指对有差别的事物同等看待。 41 动不动就受到指责或责难。 42 比喻独创一种新风格或者新方法,体裁。 43 比喻风格独特新奇,自成一家。
